#bc even in awakening he was a piece of shit
scatmaan · 1 year
i act so over the da fandom and like im a casual fan now but then i see a//nders mentioned in any context and im thrust back into toxic mode
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earthtooz · 1 year
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x : SAY YES TO ME :*+゚
in which: itoshi rin tastes like grape soju, temptation, and adoration, all in one.
warnings: -16 DNI, 2k words, gn!reader, jealous!rin, ANGST but with happy ending, making out, alcohol, reader and rin are in their 20s, party setting, slightly toxic dynamic but it's bc rin's emotionally constipated, swearing.
a/n: thank u @scarahearts for sitting with me through this abomination from 0 to 2000, i started at midnight <33 it is now... we don't speak abt it. don't be like me. anyways, rblgs appreciated and enjoy!!
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itoshi rin is seething.
standing in the corner of the dingy, overrated house party, rin overlooks the partygoers with an expression of distaste whilst nursing a bottle of grape soju. it’s hot, he’s sweaty, and all rin wants to do is leave- but he can’t, because you’re here. 
but you’re talking to some random who should be him, and what’s worse is that said random is far too close to you for his liking.
rin can sense their underlying motivations. knows that because of how they’re looking at you, they want you all to themselves. knows that the way they run their hand through their hair is an attempt of trying to lure you in. knows that the many unnecessary, fleeting touches was to hint towards turning this into something more- rin doesn’t even want to think about it.
“hey, rin!” a voice yells from beside him, bypassing the thumping music. isagi materialises beside him, red solo cup in hand. “are you enjoying the party?”
“fuck off, isagi,” the dark-haired murmurs harshly, not even sparing his fellow soccer player a glance. isagi, who was about to refute rin with a confused exclamation, shuts his mouth and notices the intensity of rin’s glare. 
following his gaze leads to where you stand and through the wild strobe and disco lights, isagi spots your figure and someone else beside you- someone he doesn’t know. putting two and two together (his specialty), isagi works out whatever is wrong with rin rather quickly.
“when will you say something about your feelings for y/n?” he asks. 
rin pretends not to hear him because he wishes he didn’t.
“you’re a fucking idiot, rin, you know that?” 
isagi hides his smile of amusement, biting the inside of his cheek. “i said it. are you seriously going to stand here and be miserable over someone talking to y/n when you’ve had so many chances?”
“what are you talking about, dumbass.”
“sure. call me the dumbass, at least i don’t pretend like i don’t care about someone i like.”
rin finally breaks his gaze from you, whipping his head to look at isagi with an offended glare. “huh?”
“you heard me. what are you scared of?” 
the younger out of the two pauses, staring emotionlessly at isagi before scoffing, taking a quick sip from the bottle in his hand and wiping the corner of his lips. “you wouldn’t get it.”
“get what? y/n is into you too, you have made out before on several occasions, so what are you so scared of?” 
rin is silent once again as his thoughts diverge to you- to everything about you that rin has committed to memory and his heart stutters at the mere intervention. even now, in the most pathetic party he’s ever attended, he can’t help but want you.
in fact, here he wants you even more, but isagi doesn’t need to know that.
“leave me alone, fuckhead.”
isagi frowns, knowing that this conversation was not going to go anywhere. if rin is immovable when sober, then it’ll be impossible to change his mind drunk.
“fine,” he huffs. “don’t cry to me about it when y/n finds someone else when that could have been you.”
his words hit a nerve and rin almost drops the bottle in his hands. the dark-haired awakens with a sudden urgency that was previously dormant, suddenly overcome with fear and dread at the idea that isagi has planted within his head.
stupid isagi. fuck that piece of shit. rin hopes he trips and twists his ankle so-
you’re looking at him, and fuck, suddenly he’s away from the corner and standing right in front of you and he doesn’t know what to do. the random looks at him with a repulsive look, clearly unhappy with the sudden intervention, however, there’s no time to think about them when you’re right in front of him, looking at him so concerned and curious.
you’re so gorgeous, it’s unfair. 
“what’s the matter?” you ask. rin hears you over the reverberating bass, it’s easy to when all he’s thinking about is you.
“got a problem?” the stranger parrots, puffing out their chest like some peacock. rin thinks they look stupid.
glancing back at you, he simply mutters a ‘need you’ that you don’t even hear, before grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of your seat. apart from a few sputters of surprise, there’s no complaint or resistance as he expertly navigates through the halls as if it were his property.
weaving past dozens of partygoers, your mind races in synchronisation with the wild beating of your heart; the only thing grounding you to reality was the firmness of rin’s grip.
when he, somehow, finds an empty hallway that’s secluded from where the majority of people are, he turns around to give you a frazzled look that is swimming with determination. 
then, his hands grab your face to pull you in. 
all of a sudden, his lips are on yours and all you know is him, him, him. rin is moving like he’s done this before- because he has. he has traced the expanse of your body and lips several times before in scenarios just like this, kissing you breathless with dizzying passion and unparalleled desire. he tastes like grape soju and your greatest mistake. 
it’s easy to melt into him, especially when he’s slotting himself against you so perfectly with one hand holding the back of your head and the other on your hip as he carefully leads you backwards. your back hits the cold wall, shielded by his hands, and the hiss of surprise you let out is inhaled by him.
recovering quickly, your arms snake up to wrap around his neck, eliminating any space between the two of you to mould yourselves into one- even if it was just for the night. 
rin parts, heavy pants fanning on your skin as he proceeds to trail kisses along your jawline. he presses his lips so tenderly against your vulnerable skin, a stark contrast to the burning fervour of his previous kiss. 
you wonder when you will stop falling victim to his siren call. 
this was the first time he’s ‘spoken’ to you since you walked in to the party, having ignored your smile and wave of greeting from across the room despite very clearly meeting your eyes. the soccer player in your arms even had the gall to turn around and walk away as if you were some nobody, retreating into the kitchen. his indifference stings and yet, whenever he pulls a stunt like this, you welcome it every time.
when will you finally be able to push him away?
noticing the way you’ve stilled in his grasp, rin pauses and takes his head out of your neck, looking up at you.
“what’s the matter?” he breathes, voice quiet and raspy. 
you push at his shoulder lightly and he loosens his hold, just a little. “we shouldn’t do this,” you murmur, avoiding his teal eyes. 
he flinches like your words burned him. no- you shouldn’t give yourself too much credit, you could never have that much impact on itoshi rin, not like the one he’s had on you.
readjusting yourself, you try to gently coax yourself out of his hold.
“what do you mean?” he questions.
you can’t breathe under the pressure that rin naturally exudes, coupled with the uncontrollable and uncomfortable racing of your heart, it’s almost impossible to breathe. “i mean,” you continue, “that i can’t do this. not with you, not tonight.” 
the dark-haired blinks once, twice, thrice, suddenly filled with a bout of sadness looking at your dejected stance. “y/n?”
“i can’t do this,” you echo, slowly, but surely, distancing yourself away from rin; from the man who has claimed your heart almost a year ago, from the man who has made you feel magical and unreal and disheartened and defeated, all at the same time.
“i like you too much for this to just continue on every time,” you ramble, running a hand down your face. “i can’t be used like this anymore. you know how i feel about you, rin, i know you do, and yet you do this every time.” your voice cracks. “so i’d appreciate it if you just left me alone.”
somehow, rin finds his arms empty and you’re now walking away, back turned to him and hunched, as if protecting your heart from further destruction at his hands. seeing you so uncharacteristically fragile and unlike the you he knows is a punch to the stomach, and the idea of breaking you makes him feel even worse. 
“wait- y/n, please,” he calls, catching up with a few, effortless strides. the soccer player reaches for your shoulder only to have you brush him off. “where are you going?”
you don’t answer.
“what do you mean ‘this’, what do i do every time?”
you turn around to face him. “you go from caring about me to ignoring me to then pulling stunts like this- i’m sick of it, itoshi!” your tone is accusatory and angry. rin gulps. “then you make me question whether or not you like me too, sometimes it feels like you do, then other times it feels like i’m the least important person to you in the world- what is up with that? i’ve had enough!”
the soccer player opens his mouth, hesitating, before shutting it again, unclenching his jaw and fists.
“i do like you,” the dark-haired murmurs after a moment of collecting his thoughts. he feels awkward; so out of place with confronting his emotions and problems like this. “i don’t want anyone but you.” 
rin’s voice wavers towards the end of his sentence. with the harsh house lights illuminating all of him, he feels even more exposed under your gaze. 
you cross your arms. “sure doesn’t feel like it.” 
he’s silent and it’s devastating how impassive he is, especially in the aftermath of your little outburst.
“whatever,” you huff. “i’m going home.”
“wait- don’t go,” rin pleads, voice echoing around the halls and he cringes at the deafening silence that follows. “i’m sorry. i’ve been… selfish.”
your eyes widen slightly. rin? apologising? acknowledging his faults? 
he recalls seeing you with the stranger and all the fury he felt during that moment. what right did he have to simply grab you and pull you with him? what right did he have to drag you away like you were his? “i shouldn’t- i shouldn’t have- i’m sorry, i had no right to do what i did, you’re not mine, but i want you- i really do and-”
“-then why aren’t you acting on it? you know how i feel yet nothing happens- why won’t you say yes to me?”
tentatively and hesitantly, rin takes a few steps towards you, opening his arms. you fall right into him, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace and the scent of his cologne. 
you sigh. “i’m tired, rin.”
“i know, i’m sorry,” he rubs circles on your back. tests his luck by pressing a chaste kiss to your head. “another chance. don’t give up on me yet. please.” he whispers the last word as if it were a delicate promise- as if one wrong move could break you.
“i won’t.” you take your head out of his chest, looking at him with glossy eyes. “but this is definitely the last chance.”
“can you kiss me. please?” 
a small smile dances along rin’s expression and he nods before slowly leaning down, giving you enough time to push him away if you so pleased, but you don’t. instead, you let him press his lips against yours once more.
this time, it’s more gentle and slow. he tastes like love and hope with a dash of grape soju.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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brighttears · 10 months
Joel Miller x f!reader
no physical description, no use of y/n
Summary: you and Joel rest in bed in the QZ. 
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: very brief mentions of violence, pet names (baby girl, darling)
A/n: put some pieces and parts together… lets get some teeth rotting sweetness up in heeyuuu. wrote this to the lullaby version of where is my mind btw. (also the only reason this is f! is bc of babygirl)
The QZ near midnight is silent. With the window closed, it’s almost as if you’re not even there at all. All there is is you and Joel, the bed you lay on, and the golden bedside light, gifting you the sight of him leaned above you, your shoulder resting against his bicep with your legs tangled. 
You watch your hands move like ocean waves, knitting your fingers, slipping your palms around his hand, his fingertips over your knuckles, thumb brushing up and down the side of your hand, kneading your palm, you dragging your fingertips from his own to the heel. With the rest of the world quiet, a string hooking your minds together allows you to just listen to the silent melody of each other. The bedside lamp ignites Joel’s skin in a golden glow, dark eyes awakened into the richness of their brown. 
“I wish the world would just stop right now.” You whisper. 
“Me too.” 
“I don’t want to have anything to do with anything else.”
“Me neither.” Joel mumbles, closing his eyes as he brings your hand to his lips, letting your palm rest in his as he plants small kisses along your knuckles. When he opens his eyes, he raises your hands to pet his cheek with the back of your hand. You watch his eyelashes, then trail your gaze to the empty veins of crow's feet, down to the little silver heart by the corner of his mouth, then along his lips, slightly pouted in their relaxation, back up to the scar hiding in his hairline. 
“What’chu thinkin’ about?” Joel mumbles, shifting your palms back together and lazily twining your fingers. 
“Too much.” You smile lightly. 
“Wull, tell me. I like listenin’ t’you.”
You sigh a chuckle, then turn your head to look out the window. It’s dark and still outside. Breathing in deeply, you flip your gaze back at Joel. Watching his wander around you, you have to catch back up with your trail of thought. 
“It’s a lot.” You chuckle lightly again. 
Letting his eyes continue to wander, Joel mumbles again, almost absentmindedly, “I wanna hear all of it.”
You take a deep breath before you begin, voice languidly quiet, “It’s just… you know, I’ve done so fucking much to… survive, lost so much, killed so much… et cetra, et cetra… to do what? Survive some more. Starve some more. Lose more. Yada yada yada yada.” You take a deep, contemplating breath before continuing, “I was just thinking… it never crossed my mind that I could do something more than losing. I never thought about making something. Someone. Something. ‘Creating a life with someone’, they used to say. So many phrases that sound like nonsense now.” You shake your head. “Anyways. I don’t know, it’s just like, there’s all this shit—garbage to sift through and sit in and just fucking rot in… but… I don’t know. It’s like…” you huff, losing confidence. When you glance up at him, his expression makes you stay, caught in his soft eyes, comforting ones that look right into you and settle in, eyes that look like home. They remind you that there’s nothing to be afraid of, that Joel cares and wants to know what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, what you want to say. “It’s like, we’ve made something. You know? I feel like we’ve made something. Even if it’s just… out of some crazy bullshit, I don’t know, out of some garbage, I guess.”
