melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Won a special gift from @ruthchousimons author and illustrator of @Gracelaced and Beholding & Becoming. I finished the #bb32days and was blessed with that beautiful print of Ruth’s for participating. Beholding and Becoming was absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to pick it up again later in the year to enjoy and learn more the second time around! Thank you for this amazing gift!! #MelanieRivera412Life #RuthChouSimons #GardenOfTruth #GardenOfTruthBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #Gracelaced #GracelacedBook #Foundations #FoundationsBook #InOurHomeGuestBook #FieldsOfGlory #FieldsOfGloryBook #GodIsCultivatingInYou #BloomingForAGreaterLove #SowAndGrow #RevealAndRestore #FaithfulWordOfGod #GodTheGardenerOfLife #GodsGarden #TakeRootGrowDeeper #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #OnTheMove #TheClimb (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8aOrCpJfK5/?igshid=3k5ra6p6wg25
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Thank you Ruth for allowing God to use you! Beholding & Becoming was a blessing to my life! #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8DPeUVpgn2/?igshid=4pqlk1glj0j9
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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“Actively Abide” When I first read this heading in Ruth’s book Beholding and Becoming, I thought of course, easy peasy, she is saying to follow God, to abide by his rules and to do the right thing. Then when she gave the definition of abide, it changed my perspective completely. The definition was as follows, “abide means to stay, to remain, to be true, to preserve, to keep walking beside, to get in close, to dwell, to be near, to not perish, to withstand.” Ruth then say “What we love determines where we will be most steadfast “Abiding is so much more, it’s not as easy as we think it in our mind when we hear it or read it. Its God calling us to a higher standard of living and it is up to us whether we choose to leave behind our old ways or not. But the more we pursue Him, the better we become at abiding in Him. We are able to keep up the good fight and know what we are called to be in Christ. My question of the day is “Will you abide?” #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #Abide #AbideInChrist #YouChoose #YourChoices #ShareChrist #LeaveBehind #InspireSpiritualGrowth #CSLewisQuotes #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CQZFrJ-Q6/?igshid=fww95p0hqh5f
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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“Our True Home” Ruth quotes C.S. Lewis (one of my moms’ favorite authors) and he said “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” I grow up in one area of California my entire life, until almost 2 years ago. We took a chance and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to start a new journey, with bigger dreams, more adventure and opportunity. It was a rough start at first, being that change is difficult. Leaving all your friends and family to go somewhere that we knew no one and had only visited three times in the past. But since the move, I have made my 2-bedroom apartment into my safe place, a place of love, a home for my husband and me to enjoy. A place I love to share with anyone willing to visit. Where I make new memories and love to enjoy the great city skyline with a cup of coffee on the mornings I don’t work. But as much as I love it here my heart longs for my forever home. The home where I get to be with Jesus, where I will see the ones I love who left this earth before me. A place pure and full of beauty. Free from pain, negativity and sin. But until God calls, I will live my life to Glorify Him, show His love to others, in hopes that they too could be a part of His Eternal Kingdom. It’s easy to long to go to heaven but it can be difficult to live out the plan God called us to live. Just remember we are blessed to have been given this opportunity to be here on earth, don’t take it for granted. Use this time to share what you have inside of you, so you don’t make the final trip alone. #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #Heaven #Home #Eternity #KingdonOfGod #ShareTheGospel #HomeSweetHome #InspireSpiritualGrowth #Slowdown #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AjY_LJF5g/?igshid=17ouo1uncldab
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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I loved this message @ruthchousimons addresses in Beholding & Becoming about “Stop Making Bricks” referring to the Israelites and the stronghold the Egyptians had over them to build their city. But God set them free and it was hard for the Israelites to let go of their fear and fully trust and rely on God to provide all their needs (40 years in the wilderness, yikes). But God keep providing, they all had what they needed. On the sabbath when He told them to rest, He would provide double their portions the day before so they had no work. See not only is it vital to our lives to rest in the Lord (read the Word, worship the Lord, spend time in His presence) we need to physically rest… We think that we must keep pushing though our daily lives because if we don’t get something done it’ll be the end of the world as we all know it. God wants us to rest and trust that it will get done, when it needs to be done. We weren’t created to grind it all out alone, we were created to glorify God, to trust in Him, to know He will provide, to know Him and rejoice in all that He has done and is going to do… So slow down and see what the Lord can do if you just allow Him to. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #Rest #TrustInGod #Provision #GodWillProvide #Trust #Rejoice #InspireSpiritualGrowth #Slowdown #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Ab_xnpO4H/?igshid=120dn6ci4bc4h
