jimin-updates · 1 year
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forparkjm · 1 year
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jimin's weverse letter in response to getting #1 on the billboard 100. (translated by btsbaragi_jk on twitter)
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simsbustindown · 7 months
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holly aged up!
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nct127s · 4 months
aespa is like the only kpop artists truly doing ‘kpop’ currently & I’m forever grateful for that
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fearyes · 30 days
so...my list of what i bought for crazy comeback consists of: 4x signed US version albums, 2 Crazy CDs (single CD), POB photocards.
plus i am waiting for amazon to officially release the compact versions because i can use the gift card money for those.
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Cryptic: Biggest Concern
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I haven't done a real post in so long TT I miss writing!! I vowed to do some properly this week but forces of the universe are at work to stop me (fever...forgot my hard disk...broke my laptop :')) But I finally got a few days of vacation! YAY! What better to do when sick and free, than to write about Jinkook eh?
So I'm doing a shorter (?) post on something I don't think I've seen many people commenting on. Of course, I could be chronically overthinking if I'm the only one that picked it up? haha. 🙂
JinJunMin~ Making Salad (3.13.2021)
Anyways, this instance is rather loosely connected to Jungkook 🧚🏼‍♀️
For context and relevancy: BTS were frequently doing unit Vlives after they were grounded since the start of 2020. They had less public activities so 'prescheduled' Vlives were an avenue for them to see fans, and for fans to see them. Sometimes the Vlives were fun because the members were absorbed into doing the activity of the day, other times it's fun when they find camaraderie in their shared reluctance to be there.
This salad making session demonstrated the latter - Jin already ate before the live, Minimoni were not salad fans so this trio by all means were just attending as part of their jobs. Happy to be there? That's asking too much lol.
For more specific context, the trio had been on the verge of an argument fallen into silence several times and were giving each other a hard time randomly jumping from topic to topic throughout the live.
When Jin was sarcastically hyping up the plate of chicken breast to the camera, RM abruptly decided to ask him how he had been doing.
The question seemed to stump Jin for a few moments,
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Jin was stuttering, stalling, and racking his brain for something to say, then eventually landed on a work schedule as his answer. Then Jimin and Namjoon both chimed in about how they've been practicing for Grammys and actually saw each other the day before.
An assumption on my part, but Jin likely first thought about the section of his life that Namjoon didn't know about - off-work hours - and was filtering through for what he could talk about. I think gaming could have been a great answer. But Jin was caught off-guard, so I don't know if that affected his fibbing skills.
It could be something or could be nothing.
But the following in the middle of the live was quite the interesting convo:
The conversation had stopped and started a few times by now and Jin was filling in by talking about something salad related.
He brought up how some of the other members had salad recently.
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Namjoon was paying close attention to what Jin was saying because he parroted him when he listed "Yoongi" and "Jungkookie"
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RM: (nodding and repeating) "...Jungkookie."
And after a brief second of contemplation, Namjoon went ahead and asked, "Hyung, don't you have any concerns lately?"
Jin seemed to immediately know what he was referring to and answered, "For concerns, there's just the one thing."
Jimin seemed in the know about this as well.
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Humming in agreement, nodding and suppressing a grin.
By now Jin had laid down his chopsticks. I think he knew what Joon was referring to. It was a pretty vague question, but it seemed like it had a pointed answer.
However since Jin didn't elaborate, Namjoon probed further.
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If you've watched enough BTS interviews, you'd know the signs instantly whenever they all simultaneously think of something they can't say on camera and start smiling like weirdos.
Jin was still chewing but he was gearing up. He's about to say it.
As he went, "Of course," ...
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that was met with instant censorship from Jimin ("Let's just stop, hyung").
I also noticed Namjoon's knowing expressions while he was waiting and listening:
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Annnnnd of course, we don't get the real answer from Jin who said,
"I don't have Army in front of me during concerts."
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Joon was laughing after hearing the line. Jimin also hadn't looked at the camera once since this conversation started.
And we know Jin just lied improvised a new answer because he retorted back at Joon,
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There is another answer. There is another 'concern'.
He almost said it 🤌🏼 Just let it all go and say it Seokjin.. what's there to hide 😩
After Jin gave his answer, RM decided not to probe further since he knew the nature of that other answer. It can't be said anyway. So they agreed on 'armys not being there in person as a very important concern'.
And Jin of course turned the tables on Joon when he could
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Ok, whatever this 'concern' was, it's very specific and I guess RM also had a similar ongoing issue that Jin knew about?
So to recap:
Jin mentioned Yoongi and Jungkook's names, Namjoon heard, repeated Jungkook's name and suddenly posed the question 'any recent concerns'.
