#bb plant momma
magpiequotenest · 2 years
Level 2: These might not grow to fruition but are cute green accents in your home and will give you that dose of dopamine if you successfully grow a little bud: bell pepper, apple seeds, Japanese pumpkin. I’m guessing that if you place any seed from your food scraps into soil surely it will grow something. If it doesn’t, that’s okay too, you were going to compost it in the first place.
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pwnyta · 5 years
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A little comic I was workin out where Raihan hook Milos hat up real high just to watch him struggle and Gordie and Nessa join him for moe.
Kabu is gentleman tho.
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Kabu: 👀👀👀👀👀
....LOTR AU? IDK. Just throwin things at a wall..
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Being short is so troublesome.
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?!!?!?!?Startling baby faced bara hobbit.
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The stronk must protect the sweet.
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Milos bro wants to help Milo LIFT.
Do you even let me lift bro!?
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Princess and the pauper*.
**Milos probably not poor as a gym leader, farmer, and florist
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Milo catches Pokemon by telling them he loves them and then picking them up and taking them home. The Pokeball comes later.
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Momma Boltund has claimed bb Milo as one of her pups.
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Momma Dubwool claims Milo as one of her lambs as well.
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He had a busy day of becoming the baby of everyone and now needs a nap with dad.
Later in life:
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Maybe if you love plants a whole lot theyll be so happy theyll come back from extinction.
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Thosere illegal Galar or something. Milos never seen them before!
Wattson is enjoying his friends* boyfriend becoming a menace in Hoenn.
*I headcanon Kabu and Wattson as buds. Also Kabus probably from Lavaridge specifically.
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onedivinemisfit · 5 years
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Ans indulgent next!gen bbs masterpooooooost~ >:)
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata Art: Me
Akemi: Obi and Shirayuki’s oldest daughter, third oldest fan-kid in the lineup. Born in Lyrias, but raised in Wistal. With her dark hair, sharp eyes and natural owo face she’s clearly her daddy’s kid. Sneaky, unpredictable, a “jackdaw” with a tendency to take off with the shinies, and otherwise causing mischief during most of her waking hours, this is a most chaotic creature. Most. Chaotic.
Shigure: Obi and Shirayuki’s oldest son, 7th oldest fan-kid, and born in Wistal (born by c-section, Garack was midwife -- it was a bloody affair, Shirayuki doesn’t remember much, and Obi would prefer to keep it that way) Russet-haired, heavily freckled and eyes like his mother, Shigure is a precious little bab who defy his own weakly constitution by loving the outdoors and asking unending questions about nature and plants and animals. 
Michiru: Mitsuhide’s only son by Torou, second oldest kid in the line-up, Micchi was the accidental result of a desperate, short-lived affair between his parents (Kiki was due to wed and Mitsuhide, amid his self-deprecation, indulged in Torou’s no-strings-attached intimacy) Born in a hospital “somewhere in the far south”, Mitsuhide remained unaware of his natural son for years, as Torou had too much integrity to burst into the halls of Seiran like some vindicated mistress. Michiru is street-smart, and well-traveled despite his youth due to his mother’s vocation, even a tad bratty - it’s his developing brattiness that leads Torou to finally concede and introduce him to the rest of his family, hoping it’ll help him put down roots, belong somewhere, and become better for it.
Nakuru: Kiki’s daughter by her first husband, Hisame, fourth oldest fan-kid. Born, as was proper, at home on the Seiran estate - but she was barely a couple months old before her father went and pulled his Evil Snake Act, was branded a traitor, and got himself executed. Nakuru only knows Mitsuhide to be her dad, having come into her life so early as he did, marrying her mother the moment decorum would let them do so, and when the whispers behind her backs about her “black blood” gets the better of her, Nakuru wishes he really was her dad. Shy and introverted she prefers to stay at home, reading, and sewing, and spending time with her family. 