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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We are so consumed with the grind and the hustle. We push and push to make a dollar, have nice things, a clean house, cool cars and then we exhaust ourselves... To a point where we can’t keep up with the image of ourselves that we portrayed to the world. Losing sight of the one true, never altering, always consistent, God. We think that if we stop the grind to spend time with God, we lose time which is ever so important to who we are. Not realizing that our time with God has more value, more rest, more productivity than if it was spent making a million dollars. How? You may ask… Because your life, your eternal soul, your Spirit being, is vital to who you are and where you will go in the end. These earthly things we pursue can wait, because your life literally depends on your time with God. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #LifeLine #Hustle #Grind #Rest #Eternity (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B78U9yjp5v8/?igshid=gyjksegic8k1
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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I can remember as a child my mother always tell my brothers and I to “sit up straight” over and over again, especially at the table. It was one of those things that after her daily or even hourly (minute or even seconds) reminders it finally became habit. And now as an adult I still sit up straight to the point where I have to adjust the seat in my car after my husband drives because he drives like he is laying down in a lounger and makes fun of my “stiff robot driving” (the struggles of having only one vehicle). So when @ruthchousimons wrote about “Form a pattern with posture and practice” I realized that it really did take constant reminders everyday working on my literal “posture” for it to become a habit. It’s not any different from what Ruth describes in her book “Beholding & Becoming”. She says “they define the pattern in a Christ-follower’s life…Posture is the position, stance or approach to something and practice is the fleshing out of the posture…” Romans 12:2 says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Everyday renewing our minds so we can live out God’s plan for our lives, so the temptations we face won’t control us but that we will control them! I will leave you with this thought that Ruth says “Our minds, renewed in and by the Word, direct our hearts… and our hearts, in turn, affect who we become.” So make sure it’s a daily habit to “sit up straight” because it reflects who you are. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud #Love #RenewYourMind #BeWhoGodMadeYouToBe (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B762ceFpPbR/?igshid=owmj3ws42h2m
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Praise God that the way to heaven IS NOT based on your physical attractiveness and achievements the way the world accepts and expects people to be. Yet it is by God’s Mercy’s that we are saved and accepted into the Kingdom of God. He see’s us and receives us, for who we are. Sinners who need a Savoir, forgiven by His Merciful heart, if we only we ask with a heart of repentance. Lord, Thank you that I can come to you as I am, imperfect with blemishes and you do not turn me away. Instead you make me whole, you add to me, you make me into who I am meant to be in you. @Ruthchousimons Thank you for reminding me that all the imperfections I see about myself are not how God see’s me, AMEN! #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B76qYBIJ5Gb/?igshid=beuyx1nj1gbx
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Remembering Your Purpose, yikes!!! Sometimes it is easy to forget our purpose especially when we are facing battles. It sometimes seems like we are on a never-ending roller coaster of life. One minute we are “gung-ho for God” the next minute we are screaming and crying “God why me, why?” We are constantly having to realign our thoughts to God and His purpose for our lives because if you give the enemy an inch, he will take it and more if he can. Something that really stud out to me in this reading was when Ruth writes about how we weren’t promised we wouldn’t struggle. But we are promised that in ever circumstance God’s purpose will prevail. So, if you are in the middle of a struggle, a never-ending roller coaster, hold fast because God has a plan and a purpose and He is the light at the end of the tunnel. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B72YQJupRyj/?igshid=jvggv9tm6f7t
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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In Beholding & Becoming Ruth hits on “God’s Mercy When Things Seem Unfair” wow did this hit home. I am in a season in life right now where I feel like I am doing my best, I even feel my best spiritually, but I am struggling in my personal life. Negative feelings towards myself and the struggles in relationships around me. Its difficult to keep my focus and believe that God is going to work these struggles out because the mountain is too large for me to climb. Then God uses this reading to show me he is still watching over me, He is still in control, he is still working and to just wait and see. Ruth points out that “honest self-examination is brutal but revealing” and “His grace causes us to see ourselves truthfully: undeserving of His relentless love and lavish generosity. His great mercy fills the cracks of our unbelief.” its up to me to keep push, keep the faith and rely on Him to see it through. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B72VaFNJvXG/?igshid=18d2eojv9aeia
