#based on something that happened to me during thanksgiving
space-bowl · 9 months
Happy Holidays!
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They spent most of the night arguing on what movie to watch...
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berryz-writes · 3 months
Your the only one for me
(part 1)
SOOO THIS TOOK A WHILE. sorry xx. also THANK YOU 🤍 (a lot of requests have been made based off of this request so I'm making it into one long fic x)
Summary: You find something suspicious on Grayson's phone and confront him about it. During your argument you get seriously injured. Is it all a misunderstanding or is he just using you?
Grayson Hawthorne x reader
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It was Thanksgiving weekend. A time for family and friends. For loved ones to gather and enjoy good food and share stories and memories. At the moment Xander was explaining the story of how the two of us had paired up in a robotics competition, in which I had screwed something wrong resulting in an explosion and causing our professor to ban us from robotics club. This happened almost 3 months ago and he was still hurt about being banned from the club. He was now explaining how he was starting his own club. And apparently I was not invited.
Grayson's hand rested on my thigh, a comforting gesture and something that helped me stay calm in such a chaos of a family dinner. It wasn't exactly a "family dinner" seen as though half the people weren't even here. It was a more get together dinner with Xander, Jameson, Avery, Grayson and me. Nash was out somewhere with Libby and Max was actually trying to get a few projects done, surprisingly.
Thanksgiving was actually in 2 days time but according to Jameson "It's never too early to get together". This also meant he had probably planned something that included more than 4 people to play. I didn't mind. It gave me an excuse to forget about my deadlines for abit and spend time with Grayson.
*A few hours later*
I watched as Grayson finally came to stop in front of me in the pool, smiling up at me. I refused to go any further into the water and just let my legs dangle slightly in. Besides watching Grayson swim with his muscles on show like that was always nice to watch.
"You should join me. It's warm" He said, his height being enough for him to stand with the water coming up to his chest.
I shook my head "Who wants to voluntarily swim? It's like saying let's go on a treadmill, it's fun"
Grayson let out a laugh "It's not entirely like that sweetheart. But fine" Before I could say anything a notification popped up on Grayson's phone. It was too far back for him to get it so I grabbed it for him. Because I was nosy and my eyes immediately went to see who the notification was from, I immediately wished I could turn back time and pretend I had never seen it.
A notification from Sophie that read *I had so much fun yesterday. We should definitely do it again.😏*
I didn't give him the phone, instead I held it tightly in my hand and showed him his screen.
"Who is this?" I asked, trying so hard to not get angry and see reason to what was happening. Grayson's smile dropped and immediately became confused. He ran a hand through his hair
"It's just Sophie. She does the photography exhibit with me" He said after a while.
I put his phone down, although what I really wanted to do was throw it into the pool. I stood up and looked at him in disgust. I thought he'd have better morals than cheating on someone. Especially someone they had said they loved.
"Just Sophie? Is she the reason why you came home at two in the morning yesterday? Or the reason why you haven't been telling me anything whenever I ask you?"
Grayson looked up at me, still in the pool. "Sweetheart. I was at the photography exhibit, finishing things off." He had gone pale and was frozen in place.
I scoffed. He just kept thinking if he made the same excuse I would believe it "Well I'm finishing things between us SO YOU CAN GO SPEND TIME WITH SOPHIE LIKE THE LYING FUCKING CHEAT YOU ARE" I felt tears make their way down my cheek as I walked away into the darkness, half running and half stumbling because I couldn't see a thing with my tears cascading down.
Why was I crying? It was just a breakup. I was trying to justify it all but really I was crying because I didn't expect it. I was crying because I thought if things ever ended between the two of us it would be on good terms. Not him cheating. I loved him. I probably still did and that's what hurt most. When had he started seeing someone else?
Did it start just last week when we had our date? Or had it been months now and I was just too oblivious to see it all? My heart hurt so much it was unbearable. I wanted to rip it out and ignore the reality of it all.
I walked in a daze to the room me and Grayson shared and tried to get everything of mine into my bag. Luckily because I was a lazy bitch I hadn't even unpacked yet. It's like I knew this was going to happen. Putting my hair brush into my side bag and looking around the room one more time I wheeled my suitcase to the stairs.
I couldn't do it. I couldn't. Imagine, the one person who loved you thinking you aren't worthy enough. I spent so much of my time and effort into loving Grayson wholeheartedly and what did I get back? Heartbreak.
I sat down on the top most stair and let the tears flow until there were no more. The pain in my heart receding to a dull ache in my chest. I wasn't ready to see him but there he was, looking up at me with sad eyes and a regretful expression.
"Y/n. Please. Don't leave" His hair was still wet, his swimming shorts were still on and he had pulled on a shirt. I wanted to throw my suitcase down at him and have him hug me all at once. Why did he have to cheat? Was I not good enough?
I didn't feel like talking to him so instead I stood up and kept my expression blank. As if he didn't faze me at all. Before I had even touched my suitcase Grayson came running up the stairs and stopped in front of me "Please y/n. Let me explain. I love you. How could you think I'd cheat on you? Why would I? Your perfect." He explained.
I shook my head, not wanting to look him in the eyes. If I did I might start crying again "I saw the message. Don't lie to me" I pulled on my suitcase. He gently grabbed my arm, not letting me move any further. His touch was so soft and warm. I used to love it. He brought me so much comfort. But now I hated it. He had probably kissed and hugged Sophie just like he did me. I wasn't anyone special to him. I don't know why I thought I was.
Gritting my teeth together I yanked my arm away "don't touch me"
As soon as the words left me I looked up at him, breaking my vow of not looking into his grey eyes. I felt bad. I felt bad for hurting him even though he was the one cheating on me. His arm slowly dropped back to his side, his lips parting in surprise at my harsh words.
"Please, sweetheart. I-" His voice broke. I couldn't stand here any longer. Swallowing the pain and tears I lifted the suitcase, underestimating it's heaviness. Without warning the suitcase tipped forward, pushing me off the landing, my weight propelling me forward to crash and roll down the flight of stairs, banging my head and every limb in my body on the way. I couldn't feel anything. My vision had gone black and I didn't even know if my eyes were open or not. I couldn't tell where I was. I could only feel the discomfort of the position I was in. My breathing was sharp and heavy as if I couldn't get in enough oxygen. My brain felt as if it had been hammered and my back felt like it was being crushed under a heavy weight. I wanted to sit up. I wanted to breathe properly again.
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
For my fellow Top Gun: Maverick fans:
So we all know about Mach 9 day, right? That the final Darkstar test flight takes place on Oct 22 according to the calendar we briefly see Mav knock on in the opening sequence.
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But there's also another day on the calendar that the fandom is overlooking (or maybe I just haven't come across fics/other fan creations that include/mention it) - HALLOWEEN! 🎃
According to this calendar, Halloween falls on a Thursday during the first full week of training. Just think of all the shenanigans our favorite Naval aviators could get into on Halloween:
- Penny having a costume contest at the Hard Deck & everyone tries to out do each other
- They all make a bet during a training exercise and the loser has to wear an embarrassing Halloween costume when they all go out later
- In a Cinderella-esq situation, someone has a fun evening with a stranger who refuses to take their mask off & is now trying to figure out who it was/is shocked when they find out who they spent the evening with
- Maybe personnel bring their kids on base for trick-or-treating or the base hosts a safe trick-or-treating/trunk-or-treat type event for the community and the Daggers have to help - cue a single parent meet cute
- Ghost stories on the beach
- Pumpkin carving contest
- Watching scary movies
- They all go to a haunted house & someone talks a big game about not getting scared and then that person ends up freaking out the most (it's Jake - you can't tell me that's not Jake 😆)
- The squad turns one of the base hangers into a haunted house, with or without permission
And there's another thing that I haven't seen too frequently and that's Thanksgiving!🦃
While we don't have an exact timeline of when everything happened after Oct 22, it seems fairly safe to assume that they're probably back from the mission right before Thanksgiving.
So some ideas for Thanksgiving are:
- Mav being all MavDad and inviting all his baby birds to his place for Thanksgiving
- Mav & Bradley's first Thanksgiving since reconciling
- Penny & Mav having their first Thanksgiving as a couple, with Bradley & Amelia
- Someone getting invited home for Thanksgiving by someone else
- Daggers attempt a Friends-giving & it turns out none of them can actually cook
Do with these ideas what you will and have fun! And if you do end up creating something with one of these, please tag me! ☺️🎃👻🦇🧛🏻🥧🍂🦃
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pyramidsoul · 2 years
Dahmer’s behaviour in prison
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Jeffrey Dahmer, Stone Philips Interview, 1994
Regarding Dahmer’s behaviour in prison, there are various opinions on why he would act like that. He was known for playing with food, putting ketchup on his meal to resemble body parts; he once placed a sign in his cell “Cannibal Anonymous Meeting”; he taunted scared guards next to him making them jump by whispering “I bite”.
Following the prison staff insight, he was a model inmate, but based on Christopher Scarver’s opinion, “He crossed the line with some people — prisoners, prison staff. Some people who are in prison are repentant — but [Dahmer] was not one of them”.
However it's important to consider Scarver never really had a direct contact with Dahmer, plus he suffered from a severe mental illness, which makes his statement of doubtful authenticity.
The same Gerald Boyle, Jeffrey Dahmer’s defence attorney, stated “Dahmer was such a milquetoast. He would never have done that stuff. He killed people, but he didn't taunt people. I never saw him do anything that would lead me to believe that he would mimic the deaths that he caused. I just don't believe that.”, claiming it wasn’t the serial killer’s “style”.
On the other hand, Roy Ratcliff, the pastor who baptised Dahmer, backed up the topic saying he'd been told by prison guards Dahmer would joke about cannibalism, effectively affirming the serial killer's ambiguous behaviour.
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Last seen of Jeffrey Dahmer in the prison library, 1994
On why of these actions, the theories are three:
Causing outrage to find death: we are aware of Dahmer’s death wish. He claimed multiple times he wanted to be dead, from having suicidal thoughts, to requesting for the death penalty. He was conscious of the risk of his health by being included in the general population, yet, even after people’s recommendations, he chose to be moved anyway. He wasn’t able to commit suicide himself so he provoked people to get what he wanted. Relevant information is also they didn’t find marks on Dahmer’s body, meaning Dahmer didn’t fight back during the attack, accepting his fate. He also said these words no longer before his death to the mother Joyce “It doesn’t matter, Mom. I don’t care if something happens to me”.
His sense of humour: it is known that Dahmer had a particular dark humour. During highschool years Dahmer was known as the clown/mascotte to the students at Revere High School. He staged pranks and he bleated and simulated epileptic seizures or cerebral palsy, which became known as "Doing a Dahmer". Even during interrogation, “He picked up the brown bunch and commented that they held a remarkable resemblance to a person's fingers after they had been immersed in muriatic acid for a while. He placed the banana in his mouth and chewed. "It's not bad."”(cit. Grilling Dahmer). It’s possible he was just spending time as he could.
He had become a shadow of himself: he portrayed himself as THE cannibal in an attempt to attract attention, giving people what they expected from him. He didn’t have real friends, he never had, so he kept this attitude for say “stay away from me”. He toyed with the idea of cannibal quite a bit, because he didn’t trust people. This is the insight Roy Ratcliff gave after he learnt about Jeffrey’s behaviour in prison. Roy became one of the latest and only true friends Jeffrey met.
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Roy Ratcliff holding the card Jeffrey Dahmer gave him for thanksgiving
After 28 years, we don’t know why of this behaviour yet, and we will never know. All the theories above are valid, meaning he could’ve acted that way because of a mix of those reasons. Jeffrey Dahmer will find death at Columbia Correctional Institution on 28th November 1994.
