guillemelgat · 3 months
I'm trying to get back into the swing of studying Basque a bit more, so I'm going to try to listen to a song every day and look up all the words I don't know. I'm starting off with this song from Idoia's newest album, De amar y desandar, which is called "Autofikzioa" and which I'm a big fan of.
ilunpetan - in the dark (from ilunpe - 'darkness')
ito - to drown
kontraesan - contradiction
errai - gut
gatibu - captive, prisoner
hala ere - despite everything, nonetheless
(Ez nago ziur zer den "urperatzear" - uste dut "urpe" eta "atze" elkartzen dituela baina ez dakit zer esaten nahi duen)
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guillemelgat · 3 months
Gaurko abestia: "Zapalduen olerkia" - Ken Zazpi
Erronka hau pixka bat aldatu nahi dut: egunero, abesti bat aukeratuko dut eta hitzak idazten saiatuko naiz. Gero, hemen ez dudan ezagutu hitzak ipiniko ditut. Eta euskaraz idatziko dut, oso gaizki baina egin ahal dut, ba egingo dut!
Gaur egun Ken Zazpi-ren "Zapalduen olerkia" aukeratu dut, oso abesti polita da eta asko gustatzen zait. Bertsio hau Euskadiko Orkestra Sinfonikoa-rekin eta nire gustokoena da, baina jatorrizkoa ere atsegin dut.
Hiztegia berria:
ezintasun - inability, incapacity
zapaldu - to oppress
estali - to cover
samin - sorrow, grief (also adj. bitter)
bizigabe - lifeless
istripu - accident
Eta galdera pare bat: (1) "hurbilao" eta "hurbil" berdina da edo zer da desberdintasuna? (2) zer esan nahi du "estalita dute"? (ezin dut ulertu zein denbora den)
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Day 1 - Musical Instruments (EUS)
musika tresna - musical instrument
piano - piano
biolin, bibolin - violin
gitarra - guitar
bateria - drums
baxu - bass
tronpeta - trumpet
tronboi - trombone
txirula - flute, whistle
trikitixa - diatonic accordion
pandero - tambourine
txalaparta - xylophone-like percussion instrument
ttun-ttun - string drum
alboka - single-reed horn
hari - string
arku - bow
tekla - key
pedal - pedal
tonuan jarri, afinatu - to tune
jo - to play
entsegu - to rehearse
kontzertu - concert
talde - group, band
orkestra - orchestra
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Day 2 - Music Theory (EUS)
Quizlet set is here!
musika - music
nota - note
erritmo - rhythm
pultsazio, aldi - beat
konpas - measure
maior - major (n.)
maiorreko - major (adj.)
minor - minor (n.)
minorreko - minor (adj.)
eskala - scale
zortzidun - octave
diese - sharp
bemol - flat
akorde - chord
doinu, melodi - melody
harmonia - harmony
partitura - score
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guillemelgat · 2 months
Gaurko abestia: "Beruna urre" - Bele
Abesti hau zailagoa izan da niretzat, ez dut asko ulertu, baina horrengatik hitz berri batzuk ikasi dut. Talde berria da, eta oso polita da bere musika, gomendatzen dut. 
Hiztegi berria:
zori - chance, luck
hautatu - to choose, to select
asti - free time
azti - clever, magic
haritz - oak
gupida - compassion, piety
lohi - mud
karramarro - crab
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guillemelgat · 2 years
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MONONOKE PRINTZESA: Hiztegiak Euskaraz - 6. Atala
Hey look, several months literally way more than half a year later, I’m finally trying to finish watching Princess Mononoke! I think I have about a quarter of it left, but a fair amount of that might be action which goes by a lot quicker because I don’t need to translate it 😅 And here’s the Quizlet set for those who are interested in studying the vocabulary :’)
arrunt - ordinary, common, run-of-the-mill
hiltzaile - murderer, killer
ergel - stupid, foolish
hedatu - to extend
lotan - sleeping
hilzori - agony, dying
etzan - to rest, to lie
txikitu - to destroy, to cut up
ahul - weak
soil - simple, pure
burugogor - stubborn
alferrik galdu - to waste
gori - red-hot
ehortzi - to bury
amu - hook
lurrazpi - underground
jaurti - to throw
aintzira - lake
tori - take!
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Food Vocabulary in Basque
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Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
Vocabulary related to food from my Basque class notes! Let me know if there are any mistakes. You can find the Quizlet set here!
