#bc if it's true then it'll be awkward and if it's not then i'll just seem really irrational
eggmeralda · 10 months
no feeling worse than hearing there might be another group chat that you're not in
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sparrowposting · 8 months
@roccondil asked about my pf character based on this art and ofc I will take any excuse to talk about ocs at the slightest prompting, but beneath the cut because I know it'll be rambly (of course it will be, I'M the one writing it and I write on this site in the same long-winded excitable manner I speak. There's GOTTA be tangents, I cannot stay on a single thought)
OKAY SO apologies in advance this is long + turns a little personal abt my own feelings on romance at the end
I won't go into the whole campaign plot bc that would take forever, but it's a pathfinder 2e campaign in a homebrew setting. The game takes place in a wintry country near the northern pole, it is an elven nation and largely made up of magic users, everyone is lowkey snooty and Very Serious, except on the politically&religiously approved festivals when shit gets wild. The basic premise is heavy on the political intrigue and assassinations.
My character - Periklea Alkmeonidae - is a wizard grad student, essentially. She's an elf, but only 74, so by societal standards quite young, and is in many respects a 'young scrappy hungry' upstart. She's not nobility, but from a decently well respected family of scholars, her brother Alkibiades is several decades older, always showing her up, and some sort of up and coming politician.
Periklea attended the Fancy Wizard University in the capital and specialized in illusion magic (utility caster for an intrigue themed campaign!) and her research is in the magic & gods of the previous age [there was a world shattering calamity, stuff happened with the gods, etc etc, this was way way way way before the campaign, she's basically a magic archaeologist]. After her time at the academy she became apprenticed to one of the top mages in the country - Lyrian - however, Lyrian is a bit of a bitch. She's selfish, and ruthless, and is a little cutthroat and perhaps unethical in her attempts to gain political & academic power. That's fine, because that suited Periklea perfectly - she is also less scrupulous in her attempts to gain academic prestige and renown. She's not /evil/ just true-neutral selfish and has a one-track mind on her own ambitions. She also has a raven familiar named Diomedes but that's not relevant to the romance.
When the campaign starts, Periklea's been sent to work with a senate member trying to reform the fucked up govt in the country, not because she has good intentions, but because Lyrian told her to + it'll help her gain hard to get research access to a restricted site if she has the favour of some high-ranking politicians. This is how the whole party gets involved with each other, except most of them are good-aligned to some degree or another.
A whole political assassination plot (possibly involving an evil Alkmeonidae ancestor??) happens, and I'll spare you all the details, but in the course of trying to solve this mystery (and for Periklea to further her own aims) she attempts to make connections with a prominent senator, Count Vyllsen. She's never met the count before, for all her ambition, she's a /scholar/ not a politician, and despite having a decent charisma score, she's absolutely awkward when it comes to manoeuvring outside of academia - she can handle the academic manipulations with ease, but non-academics?? Yikes.
So to get in with Vyllsen she calls on an acquaintance of hers from her academy days - Illdaria. Illdaria is a 'wizard-jock' - pathfinder's magus class - where Periklea is a vanilla wizard nerd, Illdaria specialized in magus training. They were classmates, but Periklea never really considered her a 'friend', an acquaintance and a colleague at most, however, she kept contact with Illdaria because she could be useful politically - Illdaria is Vyllsen's niece, and has connections to the nobles of the neighbouring empire - her half-brother is the emperor and her father a duke, but due to her nebulous heritage this is kept somewhat on the down-low.
As one can imagine, Periklea had no qualms about using Illdaria's friendship to arrange a meeting with Vyllsen. Illdaria finds out the truth, is DEEPLY upset, and Periklea has to deal with feeling guilty - it's her first emotion in nearly a decade - Rose's character Katya is appalled to find out Periklea's only emotion is usually ambition.
The party keeps running into Illdaria throughout the campaign, because she's part of a significant noble family that's plot-relevant and every time Periklea is like....oh God The Guilt. At one point she decides she's going to try to do something /good/ and /selfless/ for once, and in her research she finds a bunch of stuff related to Illdaria's family history + Illdaria's area of research - Periklea gives this to her as an apology and makes it clear that it's a gift with no strings attached, she's not looking for any political gain from this gift. She also offers some of her research notes & to commit library crimes by breaking in to the restricted section together. It's a very stilted awkward apology, and Illdaria (rightly) is like....hm maybe you should try to be a better person 'you really ought to think... do you REALLY want to be like Lyrian? Is that what you REALLY want in life?'... Periklea has an existential crisis upon realizing that Illdaria has genuinely considered her a friend THIS WHOLE TIME. And perhaps even sadder, Illdaria is the closest thing Periklea HAS to a friend, she just never realized it til now.
Tons more plot stuff happens, at one point they have to go to a masquerade to try to gather intel on a related govt conspiracy + they're also now doubling as vigilantes at night. ANYWAY at the ball, Rose, out of character, suggests Periklea go talk and dance with Illdaria since she's been really trying to be a better person and Periklea isn't great at the political schmoozing anyway. I think to myself, sure why not, and so I do.
Now, at the beginning of the campaign, I thought it would be funny to take a voluntary penalty to strength, I'm a utility caster, surely how often will I ever need athletics as a skill. WELL..... in trying to get across the crowded ballroom, my extremely awkward wizard trips and falls flat on her face and loses her glasses, cue a Velma from Scooby-Doo type situation, except lo and behold who scoops up Periklea's glasses and comes to her rescue? Why of course her dashing wizard-knight, Illdaria. They have their little meet-cute (even though they've known each other for years) and they talk and have a heart to heart. Periklea fumbles both the dancing and talking - trying to be genuine and truthful for once does NOT come easily - but apparently it's charming enough for Illdaria, who likes this new, earnest Periklea.
I /FRAN/ am not a smooth person, and a terrible flirt because I mean everything So Much and have no emotional restraint, but I managed one real smooth line about how we can sneak Illdaria away from her overbearing uncle because I'm an illusion wizard, clearly offering spell slots is a sign of love. To paraphrase Rose about the GM (her fiance), 'he's a Straight Man but very good at playing charming lesbian npcs'. (Apparently this has happened in previous campaigns lmao)
It is all VERY sweet and VERY Top Tier Romance To Me. I didn't go into the campaign with any notions of Periklea's romantic inclinations* so this kinda just crept up on both me AND her**, but it's SO SOFT??? Like peak romance is hand holding, awkward blustering flirting, exchanging wizard notes, and going to the festival. They have a festival date which will SURELY be interrupted by plot-relevant murder attempts, but like.....THE ROMANCE OF IT ALL. Wizard romance for the win.
Like. Maybe I'm Just Realizing Things About Myself, but I crave that romantic intimacy with the intensity of a thousand suns, but not really the carnal aspects? Don't get me wrong, I would like that, but it's a lesser concern, only one sun intensity, and besides there's the whole Catholic Guilt thing and my aversion to physically having children bc of various mental things. PURE ROMANCE on the other hand??? The tenderness of it all??? THE TRUST AND FORGIVENESS ??? THE COMMITMENT AND SOFTNESS AND TENDER TOUCH?? I am maybe obsessed with lavender marriages and romantic friendships and qprs and all other hard-to-define relationships for said reason. I'm insane about die in my arms mutual lifelong devotion <- to no one's surprise says the person who is literally always blogging about yearning and devotion. Greatest desire of my heart!! Maybe!!!
As a teen I was never the 'lying in bed with my feet kicked up doodling hearts in a notebook' type, but now, aged 27, in all ways except physical, I am absolutely doing that while thinking about these two. Deadass I added some heart doodles to my campaign notes for last session.
*Sebastian, my broken cleric from a Stahd campaign, had a very clearly defined bisexuality from the start. He was in a horrible awful space after betraying his previous party and becoming trapped in Barovia, and so he spent a LOT of years pre-campaign being an alcoholic and charlatan prelate and sleeping around - both for self-loathing guilt induced reasons, and because a little coin and a warm bed goes a long way in Barovia. I knew from the start I wanted him to have some sort of a recovery arc, and so when Strahd kept trying to trick Seb into betraying the party AGAIN and becoming one of his spawn-brides & Escher kept appearing and there were clear parallels between Seb and Escher....from there it was an easy jump to romance. I DID NOT plan the same for Periklea. Though I suppose if Seb was a manifestation of my depression, Periklea is my anxieties, and they're being handled differently by this co-creative narrative venture.
** Ironically, 'it crept up on me' is exactly me, aged 18, being like 'wow girls are cool too and I guess I'm bisexual???' I was suchhhhh a late bloomer and had had only a few crushes on guys, and only ever if we were friends, in highschool so it was like, oh okay this is just what it's like. Get to university, am studying abroad, have really small class sizes, have a few classes with this cool af girl, we spend a lot of our class travel time on long bus & train rides talking about lotr and medieval history and all sorts of things. And it was like an /oh/ moment of I could just curl up and lean on your shoulder and keep talking like this forever and hold hands and maybe sometimes kiss gently and that would be the happiest thing in my life. Also she had streaks of blue hair. And pronouns. Ofc.
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henriiiii-1001old · 5 months
coming back/moving blogs
hey, been a while, hasn't it? i hope you're all doing well! this is my official coming-back-to-tumblr post, but it's a little different than i had originally planned.
i've decided it would be in my best interests to move blogs after a bit of thinking. i feel like coming back here would just feel too awkward for both me and you guys, especially with my now deleted drama post. i just wanna move on from all this bullshit, especially since i've had do deal with a lot of other shit, including college.
it's still @/evrydaygets-darkr, just moved to a different account. i still like the name, so i'm keeping it for now. this account will still be up for archival purposes, but it will never be active again. i hope you understand. (EDIT: changed to @henriiiii-1001 bc of shit that happened w ak recently. see this for more info and this for my official statement on it)
as a general life update, i'm done with my first semester of college!! it's been kinda fun so far! i've made a couple friends here and there, and classes (except for math) were super cool!!! i loved most of my professors, and i am honestly excited for the upcoming semester! ive been artblocked to hell and back though, so i don't have much in terms of new art or writing, but i've been trying my best to get out of it. i also gained a new hyperfixation, which is project sekai: colorful stage (abbreviated as pjsk), so i'll probably be posting abt that quite a bit (btw my fav group is wxs and my fav character is tsukasa :3 ), specifically abt stats and achievements w like song completions, maybe some pulls too!
im also gonna put a few updates on aus and oc stories rq:
for my tmc aus: the big ones i'm working on are getting new masterposts and infodumps for the new blog. i would rb posts from this blog to the new one, but due to some personal stuff i don't feel very comfortable doing that. i havent been able to cook much lore-wise for any of them, but i'll probably get back into the swing of things once i start interacting w you guys again. - for specifically father's duty: i'll hopefully have chapter 3 done soon. it's actually been almost done for a while now, i just need to think of the ending. thank you to those who've stuck with me this far <3 (EDIT: all my tmc aus are discontinued. read above for more info)
for murder files: i'm gonna change up the pacing a bit because i feel like i was going a bit too fast with it. i wanna take my time with it and make it feel as real as possible. it might take me a bit to get fully set up bc im probably gonna have to plan a few steps ahead, which i've barely done. i just need time to plan everything out and draw some shit
i will try to post as often as i can to get back into using tumblr like a true tumblrina (even though i see theyve made some more disgusting changes so yay </3 ), though it'll probably take some getting used to.
i really missed you guys. i'll see you on the flipside.