Kirika: Mitsuhide and Kiki’s daughter, 6th oldest fan-kid, happened to be born in a barn because she came early -- or so they insist, afterall her parents had only been married seven months... The math never added up. Ever-cheerful, always energetic and smiling a beaming smile winning her the majority vote wherever she goes, Kirika is a piece of walking sunshine. However, those who annoy her, or hurt her loved ones, face the wrath of a natural born momma bear. How a tiny speck of a girl can trash people twice her size is anyone’s guess. Kiki just wishes she’d wait till after teatime. 
Hakuya: Izana and Haki’s first-born son, and oldest fan-kid. Heir to the Wisteria crown, with beautiful features, and a sharp intellect, this is a perfectionist in the making, already stiff with protocol and expectation. Also hilariously tactless at times, born from bashful naiveté, and is very much his momma’s little boy - when nobody’s watching. 
Touma: Izana and Haki’s second son, the “royal spare”, or not, because Touma, despite his being a child, has already realized nobody would accept a mute for a king. Even the unofficial court made up of courtier’s children can be a struggle when you lack for speech. He’s determined to make up for it, practicing sign language and working on gestures - oftentimes mirroring duke Haruka’s demeanour since it’s so. effective. A boy does what a boy must. 5th oldest fan-kid.
Umi: Izana and Haki’s oldest daughter, and the older of their twins. Supremely adorable, yet silently judging you. Deceptively covered in cute, she plays tea party like a strategist preparing for war, affects sweetness as a mask to shield how little she thinks of you, and while too much a child to realize to what extent, already the world has lost its rosy hue to her eyes. That Izana’s sweetest child should be the one to inherit most of his cynicism was a surprise even to the monarch. Her and her brother are the 10th youngest fan-kids.
Zenji: Izana and Haki’s youngest son, and the younger twin. Obviously named for his uncle, because of the uncanny likeness, as Zenji also sports the trademark silvery hair that runs in the Wisteria line. A dreamy, spaced-out kid for the most part, Zenji is happy to be dragged along with his sister’s antics, playing, spying on his older brothers, nagging his parents, and so on, and so forth. Happy to stay blissfully unaware of the real world, for the time being. 
Chize & Miza: Suzu and Yuzuri’s hellspawn, otherwise known as their identical twin girls. Coincidentally conceived, and delivered, on the same table, or so Yuzuri insists (Shirayuki still can’t put her teacup down on the table in their parlour without choking slightly on this knowledge) The twins are devious and cunning wrapped in two nearly identical packages, their unnerving, heterochromatic eyes the only feature with which you can tell them apart. As such they are feared as much as they are doted on by the college of Lyrias, where they have practically been raised their entire lives, due to their antics. Chize is the sweeter girl, and Miza the mature one, according to Suzu. The 8th youngest fan-kids.
Teru: Zen and Kihal’s only son, and the youngest of all the fan-kids. His birth defied the expectations of his parents, as they had come to regard themselves as forever childless. Zen had never felt the acute need for children of his own, but neither he nor Kihal expected the soul-shattering relief they felt when Teru came into the world, like being granted something you no longer even dared hope for. Teru takes after his mother’s side of the family, but his stamina is surely a combination of both, because his source of energy appears endless. His zoomies can go on for hours. Kihal has resigned herself to the fact he can be everywhere, and nowhere, at the same time. All the time. 
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queerchoicesblog · 6 years
Ticklish (TS/Future, Kaitlyn X MC)
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Hey there! So this Kaitlyn x MC fanfic was requested by @esteladannishreyakamilah and it’s part of the February Challenge hosted by @endlessly-searching-for-you !
Kaitlyn wakes up in the middle of the night and Hayley (MC) is not in bed with her. She’s typing fervently at her laptop...but Kaitlyn finds a way to take her back to bed. Just a fluffy long drabble/short fanfic 😅
Prompt: “Come back to bed” “Make me”
Perma tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @psychopathdreamer21 @abunchofbadchoices @bbaba-yagaa @melodyofgraves @begging-for-kamilah
Tags: @zoe6111 @kennaxval @kinda-iconic (for the BB reference xD)
Word Count: 968
Kaitlyn suddenly woke up from a weird dream and out of habit reached for her girlfriend...only to find out that she wasn't laying beside her. She groaned and checked the time on the alarm clock on Hayley's nightstand: 5.30 in the morning.
