#bbu ash
rozex21 · 7 months
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bbu-fan-blog · 9 months
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Winter break is coming to an end, let's go back to work!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 8 months
Reading conversations about Hazbin Hotel's Angel elsewhere on the Internet makes me very glad for all of you here.
When I wrote Kauri, I worried a little after his freedom that he would be misunderstood, not connect with readers as much, because he dealt with abuse and rape by becoming hypersexual and self-destructive, taking control back over his body in the only way he knew how to do at the time.
With Angel, who does the same thing, I see people complaining that it's unrealistic or "sexualizing trauma" and I just...
I appreciate you guys here so much. You got it, with Kauri, right from the start, that sex can exist alongside or within a tragedy and sex can just as much be one of the ways someone rebuilds their foundation after it crumbles. That no one has to be the perfect pure and noble victim, some people fuck up because it can feel like if you hurt yourself first, other people can't hurt you that way any longer. It's a shield, a form of protection, just one with spikes on the inside that cut you even as they keep everyone else from getting the chance.
So yeah.
Seriously, as a writer I would like to thank my Kauri readers for getting what he needed to do and who he was so well so fast and following with me as he figured it all out.
Just having the thinky thoughts today.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 months
Cry for help
BBU masterlist
Taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump @augustofwhump
August of Whump day 2: IV | shock | cry for help
Melanie finds an abandoned pet on a street corner.
670 words
CWs: BBU, pet whump, abandonment, left to die, starvation, muzzle, collar, neglect, abuse, burn, blood, non-sexual nudity
Melanie scowls when she sees the large, battered crate at the end of the road. How are wheelchairs and buggies supposed to get past that?
She pauses to take a photo, and that's when she hears it.
A muffled thud is coming from the direction of the crate.
She frowns and tiptoes closer.
A fist on wood.
Melanie glances around. Nobody else in sight. She examines the crate more closely. It really is extremely battered. The sides are starting to cave in and she'll definitely get splinters if she touches it, but it's still structurally sound.
To a person as weak as those thumps imply.
It's even quieter this time.
She touches the crate, flinching away automatically at the sharp scratch. Then she goes back in. The lid is fitted, and as she yanks it out the wood cracks.
Inside... inside, oh, god. She should've guessed from the size of the crate.
Their hair is matted and so thick with grime and dirt that she can't even begin to guess what colour it is. She'd think they were dead if it hadn't been for the weak knocking, if it wasn't for the head slowly raising to look at her, bony arm reaching out, hand outstretched. She fancies she can taste the desperation.
"Oh shit," Melanie breathes. Oh, shit. She reaches out and touches the pet's hand. They shudder but attempt to grip, thumb pressing lightly into the side of her hand.
Trying to be as quiet as possible, just in case just in case just in case, she reaches out with her free hand, hooks it under their shoulder, and pulls.
They whimper, a tiny sound that Melanie can only hear because she's pulled them right against her side. They both sink to the ground, Melanie's knees protesting at the all-too-familiar position, and the pet flops there, boneless, shivering, pressing their thumb in further in what's perhaps an attempt to hold on. The other arm is still curled protectively into their body.
"Sorry." She lifts their hair back from their face. "Can you show me your arm?"
Melanie's struck by the large, dark eyes that look up at her then, the pleading and desperation, the sheer agony in them. Permanent tear tracks are etched into the grime on their face, the same grime and blood and whatever else that doesn't bear thinking about that covers the rest of their body.
There's a muzzle, too. The worn leather and rusting metal are pressed into the pet's face, caked on with blood and dirt. Their collar is the same way.
She can't focus on that now though. There's nothing she can do, she can't remove them without at least a makeshift first aid kit on hand, and even if she could she can't risk the pet making such a noise that the police are called. And then she might be arrested for stealing a pet and then and then and then.
She can't let that happen.
She takes a deep breath. The pet uncurls their arm.
They would've had a barcode tattooed there once, but now... she shudders, hard. Their forearm is blistered and weeping, clearly untreated, uncovered, left to become infected in the dirt of that old, rotting crate.
Oh, shit.
She sets the pet (person, person, person) down, rising stiffly into a crouch. It's not really a conscious movement when she picks them up again, settling them in her arms. They turn into the warmth of her chest, still shivering.
One of the only good things to come out of those years, she supposes, is that she's now strong enough to carry people. Although... that wasn't those years, was it? It was all the ones that came after.
"It's okay. I'll try to help you, I promise."