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nostalgicamerica · 7 months
My Weight-Loss Journey
Over the last three decades, despite a relatively active lifestyle, my weight has steadily increased a pound or two per year. I could see it was becoming a problem every morning in my foggy bathroom mirror.
I finally realized that I had to do something about it last fall when I walked out onto my porch one morning. The neighbor's kitten came over to say good morning and got caught up in my gravitational field and went into orbit around my waistline.
It was then I started looking into different diets. Keto, Caveman, high fat, low carb, lima bean, Atkins. Holy crap! The number of different diet choices were staggering. Greater still were the numbers of dieticians and nutritionists shrieking that this diet is best and only a booger-eater would choose that diet.
After a bit of cogitation, I started researching the Carnivore diet.
It sounded right up my alley: eating nothing but meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy products, and drinking water. And I could eat bacon. Basically, I could eat anything that is animal-based.
The bacon thing sold it for me.
The week before Thanksgiving 2023 I started my new diet plan. You might think that dieting during the holidays wasn't a grand idea, and you'd be right. Eating nothing but meat while watching my family chowing down on traditional holiday meals (turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, and ham and all the fixings for Christmas) and stuffing their faces with cookies and candy and pie and everything else associated with the holidays was as much fun as stuffing a cactus up my rectum.
But I stuck to it.
To this point in my life I had never been disciplined about anything related to food, but somewhere along the way I found the strength to keep anything not indicated by the diet out of my pie hole. (except coffee - I'll be cold, dead, and buried before I stop drinking coffee.)
And the weight came off. 3,4,5 pounds a week. It seemed to literally melting off me. My initial goal was 50 pounds by the end of February and then I'd transition to something more sustainable.
It wasn't easy, at times, especially during the first 2 or 3 weeks. I bought some bite-size sugar free candy to take the edge off for the times when I was jonesing for sugar. And I ate a ton of bacon.
By Christmas Eve I had lost 20.5 pounds. By January's close I had dropped 34 pounds. On January 8th, 2024 I got out of the shower and looked down and saw my penis without a mirror for the first time since about 2003. Also, I could see a six-pack peeking from behind what remains of my belly fat. As of this writing I'm down 39 Pounds. I have a few more days to go, but I don't think I will hit 50. But that's okay.
On March 1st I will start introducing fruits and veggies and whole grains to my diet. I intend to stay away from cane sugar and continue drinking only water.
There have been some negatives along the way. 1. I now abhor the sight of steak. 2. My dog won't stop licking my legs. 3. I have had to go out and buy essentially a new wardrobe.
What I've learned - coupled with portion control - is that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, and the plain fact that bacon makes everything better.
Even though I didn't meet my first goal of 50, I intend to keep going until I've met my ultimate goal of 60. I know I can do it by the end of this year.
I don't know if this will work for everyone; I only relate what I did and what happened. Overall I feel great, I am sleeping great, and my spousal unit says I look better than I have since the beginning of the Clinton administration, although she wants to buy a new car so she may be playing me...
There is enough info about the carnivore diet on the interweb-thingee so I won't add anything else except to say if I can do it, anyone can.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 5 months
3rd POV-Peeta Masterlist (3)
Part 1 / Part 2 /
Created: February 18th, 2024
Last Checked:--
Coming Alive-albinokittens300 (ao3) Summary: A moment between Katniss and Peeta after she makes the choice to go hunting again. Or, Peeta's PoV as Katniss slowly begins to live again.
Pure (Or, The Five Times Peeta Wasn't)-aimmyarrowshigh (ao3) Summary: “I know I’m not – ” Madge mumbled, white and pink against his dark bedclothes. “No,” Peeta said softly. He bent his head to kiss her. “I like it.” It. You. Not her. This. Real.
Second Chances-annieoakley1 (ao3) Summary: Dr. Peeta Mellark dreamed of one day running into his high school girlfriend and maybe paving the road to reconciliation with the one who got away. But he never imagined it happening like this. Everlark, modern day AU. Oneshot.
Soothe me-angylinni (ao3) Summary: Peeta is working on a commission and is having trouble getting started. She takes it upon herself to make him relax.
Study Date-everlarktoast (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta are keeping their relationship hidden from their conservative parents, but what happens when Mr. Everdeen finds them kissing during an innocent study date? A fluffy, cute, funny and a lil bit sexy ever lark drabble
The Wager-mrspeetamellark (ao3) Summary: This drabble was written based on an Ask on tumblr from mega-aulover: “Can you write something based on Johanna and Peeta's coworkers picking Katniss out of a crowd and telling Peeta he could never pick her up using a cheesy line? Peeta using a cheesy line on Katniss? Not knowing they're together.”
Turkey Shoot-alliswell21 (tumblr) Summary: Peeta has secretly been getting hunting lessons from Gale, so he can surprise Katniss with a non-store-bought turkey for Thanksgiving
Underneath-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: This one shot was written in response to a tumblr everlark prompt: during the victory tour katniss’s skirt gets caught on something at one of the events and rips off entirely. [her underwear or lack thereof, other details and most importantly peeta’s reaction and if they have sex all up to you]
What You Wish For-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: College is your chance to reinvent yourself, to take chances and to try new things. But eventually, you always have to go home.
Witch-Diana_Flynn (ao3) Summary: Evil sometimes comes in a righteous forms but it can't hide from a witch's wrath. An Everlark story inspired by the Salem Witch trials.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
In Plain Sight (Part 6)
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Summary: The reader’s birth mother has reached out for a reconciliation but both she and Jensen think she’s up to something. And a trip to the park for some photos has Crew revealing another secret he’s been harboring...
Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader (with lots of daughter!reader x OMC)
Word Count: 5,700ish
Warnings: language, mention of family angst/bad parenting
A/N: So much going on in this one!
“Y/N,” said your dad, catching you before you headed to bed that night. “Come here a sec.”
You followed him down to his office, watching him open the bottom drawer of his desk and take out a box.
“I was thinking since Crew is spending Christmas with us and it’s his first one in a while, I wanted to give him something he’d really like.” He took off the lid and pulled out a photo album book, one of those one’s you could make from an app on your phone. “I know you could have made one that looked nicer-”
“Dad he’ll love this,” you said, flipping through the book. There were a number of pictures from set last year and this one, ones from nights out during the promo tour and private dinners and days off with the cast and crew. A few more pages in you saw one of yourself and Crew in the distance, both of you laughing way too hard. 
“I thought that was cute. I didn’t have a lot of the two of you but I snuck in as many as I could.”
“This is a great present dad. He deserves to have someone looking out for him.”
“I know he does, honey bun. Holidays are hard for him so he’ll probably be a bit quiet when we go up to the cabin, maybe want to be by himself a bit. We should give him his space when he wants it but make sure he knows we want him included.”
“Of course,” you said, handing him back the book.
“You’re okay with that? Crew doing family things with us?” You rolled your eyes. “Just checking.”
You turned to leave, his finger curling in the back of your hoodie, stopping you in your tracks. “Father…”
“Daughter. Talk to me,” he said, patting the top of his desk. You pursed your lips and sat on top, crossing your legs. “Anymore nightmares lately?”
“You sure?”
“Yes. I know I freaked out but-”
“Hey,” he said softly. “It was a scary night and we both know that can make the nightmares come back. I’m just asking if you’re good.”
“Yes…” you trailed off, his expression cautious. Did he know about you and Crew somehow? “Dad. What aren’t you telling me?”
He sighed and lowered his head. “Abigail was released yesterday. She got parole.”
“She what?” A flood of anger rushed through your veins, your dad standing and hugging you where you sat. “How the fuck does a child kidnapper get parole after only eighteen years? She’s supposed to be in there sixty. She’s not supposed to be out.”
“I know,” he said quietly, kissing the top of your head. “I know. I found out last week she was being let out. I didn’t want to ruin your Thanksgiving or work promotion.”
“Why are you telling me? You would hide this from me,” you said. 
“She made contact through the lawyers. She wants to meet us both. Apologize.”
“She can shove her apology up her ass.” He nodded, holding your body tight for a moment, neither one of you breathing. “Is she going to bother us?”
“The lawyer has concerns.” You dropped your head against his chest, breathing deeply. “Her parole was triggered based on some advocacy group doing work for a number of…it doesn’t matter. The law says she should have been placed in an institution, not a prison. That didn’t happen so she goes-”
“Is this because I didn’t testify?” 
“No, baby,” he said, running his hand over your head. “She’s just very good at being who she wants people to think she is.”
“Let’s meet her.” He pulled back, his head already shaking. “She doesn’t get to control our lives anymore. She was the bad one, not us. The show is done filming next week before winter break and you and I can fly out to LA for a few hours to meet her. We can make it very clear she needs to stay the hell away from us.”
“We can’t threaten her. She’s served her time. If it got back to her lawyer-“
“I’m not saying we do that. I’m just saying we tell her she has no place in our lives and we judge her reaction. See if she’s still obsessed or not. It’s better than staying here and being afraid.” He sat down in his chair, taking hold of your hands when you held them out to him. “Dad. I know you wouldn’t tell me unless you were scared of her coming back. So let’s go find out.”
“I don’t like it.”
“Neither do I. But she doesn’t get to have control over us anymore. Hire some security to be there undercover to make you feel better.” 
He bit his bottom lip but nodded. “I need to know. Otherwise I’m going to want to keep a guard on you for the rest of your life and I know that’s not realistic.”
“Maybe she’s different,” you whispered. He raised his head, green eyes meeting yours.
“People like her don’t change,” he said, lightly touching your cheek. “I’ll go. You stay here.”
“Daddy. You aren’t seeing her alone.”
“Why are you calling me that?” he whispered, voice raw. 
“Because I need you to listen to me. She hurt us both. She violated you. If you don’t let me go, then mom will and mom will knock her ass on the floor before she even has a chance to open her mouth because we aren’t letting you go alone.”
“You have a point,” he chuckled, nodding his head. “Okay. You have as much of a right to make this decision as I do. But if you change your mind at any time, you can walk away.”
“So can you.” He smiled, letting you slide off the desk and pull him to his feet. “We should tell mom we’re going.”
He winced, suddenly dragging his feet. You got behind him and pushed, walking him down the hall. “We could always wait until morning?”
“Nope. We’re telling her our decision so you don’t chicken out on me in the morning.”
“Mom is scary,” he said just as she rounded the entrance to the hall, hands on her hips. 
“Why exactly am I scary?” She glanced between the two of you, eyes narrowing. “What are you up to?”
“Dad would love to tell you, wouldn’t he?”
“You’re sure it’s safe?” asked Crew after your photoshoot session with him. He’d known about you and your dad’s trip to LA next Saturday since Tuesday but without fail, he brought it up every day, leery of you going.
“Crew Taylor Foxe. For the last time an armed bodyguard, two of them, will be with us when we meet her. It’s very safe,” you said. He slipped his hand in yours as you entered a secluded trail in the park, running his thumb over your skin. Soft little giggles started to leave his lips, your hand touching his forehead. “Please tell me you don’t have heat stroke or something.”
“Taylor huh? Did someone go on my IMDB page?” he laughed. 
“I was doing research on your past headshots!” you said as he kept on giggling. You took off his ball cap and attempted to give him a noogie. Only Crew easily kept you at bay, pulling his hat brim down over your eyes and proceeding to tickle you. “Crew!”
“Oh you knew it-” The rapid fire of a camera shutter made you both freeze. “Hey!”