Barazkiak - Vegetables
alberjinia - eggplant
arbi - turnip
aza - cabbage
azalore - cauliflower
azenario - carrot
baba - fava bean
babarrun - bean
baratxuri - garlic
dilista - lentil
erremolatxa - beet
garbantzu, txitxirio - chickpea
ilar - pea
kalabaza - pumpkin
kalabazin, kuiatxo - zucchini
leka - green bean
orburu, alkatxofa, artixot - artichoke
perretxiko - mushroom
perrexil - parsley
piper - pepper
porru - leek
tipula - onion
tomate - tomato
uraza, letxuga - lettuce
zainzuri - asparagus
zerba - Swiss chard
ziazerba - spinach
Frutak - Fruits
ahuakate - avocado
angurri, sandia - watermelon
gerezi - cherry
laranja - orange
limoi - lemon
mahats - grapes
mandarina - mandarin
marrubi - strawberry
meloi - melon
platano - banana
sagar - apple
txirimoia - custard apple
udare, madari - pear
Esnekiak - Dairy
esne - milk
gazta - cheese
gurin - butter
jogurt - yogurt
mami, gatzatu - curd
Haragia - Meat
azpizun - sirloin
hanburgesa - hamburger
odolki - blood pudding
oilasko - chicken
saltxitxa - sausage
solomo - loin
txistor - chistorra, pork sausage
txorizo - chorizo
txuleta - chop
urdaiazpiko - jamón, Spanish ham
xerra - steak
Arrainak - Fish
antxoa - anchovy
atun - tuna
bakailao - cod
berdel - mackerel
itsaski - shellfish
legatz - hake
muskuilu - mussel
muxila, txirla - clam
olagarro - octopus
sardina - sardine
txipiroi - squid
Janari Prestatuak - Prepared Food
albondiga, haragi-bola - meatballs
arroz-esne - rice pudding
eltzeko, erregosi - stew
entsalada - salad
entsaladilla - potato salad
ezti - honey
flan - flan
izozki - ice cream
kroketa - croquettes
natilla - custard
ogitarteko - sandwich
oilasko erre - roast chicken
opil - roll, bun
patata frijitu - french fry
patata-tortilla - potato omelette
salda - broth
tarta - cake
txokolate - chocolate
zopa - soup
Bestelako jakiak - Other Foods
arrautza - egg
arroz - rice
arto - corn
azukre - sugar
fideo - noodle
fruitu lehor - nut, dried fruit
gatz - salt
irin - flour
kafe - coffee
kamamila - chamomile
makarroi - macaroni
ogi - bread
oliba - olive
olio - oil
ozpin - vinegar
piperbeltz - pepper (spice)
te - tea
Edariak - Drinks
ardo - wine
freskagarri - soda
garagardo - beer
patxaran - pacharan (sloe aniseed brandy)
sagardo - cider
txakolin - chacoli (tangy white wine)
ur - water
zuku - juice
Jatorduak - Meals
gosari - breakfast
bazkari - lunch
askari - afternoon snack
afari - dinner
hamarretako, hamaiketako - elevenses, midmorning snack
Aditzak - Verbs
jan - eat
edan - drink
prestatu - prepare, cook
irakin - boil (water)
egosi - boil (food), bake
erosi - buy
eskatu - order
gosaldu - eat breakfast
bazkaldu - eat lunch
afaldu - eat dinner
gose izan - be hungry
egarri izan - be thirsty
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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I started watching Princess Mononoke with Basque subtitles (which you can watch here 👀) and I’ve been going through and looking up all the vocabulary that I don’t understand. Here’s the first part (~first 20 minutes of the movie), some of the words have multiple defintions and I’ve only put here the one relevant to the dialogue I was trying to understand:
gizatiar - human
igarle - prophet
madarikazio - curse
uki - touch
zauritu - to injure, to wound
isuri - to pour
makurtu - to bow, to surrender
hilobi - grave
hileta - funeral
izaki - being
higuingarri - disgusting, detestable
neu - myself
albiste - news
basurde - wild boar
amorratu - to infuriate, to irritate
igarri - to predict, to notice
gezi - arrow
jaurti - to throw, to shoot
patu - destiny
lausotu - to cloud over
egotzi - to blame
gizaldi - generation
jadanik - already
debekatu - forbidden, to forbid
ardura - care
aizto - knife
borrokaldi - fighting
muino - hill
agudo - quickly
harrapatu - to catch
orban - stain
txiza - urine
aizun - false
aztertu - to examine, to study
pinporta - grain, lump
inozo - stupid
lekaide - friar
zakukada - full sack
hanka egin - to run away, to escape
segika - following
erakustaldi - exhibition
erraldoi - giant
zehar - through, along
arrasto - trace, mark
zoragarri - wonderful
uholde - flood
inguratu - to surround
izurrite - plague
hilezkor - immortal
trukean - in exchange
katilu - cup, bowl
orein - deer
akabatu - to kill, to die
I made a Quizlet set here, I’ll keep adding stuff to it as I go!
