#bby.. bby boy Nari..
altverse-invertverse · 2 months
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Meeting + Kitty Bath right after
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(I can’t draw backgrounds so I “borrowed” these from pinterest and then put a filter over the first two, to make them to make them look like drawings)
AU/Headcanon yapping for this lol ⬇️
Kallamar and Shamura met in their teenage years, living with eachother as close besties who found some random ass crowns along the way. They both shared a cabin on the border of early-day Anura and Darkwoods (there was no distinction between the areas, both areas were relatively the same). They shared a bed because it was comfortable enough for them, and lived an average life.
Now during his 30’s, Kallamar really wanted to take care of a child, even though he wasn’t as capable to carry one himself(intersex, infertile, AND he was single lmao). Shamura didn’t care for children as much, but wanted to see their best friend happy, just didn’t know how.
One day the two were sitting around and playing knucklebones with eachother, when they heard a knock on the door. Shamura got up to answer the door, looking around before glancing down, seeing a young black cat staring back up at them. Shamura was in a state of confusion at first, asking the kit where he came from, only getting a shrug as a response.
It was only a few seconds, before it clicked to Shamura that this child had been abandoned. With no second thoughts, they knew exactly what to do next, as they gently took the child by the hand to offer them a new home. Walking back into the living room, Kallamar had put away the board and dice, asking Shamura who was at the front door. Shamura replied with a simple “Just look for yourself”, as Kallamar gave them a look of confusion, before spotting the child stepping out from behind Shamura, while holding their hand.
Shamura explained to Kallamar the child’s situation, they brought up the idea of taking in the child, as if he were their younger sibling and such. Kallamar became ecstatic, agreeing to the idea almost immediately while going over to hug Shamura tightly, then greeting the little boy.
However, first things first, the kid smelled like trash(despite looking clean), which called for an “emergency” bath. I won’t go into big detail about the rest of that day, but let’s just say that Kalla and the child, nownamed Narinder, had alot fun getting to know each other.
This is literally “revised” lore I made up in my head for two weeks, finally had motivation to draw a bit of it, I just really like seeing interpretations of Narinder and Kallamar. So I thought instead of the usual sibling battles, they started off with a loving caretaker their adopted child type relationship, only becoming more sibling tied once growing up lol
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tigorrrr · 5 months
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This is Mortal Kombat, it goes without saying.
Do not use/repost/manipulate with my stuff in any way without my permission. And don't even ask the answer will be; NO.
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Just to be double sure I reposted my MK stories to my Quotev and will continue to do so.
Words Left Unspoken [Nejteri x Shao], post banquet fiasco
“Your Little 妹妹” [The Lin Kuei clan], Diya gets adopted by the Lin Kuei Grandmaster and introduced to her new family
What Those Arms Do? [Nejteri x Shao] Skin-Deep AU, a normal day of local delivery fellas
A New Home [Diya] Skin-Deep AU, Diya finds refuge at Madam Bo's
And They Were Roommates - Literally! [Diya & Alexa] Skin-Deep AU, the girls need to sit down and talk, Alexa needs her space and privacy back
It's An Earthrealm Thing... [Nejteri x Shao] A Valentine's Day special
Glittercrash [Diya] Skin-Deep AU, mature, Madam Bo's dancer tries to get lucky and unfortunately the luck ran out when it was starting to get interesting
Drabble prompt [Diya & Baraka] fluff
Drabble prompt [Nejteri x Shao] ns//fw-ish
Drabble prompt [Nitara x Tomáš] Skin-Deep AU, suggestive/fluff-ish
Drabble prompt [The Lin Kuei clan] fluff
Drabble prompt [Ashrah x Syzoth] Skin-Deep AU, fluff
Drabble prompt [Diya & Alexa] Skin-Deep AU, fluff
Drabble prompt [Nejteri x Shao] fluff
Drabble prompt [Diya x Reiko] ns//fw
Drabble prompt [Diya x Baraka] mature
Drabble prompt [Mileena & Tanya] Skin-Deep AU, fluff
Drabble prompt [Lilly & Rain] Skin-Deep AU, hurt/comfort
Drabble prompt [Eileithyia & Shao]
Drabble prompt [Diya x Syzoth x Ashrah] Skin-Deep AU, mature
Drabble prompt [Nejteri x Shao] angst
Skin-Deep, list of characters
Your Worst Self [MATURE] (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) whump/dark content, MK11 & MK1 timeline mash-up AU, Nejteri gets mixed into things she shouldn't find about and it gets nasty
𝓢𝓲𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 [Nejteri x Shao] Fortunate Future AU, MATURE
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𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ((MK1 prequel story))
Chapter 1 || Mountain Child
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Kismet banners made by my adored @infinitnei
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Tovach. reference
Mermaid Diya
Shao with a tail
Lin Kuei family selfie
Dating problem. Lin Kuei fam. video edit
When Nejteri meets Reiko for the first time
Diya hugging her brothers, evolution from a toddler to an adult
Mr. & Mrs. Tsung [Skin-Deep AU]
NejSha doodle banter, nonesence
Bruised (young) Shao
CHOMP doodle
Lilly portrait [Skin-Deep AU]
Nejteri x Shao NSFW
Spooning [Nejteri x Shao]
Valentine's Day [Diya x Reiko]
Eileithyia's REFERENCE + BIO
Hold me [Nejteri & Reiko]
Diya in a virgin killer outfit
Baby tiddy block
Reiko holding bby Czu'
Nej's boys
Virgin killer dress Nejteri ft. Neirah
Adult Czundaii
Baby Czundaii
Lin Kuei Czech Easter
Drawing this again Nei & Nej
Neirah's birthday
NejSha dancing (chibi)
Judgemental look™️ (Nej)
Cat face memes (Nej)
Erron x Nejteri MK11
Chomp animation MK1/11 AU
Mistress Alexa
Tail ride Nej & teen Reiko
Paper Kokeshi doll, Czundaii and Mirai
NejSha sexy time MATURE
Anfisa and Nari AU
Alexa and Diya, drabble scene
Diya and Baraka doodle
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Main is @gorefolk fyi
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reannabeth · 3 years
Couple more tiny complaints about Rott that no one cares about, but I just gotta get them off my chest.
there’s the most obvious example of this: the resetting of the entire series to be done once again but differently. So many different levels of wrong here, but we all know that by now so I’ll just move on.
