#battle of moscow
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The monument of the Battle of Moscow, praising the feat of 11 heroic sappers during the Battle of Volokolamsk in 1941
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carbone14 · 7 months
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Des unités allemandes de la 11e Division de Panzer (Division fantôme) avancent au travers de Volokolamsk en direction de Moscou à environ 100 km – Bataille de Moscou – Opération Barbarossa – Décembre 1941
Photographe : Arthur Grimm
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illustratus · 2 years
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Battle of Borodino - Battle of Moscow, 7th September 1812
by Louis-François Lejeune
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Remember the Battle of Moscow: October 1941–January 1942.
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ore than a million German troops were thrown into the attack on Moscow, as Hitler ordered that the city should be razed to the ground rather than captured.
At first, the German progress was rapid; by November 15 of 1941, they had fought to within 18 miles of the city. Then, they were slowed by the Russian resistance, and an early winter set in, with temperatures dropping well below zero degrees Fahrenheit. The German supply chain failed, and Russian marshal Zhukov threw his reserve of Siberian divisions into a counterattack.
By January, the Germans were pushed back by more than 100 miles. Russian casualties were heavy, but the German momentum was broken.
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moscow-moshpit · 3 months
PM Seymour VS. DuoTheLingo
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I don't know if someone has done this yet...
So, I had no choice in making this, my hand had a mind of its own. I been hyperfixated on JJBA and now that I am on part 4 I am missing Stardust Crusaders and after seeing the interactions between PM Seymour and DuotheLingo's beef, I felt I had to do this.
PM Seymour is Dio only cause I wanted to draw their persona in that pose, literally no other reason.
This is also my first time ever trying to replicate JJBA artstyle!
My magnum opus.
@itsapmseymour @duothelingo
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blueiskewl · 10 months
Moscow under attack
A drone can be heard flying into a building resulting in a massive explosion this morning.
The Drone used against Moscow today was almost 100% a Ukrainian “Beaver” Long-Range Attack Drone.
'Moscow City' is a very high-end business district just 2.8 miles from the Kremlin (4.5km). Multiple drone strikes reported.
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freifraufischer · 11 months
So I followed the Russian coup for most of the time it was active, I think I have a good handle on what happened. The end feels like the last season of a television show where they've been unexpectedly cancelled and the writers decided to make an ending that makes no sense to the actors or the people watching the show.
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empirearchives · 9 months
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super-starlights · 2 years
It's now 11month of grief and agony in the land of Ukraine. The children never forget the time sleep was nice and cozy which will return soonest.
In solidarity for the sovereignty of Ukraine, I designed a collection I called, 'We stand for Ukraine'.💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 Check them out here.
The merging of the blue and yellow in the middle represents togetherness of the Ukrainians in fighting for their land. The dove reps peace and end to the war in Ukraine while the leaf reps growth and that Ukraine will live again. I pray for restoration and strength for Ukraine
Tbh, the design is gorgeous. I hope you like it.
Check out amazing collections with this design via this link and don't forget to like them or buy any of them that interest.
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venicepearl · 2 years
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Napoleon in burning Moscow - Adam Albrecht
During the French occupation of Moscow the 1812 Fire of Moscow persisted from 14 to 18 September 1812 and all but destroyed the city. The Russian troops and most of the remaining residents had abandoned Moscow on 14 September 1812 just ahead of French Emperor Napoleon's troops entering the city after the Battle of Borodino. The Moscow military governor, Count Fyodor Rostopchin, has often been blamed for organising the destruction of the sacred former capital to weaken the French army in the scorched city even more.
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15-year-old Léon Merdjian and other members of the French "Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism" during the Battle of Moscow, 1941.
Leon was born in Tbilisi in Georgia and emigrated to France with his parents. There is no record of him after December 1941 so it is assumed that he perished near Moscow.
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carbone14 · 7 months
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Char lourd soviétique KV-1 de la 32e Brigade blindée détruit par le 35e Régiment de panzer le 24 novembre 1941 lors de la prise de Veniov – Bataille de Moscou – Opération Barbarossa – Novembre 1941
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lightdancer1 · 18 days
I think it a point worth restating:
The first Muslim claim to Jerusalem is the same claim that the Greek civilization in a Christian form it deposed had. The Yarmuk and Gaugamela have equal legitimacy, if Muslims are the indigenous culture of the region then they supplanted an indigenous culture. If the Greeks they displaced are imperialist colonizers then a religion imposed by soldiers is innately colonialist because it replaced a Christian and Zoroastrian Aramaic and Farsi speaking world with an Arabic Islamic one. Nobody 'voluntarily' adopts a new language, it is always forced by means more or less overtly imperialist, whether or not people have the historical awareness enough to realize this is what happened.
The claim deposed by General Allenby in 1918 at Megiddo was won by the same means by the armies of the Ottoman Sultan, who went against the heirs of Sultan Baibars, eraser of the Crusader states. At the time the three sub-provinces of what would later be termed Palestine were eastern Mamluk zones. As a result of this battle, where the heroic legions of Baibar's successors were butchered by cannons much like they would be again by Napoleon, showing the signal inability of Mamluks to accept the implications of why they were semi-loyal servants of the Ottomans in the first place, the region later merged into Mandatory Palestine became Ottoman territory for 402 years.
And so the question. If winning a battle made Abdulhamid II and the genocidal murder-gang called the Committee of Union and Progress the rightful masters of Jerusalem, why does this only apply to the empire whose conquest unraveled in another conquest and when is the statue of limitations on conquest met?
This is one of the reasons why trying to apply a logic suited to understanding the history of the Americas breaks down very hard in the region where empire begins at the dawn of humankind's experiments in civilization in the hubristic and grandiloquent boasts of the lords of Sumer and Agade of being 'lords of the four corners and all the world.'
Either empires and the identities they spawn as their bastard offspring or legitimate or there's never been any coherent ethnocultural identities in the region, only a sequence of fallen empires and rising and falling religions loosely superimposed into a historical narrative. To grapple with this is to grapple in turn with one of the simplest realities of history. Not every culture comes close to sharing the same narratives or experiences, and projecting the ideal self-image of one culture onto the vastly different experiences when Selim the Grim is a founding father of a 400-year world which was much younger than Ottoman rule of the Balkans, as compared to a world started by James Polk's blundering horde ripping apart the semi-functional and badly wounded Mexico of the Age of Santa Anna.
Some principles, if held to be universal, render entire elements of histories and cultures incoherent and impossible to describe unless one is willing to admit that the history of the Middle East is not that of Europe, or China, or India, or Central Asia, or the Americas, or the Australian continent and that different regions should be treated respectfully, and differently, with awareness the underlying faultlines are also distinct.
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russianreader · 6 months
What Is Avdiivka?
Our team is thrilled to present an incredible interview featuring Yana, a 28-year-old Ukrainian volunteer who has recently returned from Avdiivka. It’s a highly illustrative story showcasing how people, specifically young Ukrainian women, continue to support Ukrainian troops on the most dangerous frontlines. If you’re curious about what’s happening in Avdiivka and wish to hear a firsthand account…
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phatburd · 6 months
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blueiskewl · 1 year
Moscow Hit by Drone Attack
The strikes caused damage to some buildings and forced residents to evacuate homes, local officials said Tuesday.
Rich Russians react angrily to military drones striking their neighborhood in Moscow this morning.
Many Russians are asking themselves “what have we done to deserve this?”
They are absolutely clueless
Moscow is finally getting a taste of their own medicine with hopefully much more to come!
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