chernobog13 · 4 months
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Art by Neal Adams from Heritage Magazine in the 1970s. I don't know anything about the story behind these, and whether or not this was a project that Adams was working on or proposing.
This appears to be a sequence where Carson Napier has crashed landed on Mars/Barsoom, is later rescued by John Carter, and we discover Tarzan is in some sort of hibernation device.
Some people have theorized that the blonde guy is Flash Gordon (the belt and striped pants were standard parts of Flash's costume). However, as the rest of the characters are from Edgar Rice Burroughs' tales, it makes more since for him to be Carson of Venus. Especially if you remember that Carson was originally trying to get to Mars/Barsoom before his spaceship was thrown off course by the moon's gravity.
It's also interesting that Adams, for first time that I know of, depicted John Carter exactly as he's usually described in the Barsoom novels: naked except for his sword belt (it's not that he's a pervert; that's just the norm in Barsoomian culture).
I'd love to hear from anyone who has more information about these pictures and the story behind them.
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righteoustuff · 10 months
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speaking-impartially · 8 months
one of our interns who was helping with drawings labeled all of my interior elevations “ENT ELEV”, and now I’m thinking I should stick with that theme for the annotations.
“Hoom baroom, electrical panels. Refer to electrical drawings, hrum.”
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fizermusic · 1 year
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I posted 1,159 times in 2022
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My Top Posts in 2022:
9 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Smiley Bates Part 4
9 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
Life Paints Things Like That
10 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
13 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Cowboy Doing Country
18 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
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(cold island mammott)
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swampgallows · 1 year
tagged by @tangledredstringsoffate​. thank you for tagging me!! i love doing these, it reminds me of the livejournal days heehee
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!!!
Relationship Status: Single. Not in a rush. Love to be in one. Hates the dating sphere. (yeah im keepin this answer)
Favorite Color: GREEM
Song Stuck In My Head: it. it. the baroom. bitz.
Last Song I Listened To: we’ve been making collaborative biome playlists of ambient video game music and the desert one is playing right now. it just made it to the last (or most recently added) track, which is the hidden track on the bomberman hero soundtrack, Loom
Three Favorite Foods: any bread with sugar or cheese
Last Thing I Googled: donghuang cave (it’s “dunhuang”. couldn’t remember their other names, which is “mogao caves”)
Dream Trip: flooded chilean/bolivian salt flats. then i can finally be one with the earth and die
Anything I Want Right Now: yall already know wtf it is
steal if you wanna! im always paranoid about leaving people out or making people feel pressured so just do it if you’d like :>
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scyllas-revenge · 2 years
Aaand 5, 15, 29 for that other writing wrap? :)
Aww thank you for the second ask!!
5. Favorite line of dialogue you wrote this year?
That's such a tough question. But I had so much fun writing Treebeard's dialogue in Burn Like Cold Iron (chapter 30) and I'm really proud of how it turned out. bits like this:
“Ah, and that is the song’s ending,” Treebeard said, sighing gustily. “A quick thing, an almost hasty thing, baroom-hoom-hum, for the elves have translated it, you know. In our own tongue, our songs might bloom on and on until the season’s passing. I do not suppose you wish to stay to hear them?”
“Oh—I’m afraid I can’t,” I said haltingly, not sure if he was serious.
or sad parts like this:
“Do you know, I can almost see the Ent-wives again, in my waking sight. Búrarum, I had quite forgotten what they looked like. I had not thought to recall their faces, nor hear their song, for all the remaining ages of the world.”
Honestly I like all the dialogue from that chapter. Saruman's was a lot of fun to write too, and Bee's arguments with him.
“Think you that I take such notice of my servants? I would as soon keep track of the ants crawling about my grounds.”
“Radagast would do both.”
15. How would you summarize the themes of your work this year in one sentence?
I answered this one in another ask, and I'm not sure I can summarize my writing any better:
Writing a glacially paced slow burn romance got so stressful that I had to write a bunch of other one-shots just to keep myself going.
29. Do you want to try writing any new genres next year?
I have a murder mystery planned for next year and I'm really excited! I've always wanted to write mystery and suspense and I've been reading tons of Agatha Christie to hype myself up lol
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sumirekuribayashi · 1 year
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5/30(火) 大阪堺スピニングミルRemboato+suomi morishita strings trio guest Tim Collins(vib)from Germany
6/3 山猫軒 solo
6/5 Remboato+ Tim Collins(vib)from Germany
6/11 BAROOM 東京民謡倶楽部 リリースパーティー
6/20 下北沢Apollo 福盛進也ds
6/22 渋谷body&soul 栗林すみれtrio 藤本一馬gt 須川崇志b
6/24 草加シュガーヒル 伊藤君子vo デュオ
6/25 青山ZIMAGINE 中西俊博vln デュオ
6/28 横浜ジャズファースト 加藤真一bデュオ
7/2 吉祥寺ストリングス 栗林すみれソロ
7/8 ストーリービル 藤本一馬gt
7/12 成城学園前カフェブールマン 藤本一馬gt
7/15 朝霞台停車場 停車場スペシャル maiko vln
7/16 成城学園前カフェブールマン ファルコンgt
7/21 渋谷公園通りクラシックス
7/29.30 スクリーンミュージックコンサート 東儀秀樹(笙、篳篥) 小松亮太(bandneon) 川井郁子(vln) N響メンバー弦楽四重奏団
8/9 渋谷Body and Soul 栗林すみれp藤本一馬gt須川崇志b
二重奏 金澤英明b栗林すみれp ツアー
8/15 土岐市BIRD&DIZ
8/16 名古屋金山ミスターケニーズ
8/17 豊橋バズルバンチ
8/24 南青山ZIMAZINE 山本玲子vibスクエアピラミッド
8/27 小岩コチ 類家心平tp
9/23 渋谷公園通りクラシックス 栗林すみれp maiko vln 藤本一馬gt secret guest Niran tp
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Mark Schultz’s pencils and final cover depicting a scene from Robert E. Howard’s Almuric.