The center of the universe thing? Goes against one of the first episodes of 3 Below, where Krel says the center of the universe is actually far far away from Earth, least of all, California. That was stupid anyway.
Why the frick-frack tic-tac paddywhack did the heartstone come back, full commission? You’re telling me Jim and Claire and the whole of Trollmarket had to endure a long, tiring journey TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE US, only for it to jump up into bellroc’s waiting arms? W H Y
((Also, I still really wish they’d done a season 4 of trollhunters about that journey and such. Like, c’mon. Such an interesting concept, and we could’ve seen more troll interactions and Jim leaning into his trollish ways a bit more. I want more of troll!jim anyway, because I needed more time to get used to his new voice))
Don’t even get me started on time-travel. Why? Why did they feel the need to include it, AGAIN? We had d’aja vu, unbecoming, and Wizards. Now this too? I mean, COME ON. Why isn’t there two Jims? Why can’t everyone else go too? Is it a different timeline now?
And destiny too! Apparently the amulet didn’t choose Jim for his pure heart, just for him being human. This makes Unbecoming less impactful and simultaneously makes Merlin out to be even more of a buttsnack (am I supposed to be sad that he died?)
now for the long one: CHARACTERS
Douxie: horribly side-lined, other than that, his character was pretty spot-on and I love him all the more for it. That being said: WHY WASN’T HE A MAIN PLAYER? C’MON!! HE IS NINE FREAKING CENTURIES OLD!!
Claire: Kind of reduced to “oh no J I M” again. She’s so experienced now (somehow) and yet they sideline her too? They are cowards for not almost having her die, and even more cowardly for not making her hair all the way white.
Toby: Toby was the wingman, and proud to be. He never wanted to be the main man, so the fact that they chose him to be the new trollhunter was stupid and I will forever be bitter about that. He was proud of being moral support, and he could’ve still helped in the minimal ways he does. Or they could’ve just let him die. Would’ve been a real ballsy move, me thinks.
Nomura: :’(((
Strickler: Love him, but he’s stupid. His death (and Nomura’s for that matter) were totally and completely avoidable and DANGIT I wanted a Stricklake wedding 😡
Barbara: Where the frick did she even go? Would’ve been cool if she was on the sidelines, helping with injuries and such.
Not!Enrique: Gone :(
Same with Chompsky
Zoe: *cries in so much potential*
Aja: Actually pretty intelligent, yet made out to be harsh? Her points were valid what the fuzzbuckets
Steve: No explanation needed. Hate Mpreg with a passion. Killing off potential.
Eli: glow-up and sidelined
Krel: My boy was side-lined so hard, I’m pretty sure he was just goofing around in akiridion for a while
Varvatos: honestly didn’t need more of him, he was fine :D
Skrael: Wanted him to turn sides, ended up cheering his death
Nari: bby N O
Bellroc: wish I understood them more. Kind of two-dimensional
Jim: boy, I freaking love this kid. He’s definitely one of my favorite characters of all time, ever. So to say I am mad about his characterization in this movie is the understatement of the year. SO many things off about him in this.
1. Voice. I barely got used to it for his troll-form, as I mentioned before. This movie didn’t help much. I appreciate the thought that Emile was Anton’s friend, but the truth of the matter is that his voice simply does not fit the way Anton’s did. Either they should’ve tried to make it sound like Anton (mixing in some sounds from trollhunters, or getting a vocal coach) or they should’ve found someone that sounds like him.
2. His role. Why, oh WHY, was he the head honcho in this movie? Huh? He was the TROLLHUNTER. These are NOT trolls!! This was more of Claire and Douxie’s expertise, or even Zoe (I am still crushed they didn’t involve her, btw). Even at the end of Trollhunters, Jim was no match for Morgana. Why is everyone following his lead? Especially now that he doesn’t have his amulet. It just does not make sense. At all.
3. His Arc. The truth of the matter is Jim’s character has been very thoroughly explored already. He already went through the whole why was I chosen? bout in unbecoming. The teamwork thing, too. Both of which were very poorly handled in this movie. And not to mention, his lack of empathy overall. When Douxie finally got his body back after the switch (which seemed very draining and excruciating), Jim immediately grilled him about Nari’s council instead of checking in on his friend/new brother figure. That is so out of character for him, wow. When Nari died, he pulled Douxie back (so did others, but still). What exactly was the purpose of that? Is Jim this all-knowing leader that you have to listen to? NO! Douxie is 9 centuries his senior.
4. Giving up the amulet. It seems for all this movie’s messages, it even happens to ret-con those as well. Jim spent the whole movie trying to be worthy of having the amulet, and for a dashing moment, the pay off was worth it! Seeing him use it again sent chills all over my body. And then he gave up and shifted the responsibility to his best friend, who had just died in the other timeline, and decided to help from the sidelines. What kind of message even is that? Imagine kids like, “Oh yeah, Mommy! I’ll be just like Jim, step off to the sidelines and have you do my project and take the fall if it goes wrong! Have fun!” Like,,, w h a t.
5. Leaving Claire. I am especially mad about this one. As beautiful and heart-wrenching that good-bye moment was, it was completely and utterly unnecessary and I actually found myself unable to feel super bad for them, simply because there was the simplest solution:
Why did they start all the way over? Just… why. W H Y
I just wanted closure. teamwork and rainbows and slicey-slice and sprinkle of death, and then college graduation and stricklake wedding and the end. But NoOoOo
They just had to be all revolutionary, using one of the oldest and most hated tropes since the beginning of mankind.
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tazzykiki · 4 years
Wizards Thoughts:
Animation was absolutely amazing, god-tier. What demon did ya’ll make a deal with???
Love the way we got Morgana, Merlin’s, and Deya’s backstories. I love how Douxie became so fleshed out in just 10 episodes.
Comic Relief characters are the bane of my existence and even the small amount of development does not make me any less irritated.
Archie is uncomfortable to look at and I have no idea why. I have a hate/love relationship with him.