She called her girlfriend's name but no answer came. She exhaled loudly in frustration and sat on the bed: that's when she noticed a slim line of light under surfacing from under the door. So she stood and followed the light till the living room.
Hayley was there: she was sitting on their couch, her laptop on the small table and their kitten curled up into her lap. She was typing relentlessly on the keyboard.
Kaitlyn leaned on the threshold, her sleepy eyes still adjusting to the light.
"Honey, it's 5.30...please come back to bed"
Hayley barely refrained from jumping: she was so immersed in her writing that she didn't hear Kaitlyn approaching.
"Oh Kait, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry..." she apologized, quickly turning towards her.
"No you didn't, love, but it's late..." Kaitlyn reassured her as a yawn left her mouth.
She moved closer, reaching the back of the couch.
"I know, but when inspiration strikes you just have to put it down into words before it fades away: I finally wrapped my fingers around the killer's hidden motive!"
The idea of her girlfriend writing crime stories in the middle of the night made Kaitlyn smile: no wonder I fell for her, she's totally my type of girl. Still, she hoped Hayley didn't mess up her sleeping schedule every time she was working on a new project.
"That's great, love" she said planting a kiss on the top of her girlfriend's head. "But you should get your beauty sleep too..."
"I need to finish this! It's all in my head now and in a moment it will be lost forever, I just can't!" Hayley said going back to typing.
Kaitlyn plopped her head on her shoulder.
"Come back to bed, my gorgeous literary genius. Pretty please?"
"In a minute, Kait!"
"Come back to bed" Kaitlyn insisted.
"Make me!" Hayley giggled.
Kaitlyn stood again yawning. Then she whispered in her best horror movie voice:
"It's not safe for a young girl like you to be all alone at this time of the night when mysterious creatures lurk in the dark-"
"You're reading vampire stories again, aren't you?" Hayley chuckled.
"For your information, there are tons of theories about vampires!" Kaitlyn protested. "Some even say that New York is the capital of vampires or something like that since it's ruled by a Vampire Council"
"How come I haven't seen a single vampire since we moved here, my love?" Hayley teased her.
"We've been lucky, Hayley! Haven't you read the creepy details of the murder of Senator Vega? Vampires are totally a possibility: maybe they were the culprits!"
Hayley looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Sure...and maybe he was a vampire himself!"
"Maybe!" Kaitlyn exclaimed excitedly before seeing the look on her girlfriend's face. "Oh, I see: someone is a skeptic"
"Baby don't give those puppy dog eyes! You know that I think vampires are wonderful literary characters, great material for legends and myths, gosh even amazing dark metaphors but I'm afraid I don't believe that they're real. So...your attempt of scaring me off is failed"
Kaitlyn groaned as Hayley kept typing.
"I get the creative moment need...but I feel lonely in our bed without you: I can't sleep if you're not there beside me"
"Awww, poor baby: afraid of the monsters under our bed? Take Cinnamon: our little jaguar will fight off those creepy creatures for you!" Hayley remarked, sticking out her tongue.
"Very funny, Miss Sullivan, very funny" Kaitlyn playfully bumped Hayley's shoulder. Then she whispered into her ear.
"But I know your weakness"
"Oh really? And what's that?"
A wicked smile formed on Kaitlyn's lips.
"I was going to say a certain hot rockstar girlfriend but then I remembered...how ticklish you are!" She added leaning down to mercilessly tickle Hayley.
The young woman immediately started squirming and squealing forcing Cinnamon to wake from her slumber and jump away from her lap.
"No no no stop Kait!"
"I don't think so! Not until I hear the magic words!"
"Oh c'mon!" Hayley managed to say between waves of laughter "stop!"
"Do you surrender?"
Hayley tried to fight back but in the end, she gave up.
"Okay okay! I surrender!"
"Good girl" Kaitlyn commented, placing a kiss on her cheek. She released her girlfriend and added: "So you're coming with me, baby!"
Hayley turned and looked at her right in the eye.