She's not sure when she made the decision, but she's made up her mind. She's going to do for them what Tara did for her thirty years ago.
She's going to give this person a home.
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sleepyone232 · 1 year
Funfact about Ash:
According to one of the tester goat's in the official BBU Server on Discord, Barnaby x Fantoccio is Ash's favorite ship! That means,,, I have an excuse to draw Barnaby x Fantoccio 24/7
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For @whumpawoman’s Whump Girl Summer: Day 2, Fever
CW: Fever, lightly implied past violence, bbu universe
Ash walks into the living room, hands still damp from using the bathroom. She sighs in relief when she sees them. It’s been long enough for her to start worrying. They’ve been strangely silent all day and the piano has remained unplayed in the sunroom. 
“Yes, Ash?” She asks. It’s still weird, even after all this time, to be using their name instead of a title. But they rejected all titles from the moment she was given to them and told her to only use their name. 
“My head hurts.”
“Was your hair up for a long time?”
They shake their head. “No, I’ve had it down all day. But my head hurts and I’m really hot.”
“May I touch your forehead?”
They nod and she presses the back of her head to their forehead, then cheek. The heat coming off their skin twists her stomach. Master and Mistress aren’t coming back from the gala for several hours. She doesn’t know who to call. Their grandparents live six hours away, and she doesn’t think this is bad enough for an ambulance. 
Think, Jenna, think. You’ve been trained for this. What did you do there? When someone was sick?
They trained them, back in the white walls and twisting corridors, on how to help someone with a high fever. Practicing on Guards with their skin torn from their bones and Romantics exhausted with nothing but plastic smiles and other Domestics whose bodies can’t keep up with the strain of working. 
Jenna forces herself to take a deep breath and smile. “It’ll be okay. I think you just have a bad fever.”
Ash shakes their head. “No, I can’t be sick! I have a recital in two days and I have to practice!”
“I know, but you have to rest. Otherwise, you’re going to make it a lot worse.”
Ash sharply turns away, focusing their gaze on the far wall. Jenna waves her hand in their peripheral vision, but they don’t turn to look at her. With a sigh, she stands and waits. Ultimately it’s their decision. She can only offer so much of her opinion. 
You are not their friend. You are not their parent. You are their tool, to help them connect with the world. You shouldn’t even be speaking to them like this.
Jenna flinches, expecting a blow, but Ash has never hit her. Not out of anger at her, at least. There were several times when they were younger and frustrated over the world, but that was understandable. She feels the same anger, hidden far down in her heart where it can eat away at the resentment buried there too. 
Finally, Ash turns back to her and says, “Fine. I’ll rest.”
Their signs are sharp and fast, but the glassy sheen of their eyes tells a different story. Jenna smiles and dips her head. 
“Thank you.”
“I want to rest out here, though. Can you get my computer and blankets?”
Jenna nods. “Would you like something to drink? You also need to stay hydrated.”
“I suppose Dr. Pepper isn’t an option?”
“I think you already know the answer.”
Ash rolls their eyes. “Fine. Then I’ll take some apple juice. I think we still have some left over from Christmas. And a glass of water too. I’m going to be the most hydrated you’ve ever seen.” 
“That’s a good choice. I don’t want the fever to get worse.”
“Yeah, that would be bad for you,” Ash laughs. They walk towards the couch, already focused on the television remote. 
Jenna watches them, a heavy weight dragging her heart down. Right. Ash is her owner. Not a friend, never a friend. 
“Yes,” she whispers. “That would be.”
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looniecartooni · 9 months
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Uh oh- what's this kooky chimera planning?
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lex43927 · 6 days
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I am SO late for this but… the rivalry has begunXDD (sorry i'm late ToT)
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Barnaby facts (confirmed by the devs)
Hello! Since I was bored and it's making me so happy to see Barnaby getting so much love lately, I've decided to collect all the info I have about him! I most likely missed something, so if you have info I haven't put here, or got wrong, let me know, ok? ^^
Anyhoo, here we go! **}
- Barnaby, despite his name, is not a barn owl. He's actually a long eared owl.
- Barnaby isn't his real name; he used to have a different one, back in his alive days. One of the drawings featuring him has him surrounded by many names starting with "B".
- Said illustration has "Who am I?" hidden among the names and words such as "Where" and "Help", hinting at something linked to his identity is torturing him.
- It's been stated that Barnaby is the way he is because of a dangerous experiment that corrupted then killed him, changing him completely as a result.
- Barnaby is asexual homoromantic, and is genderfluid: while he goes primarly by "he/him", he accepts any pronoun.