Merlin can be irritating, but he’s also not as bad as he seems. Just a crusty old wizard who is tired of this shit and knows how delicate the fate of the world really is.
I really, really despise comic relief characters. I love you Steve but wow you could’ve used a little more oomph, Huh buddy?
Really wish they put a “to be continued” or somethin, instead of like...having the emptiest ending in the entire series :/ Glad to find out the movie’s existence from social media
The way they do the magic is awesome. I love the way they draw the runes and just the overall effects. Reminds me a lot of Owl House.
I’m so confused was that stout knight with the beard and cool design one person or???? Like what??? Like he’s referred to by name, but sometimes he’s treated like a completely different character??
Hey did I mention how much I hate comic relief characters? More specifically ones who aren’t in the background????
I really love Deya, she is everything.
The arcane’s order design was absolutely outstanding. Bellroc’s voice is the best because I love multi-voiced characters like that god-dude from Shadow of the Collosus. Nari is beautiful and Skrael makes me think of an Eldritch Jack Frost.
Really hope Steve reunites with his gf & bf, bro deserves a hug.
Oh yeah I almost forgot, jim is back in his squishy little form! Woop woop! I knew he was gonna emerge like an egg boi!! Also lovin the new scars! and the endless amounts of horrific trauma :D bby boi bby
uhhh...etc etc
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illneverrecover · 5 years
growl | kth (m)
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➛pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader  (per usual) ➛summary: Clearing his throat, he tries again, gaze intense. His eyes are about to fall out of his skull with the power of his attempt at a telepathic message to his friend. “Come on, Jimin. Ask me. You know what? I’ll help you. I pick dare.” A sly glint of amusement pulls at the edge of Jimin’s mouth, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. You look back and forth between the two of them, not sure what was happening but sure as hell knowing it was going to be nothing be trouble. “I dare you to sing a song that shows off your best growling for our girl here,”  ➛genre: non idol!AU, friends to lovers, slice of life, smut ➛word count: 4605 ➛rating: explicit/mature (y’all been knew) ➛warnings:  alcohol use, cursing, cliche use of ‘truth or dare’, Seokjin singing dope songs at karaoke, Jimin being chaotic, slight dirty talk, semi public sex, oral (male receiving), swallowing, Taehyung being a secret softie. ➛notes: Firstly, I would like to start off by saying that this fic idea came from @destiel1597 and the pure lethal sex that is 5th Muster Taehyung™, so this is truly their fault. The both of them. Secondly, y’all should’ve known that the minute I saw  5th Muster Taehyung™, I’d have to let the thirst out somehow. I don’t have self control. Lastly, shoutout to my bby @taetaesbaebaepsae for assisting me & @purpletigertaetae for spamming me with rude Tae inspo to fuel the thotting. You the best.  I promise my next fic will be about another member. If Tae would just RELAX I wouldn’t have to be like this!! ➛song: Toxic - Alex & Sierra (which is the version Tae sings in this. Listen to it and picture him singing it and tell me you wouldn’t do the same). Ma City - BTS 5th Muster version (which you should go watch immediately if you haven’t - this growling Tae was the muse for this entire sinful piece.) 
                             ᴄʀᴏss-ᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ AO3;; ʟɪɴᴋ ɪɴ ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ 
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“How many times are you going to dare me to sing this song?”
Seokjin’s face had a thin sheen of sweat, the bright disco lights of the cozy karaoke booth bouncing off his skin, showing the exasperation evident on his face.
“Until it stops being funny. So…” you look around at the others, pausing to sip at your drink. “Never. Get to it, lover boy.” 
He sighs heavily but did as he was told, picking up the microphone and waiting for the flatscreen to start scrolling with the lyrics. The first few bars of the song blared through the speakers, and the guys gave supporting hoots to encourage him. 
Despite his earlier protest, he quickly gets into it, eyebrows furrowed as he dramatically swings the mic, belting out the first few notes. “I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over...I better read between the lines, in case I need it when I'm older…” 
Next to you, Taehyung laughs deeply, throwing his head back as the elder continues, eyes glistening with unshed tears. No one else in the room was faring much better, every single person in some stage of cracking up at his theatrics. Forcing Seokjin to sing Foreigner songs is always hilarious, and one of your favorite parts of your friends bi-monthly karaoke meetups.
No one really knows when or how the tradition started (though rumor has it, it was at your drunken demand to ‘show off the golden pipes’), but these nights in the same small private room of your local karaoke bar had quickly become the favorite in your friend group. Twice a month, regardless of what was going on, everyone agreed to meet up for dinner, drinks, and the most ridiculous yet always entertaining game of truth or dare - karaoke style.
It was typical of your friends to never do anything the normal way, and this was no different. Instead of selecting songs of personal preference to sing for the room, they were always chosen as either a dare, or a failure to participate in a truth. It was asker's choice, and the victim wasn’t allowed to veto, less they wanted to foot the entire bill for the evening. And between seven men in their mid twenties and the pickled livers of you and your friend, Nari - that was a hefty price to pay. 
Seokjin reaches the chorus, the build up so intense that it’s no surprise when he drops to his knees, his tenor still in pitch and  beautiful despite the theatrics. “I want to know what love is! I want you to show me! I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me!” 
He’s clutching at his chest while staring into Yoongi’s eyes, the younger man expressionless as if this performance was something he saw on the regular. Which, to be fair - it was.
Slinging back the dregs, you lean to grab the bottle of vodka on the table before a large hand beats you to it, Taehyung smiling down at you as he scoots closer. “The usual, milady?” 
You slap his arm, eyes rolling. “Gross, no one says ‘milady’, Tae.” 
He giggles, filling it halfway with the liquor before topping it off with some seltzer - just the way you like it. You were only two drinks in, but the honeyed sound of his laugh always flustered you, a light burn flushing your cheeks. His long, dark hair was wavy and messy in that perfect way that made you want to sink your fingers into it, and between that and the peek of golden chest through the undone buttons of his dark dress shirt, you found yourself feeling thirsty. Well, thirstier than you normally were for Kim Taehyung.