Joel pauses, then says, “‘Garbage’ isn’t the wrong word,” he smirks, eyes still with you, “but I… I feel like there’s somethin’ else to it. Like… yeah, I’d say it’s…” he shrugs, “pretty much all garbage, but there’s still… humanness to it,” he shakes his head, “I don’t know if that’s the right word. What I mean is, there’s still… love in the garbage. It’s more like… it’s part of the mess. You know?”
Joel has never been much of talker, always preferring to keep his thoughts locked inside, but in moments like this, when you’re simply suspended in a bubble, they flow out of him like gummy, pink blood, real and raw and beautiful. You can’t help a wide smile. 
“‘Part of the mess.’ Yeah, I like that.”
Joel smiles lightly. “So, yeah, you’re right. I just wanted to…” his voice down to a whisper, “I don’t know, I just thoughta that.”
“Yeah. I really like that, Joel.” You press your smile into his shoulder.
He continues and your eyes close on their own, like a spell cast by his warmth, “Yeah, I like that. ‘Part of the mess.’ I like bein’... part of the mess with you. I guess you make it seem more like a mess than just garbage. Yeah. I feel like we made somethin’. I didn’t think about it either until you said it. I feel it, though. I feel it.” Joel gently releases your hand, leaving it free in the air, and slivers his over your chest, resting on your collarbone. “I feel it.” The weight of his touch makes you sigh, pushing a deep, full breath from your lungs. 
“My baby girl.” Joel whispers, and you turn your head and open your eyes to meet his, half lidded, deeply relaxed, fully here. You reach your hand up to stroke your fingers along his beard, and he leans into your touch. 
All you do is look at each other for a while, simply beholding, before he slowly leans into your lips. 
The kiss is slow, sedated, earnest. Easy. 
It’s so easy to be with Joel, truly be. You never thought you would ever feel this way again, but laying here with him makes everything feel ok. No reason to run or hide, hurt or kill, fight or flight, nothing. You and Joel rest in your own cosmos, the only two beings in the universe, nothing else but being with each other. 
Pulling his lips away slowly, staying close enough that you both keep your eyes closed, the whisper he speaks in is almost only into your parted lips, “I would burn the whole world down for you.”
“You don’t have to.” You whisper back, “I don’t care about the world. Fuck the world. All there is is you and me. In this bed. In our empire.”
“Empire.” Joel chuckles breathily, and you can see his tilted smile even with your eyes closed. 
“You and me. King and queen of this bed.”
“The air is ours.” Joel smiles into your lips, smooching noisily and messily before parting the seam again. “Look at me, darlin’.”
You do, finding a curve between his brows. “What is it?”
“Nothin’. Just missed you.”
“I’m right here.” You let your mouth curve sluggishly, once again subdued in his gaze, hand landing in his soft hair. 
“I know. Missed you anyways.” 
“I’ll never leave.” You assure him quietly. 
“Me neither.” He says, quieter. 
“We can just stay here, in our messy, quiet empire.”
Joel smiles, then lets it go in a sigh, finding your hand with his again. “I love you.” 
Watching their slow dance, “I love you,” you reply.
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 20 - daddy kink
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kard 1.6k words female reader insert Reader x Matthew Kim (BM) NSFW
🖤 warnings: size difference, massive embarrassment, active destigmatizing of your local fave kinks, matthew has a big dick bc of course he does, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, i fucking love this man 🖤
🎂 happy matthew day~
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
"It was just a joke, right?"
Matthew glances over from the passenger's seat, lounging as comfortably as he can in your relatively small ride. He's so tall, he has the seat slid back as far as possible, which is why he doesn't drive your car, like, ever. Mess up your mirrors and everything.
"What?" he asks.
"A joke. What you said, at Ashley's house."
"What part?"
You frown at the road. You'd thought that it would be less embarrassing to ask him about this while you're busy, so you don't have to look at him and face it head-on, but he's still pushing your buttons.
"The part when I wanted another drink and you got up to get it and you said..."
Matthew is looking at you, calm and expectant behind his sunglasses, but you can't even say it. Your stomach twists, and you don't think it's in a bad way, which makes all of this even worse. An awakening of this kind isn't supposed to happen at your boyfriend's college friend's house during a baseball game kickback.
"Daddy's got it?" Matthew finishes, with the worst shit-eating grin.
Yes. That.
You're white-knuckling the steering wheel at this point.
"Yeah, baby, I was joking," he says.
That's that, then. He was joking, which means you should absolutely try to forget the way that you'd reacted when he said it.
Which was embarrassing, but it was also...something. You're a grown adult, you've had your share of experiences, heard and seen your share of lewd and suggestive things. But nothing that you can recall has floored you so instantly, so completely, so unexpectedly, as Matthew casually using that nickname to refer to himself.
It was a dropped-jaw, blank-head kind of moment. He's got dudebro energy, and he's the smallest bit protective, but mostly Matthew is polite and thoughtful and mild-mannered. So this...
"That really stuck with you, huh?" he says.
"Not really," you lie.
Matthew hums, clearly disbelieving. "I dunno, you wouldn't've said anything if it was no big."
"It just surprised me."
Worst of all is the way it surprised no one else. Ashley, sitting right in the next chair, didn't even blink, and you're absolutely sure she heard it. Joan just rolled her eyes, and Somin's sharp gaze stayed on the TV.
You, however. Your stomach dropped. And a little farther south, well...
"Y'know what I think?"
You're in for it now. "What?"
"I think you liked it, a lil bit."
Or a lot.
You manage to escape answering as you pull into the parking lot of your building, and navigate the tight parking spots. But once the car doors are locked and Matthew is following you into the elevator up to your unit, he starts in again.
He's tall, and broad, and he's using it to his advantage, leaning over you against the wall of the elevator, caging you in.
"Well?" you repeat.
"Didn't answer me."
You grin up at him. "I forget the question."
"Brat," he says fondly, and oh no. "Did you like it?"
"I mean. Maybe?"
"Whatchu mean, maybe?"
You shrug as best you can against the wall. "Just maybe. You really surprised me."
"So you wouldn't be mad if I keep doing it, huh?"
You should know better than to try to play cool with him. The elevator reaches your floor, and you dart under his arm and out the door. Running away is useless, all some kind of game, but you're flustered, and you need a second to think about this.
He keeps talking his way down the hall behind you. "Cuz, like, I think it's kinda hot."
"Oh?" you murmur, unlocking the apartment door.
"Yeah, y'know." He raises his eyebrows, wags them. "Daddy."
Goddamnit, he said it again.
Your shoes and jacket get way more attention than they need, as you put them away and try not to immediately fall to pieces at the idea that Matthew wants you to call him daddy and you are completely on board, who are you, what's happening-
"Wouldn't mind that," he says.
"You..." you falter. "You want me...I mean, I could..."
There are two completely equal and opposite factions of your brain fighting it out, right now: one that wants to shut this down and forget it ever happened lest you die of embarrassment, and one that's already decided this is the best day of your life.
Matthew doesn't reply to that. Not with words, anyway.
He heads for your room, as you fuss with the way your jacket hangs, sending you a grin and a wave.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
His answer has your stomach dropping. "Come with Daddy and you'll find out."
This is happening, isn't it?
Your bedroom door clicks shut, and you're left standing in the living room like some kind of idiot. An idiot, because your super hot boyfriend is in there with a sexy new game to play, and you're out here fixing the cuffs and buttons on your jacket.
It would be equally as embarrassing as everything else tonight to admit that you're running to the bedroom, but you're running to the bedroom.
Inside, Matthew is lounging on your bed, changed and cozy and topless. His jeans swapped out for the spare sweats he keeps here, his usual hat and sunglasses discarded, his rib tattoo on display, he looks comfortable and mouth-wateringly good.
"Hey," he says.
He's scrolling on his phone, but he smiles as you come in and shut the door behind you.
"I'm gonna get changed," you say.
"Gonna admit you wanna play, too?" Matthew asks.
That smile has turned playful, his tongue between his teeth.
"Oh, yeah?"
You return your top to the closet carefully, undressing piecemeal and buying yourself as much time as you can. "Yeah."
"Then come to Daddy."
It's instantaneous, the way you absolutely throb at his words. Butterflies in your stomach, you suspect that your panties are going to be in quite the state when you finally get down to them.
"You can't just say things like that!" you complain.
"Why not?"
"It's embarrassing."
"How's it embarrassing?" he asks, arms crossed behind his head up against the headboard. "You like it, I like it, let's go."
"It just is."
"You're makin' things hard for yourself. Don't be so high-strung, baby."
Dressed again in an oversized pajama shirt and undies - you were correct, they're soaked, and you're doomed - there's no choice but to join Matthew on the bed. He opens his arms to you, but as you go to settle yourself into his side, he redirects you onto his lap, instead. It's still secure, still nice, but much more confrontational, as he winds his arms around your waist and makes you look at him.
"Ain't it more fun to just admit you wanna try something?" he asks.
"I guess." You hate when he's right.
"Say it," he teases.
"Say what?"
"It," you repeat.
He squeezes your sides under his hands. "Not what I meant."
You know what he meant, but you're not about to just...say it.
Matthew doesn't seem to mind your hesitation, though, because he just kisses you. Hot, and dirty, tongue at the seam of your lips, holding you fast against his lap, taking his sweet time with it.
"I getcha," he says. "It needs to be natural, right, baby? You gotta wanna say it."
He's right about this too, you realize, as you consider it. But you do want to. You're embarrassed, yes, but the bone-deep feeling of want is there. This is something you want.
You just put your t-shirt on, but he's got it off you again in an instant. Easy come, easy go.
"I can feel you, y'know," Matthew murmurs.
You know what he means, but he says it anyway.
"You're gonna soak through my sweats. Hot 'n bothered, huh?"
"A little," you agree.
"Stop holdin' back," he teases.
His mouth returns, this time to your throat, where he bites down enough to make you yelp. Matthew is a lot stronger than you, and usually he's careful not to use that physical advantage too much, out of fairness and safety, but tonight he doesn't seem to care. He drags you forward a little, into him, settling you right over the bulge in his sweatpants.
"D'you want this?"
"Now you're the one holding back," you say.
He laughs, even as he bites down again, at your collarbone this time. He tweaks one of your nipples, just to hear the sound you make.
"Fine," he says, "You want Daddy's cock?"
Your punched-out moan at that one makes him laugh again.
"Imma take that as a yes."
"It's a yes," you assure him.
"Then say it."
You still can't quite say it, but that doesn't stop Matthew.
One strong arm around your back, he turns the two of you over, settling you on your back on the mattress, careful to get your head on your pillow and your thighs spread wide for him. Careful, accommodating. Taking care. Kind of definitely filling the role of-
"You gotta say it if you want it," he tells you.
His sweatpants are gone, and his boxers are gone, which makes your sticky-wet panties the last layer between the two of you.
"I know you can. I know you want it."
He's well-endowed to the point of absolute comic insanity, and you're grinding against him for just a moment of stimulation. Matthew presses another kiss to your lips, sweet this time, before dipping back down to drag your panties down your legs and off.
"Any time now."
You're practically panting. "I want..."
Matthew drags his length against you, agonizing.
"I want - fucking shit - I want...Daddy's cock."
"Good girl," he praises.
Your reward is the smooth, hot press of his cockhead inside you, the thick slide of the rest of him following. He groans. You arch into him, hands going to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin.
"C'mon, baby. Daddy wants to hear you."
