#zelo reactions
talesofourworlds · 6 months
@beyondbinaries liked for a starter!
It seemed that even with massive changes taking place in the world, some things took longer than others to adjust. People and their opinions of half-elves were unlikely to change overnight. Genis had known that even before everyone had set out to unify the worlds. There wasn't a day that went by when he didn't think about things Mithos had said, such as how he had thought there was no place for half-elves in the end. Genis wanted to believe Mithos was wrong about that much. There had to be someplace. They just had to keep working toward making change possible so that, someday, that long standing desire to feel like they belonged would be achieve.
Today was not the day for it, of course. Genis was helping Raine out, trying to make a case for allowing half-elves to take up specific residence in Meltokio, and it had gone about as well as expected. The cities of what once was Tethe'ala were always going to be harder to work with than what was once Sylvarant. Both of the Sage siblings had known that as fact. Still, it didn't make Genis feel any better known that both he and Raine had gotten things thrown at them over it.
Raine was off getting healing supplies. Genis had taken gotten hit on the head with one of the objects that had gotten thrown at them while protecting Raine. A rare moment of reaction time that had allowed him just enough speed to help his sister. She'd scolded him for it, of course, but he hadn't minded in this case. He'd done what he could to protect her.
Maybe things would've worked out better today if Zelos had been helping, Genis thought. Of course, the redhead was out of town for the time being. Something about helping Sheena with something. In any case, he and Raine had been on their own. He adjusted the ice pack Raine and he had made and grimaced a bit. Soon the pain would be eased much more. Much as he hated gels, he didn't have the enthusiasm to cook right then. So gels would have to do.
After a few moments, Genis went back to looking around the part of Meltokio he'd been sitting in. That was when he noticed something. Rather, someone he hadn't seen before. He blinked.
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"Excuse me," Genis said, getting to his feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Is there... something I can help you with?" Had she specifically been looking at him? Or was Genis just assuming? He hadn't seen Sunny around Meltokio before, and there was something about her.
Was she... like him and Raine?
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
So I think I usually took Colette's stiff shoulder/crick in her neck after sleeping wrong at Zelos' mansion (while waiting for the EC to be ready) as just a silly thing but...
Isn't that the same shoulder that gets the sleeve torn away at Iselia Ranch to reveal Colette's being turned to crystal in a negative reaction to her Cruxis Crystal?
So now I'm just squinting at the screen wondering if it's really a silly moment or actually early foreshadowing that Colette is, once again, hiding physical changes to/problems with her body to avoid burdening others? And, I mean, this is Colette I'm talking about. It's probably the latter.
(I do love that, even many play-throughs after the first time I played this game, I'm still able to find new things to appreciate about the writing.)
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wingedcatgirl · 1 year
incorrect quotes generator tag meme
so there's this incorrect quotes generator on perchance, and @worldsfromhoney tagged us to toss some of our ocs in it >:)
This was fun, so I'm tagging @kung-fu-cutbug @kitdriveyards @comicallycubicalcassie @pure-vanilla-lilies @kiraheartilly36 and uhhh anyone else who sees this and thinks "oh this looks fun" to also try this. if they wanna.
Oh and it's lengthy as h*ck cause my basic-bitch fandom trait is that I really fucking love incorrect quotes -
(programme note: there's a character in leaf story whose name doesn't get revealed for a rather silly amount of time. it's kinda an open secret on our discords but lol)
(redacted): *holds a gun out to Leaf* Leaf: I-I don't believe in guns. (redacted): Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Leaf: This bloodline ends with me. (redacted): That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm gay".
(redacted): I have lots of friends! Leaf: Name one. (redacted): Well, there’s- Leaf: Name one you haven’t gotten incredibly angry at. (redacted): Hey, that’s not fair, then there isn’t any!
(redacted): I’m doing what I can to jog your memory. Leaf: It’s jogging, I guess. Its tiddies are jiggling a little. (redacted): Nice.
Leaf: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm? (redacted): If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
And now let's add some canon characters into the mix:
Colette: I didn’t know that air fryers are a real thing. Used to think that they were made up by the internet as a funny joke and that their purpose was to “fry air”. Leaf: WAIT, BUT IT FRIES THE AIR TO FRY THE FOOD?? Colette: I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS A KITCHEN APPLIANCE, MY FIRST ASSUMPTION WAS SOMETHING AKIN TO AN AIR CONDITIONER! Lloyd: IT’S NOT LIKE AN AIR CONDITIONER???? (redacted): You guys clearly don’t own an air fryer.
(redacted): How late were you up last night? Leaf & Colette, in tandem: Me? (redacted): No, not you two. You stay up late all the time. (redacted), to Lloyd: You.
Lloyd: What is love? Colette: An emotional minefield. (redacted): A neurochemical reaction. Leaf: Baby don't hurt me.
Leaf: ARE YOU- Zelos: Fucking. Leaf: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Zelos: Fucking. Leaf: IDIOT! (redacted): …What was that? Zelos: Raine banned Leaf from swearing, so I’m helping her out.
Leaf: I give up. I am so tired. Raine: Get the emergency supply! (redacted): carries Zelos and places him in front of Leaf Zelos: smiles Leaf: AND I AM BACK BABY, LET’S GOOO
Zelos: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess. Raine: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to? Leaf: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit. (redacted): Guys.
leaf is absolutely just committing to the bit on that one
Zelos: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Raine: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔 Leaf: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Raine: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots. (redacted): Did you burn an orange too? How??? Raine: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
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Raine: I’m the smartest person in my friend group. (redacted): You hang out with Leaf, Lloyd, Colette, and Zelos. (redacted): It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
Colette: So, did everyone learn their lesson? (redacted): No. Leaf: I did not. Zelos: I may have actually forgotten one. Lloyd: Also no. Colette: Oh good, neither did I. Raine: *Exhausted sigh*
Raine: A mouse! Lloyd, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you. Zelos, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal! Colette, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy. (redacted), gasping: It's Ratatouille! Leaf: His name is Remi, dummy. Raine: …I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window… what is wrong with you people.
Lloyd: Wait, hold up, why you draw yourself like that? Leaf: Uh, like what? Lloyd: Like with gorgeous, muscular legs. Leaf: Uh, this is what I look like. Lloyd: Leaf: THIS IS WHAT I LOOK LIKE! Lloyd: Okay, then I want big beefy arms. Hot ones. Colette: I wanna have a cowboy hat! Leaf: Okay, arms and hat. *draws them* Zelos: Ooh, give me a cowboy hat too! Leaf: You can't just take Colette's hat idea, Zelos! She thought it up all by herself like a good person! Come up with your own thing! Zelos: BUT I WANNA LOOK COOL! Raine: Put Zelos on one of those stupid baby tricycles. Zelos: NO!! Leaf: Tricycle, done. *draws it* (redacted), want anything? Raine, making finger guns: Pew pew. Leaf: A blaster?! No, that's not really our style, (redacted). (redacted), making finger guns: Pew pew. Leaf: You know what, okay. *draws it* But it's just for holding, not for shooting.