It had become a running gag with the other guys - your little school girl crush on Taehyung, something that they used to tease you at any given opportunity. It seemed to personally offend them that you wouldn’t say anything to the brunette, and no matter how many times you explained you didn’t want to fuck with the group dynamics, they couldn’t seem to stop sticking their noses directly into your business. You’d be annoyed by their immature comments if it wasn’t for the fact that the handsome man seemed completely oblivious to them - and your feelings. 
Thank fuck for that. 
Handing you the freshened beverage, Taehyung moves to pour more into his glass before settling, large thigh pressing into your own. He has always been an affectionate guy, so when he threw an arm over your shoulder just as Seokjin hit the last notes of the song, you didn’t blink an eye. 
However, Jimin did.
He had been watching all night, seeing the way his best friend was buttering you up, going out of his way to try and make you laugh, to make you smile. The way you would scoff and roll your eyes to hide your heated cheeks or the way your thighs were pressing together any time he touched you. Taehyung’s feelings for you were practically neon red signs to Jimin, and yet you seemed obnoxiously unaware - something that was starting to make Jimin crazy. 
Getting involved probably wasn’t wise - neither party had asked for his help. But since when did he ever claim to be wise? Jimin prided himself on being a meddler - he couldn’t just not meddle. Especially when such an opportunity presents itself.
Bowing to the loud cheers, Seokjin moves to sit back down on another sofa, chugging the remnants of his glass. “Alright Joon, it’s your turn - Truth or Dare? And try not to be lame this time, please.”
Namjoon scoffs, faux offense on his face as he glares at his elder. “Hey! Picking truth isn’t lame! I’m telling you my deepest darkest secrets here!” 
“Pretty sure admitting that you want to touch Nari’s tits isn’t a secret, but nice try,” Yoongi deadpans, causing the room to break out in laughter.  You tried to focus on the game, on what ridiculous question Seokjin had prepared for Namjoon, but instead all you could feel was the warmth of Tae’s arm draped around you, all you could think about was how he smelled like a mixture teakwood and lavender, and how much you wanted him to ruin you.
Snapping your eyes towards the shout, you come face to face with a deviously smirking Jimin, leaning forward on his knees. He was twirling the straw in his glass like a super villain, and everything about the look he was giving you had your nerves on edge.
“Yes, Jimin? Is there something you need?”
“It’s your turn - truth or dare,” he coos, eyes dancing with mischief. God, he’s such a fucking Slytherin. You were in for it now - you could feel it in your bones.
“Last time I picked ‘dare’ you made me sing half of Evanescence’s discography-”
“Hey, to be fair, you knew it all  by heart and fucking nailed it,” Jungkook interjected, giving you a proud grin.
“Well - yeah, okay I did, thank you very much - but as I was saying, I’ve learned my lesson. I pick truth,” you reply smugly, glaring at the dark haired man. Jimin may look sweet, but luckily you know better than to ignore his cunning.
Which is why you shouldn’t have been surprised when he started cackling.
Eyes creasing into half moons, he threw his head back, running a hand through his hair as he faces you once more, eyebrows waggling. “What’s one thing about Taehyung that you find attractive?”
You choke, grappling for your drink to soothe the burning in your throat, though you were sure it was only making it worse. Face on fire, you looked at him with wide eyes as you cough in a feeble attempt to remember how to speak. 
A warm palm starts patting your back, the man in question leaning down to look into your eyes. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, Tae, I’m fine,” you glare at Jimin, his victorious smirk enraging you further. The last thing you want to do is answer this truthfully; anything obvious is going to weird Taehyung out, but you know if you try and give a lame answer, Jimin will have no issues calling your ass out for it.
“Well, I like his singing voice…” you murmur, eyes focused on the ice melting in your glass, which you immediately bring to your lips once more.
Jimin rolls his eyes, scoffing. “His singing voice? What does that even mean?” he kicks at your leg, pushing you further. “Like… the tone? Or just how it sounds?” he sputters incredulously, choking back a laugh.
“Fuck you! Yes, how it sounds. And also when he does that deep growling thing?” you shiver, shaking your head. “I don’t know, it just gets me. It’s really hot.” 
Whoops, seems the vodka had done some of the talking for you, but it was too late to take it back. You feel your skin heat, but you hold your head high, raising a brow at Jimin in defiance.
The room falls silent for a beat, all eyes on you until Jungkook wolf whistles, everyone breaking out in hoots and yells. You turn to the man next to you, expecting him to blush coyly or even brush you off with a gentle smile - he was nothing if not kind - but instead you find a shit eating grin peering down at you. Cocking your head, you look at him questioningly, but he just winks before slugging back the rest of his drink, his gaze drifting to Jimin’s over your head.
It was all he needed to hear.
Your words were the perfect fuel to the fire of alcohol in his veins to make Taehyung feel bold, yet he was still sober enough to know that this could finally be his chance to show you how he feels.
“Jimin, ask me a question.” Taehyung declares, leaning back into the sofa, dark eyes dancing with mischief. 
“Technically, it’s Y/N’s turn to ask-” Namjoon mumbles, but is quickly shut down by the shouts of displeasure from the group, Hoseok and Jungkook both nudging him while the latter murmurs something about being a ‘cock block’. 
Clearing his throat, he tries again, gaze intense. His eyes are about to fall out of his skull with the power of his attempt at a telepathic message to his friend. “Come on, Jimin. Ask me. You know what? I’ll help you. I pick dare.”
A sly glint of amusement pulls at the edge of Jimin’s mouth, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. You look back and forth between the two of them, not sure what was happening but sure as hell knowing it was going to be nothing be trouble. 
“I dare you to sing a song that shows off your best growling for our girl here,” 
The room erupts in cheers and howls once more, your eyes widening as you reach for your glass. Shit, you’re going to need more vodka to survive this, and you know it. 
Taehyung moves languidly to the front of the room, the side of your body he had been pressed to all evening now left cold. He scrolls through the screen with a sharp focus, honeyed gaze looking over at you every once in awhile to make sure you were still paying attention. And the smile he would give when you were- it practically had your heart in your throat. You looked over at Nari, trying to get her to join you on your couch of pain, but she just blew you a kiss before settling back into her spot next to Yoongi, throwing you a shrug.
That bitch.
