#batim: artists rewrite
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"Welcome to Joey Drew Studios!"
First of all, there are some BIG TWs!!! Being: Violence, past Trauma, HEAVY GORE(Later on), Mental health themes(some of the characters are HEAVILY traumatized), Mentions of religion(Sammy fucking existing.), NSFW stuff (gore, heavy language, sexual, ect.) Horror themes(But that's later down the line), past/implied abuse, religious trauma(Again, SAMMY), bad parenting, torture(Most of the stuff past this point is later down the line), mistreatment of others, stalking, obsession, near death experiences, murder, visual horror on some sprites, torture mentions, heavy grief in some characters, mentions of stuff like implied alcoholism, parent death mention, and death.
-Don't throw a hissy fit if a character is rude to you.
-Some characters here are straight. Some are gay. Fucking deal with it, don't throw a hissy fit about it.
-Be patient with ships! They may not appear at first, but they will appear in due time! <3
-Please don’t try to introduce characters into the universe. The characters may recognize your username if it comes up a lot, but otherwise, all asks will be just “messages” for them.
-If you want us to tag something a certain way, DM us and we will try our hardest. DO NOT ABUSE THIS.
- This is an AU, so this is OUR TAKE on a story in the Bendy and the ink machine universe, Please respect this.
- Also! If a character is dead, they’re DEAD. What we say about a character’s mortality goes.
-This is a mature story. It'll contain mature topics. Read the trigger warnings and read accordingly.
-This features OCs. Don't like, don't read. Thanks.
-This heavily features OC x Canon. Don't like, fuck off. Cope, seethe.
- There are 2 mods, one of those mods doesn't take people's shit, and will act rude to you if provoked, you have been warned. 
- This was made out of the Mods' love for this series, don’t ruin it for us, thanks.
-Follow the rules. Please, for the love of God, follow the rules. 
-Some sessions focus on some characters more than others. You can still ask others stuff, but the ones who are the main focus will be priority.
-Will add as needed.
Love Mod Bee and Mod Hunter
EXTRA: Main blogs are: 
Bee's: @horror-beeings-artandwriting
Hunter's: @hunter-the-sad-skeleton
Mod pronouns:
Bee: She/her
Hunter: He/him
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My friends making a batim au, and wants me to work on it with him,
Note: my main focus would still be on malachite, it’s just been quiet lol
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raven-anime · 2 months
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B&B:TQFTIM Alice redesign/rewrite I save her guys
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bluebirds-37 · 4 months
here's the first mc character sheet!!! Bendy Stien, our main protagonist of Bendy and Boris, Quest for the Ink Machine. (My rewrite)
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Its our boy!!
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months
can i get general hc’s of all the batim characters (joey,henry,tom etc) and how they would react or how invested they would be with drama of any kind?
Sure! Only gonna do a few because. there's a lot of them lol
✏️ Joey is invested immediately. The instant he hears of drama, HE WANTS IN.
✏️ He asks around the studio if there's any drama on occasion if it's a slow day, and if there is, he soaks that shit up like a Goddamn SPONGE.
✏️ His favorite kind is relationship drama.
🔧 Now, Tom was taught by his father that engaging in gossip/drama talk was bad. That it was a bad thing that one should never get involved in.
🔧 Tom's father...was also basically an absent father, so Tom doesn't take anything he was taught by him with a grain of salt.
🔧 He takes any chance he gets to catch up with some of the GENT guys on any drama that may be going on in their lives(Nine times out of ten, the drama comes from Jonah since that man seems to be a MAGNET FOR THAT SHIT.)
🔧 He gets oddly giddy whenever he hears juicy new drama lol
📽️ If there's drama in the studio, NORMAN KNOWS ABOUT IT WAY BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE.
📽️ He WILL talk about it with whoever asks.
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cobaltcreations · 1 year
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@halfusek 's Magenta/Joey Drew is soo fun to draw <3 I've been chipping away at this doodle sheet for a bit as a warm up and he is sooo fun to draw <3 his little inky son too! Abomination is one of my favorite webcomics out there and I can't express how much I suggest every bendy fan give it a read! First issue is right here <3 I'm so glad to finally have some time to draw some fanart for it!!
