basmathgirl · 1 month
Hello Basmathgirl!
I’m a bit embarrassed to ask, but are you the same Basmathgirl, who writes fanfics over on AO3 (e.g. Dancing with Dad)?
If you’re the AO3 author: Do you plan to write more fics in the future, especially stories including the fourteenth Doctor? + I looove your stories!!! <3
In any case I enjoy scrolling through your blog, even if you don’t write fanfics ;)
Hello kind Anon
Nah, there's no need to be embarrassed when asking me questions (I'm used to that: people not knowing).
I can happily confirm that I am indeed Basmathgirl who writes fanfic; not that tumblr acknowledges that with a suitable badge, but hey ho.
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Oooh, thank you for loving my stories! There are definitley more fics in the planning stages; and I hope to include the Fourteenth Doctor at some point - I'm wrestling with 3 Tenth Doctor ones at the moment, pushing them to get finished.
Then again, my muse might insist that I write a Fourteenth Doctor fic right this second. You just never know. Perhaps I ought to try a drabble and/or 15 minute writing exercise again? Worth a try, surely.
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mayomkun · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Thank you so much for tagging me! ❤️ Here are 5 things not in particular order;
Hanging out with friends & family
Travelling / sight-seeing
Reading fics <33
Seeing movies in a theater
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expelliarmus · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
Thank you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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love-in-the-time · 2 years
Happy birthday, gorgeous!! 🎉🎈🥂🍾🎂
Happy happy happy happy birthday my dear one! May we have a productive and prosperous year full of fun and joy and love.
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koncussionkat · 2 years
I was tagged by @basmathgirl to tag nine of my favourite characters!
Thank you! I loved your list it gives me some new shows to explore.
3) Wally West- Justice League (got a thing for those red heads)
1) Donna Noble -Doctor Who
2) Wally West- Justice League (got a thing for those red heads)
3) Darkwing Duck-Darkwing Duck
4) Issac- the Orville
5) Jean-Luc Picard- Star Trek TNG
6) Jack Sawyer-The Talisman
7) Ash -Evil Dead
8) Stanley Pines- Gravity Falls
9) Toast-Toast of London
These were the ones that came to mind but it an ever changing list. I would love to know the above about @winter-thebearded @nodesiretogrowup @cheeziswin @lady-of-the-spirit @jewish-harley-quinn @riotworkshop
No pressure to do it. These are my common reblogs cause they have awesome content so would love to know more.
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
Thinking of you today, and wishing you a very happy birthday! 💖🥂🍾🎈🎁🎉🎂
Aww, that's so sweet! Thank you so much, hon! 🤗💖🎉
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teashadephoenix · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
My familyfriends (Finn, Cora, Pea, Keeb, Cap, Kate, Dad, and Mama Sherri would max out my reasons all on their little lonesome but that's why theyre grouped together) <3 they are pieces of my heart and soul and i love them.
Storycraft, aka my perpetual state of being. Writing is part of that, as is worldbuilding, editing, daydreaming, design, etc... It's my purpose and calling in this world. I just wish I was faster at it
A blonde oatmilk latte. simple pleasures matter.
driving. its peace in my head to be driving my truck.
my fandoms. the stories that touched me and became part of me, that helped me understand who i am and who i want to be. doctor who, sailormoon, fushigi yuugi, red dead, it, animorphs... i'd be here all day if i tried to talk about what they all meant to me.
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Wishing you a very belated happy birthday! Hope you enjoyed it 🎁🎉🎈🎂❤
hiii! thank you! 😁🥳🥰
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ninemelodies · 7 months
Questions 21, 22 and 27, for the weirdly specific asks please
21. a number that weirds you out?
the number 17, don’t ask me why it just Feels Wrong
22. do you have an emotional support water
basically. it’s not actually a water bottle but a 16oz yeti cup w/ my name engraved on it that i got for christmas a couple years ago. i slapped a straw lid on that sucker and haven’t looked back.
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
depends on the weather but it’s usually some variation of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. during the summer i usually wear shorts and then during the winter i’ll wear long sleeved shirts or sweaters w/ my jeans.
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fuckyeahfredandginger · 11 months
15 Questions for 15 Followers
I was tagged by the lovely @basmathgirl, and I hereby tag any interested followers.
Were you named after anyone?
My first and middle name were for an uncle and aunt, just using the J and R initials.
When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, rehearsing a song where I have to cry lol
Do you have kids?
No, and not really sure if I want them any longer.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sarcasm is a sign of intelligence. I love it.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe for sure, whether they make eye contact, whether they seem fake.
