#bc it was always running on borrowed time the question was just who would pay for it
hazellvsq · 11 months
something about how jason and piper make leo the best version of himself. the closest he comes to finding peace. and then frank and hazel bring out the worst and most self-sabotaging parts of him. and then jason and piper try to save him and hazel and frank help him die. 
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thisstableground · 2 years
how come tiny benny has a wrench with which to bust open fire hydrants? not saying kids shouldn’t have tools to hit things with bc personally one of my favourite games as a 10 year old was Smash This Breezeblock Into Dust With A Sledgehammer Twice The Size Of Me but i like to imagine that as well as using it to bust stuff up he has a lil collection of tools that he’s been given by the older kids he used to hang out with, or found lying around only a little bit rusty and broken, or borrowed and never given back, and he often also does his damndest to fix things - maybe not always successfully, but he likes to think of himself as pretty handy, and its an early “gotta learn some marketable skills if u wanna pay bills” effort because for some reason nobody’s letting a nine year old learn how to be a businessman yet
i can imagine him post-fire hydrant vandalism running to hide in the dispatch, soaked through and still holding onto the wrench, and kevin tutting and sighing and being generally disapproving, but eventually after a while of benny dripping all over everything and asking six million questions about what kevin’s working on he’s like, “if you have the wrench you might as well make yourself useful”. there are a bunch of vehicles around all in a constant state of needing minor maintenance and most of the drivers are happy to have benny hang out while they do that, because he’s mischievous when he’s bored but as soon as someone takes the time to teach him something he listens closely and is clearly very bright and willing to learn
i would also like to think that the person who taught teenage sonny how to fix stuff was probably benny, not usnavi, bc usnavi’s first line of action when something breaks is just to half take it apart then monologue at it like if he talks enough maybe the fridge will get bored of hearing it and spontaneously fix itself. sonny watches this unfold for about 20 minutes and then texts benny like “hi hes doing it again save me”
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James and Sirius live together. during a meeting with friends, someone makes a comment that James is a terrible neighbor, to which Sirius either agrees or just laughs. despite the fact that it is a joke, James seriously thinks about it and comes to the conclusion that it is true. then James packs up his things to move out while Sirius is away, bc he knows that Sirius will try to talk him out of it (out of politeness?) Sirius catches him before he leaves. what happens next?
Adult parties were weird. When they were kids, parties were basically getting together with your friends while all your parents all talked. When they got a little older, they played games. They got to be teenagers and spent all their parties drinking while they played games. 
Then they got to be the adults at parties-- without kids, for now at least-- and they were weird. James enjoyed himself. There wasn't any disputing that, but it was kind of weird. He didn't feel old, but all of them were sitting around-- well, okay, some of them were standing but his point remained the same-- sipping wine and snacking as they caught up. 
Because that's all they did at these parties: they caught up with each other. He learned that Marlene's boss had come onto her even though he was married, Dorcas went and threatened him after it happened, and Lily had tried to be supportive about it all but mostly ended up laughing. Work complaints dominated the conversations since that's all any of them spent time doing, but most of them weren't as colourful as Marlene's. Little things. Like Mary's coworker that always asked to borrow a quill and never returned it, but she didn't feel like she could say no when they asked. Or Peter's boss, who always gave him enough time for a project, then asked why it wasn't done halfway through that time limit. James, for his part, liked to complain about the other people on the Quidditch team. 
They were all still friends from Hogwarts, but that didn't mean the group hadn't expanded. James and Sirius were the only official couple-- less official and more like they were still dating between one party and the next-- but there were a few other people that were flatmates. James and Sirius lived together, obviously, and then there was Lily and Remus. Everyone else either lived on their own or with a flatmate that none of the rest of them knew. Alice's flatmate had been homeschooled, and apparently was very difficult to live with. 
James didn't think anything about the way the conversation he was a part of moved to talking about the person you live with until Lily said to Sirius, "-and he said that James did the same thing in Hogwarts! And I was like 'er, if you want us to keep living together, you have to stop that right now and forever'. He said he'd think about it, but come on! It's like the worst thing in the world, isn't it?" and Sirius laughed. He didn't say, "Yeah, totally," or nod, but he laughed, and it made James feel sick to his stomach, like the wine was churning in his stomach. 
"Remus has always been a bit of a tosser," is what Sirius actually replied, and it didn't make James feel any better. He hadn't really been part of the conversation, content to sit on the side and sip at his drink, sometimes paying attention and sometimes not. 
It was a pretty unfortunate time for him to be paying attention, but it probably didn't mean anything. Him and Sirius got on each other's nerves sometimes with their little quirks; it didn't mean anything deeper. 
James couldn't get it out of his head. He tried to tell himself that Lily had just been venting, Sirius had only replied to the part about Remus and not his own boyfriend, but the more he thought about it, the worse he felt. 
He'd brushed it off by saying that him and Sirius had disagreements about their living habits sometimes, but that wasn't true, wasn't it? Sirius didn't do things that James didn't like; James did things that Sirius didn't like. Sirius would talk to him about it, James would get pissy, and they'd compromise. 
Why the hell did they compromise? James liked to do everything his way, it's true, but Sirius had never been wrong when he complained. James did rubbish like leave food out overnight and never folded his laundry, and when Sirius asked him to be more mindful, James had pretty much refused. Oh he'd done it in a way that wasn't angry and came across as more joking, but he'd still refused. That had still been the end result: him refusing to do the simplest things. The 'compromise' had been for Sirius to doublecheck the counters before crawling in bed. The 'compromise' had been for Sirius to put the clothes on the couch when they were done, because if James could see it right next to him, he'd fold it just to have something to do with his hands. 
And once he'd started thinking of that, he'd realised that he didn't really do a fair share of the household chores. He did dishes, and he cooked, but what else? He hadn't put a lot of thought to it before, but when was the last time he'd cleaned the toilet? Or the kitchen? He didn't do most of the regular household cleaning, and he was as hell didn't do any deep cleaning, like washing the drapes or scrubbing the windows-- both of which he'd seen Sirius do before. He'd always assumed that if Sirius wanted help, he'd ask for it. That had been a rubbish excuse, and he knew it now. 
The only real question left was: why the sodding hell had Sirius put up with all of this for so long? 
The answer, unfortunately, was obvious. He put up with it because he loved James. 
James had never had to question whether or not Sirius loved him, because he said it all the time. When they graduated from Hogwarts, Sirius had told him that he never wanted to live without him. When they decided to move into the same room instead of having two separate beds, Sirius had told him that he loved him more than he'd known was possible. Over the years, it was obvious that that hadn't changed. Sirius still loved him; Sirius would let him get away with anything if it meant they were still together. 
And again, compare Sirius's feelings on that to the disagreements they had when Sirius tried to talk to him about something that was bothering him, and it was just easier to let it go. 
James knew that if Sirius was presented with the options of keeping James and having to do everything himself, or losing James and getting the perfect flatmate (or boyfriend), Sirius would choose him. 
No matter how miserable he otherwise was, he'd choose James. He'd choose James because he honestly believed that he didn't deserve better-- he didn't think that he deserved James, either, but James had worked pretty hard on making sure that Sirius knew that he loved him too. 
Sirius would never tell him to leave or be better. James could always try to be better-- and he certainly would be, in the future-- but for now, with Sirius, he knew that he couldn't salvage that. Not completely. He could get better about the chores and the laundry, but he wouldn't be able to trust that Sirius would tell him about any new problems they had. Hell, he couldn't even trust, that he'd caught everything. What else was there that Sirius wasn't drawing his attention to? How often did Sirius put aside what he wanted in favour of something James wanted? 
There was no telling. 
And James had no idea if Sirius would respond truthfully him if he asked. 
There were other options. Better options, probably, but he couldn't think of any. He didn't believe that Sirius would communicate with him if he asked, and he had no way of knowing if what he was doing was wrong without it. Even with it, there was no guarantee that he'd be better. 
James had to leave. He had to get away and clear his head. Do some self-reflecting and figure out what kind of person he was versus who he wanted to be. 
He'd taken Sirius for granted; he'd taken his presence and his love for granted. He hadn't put in the effort that he should have. He knew that relationships took work, and he'd been putting in only half the effort that Sirius deserved. 
Yeah. He needed space. He had to get time away from Sirius and get his head on straight. Did he want to live without Sirius? Of course not. Did he want to break up with Sirius? Hell no. But he thought that it would be better in the long run. For both of them. He had to remember that this was going to turn out for the best, for both of them. 
It was still hard to start packing up his things. He'd have to talk to Sirius about it-- he wasn't going to just vanish without an explanation, and after everything else, Sirius definitely deserved to know what was happening-- but there was no need to draw it out. Sirius was at work, so James had plenty of time to get his clothes into the suitcase. He left anything that could've been considered both of theirs where it was. He hadn't put any effort into their life together, so he didn't have any claim to the objects that might represent it. Besides, what would he do with dishes? He was going to the Leaky while he looked for a new place; he wouldn't need dishes or a laundry basket or towels of his own. When he found a new flat, there'd be plenty of time to buy all those things. 
James had to cast an expansion charm on his suitcase, and then he sat heavily on the couch. 
Everything was packed. This was it. Sirius was going to get home in about an hour, and then he'd have to tell him that he was leaving. He didn't know how he was going to tell him. How the hell did he even start that conversation? 'We need to talk'? 'I need to tell you something'? That one made it sound like he was cheating. 
He was going to go drop off his bag and book a room at the Leaky and then come back. 
It would be... neater. 
He got to his feet and picked up the suitcase. They didn't have a floo linked to their flat since they both preferred apparation, so he turned to the door, only to freeze in place when Sirius opened the door. 
"Hey," Sirius said with a smile. He kicked off his shoes like he always did. 
"You're home early," James said, feeling panic start to seep into him. His heart was hammering against his ribcage like it wanted to break free. He'd thought that he had more time until he had to do this. Another hour to get it in his head that it was the end and come to terms with it. 
"Yeah," Sirius said, still not noticing that anything was amiss. "I figured I could call it an early weekend since I had to work so late the last two days." He stretched his arms over his head with a satisfied groan. "Working at a desk all day really doesn't do me any favours," he said, turning to James with a grin. That was when he noticed James's expression. "Are you alright?" 
James reached up with his free hand and rubbed at his face. "Erm." 
"What's with the suitcase? I'm pretty sure you have to tell your boyfriend before you go on holiday," Sirius joked. He knew that something was wrong, but he was still joking because he had no idea which direction this was going to go. 
James felt like the worst person in the world. "I was going to the Leaky." 
"Well that doesn't count as a holiday," Sirius said. He reached for James, and James stepped back. Sirius froze, hand in front of him. "James?" 
He swallowed thickly. He hadn't planned what to say. He didn't know what to do that might soften the blow. "I'm moving out." 
"I-" James stopped, his throat working. "I'm leaving you. I'm going to stay at the Leaky until I find a new place." 
Sirius was struck dumb. He stared at James with wide, disbelieving eyes, not moving. 
James tightened his grip on the suitcase. He couldn't leave unless Sirius moved, and he wasn't going to push him to the side. When he'd made this decision, he'd agreed that he would tell Sirius why he was doing it. Not all of it, because Sirius would try to tell him that it wasn't true-- he'd say anything to make him stay-- but he deserved an explanation of some sort for all of the time they'd spent together. "I don't think we're happy together." 
"What? I was happy. When weren't you happy? You always looked happy to me. If I did something that made you-" 
"You didn't do anything," James said miserably. "I swear you didn't. I did some thinking and realised that I haven't been... I need some time to think. I need space, and I don't think that we were good together." 
"We aren't good together?" Sirius repeated. "What the hell does that mean? We were perfect together." 
He swallowed again. He knew that he had a lot to make up for, and a hundred different things to apologise to Sirius about, but he didn't want to get into that right now. If he brought it up, they'd just end up arguing. Once Sirius had some time to get used to them being apart, then they could talk about all the details. Rather, James could apologise, and maybe Sirius wouldn't argue with him over it. "I disagree. Look, I- I really think we should get some space from each other before we talk about it." 
"No! There's no sodding point in putting it off if we can figure it out. James, just- for fuck's sake, listen to yourself," Sirius said, putting his hands on either side of James's face desperately. "We're happy. We've been happy, and we will continue to be for years. Nothing's changed. If you need some space, I can move to the other room for a few days. Or- hell, a month, however long it takes, but don't do this. We don't need to break up. You can sort yourself out here fine; you don't need to go the Leaky and make yourself miserable. Just stay here and everything will be fine." 
James shook his head. No, nothing had changed, but that was the problem. James brought up a hand and put it on Sirius's arm to get him to let go, but he found his touch lingering, savouring. "I'm going to miss you," James whispered. He was going to miss going to bed next to him and waking up the next morning, warm and content. His smile, his laugh, the way he got everything wet after a shower because he didn't dry his hair, his leather jacket by the door, the way he kicked off his shoes like he couldn't stand them the second he was home... everything. 
He leaned in, pressing a last kiss to Sirius's lips. 
Sirius's grip on him went slack. "Please," Sirius whispered against his mouth as tears spilled over. 
"I'm sorry." James pulled away and- 
He walked out. It was as simple as that. One foot in front of the other. He fished the key from his pocket and dropped it before opening the door. He stepped through, closed the door, and turned on his heel, casting a spell he'd done a hundred times. It felt no different this time to disapparate and land in Diagon Alley right outside of the Leaky Cauldron. 
It should've been easy to do all of that, but James could hardly breathe. Sirius was the best thing that had happened to him, and he'd just left him. Abandoned him. 
He tried to shake that thought loose. 