All too soon he gives a cheer of victory, looking out over the group as he selects the song, moving to the microphone stand. He poses in front of the room, everyone in attendance on the edges of their seats with anticipation for the music to start.
And then the first notes ring out, and a switch flips.
Gone was the sweet and goofy man you’ve all come to know, and in his place is a demon in black, looking like pure sin. His eyes darken as they land on you,  his lips curving in a confident smirk as he grabs the mic to pull closer to his mouth. Sensual plucks of guitar fills the room in a familiar tune, though a version you hadn’t heard before - the upbeat pop turned into a song of seduction.
“Baby can’t you see, I’m calling. A girl like you should wear a warning. It’s dangerous, I’m fallin’...”
Taehyung is all lust powered flirtation, hips seductively sliding back and forth as he continues to croon the lyrics, casting his molten chocolate eyes to your own. He was dancing closer, his steps slow and purposeful, and you felt the rest of the room fade away as you focused on him - and only him.
The chorus hits, and he smoothly switches from his velvet baritone to growling along with the lyrics, body rolling before sliding on his knees directly in front of you, so close you could see the sweat trail down his neck to bury into the open V of his shirt.
“Taste of your lips I’m on a ride. You’re toxic, I’m slipping under. With a taste of a poison paradise I’m addicted to you - don’t you know that you’re toxic?” he purrs, leaning into you,  a singular finger coming to trace up the exposed skin of your calf.
Everything was suddenly too hot, the room too stifled - you couldn’t get any air to cooperate and flow into your lungs, all your blood pooling in your cheeks. Your heart is racing, sweat dotting your hairline as you stare at the dark haired male in front of you, unable to pull away.
“I think Y/N is about to orgasm in the middle of this bar.”
“Min Yoongi, I swear to FUCK, I will murder you,” you force between clenched teeth, turning to glare at the blonde in question. You can see the retort build on his lips before a palm cups your cheek, pulling your attention back forward.
Taehyung was a breath away from you now, pupils blown wide and voice dangerously low as he continued singing, each word dripping with desire. His hand curves around your jaw, a finger slipping down the long column of your neck until it graced the thin skin of your collarbone.
“Too high, can't come down. It's in the air, it's all around...Can you feel me now?”
Fuck, he was going to ruin you.
Mouth falling open, you squeeze your thighs together uncontrollably, your hands death gripping at the sofa beside you in an effort to keep yourself from moaning. It was embarrassing; how easily his performance was turning you on, how a few throaty murmurs of a song from this man had you falling apart. 
Taehyung was nothing but sinful temptation, and he knew it. 
A small part of you heard the cat calls and lewd shouts from your friends, but you couldn’t concentrate on them. Not when the tall sex god was leaning nearer, using your knees as leverage to pull himself up so he could push your thighs completely together, walking himself forward until he could perch into your lap. Oh my fucking God, he’s sitting in your lap.
The music swells into the ending crescendo, and he continues to rasp the lyrics in low, dulcet tones, eyes never leaving your own. “Intoxicate me now, with your lovin' now. I think I'm ready now, I think I'm ready now,”
You gasped, the intention of the words and the vehement look in his eyes making it seem like it was more than just a song - it was a statement, a confession. Breath seized in your rib cage, your bottom lip trapped between your teeth to stop you from asking more.
Shit, you were ready to risk it all for Kim Taehyung.
Before you could say anything further, he growls out the final lines of the song, the sultriness of his voice causing electricity to race down your spine as he holds out the final note. The music finishes, and his chest is heaving with the effort of his seduction, eyes sparkling with pride.
The entire booth erupts into boisterous claps and cheers, several of the guys standing in ovation causing Taehyung to chuckle nervously, the switch seemingly flipped once more.
He slides off your lap, panting as he moves to pour himself some water, leaving you to gape at him fully. His dark curled locks are dampened with sweat, and despite the easy grin on his face you could clearly still see the fire burning deep in his gaze.
“What the hell, Tae! Where did that come from?” you shout, though a smile was already on your face. “You gotta warn a bitch first, damn. I think I’m sweating,” 
Hoseok moves to stand beside him, slapping a hand onto the younger’s shoulder. “Yeah man, I mean she’s probably dripping everywhere by now.” 
You shriek in indignation, punctuating the sentiment with a lime wedge beamed directly at Hoseok’s over-sized skull.
“Hey, don’t attack me! What, do you need us to get you a pad?”
“Sincerely fuck you, Hobi.”
While the others continue to congratulate Taehyung for his one man show, you suck down the rest of your drink, moving to stand. Your knees wobble, and you’re unsure what affected you more - all the booze you drank, or him. Damn, you need a moment.  Slinking toward the exit, you search for the bathroom,  relief washing over you as you spot it down the hallway. 
You’re about to grab for the handle when lithe fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you to turn around before your back is pressed to the cool wall of the club. You hiss at the contact, eyes blazing as they take in the culprit - Taehyung. 
He smooths his hands up your arms until each palm is flat against the wall on either side of your head, effectively trapping you in place. His pupils are brimming with depth-less lust though the smile on his face is sweet, the clash making your head swim. 
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you back there,” he murmurs, eyes searching your own. “But it was the perfect chance, and I had to act on it. I couldn’t just sit back and wait any longer, Y/N.” 
“Wait any longer for what? I’m not sure if I’m following-”
“Wait any longer to tell you how I feel about you. Wait any longer to do this.”
You weren’t expecting for his mouth to press against yours, but your lips moved automatically, parting and sighing to accommodate him. His body soon followed, relaxing against your form as his hands moved to cup your jaw. You groaned at the feeling of him, your fingers wrapping around the base of his neck to tangle into his hair. 
Feeling him like this only makes you want more, tongue moving to lick at the seams of his pout before he was sliding his own in kind. He groaned when they met in the middle, the sound causing arousal to pool rapidly low in your gut. Dragging his teeth against your lower lip, he gave you a nibble before pulling away, forehead pressed to yours.
“Does this mean you like me too?” he questions breathlessly, small smile on his face. 
“I’ve always liked you, Tae,” you whisper, turning his head so you could suck at the tender spot under his jaw, his answering whine encouraging your ministrations. “I liked you when we were friends, and I think I like you a bit more after that display.” 