"Can I just write down a few notes for tomorrow? Please, Kaitlyn" she asked, kissing Kaitlyn's nose, her lips smiling softly against her skin.
In full response, Kaitlyn cupped her face a pulled her in for a tender kiss.
"Of course, my love! I don't want to ruin your creative moment...not completely at least! As you write them down, I will check on this little cuteness" she said walking closer to where Cinnamon was laying. The kitten meowed happily and leaned into her touch as she gently scratched behind her ears.
"Aww poor you, momma gave you a scare before, huh, Cin?"
"Don’t put the blame on me, Kait: that was your doing!" Hayley protested from the couch.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Hayley. You know that" Kaitlyn stated nonchalantly, rubbing their kitten's chin.
"But of course!"
The musician lowered her head to face Cinnamon, contently purring under her touch.
"Don't worry, little girl. Momma Kaitlyn won again and she's gonna take our favorite writer back to bed. She's stubborn but we love her anyway, right? Oh and don't be mad at her, she didn't mean to wake you up earlier"
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jujuspams · 6 years
Monday Loving Post
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Aye my peeps
So I was thinking about what I wanted to post today
And I noticed that a couple of you beautiful people could use a positive post about the different types of love
I also need to remind myself sometimes, because I’m listening to a saddening song right now and I can’t stop
The song is just too good but its so true like omg
But that’s not the point lets get to the positive things
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Ok first up is Self Love
Now fuck what those posts on Instagram tell you
Self love is not going out and buying all that expensive shit
Now if you enjoy that then by all means treat yo self
To me self love is getting a good night of sleep 
Or even just drinking more water
But for some of us its kinda hard to look in the mirror and like what you see
Believe me I know how it gets, but if you can look in the mirror and say “Damn that’s a bad bitch right there” then do that
At least once a day, it doesn’t matter when just make sure you say it once
And fellas ya’ll not exempt I know it can be hard to do something special for yourself without feeling like it takes away your masculinity.
Fuck that toxic behavior its not good or healthy for you
So I’m gone need ya’ll to go look in the mirror too and say “Damn ya boy got it going on right now.” 
In the words of the great Rupaul 
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Now when it comes to loving somebody else its a two way street
You could give a person your whole heart and they’ll still break it
Its not your fault if they do this
Never think because a relationship didn’t work that it was because of something you did
Unless you were a toxic person or you cheated
If that's the case its ok we’ re here to be better people
And everybody makes mistakes
Let’s just avoid doing it again ok
Now love can be a tricky thing simply because some of us don’t really understand it
But that's ok that's why ya’ll got me
Love is like watering a plant
Love is the water, sunlight, and everything else you give plants
Don’t judge me this post is about love not plants
And the relationship is the plant
Now two people are taking care of the plant, but if one person stops then the plant will slowly start to die
Because it isn’t receiving all the nutrients it was before.
The plant dying is like a relationship on the brink of ending
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Alright for those of you who look at others and be like “why don’t I look like that
You stop it because nobody is the same not even twins 
I actually have it pretty bad when it comes to this
Its mainly because I’m so use to people telling me that I’m too skinny to be a black girl
Yes let that sink in 
I was told mainly by older people in my life, that i was to small and couldn’t possible be black
But lets be real I have it pretty easy, I mean yea I get told I should eat more but when I do nobody really bats an eye
If someone who was plus size ate the amount of food I did you would have people coming in the masses trying to tell them about how that isn’t healthy
And I honestly think that’s bullshit
Who are we to try to dictate what others do with their body
Its not like its hurting us, some people just love to always be right and nitpick
This is also kinda like self love but idk I just know some people don’t like the body they were born in
I remember reading a book called The Skin I’m in
And when I tell y’all I hated that book
Like omg I wanted to burn every copy
And its not because it was a bad book 
Its just I got sick of people comparing me to the girl in the book, mainly our skin color
But you see now you can’t tell me shit 
Every time I pass a mirror I stop to holla at myself 
Hell if nobody else is going to do it you best believe I’m going to do it
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Alright now go forth my babies with this new knowledge and prosper 
And to be honest I can make a group chat for those of you who might need a little pick me up during the tough times
I mean hell if not I’m paying a phone bill to just text my momma and hold my music
Now for android users y’all are going to have to help me think of something for you if I can’t add you to the group chat 
But I liked doing this so I’m probably going to just think about different things to do during the week
Don’t worry I’ll still do the daddy posts and the BB posts 
Some new ones should be coming out later today.