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 37- the fwb saga
btw can I just say ty for all the love on this concept 😚 i did not plan to go this crazy but here we are 13,000 words later and I love her dearly 😚
thinking about getting into a little fwb arrangement with college harry bc you're inexperienced and you're tired of it 😌 he says "well i could show you a thing or two 😌" and he truly means it as a joke but then you pause and say "would you?" and he looks at you with wide eyes and he's stumbling over his words to say "yeah, of course, I'd love to" bc he's had a crush on you since forever and it's fiiiiinally happening 😌 you're just staring at him and he's like "oh did you- you meant like right now?" and you shrug and say "now's as good a time as ever..." and then you notice he looks a little off so you're taking back what you said and saying "but we don't have to do anything if you're not up for it, I just thought since we're alone-" and he cuts you off to say "that's not what i meant at all, I was just surprised... and you're right, we do seem to be all alone 😌" since his roomate is staying the night somewhere else, and harry doesnt think you'll be going all the way that night by any means but he still wants privacy so he can take his time with you 😌
then in true harry fashion he doesn't hesitate, he just jumps straight into the awkwardness and says "so have you kissed anyone before?" and you're already blushing but you shake your head and say "not so much..." and his eyes soften, he steps a little closer and puts his hands on your hips, ducking his head down to meet your eyes and he says "hey... don't have to be embarrassed, it's not a big deal" and you're still a little blushy but he says "and it's kind of hot that I'll be the first guy to kiss you 😌" bc he knows just how to use pesty comments to break the tension and make you feel relaxed with him ☹️then he's looking at you again and your smiles fade a little bit when it starts to feel really tense in the room again, but this time it's a good kind of tense that makes your tummy flutter and your heart pound a little faster 😌
he's right up in your face when he whispers "do you want that? want me to kiss you? and show you what a real kiss feels like?" and you're already so turned on just from a few words that you can't imagine what it'll be like when he actually touches you, and all you can do it stare at his lips and nod 😌 he doesn't give you any more time to stress about it, he just wraps his arm around your back to pull you closer and presses his lips to yours 😌 he doesn't do anything too crazy since he can literally feel you shaking from nerves and all the adrenaline but he can't stop himself from running his tongue over your bottom lip just to feel you shudder 😌
you pull away after a few seconds, feeling a little dizzy from all the things you're feeling and the way he's so close and how good he smells, he notices you look a little out of it so he smiles and says "we don't have to do anything else, you look like you're about to pass out" and his pesty words are enough to bring you back down to earth, you roll your eyes and try to pull away but he tightens his arms and says in a quiet voice "don't go, I didn't mean it" and kisses your cheek ☹️ you say "sorry, you're just, um, you're really good at that" and you're blushing so hard it hurts but he smiles and says "and so are you... are you sure that was your first? seems like you've been holding out on me all this time" and you just laugh and put your head on his chest ☹️
after a few minutes you're feeling braver so you say "i don't think- I don't want to stop there" and he's trying not to get too excited so he keeps his voice even when he says "no? want to kiss some more?"
and you nod shyly, he smiles and says "I think i can make that happen 😌" and then he's walking you backwards toward the couch 😌he turns around and falls back on it, then he pulls on your hips and says "come on, come sit" and you're a little hesitant at first but he says "we don't have to do this, or if it makes you more comfortable you can just sit next to me, it's whatever you want" and the sincere look on his face makes you feel safe, so you do what he wanted and straddle his lap 😌 when he has you all situated he grins and says "hi" and you're both smiling so big when you breathe a little "hi" back 😌
he realizes he's not quite comfy with the way the cushions are settled so he tells you to put your arms around his neck, then he wraps his own around your back and stands up to resituate with you just hanging on him 😌 when he sits back down he says "good girl, thank you" and he does nawwwt miss the way you blush harder than you have all night 😌 he smiles in a teasing way and says "oh yeah? you like it when i call you my good girl?" and you can't even respond to that, you just keep your arms around his neck and tuck your face in his shoulder bc it's all too much to process 😌
he chuckles a little bit and says "come on pretty girl, look at me" and when you raise your head he cups your face with his palm, stroking your cheekbone gently and says "I'll just have to keep that in mind, won't i?" and he's smiling in such a cheeky way 😌 then he says "but anyways, where were we... oh right, i think you were about to kiss me again" and you roll your eyes and say "oh was i?" and he goes "yup you were 😌 probably should get on it too I'm feeling pretty lonely over here" and then you catch him off guard by leaning in first 😌
he can feel you're still nervous so after a few seconds he pulls back and says "don't worry so much, just follow my lead and do whatever feels right, yeah?" and you nod, and he wants to see how much it really affects you so he murmurs a "good girl" just to see you blush again 😌 this time he feels you squeeze your thighs together a little bit and he's going crazy knowing you're just as turned on as he is, but he figures this is enough for tonight so he just pulls you in for another kiss and doesn't say anything 😌
he can't believe he's getting so worked up just from kissing, but the way you're clutching onto his shoulders and very subtly grinding on him and the little noises you're making have him so hard he can barely think 😌 when he can sense you need a minute to break he pulls away and kisses down your jaw and neck, searching for any particularly tender spots for him to have some fun with 😌
he's saying stuff like "fuck, baby, you're so pretty" and "how've you been keeping those lips from me all this time?" and when he can't take it it anymore he comes back up to kiss your lips again, and he mumbles "you're gonna have to be the one to stop this, because I'll sit here and kiss you all night if you let me" and grips your hips a little tighter to help you rock against him 😌 that sounds like a good plan to you so you end up kissing until you're both so tired you can't do it anymore, and then he picks you up and carries you to bed and cuddles around you with the promise that you'll continue this in the morning 😌
I'm glad u guys are whores for that concept just like me 😌 anyways the next morning you would wake up to him cuddled so close around you, you push him away just enough so you can stretch and ofc that wakes him up so then he's watching you stretch your arms and legs out and you accidentally (or maybe not accidentally 😌) let out a pretty little moan and he's just like 🤤 bc he's a boy and he can't help it 😌 after all he did go to bed hard and he definitely wasn't complaining but he's also still very hard and you are nooot making it easy for him 😌
once you're a little more awake you turn back to him and cuddle against him again and you can feel how hard he is, and you're blushing all over again bc you don't know how to react to that but he just says "just ignore it, it'll go away... well actually it might not if I'm with you all day but still just ignore it" and then youre both giggling bc he's so dumb ☹️ then he says "I do recall saying something last night... maybe something about continuing what we were doing?" and he's trying to guage your reaction, not wanting to push you at all but you just cuddle into him more and your voice is muffled when you say "yeah, I would like that" and he's so happy to hear that 😌
he tightens his arms around you and flips you over so you're on your back, you nearly scream at how fast he did it and he's laughing at the shocked look on your face, then he leans closer to your face and says "you're so cute, do you know that?" and kisses the red spots on your cheeks 😌 then he kisses a little trail towards your lips, but every time you turn your head to kiss back he moves and lands on the corner of your mouth or your chin 😌
finally you get frustrated and grab his jaw to hold him still so you can kiss him and he's sooooo turned on to see you taking what you want 😌 you spread your legs a little more so he can settle between them, and he has his hands tucked up under your shirt to rest on your sides 😌 he pulls back to kiss at your neck again, and of course he remembers all the spots you like from last night 😌 he definitely leaves one or two lovebites, nothing too crazy just a few little pink marks for him to run his thumb over 😌
after a few minutes you get impatient and pull him back up to your lips again and he doesn't even try to hold back the moan he lets out against you 😌 he never wants to stop kissing you, but the way you keep raising your hips to grind against him tells him that maybe you're getting a little too needy so he pulls back, looking absolutely drunk on you when he says "we can keep kissing like this, or we can do some other stuff... what do you want from me baby?" and you're staring at his swollen lips when you say "what kind of other stuff?" and he's smirking so big when he starts moving south, kissing all along your chest and tummy as he goes 😌
when he gets to the waistband of your shorts he looks up at you with an eyebrow raised, and you nod quickly and lift your hips to help him out 😌 he moans again when he sees you and how wet you are and ofc he drags a finger through the wetness and says "fuck, you're soaked for me already? we haven't even done anything yet" and you both know he's teasing bc you can see how hard he is, but you have to admit you like when he talks to you like that 😌
he brings his finger up to his lips and sucks on it, he closes his eyes and lets out another little moan and says "taste so good baby... gonna let me have a real taste?" and he can tell you're nervyyyyy but you nod and spread your legs a little more, so he gets settled between them and turns his head to kiss your thigh saying "nothing to be nervous for, you know I just want to make you feel good" and gives you a few more kissies on your thighs☹️
finally he has his face right where you want him, and he loops his arms around your legs to hold you still before he takes a deep breath in and says "you smell so good... bet you taste even better though" and he doesn't give you any more warning before he dives in 😌 he licks along the full length of you, then stops to suck your clit between his lips 😌 you're already gasping and fighting against his hold because it feels so good but he just holds a little tighter, and he's so strong he really has no problem keeping you still 😌
he can tell you're holding back on making noises, maybe you're embarrassed, he doesn't know, but he just can't have that so he pulls off and says "need to hear you lovie, I need to know I'm doing a good job, so let me hear you" and gets back into it 😌
your head tips back on the pillow and you let out a real moan when he sucks more harshly on your clit and you can literally feel him grin against you when he hears it 😌 he pulls away just enough to say "that's my good fucking girl" and then he's back at it, he has his face buried in you and he shakes his head back and forth to drive you crazy even more 😌
soon you're gasping that you're close and he speaks against you so you can barely understand him but it's something along the lines of "cum for me, show me how good I am" and he's making a mess, his tongue is everywhere at once and moving so fast against all the sensitive spots when you finally tense up and cum 😌 it's definitely the most intense thing you've ever felt and it seems to go on and on, especially since harry does not let up the whole time 😌
he just keeps working you through it until you grab his hair and pull him away, whining that's it's too much, and he has the most cocky look on his face when he sees how fucked out you look 😌 you're fighting for your life trying to breathe normally again but he just crashes his lips against yours and you can't help but moan, being able to taste yourself turns you on a lot more than you imagined it would 😌
you moan against his lips and he's cradling your face again, when he finally pulls back he says "well... how was that?" and you laugh breathlessly at how big his ego is, but you figure he's allowed to be cocky after making you cum that hard 😌 you say "it was... really fucking good, I won't even pretend, because that was the best orgasm I've ever had" and he's sooooo smug saying "good to know 😌"
and I still have more thoughts about that fwb concept... he's quickly discovered that going down on you is his favorite thing to do so he's always coming up to you asking if you want to practice 😌 even in front of people the demon hugs you from behind, whispering in your ear "why don't we get out of hear? i need some practice 😌" and you're blushing so hard but you nod and follow him to his car 😌 ofc he opens the door for you and is such a gentleman 😌
but that all goes out the window as soon as he gets in the car because he's been waiting all day and he's just obsessed with you 😌 he has his hand on your thigh and it's slowly creeping higher, pushing your dress out of the way and brushing against you 😌
this is the first time you're experiencing how much of a tease he can be, he's only giving you the most gentle light touches, and every time you move your hips to get more he pulls away, tsking and saying "don't be naughty, baby, need you to be a good girl and take what i give you" and you're absolutely soaking through your panties but he doesn't seem to care 😌 it feels like the longest car ride of your life, but finally he's pulling into his driveway and turning to kiss you 😌
you're so desperate and he can feel it in the way you grab his collar and pull him closer and closer, and if you let out a needy moan against his lips, who can really blame you? after all he has been teasing you all night 😌 finally he pulls away, and you're pouting and chase after his lips a bit but he just smiles saying "come on pretty girl, let's go inside so I can take care of you properly" and he leads you up the pathway 😌 you're clinging on him and he's having a hard time getting the door unlocked with how whiny you are, but finally he manages and pushes you inside 😌
he has you up against the wall before you can even think and when he presses his hips to yours your head tips back on the wall and you let out a loud moan, not even embarrassed because you can feel how hard he is and you know he must be feeling the same way after all the teasing 😌 he leaves one kiss at the corner of your mouth but then he goes for your neck, kissing very gently over the old lovebites he left and probably leaving a few more 😌 he's so possessive and he wants everyone to know he's the only one who makes you feel good like this 😌
and yeah maybe he secretly likes you as a lot more than friends or whatever this little arrangement is, but he's not about to think about that right now, now when he has you whining and squirming under him 😌 the dress you're wearing shows quite a lot of skin and he's very pleased to see that, he has easy access to kiss all over your shoulders and chest- but that's not his plan for today, so he dips back up to kiss your lips and he walks you toward his bedroom with your lips never leaving his 😌 he pushes you down on the bed and starts unbottoning his shirt, talking absentmindedly like he's just thinking out loud about what he wants to do to you 😌
he says "I think I'll give you my fingers this time... haven't done that yet have we? so far I've only used my tongue on your little pussy... so maybe this time I'll use my fingers, find your g-spot, get you to squirt for me? how's that sound?" and you're staring at him with wide eyes because he talks about such erotic things so casually and he looks at you expectantly, clearly wanting an answer, so you nod your head quickly and say "that sounds- sounds really good, yeah we can do that" and he's smirking so big when he walks back over and says "alright, that's what we'll do then... but firstly, you're wearing far too many clothes" and takes your hands to help you stand up before he pulls the dress over your head 😌