He didn't abandon Sirius. He told him that he was leaving. Sirius still had the flat and all his belongings, not to mention all his friends. He had plenty of people to turn to if he needed support. He'd be fine. 
James had a length of parchment as long as his arm, and he'd been working on a comprehensive list of everything he'd done wrong in his relationship with Sirius. Not every little mistake and time he'd snapped when he was angry, but the patterns he'd fallen into. The things he'd done that showed a disregard for being part of a partnership. 
The chores, the thing with the milk, the laundry, that all went on the list-- they were the first things he wrote down since they'd already been on his mind. He'd been staying at the Leaky Cauldron for a week now, and he felt like the list was complete. It was like a testament of his sins, of all the reasons he'd been right to leave because Sirius deserved so much better. 
His mind told him it had been the correct decision at the same time his heart screamed in pain. 
He missed Sirius. It was like missing half of his self. Any time he left to buy food instead of eating the inn's meals, he bought too much, like he was buying for two and not one. He'd see a ridiculous ad in the Prophet and wanted to turn the paper to show Sirius. 
It was going to take a while for him to get used to the change. That's all this was. Sirius had been a part of his life for over a decade. He wasn't going to get used to not seeing him after only a week. 
Someone knocked on the door, and James got to his feet to answer it, assuming it was Tom. He didn't know if Tom pitied him or if he did it for all the people that stayed there longer than a night, but he'd taken to checking in on James-- ostensibly to make sure the 'accommodations were still satisfactory'. He opened the door, and instead of Tom, it was Lily. 
It was obviously a day that she had off from work, because she was dressed down, hair pulled back, and she wasn't wearing any makeup. "Hey," she said with a small smile. "Can I come in?" 
"Yeah. Er, sure," he said, stepping back. There was a small table with two chairs in all the rooms, so James sat down and hid the list from view as she closed the door. 
Lily walked over and took the other chair, crossing her legs and putting one arm on the table so she could lean onto it. "How've you been?" She knew about the breakup. James hadn't told anyone, but the sympathy in her face was hard to misplace. Not to mention that she'd known to look for him here. 
"I'm fine," he lied. "How's Sirius?" 
"A mess. It would almost be interesting to see what someone looks like after having their heart ripped out if I wasn't wondering what the hell you were thinking when you did it. So James, what the hell were thinking? This isn't like you. Sirius means the world to you, and he's hurting right now. You shouldn't be the cause of it, you should be there, comforting him." 
"You didn't even ask what happened." 
"You said you were fine. If you didn't think this was your fault, you would've been more open about it. Maybe not with me, because I know we don't talk about our feelings with each other all the time, but you would've given me something different than what you'd tell some sodding stranger." She took a deep breath. "Look. Sirius is miserable. You're miserable. You think it's your fault, which-- from where I'm standing-- means this is fixable. If you want to talk to me about it, I'm here. If you'd rather talk to someone else about it, I suggest you give them a visit very soon." 
James knew that the smart thing to do would be to tell her that he had the situation in hand, but she was right; he was miserable, and more than that, he was tired of it. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into Sirius's arms and just exist with him again. "Do you remember that party a few weeks ago? You were whinging about something Remus does that drives you barmy." 
"I remember." 
"And Remus said that I did it too." 
"And Sirius laughed it off." 
"I can't say I remember that part too well, but okay. Where are you going with this?" 
"I'm terrible to live with. Any time Sirius tried to correct me on something, I blew him off, and he only ever did it for little things anyways. I'm- I was a horrible flatmate-- and by extension boyfriend-- and he didn't talk to me. For a couple things, yeah, he did try to talk to me and I didn't listen, but the rest of it? He never mentioned anything. He shouldn't have had to, I know that now, but it's... I couldn't ask for him to forgive all that." 
Lily blinked, slowly digesting that. "So you broke up because you were doing a whole bunch of annoying things around the flat? Is that what you're saying?" 
"It's not just the stuff around the flat; it's what it meant. Sirius was having to do everything, and I was acting like a tosser about it for no good reason." 
She nodded. "I can see where you're coming from. You want my advice?" 
"I'm not sure there's any advice to be given about a relationship that's already finished," James said. 
"Do you want my advice or not?" 
James motioned as if to say 'go ahead'. 
"That's definitely a problem, but I don't think it's something worth breaking up over. Did Sirius say that it was bothering him? Rhetorical question, I know he didn't. He has no idea what's going on. He's convinced you fell out of love with him and never said anything." 
"What?" James asked, aghast. "That's ridiculous!" 
"You can get into that later. My point is that maybe you did have things that you needed to work on, but all of them combined still don't look like a good enough reason to breakup. You have a problem like that, and you talk about it. You don't bail." 
"How would you know? You've never dated anyone for longer than two months. Sirius and I have been together since we were sixteen. It's not really the same." 
"Lucky for you, then, that I'm not giving this advice based on my own personal experience. I've never found someone that I can get on with for long enough to have these problems, but I do pay attention. From where I'm sitting, it looks like you had a real problem in your relationship for the first time, and you panicked." 
"I didn't panic," James denied. It was a bit of a lie because he had panicked, but it's not like he'd thought of it and then run for the hills. "I looked at the situation and came to the conclusion that we couldn't fix it." 
"You came to that decision all by yourself? Without talking to Sirius?" 
"That's what 'by myself' means, yes." 
"And you don't see a problem with that? That you thought there was this big problem in your relationship and you didn't talk to your partner about it?" 
"I'm not really hearing anything that makes me want to change my mind." 
"I think Sirius deserves better from you." 
James went quiet. "I told him," he said slowly, "that it wasn't his fault." 
"Is there a reason you didn't tell him all of this?" 
"Yes," James said and didn't elaborate. Lily was judging him enough without him admitting that he hadn't talked to Sirius because he didn't trust him to be honest. 
With the time that had passed-- or maybe it was just the space-- that reason didn't sound as good as it had when he left. 
He blew out a breath. "Look, thanks for coming by, but we can deal with this on our own." 
Lily's expression was tight like she wanted to argue, but eventually she said, "Fine," and got to her feet. "Don't be afraid to owl if you ever want to chat or get tea or summat, yeah?" 
"Yeah. It was good to see you." 
She left, but the effect her conversation had on James lingered. Maybe he'd overreacted a little. He could've talked to Sirius about it. He should've. He hadn't wanted to bring all of it up with him though, only for Sirius to insist that it wasn't a big deal. He hadn't trusted Sirius to tell him the truth if it did bother him, and if Sirius hadn't realised before that it bothered him, he'd thought that with his absence, Sirius would figure it out. 
But James was miserable, and if Lily was to be believed, Sirius was miserable too. The last thing James wanted was to make Sirius sad. He'd broken up with him because he'd genuinely thought that it was the best option. 
He'd gotten the time and space that he'd asked for, and he'd changed his mind-- with a little help from Lily, but he wasn't in the mood to admit that to her. The next step would be to talk to Sirius about it, the way he should have from the beginning. 
With a sigh, James got to his feet and put on his shoes. He'd check by the flat and see if Sirius was there. If he wasn't, then James would send him a letter and ask if he wanted to talk. The only reason he didn't do that first was because he didn't want to make Sirius worry. If he showed up and they could talk, it would be easier than planning a big meeting and letting both of them get anxious about it. 
He walked down to Diagon before disapparating, landing on the welcome mat for their flat. He knocked on the door, then ran a hand through his hair anxiously. What if Sirius told him to get lost? What if they could've worked through the original issues, but James leaving was too much for Sirius to forgive? 
The door opened, and James's mind went blank. 
"Hey," Sirius said, reserved. There were dark circles under his eyes, but he'd always had trouble getting to sleep. He had his hair pulled back too, which usually meant that he was too tired to take a shower. Sirius looked basically the same way he always did, if a little more worn out; James probably looked a hell of a lot worse. 
"Erm. Yeah, hi. Hello." James winced at how awkward that sounded, ruffling his hair some more. "I was... hoping we could talk? About us?" 
"Yeah, sure," Sirius said easily, opening the door wide and stepping aside to give James space. 
The door closed, and James turned to him, blurting, "Are you mad at me?" 
Sirius blinked, confused. "Like, for breaking up with me? I mean, yeah, a little. It came out of nowhere, and you kept saying that we weren't happy together." 
"That's not- I mean, yes, that's good to know, but that's not what I meant. Before that. When we were living together like normal. Were you mad at me?" 
"No? What kind of question is that? Did you really move out because you thought I was mad at you for some imagined slight?" 
"It was more like-" James shifted his weight uncomfortably. "It was more like I thought about all the stuff you were doing around the flat that I refused to help with. Or that thing with the milk? All you did was ask me to put it away when I was done, and instead of saying yes like a good boyfriend, I sodding made you do it." 
Sirius blinked at him again. "You left," he said slowly, "because you thought I was pissed off about the milk and the fact that you don't clean the shower." 
"It sounds stupid when you say it like that," James muttered. 
"I don't care about the sodding milk. Or the way you leave your laundry sitting around for days even though you end up having to wash it again. Does that annoy me? Yeah, but it's- it's not worth you." 
"See, that," James said, pointing at him. "That's why I didn't talk to you about first. I knew you'd make excuses and say that it didn't matter to you even when it does." 
"You broke up with me because I don't punish you for doing shite that bothers me?" Sirius asked incredulously. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You break up with someone because you don't love them anymore or because they've done something you can't forgive, not because you don't always clean the sodding flat." 
"But you deserve better. You shouldn't have to do all of that, and you shouldn't have to put up with someone that just lets it happen! I wasn't about to tell you that you have to forgive me over and over when I bugger up." 
"Who the hell have you been dating this entire time? Do you even know me? It's me, James. I clean the toilet, like, every single week because it gives me something to do. It doesn't need to be cleaned that often, but you know how I am about cleaning-- or at least you knew when we first moved in together." 
"You said it cleared your head," James said, remembering. Bugger. How had he forgotten that? He'd spent weeks thinking about this, and not once had he remembered the way Sirius cleaned his room at the Potter's house every single week like clockwork. At Hogwarts had been different because of the house elves, but when Sirius was anywhere else, he liked to clean. Turn on some music, and he spent a couple hours up to his elbows in cleaning charms and loving it. 
"Yeah, so why would this be any different? The milk thing- okay, I admit that one did kind of piss me off, but everything else? Even the laundry thing is annoying when it gets in my way, but I don't actually care. Just- for Merlin's sake, come home. I hate it here without you." 
"I thought you'd be happier without me," James said quietly, because it was important to him that Sirius knew where he'd come from. The chores were the details that he'd been wrong about, but the conclusion had come from a place of caring. 
Next thing he knew, Sirius was hugging him, arms almost painfully tight. James hugged him back, just as firmly. "Next time you think that, for fuck's sake, ask me first. I'm happy with you." 
James swallowed thickly. "I happy with you too. Does this mean I can move back in?" 
"If you don't, I'm kidnapping you." 
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Could we get a threesome with Joe and Ben bc I'm just a big whore??? Also ur like the queen of tiresome fics sooooo. If not that's okay! D18: Don't come yet + D13: Let me help you forget that jerk D12: let's put that mouth to good use + D47: all mine + B30: I'll always be here for you + b26: it's not morning yet Thank you lovie, congrats on you reaching a big milestone!!
Sorry this took so long to get to but you’re in luck!! I’ve been listening to Todd audios, I’m really in my Joe and Ben feels, and I’m also a big whore so threesome it is! (also dsjkfhksdhjfk if you’d told me this time last year that someone would call me the queen of threesome fics I’d have called you a fuckin liar. I’m just a dumbass virgin, I don’t know a goddamn thing about threesomes. Thank you so much)
Ended up a bit long so under the cut
D18 - Don’t cum yet + D13 - Let me help you forget that jerk +  D12 - Let’s put that mouth to good use + D47 - All mine + B30 - I’ll always be here for you + B26 - it’s not morning
600 followers celebration blurb prompts
Nights out with Ben and Joe were never uneventful. Quiet nights in your favourite booth at your favourite bar somehow always managed to turn into drunken dancing or loud and offkey karaoke or any other number of activities you’d never do while sober. Things had gone differently tonight though. You’d had just enough to drink to dull the anxiety and inhibitions that usually pervaded your brain and kept you quiet, and had set your eyes on a very attractive young man standing by the bar. Ben and Joe cheered you on as you walked over to make your move. It went disastrously and the two men had quietly watched you walk back to your booth, head bent and shoulders slumped like you were trying to make yourself as small as possible. One look at your face and they were both hurrying to get you out of there, Ben rushing to pay the tab as Joe slung his arm around you and led you to the door. The two of you began the walk back to Ben’s place, slow enough that Ben had no trouble catching up. 
“You wanna tell us what happened?” Joe said softly, still not letting go of you. 
“He wasn’t in to me. Which is fine but he was really harsh about it.” 
“Just said some stuff about my appearance and how I’m not the sort of chick he’d go for. Very detailed, he was.” 
“Wanker.” Ben said loudly, “Insulting out Y/N. How fucking dare he. Shoulda given him a thump while I was at the bar.” 
“Don’t know if that’s helping, bud.” Joe said, softer than Ben though that wasn’t hard. Looking down at you again he said, “C’mon, let’s get you home. We’ll find something to cheer you up.” 
“Thanks guys,”
You did feel marginally better by the time you reached Ben’s door, his and Joe’s constant chatter enough to lift your spirits no matter what. Once inside Ben offered to get everyone another drink, suggesting a few rounds of drunk Mario Kart as a possible way to spend the night. You and Joe agreed, both of you flopping onto the couch like you lived there. You kicked off your shoes and leaned back into the couch. Joe kept looking at you, still a little worried by the way you’d been as you left the bar, but you seemed fine for the most part. Maybe a little quieter than usual but you’re always quiet until you get a few drinks in you and you hadn’t had quiet as much as you would have on another night. Ben came back, three glasses in his hands and a bottle of gin under his arm, distracting Joe. 
