#barbara maitland headcanons
cat-and-books · 3 months
Random Beetlejuice Musical Headcanon:
With how crafty Barbara and Adam are, they'd likely have small cuts and scrapes and callouses on their hands.
Adam probably has a couple nicks on his hands/forearms, and callouses on his fingers, plus a couple of splinters.
The side of Barbara's hands (the side opposite of the thumb) would essentially have been rubbed raw and red due to many lessons on a throwing wheel. (With how good her vases are, I'd estimate a few months of lessons, which would rub her hands raw. This is coming from someone who works on a throwing wheel.) She also probably has clay and glaze in her hair/on her dress and keeps lotion on standby to rehydrate her hands after making pottery on the wheel.
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acrylicqueen · 22 days
A couple months ago my girlfriend and I finished a document that explains the lore of what we've been calling our "Beetlejuice Canon" (essentially an altered version of Beetlejuice's universe that blends the cartoon and the musical in a unique way.) I haven't shared it anywhere until now, which is wild because I typically love sharing stuff like this.
It's not a fanfic or anything, but it goes fairly in-depth about characters, environments, relationships, etc. I figure there must be SOMEONE who likes reading this kind of stuff, right? So, here it is for those people.
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quenga-do-nordeste · 8 months
I painted... what's worth trying, right?
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This man has been watching her painting clay jars for hours with a silly smile on his face and hearts all around.
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amateurmagic · 1 year
Beetlejuice headcanon/mini fic that just popped into my head. I’ve heard some criticism that The Ghost with the Most leaves for the Netherworld at the end of the show, even after he’s made amends with everyone and even when Juno is no longer an issue. Now I love a good found family trope as much as the next person (my AO3 history will agree lol) but what if he went into the Netherworld to find Lydia’s mother?
As a disclaimer, I’ve never seen the Tim Burton film or any of the cartoon or comics, so idk if it’s elaborated somewhere else. But if Juno is gone and therefore the regulations lifted from the entryways, what’s to stop ghosts from leaving the Netherworld?
So some amount of months to years pass and Lydia and the Deetzlands have all adjusted to their strange and unusual family dynamic. Lydia enters the living room, maybe on the way to the kitchen for a homework snack, and stops in her tracks, notebooks and pens clattering to the floor as she registers two familiar figures standing in the middle of the room. BJ launches into some monologue about how arduous it was searching through the vastness of the Netherworld and how many Sandworms he had to fend off in order to bring Emily back to the portal and that Miss Argentina sends her regards, but Lydia can’t bring herself to make a sound, her eyes still stuck on the translucent, but intensely familiar form of her mother. Eventually another grownup (my brain imagines Charles, bc obvi) enters the room to investigate the sound of things being dropped and respond in a similar manner to Lydia, attention captured by the sudden reappearance of Beetlejuice and his new ghostly companion.
Lydia eventually managed to break the silence with a shaky and disbelieving “…Mom?”
Emily smiles in response, her arms opening in an invitation. Her touch is now cool, like mist, and she doesn’t smell the same anymore due to her status of deceased, but Lydia is simply glad that she doesn’t phase through her like she feared she would.
Sometime during his journeys in the Netherworld, Beetlejuice has learned the power and value of silence, settling to lean back against the banister of the stairs with the other assembled adults, content to let this reunion play out without him. Eventually, he finds himself being dragged forward into a hug by a joyfully tearful Lydia, her dark eyeliner now running down her face.
“Welcome home,” are the only words she can say.
A/N: maybe one day I’ll expand on this more and write an actual fic, but, for now, this is the best I’ve got
Also, barring the whole green card thing, Lydia and BJ are strictly friends/chaotic family here
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midnightlee25 · 11 months
Random Yandere Headcanons: Platonic Yanderes: Barbara Maitland & Adam Maitland
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Even if they do mean to be friends with them, they usually just end up being like another set of guardians for them.
They would like someone who is more of a homebody but if they aren't then they would find ways or reasons to keep them at home most of the time. (Since they can't leave the house.)
This doesn't mean that they want them to stay in the house all the time (maybe a little bit.) but they do want most of their time to be at home.
They will always have someone that will listen to them with those two. However, they must keep in mind that those two will share things that have been told to them with each other even if it was only meant for one of them.
