#B.A.P Zelo Scenario
bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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cherrysarchives · 1 year
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•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•
🔞 - sᴘɪᴄʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
Hi(: could you do #99 and #14 for Zelo?
I was scanning over the drabble list again just recently and realized I still had a bunch of these unfinished drabble requests from ages ago lying around in my inbox. I’m sorry they never saw the daylight back then.
- Mel 💕
14. “You’re stuck with me now. Deal with it.”
99. “You gave me all I’ve ever wanted.”
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You crossed your arms over your chest, huffing a little and leaning back against the car seat as your eyes lazily trailed over the windshield once again, over the person pacing around the front of the car. Every now and then his head peaked out from behind the opened capot, and as his eyes met with yours, he mouthed a quiet “five minutes babe, don’t worry”, and dove right back into trying to find the sudden technical issue that made you pull over. Though at first his quiet reassurance gave you hope that you’d still make it in time for the long-awaited meeting with your friends from abroad, twenty five or so minutes had already passed since you were forced to stop on the side of this road to nowhere, and by now you were more than sure than you two wouldn’t be able to make it anywhere tonight. Apart from home. Hopefully.
He came back into proper view, and right as he was about to mouth the same to you again, you simply motioned for him to leave it be and come back inside. He was no car mechanic, and besides, it was freezing outside. There had to be a way of solving this issue other than freezing to death and not getting any smarter by just looking at random car parts and not knowing what to do with them.
Just a second later, the door opened, and Junhong’s defeated frame was once again back in the driver’s seat. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, his eyes displaying his disappointment with the situation, or rather disappointed with himself for not being able to deal with the issue.
“You’re stuck with me now, deal with it,” he looked over at you and forced a little smile onto his face, in the hopes to lift the mood a little, or to test the waters. You smiled back at him lightly, to kind of let him know that he wasn’t at fault. This could happen to anybody, just maybe at a more convenient time.
“And I’m sorry for that. I know you were really looking forwards to tonight.”
If there was one thing that you were trying to do recently, it was letting go of things that you couldn’t change anyways. You’d rather not feel sour about something you couldn’t change anyway, and would love to just try and make the best out of the situation, so instead of advancing the discussion you opted in for the opposite.
“Relax,” he heard you saying, feeling the sudden warmth of two of your fingers that made their way to his chin, and guided him into a brief, barely-there kiss that made his still mildly freezing frame feel just a little bit warmer all over, “It’s fine, Jun. Now we just gotta call up somebody who could drag the car back to town, and hopefully us too, if they don’t mind.”
He knew Youngjae was at home tonight, and though his hyung wasn’t keen on anyone disturbing his gaming nights, Junhong still decided to give it a shot and dialed up his number. In the corners of his eyes, he saw you finding you friend’s name in the contact list and doing the same. Youngjae’s slightly annoyed “Yah, what do you want?” snapped him back to reality, and he quietly mumbled his request for Youngjae to come and pick him and the car up. With surprisingly small amounts of convincing needing to be done, he hung up the phone after receiving a positive reply, and focused on the sounds that were coming from the radio until you were done with your call as well.
“They say it’s a shame we won’t be able to make it,” you said, making some sort of guilt course through him again, even though he knew it wasn’t really his fault anyways, “I asked if we could make it up somehow, but they just said “next time”, since they’re flying out tomorrow afternoon already…”
Your words trailed off and into the night as silence took over the two of you, and you took the opportunity to just sit there and enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. You thought it would be scarier than this - to be alone and out of town, on the side of some road, having to wait for someone to come and pick you up to “bring you back to civilization” - but it was actually rather nice. The heater was on, mild music was playing in the background, and you could see the stars through the windshield. It felt like out here, you were far away from any possible care in this world, and there was something magical to it for sure. You didn’t even notice how you’d started smiling.
Junhong’s sour expression was the only thing that bothered you.
“Yah, cheer up,” you nagged at him, scooting closer to him and pulling on his arm a little so that he’d to the same as you, “And scoot over. You’re too far away from me.”
He chuckled a little, though did not object. The position you were in was a little awkward, but your head eventually landed on his shoulder rather comfortably somehow, his own head nuzzling against yours. The same silence from before made a comeback, just now it felt much more homey. You let it consume the two of you for a moment and just enjoyed how pleasantly calm the moment was.
“You know it’s not your fault, right?”
“I mean, I guess it isn’t.”
“Then why do you act like it is?”
“Because,” he stretched out the word a little longer than it should be effortlessly and spontaneously, making you chuckle lightly. These little quirky things he did every now and then we’re one of the many reasons why you loved him like you did - just little, barely-there details that made everything so much better, things like little silly spontaneous dance moves or a funny mispronunciation of words. Your fingers that were toying around with the gear shift lever were enveloped by his, and you gladly slid your fingers in between his in response. Another cheesy couple moment. You knew there was no denying that both of you loved it equally much.
“Because this is what you had been looking towards to for weeks, and I had literally one job - to drive you there,” he said, taking a little pause to think about his further wording, “And I couldn’t even do that, not to mention the many other things I couldn’t do or give you over these last few years.”
So that’s what had been consuming his mind recently.
Not that it always bothered him, but every now and then, he’d openly scold himself that he had to do better. Better for you, for your relationship, and so on. You never understood that, because to you it seemed like he was trying as hard as ever, and there was no need for scolding. It looked like he couldn’t agree on that fully though.
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” you shrugged a little, as if to prove your point, “You gave me all I ever wanted, so how dare you put yourself down like this?”
It must’ve stirred something inside of him - at least that’s what you guessed from his body language, from the way his hold on your hand tightened for a moment before going back to normal and the way his whole body stilled as if to process the phrase. Well, you did want it to sound heartfelt. You just didn’t think he’d pick up on that much.
“I never knew that all you ever wanted was being let down constantly-”
“Jun, stop it,” you said still in a loving, yet now more scolding tone, silencing him this way, “You’re not letting me down in any form or way, believe it or not.”
You knew he was mainly referring not to this specific occasion, but to his busy lifestyle and work ethic as a whole. To the times when he forgot occasions, had to cancel things, wasn’t there on important moments and such. Yes, there were moments when it was hard enough to find time for a phone call or a text message, let alone an actual meeting, and though there were moments when you uncontrollably missed him, it never really felt like he was letting you down in some type of way by just not constantly being there. It’s not like he had to anyways. He took care of you from close up and afar. You didn’t even dare or want to ask for more from him.
“What I meant to say before you interrupted me with your this time around quite irrelevant opinion-” you chuckled at his offended “ouch” and the way he put his hand over his heart, as if feeling the stinging pain of your previous sarcastic words, “Is that I feel comfortable around you. I feel genuinely good. I have good laughs, I enjoy myself and feel important. I receive a lot and can give back just as much. And that is pretty close to all I’ve ever wanted, so you match all my criteria.”
“So you’re all about that comfort, yeah?”
“You out of all should know, by the way I always snatch all your blankets~” you chuckled again, noticing the headlights of an oncoming car in the distance. In mere seconds it zoomed right past you and into the direction you’d come from previously, leaving the two of you in the dark again.
“Youngjae should be on his way already,” Junhong let you know quietly, though you were pretty sure he knew you’d already eavesdropped on their conversation earlier and knew. You simply hummed to the statement, as if saying you’d heard him, and continued to stare right ahead at the stars through the windshield, thinking how many oncoming cars you’d see until the moment of leaving.
To be completely honest, Youngjae could take his sweet time here. Because sitting here, looking up to the skies and leading random conversation with Junhong was actually rather pleasant.
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254bpm · 3 years
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danghyuk · 3 years
anime dates. [moon jongup]
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► au info: B.A.P is still a band
► summary: during your weekly movie date, jongup feels embarrassed for always choosing anime. 
► pairing: moon jongup x male!reader
► word count: 612
► warning(s): none
► other info: none
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“Hey, baby.” You happily greeted your boyfriend, bending down to kiss him there he was sitting on the floor. “I brought the snacks you wanted,” you handed Jongup a white plastic bag which he gladly accepted, “how was your day?”
He shrugged some but looked upwards to give you a shy smile. “It was okay, me and Junhong practised on some new choreographies.”
Being used to his short replies you simply bent down again and kissed the cute birthmark on his nose. Jongup only hummed in content and began unpacking the items you bought.
“Have you decided what you want to watch? It’s your turn to pick.”
The silent rustling noises from the bag stopped and you noticed how your boyfriend nibbled on his bottom lip, stopping his movements for a minute. A minor blush accompanied his nervous habit, highlighting the mole you found adorable.
Jongup stopped his nibbling only to mumble something incoherent, staring intently on the rug underneath himself.
“What?” You had to refrain from both laughing and teasing him for his awkward antics. Instead of repeating himself, Jungup stood up from the floor and began preparing his dorm room for your weekly movie date.
He was embarrassed again. Though turning around to hide his expression, you still saw his flushed ears. Sighing softly, you shook your head in adoration. Moon Jongup could be so clueless sometimes.
Again, you bit back a playful remark and joined your boyfriend’s preparations instead, moving the TV closer to the bed.
Jongup sent a thankful smile your way to which you huffed in reply. You just knew he had chosen some anime. Despite him almost choosing that every time, he still felt embarrassed by voicing it. Not that you minded it, you liked anime yourself – one of the key factors getting Jongup to talk to you in the first place, and you didn’t mind his awkward nature; on the contrary, you actually found it quite charming.
You were in the middle of placing the pillows the way Jongup liked it when you felt a slight tug at the bottom of your shirt. Biting softly down on your lip to muffle a laugh, you just continued as if interrupted.
Jongup pouted when you ignored him and tugged harder at your shirt.
“[Name],” He paused, already fumbling with his words. “Babe.”
The cute stutter of a pet name followed up by Jongup wrapping his arms around your waist almost made you halt in your movements and you were sure Jongup could feel how it affected you.
He confirmed your thoughts by hugging you tighter. Now you didn’t really have any other choice but turning around.
“So, what will it be; Naruto? DBZ?”
Jongup’s cheeks flushed again and you had the front seat view, admiring his thoughtful expression in his warm embrace.
“I wanna watch a One Piece movie.” He said hesitantly after a while.
Laughing, you softly broke out of his grip and lead the both of you onto the bed. “Got it.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind, [Name]?”
After making sure you both were comfortably seated, you turned to meet his eyes. “You know I like anime too, right?”
“Yes, but-”
“Then there’s no issues.” You interrupted, having had this conversation before. “It’s your turn to choose and we will watch whatever you wanna watch, baby.” Kissing the corner of his mouth this time, you motioned him with your hands to come closer.
Jongup’s ears turned red by the pet name usage and sweet peck as he accepted your open arms to cuddle.
“Besides I always ‘real movies’” your comment earned you a pinch from your boyfriend, “so we balance each other out perfectly.”
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changkyuns-bebe · 3 years
Kpop Imagine Nr. 2
B.A.P as your boyfriends when you meet up with another guy and they get jealous...
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-doesn´t want to show or admit it because he wants you to have your free space
-it keeps him awake
-can´t think of anything else
-is questioning himself if he did something wrong
-drowning in overthinking
-“hey y/n... did I do something wrong...? Don´t I give you enough...?“
-would be hella relieved when you told him you just have met up with your brother to discuss his birthday party
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-would be pretty mad if he saw you meeting up with some other guy
-would also let you feel his madness
-“Daehyun, what is wrong...?“
-“You should ask that to yourself...“
-you would be hella confused
-“I saw you and him, y/n!!“
-you would explain to him quickly that it was your brother
-“I was choosing a gift for our anniversary!“
-he would be very embarrassed
-“I´m so sorry for accusing you with such things...“
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-similar to Daehyun
-would have more sassss
-wouldn´t talk to you until you would give up and ask him what the matter is
-“How can you meet up with another one if you have me, Yoo Youngjae, as your boyfriend???“
-you would roll with your eyes „that´s so typical for you Jae...“
-he would try to play it cool when you explain to him that you met up with your cousin to get Youngjae a new pair of shoes
-very awkward
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-would be very quiet about it
-doesn´t show it
-but you would notice that something is off
-“Uppie, is everything alright? Your behaviour is strange...“
-would shyly explain that he is jealous because he saw you with some dude at the mall
-“That was my cousin, we met up to talk about your comeback with your new album“
-you would smile at him and comfort him so he doesn´t feel bad or awkward
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-hella mad
-hella sad
-can´t concentrate on his work
-“I will kill him if I see him...“
-you quickly know whats going on and explain to him that you met up with your brother to buy a new toy for his dog
-from now on he would be extra protective
-always has an arm around you when you two go out together
-death stares to other guys
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smitten--kitten · 4 years
B.A.P as Bunnies:
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jupiterswlrd · 4 years
Blood Is Thicker
tw:signs of an unhealthy relationship, sorta kinda big age gap (24 and 19).