“Just doing my job, man,” said a male voice. There were footsteps and you felt shade on you, Crew moving in front of you while you kept your head low. “Who’s the-”
“Delete the photo or I’ll have you arrested.”
“You can’t have me-”
“State law. It’s illegal in Texas to take voyeur style photos, like those from someone hiding around the corner, without the subjects consent. Fucking google it. Now,” Crew demanded. The man was silent, Crew moving a few steps away from you. 
“Mr. Foxe I have a job I-”
“You want pictures of me? Take them at promotional events where you have my permission for use. Take another picture of me in this state without my explicit permission, which you do not have either of ours, and I’ll sick every damn lawyer I have access to on you and whatever agency you work for.”
There were footsteps and Crew walked further away. You spun around, putting a hand over your face as your back was to them.
“I deleted it, alright?” said the paparazzi. “You can back off.”
“Go back to LA. I see you again, I’ll charge you with stalking.” Crew’s hand was quickly on your lower back, walking you back the way you’d come. “I am so sorry.”
“Crew it’s fine. People have been taking pictures of me without permission forever. And he should know the law. It’s different here than in Cali.”
“I know. Your dad told me about it when I moved here. But we have a problem. That pap might not have a picture but he has a story to tell.”
“Fuck,” you said, stopping in your tracks. “He’s going to leak that you have a girlfriend. Or…we just let him say what he says and anyone that asks we call him a liar. He’s sketchy anyways right?”
“But he’s technically not a liar,” he said. “Crap. I didn’t realize it’d be this hard to keep it a secret.”
“I have an idea if you trust me.” 
“You don’t even have to ask.” You gave his hand a squeeze and quickly walked the two of you back towards where the paparazzi was, currently wiping off the sweat on his forehead. “Hi.”
He jumped at the noise, watching you lift the brim of Crew’s hat. “Wait. You’re Ackles kid. You two-”
“Do you like photography?” He blinked a few times as you held up your camera from around your neck. “Do you like photography?”
“Uh, yeah. Obviously.” You stepped closer, still holding it up. “I said I wouldn’t take a picture. But this is a story I can sell.”
“Show me the best photo you’ve got on your camera.” He stared and you turned yours around, showing him a picture of Crew being goofy when you were setting up shots earlier. “This is the best one on mine right now. Subjectively speaking. There’s much better ones but this is my favorite. What’s yours?”
He waited a moment before pressing through some buttons on his camera, showing you the screen. It was of the Austin sunset over the city, bats flying out from under one of the bridges. 
“That’s a gorgeous shot,” you said. He nodded, letting his camera rest against his torso again. 
“Sorry kids but I got bills and shit like this doesn’t get me a paycheck.”
“I understand. But your talent is wasted on taking blurry pictures of celebrities. You could easily do still work. You work in freaking LA. There’s countless studios that need them.”
“And there’s a million more guys like me that want those jobs. In the real world, this is how I get paid.” You nodded, going back to Crew. “Why’d you show me your face?”
“Because before I was a faceless woman. Now I’m Y/N, a real person that you telling this story will affect. So sell your story. Go ahead. Call your boss or whoever right now. Just have the decency to look me in the face like a man when you make money off of me and someone I care about.”
His gaze lowered as he wiped more sweat off of his brow. “Alright, alright. I won’t say shit. Happy?”
“Very. Oh and word of advice? Shop that picture around to some of the galleries in town before you leave. Some rich bastard would love to have something like that in their fancy ass loft apartment downtown.”
“I ain’t going to make more than a hundred bucks on something like that,” he said.
“Dude when’s the last time you did research on the market? That picture on large scale canvas or printing with marketing rights to the owner? You’re looking closer to five hundred minimum. There’s a ton of food places that would love a shot like that too. Do a time cost analysis and you’ll see you’ll save time and make more money doing your own work rather than taking pictures of people for cash.”
“You’re serious?”
“She had a very successful photography business in Atlanta. It’s possible if you put in the work,” said Crew, grabbing your hand.
“You’re not just bullshitting me so I don’t sell your story right?”
Twenty minutes later you were walking away from Jake, Crew shaking his head and smiling as you. “What?”
“How the hell did you get that guy to not only not sell a profitable story but also develop a rough business plan with him for his own startup in less than thirty minutes?”
“You get further with honey then spice.”
“Yeah but you’re spicy honey, kid,” he chuckled. He squeezed your hand before dropping it, voices in the distance carrying down the trail. “I mean it. You’re kind in a way people need more of in their lives.”
“I’m not always kind, Crew. I’m just deeply protective of the people I care about. Sometimes you do that with a battering ram, sometimes with a gentle touch.”
“I could learn with doing that gentle touch more often,” he said quietly. You shook your head, Crew fixing his hat you still wore. “I got angry when he took that picture of us. And I’m angry with the idea of your egg donor being near you again. I just…I need to know you’ll be safe.”
“Your protectiveness is an attractive quality, Crew. There’s a difference between anger and violence. People forget that. You were not violent with that pap, only angry, only protective. My dad would never let me near her without knowing I’m safe, that we both are. You might not think it but you are simultaneously the most gentle and strong man I’ve ever met.”
“Ever?” he asked. You hummed. “Even your dad?”
You bit your bottom lip, looking up coyly under the brim of his hat at him. “You really are awful at flirting.”
He started to laugh, smiling as you shook your head. “Yeah, I am. Let’s bring cocky Crew back to save me.”
“What would cocky Crew have said to that?” you asked, Crew tapping his chin with a devilish smile.
“Oh, he’d probably say something like looks like you got a new number one man in your life.” You rolled your eyes, Crew giggling. “You put me on the spot!”
“He’s number one dad love. You get number one…” you trailed off, swallowing thickly. Crew quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you off the trail and into the treeline behind a bush. You stared up at him, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. “Crew.”
“Don’t freak out on me,” he said. He leaned in close, brushing his lips over yours. “I love you. It’s not puppy love. It’s not a crush. I know what this is and what it isn’t and I love you, Y/N. I miss you every day when I’m not with you. I miss you when I’ve spent the whole day with you. When I saw you for the first time, I was gone. I knew exactly who I wanted to be with forever and I know it’s insane and you probably think I’m insane and you’re going to run away and think I’m a freak but-”
“God we need to work on your self-esteem. Now stop talking and fucking kiss me because I love you too you nervous idiot.” He slammed his lips to yours, hand gently gripping the back of your neck as you moved your mouths together. He was warm, tongue slowly devouring you, gently teasing before finding it’s confidence and taking ownership of the kiss.
“I might be an idiot but this idiot caught you,” he grinned, brushing his nose against yours, tickling your cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Unless you’re too proud to admit it.”
“You caught me a long time ago, Crew,” you whispered. 
“Good,” he murmured, lips pressed against the shell of your ear. “Cause you caught me the second I laid eyes on you. It’s about time we were even.”
“Such a dork,” you laughed, heart swelling up and instantly easing as he embraced you in his arms. “Honey?”
“Kid.” He hummed, squeezing you tighter.
“I’m so proud of you for risking your heart again after everything you’ve been through. I’ll be gentle with it, I promise.”
“I trust you,” he whispered. “You have all my pieces and I know it’s because you’re the one that’ll keep them safe.” He smiled, shaking his head. “God, I can’t believe I just said that.”
“Don’t be embarrassed, Crew.” He rested his chin on your shoulder.
“I’m not. I can tell you anything. But it’s so strange. You’re the only person in the world I feel like I could say the stupidest, dumbest, most cliche shit and you’re not going to think I’m a loser.”
“You’re a loser because you’re a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, not because you’re open with your feelings.” He chuckled, the deep rumble of his chest reverberating through your body.
“Being a romantic? That’s a plus but my football team is what is questionable?” he laughed.
“We’re a Cowboys family, Mr. Foxe. You best learn that,” you said, Crew picking you straight up so you were eye level with him. 
“Oh I’ll convert you. I can be very convincing,” he said, pressing his lips to yours. “Plus I won’t ever let you down if you don’t say Chiefs are the best team in the history of the universe so…”
“There’s the fatal flaw in your plan, Crew. I happen to like the view up here,” you teased. He immediately set you down and peeled himself away. “No! Not fair!”
“Shouldn’t have told me what you like, kid,” he laughed, taking hold of your hand. “I suppose you can like that awful team. I can’t expect you to be completely perfect after all.”
“God no. Perfectionism has no place in this relationship. It’s like you and your enjoyment of, what was it you were trying to get me to eat last night?”
“Excuse me but cow tongue is delicious when prepared correctly.” You stared at him, shaking your head. “It’s amazing.”
“You’re psychotic but I love you anyways,” you said, Crew grinning like an idiot. “Oh? Does someone like when I say that?”
“Yeah, he does.” He slid his hands down to your hips, tilting his head. “Stay over tonight.”
“Okay.” You leaned up and kissed the tip of his nose. “Crew.”
“Next year. I’m still nervous about going to Christmas in the first place. If we tell Jensen and it gets awkward, I don’t know if I can handle all of that at once.” 
“Hey. I’m all for waiting until we’re both comfortable. It’s our business and no one else's. Just wondering if you still wanted to hit up the brewery today?”
“Yeah and then I want to take you to dinner at this hole in the wall place I found. Matt, our key grip, he was telling me about it. I’m pretty sure even you don’t know about it,” he said, proudly turning his chin up. 
“Oh well let’s see if it lives up to the hype, hm?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
One Week Later
“What’s the name of this place again?” asked your dad as you walked through the airport in LA. You fixed your backpack, your dad’s slung over one of his shoulders. 
“Asador. It’s a little taco place and it is officially in my top three tacos I’ve ever had.” 
“Damn. It must be good then,” he said as you approached a familiar pickup spot in the airport, multiple drivers standing around holding signs or ipads with names on them. You both paused, glancing the line before you saw your name. You took a step when he caught your backpack, gaze going to meet his. “Are you sure you want to see Abigail? I can do this on my own.”
“I’m sure,” you said with a nod, even if your stomach felt queasy. “It’s not for a few hours right?”
“No,” he said, walking over to the man holding up a sign. You followed him outside to where two different SUVs were parked, large men in plain clothes inside. He held up a finger to the driver with a smile, the driver nodding and leaving you alone. “I promised my agent I’d get a lunch with him in person and go over a few opportunities. It’s probably going to take a little while and be boring as hell. Why don’t you take my card and go shopping?”
You glanced over your shoulder at the second SUV, the man behind the wheel sporting sunglasses and a flat expression. “Dad. Tell me you didn’t actually hire private security for this trip.”
“I won’t tell you then,” he said, patting you towards the car, slipping his credit card into your jeans pocket. “Go have fun for a few hours. The guys will drive you to meet up with me when we talk to Abigail.”
“Fine.” You pointed a finger at him, poking him in the chest. “But only because you have them too it looks like and I know you’re overprotective and this makes you feel better.”
“Honey bun.” He smiled, his face soft. “It’s not just so I feel better. You don’t have to feel scared for a second while we’re here, okay?”
“Okay,” you said, closing your eyes, slowly opening them. “Will they take me wherever I want to go?”
“Yup. They are there for peace of mind only.”
“Maybe we’ll go to the beach, let me take some shots,” you said, reaching into your backpack, pulling out your camera bag.
“Knock your socks off. I got to run, sweetie. I’ll meet up with you soon and then we’ll go, alright?”
“Later,” you said as he pecked a kiss to your temple and hopping into his SUV after you’d opened your back door. Inside there were three large men in jeans and t shirts, one wearing a light hoodie. “Hi.”
