#bbc Heptarian
how many military commanders does atlantis go through on a regular basis???
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valiantgentle · 2 years
Hello BINGO buddy! Since I LOVE seeing lots of OCs, with this ask I challenge you to create a new OC plot bunny and tell me about them with this ask - any fandom, any faceclaim, any pairing - the only rule is you can't have already thought of them. 😜 Don't worry, I won't make you write them . . . unless you ask me to force you. haha.
ooh a challenge! fun!!!
FANDOM: bbc atlantis (alternate universe but still set in the ancient world) NAME: meresankh FACE-CLAIM: sibylla deen PAIRING: meresankh x ariadne SUMMARY: meresankh is an egyptian royal that is visiting atlantis on a state-trip of sorts. while there, she gets to know the royal family of atlantis, but it’s the princess ariadne that catches her eye and intrigues her most. meresankh is loyal to her country but torn in her love for ariadne, who is betrothed to heptarian, and is herself meant to marry a man she does not love — the pharaoh of egypt. meanwhile, pasiphae and the (to-be-named) pharaoh conspire to tear apart meresankh and ariadne, forcing them to seek help from an unlikely trio of outsiders within the city: jason, hercules, and pythagoras.
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atlantistalk · 8 years
BBC Atlantis Weekly Rewatch - S1 thoughts
Before starting our S2 rewatch, why don’t we all take a moment to chat about S1.  Random thoughts, favorite moments, characters, whatever…
I’ll start!  So, some general comments...
Aeson and Circe: What the BLEEP did you guys do that started this whole mess?!  
I feel like we’ve got two very unreliable narrators on our hands.  They both have the same story (which Aeson repeats to Jason in S2).  They were both dearly in love with their spouses, they never saw the betrayal coming, they’ve no idea what happened, Pasiphae is just evil and hungry for power.  
REALLY?!  Pasiphae usurped her own throne.  This is the most nonsensical and risky power play ever.  
And this all went down right after Jason and Ariadne were born.  It’s a very good thing that Ariadne looks like Minos!!  Because cheating is usually the first place TV shows go.  But what in Hades is the explanation here?!
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Circe is Ariadne’s mother: I believe this as strongly as ever.  Not only due to the line about Pasiphae taking her husband, but also all the pieces are there that she was involved in the epic crazy-ass betrayal.  She knew about Jason!  She knew he was alive, and she knew when he returned from the other world, which leads me to believe she also knew where he was hidden and was watching for his return.  She had to be in on it!
Additionally, she sends her sister’s own son to kill her!  That’s some messed up revenge for stealing her husband.  But what about for stealing her kids…
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Pasiphae is not the bad guy: I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here.  We come into things learning early off that she’s the evil stepmother.  But then we learn the timing.  She waited over 20 years before poisoning Minos.  Unless she is just seriously fail at killing people and has been trying this entire time.  But she has failed to kill anybody in her family!  I kinda think she maybe, you know, loves them or something.  
Back to timing… Therus rushes in to whisk Ariadne away into hiding because she’s about to come of age to become heir.  Pasiphae will surely kill her before that.  This seems rather urgent.  But Ariadne stubbornly goes home, and Pasiphae… carries on trying to set her up to be married.  She doesn’t try to kill Ariadne until Ariadne forces her hand.  She offered mercy, and she looked genuinely shocked and hurt that Ariadne wants her dead.
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Additionally, in S2, Ariadne says “This land was bequeathed to me by my father and I will never disown it“ (while Pasiphae is pleading with her to give up, rather than simply killing her).  So did Minos just break the rules, or did Ariadne make it to becoming of age??  Did she reach this mark between seasons, or did she become heir while Pasiphae was still the Queen?!
Getting sidetracked here a bit, but at what year would she have “come of age”?   If it was 20, she would absolutely have been stepping right on it in S1.  Jason is 22 when the show starts, and we know she cannot be more than a couple years younger (she was already born while Jason was still young enough to be called a baby).  So, damn, I think she actually made it to legit being heir during S1.
Also, Therus was presumed dead due to being lost at sea.  Aeson was left alive during the epic crazy-ass betrayal (and Pasiphae collapses weeping when she learns of his death in S2).  And Circe survived also.  And Pasiphae has good relationships with her other two siblings’ children.  And Pasiphae keeps not actually wanting to kill Ariadne and Jason (which continues all through S2 with her repeatedly capturing them and then reasoning with them).  
Pasiphae was always Ariadne’s stepmother: Whoa, this was a shocker of an ending to the season.  I’d assumed Ariadne had lots of lovely memories of her mother, which is why she was so bitter about Pasiphae replacing her.  We learned in ep 5 that it had been over 10 years, but then discovering that Pasiphae has been her stepmother her entire life!  Damn.  Looking back at Pasiphae referring to herself as Ariadne’s mother only to have Ariadne throw it in her face that she’s not… wow, Ariadne, that is really cold.