He chuckles lowly, digits sinking into your hair only to pull you back to meet his gaze. “When we were friends? What, are we not friends anymore?”
“Well, not just friends, I hope….” you purr, leaning forward to press your mouth against his swollen bottom lip. “Friends don’t know the way you taste, do they?” 
A groan of your name is his only response before he’s back on you, licking into your mouth with such fervor your knees start to shake. His tongue is relentless, seeking to savor you fully before moving to taste the skin of your neck, your collarbone, the top of your breast. Falling into the lure of Taehyung was all too easy - almost enough to have you forgetting that you were in some stale bar’s dim hallway. 
Grabbing his shoulders, you spin until you have effectively switched places, Taehyung’s tall form now pressed against the wall as you nibble at the exposed skin of his chest. “I think you deserve a performance of your own, don’t you think?” you sigh, eyes inspecting his own, awaiting his approval. 
“I think I’m one lucky bastard who would be a fool to say no to someone as amazing as you,”
The blatant affection in his voice makes you freeze, your throat tightening with every hopeful squeeze of your heart. You were trying to convince him to let you suck him off in the karaoke bar bathroom, and he had to go and say sweet shit like that? 
Shaking your head, you giggle at the sentiment. “You’re too good to me, Tae,” you hum, hands gripping his biceps to drag him towards you, legs propelling you back until you feel the door give way, the light to the restroom automatically clicking on. 
A victorious grin quirks at your lips when you see the private bathroom empty, and a quick flick of your wrist has the door locked just as Taehyung envelopes you into his chest. 
His kisses only intensify, lips undressing you until you were soft and wet and pliant, grasping for anything you could to ground you to him. You make quick work of several more of his buttons until you could nip and bite at his chest unrestricted, your hand fumbling with his belt. 
A low, throaty moan echoed as you grasp his length, freeing him from his trousers enough that you were able to feel him completely in your palm. His cock was just as beautiful as he was, long and thick and dripping with precum, and the thought of having it in your mouth had a rush of arousal flood between your thighs. 
You wince when your knees hit the cool tile, though the promise of tasting him numbed any senses but the ones attuned to him. You thumb at his leaking head softly, his groans edging you near until you could smell his excitement, breath ghosting hot on his cock. Mouth falling open, you slide forward until his hardness was resting on the bed of your tongue, your lips closing to give the tip gentle sucks.
“Fuck, love.  You don’t have to do this, you know, we can-”
Swirling your tongue, you push further, hollowing your cheeks to take him deep into your mouth until he was kissing the back of your throat, your nose nestled into the coarse hairs against his pelvis. His size already had your jaw aching, but the way he groaned your name made it worth the discomfort, and you glide back until only the head remained.
Letting him fall out with a lewd pop, you lick a wide strip up the side of his cock, peering up at him through your lashes. 
“Do you want me to stop?”
“God, please don’t.” 
The words were barely out of his mouth before you moved yours back over his length, taking him as deep as you can each time, relishing the way he stretched your throat. You couldn’t stop imagining how he’d feel inside you, how intense and satisfying the initial burn would be when he was fully sheathed in your aching cunt - how much sweeter your orgasm would feel because it was caused by his cock, caused by him.
His dulcet whines and soft moans were the only sounds besides the wet slide of your mouth, and hearing him sound so desperate for you had you mewling against him, your fingers itching to press against your throbbing clit. 
“You’re taking me so good, love. Feel so fucking amazing  wrapped around my cock,” he hissed, a hand lowering to tangle into the tresses at your crown, guiding you gently. “Such a good girl for me. I’m going to make you come so fucking hard when we get home,”  
His hips started thrusting to meet your movements, the slides becoming sloppy as he got close to his peak. “With my fingers, my  mouth, my cock. I’m going to have you coming so much you’re going to have to beg me to stop.” 
The naughtiness of his words had you moaning around him, the vibrations causing him to let out a cry of your name. You’re sure your panties are ruined at this point, the tops of your thighs sticky with arousal, and as much as you want to touch yourself, you wanted to fall apart under Taehyung even more. 
Pulling off to let air return to your lungs, you glide over him with your fist, urging him to let go. “Come for me, Tae. Let me taste you,” you rasp, before sinking your mouth down him once more. 
“God, you’re so fucking perfect. You gonna swallow me, love?” he breathes, both hands coming to wrap deep in your hair as he continues his pumping, lust filled gaze boring into your own. You nod as you blink up at him, your lips swollen with abuse.
“Fuck, that’s it.. So good, love, I-I’m coming-” 
You still as he tugs at your locks, holding you in place as he thrusts his length deep in your mouth, the warmth of his release coating your raw throat. Swallowing, you allow him several stutters of his hips before he pulls away, hands smoothing to cup your face. 
“Holy hell, Y/N, that was…. Are you okay?” Worry etches his brow as he reaches out for you, taking in your messy appearance - saliva mixed with come dripping from the corners of your lips, black mascara trails smudging the edges of your cheeks. You’re gasping for air, but you couldn’t help the satisfied smile as you took his hands, allowing him to raise you to your feet. 
“Seeing you fall apart was one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed, Tae. I’m more than okay, trust me.” 
He blushes at your words, and the irony that the complement made him more shy than when he was ramming his dick down your throat not lost on you.  
He tucks himself back into his pants before adjusting your clothes as well,  delicate thumbs rising to wipe away the remnants of your shared tryst off your face before giving you a chaste kiss. 
“So, does that mean… you’ll go out with me?” he questions hopefully, giddy anticipation in his eyes. You weren’t sure if you would ever get used to the rapid switch of power Taehyung wields between sweet and sin, not that you were complaining. 
“Yes, Tae. I’ll go out with you,” you grin, the brightness of his smile infectious. “Plus, I seem to recall someone promising to make me come so much that I’ll be begging them to stop…” you trail off, mischief evident in your teasing glance.
Throwing back his head with a honeyed laugh, he pushes open the door, arm gesturing out to the empty hall before him. “Ah, yes - I believe you are correct. After you, milady,”
Groaning, you slap his chest as you walk past. “Say that again and I’ll go home with Seokjin.”