“Ms. Ackles,” said the other one in the back, reaching out a hand to take your bag. You handed him your backpack and slid inside, taking a deep breath. “Is there anywhere in particular you’d like to go?”
“The beach maybe. You guys have any good suggestions for places to take some good pictures?” you asked, holding up your camera. They seemed to communicate silently before the one in the driver’s seat cracked a smile. 
“Yeah, I think we can come up with something.”
“This is great,” you said, standing on the roof of the guy’s building. Their agency was a few floor downs but you had an amazing shot of the skyline and hollywood sign. Gratefully the air was clearer than usual and you were able to get some gorgeous pictures of the city from above. 
When you were finished you stood up, stretching slightly, turning to find them sat up on top of some ledge, laughing to themselves. You snapped a quick picture of them, all three suddenly tensing. “Don’t worry, bodyguards. I’m not going to do anything with it but send you a nice picture of you guys in an email.”
“Worrying is kind of our default state,” chuckled Rodger as he hopped down to the roof with ease. 
“Even on safe jobs,” said Tony, Kit rolling his eyes. 
“We all know we’re here cause your dad is the worrier,” he said to which you hummed. “See? She knows there’s no danger.”
“We still act professionally in front of a client, Kit,” said Rodger who if you had to guess, was the one in charge of this little group. All three looked to be in their mid thirties and as fit as any male celebrity and then some. “Ms. Ackles-”
“No. God no,” you said, shaking your head. “Y/N please. And my dad already told me you guys are just here to make us both feel better so please don’t be formal. I’m stuck with you guys for a few more hours so I’d rather it not be incredibly awkward, you know?”
“I’m with her,” said Tony. “It’s an easy job for once. We’ll do an appropriate amount of worrying, Rodger, and show Y/N around to a few places to take pictures like she wants. Sound good?”
“As long as we stop and get some lunch from somewhere along the way, it’s good with me,” said Kit. 
“My treat. Where do we want to grab lunch?” you asked. Rodger sighed but smiled. “Your pick, buddy.”
“Alright. Alright. I suppose I could go for a bite.”
Three Hours Later
“Kit.” He hummed from behind the wheel. “Do you know where we’re supposed to meet my dad? I think we need to meet my…meet Abigail soon.”
The cheery mood in the car evaporated, all three of them suddenly closed off.
“Guys?” You turned to Rodger sat beside you, his gaze hidden behind a pair of dark shades as he stared out the window. “What’s going on?”
“Mr. Ackles instructed us to accompany you today,” said Kit. You narrowed your eyes, checking the clock on the dash.
“And that’s what you’ve done and now we need to go meet my birth mom.”
“We were instructed to drop you off at Santa Monica Pier at five.”
“But the meeting with Abigail is at three.” None of them looked at you as you put a hand on the door. The sound of it locking echoed in the small space. “Someone tell me what’s going on now. Where’s my dad?”
“Perfectly safe with his team,” said Tony. You growled, Rodger lifting the shades off his head, giving you his full attention.
“Your father was set to meet with Abigail shortly after your flight landed. The team has been sending us updates. He is perfectly safe. The rest is for him to tell you.”
You breathed hard, shaking your head. “You three are not here for his peace of mind or mine. You’re fucking babysitters so I didn’t go to that meeting.”
“We are private security to a client that hired us for peace of mind. We are not your babysitters.”
“Then take me to this meeting right now.”
“It’s over already.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you glared out your window. “Kit. Take us to the pier.”
“Hey kiddo.” You wiped your eyes from where you sat on the sand hours later, camera settled by your side. The guys were close by but giving you your space, Kit only daring to come over once to bring you a bottle of water. Your dad sat beside you, sighing and stretching out his legs. “I understand your anger and that I hurt you.”
“I am not a little girl. I am a grown woman. I have a job and pay taxes and have sex and orgasms and drink and swear and I’m a damn adult,” you spat out, whipping your head around, surprised to see him smiling. “What are you so happy about?”
“You’re strong. I’m proud of that.” You lost some of your fury, lowering your head to your chest. “I know you are not a child and I’m sorry if you think that’s what I was doing today.”
“What exactly were you doing?” you shot back. “Going to see that awful woman alone? Was that your genius plan?”
“My job as your father is to protect you and that doesn’t stop just because you’re an adult. And trust me, as much as I want to protect you from it all, I can’t and don’t. You need to make your own mistakes, have shit happen to you so you can learn from it. But Y/N, I need you to understand that while I respect you as an adult that makes her own choices, I swore I would never let you near that woman again. You want to be pissed, go right ahead but I will take a pissed off daughter that is safe over one that is scared and could get hurt any day.”
You sighed, lightly punching his arm. “I’m not stupid, dad. I know you’re trying to keep me safe. But you’re the one she was obsessed with. You shouldn’t have gone by yourself.”
“I wasn’t. I had about five guys with me.” You glanced over your shoulder, Rodger and Kit talking with a group of similarly jacked looking guys. “I didn’t tell you everything. Parents do that.”
“Dad. What happened today?” He leaned back, palms digging into the sand as he took in the warmth from the setting sun. “Is it over?”
“Yup,” he said, popping his ‘p’. “You don’t have to worry about Abigail again.”
“Please tell me the truth? I think I’m owed that for being left in the dark.” 
“Y/N,” he said, closing his eyes, tilting his head back. “I’m sorry for tricking you today, honey bun. But you are as stubborn as me and it was the only way I could guarantee you were okay.”
You sat back and rested your head against his shoulder. “You’re not going to tell me, are you.”
“I met with her along with an undercover detective posing as a friend. She said some things that confirmed our suspicions. Those things in turn were a violation of her parole. The detective and lawyer said it’ll be revoked and she’ll need to finish her original sentencing.”
You turned your head up, his eyes still closed. “She had to have done something really bad today, something illegal.”
“She did something bad when she got out…and she was planning to do something bad today. She doesn't like either one of us very much.”
“She’s going back to prison for sure?”
“The second she contacted me I called the lawyer and we called the police here. They’ve been watching her all week. They could have made a case on what she did but it was stronger by having me go to the meeting with her.” He sat up, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “We’re okay, I promise.”
“If it was truly that bad-”
“Y/N.” He sighed deeply. “She wanted to try a ransom again and that is as much detail as I am ever giving you. Please respect that.”
“Okay,” you said, holding up your hands. “I just…”
“I know. I wouldn’t have done what I did today unless it was perfectly safe.”
“Might I ask why that one bodyguard guy back there looks a hell of a lot like you?” He groaned, throwing his head back. “It wasn’t safe, was it. That guy pretended to be you at the meet.”
“That one is actually a cop,” he said, running a hand over his face. “Fine. Yes, they didn’t want me to meet her in person for safety reasons. But they got what they needed and she’s back behind bars. It’s airtight.”
“It’s not entrapment?”
“No. That was one of my first questions. Just…just forget today happened. She’s gone and you never have to think about her again.”
“What about when she’s like ninety and gets released and she’s still psycho?” you asked, half-joking.
“Then I’ll get you some really hot bodyguard in his twenties to follow you around and make your husband jealous.” 
“I’m okay with this,” you said, your dad chuckling. He pulled you into a hug, holding on tight. “Promise me if you won’t talk to me about the whole truth you’ll tell someone?”
“Mom knows but yeah, I can promise that.” He inhaled sharply, running his thumb over your cheek. “I’m so sorry Abigail turned out the way she did. A woman that doesn’t want to be a mother is one thing. Being cruel is another. You didn’t deserve that.”
“You didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of or hurt like you were. We can agree she’s awful and never waste another breath on her.”
“I second that,” he said, tucking your hair behind your ear. “So. I got us a reservation for dinner at your favorite restaurant before our flight back just in case you were still pissed.”
“You’re a smart man,” you said as you stood up, brushing yourself off. 
“Food always fixes your mother right up when she’s mad,” he laughed. “Did you do anything fun today?”
“Oh yeah,” you said, handing him back his credit card. “You bought my Christmas present today.”
He froze, narrowing his eyes. “You went to the Nikon store again, didn’t you.”
“Don’t you wish I liked heels?” you teased before grabbing his hand and heading towards the guys, your backpack still with them. “It’s the Sigma ultra wide angle, F2.8 aperture-”
“Well you can’t have it until Christmas,” he said. 
“But think of all the wonderful pre-Christmas memories I could make with it if I had it now?” you asked, your dad’s jaw tight. “Please? For being a liar liar pants on fire today?”
“First off, I made the right call. Second, now that I know you really want it, I might have to hoard it until your birthday.” Your jaw dropped, turning his grimace into a smile. “Be good for Santa and maybe you’ll get it Christmas Eve.”
“Fine. But Santa could throw in some money for my photoshop subscription to appease me?”
“Such a needy child,” he laughed. “Yeah, he can swing that. Anything else you want?”
“I’m good. But we should get Crew something nice, his first holiday and all,” you said, a little grateful you had some time alone today to do some shopping for him without any watchful eyes.
“I got Crew’s present handled. You find your own,” he said, ruffling your hair. “He’s your best friend. Just ask him what he wants. That’s what I told him to do for you when he tried to pick my brain.”
You had to hide your blush at the idea of Crew trying to figure out what to get for you. 
“You want to grab dinner now?” he asked, shaking you from your thoughts. 
“Yeah. Sounds good to me, dad.”
A/N: Read the final part here!
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deanwinchesterswitch · 10 months
November 2023 Fic Rec List
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November was even busier than October. It literally flew by in a wink for me. However, I did manage to carve out some time here and there for a bit of reading.
This is the last fic rec post for this year.����
💜Thank you to all the authors who share your stories for my enjoyment. I am so very grateful for your talent and generosity!💜
I've been hoarding links and am looking forward to reading as many of those stories as I can during winter recess.
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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An Imagined Life ~ @imagineteamfreewill. Author's Summary: Y/N and Dean have been best friends since childhood, and though they’re both adults with busy lives, they still manage to keep up their weekly traditions.
Before I Fall ~ @stusbunker. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
Deceiving Dean ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Taking place during Life with Dean.  Sometimes you just need a little deception to keep things interesting.
Geronimo ~ @trektraveler. Author's Summary: Dean and Y/N. Oil and water. Always at each other's throats, their endelss bickering comes to a boil and Y/N has had it. She storms out of the bunker leaving Dean high and dry! Well, he isn't about to let her get the last word! What happens when he catches her?
Gift Wrapped ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Dean has been away on a hunt for quite a while.  She has a surprise for him when he comes back.
Happy Thursday Food Coma Day ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: It’s Thanksgiving, and Dean and Y/N feel bad that Benny can’t enjoy a feast like they can.  So, an alternative is offered.  And devoured.
Jessie ~ @little-diable. Author's Summary: The reader is missing Dean too much, so she tells him all about the places she wants to visit with him – mere dreams Dean is set on turning real.
Just Like This ~ @pink-sparkly-witch. Author's Summary: Working a second job in a bar to help pay for Sammy’s education, Dean finds a kindred spirit in bar manager Y/N. When a drunk Douchebag gets too handsy with her, Dean quickly jumps to her defence but faces harsh consequences.
Loving and losing ~ @mcavoy-girl. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Meeting In The Darkness ~ @princessmisery666. Author's Summary: You forgive Dean for what he did when he had black eyes but he can’t forgive himself.
Mini Date ~ @avanatural. Author's Summary: Based on 12x22 “Who We Are.” Y/N vowed to herself that she’s done with meaningless hookups. And Dean vowed to himself that, when the time is right, he is going to give her more than that. But what happens when their time is running out?