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jkgnggj · 11 months
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i had to download mobile canva for this it was so hard to use on such a tiny screen pfft BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT HEHE ok i shall discuss under the cut bc this was a lil tricky to categorize >.< also ty for letting me use ur template @no-psi-nan <333
꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ primary partner material ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
♡ torisai ♡ so ofc first we have saiki bc torisai was my first ever tori ship <333 i mean mikorei was there but it was mostly just them as besties not really romantic yet at the time, but I had major torisai brainrot esp after cat tank thing and all other torisai eps it's sorta what got me to realize i loved tori sm, i love their dynamic and how they bully but still care for each other omg
♡ torikechi ♡ my current tori ship (bc torisai became too angsty for me i read all torisai fics and always felt so dead inside after reading the angst ones </3 so torikechi healed my heart) they're just so silly and yes touma bullies tori but he also is a lil baby boy who'd be madly in love with him and probs one of the only ppl who'd be nice to him at the same time, i think it'd be funny if touma kept flirting with his dumbass and tori wouldn't even notice bc he'd be like it's what bros do or like his comments would just go over his head, i just like the thought of oblivious tori pfft
♡ mikorei ♡ so first tori ship technicallyyyy but i don't count it bc there was no brainrot at the time but they're aesthetics and like dynamic so enemies to best friends to lovers yk and they'd still argue and annoy each other to bits and pieces but tori would be so loyal and miko could tame him with the snap of her fingers nobody not even saiki could do that (pissing off saiki is fun but pissing off Miko is actually scary (and not the sexy scary like saiki but the scary scary))
꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ besties with benefits ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
♡ yumetori ♡ now for this category i don't see anyone / i can see anyone as bwb but i prefer to use this category more as a like part two or less strong primary partner material category bc i can totes see chiyo and tori as best friends who are so desperate they end up falling for each other by accident (esp if it's a friends with benefits relationship) but i don't ship them as hard as I ship the poly psychickers or psychicker ships with tori
♡ satori ♡ i can't really see them as a friends with benefits relationship so again it's more of a "i ship them but not as hard as the psychickers" type of thing but i do think they have potential to have that type of relationship, mostly initiated by tori (maybe as a revenge thing against saiki like ha! i tainted ur perfect average guy what're u gonna do sai- oh shit i can see why you like him) i just like the idea of tori trynna ruin him but ends up ruining himself (or his idea of himself) it'd be so funny if out of everyone toris bi awakening is with the most average guy ever™ (he lies awake at night contemplating life)
꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ platonic besties ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
♡ kubotori ♡ i hc them as like found family, i have so many hcs of them i wanna share but haven't bc i doubt anyone wants to hear them (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) but they have a brother dynamic to me tho the ship dynamic is really cute and I love the fanart but personally i hc them having a more platonic relationship
♡ nentori ♡ like with kubotori i hc them having a brotherly dynamic, and at first i never thought of them but yk since nendous dad is toris guardian spirit they already got a connection soooo i like to think tori tried getting closer to nendou jr to get rid of his ghost dad so he could pass on already but it didn't work and only gave him another brother lol
꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ good friends ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
♡ shuntori ♡ as a ship it's ok ive never really seen fanart or fics except for this one comic in japanese it was soo cute but i prefer them as friends (reluctantly) their connection mainly being thru their interactions with aren, they wouldn't be besties but they'd still hang out together bc of aren he's like the middle man
♡ meratori ♡ idk the name for their ship? friendship? i also didn't give them much thought except they have potential (just like almost any tori ship tbh) esp bc i hc tori gets his spending money by working, he's got lots of side jobs just like mera except it's bc he can never keep them for too long they always end up firing him bc he's just bad at keeping jobs and gets too many complaints (mainly from girls) so i like to think they're probs coworkers or have been coworkers (also has tori ever even interacted with mera? has he ever flirted with her? idk i don't remember)
♡ toriko ♡ again idk their (friend)ship name but i think tori would def be the type to be swayed by money and saikos power or whatever i imagine him being like oh money will impress the girlies, so at first it's like them disliking each other but then they become friends somehow after interacting so much plus since tori is already friends with aren and nendou who are basically saikos besties he's auto invited to stuff involving them (whether saiko invites him or not the other two do, nendou bc the more the merrier and aren to piss saiko off pft)
♡ haitori ♡ i like picturing tori with the himbos (hairo, nendou, aren) admiring their swoleness and low-key digging their body, he follows them to the gym bc he wants to be just like and hairo is basically his hype man and number one supporter and fan and personal trainer pfft
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jemmo · 10 months
wow im like… actually surprised by this first episode of dangerous romance. the trailer left me with the impression that this was gonna be some overdramatic, exaggerated rich boy and poor boy love story that’s just cliche and over the top and like… it might turn out to be like that… but even if it does, i wont be mad bc they’re like actually pulling it off. the vibe of it all, the quieter, more somber atmosphere, the cool tone to the colouring, the performances man the PERFORMAMCES!!! (i shouldn’t be shocked, it’s perth and chimon), but it all comes together to make a show that should feel so excessively dramatic in that trope-ey way actually feel grounded. i love that kang is actually a piece of shit!!! and that i can see it’s clearly bc he wants attention from his dad and wants to find purpose outside of this materialistic, rich boy lifestyle, but that doesn’t change the fact he’s actually a piece of shit!! and that sailom is not a poor boy trope, he has a lot of strength and courage and won’t take shit but also won’t rise to anything, that he’s smart and he uses it against people, and im crossing my fingers that his character remains strong and he isn’t just reduced to the poor boy with a golden heart equivalent to a manic pixie dream girl that just serves to awaken the good guy within kang, but with the way they’ve pulled off this first ep, i remain kinda hopeful that they’re doing something more interesting than that. i mean, just the fact that kang’s father isn’t pushing him to be smart and do everything and become important and rich like all the other rich boy stereotypes makes me think this show might look at things from a different angle. and as for the romance… i just hope it is messy. I mean, between this and only friends, something tells me this bl season is gonna be all about toxic, messed up relationships that thrive in the grey area and that’s so my shit, and im excited by it. let’s just hope gmm have wisened up enough to handle these things.
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Fuck my life I'm sitting here and try not to cry bc Zoro's duel with Mihawk hit me so hard. And I don't even know why. It's not as if I've seen it for the first time but damn. Holy damn. Mackenyu gave such a great and convincing performance. Zoro had his time to shine, albeit a tragic one. And he made it clear that no one is allowed to get in his way to fulfil his dream, his promise, even if it means to be an asshole towards his friends. This episode hits so hard ashdjakdlal. Everyone put so much love and dedication into making this show and the actors are utterly fantastic. The accuracy of this scene. I'm so glad they kept it, it's such a crucial and important scene of Zoro, adds so much to his character, his motivation, that he's not afraid to sacrifice his life to achieve his goal, that he's stubborn, courageous, but also Kuina's death still hurts him, it always will, and he'll always be tied to that promise, one that both drives him further and weighs him down, and while Luffy's dream is connected to an epic future, the stuff of myths and legends, Zoro's is connected to death, because not only will he never be able to meet that person again he made that promise with, unlike luffy who at least has the possibility to meet Shanks, but if Zoro will lose that one last duel, should a rematch against Mihawk be in the picture, Zoro WILL die. Zoro will demand that last, fatal cut, and Mihawk will deliver it to him. Mihawk will acknowledge him as a true, proper swordsman by then, one who's worthy of dying by the way of the sword.
And his crew, his friends, have seen how serious he is about his goal and how serious Zoro takes bushido. That he not only uses swords as his weapons of choice, but that he lives by that code. And that Zoro's dream is difficult and life-threatening to achieve. They've been introduced to the possibility of Zoro dying in front of their eyes, because yes, he's good, but he's not the greatest just yet. And what they've also been introduced to is Zoro's sheer lust and thrill for battle, that battle is what Zoro lives for, that he's not afraid of dying, that it changes him into a completely different person once he's found a worthy opponent he can improve his skills with, that snarky, reserved, quiet Zoro will smile and lick his lips once he's enjoying a fight, it's a personality that doesn't make it easy to befriend him, although he's really an okay guy, but being friends with that bloodthirsty maniac simply isn't easy. His friends have to endure quite much with him and he rewards them with his loyalty and protection, but Zoro's always been a lone wolf for a reason, not only for above mentioned reasons, but also because he doesn't want to have friends, he can't take to lose another one, like he lost Kuina. And he's happy to go wherever his found family is, but there is ALWAYS the possibility that he'll leave them, should he get an opportunity to achieve his dream.
This episode just awakened so many thoughts and feels about Zoro within me, although I've been in love with One Piece and Zoro for so many years now (20, to be precisely) and this episode still managed to hit me right in the feels - that's how good this live action adaptation is. And holy shit Zoro's and Nami's relationship? I simply love it. Two outsiders talking and they get an understanding from each other no one else in the crew is able to understand.
Sorry for rambling but like I said. It stirred up so much stuff.
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lavender-long-stories · 8 months
Part 1 - What He Left Behind
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Spoilers for What He Left Behind
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Let's start with the opening sentence, because I swear to god, when I read it I laughed so loud. I knew something dramatic was on the way. When Sasuke is absolutely livid about Naruto's behaviour? Chief's kiss. The "like some whore you took in for the sex"? Phenomenal.
Fun fact this story was originally called 'Asshole' in my files because of the opening line.
Coming back at the beginning of the story after reading the ending makes me so fucking angry. [...] [Naruto's] reasoning is nonexistent.
I was actually under the impression people would feel bad for him, but I think I underestimated how much pure rage I instilled in everyone about him.
You said you didn't want bashing in the comments 
I had to add this because it was the only comment I was getting. >.> I get that Naruto was pissing everyone off, that was kind of the point but there was cute shit going on focus on that.
"[Sasuke] wasn’t sure he wanted to see it when it split. But he would. He had made this decision." This is not the bare minimum at all [...][Sasuke] is already being a better husband and father
I love how sometimes I just need to make Sasuke supportive and he's considered the top-tier man.
The "cogito, ergo sum" in Naruto's perspective is literaly "no thoughts, head empty" bc?
Can he blame the tumor?
there is a void Naruto-shaped between them that will be filled with respect and love, this is nice
I love this description of their relationship hahaha
"How did he still eat only take-out and quick-cooked rice?" She isn't judging him but she is judging him so hard
Wheels coded.
I love that one of the good things Sasuke thinks about Hinata is that she is sane, his bar clearly isn't very high, but who knows, right?
When you're used to extremes, basics will impress you XD
It makes me sad that Hinata is grateful for being treated with respect by Sasuke, because they don't even know each other really well, he is just being a well-mannered human being and respecting her space. This is the bare minimum.
People often don't give you the bare minium, so when you get it, it feels like the world.
Yeah... the signs of abuse. This shit broke me. Not gonna lie and tell you I didn't laugh when Sasuke went for a hug, but boooy if this shit wasn't heavy.
I want to make a point that not all abuse is physical, and sometimes it's not even intentional. (That doesn't dissolve fault. If you did something to someone, it is your fault whether or not you mean ti.)
“Once you start making excuses, it turns from bad behavior to abuse.” Yes.
I like that Sasuke said this because it's hard to think that your friends could be capable of being not great people, just because they are fine people to you.
Hinata's tantrum in the car is the best piece of literature ever, I laughed so hard because girlie has been through some deep shit, she deserves to go apeshit sometimes, okay? She even cursed!
I have a head cannon that Hinata just needs to scream out of her little quiet body every once in a while so there isn't a Hyuga massacre.
I wish my dad loved me like that LOL
Babes, are you okay?
"It’s just like a roommate, and the roommate gets a dog." I compared my friend's kid to a dog once and she said it was actually worse than having a dog, the father wasn't very happy with us but he didn't disagree lol. Point is, at least he wants the kid.
Sasuke is a different level of unbothered in this story.
I think this story awakened a monster in me, the monster that loves the trope of roommates acting like they're married until they fall in love.
🤝 I need to make like 30 of those because I love not quite a couple but completely living as a unit moments.
I totally forgot about the bath situation.
I like writing mildly dramatic situations handled very humanely. People fall in the shower all the time. I love having people have to actually deal with situations. I think it shows more of their character than anything.
“Why aren’t you at work?” “I don’t want to come back and find a pregnant woman bleeding out on the floor.” This is my kind of humor. I fucking love him.
Sasuke's dry humor in this gets to me.
Oh yeah, the cringe baby clothes. Why does this shit even exist? Why do people even buy that kind of thing?
Not me having opinions and making characters talk about how much I hate cringe baby clothes. >.>
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What He Left Behind
Pairing: Sasuke x Hinata Rating: T
Description: When Sasuke is confronted with an abandoned pregnant Hinata, he does the only thing he can think to do, he takes her in. Strangers to friends. Friends to lovers.
Tags: Pregnancy  |  Romance  |  Domestic Fluff  |  Happy Ending  |  Fluff and Angst  |  Hurt/Comfort
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brokenhardies · 2 years
Runaway Chapter Five sneak preview
I haven’t updated Runaway since August, however, I found what I had written so for of chapter five thanks to @inkwell1013‘s comments on the story. Now, I’m half way through the chapter afaik bc I struggled to translate game mechanics into fic, so under the cut is what I had so far!
TW: General Kamoshida debauchery i.e. sexual assault, blackmail etc.