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Any Tales of - game for the fandom ask :D
going with Symphonia! My first and fave Tales game <3
the first character i ever fell in love with:
It's hard to narrow it down but I did really love Lloyd when I first played! I love my dumb protagonists but he's also just such a good character with really good growth. I think after is Dirk because DWARF DAD and I always wanted to have more with him. We need more dwarves in media!
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I guess the best answer here is Zelos lol. I think I used to like him plenty and found him funny but, well, a lot of that has tempered down over the years or maybe I just got very tired of seeing him as a focus in fandom and am bored of it. I played the remaster to remember his good points as a character and I came out of my replay loving Regal more oops.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Hm, nothing here really applies. When I first played I actually didn't have many ships at all, even Lloyd and Colette wasn't a full on ship for me! (But I did like them interacting a lot haha). All other ships I eventually liked I still like now.
my ultimate favorite character™:
It has to be said: it's Colette! I do switch back and forth with loving both her and Lloyd together as my pair of faves! But I think Colette ultimately wins out, especially as I've grown older. Much of her story and her struggles just hits for me in ways no other character's background really does in Symphonia. Also religious conflict/guilt of a character is also delicious to me when done well.
prettiest character:
Ohh there's a lot! So it's hard for me to pick. Ofc I think Colette is pretty but so is Lloyd, he's my pretty boy. :D But! I think after watching the OVA, I remember Regal looking so pretty in a way that his in-game model could never do. Regal it is. Also we love a beefy man who cooks, it ups that prettiness.
my most hated character:
Hmm, probably one of the Grand Cardinals, so maybe I'll go with Kvar! HE AWFUL. But fun to write though when I did that one time haha.
my OTP:
*falls on floor* if my blog title isn't obvious, colloyd is my ultimate of ships, the best of my otps. Lloyd and Colette together is food for my soul. I love every aspect of them and they have completely devoured me that I didn't even realize how much I was already shipping them until years later. I emphatically believe Symphonia is their story and about their relationship. The way they understand each other better than anyone, the way they're silly with each other, the way they just love each other?? They do love each other, that's canon. Platonic or romantic (but it's romantic in my eyes) and I am so invested in their dynamic and want to explore every possibility with them. I have apparently written half a million words about them help me.
my NOTP:
:) Sorry but I legit dislike Lloyd with the z-man lmao. I used to be indifferent (I just found it so boring) but now I'm honestly very uncomfortable with it (fandom hasn't helped). Oh well!
favorite episode scene:
I'm going with scene here and it's a tie between the coffee scene and the reveal of Colette's crystallization. Of course both have to do with Colette and how things keep being awful for her :') But I love the coffee scene for Lloyd and how he reaches to hold her, and also how Lloyd assures Colette is not disgusting at all when she has a breakdown of her reveal. Him walking to her to be NEAR HER even as she tries to hide away her sickness gets to me.
Another favorite is the ending: We got big trees, we got beautiful music, we got COLLOYD WINGS. This lives in my heart.
saddest death:
The closest is Corrine! I think what makes it sad more though is Sheena's reaction to it. Also just such a good performance of the voice actress too.
favorite season plot/arc:
Going with plots and arcs in the game, but I think from discovering Colette losing her humanity and seeing this play out throughout the Sylvarant arc of the game is so good and it does make you genuinely wonder what will happen. And when we get to the Tower of Salvation and fight Remiel and KRATOS. I was stoked playing through that when I was younger.
least favorite season plot/arc:
Hm, probably when we're doing the Tethe'alla temples and such. Pacing gets a little off and also with more characters we start to lose the focus on other people. I think it picks back up once the group focuses on curing Colette's sickness.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Lol hate is a strong word, I'm more just fatigued of him but heyyy it's Zelos! I am just uninterested. Also Kratos to a lesser extent, but oddly my opinion of him has actually raised a bit more over the years. So he's like, middle. gj, kratos.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Maybe Mithos? I like Mithos. This boy can fit so much messed up trauma and manipulation. Combined with the uncomfortable idolization of his sister to the point he no longer sees her as an actual person (if he ever did?). And the fact he can genuinely be creepy?? Still my fave Tales villain.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Colette. ;_; She deserves so much more. Also, Dirk is a close second, he deserves more attention! The dad that stayed!
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
So fun fact, I started shipping Lloyd/Mithos a bit purely because of some jp fanartists, and now I'm very intrigued. (I own two doujins of them now haha). I think there can be so much fun interactions between them, and none of it would be good for Lloyd. But it's fun. One day I will write something with them and no one will have a good time.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
I think this would be Kratos/Anna for me, and I've written several fics of them too. I get the appeal in a way, but ultimately Anna is a character with... no established character lol. Even Kratos barely ever talks about her as what she was like as an actual person? I know plenty of people love this ship and I've seen interesting things done with it, but my investment isn't much for them. I honestly mostly like this ship for the baby Lloyd fluff you'll get from it lol.
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jubilousday · 1 year
On My Way - Fic rough draft
This is a scene of a fic that has lived in my head rent free for the past 2 weeks now and needed to write it out.  PLEASE NOTE: This is a very rough draft, I have not written in YEARS. I was totally NOT drinking whiskey as I needed to write this scene out into existence. I refuse to provide context. Deal with it.  Fandom: Tales Of Symphonia
Characters: Zelos Wilder, Yuan Ka Fai
Summary: Yuan unintentionally meets Zelos right after Mylene’s death and obtains a son that he never asked for.
The sounds of clashing swords rang so loud in Zelos’ ears that it took his mind off how fast his heart was beating. His focus was solely on the blue haired man in front of him. It didn’t even occur to him that his shoulders were starting to give out on him, or how his limbs felt heavier than the sword in his hand. Adrenaline fueled his every move. The people around him were nonexistent, Zelos was out for blood and needed to hit, hit, hit.
The fact that his opponent wasn’t even fighting back and out right refusing to was pissing him off even more.
“You liar!” Zelos yelled as he swung hard. Emotions were never his forte’, but Zelos allowed the cloud to control his movements like a moth to a flame. He didn’t care that his movements weren’t as fluid or well constructed as he normally would.