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings if at all possible, please.
Any special talents?
Random useless facts, and I'm a classical soprano.
Where were you born?
New York City.
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, sometimes TV, taking long walks.
Have any pets?
None right now.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I have a black belt in tae kwon do, but am not really into sports. I was a swimmer in high school.
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
Music, English, and dismissal lol
Dream job?
I have no idea. Life forced me off the path I was on originally and I don't want to do what I'm doing now with the rest of my life. It's killing my soul and it's not what I ever wanted in the first place. I have hope I will navigate my way out to something better.
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The first image is a screenshot from the episode on BBC iPlayer and the second is from a transcript I found online.
I’ve seen so many gifs where it says ‘Earth Girl’ but I remember watching the episode on iPlayer just after it aired and it said ‘My girl’ and I just thought that maybe it was a mistake on iPlayer BUT IT’S NOT!!!
Tagging some of the Doctor Who blogs I follow because they need to see this!
@tatennant @davidtennan-t @tennant @thedoctorsdonnas @doctordonnasstuff @expelliarmus @zeky22 @lovemakesyoudocrazythings @love-in-the-time @tendonnazine @basmathgirl
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basmathgirl · 7 days
You were sitting out in your garden and writing fanfiction?👀 I’m definitely looking forward to new basmathgirl stories. Yay! 🥳
On another note, I want to ask you about two details concerning the newest Doctor Who episode “Rogue”.
First off, one thing which confused me quite a bit, is the fact that the Doctor wasn't willing to take Ruby's place in the trap, like Rogue did (or did he not realize he could do that?). If memory serves me right, in the past the Doctor was willing to sacrifice himself/herself to save a companion, a planet or even strangers (e.g. Forest of the Dead) multiple times. I know we can't lose our main character, but why did it seem he accepted Ruby's fate so easily? Maybe I misunderstood the scene?
The other issue concerns the Doctor’s comment about Ruby being his best friend. I don’t have a problem with this statement overall, because every Doctor said about the current companion that they were their best friend. Therefore I certainly don’t think that there should only be one particular person (as for instance Donna) who is entitled to be called the Doctor’s “best friend”. And overall I’m a big fan of Ruby. She is one of the companions who won me over the fastest. However as a viewer and given the episodes we’ve got so far, I didn’t believe the claim that they are best friends. Friends surely! But I didn’t feel the deep connection the show wanted me to feel, when the Doctor said it and when they showed the flashback of him talking to Carla. I believe the Doctor and Ruby feel that they are each other’s best friends, but it doesn’t feel that way for me. So after all this babbling, I think I want to know if I’m alone with this impression?
Hello kind Anon
It's a pretty grey day here, threatening rain, but this time last week it was gloriously sunny so I made the most of it. Have notebook, will travel, whilest writing fanfiction.
Thank you for the anticipation! You gladden my heart. 😘
Right, back to the question. Rogue. I rewatched it again before answering this because there's always something about an episode that I miss. I think the key scene is the flashback to the Doctor promising Ruby's mum, Carla he'd keep her safe. If he sacrificed himself, how would Ruby get back home? He may have called her his best friend but does the Tardis accept that. I mean, he could have set up the HADS system to return her home, but we don't know for sure. Plus, he was holding the button to the transmat device, so would it work if he attempted to take Ruby's place? Lots of questions to ask here. All we know is that he hesitated a long time to make the final decision, forcing Rogue to do so for him.
As you say, if you don't take his tears into consideration, you'd be hard pushed not to think he was accepting Ruby's fate quite easily. A lot of the drama in this season seems to pivot on the push of a pressure button. Strange that.
Ah, the 'best friend' statement. Miles too soon to make such a claim; I completely agree. They may think it but I was left thinking 'When did that all happen?!' It all feels a bit false, to be honest.
Like Ruby's accent, which definitely isn't a London one. Why haven't we had an explanation for the geographical move? What life experiences has she had so that we can believe she understands the Doctor? If she constantly volunteered at a homeless shelter, say, than I'd believe it more. Carla's numerous foster children were mentioned, so I can easily believe she can cope with small children and babies. But otherwise, someone only 19 would not have that maturity to do what the script claims she can. I'd expect her to ask a heck of a lot more questions.
We've been told that the Doctor has had his trauma therapy, so why is he reverting back to having just a youthful, eager companion who wants nothing more than fun, like the Nineth Doctor did with Rose Tyler? There should be more depth to it. And so far I hardly know any more about Ruby (from the Christmas special) beyond she has Joe90 earrings and goes to The Spinning Wheel with her mates.
