#bathing ritual
sohannabarberaesque · 8 months
Roman Holidays headcannon
Talk about close company: Gus Holiday and a few of his buddies from the construction company heading off to the bathhouse in the pre dawn for a mix of exercises and bathing (such being the common practice in Imperial Rome's bathhouses) ... with an especial fondness for a hot sand rub and cleansing with a stigril (which, if you ask, was a sort of bone razor used in the baths for scraping off dirt, sand and sweat).
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kirtibhoir-blog · 4 years
Soak yourself every day
in the brightest sunlight
there are so many
who wait to bathe
in your brimming light.
~ Kirti ~
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sidtheearthwitch · 4 years
I’m out for the weekend! But I will be posting about a bathing ritual I did today when I get back. :)
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Bathing Rituals
I'm a busy business person with busy business jobs and busy business meetings (I just like the alliteration), so taking time out of my schedule to plan for elaborate rituals isn't always an option.
What I found to be a reasonable and fulfilling compromise is to do a weekly bathing/bath ritual.
One day every weekend (if the full moon is on a Friday-Sunday, the day when it's at its peak) I bathe in essential oils by candlelight and burn incense. I smudge my bathroom before I do this and always add a little moonwater in the tub.
If it's near one of the Druid festivals of the eightfold year, I'll take the time to make a little altar along the edge of the water and pay proper respects. Wine is generally involved.
Some weeks it's a big production with chanting and sacrifice, others it's simply some time to meditate and reflect in the warm embrace of the water.
Taking a little bit of time out of my week to focus on ritual in a comfortable and personal way has really elevated me spiritually and emotionally. I feel more grounded, I am more gentle with myself, and I feel more confident and powerful than ever before.
I've been doing this for about a year now and it's helped me through some very tough times. Now, I'm in a position of great success that I feel I wouldn't have achieved without it.
It's given me the time and space to relax and try new things. I've tried new meditation techniques, new spells, new oils, new everything. Along the way I have found the best combinations and the best sequence to perform my personal little ritual bath.
I highly recommend you take some time to dip your toes in a ritual bath and make it your own.
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At Mystic Beauty Shop we encourage you to turn mundane grooming into a luxurious beauty ritual. Here you find our Goddess + Founder leading by example.
Rose petals are a great way to add romance to your bath time...and your life! 
We will share the recipe for this and other bathing rituals in future posts. In the meantime, let this photo inspire you!  
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Healing Bath
What you will need: 
Silver or Whites candles
Some salt (sea salt is always best)
Healing oil (such as carnation, violet, sandalwood, or narcissus)
Light the candles, and make your bath of warm water.
Add the salt and few drops of oil.
Step in. Relax. And feel that warm salt filling up your pores.
Once you are ready to come out. unplug the tub and let the water drain (make sure you are still sitting in the tub while draining). DO this while chanting:
“The sickness is flowing out of me, Into the water, down to the sea.” 
Once all the water has drain, that is when you can get up.
Rinse yourself with fresh water to get rid of all the last vestiges of the disease of sickness-laden water .(using the shower is ideal)
Repeat if necessary.
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firestorm-angel · 9 years
Bathing ritual/meditation
So I came up with this using several sources and my own imagination, so feel free to use this as a guide, or however you want. Materials: -Shower (preferably, but bath works too) -Whatever you use to clean yourself -Facial clenser -shampoo AND conditioner (reccomended) -essential oil of lavender Okay, so start by running cold water through the shower. Your entire shower will be cold. Now, once you are good and ready, starts scrubbing your hair with the shampoo. Imagine all your negative energy filling the bubbles and being trapped. Then, rinse it out, imagining all the negative energy flowing with it. Now take your conditioner and run it through your hair, and leave it in. Imagine the conditioner soaking in the left over negative energy. Now take a facial cleanser and scrub it on your face, and imagine scrubbing your insecurities to the surface. When you rinse your face, imagine them being flushed down the drain. Now you can rinse the conditioner. Imagine all the negative energy it was soaking up now flowing away from you. Take the soap, and clean every part of your body, imagining your body caked in dirt, being slowly scrubbed away to leave a soft, white, purifying glow. Let the soap run off you, and then do one more run through to be sure you completely rinsed. Then turn the water off, and dont get out until all the water has drained. Watch the water and negative energy flow away, never to be seen again. Let the excess water drip off of you, carrying the last bit of negative energy. Then you may get out, and dry yourself completely. I did thus right after a chakra cleaning, and I've never felt more clean and pure. I feel like I've cleaned more than my physical body. Feel free to add or take away or change this to your liking, just thought I would share. Blessed be!