Admittedly if they believe something is wrong with them like someone is messing with them and they won't tell the pair they will find other ways. like if they have some kind of journal then the pair will peek inside. (They do feel guilty for this but feel it is necessary.)
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hcfromtroy · 8 months
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Beetlejuice: The Musical headcanon !!!
- Miss Argentina is a trans woman!
- Lydia Deetz is a aromantic bisexual!
- Barbara and Adam Maitland It's an asexual couple!!!
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And I'll do you one better! I'm currently slowly working on a Beetlelands fic based off the song "Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay. Eventually I'll finish and post it, but I think you deserve an excerpt.
Barbara and Adam shared a look, having one of their silent conversations, and Beetlejuice was left wondering once again how the hell they did that. They came to some conclusion or understanding or something because both gave a decisive nod. "Maitlands 2.0?" Barbara asked. "Maitlands 2.0," Adam echoed, giving her an encouraging smile. "Wh-" Beetlejuice went to ask again, but Barbara leaned up and pressed her lips to him, stunning him so thoroughly that he froze. Completely. His eyes were wide, breath withering in his chest, and his hands shook just the slightest amount at how tense he was. Barbara pressed slightly harder against his lips, which were firmly closed in his confusion-fueled panic. This was is, this was them fucking him over with kindness and the false pretense of love before they stabbed him in the back, and threw him out on his ass. Like Lydia, and his Ma, and everyone before, every single person before in his long undead-dead not-life. No, no. He was being so stupid, this meant something. This meant something. Something good? No, no, something great. Barbara went to pull away and he moved without thinking, chasing her lips and he slowly, hesitantly, brought his hand up to cup the back of her neck, hyper-aware of his claws resting against her delicate skin. He gently played with the hair at the nape of her neck, noting that, yes, it was as soft as he had always thought. Barbara laughed against his mouth and deepened the kiss oh-so-slightly, thumb still brushing over his cheekbones. She nipped his lip and he opened obediently, allowing her to take the lead, but she simply continued to nibble his lip. She pulled away and he made an involuntary noise in his throat, opening his eyes which he hadn't realized he closed. Barbara stepped away and Adam took her spot. Slower than she had, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around Beetlejuice's shoulders, and he, too, kissed Beetlejuice. Once again all his thoughts flatlined as Beetlejuice took a moment to respond, though much quicker than with Barbara. He melted against Adam's chest, hands hovering awkwardly over his sides, fingers curled slightly. Adam ran a hand though Beetlejuice's hair and he purred into the kiss, and oh, he had never made that noise before. Finally he let his hands wrap around Adam's waist, and grip at the fabric of his shirt as he pushed closer, torn between continuing the kiss or pressing back into Adam's hand in his hair, but Adam made the decision for him, pulling his head forward ever-so-slightly and opening his mouth. Beetlejuice responded in kind, and totally didn't shiver slightly when Adam pushed his tongue inside of his mouth. Finally Adam, too, pulled back, though he stayed close enough to keep a hand in Beetlejuice's hair. Despite being probably the tamest kisses he had ever had the pleasure of having–lacking the desperate push of two people who simply let drug-borne lust take over in a desperate bid to get both of their rocks off as quickly as possible, and absolutely no blood left in its wake–it left him flushed and breathless, shoulders heaving as he stared at the couple in front of him. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to get his thoughts to form into words, but all he could utter was, "woah." Barbara giggled and covered her mouth. "Is that a good 'woah'?" Beetlejuice could only nod, a lopsided, lovestruck grin on his face.
As for headcanons, I feel like it's gonna be reaaaal slowburn. I'm talking like. Months before the Maitlands are even comfortable enough to call Beej a friend, let alone start having a crush on him.
When he first comes back it's...awkward. They can tell he's genuinely remorseful for what he did, but that doesn't make it okay. That doesn't excuse his behavior. Not even just the threatening to murder and fake exorcism stuff, either. The groping and kissing and inappropriate comments were all way too far.
He doesn't get that, so what's a little kissing and ass slapping between friends? Or a dirty comment here and there? They have to have a conversation with him about how, no, people don't act like that. They don't know about demons, or their etiquette, but humans shouldn't act like that. and it takes a while, but it finally clicks for him and he realizes Oh. He was the asshole. They genuinely didn't like it. He stops pretty quickly after that, with some slip ups that he has to be warned about.
