synthwwavve · 1 year
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what if we made sustained homoerotic eye contact while reigniting the great forge of mandalore 😳 and we were both women 😳 just kidding.... haha... unless?.. .
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bufftat-junkie · 1 year
after watching that interview with Katee where of all people SHE brought up the point of “be post coital as close to the living waters as possible just to roll back in and get redeemed all over again.”
people, writers, artists, I BEG, please somebody use this creatively cause you know we’re all gonna eat it up!
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preciouspatriots · 2 years
pats defense, my ABSOLUTE beloved
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Have you played DREAD ?
By Epidiah Ravachol and Nathaniel Barmore
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A horror rpg with 3-6 players where you pull one or more Jenga blocks to do "challenging actions" all players are assigned roles before the game to build their character around. If at any point you topple the tower your character is as good as dead if their is no reasonable way for your character to die at the time the tower falls you become unable to pull any more blocks and will die at the next plausible or dramatic moment for it to occur. Dread has no fixed setting with some pre written sessions being placed in survival horror settings another in a slasher fix and another still in a sci-fi setting.
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polkadotmotmot · 1 year
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Laurie Barmore - Secrets Swallowed by the Sea, 2022
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skippyv20 · 2 years
All of the media articles about the titles for the boy and girl reminds me of MM's PR articles that have been released before regarding her close relationship with the Queen, with Charles, etc. Her many visits to Barmoral and all the special gifts given to her by the Queen, Charles, etc. The frequent zoom calls with the Queen, Charles, William. I can't remember the rest because there have been so many and none of them were true.
We forget this is what she does. She throws out this avalanche of PR crap and hope people believe it and either rejoice or turn against the BRF.
The BRF have not forgotten the bullying of staff, the accusations of racism, H "lost his father", MM wearing the blood diamonds- not once but twice and all the other actions, accusations and rumors made by the Harkles. Two weeks ago, MM made that ridiculous claim about her wedding being similar to Mandela's release from prison - insulting and infuriating the citizens of South Africa. Does anyone really believe that Charles will grant the children titles after everything the Harkles have done ?
I believe if the titles are every granted to the children it will be an option for them when they turn 18. King Charles is well aware that granting the children titles now would be considered as disrespectful to the Queen, Prince Phillip, himself and the rest of the royal family, and the majority of the UK and Commonwealth citizens. It would also signal that he will negotiate with traitors - I do not see that happening.
Thank you! Great post….I am sure there would be verification required for dolls as well….❤️
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
To understand Oprah backtracking about the "bombshell" interview, one has to forgo logical thinking and try to imagine how would a manipulative narc like Meghan make the most of being around the BRF again. 1) Meghan's afraid/timid expression at the walkabout only appears when she is near William or Catherine and she is instantly confident and smug when greeting the public they are sueing the governement for protection from. 2) Oprah backtracking is to remind everyone what the bombshells in the interview were.
Meghan stepping back when Catherine looked at her and Meghan acting flustered was just an act. Which is more likely - Catherine giving Meghan a look so frightening to scare Meghan in front of hundreds of people and media cameras or Meghan seizing the oppurtunity to act like she was frightened of William and Catherine in front of hundreds of people and media cameras ?
The articles about olive branches, Harry not being allowed to wear his uniform is petty, Meghan not allowed at Barmoral, etc. will be folded ino Meghan's victim narrative when she is back in the states.
FFS Meghan is older than both Prince William and Princess Catherine. Spare us the damsel in distress act.
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baetriots · 1 year
Barmore doing the Waddle I’m dying 🤣🤣
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synthwwavve · 1 year
The way literally EVERY exchange between Bo-Katan and the Armorer is charged with homoerotic tension lmao
Flying in and fighting side-by-side?? Passing the torch and lighting the forge together???? The way she said "Lady Kryze"???? gay gay homosexual gay
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bufftat-junkie · 1 year
Just thinking about a new rendition of a favorite niche trope of mine..
Bo is just taking a late night walk through the ruins of Mandalore nearest to their camp/settlement, and her ear catches something pretty but hard to make out from that distance. As the Mand’alor gets closer the pretty sound is revealed to be somebody singing in the shower/under a waterfall, with her curiosity dragging her along Bo Katan quietly nears the source of the singing to only find a spiked, bronze colored Mando helm and with her back to Lady Kryze is the Armorer, her voice ringing out separately from the loud rush of water in the songs of the old ages of Mandalore, perhaps even in Mando’a.
