#bart's inner child
jesusworesandals · 7 months
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flyinghellfish · 2 years
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bluecinderella4 · 1 year
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I mean...I just had to gif this
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the-new-hip-priest · 2 years
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classic-simpsons · 7 months
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crashcitycentral · 1 year
Bart: I’m trying to convince Tim that I’m just a figment of his imagination.
Tim, sleep deprived and emotional: STOOOPP!
Bart: What’s wrong, Timber?
Tim, crying on the ground: BECAUSE ITS PROBABLY TRUE!
Bart: Is it because I represent your inner child that was denied a childhood so you focus that energy on creating someone to bring out the carefree and positive disposition in your life?
Tim, aggressively sobbing:
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kermit-coded · 11 months
How Could I Love You Less Now That I Know You More (2391 words) by pop_and_lock Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen & Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen & Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes & Jaime Reyes Characters: Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Khaji Da Additional Tags: Time Travel, Crack Treated Seriously, Internalized Homophobia, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, bluepulse SQUARED babey!!!, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Trauma, inspired by that one good will hunting scene, healing your inner child… literally!, past bart and jaime are 13 and 15, present bart and jaime are 20 and 22, Panic Attacks, Jaime Reyes Has Anxiety, yes jaime still holds a grudge against brion for triggering bart and he's valid tbh, Catholic Character of Color, Bart Allen Has ADHD Series: Part 18 of You Say You're Okay Universe Summary: Bart stares, and his younger self stares back.
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myfavsimpsonslines · 10 months
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"Bart's Inner Child"
Season 5 / Episode 7 (22:00)
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ao3feed-blpls · 11 months
How Could I Love You Less Now That I Know You More
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6PsRkdt
by pop_and_lock
Bart stares, and his younger self stares back.
Words: 2391, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 18 of You Say You're Okay Universe
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Khaji Da
Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen & Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen & Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes & Jaime Reyes
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Crack Treated Seriously, Internalized Homophobia, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, bluepulse SQUARED babey!!!, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Trauma, inspired by that one good will hunting scene, healing your inner child... literally!, past bart and jaime are 13 and 15, present bart and jaime are 20 and 22, Panic Attacks, Jaime Reyes Has Anxiety, yes jaime still holds a grudge against brion for triggering bart and he's valid tbh
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6PsRkdt
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acmeoop · 2 years
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Yep, It’s Finally Gone. D’-D’-D’-D’-D’oh!!! “Bart’s Inner Child” (1993)
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corner-stories · 2 years
Bart Allen. Jesse Chambers. Wally West.
Watches. Heirlooms. Gifts.
1592 words.
The wristwatches of the Fastest Siblings Alive.
Bartholomew Henry Allen II wears an old Cartier Santos from 1945, a gift from Joan Garrick that he still isn’t sure he truly deserves.
It had belonged to Arthur Williams, Joan’s late father and an army major in both world wars. It seemed that surviving two world-wide conflicts motivated him to buy something to celebrate the occasion. He even had the letter ‘A’ engraved into the back. 
After Major Williams’ passing, the watch resided on Joan’s wrist for a number of decades, then eventually made its way to the bottom of her jewelry box when Jay bought her a Tissot Visodate to celebrate their 25th anniversary.
Joan had considered giving the Cartier to her dear husband, but every time she had brought it up he rejected the notion, arguing that something so precious to Joan and her father didn’t deserve to be worn by him. 
It took decades of contemplating for Joan to figure out what she really wanted to do with it.
Bart Allen had only been seventeen for a few months when Joan gave him her father’s watch. By then she had sent it to a local watchmaker, who lovingly fixed the inner workings, cleaned the dial, and replaced the aging leather strap with a fresh one — all in the hopes that the timepiece would be worn for decades to come. Joan even hoped that the ‘A’ engraved on the bottom could start standing for ‘Allen.’