Oh also I did a little comic with my own Joey n Magenta below
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Is Magenta feeling bad or about to murder Showtime Joey? You decide! Either way I sure am so happy nothing bad ever happens to the drews <3
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salpho · 1 month
Hello, just wanted to come up here and say a few things if I can.About the dctl redrawn that's gonna be happening, I doubt that I would have the time to join and participate on this project itself, the best I can do is say this, I wish you and the others in the best of luck with redrawn of the graphic novel, it's nice to see a bunch of artists get together and do this for the fun of it – seeing stuff like this is really inspiring ngl – and I bet it's gonna be fucking awesome lol.
Bendy has always been my favorite horror franchise growing up, because to me out of all of the horror games it somehow managed to get my attention with it's story of the world of bendy and the horrors around it's studio (whilst it has it's flaws, it's still interesting lore to me idk about you) and to see both Mike and Meatley basically ruin their lore and dump everything they've had building up to dark revival out the window makes me extremely sad because I legitimately wanted to see this series bloom because I love this series, I love batim, but too bad that the developers don't give two shits about their work anymore... Okay that's a bit too much amd I apologize for that, I'll probably stop it here before this ends up becoming a full essay lol.
Again, I wish the best of luck to you and everyone working on this project, you're gonna do great with dctl redrawn, I'm sure of it :)
Thank you for the kind words !! It means a lot hearing this is inspiring, and we'll do our best to make it as awesome as you hope it'll be.
Also YES YOU GET ME . They focused too much on everything OTHER than the previous foundations for lore and god forbid the characters !! I do plan to rewrite Bendy as a whole one day since I have a LOT of opinions and ideas for improvements. If you look through my blog I'm sure you'll find a criticism or two about modern Bendy.
Again, thank you for the ask !! It really does motivate me seeing people rooting for this project.
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brightside-brigade · 2 years
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Hey hey hey! Welcome to my blog! Why are you here ●w●
You can call me Jack. He/him They/Them Nya/Nyas
Transmasc + xeno hoarder
Twenty one years old bodily
Otherkin and Fictonkin
Arospec, Omnisexual, and Poly
Autism, anxiety disorder, depression
Sys host
Always looking for friends!
Archangel/demon Hybrid
Chaos deity
Cheshire cat (species)
Plagas (infected Leon style)
fictive of:
Dr Bright (scp foundation) ☆ /I denounce my lowly "creator,". See you in hell you sick fuck!/
My fandoms:
SCP, FNaF, BATIM/BATDR, Poppy Playtime, RE, Pokemon, Silent Hill, Dead Space, ect
Favorite song artists:
Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Prince Whatever, ect (I have more favorite songs than favorite song artists, weh)
This blog is:
Pro lgbtqia+
Pro MOGAI, Xenogenders/pronouns, ect
Pro MSPEC identities
Anti harassment of ANYONE (but if you're shitty on a positivity post, you've enabled pvp uwu. This also doesn't apply to people engaging in behavior harmful to minors or vulnerable individuals. Or if you're a terf or radfem and I'm bored. )
Anti Pro contact harmful paras (the big three, ect)
Anti DDLG in agere spaces (you do you, but in places meant for it!)
Pro enjoyment of media
Pro block and move on
Pro problematic aesthetics and such for coping or whatever you may.
Pro any type of body mod so long as it's not fatal
Dni :
Terf, swerf, radfem, gendercrit, transphobe, ect
Transmed, truscum
Militant discourse (no I don't care what side)
Harass others for ANYTHING (minus if they're bad people like groomers and shit)
pro contact harmful paras (the big three, ect)
DDLG, CGLR, sexualize age regression
Post irl nsfw (personal discomfort, more power to you though!)
Believe in "narc abuse" or any kind of abuse related to personality disorders.
Shaw stans/you're going to call me by his name.(piss off) (rewrite users are on thin ice due to me getting very bad anxiety upon seeing them, which I am working through)
You're going to involve me in shipcourse or anything (it's dumb and I'd rather touch grass.)
__/¯¯¯¯/ /_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_
|_[ [__ | |_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,/
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Meet The Mods: Mod Whirly!
Howdy! I'm Whirly or Cobalt, both names work though Cobalt is usually the name I use for my sonas. Speaking of Sonas look at the LOVELY batim-sona my partner Roddy designed for me!! Such a talented boyfriend I have truly. They got my vibe down so well and gave me such gender~ I always loved the lost ones designs so it just felt fitting for me to be one.
Brief backstory time! I'm the writer and original artist behind It's Showtime, I wrote the original bits of story for it probably about 5 years ago, around when BATIM first released. It's Showtime basically started out as just my own predictions and theories for how Batim would go, but as it continued I fell so in love with the story I began telling through RPs and ideas I picked up along the way, it just sort of gradually became it's own thing!