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Sex + Misc for Isolde/Joseph <3
bby!!! ilysm thank u for showing an interest in my girl (ಥ﹏ಥ) it was so fun filling this out, i hope you enjoy it! ✿ ✿
ultimate otp meme
who is on top? - this swaps often; sometimes isolde wants to be in charge, and sometimes she wants joseph to be in charge, and tbh either way is sexy so joseph doesn’t complain that much. 
who is the one to instigate things? - almost always it’s isolde. joseph is very touchy--lots of face cradling, fleeting kisses, neck touches, etc--but isolde’s always the one who decides when she wants to do things, which is perfectly fine as far as joseph is concerned. besides, he likes that she has to come out and say that she wants him.
how healthy is their sex life? - barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | they are humping each other on the couch right now | joseph and isolde are constantly touching each other, partially because they want to and partially because isolde loves making john wanna puke
how kinky are they? - straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head 
how long do they normally last? - isolde is fairly insatiable when it comes to joseph, even if she could make an olympic sport out of being withholding. so the round time varies, but there’s a pretty signifncant amount of rounds.
do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - 1000000%, i mean c’mon. isolde would never let a man walk away without making it a fair playing ground.
how rough are they in bed? - softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make dwayne johnson blush. also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. | they’ve got filthy mouths but a lot of it is spent worshipping each other. isolde runs her mouth but she’s definitely a lover, not a scrapper.
how much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - no touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | a little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | they snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory and it’s very annoying ! !
who takes the longer showers/baths? - joseph, isolde is a power-showerer. she rarely takes a bath (“bathe in my own filth? no thank you”) and will spend a maximum of 15 minutes in the shower on a good day. joseph doesn’t mind baths/taking his time, so you can imagine every time he suggests they shower together, isolde goes “no thanks”.
who takes the dog out for a walk? - isolde is more of a cat person (or a snake person), but if they ever got a dog it would be a giganto fluffy retriever and it would definitely be joseph taking it on walks. isolde might accompany him, sometimes, if he asks nicely and bribes her.
how often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - they would almost never decorate were it not for isolde’s incessant need to have her house be the prettiest house on the block. so, uh, every holiday is diligently decked out to the nines.
what are their goals for the relationship? - no-cult-au has joseph and isolde just wanting to be around each other. her ex-husband is such a fuckhead that joseph doesn’t mind spending the rest of his life just really fucking loving her. into the events of far cry 5, i would definitely say that joseph wants isolde to take on a more madonna-like role, even though she’s got nary a single motherly bone in her fucking body.
who is most likely to sleep till noon? - joseph. isolde is up at 5am every single fucking day, regardless of her schedule. home boy hates it.
who plays the most pranks? - isolde. lmaooooo the idea of joseph playing a prank on isolde........ he’s so much smarter than that. he would get murdered. that is to say, he won’t play a direct hand in it, but maybe.... if john asked, he might know isolde’s exact schedule.
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shari-berri · 4 years
BNHA Names, But Google Translate Part 1
Here’s how this is gonna go, I’m using the translations from @arwainian
Using those, I will use correct kanji and spell out the entire name, but input what Google Translate thinks the name is.
This is the format:
Official Translation
Google’s Translation
Introducing: Their new name!
This will have the put together translation from individual parts, and the whole name; last name then first name. When I say the English way or reverse way, it is translated first name then last name
Let’s go!
Yuuga Aoyama:
Yū- excellent
Ga- elegant
Ao- Blue
Yama- mountain
Yūga- Elegance
Aoyama- Aoyama
Introducing: Aoyama elegance (mon ami!) reverse is just as French, Grace Aoyama
Mina Ashido:
Mi- three
Na- hell (ALIEN QUEEN?!)
Ashi- reed
Do- door
Mi- three
Na- Nana (Shimura???)
Ashi- Ashi
Do- door
Mina- All
Ashido- Acid
Tsuyu Asui:
Tsu- plum
Yu- rain
Tsuyu- rainy season
A- frog
Sui- to blow on a wind instrument
Tsu- plum
Yu- rain
Tsuyu- rainy season
Sui- blow
Introducing: Frog rainy season. The reverse is the better one, rainy season frog blow!
Tenya Iida-
Ten- heaven
Ya- How! What! Alas!
I- cooked rice
Da- Rice Field
Ten- heaven
Ya- ya
I- food
Da- Rice Field
Introducing: Tenya Iida...boring!
Ochako Uraraka:
O- no translation (kana)
Cha- tea
Ko- child
Ochako- tea ceremony
Uraraka- beautiful/lovely
Ka- day
Uraraka- glorious spring day
O- Oh (oh oh oh Riley!)
Cha- tea
Ko- child
Ochako- Ochako (tea ceremony? Nope)
Uraraka- beautiful
Ka- day
Uraraka- beautiful day (no glorious spring day, just a beautiful day)
Introducing: Tea ceremony (there it is! You gotta put it all together! Thanks google translate!) reverse is Rei Ochako... Mrs. Todoroki?!
Mashirao Ojiro:
Mashi- monkey (I know everything I need to know about you!)
Rao- man
O- tail
Jiro- white
Mashi- monkey
Rao- husband
O- tail
Jiro- white
Introducing: Monkey husband Ojiro (Oshiro Saruo)???? Reverse is monkey husband white?? Specifically white colored monkey as a husband?
Denki Kaminari:
Den- electricity
Ki- Spirit
Denki- electrical
Kami- upper part
Nari- to ring
Kaminari- thunder
Den- electric
Ki- Qi (???)
Kami- up
Nari- ringing
Denki- electricity
Kaminari- sounding
Introducing: Kaminaru Electric ⚡️ zap zap (reverse way is electric ringing, that’s what happens when he fries his brain)
Eijiro Kirishima:
Ei- sharp
Ji- newborn
Rō- son
Kiri- to cut
Shima- island
Ei- sharp
Ji- child
Rō- Shiro
Kiri- off (that bitch I cut her off!)
Shima- island
Eijiro- sharp child
Kirishima- Kirishima
Introducing- Kirishima Keijiro??? Nah, I like sharp child Kirishima. Ok, English way of first then last name becomes Sharp Jiro Kirishima, Jiro???