Suffice to say, Bart was just as reserved as Jay was when it came to wearing the watch. His rationale was similar, even going so far as to claim that the Williams family heirloom was better off in a museum. But Joan was adamant that he keep it, because after decades of hiding inside of her jewelry box, the watch deserved some time on somebody’s wrist. She especially hoped that said wrist would belong to the boy who she had come to see as a child of her own. 
It took some time, but Bart eventually accepted the gift.  
He never wore the watch to school, as he was worried about something so precious getting stolen or damaged. It was only after he graduated and began splitting his time between heroics and college that the old Cartier Santos found its way onto his wrist.
The watch never did anything more than tell the time, but that’s what Bart liked about it — it was so simplistic yet somehow it meant so much to him. The bezels were square and silver, the dial was pristine and white, the roman numerals around the hands were painted in dark ink, and the black strap just tied it all together like a ribbon on a gift. 
In the future, Bart Allen’s old Cartier Santos would become a reminder of someone who helped him come to be in this world. Sure, he got the ‘Mercury’ moniker from Max and the inspiration for the winged helm from Jay, but the little timepiece that reminded him of a simple age was received from Joan.
Jessica Belle Chambers wears an Omega Seamaster 300 and she finds that it brings her comfort. 
The timepiece had started its life as a gift from Libby Lawrence to Johnny Chambers, a token to celebrate their years of marriage and Quickstart finally having taken off. Apparently, she wanted to get her loving husband something that would make him seem “very James Bond.”
Even little Jesse had admired the watch as her father wore it around his study, proudly brandishing it on his person like he did with his bespoke two-piece suits. 
When the divorce happened, Johnny had attempted to give the watch back. The matters of a trinket meant little to Libby as she was more concerned with the wellbeing of their daughter. The upcoming custody battle was simply of the utmost importance. As the two came to an agreement regarding Jesse’s living situation, the Omega hid in the corner of Johnny’s watch drawer, where it remained unused for years to come. 
When Johnny Chambers died, his possessions were left to his daughter and ex-wife. Jesse took the company and let her mother deal with everything else. 
Libby dealt with everything from the brownstone in Queens to the beach house in Montauk, putting his smaller assets and belongings deep in storage. Even his post-divorce ‘92 Porsche made its way under a tarp in her garage. Somehow she couldn’t herself to donate his clothes, as it just didn’t feel right. Thus his watches — everything from his silver and gold Rolex to the fabled Seamaster — remained inside Libby’s closet for years to come. 
It was only during a certain era of life — in which the relationship between mother and daughter had become less strained — did the watch appear again.
During a lunch at Libby’s Upper East Side apartment Jesse got presented with her father’s old Seamaster. Libby had retrieved it from her closet and had only given it a few days on the wrist before realizing it was better suited elsewhere. She insisted that her daughter be the one to wear it, even if she wasn’t running Quickstart anymore in favor of a much quieter gig as the JSA museum curator. 
Libby’s rationale was that Johnny would have wanted her to have it anyway, something Jesse didn’t know was true or not. Libby especially wanted the Seamaster to get some wrist time, even if it was a reminder of a marriage that ultimately didn’t work out.   
To Jesse’s own surprise she had taken the watch without any protest. Instead of her wrist she slipped it into her pocket, then kept it there as she made her way back home. On the run there she wondered if Rick would take the watch, or if the timepiece would remain hidden deep in her closet just like it had at her mother’s. 
When Jesse first put on the Seamaster it didn’t feel right. She wasn’t sure if it was because it was too fancy for her taste, a tad too heavy, or that whatever essence of her father was there turned out to be for naught. 
Then she went on with her day, going through her usual routines like a potential family heirloom wasn’t currently strapped to her arm. She even checked the time on her phone more often than not. 
Then the next day Jesse wore it again, slipping it onto her wrist in the morning without a second thought before zooming to the JSA brownstone. 
Then she did the same thing again.
And again, and again, and again. 
It only took a month for Jesse’s wrist to feel naked when she wasn’t sporting her father’s old Omega. 