- He considers his Barnaboos as his "little pretties", and often offers help or advice if they need it; of course, his help may not be as helpful as he believes...
- He hates cheesecake.
- He's not a fan of rootbeer neither; he will serve it in his parties, but he personally won't drink it.
- His favorite food is eye scream, and favorite Halloween treat are caramel apples.
- As for ice cream, his favorite flavor is Strawberry Shortcake.
- Speaking of food, yeah, he doesn't need to eat, nor sleep. But still likes doing it anyway.
- Barnaby is a confirmed sleepyhead. He naps a lot, but never in an ordinary position, or in his bed; he tends to sleep in various gravity bending position, especially upside down.
- Meaning, yes, when Billie comes to steal his gem, he was sleeping!
- And when he sleeps, he apparently snores and hoots.
- While hugging him would result in a kill from him, Ash confirmed Barnaby is a hugger! Hugging him would still involve him squeezing or stabbing you to death, tho'. And he'd feel both soft and slimy to the touch.
- Barnaby is around 10-11ft tall, and with his size-shifting abilities, he can be any height he wants; when he was alive tho', he's as tall as Aristotle, more or less.
- He doesn't need glasses anymore, but sometimes will wear them because they make him look smart. They also tend to follow the eyes' movements.
- Barnaby is very emotional: while it won't stop him from trying to kill you, he will cry if he sees you cry. Ironically, he would comfort you until you feel better. Then he'll kill you.
- It's been confirmed that Barnaby's biggest fear has "already come true".
- His tears are orange, just like his eyes.
- Barnaby is not one to open his heart easily, but the moment he does, there's many ways to reach it. He's quite romantic, tho' not in the usual way: if you gave him a dead rat, he'd consider it a very romantic gesture!
- It's been stated he doesn't have a partner now, but in life, "maybe".
- When it comes to children, it's been confirmed he'd be the best caregiver alongside Dutch, althought for him "it's complicated".
- He apparently had a child of his own, if the picture posted about him during "Father's Day" is any indication. What happened to the little one hasn't been revealed yet.
- Apparently he's the least judgemental character in BBU!
- If he had a TV, it'd be old timey, and he'd watch something really random. Like ducks.
- Barnaby loves small critters; Ash specifically mentions they always linked him with guinea pigs. And indeed, Barnaby had a science guinea pig co-worker once, that turned into an actual guinea pig because of a reckless experiment, and he took care of them.
- He's able to control reality; it's unclear if it's his gem's doing, or his magic power as a ghost.
- In any case, he's now the most powerful character in the game
- Back in his alive days, he was a magic researcher and scientist.
- He actually owned the gem before he turned into a ghost. He even experimented on it, and it's suggested that actually sealed his fate.
- A lot of songs from Oingo Boingo and Lemon Demon fit him: Ash specifically mentioned "Weird Science" as really "Barnabycore"
- Barnaby is autistic: he stims by hooting and flapping his wings when he's excited.
- When he's scared or nervous, he tends to cover himself with his wings.
- Katie said that, if he were a candy, he'd be a sour blueberry.
- Barnaby lives in his own dimension, with his own mansion and everything. And he can travel between realities. Although one comment from Katie suggests he's trapped in there, but it's too early to say for sure.
- According to the devs, he was inspired by Weird Al Yankovic, Lewis from Mystery Skulls and Discord from MLP.
- No, he wasn't inspired by Snatcher, since the development of BBU has lasted longer than A Hat in Time. The two of them canonically know each other tho': only problem is, Snatcher hates Barnaby's guts and finds him too clingy, while the owl adores him.
- He canonically knows Wally Darling from "Welcome Home" and Kira from "Far Fetched" too, since he can travel between realities.
- Barnaby has his guests come to his home by portals that pop just below them. He apparently has kidnapped people before, every once in a while.
- He'd get along well with Dutch.
- It's left vague whether he knows Fantoccio or not.
- He actually has never met Arthur nor Aristotle before the game.
- In any case, he'd find Aristotle really funny, and wouldn't take them seriously.
-- Barnaby is aware of the player, and can break the 4th wall. And that's why only he can use Twitter.
- Whenever he writes on Twitter, hE WRiTSE LIkE THIS!!!
- Barnaby is REALLY mischeavous, and finds no problem in cheating in games. But if YOU cheat, then he gets ticked off.
- This suggests he's also a sore loser.
- Judging by his expression in the cutscene, he doesn't like being interrupted.