“Of course, you would know this, eh, Niijima-san?” Kamoshida smirked, his golden eyes boring into Niijima as she stumbled backwards. Yusuke tried to stand, but the feeling of the golden knight’s foot on their back caused them to be pushed down onto the floor. “So obsessed with ‘saving’ people because you couldn’t be saved yourself.”
Niijima swallowed, her body shaking. “Th-That’s–”
“Look at you, goody two shoes rule follower who was a shoe-in for Student Council!” Kamoshida continued, “Wonder what happened to her…”
“You happened!” Niijima exclaimed, “I tried to tell the school about what you were doing and you–”
“I what? All I did was give you special lessons, you know that.”
And considering what the term ‘special lessons’ was code for, Yusuke’s stomach immediately dipped. Sumire winced, using her ears to prop herself up against one of the non-golden knights, staring up at Niijima with her red eyes. 
“Face it, whore –” Kamoshida continued, “Things would’ve been so much easier if you’d have stayed silent. But no! You had to sleep around with a teacher.” He then cackled, “When it was discovered you were having sex with me, your bright future went down the drain.”
So that’s why she was so desperate to come back and memorize the faces of the cognitions. That’s why she was so desperate to help, even if she didn’t have the ability to, like they did. That’s why she handed them the gun - even if it only made noises. That was why. Because she wanted to save people from what she went through. 
“Besides, you know what happens to those who stand up to me…” Kamoshida then leant in, looking Niijima up and down. “You’re never gonna succeed. Your life will be even more broken than it is now, and…” He then whispered in her ear, “When your little sister gets to your age, I hope she’s as developed as you.” 
Niijima pushed him away, screaming. Yusuke looked up as she grabbed her head. “Dammit… Am I gonna lose again?” She whispered, “It’s all my fault. I let this bastard control me… All because I didn’t want to feel useless! I can’t do anything!”
“Don’t say that, Niijima!” Yusuke shouted from the ground, their voice hoarse as they felt the golden boot wrench their back but kept pushing forward. “Keep fighting! He keeps saying that because you’re willing to believe him! You aren’t useless, you’re so much more than that!” 
That’s when Niijima paused. Maybe Yusuke’s words got to her, or maybe she had finally decided to stand up for herself. She sighed, glaring at Kamoshida. 
“You’re right. I’ve been listening to this bastard go on and on…” She then pointed at him, her voice raised to a fever pitch. “Shut your damn mouth, you perverted piece of shit!” 
And that’s when it happened;
“Are you choosing to tread the path of strife?”
“Yes…” Niijima whispered, standing as proud as she could. “Come to me!”
“Very well, let our contract begin.” Niijima’s eyes dilated as they glowed golden, and she placed a hand to her head in pain. “After all, your name has already been disgraced – so why not put on a show? Face this monster head on and take him down, inch by inch, like how he destroyed you.” 
She was writing in agony, both hands clutching her head, and Yusuke knew exactly how she felt. Awakening to Faust was rough enough, but in this case, they were seeing it from an outsider's perspective. The screaming and writhing was worse, as Niijima stumbled forward in agony, catching herself before she could hit the floor by cratering the tiles with one stomp. 
“I AM THOU. THOU ART I. You have finally found your own justice. Please, never lose sight of it again.”
Another stomp practically left a hole where she had stood, immense power was rushing through her veins, as Yusuke noticed her mask had formed – a metal plated knight’s mask, shaped in a ‘v’ and covering her nose and the top half of her face. One hand landed on the top of the mask, then another, holding it as tight as she could. It was a part of your skin, Yusuke had realized during their own awakening, which made it harder to pull. Especially one made of pure metal.
“Hmph, what can you do little girl?” The guard captain asked, “Cower in fear and watch as your friend dies!” 
“Let us hoist the flag together, and drag this man to the briny depths!”
Niijima pulled the mask off and screamed. An explosion of light and sound echoed throughout the room, knocking the two guards back as Yusuke and Sumire looked up in awe at what they saw. Niijima, standing, head down and brown hair covering her face. She was wearing what could best be described as ‘post apocalyptic raider’ armor – a navy bodysuit with spiked pauldrons and chains covering the arms and legs. A pair of greaves adorned her feet, and the deep green fingerless gloves she wore were accentuated with a pair of brass knuckles. Unlike Yusuke, Niijima’s gun was already acquired, a revolver holstered to the side of her attire. A green neckerchief was wrapped around her neck. 
Above her was her persona – a humanoid looking woman sitting side saddle on a bike, not holding the handles. Her hair appeared to be made of seaweed, and the clothes she wore were more ragged and like they’d been taken from a shipwreck. Her legs were crossed, almost as if they were taking the form of a tail. The bike itself appeared closer to a ship, a typically sleek and modern design instead being replaced by dark hardwood making up the outer shell, an engine made out of pure energy piloting the vehicle. 
“So this is my self, right?” Niijima smiled, looking up, “Well then, guess I have to give him some payback!” 
“She has one too?!” Sumire exclaimed, as Yusuke looked over at her.
“Why wouldn’t she?” 
The good news was Niijima’s awakening caused the guards to move from their original positions, allowing Yusuke and Sumire to stand and join the girl. Niijima sniggered, seeing the panic on Kamoshida’s face. 
“I’m ready now,” She exclaimed, “Bring it!”
“Foolish brats!” The guard captain shouted, swinging its sword downwards, “Don’t you dare mock me!” And he reformed into a beast, that being a knight on a sword, similar to how it originally looked. The other two guards had reformed into significantly less threatening creatures, that being a pair of cat-like creatures with red boots and matching hats. 
Niijima cracked her knuckles and pointed at the guards. “Alright! Let’s finish them off, Chang Shih!” She shouted, and the battle began. 
While the guard captain was tough, the guards on the outside of it were weak to wind… Which, almost by coincidence, was Niijima’s element of choice. She was also incredibly strong physically, which was a lot of help, especially with well timed baton passes between the group. Having an extra teammate was definitely useful, Yusuke decided, as the guard captain fell.
“Why… Why did I lose? I’m a servant of the great Kamoshida, I can’t have lost!” The guard captain lamented, before he vanished entirely into a blob of black and red goop on the ground.
“Well, I guess Kamoshida just isn’t as special as you think!” Niijima exclaimed, and thus, the creature vanished. Makoto was panting, clearly exhausted from all the excess energy. She stumbled forward on shaky legs, her body trying to move when it was clear she couldn’t.
“That all you got?!” She asked. 
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supermarine-silvally · 5 months
YES PLEASE FEED US THE META POST, literally tho I feel like one piece is the fandom where almost everything can be elaborated upon I too have Ideas™️ of my Mari and Kenji about their themes and what they mean to the story ahehehe
but anyway when you said rafts I pictured this
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like we’re both little rodents sitting on a mound of twigs and stuff and waving our Portada flags around, aksnaksj
and interesting interesting!! Mihawk was right (gasp) to get Yara to learn haki bc if she went up against Blackbeard or Akainu without it- I’m not even going there 🫣 and this made me remember- does Yara join Marco and the others when they go to fight Blackbeard? and if she does, does she at least manage to scar the dipshit (pls I need her to do that) -🍂
not me realizing I’m spoiling sm for anyone new I’m so sorry 😭
askdjhlaksjdh I love that image sm it's so cute!!! and yes hehe i'm glad to have another lil rodent aboard my portada raft (and I will happily join you aboard the midlaw and keller rafts asdfkjhsd) I'll get around to making a meta post on the Tōka Tōka no Mi once I'm done my current drawing not gonna spoil anything but it's related to both portada and my favourite movie heheh and pls pls pls make some Mari and Kenji meta omg I wanna know all about their themes!!!
I'll put the rest of this answer below cut (spoilers ahead, ye be warned!)
So Yara at the end of Marineford basically gets separated from the other WBP because she refuses to abandon Ace's body. She's been pretty badly hurt at this point (thanks to Kizaru impaling her with his light powers a few times over, just picture Ace on the scaffold watching in horror for extra Angst yet at the same time these severe injuries she receives are what actually allow Ace to survive in my no-donut-verse if you're curious about why/how that happens heheh) and eventually loses consciousness right around the time Shanks shows up. She fully intended to die alongside Ace, but fate (her father) had other plans.
At this point, Mihawk has watched everything go down and as per canon, sees Shanks and is like "nah fuck this i'mma take my daughter and leave" so he picks up Yara's unconscious body and heads out. Yara wakes up with her wounds bandaged on Kuraigana Island and her father just chilling in a chair right next to her.
Anyways, sadly but perhaps also for the better in the end, Yara has no idea about the Payback War or whatever the hell is up with Edward Weevil (Buckin assumes Yara is dead or has otherwise been removed from the equation so she sees no need to send Weevil after her). The WBP survivors also assume she's dead or has been captured by either Blackbeard or the Marines. Marco is devastated to lose his little sister as well as Ace and Whitebeard, but part of him holds onto hope that she made it out alright and basically just declares her missing in action (he refuses to make a grave for her until her death has been confirmed).
After waking up and going through the whole "holy shit Ace and Pops really are dead" moment of horror, Yara realizes that she needs to get much, much stronger to be able to kill the two people she sees as being directly responsible for Ace's death: Akainu and Blackbeard. So she begrudgingly asks Mihawk to train her alongside Zoro.
Two years later, Yara leaves Kuraigana Island minus one arm but plus an awakened devil fruit, advanced armament and observation haki (she had basic before so she's not starting to learn haki from scratch), and some new killer swordplay techniques. She heads straight to Sphinx Island for a tearful reunion with Marco and basically just chills there until they join up with Izou and head to Wano. She learns about everything that happened to the WBP from Marco at this point.
So tl;dr she hasn't had her rematch with Blackbeard yet but he's got a whole storm coming to him in the form of Ace's very pissed off widow heheh
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orcelito · 4 years
I’m starting to come to accept that........ this is not going to all fit within a single prologue. I’m already at 12k words & I still have plenty more I want to write b4 I get to the game’s timeframe. I initially meant to lump all this pre-game stuff into one prologue, but...
I’m having too much fun writing Goro discovering the metaverse! So like, why Not just run with it? I can just push the official start of the story up a bit.
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hausofmamadas · 2 years
SEÑOR DILF-OF-THE-AGES | The Man who never fails to give us a reason, Benjamín Arellano Fèlix
♫ To the tune of Portishead’s Glory Box ♫
Okkkkkk, so i recently reblogged a masterful vid of Mín and Món to the tune of Portishead’s Glory Box by @mmasalva. Go watch it -> here if you have seen it yet. Forreal watch it , you moops. In my reblog, i gave a too long winded explanation/personal anecdote about why i loved the vid with that specific song sooi much and mentioned that i might still finish cobble together a Mín exclusive edit to the same song (for reasons explained in the OG post.)
Bc literally, 3-4 days prior to seeing mmsalva’s video, i started putting together (what became) this video, yknow gathering all my raw footage n shit. Lo and behold, the day i uploaded everything into Adobe Premium Rush was the same day i found mmsalva’s video. But since i’d already started (and this might be a new thing that i maybe do now? like character appreciate videos for all 4 of my adoring fans), i decided to finish the thing. I included the OG reblog with my boring personal detritus master’s thesis of why i love the song/character combo below if anyone is interested. idk some parts of it are kind of funny or whatever idk (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
taglist: @criatividad-e @tinylittleobsessions @cositapreciosa @purplesong1028 @ashlingnarcos @ashlingnarcos @narcolini @bellinitini @kesskirata @carlislecullenisadilf @cherixrosa @artemiseamoon @fleurfatale89 @narcos-narcosmx @narcosmx @thesolotomyhan
‘ “Glory Box” is an Australian term for a piece of furniture where women store clothes and other items in preparation for marriage.
The song is about a woman who is frustrated by love and ready to give up on her relationship. The lines, “Give me a reason to love you / Give me a reason to be a woman / I just wanna be a woman,” are a plea to her partner, asking that he treat her with equality and respect, especially in the bedroom.’ -> via Songfacts
Ttrolololool so, gather round, my children, i’m going to tell an amusing story …… aka tune in for another installment of shit no one asked for. On this week’s episode: me over sharing about my private life and how i’ve read way too much into the connection between Portishead’s Glory Box and the place our sweet Benjamín Arellano Félix occupies in the Narcos Mexico fanfic imagination
Watched the show Yellowjackets for the first time maybe 2(ish) weeks ago.
While watching, to my delight, Portishead’s song Glory Box plays at the end of the 2nd episode (also everyone go fucking watch Yellowjackets if you haven’t seen it).
Now, i used to be OBsessed with Portishead in high school and this song was prob an important facet of my BIsexual awakening.