He goes back to teaching them how to be ghosts. That isn't something that he needs to convince the Maitlands on, in fact, it's their idea, pretty quickly. Like, sure, they still aren't comfortable around him but he does know his shit. And before everything went to hell in a handbasket before, the scaring lesson was fun! And there's so much they don't know.
Like how to eat, or teleport, or conjure stuff. And do all ghosts have a pocket dimensions or is that a demon thing? And what about the clones? There's a lot they don't know and want to understand, and, for a long time, these lessons are the only time they're alone together. And they aren't professional, not by a long shot, you have three goofballs, one of which couldn't be serious if his not-life depended on it, but its far from how things were before.
and its during lessons like this, and conversations they have with beej at dinner or during family night, or even when he comes to them of his own accord needing their help or with something for them that they start to learn about beej. and he about them.
and they start to grow closer, you know? they go from acquaintances to family members to friends, and soon they find that yes. he actually did change, for the better. or maybe this is how he always is and something was just Up when they first met him. either way, they much prefer this beetlejuice to the maniac, angry, desperate one before.
they spend more time together alone, usually when lydia isn't around or beetlejuice gets in trouble annoying delia or charles, and after months and months of living together and becoming friends the maitlands realize that. oh. they like him. both of them. and they don't know how to breech the subject because they don't want to make things awkward, or scare him off, so they just. don't say anything.
at this point they have a FWB arrangement going on, because, well, they have to admit, all of beej's primping and preening about his sex life had gotten them curious, and they wanted to know if he could put his money where his mouth was. and it turned out he could.
and then beej is the one to come to them because he realized that his silly little infatuation with the two ghosts had bloomed into a full blown crush. and he had to tell them or he'd explode or have to run away. what was the worst that could happen? oh yeah that was bad, but unlikely.
so he tells them, and they reciprocate, and start dating. things aren't smooth, its awkward and they have their fair share of problems that include beej getting scared and fucking off for a little bit until he's dragged back and forced to talk about his feelings, but in the end it works out great.
as for general headcanons:
Beetlejuice calls Barbara and Adam all manner of nicknames, but tends to stick with Sexy and Babs most often.
Adam calls beej Bug, Buggy, and Bugsy. Barbara calls him Beet, Beebles, and Juicy. They both call him Love-bug, Ladybug, and Junebug.
They keep their separate rooms, Beej likes to have his own space after all, but he sleeps with them more often than not, and tends to be in the middle. It works out because he's usually very warm and the Maitlands can actually feel it.
Also he's a huge cuddler and likes to drape himself across their laps, even when they're busy.
Adam likes to play with Beetlejuice's hair, it's surprisingly soft despite it sticking up every-which-way, and it always makes the demon purr which Adam thinks is The cutest thing.
Barbara loves Beej's wyrm form, especially when he's small, and its only in this form that puppydog eyes work on her. She's immune at any other point.
Beetlejuice thinks Adam's the better cuddler, but Barbara is better to lay on. He will never say this out loud. He does constantly complain about Barbara's cold ass feet though.
His love languages are gift-giving, acts of service, and quality time. Oh and touch.
On the other hand he is bad at words of affirmation. Like, he could not give someone a compliment in a not back-handed, rude, or plain incomprehensible way if his not-life depended on it.
In the same vein his accepted ones are words of affirmation, quality time, and touch. He hates when people do things for him because he can't understand the concept of people just wanting to do something to be nice vs them expecting something in return.
Adam helps Beetlejuice deal with some of the more negative quirks of his autism (aka gives him Healthy coping methods). This one is bc I hc Beej, Adam, and Lyds are all autistic ;3c
Beetlejuice helps Adam be more unapologetically autistic and not mask it so much. No one here is gonna judge, after all.
Barbara helps Beetlejuice when he has nightmares, and in return he'll stay awake with her when she's too upset to sleep. He thinks he's very bad at being comforting but he can be a good listener, surprisingly, and actually can have some good advice! also he's a great cuddler. he gives a mean hug. real bear hug, picks her up and swings her around a bit kind of hug that always makes her laugh.
Beetlejuice helps Adam and Babs withs the model. Babs is the one who carves all the model buildings and Adam paints them. Beetlejuice since he can leave the house makes sure its 100% accurate and keeps them up to date.
He also likes to get Barbara new plants for her attic garden. So many so that it ends up bleeding out onto the roof.