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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MONONOKE PRINTZESA: Hiztegiak Euskaraz - 5. Atala
More vocab from Mononoke Printzesa, I’ve also added it all to the  Quizlet set so study away!
egotzi - to expel, to throw
maltzur - crafty, wily
hagin - molar, tooth
tximu - monkey
are ...-ago - even more ...
etsi - to consider
axola - care, worry, interest
berritsu - gossipy, slanderous
inork ez bezala - unlike anyone
noranahi - anywhere, wherever
kirastu - to reek
ehiztari - hunter
alegia - legend
lehenagoko - previous
letagin - fang
koldar - coward
honako hau - this (n.)
murtxikatu - to chew
gizakume - man
ezgauza - useless, trifle
botere - power, ability
erregutu - to beg
bular - chest
urde - pig
froga - proof
aurrena - firstly, first of all
burutsu - sensible, reasonable
hara - well now
atzera - once again
ahaltsu - powerful
deuseztatu - to remove, to destory
aurka - against
txilio - scream, shriek
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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MONONOKE PRINTZESA: Hiztegiak Euskaraz - 2. Atala
More vocab because I watched 10 more minutes of the movie! Quizlet set is here, with words from the first part and hopefully continued updates ^-^
zenbat eta ...-ago - the more, the ....-er
garraiatu - to transport, to carry
idi - bullock, ox
sutauts - (gun)powder
irismen - reach, range
kume - cub
... besterik - just, only, nothing more than
jainkosa - goddess
askoz gehiago - much more
kalte - harm, damage
arduratu - to care, to worry
erresuma - kingdom
alde! - out!, begone!
okerrera egin - to make worse
nekez - difficultly
milaka - by the thousands
galant - big, beautiful
oinatz - footprint
beharbada - maybe, probably
okertu - to make a mistake
salbu - safe
atseden - rest, break
eutsi - hold on
bat-batean - suddenly
jada - already
hautsi - to break
gotorleku - fortress
meategi - mine
itzain - ox driver
zaindari - guard, warden
mozorro - disguise
tiratzaile - marksman
bizkar - back
biziki - strongly, intensely
igaro - to pass
ederto - well, great
lerdokeria - ridiculousness
puztu - to inflate, to brag
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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MONONOKE PRINTZESA: Hiztegiak Euskaraz - 3. Atala
Approximately 10 more minutes of vocab! Quizlet set is here and includes words from all the previous parts, we’ll see how much more I can do before school starts :’)
banatu - to share, to distribute
eragozpen - impediment, obstruction
aizu! - listen!
ukuilu - stable, stall
traba egin - to impede
arreta - interest, attention
zorigaizto - bad luck, misfortune
kutsatu - to contaminate
bizar - beard
agortu - to run out
lehenbizi - firstly
ebaki - to cut
untziratu (ontziratu) - to embark
iritzi - to presume, to appear, to believe
gutiziatu - to desire, to covet
erdibitu - to cut in half
pisutsu - heavy, important
arinki - quickly
babesgarri - protection
lodi - thickness
jokatu - to play, to joke
hilgarri - fatal, lethal
atsekabetu - to inflict, to cause pain
sarraski - killing, massacre
gutxietsi - to underestimate
bezainbeste - as much as
mendeku - revenge
aterpe - refuge
bendatu - to bandage
ereite - seed, sowing
muin - essence
ohiko - normal, typical
bazter - corner, side
elezahar - legend
legendun - leper
agindu - to order, to control
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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MONONOKE PRINTZESA: Hiztegiak Euskaraz - 4. Atala
A bit more than 10 minutes of vocab, I’ll try to catch up now that I��m sort of back in the swing of things but it may be a hot sec before the next one. As always, Quizlet set is here and is cumulative!