You were innocent, well you made sure to pass off as innocent especially to your enemies and by all means your brother.
Your brother was especially overprotective when it came to dating. He wanted you to date the complete opposite of someone like him. You tried to, you tried to find somebody on your college campus who was like that but it just didn't work. Yongguk didn't like them either.
It didn't matter anyways.
You already have a boyfriend,your relationship was rocky sometimes but you loved him regardless. Jongup is one of your brothers most skilled workers, he got the job done and he got it done well. Maybe thats what you liked about him, how he gets what he wants easily.
Yongguk seemed to hate Jongup, if he saw you two together anywhere he'd always separate you two. He didn't trust jongup as if he wasn't working for him, which puzzled you.
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"I don't recall asking.." Yongguk basically growled.
"Why can't I go?" You asked.
Yongguk sighed "You're a child, and I'm not letting you go anywhere with a criminal"
"Like you aren't one?" Yongguk slammed his hand on the table making you flinch. "You're not going to some party, I won't be at, you don't know who will show up" You rolled your eyes "Whatever" you muttered leaving his office. "I have a final tomorrow anyway" You lied.
You were 19 now not 9, you no longer had to listen to him even though he'd be hurt. Since you've been seeing Jongup, you've had to lie a lot more. Claiming college was getting in the way of you seeing your beloved brother when in actuality it was Jongup. He hated Yongguk just as much Yongguk hated him.
You walked into your room to see Jongup chilling on your bed texting whoever. "He said I couldn't go.." You mumbled with a scowl on your face. "Why are you listening to him again? You're grown remember?" You shrugged. "Its like you put him over me, as if he love's you. When its clear he doesn't" You rolled your eyes and let out a heavy sigh.
"Didn't I say stop that?"
"It's true, I don't know why you don't listen to me when I tell you I'm the only one that loves you"
"Maybe..." You nodded in realization.
"Good, so maybe you should get dressed for tonight."
"Maybe I should.." You whispered going into your closet and finding something to wear.
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You held onto Jongup's hand as tightly as you could. You didn't recognize anyone at the party you were at. Jongup laughed as planted a kiss on your forehead "Chill baby, it's just a party. Just go sit down somewhere." He looked across the room at somebody and nodded. "I'll be back sit right here" He sat you down on a oddly damp couch. The stench of weed and liquor stung your nose.
You heard yelling, lots of it, and with yelling comes gunfire from where you're from so you automatically hit the deck. You watched as bullets painted the room and naked girls wrapped up in bed sheets run down the stairs trying to escape whatever was going on up there. You watched ass glass broke and more and more people fell down.
You frowned as you felt something wet run down your stomach. You looked at the white t-shirt you were wearing it was stained with red. Your body shook registering the pain. "JONGUP" You screamed paralyzed by the pain. You felt your vision blur and black dots clouded your sight. "Please" You yelled out weakly.
The last thing you saw was Jongup darting down the stairs with some girl. He took one look at you and cursed silently. He looked at you one last time before leaving the now shot up house.
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Yongguk stood in the hospital waiting furiously, 3000 things running through his mind. He blew up Jongups burner and his regular phone with no response. He felt stupid for leaving you alone. He regret every single time he left you or ignored you or let you down.
Jongup walked in fronting a sad face. He walked in the through the automatic doors looking concerned. "Where is she?" He asked Yongguk. Yongguk smirked "More importantly, where were you?" He grabbed Jongup by his collar and dragged him to one of the private grieving rooms. He shoved him down into a chair and sat across from him. "Like I was saying," Yongguk took a glock out his pocket and looked up at Jongup who seemed scared.
"Oh you must have left your gun elsewhere, no problem" Yongguk chuckled. "I-i was in the b-b-bathroom"The younger stammered. Yongguk pressed the cold metal againist Jongups head "Wrong answer, try again"
"I said i was in the bathroom" Jongup said with more confidence. "Please, I can smell the perfume all over you" Yongguk shook his head "It's a shame to see my best worker go...but blood is thicker than water" Yongguk pressed the trigger but when the door opened he quickly hid it in  his pocket.
"Are you two the family of Y/N Bang?" The nurse asked
The two boys nodded.
"I have some bad news...."
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B.A.P “Coming home from the military and surprising their Idol S/O at their concert”
Ask:  Hiii :) can you B.A.P(especially yongguk) reaction to he suprises his very famous idol girlfriend at her concert with his homecoming from military? Thank you.
A/N: So I decided I won’t be adding Himchan. I kinda feel bad considering idk if he’s guilty or not but yeah. If it turns out he’s innocent I PROMISE I will go back and add parts for him.
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Guk would have preferred to come home privately, but things were the way they were. Your company had scheduled your first solo concert on the same day as his discharge date. The first agreement was just that you would go straight to him after your concert. But Yongguk wanted to see you as fast as he could.
 He put his own feelings to the side and decided to surprise you on stage. Towards the end of your concert, before the final song, you took a seat on the edge of stage. You always felt a good connection with your fans and it was your first solo concert after all.  
“I’m going to level with you all, you all know that Yongguk got discharged today. I haven’t had the chance to see him yet. I missed him a lot.” You paused and Yongguk watched from the side of the stage, waiting for the right moment to surprise you. “I am so greatful to have you all here today and that I can share this moment with you all.” Yongguk started walking on stage, a few loud gasps coming from the audience as he walked down the stage to where your back was facing him. 
You kicked your feet slightly, cheers coming from the crowd leaving you confused when you felt arms wrap around you. You just turned, wrapping your arms around his neck not even needing to see him to know it was him. You nearly dropped your mic, trying everything in your power not to cry. 
“I love you.” He whispered and pecked your lips before leaving the stage again so you could finish your show. You were a mess in tears, putting the mic up to your lips only to sigh and put it down again, your audience laughing before telling you not to cry. 
“I really wasn’t expecting that.” 
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You were a well known ballad singer and you were having a small concert for your fan cafe members in Korea. It was just a small little thing that you wanted to do and it was a very personal show. Sadly, the venue your company wanted to use was only available on Daehyun’s discharge date. You had been busy all day, keeping up with the news of his discharge while also going through soundchecks and stage prep. You had agreed to see eachother the next day, just understanding that the day was too busy and hectic. 
The venue was small but full and you couldn’t help but smile. Your boyfriend was back, your fans were there and you were singing your personal favorite songs along with some new ones. While sitting in a stool infront of everyone. You could even recognize some of your fans which was amazing. You just wished you could share this moment with Daehyun. 
“So this next song is a song I made with my boyfriend Daehyun, you all know him. Today was his discharge day, I haven’t got to see him yet but soon I hope we can perform this together.” You started, feeling slightly sad but also overwhelmed. 
You started singing your song, the sweet words pouring from your lips. Another voice mixed with your through the speakers and you noticed your fans getting very excited as you heard Daehyun’s sweet voice coming from next to you. You did everything in your power not to cry and you just stopped singing, allowing his voice to fill the venue and your ears as you hugged him, sobbing into his shoulder softly while the fans coo’d in awe. 
“Stop crying my love, let’s sing our song.”
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Youngjae never really told you his discharge date, he always evaded the question and answered with “Around __.” Which you were fine with. You had a concert scheduled in the same month and considering you hadn’t heard anything else about his discharge dates. 
Youngjae had planned that since the start, wanting to surprise and it was only better that it was during your concert. He wanted to go big, surprise you and it was one of your concerts so he knew it would be documented. It was just perfect in his opinion. 
So there he stood, behind you while you did the choreo to your song. You were having a great time and Youngjae couldn’t help but admire how happy you looked. Your back was facing him and so he stepped onto stage, mimicing your dance moves with a smile as the crowd laughed. Your back up dancers were aware of his surprise and they stepped away as he got closer. He was still mimicing you until he wrapped his arms around your dancing, singing figure. 
It terrified you at first, only then you realised it was Youngjae and you nearly dropped to the floor. The big smile on his face warming your heart. “What are you?- I don’t know-.” You stuttered, not being able to finish any sentences you started. He wrapped his arms around you while laughing and you smacked his chest. Making him step back jokingly. 
“I surprise you and you beat me, how is that fair?” 
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Jongup generally wanted to keep things private in your relationship. You guys were public and you weren’t afraid to be seen together either. You felt horrible that your concert had been scheduled on his discharge date. You called him crying apologizing profusely, only making him laugh. It wasn’t that big of a deal to him, but he thought it was cute. 
Once he had convinced you it was okay and you had made plans for the next day, he got on it. He wanted to surprise you and show you that he was proud of you and so he was contacting your managers to arrange something. 
So there Jongup was standby on stage, heart pounding in his chest as you poured your heart out in song. The song you were singing was particularly emotional and he could tell you were on the verge of tears. Taking a deep breath, he made his way on stage and put the mic to his lips, joining your song. 
The movement from your right made you turn your head. Your mic drop out of your hands in surprise and Jongup started laughing, carrying your part of the song with his own sweet vocals. You picked the mic up and quickly apologized and just hugged him. Tucking your face into his neck as he sweetly sang your song. Jongup held you close with his free hand and pulled you into him tighter. 
“I told you everything would work out.” 
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You felt bad that you were going to miss Junhong’s discharge day. But it was a big day for you as well, your first solo concert ever. He had reassured you everything was fine and that you would just go and spend the night with him after. You still felt bad but you two just agreed. 
Junhong however just wanted to surprise you. You had a few tracks with a rap feature and he figured he knew them anyways. Instead of letting the track play he would do them and surprise you. 
So there you were, on stage and dancing and singing your hearts fill. Junhong couldn’t hold back his smile as you did so and mentally prepared the verse for your song. You couldn’t help but pause when you heard live rapping. You knew that voice all too well. 
You turned, seeing Junhong standing there rapping to your song. You covered your face and had to hold back from jumping on him. So you just stopped your choreo and ran to hug him. He laughed into the mic, picking you up and kissing you. You looked at him with the brightest smile. 
“I kind of had to see you.” 
A/N: I got really emotional writing this. So yeah.  Uh like I said, once more comes out about Himchan’s case i will add him to these, or not depending on which way it swings. 
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
The Perfect Gift (M)
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Genre: smut, romance, mpreg Pairing: Zelo x Ren Word Count: 3K Summary: After finding his master and living a happy life, Ren and Zelo were granted the perfect gift for their new life together.
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Ren grinned as he was lifted off the couch and carried up the stairs. “Where are we going?” He asked, legs wrapping around Junhong’s waist.
“To the bedroom.” Junhong smirked. “I'm in a mounting mood.” He cooed and winked at him. Pushing open the door to his room, Junhong laid the kitten down on the bed and climbed over him. “And tonight you're all mine.” He cooed softly as he dipped and kisses Ren’s lips deeply.  Ren returned the kiss and moaned out as he slipped his arms around Junhong’s neck.
“Master~” he whispered against the other’s lips, his body moving and pressing up against the wolf’s body. Their hips connected and rocked together, their growing erections rubbing together, pulling moans from their lips. Ren pulled back from the kiss and bit his lip, his blackish blonde ears pressing back against his head. “Please mount me.” he begged softly. Junhong smirked and reached down and grabbed Ren’s shirt and pulled it up and over his head.
“Don’t worry baby. I will.” he said. Leaning back down, he took a dusky nipple between his lips and licked over, a smirk playing on his lips as Ren gasped and arched into his touch. Fingers tangled into his hair and he bit down on it lightly.
“Master!” Ren cried out, back arching as his head fell to the side. “Oh my god.” he panted and groaned, hips rolling, seeking friction from the other. “Don’t stop. That feels so good.” he muttered. Humming, Junhong switched to the other nipple and sucked on it harshly, biting and licking at the nub, pulling more cries of pleasure from the other. Pulling back, he licked his lips and let his eyes roam over the kitten’s body before he was working open the other’s pants quickly and pulling them down and off along with his underwear.
“You’re so hard baby.” Junhong cooed and smirked, licking his lips. His hand wrapped around the straining cock, a chuckle leaving him as Ren moaned and bucked into the hand.
