#bc i was too lazy to do this from scratch hah
companyenvy · 7 months
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Vaughn from Borderlands, affiliated with @companypride and @companywrath. Crossover and AU friendly.
Follows from @markershub.
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wtf-amiru · 2 years
have some headcanons
- he calls her kitten and feral, mood depending
-”i’m wearing this skirt so you’ll look at my butt”
  “It’s working”
(this is so funny to me bc I only got that skirt halfway through shadowbringers so this is literally where her whole outfit comes from. *finds skirt* “....make the idiot look at my butt if he’s gonna try to keep this charade up, yes”)
-they both sleep like cats, which is to say, everywhere they feel like and usually in a position that does not make sense
-butt flap friends
-never awake on time, G'raha gets up and makes fantasy coffee probably, steers a half asleep A'miru out the door
-everyone learns real quick to keep them together for long journey’s bc they entertain each other, other wise they WILL be a nuisance to everyone
-that low growl that cats do before they beat the shit out of each other, ears back and tail perfectly still, but both of them @ bad guys
“can you two stop it, they’re going to think we’re fucking around”
-both prone to fits of hyperfixation, Thancred calls it “hunting mode”, A’miru hits him every time.
-he braids her hair at night, if he doesn’t she won’t and then he’ll have to help brush out all the knots in the morning and honestly the 5 minutes of braiding before bed is not that much work and saves time in the long run (hah, he just likes doing it and she knows it)(Also I imagine she has thick but like baby fine hair, real soft but real prone to tangle)
-”good lord all this hair, why did I let it get this long”
“cut it then”
she’s gonna do it one day
-she’s a ‘hand in his back pocket’ kind of gal
(bc then she can touch the butt :0 )
-”babe, we’re adopting the twins”
“the other option is letting me kill Fourchenault”
“...not exactly what I meant when I said I was open to kids one day”
Estinien in the background running out with papers “NOT IF I ADOPT THEM FIRST”
-best friends with Krile bc baby/child G’raha stories are food for the fucking SOUL
-masters of the quicky
suspiciously absent a lot
don’t ask G’raha where he was, he’ll just turn red
-”why do you have a knife hidden there”
accidentally stabbing your boyfriend with your hidden knives
(I think about this attack too much)
-will literally just come sit in the middle of whatever G’raha’s doing when she’s decided he’s worked enough (like my cat does when i’m working -_-)
Scratch that, she does this to everyone.
- A’miru cannot sit like a normal person, G’raha does not understand how that’s comfortable but okay
-I think it makes sense that, after being tied to the tower and basically being stuck in it for so long, G’raha would have become a very visual person.
A’miru dresses appropriately to torture him
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plutoslittlecosmos · 4 years
an attempt of making me look like i’m actually Working On Something aka an intro to my WIPs
Since i recently got a new desktop theme with them noice Navigation Links i figured i should probaby also make some posts that these links can refer to. But because all of my currenty wips are currently still under heavy construction, i’ll be keeping their information as non-commital as possible, to save myself the guilt of dissappointing everyone when i end up revamping the entire thing to the point where it is practically unrecognizable from the story that made people interested in it in the first place.
with that being said, here are my babies:
Project Space
aka my Problem Child. Previously known under How to Kill the Dead but let’s just pretend it’s an entirely different story because let’s be honest it kind of is. Also this is a working title bc i’m too lazy to come up with something cool.
the only thing that stayed the same is the overall concept. Space Pirates and gay shenanigans. Lots of pining. The main character is an absolute bufoon but his bf is a sweetheart so he’ll be fine. (somehow that actually applies to both of them lol we stan dummies in love). The actual plot is still a mystery to me for the most part, all i know is these poor children* want to escape their current life almost as much as i do haha
*i don’t actually know how old they are. depending on how serious the plot is gonna be i’m gonna have to age them up anyways.
Project Boo!
by now you can probably see right through my titleing process but joke’s on you because this is the actual title of the story hah bet you didn’t see this one coming now, did ya?
i actually did a seperate introduction post to this one and surprisingly enough, it still is pretty accurate. at least as far as i can remember because it has been a hot minute since i last looked at that post whoops. BUT in case you’re too lazy to go look for that one, i’ll just quickly summarize the concept for you.
Imagine this: you’re on a school trip. it’s going great. everybody’s having lots of fun. then, suddenly crazy shit starts to happen. why? because the dumbass class-clown thought it would be funny to pretend to be a ghost. Now he’s running around haunting people. no one thinks it’s funny. least of all the poor kid who accidentaly summoned a ghost and has absolutely no idea how to get rid of it.
this one doesn’t even have a working title
because all i’ve got for it is a single character and the longing for magic. His name is Flynn and the only thing i know about him is that he likes frogs and mushrooms. Needless to say this one is the wip i’m most excited about. lots of lesbian cottagecore energy.
When the Blue King Falls
i originally started this one because i thought the title sounds cool. A long car-ride-daydream-session later and i had this and it’s two sequels very roughly planned out. The only thing that’s missing is my Will To Write This. 
As i am making this post, i am frantically looking through all my notebooks or random scratches of paper to try and find any coherent notes on this wip but honestly it’s 3 am and this is too much effort for a three-sentence summary so i’m just gonna wing it.
Basically there’s this young-ish king who’s being accused of some murders he didn’t commit and now he’s trying to simultaneously prove his innocence and also prevent a revolution. Also i think there’s some gay stuff happening as well but yeah i can’t find my notes so don’t quote me on that. (what i’m saying is i don’t know if there’s gonna be a romantic subplot at all. You can believe me when i say that IF THERE WAS, it would be gay.)
and with that, you have reached the end of this post, i hope you found something to your liking and i could convince you that i am not just a sad loser who hasn’t written anything for any of these in almost two months. whoops that kinda blew my cover, didn’t it. oh well. but if you are actually interested in any of these, i’ll be happy to tell you a little bit more about them so please give me an excuse to ramble and come slide in my inbox!
Hope you’re all having a great day!
- Pluto
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