It wasn’t even the most expensive watch in his collection — as his vintage Rolex Datejust could attest — yet Jesse treasured it like it was made of solid gold. Even if it was slightly too big for her wrist, it became a part of her life like the shoes on her feet or the lenses in her spectacles. 
Even Rick had taken a liking to it too. He would never give up the Hamilton Khaki she got him for his 27th birthday, but he could appreciate the craftsmanship that had gone into the old Omega, as well as his wife’s affection for the timepiece. She even let him wear it while attending his parents’ anniversary dinner. He agreed with Libby’s original intention with the watch, as it did make his spouse seem “very James Bond.”
Ultimately, the watch felt like a subtler way to uphold her father’s legacy — something not as overt as her share in Quickstart, or even the symbol on her chest as she fought the good fight. It was something she could keep around with her every day, irregardless to whether she put her mask on or not, and Jesse would treasure it until the day she died. 
Wallace Rudolph West wears a twelve dollar Casio F-91W that Linda got him while on vacation, and more often than not wearing a watch is always a peculiar experience.
Whether it be because he can stretch out the time between the numbers changing on the small digital screen, or because he’s used to a bare wrist, he doesn’t know. 
What Wally does know is that whenever he does decide to check the time on his watch and not on his phone, he remembers that one week-long trip to Chicago that Linda took for work reasons, and the apparent story involving a four-hour layover in Minneapolis followed by some retail therapy to cope. 
Out of everything she had bought during her spree at the MSP International Airport, it was the discounted black Casio that she put the most thought into. She had lovingly referred to it as “the working man’s watch” when she presented it to her husband, knowing that he would eschew anything too opulent and would much prefer something that could survive being dunked into a car engine for eight hours a day. 
Somehow Wally grew to adore the watch, even if he didn’t wear it all the time.  Sometimes it hid in the pockets of his Keystone City Motors coveralls, or it would reside on his wrist as he picked the twins up from school. 
Sure, it wasn’t an heirloom like Bart’s Cartier Santos or a token from a parent like Jesse’s Omega Seamaster, but the fact that it was something that the love of his wife bought to make his life a little easier was all he needed to love the watch to pieces.
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jesusworesandals · 7 months
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flyinghellfish · 2 years
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DC Weirdness and Stories
Hi. I'm back from being dead sorta. I was redesigning and creating designs for Batman Rogues.
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Anyway welcome. Surprisingly, I'm not the biggest fan of The Flash even though he's sorta interesting. I like Flash just not as much as Batman/ The rest of the Justice League. I just get tired of talking about the inner workings of the "Speed Force." However, I noticed bullsh#t so here I am telling you about speedy people because why the hell not.
But first before diving into this tub of nonsense, what the f#ck is a Speedster.
Well, a “speedster” is someone with an interdimensional energy source known as “the Speed Force”, which gives them the primary power of ✨speed✨.
And my god is this power given out like god damn candy. Luckily for me and you, the number isn't as bad as how many children Bruce has adopted, believe me, you don't wanna know the amount of kids that man has.
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The very first speedster in DC Comics was on Earth-Two. Believe me, the different Earths are weird but interesting and complex as all hell. This guy is Jay Garrick, a nerdy college student. How did he get his powers? Well he took a smoke break during science, it was the 19 whatevers, and broke a tube of "hard water", making fumes that caused him to pass out. When he woke up he got super speed! Sounds fake, right? THIS IS HIS ACTUAL ORIGIN STORY! Oh and he had a REVERSE FLASH.
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GUESS WHO THIS GUY IS! This is Edward Clariss, THE CHEM PROFESSOR AT JAY'S UNIVERSITY! You wanna know his origin? No? TOO BAD! He was rejected by a scientific community for creating the serum that gave Jay his powers. 80s man. Because of this, he said, "f#ck it" then became Jay's "Reverse Flash."
Now heres the HIMBO himself.
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Barry Allen. Mom killed by a time-traveling d#ck head, dad went to jail for it, Barry became a forensics scientist, struck by lightning, bada-bing, bada-boom, speedy man.
Oh yeah, D#ckhead.
