#basira is such a great outside pov
gerrydelano · 3 years
do you have any jongerry fic refs? i love yours :-)
recs* not refs lol!
no problem! i got you, no worries 😊 list under the cut!
i generally do not read fic because i’m too focused on trying to write mine and when i do, i only read stuff by my friends or given to me by them since i know they wouldn’t pass it on if it wasn’t safe or genuinely good. 
so! i went ahead and asked aster @ofdreamsanddoodles​ for some recs for you since not only does he read a lot of fic but he ALSO wrote one of THE best jongerry fics i’ve ever read that Really stuck with me. thus, the list begins with:
MANDATORY READ: I’ve Got His Number From The Great Beyond by verboseDescription
one of my absolute favorite fics in this fandom, period, and one of the only jongerry fics i’ve personally read that actually feels RIGHT for them. i’m very picky about them kdjhfd. 
it’s an AU where gerry’s ghost ends up bound to a burner phone, and jon is trying to get him a new body! made me laugh and cry back to back in rapid succession could not rec this enough
and now for all the ones that he linked me when i asked!
01.  The World Will Turn by FullyRealized (WitchHobi)
“gerry & jon meet when jons in uni, & they start becoming friends, but you can see theres kind of like... an echo effect going on.” 
i’ll not spoil it, but apparently the worldbuilding has a lot of thought put into it, fun characterization, and it’s a comfortable read re: pacing and word count!
02. For Wondrous Ends by lyres
“basically jon asks gerry to de curse him & the curse is like. tied to martin in a way?”
jongerrymartin, which is not my personal cup of tea At All but i hear it’s got fun worldbuilding, too! which IS my cup of tea, and if you can make me believe something in the context of the world it’s in, then i’m down.
03. Jonathan Sims and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Archivist Job by arsonhtml
“theres only one chapter so far & its short, so i cant get a good read on the contents other than it is pretty funny. jon gets asked to be archivist and immediately asks gerry for help, bc clearly he knows what the position entails.” 
nice. i love when gerry tells the archives crew what’s up in like any context tbh.
04. the one thing in the galaxy god didn’t have his eyes on by disasterdrow
“short oneshot of jon talking to gerry after getting out of court for his moms trial” 
ow ow ow sounds like i should read this one too because Demon Emoji,,, the title is grabbing me by the bones
05. reverse nighthawks by androdyke 
“outsider pov oneshot bc sasha is a nosy bitch. gerry isnt in this much, its just her & tim trying to find out who jons in love with but its funny”
okay i love that concept LMFAO get his ass! thinking “gerry dawson” thoughts and laughing on the floor
06. the body is a temple, follower of aphrodite by toxinspired
“oneshot just about being v in love. i think someone in the gtcu chat made this? v sweet” 
yes, elijah was briefly in the gtcu chat! it was lovely to have em around, and this was soooo sweet 10/10
07. agony quiets to pain by bluejayblueskies
“gerry in the hispital after his burns”
oh no my actual weakness jhvbkjn *bookmarks*
08. fool me, fool me by androdyke 
group chat fic! this one was recommended by Two people, it’s SO good that aster said, “you have to read it. you HAVE to” and well! you heard him!
09. I'll try to talk refined by acetheticallyy (judesstfrancis) 
“gerry haunts jons workplace so jon brings him home w him. dont remember it super well but its VERY good”
well you know me i love a good haunting 
10. Secure by TalkingAnimals
“basira: why on earth would you put up with a roommate who keeps blasting metal at weird hours  jon: i like knowing hes here”
love that concept this is so cute
11. etched in lines and shading by bluejayblueskies
tattoo artist gerry! i LOVE a good tattoo artist gerry here we GO
12. carry it with you if you want to survive by freudiancascade
jon and gerry go leitner hunting! and it goes very awry! i love that concept
hope you like these, anon!
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stingdragon · 3 years
Chaotic Malicious:
Peter Lukas voice upon seeing Martin lives below him "ah! Guess I'll just never leave this flat then"
Oh man...
Imagine Peter trying to live in an apartment. Avoiding all neighbors, checking the door to see if anyone is outside, listening for foot steps!
Chaotic Malicious:
And weasle his way out of community activities!
I don't know if you guys got them, but here you get things like once or twice a year cleaning of the gardens or the things around the building, summer barbecues and stuff like that.