- It's been confirmed he smells like meldew. :P
- He could fake glitching out, then attack the moment you come to check out what's going on with him.
- He HATES party crashers. Also scarecrows: not good for conversations. And he's not interested in their crops.
- He can play the organ: Katie even suggested that if you hear it in the background of his chapter, that's him playing it.
- He was a young prodigy, back when he was alive!
- Don't be fooled by his goofy antics: he's very smart, still loves making experiments and can speak a lot of languages.
- Ironically, he hates skulls: he finds them icky.
- He was 25-26 when he died; he's been dead for 100+ years.
- Time is very important for him: that's why there's so many clocks in his parlor. It's been suggested he sees partying as a way to keep track with time.
- Despite that, Barnaby himself in the contest video has briefly stated he tends to forget what year it is.
- There's tons of pictures in his manor: all of them depict him, suggesting he's good at painting.
- Katie has noted that Barnaby "remembers everything". When asked if there's something he'd rather forget, they stated that "what he wants and what he needs are very different things".
- His family is "infinite", apparently. Then again, one of his very early descriptions stated he's got no friends nor family to speak about...
- He's been described as "self interested"
- When asked which character had the most trauma, without giving hints about being traumatized, Katie confirmed Barnaby as the answer, even stating his story makes them the saddest, alongside Fanto's.
- His favorite color is pink!
- He can change himself into lots of animals, and can even clone himself!
- When asked if he can talk to his alive self, Katie said it's "technically possible".
- Back when he was alive, he was noted as a dork and a hardworker, so much so he'd even pull one-nighters before making speeches for his research. Katie jokingly suggested that's why he parties so much: it's to make up for lost time!
- He had a different way of speaking, back when he was alive. And his icks were probably different as well.
- When he gets overwhelmed, he has a shutdown, and goes completely silent.
- At early stages, Barnaby was supposed to be a bug.
- The moment his design as a ghost was chosen, he went through a lot of palette options, like a pale blue color like he came from "The Haunted Mansion", or all colorful like "Dia de los Muertos". Ultimately they settled for his currently shadowy look because, not only it's easier to animate, it was in line with his backstory.
- Barnaby can melt. It's still unclear what triggers such a reaction, but some pictures hint that it's tied to his psychological state.
- Barnaby has been noted that he can talk fancy, but he's not eloquent.
- His favorite dance is the charleston!
- Ash has stated that in the game he is going to be depicted doing something similiar to "singing himself to sleep".
- Apparently he still makes pellets from his mouth. Dead or not, he's still an owl.
- He often puts emphasis on words, sometimes even making his bowtie spin.
- In the latest Twitter post featuring him, when you decode the garbled message, you can read: "Barnaby lies Along in his thoughts, Resting On the floor Neglected". Not only this hints at his turmoil, it also hides the word "BARON". It's unclear if it's his name, a title he possessed, or someone or thing else entirely connected to him.
- He loves recieving scretches on his head.
- Barnaby can cook, but he'll more often than not leave that to the Barnaboos.
- He's not that interested in gardening, even tho' he owns a greenhouse.
- He'd enjoy playing "Luigi's Mansion"!
- In Super Smash Bros. he'd main Meta Knight, even relating to him.
- He'd happily accept smoochies, apparently!
- His favorite party game is "Pin the tail on the owl".
- If you are his friend, he'd consider it even more of a reason to stay in the manor and never leave!
- He has claimed that he's used to give himself self love and compliments, since no one else does it. That, and his tendency to ask others for hugs or if they need a hug to calm down, suggests he's affection starved.
- He tends to react to compliments from fans by smiling bashfully, or happily shouting that he's popular.
- Katie stated that his favorite movie would be something unexpected, like "Marnie & Me" or "Up".
- Barnaby can see everything from the eyes of the plushies that look like him. So, if you bought one... watch out...
- Among his early designs, he also looked like a completely different owl, tall and austere looking, who was the guardian of the forest. It was changed because the devs wanted a goofy boss that could stand out among the others.
- Having said that, it seems Barnaby was the last boss to be officially revealed, and initially the game only had Elaine, Dutch and Fantoccio as the main bosses.
- Barnaby LOVES puns. A good deal of the lines he says when you get defeated in his chase contain a pun.
- You try being slick by stating you want to die of old age? Too bad: Barnaby will make you age rapidly. Despite that, Katie confirmed he doesn't have time related powers...
- Katie and Ash confirmed Barnaby can fly. And such a sight is apparently really hilarious.