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myst1xx · 1 year
on a headcanon rampage rn … thinkin of my beetlejuice headcanons *throws them at u really hard*
lydia: they/she/neos nonbinary aroace lesbian ! is autistic and their special interest is photography & the supernatural :3
beej: any pronouns genderfluid pansexual ! is also autistic. changes his appearance from more masc presenting to fem presenting whenever they feel like it
barbara: she/her transfem bisexual !!! has adhd and switches from interest to interest very fast
adam: he/him transmasc bisexual !!! they match!! because guess what he ALSO has adhd. AND AUTISM!!!!!! has a lot of sensory issues with clothing and fabrics so barb makes a lot of clothing for him/alters it so he can wear it :) it makes him love his clothes even more knowing that theyre made from love!!!
delia: she/they demigirl pansexual. guess who also has adhd. this gal !!! she had always been very fluid with her sexuality and gender but never labeled herself until lydia introduced her to more of them
charles: he/him cishet. sorry charles you’re the token straight boy of the group but its okay hes very supportive and takes time to educate himself like a true ally
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twisting-echo · 4 months
Has anyone ever thought of a Nicky Parlouzer x Elise in a Shogakukan Sonic/College Sweethearts/Married Couple AU? Just me?
Nicky Parlouzer and Elise also work as Barbara and Adam Maitland in a Beetlejuice Musical AU. It's not like I have a Beetlejuice Musical AU or something hehe 😳👉👈
Now here is some top tier Nicky Parlouzer and Elise art!
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barrygeuse · 1 year
maitland-deetz household on a snow day!
it's blizzarding where i live today and i just had to get this out of my brain. based on the musical canon, as usual <3
is up at the ass crack of dawn. this is unrelated to the snowstorm, he's just the first person to get up in the house. he gets up before the sun rises and stays up so late and no one knows why
anyways, he gets to see the calm before the storm (literally) if it hasn't started snowing overnight
usually he is always dressed up, but on days with inclement weather, he stays in his pajamas. i'm talkin' navy blue silk matching two piece pajamas with his name embroidered in white above the chest pocket
while waiting for barbara to wake up he brews coffee and gets hers ready. does the wordle. charles is a wordle fanatic. he and adam have a groupchat where they just send their daily wordle results. charles is really good at it! adam not so much
has a snowblower that breaks so frequently that it's a winter staple to see him and adam in the garage trying to fix the stupid snowblower. they probably spend more time working on it than actually using it
lydia's like, "guys. just buy a new snowblower." and adam insists he can make it work again so she just says whatever and leaves
does a little bit of everything. some reading, makes some tea, dusts the shelves in the bedroom, tries to fix the sink so it stops dripping. being stuck inside makes him restless
snow is not her thing. she always complains the entire day before the storm about how she's achy and she knows there's bad weather ahead
much like charles, she stays in her pajamas. in fact they have matching pajamas. hers are purple, though, and they say her name on the opposite side
it was a sweet gesture (his idea) and she loves them. lydia pretends to gag when she sees them together
her hair is a wreck. she does not bother to attempt to fix it. really snowy days for delia are a day of pre-accepted dread and she is going to maximize her comfort god damn it
the second last to get up, besides beej, who basically doesn't count because he spends a lot of time sleeping (like a very lazy cat)
has a cup of tea and joins everyone for breakfast. makes conversation. everyone is happy when delia joins because she does most of the talking if they're still waking up
spends a lot of time lounging on the furniture or maybe taking a very long bath with candles and crystals and the like. in the total darkness
it does help to soothe her joints and stuff! she always feels a lot better after a hot bath so sometimes charles tries to coax her to take one (admittedly it does not take much coaxing at all. it's more like a suggestion)
gets up around the same time that lydia does (usually before her by five or ten minutes) and goes downstairs to help finish up breakfast
also stays in pajamas. plaid pants and a plain tee shirt. has house slippers and his reading glasses on
reads the paper at the kitchen table. likes to keep up on the news. unfortunately they probably didn't get a new paper due to the snow, so he rereads old ones
does the wordle (with commentary aloud to charles about how he can't imagine what the word could be while charles tries to give vague hints but they're way too vague or straight out misleading)
makes hot cocoa for everyone in the evening when it gets dark. the real good kind, by whisking actual melted chocolate into heated milk
takes some time to work on his little projects up in the attic, like whittling or model work. he tends to focus more on house-related projects when it isn't a day he can 'relax'
makes dinner for everyone, too. something warm and comfortable and homemade that leaves everyone feeling full and happy. beams whenever someone compliments whatever it is on their first bite. he knows it's good, but to hear it makes him happy
she's the second to wake up and immediately goes down to the kitchen to help charles with breakfast. they usually make it together for everyone
he's got her coffee ready for her when she gets downstairs, right on the counter and in her favorite mug
unlike pretty much everyone else, she gets properly dressed. she layers well to stay warm, but could go outside and not be seen as wearing pajamas
loves the snow. is happy to see it, even when it's dangerous conditions outside (plus it means the whole family will be together for a while!)