Chaotic Malicious:
Peter just
Locks his door sjdhajdhshf
Peter squirming every time he needs to do his laundry in the joint laundry room! And he has to see the other tenants have booked time slots too!
Chaotic Malicious:
Obsessed with Peter being forced to live in a communal area 
Stingdragon :
Why doesn't he just move out?
Or loosing a bet with Elias!
Chaotic Malicious:
Elias is the landlord
okay but this concept is fucking SENDING MEEE
In the context of the fic Peter is a quiet recluse who only ever comes out if the weather is gloomy, misty, or rainy who Martin sees and then goes "this is better than my mother" and proceeds to pester Peter
This would be the biggest crack fic!
Chaotic Malicious:
Everyone get's an apartment!
Chaotic Malicious:
Jon always plays audio books or recite things in the room with the thinnest walls!
Chaotic Malicious:
to spite his neighbors
Neighbor Melanie constantly bangs on that said wall from her apartment because Jon holds atrocious sleep hours!
And Jon just forgets that it is 4am!
Chaotic Malicious:
On Sasha and Tim's floor they might as well build a corridor connecting their apartment because they are constantly running back and forth to each other!
Basira and Daisy share an apartment at the ground floor and they have a very large dog that is very excited and barks a lot.
Chaotic Malicious:
Tim harassing the other tenants is great
Georgie is the only one standing between Jon and Melanie to keep it from turning into an all out war.
Chaotic Malicious:
Would... the avatars belong in our silly apartment complex?
Chaotic Malicious:
yes :)
Jude Perry organizing the yearly cook out.
Helen is the landlord of course! Only renting out apartment to the weirdest clients that comes knocking. Just for fun.
The old landlord, Michael, left. Something about a fall from a balcony. The details are unclear.
Chaotic Malicious:
There might have been an old lady involved!
Galaxy brain take: Michael is Helen's deadname
Mike Crews has the apartment on the top floor. His weird old uncle comes to visit ever so often. They always enjoy their meals on the balcony. No matter what weather.
Chaotic Malicious:
Oliver lives in the basement but constantly goes up to visit Mike no I do not take any form of constructive criticism
We do not talk about the Prentiss incident. She is out now and her old apartment thoroughly sanitized and rebuilt.
Oliver and Mike accidentally dropped a space ship model from the window up there once. It smashed Peter's car.
Chaotic Malicious:
Dominguez lives on the same floor as Sasha and Tim. They sometimes visit her to prod at her for details about her work. During one of these visits they might have all been having some wine. The whole complex was blacked out for hours!
Nikola always have visitors over. A lot of visitors and friends! Never the same people twice though....
Gerry has the other top floor apartment. Where he has a nice studio and a very cozy bedroom. He has books that are all nice and funny to read that lifts his spirits. He has large windows that let's in the light so well that he can paint without trouble. He is healthy and happy and have all the nice things in life that he can wish for. His mother has a restraining order.
Chaotic Malicious:
His mother will have a missing person's case if she messed with Gerry
Gertrude is his mom now.
Chaotic Malicious:
Oliver can swear that he hears someone else living in the basement, but they never ever show. Which is odd because the only other room down there except the storage space and the laundry room is this room that on paper looks to be a tiny box of a room. Though someone is at least tending to the flowerbeds outside. They are always freshly freed from weeds and the soil perfectly balanced with nutrition and manure.
Let's see.... Who else is there.
Chaotic Malicious:
Breekon and Hope
Oh Breekon and hope are the only two that comes to visit Nikola on the regular!
Chaotic Malicious:
Shshdhshd everyone just squints at them when they show up
I don't know what to go for with Annabelle.
I can't picture her living there.
But coming around at weird times whenever something truly crazy happens
Chaotic Malicious:
She visits and no one knows why and it scares them
People in the complex starts seeing it as an omen when they spot Annabelle there!
Her car in one of the parking spots one day when Jon looks out. He ducks back inside and quickly packs a bag and goes to visit his grandmother for the rest of the weekend!
Where does Martin fit into all of this?
Well... he was just handed his new keys by Helen.
Chaotic Malicious:
DHSHFHHS Martin just vibes
He is just now moving in!
POV character to the show!
Have I forgotten any of the fears?
Hm... well... The flesh.
Chaotic Malicious:
DHDHSHD jared lives in the dumpster and sustains himself on rats
Him and Trevor sharing the dumpster though!!
Chaotic Malicious:
and they were dumpstermates /j /lh
Oh my god. They were dumpstermates.
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