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Say You Won't Let Go ~ @cockslutpadalecki. Author's Summary: After a bad experience at a haunted house attraction when you were a kid, you promised never to step foot in one again, but Dean helps you to overcome your fear.
Showed Me (How I Fell In Love With You) ~ @mind-empty-just-fictional-people. Author's Summary: Dean helps you up your flirting game, but there’s really only one set of eyes you want on you.
Something In The Way ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Young Dean might have the swagger of a player, but when it comes down to it, he’s just a shy, excited little boy…
Stay The Night ~ @wearywinchester. Author's Summary: When a hunt goes wrong, Dean gets protective and finds he’s got to keep an eye on you, something more coming out of it than expected.
Thanksgiving Dean ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Another holiday has arrived.  
What He Doesn't Say ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: When Dean learns that you’re sick, he drives all night to get to you.
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Tourniquet-Chapters Three through Eight ~ Author’s Series Summary: Y/N has been by Dean’s side through his worst days, always there if he needs her, forever just a call away. Love is impossible to fight and more impossible to live with. Just a side character in his epic life, Y/N would give anything just to give Dean a moment’s peace.
Close to Home - Author's Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies' man and she has always known it, if he wasn't, maybe he'd be the ideal guy...but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he'd never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn't it?
Someone To Watch Over Me-Part 30 ~ Author’s Summary: (AU) Y/N is married to a very rich, decidedly unscrupulous and powerful man.  A man whose inability to trust means he hires someone to watch over his wife while he isn’t around. He hires Dean Winchester, a handsome stranger to Y/N, who is soon to become a very big part of her life.
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Oops! I didn't realize until putting the post together that everything I read this month was a Dean Winchester fic.😏😆
Guess I was missing him a bit.🥺🥺🥺
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lolahasmoxie · 10 months
Friendsgiving (E.M.)
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Sequel to "Thanksgiving"
This version of Friendsgiving is based on my college days. In 1999, during my first year in college, my friends and I had "Poor Students Thanksgiving." About 7 of my friends arrived at my house the day after Thanksgiving with all their leftovers. We pigged on food and watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and "Meet the Feebles." We did that for a couple of years, and I loved how it grew every year. These gatherings are, to this day, some of my favorite memories from my early twenties.
(p.s. I'm immediately going to write filth after this because balance. Specifically, it's about how Eddie's cums too much in you.)
WARNINGS: fluff, casual intimacy, implied sexy times (sexual talk because I can't write just plain fluff anymore, it's gotta be dirty.)
"Bye everyone, see you boys for Hellfire next weekend!"
Eddie smiled as he listened to you usher the last of your guests out of your home. Since Steve hosted last year, the two of you offered to host Friendsgiving this year.
Your first guest arrived at noon. Dustin came with his mom's beef stroganoff, smiling as he and Eddie greeted each other. Eddie was planning to do a quick dungeon for the boys, and you had heard the two laughing and teasing as they prepared for the group while you put the pies in the oven.
The dinner had been a smashing success. Everyone feasted like kings and queens before moving to the living room. While Eddie and the kids did their dungeon crawl, you caught up with Steve, Nancy, and Robin while eating pie.
You closed the night out with movies, Monty Python and Elm Street, before everyone clambered into cars and returned to their homes. The weather was frigid, leaving no doubt that snow would be coming soon.
"Great evening, huh, babe?" Eddie asks as he joins you in the living room to help you clean up.
"It was perfect. It's always nice when we can all get together."
"Listen, I want to talk to you about something."
"Look, if it's about the other night, it's normal to sometimes finish faster than usual. So you had a hair-trigger night; I was flattered and still had a good time." You glance back at Eddie, who looks confused, cow eyes wide with shock. Whoops.
"Uh, not at all what I was gonna say, but we will circle back. It's about Thanksgiving." Eddie approaches, and he takes your hands when he stands before you. He runs his thumbs over the backs of your hands, brow furrowed as he thinks about what he will say.
"Hey," you tell him quietly. You can't help smiling when his gaze meets yours. "You're scaring me here."
"It's good, I promise. It's just that Thanksgiving is when you're supposed to tell the people in your life that you're thankful for them, and I need you to know that I am. You make my life so much better by just being here. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I'm thankful that I get to call you mine every day, and I'm sorry I don't say it more."
"Oh, Eds," you say before leaning up and kissing him softly on his plush lips. Eddie responds by cupping your face and tilting your head so he can savor you more. When he pulls away, he leans to rest his forehead against yours.
"Love you, Princess."
"Love you too, babe. But you show me every day you care even if you don't say anything."
"What do you mean?"
"You show me all the time. You show me by filling my tank when you notice I'm low. Or how you get up super early to warm my car before work. You have dinner ready on the nights I come home late. You picked up the newest book by Stephen King for me when I was stuck at work!" Eddie chuckles as he pulls you into a hug.
"Of course I do that; I want my girl safe and happy."
"And I am. I'm thankful for you, too, and I hope we get many more holidays together." You kiss him again and then return to cleaning the living room and kitchen.
When Eddie returns from taking out the trash (and probably leaving leftovers for the raccoons), he finds you putting the last dishes on the drying rack.
"Hey Princess, is that everything?"
"Yes, sir, our castle is now more or less back to normal."
"Good." You shriek when he comes barrelling at you, and with a strength you sometimes forget he possesses, hauls you over his shoulder and starts walking down the hallway.
"Eddie, you're gonna drop me!" His response is a quick slap to your butt, which causes you to let out a whimper which is music to his ears.
"I'm about to show you how thankful I am for you, doll. I also need to make up for the other night. Can't have you thinking I'm some two-pump chump." He drops you onto your bed and immediately begins undressing. You feel your heart catch in your throat as he climbs on the bed and crawls to you, pressing you back until he's hovering over you.
"Eddie, I said it was ok."
"Nah," he says with that panty-dropping smirk. "Ok isn't good enough. In honor of the holidays, I believe I'll start by spending the next 20 minutes or so feasting on my favorite piece of pie."
"20 minutes!" you say with a start as Eddie's hands begin pulling down your skirt along with your panties.
"And that's just to start. Don't worry though, if you're a good girl for me, I'll give you your own cream pie at the end of the night. More than one if you're really good."
"Whatever you say, Eds."
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dick-helmet-magneto · 2 years
Erik teaching Charles about Judaism!
one, this ended up a bit short so i thought i'd just post it here two, i did some research and hope i got everything right. i will accept constructive criticism if delivered nicely.
Hope you enjoy!
“So…what? I thought Hanukah was like the Jewish equivalent of Christmas,”  Charles states, looking up at Erik with wide eyes. “I thought it was something that was really important to you.”
Erik holds up a finger, stopping Charles, there’s a smirk on his face though. “Okay, those are two different things. First of all, no. We don’t celebrate the birthday of Jesus. I mean you don’t celebrate the birthday of Jeff who lived fifty years ago, though I’m sure he might have done something important in his lifetime. We don’t really have an equivalent. That being said, the holiday is important to me. I have a lot of happy memories attached to it. Time spent with my parents and sister. And I happen to like what the celebration is based on.” 
“What’s that?” Charles asks. 
Erik smiles softly. He hadn’t expected a discussion about decorating the mansion for Christmas and Hanukah to lead to a teaching moment for the professor, nevertheless, he’s not going to complain. He rather likes talking about his beliefs and culture. Plus, anytime he knows more about something than Charles, he’s going to take it. 
“It’s celebrating liberation, freedom, and finding light, happiness,” He replies, “Something that maybe I struggle with, but I think it’s important.” 
Charles looks at him for a moment, eyes narrowing before he asks, “Sort of like at thanksgiving when we all say what we’re thankful for?” 
“…Liebling, I love you, but that’s a lot to unpack and I think I’m going to need some time to think about where to start on that one.” Best not to make comparisons there. He could come up with some that would have Charles regretting mentioning that holiday at all. 
Though the food is good, he’ll give them that. 
For a moment, Charles is silent, but Erik doesn’t dare return to the book he’s holding in his hands. He knows as soon as he does, there will be more questions. Maybe he should have broke out the chess set if they’re going to do this. 
Before he gets the chance to move though, more questions are flying at him. 
“So what holidays do you give gifts on? And what are the big holidays?” Leave it to Charles to be asking about gifts. 
“The biggest holiday? Or the most important? The most important I think is Yom Kippur. A day of atonement. It’s a day dedicated to self-examination and gives up the ability to start the new year off without the past weighing us down.” 
“It’s on New Year’s then? New Year’s Eve?” He asks. 
“Normally late September,” Erik replies and laughs at the look on Charles’s face. “Hebrew calendar is different. That’s the first according to it.” 
“And you just confess your sins?” Charles continues to ask. 
“I’m beginning to think I should just buy you a book. It would do better explaining all of this in order and make it make sense,” He replies, sighing and trying to decide how to answer this question. He feels like he’s already left a trail of unanswered questions. Maybe this could be another one. 
“It’s not like…Catholics, is it? We have ten days of repentance, this is the last day of it. We make amends with what we’ve done. We ask forgiveness and then out fate is decided. We don’t wait until we’re dead to be judged or whatever it is. It happens during life and we have time to make things right. The holiday has five rules.” 
“Holidays with rules?” Charles asks, as though it’s a ridiculous thing and Erik can only roll his eyes. 
“As though other holidays don’t have rules. Imagine Christmas with no presents or that obnoxious music or decorations. Your thanksgivings without the turkey. Only ours are proper rules instead of guidelines.” 
The look on Charles’s face says he clearly doesn’t believe Erik, but he seems to accept that he has to ask as he sighs and shrugs, “Let’s hear it then. What are they.” 
“Prohibitions. No eating or drinking, bathing, wearing leather shoes, anointing with oil or sex,” Erik states. 
“So I suppose that means no sex in a tub filled with oil while wearing leather shoes? Erik, most of those things are things you don’t tend to do anyway,” He states. 
“I didn’t say some of them weren’t dated rules. Just that there are rules. Are you thinking of converting or something?” Erik asks, making his way over to Charles, sitting next to him and sliding an arm around his shoulders. 
Charles leans in, against Erik, shaking his head. “No, darling, I really am a man of science and evolution,” He assures him with a smile. “I just thought I don’t know much about your beliefs and Jewish holidays. It could be nice to learn more about them and celebrate with you. Besides, there are other Jewish children at the school as well. It’s not fair to celebrate the holidays of some and not others.” 
The thought of Charles caring about something like that is enough to bring a smile to Erik’s face and he nods, kissing the top of the smaller man’s head. “Give me some time to think everything through and I can give you a rundown of it. We can start celebrating them next year and make sure to include everything.” 
Charles smiles, Erik is sure he catches onto his happiness at the idea, but can’t be bothered to try hiding it. There are a lot of traditions he’s lost, holidays he hasn’t celebrated in years, and customs that he’ll need a bit to remember properly, but he’s glad for the chance to do this again. And, maybe, some of the kids can help him remember everything. 