“I hate you! I hate you! IhateyouIhateyouIhateyou!” He growled as his sword slammed faster, and faster. His moves were getting sloppier, the filter between his brain and mouth becoming more deteriorated with every movement. 
“Dammit, you bastard! Fight me!” Zelos beckoned. His voice didn’t feel like his own, but at the same time he didn’t feel like himself at all. He didn’t feel like a person at all. His entire life was a lie. At this point he was getting so frustrated at the lack of response, he did everything he could to get some kind of reaction.
“Oh what, you’re not gonna say anything?” He paused, almost a chuckle.  “Or is there nothing left to say now that the truth is out?” His brain didn’t know what to do. While his innermost vulnerability was being triggered, his mask was challenged. Zelos had pride, he made it appoint to never be a fool to another’s game at the expense of his own. Yet here he was, a mere pawn since the dawn of time when he was the most vulnerable. How did he not see this coming?
“At least tell me why!” Demon Fang! “Why did you lie to me?” Demon Fang! “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” Demon Fang!  “You didn’t have to go so far to pretend to want to be my…” He didn’t want to say the word, because now he felt stupid. He didn’t want to admit how he misinterpreted what their relationship was. “My…” 
“Father?” Yuan croaked, his deep voice suddenly vibrating through all sound and movement. To him, the word felt like it had more gravity and meaning than mana itself. Although he was uncomfortable with being this vulnerable, his words were fluid and clear. Zelos merely stopped on instinct. For someone who was baiting on a reaction, he was at an impasse in this moment.
“You have and will always be my son.” Withdrawing his weapon, his gaze remained on Zelos the entire time. He hasn’t felt this level of vulnerability since Martel was alive. Nonetheless, his words rang true no matter how much his brain was telling him to remain guarded.
Yuan’s a soldier at heart and always will be. When he feels emotions arise, he just disregards it and turns it off like a light switch. But because he’s so fact-natured, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything that he thought and felt were untrue. Zelos was his son, whether he wanted to believe it or not.
Zelos suddenly felt very small, like he was a small child all over again. The age when he forgot what his birth name was. The age when people cared more about their beloved Chosen, no matter how their status came to be. He was Chosen before he was a child. A child that never asked to have the fate of the world on their shoulders. A child that had everything taken from them for the very same reason why they were brought there in the first place.
Zelos asked questions that he never got the answers for, yet somehow he knew the answers all along. He tried to speak but all that came out was a coughed sob. When did his face get wet? When did he drop his sword and surrender? The only thing Zelos could feel was an arm on his shoulder in order to be pulled in a tight embrace. The combination was like yin and yang. Where Zelos’ body felt heavy, Yuan stood his ground and was there to support him.
“I’m here, and I’m not leaving.”
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sapphosewrites · 2 years
First lines game
Tagged by @feraltuxedo, who has a real knack because their first lines are so compelling and fun!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1.) Station Commander’s Log. Our visitor from Internal Affairs arrived today, as we near the end of our turbulent first year. (Old Friends, DS9 Terok Nor AU series)
2.) If you run out of food and need to steal some , Costis had said, pray first. Eugenides might listen. (Do Not Offend the Gods, The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner, originally published anonymously for the Weird the Tag challenge)
3.) Zelos did not particularly want to wander halfway around the world because a pissant little gnomelette told them to, but he had been overruled on the subject. (Missing the Ground, Tales of Symphonia Chosen Zelos AU series)
4.) The problem arose when Costis stopped his sword too soon. (An Archive of Touch, The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner)
5.) It was just supposed to be a quick trip to town to stock up on supplies before making their way to the Temple of Earth. (Heaven on Their Minds, Tales of Symphonia Chosen Zelos AU series)
6.) When Crowley woke up and saw a stranger in his bedroom, he did the only reasonable thing. He started so hard he fell out of bed, and swore loudly. (I Will Choose Free Will, Good Omens)
7.) We are pleased to announce that Bilton and Scaggs’ musical adaptation of “The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch” will have its world premiere at the Alma Gideon Theatre this spring! (All's Fair in Love, War, and Show Business, Good Omens)
8.) “Crawly, is it?” Aziraphale studied the face in front of him. (Beginning at the End, Good Omens)
9.) The situation was under control. (Past Prologue, DS9 Terok Nor AU series)
10.) Of all her traveling companions, it was Zelos whose reaction to Mizuho Sheena most feared. (Ghosts, Tales of Symphonia Chosen Zelos AU series)
If you want to, please do this, but I am specifically going to tag @ectogeo-rebubbles, @cemetrygatess, @autumnleafauthor, @vermin-disciple, @nebulouscoffee, @the-last-dillpickle
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Tales of Symphonia Stray Thoughts #9: Fooji Mountains/Meltokio
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-"Dammit! At that moment, facing the decision between Colette and the world... For a split second, I chose the world."
Colloyd right off the bat! 😭
I may've brought this up before, but this idea of an impossible choice is a recurring theme throughout the game and one that instantly strikes through the hearts of players. In putting us in Lloyd's shoes, who wouldn't waver in choosing between the life of one's friend (more than friend?) and the entire world? I'll sing the praises of Lloyd's idealism in future installments, but I think its firmest stepping stone in onboarding us is how the game humanizes his reaction to this life-or-death situation.
...of course, all this is immediately undermined by the following skit.
Well, that's certainly exciting, to be sure. But to come off just after that...can't help but wonder if it's a method of cope.
(By the way, this is around the time the "Lloyd Confesses His Love" skit pops up, yes? I remember it had a very particular trigger, but alas, I didn't go for it this time around. Still, highlighted for obvious reasons.)
-"Because they're elves."
I say this to myself now and then.
-Fooji Mountains...that's the game's one other distinct Japanese name for a locale. And the inspiration ain't exactly subtle. Could there be a connection between it and Mizuho...?
-"I would assume he's upset about the crash."
okay, seriously. how did noishe get on the rheairds. was he even in the renegade base at the time. actually, was he even on the dragons for the tower of salvation. how does this all work.
my colloyd day fic may've been one big comedy but dirk still had a great point here
-man when you step out into Tethe'alla and hear those bells ring...anyone got an emoji of that one Pacha meme? You know the one. "These hills sing."
-Speaking of music, I just remembered playing this game as a lad and my brother came in and started pantomiming the Meltokio harpsichord just to piss me off lol. Miss ya, bro.
-"The people of Mizuho were chased from this land. We all live in hiding."
Hmm! What's the story there? Tune in next time as I present a possible link...