Incidentally, it's a bit of a stretch for RTD to make it the same place Jackie Tyler went to, since Jackie lived the other side of London to Ruby [Jackie's postcode was Peckham and Ruby claims she is in Notting Hill]; but then his maths was never that good.
Back to the point.... "the Doctor and Ruby feel that they are each other’s best friends, but it doesn’t feel that way for me" no, you are not the only person with this impression. I actualy exclaimed, "Since when?!" when it was said.
Hopefully Saturday's episode will help dispel that feeling? Then again, it'll probably end on a massive cliffhanger, and we'll be none the wise.
If Triad Technologies end up as having cloned Rose Tyler or some other companion hybrid in a laboratory, I won't be at all surprised. Disgusted maybe, but not surprised.
We can only wait and see.
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Please do interact with this post if you’re interested in tag games!
If you’d like me to tag you in tag games, please message me or interact with this post :) I’d love to get to know you
People on taglist (sorry for the notification, but this is the post I’ll be using as reference when I get tagged!):
@that-angry-noldo, @falasta, @basmathgirl @king-of-kaoss, @hecatesbroom, @capybaraonabicycle
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polgara6 · 21 days
Tagged by @esperata
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know or catch up with 
Favorite color: god I love them all so much but probably green
Last Song: Work Song the new Annapantsu cover
Currently Reading: the divine comedy I love me some biblical fanfiction 
Currently Watching: trying to start Bridgerton
Currently craving: a grilled cheese sandwich
Coffee or Tea: Coffee I have tea related trauma
@elizabethcrumb @artzychic27 @basmathgirl @dizzyzizi @fuckin-nancy @greatinternetllama @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @kimbapchan @penguinssupersecretsafehouse
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forget-about-me2 · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Hi thank you for asking me @basmathgirl
5 things that make me happy hmm, let me think.
1. Doctor Who, it's just a huge part of my life and it really does give me a lot of joy to talk about it/think about it.
2. Music, I honestly live for music. I pretty much always listen to music, lots of different genres. Only not when I'm reading or watching something really.
3. Dogs, I had one growing up and I do miss having one, but my current house is on the top of steep stairs and I work so I don't really have space for a dog right now. But still I love seeing and watching dogs and interacting with them, which happens not nearly often enough.
4. Biking, I'm Dutch so I cycle a lot within my city. And idk it just feels really nice to calmly cycle around when the weather is nice.
5. Plushies, I'm a sucker for soft and big plushies that I can cuddle. Whenever I come across one of those in the shop I'm severely tempted. And I do have a couple. And always fall asleep cuddling one, just love the sensory sensation of that.
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ladynoblesong · 11 months
15 questions for 15 mutuals
i was tagged by the lovely @basmathgirl 🥰
tagging: @miladydewinterapologist, @cozcat, @breatheinandlive, @cookie-moi, @lifesizehysteria, @butchlilith, @clumsycapitolunicorn, @beachhausu, @sheep-in-space, @phantomunmasked, @feoplepeel, @juliewlters, @lindaeastman, @sxbob-omb, @tamagocchiheaven.
were you named after anyone?
a greek god! not a great one though i'm afraid...
when was the last time you cried?
last week - it was my final session with one of my therapists i've been seeing for the past 8 years, so i was a little emosh :')
do you have kids?
no, and i'm on the fence whether i want some atm - but maybe someday?
do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really, no.
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their teeth/smile i think?
what’s your eye colour?
blue/green :)
scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies with happy endings! but in general i'm a sucker for a satisfying, happy ending.
any special talents?
i can speak and read really fast, and i'm quite good at tongue twisters.
where were you born?
in the paris region [derogatory]
what are your hobbies?
watching television/youtube, cooking, musical theatre (but i don't practice anymore), playing the guitar (once in a while), reading, writing, needle felting, playing video games, swimming, hitting the gym - looking forward to doing more now that i'm free from my phd!
have any pets?
not yet, but i have "future cat dyke" as my dating profile bio 🐈
what sports do you play/have you played?
i hate team sports, but i used to do ballet as a kid, then swimming, archery, and more recently musical theatre. at the moment i'm only swimming occasionally, and hitting the gym far too infrequently.
how tall are you?
5'5" (167 cm)
favourite subject in school?
french lit, english lit, philosophy.
dream job?
honestly, pretty much what i'm doing now! i've always loved research & i've grown quite fond of teaching over the past few years too.
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