“Not the best but it’s all I’ve got. You guys fucking cleaned me out last time and I haven’t had a chance to restock.” Ben dropped onto the couch on your other side, handing out the glasses and pouring everyone a few mouthfuls. 
“Hey, we’re not the ones who just kept topping up glasses. You’re gonna run out of booze if you just throw them around willy-nilly.” 
“Shut up Mazzello and drink. I’m going to demolish you.” 
You stopped listening to them bickering over who won last time, taking a sip of the gin, still thinking about what the man at the bar as said. Suddenly the question spilt out of you, cutting through both their voices. 
“Do you think I’m fuckable?” 
“Jesus Y/N,” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“The guy at the bar. One of the things he said was I didn’t look properly fuckable. Said I looked too sweet to be a good fuck so he wouldn’t bother. Was he right?” 
“Y/N, c’mon,” 
“You’re our friend, love.” 
“Yeah, we’re not gonna talk about you like that,” 
“So he was right.”  
Ben sighed and then tipped what remained in his glass down his throat, “Okay. I am going to tell you something right now, but only because you’re upset and you don’t deserve to have some wanker make you feel like this and I fucking hate seeing you thinking hateful things about yourself.” 
“What is it?” 
You felt Joe lean in on your other side, curious.
Ben squeezed his eyes shut like not being able to see you would make his confession easier, “Lately I’ve…fuck, lately I’ve been thinking about you while I wank.” He peeked at you through one eye when you didn’t respond, finding both you and Joe staring at him. That hadn’t been what you’d expected. 
“Yeah, really?” 
“Shut up Joe,” Ben said waving him off as he turned back to you, “yes, really.” 
You paused, considering his words. It’d be a lie to say you’d never thought of Ben in the same situation. Or Joe for that matter. And it should have been enough to know Ben thought of you like that, the very idea making you shiver, making your heart quicken and your pants wet. But you wanted details. You wanted to know how he’d pictured you. Maybe you could use it later. 
“Anything specific?” 
“Honestly?” Now that he’d gotten over the initial embarrassment of admitting what he’d been doing he was much more open to discussing it, the weight of his hand suddenly far more noticeable against your knee. “I like the idea of making you lose control. You’re usually so softly spoken and polite and I don’t know, stuck in your own head I guess, and I kind of want to change that. There’s one fantasy I keep going back to. You, tied to my bed, begging. I keep imagining you moaning my name, so desperate that you’ll say anything, do anything without hesitating or overthinking.” 
Without knowing when exactly, you’d begun panting. Ben smirked at you, fully aware of the effect he’d had on you. 
“Well shit,” Joe said, breaking through the haze in your brain, “That was hotter than what I’ve been picturing.” 
“Y-you’ve been picturing?” 
“You didn’t think Ben was the only one, did you? We’ve spent enough nights together to have me…wondering. Started after I crashed at yours one time, few months ago, I was on the couch and you snuck out to the kitchen for a drink of water, wearing just the shirt I let you borrow that you never returned.” 
“Looks better on you anyway. I assume you had panties on underneath but I couldn’t see them. Couldn’t help thinking maybe you didn’t. And then I couldn’t stop thinking about bending you over the sink. Ended up having a shower at three in the morning just to get off cause I couldn’t stop thinking about how good your cunt would feel. Amongst other things.” 
“Other things?” you whimpered as Ben’s hand slid further up your thigh but when you turned to look, Joe caught your chin and brought your attention back to him. 
“What d’you say you let me and Ben help you forget that jerk from the bar. We’ll fuck you the way you deserve.” 
You weren’t sure you’d be able to do more than whimper if you opened your mouth so you nodded, eyes locked onto Joe’s. 
“No, baby, you gotta talk,” Ben said softly, his hand replacing Joe’s on your chin as he turned your head to look at him, “wanna hear you ask for it.” 
You could feel your face heating up, the words catching in your throat. 
“Don’t be shy princess,” Joe said softly against your ear. 
“Please fuck me,” you squeaked. 
“That’s our good girl,” Ben’s praise sent a wave of heat straight to your core before he leaned in to kiss you. He was firm but soft, holding you still as he gently encouraged you to part your lips for him. Joe leaned in to suck at your neck, one hand resting on your waist as the other began moving slowly up your leg. You whined as he tickled the apex of your thigh. 
“Oh she sounds so needy already. What d’ya say we get her out of those clothes.”
Ben pulled you to your feet and reached for the hem of your shirt. Joe, still sitting on the couch, wrapped his arms around your waist and began unbuttoning your shorts, leaving a line of kisses down your thigh as he began wriggling them off you. It was overwhelming, your brain not knowing who to focus on as Joe sucked a hickey into your leg and Ben squeezed your tits through your bra. 
“Aww princess, this all for us?” Joe said as he pulled your underwear down, “Naughty slut’s excited to have us both I think, should see how fucking wet she is Ben,” 
Ben grinned at you as he dropped his hand from your breast, sliding a finger along your slit. Your whine turned into a yelp as Joe leaned in and bit your arse, laughing when he pulled back. 
“You weren’t kidding, Joe, she really is soaked.” Ben held up his finger in front of you, glistening under the overhead light, before taking it between his lips. “Dibs on first go of her cunt. Need to taste her properly.” 
“Okay but I get to fuck her first then.” 
“Sure,” Ben reached around to unclasp your bra, seemingly oblivious to the way hearing them talk about you was turning you on, “Bedroom?”
The next thing you knew was Joe’s lips crashing against yours as they led you towards Ben’s room. He pulled away once you reached the bed, pushing you backwards, sending you sprawling on your back over the middle of the mattress. You tried to push yourself up on your arms to see where the other two were but before you got too far you were on your back again, Joe pulling your arms over your head. 
“Lie back Princess,” he said softly, “Ben’s gonna take good care of you.”
You didn’t have much time to react before Ben was on you, tongue flicking slowly over your clit, almost lazily. Gradually he sped up, your breathy gasps turning into breathy whines as your arousal built. Joe kept a firm grasp on your arms as he murmured filthy words to you. 
“Seeing you like this is better than I ever imagined, Princess.” 
You squirmed as Ben trailed his tongue down to your hole, back arching as he pushed inside. Joe readjusted his grip on your wrists, holding them in one hand as he placed the other on your throat to pin you in place. 
“Can’t have you squirming too much, trying to grind against Ben. Not allowed.” 
Ben threw an arm over your hips to hold you down as he continued to lick and suck at your cunt.  
“Does that feel good, Princess? You like having Ben between your thighs?” 
“Yes, fuck, so fucking good.” 
“You want him to make you cum?” 
“Ask nicely,” 
“Please, Ben, please make me cum,” you whined, raising your head as much as you could to look at him. Joe’s hand was still at your throat but only loosely, at least for the moment. Ben raised his own head to look at you and grinned, pushing two fingers into you as he lowed his mouth back to your clit.  
“Such a pretty sound,” Joe growled softly in response to the moan you released as Ben sucked on your clit.  
“Ben, oh my god, yes,” 
“Don’t cum yet, Princess.” 
Ben’s mouth left you again, right when you felt on the edge of your orgasm. 
“What was that for?” you whined, looking up at Joe. 
“I don’t want you to cum just yet.” 
“Please, I need to, it’s not fair.” 
“No, it’s not really. But I want you fucking dripping and desperate when you take me.” 
“I can be desperate after I cum I swear,” 
“I don’t believe you. No, the only way you’re cumming tonight is while you’re cunt is stuffed full of cock. Right Ben?” 
“That’s right Joe,” Ben chuckled as he lowered his tongue back down to your clit. It wasn’t long before your orgasm was once again approaching. Joe tightened his grip on your throat as you began begging, trying unsuccessfully to pull your hands free so you could hold Ben against you. 
“I’m getting bored of your begging. You know it’s not going to work, so let’s put that mouth to good use instead. You felt yourself being pulled along the bed until your head was hanging off the edge. Upside down you watched as Joe striped off. 
Without thinking you did so, letting Joe push his cock between your lips. Ben readjusted his position, making you moan as he dived back in.  
You were completely lost, unable to think about anything but how good it felt being between them. Joe went slow, easing himself into your throat. He was the complete antithesis of Ben who seemed to go harder and faster every time Joe paused, like it was his personal mission to break you and make you cum without permission.  
“God I love your pussy,” he rasped, lapping at you between each word. You jolted every time, not sure whether you were trying to get away from him or closer. 
“Does baby wanna cum?” he asked in a mocking voice, pushing his fingers back inside you. 
You moaned around Joe, making his hips buck forward, his cock slipping further down your throat, until your moan ended in a gag.  
Ben laughed, “too bad baby. Your pussy is all mine and I say not yet.” 
Joe pulled out of you and you took the chance to gasp for air. “I think you mean all ours,” he looked down at you, “Her pussy is all ours. And I think it’s about time I got to use it.” 
“Alright, alright,” Ben muttered as he dragged his fingers from you and brought his hand down on your cunt, leaving you with a single stinging spank before you felt yourself being flipped over and dragged around. You barely had time to register to the new position before Joe was pulling your hips into the air and sheathing himself into you fully. 
“God you’re close aren’t you, Princess? Fucking squeezing me. Ben really did a number on you,” 
You dropped your forehead to the mattress, moaning as he started thrusting into you.  
“It’s okay, you can cum whenever you want, Princess.” 
Almost as soon as he said it you came, clutching at the sheets as Joe swore behind you. Gentle fingers on the back of your head made you look up. 
“That was pretty fucking hot,” Ben said, looking down at you as he stroked his cock. He’d undressed while your attention was elsewhere. “But I’m feeling mighty left out right now.” He tapped his cock against your lips and you parted them, taking his head into your mouth. Ben kept his hand on your head though he let you set the pace. It was easier to control from this position, though the force of Joe pounding you didn’t help, pushing you forward so Ben slipped into your throat. You could feel another orgasm approaching, your moans building again as you remained trapped and full of cock. Joe was grunting as his grip on your hips tightened, driving harder as he neared his own release. He slipped a hand down to your clit and rubbed it in tight fast circles. 
“I’m not – fuck - I’m gonna cum.” 
You let Ben fall from your mouth as Joe buried himself deep in your cunt, grunting as he came, triggering your own climax. You whined as he pulled out of you, giving you a tired spank. 
“My turn,” Ben said, “help me get her round,” 
Joe nodded, both of them grabbing you and spinning you back to your original position on your back. Ben took hold of your ankles, pulling your legs around his waist as he sunk into you as deep as he could go. 
“You’re taking us both so well, Princess. You gonna cum for Ben too?” 
“I don’t kn-now if I c-can,” you whined as Ben pulled out of you slowly, almost all the way before he pushed into you again. 
“You can. And you will. We’ll make sure of that.” Joe climbed onto the bed, lying on his stomach with his feet hanging over the end. Propping himself up on an elbow he leaned down to kiss you slowly as Ben started pumping into you faster. Joe began trailing his other hand down your body, pulling at your nipples until you whined again.  
“She likes that Joe, I can see what you meant about her squeezing. Fuck,” 
Joe chuckled as he stopped kissing you, “What if I do this then?” He grinned at you as he shuffled down the bed, kneeling so he could slower his head to you breast. Using his tongue he drew circles around your nipple, pinching the other.
“Shit. Not gonna last much longer like this.” 
“C’mon Princess, gotta cum again. Show Ben how good you feel when you cum.” 
Joe switched to suck at your other nipple as Ben brought his hand to your clit. You had no choice but to let another orgasm roll over you, stimulation coming from every direction to pull you over the edge. Ben moaned at the same time as you, hitting his own release as you clenched with yours.
You were completely spent. It took all of your remaining energy just to move up the bed and lie back against the pillows. You didn’t even bother with the covers, letting Joe and Ben sort them out as they climbed in on either side of you. 
“Feel better?” Joe asked softly, draping one arm over your stomach. 
Ben snuggled up close, pressing his nose into your neck, “Y’know I’ll always be here for you. We’ll,” he preempted Joe’s outburst, “We’ll always be here for you.” 
“You mean this is on the table every time a guy turns me down?” 
“Not what I meant, but maybe. We’d do anything to cheer you up.” 
“Mission accomplished.” 
You fell into a comfortable silence for a while, the heat from both men and the sounds of their breathing lulling you into a doze. 
“I spose I should go home now,” 
“What are you talking about?” Ben asked. 
“Figured you’d want your bed back.” 
“Fuck off. It’s warmer with you both here.”
“God why would you volunteer to leave? I’m staying here til Ben kicks me out.”
“More likely to kick you out than Y/N,”
“Rude. But come on Y/N, you really think we’d let you go?” Joe squeezed you tight. 
“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere until tomorrow. I’ll make you breakfast and everything.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah of course. It’s not morning yet, you’re not getting out of here.”
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mayuuunaise · 5 years
fic: the price we pay (01/??)
a/n: u v u king of caste au bc i’m a sucker for angst and gang wars LOL i had to cut the first chapter in half bc it was getting too long though :’D 
fandom: b-project: koudou ambitious read on: ao3 | under the cut
When Tsubasa’s mother breaks the news of her discontinued scholarship to her, the first thing she thinks about is Nome-san and how he’ll be burdened with even more work from now on, having to balance the athletics club, some unknown after school extra-curricular that they don’t like talking about, and now secretarial work on top of it all. The next thing that registers in her head is that oh, wait, she won’t be leaving just the student council but Houou Academy itself, isn’t she?