Of course the entire thing needed a huge rewrite considering I was newly in middle school when it started and now I've graduated Highschool, but I've made tons of progress on it so far. It also needed a huge redesign and I have my lovely partner to thank for all the wonderful designs you all see on the website! They truly took my old designs and fresh rewrites of the characters and made the kind of art I always imagined would pair so well with this story <3
So whatever it is we choose to do with this story and its characters I can promise you all, I'll put my heart, soul and other organs into it.
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dangoarts · 2 years
i realized something as i was falling asleep yesterday: if i want people to like the au i'm making, i need to actually share what the hell's happening in my brain. therefore
Blotted AU Masterpost!
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I've mentioned the Blotted AU a bit here, but I've barely gone in depth about what it actually is. In short, it's a Batim/Batdr rewrite AU inspired by Epic Mickey. It roughly merges the concept of the Cycle with the early game story of Epic Mickey, ideas from Ink Machine and Dreams Come to Life, and the story of Dark Revival. The general plot is that the cast from Bendy and the Ink Machine are all dragged into the Cycle by the Ink Demon and now have to survive as a team.
Before I go in depth (and it's gonna be long i apologize), here is the google doc where I wrote down every idea dump I had for it, a cast list with their roles and brief history in the au, and a rough timeline. It won't be any better of a tl;dr for this post since it's a barely organized mess that only makes sense to me, but if you're interested in seeing how the au developed over time, feel free to give it a read! A lot of the idea dumps ended up being about Sammy whoops (he's my favorite).
The rewrite starts off when Joey commissions the Ink Machine from Gent. Originally it was to cut down on animation costs and time, but when he realizes he could make 3D actors with it, he starts to experiment.
His first attempt that lives is Ink Bendy. His disfiguration and uncannily human appearance is immediately met with hostility and rejection, and Joey basically crams him back into the machine to try again. Unbeknownst to him, that creates the Cycle and Bendy never actually died. The rejection and isolation along with being trapped in a realm that mimics the fleeting glimpse of the real world he could've lived in started brewing up his very negative feelings towards Joey and humans in general.
Joey tries to make Bendy again, but the only surviving clones are the Wandering Sin Bendy and Concept Bendy, both of which are "scrapped" like Ink Bendy. Once he accepts that Bendy won't work, he tries with the Butcher Gang. A lot more clones survive, but they all end up horribly disfigured and mutilated. All of them are thrown into the Cycle.
His attempts with Alice Angel make incredibly humanoid creatures (original Lost Ones minus the dead employee bit), and that leads him to try creating an actual human with the Ink Machine. Everyone is really concerned about his actions and the ethics behind it at this point, and they get Henry to try and stop him. Naturally, Joey ignores them, makes a secret room for it, and continues his experiments.
After numerous failures that end up creating the population of the Cycle, Audrey is born in 1941. Joey discovers the joys and struggles of being a single dad working an executive position until 1946, when the Ink Demon finally gathers enough power over the Cycle to control the Ink Machine. Joey Drew Studios floods with ink, and every employee in the building is dragged into the Cycle.
Nathan Arch inherits the studio rights and adopts Audrey like Joey's will requests. A lot of her childhood with Joey is forgotten due to normal childhood amnesia, but she still goes by Audrey Drew. Her life is relatively uneventful and she gets hired as an animator in Archgate Studios like normal.
Meanwhile, in the Cycle, the studio employees quickly have to find shelter from the hostile toons. After finding refuge in Artist's Rest, they start pushing back against the Ink Demon's relentless aggression. It turns into a war of survival, with each side fighting to trap or destroy the other.
The animators start losing the fight when Sammy gets his eye torn out by the Ink Demon. The ink from the wound creates a mental connection between the two, and he's slowly corrupted from the inside out. It culminates into the Ink Demon puppeteering him, forcing him to lead the toons into the animators' base. A massive fight breaks out that kills most of the studio employees, and the Ink Demon consumes Joey's soul to permanently kill him.
Besides Joey, the employees who died are reincarnated as toons or Lost Ones, dubbed "conversion death." Usually their memories of their past life are blocked off, allowing their original personalities to stay but creating a blank slate for the Ink Demon to control. Conversion killed toons can keep memories from their past human life, but they never keep all of them. They can also regain their human memories again, but the process is usually very confusing, drawn out, and painful, with the memories coming back as visions accompanied by migraines.