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Eobard Thawne, Professor Zoom, the Reverse-Flash, whatever you want to call him. He came from the 25th-century, and idolized Barry Allen, don't ask why. He discovered a time capsule that belonged to himself that contained the Flash’s costume, FOR SOME REASON, D#ck head was able to use it to replicate Barry’s super speed. You ready for the next part? No? Good cause this is the stupid part. He goes back in time and sees that he was fated to be Flashs nemesis. Now, as any logical person, he stepped back and tried to help Flash- NEWS BREAK, HE DIDN'T. WENT APE-SH#T AND DEDICATED HIS LIFE TO RUIN BARRY'S LIFE.
God, this is why Superman and Batman are my favorites. ANY WAY.
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This is Wally West, him and Barry look similar, please stay with me on this. This kid is at the center of one of the biggest coincidences in comic book history. Head of the Flash fan club and nephew of Iris West, girlfriend of Barry Allen, irony. Barry took Wally to his lab one day, Wally was struck by a bolt of lightning and doused with chemicals exactly like Barry was. Ta da! Heres the bullsh#t!! :D
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Hunter Zolomon, THE SAME SUIT AS REVERSE FLASH. GUYS CAN WE PLEASE MAKE OUR OWN COSTUMES. Used to be a police officer until being almost murdered during an attack by Gorilla Grodd, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Asked Wally to use a Cosmic Treadmill, don't ask I have not f#cking idea what it is, to go back in time and stop it from happening. Guess the answer. It was no. D#ckhead jr over here got absolutely upset, breacking into the Flash Museum, yes that f#cking exists, and tried to use the treadmill himself. It blew up. GIVING HIM POWERS AND HIS MOBILITY BACK. THUS ZOOM. HE CALLED HIMSELF ZOOM.
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Bart Allen! Anyone remember this ADHD child? Hes Barry’s future grandson from the 30th Century, Flash and time travel are the exact reason why we have Batman Year Zero and The New 52. He goes by the superhero name Impulse.
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He also has a clone named Thaddeus Thawne, who goes by the alias Inertia. Why? Ugh. I don't know man. :[
Max Mercury. Was given his Speed Force through mysterious means, serves as a mentor for training speedsters.
Jesse Quick, daughter of heroes Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. Who? I don't remember.
Godspeed, a psycho speedster who kills other speedsters. No not Reverse Flash.
Avery Ho, the Flash of China... no really. Shes the Flash of The Justice League of China.
And, finally but not the last we'll see of a Speedster …Black Flash.
It's not what you think.
So get this horsesh#t, speedsters are so fast that they can literally outrun death itself. NO I'M NOT JOKING. So, in order to stop that bull, the Speed Force created its own embodiment of death called the Black Flash or Zoom, which chase the souls of speedsters who refuse to die.
Theres more but... I'm done.
Next part I'm talkin about BLORBOS... and why we can't have nice things. I'm looking at you DC, you absolute nut houses.
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gameguy20100 · 10 days
Speaking of fans of "edgy" characters like Astarion, there's an episode of the Simpsons you might find funny called "Bart's Inner Child". In this episode, a self-help guru comes to Springfield and tells the citizens that they should all be like Bart, so they all become rebels who do what they feel like. But this makes Bart depressed, because as Lisa later explains, he's lost his "identity as a rebel"; since everyone is acting as rebellious as he is, his attitude is no longer subversive or edgy.
Lol. I remember that one.
People just want to feel different because it makes them feel superior for some reason.
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randomthefox · 25 days
You said that the only reason anyone could like the IDW comic is out of spite, because they hate Sonic. That reminds anon of an episode of the Simpsons called "Bart's Inner Child". A self-help guru tells all of Springfield that they should be more like Bart, so they all become rebels who do what they feel like. The problem is, since Bart previously defined himself as a rebel, he becomes depressed, since his attitude is no longer "subversive". Similarly IDW fans define themselves as "subversive."
Suddenly being anti conformist isn't fun when everyone else is doing the same thing.
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