#bc in my humble opinion his love language is quality time
cherryatombomb · 2 years
my fav part of like any scene ghost isnt central in is just him Looming in the background. local tall man doesnt know what to do with his body and looks like hes about to commit various crimes. hes intimidating but hes not even trying to be. hes thinkin abt what hes gonna eat for dinner
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luffyvace · 8 months
Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto twin reader
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These are for my good friend irl :) ENJOY!!
btw this is written with fem! Reader in mind. Yes I will likely do a male reader version dw 💗 (i don’t think it’ll have shoto twin reader)
So bakugo in a relationship huh? Not the first thing I’d think he’s into but hey, it’s already happened now! 🤷‍♀️
About kats and todo’s beef tho….
at the beginning I mean
katsuki isn’t the type of person to lump people in with your siblings or wtv
buttttt if you and shoto are similar/have similar personalities or interests he might somewhat dislike you at first
if not he doesn’t mind
but it’d especially tick him off if you and todo gang up on him in fights/arguments
but again he decides his opinion of you based off what you show him him or how you present yourself
which is why he didn’t remember most people’s names at the beginning of the show
bc he didn’t have anything to remember them by-
he may come up to you on some sunny callin you icy hot 2.0 n stuff but if you assert your dominance and show him you deserve respect then he lets go of that quickly
not out of fear but because katsuki doesn’t really pick on the people he respects
best jeanist is a great example of what I mean!
if your relation to todo is really similar however
he might find you a bit more annoying at first
he just thinks of you as the off brand version of todoroki until you give him a reason to respect you 😗
Although if your talking more mature kats when it’s like s4 around then he’s more likely to view you as your own person first time around
he also doesn’t do any of that crap anymore and doesn’t mind that you and todo are twins
he used to always mutter ‘your wretched brother’ this and that
but he cut that out
i mean unless you nipped it in the bun back then 🤪
and to do that you likely have to humble him
So after that phase is over nicknames can range from a shorter version of your name to aliases he/people have given you
like how shoto’s quirk is hot/cold so he calls him icy hot
But whatever he comes up with for you isn’t said with a bad intent by him, of course
And w/ cooking you already know his is FIRE 🔥🔥💥💥
like it’s canon this man can cook like 💃💃🕺👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
(that’s you dancing bc his food’s so good)
he be using all types of seasoning so you KNOW it ain’t dry
especially if your a spicy food lover
like I feel he genuinely doesn’t get people who doesn’t like spicy food
he may think your a bit of a wimp..🤓
If you inherited endeavor’s fire quirk he finds it useful that you can lite his barbecues or make fire for cooking in the woods for example
he still heated that explosions don’t work 🤦‍♀️
but ngl he’d rather you than shoto sooo..🤷‍♀️
For love languages his is quality time, acts of service and a bit of gift giving
with quality time he likes to ice skate with you since (if you inherited the ice quirk) you can withstand the cold
He’d try to impress you by saying he’s not that cold (even with a coat on) but he actually is
why would he admit that tho
he’s actually cold don’t torture him by staying longer than you need to
(or do I ain’t gonna judge 😂)
kats likes challenges because it makes him feel accomplished once he completed them
So he likes to do freezer challenges!!
(basically it’s this challenge where you go into a walk in freezer and see who can last the longest—don’t try this at home I’ve only seen this on YouTube and idk if that’s the actual name)
and of course your immune to the cold so it’s easy for you
so if he beats you it’ll make him feel proud
don’t think that just bc your his girlfriend he doesn’t compete with you
there’s no way he’s seeing an opportunity to become the number 1 hero and not taking it to let his girlfriend be happy
don’t blame him who would……
when you first get into your relationship things might be a little awkward and you may or may not be a little intimidated by him
which if you are he feels sorta bad and he doesn’t want you to be
he doesn’t want people he cares about to think he’s some monster
if you were just come class b rubbish what does he care what you think?
but your his girlfriend and probably his first of course he cares what you think of him!
you likely address this early because he doesn’t like the feeling it gives him
so no worries :)
if you were never intimidated by him tho
its probably just awkward silence..
even more so if you were as aloof as todo was back in the first season
or if your just a quiet/socially awkward person
kats isn’t awkward he just doesn’t really know what to say either..
deeper in relationship tho!!
things are a lot less tense and more casual
a thing you do a lot is kinda just be sprawled in bed together doing your own thing
not necessarily cuddling but your both just comfy
you guys have picked up on your couple routines and habits and what not
so things have definitely smoothed over
with baths kats prefers not to take them together
like he just doesn’t see the point
and it’s prob quicker separately
yeah no he’s not doing it
if you’ve been together for years by now, however
he might let you wash his hair
only cuz he likes the way you scrub/scratch his scalp
its relaxing
he still doesn’t wanna do it all the time tho
You two def always work out together
so at least that
he always makes sure you pack everything before going to train/work out
he’s more meticulous than you know and it annoys him when one of you forget something
“it’s fine katsuki just leave it!”
”no I’ll just go run and get it it’s fine!”
you might as well wait bc he just has to have this one thing
idk why
you guys take a good amount of water breaks and such but you go really hard core while your at it
He’s probably either silent or a yelling motivator..no in between
Your friends lowkey ship you guys
and tease you
mina tries to get you to do pranks on katsuki
mostly bc she gets more backlash if she does it
like little stupid pranks like drawing on his face or acting like your cheating 😊
“give in to peer pressure!” >:(
Dont katsuki will explode
ok my bad but I just had to put at least one bad joke in there..
I had fun writing this and it didn’t take long at all :)
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