Around the time i started watching the show, my boyfriend and i ended our 5 year long relationship ….. well the first of technically 3 breakups in quick succession …
Long story short, we had, on-the-whole, a wonderful, harmonious relationship like 95% of the time and still love each other. But we got together really young (like 21-22yrs young)
And bc we were stupid young, there are a lot of gendered dynamics and bullshit that we were both subconsciously conditioned to believe about sex and relationships, and in turn that fed some seriously dysfunctional relationship patterns all of which are complicated and boring. HOWMever
In this whole break-up process (sweet fuck has it been a process bc when you live together, basically is like breaking up in slow motion…), i learned that one of the fucked up, sociocultural things that i internalized was that as a sexually liberated woman, i had to be sexually adventurous in the same way and at the same time as my (mostly male) partners.
Otherwise, I wasn’t a “true” feminist, and in fact, would be prudish, immature, slut-shamey, to be any other way, regardless of what I wanted as a person.
And this manifested in sideways, fucked dynamics - namely, him not respecting my boundaries bc i never actually established them bc i didn’t even really know i could, not even bc of him but just bc of ppl generally? but then making me emotionally responsible for his feelings about my boundaries in a way that was lyke uncool.
There were also a lot of internalized misogynistic norms on his end around showing/processing emotions (i.e. i’m a dude, so i shouldn’t feel or express them externally unless it’s anger. but not too angry bc i don’t want to scare ppl -> that kit n kaboodle)
We broke up for more reasons but these were the 2 main areas of conflict.
SO, when i heard this song that i loved in high school, but older and the tiniest (teensiest, tiniest) bit wiser, i had this epiphany …
See, the song gets a lot of flac for being anti-feminist or reinforcing traditional gender norms and taken at face value, a line like “give me a reason to be a woman,” could be interpreted that way, i suppose.
BUT ACTUALLY the entire song is about wanting to be treated like a three-dimensional, sexual autonomous being.
She’s obv pleading with a partner, but she’s also appealing to the world to respect her human desires and especially sexual agency, whether that be wanting to do the sexing all the time or not at all
Instead of viewing her as an object for gratification or an emotional caretaker, instead of viewing her as a woman in this one, very rigid, specific way (exhibit: “for I’ve been a temptress too long”), she’s asking for the world to respect and validate her sexual/intimate boundaries and her personhood.
So, when she says “give me a reason to love you / give me a reason to be a woman,” she’s asking N O T to be relegated to the narrow definition we associate with femininity/being a woman (both born&trans bc this definition is applied to both just in different, albeit comparably fucked, ways) …….. and trans women are fucking women - not even gonna acknowledge attempts at discussion on that shit. nothing. no, no hay nada. Fine if you don’t agree - nottttt the arena for it, not gonna do it. Srsly, i dare you to test my patience with that shit sksksks cause i’m a deranged, emotional wreck rn. So, shut tf up and enjoy the rants&gifs k thx
She’s actually saying, “hey, it’d be cool if you saw me as a person, as the woman i am, allow me to be a full human, respect my boundaries. u do dat….then maybe, my mans, juuuust fucking maybe ………. you can Get. It.”
Because what’s hotter than someone n o t making you a vessel for their own backwards ass, fucked up, emotional & sexual baggage and instead, recognizing and honoring your individual wants, needs, and boundaries, sexual or otherwise, as a person, in a tangible and meaningful way…?
…………………………….. wait for it
…………………………….. wait for it
…………………………….. waaaaait foooooor it
Which brings me to the whole point of my post…. Our sweet, respectful dilfest Dilf that ever dilfed, honorary DILF of the century, yes, yes that Dilf, así es Benjamín Arellano Félix
Many a headcannon and fanfic has been written about this sweet yung King, all of which i have enthusiastically consumed to the point of genuinely questioning my own sanity along with other Narcos fandom related content
And in so consuming, i noticed the majority of the OG Narcos/Nmx Tumblr fandom all 12 of us seems to have separately yet overwhelmingly concluded that Benjamín Arellano Félix fucks is aftercare king special, wait wut very likely will go down on you for hours not even a single syllable uttered asking you to return the favor… whoops, nope sorry the most generous partner/lover in the entire Narcos universe.
I have a number of primary & secondary sources to which i can refer to, lest any of ye remain unconvinced… there’s this one, also this one, ope! can’t forget about that one, oh and where was that other one, oh here, yes i found it
I can’t begin to speculate what it actually is about the character, just based on what we see on the show, that gives us all this impression.
Yes, he’s a very Not!shit husband to his wife Ruth, a great dad, but it’s a show about the Mexican drug trade, so like, admittedly …the bar isn’t high.
Perhaps it’s Alfonso Dosal’s stunning jawline, cut like the limestone bricks used to construct the pyramids of Giz– do! did i get sidetracked again? so sorry, where was i… performance? I’m still not entirely sure why the consensus came to be. But gorl👏🏼did👏🏼it👏🏼ever👏🏼
So, when i heard the song, and because i’m in the midst of my own personal turmoil, the braincell went straight to Señor Dilf-for-the-Ages, Benjamín
Who’s really just a figurehead/symbol for the like healthy romantic/intimate partner relations that i will require and demand in my next relationship whenever that is particularly if it’s with another dude
I mean i can’t be the only one he represents that for though, right? Cause like, literally everyone who stans OGNarcos/Nmx, even if they’re not heart eyes for that character, have all agreed is the dude out of todos otros pinche morros😂that could and would give us a reason … Or at least, a “reason” in the spirit of what this song is all about
SO BASICALLY RIGHT? I’m like new into making gifs n shit and i hear this song in Yellowjackets, entirely unrelated to Narcos
Like, literally in the middle of editing it …….. only to find out it already exists albeit not Mín exclusive but STILL
and it’s just- okay like, i was lowkey mad at the amount of time i spent when this is 100x better than whatever tf shit i was doing😂
but that is largely overshadowed by feelings of pure, unadulterated joy that this combo exists, just out in the world. Bc it needs to.
And now that i know i’m not the only one who sees that, just feel v seen and heard, which i need now more than ever . Cause aherm, i’m loike g o i n g t h r u a quarter-life crisis thing
Still may do an edit of my own that’s Mín exclusive, we’ll see. -> joke’s on me cuz i did sjsjsjjsjsjsj
#so yeah loike did the whole song sorry for everything#this mf edit is like 5 mins long so if you simp for Mín#then this is right up your alley#absolutely did not spend a cumulative total of like 48 hrs on this thing#like that would be fucking crazy right#right#quarter life crisis#again big thanks to mmasalva for giving me the kick to finish mine#even though it already exists#no shade at all to mmsalva’s edit with mon nor to moncito himself#it is wonderful and lovely que tan bonita sí#me da mucho alegría mucho mucho#pero#Món does nottt give us a reason the same way Mín gives us a reason#my Arellano love is limitless boundless for all the arellano siblings -> yes even Panchito but mostly just S1 bearded Panchito#and would happily oblige sweet móncito were he to knock on my door right now with an offer to dick down oh kay#HAppily oblige#HOWMever#Món does not embody the sexy vibes of the song in the heady abstract way i’m talking about here#like Món seems as though boundaries are a cute pop psychology concept but not at all a feature of relationships esp his romantic ones#Món prob thinks boundaries are like aliens right? like all the rage as a fam dinner topic or an ice breaker at a high school reunion#pero no one’s actually seen one before right?#Món’s essence and being are inherently just desmadre up the wazoo#but don’t get it twisted even tho Món ≠ symbol of healthy romantic love and affection we all need#would still 1000% give him access to my glory box any damn day or night#narcos mexico#benjamin arellano felix#benjamín arellano félix#og video edit#tribute video
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ oikawa, tendou & sakusa
tw ♡ children, cursing & mentions of arson
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♡ he is pretty much a professional babysitter, or so he thought
♡ which is why he accepted when you asked if he could help you take care of your nieces/nephews for the weekend
♡ i mean, he takes care of his nephew all the time so how hard could babysitting possibly be? it was basically a free pass to spend the day with you 
♡ however, he began to regret his decision as he sat on your couch and realised that he wouldn’t be able to get even somewhat intimate with you when there was constantly an annoying little boy clinging to his arm, asking him if he had any games on his phone
♡ “sorry, kid.” oikawa smiled, clenching his jaw to hide the rage but it wasn’t very effective, “i’ve not got any games. maybe you could go play with your toys or something.” 
♡ he let out a sigh, making the mistake of thinking that would be the end of their interaction
♡ “can’t you just download some?” the boy retaliated
♡ you snickered, watching as the energy visibly drained from oikawa, yet he still wore his frighteningly bright grin
♡ “i’ve not got any storage.” 
♡ “then delete some of your apps or photos.” the boy said with a shrug, then proceeded to point at oikawa’s home screen, which happened to be a picture of him and you in front of an ethereal sunset, “start with that one. you both look like dorks.”
♡ you and oikawa’s unified gasps of offence were enough to show the boy that he was able to do exactly what he intended; piss y’all off
♡ hence, with a final mischievous snicker, he dashed off
♡ “i hate kids.” oikawa muttered, inspecting his homescreen to see if he really did look like a ‘dork’, “what is his problem?”
♡ “what if our kids turn out like that?” you joked 
♡ his eyes widened momentarily, turning to look at you with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “our w--”
♡ “mr kawa!” a cry could be heard from the kitchen so without hesitation, you both hopped to your feet and rushed over there as quick as you could 
♡ once you both reached the area the yell came from, you were fortunately not greeted by anything gruesome 
♡ instead, you both got to behold two children trying to reach the top shelf with the power on friendship; the taller boy was standing on a chair, while the toddler held it still 
♡ however, his grip on the jar of the Nutella must’ve loosened at some point as it now lay dejectedly on the ground, half spilled across the tiles and the other half drenching the toddler, not that they seemed to mind though 
♡ in fact, it looked like they were having the time of their — albeit, short — life
♡ the container was only plastic, hence you didn’t have to worry about shards when you darted over to the poor, chocolate-covered baby and scooped them up into your arms, “are you guys, okay?!”
♡ “yeah.” the boy chuckled, noticing that holding the toddler was transferring the chocolate onto you too
♡ “if you wanted nutella, you could’ve just asked.” oikawa sighed, helping the boy get down safely from the chair before putting the object back at it’s intended spot at the dinner table 
♡ “you could have gotten seriously hurt! i thought you would know better than to do something like this.” you scolded, becoming even more furious as the baby continued to playfully slap your face with their grimy hands, “please don’t do that again.”
♡ before they boy got the chance to do anything besides murmur a vague apology, oikawa interjected, “they won’t get the chance.”
♡ and he was right
♡ after cleaning everything up (including the child, which took forever), you didn’t let either of the rascals out of your sight until your duties as babysitters were complete 
♡ “i think we handled that pretty well.” oikawa mused, gathering his stuff along with you as you both got ready to leave
♡ “yeah, maybe we should do this again sometime.” you suggested, but it was followed by a few second was complete silence
♡ until you both burst out laughing 
♡ “yeah, never again.” you agreed
♡ “the kids can take care of themselves.” oikawa said with shrug, offering his hand to you, before you both strutted out of the disaster house
♡ ever since then, it was a common inside joke between you to, when in the vicinity of a kid causing mayhem or being a nuisance, whisper to each or exchange a look that says, ‘it’s a great day to not be babysitting.’  
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♡ at first, you thought that asking tendou for help babysitting would be a bad idea bc he is just as hyperactive as the damn kids sometimes so he’d probably not be the best influence 
♡ and you knew this bc one time you happened to run into him while out in the park with the kids and you asked him to watch them for literally a minute so you could run to the bathroom but when you came back all you almost had a heart attack because tendou was teaching them fkn tricks on the monkey bars 
♡ however, you then realised that if the kids were busy committing arson with uncle tendou, then they wouldn’t be bothering you 
♡ so here you are, playing monopoly with your boyfriend, a seven year-old and a one year-old
♡ well, it was less like monopoly and more like debate class since none of you could agree on the rules
♡ “well, uncle ten,” the older sibling began, in a very matter-of-factly tone, “if i burn your property down, then i  don’t have to pay you for landing on it.”
♡ “but then you also go to jail.” you pointed out
♡ “not if the police don’t catch me.”
♡ you burst out laughing, meanwhile tendou kept his business face on, “good point, but watch this.” tendou spoke as he rolled the dice, though no matter what if he got a number between four and seven, he would end up landing on somebody’s property
♡ he got a four
♡ picking up his piece, he moved it across each square individually and once he was due to land on your property, he knocked his piece over
♡ “whoops, i slipped.” he chuckled, though his friendly aura immediately dropped as he looked you dead in the eye and said, “i’m suing.”
♡ “you can’t sue me because you tripped!” you yelled 
♡ “i guess i just fell for you.” he said, resulting in the kids both making gagging noises before he stuck out his hand, “100 monopoly dollars, please.”