Idk, just wanted to get that out of my brain and into the world of peoples that would possibly appreciate it. :)
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openmindcrimecook · 1 month
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Patriots reportedly giving DT Christian Barmore huge raise with 4-year extension worth up to $92M http://dlvr.it/T69kBn
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gwopijon · 2 months
THREE MONTHS LATER, Niemann says, Mulkey summoned her to the coach’s office. The player had been seen around Waco with a woman, and people had begun murmuring about her sexuality. “It’s not a good look,” Niemann says Mulkey told her. Baylor is the world’s largest Baptist university, and its policy still prohibits premarital sex and defines marriage as between a man and woman. Mulkey advised Niemann to be careful because the program would be watching. For months, Niemann had struggled with questions about her identity, slowly coming to grips with being queer, she says. The product of a conservative home in Houston, a graduate of a Christian school and now a player at Baylor, she found many of her feelings were in conflict with her surroundings. “I can’t talk to anyone,” she says now. “I couldn’t find a way to make things feel right.” She was thinking of transferring, Niemann says, and met with Mulkey and her parents about it. Mulkey was flabbergasted, the coach wrote in her memoir, adding that among Niemann’s reasons for wanting to leave Baylor was that Mulkey was sometimes too hard on players. “This is how I do what I do,” Niemann recalls the coach saying. “And if you can’t take it, maybe you should leave.” Niemann left. Later, she wrote that she “did not leave Baylor because coach Mulkey is homophobic.” The coach, Niemann wrote, was only expressing opinions that were the “dominant belief system” on campus. Mulkey wrote about Niemann in her memoir, suggesting that “unhappiness comes from within one’s soul” and that Niemann’s experience was an isolated case. Other players point out that hard coaching is a key driver of Mulkey’s success, even as her peers go softer amid the shifting power dynamics of college sports. For Mulkey, players say, that often extends to comments about players’ hairstyles, tattoos and makeup. “She hates my different hair colors,” former Bears guard DiDi Richards says. “ ‘Why is your hair purple?’ ‘Are you going to wear them two ponytails?’ If you would change the color, she’d go, ‘You and these damn colors.’ ” The comments came from a place of affection, Richards believes. They could get personal, too, though Richards says they show how Mulkey pushes players, physically and emotionally, in pursuit of wins. Mulkey’s attorneys described the comments as “good-natured banter, as often happens on and around the court.” A few months after Baylor’s first championship, Mulkey’s husband told her he felt neglected. They attended couples counseling, Mulkey would write, and she offered to leave coaching. Robertson nonetheless wanted to end their marriage. “I told Randy … that he better be sure,” Mulkey wrote, “because there was no turning back.” (Robertson did not respond to an email.) By this point, those in Mulkey’s orbit had learned that disloyalty could result in harsh consequences. Les Mulkey sent notes to his daughter, pleading for reconciliation, but Mulkey wrote that she returned them unread. After Reneau, the former Louisiana Tech president, sent Mulkey a message congratulating her on the national championship, Mulkey would say later, it sat unopened on her desk for years. “Talk to that man?” she told the Dallas Morning News in 2012. “That’s not who I am.”
AT BAYLOR, MULKEY IMPORTED a layer of trust by surrounding herself with past allies: Barmore, who came out of retirement to be an assistant coach; a longtime Louisiana Tech booster to oversee Baylor’s budget and travel; and a former Techsters team manager to handle recruiting.
Everything Mulkey did, at least as it related to basketball, worked: two Sweet 16s in five years and, in 2010, another Final Four. Texas kids dreamed of wearing the green and gold, and when Kelli Griffin was in seventh grade, she wrote a paper about someday leaving Houston to play for Kim Mulkey.
Griffin had come out in high school, but though she and Mulkey never explicitly discussed her sexuality while she was being recruited, Griffin says now that it was “obvious” and that she assumed Mulkey knew. She promised Griffin’s mother, Madine, that Baylor was a “family” and that she would protect Kelli.
Not long after Griffin arrived on campus, she says, Mulkey began asking why she dressed like a boy: baggy jeans, basketball shorts, sweats. A lady, Griffin says the coach told her, wears a dress. “Okay, this lady might not like gay people,” Griffin recalls thinking.
She considered transferring, but in 2008, one of Griffin’s friends and former AAU teammates committed to Baylor. Brittney Griner was a 6-foot-8 phenom and YouTube dunking sensation who, not long after reporting to campus, grabbed a rebound, glided the length of the court with the ball, then dunked it.
“Dang, Kim,” Barmore said in an interview. “I think we’ve got something here.”
Griner is gay, but she didn’t come out publicly until 2013, after her final game at Baylor. Still, whenever Mulkey sensed Griner was distracted or stressed, Mulkey blamed “girlfriend problems,” Griner later wrote, even if Griner wasn’t dating anyone. “She sounded like she was speaking a foreign language,” Griner wrote.
“Maybe she would have understood me better,” Griner wrote, “if I had shared more with her, but there was always a little bit of a disconnect with us, because I never really knew if Kim fully accepted me for who I am.”
Mulkey also called out players if they gained weight, instructing the team’s strength coach to conduct weigh-ins in front of the team, according to Griffin and another player. Players weren’t to bring non-basketball matters to Mulkey, they say, encouraged to confide in assistant coaches instead. And Niemann and multiple other former players say shame was a frequent tool in Mulkey’s coaching arsenal, whether during practice drills or in addresses to the team. Some of these former players spoke on the condition of anonymity because of fears of retaliation in the close-knit women’s basketball community.