“Tsubasa-chan?” Her mother calls out her name and snaps her from all the worry her head seems insistent on clogging her brain. The older Sumisora looks close to tears, weary and tired from working two jobs just to let them scrape by. “This, I—I’ll work something out, Tsubasa-chan, don’t worry. There’s only half the school year left, ri, right? We can scrape together enough to pay for half of the tuition fee — somehow — and, I could borrow money from your aunt, okay?”
Tsubasa looks in horror at her mother slowly but surely coming undone. The older woman collapses into a seating position on the kitchen chair, burying her face with shaking hands. Her mother hates her aunt, how could she even think about borrowing money from a woman who has practically disowned them after her father died?
Her mother continues rambling, most likely hasn’t heard Tsubasa call out to her in such a meek voice. “I might need to get a third job… or, or you could work part time for your allowance— oh, I’m sorry, dear. You should be focusing on your studies, what am I thinking—”
Her voice is firmer and Sumisora Miho finally looks up to face her daughter. There’s a sharp jolt in Tsubasa’s chest when she finally sees how disheveled her mother looks even though today is supposedly the only day of the week she should be resting. The dark circles under her eyes look like they’ve stained her skin permanently, her cheek bones more pronounced than they usually are. It isn’t supposed to be this hard on her mother, nor on her. Life shouldn’t be this unfair.
So Tsubasa sucks it up, as always, and gives her a watery smile that doesn’t quite reach her wine coloured eyes.
“Mother, it’s okay. We don’t have to stay.” She tells her and it’s a miracle that her voice stays even. “I understand, I can drop out of school for the year, or enroll in a public school nearby. It’ll be okay.”
Fresh tears well up in her mother’s eyes before she buries her face in her hands again, choking back sobs as her shoulders shake. Tsubasa gathers her in her arms and rubs soothing circles on her back. Apologies spill from her mother’s croaking throat and Tsubasa wishes it doesn’t have to be this way.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, god, Tsubasa-chan—it, it isn’t— you’re not supposed to— I’m so, so sorry.”
Budget cuts, they say. The academy will be building another wing for extracurriculars and the board of directors have decided to cut the budget for their scholarship program for underprivileged students with high potential, like her. They’ve decided that her scholarship has been terminated for the school year, but she’ll be able to continue if they pay for half of the tuition fee. They list down options for her payment, should she wish to continue in the academy, and will be accepting installments with set deadlines if needed be. Considering she’s in the special course, there is also the matter of her extra classes to discuss—
Tsubasa doesn’t read the letter any further than that, the entirety of it making her sick to her stomach.
Her mother continues to weep in her arms and Tsubasa hugs her tighter through the night.
Tsubasa supposes ripping out the metaphorical bandaid should be better than delaying the inevitable.
“What’s this?” But that doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“My resignation letter, President.” The brunette tries her hardest not to let her voice crack. The way Kitakado stares at her — ice blue eyes unblinking, intense, right through her soul and completely ignoring the painstakingly handwritten piece of parchment in his hands — makes her waver. Tsubasa doesn’t wait for a response or a rebuttal, not from the student council president sitting calmly in a quiet cold, nor from his younger assistant standing by his side. Instead, she bows, deep and solemn at the waist, before asking to excuse herself and rushing out of the room she once called home.
Ryuuji asks her later on when he catches her hiding in one of the west wing’s stairwells, if she isn’t upset at all about it, if she doesn’t find it unfair for the school to suddenly just take away a gift they’ve already given. Tsubasa has grown numb with the topic, but the venom in Ryuuji’s pretty fuchsia eyes as he asks her, quietly, to be angry and to grow upset with how unfair her circumstances has come to be, leaves a stinging pain in her chest.
Instead she escapes with a response that doesn’t strictly answer his question, gives him a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she says, “I’ve been very lucky already, to be able to study here for as long as I have and meet all of you.”
The noncommittal hum that comes out of Ryuji’s mouth tell her it’s not the answer he has been looking for. He doesn’t say anything else, and leaves her cold and lonely with only the sound of receding footsteps stopping her from letting her tears fall.
Tsubasa breaks the news to Hikaru when she asks to walk with him all the way to his part time job that same afternoon, instead of just to the station as per usual. Hikaru is silent — for once — the entire time she talks, and Tsubasa thanks him for it with all her heart. She hasn’t been able to talk freely about it with anyone, knows that they won’t be able to understand as well as Hikaru would.
When Tsubasa is finally done, she sees an unfamiliar, angry expression crossing Hikaru’s handsome face.
“That’s messed up!” He exclaims, looking close to throwing the skateboard under his arm. “Can’t we tell them to stop the construction? The Prince is the student council president and the chairman’s nephew—!”
“I, I couldn’t ask Kitakado-san to do that. It’s already been decided.”
“Well— what if, what if I gave you my scholarship? Would they take it? It’s only a half, unlike yours, and you’d need to work part time but I—”
“Hikaru-kun, you know that’s not allowed.”
“Your mother and your younger siblings are all counting on you.” Her frown wavers at the guilty look Hikaru gives her. Tsubasa’s expression softens and she sighs, letting out all the frustration with it. “And besides, I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Hikaru looks unconvinced and they walk along the streets in silence until Hikaru asks her in the quietest voice Tsubasa has ever heard from him, “Do you know when you’re leaving?”
“This is my last week,” she admits in an equally quiet voice, hands fidgeting with the hem of her school blazer. Briefly, she wonders if she’ll need to return the uniform along with her school sanctioned text books by the end of this week. “I’ve handed my resignation letter to Kitakado-san earlier as well. I’ll be telling Nome-san in person soon, please don’t say anything to him yet.”
“Ah… that means Tatsu will have to do actual student council work. I wonder if he can handle it all.”
Tsubasa lets out an unexpected laugh at his words. “Nome-san is very capable, he just doesn’t have time for it.”
“Whaaaat? Tatsu would totally be all frustrated and stuff with all the note takings and the meetings! You know that’s why we had to get you, right?” Hikaru pouts.
“Among other things,” Tsubasa hums with a small upward twitch of her lips. She’s grateful for Hikaru, even if she initially had zero interest in serving with the student council. She’s grown to become attached to the boys she’s been working with and her days always seemed more colourful alongside them. Tsubasa feels a little close to crying at the memories flashing through her head; she clears her throat instead and squares her shoulders like the way Nome would always remind her when she seems to be retreating in herself.
“But I know Nome-san will be fine; I’m certain.” Tsubasa looks up and gives him what she hopes is a reassuring smile. Hikaru’s pout gets bigger, his frown deepening and marring his handsome face. She wants to tease him, just a little. “You know I’m more worried about you, Hikaru-kun. I know they’ll be able to take care of you, but you…” she swallows. “You’re always running headlong towards somewhere I can’t reach.”
There’s a pause in their banter, as if Hikaru isn’t quite sure if he should continue where they’re going. When she glances over his way, his expression tells her that he’s still trying to find the right combination of words to say. He looks the same as he always does whenever he’s close to telling her something that she knows he shouldn’t. Hikaru takes a deep breath, “Tsubasa-chan, I—”
“Hikaru-kun,” she interrupts before he can say anymore. Hikaru looks a little guilty, catching himself. “It’s okay. I’ll understand why eventually.”
Hikaru looks down. If Tsubasa looks hard enough, she can see his shoulders are starting to shake. “I wish you didn’t have to go…”
Tsubasa stops in her tracks, chokes back a few tears before whispering, “Me too.”
“It really is quite a shame. Are you sure there’s nothing more we can do to persuade you to stay, Sumisora-kun? You’ve been a wonderful student.” Daikoku-sensei definitely means well, she’s sure of it, but she can’t help the gloomy thoughts from appearing in her head. If the school is so set on keeping their students, why cut the budget for scholarships?
“I’m sorry,” it’s the only thing Tsubasa can reply to that. She hands over the collected notebooks with a polite smile. “Thank you for teaching me and guiding me all this time, Daikoku-sensei.”
The older man gives her a soft, gentle smile. “It has been a pleasure teaching you, Sumisora-kun. It’ll be hard to adjust in the middle of the school year, but a student as bright as you can only go forward. Where do you go from here?”
“The nearest high school from my house would be Shishidou High School.” It’s only a few minutes walk from their rented apartment, which means she’ll be cutting on transportation expenses. Tsubasa wonders, very briefly, if she should be taking the time to ask Hikaru for skateboard lessons to also cut back on travel time before dismissing the thought entirely and deciding it’s already far too ridiculous for her to consider. “My mother has already informed their principal of the transfer and we’re glad they were willing to accept on such short notice.”
Daikoku-sensei doesn’t appear too thrilled at the information, his mouth forming a thin line and twitching downward ever so slightly. He crosses his arms over his chest, giving her a somewhat incredulous look from his seat. “Are you sure about that? There must be other schools in the area that are a better choice for you, academically speaking.”
Tsubasa has thought about it, she isn’t going to lie. But she’s also planning on taking up a part time job now that her extracurriculars have been freed up to at least lessen her mother’s financial load the slightest bit. Entering a lower level school where she doesn’t need to spend the waking hours of the morning to study as hard would be better for her in the long run, especially when she’s seen Hikaru sleep like the dead after double pay graveyard shifts when he used to work in a convenience store.
Honestly, she’s also a little embarrassed to tell the truth and remains silent, politely smiling at her (soon to be former) homeroom teacher. Daikoku probably knows this as well because he sighs and massages the back of his neck with a little shrug. “Well, it’s your choice. But, actually…” the blonde drifts off before smiling to himself, seemingly amused by whatever he’s thought of now. “My younger brother works there. If you ever meet him, send him my regards, would you?”
Tsubasa smiles back and gives him an affirmative before she excuses herself. As soon as she steps out of the faculty room however, she almost collides with a taller figure and squeaks out from instinct.
Long fingers wrap around her forearms to keep her from falling, and she looks up to find a set of familiar heterochromatic eyes staring at her in worry. She gasps in surprise, stepping back and out of Momotarou’s reach.
“Momo-kun, how long have you been standing there? I’m sorry, I should have been watching where I was going—”
“Is it true, Tsubasa-san?” The red head’s voice is level and cool, but Tsubasa has always feared the calm before the raging storm. “You’re going to Shishidou, of all places?” Involuntarily, she swallows nervously, wine coloured eyes darting around in order to find a way out. It isn’t as if she’s keeping it a secret, not from the student council anyway. Add to the fact that Momo is also her classmate, she would never stand a chance at hiding it from him.
“Momo-kun, I—”
“It’s dangerous, there, and you know it.” The way he says it sounds like there’s no room for argument. There’s an uncharacteristic layer of simmering anger underneath his cold gaze. Tsubasa understands his irritation, or at the very least she tries to. She’s heard of the rumours; of how it’s a school for drop outs and delinquents in westside Shibuya. That it’s a miracle the school is still standing at all considering how many crimes have been linked to both students and teachers alike, though never really proven. There have been talks, especially, about a gang of high school students threatening to take Shibuya for itself.
But what choice does she have?
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine, Momo-kun,” she figures her smile is unconvincing because Momotarou continues looking extremely disappointed at her. She almost withers at his expression, but attempts to sound firm. “Nothing bad is going to happen, I’ll just go to school and go home and be extra careful if you want me to.” The red haired young man hesitates the slightest bit and Tsubasa uses the opportunity to side step out of his direct contact. She smiles and bows politely, “If you’ll excuse me, I still need to get to class.”
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grapesodatozier · 6 years
I’m a Ruin
some nice, sad wheelzier angst lol. title from the song of the same title by marina and the diamonds. also there are some small references to past mileven, byeler, and reddie, all of which are implied to have ended badly bc apparently it’s angst hours for all of my favorite ships lol
warning: this is about drug addiction. it’s told from Richie's POV, and as we know Richie Tozier hates himself a lot sometimes, so he blames himself for a lot of stuff, but I would just like to make it clear that addiction is a disease that many people go through, and it's something that can be different for different people. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it does not make you a bad person. Recovery is always possible and happens at different speeds for different people. <3
words: 2,306
read on ao3 or below
Richie came home already exhausted. Work had been hell, and his entire body felt simultaneously like it was a live wire and full of cement. He was planning on bypassing Mike and heading straight for the bedroom to take a long fucking nap. However, he couldn’t do that without walking through the living room, where Mike was standing with his arms crossed behind the coffee table, which had a bag of cocaine on it.
“You wanna explain this?” Richie rolled his eyes at the question. His head was already starting to pound from the sanctimonious tone his boyfriend had immediately broken into.
“It’s powdered sugar, borrowed a cup from the neighbors,” Richie grinned humorlessly as he headed for the bedroom.
“You’re really just gonna walk away from me right now?” Mike’s voice was strained, almost a screech, trying to sound indignant through the obvious pain he was feeling. Richie’s shoulders sagged, his chest suddenly heavy. He hated hearing that pain in Mike’s voice, he hated being a disappointment to him. Mike had only ever been good to him, and he kept fucking up, kept proving to him that he didn’t deserve Mike’s signature undying faith. Richie turned to face Mike and shrugged weakly.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” he sighed.
“I want you to throw it out,” Mike said plainly. “Burn it, toss it in the Hudson, I don’t fucking care how you do it, just get this shit out of my house.”
“Your house?” Richie scoffed, a bitterly unamused grin on his face. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your fan fiction and DnD campaigns were paying for this place.” Mike always did this, always acted all high and mighty and made Richie feel like shit for needing a way to unwind or have a laugh from time to time. Richie knew that it came from a well-meaning place, that Mike was just trying to convince Richie to quit his bad habits, but the way he went about it kind of pissed Richie off. There was also the disappointment again, the reminder that Mike deserved better than Richie. Richie really didn’t know why his boyfriend tried so hard; Richie clearly wore him down.  