“Oh god master!” he moaned and wiggled on the bed. “Always hard for you. You make me feel really good.” he panted. His hands moved and gripped at the sheets as Junhong pumped his cock quickly. His cock gave a few hard twitches as it grew harder. “Please.” he whispered, his legs spreading wide, exposing his pink twitching hole. “I need you.”
Junhong groaned softly and released the other’s cock. Sitting up fully, he stripped out of his clothes quickly, eager to get between the other’s legs and to bury his cock deep inside the kitten he had come to love. Ren sat up slightly on the bed and watched him, his eyes glued to the hard, thick cock exposed.
“So delicious master.” he whispered.
“And ready for your tight little ass.” Junhong smirked as he moved between the parted legs. He gripped the base of his cock and rubbed the head teasingly against Ren’s ass, smirking at how the other seemed to get wet need. “Such a little submissive slut. You’re just begging for my cock aren’t you?” he cooed out. Ren nodded his head quickly, soft moans leaving him as he pressed his hips down on the cock, wanting to feel it pushed into him.
With a quick thrust, Junhong pushed all the way in and leaned down, kissing Ren deeply, muffling his cry of pleasure. Their lips parted and tongue tangled together as Junhong started a quick and harsh pace, thrusting his cock deep inside the other. Sliding his tongue against Ren’s, Junhong reached down and gripped his thighs, lifting the other’s thighs and getting better leverage, pushing in deeper, his cock pressing deeper inside the other.
Breaking the kiss, Ren cried out and bucked down. “Oh my god!” he shouted. “Master right there! Please, give me more!” he begged. Junhong gave a growl and leaned in and bit at Ren’s neck, pulling another cry from the other as he thrust harder, aiming for the other’s prostate with hard thrusts. Whimpering softly, Ren wrapped his arms around Junhong’s neck, nails raking down the other’s back as he clawed from the pleasure. He could feel something pressing against his hole, stretching it slightly more with each thrust.
“Gonna...fucking breed you.” Junhong breathed out against Ren’s ear, making the kitten shiver in pleasure.
“Yes...please. Breed me, Junhong.”  Ren gasped out. His body bent and molded against Junhong’s as the pleasure mounted inside his body. His hole was stretched wider and Ren whimpered. “It’s...big.” he managed out.
“That it is.” Junhong panted, hand reaching down to wrap around Ren’s cock, stroking it quickly. “It’s gonna fill you up so well. And I want you to cum for me.” he hissed out, his thumb swiping against the sensitive head, the cock twitching heavily.
“Yes~! I’m going to cum! Master!” Ren cried out, a loud shout of pleasure leaving him as Junhong gave a hard thrust, his knot pushing forward into his hole. Ren jerked as he started cumming hard into his hand. Junhong grunted in pleasure and panted as he stilled. His knot pulsed and his cock twitched as he emptied himself inside the withering kitten.
“Minki~” he groaned out, his lips finding the other’s as he kissed him deeply. Ren kissed back happily, his body relaxing under Junhong’s as he held him close, their lips moving slowly over each other. Pulling back slowly, Junhong stared into Ren’s eyes and he smiled softly. “You’re so beautiful.” he whispered.
Ren flushed slightly and leaned in, kissing his lips once more. “I love you too.” he whispered and yawned slightly. “Mmm that was really amazing.”
“That it was.” Junhong chuckled. He shifted them carefully, his cock still locked inside the kitten’s body. He grabbed their covers and pulled it over their bodies as they settled down. “Nap time.”
“Totally.” Ren chuckled and smiled as he snuggled against Junhong. “Mmm, sleep well master.”
“I will.” Junhong muttered and pressed a kiss to Ren’s head. “You too baby.”
“I always do when I sleep with you.” Ren whispered and nuzzled him gently. They stilled as they slowly drifted off to sleep.
Ren loved being bred. They had at least two more sessions before they finally took a break. Most Ren used that time to catch up with friends and do some exciting activities. But as the weeks wore on he noticed he was feeling sicker and strange. It wasn't anything too bad at first. A few false alarms of vomiting, a little bit of fatigue.
But the symptoms grew bigger and more frequent and after about a month of suffering through it all, Junhong and Ren finally found out the reason for these sudden changes.
“I'm fat!” Ren huffed as he poked his stomach, glaring at it. But it was fat that he was used to. He couldn't punch it and jiggle it. It was firm and well placed on his stomach. It was slight though, barely noticeable unless he was standing there shirtless. Though it was more visible from the side.
Junhong walked over and stared at the other for a moment before running his hand over the stomach gently. “I think you look fine.” He commented and smiled. “Though I never thought it would actually happen.”
“What? What happened?” Ren asked confused. “I never thought I would get fat either. I guess I'll just have to start exercising again to work it off.” He hummed in thought.
“No. Don't do that.” Junhong said sternly, staring into the kitten’s eyes through the mirror. “You'll hurt him. Or her.”
“Him or her?” Ren's brows furrowed together trying to make sense of what the other saying. “What?”
“Minki…” Junhong sighed softly. “I have been breeding you. Feeding you my cum. I didn't think it was possible but I guess it is. I knocked you up.” He said and stroked the other’s stomach gently.
“I-I'm pregnant?” Ren asked after a few moments of silence had passed. He stared at his belly as the symptoms started clicking suddenly and his eyes widened. “You…”
“Yeah. Apparently.” Junhong shrugged. “Didn't think it would. But hey! Now we know.” He said and cracked a small smile.
Turning in his heels, Ren threw his arms around Junhong’s neck and he kissed him happily. “Oh master! I love you!” He purred out happily, eyes dancing with happiness. “We'll keep it right?”
“Of course!” Junhong said quickly. “That's not something up for discussion. We keep the baby.” He nodded quickly. “And I promise to be the best master to you as possible.” He told the other, slipping his arms around the kitten's waist and hugging him close to his body.
“I love you, Minki.”
Ren let out a soft purr as he hugged back and nuzzled against Junhong’s neck lightly.
“I love you too, master. So much!”
Ren thought pregnancy was going to be great. His master loved him, they were expecting a child. Life couldn’t be better. That was until the weird cravings started. It started with just simple things he hadn’t eaten before. A different kind of ice cream, or different vegetables. And slowly it morphed into weird foods mixed together. And the cravings happened at all hours of the day, making it really hard for Junhong to concentrate on work.
Junhong wasn’t one to drop everything and tend to the need of his kitten. Not at all. He knew Ren was fully capable of taking care of himself and getting the things he needed. But it wasn’t just the food cravings Ren was going through that worried Junhong from time to time, it was the wild mood swings. The kitten already tended to have fluctuating moods, but ever since he got pregnant, his moods changed rapidly and it scared Junhong. Because one minute Ren could be nice and calm and the next he could out of control and angry.
And that sort of mood was not what Junhong wanted to see the other in when he was driving on the road. Not just for the safety of the other people, but for the safety of Ren as well as their baby. So Junhong did his best to keep things stocked in the house and if something wasn’t there, he would drop everything and go out and get it for Ren. And Ren would thank him for doing it each and every time.
Pregnancy wasn’t easy, not for any of them.
Rolling onto his side, Ren groaned and held his stomach, rubbing it lightly. It had grown bigger in the past few weeks. Bigger than he had ever thought it could grow and it amazed him to think inside was his baby. That each strange sensation he felt was the baby moving. It excited him, yet scared him. There were so many unknowns about this pregnancy. The biggest one concerning how he was going to deliver. He also wasn’t sure if everything he was going through was normal or not. He was a male kitten that was pregnant and as far as he knew, it was something most likely impossible. But here he was, carrying a little kitten inside him. Was the kitten developing alright? Was it healthy or was it sick? These questions worried Ren greatly.
“Minki.” the voice had Ren lifting his head and turning, looking back at Junhong as the other stood in the doorway. “Hey baby. How are you feeling?” he asked as he walked into the bedroom and over to the bed. Sitting on the edge, he reached out and stroked his head gently.
“What are you doing home so early master?” Ren asked softly and smiled at him. He leaned into the stroking, soft purrs leaving him.
“I wanted to come to check on you.” Junhong smiled and leaned in and kissed his head gently. “How are you doing? How is he?” he asked, hand slipping over to rub Ren’s belly gently.
“I’m fine.” Ren said and smiled. “Him? How are you so sure it’s a boy? Hmm?” Ren asked teasingly.
“I just know.” Junhong winked at him and chuckled. “Glad you’re feeling okay love.’ he whispered and kissed his head softly.
Ren nodded and hummed softly as he laughed. “I bet it's gonna be a girl.” He said softly. “She'll be a perfect mixture of both of us and she'll just be absolutely perfect.” He chuckled and mewled as he felt a kick.
“Ah.” Junhong gasped softly, eyes wide as he felt the small series of kicks, a soft smile gracing his lips. “So active.” He whispered, fingers gently rubbing over his stomach.
“Very. She's been making it very hard to get comfortable to rest.” Ren commented and carefully rolled into his back, letting out a deep sigh. Junhong chuckled as he stared at the swell of Ren’s stomach.
“Well, it shouldn't be much longer. “I was trying to do some research on this and you'll probably only be pregnant for another couple of weeks. Cats are usually pregnant for about 9 weeks or so.” He said.
“Really? No wonder I feel like a bloated cow.” He commented and laughed Junhong following. “She's-”
Ren rolled his eyes and smirked. “She’s grown so much in a short amount of time.” He said and nodded to himself. “So just a few more weeks? Junhong what are we gonna do about a nursery?” He questioned and looked at the other.
“Don't worry about it, Minki.” Junhong told him and stroked his head gently. “I got it taken care of. You just focus on you okay?” He asked and Ren nodded his head with a small smile.
“Okay.” He said and smiled. “Also, I'm hungry. Can you make me a bowl of pickles and ice cream?” He asked. Junhong's face paled, but he smiled slightly.
“Sure babe.” He said and got off the bed and headed out of the room. Ren giggled to himself as he watched the other's retreating form. He knew that Junhong hated all the weird cravings he had, and it amused Ren greatly.
If it weren't for the pain, Ren would be laughing at how crazy Junhong was going. It had been cute at first, his master running around trying to get things together. But as his labor progressed and he felt more and more pain, Junhong’s worrying nature was just right hilarious. He had never seen his master trip over his own feet before, let alone blame a stuffed toy for it.
“Are you sure you're okay?” He asked and peered down at the other.
“I'm fine.” Ren said and smiled softly. “The doctor just gave me the injection. It'll kick in soon and the pain will fill away.” He told him and sighed softly.
Leaning down, Junhong kissed him deeply, cupping his cheek gently. Pulling back, he stared down at him and smiled softly. “You're so strong Minki.” He whispered. “It just amazes me at how well you're taking this.”
Ren chuckled. “I know. But I have to do it. It's my body she's in.” He said and stroked his stomach, groaning softly. “Oh god. Almost time baby girl.”
“Boy.” Junhong teased and winked as Ren chuckled.
“Almost time.” He muttered and groaned, letting his close as the pain spiked slightly as another contraction hit him. He took deep and slow breathes, a small smile leaving him as he heard Junhong do the same, going through the breathing exercises with him.
Reaching out, he took Junhong’s hand and held it tightly, bringing it up and kissed it lightly. “I love you master.” He whispered.
“I love you too.”
Junhong paced the floors back and forth. The doctors had ordered him out halfway through the delivery and he was scared. He didn't know what was going on. All he knew is that Ren didn't want him to go. The other had such a death grip on his hand, yet had been forced to let go of him.
He had hoped things were going alright. He hoped nothing was wrong. And if it was, though it was selfish and horrible of him to even suggest it, he would rather the doctors let the baby die or whatever and save his kitten. Ren meant the world to him and they could always have another child in the future. If he lost his kitten, one of his best friends, he wouldn't know what he would do to himself.
As time wore on, a sick feeling washed over home and Junhong thought he might just hurl right there, but he held it back. He took a few breaths and composed himself. He had to stay strong, regardless of what he was feeling. He needed to be strong for Ren.
It felt like an eternity, but it was only 30 minutes before a nurse came out and called him back. He braced himself to hear a crying Ren. Or a crying baby but his kitten not there. He was braced for horrible news, but as the door was opened and he stepped into the room, he was created with the most beautiful sight ever.
“Minki.” He breathed out in relief. Ren looked up and smiled at him happily, his face still covered in a light sheen of sweat, hair mused and stuck to his face. He held in his arms a small child wrapped in a pink blanket.