-Colette kicking the dog. Poor dog. Wonder if she was conscious for that. Must've been mortified. I hope she and the dog reconcile.
-What kinda name for a hotel is Sancta Cassius
-so how does colette spend nights at the inn when she's soulless
does she sleep under the covers or just stand there all night
maybe lloyd snuggles her close
-Speaking of heartless Colette, did you know she can still cook in that condition? Visualize that for a moment. Fic potential right there!
-The Zelos debut scene is a fan-favorite, but all I can look at now is how small the city looks. Ah, primitive 2003 graphics.
-"No offense, but I'm not interested in talking to guys"
zelloyd shippers rip
(...yeah, right, like that's ever stopped the yaoi juice LOL) -yo they really just had genis say ass. he's twelve. why didn't raine smack him. Localization flub, I suppose, but I don't think he's the type of character of swear.
-Maid outside coliseum: "I will completely devote myself to serving you, but gentlemen with cosplay fetishes are not welcome."
...I never saw this line before. o_o
Well then, sexual fetishes are canon in the Symphoniaverse. Who knew?
-"This gap between rich and poor is one of the characteristics of Meltokio."
yeah well fuck you too lady
-"You there, put on some kind of performance for me."
I made Lloyd run around in circles for this lady for about thirty seconds. Unfortunately, my lack of a recording device means you'll never see this attempt to please the aristocracy. Please understand.
-"The Church of Martel is preparing a prayer ritual to pray for His Majesty’s recovery, so try asking the priests in the church to ensure that he gets well as soon as possible."
OH BOY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!! From the very institution poisoning the king, no less! Look, kinks are one thing, but I don't wanna be reminded of political nihilism when playing a childhood favorite. Get outta here, chump.
-"Your shift's up."
This seemingly irrelevant dialogue's meant to show how the new guards don't recognize Lloyd's party. Despite them being right there.
-"This is the Martel cathedral. It's the largest temple in Tethe'alla."
bruh it's barely bigger than the one in palmacosta
if even that
namco you silly
-"That girl he called Presea has an Exsphere too. Is that a standard custom over here?"
Lloooooooyd. Sheena already said that's not the case.
-wtf is vharley's haircut even
-why're they trying to lift the sacred wood when the handle's right there
-Lloyd: "Oh my g-"
Hmm, is "oh my god" an euphemism in Sylvarant?
-"I've lost all confidence as a man."
A classic Lloyd line right here, lol. Can't blame him.
-I'd point out how Tara Strong -- an industry all-timer -- does a fantastic job in conveying Presea's robotic monotony, but after her racist Twitter screeds, that's kinda...yeah. My ability to separate art from the artist varies, but at least I can push that out of mind here.
Shame about all that, really. We all complained about DOTNW replacing most of the cast (and for good reason!), but that's one point in favor for a potential remake's recasting.
(...of course, Tales of Symphonia has its own issues in its core theme of racism, but we'll get to that later.)
-"What do we do the sacred wood?"
"Leave it here."
but who's gonna carry it tho
-"You may not approach the throne!"
don't tell me what to do
-lol lloyd's just running around the castle in half-naked scuba gear and none of you chumps get to see it. it's funny. trust me.
-okay how does lloyd punch the papal knight in the back like that
that's not how knocking out people works. especially if they're in full armor like that. stop being silly namco
-IT'S KING JESUS!!! Don't try and tell me that's not intentional. He's a dead-ringer.
-"That means you'll be abandoning Sylvarant." "I don't care."
See? Raine does care! Ah, I just live for those moments when her beating half-elf heart breaks through her hardened cynicism. She's a gem.
-I rag on the localization sometimes, but they do a great job bringing Zelos to life here. Masaya Onosaka is a massively talented seiyuu, but the truth is you'll never channel a 1:1 adaption for any foreign product, so the key is balancing the original's spirit with your respective language's idiosyncrasies and the like.
This isn't always successful, of course -- and given the rigors of translation/localization, I'm willing to give the industry some slack -- but the character's larger-than-life personality remains intact and we're left with perhaps the game's most compelling character: a carefree barrel of laughs complementing the troubled nihilist within.
(And, as we'll discuss next time, saddled with outdated sexism/classism galore. Yikes!)
-Right, so, Presea's Klonoa outfit and Zelos's beach outfit...perfectly goofy. Looking forward to continue thoroughly undermining every serious scene!
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deathdxnces · 1 year
Bad intel. Always a shame. There are far more people than was suggested, including some kids, but Darkwill’s men gun them all down regardless, as eliminating the target that night is a top priority.
A long dinner table with food and drinks laid out is splattered with blood and ceramic bottles and bowls have been blown to pieces. Some bodies remain seated or have slumped over the table, having no time to react to the hail of bullets as the wooden door burst open a moment ago, and four masked men dressed in black, faces covered with masks, only their eyes visible through them.
They walked around the rooms carefully, stepping lightly, guns still at-ready, checking every nook and cranny for survivors.
As Swain confirmed the target dead at the head of the table, he radioed home base, the silent room lighting up with several flashes of a camera as proof of a mission fulfilled was sent to his superiors.
It was at that moment that he heard something from the kitchen; a soft gasp, perhaps.
Someone was still alive.
He took no pleasure in hunting down the possible survivors. A botched job was never pleasant. But, orders were orders, and they were told to kill everyone at the house.
He stepped into the kitchen carefully, looking around the dimly lit room before proceeding forward, weapon at the ready.
- @visionoxus
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Zinneia's studio is but a couple streets away. At twelve, Irelia is used to coming and going to lessons on her own, often accompanied by friends that live nearby. It's only the last few blocks she needs to go alone - but Zelos was supposed to pick her up tonight, knowing practice would take longer as they prepared for the festival. Her brother never got late; and yet, he hadn't shown up, every attempt at calling going unanswered.
Her teacher is always kind, but perhaps more so towards her favorite student. Zinneia offers to take her home, and Irelia refuses, not wanting to cause any trouble. Zelos probably forgot. She'll be home in no time. And yet, each step of the way the young dancer feels an unusual sense of dread creeping up on her. He'd never forget, and he didn't even answer her calls. Had something happened?
This night, her steps are hurried - it's only when she gets home that she stops.
The shadows moving within suggest more people than there should've been. Maybe someone had stopped by unexpectedly...? A visit could explain Zelos forgetting, she thinks, though the idea does not yet give her solace. She should go in through the kitchen... maybe O-ma would be there to explain what was going on.
Her blood turns to ice when she sees the door open. Instinct tells her to run; something is very wrong. If she goes to the neighbors they might help, but her steps do not stop taking her towards the house, instead.