it makes her and adam extra cold, though, which she doesn't enjoy, especially when they're trying to rest together or if the family watches a movie, because whoever sits by them has to deal with it
always wants to make a snowman if it's nice enough
forces everyone to dress for the weather if they're going outside. boots, long underwear, hat, scarf, gloves. they complain but they'll thank her for it later
spends a lot of the day reading in the living room by the fire
gets out of bed when she hears adam go down the stairs. he knocks on her door to let her know that he’s up and that breakfast will be ready in five or ten
changes out of pajamas but into comfy clothes. so essentially daytime pajamas
doesn't drink coffee but knows that adam will make hot chocolate later and looks so forward to it
when bj gets up she nags him to go outside with her. barbara always frets a little bit and worries she'll get frostbite so makes them both bundle up really good before going outside and will not let them if it's snowing too hard or really windy
adam joins them sometimes. on a nice day where it's sunny and there's not a lot of actual precipitation the whole family (well, save for delia) will go outside and have snowball fights. lydia and bj vs charles, adam, and barb
barbara is SCARY competitive when it comes to stuff like this. she's really nimble and great at dodging. charles is really good at throwing and adam is good at hiding. they are both bad at not getting hit.
lydia is also great at dodging and decent at throwing, and beej just goes to town throwing as many snowballs as he can with as many arms as he can possibly generate. he looks like a cartoon with his arms spinning that fast. it's almost as scary as barbara
it really comes down to barb vs lydia and bj if we're being honest. sometimes adam will "sacrifice" himself by jumping in front of her to catch a hit and it makes her laugh so much
sleeps in to the afternoon. this is no different than any other day
entertains himself by changing the embroidery on delia and charles' pajamas to say different things and then see how long it takes for someone to notice
lights the fireplace when he gets up because no one else has bothered to
is pleased when barbara offhandedly thanks him for it. he's still not used to praise for the little things like that
think of calvin and hobbes making snow goons. that's him and lydia so very much. they create the most dastardly snow abominations together and have so much fun doing so
showing them to barbara who's like, "those are so terrifying!" forced smile because she is unsure how she's supposed to react
this seems to satisfy them and she is relieved.
eats snow. so much snow. didn't see a lot of it in the netherworld (maybe none at all) and he has no idea why he isn't supposed to just put it in his mouth and eat it.
has the common sense to not eat yellow snow but doesn't care if there's dirt or mud on it.
sometimes the snowballs he throws have bites taken out of them. adam always cringes to imagine sinking his teeth into snow
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Maitlands 2.0!
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once i saw somebody call these two the "soul maitlands" and I think its a perfect ship name for them! it's literally a dad joke! how much more maitlands can a ship name get than a dad joke??
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cat-and-books · 28 days
Beetlejuice: The Musical headcanon because you guys liked my last one:
In the same vein of "Beetlejuice has mood ring hair," a while into their death, Barbara's dress and Adam's flannel will change colors depending on their mood. Purple for sadness, red for rage, green is happy/neutral, etc.
Barbara occasionally has a deep maroon color that Adam and Beetlejuice never have, purely for what she feels at the loss of what she never got to do in life. Barbara always had a very sad physical reaction whenever Adam mentions kids or "having never been able to use his dad jokes while he was alive." The maroon is loss. Loss for the kids she couldn't have.
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maitlandmischief · 1 year
Beetlejuice enlisting Jockey's help because he has no idea what he's gotten himself into. Especially with a pregnant mare on his hands.
The Jockey pitys them. She loves equines and can't just let them suffer. And if bj knows none the wiser, she can at least do what she can by way of convincing lies.