♡ “like i said,” you tried your best to stay strong and not laugh at his shitting pickup line, “i’m not giving you any money, you fell!”
♡ “i guess we’ll have to take this matter to court then.” tendou said, tapping the shoulder of the one year-old who was currently chewing on a 500 bill which you quickly had to confiscate 
♡ “judge, do you think (y/n) owes me 100 monopoly dollars for poor health and safety conduct?”
♡ “yes.”
♡ “that is the only word they know how to say!” you cried, begrudgingly handing over the money 
♡ “thank you, angel.” tendou cooed, adding your singular bill to the pile he had already stored up; the winner of the game had already been decided 
♡ and although you and the seven year-old kid both cried later after getting your asses kicked in monopoly (the one year-old cried too but they were just hungry), you all went out to get food and actually had a pretty good time
♡ it became a routine for tendou to help you babysit whenever he got the chance and y’all would always play table top games
♡ also when tendou got accepted into culinary school, he’d teach/show the kids what dishes he has learned to prepare and let them help by stirring the pot, adding spices etc etc
♡ and even when he moved to Paris, on special occasions, a box of chocolates would suddenly appear at the kids’ door and all the little pieces would be shaped and moulded into some of their favourite characters or made out of their favourite flavours 
♡ and at one point the kids even insisted that you teach them how to make chocolates so they can send some back to uncle tendou <33
♡ they weren’t the best, but when tendou received the misshapen, slightly stale chocolates at his apartment, addressed from you and the children, he cried
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♡ his first response when you asked if he could help you babysit was ofc ‘ew no 🤢’
♡ needless to say it took a lot mansplain manipulate malewifing to convince him to come over 
♡ but once he did, obviously he was in his full protective gear; there was no way in hell he was going to catch whatever germs the little goblins have
♡ honestly he almost sprayed a chid in the face with hand sanitizer when they came running up to him with open arms, trying to give him a hug 
♡ which was unusual because the kids don’t tend to be overly friendly with new people, but you just brushed it off and figured that sakusa must’ve been an exception
♡ during his time babysitting, sakusa spend most of his energy trying to avoid the children at all costs that it basically became a game of tag, with you helping the child try to reach sakusa, and him hiding
♡ but honestly you couldn’t complain since the whole time the child was playing, they were safe with you rather than playing with fire 
♡ until later you were reminded of their odd fondness for sakusa when they insisted that sakusa carry them to their bedroom when it was their nap time
♡ and as you were shifting through the books, looking for a story to read, it hit you why they seemed to be so familiar with sakusa
♡ it’s because he looked exactly like the prince in one of their favourite story books; same hair, both tall and they even had similar moles to each other
♡ upon noticing this, you immediately showed sakusa and was quite amused
♡ in fact, he found it so cute that he gave both you and the toddler a lil’ kiss on the cheek, as a parting gift — mask off and everything
♡ he ended up reading the story and the kid fell into deep slumber by the time he reached the second page
♡ letting out a sigh of relief, sakusa slumped onto the ground, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, “what a day.”
♡ you shuffled over to you could lay down beside him, “indeed it was, prince sakusa.”
♡ “shut up.” he teased, poking your rib slightly before absently intertwining his fingers with your own
♡ next thing you knew, you were both awakened by the sound of a grumpy toddler...
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
The Gang Reacts to You Dressing Fancy for a Job
“Is it okay to ask for the RDR2 gang (or just Javier if it’s too much!) seeing their crush all prettied and dressed up for a job (like the riverboat or Bronte’s garden party)? Would they work up the courage to ask them out? your writing sustains me”
In this imagine, you’ll be impressing: Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Sadie Adler, Micah Bell, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Sean MacGuire, Lenny Summers, Kieran Duffy, Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Karen Jones, Flaco Hernandez
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Oh no. When you were volunteered for the job, he had a feeling you’d look charming in one of those big hooped gowns, but … this is like his heart getting hit by a train. The feelings are a little overwhelming, so while the girls add their finishing touches, Arthur tries to stand to the side and not stare. He wants to compliment you, because you look absolutely stunning, but words are completely failing him. Arthur manages to get a compliment out, but you’re totally occupied with how much you love or hate this get-up. Arthur doesn’t even care about what he was forced to wear; he could be in a paper sack and he wouldn’t notice. During the party, he’s distracted by how you seem to float around the room, easily joking with the guests as though you were one of them. Hosea has to knock sense into Arthur more than once, but how can he pay attention when there’s a literal angel in front of him?
When the gunfight breaks out, Arthur is at your side right away, pulling you into his protective embrace and trying to steer you out of the house. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good shot or not, that dress and corset are cumbersome as hell and he’s gonna stubbornly send you home. Arthur wants to be the one taking you back, but he has to stay and fight. He hands you off to Sean, warning him to be careful and get you back to camp in one piece. His tone is actually pretty scary when he says this. Arthur is beyond relieved when he finally gets back. You’re out of the dress, but you’re clearly safe and comfortable, not a scratch on you. He doesn’t care about his own injuries, but he’s pleased when you fuss over them.
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No way John is gonna dress up like some goddamn banker, but he was totally ready to tease you about having to squeeze into a corset and frilly dress. The problem is, you’re gorgeous in it. He doesn’t know shit about women’s clothes or fashion, but something about the color and style just suits you so perfectly, like it was made only for you. He wants to give a sassy comment, but he just … can’t. John goes for a genuine compliment, but his cheeks and ears are tomato red as he mutters “ya look real nice”. If you hate the clothes, it’s a little easier for him to joke around with you, but if you love them and you’re twirling around, as happy as a kid and looking like an actual lady from one of those fancy paintings? He can only take so much sweetness before he has to duck his head and distract himself with something.
When the gunfight breaks out at the party, John is right by your side before you can blink. You don’t know how he moved so fast, but soon his arm is around your waist and getting you back to his horse. John isn’t the most graceful about this, and the dress is meant for dancing, not riding… so it ends up ripping as you two make your escape. Once you’re in a safe place and you can get out of the damn thing, John’s attention goes straight to the tears in the dress, specifically the one that’s showing the stockings and garterbelt you had to wear. The lingerie looks fantastic - it definitely awakens something in him.
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First off, he is not sneaky. Not at all. You know exactly why you were asked to play a role in this little con, and it was so Dutch could see you all dressed up. Now, either you’re totally annoyed by this because screw frills and lace, or you’re delighted because you can dress up like some fancy lady and rob rich folks. Also, it’s pretty funny how he pretends not to be interested in the sort of dress and jewelry you and the girls are deciding on. You know he’s trying very hard not to make a suggestion, and just to be a little mean, you made sure he was within earshot when you mentioned the matter of corsets and fancy undergarments to the girls.
Once at the party, Dutch plays at being some rich banker and you’re his young foreign wife. It’s absurdly easy to pull off, even with your terrible accent, and after each conversation you both are trying not to laugh. He’s definitely liking being able to have an arm around your waist and being able to lean in and whisper to you, but he won’t push his boundaries, especially if you’re already uncomfortable being all dressed up and powdered. While you two are dancing, he’ll whisper in that deep voice, praising you for how perfect you’ve been, or reassuring you that it’ll be over soon. When the shooting started, Dutch pulled you to a safe place you could lie low in, but if you bothered him enough he’d hand you a gun and let you join the shootout. 
Back at camp, Dutch’s flirting hasn’t dulled in the slightest. He’ll sit close to you as everyone else celebrates, mentioning how wonderful you were and if you need help slipping out of anything. If you let him, he’ll help unlace those fancy boots, even massage your poor ankles and calves since you aren’t used to wearing tall shoes. Isn’t that thoughtful?
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Nearly all of this con was his idea, and you’re glad to help run it. Hosea is playing the part of some eccentric philanthropist and you’re a grand-niece or some relative. The two of you talk so smooth and fast, easily working off each other, that the hosts of the party don’t stand a chance. Hosea wants to avoid any sort of violence, but knowing the gang, who knows what will happen, so he wants you to stay close to him. During lulls in conversation, when you and Hosea are just observing the crowd and deciding who to speak with next, he’ll lean in and whisper something to you. It makes goosebumps break out on your skin, you can feel how warm he is and sometimes he’ll run a hand up your back as he compliments you on what a natural you are, or reassures you that it’ll be over soon. He’ll truly feel bad if you hate having to dress up and pretend like this; so he’s grateful you agreed to come along and help. If you’re thriving off the party and the trickery, he’ll give you knowing grins and winks that make him seem fifteen years younger. There’s a surprising amount of mischief in him. 
When the inevitable fight breaks out (he totally called it), Hosea swiftly gets you to a safe part of the house he noticed earlier. From there you two snatch several stashes of jewels and cash and stealthily make your way out. Hosea had to be convinced to steal as much as you both did; he was terribly worried about you, since the dress would be difficult to run in. When you’re back at camp, Hosea isn’t shy about telling you what a great job you did, and how proud he is. He’ll give a kiss to your cheek and he’s very smooth about offering to remove anything that’s giving you trouble. 
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Thank god she’s not the one in the fucking gown, that’s all she has to say. Well, that, and the jokes and snark she throws your way while you’re getting ready. If you hate the dress just as much, too bad, you were roped into the plan and Sadie is having lots of playful teasing at your expense. If you adore it and start modeling it for her, she won’t admit how cute you’re being… but she will consider wearing a tuxedo and being some “hoity toity” man just to make sure you’re safe. She doesn’t trust the “gentleman” at this party at all, and the closer you both get to the manor, the more antsy she becomes. All her previous humor is gone as she urges you to find her right away if trouble happens. Sadie is absolutely going to bring your favorite gun along and was trying to figure out a way to strap a revolver to your leg until Hosea pulled you away. You promise you’ll be alright, but she doesn’t look reassured. 
The expected fight breaks out, and like you promised, you beeline for Sadie. She’s already on you - how the hell did she get into the manor so fast? - and she’s tossed your gun in your hands. Soon enough you both are blasting your way out of the manor. She gets impatient when you fall for the second time and rips the dress herself so you can run easier. It was your horse she brought around to escape, and Sadie hoisted you up, sat herself in the back and kept shooting while you rode to safety. It was… a hectic and messy escape, but neither of you had a scratch. Once you’re at the camp, she doesn’t feel bad for ripping the dress, even if you liked it. It was necessary, and besides, you can’t keep the frilly thing! Okay, she’ll apologize if you pout. If you hated it she’s more than happy to help you burn it. 
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How the hell is he supposed to respond to this? It would be one thing if you caked on make-up like a tart and strapped yourself into some circus tent-looking contraption, he could work with that. His brain just stops functioning for a few seconds when the girls finally unveil the work they did on you. If you hated the dress and it wasn’t something you’d wear unless a gun was pointed to your head, then Micah certainly had choice words to say, teasing and mocking the difference between this and your regular attire… except they were much weaker insults than he usually had. You were too distracted and uncomfortable to even care. If you adored all of it, practically buzzing with excitement as you turned and twirled for everyone, he might even try an attempt at a compliment, although it’d come out all jumbled and flustered. He decides to stay away and just watch you from a distance, both enjoying the view and trying to figure out this stupid knot in his stomach.
At least you two are apart during the party, so he doesn’t have to look at you enjoying yourself and swaying around in that dress. When the fight starts, he can finally have something else to put his mind to … until he sees you get caught in the crossfire. Micah would throw you a gun he pulled off someone, barking at you to follow him. Dutch told him to get you to safety, which he initially bristled at, but then he dutifully put you up on Baylock. He told you to keep shooting while he rode off - and he still got plenty of shots in himself. Once you were back at camp, he wouldn't apologize for dirtying the dress. It had to be done, and now the job is done, so you can get out of it…. and he would absolutely offer to cut it off with his knife. The whole thing, corset and all. He's gonna fantasize about it well after the fact, too.
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If you love getting a chance to dress up and wear jewels, Charles can tell, and he finds your joy just adorable. If you dislike the idea of having to dress up for a stupid party, even if it’s a robbery, he’s very encouraging and reassures you as many times as you need. This kind of con isn’t really his scene, but he knows you’ll do well and he promises to look after you during the whole thing. He’ll even have you ride along with him on Taima if that'll settle your nerves. Once you arrive, Charles helps you down like a gentleman. If you’re still uneasy, he asks you to wait a moment and then comes back with a rose he picked from the garden. He places it neatly in your tied back hair. “Perfect. Don’t worry, you’ll do great, and when things go south, I’ll be there. Promise.”