“Don’t start that,” Mike shook his head. “We both live here. We both pay rent and bills. If we get caught with this shit I’m taking the fall too. Don’t you care about that? Don’t you care what happens to me?” Richie rolled his eyes despite the guilt dragging his stomach down to his feet. Of course he cared, how could Mike not see that? And how could Mike not see what Richie needed? “We agreed you wouldn’t bring this here anymore. I just don’t understand why you’d lie to me.”
“Because you never hear any fucking side other than your own!” Richie exploded. “We don’t discuss, you just tell me what to do and assume I’ll follow every order you give me!”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize that ‘Please don’t bring illegal drugs into the house and then hide them from me, honey’ was such a controversial request!” The hurt Richie was feeling must’ve shown, because Mike sighed, his anger fizzling out a bit. “I’m just worried, Rich. This clearly isn’t just about having a good time every now and then. This keeps happening, and I think it’s a serious problem.”
“Why does it have to be a problem?” Richie challenged. “I’m functional. I shower and go to work and make money and eat food and drink water. I’m fine.”
“If you’re lying about it you know it’s wrong.”
“No, I know you think it’s wrong. That doesn’t make it wrong.”
“Are you happy without it?” Mike asked. His voice was so sincere, his eyes wide and brown and heartbroken. Mike was awful at hiding what he was feeling, so the sadness and pain in his voice and his eyes and his posture tore Richie up pretty bad. He hated himself for hurting Mike like that. It was selfish. But there were certain things Richie needed, and if those things hurt the ones he loved… then maybe the only way to stop hurting them was to leave them. But Richie had to make sure that wouldn’t hurt Mike, he had to make it Mike’s choice. He had to show Mike he wasn’t worth the effort or the pain he was putting himself through to stay with Richie.
“I can go without it,” was all he said, forcing an edge into his voice.
“Then why don’t you?” Richie was pleased to see that Mike was becoming irritated again. Good. He wanted Mike to see that he was better off without Richie dragging him down.
“Because I like it. That’s who I am, Mike,” Richie said helplessly, deflated. “You can take it or leave it, but stop trying to change it.”
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to change it! You can get better, Richie. I can help you get better.” Mike put a hand on Richie’s shoulder, which Richie shrugged off with an exasperated groan.
“I’m not something for you to fucking fix, okay? I know you wanna fix everything that you don’t like, but you can’t fix me! You can’t fix people!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry for wanting you help you,” Mike replied snidely.
“You don’t wanna help me, all you’re worried about is having a perfect boyfriend, or working on me like I’m a project to be accomplished and finished so you can feel good about yoursel. When are you gonna realize that I’m not a project? I’m a fucking person, and I’m never gonna be the person you want me to be.”
“I don’t treat people like projects!” Mike said defensively, his arms crossed.
“Yes, you do! You always have! You did the same thing to El and Will!” Richie watched all of the momentum of Mike’s anger drain from his body at Richie’s accusation. It made his blood run cold, the way Mike clenched his jaw, but he knew he was doing the right thing. Even if it felt awful for both of them, it was for the best in the long run.
“This isn’t about El or Will,” Mike said, his voice low and strained, trying to be measured. Richie felt a pang in his chest; he wondered if Mike had ever loved him as much as he clearly still loved both of them. “This is about you-”
“Do you think that’s why they both left you?” Richie urged on, stepping closer into Mike’s space. “Do you think they got sick of being your little projects?” Richie’s stomach dropped as he saw Mike’s lower lip start to quiver. No, he thought, nonononono. He could deal with Mike angry, he wanted him angry, but he couldn’t deal with tears. There was no way Richie could just stand there and watch him cry, he couldn’t walk away from that.
Thankfully, Mike’s misty eyes steeled then, and the coldness in them strengthened the coldness in Richie’s own chest. “I know that this,” Mike said, looking Richie up and down, almost in disgust, “is why Eddie left you.” And yeah, that hurt, but it was exactly what Richie needed to hear. And he was so glad Mike said it. It was the final push he needed to really walk away, to really push Mike far enough way that he could stop hurting him. “Maybe he had the right idea. He seems pretty happy these days.”
“Then leave,” Richie replied, his voice deep, almost threatening. None of the pain that was aching in every bone in his body showed through. “Fucking leave if you think it’ll make you happy. I don’t need your goddamn pity.” He swallowed thickly before forcing himself to say, “I don’t need you.” And god, the lie tasted bitter on his tongue, but Richie knew he would do anything he had to in order to save Mike the pain and disappointment.
Mike looked at Richie like he had slapped him. He wrapped his arms around himself as his lips quivered, searching for the right words. “Do you want me?” he asked eventually, his voice trembling. Richie clenched his jaw; he focused on the tears welling in Mike’s eyes, on the way he curled in on himself, as if he was afraid to be so close to Richie. He reminded himself that he did that, that he would continue to do that if he tried to make things better, if he kept holding onto someone he would only drag down.
“Not if you’re gonna try to control me like this,” he forced himself to say, his stomach churning at how easy and true he was able to make the words sound.
“You don’t mean that,” Mike said, shaking his head, his voice as thin as air.
“I do.” Richie’s heart sunk to his feet; he couldn’t help imagining a reality where he was saying that at an altar, where Mike still had tears in his eyes but a smile on his face.
The dam broke then, and Mike’s tears flowed freely. His body wracked with sobs, but he stayed put, not moving in any direction but further into himself. Richie couldn’t take that.
“Baby,” he whispered, taking a step toward Mike and reaching to pull him in.
“Baby?” Mike exploded, smacking Richie’s arm away as his head whipped up in fury. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You’re breaking up with me for, for fucking drugs, and you’re trying to comfort me? You just told me you don’t want me and now you’re calling me baby?” Richie’s mouth opened and closed silently, the only part of his body he could move as the pain and anger and heartbreak in Mike’s watery eyes struck him like daggers. He grabbed the bag from the table and nearly threw it at Richie as he shoved him in the chest. “Fuck you. You can have this, since it makes you so much happier than I do.” Richie flinched. Mike stormed away toward the bedroom, shouting over his shoulder as he went. “I hope you shove it up your ass!” Mike slammed the bedroom door then, not giving Richie room to reply even if he could’ve thought of something to say.
Richie left the bag on the floor and collapsed onto the couch. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, one of which was bouncing incessantly. He eyed the bag, which sat on the floor where it had fallen at his feet. He hated how much he wanted to get his credit card out just then, how badly he wanted to feel that rush, to ignore all the bad feelings clawing at his heart. He just needed a distraction, needed to stop feeling the way he did. He heard muffled banging and talking coming from down the hall. He lay back on the couch, staring at the ceiling and picking at his hangnails. He resolved to not look at the bag while Mike was still home, but its very presence weighed down on his chest, had him itching for it. He’d been saving it for his day off, when Mike would be at work, but it sounded like he was gonna have the house to himself a lot sooner than that. Good, he thought, but he didn’t feel good at all.
Richie really didn’t know how much time had passed by the time Mike came storming out of the bedroom and began making a racket in the bathroom. A few minutes later he burst back into the living room, a nearly bursting backpack over one shoulder and a duffel bag over the other. Richie’s chest seized at the sight. He sat up, but didn’t move from the couch. “Going somewhere?” he asked, his voice rough. Mike turned to him, his face splotchy and eyes red.
“I’m gonna go stay with Nancy and Jonathan,” he said, his voice raw but steady. Richie blinked, trying to hold himself together.
“For how long?” His voice sounded much stronger than he felt, almost uncaring. He sounded like an asshole, which he supposed was appropriate.
“Until I find my own place, I guess,” Mike shrugged. Richie felt like he turned to stone just then. Mike looked at him then, and his eyes said it all. His wide, brown, red rimmed eyes. They were near pleading, and in that moment Richie knew Mike was giving him one last chance. Richie just had to get rid of the bag, he just had to swear it off. If he asked Mike to stay he would.
But he couldn’t do that to Mike. He loved him too much.
“Think there’s anything in your price range?” he smirked. “Or are you gonna have daddy pay for it?” He saw fire try to flash behind Mike’s eyes, but it died almost immediately. He shook his head, tired and disappointed in a way that made Richie want to melt into the floor.
“I really hope you get better, Richie.” He looked around the living room for a moment before finally meeting Richie’s eyes. “I really did love you.”
That nearly broke Richie. He screamed at himself internally in the breathless moment Mike took before turning toward the door. Don’t let him walk out that door, he told himself. Don’t let him go. You know you need him, you love him. Get on your fucking knees, beg, burn that shit, anything you have to do, just don’t let him leave you. Then, one silent plea to Mike before the door closed, Please don’t leave me.
Then he was gone.
Richie swallowed thickly. He thought he should feel tears, thought he should be crying, but he just felt a bone-deep, aching emptiness. He sighed and eyed the bag on the floor. He cleared the table and got his credit card out.
a/n:  I know this ending was very bleak and not promising, but that's just because it's a small snippet of this (fictional) universe. Like I said before, recovery is always possible! Help is out there, and it's okay if it takes some people longer than others to recover.<3
taglist: @clouded-eyes-and-salty-tears @reddie4thesinbin @deadlighturis @constantreaderfool @reddieloserz @jessicaheartsderry @vegetarian-avocado @tinyarmedtrex @sml1104 @chocolatemangoose
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audaciousanonj · 6 years
Summer Nights and Starlight
Kicking off the 30 days of Monster Summer Mash with Papyrus taking his brother to gaze at stars! (Plus a cameo from @thunderstruck-edgelord‘s Reader bc Self Indulgence)
Papyrus had decided, long before he had ever wanted to be a royal guard, not to focus on the stars.
Obviously, he never would have told that to Sans! His brother had loved hearing about the stars, and used to go on and on about how he would be an astronaut one day. (Papyrus made a mental note to introduce the various thaumic sciences to NASA, and maybe wonder if they would accept monsters on the ISS. Perhaps they could start off slow, with, say… a skeleton monster who liked physics and applied thaumology?) However, Papyrus had never seen the appeal. If anything, he had been interested in geology! Why would he focus on a sky he might not ever have seen, when there were all those pretty rocks in waterfall that sparkled when his magic shone against them?
Of course, that had been before Frisk had came and the barrier had broken. Now they were all on the surface! Now Papyrus could see the sky! Rainbows! Sunrises and sunsets! Moon cycles and solar eclipses and…
And he still didn’t get what was so interesting about stars!!! The sky changed colors in the morning and evening; what was so fascinating about a few specks of white in the dark of night? Papyrus had confided his lack of interest to Flowey, who had asked Asgore what was so great about the stars that all the other monsters loved them. Asgore had then talked to Flowey and Frisk about the good old days when the skies were so full of stars you could make out galaxies, and Frisk had responded by introducing everyone to the concept of “light pollution.”
Which led to today, with Papyrus borrowing Asgore’s truck to drive a snoozing Sans and a bed full of camping supplies out into the desert.
Alphys and Undyne had gone out stargazing last week, and according to Undyne it was “the best thing ever, you HAVE to try it! Even Alphys thought it was cool, and she’s a huge shut-in! We could have watched the stars all night, if we hadn’t-” Undyne had stopped abruptly then, telling Papyrus more than he wanted to know, before quickly changing the subject. “Anyways, you said your brother was a HUGE NERD about space, why not go stargazing together?”
Papyrus still hadn’t been convinced that the hype was worth it, but the thought of the look on Sans’ face as he saw the stars had finally convinced him. This would be the perfect way to rekindle his brother’s passions..!
...Or shatter them forever. Sans had always been so hyped about the idea of stars, flaming balls of gas from so far away and yet so beautiful; how could reality possibly live up to the ideal? Papyrus was no stranger to realities falling short of paradise, what with having to navigate and predict the scuffles between human and monster culture as a part of his job. Sometimes it was better to let your dreams be dreams! If he brought Sans out here to stargaze only to see his brother’s face fall as he realized that stars really weren’t that great, then...
Papyrus abruptly realized he wasn’t paying attention to the road, and pulled over. Not paying attention while driving was bad news! And usually ended up on the news too! And it was almost sunset anyways, so it was probably a good idea to go deeper into the desert and away from the highway; that is, once his bones would cooperate and stop rattling so much!!!
“oh hey, we’ve stopped. are we- bro?”
Papyrus yelped in surprise as his brother’s voice came from the backseat. “EVERYTHING IS EXTREMELY FINE, NO PROBLEMS HERE!!!”
Papyrus refused to look in the rearview mirror. If he didn’t acknowledge the look on his brother’s face, then he didn’t have to answer the implied question! “NO, WE ARE NOT THERE YET, I AM SIMPLY TAKING A LITTLE… PAUSE BEFORE I CONTINUE. NOW HUSH, I NEED TO CONCENTRATE.” With the topic sufficiently avoided, Papyrus shifted gears and drove off the highway completely, and onto the dry desert terrain.
Sans stared in surprise as the truck headed further away from the highway. “uh... bro? the road is the other way.”
Sans managed to keep silent for about seven minutes before finally giving in to the inevitable. “so, we’re just gonna keep trucking ahead, are we?”
“SANS IF I HEAR ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU I SWEAR I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND,” Papyrus gritted out, but a part of him relaxed. Sans wouldn’t be able to resist such an obvious opening, and that would give Papyrus the excuse he needed to cancel this whole excursion! It’s not like either of them would be missing much, it was just stars!
Sans, naturally, took the bait. “one more word-”
Papyrus started turning.
“wha- hey, wait bro, i was just kidding!”