nekatu - to tire
txanda - turn, shift
topatu - to find
labe - oven, furnace
hesi - fence, enclosure
galdara - boiler
amarru - trick
isilarazi - to silence
gai izan - to be capable of
haginka egin - to bite
albo - side
zorabiatu - to faint
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Basque City Vocab
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Image credit: Cityscape - Bilbao (Tommie Hansen)
Basque vocabulary relating to the city! The Quizlet set of this vocab is here.
hiri - city
herri - town (also country)
auzo - neighborhood
etxe - house
etxebizitza, apartamentu - apartment, flat
etxebizitza-bloke, apartamentu-bloke - apartment building, apartment block
tren geltoki - train station
autobus geltoki - bus stop
metro geltoki - subway station
plaza - square
kale - street
errepide - road, highway
zubi - bridge
portu - port, harbor
alde zahar - old city, historical district
merkatu - market
supermerkatu - supermarket
kafetegi - cafe
jatetxe - restaurant
taberna - bar
hotel - hotel
antzoki - theater
zinema-areto - movie theater
museo - museum
liburutegi - library
eskola - school
unibertsitate - university
ospital - hospital
farmazia, botika - pharmacy
denda - store
banku - bank
lantegi - factory
udaletxe - town/city hall
epaitegi - courthouse
parke - park
zelai - field
estadio - stadium
eliza - church
tenplu - temple
sinagoga - synagogue
meskita - mosque
Let me know if you have any corrections!
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Geography and Climate Vocab in Basque
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I’ve apparently had this sitting around from when I made my last Basque vocab list and just never posted it
Here is the Quizlet set!
norabide - direction
iparralde - north
ipar-ekialde - northeast
ekialde - east
hego-ekialde - southeast
hegoalde - south
hego-mendabalde - southwest
mendabalde - west
ipar-mendabalde - northwest
Natural Features
mendi - mountain
mendixka - hill
haran - valley
ibai - river
itsaso - sea
ozeano - ocean
itsasalde, kostalde - coast
hondartza - beach
baso - forest
zelai - field
zeru - sky
eguzki - sun
ilargi - moon
izar - star
hodei, laino - cloud
hodeitsu, lainotu - cloudy
euri - rain
elur - snow
haize - wind
ekaitz - storm
trumoi - thunder
tximista - lightning
hotz - cold
hozkirri - chilly, fresh
epel - warm
bero - hot
tenperatura - temperature
gradu - degree
negu - winter
udaberri - spring
uda - summer
udazken - fall, autumn
eguzki izan (eguzki da) - to be sunny
euria/elurra ari izan (i.e., euria ari du) - to be raining/snowing (at a specific moment)
euria/elurra egin - to rain/snow (in general or over a period of time)
hotza/beroa egon (i.e., hotza dago), hotz/bero izan (i.e., hotz da) - to be cold/hot (at the present moment)
hotza/beroa egin - to be cold/hot (at another time or in general)
ZENBAKI gradu egon - to be NUMBER degrees
Corrections are always welcome!
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guillemelgat · 5 years
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(Above: L’home dels nassos, a Catalan New Years Tradition, in the city of Tarragona, where he is represented with a tradition capgros costume; from Raquel Fabregat Moliner on Flickr.)
Kaixo @givemethelanguages, I’m your @langblrsecretsanta for this year! I saw that you’re a linguistics major and study Basque and Catalan (all of which are things I am too), so I kind of went off for your present, I hope you don’t mind. I thought it might be interesting to combine some seasonal vocabulary in Catalan and Basque with historical linguistics, so here’s some fun etymological tidbits for you! Also we should definitely talk in Basque and Catalan I need more friends who study them
the night before a festival, like English Eve or Spanish verbena
Etymology: from vetllar ‘to hold vigil, watch over’ (cognate with English vigil), which comes from Latin vīgīlare ‘to stay awake, hold vigil’; there is also a vigilar in Catalan, which comes from the same root but is a much later loan, the first being from the 13th century and the second from the 18th century.