Jin did have a major one which apparently everyone (but us) knew about. And it can't be said on camera. And the thought of it makes them giggle.
Lastly, RM seemed to have a similar concern.
So 🙂 I don't have an answer for what the mystery concern is, but I do have ideas. They are probably similar to your ideas right now. Or maybe we all have no idea.
But wouldn't it be funny if one of us was right ;)
Ultimately, if you want any take aways from this cryptic conversation, is that they tend to giggle a lot whenever they touch on topics related to ermhmm, taboo topics. It's not sad, dark or serious, but taboo. What else could it be.
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lokisasylum · 1 year
Is that mediocre excuse for a s3x song doing so poorly that they needed to add 2 more CDs for 2 more versions? But the company is too incompetent to restock 'Like Crazy' CDs which have been SOLD OUT since week 1?
More versions and more CDs won't save Hybe's stocks from plummeting as they have been since its release..📉
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moonficrecs · 1 year
Jungkook since seven release make me
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jimin-updates · 1 year
Songs by Jimin on BB Hot 100 Chart
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Congratulations, Jimin!
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forparkjm · 1 year
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on april 3, 2023, jimin became the first korean soloist to get #1 on the billboard hot 100 with 'like crazy'.
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simsbustindown · 7 months
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goldenhickeysandramen · 3 months
Boyfies sharing hangover (after bday and BB100 celebrations) 😉
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Jimin doesn't say much at times. But when it comes to Jk, he has things to say.
If someone doesn't see it and at least questions it, then there is something terribly wrong with their ability to perceive issues and connect that dots that have been already been connected with a light pencil.
Even with an objective lens, there is something there. There is something between Jimin and Jungkook that doesn't follow the normal patterns of friendship. I've been saying this for ages.
It's not just words and pictures that Jimin is giving us. He no longer hints. He gives us statements.
Of who he is and who he loves.
He's been doing this for years. Subtle but he is getting louder.
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What a reveal. I think no one was expecting this now and not from Jimin.
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Even weverse had some sort of malfunction when Jimin was bold enough to claim Jungkook's body.
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When people thought Jimin and Jk weren't even close, he goes to NYC and spends the weekend with Jk, accompanying him for his debut and spending Silver Day together. Then he comes back and congratulates him for the bb results. On instagram.
"Jungkookie is sleeping." The way he answered fast and graceful. There was no room for thirsties to be Jimin's sister-in-law. Because Jk was sleeping....in their bed, in their shared home because Jk was there and Jungkook is his boyfriend.
Baby, don't leave Just stay next to me To you, who saw me who was tiny as (someone) big So that I can give back as much as I've received So that I can keep the words I said
The statement. In an album about his personal journey. There was only one other voice included there and that was Jungkook's.
How I see things: Jimin went through this phase in his life where the only person who could save him was himself. Just like the only person who could set him free was himself, words said by Jimin. But in the midst of all, Jk was there for him. Of course. Hidden, like the track itself.
So by allowing Jk to be in Letter, Jimin is telling us that Jk was next to him as Jimin lived his own journey.
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Jk wasn't going to be getting any more marriage proposals after this.
Not after publicly thirst trapping Jimin. Jimin is not a fool so he has some claiming to do.
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A very clear statement. Jimin and Jk in his background for a White Day photo post.
But notice how in the past, Jimin was more subtle? We see a bit of Nam and Jk. Compare that to Jimin today and his postings and mentions about Jk. I see a difference.
Remember Set Me Free pt.2?
Finally free.
His name isn't "jm" and, of course haters were celebrating this moment because it debunked the tattoo theory (I have a post about this coming).
But then Jimin opens his instagram account and becomes "j.m". The one name that haunts the haters forever. Claiming his initials (and Jk's 👀) in Jk's hand.
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One of my favorite moments and it fits today's occasion. It wasn't 2 normal bros hanging out late at night. It was Jungkook's birthday and they were together. Just them. And they fell asleep in bed crying to the bb100 news.
It seems to me like Jimin wasn't supposed to spill this. He didn't the first time for the bb100 live. But the next time he had a chance, he went for it and Jk smiled wide as Jimin retold the story of how they spent that time together.
He was with Jungkook then.
He is with Jungkook now.
That is the statement.
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hie-iss · 8 months
No one like him
Jimin is one of a kind it has to be said.
This boy will go places beyond the BTS group and fame. His humility, amazing work ethic, respect, love, and compassion for other beings will carry him to great heights.
To army and some Jikookers who always want to portray him as the weak damsel in distress, if what he has achieved over the past 10 years of his carrier with all the set backs on the roads was not enough to open your eyes, I hope this military service ordeal will finally let you see the light.