Kouji Koda:
Kō- armor
Ji- to rule
Kō- mouth
Da- Rice Field (why so many rice fields?!)
Kō- former
Ji- Tsukasa (wut...)
Kō- mouth
Da- rice field
Kouji- Koji
Koda- Kuchida (?)
Introducing: Koji Kuda (Kuuuuuuudaaaaa)
Rikidou Satou:
Riki- power/ strength
Dō- path
Sa- sand
Tō- wisteria (oooooooh)
Riki- power
Dō- road
Sa- sand
Tō- wisteria
Rikidou- Rikido
Satou- sand wisteria
Introducing: Rikido Sato (boooooo!! I want Rikido Sand Wisteria!)
Mezou Shoji (My underrated beautiful octopus boi)
Me- eyeball
Zō- storehouse (eyeball storehouse????)
Mezō- a storehouse of eyeballs (that doesn’t make it any better...)
Shō- to harm
Ji- child
Shōji- Japanese sliding door
Me- eye 👁
Zō- warehouse (great, eyeball warehouse! It went from just holding them to holding massive amounts)
Shō- obstacle
Ji- child
Introducing: Shoji eyes 👀 he sees all! He knows all!
Kyouka Jirou:
Kyō- reverberation m
Ka- fragrance
Ji- eat
Rō- son
Kyō- Sound
Ka- incense
Ji- ear
Rō- Shiro
Kyōka- Hibiki (right...)
Jirou- ear
Introducing: Oro Kyoka? (If you write it as first then last name, it becomes Kyoka Earo)
Hanta Sero (underrated triangle smile son)
Han- example
Se- rapids
Ro- spine
Ta- thick
Se- current
Ro- lu
Hanta- Bunta
Sero- Sero
Introducing: Norita Sero?? Reverse is Bunta Sero
Umm, okie
Fumikage Tokoyami (emo birb bby)
Fumi- to walk through
Kage- shadow
Fumikage- to walk through shadow
Toko- everlasting
Yami- darkness
Tokoyami- everlasting darkness 😭
Fumi- stepping on
Kage- shadow
Fumikage- yin (the black side of yin and yang!)
Toko- always
Yami- darkness
Tokoyami- darkness
Introducing: always darkness shadow
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authenticaussie · 7 years
A (lol) N O Q R pls for that ask meme
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. 
(slowly looks to the 65k fic I have sitting in google docs for marco/ace/sabo, tears dripping down my cheeks. slowly looks into the camera like im on The Office but also in Hell).
ALL SERIOUSNESS THO lol I love mas!!! super loads!!! any iteration (like marco/ace or sabo/ace or sabo/marco makes me s O HAPPY OH GOD) But I also rlly still like zolu and I love seein’ Nami and like a n y lady basically oh god it’s so good she’s so Beautiful I love her //my beautiful lesbian daughter 
and I love batfam stuff and I love!!!!!!!! danny phantom/fenton and tucker and sam doin their thing and bein’ bros and kicking butt like they had such a good dynamic in the old cartoons and then sUPERMAN AND BRAINIAC FIVE HAS LED ME DOWN A DARK RABBIT HOLE W O W BRAINY WAS GAY AF 
KORRASAMI MY DARLING BADASS WONDERFUL W O N D E R F U L GIRLS I LOVE KORRA SO MUCH!!!! AND I LOVE KORRA AND BOLIN I FEEL LIKE THEY’RE VERY HERCULES/PEGASUS??? WHERE LIKE SOMETIMES TO SAY HELLO THEY L I T E R A L L Y BUMP HEADS AND BOLIN STARTS LAUGHING AND KORRA’S GRINNING LIKE A DUMBASS. al  SO i didnt even REALISE i fucking SHIPPED THIS but !!!!!!!!! boa hancock and Koala is hOLY FUCK CUTE??? and so is Robin and Koala???????????/ omg?????????????/// and frobin!!!!!!!! the married couple of my heart!!!!!!! 
Look Okay I’ll ship a n y t h i n g you put in front of me
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
AUTISTIC CHARAS 4 LYFE!!!!!!!! Like just in general I want more autistic hcs lol I love them??? and I mean in op theyre sooooo good!!!!! Luffy is like!!! poster child man….Poster Child. 
And then i’d love to see more……. like??? in OP there’s not a lot of slow build that doesnt revolve around “oh this chara is attractive” etc. as like. the basis for their interactions??? and it’s killer for the kind of Super Gross fics where “i know you want it” ends up coming up pre frequently/is used as justification for things :T It’s changed!!! recently!!! which is Super Nice I’m so into that, but there are still some that are pretty highly reviewed that are Super Iffy ;n; So like, more relationships built on friendships w/o attractiveness factoring into it (immediately) I guess??? I mean lol my ace ass wouldn’t mind if it Never came in but!!!!! I’ve read some super good fics (like the Lancelot ((Hamilton)) series) that have done it in a relatively subtle / well incorporated way? So idk. Just. More subtly?? I suppose?? Or played off for humour rather than lust? That’s fun I think. 
more mas / polyamoury ofc ///fingerguns
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
As picked by my roommate : This is War by 30secondstoMars!!! 
And………………..like Everyone from FMA : Brotherhood ???? Like Man these Poor Kids 
(on another, more fun note, Roy & Everybody Loves Me will forever be intrinsically linked in my head bc of this perfect amv)
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I Never Abandon!
Lol nah uhhh I used to be into naruto!!! I wrote a super popular fic (by my bby standards at least, tho now i look back at it, im still like Woah that was Pretty Good Nari) but I got Friends and stopped writing for a while bc i didn’t know how to friend + school + fic at the same time. So I just never went back!! Apart from that tho I don’t think ive….really abandoned any fandoms????
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
////lies down and clutches at my heart, sobbing quietly
Look it’s Probably MAS bc gOD theyre my DARLINGS but platonic is Zoro+chopper and wHITEBEARD????????/ AND HIS SONS???????/ GOD I LOVE WHITEBEARD??????? WHEN PPL DON’T WRITE WB AS The Best Dad I GET SO SAD??? Whitebeard is so good sobs
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Dearest Little Brother Narinder
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Alt version below
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You don’t understand how much fun I had with this
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