Damn it. Ren had been right. It was a girl.
“Master.” Ren called and Junhong moved quickly to the bed and smiled happily. Junhong reached out and moved the blanket slightly and stared at the beautiful flushed face of his daughter. Her eyes were closed as she slept peacefully in her mother’s arms. On top of her heard were cute little black ears and Junhong couldn't help the coo that left him at the sight of her.
“She's gorgeous!” He said and turned to stare at Ren. Leaning in, he kissed him passionately and sighed contently. “Thank you, Minki.” He whispered.
“Anything for my master.” Ren cooed softly and looked down at the little baby and smiled. “She's perfect. So perfect.” He whispered and purred contently as he leaned in and kissed her head.
“Very perfect.” Junhong agreed. “But next you're having a boy.” He said.
“Next time?” Ren asked as he raised a brow.
“Oh yeah. I'm not stopping until I have at least one son.” He laughed and Ren shook his head.
“If you say so master.” Ren giggled and laid back in the bed and stared at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Tags: @channiesmixtape​ @jisungsjheekies​ @juicylivy​
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Idol Advent - Day 22
For the first twenty-five days of December we will be opening up a door on the Idol Advent tree to see who is behind it and waiting with a drabble to share!
To find out who is there for Day 22, click the keep reading!
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Snow Falls – Zelo / Junhong
You were hurrying through the park, hoping that taking this shortcut would get you out of the cold and back in your warm apartment sooner.
If there was one thing you hated most, it was snow. It was cold, it felt funny shifting under your boots and it slowed everything else down. You didn’t like driving in it, which was why you took the subway to and from work, and you never understood why people frolicked around in it unnecessarily. Sure, kids found it magical, but you couldn’t wait for it to melt away completely.
Side-stepping around a water fountain, you continued on your trek towards your apartment block when you tripped over something hidden by the snow.
But instead of falling face-first into the powdered surface, you felt someone hold you up. When you looked behind you, the first thing you noticed was he was really tall. And that his lopsided grin was possibly the cutest thing ever.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh, I think so, thank you!”
“No problem, the snow is a bit of a hazard around here. You never know what’s hidden beneath.”
“I thought this would be quicker but it looks like I should stick to the sidewalk instead.”
“Why? Life is a bit of an adventure, right? You need to try new things to decide if you like it or not.”
“Well, I hate snow.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell,” he teased and despite being a stranger, you gaped at him.
“Let me guess, you like it?”
“If I wasn’t out here throwing snowballs with my –!”
He suddenly jumped on you, and you felt a force hit his body as you both jolted forward. You stared at him as he started to laugh again.
“Oh my God, are you okay?! Who does that?!” you exclaimed, looking around the man and scowling at his friend.
He held out his hand. “I’m Junhong. And if I wasn’t out here playing, you would have fallen face-first into that snow there. So isn’t it good one of us doesn’t mind the snow?”
“Junhong,” you started before bending down and scooping some snow up with your gloved hand and pressed it into his jacket. “Thank you, again.”
“It’s my pleasure. And if you want to learn how to actually make a snowball, I’ll see you here tomorrow.”
To read who is next, check back at 8am NZST daily.
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Making Up With Mom [Jongup and Junhong]
This follows the Child Makes Mom Cry. Junhong’s is super long... I apologize for that. I may edit later... I wrote this at 1 am and half asleep. 
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If it wasn’t one thing with Maddy, it was another. Between dealing with her daughters’ rebellious streak, she was under pressure with her small home craft shop and finances. Her work load had all but doubled and she regretted a little too late when she agreed to take on so many clients at once. Along with her shop, she was also struggling to send steady funds to her parent’s who had fallen on hard times with the farm. 
Of course, Maddy confided in her husband about the pressure she felt, but she didn’t voice how emotionally overwhelmed she felt. But, she didn’t need to say it, Jongup knew... Not only him, but their twins, Hana and Dana could tell something was wrong with their mom. Maddy was vocal and high spirited, so when they caught their mom zoning out and forcing a smile, the girls worried. Especially Dana who had always been closer to her mom when she was younger.
So, one day while their mom was out buying material for projects, the girls decided to ask their dad about their mom. They found him stretched out on the couch in their living room, his eyes shut as he relaxed. Dana swallowed hard as she took a step to her dad,  “Hey dad.” Jongup’s eyebrow rose for a second as he let out a hum in response, his eyes still shut. “We were wondering... what’s wrong with mom?”
Jongup let out a sigh as he opened his eyes and glanced at the twins, “Why do you want to know?” His voice was cold. The girls shrunk back slightly knowing he was still upset with them for the stunt they had pulled a couple days prior.
Hana bit her bottom lip as she sucked in a breath, “Because she’s our mom... I know what I--what we said was horrible... We don’t like seeing mom sad.”
Jongup sat up on the couch as he scratched the back of his neck, “You didn’t have that hard of a time seeing her sad when you were disrespectful to her a couple days ago, Hana.” Her head fell forward as she glanced down at her feet. Dana wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to make herself smaller than she already was. The two of them fell into an awkward silence as Jongup stared at them. Eyeing them long enough, Jongup cleared his throat, “Sit and I’ll tell you.” The girls sucked in a breath as they took a seat on either side of their dad.
After getting a short summary of their mom’s stress, the girls set out to make plans to cheer their mom up. Maddy did everything in her power to cheer up the twins and now it was their turn. The girls told their dad about their plans and after getting the okay, the girls got everything together.
Maddy had decided to spend a day at Mia’s bookstore to get her mind off her stress and didn’t return home until about 4. She unlocked the front door, but paused outside the door. She felt heaviness weighing on her once more and she heaved a sigh. Her tears swelled in her eyes and Maddy let out a silent curse as she looked up to keep them from falling. “Get it together” she gave her cheeks a couple of slaps before she opened the front door. “I’m home...” Her voice no higher than a mouse. 
There were heavy footsteps heading her way. She took off her shoes and shrugged off her jacket as the twins appeared before her slightly out of breath. “Welcome home!” They grinned.
Maddy cautiously placed the jacket in the hall closet as she eyed her two daughters who had ignored her existence since the grounding. “Thank you?” 
Dana stepped forward and held out her arms to her mom, “Can I have a hug?” Maddy shut the closet door before she approached her youngest and hugged her. Dana tightened her grip around her mom and pressed her head into Maddy’s upper chest. “Your hugs are always the best” Dana whispered before she pulled away from her mom. 
Hana stood there awkwardly for a moment before she cleared her throat, “Come on, we got the house to ourselves. Dad is staying at Uncle Daehyun’s place for the night.” She headed into the living room followed by Dana who pulled their mom with her. 
Maddy entered the living room to see pillows thrown out on the floor, lights strung up above with sheets hanging over the pillows like curtains in front of their tv. “TA-DA!” 
“What’s all this?” Maddy chuckled weakly.
Hana looked back at her mom and gave her a kind smile, “Mommy Daughter night? It’s been some time since we’ve done it. We ordered pizza and decided that we should watch the Notebook--and any other movie you want too.” 
“We wanted to apologize for our behavior too, but we didn’t know how.” Dana shuffled her feet, “We didn’t want to--Hey, wait why are you crying, mom?” 
Hana’s and Dana’s eyes widened as they saw tears fall down their mom’s face. Hana froze up seeing her mom’s tears. Maddy reached up quickly and wiped the tears away only to be replaced with more. She let out a pathetic chuckle, “I don’t know... I’m sorry, girls. I don’t mean to c--” Maddy was cut off by her oldest suddenly throwing her arms around her. 
“We didn’t mean to make you cry again. We just wanted to see you smile again” Hana’s words were rough as she spoke. “I’m really sorry for being such a terrible daughter.” 
“Hey now” Maddy tsked as she pulled away from Hana who had her own tears, “I don’t have terrible daughters. Bull headed and very stubborn, yes, but not terrible.” Maddy reached out and wiped the tears on her daughter’s face. “A terrible daughter wouldn’t build a pillow fort and kick their dad out the house for a night to be with their mom. I appreciate this, really.” Dana approached them and Maddy immediately reached out to pat her head. 
That night, while watching their movie marathon, Maddy found herself fast asleep with her daughters on either side of her cuddle up close to her.
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“Are you sure? I really don’t want the kids to try to take advantage of you again” Junhong repeated for the umpteenth time that hour. “I can at least take the twins. I’ll be with Christian and he really likes having them around.” His arms circled around his wife and closed around her abdomen. His head rested on her shoulder before he pressed a kiss against her neck. 
Kiara hummed as she pushed around the stir-fry in the pan before her. “I’m fine, babe. If I have a problem I can call Deja. If you want to release your album on time, you need to focus on it.” She leaned back against his chest and looked up at him. The unsure expression on his face was hard to miss and she couldn’t help the smile that graced her lips. She turned off the surface before she shimmied around in his arms to face him. She reached up a hand to him and her thumb brushed against his cheek, “Trust me, yea? They’re my kids too. I should know how to parent at this point.” It would be a lie if Kiara wasn’t a bit nervous being with their kids alone for a couple weeks again. She knew how her kids were on their worse behavior and she felt powerless as they had walked all over her. However, she also knew Junhong couldn’t be the only disciplinary...
Junhong gave her a warm smile before he pecked her lips, “Okay, but you know I’m a call away. I’ll drop my music if I need to for you, okay?” He pulled her closer and kissed her again and again.
Kiara let out a laugh, “Okay, just go before Christian blames me for you taking forever.” Junhong gave her one last kiss before he headed out the door. 
One Saturday, Kiara was preparing to leave for work when the babysitter called out due to an illness. She got off the phone with a stressed look on her face as her oldest entered the kitchen.
“Mornin’ momma” Grace pressed a kiss on her mom’s cheek before heading to the coffee.
“Yea, you too dear--”
Grace pulled out her mug and turned back to her mom, “What’s wrong, mom?” She frowned as she poured herself a cup of coffee. 
“Babysitter cancelled. I guess I could take the twins to work with me” she sighed knowing how much of a time crunch she would be under just trying to get them to wake up. “I’ll have to cancel my first appointment at least” she picked up her phone once more.
“Whoa whoa!” Grace placed her mug on the counter before she rushed to her mom’s side, “Don’t do that. Mattie and I can watch them.” Kiara shook her head almost immediately causing her daughter’s frown to deepen. “Look mom, I know Mattie and I have been shit kids--”
“My bad my bad” Grace held up her hands with a sheepish smile on her lips. “We can watch two seven year olds. Take them to the park or call Aunt Elfie and have play dates--Oh or call Aunt Kate or Auntie Sisi. We’ll be fine, mom. Trust us.”
Kiara’s lips pursed as she thought about the idea. Her brow creased in response, “I would have agreed to this before, but after last time--”
“Let us prove it to you then. If we screw up this time, then you can never trust us again.” Grace approached her mom, “You can’t take the twins to work. They won’t stay still for hours on end and your customers will want to relax...” 
"Wake up, idiot” Grace tossed a pillow at her brother’s sleeping face startling him awake. 
Matthew shot up in his bed as he fumbled for his glasses in a panic, “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” He growled when he saw his sister leaning against his doorway. 
“We’re in charge of the twins today and I’m not going to be alone when they wake up” she shrugged. “I need help making them breakfast.”
His face twisted with displeasure, “Just feed them stupid cereal.” 
Grace’s arms crossed as she stomped over to Matthew’s bed, “Look here, Mattie” she grabbed his roughly by the collar. “We really hurt mom last time she was home alone with us. I think we at least owe it to her to make it up to her. Or did you enjoy having mom so upset with us that she was crying...”
A flicker of sadness flashed across Matthew’s face as his head fell forward. He was silent for a moment before he let out an irritated sigh, “Jesus, okay--I’ll help watch the stupid brats.” Grace’s lips pulled to the side as she released her brother and headed out his room victoriously. 
That night, Kiara dragged herself up the walkway to her front door. Her half day at work had turned out to be a grueling ten hour work day. Even Deja was upset that she didn’t just turn down last minute clients, but Kiara heard and saw the desperation for the women. How could she have said no? She paused when she saw her two youngest waiting at the door in their pajamas. 
Aaron was the first to notice her as his moth grew into a wide grin. “Mommy!! MOMMY!” He hollered as Andrew and he bolted to their mom. 
Kiara bent down and caught the two runners. She let out a chuckled as she felt some of her energy return as she held her boys tightly, “What on earth are you two doing out here?”
