astromias · 3 years
Urban Snoutfitters. Get a snout or something, I don’t give a fuck. Someone else make this post
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astromias · 3 years
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astromias · 3 years
Moon to Mars Synastry
Conjunction: Instant crush? Maybe. The Moon person is drawn to Mars energy. Mars finds someone they want to get to know in the Moon. They may share desires or intense feelings. Mars brings passion that the Moon can understand and the Moon brings depth Mars can relate to. Mars can show a volatile side that confronts the Moons emotional needs. The Moon can smother Mars and show Mars how their assertion can sometimes be too much or too extreme in some sort of way.
Trine: One person’s emotions mesh well with another’s energy, will, and assertion. Mars can be aroused by the Moon’s inner self. The Moon relates to Mars’s desires and is attracted to their heat, passion, drive. Intimacy is more about emotions than the physical. Hurting each other can be a long battle or something that really sticks with them. Moon can find it hard to let go and Mars can be easily triggered or alarmed.
Sextile: Harmony exist and conflicts or arguing is likely not frequent in this relationship. Both or one partner is cooperative towards the other. Moon can comfort and sooth Mars, Mars can encourage and maybe empower Moon. Emotional support is big here. Hurting each other can be a long battle or something that really sticks with them. Moon can find it hard to let go and Mars can be easily triggered or alarmed.
Opposition: There can be strong attraction emotionally and physically however many of their needs are very different. There is going to need to be a lot of understanding, acceptance, and good communication to bridge those differences.
Square: Moon can easily take offense to Mars, Mars can feel threatened by Moon. Mars can be physically attracted to Moon and Moon emotionally attracted to Mars but there can be a conflict with this - different expectations, wants, and desires.
Inconjunct/Quincunx: Impatience, paranoia, and distrust can happen in this relationship. Mars and Moon step on each other’s toes. They might want to get to know each other more but there are struggles when getting close. Moon could try to drown Mars while Mars may burn the Moon.
Semi-sextile: There can be hesitance to express themselves which is challenging because this aspect is all about the Moon (emotions) and Mars (energy/will/assertion) relating to each other. It could take a while for both to open up to each other. With patience and love this might not hinder the relationship but indicate a slower forming one.
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astromias · 3 years
what’s y’all’s sun moon and rising but with taylor albums
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astromias · 4 years
Pisces: Sorry, but you're under arrest for robbery.
Scorpio: What did I steal?
Pisces: *trying not to cry* My heart.
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astromias · 4 years
Taurus: A lot of people think that me and Virgo-
Virgo: Virgo and I
Taurus: What he said, are in a relationship. Those dumbasses are wrong, don't get me wrong- I love him but he likes pineapple on pizza and I just can't live like that
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astromias · 4 years
Gemini: You're so sweet and cute and precious!
Gemini: Aww, how cute.
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astromias · 4 years
Pisces: I can hold the whole world in my hands.
Scorpio: That’s impos-
Pisces: [cups Scorpio's face]
Scorpio: [blushing] Stop, I have a reputation to maintain.
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astromias · 4 years
Taurus: Why are you cooking?
Virgo: It's for Capricorn. I'm planning on making some bad choices tonight and I need them on my side.
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astromias · 4 years
Taurus As Lovers
This is governed towards Sun in particular but Venus and somewhat Moon is applicable as well
Know a restaurant in mind when they say “let’s go eat”
Definitely willing to pay that takeout fee just to stay at home
WILL get competitive at couples game night
Might just hold a grudge if they lose
Likes to always be touching you!!
In public especially but it can be quite lowky (a hand on your thigh under the table)
Can be quite possessive but attempts to show a detached face
Praises of their actions are very important from their loved ones
Cozy, just so warm and comforting
Very family-oriented and fidelity to their parents is huge
To get them to relate to bigger ideas or goals you gotta explain it how it would affect them/the ones they love
Can see long term but is at risk of having blinders on when doing so
Gifts are often creative, romantic, or expensive or all 3
They expect thoughtfulness in their gifts in return
If they’re family doesn’t like ya, they won’t date ya. That’s it. No chance.
If they give up the better/their favorite part of the bed for you, they LOVE LOVE you
If cuddling is incompatible, it’s a no go
Dutiful lover in bed
Not the type to be okay with being neglected!! - “I notice that if I’m not getting attention from them I’ll try to get their attention, through seduction or being a pest”
Men and women tend to like the same kind of motions for pleasure (can establish one routine during sex and stick to it)
Mean jokes but only to you
50/50 chance they WILL talk about pets on the first date
Super cute when they’re drowsy/tired because their guard is let down and you see how soft they are inside
They will help bring creativity into your life as your muse or you as their muse
SO unbelievably affectionate and sensitive to your needs
Really stubborn in arguments
But if you matter to them, they’ll always return (maybe with an apology) -  “when the anger is past, I’ll try to make them laugh or I’ll bring them their favorite snack as a declaration of peace.”
Harmony at home is most important to them
Most are easygoing but will take very firm stances on some areas and once they decide that’s it
900% chance you’re getting called “Princess” or “Queen” if you’re dating a Taurus Man 
They expected to get treated like a king in return!! -  he “sees it as bestowing an honor to me that he trusts me with his home and comfort”
Good for people that may deal with anxiety because they will straight up go: “Who cares what that person thinks? Just do what you want.”