Adams coat reminds her of the horse she grew up with. So she becomes rather attached quite quickly.
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gummycube · 2 years
In my brain Adam Maitland was a kindergarten teacher... nothing more to add to that thank you for reading
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swanqueen1215 · 7 months
Hear me out, Beetlejuice fans!!
I'm relatively new to Tumblr, it's the first time I've posted something like this and English is not my main language, any mistake is by the translator.
Beetlejuice The Musical Headcanons
If there's one thing I noticed about the Broadway musical, it's that Juno created the guide work exclusively for Beetlejuice.
Just think about it, there are no more "Guides" except Beetlejuice, besides, why would you want to use a guide in the first place? Absolutely all the information a dead person needs comes in the "Recently Deceased" manual. Juno just wanted to get rid of her son, and gave him a completely made-up job, which would keep him busy and away from her. In addition to the fact that Beetlejuice is literally a demon, just like his mother or perhaps he is a hybrid between a deceased person and a demon.
Maybe that's also why Beetlejuice feels so lonely because being half-human and half-Demon, he's still tied to human biology and his need to make friends.
It is very likely that Beetlejuice is also tied to the Deetz-Maitland house, since he was murdered there, so I see very possible that he will be able to return.
I have an idea of what may have happened to his mother the day he left home. Maybe Beetlejuice heard from someone that BFFFFs are people who love each other, support each other, and are lifelong companions. Perhaps, Beetlejuice, in search of his next friends, left home with that goal in mind. Maybe that's why his mother, when she goes to pick him up at the Deetz-Maitland house, teases him by saying that he was looking for someone to love him.
Also, I have another theory:
When Beetlejuice says:
"I'm gonna have a new best friend!!"
This implies that he has had other friends and that Lydia will be another new best friend and when he says:
"Why does everyone keep leaving me!!"
He shows that he has had "friends" in the past and all those he once loved abandoned him or that there have been more people who have left him. Most likely, those "friends" were recently deceased who got scared and abandoned him.
Beetlejuice's connection to Lydia is much deeper than I thought.
It is impossible that Lydia was the only one who could see Beetlejuice in all the centuries of his existence, it is very likely that many more "strange and unusual" people have come across him, but decided to ignore him or pretend that he does not exist because obviously something wasn't right with him. But since Lydia was the only one who wanted to talk directly to him, she makes her more special, because she doesn't run away from him and even the two look too much alike. Remember Barbara's line in the song, "Fright of Their Lives"?
-We're not like you...
-I know that BARBARA!! No one is like me... That's the problem!
But I want to point out that Lydia is just like him... (not so disturbed)
But it turns out that Lydia is not only like him, but their situations are very similar and I dare say they're the same.
Beetlejuice had good reason to ONLY want Lydia to marry him... Because he didn't even want to talk to Delia, because she's the only one of marriageable age and the most eligible... I don't think Beetlejuice would have cared about her engagement to Charles.
Beetlejuice was so desperate that he would have taken any opportunity that came his way, but he still insisted that Lydia be his wife before anyone else. I think Beetlejuice saw that the marriage to Lydia would be to get that green card, but I honestly don't think it was for such superficial reasons... Had he had, he would have considered Delia but even he felt a much MUCH deeper attachment to Lydia, for she was his first time in everything that he did that night.
She's the only human connection he's ever had in his entire existence. I can understand why he wanted her as his wife... Well, while it is true that their time together was brief (very brief), it was a night full of emotions and feelings (like a roller coaster) but maybe it's been the only night he's ever felt alive. The idea of sharing a song full of mischief that would scare anyone, next to the only person who can see you (literally and metaphorically) must have been wonderful.
They both shared happiness, adrenaline and fun with the power of their voices.
She is and was his only friend and perhaps the only one who really understood him... It is very likely that he has considered living a wonderful life with his BFFFF as his wife for his entire life and I find it very beautiful that Lydia was the first and only option to marry and live.
Here I'm going to give a couple of facts about Beetlebabes. Now, antis, leave this post, please.
Don't you think we've already seen a lot of MANY couples similar to Beetlejuice and Lydia??
Without going any further, let's look at the work of Tim Burton
The dead one and the breather one:
(Technically, The Corpse Bride and Beetlejuice have almost the same plot, a dead person wants to marry a living person and the marriage represents the climax of the story.)