- Barnaby loves shiny trinkets: if he sees a sparkly thread, he'll fixate on it and will follow its movements. It's like with a cat following a laser.
- Barnaby has teeth; they're orange and sharp, and come out when he's ticked off, or especially devious.
- When he was alive, he only used he/him pronouns. He became comfortable with all pronouns after he died. He's always been interested in men.
- This goes without saying, but still: he operates on cartoon logic. He can use both his wings AND his feet as hands. Even both feet can act as hands, even when they appear off camera. How? Because it's Barnaby and he can do anything he sets his mind into!
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
Worlds’s Whumpy Recomendations
[Large Text: World’s Whumpy Recomendations /End ID] Sorted by genre for convenience. If you feel your story fits better in a different category, or would like to add a note let me know and I’ll do that!
BBU/Pet Whump
Do No Harm: Jamie and Sebastian by @peachy-panic (+ Medical/Lab whump)
The Fighter by @hold-him-down
Charles and Ollie by @cupcakes-and-pain
Unintentional by @distinctlywhumpthing (+ Medical/Lab whump)
Guard Dog David and Guard Dog Riley by @redwingedwhump
The Palette by @squishablesunbeam
The Safehouse by @itsawhumpsideblog
Linden and Colton by @whumpzone
Max & Carlo by @deluxewhump
What We Can’t Make Right: Chris by @ashintheairlikesnow
Medical/Lab Whump
Edurance by @whither-wander-whump
Peter and Joy by @alittlewhump
Land of Liars by @whumpy-daydreams
Mediwhump May Masterlist by @demondamage (+Nonhuman Whump, Angles and Demons. Comics)
The Last Lab Rat by @whumpy-wyrms
Marcus/Lucien by @whumpywhumper (+Urban fantasy)
Immortal Cannon Fodder by @pigeonwhumps
And Still and With Bloody Outstretched Hands by @wolfeyedwitch
Honhuman Whump
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night (Vampires)
Blackthorne Hall by @redwingedwhump (Vampires)
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday (Vampires)
The Heart and The Hunger by @wolfeyedwitch (Vampires)
When Hell Comes Knocking by @snaillamp (Demons)
Ash & Callum by @whumping-every-day
The Shadow of Death by @actress4him (High Fantasy)
The Tiefling by @redwingedwhump (DnD Homebrew)
No Warrior by @secretwhumplair (Medieval, Vikings)
Fog and Furrow by @wildfaewhump (Urban Fantasy/Dystopia, telepaths)
MD-264N by @pigeonwhumps (Living Weapon Whump)
Morja & Company by @newbornwhumperfly (Conditioned Whumpee)
Riot Kings by @befuddled-calico-whump (Comics)
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch (Living Weapon Whump)
Honor Bound by @whump-tr0pes (Near Future Apocalypse-ish)
Freelancers by @whumpacabra (Modern, Mercenary/Millitary whump)
A1 and A2 by @hcnnibal (Modern, Mercenary, Romance, Comics)
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rozex21 · 7 months
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Yeah no their first meeting didn't go well,,,,
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bbu-fan-blog · 1 year
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Always greet your mornings with a big stretch!
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Hey Ash! Weird worldbuilding question, how do you think the drip would affect a trainee with Dissociative Identity Disorder? My character Kai has DID (and I myself am the host of a system), and I was just curious on how you think it would affect people like him. Thanks in advance!
I am by no means an expert in DID and honestly am not sure, but since it involves the existence of entirely separate personalities and individuals within a single body - and knowing that often memories/experiences are not shared by the entire system, only by specific individuals in it...
I could see the Drip being only partially effective. Maybe compartmentalization means someone hangs on to the memories they already had but not everyone. Or they all struggle with memory loss but are still their system nonetheless.
I'm not sure at all. But I definitely think it would make the Drip less effective regardless.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
WRU recruitment brochures
CWs: bbu, pet whump, lady whump, collar
Inspired by this post by @ashintheairlikesnow, I've created recruitment brochures for WRU, for Handlers and Pets. Karen Renford belongs to Ash.
Mock-ups below the cut.
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Just had to animate my favourite skit from the BBU stream yesterday!
I've only known about BBU for two weeks, but it's been some of the best two weeks of my year. Barnaby has brought me so much joy! It's so hard to find autistic characters whos identities are consistently appreciated by the creators and cast, and just hearing Barnaby and the gang acknowledge it so casually made my day. It's cool to have characters that so closely represent me/my friend group. Thanks to Ash, Katie, Gabe and Barnaby so so so much!
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