he drops it on the floor and says "you've been driving me crazy all night, you wore that little thing on purpose didn't you? knew it would turn me on" and you nod shyly, blushing harder when he unhooks your bra and drops it to the ground 😌 he lets out a little groan and says "got the prettiest fucking tits, baby, how come you've never let me see them before?" but he doesn't give you a chance to answer before he pushes you back down on the bed and gets his mouth on you 😌
he sucks one of your nipples into his mouth, licking and being so gentle and he brushes his thumb over the other one to feel you whine 😌he pulls his mouth away, blowing a gentle stream of air on you and he smirks when you gasp and arch your back up 😌 he says "you like that? you like having your pretty nipples played with?" and you nod so fast, gripping your fingers into his hair to hold him close when he moves to give some attention to the other one 😌 finally he pulls away, kissing his way up your chest before he rests his forehead on yours and says "haven't kissed you nearly enough today" and presses his lips to yours 😌
of course you love doing this but also you're all worked up and aching for him so you manage to pull away, just enough to say "I want you to kiss somewhere else" and he has suuuuch a cheeky smile on his face when he says "yeah? where?" knowing you're too shy to actually say it, but he still wants to tease you a bit 😌 you blush and say "you know where" and he goes "hmm I don't think I do, I might need a little reminder" and he's guaging how far he can take this before you break, but then you catch him off guard by grabbing his hand and guiding it down between the two of you 😌 you let go when it's between your legs, and he drags his fingertips against you, gasping a little and saying "oh, baby, you're so wet for me" and you nod, biting your lip a little when he circles your clit 😌 he says "you have been a good girl for me today, and i like good girls... so i think you should get what you're begging me for" still taking over you, and his voice is a bit condescending, but you can't pretend you don't love it 😌
he crawls down to settle between your legs, giving you one good lick before he looks up at you again and says "what did I tell you I was going to do?" and you stutter out "give me your fingers?" and he nods, tracing around your hole with his middle fingers and says "keep talking... what did I say I was going to do with my fingers?" and you're blushing so hard but you manage to say "you said you were going to find my g-spot and make me squirt?" and he murmurs "that's right..." and leans down to suck on your clit 😌 he gets you all worked up and ready before he finally slips his finger inside, and he can't help but moan against you when he feels you clench on him 😌
he tries a few different patterns, sometimes more tapping against it and sometimes rubbing back and forth, but he finds you squirm around most when he uses more pressure to really dig the pads of his fingers against it 😌 he settles on a rhythm like that, sucking your clit in the same pattern And soon your moans get a little louder and closer together and he's pretty sure you're about to cum 😌 he doesn't dare lift his head to ask though, he just follows your cues and moans again when your back arches 😌
of course you can feel him moan and it vibrates through you, making you moan and clench even harder, and you're both so turned on it hurts at this point 😌 his lips keep working, not leaving you for a second as he curls his finger and tries to find that spot that will make you see stars 😌he's pretty sure he's found it when you let out a sound that's somehwere between a gasp and a moan, and he knows he's right when he keeps pressing at that spot and you cry out 😌
he hums against you, questioning if that feels good, and you nod and say "right there, right there, please don't stop!" and he has no plans to stop anytime soon, so he slips a second finger inside and then starts moving them both against that little spot 😌
he's doing everything he can to hold you down with his one free arm, but you just can't help moving around when it feels so good 😌 finally you gasp out that you're close and he doesn't let up, he just keeps the same steady rhythm with his fingers and sucks a little harder on you, flicking his tongue against your clit as well and that's what finally does it for you 😌 your whole body locks up and you let out the loudest moan he's ever heard from you before he feels you gushing against his fingers 😌
he still doesn't slow down, he wants to help you ride it out for as long as possible, but soon you're pushing him away because it's too much 😌 he comes up to lay next to you, you're still breathing so heavily and you blush harder than he thought was possible when you see that his face is all wet 😌 you bring your thumb up to wipe some of it off his chin, and he catches your wrist and licks your finger clean 😌 he gives you a few minutes of just staring at his pretty face and trying to calm down before he asks "so I'm guessing that was good, then?" and you can't even bring yourself to tease him, you just nod and say "yeah... really fucking good" and he looks soooo satisfied with himself 😌 then you reach for his waistband and say "i could return the favor?" but he grabs your hand to stop you and says "no, i already came in my pants" and he doesn't even look embarrassed to admit that, because you're so hot and everything you do turns him on 😌 you're a little surprised but you say "okay... then will you just lay with me?" and he says "that I can do, but let's clean you up first" and gives you a soft kiss before he runs to grab a washcloth 😌
and you shake your head a little, saying "not like that- i want to touch you like you touch me" and he's nearly losing his mind from how turned on he is but he doesn't want to freak you out or embarrass you, so he just nods and says "we can do that... but why don't we finish up here first?" and your head tips back on the pillow and you nod, saying "yeah that would be good" and he can't help but smile at how cute you are 😌 he gets his mouth back on you again, circling his tongue around your clit and flicking it against you just how he knows you like 😌you curl your fingers in his hair, pushing his head a little more against you and he figures he'll tease you for that later but for now he just wants to make you cum 😌 by now he knows your body and all your reactions pretty well, so he can tell you're close when your thighs start to tense up and you grip his hair tighter and your moans get a little more breathy and higher pitched 😌
then you haven't been able to stop thinking about returning the favor from that night, but you're not quite sure how to bring it up to harry and you're also a little embarrassed about it because you've never done it before, but at the same time the whole point of this arrangement was for you to get experience so one day you bring it up 😌hes fingering you or going down on you again, something he's made very clear that he loves to do, and he can tell that you want something but he's not sure what. so he lifts his head to look at you while his fingers keep working and he says "i know you want something baby... tell me what it is and I swear i'll give it to you" and you can barely form words as his fingers keep pressing against that spot inside that he's so fond of, but finally you manage to say "I want- I want to make you feel good too" and he rests his head on your thigh, leaving a gentle little kiss on the skin there and he says "you do make me feel good, every time i touch you i feel so fucking good"
he works his fingers a little deeper, humming against you and that's what does it and has you cumming on his fingers 😌 he's very smug and satisfied as always, coming up to kiss you because even though you've never admitted it he knows you get off (at least a little bit) on being able to taste yourself on his lips 😌 he gives you a minute to collect yourself like he always does, holding your hand while you stare at the ceiling and try to start breathing normally again 😌 he kisses your hand a few times, murmuring about how you looked and sounded so pretty for him 😌 after a few minutes you look at him and say "can we do it right now?" and he laughs a little bit at how eager you are, then he says "we don't have to...I don't wanna rush you into anything" and you shake your head, sitting up a little to say "I want to though, I've wanted to for- a while" and you blush when you admit that, he grins so big and leans closer to make you look at him and he says "yeah? a while? you've been thinking about sucking my cock between your pretty lips for a while now?"
and you nod, nearly forgetting to breathe when he brushes his thumb over your lower lip as he speaks 😌 then he pulls back and says "come on then, i've been hard for you since i got here" and he stands at the edge of the bed, guiding your hands to undo his belt and pull his pants off 😌 you reach down and palm him through his boxers and his head falls back, he lets out a big sigh and says "already feels so good, baby" and since you're in such a position of power you decide to tease him the way he loves to tease you 😌 you say "really? i haven't even done anything yet and you're already whining" and he's caught off guard by your words since you're usually the shy and blushing one, so he swings his head back down to look at you and says "my girl has a filthy mouth, hm? why don't you show me what other filthy things that mouth can do?" and he's very satisfied to know he has the upper hand again when he sees you blush at that 😌
a bit of your confidence has faded away once you slips his boxers off, and he can see how nervous you look so he puts his hand over yours and says "look at me, please" and when you meet his eyes he says "we don't have to do this if you don't want to... just because i've done stuff for you doesn't mean you owe me anything in return, i need you to know that" and you nod, saying "i don't feel like i owe you anything, i just want to make you feel good like you do for me... i just don't really- i don't know what i'm doing, so i need you to tell me what you like" and he's both very emotional knowing you feel safe and respected by him and also very turned on by hearing you say that 😌 he says "thank you so much for being honest with me and trusting me, it really means a lot... and of course I'll tell you what to do, the reason we're doing this is for you to get some experience, isn't it?" even though you both know this little arrangement has already gone far beyond its original purpose 😌
but now is definitely not the time to discuss that, so you just nod and wrap your hand around him gently 😌 he says "wait, wait" and grabs your hand, opening your palm toward him and licking up the length of it slowly😌 your eyes go wide at what he's doing but he acts like nothing is out of the ordinary as he licks all over your palm and fingers, then he lets go and says "okay, now go ahead" and you're still slightly in shock from how erotic that was but you snap back into it and reach down again, gently taking him in your hand and looking up at him, he nods and says "just like that, just a little harder- there you go, just like that baby" and he's already breathing harder, trying so hard not to lose it when you start stroking up and down 😌 you keep flicking your eyes between his face and your hand, trying to gauge his reaction to see if you're doing a good job, but soon you don't have to look at him anymore because the sounds he's letting out are telling you that you're doing more than a good enough job 😌
after a few minutes of getting used to it you look up and ask "can i use my mouth?" and he groans deep in his chest, trying so hard to keep it together and he says "of course, if you want to" and he's about to give you some direction but you cut him off by leaning in to lick him 😌 he gasps and throws his head back, biting his lip so hard he thinks he might draw blood, but he really can't bring himself to care about that when you're making him feel so good 😌 you're just giving him little kitten licks while you keep stroking, but then you notice how much more tense he gets when you pay attention to his head so you focus your attention there for a while 😌 finally you get a little braver and suck him into your mouth, not taking him very deep yet because you're still getting used to the whole thing, but you circle your tongue around his head, and he lets out the whiniest moan you've ever heard, so you figure you must be doing alright 😌
you take him a little deeper, trying different things with your tongue to see what he likes, and your hand keeps stroking, and it's when you reach your other hand down to cup his balls and squeeze at them a bit that you can tell you really got him 😌 you can feel how tense he is and he's nearly trembling from trying so hard not to buck his hips, and his teeth are clenched when he says "i'm close, i'm so fucking close, you need to pull off" and you don't do what he says at first, not wanting to stop just yet when you know he's feeling so good, but he grips his hand in your hair and pulls gently, moving you back and away a little bit and his eyes nearly roll back when you pout at him 😌 your hand keeps stroking him and he says "didn't want to cum in your mouth for your first time- that wouldn't be very-"
finally he feels like he can open his eyes again, so he looks down to see you staring down at your chest and he immediately feels bad saying "i'm sorry, that was a lot, I'll go get a towel-" but he stops when you drag a finger through it and bring it up to your lips 😌 he's in awe as you suck your finger clean, keeping your eyes locked with his the whole time 😌you shrug a little at the shocked look on his face and say "wanted to know how you taste, since you're so obsessed with doing it to me" and he groans, still staring at your chest when he says "fuck, pretty girl, you're gonna be the death of me" and he gets up to grab a towel to clean you off 😌once everything is settled he pulls you into bed with him, cuddling you into his arms and taking a deep breath to smell your shampoo he loves so much😌 you're feeling a little self conscious so you say "did I do okay?" and he lets out a little huff of laughter, nuzzling against your neck to say "i can honestly say i've never cum that hard in my life" and you blush at his crude words, but ultimately you're just happy you did good for him 😌 he mumbles something like "i don't know how you always make me feel so good, but you really do" and you smile, but before you can respond his breathing evens out and you can tell he's asleep😌
and he nearly chokes on his words when you lean in to lick him again 😌 he's moaning basically every other word and he says "need to- baby i'm so close, where do you want me to-" and you move back just a little, still stroking him, and say "on my chest, please?" and he nearly loses it right then hearing how sweetly you asked 😌he manages to look down at you and says "of course baby, always gonna give you what you want-" and then his head tips back again and he finally cums 😌 you're a little surprised at how much there is, and you're a lot more into this than you thought you would be as it hits your skin 😌 as he's coming down he looks back down at you and he has to close his eyes for a moment, because the sight of you covered in him is just too much to take so soon after cumming 😌
no one can convince me fwb harry isn't into watching you touch yourself.... one day you get together and it's been a while since you've seen him, maybe you're both busy bc of finals or whatever but then one day the just shows up at your door 😌 he pushes you inside and he's kissing you right away, breaking away to say "missed you so much" before he's back on you 😌 he walks you to your bedroom and at this point he doesn't need any guidance, he knows exactly where he's going 😌 he's saying the filthiest shit against your skin as he kisses down your neck, all "don't know how i lasted so long without touching you" and "i bet you're absolutely dripping for me" and then he pushes you to sit on the bed, he looks down at you and says "and I know you missed me too... poor thing, you haven't been touched in so long have you" and you're starting to feel really comfortable with him, to the point where you feel like you can talk back a little to rile him up, so you say "i mean, i still touched myself" and he's a bit taken aback to hear you talking so bluntly, but he recovers fast and says "did you? i bet it wasn't as good as when i do it, though" and you're still feeling a bit bratty so you shrug and say "i guess you'll never know, will you?"