Sammy was conversion killed after the fight that killed Joey. He was made into the Ink Demon's second in command, complete with receiving a fraction of his power as shifting through walls and manipulating his ink appearance. Susie and Norman were conversion killed during the fight, and they became Twisted Alice and initially a Lost One respectively. Norman's body was incredibly unstable and needed mechanical implants to survive outside of the Puddles, resulting in the Projectionist.
Henry steps up in Joey's absence and leads the surviving few to the Gent workshop after a few days of living precariously without safety. They switch their focus from fighting against the Ink Demon to surviving, now locked in a defensive stalemate with the toon forces. During the time, Thomas uses the familiar tech and supplies to create the signal towers, sealing off the workshop from the toons.
During the stalemate, the animators still had to brave the studio to gather food and materials. Jack, Wally, Shawn, and Daniel did most of the scouring, and Allison and Thomas only ventured out whenever they needed more supplies for his machines. While on those missions, Daniel was conversion killed into Buddy Boris, Jack's left arm was slashed and corrupted, and Allison and Thomas were conversion killed together into Allison Angel and Tom.
Boris forgot everything from his past life, but still shows sympathy to the animators. He lets them stay in his hideout he made if they need to and helps them evade the other toons. Allison and Tom forgot most of their past, but they remembered that the Ink Demon was dangerous and the animators weren't. They quickly went back to their side as soon as they could.
In 1963, Wilson disappears from the real world after finding out what the Ink Machine does in Archgate's museum honoring Joey Drew Studios. In the Cycle, he picks up where Thomas left off on the development of technicolor to combat the toons, along with trying to create his own ink life. He succeeds at both with the creation of the Keepers and technicolor ink, and the war flares back up.
Eventually, he uses the technicolor to gravely weaken and imprison the Ink Demon after a large fight. Henry is against his actions and torturous experiments on the Ink Demon, and he leaves after getting into a massive argument with him. To everyone else, he completely vanishes, but he instead takes up residence with Boris.
In 1973, the Ink Demon escapes from his physical prison Wilson trapped him in. He starts to recover from Wilson's treatment, but still can't get past the mental prison of Dapper Bendy he trapped him in. On the anniversary of the studio's disappearance, Audrey is lured into the Cycle by the Dark Puddles. Most of the story here follows Dark Revival's, with Allison finding her after a Piper raises the alarm, Audrey discovering Bendy and accidentally shocking him with her power, the Ink Demon getting released periodically from his toon prison, and Audrey finally making it to the Gent workshop.
When the Ink Demon's toon prison destabilizes, he acts a lot more aggressive and automatically treats everyone as his enemy. He kills anyone he can get his hands on, which included an overjoyed Sammy that ran straight to his death. He calms down after Audrey shows him kindness as Bendy, and he especially calms down when she shows him that same level of kindness and additional sympathy both as Bendy and the Ink Demon once she learns what had happened to him.
However, during that, Sammy took the death extremely badly, believing that he was killed because he didn’t free him, and does everything he can to earn his forgiveness again. Along with suffering through memory flashes of his past life, he tries to sacrifice anyone he can get his hands on, which includes the other toons that once trusted him. They reject him as their leader and start forming isolated groups, with some of them becoming Amok and their followers, the Ink Jets, the Demon Followers that still fight against the animators, and colonies of Butcher Gang clones. Alice wanders the studio alone, and the Projectionist stays in his designated area.
Sammy gets imprisoned after trying to attack the Gent workshop in a desperate attempt to please the Ink Demon. During his imprisonment, he regains most of his memories and starts to question how genuine his loyalty was to the demon. Audrey finds Henry shortly after and brings him back. Henry explains the full history of the Cycle to her, including what Joey did and the revelation that she's not human.
I'm still unsure whether or not I want Wilson to create a big scene with Shipahoy Dudley, and if he did, he would permanently die like Joey. However, I do want Audrey to deescalate the situation between the Ink Demon and the animators. His problems all came from Joey, and the other workers did nothing and were against his actions with the Ink Machine. Once he calms down and stops, he'd release everyone who isn't native to the Cycle back into the real world.