Emily x Víctor
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The Freak and the Dying Beauty Girl:
Barnabas x Victoria
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Another freak and the beauty girl
Edward x Kim
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Alice x Tarrant
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And looking to other directors and productions
The Dead Boy and the Living Girl:
Casper x Kat
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The Ghost and the Talented Girl:
Erik x Christine
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The Beauty and The Monster
Zatz x Maya
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Belle x Beast (Adam)
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Thomas x Edith
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Jareth x Sarah
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Technically... Cinema and the director of Beetlejuice himself have accustomed us to shipping this type of couples. So don't feel guilty about shipping them, maybe it would be better to pair them if Lydia is of legal age.
I think it's kind of funny that they included Lolita's joke... The plot is about a sick man who ruined his life by becoming obsessed with an underage girl.
And here I'm going to pause to include a song from my country that fits this couple.
I'm actually Latina and I want to remind my language brothers that there's a Gloria Trevi song that fits very well with Lydia and Beetlejuice.
Here I will leave the translation of the song from Spanish to English.
Since she is no longer here
He does not rest in peace
His soul cries, he is not satisfied with his loneliness
Since she is no longer here
He began to wander
His penitent soul without the option of death for eternity
They met in a cold December, three years ago
He wanted to scare her through the window
She scared him when she smiled at him
He looked into her eyes and fell deep into her heart.
She is a crazy, lost crazy
He adores her wounded soul
And they loved each other, dancing out of time the psychophonies that he sang in the wind
She is a crazy, lost crazy
He appears in fire and polychrome
The ghosth and the insane girl want married
Her father doesn't want to accept it.
But a curse binds him in the mansion
That's why he sings, sings and the wind carries away his lamentation
If you pay attention
You will hear his voice
And surely she there in her white cell
She dances psychophonies of love
She is a crazy, lost crazy
He adores her wounded soul
And they loved each other, dancing out of time the psychophonies that he sang in the wind
She is a crazy, lost crazy
He appears in fire and polychrome
The ghosth and the insane girl want married
Her father doesn't want to accept it.
She is a crazy, lost crazy
He adores her, she never forgets him
Well he surrounds her with psychophonies
The dead talk to us, but some of them love us...
This song is like an AU, if Charles had never believed Lydia that ghosts really exist, and he sent her to a mental sanatorium that she never came out of, because she wasn't really crazy. It scares me how much the song fits in with the plot of the musical.
Dios mío... Me asusta lo mucho que se parecen las tramas de la canción y del musical... Claro que con un final terrible....
For now that's all, thanks for taking the time to read me! Bye! 💕😘
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fandom-nursery · 25 days
Beetlejuice agere headcanons
Usually around toddler age. Typically 2-4
Regresses pretty frequently. He finds it very easy to slip and even when he isn’t fully little he is often between headspaces 
His regression is pretty involuntary and tends to sneak up on him
It confused him for a long time since he wasn't sure what was happening. Then once he figured it out he was in denial for a long time. 
The one time that he regressed in front of his mother she was not very nice to him about it and it became just another thing about him that she ruthlessly criticized. After that experience he was pretty wary of letting anyone else find out about it 
Beetlejuice isn’t very good at being aware of his surroundings so be bumps into and knocks over things a lot when little 
When he’s little he wears his heart on his sleeve and his hair tends to have a more pastel color scheme 
He’s pretty talkative when little but frequently it’s more babbling or growling than it is actual words. When he gets frustrated or upset he has a difficult time with words 
When he’s regressed beetlejuice is very emotional and a bit more openly unsure of himself 
He tends to stick close to people and gets very upset if they leave him or if he can’t find them. Even if that “leaving him” is just them going to the bathroom. He has a lot of separation anxiety due to his fear of abandonment and will cry nonstop if left alone while small
This isn’t usually too much of an issue since little beetlejuice also needs near constant supervision in order to keep him out of trouble. Having a toddler aged beetlejuice who loves pranks and has full access to his powers is a recipe for disaster if left unsupervised 
He constantly insists he doesn't need to nap (and honestly the Deetz-Maitland household is sort of unsure if he does since he’s a ghost and a demon) but if he pushes himself too much and forgets to sleep he does end up cranky so they figure its for the best that he has a naptime just in case 
He likes to be carried a lot. Barbara in particular feels a huge amount of personal satisfaction when she learns she is able to harness her ghost powers to make herself incredibly strong and is able to carry Beetlejuice around with her with the same ease as one might carry an actual toddler 
At everyone else's instance he does have a bathtime but he’s determined to be as difficult as possible about it. (this lasts about 5 minutes before he is introduced to bath toys and bubbles and having someone wash your hair and then he’s completely enamored) he still throws a fit every time he needs a bath though (and if he gets bored and he isn’t being closely watched he will make a break for it while soaking wet and fully nude). He also has to be stopped from eating the soap and drinking the shampoo  
He’s very creative when little. He likes to color and play with clay and slime and playdoh. He also likes to be outside and play in the dirt. He likes to make a mess and frequently tracks dirt into the house or gets slime in the carpet. He has been banned permanently from glitter of any kind. 