and his eyes darken a bit at that and you know you have him right where you want him 😌 he gets kind of an evil looking smirk on his face and he says "yeah? it's like that? why don't you show me then?" and your face drops, but he just keeps talking 😌
he says "you want to be a brat? do it then, show me how you touched yourself" and he's so smug knowing he got you flustered again, but then he sees how hesitant you look so he drops his facade right away and moves closer, cupping your face in his hands to make you look at him and he says "hey, you know i'm just playing, right? we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" and you shake your head a little bit, keeping eye contact when you say "i want to" and he smirks again, knowing you're okay to keep up the act, and he says "yeah? quit fucking around and show me then" and his words have you more than a little turned on 😌
he pushes you to lay down but he stays standing over you, watching your every move as you slide your hand down to the waistband of your sweats 😌 then he realizes something, and his eyebrows furrow when he says "are those- are you wearing my sweatpants?" and you nod, your eyes locked with his as you slip your fingers under the fabric 😌 his head tips back and he groans, because the sight of you touching yourself while you wear his clothes is just too much for him 😌 so much that he can't help but reaching down to palm himself through his jeans 😌
then he lifts his head back up to look at you, and he's so turned on he can barely think 😌 your fingers are moving slowly, but he can't quite see what you're doing through all the layers of fabric 😌 and you've pulled your shirt up to expose your pretty bra, and his eyes go wide when he sees the lacy little thing and he says "you were planning this, weren't you? you wanted me to come over" and you say in a breathy voice "one of your friends told me you left the house, and i figured you might be coming here" and he snorts saying "you're so needy for me, you just assume I'm coming to see you every time i leave the house?" and you say "i was right though, wasn't I?" and for the first time that night he's a bit speechless 😌
after a few minutes of seeing you rub slow circles and listening to your breathing speed up, he pulls your hand away and sucks two of your fingers into his mouth 😌 your eyes go wide but you watch him, circling his tongue around them and moaning at the way you taste 😌 once they're soaked and you're very much out of breath he pulls your hand away and says "now i want you to put them inside, and fuck yourself like i would" and you don't even move to do what he said right away, you're just staring at him a little bit shocked but he raises an eyebrow and says "did you not hear me? i told you to fuck yourself with your fingers" and you shake your head saying "sorry, sorry, i heard you" and slide your hand back down, and he's watching with a very satisfied grin on his face and says "been such a brat today, but i'm glad you're finally listening to me" and you close your eyes, trying not to whimper at how filthy his words always are 😌
because it's true, he's just as needy for you as you are for him😌 then he says "that's enough teasing, why don't you take those pants off" and you're not really in the mood to tease him anymore so you do what he said, and you're about to settle back on the bed but he stops you saying "the shirt too" and you take that off as well, and you're reaching for the bra clasps but he shakes his head and says "leave that on for now" 😌
finally you lay back and look at him, and he's just staring at you like it's the first time he's ever seen you 😌 you roll your eyes and say "it's nothing you haven't seen before you weirdo" and he just grins and says "yeah, but you're pretty every time" which makes you bluuush 😌 then he says "go on, keep touching" and you do what he said, reaching back down between your legs 😌 he watches as you slowly rub circles around your clit, biting on your lip because it feels good 😌his eyes keep flickering between your hand and your face like he can't decide which he wants to focus on, but finally he settles on your hand and watches the way your fingers move 😌
but he's not having that, he grabs your wrist and pulls it away again, and when your eyes shoot open and you start to protest he says "you keep your eyes on me, or you don't get to touch at all" and at this point you can't even tell if he's bluffing, but he certainly looks very serious so you nod and say "i'll keep them open, i promise i will" and he smiles, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips before he lets go of your hand and says "that's my good girl... now go ahead" so you take a deep breath, moving your hand down yet again and he watches as you trace down your tummy, running your fingers over the sensitive skin lightly to tease yourself a little 😌 he's making mental notes the whole time, seeing how you whimper when your fingers trace over your hipbones and how you clench your thighs a little tighter when you use your nails to scratch lightly 😌
your eyes are locked on him as you slowly trace your fingers through the wetness that's gathered from all the teasing, even though he's not looking at your face because he's so focused on your fingers 😌 you let out a soft moan when you brush against your clit again, and everything feels so much more intense than normal since you know he's watching your every move 😌 finally he's had enough of watching your slow and teasing movements so he says "what did i just say? i told you to put your fingers inside, didn't I? such a brat... i don't like bratty girls, i like good girls, so be a good girl and do what i told you" and his voice is low and serious and you're not sure it's a good idea to test him any further so you do as he said, sliding your fingers lower to slip them inside 😌
you sigh at the feeling, sliding your fingers in and out slowly to get used to it and harry is absolutely obsessed with you 😌 he can't stop staring at how wet you are, or how much you're stretching yourself out from just two fingers 😌 how your fingers slide in and out so easily because you're soaked 😌 finally he pulls his eyes away to meet your eyes again, smiling softly when he sees your eyes are locked on his like he told you to do 😌 he says "finally being a good girl, are we?" and you nod, not stopping the movements of your fingers as he talks to you 😌he says "i'm glad to hear that, you know why?" and your voice is a little shaky but you still manage to answer him, saying "no, why?" and he says "because good girls get rewarded" and the way his voice is so sultry and low only turns you on more, your eyes slipping closed as you get closer and closer to the edge 😌
only a few seconds later he gives you a little slap on the face, not hard at all just enough to get your attention, and your eyes fly back open to see him right in front of you and he says "what did i tell you? said to keep your eyes on me... it almost seems like you don't want me to be nice to you" and you shake your head, saying "i'm sorry, I do, it just feels good" and he shakes his head, saying "you keep being naughty like that and you won't like what happens" and you're so helplessly turned on that you figure it's in your best interest to listen to him, because he's shown you before that he's very fond of things like edging and he can tease you alllll night if he wants to 😌 then he sees how your fingers have slowed down and he says "none of that, baby, need you to keep going, make yourself feel good" and you nod, pushing your fingers a little deeper 😌 your palm rubs against your clit and you let out the most needy moan he's heard tonight, and he reaches down to palm himself again and says "that's a good girl, that's what i like to see" and you can't even focus on him anymore because there's just too much going on 😌
after a few minutes of building yourself up you're starting to think you need more, so you try to push your fingers deeper but you can't really reach with the angle, and he sees your face scrunching up and he smirks a little bit, saying "it doesn't feel as good as when i do it, does it baby" and you shake your head, still trying to reach for that spongy spot inside that he always finds so easily, but then you huff and say "will you just do it?" and he laughs, saying "I don't think so, you told me you did this all the time when i was away, so what's stopping you now?" and you whine, moving your legs around a little because you're getting restless and say "but you're here now, so why won't you just do it?" and he says "because you've been a brat today, and brats don't get what they want" and you pout at him, but he just traces over your bottom lip with his thumb and says "put that away, good girls don't pout" so you do, tipping your head back a little as you move your hips up so your hand will rub a little more against your clit, and he glances down again to keep watching 😌
then he says "since i can tell you're trying to be good for me, how about this: you make yourself cum first, and then i'll give you my fingers?" and it's not exactly what you want, but you know harry can and will hold out for as long as he wants to so you nod quickly, saying "yes, i'll do it, i want to be good for you" and he smirks and leans in to kiss you 😌 you were already close before but having his weight on top of you and his lips against yours gets you so much closer to the edge, so you're moving your fingers a little harder and grinding your hips up against your hand and you're barely kissing back because you're just moaning into his mouth😌 he's not to proud to admit he's more turned on than he probably ever has been before, and he can tell you're close when your moans get a little whinier and closer together😌 he barely even pulls away, just enough to say "cum for me, give me a good one and i'll give you what you want" before he's on you again, and it's only a few more seconds before you cum 😌
it's desperate and frantic and he's absolutely obsessed with how he can literally feel you tensing up under him as you moan 😌 finally he pulls away and he has to whisper for you to breathe, because your eyes are clenched shut and it seems like you're pretty out of it, but then you take a few deep breaths in and open your eyes to look at him again and he's having a really hard time keeping his lips off yours 😌 he leans in for another kiss, moaning because you're so sweet and because he's so turned on from watching that all go down 😌he barely gives you a minute to recover before he's reaching down between your legs, he bats your hand out of the way and rubs the pads of his fingers on your clit and you cry out into his mouth 😌 he pulls back to look at you while his fingers keep working and he says "too much? want me to stop?" and you shake your head, breathing heavily but you say "don't stop, feels so good" and pull him down for another kiss 😌
his fingers slip inside sooo easily from how wet you are, and he curls them to find your g-spot right away, which has you crying out again😌 his thumb comes to rest on your clit, rubbing slowly in time with his fingers inside, and he can tell you're getting close right away since you were still so sensitive when he started touching you 😌 you're moaning pretty much constantly against him, and his lips curl up in a cocky smirk when he feels you clenching on his fingers 😌 he pulls away and says "are you close, baby? can feel you squeezing on me... you're always so tight, and wet for me aren't you" and his words have you that much closer already, so you grip onto his shoulders as you nod😌 he kisses your cheek and says "open your eyes, i want you to look at me while i make you cum" and that has you clenching on him yet again, and it's almost too much to handle but you do as he said anyways, opening your eyes to meet his 😌
he moves his thumb down to collect some of the wetness that's gathered there, and then he moves back up to your clit to rub a little harder, and you moan so loudly that he knows you're close 😌 he says "i know you're going to cum for me, so just do it, just let go and feel good" and he leans down to kiss at the sensitive spot right below your ear, and that's all it takes to finally make you cum 😌 he feels every muscle in your body tense up, and you squeeze on his fingers so much harder than before and your nails are digging into his shoulders so hard that it almost hurts, but he likes it a lot more than he knows how to admit 😌 his fingers keep moving, working you through it, until you reach for his wrist and try to pull him away, gasping that it's too much 😌
he moves his hand, bringing his fingers up to his lips to lick them clean, and he keeps eye contact with you the whole time 😌 once he's done he leans down to kiss you, both of you moaning against each other 😌 finally he pulls away and says "that was the hottest fucking thing i've ever seen" and you giggle a little bit, saying "yeah, it was alright for me too" and he looks at you with a cheeky smile saying "oh really? only alright? should we go again, then?" and you're like "no, no, I'm good for a while" and he laughs saying "that's what i thought" before he flops down next to you 😌
you and fwb harry would have such a good thing going then, any time you're stressed or needy or just missing each other you get together 😌 there's always lots of unhurried kissing because he's just obsessed with your lips, and bc he loves having you sit on his lap 😌 that almost always leads to grinding on him until you're whimpering against his lips, and at that point he's smiling and picking you up to bring you to the bedroom 😌 and of course this always leads to one or two mindblowing orgasms 😌 and pretty soon you realize that you have a crush 😌 and ofc you've always had a little crush, i mean look at him, but now you're thinking that it's more of a crush crush 🤭 but you're both too scared to say anything, so you just continue on like everything is normal, getting together at least 3 times a week and you're basically already dating 😌 then one day you're cuddled up on the couch together, sitting between his legs with your back against his chest, watching a show but not really paying attention, and you lift your head and say "Harry?" and he hums to let you know he's paying attention, and you just decide to go for it because you've waited long enough so you say "do you ever want to have sex? with me?" and you can feel him freeze against you, he actually stops breathing for a second but then he tries to play it cool and he's all "yeah, of course I do" and he's trying so hard to be chill so he doesn't freak you out but inside he's like 😋😆😄😘😝bc he thinks maybe it's fiiiiinally happening 😌