It's too silent. Grandmother is not in the kitchen; she cannot hear Zelos and Kai, nor even father, Ohn, and Ruu. He's four - he's never silent. Before she can process what it might mean, she reaches the door - her gaze falls on the man, first, standing close to...
The gasp is involuntary, a quiet reaction compared to the impact with which the scene hits her. Father's head hangs at an odd angle, blood all over his chest, all over the table. Ohn - she can only see her brother's back, a corpse half lying on the table, fallen before there was time to react. Her grandmother's expression is almost serene, a stark contrast to the carnage all around - Kai is close to her, but wide blue eyes stick longer upon the smaller frame. Ruu.
It's a bad dream. It has to be. He was little more than a baby, why is there so much red, why would anyone hurt him -
Her racing heart only beats louder, breath growing erratic; what silence she may have tried to keep before, the panicked breath would certainly draw the men's attention to her. The thought does not register immediately, second-place to the frantic search for her eldest brother. Zelos is not at the table - maybe he got away, maybe he is alive, maybe --
Any lingering, desperate hope is crushed when she finds his figure, the only to have gotten away enough to try to put up a fight. The tears she had shed without realizing swell again with a sob, blur her vision and catch in her throat, even as the girl runs back to the kitchen.
Fear overtakes her, and in impulse she reaches for the first things she could make into weapons - a cleaver and a kitchen knife left at the sink, each held in a hand. She hides behind a counter, aware the man in black had followed, breath held in attempt to remain as silent as possible and not be found.
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luctheletterweaver · 2 years
Fight or Flight Symphonia Side - Fifth Fragment
This is the first time I didn't stick to Kat's drafts and went wild with what I could do. The Meltokio scene was actually my second original piece.
Considering the party is growing larger by this point, it's difficult to accommodate dialogue, but without Raine, other characters have to take her lines to progress the story.
I'm happy to be allowed to do my own thing while supporting Kat's storytelling. Best part, most of the coming pieces are my own :3
This baby turns up in Ch 23, quite a while later after the last one. Here, the party is gonna head for the other continent of Tethe'alla with the EC. Too bad Raine isn't here to be scared of the water.
Word count: 904
Boarding the EC
The sight of the Grand Tethe’alla Bridge sent shivers through Genis’ spine. Just a few days ago, he had crossed that bridge towards his death. He had dreaded the idea, more so because the only witnesses would be humans cursing his existence until the bloody end. Genis shuddered.
It’s okay, I’m safe now.
Yet a good thing happened too because Lloyd accepted who Genis really was. It felt so surreal. He spent many years overthinking how he and his sister would be persecuted and ousted of Iselia, his mind cruelly conjuring Lloyd and Colette amongst the prejudiced crowd, then the two vanished in a puff of smoke when Lloyd proudly called him his friend. Some doubts still hanged over him, not all humans would be kind and understanding like Lloyd after all, proof of that wasn’t difficult to find. That said, Genis couldn’t ask for a better friend.
The bridge wasn’t why they were there though. With the bridge out of order to ensure the party would not be able to escape to the other continent, they needed to find another way to reach Sybak. Lucky for them, their pursuers hadn’t counted on Sheena and Zelos’ amplitude of connections in Meltokio. Thanks to the scientists in the Elemental Research Laboratory, they acquired an Elemental Cargo, EC for short, to be able to cross the sea.
Ignoring the dreadful sight, Genis followed the party towards a door on the side of the railings. It was locked though, that didn’t stop Lloyd who took a pin out of his clothes for lockpicking purposes. Genis snorted, leave it to the son of a craftsman to carry something so random in his pockets. At least he’s good for this kind of things. Zelos took his snorting as a cue to tease Lloyd, making everyone minus Presea giggle at his expense.
With the door out of the way, the party moved to descend the stairs until something caught his eye.
“…Is that…” Genis couldn’t finish. Everyone followed his sight towards the bridge’s base.
“Are those Exspheres?” Colette finished his thought.
Zelos moved closer to the railing. “That’s right, Colette. That bridge is operated by Exspheres.” He grimaced.
The rest, at least the ones that could, imitated his reaction. Genis felt sick. So many lives sacrificed to power up a stupid bridge. He couldn’t help but imagine Raine’s reaction to this view. Although his sister was the more pragmatic of the two, Genis doubted she would agree to the use of Exspheres this way. No matter how much she loved ancient technology and ruins and their benefits to the world, Raine was not a monster who would murder millions for it.
The thought of his sister dejected Genis. The sea reminded him of when they rode the washtub to Thoda Geyser. Raine tried so hard to mask her panic at the time, but the high-pitched cry and her stiff moves gave away everything. He smiled somberly at the memory of his proud sister crawling out of the washtub. Her antics even got the ever-stoic Kratos to chuckle. If she was here, complaints would have flied out of her mouth all the way there until last minute before begrudgingly boarding the EC. If she was here, Raine would have caught his jest and smacked him for making fun of her aquaphobia.
He preferred that to constant worry.
Raine, wherever you are, I hope there’s not a sea surrounding you. Genis prayed in his heart.
“Genis, are you coming?” Presea called him in a robotic voice.
His heart skipped a beat, the sorrow being pushed to a corner for the moment. “Ah, yeah! Wait for me, Presea!”
The two descended the stairs together to where the rest of the party was waiting alongside Kuchinawa. Lloyd was playing with the wing pack he received from one of the scientists, making the EC appear and disappear in thin air. Genis couldn’t contain his wonder and ran the rest of the way.
“Wow! How does it work?!”
“Pretty cool, huh Genis?” Lloyd boasted.
“Do it again, do it again!”
“That’s enough goofing around,” the two turned to Kuchinawa, whose eyes were lowered. “How about getting on your way?” Lloyd didn’t like his fun being cut but nodded.
His smile came back. “I can’t wait to use this EC! This is great!”
“You’ll just get bored with it in no time,” Genis sighed at his friend’s antics.
“Yay, we get to go out to sea!”
Colette was the first to board the EC, admiring the clear water over the rail. The rest did the same, proving quickly why this thing wasn’t used to transport passengers, it was already too cramped on the small deck. Genis doubted the cargo space and the control cabin was any better. Colette and Presea went inside it anyway, Lloyd following right after to take charge of the wheel. Sheena was the last to board after receiving something from Kuchinawa.
“Off to Sybak!” Sheena exclaimed with a sailor-like pose on the deck.
Lloyd apparently heard her because he started the engine right away. Sheena summoned Undine, the summon spirit sending her mana towards the EC to allow it to surf and off they went.