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dykebeckett · 2 years
november 2022. my younger siblings are back in town from their colleges for Thanksgiving. My brother (who is a Cool Dude) wants to get high. I (Not Cool) have never been high, and being the ripe old age of early twenties, I have an id to purchase whatever nonsense they have at the gas stations (the legal status of which is a mystery to me). so my brother says hey. here's dollars. I'll tell you exactly what to get, you purchase WeedGummys for me, I give you one. and I said hm well I'd feel weird just getting that so you'll have to sweeten the pot and fund a Snack for me as well. my brother agrees and goes on a little recon mission at Woman's Name Corner Store across the street. He returns and gives me very specific instructions, which is great, so I go over there and I get my funyuns and I hesitate nervously for a bit, eyeing the Weed Cabinent nervously, and eventually I say "um how much are these uh blue ones. with the monkey on." and the woman behind the counter (we have spoken many times over the years, she recognizes me and I her, we do not know each other's names) comes to take a look. there is no price label anywhere. so she picks up one of the little packets and says "well how about 4.99 does that sound good" and I don't know if that sounds accurate but it does sound good because I love when things don't cost very much. so I get two packets and my funyuns and I go home. I give the gummy packets to my brother, and awhile later he brings one gummy to me. "dude. it tastes exactly like blue gatorade it's crazy" he tells me, and I am skeptical, but I eat the gummy and it does in fact taste exactly like blue gatorade. and he says it'll be about 90 minutes. and I've spent the past several days playing dragon age origins and don't anticipate that changing so I just go back to my game and assume that I will know when something is happening. Time Passes. Presumably, ninety minutes. My dad calls me in to berate me for a task poorly done, but I cannot recall what task, because as I am leaning on the kitchen counter, I begin to experience Effects of a Substance. I described the feeling to my brother and then to a very good friend as the pattern paisley if it was a feeling. the fact I remained upright during that conversion with my father is frankly miraculous (I didn't Feel like I was upright but I assume if I hadn't been someone would've reacted) and eventually I made it back to my room and I sat at my desk chair and stared at my laptop. and it was very difficult to play dragon age at that point
anyway I learned last week that it's apparently a super stupid idea for one's first high to be edibles based. oopsie!
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 2 months
Cold as Ice - Chapter 33 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
Wren Ridley
The next day, Mom and Dad drove Fox to Providence early so that he could make it for the morning skate with his team at Brown's rink.
The rest of us stayed home for a little while longer until it was closer to game time before we piled into my car and drove to Brown.
Luckily it was cold enough out for me to justify wearing a turtleneck, so the hickeys from Landon went unnoticed.
"Wren, turn the heat on," Fawn exclaimed loudly from the back seat.
She sat in the middle and leaned forward so that her face was in between Robin and me.
"The heat is on," I replied.
"Well, it's not reaching back here."
"We're going to cook up here if he turns it up," Robin said, turning to face her.
"Huddle together and use each other's body heat for warmth."
Fawn smacked him on the shoulder and leaned back in her seat.
She was the only one complaining but that was typical.
Colt was leaning against the window with his face buried in his cell-phone, headphones in and drowning out the rest of us.
Raven was reading some romance book with a half naked man on the cover.
It seemed that the only thing that passed the time for Fawn was complaining.
"This is sexist," Fawn grumbled, causing Robin to let out a shocked laugh.
"How so?"
"It just is," she said.
"Women always have to be cold so men can be comfortable."
"What the heck are you talking about?"
"There is actually a study about how office temperatures are based on male preferences, often leaving women cold and uncomfortable at work," I added, earning a look of confusion from my brother.
"Okay but this isn't an office building," Robin replied.
"I'm just saying, she's not wrong."
"Alright, alright," Robin relented, turning the heat up.
"I will turn it up just for you, little Fawn."
Robin was not one to deny his siblings anything.
The rest of the ride had a lot less complaining and by the time we reached the ice rink, it was almost game time.
Our parents were already in the stands, saving a row for the rest of us.
When we found them, Dad was sprawled across three seats while Mom had put each of their jackets and her purse in three others.
Dad was decked out in Northeastern gear.
He had a zip up sweatshirt, a t-shirt under that, a hat and even a small flag.
Mom's attire was simpler, just a quarter-zip with a Northeastern logo in the corner.
"You guys made it," Dad exclaimed, standing up.
"Good thing too because that was getting really uncomfortable."
Mom kissed each of her children on the head as we filed into the row and took our seats.
"Wren, sweetie, if you want to go sit with some friends that's okay. Don't let us keep you," she said as I sat beside her.
She was just bluffing anyway.
Mom wanted us all to be together to watch Fox play like we used to.
I didn't even know if Stella and James were in Providence.
They could have each gone home for Thanksgiving.
I doubted Stella did since she chose a school so far away from home to have an excuse not to have to go visit.
"I'll stay here," I said. Mom smiled and tossed an arm around me, squeezing me into a hug.
Sitting next to Robin during this was a big mistake.
He was loud an obnoxious, bumping into me whenever he stood up when something he found exciting was happening.
I could barely follow along with this, not because it was difficult but because I found it so boring.
Fox was playing well apparently and my whole family stood up when he scored a goal.
Mom was gripping my arm every time Fox was even on the ice, either out of nerves or excitement.
Robin let out a loud 'boo' when Fox got sent to the penalty box during the last period.
"Bullshit call," he exclaimed.
"What happened?" I asked, looking down at the ice in confusion.
"Guy got caught up in Fox's stick and they called him for tripping," Robin explained, shaking his head with irritation.
'Okay, whatever that meant.'
I assumed tripping other players wasn't allowed and warranted a penalty but what did I know.
When Fox got out of the penalty box, he immediately got a breakaway with the puck.
My whole family stood in anticipation and when he scored yet again, a chorus of cheers came from all of them.
Even Colt seemed like he was into the game and I didn't think he liked anything other than his cell-phone and his video games.
Fox's team ended up winning, which probably wasn't all that difficult for them.
I wasn't sure that Brown had a great hockey team, not that I followed it that closely.
"Oh, that was such a good game," Mom said happily as we walked out of the stands and toward the exit.
"I'm still mad about that bullshit call on Fox but at least he scored because of it," Robin said, walking ahead with our mother.
Once we got outside, we just stood around waiting for Fox.
Our parents wanted to bring us all out to dinner and had made reservations at a place not too far from the rink.
"Oh, Wren," Mom called out, grabbing my attention away from my phone.
"Isn't that your friend over there?"
Dread was what I felt at that moment.
There was only one 'friend' from school that my mother had ever met and it was the last person I needed walking over here when Fox was bound to show up at any moment.
"Landon," she called out, waving at him.
"Mom, wait," I started but it was too late.
He saw us.
He saw my mother waving at him to come over and against his better judgement, he did.
Most likely to avoid seeming rude to my sweet mother but part of me wished he just ran away.
He said something to the guys he was with, presumably guys from his hockey team and started walking toward our group.
Robin glanced at me with wide eyes but didn't say anything.
Even Fawn looked over at me with a sort of panicked expression.
"Landon. It's good to see you again," Mom said with a kind smile.
"Yes, you too, Mrs. Ridley," Landon politely replied.
"Sweetie, just call me Vanessa," she said.
"We're about to head out to dinner. You should come with us. We never get to see any of Wren's friends."
"Oh, that's alright. I wouldn't want to intrude."
"You wouldn't be intruding. Please, I insist."
"Mom," I started, hoping to move this along before Fox showed up but of course, it was too late.
Fox stood at the other end of the group, throwing a murderous glare Landon's way.
At that point, I really didn't know what to do.
He had seen him and sure, I could probably find some way to explain this away if our mother wasn't so insistent on Landon coming to dinner with us.
If he had just been passing by and being polite, this could have been explained away in few words.
Fox's glare seemed to grow darker and it was like he knew this had something to do with me because he turned that glare on me and our parents, being oblivious to this, greeted Fox with smiles and rounded us up to the cars so we could go to dinner.
Mom walked beside Landon, leading him to my car like she was afraid he would escape if she strayed too far.
All I could feel was Fox's fiery glare on the back of my head as we went to the car.
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cleoenfaserum · 10 months
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Whether you want to acknowledge it or not and say it was something else other than GENOCIDE what the Europeans did to the Native Americans turning it into a THANKSGIVING of GENOCIDAL DISGRACE, is up to you.
852-1-1 https://youtu.be/K7jLeBWMA0U
We can also say the same thing is happening to the Palestinian people by the Zionist backed by guilt rotten USA, the similarity seems like a genocidal carbon copy of Native Americans and Palestinians put back to back. Lets not forget the root causes, the British Empire relenting to their Bastard son USA. The proud Prime Minister of Britain of Hindu ascendancy is doing to the Palestinian what his British predecessors have done to the Hindu people, let alone the killing 165 million Hindus that the British murdered in the span of 40 years in India, no consciousness there, as the Zionist to the Palestinians as the Nazis to the Jews. there is no sympathy, are there, huh. In conclusion, we can say that we have the British to thank for this genocidal tendency by inheriting, apparently, their genes (genocidal mental genes or disease, call it what you want). Oh, and by association we can also say that the Zionist have been affected by this mental genocidal disease as well.
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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee is a 2007 American Western historical drama television film adapted from the 1970 book of the same name by Dee Brown. The film was written by Daniel Giat, directed by Yves Simoneau and produced by HBO Films.
The book on which the film is based is a history of Native Americans in the American West in the 1860s and 1870s, focusing upon the transition from traditional ways of living to living on reservations and their treatment during that period. The title of the film and the book is taken from a line in the Stephen Vincent Benét poem "American Names." It was shot in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
See the film...
852-1-2 https://ok.ru/video/2168758602267
852-1-3 https://youtu.be/ClHDRUukwh8
American Names
I have fallen in love with American names, The sharp names that never get fat, The snakeskin-titles of mining-claims, The plumed war-bonnet of Medicine Hat, Tucson and Deadwood and Lost Mule Flat.
Seine and Piave are silver spoons, But the spoonbowl-metal is thin and worn, There are English counties like hunting-tunes Played on the keys of a postboy’s horn, But I will remember where I was born.
I will remember Carquinez Straits, Little French Lick and Lundy’s Lane, The Yankee ships and the Yankee dates And the bullet-towns of Calamity Jane. I will remember Skunktown Plain.
I will fall in love with a Salem tree And a rawhide quirt from Santa Cruz, I will get me a bottle of Boston sea And a blue-gum nigger to sing me blues. I am tired of loving a foreign muse.
Rue des Martyrs and Bleeding-Heart-Yard, Senlis, Pisa, and Blindman’s Oast, It is a magic ghost you guard But I am sick for a newer ghost, Harrisburg, Spartanburg, Painted Post.
Henry and John were never so And Henry and John were always right? Granted, but when it was time to go And the tea and the laurels had stood all night, Did they never watch for Nantucket Light?
I shall not rest quiet in Montparnasse. I shall not lie easy at Winchelsea. You may bury my body in Sussex grass, You may bury my tongue at Champmédy. I shall not be there. I shall rise and pass. Bury my heart at Wounded Knee.