he says "you know I'm always going to give you anything you want, hm? if having sex is what you want then I would be more than happy to do that with you, but if you aren't ready to take that step yet that's okay too... I think we both know I'm fucking obsessed with you and I'm more than happy with anything we do" and you're blushing a bit at his words but you keep your eyes on his and say "I know... I'm pretty obsessed with you too" and he laughs, leaning in to kiss your cheek and saying "well I'm glad to hear that" and you nod, just looking at him for a few seconds before you say "I want to though, I don't want to wait anymore and I just want to feel you like that" and he can already feel himself getting hard under you, but he doesn't want to rush things so he just nods and says "I want to feel you like that too" and you smile a little bit, leaning in to kiss him 😌 it's very soft and gentle at first, kind of just feeling each other, and then it quickly gets more heated 😌
and you nod, still not looking at him, and he thinks you're not going to say anything else but then you say "do you maybe want to do it sometime soon?" and he's losing his mind hearing you talk like this but he just says "yeah, of course baby, whenever you feel like you're ready" and you're quiet for a minute and he really thinks you're going to drop it for now but then you're very quietly asking "do you want to do it tonight?" and his eyes nearly roll back in his head 😌 he takes a deep breath and says "come on, turn around so I can look at you" and he helps you get resettled so you're straddling him, which is definitely a favorite position for both of you 😌you have your hands braced on his chest and you're suddenly feeling very shy so you're staring at them instead of his face, but he grips your chin with two fingers and tilts your head up to look at him 😌
he grabs the sides of your face to hold you close and your fingers clutch tighter in his shirt, his tongue swipes over your bottom lip and you open your mouth a little to let him in 😌 soon you start moving your hips against his slowly and he lets out a low groan, he keeps trying to pull away to say something but he can't stay away from your lips from long and you can't either, but he manages to get a few words out between kisses 😌 saying "why don't we- let's take this- let's go upstairs" and you make no move to stand up, you just keep kissing on him, so he finally just wraps his arms around you a little tighter and stands up 😌 he keeps you wrapped around him and his lips don't even leave yours as he stumbles into his bedroom, and then he drops you on the bed and stands over you to look at you 😌 he's breathing so hard and his lips are swollen, and his hair is a little messy from where your fingers were running through it 😌
he says "lay back pretty girl, need to get you ready for me first" and you stare at him for a few seconds before you say all in a rush "take your shirt off" and he's smirking so big saying "oh really? want me to take my clothes off?" and you nod, and he sighs dramatically and says "I guess so, just for you" even though you both know he's very much into this 😌 he pulls his shirt off and lets you stare for a while, but then he says "now your turn" and at this point you're not even shy bc he's seen you naked so many times already so you take yours off too 😌 ofc he staring at your chest right away, and he says "you're so fucking pretty, baby" and you blush, looking down, but he says "none of that now, need you to look at me" so you look up again and he smiles and says "that's my good girl" and steps closer to the bed 😌 you have to tip your head back to keep eye contact bc he's so much taller than you 😌 he steps closer again to he's standing right between your legs, and he grips your chin to keep you looking at him 😌
he says "I need you to promise that if you ever want to stop, or something doesn't feel right, or you're just not feeling it anymore, you'll tell me right away" and you nod, but he says "I need your words, baby" so you say "i will, i promise" and he strokes his thumb over your cheekbone, looking in your eyes to make sure you're sure 😔 your heart is beating so fast and you're a little nervous, but you know this is exactly what you want 😔 he says "lay back for me?" and you do, scooting up to lay your head on the pillows, and he's just watching you, so obsessed with how you look laid out in his bed like this 😌 he crawls up next to you, kissing up your chest as he says "I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby, all you have to do is lay there and look pretty" and you nod, tangling your fingers in his hair as he kisses around your nipple 😌 he remembers you're pretty sensitive there, so he spends a bit of time paying attention to them 😌 soon he can feel your thighs clenching together and he murmurs "that feel good, baby?" and you nod again, letting out a breathy little sigh when he smiles against your skin and starts sucking a little mark into your collarbone 😌 he runs his thumb over the pink spot and says "now everyone will know you're mine" and he is soooo smug about that 😌
he keeps kissing around, all over your neck and shoulders and just anywhere he can, tell you how pretty you are and how much he likes the little noises you let out 😌 he works his way down your chest, licking over your tummy bc he loves the way you giggle when he finds a sensitive spot 😌 he definitely bites on your hipbones to make you squirm and playfully try to push his head away, but he just smiles and gives you another little kiss 😌 finally he gets to the waistband of your shorts and he says "can i take these off?" and you nod, lifting your hips to help him out 😌 he groans a little when he sees you're not wearing anything under them, and then he looks up at you and says "you little minx, you were planning this weren't you?" and you blush a little but shrug and say "a girl can dream" and he shakes his head with a smile, laying his head down on your thigh and giving you a few little kisses while his fingers dance around 😌 he drags his fingertips up and down your inner thighs, and when you try to move your hips up to get him to touch you he moves away every time 😌
finally you huff and say "will you just touch me already?" and he smirks a little bit saying "patience, love, need you to be ready for me first" and you're getting frustrated so you say "that would be a lot easier if you would stop teasing" and he laughs saying "don't act like you don't love it when i tease you, I can literally see how wet you are right now" and you know he can do this for as long as he wants to so finally you give in and whine "please, I need you" and that's exactly what he wanted to hear 😌 he finally moves his fingers to brush over your clit, and he can see you relax now that you're finally getting what you want 😌 he starts rubbing slow circles just the way he knows you like, and after a few moments he replaces his fingers with his tongue 😌
then he brings his fingers up to your mouth and taps them on your bottom lip, clearly wanting you to get them wet for him 😌 once he decides he's ready he pulls them out and brings them back down and slips two inside 😌 ofc this is nothing new for you, you've down this before lots of times but he always knows just what to do to make you lose your breath 😌he keeps sucking on your clit, and he crooks his fingers up to find your g spot 😌 soon you're moving your hips up in time with his fingers and he moans against you and you can tell he's grinding down onto the bed a little bc he's so turned on 😌 he keeps doing exactly what you like, pressing his fingers against the sensitive spot and flicking his tongue against your clit 😌 he lifts his head just enough to say "cum for me baby" and gets back into it, and a few seconds later you're tensing up and gripping his hair to push him against you 😌
he works you through it, grinning when you swear a few times and gasp his name bc he knows you're feeling so good, and it's all because of him 😌 his fingers are sliding in and out so easily from how wet you are and he's absolutely obsessed with the feeling, but soon he has to pull away bc you're gasping that it's too much 😌 he comes up to kiss you and as always you moan against his lips, but this time when he pulls away you say "i like it when you do that" and he knows exactly what you mean but he wants to hear you say it, so he says "when I do what?" and you blush a little bit but keep eye contact to say "when you kiss me after you- you know, and I can taste it on your lips" and he thinks he's never been more turned on in his life 😌 and he smirks and says "yeah? guess I'll have to do it more often then, won't i?" and you nod, still blushing, but he doesn't let you feel too embarrassed before he's kissing you again 😌
and he sees you're starting to look a little nervous, so he puts his hand on your cheek to make you look at him and he says "nothing to be nervous for, we'll go slow and I'll take care of you like I always do... I'm always gonna take care of my pretty girl" and he kisses you so gently 😔 you nod, and he reaches back down to open the package and roll the condom on and you're watching the whole time, he sees you staring and he smirks saying "don't worry baby, I'll let you do it next time" and you blush, but nod saying "i would like that" and he looks so satisfied 😌 then he cages himself over you again, pushing your head down on the pillows, and his eyes get so soft and he says "you are, you know? you're so pretty, prettiest girl I've ever seen" and he leans down to kiss your cheek 😔
I think he would definitely take his time with you, he wants you to be very wet and ready for him bc... well he's not small 😌 soon you're moaning against his lips again and trying to move your hips up, so he takes that as his cue that you're ready 😌 he slides his hand back down and lets out a soft hum, saying "you're so wet, is that all for me?" and you nod so fast, finally speaking up again to say "you know it is, now please stop teasing I'm ready" but he doesn't think he's had enough kissing yet, so he leans back down for another 😌 he rubs his fingers slowly to get you worked up again, and when you start whining into his mouth he decides to have mercy and give you what you want 😌 he rolls away and reaches into the nightstand drawer, and you take a deep breath when he pulls out a condom bc you're a little bit like 😶 oh this is actually happening for real 😶
he stays like that for a few moments, then you huff and say "you're making me nervous, will you just do it already?" and he can't help but laugh at how impatient you are 😌he reaches down to rub at your clit a few more times, then he says "ready?" and you nod, gripping his shoulder, and he starts to push in 😌 you gasp a little bit at the new feeling, and he stops right away, searching your face to make sure you're okay and he says "alright? want me to stop?" and you shake your head saying "it doesn't hurt, just feels kind of weird" and he acts all offended like "oh so now my dick is weird 🙄" and then you're both giggling, and you say "you're so annoying" and he nuzzles his nose on your cheek saying "you love it" and your face is all scrunched up bc it tickles, but you both know he's right and you absolutely do love it 😌
"right there, please don't stop" and he shakes his head, murmuring "I'm not gonna stop, I'm gonna make my girl feel good just like I promised i would" and he reaches down to rub your clit 😌 he goes in circles in time with his thrusts in and out, and then when he's deep inside he uses his other hand to press down on your lower stomach and you nearly scream 😌 he says "right there, hm? you feel me, deep in your tummy?" and you nod, gripping at his wrist to hold his hand in place 😌 soon your head tips back and you say "I'm close- I'm so close" and he nods saying "cum for me baby, show me how good i make you feel" and your nails dig into his arm as all your muscles tense up 😌 you gasp his name a few times and he can tell you're so close, so he leans in to whisper in your ear "want to feel you cum while I'm inside you"
he pushes in a little more, and it stings a little bit from the stretch but it's nothing too bad by any means, and anyways you have his pretty face and his lips on yours to distract you 😌 though you're barely kissing each other, you're just moaning and letting out needy little noises against each other's lips 😌 soon he's almost all the way in, and he huffs out a big breath and puts his head in your neck saying "almost there, baby, you're doing so good for me... still feeling okay?" and you nod because it's starting to feel good, with how big and warm he is and how he's deeper than his fingers have ever been able to reach, and you say "It feels different but- good, feels good" and he groans, pulling out a little bit so he can slide back in, and you feel him shudder a little when he whines "you're so tight, feels so good-" and then his hips are finally pressed against yours, and you're both breathing so heavily because it's so new and feels so good and you both like each other so much, even if nothig has been officially admitted 😌
he's trying to keep himself together when he says "I'm all the way in, you feel so fucking good" and he sounds a little desperate 😌 you clench around him, just to see how it feels, and he lets out the neediest noise you've ever heard and drops his head to rest on your collarbones and says "don't do that, I won't last long if you do that" but you do it again, since it feels good for you too, and he nearly whimpers 😌 finally he says "are you- can i move?" and you breathe out a little yes, and he has to take a deep breath before he pulls out and then pushes back in, and you're both wound so tight and needy for each other that just that one movement has you shaking 😌 he grinds his hips against yours, pushing as deep as he can, and he smiles when you moan out and he knows he's right on your g spot 😌 he says "yeah? right there baby?" and does it again, and you clench around him and saying