Once the fight breaks out, Charles is true to his word and helps you escape in the chaos. You have no idea where he came from, but you didn’t refuse the help, or the gun he offered you - at some point he’d packed your favorite one - and you’re pulled up on Taima as gunshots go off all around you. Charles put you on the front of his horse to protect you better, even if it’s harder to shoot from there. It sort of makes you feel like a princess being swept away. When you two return to the camp, he tidies the rose in your hair and offers to help remove the restrictive dress or massage your legs if they hurt … casually, of course. Probably.
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When the girls finally unveiled their handiwork, he thought his heart was stopping. You were so pretty - well, you normally were, but now more than ever. You looked like one of those porcelain dolls they put in music boxes. Bill didn’t even want to touch you or stand too close, worried he’d dirty you somehow. He couldn’t believe you wanted him to play the role of the bodyguard that would follow you around the party.... Though he played the part well, his silence combined with his big build made him seem intimidating. If you were clearly miserable in the dress and with the company, he wasn’t sure what to say to make you feel better, so he stayed quiet. If you were loving the dress and just thriving in the party, fooling everyone into thinking you were some high-class belle … Well, he was too distracted watching you, still not able to say much.
Eventually he had to split off from you to join the men, which he didn’t appreciate, but he made a point to bring your gun along with his. When the expected gunfight broke out, Bill beelined for you, practically tossing a man that was too close and handed over your gun. He didn’t expect you to be so grateful, it made him blush in spite of the gunshots going off all around you two.
The fight was more dangerous than expected, so Bill hoisted you up on Brown Jack without warning and raced off. Your dress ended up getting ripped from his haste, and if you really liked it, he feels bad for screwing it up. It’s easy to turn around his mood by complimenting what a good “bodyguard” he was. Just don’t flirt too much, he’s already had a mess of feelings today.
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He was trying to hide his excitement when he found out you were going to be dressing up and joining the others on this con. You’re already an angel, now he’s going to see you dressed in a beautiful gown and decorated with jewels? It fit so perfectly, too, like it was made for you. Javier wouldn’t hide his approval of the outfit, even giving you some suggestions on more comfortable shoes or a better hat. Mary-Beth thought it was adorable and left him to help you out - that made it much harder for him to hide how pleased he was with your outfit. If you truly hated it, he’d understand and would try to reassure you that not only did it look wonderful, you were going to pull the job off perfectly. His warm hands would sit on your shoulders as he said this, hoping you trusted in him. If you’re the sort who loves dressing up and conning, he shares your happiness and will even dance with you a little before you have to leave, relishing in your giggles. 
While the party went off well, with you playing your part perfectly, chaos inevitably broke out. You have no idea where Javier came from, but you were damn grateful that he’d seen you and pulled you into a safe corner. Together you both snuck into the manor, stole as much jewelry as you could carry and easily slipped out the back, gunshots still echoing through the place. Javier grinned as he draped all the stolen necklaces and bracelets on you, asking you to keep them safe for now. You clasped your arms tightly around his torso when you rode away with him, resting your head against his back whenever you got tired.
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He all but jumps out of his seat with delight when he spots you. Mary-Beth is still fussing with your hair, but the corset under your dress has already done all sorts of magic, and the dress itself hugged you like you were meant to wear it. Of course he can’t resist from fawning all over you. He wants to pick you up and twirl you like a princess, but Miss Gaskill scolds him for dirtying the dress and he gets dragged away by the men. For once Sean was wishing he was away from the action and complained enough that they let him accompany you on the carriage - that is, as the driver. Sean didn’t even notice if you were extremely uncomfortable, he was too busy gabbing about the party and saying what a natural you’d be. When you finally have to leave, he takes your hand and gives you a warm smile. “You’ll do great. I know it.” He didn’t realize how comforting it was.
Once trouble began, you were impressed how quickly Sean scrambled to your side, and with your gun no less. Before you could question how he did it, he was gleefully shooting and directing you away from the fight. As much as Sean wanted to stay and end it, he was far more concerned with your safety, you noticed. He swung you up on his horse with little grace, and even if your dress was ruined with blood and mud and your hat went flying off, you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his torso and listened to the wild man whoop and shoot through the escape. Sean would absolutely be the type to help you off the horse and insist on carrying you around camp, bragging about his “rescue” the whole time.
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God damn it, he already thought you were cute! Now you’re gorgeous and he’s way too bashful to say anything about it for a while. He’s thankful for the girls fussing over you and the boys dragging him off to discuss the plan, because being around you is too distracting and makes his thoughts short-circuit a bit. He’s normally fine with talking to you! And it’s just a dress, so what’s different? If you really loved the outfit, you’d be a natural in it, and Lenny would find your enthusiasm and confidence very attractive. If you clearly hated it, he’d want to comfort you somehow, but would worry about coming off wrong. It’s a shame you didn’t like the outfit, because you looked fantastic in it. Before he had to leave with the boys, he’d pay you a compliment. “You’re gonna do real well, miss. Um, you … you really fit the role.”
He has a good sense of when things will go south, and when Lenny felt the tension in the air, he made a point to find you in the crowd. Ones the bullets started flying, he found you before you even made sense of the situation. Lenny would rather get you to safety right away, but if you want a gun, he ain’t denying you. All his previous nervousness would be gone as you both would shoot up the place, then find a horse to escape on. Lenny wouldn’t feel that shyness again until you both got back to camp, when he had to help you off the horse. He’ll immediately start joking about your dirty dress and praising your gun skills to keep his beating heart in line. Lenny feels much better when you’re back in your old clothes.
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He was embarrassed enough watching the girls parade you around, pleased with their work, and they had every right to be - you looked even more beautiful than the women in the magazines. It’s like you walked right out of them. He felt bad if you were forced into the role, knowing you probably hated the whole get-up, but if you absolutely enjoyed it, he was enchanted by how you seemed to beam with happiness. He’d only seen you like that a few other times, and he was pleased to commit it to memory. When you’re getting ready to leave, he can’t help but give you words of encouragement. He can’t imagine you’ll do anything but shine at the party. 
Kieran was tasked with staying behind at the camp, as he expected, but at least he was trusted to hold a gun and stay on watch duty. His thoughts often drifted to you, wondering if you were doing well and if you were sick of the party or having the time of your life. When he heard powerful hoofbeats, he snapped at attention, readying the gun and calling out... only to recognize your horse and your silhouette. Your dress was a torn mess, but it was still restrictive, so Kieran wasted little time in helping you down. “Miss, are you alright? You aren’t - is that your blood or someone else’s? Alright, good. C’mon, sit down here.” 
You told him about what happened at the party, how things got out of control and you had to flee in a hurry. The boys were likely splitting up to shake the law off them. Kieran was so relieved you were alright, his heart was hammering but outwardly he was calm as he helped tie your sprained ankle and get you some water. He wasn’t his nervous self at all, tending to you and asking questions with confidence ... until you pointed out you needed help getting out of the corset and dress.
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Tilly was initially in charge of “acquiring” the jewelry and accessories you’d wear, but she ended up shooing the other girls away when they kept suggesting ridiculous hair and make-up ideas. She didn’t care what lady’s magazine Karen read, Tilly wasn’t about to turn you into a side-show act. She was always helping you with this or that, you both relied on each other. She always knew how to reassure you, taking your face in her hands as she spoke softly. “Listen, it’s nothin’ you ain’t done before, just wearin’ somethin’ fancy now. And those boys will do their job right and keep you safe, I’ll make damn sure of that.”
If you hate this sort of thing - dressing up and conning others - Tilly would’ve tried to help you get a different role, but ultimately, you had to do it. She’d give you a softer version of her usual tough love. If you loved it, Tilly would be the one teasing you to get your head out of the clouds. Either way, when you were distracted, she’d threaten the hell out of the boys to keep you safe. Even Arthur would get an earful; if you so much as came back with a scratch, she’d have their hides. If you came back a muddy, bloody mess because you couldn’t resist joining in the gunfights, Tilly would have your hide, too. If you came back mostly clean because you avoided the fight, she’d just laugh and tease you for being so “fussy” - but she was relieved you came straight to camp. The dress and jewels are all sold afterward, but Tilly keeps some bits of fabric to sew you both something. 
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You have a feeling she’s enjoying this ... a lot. While the both of you were cool as you acquired the dress and jewels to go with it, as soon as you were back at camp, Mary-Beth was giggling and going on about how to do your hair. Soon enough you were dragged off to a tent for privacy and she dressed you up, cooing over your figure in the dress and how nice you looked. She didn’t even notice how flustered you were getting - of course if you enjoyed dressing up, you could share in her enthusiasm and get her advice on how to style it. If you hated it ... Mary-Beth reassured you it looked wonderful, “just like a princess!” Well, that didn’t help, but her obvious swooning was pretty cute. Mary-Beth ended up coming along with the job, dressed up herself and playing the part of your “companion”, since all high-society ladies were about that. You’re pretty sure companions weren’t supposed to be as red-faced or affectionate as she was around their ladies, but you weren’t complaining.
At the party you two were naturals, and what little screw-ups were quickly covered up. If Mary-Beth didn’t know something, you did, and vice-versa. You two were actually quite a team, and you noticed Hosea winking at you in approval from across the room. When trouble was starting, you pulled Mary-Beth aside and you both hastily dug through the manor’s drawers and silver cabinets while the gunshots went off outside. If you needed to defend her, you would, but luckily it didn’t come to that. You were able to steal a horse from their stable and go riding off, Mary-Beth holding tightly and urging you to go faster. You both couldn’t resist keeping two matching bracelets from the robbery.
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Karen may not be interested in passing as one of those hoity toity girls, but she’s absolutely gonna help dress you up as one. She’s laughing the whole time, throwing out suggestions and distracting the hell out of Tilly and Mary-Beth as they work. Karen was the one who found the dress, and you’re surprised at how well it flatters you and how the color suits you so well. “Didn’t I say I know how to pick ‘em? Now tighten up those laces! Society ladies don’t have fun!” Karen is quite pushy regardless if you want to do the job or not - if you don’t, she’ll all but drag you to the carriage the boys brought and force you in. It’s a hell of a chance to get a lot of money, and she doesn’t want you missing it. If you love it, that’s all the better! She teases you plenty either way while you’re trying to dress, and gives you a big kiss before you have to set out, not caring who sees. You were long gone by the time she turned on the boys and all but threatened them to bring you back safely.
The party was lonely without Karen, you wished she had been part of the plan so you both could talk together instead of mingling with these insufferable people. Sure, she may have been a little too loud and unladylike... but it would’ve been far more fun. You escaped on cue, making a point to steal a gorgeous stallion as you left the manor behind, listening to gunshots ring out through the night. The boys (and Sadie) were doing their part, so it was time to go home. You had not expected Karen to come riding on your horse with a gun. “Damn it, you were takin’ too long! I got worried...”
She tried to hide how worried she actually was on the way back. She helped you out of the infernal buttons, lacing and corset, and gladly snuggled your aching body. By the time the boys returned to camp, you both had fallen asleep in your tent.
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You’d mentioned the plan in passing to Flaco, and he was so worried for your safety he came all the way down from that forsaken mountain to make sure it went off well. He didn’t hide that he disliked you working with “that little gang” when you could just stay with him, but that was for another time. While everyone ran around preparing for the con, he watched with great amusement as you were primped and stuffed into a corset and ballgown, whistling at you and making plenty of jokes. You weren’t going to live this down, ever. Once your outfit and hair was mostly finished, Flaco patted his lap and you sat obediently until it was time to go. Even if you hated the dress, Flaco thinks you look beautiful and will tell you so, kissing your cheek and muttering all sorts of sweet things to distract your nerves. He really doesn’t care about showing you off, if anything, he’s amused by your friends trying to look away. 
It was hard not to think of him as the party progressed. You played the role well enough, but soon you were itching to get back to camp. Who knew how long he would stay around before going back to that cold place? The expected gunfight broke you out of your thoughts, and as you made your escape ... you suddenly felt a pair of familiar, fuzzy arms wrapping around you. “I’ve got you now, princesa. Why don’t you come back with Flaco?”
He was able to get you back, but not to your gang’s camp. Flaco had set up his own spot, making a point to bring your horse and your things... the only way the gang knew you were alright is he left word with Miss Grimshaw (after she gave him a thorough ‘questioning’ about his relationship with you).  You better believe he’d help you out of that fancy ensemble, but if you really loved it he’d urge you to dance and spin around for him. It’s a rare day when he sees you wearing something other than four layers, after all. 
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rosyvvoods · 2 years
I'm not sure if you write but if you do, do you have any CoD writing that you could share even a snippet of? You seem like you have a bunch of fun ideas and it would be cool to see more! Even if it's oc stuff I'm really interested!