(source: American Names by Stephen Vincent Benet - Famous poems, famous poets. - All Poetry)
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When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of 'Civilization'SOURCE: When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of 'Civilization' | HISTORYok.ru
VID-1: https://ok.ru/video/7355251034675
THE WAR OF 1812SOURCE: When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of 'Civilization' | HISTORYok.ru
VID-2 https://ok.ru/video/7355260996147
THE BATTLE OF LITTLE BIG HORNSOURCE: When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of 'Civilization' | HISTORYok.ru
1-Donald Fixico — Wikipedia
2-Sac and Fox Nation — Wikipedia
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Indulge in an Oreo Milkshake at Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater
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If you're a fan of classic milkshakes and looking for a delicious and indulgent treat during your visit to Disney's Hollywood Studios, look no further than the Oreo Milkshake at Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater. This delightful and creamy milkshake is made with smooth vanilla ice cream, blended with chunks of Oreo cookies to create a perfect combination of flavors and textures. The milkshake is topped with whipped cream and more Oreo cookie crumbs, making it a fun and playful dessert that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Whether you're looking to cool off on a hot day or simply craving a delicious and satisfying treat, the Oreo Milkshake at Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater is definitely worth a try. So, if you're planning a visit to Disney's Hollywood Studios and looking for a fun and tasty way to indulge in a classic milkshake, be sure to add Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater and their Oreo Milkshake to your list of must-try dining experiences. More Delicious Recipes You Will Love: - Orange Beef – Polynesian Resort - Passion Fruit Cheesecake – Ohana - Patriot Punch – Liberty Tree Tavern This is a big, big day in the Disney Chef kitchen… This morning, my son, who’s dealing with a pretty nasty cough (that may or may not be whooping cough) came up to me looking pretty sad. Since last night, he’d been asking for ice cream milk.  At first, I thought he wanted chocolate milk, something he almost never has except for very special occasions (like last night for enduring a visit to the doctor and the hospital for a chest x-ray). I was genuinely surprised when I gave him chocolate milk and he was upset… It was clearly not what he wanted at all.  It wasn’t until I went to his room that I figured out what he wanted… At some point he grabbed the Disney cookbook based off the “It’s a Small World” ride at Magic Kingdom and took it back to his room as a treasure. When I went into his room, there it was, right in the middle of his floor, wide open to the picture of “Mousse au Chocolat.” What had obviously happened was that he saw the picture and confused it for a milkshake, something he only has on super, duper special occasions, and decided that it was something he had to have it. And because I’m a complete and total pushover who’s all too ready to see a happy little boy after being so sick for the last few weeks, we were off to the kitchen, but he had to make it himself. I ended having him make the Oreo milkshake from Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater because it seemed slightly less boring than a regular chocolate milkshake.  And he did it all, he threw the cookies in the bowl, scooped in the ice cream, added the milk, and (with my help) used the hand blender to mix it all up, making this the first thing he’s ever made in the kitchen.  Woo-hoo! So, I promise, this is the last day everybody is required to indulge the proud Mommy, even though she promised no “boring” recipes after yesterday’s cookie recipe.  It may be just a milkshake, but in my eyes, it could have been Thanksgiving dinner. I skipped the garnish and the chocolate sauce because it was all I could do to pry the milkshake away from him for the pictures.  LoL! Conclusion In conclusion, the Oreo Milkshake at Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater is a delicious and indulgent treat that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. This classic milkshake is made with creamy vanilla ice cream and blended with chunks of Oreo cookies, creating a perfect combination of flavors and textures. The milkshake is topped with whipped cream and more Oreo cookie crumbs, adding a fun and playful touch to this already irresistible dessert. Whether you're a fan of classic milkshakes or simply looking for a delicious and satisfying treat to enjoy, the Oreo Milkshake at Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater is definitely worth a try. With its rich and creamy texture and perfect balance of sweetness, this milkshake is sure to become a favorite among dessert lovers. So, if you're planning a visit to Disney's Hollywood Studios and looking for a fun and delicious way to cool off, be sure to stop by Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater and order a glass of this classic and tasty Oreo Milkshake. In addition to the delicious food and recipes, Disney World is also known for its unique dining experiences, such as character dining and themed restaurants. Whether you want to have breakfast with Mickey Mouse, dine in a replica of a sci-fi drive-in theater at Hollywood Studios, or enjoy a meal with an ocean view at the Coral Reef Restaurant in Epcot, there's something for everyone. And with the help of Recipes Today and the How to Make category, you can even recreate some of these magical dining experiences in your own home. So why not start planning your next Disney-inspired meal or dining experience today? Read the full article
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faeriegutz · 2 years
okay its time for an AITA, fake names used for obvious purposes
tl;dr: my friend is lying to our faces about a bunch of things and i'm genuinely considering dropping her
i (f, teenager) have this friend named Sally (f, teenager), who i'm pretty sure is lying to my face. she claims to have a relationship with someone , who we haven't seen any photos of her with, or ever seen him in any photos that aren't from his insta. sally claims to have visited him and went cafe hopping during thanksgiving break, but she has no photos of her and this guy (and supposed friend group) that entire week she went to go visit.
she's also lying about this OTHER guy , saying he's stalking her. the thing is, she switched up the story multiple times, now saying that they're family friends and apparently super close, though he doesn't even acknowledge her presence in public. she also claims he stares at her and all this stuff, which he does not do. anyways, it's also quite concerning because at the beginning it seemed like he (from what she said) was being literally predatory, even though they never interacted. she claims he came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders in a very public setting while she was alone. he's quite the popular guy, and he's older, and she is also literally never alone in the setting she told us that happened. like ever. at least one person has the same free periods that she does, and she always is hanging out with us or at her dorm/
she's also doing some other stuff I don't wanna get into rn, because it's quite specific to me and my school. long story short, she's basing her entire personality on these lies, and my friends and i all know, but we're pretending not to. we discuss them while she's away though.
anyways: i was told something tonight by my other friend (whos quite trustworthy) and i feel like it was the last straw tbh. i'm not one to "drop" people, but i dont like being around her, she's putting people down, etc. i'd feel bad doing it, but idk
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bananarantanen · 3 years
new york, new jersey, new us — j. hughes 
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one: washington square park and agreements
pairing: jack hughes x reader
summary: after time apart, the first time you reconnect in new york has got you two strolling down memory lane. however, a new one is also created in the meantime and it’s gonna be hard one to forget.
word count: 3.8k+
warnings: a couple swear words, alludes to anxiety
a/n: this story is set up like in 3+1 style bc that’s how it was originally written. obviously i gave up on that, but the format stays pretty true - each chapter following a different scenario leading up to the ending. also! plotline of this fic is loosely inspired/based around pancakes for dinner by lizzy mcalpine :-) (if u find the references, lmk) (the’yre pretty short n lowkey but still) (if u find it, u find it)
“please, just drop me off by washington square park. i swear i can find my way around from there,” you plead.
“i don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal out of this. i can literally walk you right up to the conference room.”
“hell no.”
“why not?”
lightly you chuckle, “you know, for a guy who barely did any of his own high school work, let alone knowing what it’s like being on-campus at a university, you sure do try to act like you own the place. reminder: this is new york, not jersey, jack.”
he huffs as the car comes to a halt, him taking off his cap for a moment to tousle his hair just to swiftly put it on again – a frustrated tick you’ve picked up over the years. the car pulls up alongside some random street and you can’t help but roll your eyes. given you have known each other since you were fourteen, you know how stubborn he could be. it was something eminent you had noticed growing up. while coaches and scouts loved his drive, it was a problem when it came to things like taking simple directions from google maps (you had a blown out fight when he first got his license and got lost driving you guys to see one of luke’s games in the town over). though the longer you stare, amidst him silently cursing out the horrible parking jobs of others and all, you notice some things did change. 
for example, his hair had grown out even more since you last saw him at thanksgiving. he may say it’s for “the flow,” in reality, it’s because amanda lewis called him elf ears for the entirety of sophomore year and he’s been insecure ever since. the cap he’s wearing, plain black and labelled “michigan tech huskies hockey,” was a gift that you’d sent to him during your first semester at school. even though you’re a theatre and entertainment technology major, and knowing his family’s connection to umich, you thought it was funny. 
“listen, y/n,” jack says. “the last time you were in a place that wasn’t michigan was the draft. that’s like, almost three years ago.”
“and?” you retort as you begin to unbuckle your seatbelt.
“and what if you get lost?” he grumbles, eyebrows furrowing at the thought of it. “there’s some crazy people doing stuff out on those streets and it’d kill me if anything happened to you.”
you jerk your eyebrow up in response.
“a-and my mom, and your’s too…  and your brother, and mine too! luke and quinn would probably-”
cutting him off, you spit with a hint of laughter, “quinn doesn’t fight.” a smile starts to break through your lips thinking about it. “plus, who would be scared of him? he’s the type of guy that has a fear of rabbits.”
your bickering falls for a moment as you see his demeanor starting to soften. a snicker escapes his lips because you had a point, and everything finally felt still. jack was late in picking you up, disrupting your meticulously planned schedule, and despite being slightly annoyed by that fact, you let it slide considering he offered driving in the first place.
you peer over jack’s shoulder and take in your new location from the safety of the car. at the park across the street you notice couples walking their dogs, groups of teenagers probably walking home from school, business men with grim facial expressions and other sorts of various people making their way. it’s busy but what else could you expect out of this place?
new york wasn’t on schedule for you during spring break. 
moreover the sound of random jazz music, catching up on some recreational reading, and the ambience of strangers’ chatter in a local cafe back home was what you had in mind. you must’ve accidentally cursed god enough times as of late to piss him off because, clearly, you weren’t as relaxed as you had imagined. instead, you got piles of unfinished papers backlogging your laptop storage and spent the last couple nights listening to screaming taxi cabs during walks in town trying to bust your ass to your hotel because the transit route is confusing here. 
you’re a simple girl. you like cities and people. although, this was the city with more people in one place than you’ve ever seen. the only reason why you are in the most populous city in america is because of a three day conference happening at nyu (it was being paid off by the theatre and entertainment department at least, so it was an offer hard to decline).
“-if you say yes i promise dinner’s on me tonight. anywhere you’d like, like seriously, no cost limit.”
and then, there’s jack.
you guys are friends. however it was more of a thing set up by ellen and your mom, teresa, at first. they were gym buddies for as long as you could remember and were delighted to discover their kids were going to the same high school once you had graduated from middle school. for a bit it was mainly awkward carpools in the morning with the hughes family, moving your separate ways as soon as you stepped through the doors. it was an unagreed official routine.
call it cliche, the genesis of your friendship being based on generic high school tropes; you were the theatre nerd, he was the athlete. you were well aware of his status due to constant announcements about his accomplishments with the ndtp, watching your peers gawk every now and then whenever he had an interview. before you guys had started getting along, the only times his face would be in the crowd at a show were probably during english. teachers used to bring their classes over to the theatre if there was ever a shakespeare play on.
the shift in your relationship only really came when your families had a joint cabin trip during summer 2017. long story short: one long car drive, plus a super intense round of mario party, mixed with your competitive nature somehow fit perfectly with the young athletes. winning is your favourite thing to do and that satisfaction came easily with jack by your side, you learned. he’s been there ever since. (quinn and luke refuse to play mario party in teams after that).
now once ellen had caught wind of your short new york trip from your mom, she immediately called up her son. jack was slightly annoyed that he had to learn of your arrival through his mother, but you believed he already had enough on his plate. your presence would just add to his long to-do list.
“c’mon, y/n/n.”
you look him dead in the eyes for one more second before giving in, letting out a defeated “ok, fine,” as you step outside of the car.
“thank you,” he says as he follows suit. 
you take out your phone from your coat pocket and check the time as you make your way towards washington square park.
“we got a while to go till the conference starts,” you say to jack. you two walk closely side by side, making sure to stay on the right side of the asphalt sidewalk to avoid colliding with too many people in the crowd.
“what time does it start?” 
the wind starts to pick up from behind and you pull your coat a little closer to your body. he notices your minor strive to keep warm and consequently starts to trail behind you a little bit, trying to use his larger frame to shield you from the oncoming chill. “2:30pm, but the email says i gotta be there fifteen minutes before it begins to sign in and everything. supposedly there’s gonna be almost around five hundred kids from around the state and other neighbouring places going too, so i also gotta take the lineup time into consideration.” 
“five hundred theatre kids? god, talk about a nightmare,” he teases. 
“absolute liar.”
“in what way?”