The ones who died in the Cycle revert back to mostly human in the real world. Some traits from their previous forms carry over like scars, Alice and Allison keeping their horns for example. They'd have to readjust to living like humans again along with revoking their legal death status.
and that's it! if you made it this far congrats you're a trooper
i'm still working on it and i wanna make stories for it like i did with sammy already, so praying to the motivation gods that i can get enough brainthoughts to write
now that i have the explanation done i can go back to posting cryptic nonsensical stuff about it
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randommessibe · 9 months
♡ Welcome to my page. Come stay a while!♤
◇Meet the artist behind the scene!♤
Hello! My name is Madam Little Witch (either nickname is alright from Madam, Little Witch, or just Witch; it doesn't matter). I am comfortable with any pronouns, an adult semi-self taught artist/writer still trying to find their style.
Fandoms I'm in:
Undertale, Fnaf, Twisted Wonderland, Homestuck and Hiveswap, Genshin Impact, Welcome Home, Unicorn Wars, Batim, Lackadaisy, Nights, Balan Wonderworld, Splatoon, Monster Prom, etc. (I'm in too many, lol)
Aus and Fan series that I've made or making, oldest to youngest:
Cryptid Oddities (undertale: under development and revamp), GhostTwist (undertale au: under development and revamp), Blood Thicker Than Tears(Homestuck/Hiveswap au: under development and revamp), Genshin Impact: Other World (Genshin Impact: under development), Music box (undertale au: under development), Ichor Medow (Unicorn Wars au: under development), Where The Voices Cry (Welcome Home au: under development) (<- this may be edited if found more...there will most likely be more, this may also incluse au rewrites as well for fun).
Original series I've made or making, oldest to youngest:
Paramours forbidden oath (under development), When the Summer Flowers bloom (under development), Forbidden Thorn (under development), Symphony of the Floret (under development), See You Again (under development), Glitch Into My Heart (under development), Cupid's baker apprentice (under development), Weep of Life (under development).
*Do not be afraid to ask me of any of them if curious, this is a multifandom safe page! I have a lot of idea, so some of them may get put on the back burner to help balance out!☆
Requests, asks, and submissions?
They are open! Art and writing requests from other fandoms are welcome and much appreciated. Just please remember to be respectful, kind, and mindful to one another. And if I don't get to your request, I promise to as soon as I can! Collage life can be tricky!☆
---Edits shall be made if any updates or progress occurs!☆---
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Hello hello hello?
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okay...bow-tie is straight...vest is fine...hair is tied up...made sure to brush my teeth this morning...made myself coffee and drank it before we left...
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raven-anime · 2 months
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B&B:TQTIM Cala Maria redesign finish
tbh the only problem I have with her in the comic,is that she was another love interest with no personality whatsoever
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bluebirds-37 · 8 months
Quest; Rewritten
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Please excuse how derpy a lot of the panels look, i wanted to do the introduction as quickly as possible--anyway ill post character sheets soon, the ask box is open!!
Quest; rewritten will be my rendition of the base idea of the ask comic Bendy and Boris: Quest for the Ink Machine putting my own ideas into it and starting from scratch with the prompt. The story (other than the og idea) and art belong to me, so basically a comic fanfic of a fanfic comic of sorts if that makes any sense lol
Anyway thank you so much for reading!!
EDIT: Tis an ask comic, so the askbox is officially open!!
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months
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Some more GENT fellas <3(Reblogs appreciated, fanart is appreciated and encouraged!)
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dimonds456-art · 3 years
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Thank you, Scott.
I would not be an artist without FNaF. It’s what inspired me to get into digital art, so I could draw and animate (baby me had ambitions lmao) these characters I loved so much. Art and comics are a huge part of my life now, and it’s all thanks to you. I never would have gotten into Undertale, then BATIM, then Steven Universe without FNaF.
You got me into fandom, and I’ve met so many great people that way. I learned about the LGBTQ+ community (and later discovered I’m IN it) because of fandom. Because of you.
I cannot thank you enough. Keep being awesome, and enjoy your retirement.
I’m not going to finish this sketch, but in case someone else wants to, I have all the pieces I used below the cut, so y’all can go ham. Tag me when/if you finish!
We have:
No shading
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No background
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JUST the background
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Just the wall
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If you’re gonna put your signature on it, put it beneath my name or in a corner somewhere. PLEASE DO NOT blot my name out! If you do, rewrite it somewhere! Thank you!
Also: the purple dude is Micheal, not William. And I had an idea that I’d add the spirits, and Golden Freddy has both Evan and Cassy. I imagine his eyes would be two different colors to represent them. You don’t have to do this, but I figured I’d throw the idea out there for consideration. :)
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