Andrew pulled away first and rubbed his nose, “Mattie and Gray have surprise for you!” Kiara released Aaron as she stood up once more feeling the aches in her back.
“BIG SURPRISE!” Aaron jumped as his arms shot out over his tiny body. The twins took her hands and lead her to the front door. Aaron opened the front door and poked his head inside, “Momma’s home!” He screamed.
Matt rolled his eyes from the kitchen, “Yea, we couldn’t tell by you screaming outside.” He tossed down the dish towel as he headed into the entrance. “You should go take a bath. Everything will be done soon.” He stated in a matter of fact manner. “And the bath is as hot as the fire gates of hell because I am rightfully convinced all women have risen from such a place.” 
Grace swatted him as she clicked her tongue to her teeth, “Whenever you talk, you always say unnecessary stuff.” She flashed her mom a smile as she nudged Matt back to the kitchen. “Welcome home! Go wash up please. We still need some time.”
Kiara eyed her daughter as she gave a slow nod, “Okay... I’ll be back in a bit.” She gave her daughter a quick hug as she headed to her bedroom. Upon entering her bedroom, she saw petals leading from the entrance of her room to the bathroom. Kiara let out a gasp as she followed the petals to a dimly lit bathroom. Her favorite lavender scented bath bomb had overtaken the smell of the room. Resting on the counter was a wine glass with her favorite wine and a note. She picked up the note and read it:
Enjoy your bath! No need to hurry--and no we didn’t drink our wine.
After the bath, Kiara made her way downstairs to see Matt waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Matt had his usual scowl on his lips, “Grace said to close your eyes and I’ll lead you to the dining room or whatever.” Matt watched his mom take her final step off the stairs and ushered her to close her eyes. He took her hand in his as he guided her into the dining room. Once he situated her where she needed to be, he stepped away, “You can open your eyes--you know if you want to or you know whatever...” 
Kiara’s eyes fluttered open as she looked in front of her. Her eyes widened as she saw an array of her favorite foods on the table with a pie in the middle. She let out a gasp as she took in the sight. “What’s all this for?” 
The kids took their seats as Grace reached over to touch her mom’s hand, “Our apology for being so rude last time dad was gone... We didn’t know how else to show you we were sorry, so we called Aunt Elfie and she sent us recipes of things Nana made you in the past. Mattie made the apple pie.”
Matt looked down at his empty plate to hide the reddening in his cheeks, “You don’t have to go and tell her all that...” His eyes glanced over at his mom’s and he squirmed in his seat. “But yea, sorry I acted rude... I shouldn’t have done that...” 
“Yea, we’re sorry too!” Aaron grinned.
“Idiot... I doubt you know what you are even apologizing for” Matt tsked earning a kick from Grace.
“At least he apologized, stop being a jerk” she hissed. The two glared at one another from across the table earning a laugh from their mom.
She pressed her hand to her mouth, “Let’s just say prayers and eat, yea?” Reluctantly, Grace and Matt agreed still glaring at one another before they bowed their heads to pray.
Part I ||  Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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kpopmalereader · 5 years
finish ; choi junhong
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• summary: superhero au • pairing: superhero!choi junhong x male!reader • word count: 778 • to do
You halt quickly, clutching a USB in your hand. “Yes?”
The person- monster currently terrorizing your surrounding city and making your boyfriend’s and many others lives hell jumps down in front of you. “Mr. L/N. Long-time, no see… Whatcha got there?”
“Something from work.” You attempt to pocket it, playing it cool.
He grabs your wrist, pushing with so much power you feel like the bones in your wrist might crumble. “You’re not a very good liar Mr. L/N… and it’s not a good idea to lie to me.”
“You’re going to ruin the world… you don’t have to do that. There are other ways to get your revenge-”
He cuts you off, fuming at your attempt to pacify him. “No. If I’m not happy, nobody deserves to be happy. And do you know who the first to get his happiness taken away will be?”
“He’ll stop you, even if I’m not around anymore.”
“But while he’s grieving over you, I’ll finish what I need to get done.” He drops the USB on the ground and stomps on it, completely destroying it. “And he can’t save everyone else without that information… and let’s be honest, he’s not the brightest.”
You try not to show him any emotion but the thought of him bringing this world to the point of no return makes your stomach turn. He drags you along and you desperately want Junhong to work on saving the world and not care about you.
But, knowing Junhong as well as you do, you know he’ll want to save everyone starting with you.
You’re sat down on a chair in the middle of a large room and the villain across from you starts pacing, watching the many cameras and screens in front, waiting for your heroic boyfriend to show up. You lean back, coming to terms with the inevitable. Whether or not he shows up, you’re well aware you’re not going to leave the room this time.
“Bingo!” The man ahead of you gives a wicked smile and points a handgun at you. “I’ll let your last words be to him.”
Junhong hears two shots echo through the hallways and time slows. Desperately running through the building, his heart rate picks up and his thoughts become jumbled.
He bursts through a door, not seeing the one behind this, but does notice your hunched body and a pool of blood. You’re coughing and attempting to get up off the ground as he moves over to you.
“Love, love.” He repeats and rips his mask off, looking your body over.
“Junhong…” You try to put his mask back on him but he pushes your hands away. “Junhong, you need to go.”
He shakes his head and rips a part of his suit, pressing it on your wounds. “We have to get you help.”
“You have to go save the world.” You correct, smiling through the pain.
“This is all my fault.” Junhong chokes back a sob and can do nothing but stare at your body. “I promised I would protect you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You reach into your pocket and pull out a spare USB drive. “I kind of had a hunch something might happen to the first one… and that you wouldn’t be able to figure out how to stop this.”
“You’re so smart…” He mumbles, a constant stream of tears running down both your faces. “I can’t do this without you.”
“And the world can’t go on without you.” You lean up and kiss him gently, groaning.
He sniffs and grips your shirt. “We have to get you out of here.”
“Junhong…” You smile.
“No! No!” He shakes his head, staring into your eyes. “You’re not allowed to say goodbye! Don’t die on me!”
You hand him the mask and kiss him one more time, breathing slowing steadily. “I love you. Go save the world, Mr. Superhero. You’ll do great.”
“I love you too.” His voice cracks and breaks. “Thank you, I love you.”
You close your eyes and squeeze his hand twice, going still in his arms. Junhong sobs openly, gripping your hand in one and the USB in his other.
“You’re smarter than I’ll ever be,” Junhong states, looking down at the blood everywhere.
Your blood. And he knows who did it.
He puts his mask back on, aware of the blood on his face and hands and the rips in his suit. He steadies himself against the door before pushing through it, radioing in for an ambulance.
“Someone’s in the base, near my signal.” He physically can’t look back at you, digging his fingernails into his palms. “I have to finish this.”
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
Hadn’t She Told You? (Zelo Hospital AU)
Requested by: a lovely anon
Word count: 7 k+
Genre/warnings: fluff, hurt and comfort. Involves medical conditions of main characters such as broken bones and cancer, so in case uncomfortable with reading such content, reading something else is advised.
Summary: Since the first time he saw her around the hospital, he figured he wanted to strike up conversation. And ever since it turned out she felt the same, things seemed to head into the right direction. That is, until he found out a detail she had never told him about before - like the fact she had a diagnosis with a rather scary name, though it didn’t scare her at all. What frightened her instead was the fact she thought he might leave if he ever found out.
(A/N) In full honesty, I had a hard time approaching this subject at first. I also felt like adding an author’s note because I wanted to say something, but am quite lost in my own words currently. To anyone out there who might be facing any health-related issues, I genuinely wish you all the best and hope everything will eventually turn out fine. 
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"It really does look a lot better than last week, Mr.Choi," the doctor adjusted his glasses, looking down at his papers once more before staring back at Junhong who seemed to be just a little bit less excited about the news than he should probably be, "Still, at least another two or so weeks of bed rest and additional tests and treatments are required for a full recovery. I know that you are required to be back on track as soon as possible, but upon request you were advised to do a definite, full course of treatment before joining your schedules again. We could always rush the process and all, but I really would not want any possible complications to occur, so the decision to keep you here for a little longer was made. It's for the better."
The doctor hadn't even managed to properly leave the room yet as a familiar head popped out of the doorway. The squint that was directed at Junhong made him smile a little, and as his youngest hyung entered the room, Junhong scooted a little bit closer to the edge of the bed, offering some space for him to sit down on.
"I heard him say two weeks," Jongup said quietly as he sat down, looking at Junhong with concerned eyes, "They're not gonna like it."
"As if they ever like when any of us have issues," Junhong chuckled back a little, looking out the window, "As if they ever care for real. Even now, if it wouldn't be for the public and their frustration about the announcement I'd be joining the next fanmeeting despite my injuries, I wouldn't be here. I'd be out there, doing schedules, no matter if it hurts or not."
It was spring already, and the blossoming leafs, the dim, faded sun and the creatures coming back to life were the only things making his days a little more beautiful and bright now that he was in hospital. His stare stayed directed at the very corner of the window, where the sun poked through branches subtly to greet him with it’s shine. Out of all hospitals, he was lucky to have been brought to this one, as it was more on the small side, and even resembled some type of pretty resort due to it's beautiful surroundings and the overall quiet atmosphere.
"Don't pay attention to it," Jongup made him look back at him, sounding all too serious to be in his normal spirit, "Yongguk hyung already gave a piece of his mind about the situation in public, earning like a wave of agreement that you should rest. I know you were excited for the comeback and all, but believe me. Recovering is more important than pushing yourself and getting to a possible breakdown afterwards. Take your time. We understand, and so do babyz, so does the rest really matter?"
Jongup really went out there, making Junhong's heart feel a little lighter about the situation. He smiled at his hyung again, and without any further conversation, started reaching for his crutches that were leaned against the side table.
"Junhong-ah, what are you doing-"
"The weather's so pretty today," Junhong said happily, already scooting even closer to the edge of the bed to get off, "You won't make me stay here all day, will you?"
It was when he said his farewells to Jongup that day that he noticed her again. Walking a little further in the distance, her profile of a goddess peaking out from between the branches of some bushes as she passed by them, her feet producing a light tapping sound against the cracked asphalt. Jongup was still shedding some last reassuring words, saying that Yongguk had promised to hop by tomorrow while Himchan had stated that he'll come around whenever his additional schedules wouldn't be that tight. Junhong managed to do as much as say his grateful goodbyes in reply, and watch Jongup leaving quietly as he himself leaned back on his crutches and stumbled down the same path beauty itself had walked down just a second earlier right after.
He had seen her around every now and then since he got here a week ago, after the most unfortunate night he’d had in his life so far. It felt quite crazy to him, to know he had been in hospital for a quarter of a month already, but that's what he got for thinking it was a good idea to go and drive around the streets of Seoul mid-night when he couldn’t fall asleep. He really couldn't have guessed that he'd get into a car crash with a drunk driver then and there, and would get himself into such issues because of simply wanting to be alone for one night.
But all he could recall now was the burning pain he felt in every single one of his bones when he lied all cramped up, thrown over the steering wheel of his beyond damaged car after the impact with the other vehicle. The flashing ambulance lights and the paramedics freeing him from the painful state just for him to realize he was in even more pain when moved around. The doctors and nurses rolling him off to get him stitched up in operation rooms. The whole of B.A.P basically throwing themselves at him once he was all fixed and doing all simultaneously - scolding him for getting in such a situation, promising to never ever leave him alone and unattended anymore, and saying how thankful they were than he was alright after all of that. His family was doing the same to him next thing he knew, and he didn’t even mind - he knew he deserved all the scolding, and was grateful for all the love. 
But it was all just a memory now, and the only evidence left was his nastily broken leg that was bandaged up in tons of layers, with the bone having been cracked and split in various places vertically instead of horizontally, and the few stitches up his side that, thankfully, didn't hide an all too dark truth behind them - he indeed looked quite miserable on spot back then, but upon inspecting the wounds, it was thankfully announced that no life-threatening injuries were caused.
He was quite lucky, actually. It could have gone worse.
As he was remembering all of this now, he barely noticed as she took a turn to the left, seemingly heading to the quieter part of the hospital territory. He tried to stay silent and fell back a little, as if not wanting to disturb her. As if not wanting her to see him, since he thought he couldn't just walk up to her and say something crazy.