“i KNOW you secretly enjoyed watching the 2018 show of legally blonde: the musical.”
“my mom made me go, alright,” he scoffs in defence. 
“i know for a fact that ellen actually had other plans with my mom on opening night. it was you that had forced her to come because quinn backed out last minute.”
“okay, it’s not my fault you guys charged $25 per ticket!” he throws his hands up in defence. “i couldn’t let my money go to waste! i only bought them because i heard jenna malloy made a good elle and boy, was i right about that.”
you bump his hip slightly with yours and groan at his comment. “say it’s jenna malloy or whatever, but your spotify activity after the show said otherwise.”
“shit,” he utters. “i forgot you’re a creep that stalks everyones’ spotify history.”
“spotify stalker or spotify sleuth?” you answer. it goes quiet briefly until you both make eye contact again and then burst into hysterics, becoming obnoxiously loud to the point the pigeons the flock away. 
it was a stupid inside joke you had with the hughes brothers from a couple years ago. thinking back, maybe you were a little too invested in the eldest brother’s small fling with a girl he met at an open skate. regardless, your nosiness worked out in the end because you discovered she was already in a long-term relationship through multiple public playlists on her account and instantly sent it to the hughes brothers groupchat. needless to say, quinn at least thanks you to this day for helping him dodge that bullet. in spite of their family rising in immense fame over the years, it’s nice knowing that silly little memories and jokes between you all stand till now. 
finally, you and jack make it to washington square and you can’t help but take a mental picture of your surroundings. new york is nothing in comparison to canton or houghton, that’s for sure. everything you looked at spilled of colour and culture, and every corner you turn there is something new. while your world usually consisted of the same friends and family since you were young, the unfamiliarity of new york is a challenge you find exciting. the plaza is moderately filled up, you note, and typically you would try to find a route with less people in efforts to avoid the chance of getting perceived.
“so, how was fall semester?” he asks, disturbing your train of thoughts.
“expected. a workload but i’m having fun at least,” you shrug. “then again, everyone is lowkey competing to be the best.”
“how could anyone not notice you?”
“it’s a big world out there,” you shrug again.
“even behind the scenes, i know you’re still everyone’s favourite.”
you used to love the spotlight when you first started off in theatre. you went for all the lead roles in the local productions, taking classes outside of school to perfect your craft and consuming anything related to broadway as possible. again, you craved the feeling of winning and reading your name at the top of casting lists gave almost the exact same satisfaction. on the contrast, as you grew up, you realized that there was more to the art and quickly fell into dedicating your time backstage. initially you had signed up to join the backstage crew as a freshman in hopes of getting in with the seniors, heightening your chances of making it into company. though by the time first semester was over, you were already heading the sound booth and fit perfectly well in the role of creative director (it was just a fancier term for set designer, but whatever looks best on a resume).
you gleam, “it’s called dedication and hard work. picked up some notes from some random kid back in canton.” 
“he sounds super hot and humble,” he retorts with a discreet smile, proud of the fact you gave him a compliment. 
“ha,” you deadpan. “too bad he still has to call his mom to ask for advice on his pre-game suits.” 
he proceeds to be seriously hurt from your comment, grabbing his chest, falling down slowly and reaching towards a nearby bench arm to help aid his dramatic antics. “ow, y/n! my ego! it’s fragile right now. you can’t go injuring me mid-season like that.”
you give him a little side eye and stop in your tracks while he creates a scene. his need for attention catches the eyes of a few kids playing with bubble wands by the fountain and they stare as the pouty teenage boy looks up to you with doe eyes. “and i’m supposed to be the drama queen?” you call out as you reach out a hand to pull him up from the ground. he grapples on to yours but when he gets to his feet, a sudden rush of red starts to run to his cheeks, you notice. maybe it’s the air, it’s cold.
he clears his throat. “so, dress code for tonight?”
“dress code?” your voice hitches in question.
“for you know, dinner,” he muses. “you always have a plan.” he seats himself down to another nearby bench and pats the open space beside.
“no, i don’t,” you reply, moving on next to him.
“freshman year, spring fling: green because, well, spring. quinn’s draft: light blue because i know you secretly wanted him to go to the canucks so you could visit the west coast with an excuse. and then junior year, when wyatt asked you out for the first time: orange because he complimented your shirt on the first day of school,” he casually recites so easily as if it were his recent grocery list.
stunned at his memory, you bite your cheek. “you remembered all that?” you grip onto the bench slightly as your brain concocts other possible things he might remember about you. 
“mhm, of course,” he kicks a rock at his feet and digs his hands further in his pockets. “i was there too yenno – the first day of school AND when he asked you out.”
“AND you also were the one to pick me up from said-first date when mom’s truck broke down. still can’t believe wyatt didn’t offer to drive me home instead, though,” you laugh lightly at the memory. despite the odd definition of your relationship throughout high school, acknowledging low whispers of your peers questioning how you two went from strangers in the hallways to waiting for each other at the door after every block all because of one summer, the one thing that you understood with no question was jack’s ability to have your back no matter what.
for instance, before that one summer at the lakehouse, you forgot your lunch money at home after a shitty morning fight with your brother. you had already been lined up alongside the swarm of students, tray and food already in hands, when you realized you had no way of paying. after what felt like hours, your ears were burning by the time you were at the cash register and you dreaded looking up as you scrambled through your backpack and pockets, knowing you were backing up the line. the next thing you know, you hear a simple “i got it” peep from behind you. from that moment on, paired with the kind greeting in his eyes, it felt like some sort of unwritten note that he was going to be the person to call in case of anything going awry in your life – including failed dates.
he looks over to you softly. “guy’s always been a major dummy. you had your hair all done up, and everything. it was nice. every princess needs a ride home, even cinderella got a pumpkin at least.” 
“thanks,” you reply. looking down at your current outfit, plain black slacks and a blouse, you can’t help but sigh, “guess not so much colour anymore, huh.” while the conference didn’t require a certain colour scheme, you felt like being neutral was safe. given, the level of professionalism that was advertised about the event. theatre kids bleed colours, which made your outfit choice even more odd, but you figured your backstage title would make sense to others if you wore the attributed attire (a.k.a. head to toe black to blend into the background seamlessly during shows). still had a hint of red through your converse though, your lucky pair. 
“y-you still look nice,” he says, trying to save his statement, afraid it came off the wrong way. 
you start to stand up from the bench since you figure a good amount of time has passed and it’s enough for you guys to get moving again. the conference was your main priority here and the thought of being late to something this important was wringing your insides.
“i just miss y-” he utters. “it. i miss it. you know, the monochrome colours. it was your schtick. y/n y/l/n, the gal who lived in colour.” he jumps to his feet and joins you since you’ve already started walking again.
“c’mon, we gotta get moving. i got things to do.” you check your phone for the time once more, trying to avoid the topic of your previous self.
with the sudden consciousness of the amount of time you two had on your hands, you feel yourselves pacing your stroll, slowing down to kill the time. the sun was beaming brightly through the trees, reflecting off the instruments of random buskers out in the open, and the smell of hot dogs were a distinct feature that you never took seriously when hearing the stereotypes of new york city yet, here you are. you look up at jack as you throw him more details of the afternoon ahead of you and there’s a look on his face that you can’t fully piece together. 
for the first time in your guys’ relationship he’s the one silently listening to all your cool endeavours, not the other way around. sure, he was an nhl allstar by age twenty. on the other hand, you finally were fulfilling the dreams you spoke about during late night sleepovers in the basement while everyone else fell asleep.
“what are you grinning about, hughes?” you poke at his chest in an attempt to get a word out of him.
“n-nothing, y/l/n.” 
you stop in your steps and he buffers in his own, careful not to bump into you. 
“oh my god, y/n, what? what is it now?”
you turn on your heel so you face him and perk your chin up slightly. he isn’t the tallest guy you’ve stood next to before. however, there is still a large enough difference in your height for you to crane your neck when talking to him. “you’re being a funny dude today, dude.”
he rolls his eyes. “i have no idea what you’re talking about, dude,” he replies with an emphasis on the word “dude”.
“i don’t know,” you exhale as you place your hands on your hips. “though, the persistent insist on walking me to the conference? offering to pay for dinner? you being silent when listening to my plans and getting no snarky remarks back at any point? when was the last time i have had a conversation with you without that happening?”
honestly, you weren’t really tracking much of the time up until this moment. yet, a speechless jack is something out of the ordinary for sure and you can’t help but notice. perhaps two or three minutes pass and the most he does is reach for his eyebrow, scratching it (another mindless habit of his when he’s baffled), and not a single peep comes out of his mouth still.
“... you got nothing for once?” you try to pry.
the faceoff was becoming a bit too awkward for your liking at that point. maybe it was the sun starting to get in your eyes or something, but you manage to track his eyes jump from your gaze to your lips and back while staring so sharply for that minute, looking for a response. if you had blinked you probably would have missed it. he takes stride closer towards you and suddenly the noise of the outside world starts to decrescendo. there are so many people around since you had now made it to the fountain, central to the whole park, and every nearby plot of land is either filled with native new yorkers making their rounds or tourists taking pictures. you can’t help but feel your heartbeat punch holes against your ribs; partially because what the fuck was happening, the other reason is because you definitely felt overstimulated to a stomach grinding degree. he tries to go for your hand but you reluctantly pull back. this does not work in your favour as you almost find yourself at the bottom of the iconic fountain, bumping into the brim of the edge. he manages to catch you, loosely holding you in a cradle.
“why didn’t you call to tell me that you’re coming, y/n?” he breathes out, eyes looking so intensely into your own in hopes of finding some honesty.
“hey, aren’t you jack hughes?”
you both snap out of your small frozen moment and turn heads at the voice. it’s one of those little kids with the bubble wands from earlier.
jack drops his grip on you and swipes his palms on his jeans before approaching the young boy, bubble wand still in one hand, and the other holding a half eaten ice cream cone between his chubby little fingers.
“yeah,” jack coughs out while you remain stagnant by the fountain, still trying to process what just happened. “you a big hockey fan?”
“yeah! i think i like hamilton more though, sorry.”
jack laughs and you can’t help but be amused by his statement too, covering your mouth to hide the fact that this seemingly six or seven year old child decided to say that to a former first overall pick.
the kid takes one more lick at his ice cream and asks, “can i still get a picture? i promise i’ll cheer for the devils the next time you guys play the islanders.”
“deal,” jack replies. “got a name, kid?”
“peter,” he answers as he gobbles down the last bits of his ice cream. “hold on, let me go get my mom. i’ll be right back,” he exclaims before zooming off in another direction.
you butt in, “i should get going. like i said earlier, there’s probably going to be a long line up for the sign-ins and i’d hate to be caught up in all that,” you gesture, trying to play it off cool considering whatever just occured in the last five minutes.
“yeah, cool, totally, of course! you hate being late too, i get it,” he retorts in a nonchalant tone.
“so, we cool?”
“cool as the ice at the prudential center.”
you show a slightly disgusted face at the sound of his comment. dad joke-esque responses were never your favourite thing.
“sorry, that was fucking stupid. we’re fine, y/n.”
you wave off as you make your way towards nyu, refusing to look back as soon as you turn your head. seeing jack with younger kids always bore a tender spot in your heart, yet this isn’t the time to dwell on that.
while you came to new york with the intention of making new connections, industry wise to build your career, your brain is now invested in another business for the time being. that is: what the hell has gotten into jack?
a/n: heyo i’m back again ! thanks for reading ! if ur interested in me making a taglist for future updates, lmk :D (im still debating bc idk if ppl will care about this enough)
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