Genis turned a last time to look at the bridge, hoping to never see it again, and the water surrounding them, Raine still in his thoughts. He repeated his prayer but added another one. Let’s meet soon, sister.
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Making Up With Mom [Jongup and Junhong]
This follows the Child Makes Mom Cry. Junhong’s is super long... I apologize for that. I may edit later... I wrote this at 1 am and half asleep. 
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If it wasn’t one thing with Maddy, it was another. Between dealing with her daughters’ rebellious streak, she was under pressure with her small home craft shop and finances. Her work load had all but doubled and she regretted a little too late when she agreed to take on so many clients at once. Along with her shop, she was also struggling to send steady funds to her parent’s who had fallen on hard times with the farm. 
Of course, Maddy confided in her husband about the pressure she felt, but she didn’t voice how emotionally overwhelmed she felt. But, she didn’t need to say it, Jongup knew... Not only him, but their twins, Hana and Dana could tell something was wrong with their mom. Maddy was vocal and high spirited, so when they caught their mom zoning out and forcing a smile, the girls worried. Especially Dana who had always been closer to her mom when she was younger.
So, one day while their mom was out buying material for projects, the girls decided to ask their dad about their mom. They found him stretched out on the couch in their living room, his eyes shut as he relaxed. Dana swallowed hard as she took a step to her dad,  “Hey dad.” Jongup’s eyebrow rose for a second as he let out a hum in response, his eyes still shut. “We were wondering... what’s wrong with mom?”
Jongup let out a sigh as he opened his eyes and glanced at the twins, “Why do you want to know?” His voice was cold. The girls shrunk back slightly knowing he was still upset with them for the stunt they had pulled a couple days prior.
Hana bit her bottom lip as she sucked in a breath, “Because she’s our mom... I know what I--what we said was horrible... We don’t like seeing mom sad.”
Jongup sat up on the couch as he scratched the back of his neck, “You didn’t have that hard of a time seeing her sad when you were disrespectful to her a couple days ago, Hana.” Her head fell forward as she glanced down at her feet. Dana wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to make herself smaller than she already was. The two of them fell into an awkward silence as Jongup stared at them. Eyeing them long enough, Jongup cleared his throat, “Sit and I’ll tell you.” The girls sucked in a breath as they took a seat on either side of their dad.
After getting a short summary of their mom’s stress, the girls set out to make plans to cheer their mom up. Maddy did everything in her power to cheer up the twins and now it was their turn. The girls told their dad about their plans and after getting the okay, the girls got everything together.
Maddy had decided to spend a day at Mia’s bookstore to get her mind off her stress and didn’t return home until about 4. She unlocked the front door, but paused outside the door. She felt heaviness weighing on her once more and she heaved a sigh. Her tears swelled in her eyes and Maddy let out a silent curse as she looked up to keep them from falling. “Get it together” she gave her cheeks a couple of slaps before she opened the front door. “I’m home...” Her voice no higher than a mouse. 
There were heavy footsteps heading her way. She took off her shoes and shrugged off her jacket as the twins appeared before her slightly out of breath. “Welcome home!” They grinned.
Maddy cautiously placed the jacket in the hall closet as she eyed her two daughters who had ignored her existence since the grounding. “Thank you?” 
Dana stepped forward and held out her arms to her mom, “Can I have a hug?” Maddy shut the closet door before she approached her youngest and hugged her. Dana tightened her grip around her mom and pressed her head into Maddy’s upper chest. “Your hugs are always the best” Dana whispered before she pulled away from her mom. 
Hana stood there awkwardly for a moment before she cleared her throat, “Come on, we got the house to ourselves. Dad is staying at Uncle Daehyun’s place for the night.” She headed into the living room followed by Dana who pulled their mom with her. 
Maddy entered the living room to see pillows thrown out on the floor, lights strung up above with sheets hanging over the pillows like curtains in front of their tv. “TA-DA!” 
“What’s all this?” Maddy chuckled weakly.
Hana looked back at her mom and gave her a kind smile, “Mommy Daughter night? It’s been some time since we’ve done it. We ordered pizza and decided that we should watch the Notebook--and any other movie you want too.” 
“We wanted to apologize for our behavior too, but we didn’t know how.” Dana shuffled her feet, “We didn’t want to--Hey, wait why are you crying, mom?” 
Hana’s and Dana’s eyes widened as they saw tears fall down their mom’s face. Hana froze up seeing her mom’s tears. Maddy reached up quickly and wiped the tears away only to be replaced with more. She let out a pathetic chuckle, “I don’t know... I’m sorry, girls. I don’t mean to c--” Maddy was cut off by her oldest suddenly throwing her arms around her. 
“We didn’t mean to make you cry again. We just wanted to see you smile again” Hana’s words were rough as she spoke. “I’m really sorry for being such a terrible daughter.” 
“Hey now” Maddy tsked as she pulled away from Hana who had her own tears, “I don’t have terrible daughters. Bull headed and very stubborn, yes, but not terrible.” Maddy reached out and wiped the tears on her daughter’s face. “A terrible daughter wouldn’t build a pillow fort and kick their dad out the house for a night to be with their mom. I appreciate this, really.” Dana approached them and Maddy immediately reached out to pat her head. 
That night, while watching their movie marathon, Maddy found herself fast asleep with her daughters on either side of her cuddle up close to her.
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“Are you sure? I really don’t want the kids to try to take advantage of you again” Junhong repeated for the umpteenth time that hour. “I can at least take the twins. I’ll be with Christian and he really likes having them around.” His arms circled around his wife and closed around her abdomen. His head rested on her shoulder before he pressed a kiss against her neck. 
Kiara hummed as she pushed around the stir-fry in the pan before her. “I’m fine, babe. If I have a problem I can call Deja. If you want to release your album on time, you need to focus on it.” She leaned back against his chest and looked up at him. The unsure expression on his face was hard to miss and she couldn’t help the smile that graced her lips. She turned off the surface before she shimmied around in his arms to face him. She reached up a hand to him and her thumb brushed against his cheek, “Trust me, yea? They’re my kids too. I should know how to parent at this point.” It would be a lie if Kiara wasn’t a bit nervous being with their kids alone for a couple weeks again. She knew how her kids were on their worse behavior and she felt powerless as they had walked all over her. However, she also knew Junhong couldn’t be the only disciplinary...
Junhong gave her a warm smile before he pecked her lips, “Okay, but you know I’m a call away. I’ll drop my music if I need to for you, okay?” He pulled her closer and kissed her again and again.
Kiara let out a laugh, “Okay, just go before Christian blames me for you taking forever.” Junhong gave her one last kiss before he headed out the door. 