WILL send back food for you and WILL complain if you get mediocre service
Will patiently wait for the other while their partner is shopping and be content to just eat the mall’s pretzels and scroll through their phone
Gets REALLY mad about how you got treated in the past by your shitty exes 
In that line of thought, fiercely protective!! Comes with the whole territorial thing - “They are My person.”
However, they will respect you enough not to be overbearing: “I never try to isolate them I know they have friends etc, I’d never impose or make them cut anyone off “
They will try some things they wouldn’t beforehand just for you if they really love you
When they love you, you will feel as though you have found a little haven of security against the world
Their Moon signs becomes more and more dominant the closer they get with you
Has strong opinions on the news or about the news
Can be very social but rarely has many close friends
Strong political and moral stances, very unlikely to be dissuaded
Always smells good, seriously
Will not send you memes or will send you very Facebook-mom style ones unless they got some air influence
Rarely give second chances: “He rarely accepts people all the way in and once betrayed there is no return.”
If with fire placements, LOVE to host and share their food and space with a select people (usually family and friends)
However, otherwise they may be very adverse to opening their home up to anyone besides immediate family
A very gracious host, the type that is more likely to stay in the kitchen until dinner time working and their partner does the main socializing
Only needs to set one alarm. Likely gets up before it.
They are either people who sleep into the afternoon or NAPPERS, they gotta nap
Highly sentimental!! Will save pictures and ticket stubs and everything that reminds you of them
“ took charge when decorating our home which is filled with lots of family heirlooms and meaningful items”
Home is sacred: “His desire is that home is an absolute respite and safe place.”
Crowded amusement parks or super touristy areas are not their favorite places to vacation
They prefer the relaxing ones but they will have a schedule(!)
Tend to like traditional roles in a relationship, especially if they’re not very airy - “He stated he appreciated my independence, but that “a man needs to be a man.” He refuses to allow me to pay for anything on any level.”
If they’re stressed (especially women), do NOT try to have sex with them, they need to be relaxed
Mood is very important for sex and build up - sex sessions can be quite long with them
slow tease, passion is key. Long foreplay and exciting all senses no such thing as a quickie…really is love making and not sex
Friendly with your friends but unless have fire and air in their chart may not try harder than just being cordial
Honesty is very important to them and being “natural” - not faking things or forcing it
In the words of Kendrick Lamar: LOYALTY LOYALTY LOYALTY
Forgiving can be quite painful for Taurus, forgiving someone who was disloyal is impossible
Mom/Dad to their friends and they will have friends that need it
Very very loyal to the people in their life. If you’re new to their life, would not try to pick fights with the best friend they had since 3rd grade
Very conscious of their money. Probably wants to spend yours too.
If you have poor clothing taste in their eyes, they WILL want to fix you
Will rearrange your room if it bothers them aesthetically
You won’t forget them for better or worse
They will do spontaneous acts of love - “I for example just out of no where start texting or telling people how I’m so happy I found them and how I appreciate them. I often write long love letters!”
‘Whenever they see their s/o sad, they’d do anything to cheer them up or if you wanted, they’d sit and listen to you vent
“ even after they do “get over you”, they’re still kind to you”
“romantic and basically worship the ground you walk on”
showers partner with very romantic gifts like flowers and jewels and fancy clothes and perfumes
needs feedback in every way: audibly, visually, tactile, taste
they tend to be closed off and only open up to a select few. mysterious, but gets along with everyone
The Taurus male wants to be in full control
There is absolutely no chance of changing their mind once they decide something is off limits
Loss of control is what matters the most to them and reason for their stubbornness
If they are left unhappy too long any small thing can go from unpleasant to an actual emotional trauma
Taurus men love to be providers and make sure their wife and children are financially secure - they handle the bills
“He makes money and loves for me to spend it or live lavishly. He will spoil himself here or there but gets the most from making me happy.”
“old fashioned in family values and believes our kids need a feminine and masculine figure. He wants a stay at home mom and homemaker.”
Very aware of their object of affection and very attentive: “I try to remember every small detail about them. The way they part their hair, the way they like their thins organized, how they fold their clothes, what smells they like, their habits, do they bite things? Are they fidgety? “
Special thanks to anonymous, anonymous, @aquvier @afatalheat and @angstchim for their contributions! Everything from them is in italics!
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astromias · 4 years
Gemini: So then I said it was KNIFE to see them, it was a great little pun-
Aquarius: Don’t worry, I’m in STABle condition
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astromias · 4 years
Gemini: isn't it weird that we pay money to see other human beings?
Virgo: Are you talking about prostitution, the movies, or airplane tickets?
Gemini: glasses
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astromias · 4 years
Capricorn: if you dissociate hard enough you can eavesdrop on conversations you're a part of
Capricorn: i don't remember making this post
Libra: you made the claim and then you proved it
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astromias · 4 years
It always blows my mind how people mistake the way Libra placements engage in conversations as flirting. Like…. are the rest of yall really not used to someone giving a damn about you enough to actively listen to you and give you the attention you deserve without having ulterior motives?? Wow.
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astromias · 4 years
Aries: Truth or dare?
Libra: [exasperated] Truth
Aries: Do you want to kiss me?
Libra: Dare.
Aries: [leans in] I dare you to kiss me.
Libra: Never have I ever-
Aries: ThAT’s NOt ThE gAMe
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astromias · 4 years
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Libra female and Aries male
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astromias · 4 years
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Libra female & Scorpip male friendship
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