“TOO LATE, SANS. I GAVE YOU YOUR CHANCE BUT YOU THREW IT AWAY.” Still, Papyrus hesitated. Sans did seem eager to continue the “SURPRISE BROTHERLY OUTING” Papyrus had planned...
“it was just a joke! come on, i’ll be silent the rest of the trip, i promise!”
Papyrus slammed the brakes.
Sans didn’t make promises.
(“uh, bro..?”)
Sans didn’t make promises. Not casually.
(“what’s rattling your bones?”)
Sans didn’t make promises except for things that were important to him which meant this trip was important to him (“paps?”) even though he didn’t even know what they were going to do but he still really wanted to do this and Papyrus was going to cancel something that Sans really (“Papyrus?”) hoped for but if he kept going it would destroy his (“Papyrus. Talk to me.”) dreams and how can he make that choice how can he decide between Sans’ hopes or dreams or hopes or dreams or-
“Papyrus. Hey. Look at me.”
Papyrus blinked in surprise, and let out a sudden sob as his body informed him that he had been hyperventilating.
“you stopped the car, that’s good. lets you ride out something else,” Sans said soothingly from the front seat, having relocated himself while Papyrus was… busy.
“TH-THAT PUN WA-AS AWF-F-FUL.” Papyrus choked out.
“yeah, but it’s calming you down, isn’t it?”
“IT IS AND I HA-HATE IT!” Papyrus let out another hitching breath, and leaned against the steering wheel. He didn’t really hate it, but it had become something of a running joke between the brothers and Papyrus was too exhausted to try and come up with a different response.
“just keep breathing, bro, you’re doing fine,” Sans continued. Papyrus didn’t often break down, but when he did he usually broke down hard, so Sans had experience in comforting Papyrus. He still wasn’t sure if it was more or less experience than he’d like. On one hand, he hated when Papyrus broke down like this, but on the other hand, maybe if Sans could help him more before it became too much, Papyrus would break down less. “ya want me to pet your skull?”
“UH-HUH,” Papyrus mumbled into the steering wheel, closing his eyes as Sans made good on his offer. They stayed like that for a couple minutes, silent except for Papyrus’ slowly evening breaths and the scratches of bone on bone.
“hey, papyrus…” Sans hesitantly broke the silence, “do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
Papyrus stiffened. He really didn’t. He really, really didn’t. The mere thought of destroying his brother’s passions in such a way had sent him spiraling into a panic attack, of course he couldn’t tell Sans what’s wrong! Even if the thought of sharing his burdens with his brother sent a desperate ache in his soul, his brother had his own problems to deal with! So really, why would he ever say “I-WAS-GOING-TO-TAKE-YOU-STARGAZING-BUT-STARS-ARE-SO-OVERHYPED-WHAT-IF-YOU-REALIZED-THAT-AND-NEVER-GOT-PASSIONATE-ABOUT-ANYTHING-AGAIN-!”
Papyrus slammed his hand over his mouth.
“oh.” Sans paused, going over what his brother just said. “is this your ‘everything has to be perfect’ thing?”
“because, you know it doesn’t matter that much to me, right? yeah, stargazing sounds super cool, and you’re the coolest for taking me out here to do it, but it’s not going to be ruined if there’s, i dunno, clouds or anything. just getting to spend some time as a family makes the trip worth it.”
“easy. i’ll shoot off some stellar puns, eat an entire bag of marshmallows, and fall asleep.”
Sans just grinned. “so, does this mean we’re gonna continue?”
“alright. you won’t hear another peep out of me.”
“come on bro, don’t be so mallowdramatic.”
Once Papyrus found a good camping site that was sufficiently away from the road, he set up the tent, and then he and Sans had dinner. If Papyrus was by himself, he would have continued sitting outside to watch the sky change colors, but Sans had convinced him to wait inside the tent until the sun was fully down so that when they went outside they could get the full effect of the sky all at once.
Papyrus had gone along with Sans’ idea. This trip was for his benefit, after all.
“so she’s just eating the jar of mayo- like, just eating it straight out of the jar- when all of a sudden she asks me if i’ve ever felt like there’s something that was supposed to happen, but didn’t,” Sans continued, halfway through telling a story about a human he met at Grillby’s. “so i pick myself up off the floor, because philosophy is my jam, and go ‘yeah?’ and she’s like ‘once, i was walking home during this huge thunderstorm, when out of nowhere i got the urge to check some nearby dumpsters. there wasn’t even anything there, but i could have sworn that i would have found someone hiding! weird, right?’ and i was like ‘yeah that’s weird,’ and she said ‘wouldn’t it be super cool if somewhere there was a world where i met my best friend by those dumpsters?’ and then we talked about chaos and multiverse theories for a while.”
“eh, maybe,” Sans shrugged. “hey, it’s pretty dark out there. think it’s finally time to go stargazing?”
Papyrus stiffened a bit, before forcing himself to relax. “IF YOU SAY SO!”
“alright then. close our eyes, and step outside on the count of three?”
“wait, hang on...”
Papyrus paused, and turned to look back at Sans, who looked more excited than usual. “YES?”
“wouldn’t it be super cool if we counted backwards from ten, like a spaceship launch?”
Papyrus couldn’t decide whether he wanted to laugh or cry. Even if Sans would enjoy tonight no matter what... “THAT SOUNDS INTERESTING! LET’S DO IT!” Well, if this was the last night his brother would like space, Papyrus wouldn’t deny him this. “TEN…”
“nine…” Sans closed his eyes and grinned.
“EIGHT...” Papyrus grabbed his brother’s hand and turned towards the tent door.
“seven…” Sans entwined his phalanges with his brothers’ and squeezed.
“SIX.” Papyrus grabbed the tent zipper with his other hand and closed his eyes.
“five..!” Sans’ voice shook with excitement as he heard the tent door unzipping.
“FOUR!” Papyrus carefully made his way out of the tent without letting go of his brother or opening his eyes.
“three!” Sans felt himself being gently pulled by Papyrus out into the cool desert night.
“TWO!” Papyrus stopped, eyes still shut, and let go of his brother’s hand.
“one!” Sans tilted his head up.
Together, they opened their eyes.
Sans was staring at the sky with awe and wonder, more at ease than Papyrus had ever seen him. Papyrus had no doubt that Sans’ jaw would have dropped if it wasn’t fused to the rest of his skull.
Satisfied that his brother was enjoying the view, Papyrus looked up to see it himself.
It was…
It definitely was! It sure did exist! Or rather, it had existed several hundred years ago and they were only seeing it now? His brother had told him that little factoid earlier. In any case, it definitely was a view! Certainly a thing he was able to look at, if there wasn’t anything else to catch his attention!
“so, what do you think?” Sans’ voice was barely a whisper, “is the view everything you hoped for?”
“IT’S PERFECT,” Papyrus replied, gazing at the blissful look on his brother’s face. After all, Papyrus was never one to focus on the stars.
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
Beauty & the Beast
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A/N: so remember when i mentioned rereading the Lunar Chronicles and got inspired to write fairy tale aus for wanna one. well, here’s the first installment of  the “Happily Ever After” series!
Pairing: Wanna One’s Daehwi x Reader
Genre: fairy tale!au, fluff, slight violence
Warnings: slight violence
Everyone in the city knew of Lee Daehwi, probably the prettiest boy to have ever graced the Earth
Just a sweet boy who works in his family’s flower shop
Always has a different flower tucked in his lil shirt pocket depending on the mood
One time he had the flower tucked behind his ear and everyone just cooed bc wow what a cutie
On the other hand, there was you, probably the most infamous underground fighter in the city
You pretty much spent your days at the gym, punching away at the worn bag
Sometimes people will catch you at the rundown auto shop, grease streaked across your cheeks and sweat staining the neck of your white tank
The best part is the tattoo that’s on your right bicep of a wolf entirely done in lineart
Half the city gets scared when they catch a glimpse of it, but it’s aite, as long as they don’t bug you too much
Cut back to Daehwi watering the daffodils on display in the window as he hums to himself (probably a blackpink song lol)
Anyways it’s getting close to closing time, so Daehwi does one last check around the shop before he hears the front doorbell chime
And ta-dah, he finds himself face to face with Daniel
“Uh, hyung what are you doing here?”
“Can I borrow a couple hundred?”
“Flowers? Well-”
“Dollars, Daehwi, dollars”
Turns out Daniel owed you hella money bc you fixed his motorbike for him, and if he doesn’t cough up the sum you’re kicking his ass
Daniel prefers his ass not kicked btw, and Daehwi was the only one out of his friends with a stable job lmao
“I don’t have a couple hundred dollars to lend out, but let me talk to this person”
“Daehwi,,,,,,they’ll actually break you”
“Nothing a little diplomacy doesn’t fix, c’mon, show me where this repair shop is”
Daehwi finds himself standing in the side of town his parents specifically told him not to venture into
Your co-workers stood out in front of the shop, leaning against the walls, smoking cigarettes while conversing in hushed whispers (they were both expecting fathers and exchanging tips to each other)
Daniel was practically shaking in his shoes while Daehwi strode right into the shop
“Is Y/N here?”
“Alpha? They’re in the ring tonight”
“The ring?”
“Go right from the shop and cut into the alleyway. There are stairs that will take you straight to it.”
Yeah, Daniel was scared shitless at this point, and Daehwi was intimidated too, but hey, someone’s gotta talk this whole cash owing thing out
So the two boys go down to the ring and they find themselves standing behind a crowd of people surrounding the ring, shouting and cheering, waving dollar bills in the air as they placed bets
Daehwi starts looking around
“Hey Daniel, what does Y/N look like?”
“Scary, just really scary”
“,,,,,,,,like, any other descriptions?”
“Uh, they have a wolf tattoo on their arm”
Daehwi continues dragging Daniel through the crowd trying to find this infamous Y/N until suddenly the entire crowd still
He looked up at the center of the room and finally noticed the boxing ring that stood in the middle of the room
“What’s going on?”
“The fight’s about to start”
And that was when you stepped up into the ring, your face stony and cold
A shiver ran through Daehwi’s spine when he saw how apathetic you were
The crowd cheered for you, their screaming becoming louder when you took your hoodie off to reveal your tattoo
The fight starts and quickly in you got a punch in, quickly bouncing back and ducking under your opponent’s swing
You swipe your leg under their feet to trip them, and once they fell, you pounced
Daehwi watches in horror and turns to Daniel
“You owe that monster money?????”
“Y/N? Yeah, you understand why I needed to borrow some cash?”
Your swings became even more rapid, but your face remained apathetic
When you were sure they weren’t coming back up, you got off of them, and faced the crowd and raised your bloodied fist in victory
Quickly the crowd cheered, at least, the ones that betted your victory
You left your unconscious opponent in the ring and left for the locker room
Daehwi saw this chance and quickly shook his head, trying to lessen his fear
“Let’s go, Daniel, before we lose them”
The two of them wove through the crowd and followed you into the locker room
“You’re not allowed in here” you said apathetically, not even sparing the two boys a glance
Daehwi took in a deep breath before speaking
“My friend here owes you money, but he can’t pay you back right away, is it possible he-”
“If he can’t pay me back, he shouldn’t have brought the bike in”
“Yeah but-”
“He still needs to pay me back”
“Labor it is”
It was Daniel’s time to speak up 
W-wait a minute, I already have a job, I can’t just-”
You finally turned to glance at the two boys
“Not my problem, you still owe me $300″
Daehwi glanced at Daniel worriedly and then chimed in
“What if, what if I worked off his debt?”
You looked over at him
“You’re not the one who owes me $300″
“Well, yeah, but I only work at my family’s flower shop, and that’s not even a job, so I can work for you for however long until Daniel’s debt is paid”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because he’s my friend”
And tbh you couldn’t argue with the guy since he already made up his mind, so you just shrugged
That’s how Daehwi ended being your little runner
He pretty much was in charge of running out and buying stuff you needed, like equipment for the bike you were working on or antiseptic for the cut on your cheek, normal stuff
Like, for a whole month you barely acknowledged his existence, only giving him a nod or a hum or a request, nothing more, nothing less
Well, that’s gonna change soon
Bc one night when he was out buying you some food since you were working late in the shop, some asshat you beat up last week in the ring decided to hassle him a bit
“Hey, you’re Alpha’s pet aren’t you?”
“I’m their assistant”
Daehwi quicken his pace a bit, but the guy grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall
“Alpha’s not gonna like it much if his pet’s a little damaged,” the guy taunted, pulling his fist back
Daehwi quickly shut his eyes and after a couple seconds, he realized the fist never came
He opened his eyes to find you standing behind the dude holding his fist and,,,,,,,,,,Daehwi’s hella lucky he’s not that guy right now bc wow, you look like you want to kill him
Which you didn’t do, you just beat the living shit out of him and left the guy propped up against the wall
Daehwi trailed after you, the bag of food, now cold, in his hand
And tbh his heart kinda fluttered a bit knowing you beat up that guy for him, but it’s probably just because he’s your runner, nothing important
lmao jokes on you daehwi
And his unspoken question kinda just hangs in the air
“Did you get my food?”
Daehwi blinked at your back for a second before handing you the bag
You looked in and smiled, like genuinely smiled and wow Daehwi felt his heart skip agAIN
Bc who knew the scariest underground fighter in all of the city had the cutest smile on earth?