Take the time and learn to know Jimin, put aside the fanfics depictions of him, the assigned roles bighit gave each member and your own fantasies and simply learn to know Park Jimin the man.
Remove your glass tainted with bias and then it would not come as a surprise to you that
He had only 6 months of training, was not given vocal lessons by the agency, yet landed two of the most important roles in the group
The fandom always believed that out of all the members he would be the one to suffer the most through chapter 2 yet he ended up being the 1st to have a historical #1 BB100 with no major push from the compagny and the only one to bag 2 of the biggest luxury houses on the planet.
A lot of people assumed that JK and him opted for the military buddy system because Jimin needed JK support more than the other way around and were worried of how Jimin would manage in the military. Yet he is the one who came 1st after training.
Learn to know Park Jimin so that events like those mentioned above will no longer come as a surprise to you.
The world we live in tends to hype and give credit to those who talk too much even if deep down they don't pull through. If that is what you expect of Jimin then it is clear that you will always misundertand him.
He rather let his actions speak for him and even when he ends up coming out at the top guess what he does? He uplifts others who did not make it instead of having the focus be on his success.
If you were to read the letter he wrote out of ms in the void you would think that JK and other members had performed better than him. But knowing JM the moment I saw the letter he wrote to us I knew the letter was also meant for JK. To me it was a way to console him. To tell him you did well even if you did not come first. So I knew that the story about JK being first and JM second had to be false. And not even a day later I was proven right.
This time Jimin dad pulled through with the "receipt" but it is not everytime that we will be able to have the backstories of what really happened ( specially when bighit and their twisted agenda is involved). So take the time and learn to understand Jimin when he speaks to us.
While the boys are in the MS take the time to go through old content and open your mind to get to know each one of them for who they really are to the extent that it is possible of course.
Anyway I am mostly neutral to the military enlistment ordeal but of course as a Jimin fan I am happy that he is doing well so far.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 months
Updated information
I've been encouraging you to buy digital songs separately on iTunes (prioritizing title track)--and that's a good strategy for the original album. But now I have updated information:
The alternate versions of Wander and Wonder will not count as new sales for BB100. Only the gray remixes will. If you buy the other versions, do so as a complete album and know your efforts will go toward Jimin's BB200 charts.
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My apologies for not realizing this early; I hope I did not lead to anyone's buyer's remorse.
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aricastmblr · 16 days
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'Muse’ de JIMIN ha superado los mil millones(1B) de reproducciones en Spotify, convirtiéndose en el PRIMER álbum lanzado en 2024 por un acto de k-pop que alcanza este hito.
¡Jimin hace historia como el PRIMER Y ÚNICO K-solista en alcanzar 1 MIL MILLONES de reproducciones en Spotify con múltiples álbumes!
Esto lo consigue con FACE y MUSE.
Álbumes de #JIMIN que más rápido alcanzaron los 1B de reproducciones en Spotify:
MUSE — days 48 días 🔥 FACE — 153 días
JIMIN ha obtenido más de 2 mil millones de reproducciones en Spotify en lo que va de 2024
JIMIN_MUSE esta en - Álbumes de K-pop más reproducidos en Spotify hasta el momento: (Lanzamiento en 2024) 959M
Los únicos artistas coreanos/Kpop que obtendrán 2 mil millones de reproducciones en Spotify en 2024 hasta ahora:
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'Golden' de Jungkook ahora ha superado los 4.2 Billones de reproducciones en Spotify! Es el primer y único álbum de un solista asiático y el álbum de estudio más rápido de un acto asiático en alcanzar este hito
Golden es ahora también el primer álbum de un solista asiático en tener 8 canciones que superan los 100 millones de reproducciones.
¡Lo que lo convierte en el primer solista de Kpop en tener 15 canciones con más de 100 millones de reproducciones en la historia de Spotify!
"Golden" de JungKook se convierte en el primer álbum de un artista asiático en la historia en lograr 2 MIL MILLONES de reproducciones en Spotify en dos años diferentes (2023 y 2024)
GOLDEN se convierte en el primer álbum de un solista de K-Pop en superar los 3 mil millones de reproducciones en Spotify”
Jungkook ha superado los 6 Billion de reproducciones en todos los créditos en su perfil de Spotify, convirtiéndose en el primer k solista en alcanzar dicho hito!
jimin jungkook están en charts BB100 de eua y japon desde su inicio hasta hoy sept 2024
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jimin jungkook bts canciones más reproducidas de artistas de kpop en Spotify cada año 2024-2016 cr. en foto
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