Something like "So, hey. I have actually been quite depressed about getting into a car crash days prior to my group's comeback, and getting shit from my company didn't help at all. But your pretty face and the way you were always quietly walking around and helping people whenever I looked out the window did help a lot. So did that one time when my incompetent ass had the crutches out of reach, and you were observant enough to notice that I was struggling and kind and caring enough to pass them to me accompanied with a subtle smile. You got me intrigued."
His mind also lingered at her that evening when he was lying in bed and browsing through his phone again, as he oftentimes did now at free times. Yongguk had texted, saying the time of his next day's visit, and after responding, Junhong simply put his phone down on his stomach, crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes.
Two more weeks. Two more weeks, and he'd be out of here. He knew more than well that those two weeks he had to still stay here weren't only because of his weirdly broken leg and his still mildly aching side - they were a story made up so that he wouldn’t feel bad and wouldn’t try to join schedules again as soon as possible, since the guys wanted him to properly recover first. They knew what was best for him, and that was resting. 
The moonlight crept through the windows, and it attracted his attention. The shine was quite pretty, and his mind told him it would be a nice sight to witness while being a bit closer to the window. So, somehow stumbling to the desired desalination, he cracked the window open before sitting down on the sill and staring out, as well as wishing his room would've been located on a higher floor than the first, a bit closer to the source of light.
He saw something moving in the shadows not far away, and his eyes subtly followed the silhouette that was walking past. And, upon realizing who it was, his heart started beating just a little faster.
She was a little surprised to see a guy sitting on a window sill and just staring off somewhere the way he was, but as their eyes locked, she saw he had a lot on his heart and mind. And, despite any assumptions she had, as she'd been seeing him around here in the last week or so and he had always looked like a lovable dork, it was undeniable. Something was burdening his heart, and it could be seen in his sad eyes.
It was a start. A smile at each other, and a wave of his hand that she returned. A way to say that "Hey, I know we both ended up here for different yet probably unfortunate reasons. But you seem sad, and so do I, so maybe, just maybe, we could brighten each other's days a little."
"So, who is she?"
Was he being a creep? Hell, he hoped the kid he'd just casually struck up conversation with didn't think that way, though she didn't seem concerned about Junhong's presence at all, as to her, he probably resembled something among the lines of a kind giant. She was a lovely girl about the age of ten, her hair in two ponytails as she leaned back indefinitely to look at his face.
"A friend," she said, her walk much slower than it was before. He was still on his crutches after all, his movements rather slow and limited, so she showed some understanding and slowed her bouncy walk already a while ago, ever since Junhong saw her conversing, laughing and even hugging with the mysterious girl he'd been trying to chase since he got here before walking off and, well.. Bumping into himaccidentally.
"She is the best roommate I could imagine," the girl said in a happy manner, walking on the thin line that separated the grass from the pavement, "All the nurses are her old friends, even old Mrs. Kang who, in my opinion, doesn’t even remember how to smile, and so is everyone who ever got to know her! God, I want to be like her so much, she is so nice as a person-"
Something darkened in her face all of a sudden, but Junhong barely noticed, still completely mesmerized by the way the little girl talked about her. Though when he finally did, he furrowed his brows and decided to ask her about it.
"Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, I just remembered something!" she said frantically, her head snapping back and looking at the place she just came from, "I completely forgot that I took my kite out, since today looked promising enough to go and fly it! Oh god, I must've left it somewhere."
"No worries," Junhong was glad there wasn't an issue bigger than a simple kite, "Let's walk back to find it. I’m sure it’s still there."
"Are you sure I'm not disturbing you, mister?"
"Junhong. Just call me Junhong, "mister" sounds like I'm hella old already," he chuckled, and saw her face showing a little relief alongside amusement, "And honestly? I have absolutely nothing to do. Like nada. No plans and no ways to spend my free time. So I'd be glad to help."
Halfways through their walk back, a voice he recognized only faintly rang through the air.
He saw her in the distance, smiling and jogging over to them. Kite in hand and an eyes sparkling with happiness, or so it seemed.
"There it is!" Jaeeun happily received her missing item, smiling at the retriever of it, "You indeed are the best!"
Both girls smiled at each other before Jaeeun seemingly remembered about Junhong's existence, and upon turning to him, told him with a smile.
"See, Junhong? That's why I want to be like her. She is the absolute best."
"Oh shush, stop telling lies," her smile widened and her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, which seemed adorable to him, "And remember that you have an appointment at three. Half an hour left, so I'd advise you to go and get ready."
"Okay, I guess you're right," Jaeeun admitted more to herself than anyone else, and next thing he knew, Junhong was left alone with her as Jaeeun ran off into the distance, thanking her one last time for finding the kite before vanishing.
"So, Junhong, huh?"
"I mean, what was I supposed to do? She kept calling me "mister" and I'm not ready to feel that old just yet," he smiled back at her cheekily, seeing how she chuckled in response. He was quite shy, but he figured she was even more shy than him. So upon getting an opportunity to speak, he decided to use it wisely.
"They doctors and nurses already call me Mr.Choi, so I'd love to be simply Junhong again."
She gave him another laugh and this opportunity, promising to call him by name rather than anything else. Giving him her name in return, which he engraved into his mind, loving the sound and feel of it.
"So, any particular reason for conversing with Jaeeun?" she said as they started to walk away, her steps careful next to Junhong who was trying to hold up as fast as he could on crutches.
"She kind of bumped into me earlier and then started apologizing like crazy. And then she remembered about leaving her kite somewhere, and we went looking for it," he said, not lying in the least. She did indeed not watch where she went, yet the bump was much milder than she thought. No damage caused - just a chance for him to find out more about the beautiful girl walking next to him now.
"Oh my, I will make sure to tell her to be a little more cautious when running around," she said, her brows furrowing a little, "That girl's got so much energy, I can barely keep up with her. Sorry if she caused inconvenience."
"No worries, actually, it made the day better," he said, making her raise a brow at him, an amused smirk on her face as she awaited explanation.
"How's that?"
"It's so boring around here, I swear," he whined, making her chuckle at how this lose to meter ninety guy in his early twenties sounded like a tiny, pouty kid, "I'm waiting for my hyung to come visit, but, like.. Before and after that, absolutely no fun. I just wit around, then lie around, and then get scolded for walking around too much."
"But you really shouldn't do that," she told him, her voice displaying a surprising amount of worry and concern, considering the fact he was still a stranger, "You should give your leg some rest.”
“Should I give it a break?”
She laughed out loud immediately at his play of words, her eyes wandering to scan over his amused facial expression, his smile indicating he thought he had just made the joke of the century. Which he kid of had, to her at least, as he had just managed to make himself come off as even more lovable than prior to this conversation. And it would be a lie to say she hadn’t admired him from afar already.
“No, don’t give it more breaks, it’s broken enough already. I heard you had your bone split and broken vertically, which is supposed to be much more painful than a regular broken bone-"
Her eyes widened as she realized she had said too much. He had immediately caught onto the fact she knew a piece of info about him that he hadn’t told her, meaning she got it from somewhere else as it wasn’t written down on a label and stuck to him, and he carefully watched her from the corners of his eyes, seeing as her cheeks flushed and her hand rose to clasp her mouth shut.
"So you've just randomly heard it around the place, hmm?"
"Well, I might have asked a nurse friend of mine after that one time I passed you the crutches, a few days ago.."
His heart fluttered at the fact he had caught her eye enough for her to actually want to find out about who he was. And seeing her blushing so much about it, he wanted to just tell her that it was alright. He didn't mind. In fact, he liked it.
"Thank you for that, by the way. I felt quite helpless back there."
Both of them chuckled, and as they neared around the corner of the hospital, he saw a familiar figure climbing down from a familiar Vespa.
She jumped a little at his sudden outburst of happiness, and her stare trailed to where his had gone to just to notice a skinny guy getting off of a scooter, slowly turning to Junhong and replying to his energetic and hectic waves of his hand with a smaller, less noticeable wave back.
"That's the hyung you were talking about, right?"
Junhong looked down at her and smiled, his smile seeming so warm and inviting. Seeing it up so close was definitely much better than getting quiet glances of it from the distance.
"Yes. My oldest hyung, he's basically like a brother to me."
They both shared a few more neutral phrases paced around for a while, and from the corners of her eyes, she saw Yongguk approaching slowly but steadily.
"I guess I will go now then."
He looked back, a little confused, a little sad. But he quickly understood she felt out of place at this situation, and was understanding for her point of view and her desire not to disturb.
"Okay," was all he replied with, though as she had already turned on her heel and started slowly walking off, he turned to her quickly and blurted out.
"I'll see you around, right?"
She stopped a little and smiled, hoping he asked because he liked her company and not just to be polite, because she sure liked his, as it was mood-lifting and full of positivity.
"I mean, sure. You'll be lonely once again when your hyung leaves, so maybe I could keep you company.."
Yongguk had come with only good news. His backpack was full of gifts given to him or any of the other guys for Junhong by the fans at the recent fansigns, and he promised that the next one to come around to visit would be Daehyun, another two days from now, and he'd bring along Mochii, possibly Kanji as well. Though Junhong wasn't even sure if pets were allowed anywhere neat the hospital territory, he just hoped Daehyun accompanied by two dogs wouldn't be directed back home at the very first gate that lead into the territory. He really, really missed not only his hyungs, but also his dog.
He had to make it to an x-ray this same evening, and simply sat around inspecting what Yongguk had brought him up until then. He barely noticed how it had been hours already as the notification on his phone went off, and he sighed, pacing around and collecting a few things before heading out of the door and into another part of the hospital.
Once he came back, one more surprise awaited him, in the form of a note on the ground that had been slipped into the room through the little space under the door.
I’ll be free tomorrow at six. In case you have no plans and still feel lonely, I’ll be somewhere in the waiting room of your department. W could hang out or something.
Her handwriting was so pretty, and as his fingers traced over the letters of her name she had signed the paper with carefully, he couldn’t help but smile. She had gone all the way here to let him know she indeed wanted to spend some time to him. She had made the efforts to find out where his room was located in order to indeed see him around.
She was actually going to see him again.
He felt like an idiot for having come around half an hour earlier than planned, sitting around on the nearby sofa and patiently fiddling with his fingers at half past five already, but as she walked through the door at a quarter to six, their stares met immediately and their cheeks flushed a reddish shade rather simultaneously.
“And I thought I was early.”
“Well, you are,” he teased, seeing as she blushed even more, “But I was earlier, so I guess I should blush harder than you.”
He chuckled at her face showing indefinite surprise at his cheeky remark, but she took it as a compliment rather than judgement. She took it as him saying he really, really appreciated her coming earlier, as it showed she kind of cared. And he apparently did too.
“There’s more people here than I thought there’d be though, so how about we just go back to my room?”
She nodded quietly, and rushed to him immediately to help him stand up when he did so with mild troubles, as the new cast that had been put on his leg just the same morning felt about a ton heavier than the previous one. But he simply chuckled in reply, thanking her for her concerns and admiring the way she blushed as she realized she had just basically unintentionally thrown her arms all around him. Without further ceremonies, they went down the corridor to get to the desired room.
“Haven’t you mixed up departments, sweetie?”
She smiled kindly at the woman who had just greeted her, and judging by the badge that read “Head nurse, Mrs. Kang”, he assumed this was the never-smiling nurse Jaeeun had talked about, though she didn’t seem all that heartless at all. But maybe it was just because of the person whom she was talking to, as Junhong was certain that no one could have any hard feelings towards someone such as the girl accompanying him this evening.
“Same to you, Mrs. Kang. You have wandered far from your workplace too.”
“I had to get a few papers down to the main office, and just took a shortcut,” she eyed Junhong up and down carefully as he bowed to her a little politely, her brow rising at the sight of them together, “You seem to be here due to having found company elsewhere though.”
“Yes. This is Junhong, my company for the evening.”
“Nice to meet you, young man,” the nurse said before starting to head back to her department through her desired route, “May you two have fun on your date.”
As soon as the word “date” left the nurse’s lips, Junhong saw her yelping at it a little and looking lost beyond belief. And he wondered - was it the fact she didn’t want to deny the statement, or maybe the fact she wanted to deny it as much as possible? He decided to take his chances and risk it, as when they walked further down the corridor, he quietly asked her.
“When was the last time you actually went on a date?”
“Long ago,” her voice suddenly sounded all serious and maybe even melancholy-filled, “Before.. Before certain events happened in my life. Not that I remember all that clearly anymore.”
And quickly understanding that this would be a personal story reserved for her to reveal to him maybe at another time, he simply smiled down at her while unlocking the door to his room, and said.