Mulkey’s attorneys said the former players’ allegations were too vague to respond to.
Mulkey didn’t like the stars tattooed on Griner’s shoulders because, the player later wrote, they sent the “wrong message.” Griner pacified her coach by wearing a T-shirt under her jersey.
“It seemed like all she cared about was the image of the program as seen through the eyes of a very specific segment of the population,” Griner wrote. “Just once, I wanted her to stop worrying about what everyone else thought and stand by my side.”
In 2010, Griffin was the second-ranked Bears’ starting point guard. One night, Griffin says, an ex-girlfriend and Bears teammate showed up at Griffin’s home, and a fight broke out.
Griffin says she called Mulkey to report the incident, and the next morning, Mulkey announced that Griffin would be suspended indefinitely. The teammate, who Griffin wouldn’t identify to The Post because, she said, the teammate had not come out as gay, wasn’t punished, according to Griffin. In a separate interview, Griffin’s mom, Madine, also recalled that the other player wasn’t suspended.
Griffin says she confronted Mulkey to ask why she was being penalized and that Mulkey told her she was owed no explanation.
“I thought I did everything I was supposed to,” she says.
After The Post asked Mulkey’s representatives about these events, they provided a statement from the former player, Morghan Medlock, who was in a relationship with Griffin at the time. Medlock claimed Griffin was actually suspended for using marijuana.
In a phone interview the next day, Medlock reiterated that Mulkey “never knew” there had been an altercation between Griffin and Medlock. Griffin just stopped coming to practice, Medlock said. Medlock said she did not remember how she had learned the reason Griffin was suspended.
Medlock said she decided to give the statement after receiving a call this week from an individual who falsely claimed Griffin had identified Medlock to The Post.
“If my name never came up, I wouldn’t be on the phone with you right now,” she said. Medlock would not reveal who had contacted her and refused to say when she had last spoken with Mulkey.
“What difference does it make?” she said. “How I got the information, who I got it from, where I got it, that doesn’t matter.”
She then ended the call.
Griffin maintains that she was not suspended for drugs and that she didn’t use marijuana in college. The Baylor women’s basketball spokeswoman from 2010, who’s now retired, told The Post in a text message Wednesday that she was “not privy” to the reason for Griffin’s suspension. Baylor’s current spokesman declined to comment on this and other elements of this article.
Griffin says she told assistant coach Damion McKinney that she intended to transfer because, Griffin says, “I couldn't play for Kim anymore.” (McKinney did not respond to messages seeking comment.)
But transferring wouldn’t be easy. Long before the NCAA, in 2021, introduced the transfer portal, allowing players to come and go among schools without penalty, players generally needed to be released by one school before pursuing a transfer to another.
Four days after appearing in an exhibition game, the Baylor program released a statement to the media. It didn’t say Griffin intended to transfer.
It said she “quit.”
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murfreesboronews · 6 months
MTSU Fall Stole Ceremony Spotlights Graduating Student-Veterans
Thirty-five years after joining the United States Army, Tyrone Barmore will join the ranks of nearly 80 Middle Tennessee State University student-veterans garnering degrees Saturday, Dec. 16, at the fall commencement ceremonies. “Ever since I got out of the military, I’ve wanted to complete my college education. For almost 30 years I’ve been saying this,” said the 55-year-old Barmore, who will…
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hmmm don't you think an invitation to Barmoral is checkmate? How can they bring dolls? And they know the rules will be enforced after Platinum Jubilee - hmmmmmmmm
Interesting….I shall ponder ❤️
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pocketdragonpub · 7 months
Weal or Woe: Horror TTRPGs!
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Let's get spooky! For the inaugeral episode of Weal or Woe, we will be reviewing three horror TTRPGS. The bar menu includes: Mork Borg by Pelle Nilsson (Ockult Örtmästare Games) and (Stockholm Kartell), published by Free League Publishing, Dread by designed by Epidiah Ravachol and Nathaniel Barmore, and published by The Impossible Dream, and last but certainly not least, Candela Obscura by Rowan Hall and Spenser Starke, published by Darrington Press! The barkeeps are so excited to review these games that we may have accidentally summoned a new mascot for the show! Meet Wisp, the Pub's haunted mascot! 👻
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labelleperfumery · 1 year
Beth Chapman's Daughters Sue Over Memorial Fund, Dog Calls it BS
Beth Chapman’s Daughters Sue Over Memorial Fund, Dog Calls it BS
When Dog the Bounty Hunter’s late wife, Beth Chapman, died … a memorial fund was set up in her name, but now her daughters are dragging its founder to court. Bonnie Chapman and Cecily Barmore just filed suit against Rainy Robinson — who was… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/01/10/beth-chapman-daughter-sue-memorial-fund-dog-the-bounty-hunter/
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