and that's all it takes to have you nearly yelling his name 😌 he watches your face, absolutely obsessed with the way you look when he's pleasing you, and keeps rubbing his fingers until you come down enough to try and push him away 😌 then you're out of breath and a little overwhelmed but you manage to get out "I want you to cum too, I know you're close" and clench down on him again, and he groans saying "I am pretty girl, I'm so fucking close, you have no idea what you do to me" and you lean up to kiss under his ear, right where you know he's sensitive, and whisper "then show me" and he lets out the most feral moan before he grabs your hips and pulls them against his so he can be as deep as possible when he cums 😌
then he flops down on top of you, and you're both breathing so hard and he rests his hand on your chest and smiles when he feels how fast your heart is beating 😌 after a few minutes he says "please know I'm serious when i tell you that was the best sex I've ever had" and you're blushing right away, but he doesn't make you answer because he says "feeling okay? are you alright for me to get a cloth to clean you up?" and you nod, all 🥹 on the inside at how considerate he is 😔 when he comes back with the warm washcloth he spreads your legs gently, and you gasp and tense up because your so sensitive when it brushes against your skin but he shushes you quietly saying "I know baby, I'm almost done" and then he throws it off to the side and crawls back up next to you 😔 you're both quiet for a moment, and you're feeling so safe tucked in his arms, and you take a deep breath and say "I'm glad you were my first time" and he nuzzles his face in your neck, giving you a few gentle kisses before he says "me too" 😔 then he speaks up again, and he sounds so nervous but he says "I'm glad you trusted me with this... i really like you, and I have for a long time" and you smile, cuddling more against him when you say "I really like you too" and you can feel him smiling against your skin as he hugs you a little tighter 😔
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.2
And the flashbacks hurt
Speaking of flashbacks, Derek punched through half a stone pillar in one go during season 2 so Scott wtf my guy. Ur a True Alpha, I thought that meant u were supposed to be better than everyone else "I'm stronger, I'm faster, I'm better" (think that's from the boys lol)
awww reunion 👏
Yeah I'm with Lydia, I wouldn't be too keen on looking at the sword that murdered my bestie either
why you not want Melissa to know ur here. Boy if you don't bring ur mom some dinner, she works very hard
Ofc it's a muscle girl it's ur damn vocal cords
Lmao Jackson is me. That pizza looks good, also I wish he had stayed for more season, I'm a firm believer that he was really supposed to be Peter's son and Malia is just made up of what his and Cora's storyline would've been had the actors stayed
Should've brought Ethan with you
Okay so wtf is going on w/ Jackson? is he werewolf or kanima bc all we see him use are kanima stuff now but at the end of season 2 he was full werewolf. Also like didn't they explain in like season 5 that it's supposed to be impossible to be two things and that's why the chimera's were such a big deal? Smh, really wish Colton had stuck around so this was explained but I respect his decision to leave
"Well it looks like a tree" Def would've been him in season 3
Wish they had just rebuilt the Hale house
"it was coming loose anyways" lies 😂😂
he broke alot of laws 😬
boy really just said "well I'll just change my name" like by doing that it'll alter his DNA 😭
Poor kid is so insecure about being a werewolf, maybe he's scared he'll be a failwolf like Scott. Nah but in all honesty the Hale's were like wolf royalty so that would be a lot of pressure to live up to. Plus I wouldn't love losing control of myself and being hunted down
Malia making me think of Dany "take off your clothes"
Derek trying so hard. You're doing great sweetie 👍
Love how Parrish just has a uniform already prepared
Also feel like if Malia had to have a love interest it should've been a woman
When ur fuck buddy decides he wants a relationship 😬
Why she so weirded out by relationship when they already act like a couple...
No explanation for Scolia break up. One is an incident, two is a coincidence, three's a pattern. are we gonna get enough for a warrent, what's after four?😭😂
"I missed you" "I missed you too" "No you didn't" "Okay, I wanted to" Believe it or not that's progress😂 Malia you know for a fact that you have developed better emotional skills, you've been human for like 14 years now and Lydia was one of ur best friends
"It's kind of awkward to see you" Should've been Kira telling Scott that. Or Allison could've said that to Kira, would've been and interesting love triangle if Scott and Kira were still together. Who would y'all have wanted to end up together had that happend in the movie, Scallion or Skira?
Don't y'all remember how impossible that thing is to find? Like y'all legit had to sacrifice yourselves last time to find it
How did Nogi get in Chris? We've got enough for a warrent people, Jeff we're coming for you jkjk
So it was that simple to get it out...why didn't we do that the first time? Ooo could've made it like that time when all the werewolves got possessed and tried to kill eachother bc of all the flies, but this time Chris does and its not the Nogitsune (well it is but u know what I mean)
Ur not even gonna try and catch Nogi...okay then
Malia you couldn't pick up on ur cousin's scent? Speaking of, Derek you didn't here your son jump out that window?
"you got got big" yea that's what happens to kids when a shit ton of years pass Scott 🤦‍♀️
So sleepwalking is just a sign of upcoming transformation? Huh, I just always thought Peter was controlling Scott some how, but cool I want to know more about the born wolves! We should all petition Paramount + to make a Hale prequel
The screamer😳 that sounds like a bad porn name
Malia acting like she found it😂
Eli's so slow to take the hint, he's so adorable and so much like me
Them saying don't tell Derek bc it's personal like um nah it's cause he'd say it's a bad idea
I feel like a blood sacrifice should've been made to wake up the nemeton again bc it goes dormant after a few years when nothing happens to it as we've seen countless times before, also this is necromancy so it should be a darker ritual. Like the ground where she died & the weapon that killed her is great but there should've been more steps & it should've been more complicated. If there's anything I've learned from the numerous fantasy shows I've watched is that magic like that always comes with a price
Cool ritual overall though, love how they almost got sucked into the nemeton
All this magic making Malia hungry, me too grl me too
I also love how it wasn't automatic, it took a few seconds. Maybe it would've been better though if she didn't come back to after they actually left and so Harris finds her without her memories and manipulates her by lying to her. Meanwhile the pack is grieving again and questioning why it didn't work
Also I forgot to say this, when Mr. Harris popped up in Liam & Hikari's restaurant I immediately thought "Ariana what are you doing here?😂"
Love how Allison came out looking 30, with her hair having grown out, and her makeup and nails done. Sis was really at the spa, not Bardo 💅 why y'all interrupted her, she was on a much needed spa retreat bc dying is so stressful
Also why didn't we just use this ritual to bring other people back?
Is she alive though, or is she still in just a state between life and death,, what if now her physical body us here but part of her subconscious is still over there? *gasp* then maybe we can talk to other ghosts through her if she gives up control of her body sometimes. Omg that would be a coll concept for another movie, someone taking over her subconscious
Now Malia's bout to pop a wheelie, seems like she still sucks at driving
Hey mama McCall's a doctor now!
Seems like she wasn't very suprised at some of the gang being back in town
I feel like the glow from the nemeton should've been just a black mist to represent the Nogitsune instead of the just green that kinda reminded me of the ghost riders; also I thought he needed a host?
should've made Allison his host so that they'd have a harder time killing him bc of the emotional damage
Imma add to the plot I made up earlier🤪 Allison comes back after Scott, lydia, and Malia leave and Mr.Harris gets her and manipulates her right, right, well then he gets the Nogitsune to possess her but she doesn't know it. Sometimes she's her, and sometimes she's not, but regardless she doesn't have all of her memories
Pt. 2 - 5
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Hi Jade!! I'm finally here to read and give my thoughts on chapters 8 through 12 of star lost!! I know I'm late, I know and I'm sorry, I just had to take some time off social media but I'm so glad to be back to finally catch up with my favorite
This would be way too long if I were to say everything about these 5 chapters all in one ask so I'll split it up so you won't get tired of me lol (you still will get tired of me, I talk too much)
I actually had read a little bit of chapter 8 when it came out but wasn't able to make it to the end due to busy life 😬 so I decided to read it from the beginning because I have a shitty memory and didn't remember enough to know exactly where I left
First of all, the beginning was already so beautiful and poetic, I can't get enough of saying how good of an writer you are, seriously. Just y/n describing the landscape and daydreaming is so relatable, I can't concentrate on anything else other than the landscaping when I'm traveling, and her saying it looked like something out of a Studio Ghibli film 🥺 my ghibli enthusiastic heart was pleased ❤️
Also how can Y/N not realize how in love she is with Hyun yet? I'd be panicking about it already, guess I'm too self-conscious haha
My man is here talking about Baekhyun and being excited and she's freaking out internally thinking about how bad she wants to hold hands with him. So cute.
I can imagine it perfectly.
This whole scene of them talking in the train was cute, I love it!
Hana asking what y/n talked about in the train and asking "what did he say about me?", I'm sorry I'm trying so hard to like her but things like that make it difficult, she's so self-centered omg and her stepping up to fix Hyun's hair when y/n was about to just do that aaaaa annoying
And Hyunjin being jealous of Felix?? Yes. I asked for it and I'm loving it.
I'm taking notes as I go through the chapter so I won't forget to mention anything and I feel like I'm talking alone lol
DID HANA JUST SAY Y/N HATED HYUNJIN TO THE WHOLE FUCKING ROOM? WHAT KIND OF FRIEND- and it's not even true... wow... I'm speechless, I thought things couldn't get worse
"Being my wingwoman certainly came in handy" how the fuck does she make everything about her? and why?
I guess the reason I dislike Hana so much is because she sounds like an old friend of mine but idk how everyone else feels about her so I'm feeling a bit bad so I hope I start to like her soon? Idk?
But anyways
I smell a truth or dare game coming, I can almost feel it, I know it'll happen sooner or later, it wouldn't be a party without it, right?
Hyunjin checking y/n out got me flustered and giggling like a 15 year old 🤡
Why is their dynamic reminding me of something I had with somebody I'd rather forget omg I'm gonna cry
Them holding hands 🥺 I love them
Felix seemed disappointed Hyunjin checked if y/n was hurt? What is going on? What is this tension? Oh I don't like this
Spin the bottle... of course... I'm not READY
Ok 5 minutes later... I'm ready (I think)
So Felix likes y/n? Is that it?
Hyunjin chose to drink that thing instead of kissing y/n.. ouch that hurt
Felix and y/n just kissed and weirdly I'm not mad at that at all, Felix is such a great friend and it doesn't matter if he did it because he has feelings for her or to get her out of an awkward situation (or both) he still obviously did the right thing
Hyunjin baby what were you thinking? I'm really glad there's more chapters to read, I have so many questions!! Thank you Jade for being amazing and writing so much for us ❤️ I'm so so impressed with this story, you're doing a fantastic job with this
And i'm so sorry this is too long, this was literally my thoughts between literally jumping from my bed and walking around my room trying not to scream and dancing bc I was excited. Yes this happened a lot.
Hope you have fun reading this mess though! (English is not my first language just ignore my mistakes pls kajskja)
Thank you!!
hi love !! thank you for sending in a detailed review. i love these so much because they inspire me a lot 🥺 ofc i wont get tired dont worry!
you’re so right, yn definitely is slow to realising when she was falling in love with him in part 8, it can be obvious based on her thoughts and feelings but she’s oblivious 😇 im so glad you liked the train scene, i love her monologue because its so simple (?) but so focused just wanting to hold his hand ☹️
your thoughts on hana were very interesting to read 😭 and ofc there’s a spin the bottle game… it wouldn’t be a party without one. :D
felix probably did have multiple reasons for why he did that, but in the moment, it definitely was the right thing to do!
i enjoyed reading your thoughts. thank you so much 🥺🫶🏻
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nathank77 · 22 days
11 p.m Added to/Changed a lot/Edited-idk why I think you read this. I write for me but all this added to non-sense is me thinking you check and me wanting you to know I added things or changed things.