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Pasiphae isn’t the bad guy (reprise):  The only absolutely horrid thing Pasiphae did in S1 was kill Korinna, which was actually a suicide.  Except SHE WOULDN’T HAVE DONE THAT!!   She was a precious cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure!  So forget everything I just said, Pasiphae is a straight up evil witch!
Jason’s expectation of honorable fighting: Dude, stop being all offended by cheating during arena games.  The first rule of fight club is THERE ARE NO RULES!  Trying to surprise stab you after you’ve “won” is absolutely allowed.  It’s not over until somebody draws blood, you dumbass.  This happens every time.
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Also, you were supposed to take a dive in the Pankration, Jason!
Pythagoras: “You cannot win. ... You’d be dead by sundown.  We all would.”
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Well, now Korinna is dead.  Maybe when Pythagoras tells you there’s no choice but to lose, LOSE!
The next time Jason and Heptarian face each other, Jason stabs him.  *glares at Jason*  That was unworthy of you.  (Yes, I realize the unworthy line was actually to Telemon, but they accidentally reused the Rules of Engagement script for that ep, so...)
Hercules’ ongoing belief that Jason is useless with a sword:  I love this.  Every time Jason enters a fight, it’s like “well, you’re gonna get killed, we’d better train you.” 
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Ep 8: Since I just did a gif from this ep, I’m going to end my rambling comments on how great the trio’s relationship is in it.  Jason and Hercules never waver as Pythagoras’ friends and just support him all the way through.
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bbcatlantiscom · 8 years
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Happy Birthday, Oliver Walker!
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girlwhowasntthere · 9 years
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You are hereby invited to join the Atlantis fandom this Valentine’s Day for a PANKRATION the like of which we have never seen except for the last time we saw it because this is a rewatch!
Two unarmed opponents, a knife in the sand, the first to draw blood wins. No rules.  And free pies.
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aislinceivun · 9 years
ASS here :) Rambling is okay, that means you're passionate! Nothing to worry about. I may now have a bit of an idea for your gift. We'll see how it turns out, but it should hit the spot ;) So, what in those characters interests you? Tell me everything you like about them, please!
Hey lovely! That’s great! :D I can’t wait for it. Just make sure that you’re having fun with it, too^^
And I hopeyou’ve meant it, ‘cause you’re definitely in for more rambling! So much of it, in fact, that I need to put it under a cut.
So: everybody who’s into REALLY HUGE RANTS about Korinna, Heptarian, Dion and Critias… go ahead!
Heptarian and Korinna are sort of similar in the sense thatthey had sooooo much potential, and all of it went to waste. Korinna was theclosest friend of Ariande, the only one she could really confine in during S1,and even her later friendship with Dion and Delmos was nothing like theirs.Korinna was sweet and beautiful and brave, someone who had the princess’ backall the time, and it was such a cheap move from Pasiphae to get rid of her justto „teach Ariadne a lesson.” We all knew Pasiphae was evil and capable ofhorrible deeds, so killing off Koriadne didn’t really serve another purposebeside reminding us of this. I’m kind of disappointed that we never got to seeAriadne mourn for Koriadne after the end of that particular episode. (But atleast she remained unique in the sense that Ariadne never got a replacementfriend for her. Well, there was that brunette girl from the end of the seasonwhose name I can’t remember, but she was working for Pasiphae so she doesn’tcount. And Araidne clearly wasn’t friends with her.)
AboutHeptarian… well, he’s just another potential wasted. But an even bigger onethan Korinna, because HE HAD AN ENTIRE JOURNEY TO THE LIGHT AHEAD OF HIM WHICHWE NEVER GOT TO SEE. I mean, he was a villain. That much is clear. But he neverwas a Bad Guy. He was a jerk, he was an asshole, sure. But there were hintsscattered around that he was madeinto this asshole; Pasiphae moulded him into one! We know that Pasiphae got herclaws in him when he was just a young kid, and he’s been with her ever since.She said to his face that he MEANT NOTHING, that he was just a means for her toget the throne. We saw Pasiphae TORTURE him when he „failed.” Who knows whattorture he must have suffered at the hands of her aunt through the years? Andthere are plenty of moments when you can see that he is not as much of a baddieas he wants people (and most of all, Pasiphae) to see him. When there is thissoft gaze in his eyes, when he looks genuinely miserable when Ariande hisses inher face and lets him know that she detests him… I think Heptarian is just ahurt boy who acts all tough and cruel only to protect himself from futher physical - and probably mental - pain. He KNOWS he has to becruel, or Pasiphae will be even more cruel to him.