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Mmm... Food... Snacks... Cravings... Most of us eat 3 meals a day... Or even several meals/snacks a day... And I don’t think I have ever met a person who has ever said “I don’t need food or I can live without it” As a matter of fact most people I know myself included get “hangry” especially if you make me wait until 2pm to eat lunch. So how is it that we are able to starve ourselves spiritually? God’s word says “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.” John 6:51 HCSB Consuming God, our spiritual food, is vital to living. Just like food and nutrition are vital to our everyday lives, God spiritual food is much more important. I encourage you to consume God and His word daily. We eat food for your physical body to live, we need to eat of spiritual food so our spirit isn’t famished and emaciated. Taste and see that the Lord is Good. He will provide us with all we need if we trust in Him and do our part to grow strong and healthy. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #FoodForMySoul #SpiritualHunger #BreadOfLife #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tCGVipnpY/?igshid=12ldfmt3o8skc
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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The greatest blessing and treasure ever given to me and continues to be given is my parents. Parent who love God and follow His Word. Now my parents aren’t perfect (though I am bias and think they are at least close to it) but their key to life is knowing God’s Word and being doer’s of His Word. They did/do everything and anything they could for my brothers and me to grow up knowing who God is and what His Word says. At times it felt draining, in my teenage years especially (rebellious years). I remember our parents making sure we were in church every Sunday, mom often sitting us at the kitchen table for bible readings and discussions (sometimes I think dad was in the student boat with us). Even when we would put up a fight they never gave up on us. I know their prayers for us are promises in God’s Word and they continue to stand and believe His Word over our lives, they never cease to use it. Their continued example of who God is and what his Word says has bought me though many struggles in life. As I get older those things that I once felt were boring and useless, I now see are vital to my life. God’s Word and living it out are what gives life. So my question today is do you know God’s Word, His promises over who you are, over the people around you? How much greater are your prayers, your life, if you know what God says about them in His word? “How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”Psalms 1:1-3 In Becoming and Beholding @ruthchousimons quotes her husband @Troydsimons saying “The clearest evidence that we possess something is that we are possessed by it.” Do you possess God’s Word in your heart? #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #InspireSpiritualGrowth #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #GodsWordIsTruth #GodsWord #Prayer #WhoAreYou #LivingForChrist #BeAnExample #OnTheMove #Bless (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qgg8gpTsh/?igshid=1c8jc3obq680j
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Who am I?? A very important question we all ask ourselves at some point or many points in our lives. Who are you??? Before you were a daughter/son, before you were a sister/brother, before you were a wife/husband, before you were a mother/father, etc. Those title don’t define who you truly are, they are a part of you. Who we are is defined by who God is to us, who we believe Him to be. In RuthChou Simons Becoming and Beholding book she says “Our self-esteem mirrors how we esteem God:the higher we esteem (Honor) or (Revere) God for who He is the truer our view of ourselves.” Ask yourself Who is God to Me? Who am I? “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew‬ ‭7:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud #PittsburghLife #EverythingPittsburgh #SteelCountry (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7nzUMiJMWu/?igshid=1pullbewd7fyb
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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“For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” Luke 6:45 May the words we use uplift others not tear them down. My our hearts be his His heart so that our speech reflects his glory. In Beholding and Becoming by @ruthchousimons she says “Stress doesn’t cause ugly attitudes and behavior; it reveals it.” Ouch that hurts that means that ugly is inside of us because we allow it. Seek this opportunity I ask God to reveal those issue that aren’t of him to clean them out so that he can use us for his glory. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lMPiMpMJu/?igshid=1f3fgrngaah21
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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Food for thought... His plan bout our plan... #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud #PittsburghLife #EverythingPittsburgh #SteelCountry #LovePittLife (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ixFHsJvct/?igshid=1l4em06xamkr1
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melaniesarahrivera · 5 years
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We often react to situations without thinking about what we say. Majority of the time regretting we ever opened our mouths because we realize it was not the reaction God would be proud of. Our words need to align with the word of God. When someone insults us, we compliment them, when someone acts in anger, we act in love, when some hurts you, we forgive. Align your words with God’s Word. Be an examples Christ to others. #MelanieRivera412Life #BB32DAYS #BeholdingAndBecomingBook #BeholdingAndBecoming #WeBecomeWhatWeBehold #WeAreAllBecoming #WhatWeChaseShapesOurRace #RuthChouSimons #TheArtOfEverydayWorship #TillSinBeBitterChristWillNotBeSweet #InspireSpiritualGrowth #OnTheMove #TheClimb #Grow #SelfCare #Study #Inspiration #Journal #Goals #DailyLiving #Pittsburgh #Burgh #Pitt #PGH #SteelCity #PittsburghStrong #PittsburghProud #PittsburghLife #EverythingPittsburgh #SteelCountry (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7hcxRgJkVU/?igshid=14gzqpx3ysued
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