“Sweet, they gave me an extra fortune cookie”
And tbh after that night, things got a little bit more comfortable between the two of you
Like, the whole reason as to why you never really interacted much with Daehwi was bc he was so pretty you couldn’t say anything substantial without being flustered 
Every time he asked you about your day, you could practically feel your cheeks reddening
Or the one time he smiled at you and gave you a thumbs up after another victory, you swore you felt your heart race
But, you’re awkward, and you knew your reputation in the city, no way Daehwi would see you as anything other than an underground fighter, a monster
Yet, the walls you placed around yourself started to crumble a bit around the edges
Especially one day when you decided
“I’m teaching you how to fight”
Daehwi’s eyes widened like saucers
“Bc the next time some punk decides to mess with you, I might not be there”
Wow, another heart fluttering moment for Daehwi
You take him down to the little gym nearby, giving a little nod to the other people there at the odd hour of the night
Daehwi just trails after you and ends up finding himself standing in front of a punching bag
“Throw your best punch”
Daehwi looks at you incredulously before pulling his fist back and swinging at the bag,,,,,only for you to let out a little chuckle at how weak it was
His cheeks flushed, half from embarrassment and the other half from hOW CUTE THAT CHUCKLE WAS
 You take his hand into yours (the two of you are blushing so hard jfc)
“Here, fold your hand like this,”
You then guide his fist back
“And swing like this”
Daehwi could practically hear his heart pounding in his ear
Once his hand made contact with the punching bag, you realized exactly how close in proximity the two of you were
You quickly pulled away and cleared your throat
“Yeah, just practice, I’ll show you which places to aim for once your punch gets better”
And it became a little routine, after you finish work in the shop and you didn’t have a match, you take Daehwi to the gym and afterwards you buy him ice cream
His smile every time you present him with the vanilla cone just makes your cheeks heat up, and eventually one night Daehwi just
“Hey, Y/N, I like you”
You almost spat out your ice cream
“W-wh- are you sure?”
“But, why? I beat up people for a living. I scare the living shit out of half the city, and you only hang out with me to pay off your friend’s debt, which by the way, is paid off.”
You awkwardly sat there next there next to Daehwi, letting your ice cream dip onto the pavement
“Because you’re cute.”
Yeah, you dropped your cone at this point
“Even though you seem scary at first, you’re actually really cute. Your laugh and smile make my insides warm. You’re really patient when teaching me. You’re also very protective of me, and you buy me ice cream often. Plus,”
“I want to know more about you, because you’re so much more than a scary underground fighter. You’re so much more than Alpha; you’re Y/N”
And like wow bc who knew he’d see you that way????
You were so used to being looked at with fear and disdain that at this moment the way he was looking at you, his eyes wide and looking at you with such open warmth
And he kind of just takes your hand into his and pulls out a napkin and wipes at the sticky mess your ice cream cone left
“I like you too” you whisper, and the smile that Daehwi sends you is just blinding
After that night the two of you embarked on a very awkward relationship
Daehwi no longer had to run errands for you, but he still finds himself stopping by the shop to bring you snacks
And one time you decided to take him out on an actual date, granted it was just a walk around the park at night but it was a date
But during the date when Daehwi grabbed your hand you just flushed
Like your face was as red as a strawberry 
It got even redder when Daehwi coo’d over your cuteness
And eventually one day, Daehwi dragged you out of the gym and took you to his family’s flower shop
“Here, I want to give you this”
You take the flower from Daehwi’s hand and admired its beauty
“What is it?”
“An amaryllis”
“What does it mean?”
“Worth beyond beauty, like you”
“W-what do you mean?”
Yeah, you were a blushy mess aGAIN
“Even though people say you’re scary and all that, you’re more than what you look like. You’re strong, and kind, and loyal, and that’s why I like you.”
Daehwi was shOOKTH when you marched up to him and planted a kiss
But it was cute bc it was a soft kiss, something innocent, the two of you fumbling, trying to figure out what to do with your hands
And when you pulled away, you kissed the tip of his nose
“I like you too”
And the two of you dating is just the cutest
Like hot cocoa dates are a must bc despite your scary appearance, you had the biggest sweet tooth and Daehwi loves giggling whenever you get a little whipped cream mustache
He still goes to the gym to practice his punch and for your anniversary he shows you his improvement and pretty much basked in your praise
Also, you still fight, but this time Daehwi comes with this huGE POSTER GLITTER AND EVERYTHING CHEERING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS
And whenever you fight, he gives you a little good luck forehead kiss, so your win streak is onto like 7 and counting
You also get a kiss and an ice cream cone after every victory so you wIN ALL THE TIME
Plus, whenever you get a busted lip or a bruised eye, Daehwi just runs around the locker room trying to collect together an ice pack and some antiseptic and he’s a mess
But it’s cute and you smile when he runs some cream over your lip bc it’s busted and he blushes af when you kiss his fingertips
Y’all just the softest okay? 
Who knew the beauty and the beast would be so cute?
I did that’s who
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burningalight · 4 years
my binders/locker in grade school were stuffed with so much shit i couldnt find anything...always crumpled up papers, trash etc
chewed pencils/pens, broke them taking them apart in class, lost them, often didn’t have one, frequently borrowing them and forgetting to give them back to the point that certain people wouldn’t give me pencils
could comprehend reading i liked very well, but when we’d have reading groups with boring books id always be lost,  or when the teachers would have one on ones and have u read something short and ask questions after to assess ur reading level, they’d often have to tell me to read it again bc they knew how much i remembered didnt add up to my intelligence and reading speed 
moms college friend gave me an unoffical iq test and i did much worse than i know i shouldve on the reading portion bc she’d play a story and then ask me after to list every detail i could remember and i couldn’t remember anything. but when she played 10 numbers and asked me to say them out loud backwards i scored extremely high ?
couldnt do projects, would be in tears, last minute every time, parents mad bc i need a poster board RIGHT NOW ITS DUE TOMORROW . hated assigned reading, horrible at essays even when they helped us plan them. 
i remember my 7th grade social studies teacher assigning a paper, i wrote extremely detailed and well in the first paragraph or 2, and the following ones got shorter and shorter and were completely bullshit bc i got bored. she told me ‘really strong first paragraph.’ and gave me a B  
talk too got damn fast. customers constantly telling me to slow down bc they cant understand me
my mom always says she had to challenge me as a kid bc i would get bored and get in trouble. i was acting out bc i was understimulated, i happened to like learning (esp numbers and puzzles) bc smart so that’s what i could fixate on and felt stimulated by
lunch detention frequently in 8th grade in my first highschool class, algebra, bc i wouldnt do my homework, at one point he just stopped giving lunch detention for that bc i wouldnt do it. i hated that class bc the math was boring and i never paid attention but would somehow pull off a’s and b’s on tests so i ended up with a B. my first B, and i had brought that up from a D (told my mom it was almost a C, he gave a really hard test and we all did bad etc, when she had to sign a paper about my low grade) at the end of the year, during the exam i was so confused the whole time, it was my first highschool exam and i didn’t know ANYTHING. i ended up with a 92 from guessing, and a curve, and every one of my friends got at least a 93 or better and i felt so stupid bc i was supposed to be the best at math
i would take every highschool class in honors but not one english class bc it required more essays and summer reading and i knew i wouldnt do the reading and would cry over the essays
the only other class i didnt take honors was chemistry bc i knew the honors teacher had a lot of projects and i would be stressing over them. i ended up with an A in the standard chem class even tho i never finished any work in class and didnt do homework, but i was still the smartest in the class and did the best overall
lunch detention for forgetting to get papers signed like report cards. they weren’t even bad grades i just couldnt remember. one time i got actual detention for forging my moms signature bc i got lunch detention for several days straight bc i kept forgetting to get the paper signed 
often had permission slips waiting to be signed the day before the field trip, or told my mom it was picture day the day before or morning of. one time i totally forgot it was picture day and didnt dress up
acting out and not thinking ab the consequences, many referrals.. many more times that my teachers let me get away with acting out when someone else doing the same thing would’ve been punished. one time anna and i left in the middle of class to go with emma to the library, only emma had permission, and my teacher had anna and i do wall sits instead of going to the office. in gym in middle school i would never dress out. i hated the clothes and hated gym bc i was awkward and if we didnt dress out we had to copy pages out of the health textbook the entire time and i would barely write 2 paragraphs bc i was so bored and my hand hurt and he never did anything ab it. i wouldnt dress out at least twice per week if not more. told my mom I had a C bc he had it out for me but i was the problem
in elementary school if we didn’t come to gym day wearing the right shoes we had to go into the back and pick out a pair of sneakers that fit out of a box of shoes, and also borrow socks if necessary. i had to do this frequently bc i never remembered to wear the right shoes
i would extremely often forget my library books and have to sit on the couch waiting for everyone to pick out their books for half an hour
when we were even younger we’d have story time and you had to sit in the middle of the floor inside a big circle of chairs where everyone else was if you forgot your library books. i lost one at one point for months and my parents didnt just pay for it so i had to sit in the middle every time. we found the book on a shelf somewhere in the house 
my chorus teacher never liked me bc i talked too much and i always felt like the worst singer, not bc of my singing but bc she wasn’t ever nice to me
in 7th grade science we learned latin root words and every day we’d play a game where we all stood up and one by one he’d ask for a root and we’d give it. if you got it wrong on the first round you’d have to write it on a piece of paper x amount of times and turn it in. if you were the last person left you were allowed to sit on your desk for the rest of the year, during these games while everyone else had to stand up. i wanted so badly to sit on my desk, esp bc i was fidgety and couldnt stand still, but i would never study them bc i’d forget or not want to if i did remember, even tho i really wanted to know them and sit on my desk. that teacher had a huge soft spot for me and one day i just started sitting on my desk during those. everyone knew i was smart, and it was all the smart kids who got to sit on their desks, so no one questioned it. im not sure if he knew i wasnt supposed to and just let me, or didnt realize i hadnt won bc i was smart. 
hyperlexia? mom said i could practically read before i was taught. i’ve always obsessively air written, ie writing words out w my finger in the air, on my leg etc. 
esp during lectures i doodle excessively to the point that my papers margins have always been covered with random scribbly overlapped words, or song lyrics. the words are usually something someone in the class said. ive started keeping an extra sheet of paper just for scribbling when im taking notes or listening in class. when we finished end of year tests in school i would write down full lyrics to songs on my scrap paper so i wouldnt be so bored. my hand cramps up so much but it was better than staring or trying to sleep with the lights on 
doing things and forgetting to turn them in
hyperfixating on books to cope w boredom and social anxiety, at one point read one per day, i was definitely one of the most frequent people in the library 
‘ The way I see it is if I can get information into my mind, I can do a lot with it but getting it in there in the first place is the really difficult part.’ - not mine
none of my teachers ever told my mom any of this i dont think, bc i was the smartest and i always got good grades, most had a soft spot for me BUT COULDNT SEE I HAD ADHD like damn. one time my fourth grade teacher whom i liked a lot was mad at us and indirectly calling people out, and referred to the fact that some of us never stopped talking , then made direct eye contact with me and i felt rly embarrassed bc i didnt realize i did that until she mentioned it
i often had to move seats if i was near friends bc i wouldnt stop instigating talking
at big lots when i had to run the register i was so painfully bored , fidgety, had to sneak my phone soo much bc i was so bored. when i was on the floor i would put away the go backs very quickly and then take upon myself a project like going through the entire wall of individual drinks and pulling out all the expired ones, it was like 5 carts full. my manager put me in charge of organizing the entire makeup section and all the gross clearance makeup bc she knew id do it the best and fastest 
when bosses have me do inventory i can count the products super fast and efficiently, but then when they have me put them into a spreadsheet i stare at it for hours getting nothing done bc distracted and its boring. ammar told me if i’d just get off my phone i could get it done bc he’d been asking for it for weeks, i wasnt trying to ignore it 
when im trying to do something at work that needs more concentration, i want to cry with frustration whenever i hear the door chime and have to get up and help customers and break my focus
0 notes
bxebxee · 7 years
and what a way to go
Note: written for @jeonalis because i love my college girl <3 Based on THIS THING. Names of gadgets and widgets and places and things cheerfully borrowed from all the nerd stuff I used to love many years ago. Mostly Ratchet and Clank though. I think there was also an unintentional fight club reference, but i’ve never seen the movie and have no desire to do so either. Points if you spot all the random nerd stuff I put in there.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Genre: Crack, Sci-Fi, Smut Lite (Diet Smut a.k.a. Lazy Smut) Warnings: it’s crack. it’s (bad, lazy) porn. Ah, actually there’s some physical violence. Word Count: 4225 Rating: BC, for bad crack.
“I want you to hit me as hard as you can,” you tell Jungkook.
“Excuse me?” he splutters.
“You heard the woman,” Jimin eggs him on.
“Hit me,” you dare.
Good entertainment is hard to come by in the Year of Our Lord 3333. Jungkook warily orders his holo-projector to turn off the hyper-realistic porn of two human women tribbing because it’s a re-run, and he’s used up his free trial of the sensory package. Somehow actually smelling the sex and experiencing mild neuro-stimulating jolts at key points of the adult film really made the whole porn watching experience better. Anything less was just depressing. 
“Did you shut that shit off?” Yoongi asks from outside Jungkook’s bedroom. The door being shut is a clear indication that Masturbatory Events were happening, so the older human boy has learned to not even bother knocking. 
Jungkook heaves a sigh because he doesn’t even have a boner. “Yeah,” he answers glumly. 
“Is your junk tucked in?” 
“It wasn’t out to begin with.” 
The bedroom door opens with a force that only comes from a person seeking to pick a fight. Yoongi frowns at Jungkook’s unmoving, prone figure. “You do know that your holo-projector is still connected to the amplifier downstairs, right?” 
Jungkook bolts out of his bed, face drawn into a comically horrified picture of contrition and shame. “Uh...” And Yoongi’s girlfriend was over too. He’s dead. More than dead. Deader than dead. 
“Lucky for you my girlfriend found it hot and a little bit funny, but seriously...” 