“In that case I apologize, for this might be a quite unplanned date. As well as I apologize for just taking you to hang out in my room and nowhere fancy. But I’ll do better next time.”
It indeed felt like some weird type of date. For hours upon hours, they were seated on his bed, chatting the time away and laughing at lame jokes. He showed her all the things Yongguk had brought along, bragging about having the best fans and, upon realizing she didn’t catch on or didn’t really know if he was being serious at first, had to explain what he did for a living. She ended up being mesmerized by his stories, even more by his songs, as well as ended up telling him her plans, and the different things that lied in her dreams of the future, and upon listening, he indeed had to admit he was amazed by her. By how fondly she talked of all her dreams, and how determined she was to reach them. As she had been talking for what seemed to be dozens of minutes at once already, she suddenly got quiet upon seeing his dreamy eyes and his longing stare that was directed at her.
“I’m.. I’m sorry.”
“What for?” he questioned, mild confusion displayed in his eyes as he saw her biting her lip and looking down on her hands that were resting on her lap.
“I’m sorry for just, you know.. Babbling so much. I can sometimes be quite inconsiderate of others unintentionally, I doubt you wanted to hear all of that-”
“No, I did,” she stilled all of a sudden when she felt his hands landing on top of hers, the warmth they offered seeming oh so inviting. Her eyes met with his again, and she saw no hard feelings in his stare. In fact, his eyes were sparkling to some extent. They seemed encouraging and as genuine as they could be.
“To be completely honest, I really like your company,” he couldn’t say this bit to her face though, and turned away as he still felt the shyness creeping up and taking over his abilities to strike up a normal conversation, “And whatever you’re comfortable to tell me, you can, you know.. Actually tell me.”
“So you’re saying I could pull out my phone and show you a gallery full of cat pictures commenting every single one and you’d still be interested?” she chuckled, quickly understanding her wrong use of the word “interested”. She meant it as in “interested into conversing”, though it came out as her questioning if he was interested into her as a whole. Though, seeing how his smile unfolded, she felt as if nothing could go wrong at this point. She had just met him yesterday, though he had already managed to make himself feel like a safe zone which she could go to whenever she desired.
“Only if I can pull out my own gallery with dozens of pictures of my dog in response,” she laughed, and smiled to herself as she heard him saying quietly. 
“You can show me whatever. I feel like I’ll genuinely always be interested.”
It was more than just flattering, and whenever she glanced at Junhong, she indeed felt her heartbeat increasing a little. He was clearly in for conversation, in for getting to know her. He was clearly interested.
But for the rest of the evening, she kept on worrying about how interested he would still be if she told him the complete truth. If he knew what department her room was located in, if he knew her reasons for being here, as over the time, this hospital had become more like a home to her than he knew or she liked to admit, and she feared he would see her in a different, more pitiful light if he indeed found out what she was suffering from.
Two weeks flew by faster than he thought they would, and he felt much more mobile and free at moving around when he was scanning all over the room for the last time to see if he hadn’t forgotten anything here. His duffel bag thrown over his shoulder as he leaned on one crutch instead of two now, he felt a light tap to his shoulder from behind that indicated he had to go.
“I’m ready whenever you’re ready,” Youngjae who had come to pick him up and drive him back home announced, holding another one of Junhong’s bags in his hand, “Let’s go.”
He walked through the corridor, feeling as if he would weirdly miss this. For the last two weeks, his world had been turned upside down, and until recently he never knew that a single person could stir such emotions inside of him.
But that’s the power she had over him, and part of the power she had over everyone here, really, as once he befriended her, he saw how much better she was than he thought previously - not that he ever though bad of her. How anyone who engaged into conversation with her seemed just a tad bit more hopeful afterwards, no matter their initial bad thoughts and conditions. How she didn’t fear people because of their injuries or illnesses, and didn’t put a label on anyone prior to knowing them. She was so, so nice, and as he recalled all the late evening talks they’ve had almost every night for the last two weeks, he knew he would miss them.
And upon leaving she was the last thing he saw. Standing and waving at him silently, waiting for him to come up to say something. Something good, preferably, which he indeed did, giving her an embrace and making her blush as his nose stroked against her ear and he whispered to her, so that no one but she would hear.
“I did promise you that second date, right? The fancy one, if you remember. So how about next time we meet I’ll take you out for dinner?”
“I’d love to,” she admitted, and felt him pressing a barely-there kiss to her temple as a thank you.
“Thank you for getting me through the dull days. I was really in need for such company,” he said before pulling away and slowly departing, and as she watched him leaving through the doors with Youngjae who was already bugging him about who this mysterious girl he was all cuddly with just now was, she felt tears brimming at her eyes, though she didn’t let them slide over her cheeks.
What would he think of her once he found out?
He was actually unable to function as he finally heard it. On top of that, from no other that Jaeeun.
“She is where?”
“Getting treatment,” Jaeeun repeated it as if it was the most normal thing in the world, her legs dangling over the edge of the chair she was sitting on. Her curious glance met Junhong’s pained expression, and as soon as she realized he didn’t catch on, she wanted to clarify.
“Hadn’t she told you?”
“N-no, she hadn’t..” Junhong’s glance wandered over and across the floor, his heart clenching and shattering into pieces with every passing second that Jaeeun kept talking on.
“That’s how we first met, actually,” she remembered with a smile, “I was directed here from the children’s department, and since she was alone and without a roommate at that time, she was kind enough to let me stay with her. My parents say it is a good thing I got paired up with her. They said she was nice and responsible, and would be a good influence. My mom actually even became good friends with her. They always talk a lot when they meet.”
Half the information went past his ears as he stared down at the ground, and tried to recall a time she had possibly mentioned it. Hinted it, maybe, though he couldn’t recall the conversation going this way like ever. When they first met, she never told him why she was at hospital too. Hell, he didn’t even know what department she was in back then, as they always spent time in his room and never in hers. And he also never asked just because he saw she didn’t really want to share, and he was polite by giving her privacy.
“Say, Jaeeun,” his voice cracked slightly, to which she gave him an alarmed glance, “What.. What else do you know about it?”
Jaeeun said she didn’t know all that much, as her companion had never been all that vocal about her health condition. Even on her worst days, she would smile through the tragedy and sadness and always come back from appointments, check-ups and treatments in a good mood. Even when others would cry at the situations she went through, she would quietly say it was nothing instead, and would focus on other’s issues not to think about her own. Turns out even on the day when Jaeeun wanted to fly the kite she had gone through morning treatment, and it hurt Junhong to know how he was so, so clueless about all of the pain she had to go through back then.
And as her footsteps filled the hallway, he hoped he wouldn’t let her see him crying, because he sure felt like it.
“J-junhong-ah, what are you d-doing here?”
“I came to pick you up and drive you home,” he said quietly, not looking her in the eyes, “Forgive me for invading your private plans, but.. You left your planner on my kitchen table yesterday, open on this week’s page. An appointment was written in there, and..”
And what? 
He was so concerned when he saw it, a thousand different possibilities running through his head. Back when he had actually taken her out on their first real date, she told him she had one more week left at the hospital before she would be free to go home. And ever since then, life seemed to be normal. They were just regular people. Setting up meetings with each other at places they desired, slowly yet steadily falling in love with each other. Exchanging feelings, eventually sharing a first kiss, then another one and a few more. Starting to call each other sweet names, realizing this was for real. Realizing that what they shared now was a relationship. Realizing they didn’t want it any other way. Like ever.
And through all of this, she showed no signs of health issues whatsoever - not that she let him know of any, at least. And it scared him to the last bone when he actually flipped through her planner upon seeing the lone writing about the appointment, just to find many more identical ones all through the planner. He cared too much not to find out what was wrong after seeing all of that.
“.. And I wanted to see what it was that you had seemingly been hiding from me all this time.”
She didn’t budge, and poor Jaeeun took turns to look at both of you, her head turning from right to left and from left to right as she tried to formulate a fitting and appropriate sentence.
“Junhong, please, don’t be mad at her,” the girl said, seeing as she stood a few feet away still, her eyes threatening to spill some tears as they refused to look back at Junhong, “She simply didn’t want to upset you. She didn’t mean any bad-”
“I know,” Junhong finally said, rising up to his feet slowly, “I know that. I am not mad or anything either. I’m just.. Taken aback.” 
Her hand landed in his, and saying quiet farewells to Jaeeun, they walked through the hospital hallways and out of the building in silence, with Junhong walking half a step ahead from her and not sparing her a single glance. Through their ride home, not a single thing changed, and she felt so empty and hollow while looking out of the passenger seat’s windows, seeing as lamp posts, buildings and people flew by as they drove down some busy streets. She felt like her life was flying by now the same way as well as she wondered what would come. Wondered what he would tell her now.
As they stepped through the doorway of her apartment, they didn’t say a single word to each other while taking off their shoes and hanging up their jackets. Her heart was still aching from this silence he offered her, and as tears threatened to spill once again, she turned to face him and asked him quietly.
“Please, Junhong-ah. Don’t hate me, I.. I really meant to tell you, but..”
His arms wrapped around her without hesitation, securing her in place as he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. And as the tears finally started coming, he carefully wiped all of them away from her cheeks with his thumbs, swinging their frames from side to side and filling the empty void inside their hearts with unconditional love and affection, since he felt like nothing else could fix it at that point. Since he felt like he has had enough time to process the first load of info, and simply wanted to ask her to know the rest, since he cared about her, and wanted only the best for her.
“I could never hate you,” he told her quietly, looking right into her eyes as his thumbs still traced over her cheeks, “Okay? Don’t you ever think I could possibly hate you, especially because of such reasons..”
They spent the afternoon tangled up on her couch, thin blanket over their intertwined bodies as the afternoon sun peaked through the closed blinds and tried to get in their eyes. He had requested her to tell him everything, but only if she felt comfortable with it. And had pleaded her to at least tell him the main situation if she didn’t want to go into details, so he wouldn’t be completely in the blue. Because he cared about her and loved her, and wanted to help her in case he could somehow.
She told him how it started. How and when she heard the diagnosis for the first time, and how it had been hell at the start. How she spent her nights worrying about what was to come, withstanding pitiful glances of people she knew and hearing encouraging words that didn’t encourage her at all. How she hated the fact everyone saw her for her issue and not for who she was ever since she was diagnosed with cancer, and how what hurt the most was to see the pain in her relatives and friend’s eyes.
“I saw so many pained faces, and all of a sudden, I felt like I was a disappointment,” she kept fiddling with her hands, surprised at how it poured out of her like a waterfall while he quietly listened, “I felt as if I was hurting less than the people around me, because in case things went wrong for me, I mean.. I wouldn’t be there to witness it all. But they would see it first-hand, and would feel all bad and devastated, and..”
She sighed, and he pulled her into his chest. For a while, they lied in silence, with his hands carefully cradling her body, his fingers running over her sides in calming motions that indicated she could take all the time she needed. He was a patient listener and could wait for a moment.
“You know, it’s quite stupid, but.. I saw you back in the hallway for the first time as I passed from one department to another, and couldn’t quite take my eyes off of you,” she chuckled a little, at this point feeling like she wanted to tell him absolutely everything, “I had just lived through a rather hard phrase regarding treatment and staying positive and stuff, had been in hospital for longer than I wanted to admit. And let me tell you, never have I seen a guy like you there.”
“Someone so big yet helpless since my crutches were out of reach and I was flailing around with my arms aimlessly?”
She laughed a little, moving closer to him as he chuckled too, and despite the hard topic, she felt the atmosphere around them brightening a little, “Kind of. But what I meant to say, someone with such curious and bright eyes. It kind of reminded me of what I had promised myself to do ever since the diagnose. Hospitals are a dull place. White walls and pained faces everywhere. And though I had promised myself to not let a diagnose bother me when it came to living to the fullest, having been in hospital did drain my spirit a lot. But seeing you back then reminded me of how I wanted to be happy. How I had promised myself that.”
“And then we talked, and you were so nice, and.. I liked you so much from day one,” he smiled at that, remembering how it was all the same to him. How her smile alone had already mesmerized him enough for him to develop a desire to get to know her.
“But I still remembered how the word “cancer” always stuck into people’s imaginations and memory better than my name, and, besides, I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want you to feel pitiful towards me, or to see me simply as another patient. I wanted you to see me as me, and not someone beat up by their illness. I wanted you to genuinely like me and not be simply polite because I was having a hard time and you’re made of sunshine.”