AH!! thank you for asking!!! i don't have a whole lot but i have two that i'm working on here and there when i have the inspiration, one called "ringing in the ears" that's a fic about my bell teo and the other called "dinner & diatribes" that's a fic about my oc janet and woods and part of their youth together and their coming back together after they fell apart for a little bit!! i'll put the snippets under the read more since i don't know how to keep things short SDFSKHDFS both are also WIPs so. y'all know how it goes. there are also little like, ficlets that i have that i am going to keep close to my chest as well as a fic i wrote for lee (day 2000000 of awaiting their possible return to this hellsite) about their oc diane and adler and stitch getting to diane as the campaign for cold war is wrapping up which sits at a mighty 15,167 words SOMEHOW SFDSHK i only mention it bc it's the most i've written in a v long time so i DO write sometimes just. not. consistently sdlkfjhjlsh
"Ringing in the Ears" | current wordcount: 2,067
"Why did you need us in here, then?"
"Well, Lazar," Adler hums quietly as he puts out his cigarette, "all of the broken equipment in the corner of the room, there- one of the televisions, some of the medical stuff- was what happened the last time it was just Park and I." The group all looks over to the corner Adler is talking about; there sits broken medical equipment, and a TV that looks like something someone's dog would do to a chew toy. Pieces were scattered around the tile floor, though they had clearly been swept up a little bit and arranged in a way that they wouldn't be a bother. "Violent tendencies."
"Better safe than sorry," Lazar finishes, tone contemplative. Silence resumes as the loudest sound in the room while Park prepares the needle. She glances up at the three men, and then down at the subject.
"Alright. Wake 'em up. By the time I'm ready they'll be as awake as they need to be." She pauses, adding, "don't grab onto them just yet. We have to see how they react, lest we make them feel immediately like they're being held captive. They may regress if we're not careful." The three nod, and stand ready. Adler is the one to bridge the gap, the arm of the chair brushing up against his midsection as he places his hand on the subject's shoulder.
"Bell. I need you to wake up." He taps them a few times, firm but not forceful. "C'mon Bell. It's crank time." Slowly but surely, the person in front of them begins to awaken. Eyes blink open, still bleary with sleep, as they gaze up at Adler. They frown, brow furrowing. Adler manages a rather convincing friendly smile. "We've got a job to do, kid. Let's go." They seem to be responding well, until they catch Park closing in with the needle out of the corner of their eye. That sets off some kind of instinct, and everyone jumps into action the moment they move. Their left arm reaches for Park's wrist, though she manages to evade it as Lazar wrestles one of his arms around it. Sims manages to pin their legs from flailing- but the focus on protecting Park and whatever drug she was going to inject them with means that Adler is left wide open. He's caught with their hand digging its nails into the back of his neck, scratching across the skin despite the fabric of his shirt covering it. As the scene freezes, Adler's hand at Bell's throat pressing them back against the seat, he can feel a little bit of blood running down between his shoulder blades. Bell makes no more moves to harm, their eyes fiery and wild and fixed directly on Adler.
"Shit, are you okay, Russ?" Sims grits out, noticing the tears in Adler's shirt where Bell's short nails managed to break through.
"Yeah. This could be worse."
"Just hold them still," Park says, quickly brushing up the short sleeve of Bell's shirt to get to the deltoid muscle, pressing the needle into the skin and injecting. They flinch a little, but between Lazar, Sims, and Adler, the movement isn't enough to shake them much. All the while, as the process goes on, their eyes are still locked onto Adler's. Adler shifts his hand to grab roughly at their face, squeezing tight; since the needle entered, Bell's nails have dug deeper into Adler's skin. As Park finishes and pulls the needle out, they remain there for a moment.
"Come on, Bell," Adler grunts, brow furrowing, a brief flash of anger showing through his usually collected exterior. "Let it work. We have a job to do. Remember?" Bell's eyes begin to flutter, a few times at first and then more rapidly before their eyes squeeze shut and they press back against the chair, body going rigid. After a mere moment of that, they fall still and go limp, aside from the deep rise and fall of their chest. Their hand drops from the back of Adler's neck, and their arm goes heavy in Lazar's hold. After another few breaths, they all breathe a sigh of relief.
“I'm gonna have to check that wound out for you- Bell could've fucking killed you, doc," Sims huffs, shaking his head.
"But they didn't." Lazar and Sims look to park. She's got a small smile on her face- one that's admittedly made the room feel colder. "This is the best outcome we could hope for. They reacted quickly to that shot. I think we'll be ready to onboard them by late next week."
"That soon?" Adler asks, one hand reaching to tap the back of his neck to check the damage. He winces a little. "They didn't need the multiple dosages like last time, admittedly. And like you said, they took to it much quicker than other intramuscular injections." He pulls his hand away, and it's stained red. "We can work with this."
"Dinner & Diatribes" | current wordcount: 4,328
As the night goes on, Mrs. Fitzgerald’s usual push for Frank to head out for the evening never comes; by eleven o’clock, Frank’s fallen asleep on the floor of Jan and Johnny’s room, the twins squished onto one of their two twin beds- Johnny’s foot in Jan’s face is the likely cause of her stirring, but she glances down in her sleepy haze to see that Frank is still there, curled up on the hard floor. She shoves Johnny off of her, giving him a little kick for extra measure, before sliding her legs off the edge of the bed. She pats Frank’s shoulder softly, shaking him gently when he doesn’t wake from that alone.
“Frankie. Hey. Fucker, wake up-” after she quietly calls to him, he finally blinks his eyes open, glancing up at her with a furrowed brow. He sits up abruptly then, realizing how dark it is outside.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck- Jan, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stay so late-”
“Mama didn’t come in to wake you. You know she would have.” There’s a quiet that hangs in the air as realization settles in, and he relaxes a bit. “Go sleep on my bed.”
“Are you trying to get me killed?”
“Ha! No, I’m not- I’ll stay over here with Johnny, smelly as he is. You deserve to sleep on something better than the fuckin’ floor, especially if you’re stayin’ over for the night.”
“...are you sure? I can sleep next to your brother, I’ve smelled worse-” Jan laughs at that, trying to keep her snickering down so she doesn’t wake the aforementioned stinky brother.
“I’m sure. Go on.” He smiles up at her, taking a moment to reach up and take her hand, running a thumb gently over her knuckles. Jan freezes, cheeks growing warm as Frank peers up at her with a tender look. “Frank?”
“Your ma heard our commotion all this evening, y’know. She told me I didn’t have to lie for ya’s, and that I’m welcome anytime.”
“Holy shit.”
“I know. It was after you and Johnny went to the door. And I’m so fuckin’ happy she did, I really didn’t wanna stay on your ma’s bad side, especially not when-” he stops himself, eyes going a little wide as he carefully drops Jan’s hand and recoils his hand away. “Uh. Not when we’re, uh. Such good friends.” Jan deflates a little, tilting her head in confusion.
“Right. Good friends.”
“Mhm.” Frank sighs, glancing at the still-sleeping Johnny as he stands up. He looks back at Jan, reaching forward hesitantly to tuck some of her long, blonde hair over her ear. “Thanks, Jannie. For uh, for everything.” With that he turns to her bed and pauses before flopping down on top of it. He originally sits with his back to the twins, making Jan’s heart sink even more, hope diminishing the way a candle reaches the end of its wick. She settles back in, shoving Johnny so that he’s up against the wall and that she’s on the side of the bed. She keeps her back to her brother, eyes lingering on the width of Frank’s shoulders, and the subtle shifting of his body as he breathes. Jan’s lost in thought as Frank takes in a deep breath, though she’s pulled from those thoughts as he flips, rolling over and repositioning so that he’s facing her. His blue eyes go wide for a moment when he sees Jan staring at him, but then a cheeky smile replaces the shock on his features. She smiles back at him, and they continue watching one another as they both drift off. Jan’s last thought before really heading into the realm of sleep is that if the beds were closer, she’d have asked Frank to keep holding her hand the way he was before he’d pulled away from her so abruptly.
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dreampathic · 3 years
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❥BONUS-mattsun’s birthday
❥warnings: sexual innuendos, cursing
❥a/n: SURPRISE SHAWTAYYY i finally updated for this smau instead of talking abt my My Little Pony calendar🧍🏻‍♀️ but the main story chapter I’m still working rlly hard on and I’m trying man but my brain just won’t work 💀 but anywaaaaay enjoy this, bye losers❤️
Mattsun opens his eyes, yawning as he stretches his arms above his head. He swings his feet over his bed, touching the cold hardwood floor. He stands up and runs a hand through his hair, walking out of his room into the kitchen where Makki is wide awake, as he wears a ‘Mr Good Lookin’ is Cookin’’ apron, stirring a strawberry mixture in a bow.
“Morning babe,” Mattsun says in a raspy voice, smacking Makki’s ass before going to the fridge to take out a small carton of milk.
Makki jumps, biting his lip and pretending to put a piece of hair behind his hair. “Babe.. it’s so early in the morning..”
Mattsun laughs as he pokes the straw into his carton, taking a sip as he stands next to Makki eyeing what he’s doing.
“Making my birthday cake?” He tries to dip his finger into the mix but Makki swats his hand away.
“Yeah and don’t fucking touch it.” He moves away from his best friend, taking the bowl with him as he stirs.
Mattsun rolls his eyes.
“Fine whatever!” he turns away and grumbles, “I don’t even like your cakes.”
Makki gives him the side eye, “You like all of my cakes.”
Mattsun scoffs, taking another sip of his milk.
“Why are you up anyway? Isn’t y/n supposed to give you her birthday surprise.” Makki smirks.
Mattsun’s eyes go wide, and he chokes on his milk. “HOLY SHIT!”
He throws the carton in the sink, not worrying what kind of mess it would make and bolts back to his room, only to be stopped by your door flinging open.
“FUCK!” He trips on his feet, almost hitting his face on the door.
“Oh my god..Mattsun are you okay? Did I hit you?” You walk to him with a concerning face.
“Yeah I’m fine I just.. I need to-“
“OH MY GOD YOU'RE AWAKE NO!” The sudden realization of a wide awake Mattsun made you a bit sad since you were hoping to jump on top of him as you did for all their birthdays.
“NO NO NO!” He waves his hands in front of your face and shaking his head. “ILL GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW JUST GIVE ME TWO MINUTES!”
He starts to run to his room and looks back for a second screaming, “TWO MINUTES!”
You put your hand to your mouth to stifle a laugh.
After a few minutes you walk through the hallway, to Mattsun’s room. You try to hold in your laugh when you open his door to see a wide smile on his face with his eyes closed shut.
“Oh wow he sure is fast asleep.” You say in a sarcastic tone with one hand on your hip.
Mattsun wiggles in place, raising his Gray comforter a little bit higher to his face.
You roll your eyes and turn around for a running start. You run and leap into his bed, tackling him.
He opens his eyes and gives a dramatic, “OH WOW FOR ME?”
You laugh at how idiotic he is as you give him a hug, leaning your face into his neck. He pulls you closer to him with a wide smile on his face as he whispers “best birthday ever..”
❥fun facts:
-makki has a love of baking and bakes a strawberry cake for mattsun every birthday. just mattsun. no one else.
-y/n bought him that apron
-when iwa woke up he was confused bc usually he is awaken by y/n and when he realized it was mattsun’s birthday he was like 😐😡😢 but obviously he didn’t say anything
-oikawa isn’t in this because he was actually home for once but had a girl in his room
❥taglist: @pockyxx @cece-lives-here @psychedelicwh0r3 @elianetsantana @elephantloser @reina-de-tay @agaashesmilktea @navymacaroons @victor-criss-bish @langalvr @bakugouswh0r3 @killlerqween @tsukkiswifeey @ish-scribbles @its-the-aerieljeane @calumsfringe @boba-ashea @ptv-hades @anngelllla @michaki @seijqhigh @fangirlingonrhys @stel9 @elysianslove @loser-keiji @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @ridorii @bokkuntofu @toaster-stick @shoyotime @gojoismyhusband @hyeongjjun @catwithangerissues @manamiii @oopsliales @laninasinnombre @murdereddaydreams @kawaiibokuro @ijustneedtobealilcrazy-blog1 @eveyams @kuroos-roosterhead @that-imagines-girl​ @sukuuuna @sleepy-kiddd @bumbledunce @honeypirate @fourcansofpringles @moonlitevibes @opchickpea @tsukiscocksleeve @hogwarts--imagines @cottagecoreanone @fluffyviciousbunny @candyyrushh @kac-chowsballs @peepeepoopoot (to be added to the taglist, send me an ask! also I’d like you all to know that I don’t answer the asks because it makes it easier for me to find them and add to the next update! I do see all of my asks DONT worry! also some of your urls won’t let me tag you I’m sorry!)
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