Home dels nassos
the “Man of the Noses”, a Catalan tradition in which there is said to be a man with as many noses as days of the year, but who only becomes visible on December 31 (when he has one nose like everyone else)
Etymology: nas ‘nose’ from Latin nāsus ‘nose’ (cf. French nez and Italian naso); the Spanish and Portuguese nariz ‘nose’ comes from Latin nāris ‘nostril’, which also gives Catalan nariu ‘nostril’. All of these, in addition to the English nose, come from Proto-Indo-European néh₂s ‘nose’.
grapes (or a bunch), which are eaten with each bell toll at midnight on New Years (same as in most of Spain)
Etymology: either from Old Occitan razim ‘grape’ or Vulgar Latin racīmus, ultimately coming from Latin racēmus ‘bunch of grapes’; compare French raisin ‘grape’ and Spanish racimo ‘bunch (of fruit)’, which come from the same root. A single grape can also be gotim, which is a Catalan innovation possibly deriving from gota ‘drop’. Another interesting grape-related word is bagot ‘unripe grape left on the vine’, which may come from Proto-Celtic *bekos ‘bee’.
a bell toll, most prominently the bell tolls at midnight on New Years (although it can refer to any bell tolling as well)
Etymology: from campana ‘bell’, from Latin campāna, the demonym for the Campania region of Italy where the best bronze to make bells came from; this in turn comes from Latin campus ‘open or flat space, plain’, meaning that Catalan camp ‘field’ and campanada are cognate (and are cognate with English camp as well).
the Basque Santa Claus, who comes on December 31 in the town of Ermua (although on December 24 in most places)
Etymology: of unclear origins, attested forms include Onenzaro, Onentzaro, Olentzaro, Ononzaro, and Orentzago; the most sound theory posits that it was originally Onentzaro and is derived from on ‘good’ and -zaro ‘period of time, season’, referring to the winter solstice holiday (and possibly relating to the Spanish nochebuena). The holiday is called xubilaro or subilaro in some parts of Navarre, from subil ‘Yule log’ and -zaro; in other parts it is known as sekularo, which is likely to come from Latin saeculāris ‘worldly, temporal, profane’.
Urte berri on! / Bon any nou! / Feliz año nuevo! / Happy New Year!
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Basque Vocab: Talking about time
I made a Quizlet for this vocab, you can find it here!
-ero - every
-(e)an, -etan - on (day), in (morning/night/etc, month), at (time)
-(e)tik, -etatik - from
-(e)ra, -etara - to
Relative Expressions
baino lehen, aurretik - before (with infinitive)
ondoren - after (with infinitive)
arte - until (with infinitive)
bitartean - while (with conjugated verb)
hurrengo, datorren - next
pasa den, joan den - last
gaur - today
bihar - tomorrow
atzo - yesterday
aurten - this year
iaz - last year
orain - now
orduan - then
hasieran - at the beginning
erdialdean - in the middle
bukaeran - at the end
Units of Time
goiz - morning
eguerdi - noon
arratsalde - afternoon, evening
gau - night
gauerdi - midnight
minutu - minute
ordu - hour
egun - day
aste - week
asteburu - weekend
hilabete - month
urte - year
Weekdays and Months
astelehen - Monday
astearte - Tuesday
asteazken - Wednesday
ostegun - Thursday
ostiral - Friday
larunbat - Saturday
igande - Sunday
urtarril - January
otsail - Febuary
martxo - March
apiril - April
maiatz - May
ekain - June
uztail - July
abuztu - August
irail - September
urri - October
azaro - November
abendu - December
Adverbs of Frequency
beti - always
askotan - often
maiz - frequently
batzuetan - sometimes
noizean behin - once in a while
gutxitan - hardly ever
inoiz ez - never
inoiz - ever (questions)
zero, huts - zero
bat - one
bi - two
hiru - three
lau - four
bost - five
sei - six
zazpi - seven
zortzi - eight
bederatzi - nine
hamar - ten
hamaika - eleven
hamabi - twelve
hamahiru - thirteen
hamalau - fourteen
hamabost - fifteen
hamasei - sixteen
hamazazpi - seventeen
hemezortzi - eighteen
hemeretzi - nineteen
hogei - twenty
hogeita bat - twenty-one
hogeita bi - twenty-two
hogeita hiru - twenty-three
hogeita lau - twenty-four
hogeita bost - twenty-five
hogeita sei - twenty-six
hogeita zazpi - twenty-seven
hogeita zortzi - twenty-eight
hogeita bederatzi - twenty-nine
hogeita hamar - thirty
hogeita hamaika - thirty-one
berrogei - forty
hirurogei - sixty
laurogei - eighty
ehun - one hundred
berrehun - two hundred
hirurehun - three hundred
laurehun - four hundred
bostehun - five hundred
seiehun - six hundred
zazpiehun - seven hundred
zortziehun - eight hundred
bederatziehun - nine hundred
mila - one thousand
bi mila - two thousand
Time and Date
ORDUetan - at HOUR o'clock
EGUNean - on DAY
EGUNetan - on DAYs
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