He understood her reasoning perfectly. It was crystal clear to him, her desire to not tell him so he wouldn’t draw assumptions or conclusions before he got to know how amazingly beautiful inside and out she was. Strong-willed, strong-spirited, kind and positive.
“I didn’t want to hear the regular stuff about keeping on going through the battle, it’s kind of repetitive and has lost it’s meaning along the way anyways. I didn’t want you to think I was weak and helpless either, I just..”
“..I kind of wanted to simply seem normal to you. And wanted you to love me normally. And, well, I guess I was also being selfish, because, forgive me for thinking bad of you, but.. I wasn’t quite sure you’d want to love me at all if you knew I had cancer.”
She felt him pressing a kiss on top of her head, to which she closed her eyes and patiently waited for his reply. And quietly exhaled when the question he eventually asked was a simple yet important one.
“How bright does the future look?”
“Promising,” she told him quietly, feeling how his lips curled into a tiny smile, “It’s moving forwards slowly, but it’s getting better. The treatment’s been successful for now, no complications or anything anywhere, so.. I’m positive about it.”
“..Good, because I’ve planned a whole happy-ever-after for both of us, which involves me loving you unconditionally through all your ups and downs from now on and until forever. And whatever might try to take it away from us won’t quite work.”
She stayed close to him like this, feeling all tired and sleepy because of all the shaken up feelings from earlier. And just like that, to the sound of him telling her how he understood why she stayed silent about it, how this didn’t change his perception of her and how she could always count on him for anything, she drifted off to sleep, seeing the scene of how they first met in her vivid dreams while he simply held her, thinking of the future and eventually falling asleep himself as well.
“You’re here!”
Jaeeun flung her tiny arms around her neck as she knelt down to pick her up, and spun the little girl around a few times, their joyful laughter mixing up in the air and attracting the attention of others nearby.
“I promised I would come to see you after your last doctor’s visit, right?” she smiled at the little girl, “You’re a free, independent woman now. I wanted to be there to witness that happening.”
Junhong stood just a few feet away from them, unable to hide his own smile away from these two. What had initially brought them together was their issue and condition, as they shared the same painful truth and diagnosis. But what they shared now as well was a positive outcome - Jaeeun’s cancer had been retreating efficiently, and today was her final day after another round of hospital visits before she was free to go home and start leading a normal life again.
“You were there after my last visit, after all, right?”
Junhong remembered it clearly. How, despite anything she’d ever told him about her living to the fullest and trying to pay less to no attention to her sickness when it came to living her life the same way like she used to, she has never looked more joyful than after leaving the doctor’s office with nothing but good news. How she smiled as he held her tightly, and mumbled about how the nightmare was going to be over. How she wouldn’t hurt anyone anymore, to which he told her that she should think not only about others, but about herself sometimes as well. To which, once again, she looked up at him, and sweetly told him that he would put her first in case she wouldn’t, and his love had been enough for her to become happy once again. Telling him how he made her remember her objectives, made her want to stick to them, and to realize the always had support right there by her side.
Jaeeun’s patents soon came from around the corner, and upon polite and upbeat small talk with them, Junhong together with her watched their silhouettes walking down the hallways, Jaeeun walking hand in hand with her parents and looking all around for what seemed to be the last time for a much longer period of time.
“I’m so happy for her.”
Junhong quietly hummed in agreement, his arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to his side. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and for a while they simply stared down the corridor, remembering all kinds of things.
“You’re in the wrong department again, sweetie.”
She turned around to the familiar voice of Mrs. Kang, smiling ear-to-ear and bowing politely at her, saying her greetings and how glad she was to see her and to know she was doing alright.
“You two are quite inseparable now, I see,” she eyed the way Junhong was holding her carefully and lovingly down in a curious fashion, “Still helping him to get around? That’s what you initially wanted when you asked me about him for the first time, right? Just to help him a little, since he looked quite clumsy and clueless on how to even use crutches.”
At this point, Junhong’s loving laughter was already piercing through the air, and without looking down at her he already knew she was blushing a lot.
“He wasn’t really supposed to know that...”
“Well, too bad, the gossiper in me just said it out loud,” Mrs. Kang smiled at them one last time before leaving them to return to her duties, “Young man, treasure her well, please. She is a sweetheart who sure deserves it.”
“I will!” he shouted out before being left alone with her, feeling how she hid her blushing face in his chest.
“Mystery solved,” he kissed the top of her head as his arms wrapped around her, “Now I know how you knew about my weirdly cracked bones. And the room number and everything..”
She offered silence in return, her face nuzzling deeper into his chest. So adorable and shy, it was how she first looked to him. So head-spinningly sweet and lovable he had a hard time not telling her flat-out.
“Nothing to be ashamed of though. After all, I liked you too.’’
And as she looked up at him, he didn’t hesitate to press a kiss on her slightly agape mouth, and smiled at her before stating the obvious.
“And now I don’t even just like you anymore. I love you. And you better love me back in return, or I’ll be really, really sad otherwise.”
“I do, you fool,” she laughed out, and as their hands intertwined to walk back out of the hospital building, she couldn’t help but think that not every experience of hers related to this place had been bad.
She met him at this hospital, and he was by far one of the best things that had ever happened to her. And as she felt his hand that was placed into hers tugging her along, she figured she never wanted to let go. Not that he would ever let that happen anyways, as by the looks of it, he was leading her off to that happy-ever-after he had promised her before, his steps feather-light and his heart full of unconditional love and support which he all reserved for her. 
Guiding her from the very first moment they met, and forever from now on.
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sinsofstrays · 5 years
Howler - Dom!Junhong
Junhong | Reader - just...smut. 
Word Count: 603
This was requested by Dom!Junhong lover anon like...months ago and I’m so sorry that I am actually useless! Anyway..this is just pure smut so I hope you haven’t abandoned me and you enjoy <3 
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Junhong walks into the bedroom after a long day of work and you smile at him. His eyes pierce into yours as he slowly takes his belt off. He steps closer to you and caresses your cheek, kissing it lightly.
“Get on your knees.” He demands before pulling you in for a not so soft kiss this time. “It's been a very long day and I just want to relax.”
His other hand rests against his belt, his fingers tapping on the clasp eagerly. He raises his brow and tilts his head to the side when you don’t move. The hand on your cheek travels to the back of your head. He suddenly grabs a tuft of your hair and pulls you back. You let out a shaky moan and look into his eyes.
“Let me tell you again. Get on your knees, baby.” His voice is sweet but his face is serious.
He leans closer to your face, lightly kissing your cheek. You very slowly get off the bed, Junhong pushing you to your knees. He unclasps his belt, staring down to you as he pulls it off.
“You know what to do.” He smiles, placing his hand lightly on the back of your head.
You reach up to his jeans and he just smiles softly. His head rolls back as the cold air suddenly hits him. He bites his lip and inhales sharply. His hips buck forward as he grabs your wrist and places your hand just below his waist. He tells you to continue, not expecting such a rush of electricity from your motions. His legs tremble slightly as he grabs his belt.
“Give me your wrists.” He commands, grabbing the one hand that laid on his hip.
He binds your hands and pulls you back down, caressing your cheek lightly. A growl tells you to continue using your mouth on him. You do but Junhong soon can’t handle the intensity. He pulls you down so you are on all fours.
Junhong leans down on one knee, resting his hand on your back. “Do you want to continue?” He smirks as you nod. “Good.”
He stands, letting go of the belt to walk behind you. When there, he reaches into his dresser, pulling a silk tie from the top drawer. It flashes in front of your eyes before completely covering them. You feel his hands travel your body before he tugs roughly at your waistband. There is a sudden smack to the side of your thigh, making you gasp out in pleasure. Junhong cocks his head, digging his nails into your back.
“Do you like that, baby?” He whispers in your ear before biting down on your neck.
You nod once more and almost with no warning, Junhong lines himself up with you and thrusts forward. The two of you moan out and you fall forward slightly. Junhong reaches down and grabs your hair, pulling you back up. He continues on, keeping an arm wrapped around your waist to keep you up. Your body twitches wildly, barely able to keep yourself from yelling out from the overstimulation.
Junhong lets go of your hair and the two of you fall forward. He doesn’t stop, feeling himself get out of rhythm. “Fuck-” His breaths get shorter and he speeds up, electricity filling his body.
You yell out and twitch as he thrusts harder, practically ripping at your skin. He growls and pulls away, nearly collapsing to the side.
“You can take your blindfold and binds off.” He catches his breath. “Thank you. That’s exactly what I needed to make my day better.”  
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julietgang · 5 years
B.A.P Mafia Fic.
Skydive: Free fall Capitulo 1 pt2
Sangre. Balas. Los cuerpos de las dos personas más importantes para mi. Allí tirados. Ni si quiera he llorado su muerte.
¿Que me ocurre?, ¿por que me mantengo fría e impasible?
Acaso soy una psicópata incapaz de sufrir por los demás.
No. No es el momento de venirse abajo. Aun no estoy a salvo.
No se donde estoy, no se ha donde voy, y tampoco se con quien estoy...
No debo, no puedo bajar la guardia ahora.
Poco a poco la marcha del vehículo disminuye, hasta frenar frente a un viejo edificio precintado. El barrio tampoco parece ser el más agradable del condado.
El sujeto a mi derecha abre la puerta para bajar del todo-terreno. Su chaqueta queda subida por un momento, dejando al descubierto una pistola de calibre cuarenta y cinco.
Esta es mi oportunidad. Ahora o nunca.
Me abalanzo sobre él, agarro el arma y lo empujo para salir del coche lo más rápido posible.
Una vez en el exterior quito el seguro de la pistola y la sostengo delate de mi con ambas manos.
La reacción de mis secuestradores también es rápida, parece casi ensayada.
Dos de ellos me apuntan con sus armas.
- Eh, tranquilos todos... - se hace oír la voz del chico al que he robado la pistola.
- ¡¿Donde estoy?, ¿quienes sois vosotros?! - grito autoritariamente.
- Y/N, tranquilizate, baja el arma... - el mismo chico continua hablando.
- ¡No quiero tranquilizarme!, ¡quiero respuestas! - noto como mi respiración se vuelve irregular.
- Esta bien... - el chico retira la mascara de su cara. Dejando al descubierto una cara varonil, de tez tostada, y mucho mas intimidante que la del "camarero".
Se mueve lentamente, manteniendo las manos en alto. Con movimientos calculadamente sutiles, obliga a los dos que me apuntan a soltar sus armas. - Hablemos, responderemos todas tus preguntas...
- ¿Donde estoy?
- En las afueras, nos iremos pronto...
- ¿Nos iremos?, yo no voy a nungun lado con vosotros... - niego con seguridad.
- Aqui no estas a salvo, los hombres de Yeom no tardaran en localizar esta posición...
- ¿Por que deberia confiar en vosotros? - esa pregunta se repite una y otra vez dentro de mi.
- ¿Por que te hemos salvado la vida? - el más alto de ellos pronuncia estas palabras con algo de burla, pero sonando molesto a su vez.
- Y/N, tu madre contrató a mi padre y su equipo, ¿eres consciente de eso?
- Bang, ese es el nombre que mi madre utilizó...
- Exacto - asiente el chico - Yo soy su hijo, Bang Yongguk...
Soy consciente de que paso a paso se acerca a mi posición. Pero, por alguna razón, no me siento amenazada por su presencia.
- Pensé que seria él quien vendría...
- Esta muerto - estas palabras salen de su boca con dureza, pero en su rostro no se ve un atisbo de dolor o tristeza. - Sus hombres lo traicionaron, Yeom los compro al enterarse de los planes de huida
Esa fue la gota que colmo el vaso. Primero Guillermo, después mi madre y mi tía, y ahora un hombre inocente...
Todos muertos, y todo por mi culpa.
Una lagrima rueda mejilla abajo sin permiso. Después otra y otra casi de seguido. Así hasta que dejo escapar un primer sollozo.
A estas alturas, el chico con el que hablo ya esta frente a mi. Recupera su pistola y la asegura antes de colocarla en su cinturón.
- Ya esta, estas a sal...
- ¡¿Ya esta?! - grito furiosa sin dejar de llorar. - ¡No tengo a nadie, ni tengo donde ir!, ¡las únicas personas en el mundo a las que les importaba, están muertas! - frustrada empujo con fuerza el pecho de aquel chico, aproximadamente media cabeza más alto que yo.
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