One Saturday, Kiara was preparing to leave for work when the babysitter called out due to an illness. She got off the phone with a stressed look on her face as her oldest entered the kitchen.
“Mornin’ momma” Grace pressed a kiss on her mom’s cheek before heading to the coffee.
“Yea, you too dear--”
Grace pulled out her mug and turned back to her mom, “What’s wrong, mom?” She frowned as she poured herself a cup of coffee. 
“Babysitter cancelled. I guess I could take the twins to work with me” she sighed knowing how much of a time crunch she would be under just trying to get them to wake up. “I’ll have to cancel my first appointment at least” she picked up her phone once more.
“Whoa whoa!” Grace placed her mug on the counter before she rushed to her mom’s side, “Don’t do that. Mattie and I can watch them.” Kiara shook her head almost immediately causing her daughter’s frown to deepen. “Look mom, I know Mattie and I have been shit kids--”
“My bad my bad” Grace held up her hands with a sheepish smile on her lips. “We can watch two seven year olds. Take them to the park or call Aunt Elfie and have play dates--Oh or call Aunt Kate or Auntie Sisi. We’ll be fine, mom. Trust us.”
Kiara’s lips pursed as she thought about the idea. Her brow creased in response, “I would have agreed to this before, but after last time--”
“Let us prove it to you then. If we screw up this time, then you can never trust us again.” Grace approached her mom, “You can’t take the twins to work. They won’t stay still for hours on end and your customers will want to relax...” 
"Wake up, idiot” Grace tossed a pillow at her brother’s sleeping face startling him awake. 
Matthew shot up in his bed as he fumbled for his glasses in a panic, “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” He growled when he saw his sister leaning against his doorway. 
“We’re in charge of the twins today and I’m not going to be alone when they wake up” she shrugged. “I need help making them breakfast.”
His face twisted with displeasure, “Just feed them stupid cereal.” 
Grace’s arms crossed as she stomped over to Matthew’s bed, “Look here, Mattie” she grabbed his roughly by the collar. “We really hurt mom last time she was home alone with us. I think we at least owe it to her to make it up to her. Or did you enjoy having mom so upset with us that she was crying...”
A flicker of sadness flashed across Matthew’s face as his head fell forward. He was silent for a moment before he let out an irritated sigh, “Jesus, okay--I’ll help watch the stupid brats.” Grace’s lips pulled to the side as she released her brother and headed out his room victoriously. 
That night, Kiara dragged herself up the walkway to her front door. Her half day at work had turned out to be a grueling ten hour work day. Even Deja was upset that she didn’t just turn down last minute clients, but Kiara heard and saw the desperation for the women. How could she have said no? She paused when she saw her two youngest waiting at the door in their pajamas. 
Aaron was the first to notice her as his moth grew into a wide grin. “Mommy!! MOMMY!” He hollered as Andrew and he bolted to their mom. 
Kiara bent down and caught the two runners. She let out a chuckled as she felt some of her energy return as she held her boys tightly, “What on earth are you two doing out here?”
Andrew pulled away first and rubbed his nose, “Mattie and Gray have surprise for you!” Kiara released Aaron as she stood up once more feeling the aches in her back.
“BIG SURPRISE!” Aaron jumped as his arms shot out over his tiny body. The twins took her hands and lead her to the front door. Aaron opened the front door and poked his head inside, “Momma’s home!” He screamed.
Matt rolled his eyes from the kitchen, “Yea, we couldn’t tell by you screaming outside.” He tossed down the dish towel as he headed into the entrance. “You should go take a bath. Everything will be done soon.” He stated in a matter of fact manner. “And the bath is as hot as the fire gates of hell because I am rightfully convinced all women have risen from such a place.” 
Grace swatted him as she clicked her tongue to her teeth, “Whenever you talk, you always say unnecessary stuff.” She flashed her mom a smile as she nudged Matt back to the kitchen. “Welcome home! Go wash up please. We still need some time.”
Kiara eyed her daughter as she gave a slow nod, “Okay... I’ll be back in a bit.” She gave her daughter a quick hug as she headed to her bedroom. Upon entering her bedroom, she saw petals leading from the entrance of her room to the bathroom. Kiara let out a gasp as she followed the petals to a dimly lit bathroom. Her favorite lavender scented bath bomb had overtaken the smell of the room. Resting on the counter was a wine glass with her favorite wine and a note. She picked up the note and read it:
Enjoy your bath! No need to hurry--and no we didn’t drink our wine.
After the bath, Kiara made her way downstairs to see Matt waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Matt had his usual scowl on his lips, “Grace said to close your eyes and I’ll lead you to the dining room or whatever.” Matt watched his mom take her final step off the stairs and ushered her to close her eyes. He took her hand in his as he guided her into the dining room. Once he situated her where she needed to be, he stepped away, “You can open your eyes--you know if you want to or you know whatever...” 
Kiara’s eyes fluttered open as she looked in front of her. Her eyes widened as she saw an array of her favorite foods on the table with a pie in the middle. She let out a gasp as she took in the sight. “What’s all this for?” 
The kids took their seats as Grace reached over to touch her mom’s hand, “Our apology for being so rude last time dad was gone... We didn’t know how else to show you we were sorry, so we called Aunt Elfie and she sent us recipes of things Nana made you in the past. Mattie made the apple pie.”
Matt looked down at his empty plate to hide the reddening in his cheeks, “You don’t have to go and tell her all that...” His eyes glanced over at his mom’s and he squirmed in his seat. “But yea, sorry I acted rude... I shouldn’t have done that...” 
“Yea, we’re sorry too!” Aaron grinned.
“Idiot... I doubt you know what you are even apologizing for” Matt tsked earning a kick from Grace.
“At least he apologized, stop being a jerk” she hissed. The two glared at one another from across the table earning a laugh from their mom.
She pressed her hand to her mouth, “Let’s just say prayers and eat, yea?” Reluctantly, Grace and Matt agreed still glaring at one another before they bowed their heads to pray.
Part I ||  Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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taejikookiee · 6 years
🖤B.A.P Reaction🖤
-’reaction to you teasing them in public’ 
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Definitely the type to get flustered but kinda annoyed that you decided to do it in public, he's not one to participate in public displays of affection, especially those of an sexual nature, mostly because he found it hard to control himself.
“Jagi.. as much as I love the feeling of your pretty little hands on me, now is not the time” he would huff moving your hands from atop him, but lacing them with his so you didn't think he was mad at you. 