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kitteninspector · 4 years
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This is my gem. It’s the first time I’ve cared for one and expected to do so poorly because of such. However in the past few months bb has thrived going from just three spirals to what you see now. Needless to say it’s plant momma’s favorite right now. #southafricanflora #exoticplants #albucaspiralis #sizzlefrizzleplant #gardening #succulents #kittentown (at Ghent) https://www.instagram.com/p/CExZwidh5BX/?igshid=1vewm2ooh7vt9
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nyoomwhyoom · 7 years
bbs without context
if u wanna know which vid a quote’s from, i remember (most) of them 👉😎👉 (or at least have a general idea) so don’t be afraid to ask ! “HE’S GOT LIKE ONE HEALTH, JUST POKE HIM. POKE HIM WITH A STICK AND HE’LL DIE” “So this goes on top,, and then you’re on top of me……… this is really gay” “This is so gay” Brian: I never thought I’d say this but,,,, we need to fuck 407 Craig: heya, don’t threaten me with a good time “See this C block? Ya know what it means?” “Uhhhhhh” “It means you’re a cunt”
“God dude your mom’s still probably really disappointed in you but she’s a little bit happier now” “The scout? Like I scouted out your momma’s ass before I- intense breathing "STUCK it in her” “COME ON EAT THOSE COINS YOU FLOWER FUCK” “Mario Kart nein” —————— “Oh a coin again SUCK MY TINY DICK” Ohm: “OH NO,,, Marcel you just ate my ass” Smii7y: sarcastically “Oh no what a terrible event to happen!” “Ahaha whose the little fat egg down the bottom left?” “FUCK YOU DICKHEAD” Ohm: “Oh fuck me” Mini: “I’d rather not” “I’m like in extended last place I don’t know what’s happening” “Son of a fucking shit my ass” “Nothing like a good pussy trumpet” “You may have to censor that part because I literally just got fucked” “Ayo it’s ya boy lubeless back in the building” ——————— (Nogla’s live stream 5/10/17)—– “Into ta HHHNNNNNNN” “Fuck my ass!” “Now Brian,, is that an offer?” “YOU’RE A CUNT. A BIG CUNT. C-U-N-T IN CASE YOU WERE ILLITERATE.” (mom mode activate) Brian swears Moo: “Watch your mouth young man!” ——————————– “I am the ghost of Christmas,,,, ass whoopin” “AH my pussy’s very,, smoist” “I’M NOT YOUR BABY, BABY” “Go mini you deserve it!!” “I’m going baby I’m going!” “Yeah I did what’s-wat-wut-what’s ya-what’s it to it” “Time to eat some ass!” Scotty: This is what daddy needed! Mini: Daddy Scotty: oOOOHH suck me daddyyy “What really happened to the dinosaurs?” “Now listen the dinosaurs are NOT extinct that’s a lie propagated by Fox News” ——Mini’s stream 6/8/17——— “Get away mini !! You and your golden dick mushroom tip.” “smitters” Mini singing:“Scotty like a melody” “It’s me, bald bitch” “How to get depressed in 10 minutes or less. That’s what I should name all my videos now” “BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WHITE VANS” “Back at it again with the old memes” “Holy SHIT. Craig just turned into satan” “I am a bag of cunt” “How dare you call my memes shit” ———————————– Mini: I’m twizzling my stick! Scotty: Oh baby, talk dirty to me~ “You piece of shit Scott!!!” “I’ll hug you all day bb” Scotty talking about Marcel: He’s trying to blow me now ! Mini: Wouldn’t be the first time “You fucking died to chickens dude!” “I JUST GOT MOLESTED BY A JIGGLY PUFF” “I’ve got a whip attached to my ass!