11:01 Done Editing it sounds how I want it to. And as much as I write for me when I write about you, incase you read it I want it to be perfect.
I've been thinking if she reaches out to me when I have a girlfriend I'm not really interested in being her friend. I'll "catch up," show an utter lack of interest and then it'll be like we never knew eachother. Why? Cause I have psychosis! If she only wants friendship and she's waiting until I find someone which could take YEARS, I don't want her skin deep friendship.
I expect her to be willing to be my friend when I'm single. When I have no one to talk to, as i feel really close to her still and being just friends wont change that. Why? If she won't be my friend when I'm single, she doesn't trust me, she sees me as threat, she sees me as crazy or she's letting her husband control her.
I mean if shes letting him control her I feel bad for her but- that's just an assumption based off of what she told me before. Things could have changed. And it could be me making "excuses" for her. I would hope if they didn't sort that out that she would leave him even if she dated someone else.
I expect her to be willing to befriend me when I'm single as a sign of trust, actually caring about me, actually being willing to be there for me, as well as not seeing me as drooling lunatic who needs a partner to "control" my feelings for her.
If me having a gf or bf is required for her friendship, I'm glad I met her but... it would hurt too much to know she sees me that way. That she couldn't trust me. Or that she sees me as crazy despite her career.
Why? Cause if she doesn't trust me or care about me enough to understand I can put this all on the back burner and be 1000% platonic then I don't need a friend who looks at me like that.
I don't think she's in love with me really. Idk how she could love me and that's why I'm writing this right now cause the idea that she would wait for me to find someone is fucking obnoxious. She should trust me enough and care about me enough to reach out a platonic hand and if I were to tread the line, all she has to do is say, "I'm married and I'm done with this. You're a threat to my marriage and I can't be your friend." But she should give me the benefit of the doubt.
I mean at that point she doesn't even have to respond I'd just cut me out if I were her. But that's kinda my point I deserve the benefit of the doubt. I know I made one true mistake. Calling her hair pretty was so accidental and I'm awkward and I wanted to be a turtle and crawl back into my shell when it happened... I'd never make a comment on her looks again to avoid this. The last time we saw eachother I noticed she did her hair the same way-and I wanted to comment but I knew if I did I'd get awkward and call her pretty again so I made no comment.
The other time yup I treaded and I was stupid and it was disrespectful. And it'll never happen again and I'm sorry. I was stupid to ask if she was attracted to me and I'm truly sorry.
Idk Maybe I mean nothing to her. Maybe she's in love with me. Maybe regardless of me having a partner, she has to wait a certain amount of time bc of how we met but if she waits until I have a partner, my time is going to be full. I don't have time for platonic relationships where there is no trust. A platonic relationship where I'm looked at as a danger to her/a crazy stalker lunatic.
What if it didn't work out? Would she dip out when the person left me 3 months later? I'm likely going to have a few 3 month relationships that go no where. I mean if I start settling...
Speaking of, a 42 year old messaged me first appearantly my new photos are doing it. She's actually pretty sorta. I mean nonetheless no glasses. Thin and attractive. My problem with her, she doesn't want kids, doesn't have kids, doesn't have a car and lives in new York, and beyond that she believes in Jesus christ our lord and savior 😅 the car and state is a deal breaker... but I'll still talk to her. She's cute. Well and Christianity lmao
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
thinking about getting into a little fwb arrangement with college harry bc you're inexperienced and you're tired of it 😌 he says "well i could show you a thing or two 😌" and he truly means it as a joke but then you pause and say "would you?" and he looks at you with wide eyes and he's stumbling over his words to say "yeah, of course, I'd love to" bc he's had a crush on you since forever and it's fiiiiinally happening 😌 you're just staring at him and he's like "oh did you- you meant like right now?" and you shrug and say "now's as good a time as ever..." and then you notice he looks a little off so you're taking back what you said and saying "but we don't have to do anything if you're not up for it, I just thought since we're alone-" and he cuts you off to say "that's not what i meant at all, I was just surprised... and you're right, we do seem to be all alone 😌" since his roomate is staying the night somewhere else, and harry doesnt think you'll be going all the way that night by any means but he still wants privacy so he can take his time with you 😌 then in true harry fashion he doesn't hesitate, he just jumps straight into the awkwardness and says "so have you kissed anyone before?" and you're already blushing but you shake your head and say "not so much..." and his eyes soften, he steps a little closer and puts his hands on your hips, ducking his head down to meet your eyes and he says "hey... don't have to be embarrassed, it's not a big deal" and you're still a little blushy but he says "and it's kind of hot that I'll be the first guy to kiss you 😌" bc he knows just how to use pesty comments to break the tension and make you feel relaxed with him ☹️then he's looking at you again and your smiles fade a little bit when it starts to feel really tense in the room again, but this time it's a good kind of tense that makes your tummy flutter and your heart pound a little faster 😌 he's right up in your face when he whispers "do you want that? want me to kiss you? and show you what a real kiss feels like?" and you're already so turned on just from a few words that you can't imagine what it'll be like when he actually touches you, and all you can do it stare at his lips and nod 😌 (1)
he doesn't give you any more time to stress about it, he just wraps his arm around your back to pull you closer and presses his lips to yours 😌 he doesn't do anything too crazy since he can literally feel you shaking from nerves and all the adrenaline but he can't stop himself from running his tongue over your bottom lip just to feel you shudder 😌 you pull away after a few seconds, feeling a little dizzy from all the things you're feeling and the way he's so close and how good he smells, he notices you look a little out of it so he smiles and says "we don't have to do anything else, you look like you're about to pass out" and his pesty words are enough to bring you back down to earth, you roll your eyes and try to pull away but he tightens his arms and says in a quiet voice "don't go, I didn't mean it" and kisses your cheek ☹️ you say "sorry, you're just, um, you're really good at that" and you're blushing so hard it hurts but he smiles and says "and so are you... are you sure that was your first? seems like you've been holding out on me all this time" and you just laugh and put your head on his chest ☹️ after a few minutes you're feeling braver so you say "i don't think- I don't want to stop there" and he's trying not to get too excited so he keeps his voice even when he says "no? want to kiss some more?" and you nod shyly, he smiles and says "I think i can make that happen 😌" and then he's walking you backwards toward the couch 😌he turns around and falls back on it, then he pulls on your hips and says "come on, come sit" and you're a little hesitant at first but he says "we don't have to do this, or if it makes you more comfortable you can just sit next to me, it's whatever you want" and the sincere look on his face makes you feel safe, so you do what he wanted and straddle his lap 😌 when he has you all situated he grins and says "hi" and you're both smiling so big when you breath a little "hi" back 😌 he realizes he's not quite comfy with the way the cushions are settled so he tells you to put your arms around his neck, then he wraps his own around your back and stands up to resituate with you just hanging on him 😌 when he sits back down he says "good girl, thank you" and he does nawwwt miss the way you blush harder than you have all night 😌 he smiles in a teasing way and says "oh yeah? you like it when i call you my good girl?" and you can't even respond to that, you just keep your arms around his neck and tuck your face in his shoulder bc it's all too much to process 😌
he chuckles a little bit and says "come on pretty girl, look at me" and when you raise your head he cups your face with his palm, stroking your cheekbone gently and says "I'll just have to keep that in mind, won't i?" and he's smiling in such a cheeky way 😌 then he says "but anyways, where were we... oh right, i think you were about to kiss me again" and you roll your eyes and say "oh was i?" and he goes "yup you were 😌 probably should get on it too I'm feeling pretty lonely over here" and then you catch him off guard by leaning in first 😌 he can feel you're still nervous so after a few seconds he pulls back and says "don't worry so much, just follow my lead and do whatever feels right, yeah?" and you nod, and he wants to see how much it really affects you so he murmurs a "good girl" just to see you blush again 😌 this time he feels you squeeze your thighs together a little bit and he's going crazy knowing you're just as turned on as he is, but he figures this is enough for tonight so he just pulls you in for another kiss and doesn't say anything 😌 he can't believe he's getting so worked up just from kissing, but the way you're clutching onto his shoulders and very subtly grinding on him and the little noises you're making have him so hard he can barely think 😌 when he can sense you need a minute to break he pulls away and kisses down your jaw and neck, searching for any particularly tender spots for him to have some fun with 😌 he's saying stuff like "fuck, baby, you're so pretty" and "how've you been keeping those lips from me all this time?" and when he can't take it it anymore he comes back up to kiss your lips again, and he mumbles "you're gonna have to be the one to stop this, because I'll sit here and kiss you all night if you let me" and grips your hips a little tighter to help you rock against him 😌 that sounds like a good plan to you so you end up kissing until you're both so tired you can't do it anymore, and then he picks you up and carries you to bed and cuddles around you with the promise that you'll continue this in the morning 😌
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lets-just-daydream · 5 years
Hey I noticed you had a one shot of reader being moira’s Kid, could you continue that with reader meeting thier mother and horrified of what has happened? That would be soo cool!
Thanks for your request! I never really intended for that fic to have a continuation, but I'll try my best! Also there's some trope romance bc I'm basic af lol
Things were awkward for a few days. When people heard of your return, you were flocked by familiar faces coming by to see if the news of your return was true. You received many "talking-tos" from most of the people who missed you, but none of those people was Moira.
"She's been gone for years," Mercy said to you one day as you stared out of a window to the entrance of the base. "I can't guarantee she will be back any time soon."
You sighed with a nod and turned to the doctor. "Do you know where she is? Where she's been?" You asked.
"I heard whispers of her being in the Middle East but I don't anything definitive. I'm sorry," Mercy replied, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"If she doesn't come soon, I'm leaving to look for her," you said.
"You're what now?" Came McCree's voice from the door. He was leaning against the doorway with a cigar hanging from his lips.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop, Jesse?" You jeered.
"Also, no smoking indoors," Mercy added. "Put it out."
"Alright, jeez," McCree said, putting out the cigar and stalking into the room. "So, where are you going exactly?"
"If my mother doesn't arrive soon, I'm going to go look for her," you explained.
"Look for her? You don't even know where she is!" McCree cried.
"I can't just sit around knowing she's out there probably blaming herself for my disappearance!" you replied.
"It wasn't your fault," McCree said.
"Reyes' fault, then?" You asked.
"Don't start this. You're not leaving for anywhere. It's too dangerous and you don't even know where you're going," McCree warned, tapping his foot.
"I don't care," you replied, stepping forward and folding your arms over your chest. "Anywhere would be better than here," you fumed.
"I um, I think I'm needed somewhere," Mercy murmured before quickly walking away.
You and McCree watched as she walked away and rounded the corner.
"What do you mean?" McCree asked. "What's wrong with here?"
"Ever since I got back everyone has been treating me like some child. I'm an adult and all of that mess was years ago."
"Can you blame them?" McCree asked, raising his hands in frustration. "The last time they saw you were practically a kid and you put them through strife when you left."
"I know what I did. And… I don't think I belong here anymore. It was a mistake, coming here. I have nothing left here without my mother."
McCree's face changed at your words and he dropped his hands to his sides. "You got nothin' here? What am I, a monkey's uncle?" McCree asked, unimpressed.
"Even you don't treat me the same anymore, Jesse. We're all grown up and dealing with real shit," you said. You placed a hand on his shoulder and he sighed in disappointment.
"If you're leaving, at least let me come with you," McCree said. "I'd feel better if I knew you were safe - and I know I can keep you safe."
"You don't even like my mother, it'll just be awkward," you replied.
"Darlin', nothing could keep me away from you anymore. I felt like I lost a piece of myself when I lost you," McCree explained.
Your heart leapt into your throat and you struggled to find any words.
"Jesse…" you sighed.
"I'm not leaving you. End of story," he affirmed.
"Okay. I'm going to give her three days and if she isn't here in that time, I'm going to look for her."
"Alright," McCree said. "I'm with you no matter what."