A planetary romance like ERB’s Baroom or Venus series, Almuric is worth your time tracking down and reading.  It’s a shame Howard never wrote adventures on that fantastical world.
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lighteous · 2 years
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theghostwhotumbles · 2 years
Steady as she goes
Steady as she goes
Rain saves the lawn Finally, in the words of the lawn guy, we get a good soaking. Just what the brown grass was thirsting for. I didn’t see the lightning that signaled the storm’s arrival, but I heard the thunder. It woke me up. Baroom-boom-boom, a triple boomer. The cat was already sitting on the sill of the bedroom window to welcome the storm. Thunder doesn’t scare her. The sound of fireworks…
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fizermusic · 1 year
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righteoustuff · 2 years
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 7/ 2  SAT 沼津@Calle5411
7/8  FRI 渋谷@Contact
7/9  SAT 八王子@SHeLTeR
7/12 TUE 渋谷@THMC
7/14 THU 南青山@Baroom
7/16 SAT 渋谷@mitsuki
7/17 SUN 静岡@dazzbar
7/20 WED 神宮前@bonobo
7/22 FRI 南青山@Baroom
7/25 MON 渋谷@Roots
7/28 THU 南青山@Baroom
8/ 5 FRI 博多@sirocco
8/ 6 SAT 別府@Creole Cafe
8/ 7 SUN 熊本@MellowMellow
8/12 FRI 吉祥寺@Cheeky
8/14 SUN 下北沢@Spread
8/17 WED 神宮前@bonobo
8/19 FRI 下北沢@ILLAS
8/22 MON 渋谷@ROOTS
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daikanyamatempu · 2 years
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ブルータス西田さん ケトル嶋さんが始めた 水曜スペシャル2回目に 作家、甘糟りり子さん 芝浦GOLD佐藤俊博さんをゲストに迎えて、 人を魅了する空間と、街づくりについてバブル期から現在への話がめちゃくちゃ面白く、勉強になり、また、パワーをいただきました〜 いい話いっぱい聞けたんで、7月から、焼師さくちゃん復活するんで、焼きながら、また語らせていただきましょう^_^必要ならばね^_^ 感謝さくちゃん^_^ #カルチャーナイト #水曜スペシャル #バブル盆に返らず (at song & supper BAROOM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZAI88Pt2H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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makoto-tamaki-327 · 2 years
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【 #南青山 song & supper BAROOM】 先日、 #五十嵐朝青 さんのご紹介で南青山に新しくオープンした音楽ホールとバーがあり、リアルとオンラインがつながり、レコードという歴史・文化も包含した #エンターテイメント 拠点のオープニングにお邪魔しました❗️ 多彩なゲストを招くオンライン配信を核と行いつつ、リアルなホールとバーでは #コンロンビアレコード 所属 #アーティスト などの生演奏が楽しめる大変意欲的な場です! 料理とドリンクは #BAROOM のために、シェフとバーテンダーに監修をお願いしたオリジナルメニューです! オープニングでは、フィンガーフードを頂きましたが、香辛料が効いたエスニックな料理でとっても美味しかったです! 今度、料理を監修された # 恵比寿 のカウンター中華『 #coyacoya 』さんにもお邪魔してみたい思います。 場所は、六本木通りの #南青山七丁目 交差点の角になりますので、ぜひ一度チェックしてみてください‼️ 奥のバーカウンターには、 #美空ひばり さんの #レコード大賞 の受賞盾も飾られています。 また、運が良ければ、国産第一号の蓄音器の懐かしい音色も楽しめるかもしれませんよ🎵 【 玉木まこと 】 無所属・37歳・5歳児子育て中の港区議会議員(2期目) 建築・街づくりの経験から公園を活かした都心の新しいコミュニティづくりをライフワークとしています。 働き盛り世代・責任世代として、未来ある子どもたちにずっと住み続けられる港区を届けます! #玉木まこと #港区 #港区民 #街づくり #港区女子 #港区子育て #港区ママ #港区男子 #港区議会議員 #faith (at フェイス南青山) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdfHxe8LJ5G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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