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Ritual Bath
I gotten this spell from Witch School: First Degree by Lewis-Highcorrell. I do this practice once a year. (I think it's best to do this on the Samhain since it is a pagan new year, you might as well start the new year fresh). 
 What you need: 
 Bath tub or shower 
Handful of salt (sea salt is best)
Handful of dried rosemary 
Handful of dried sage
White candles (as many as you want) 
Oil (one of your choice, personally lavender helps me) 
 Your bathroom mirror 
 To begin this spell, pick a time when you know you wont be disturbed. Have all your materials together. 
Run bath with warm water (adjust it to your own preference if needed). While water runs, add your salt, rosemary, and sage in water. 
Light candles, and turn off all electrical lights. 
When bath is ready, take a moment to ground and release before stepping in. And say: 
“O Mother Goddess, help me to cleanse myself now of all that holds me back or blocks me from my growth and progress. Help me as I embrace my fullest potential and I open my heart to growth.” 
 ~Now get in, ask rinse yourself thoroughly. Including you face and hair. 
 ~Lie back. Soak up. Get comfortable. And appreciate this moment. 
 ~Now reflect on your life, think of everything that might be holding you back in any way; pain, sorrow, anxiety, every fear, hesitation and self-imposed limitation. Review every painful memory. And as you think of each thing, make an affirmation: 
 "I release this. It leaves me now" 
 ~You may say this out loud or silently. 
 ~Release each and every issue, until you can't think of any others. Say this:
"O Mother Goddess, look within my soul and help me to release whatever remains that I have not seen" 
 ~Now clear your mind. When thoughts come, do not respond to them. Let them drift out of you mind. Meditate in this way for a few minutes. Let the Goddess look inside you. 
 ~Now rinse off. Stand up. Think of all that you have released. Say:
 "All that I have released, I leave behind me. May their energy return to the Mother to be reused" 
 ~Step out, and air dry. Look in the mirror, examine the face that stares back at you. Remind yourself: 
 "This is a good person" 
 ~Mean it! Tell yourself: 
 " I love this person. This is the child of the Goddess, whom she loves" 
 ~Take your oil, dab a little on your fingertips. Reach down and touch the top of your feet:
 "Blessed be my feet, that I may walk in sacred paths" 
 ~Dab more oil on your knees:
 "Blessed be my knees, that I may kneel at the altar of the Ancient Ones" 
 ~Dab more oil over your pelvic region:
 "Blessed be my second chakra, that I may bring forth life, art, and joy" 
 ~Dab more oil on your chest:
 "Blessed be my heart, which is formed in beauty, that I may love and receive love" 
 ~Dab more oil on lips: 
 "Blessed be my lips, that I may speak the Words of Power in time to come" 
~Dab oil on forehead: 
 "Blessed be my mind's eye, that I may see the unseen and receive the messages of Spirit"
 ~Now look in the mirror and speak these words: 
 "In the name of the Goddess, I am blessed. Like the flower, I shall open and grow. May all that I have released be replaced with the love and blessings of the Mother. So mote it be."  
~Now that you are done, clear and release all excess energy in the manner you have learned. You may feel an immediate difference after this practice, or you may not.
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