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He would not be impressed at all. Teasing Himchan knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything about it would be a big no no, expect punishment when you were alone
“ooo you are totally going to pay for that later...” he would whisper in your ear before placing a rough kiss on your cheek catching you off guard.
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This one here would not care where you were, teasing him in generally always led to something more so the fact that you had decided to do it in public was your own mistake. 
“Listen baby, unless you want to be a moaning mess at this dinning table I would stop what you are doing right now” he smirked as his hand glided up your inner thigh causing you to jump slightly when he applied pressure, the smirk that appeared proving he was more than happy with himself. 
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Youngjae would be hard to get flustered in public considering how outgoing he is, he would mock your failed attempts leaving you the flustered mess rather than him.
“oh baby... did you think that would work... hahaha, nice try but you are going to have to try harder” he would chuckle at your pouty expression. 
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This cute little baby bunny omg  He would most definitely be oblivious to your efforts at first, you would basically have to tell him what you were doing for him to notice, but when he did he would be a blushing mess. 
“oh.. you were trying to get me in the mood.. oh baby why didn't you just tell me.. lets go home i’ll help you out” 
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Zelo, the precious maknae would be so flustered by the slightest touch or kiss, especially if it was infront of his hyungs, the constant teasing would drive him crazy. 
“(y/n) please, the boys are sitting right there.. if they see they will bully me forever” he would muttered his tinted cheeks causing your heart to do swirls. 
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uwu look at him, so precious 
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bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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Just found your TUMBLR, and lemme tell you: This is one of my favorites so far❤❤❤❤
Also, happy (early) birthday from Austria, I hope you can get to celebrate your birthday just like how you want to.
Could you write something with Zelo and his S/O, when they both are friends and finally realize that they are meant to be a couple? I don't care if it's sfw or nsfw, it's how you prefer it❤
A/N: Thank you so much hun! I'm glad you enjoy my blog so much! I haven't gotten a B.A.P related request that wasn't Yongguk in a while so this is refresshing!
Anyways, here goes nothing
Pictures were scattered all over your coffee table, being long forgotten as you two were now scrolling through your phones. A trip down memory lane was an understatement. You and Junhong had been friends for a long time and well, these images were evidence of that.
"I remember that, your mom was so stressed out because of how bruised up we were. Damn skateboards." You remarked staring the picture of you and him when you were significantly younger. He laughed and scrolled further through the pictures. "Remember her, God she was so pretty." Junhong said as he came across a picture of an old girlfriend. You glanced at the image and shrugged, you remembered her but you weren't quite fond of her.
"Yeah, I never liked her." You said and he laughed again. "Mom wasn't too fond either. Kept telling me that I should date you instead, that you would be the perfect daughter/son in law." You couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at his words. Sure you and Junhong had been friends for a long time, people assumed you were in a relationship all the time. But to hear that his parents thought you would work, gave you new perspective.
"Funny, my parents have said the same thing about you. Claiming that you're practically family already." You said softly, some sort of feeling bubbling in your chest. He was feeling that same emotion, albeit not sure what it was.
"Weird that we never even tried to date huh?" You said and he nodded, feeling his ears turning red. "Yeah I guess it is. But considering you have my mom's approval already, i'm not opposed to trying." He said and you looked at him with wide eyes. You could feel him leaning in slowly, it was a risk of course, years and years of friendship could be ruined with a kiss.
But the second his lips touched yours, you felt something in your chest and so did he. Maybe you were meant to be after all.
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One Shot - B.A.P (2013)
B.A.P meets up with the rival gang to exchange the ransom money for Youngjae.
But the rival gang have other plans
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
B.A.P as Bunnies:
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noona-clock · 5 years
When BAP Babysits with You
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
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When you tell Yongguk you can’t come over to his place tonight because you have to babysit your niece, he’ll be a little bummed at first. But then you ask him to help you, and his whole mood changes. He’ll take it very seriously! He’ll buy some books to read, download some movies, and he’ll buy his favorite type of ramen to cook for you guys. He’ll be very patient and sweet with your niece, and you’ll know immediately that you want him to the father of your own children one day! *swoon*
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Himchan would immediately volunteer to help you babysit your next-door neighbor’s kid -- you wouldn’t even need to ask! He would want to play games with him, make up songs with him, watch dramas together... Himchan would basically do all the work for you. And when you try to split the money with him at the end of the night, he would insist that spending time with you was more than enough payment for him. But he wouldn’t say no to you buying him dinner.
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When you find out you have to babysit your younger sibling instead of going on your date with Daehyun, you would invite him over to help you out since you still want to see him. He would hesitate at first, but once you tell him you’re going to cook a meal with 9 side dishes, he would at your door in minutes. He would be perfectly content spending a cozy night in with you and your sibling -- as long as you have a lot of soft, snuggly blankets and a movie-musical DVD to watch! Pair that with your delicious cooking, and Daehyun honestly might never leave.
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Once Youngjae hears you have to spend the night babysitting your nephew, he immediately responds with, “Oh, yay! I’ll be right there!” He’ll arrive with a schedule filled with only the most fun activities, the most important one being video games. He will literally spend hours in front of the television playing games with your nephew, and you’ll actually have to pull them away because you need to make sure he (your nephew, not necessarily Youngjae) is fed and bathed and ready for bed before your brother gets home. At the end of the night, Youngjae tells you more than once that he had so much fun. If your brother ever needs a babysitter again, he will gladly help out!
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“Babysitting??? I’m... not so sure about this. We’ll just be... sitting? With a baby? For the whole night?” When you tell him that, in fact, you will be taking care of a young child, he lets out a sigh of relief. He’ll totally help! He’ll want to teach the kid how to dance, maybe read some mangas together, and he’ll definitely bring over McDonald’s. The next time the parents call you to babysit, they ask you to bring Jongup with you since their child is specifically requesting his presence. You can’t even be offended, though, because any time you spend with Jongup is a good time.
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When you invite Zelo over to watch your boss’s toddler son for the night, he’s a little hesitant and nervous at first. He doesn’t know much about taking care of small children... You assure him it’s really not much different than taking care of a puppy, and that instantly sparks an idea in him. He’ll bring Mochi with him! He asks if that’s okay, of course, and once your boss approves, Zelo’s worries vanish. Your boss’s son is delighted to see Mochi, and when Zelo offers to teach him how to dance and rap, he’s even more delighted. He ends up dancing and playing with Mochi so much that he falls asleep before it’s even bedtime. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” you asked Zelo as you’re lounging on the couch waiting for your boss to come home. “No, it wasn’t. You did lie to me, though.” “Excuse me?” “This was way more fun than taking care of a puppy.”
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