Huge bug collector. Lydia helps him identify what kind they are. He eats about half of them
“Food” is sort of a loose term with beetlejuice since he is able to eat a lot of traditionally non-food things without consequence. He likes to eat bugs sometimes and he loves pizza and ice cream. Delia’s cooking, which often comes out borderline inedible to everyone else, is actually some of his favorite (he especially likes it when she burns things because it “gives the food more flavor”). Delia has decided to take this as a personal win and does genuinely love making meals for little Beej. the Maitlands who are both very good cooks try not to take it personally that their little demon prefers Delia’s cooking over theirs 
Beetlejuice is messy in general and when he’s both eating and little, that mess triples. All of his dishes are plastic and suction to the table and he is only allowed to drink out of sippy cups. Usually adam or barbara will attempt to feed him to help curb some of the mess and he’s usually so starry eyes at being taken care of by them that he readily accepts it  
Once everyone in the household knows about his regression beetlejuice finds himself in the sudden possession of a large number of toys. He has ugly dolls from Lydia and a bunch of stim toys that he pretty much always has on hand. Delia very quickly realized that while Lydia wasn’t interested in most traditionally girly toys, beetlejuice very much was and so she frequently buys them for him. Charles has also taken it upon himself to get beetlejuice some toys that he thinks he would have purchased for his son had he ended up with one (the remote control car was a huge hit especially once beetlejuice realized he could shrink himself down and ride it while Charles steered). Adam and barbara can’t exactly go to the store but they have both made him several things as well 
When he first told her about his regression, Lydia gave him one of her old childhood dolls as a show of support. It is rattly and patched and she stitched it to look as menacing and strange as possible. He loves it more than anything in the world and takes great care of it 
The Maitlands were pretty insistent that he own more clothes than just his suit and asked charles and delia to take beetlejuice clothing shopping. He hated it a lot but there were some shining moments like when Delia encouraged him to buy the pretty sundress he was looking at instead of making fun of him. Or when Charles helped him adjust the coat he was trying on and patted him on the back. His favorite thing to wear when small are sweatpants and a hoodie. He likes to be comfy 
Beetlejuice chews and bites at everything and so to manage this his family bought him a lot of teething toys, chewlery, and pacifiers 
Delia claims to have known about his regression first “because of his aura” and whether or not that’s true is anyone's guess but beetlejuice officially told the Maitlands first. They convinced him to confide in the rest of the family. 
Everyone pitches in to take care of him. Lydia acts like an older sister to him when he’s small and they play fun games and get into trouble together. Adam and Barbara are usually there for the softer parts of his regression like bedtime and bathtime. Delia is oddly good at calming him down if he’s upset and the two actually get along really well when he’s small. Charles is a little more distant but he’s trying in an awkward dad way
After a while of living with them and once they are all aware of his regression beetlejuice will occasionally slip up when small and refer to delia, charles, adam, and barbara as some version of mom/dad 
Loves nicknames a lot. Bumblebee, beetle, juicebox, bug, beetlebaby, baby, beej, and bee are some of his favorites 
He is very anxious about messing up when small as and as a result of Juno’s abuse tends to expect the worst over small mistakes. Yelling is an absolute no for him in any headspace. He will usually just need a lecture and to maybe clean up or apologize. Occasionally Adam and Barbara will put him in time out (delia is a bit of a pushover and won’t follow through if he cries and charles is the person in the house beetlejuice is the most scared of. Not because of anything he did really but because beetlejuice doesn't know how to handle father figures) 
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