Three days passed and Moira still hadn't shown up. As each day went by your hope began to fade and you knew you were the one who would need to seek her out. You tried many times to talk McCree out of following you but it was to no avail. You found being around him awkward for some reason. You hadn't felt this away around him or… anyone before. When you described this new awkward feeling to Mercy, she simply smiled and continued her work.
"What's so funny?" You asked.
"Nothing," she said. "You'll figure it out."
"Okay…" you hesitated. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."
"Look after yourself," Mercy said as she walked you out.
She had given you some information about where Moira could be and you thanked her profusely for the lead. You walked back to your room to get ready. Tonight you were leaving and with any due luck, you could sneak out without McCree noticing. You swiped into your room and McCree was sitting on your bed waiting for you.
"So, when are we leaving?" he asked, sitting up and reading a magazine.
"Tonight," you replied with a sigh. So much for that.
"Great. I've got us two plane tickets, fake IDs and prepaid cards. We can't risk being recognised while Reaper is out there hunting ex-Overwatch personnel."
"Oh, right."
You had almost forgotten about Reaper in the hubbub of your arrival and waiting for Moira. He had eliminated some staff but he didn't know where everyone was so at least you were all mostly safe.
"Alright, I'm all packed and ready to go," you said, grabbing your bag and necessities. "Now is your last chance to back out."
"No way," McCree said. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."
"Okay. Let's go."
Hours and hours later, you finally arrived to where you believed Moira was.
"Oh my god we finally made it," you said as you plopped onto the hotel room bed. "I can't believe you only booked us one room," you groaned.
"It's all I could get with such short notice. But I don't snore that loud, don't worry," McCree said with a chuckle. "Okay, so just to go over the -"
"Plan one more time, you go to the university and pose as a student and me as your dad - which is very insulting by the way, I'm not much older than you but whatever - you go to the science lab and find Moira," McCree said, interrupting you.
"...Yes," you replied.
"Great, let's get some shut-eye. We've got a long and exciting day tomorrow," McCree said as he kicked off his boots. He took off his hat and pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his chiseled chest and abs.
"Oh my god," you whispered to yourself, turning away quickly and locking yourself in the bathroom.
"You okay?" McCree called from the room.
"Y-yeah," you called back, voice cracking slightly. "Just got a weird stomach ache."
"Alright, let me know if I can help at all."
You nodded at the closed door as if McCree could see you. You sighed and undressed, getting into the shower. When you finished, you grabbed for a towel and dried off. You cursed as you realised you left your pyjamas in the room. You couldn't go out there practically half-naked. You wouldn't acknowledge your feelings for McCree as anything more than familial love. But the way your heart pounded when you looked at him told you otherwise. You steeled yourself and walked out of the bathroom and rummaged through your bag. You couldn't see, but McCree wasn't staring at the nonsense on the television, he was staring your slicked back, still dripping hair, shiny, wet skin, smooth legs…
"Found them," you mumbled as you pulled your night clothes out of the bag. McCree snapped out of it and averted his gaze back to the television, avoiding looking at you in the case that things got awkward.
"I'm gonna hit the hay," McCree said with a yawn.
"Night," you called back from the bathroom. You quickly threw your pyjamas on and brushed your teeth. When you exited the bathroom, the lights were off and McCree was already snoring. You sighed lightly and went to bed, excited to finally see Moira.
When you awoke the following morning, the nerves hit you like a ton of bricks and you felt anxious about finally seeing Moira again. What if she didn't want to see you? What if she didn't recognise you? What if she was mad or even still disappointed in you?
"You alright there?" McCree asked, sipping a coffee and gazing out of a window.
"Yeah, fine," you replied. "How'd you sleep?"
"Like a baby. These beds are so comfy. Might buy one just like it," McCree said, staring at his bed.
"I'm gonna get ready and we'll get going. Okay, dad?" you asked with a sly grin.
"Be careful, there," McCree said with a gulp. "You better watch yourself or dad might have to punish you later for that attitude."
You blinked at McCree's response and you left for the bathroom to change and freshen up. Also to hide your red face.
"Damn it, Jesse," McCree scolded himself. "What is wrong with you?"
You and McCree stepped off the bus and walked into the university. Your heart pounded as you stared at the gigantic building in front of you. You and McCree made brief eye contact and he gave you a reassuring nod. You stepped into the front office and you were greeted warmly.
"Hi, I'm here to look at your science facility," you said nervously. "Ah, yes. Please wait here a moment, I'll call your guide over," the receptionist said.
You and McCree sat awkwardly in the comfortable chairs. Were you making a mistake doing this?
"Hey, it's okay," McCree said, rubbing your back lightly. "You'll always have a home back at the base if things don't go to plan here."
Somehow, his words didn't make you feel better and the thought of going back to Overwatch without Moira upset you further. "I don't know if I can go back there without her," you whispered. "I've spent so long missing her that I don't know what I'll do it things go wrong here."
"We'll figure it out," McCree reassured you.
A call of your name coming from your guide from the door shook you caught your attention. "Right this way," she said with a smile. She introduced herself with a smile and shook your hand.
"It's nice to meet you," you replied.
"So, we have a lot of key scientists here today working on some ground-breaking stuff. You picked the right day to come in!"
Your heart leapt at what she said. Moira was probably here. Today. Now. "Oh god," you breathed.
"You okay?" McCree asked, placing his arm over your shoulder.
"Yeah," you said. "Just nervous."
"That's normal," your guide said. "If you do decide to study here, you'll love it. Everyone here is practically family. Of course, your dad will miss you."
You laughed at that and McCree couldn't have looked less impressed if he tried.
"So, in here, we have our head researchers. Doctor Sulley is out on lunch but doctor O'Deorain is here. Moira? We have a potential new student touring the science facility," your guide explained.
At the mention of Moira's name, your heart leapt out of your chest and you looked up to see her. Except… she looked different.
The sound of a phone going off interrupted your thoughts and your guide apologised, stepping out for a moment.
"Mum?" you asked, staring at Moira.
She could do nothing but stare back for a moment as the gears turned in her mind.
"Sweetheart?" She asked, aghast. "What are you… how did you…"
"I came looking for you," you said slowly.
"Oh, my dear darling," she sighed, running over to you and wrapping you in her arms. "I was so worried about you. I thought you were… I thought those people from Rialto… Oh I can't believe you're here in front of me." She placed a hand on each of your cheeks and you froze at the contact. Your right cheek felt cold and her hand felt like there was something wrong. You took hold of Mora's right hand and gasped when you saw that her hand was purple, wrinkled and her fingernails had been replaced with needles.
"What happened?" you asked, tracing a finger over the veins and skin.
"A science experiment gone wrong. The usual story," she said. "But I'm more interested in what you have to say."
"Yes. You ran away and for years I searched for you with no trace. I thought you had been kidnapped by Antonio's men. I reamed into Gabriel until his…" she trailed off. "Anyway… I'm just so happy to see you, my love."
"Me too, mum. Please come back home with me," you asked.
"Home?" she asked. "Back to O-"
"Well, Moira, what a nice surprise," McCree said, interrupting you.
"Jesse," she replied with a curt nod. "What are you doing here?"
"Was making sure she got here to you safe and sound," he replied.
"So sorry about that," your tour guide said, entering the room once again.
"The tour ends here," Moira said to her. "This is my daughter, she's here to surprise me."
"That's wonderful," the guide said. "I'll leave you to it, then."
"Darling, this is my home now. But, I would love it if you stayed with me," Moira said eagerly. "I have a lovely home and I can provide for you easily. We could catch up on the missed time."
"That's nice an' all, but I think she'll be coming back with me," McCree said.
"Jesse, what?" you asked, whipping around to face the cowboy.
"Back home, with me. You saw your mother, you know she's okay and now we can go home.
"Home… you didn't really know where home was anymore.
"I…" you choked.
"I would love it if you stayed with me, my sweet," Moira said. "But it is ultimately your decision."
"That's right, it's her decision," McCree repeated, crossing his arms.
"I have to choose right now?" you asked, panic heating your body.
"Well we have tonight left in the hotel room so you have until the morning," McCree said.
"Hotel room? Singular?" Moira asked. "Come stay with me instead, you can stay as long or as short as you'd like. You too, Jesse," Moira added half-heartedly.
You didn't realise that your life was going to be upturned in such a way when you arrived. Could you be happy there with Moira? Should you go back with Jesse and do what's right with Overwatch?
"I need to think about it," you declared.
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nofoodclub · 2 years
I was careful on my wording for my manifestations bc technically i am sleeping with j right now lol not that i don't enjoy this i did very precisely say i wanted to fuck, do the sex, or really and kind of close physical intimacy… anything like that could come next we will see…aside from dragging him to the bed or straight up asking for it idk how to make it happen it took us months to get to it the first time who kiss l knows how much the both of us will shy away from initiating round 2…theoretically it should be less awkward the 2nd time but that would be true if the last month or so didn't happen the way it did… neither of us wanted it to play out like that but it did and now we are here so gotta figure out how to make the best of it….i really would like the best of it and for things to not quietly fixzle out… we could have lots of good times and funs just gotta get past step one and get it going… that'll be the hard part but i belive in us. Wow last night was the first night in almost a week i didn't fuck anyone we better get to it quick before i lose my streak 6 nights 3 partners was a whole new kind of deal for me or can go on record as my slutty week lol i don't want it to be over it was quite fun and there's still the 4th partner that I'm missing and he's the most important one…. and he's right across the room from me but unfortunately fully clothed and no cues as to things moving in that direction other than the tangible level of awkward or sexual tensions between us earlier…i just gotta keep being patient it'll play out the way it should and in my eyes it should play out in a very fun and happy way that involves sucking of his dick then letting that slide on in me and building on the feelings i has from when he sent me the text saying good girl bc wow two words one text and it got me so fucking worked up nothing has hit me at that intense of a level it was a straight 0-100 in 2 seconds i need more of that i need him to fully be my dom and fuck me the way I've been waiting for. There were nods to it the first time but we were feeling eachother out and getting lost in the intimacy of the occasion it was probably some of the most passionate sex I've had more so than with r bc wow the feels i already have for this guy, they're a lot and I'm all for it i want every part of it every day from here on please and thank you. Still loving my free pass to stare at his lovely face all i want its very nice i and l want this to last forever but i would also really like him to wake up so we can have all the funs…. leaning more to the side of he should wake up all that talk has me pretty horny atm and there's the prefect person to take care of my needs laying right in front of me how lucky
Very thankful for the sunlight coming in now… giving me a nice look at his lovely face that i haven't seen for like an hour since i shut off the lights… here's the first time I'll say this…. thanks sun for coming out at 6 am
Oh goodness lil pup is snuggling her daddy its so fucking cute i want to be a part of those cuddles so bad theyre adorable had to take a picture of the cute bc ohmygod i cant hope he never sees all the pics ive taken of him sleeping lol theres a few…
He has stirred….for a momenf, repositioned now nkt really alseep i sense waking will be a thing shortly. At least i hope it will be sleep is nkt a thing for me st the momenf. Maybe a nap this afternoon
Out of curiosity just confirmed the date and tomorrow will mark one month since we did the do…hmm would be fitting for it to happen today, that is if he ever fucking gets up uhg im bored and i wana bone there is a beautiful man only a few feet away from me and all of his clothes are securely on with no removal even hinted at how sad….but really tho i am incredibly physically attracted to him…and emotionally and any other type of attraction there is im sure im feeling it for him but ive resigned myself to know that theres next to no chance of it going anywhere past maybe a few more casual hookups due to current/permanent obstacles that wont allow for anything closer. But still i would love to feel him that close to me again. It felt right….more so than really any of my other encounters have felt. And i fucking wanted it. Thats what im missing a lot of the time, i go for easy targets because i know i wont fail but then i loose interest very quickly amd by the time we get to sex im kinda over it but still horny enough that i still want to fuck just all of the excitement is gone for me. That was not the case with him….probably what is keeping me so stuck on him is the ati wanting him, the challenge is still there, its still a conquest for me and theres still the possibility of failing meaning if it works, ive won the prize and its a pretty darn good prize too. If only my prize would wake up!!!
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