…… Its called a tail” “Sometimes they say less is more but in this case less is a disconnecting dick” “PUT YOUR DICKS ON THE TABLE WHOSE GONNA WIN” “It’s like an episode of the magic school bus!” “Come on kids! Come on and climb inside my ass!” “My space bar can only take so much abuse” “Anthony, eat a dick” “Noo I don’t wanna” “Eat a dick Anthony” “ITS NOT ON THE MENU” “Eat a fucking dick” “Ohm can we talk about the fucking ring right now. Th-the giant armor. The giant riot shield protecting everything that can come your way” “Jiggly is my guardian angel now, K? That’s one of his testicles.” Anthony starts singing opera “So first I put a ring on it, than I give you a banana-” “wOOOAAAAAHHHH MY NIPPLES ARE HARD” “Wanna know what else is in Canada? Naked panda men” Brock: Why don’t we look into each other’s eyes while we do it Brian: Ok Tyler: I bet you do look into each other’s eyes while you do it ;) Panda: Holy. Shit. I’m gonna suck my own dick right now John: I’m gonna suck your dick “I WENT IN MY HOLE” “I betcha did buddy” “I suffer from premature congratulations. I always tell people  happy birthday one day too early” “WHY. WHY. MISS AMERICA PIE eat my ass” “I’m sick n tired of people. Theres too many in this world” “Evan, theres literally three” “Guys guys, your minimum wage pilot just jumped out of the plane” “OOOHH good NIGHT fucking sweet moon bitch boy” “Well there’s no need for profanity dude” “Shut up dude someone just got their dick sucked,, in a video,, ok? We are far past profanity” “You’re the one who spent 20 minutes putting make up on alright don’t give me that shit” smitty giggling “You’re the one who spent 20 minutes trying to get a blowjob” “I got pussy planted again iNTO A BANANA” “AAHHisuckdickforalivingbYE” Cartoonz doing a hotel room tour: “-It’s really big…. hAHA YEAH IT IS” “DONT TOUCH ME SMITTY” “I’m sorry…. Restraining order?” Law and order starts playing “DAMMIT ANTHONY. I SAW YOU GET FUCKED, WHY AREN’T YOU FUCKED?!?”
“Oh wow, nice fucking hoowheel”
“When i’m sittin’ on the royal throne, just use a lotta lube” “………………………………………no”
“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could fuck you”
“Christmas isn’t about love it’s about materialism get that shit right”
‘Casper the friendly fuckboi’
“If a chic takes a pickle out of a jar, she a tot”
(playing kiss marry kill w/ marcel, tyler, and evan) Scotty: “I’d marry Marcel” blows kiss @ screen “love you Marcel….. Kill Tyler, cause he’s a fuckin asshole. What’s the last one? Kiss? Kiss Evan, cause he’s a beautiful man. A beautiful Asian man.” Panda: “I would, I’d probably kiss Evan too, I mean look at him,, he-he’s a beautiful man. I would marry Tyler, because-” deep sigh “I love that giant man. (scotty: "i don’t understand it”) And kill Marcel,, why?“ Scotty: laughs "Say it!!” Panda:“…. Black guy always dies first! Sorry man."
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ellarcy · 5 years
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Gave the pineapple bb its own pot I'm hopes momma plant will sprout some more, and got my creepy bb in the back ready to go to the shore! Onward to LBI 💞🌱🍍⚓💞 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6iVkwlC9o/?igshid=1cpusd0tdptrx
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kenttsom · 5 years
Just planted this bb from momma monstera! via: https://t.co/9epUzi3HQY
Just planted this bb from momma monstera! via: https://t.co/9epUzi3HQY
— Kent Tsom (@kent_ts) September 10, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/kent_ts September 10, 2019 at 01:16PM via Kent Tsom
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magpiequotenest · 3 years
Level 2: These might not grow to fruition but are cute green accents in your home and will give you that dose of dopamine if you successfully grow a little bud: bell pepper, apple seeds, Japanese pumpkin. I’m guessing that if you place any seed from your food scraps into soil surely it will grow something. If it doesn’t, that’s okay too, you were going to compost it in the first place.
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