#batman is probably driving himself nuts trying to find info on this kid
Danny was done.
His grades were in the dumps, his back hurt from that new blaster his mom hit him with, he had to foil the plans of the world's most pathetic billionaire for the forth time this month and his town was on fire. Again.
Danny hated his life. He just wanted to leave it all behind. He never wanted to be a hero! He wanted to be an astronaut, but Sam kept pestering and guilt tripping him into doing thing "for the good of the world". It was only after Danny was badly injured because of one of her stupid plans and her blaming him for it going wrong that Danny realized she treated him like a tool instead of a person and they had a friendship ending fight.
Tucker had been trying to warn Sam against treating Danny like this for months but she continued to get worse, wrapped up in her eco warrior goals she got tunnel vision and forgot to care about the people closest to her. Tucker didn't care why. He couldn't forgive her for hurting Danny.
Danny decided he needed to get out of this situation by any means necessary. He needed everyone to forget this ever happened. He thought about making a wish with Desiree but decided against it and went to ask Clockwork what he should do. Unfortunately he couldn't find Clockworks lair and instead went to ask Frostbite for advise or if he knew of a way to erase people memories.
Frostbite gladly told Phantom of a magical artifact capable or stealing/absorbing information, not only from minds and computers but absorbing actual physical items as well. Danny thought that sounded ridiculous but was willing to search for it anyway. Needless to say he wasn't expecting the artifact to be a Morningstar. Grabbing the weapon and defeating the guard, Phantom booked it out of there and wasted no time erasing Ghosts from the minds of the Amity Park residents and the GIW. Danny was impressed to discover Vlad had lost his powers as well as his knowledge and that the basement labs and ops center were basically erased from existence.
One of the only downsides about the artifact was that if anyone managed to steal it from him before all the information and items could be deleted than they would receive all the knowledge and goods Danny was working so hard to destroy, thus Danny and Tucker came up with a plan for Phantom to carry it everywhere on his back in a customized black case.
Clockwork tries to stop them, but in the fight he realizes Clockwork wasn't using his time powers against him. Then it clicked. In his fight with his evil future self the monster had shoved one of Clockworks time medallions into his chest. Danny was immune to Clockworks time powers and the god was much easier to beat this time around.
Danny traveled to the Clocktower to drop the older ghost off and caught a glimpse of Clockworks window into the timestream.
It was worse then he ever imagined. Not the future. No. Clockwork couldn't see Dannys future anymore because of the medallion. It was the fact Clockwork had been essentially fattening him up as a lamb for slaughter for the sake of the ghost zone. He was planned to take the crown and unite the zone, fixing and repairing everything he could before being assassinated, leaving the zone in peace and harmony and the throne empty and uncontrolled. Danny decides to keep Clockwork in the thermos.
They proceeded to borrow the Infi-map to take them to a world best suited for Dannys new life and it takes them to the DC universe where Tucker wastes no time crafting new identities for them. Tucker doesn't stay, but he wants to have a valid identity for when he visits using the portal guns.
This is where the story begins.
Tucker hacked into city records and a few other places and got Danny ownership of an abandoned house just outside of Star City (which Danny was very enthusiastic about the name) and they decided to renovate for Dannys sake. It was surprisingly easy with Danny's powers. Unfortunately the hacking caught the attention of some local heros who decided to just keep an eye on them and see what happens.
Danny gets a job at a high end restaurant as a waiter and actually liked it there. The pay was good and the other staff was friendly.
Nothing good lasts forever though as he's attacked by some nut calling himself "Sports Master". Seeing as it appeared no one was coming to his aid and there didn't seem to be anyone around, Danny went ghost and made quick work of the guy, leaving him unconscious on the sidewalk. Green Arrow and Black Canary just sat slack jawed from the rooftop where they had been preparing to save the kid. And oh gods this was a kid.
Now Danny is being stalked and harassed by capes telling him he needed training and a mentor/legal guardian/adult and he's getting more and more frustrated cause he knows what they want. He knows he's a heavyweight in the super world. He knows that they want to find some way to control him. To bring him back into the fight against evil or whatever.
But Danny wasn't having it. He managed to wrestle back control over his life from a literal god. He wasn't just going to follow them back into the frey. Danny just keeps telling them.
The answer is No!
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