Also,I have this deep belief that were not killed off in the end (ALTHOUGH WE HAVENEVER SEEN A BODY – FOR ALL WE KNOW, HE MIGHT BE ALIVE), eventually he would’vegathered enough courage to separate himself from Pasiphae and make his own wayin life. He probably would have even helped the gang – not because of Jason(too much contempt for him, altough he grudingly admits that there is somethingworthy about Jason after all), but mostly because of Ariadne. I think hegenuinely liked her. If you are interested in how I headcanon his survival, changeof heart/awakening and gradual change into a hero, here’s a longass rant aboutit. xD
Nowonto Dion and Critias… Boy, these two just took over my heart in a breeze.Dion, I already fell in love with in 2x01. I have to admit, I didn’t think twice aboutCritias in the season opener, but 2x02 came… and THAT’S IT, I was hooked. Everysecond they spent on screen together was wonderful. The air was thick withtension, they had an instant connection,and I reacted to that. It’s not even just about the shippy air (though IDEFINITELY started shipping them right from the start.) (I’m not even kidding! These were my first comments: „Young Guy saves Dion AND tends to hiswound?  I ship them”Here’s my live-blog post to 2x02) 
WhereI was? Ah yes. So it’s not just about the shipping, but the way these two foundeach other on the battlefield, and Dion – fighting a seemingly loosing battle –still managed to inspire Critias, as he no doubt inspired every soldier underhim. He’s just a wonderful general like that. (Delmos was pretty great, too,although we didn’t get to see much of him ont he field, but rather, how he waswih the Queen.) His death was beautiful (noble, and not rushed, and we got tosee proper reactions to it), but still horrible that it happened at all. WHY CAN’TARIADNE JUST HAVE FRIENDS WHO DON’T DIE HORRIBLY?!
AndCritias! My baby! Well, okay, it’s very difficult for me to separatecanon!Critias and… the Critias I have fleshed out for my His series. I havethis elaborate backstory for him (once upon a time he was even best friendswith Pythagoras’ brother, and they don’t even know! I frequently forgetthat this is not actually canon, lol.) and writing His Worth really gotme into this character’s head. In that fic, we get to see how he finds thelight in himself thanks to Dion’s encouragements and kind words, how he turnedfrom a „worthless” cheat to a scared but determined hero of his own. I have asoft spot for characters like him, those who have a dark past but manage tofind their way back to the light (HELLO HEPTARIAN) so Critias was, and stillis, a huge hit for me. It was so great that in the second half of S2, he evengot to come back for a short but wonderful cameo! I squeed so hard when it wasrevealed that he’s actually still good friends with Hercules, and at least theyare keeping in touch. GREAT, GREAT. Since Dion died, Critias needs all the friendshe can get.
Well.That got waaaaaaaaay longer than I intended! I’m so sorry! >O
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dlanadhz · 9 years
I have no issues with Heptarian. In fact I think’s he’s quite the puppy in comparison to everyone else. Part of me feels really bad that Ariadne doesn’t like him. We don’t know a lot about him, but he’s kinda not so bad. Like he doesn’t seem particularly cruel or disloyal or dishonorable. People say he’s cruel, but really he’s barely par for the course. He actually seems quite .... nice? His aunt’s puppet maybe, but nice enough.
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cerysehightower · 10 years
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Anonymous requested: Atlantis + Heptarinna
"I had to get rid of that slave girl of Ariadne this morning. The blonde one." Pasiphae tosses the words like scraps over her shoulder, then glances casually at him.  "Was she important to you?" "No. Not important at all." And he knows that it wasn't just meant as a warning to Ariadne, but to him as well.
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bbcatlantiscom · 9 years
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Happy Birthday, Oliver Walker!
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aislinceivun · 9 years
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I’ve never seen these awesome Aiysha photos before, wow! x’D
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cerysehightower · 10 years
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Atlantis + Actual Classical Literature
"Snare them. Slaughter them. You have the right." -Sophocles, Electra
Heptarinna AU: Korinna comes back as a vengeful spirit, and Heptarian is the only one who can hear her...
In this half light, she looks almost tangible, the taste of her sweet on his tongue, the dust motes flickering like candles and swirling in an empty wind. Then, the sun returns, and she's barely visible, a smudge in humid air.
"Here,' she says, her new voice like silk over steel, and although the courtyard is insufferably warm, Heptarian shivers. "Here. I fell here." She gazes at him steadily. Have her eyes always been like liquid gold? Has she always looked like a lioness, lazily toying with her prey? He thought he remembered, remembered the way she'd lain there, blood trickling quietly onto the hot-cool stones, remembered so much and forgotten so much it took his breath away.
"Yes,' he says, his voice scratchy. "I know."
She smiles at that, slow and cat-like. "Do you?" Her voice drops into a low cadence, full of promises, as she presses her hand to his chest, right over his heart. He can almost feel it. "Help me. As I have helped you. You owe me." He catches her wrist, or at the very least, tries to, and with an infinitesimal part of his mind, he idly wonders what the others must see, if they see at all, a bloody hooded figure grasping at only empty air.
It does not matter. It never will.
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girlwhowasntthere · 10 years
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The Story of Heptarian and Korinna (1/2)
Chapter 1: The Lord and the Serving Girl
Chapter 2: Furtive Glances
Chapter 3: Therus' Messenger
Chapter 4: The Pankration
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girlwhowasntthere · 10 years
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The Story of Heptarian and Korinna (2/2)
Chapter 5: The Boy of No Consequence
Chapter 6: Suspicion
Chapter 7: Treason
Chapter 8: Collateral Damage
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girlwhowasntthere · 10 years
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