This is mortifying, and Jungkook swears he needs to move out as soon as possible - except he’s still broke and fixing hovercrafts from time to time wasn’t any way to make a steady living. 
“Sorry,” he grimaces, and scratches the back of his head with a sigh. “I’ll... leave you guys to it then.” (He tries his best not to look her in the eye when she leaves. She fucking waves though. Weird.) 
It is 127% because of boredom that he finds himself “borrowing” (read: taking without consent) Yoongi’s mobile airship for the express purpose of hyperwarping to Abraxas-II for a night of wild, youthful revelry. Much to his roommate-slash-employer’s dismay, Jungkook has no qualms about contributing to the statistics of bored young human boys wreaking havoc across the galaxy. If not now, then when? Humans did have one of the lowest life expectancies around, and he wasn’t going to wait until he was pushing fifty-five and seeking cryo-regenification to have a little fun. 
“Warning, impending destruction of Abraxas-II,” the Computer tells him twenty minutes into hyperwarp. “Recalculating.” 
What the actual fuck. Jungkook takes out his limited edition communicator designed in the tradition of old-school, earth-class cellular devices from the early 21st century. Thankfully he still has signal. At least the UMN was doing something good for the galaxy. 
BREAKING: LARGE METEOR IMPACT TO DESTROY “SIN PLANET” ABRAXAS-II - says the headlines. Almost immediately, there are op-ed interviews from Voths and Cragmites who loved to, colloquially speaking, talk shit about everyone else - especially anyone else having fun. Jungkook suspects it’s not some freak meteor because the live feed of the impending destruction shows the “meteor” looks a lot like an intentional laser beam coming from an ominous-looking ship. 
“Changing course to Abraxas-X,” the Computer lets him know in a cheery voice. “Estimated time of arrival: seventeen minutes.”
“Uh, Computer, I think I’d rather just go home,” Jungkook tells the ship’s control mainframe. 
“Unable to execute command. Due to the projected debris fallout from Abraxas-II’s destruction, all routes back to HOME are closed until further notice from the Federation. We Apologize For The Inconvenience.” 
Yoongi will kill him for real this time. 
“Did you hear? It’s Abraxas-II this time,” Jimin remarks, wrapping his hand in bandages for the fight tonight. As his “fling for the night” you were allowed in the locker rooms by a creepy looking Agorian guard. 
You roll your eyes because of course you heard about the “meteor” about to destroy another planet. The Federation really needed to get their act together. And where was Captain Qwark when you needed him? 
“Don’t get distracted, baby boy,” you smirk, completely ignoring his question in favor of sticking to a topic you actually cared about - money. “Tonight is a toss-up.” 
You and Jimin played dirty when it came to Abraxas-X’s infamous underground fighting cages. It was a pretty simple scam: Jimin fought based on a pre-determined strategy and you either bet for or against him depending on how it was supposed to go. Sometimes it made more sense to dope up on nanotech painkilers and lose on purpose, and you made sure to bet high and reckless on those days. 
Win or lose, you and Jimin always made sure to come out on top. Sometimes though, Jimin faced odd toss-ups like the one for tonight, V, and you had to bet carefully based on Jimin’s condition. 
“I think it’ll be a win for tonight,” Jimin decides, handing you the vial of unused nanotech. And herein lie the loophole that allowed for your cute little scam: officials only checked the winners to see who’s doping. Never the losers. This made it easy for Jimin to inject, inhale, and rub as much nano into his system on Lose Nights so that he could take a beating and come out normal the next morning. 
“If you say so,” you hum, “And be safe.” 
The Agorian guard opens the door, and Jimin pulls you into a kiss fit for the pay-per-view holo-channels. “Fight’s starting soon, lovebirds.” 
“Thanks for the hot sex, baby,” you laugh at a smirking Jimin, waving as you exit. “I’ll be cheering for you.”
Jungkook nearly pisses his pants when he gets to Abraxas-X because it’s the furthest thing from Abraxas-II. For one, it’s fucking cold and snowing, unlike Abraxas-II’s modulated temperature system where it was always tropical year round. He’s ridiculously under-dressed for this climate, but that doesn’t mean he can afford to planet hop until he gets somewhere warmer. He’s running out of hyperwarp fuel, and his communicator’s battery is nearly dead. 
For another, it’s pretty much deserted along the landing site in a scary, dystopian kind of way. 
“Oh fuck me,” he says, but it sounds more like, “Oh-hoh, fuc-c-c-ck, m-me-hee,” because his teeth clack from the cold. 
He has a good seven percent battery left which he uses to shiver his way towards civilization. The first group of parka-adorned humanoids he enounters looks at him as if he’s a fucking Cragmite. 
“What’s up,” Jungkook smiles in what he hopes to be something more winsome and not pained. “Hey, can you guys direct me to the closest Gadgetron vendor? My communicator is about to die.” 
Parka One points to a cave with a fading sign that reads COLOSSEUM, as if the anguished shouts and curses weren’t frightening enough.
“I don’t know if they sell communicators though,” Parka Two tell him. “The guy’s an ex-RYNO dealer.” 
What the fuck was this planet even? 
“Th-thank you.” Jungkook prays it’s warmer inside. 
“No Foul.”
You glare at the referee who refuses to call a foul on that shout. That V fighter asshole is very good at getting in potshots that look legal, and you don’t like it one bit. Jimin is getting his ass handed to him on a rusty copper platter, and you’re more than a little pissed off that you just bet a whole week’s income on this. 
V, or whatever his fucking name was, actually has the nerve to wink at you. Apparently he thinks you’re Jimin’s fuck toy, and he’s trying to use playground tactics to piss off your “boyfriend” into making mistakes in the ring. Well, the joke is on you because neither Jimin nor you cared two shits about taunting, and Jimin was still losing. 
Your gaze shifts to your partner in crime who shakes his head. He should have taken the fucking nano. 
You nod slowly while tucking your hair behind your left ear and blink three, distinct times. The message is there: Next round, submission, tap out. It would be a loss for tonight, but at least Jimin wouldn’t be too injured. 
In a fit of annoyance you leave the crowd and make your way towards the exit. 
“You don’t accept bolts?” comes an incredulous voice by the entrance next to Jeff, the Gadgetron vendor. “How could you possibly not accept bolts?” 
“Sorry, my sexy, muscular, human macho man,” Jeff purrs, “It’s either munny, gil, or credits. I don’t live in the stone ages of bolts.” 
You blink when you see a human man fuming at the way Jeff condescendingly refuses to sell him a communicator battery pack. Humans were rare in these parts, so you’re a little taken aback to see one standing at the entrance of the Colosseum wearing nothing but a thin t-shirt and a pair of black pants that looked like they were painted onto his skin. 
“My friend, no- my boss is going to kill me unless I get in touch with him, and I literally only have three percent battery. This Abraxas-II bullshit is really-” 
“Oh honey, everyone is inconvenienced by Abraxas-II,” Jeff smiles, knowing a wallet when he sees one. 
Unfortunately for Jeff, you also know a wallet when you see one too, and that guy with the nice thighs looks like he could do some serious damage in the ring. You want him - for your scam, of course. 
“Oh Jeff,” you call out in sing-song voice, hastily shrugging off your parka and pulling down your top. 
“Whaddya want?” 
“A communicator battery pack,” you answer with a cute smile and a wink in the human guy’s direction. 
“Five hundred credits-”
You give him a long look. “Jeff.”
“Don’t,” you warn, balling your fist. 
“Two hundred,” he replies meekly, and you pay him using your card. 
You accept the battery pack and promptly hand it over to the human who’s looking at you in awe. Hook, line, and sinker. And for your next act, you turn away saucily and head for the locker rooms, even though that’s exactly where you came from. You’re pretty sure the pretty boy wouldn’t notice. 
“Hey wait,” comes his voice, and you can’t help but to smile because it’s all so predictable. “Wait, what’s your name?” 
“Like that’s important,” you laugh, shooting him a flirtatious look. “You got your battery. Go make your call.” 
You walk into the crowds once more just in time to see Jimin tap out with a sour look on his face. He looks surprised to see you still here because he thought you would have just left. 
“What the hell is this place?” the human next to you exhales, looking around in awe. 
“Welcome to the Pits of Abraxas-X,” you grin. “People beat each other up here for money.” As if it weren’t obvious. 
“Well fuck.”
“Jungkook, Jimin. Jimin, Jungkook,” you make the introductions in a careless fashion as Jimin ices his bruises. You hand him a vial of nano with a frown. 
“Nice to meet you,” Jungkook mutters, eyeing Jimin’s black eye warily. 
“Yeah, whatever,” you brush the niceties aside, “Now that we all know each other and seeing as we’re all in the at-least-fifty-percent-human club, let’s get down to business.” 
“Wait what?” Jungkook frowns, looking at you with a giant question mark on his face. He only followed you in here because he thought you were hot and maybe (just maybe) on the slim chance that you might blow him in some seedy locker room. 
“First of all, you owe me two hundred credits plus tax,” you inform Jungkook who looks like he swallowed a lemon. “Second of all, if you came in here in an airship, you’ll need hyperwarp fuel, which is expensive as fuck on this planet.” 
Jungkook gulps. 
“Oh, unless your boss can wire you two thousand credits of course,” you smile sweetly. 
“Two Thousand,” Jungkook hiccups. 
“Lucky for you I have a plan,” you continue, ignoring the way Jimin groans. “My fighter is going to be out of commission for the pits until the nano’s out of his system, and I’m already in the negatives for this week.” 
“So what’s your plan?” Jungkook asks, already getting a sense as to where this is going. 
“You are the plan, Jungkook,” you tell him, “I need you to play substitute for Jimin for about a week. Can you do that?”
And even you ask him, you’re not really asking him. You’re practically ordering Jungkook to be Jimin’s substitute. The “or else” doesn’t even need to be said because the guy has no other options. He’s stranded here anyway, in desperate need of cash to escape and already two hundred credits in debt with yours truly. 
“I don’t know how to fight,” he sighs glumly, “I’m gonna get beat up a lot, huh?” 
Your gaze drifts to his thighs and his biceps. “Jungkook, I think with a little training you should be okay. But yeah, you’re going to get wailed on.” 
He looks terrified so you amend your statement. “Ah, you’re not going to feel any of it though. You just have to act like you’re in pain.” 
“What?” he gasps. 
You hold up a fresh bottle of nano. “I love biotechnology and messing around with this shit,” you giggle, “Everyone reacts differently to nano, but for humans, it’s found to be particularly good at repairing physical damage. That’s why it’s illegal in most fighting communities.” 
Jungkook lets out a small, choked sound because not only was nano injections illegal in “fighting communities,” this shit was also illegal in five hundredish out of six hundredish planets in the Federation. Whole Planets have outlawed this substance, including his home world. 
“It’s safe,” you guess, “From my experience.” 
And Jungkook does not know what to say because it’s either get beat up by alien uglies without nano, or get beat up with nano. Yoongi would probably tell him to “just say no to drugs” but Yoongi wasn’t the one facing a just-under-five-foot terror in the shape of a human girl. 
“How can I trust you?” he asks, attempting to sound cool. 
And you really have to laugh because he’s too cute. “You don’t get out very much, do you?” you smirk, shaking the tube of nano before injecting it straight into a vein in your forearm. 
“Here we go,” Jimin snorts, watching the two of you share in Prime Banter. Jungkook almost forgot the older human man was even there. 
You let the nano filter through your system, and it’s quick because you’ve done it so many times now. “I want you to hit me as hard as you can,” you tell Jungkook. 
“Excuse me?” he splutters. 
“You heard the woman,” Jimin eggs him on. 
“Hit me,” you dare. 
“Wha- I- I can’t hit a girl!” Jungkook finally spits out. 
“Cute,” Jimin rolls his eyes. “If you won’t, I will.” 
And Jungkook, bless that boy, actually steps in between you and Jimin. “No, dude,” he says in his best strongman voice. “It’s not right.” 
“She has a million little robot things currently filling up her entire body waiting to repair even the slightest bit of damage,” Jimin explains as if he’s talking to a little kid. 
“She is right here,” you remind the boys, tapping Jungkook’s shoulder. He turns around and you promptly wack him across the face. “And she is still waiting for that hit, Jungkook.” 
Jungkook to his credit really doesn’t like getting physical. He was kind of lying when he said he didn’t fight because he did learn some human fighting techniques growing up, and he could hold his own in a bar brawl. But that was always up against human fighters, never stronger, weirder aliens that could potentially kill him. 
You piss him off though. He realizes belatedly that you probably paid for his battery pack on purpose, and he’s beyond annoyed because if there’s one thing he hates, it’s being used.
“You wanna get hit so bad?” he challenges through gritted teeth, and you nod. 
“Go for it, baby,” you tease, crooking your finger in a crude, pseudo-sexual gesture. “Give me your best shot-” 
Jungkook steps back, engaging in a standard stance and rears his leg up to kick you square in chin. The force of the blow has you slamming into the lockers, the loud metallic sound ringing through the cramped space. You’re dizzy and disoriented, but you don’t feel a damn thing other than excited. 
“Oh,” you sigh, mouth curving into a satisfied smile, “Oh, fuck, you’re good.” 
Jungkook doesn’t have a damn clue what to say. 
Jimin takes a day to teach him how to play Wounded Warrior in the pits, and you take another day to teach him the ins and outs of Coliseum etiquette, frequently encountered alien species, and about Abraxas-X in general. 
Jungkook is thankful that Yoongi is more worried about him being stranded on a foreign planet rather than angry at his missing mobile airship. 
“Sorry,” Jungkook apologizes for the fifth time. “I really, really fucked up.” 
Yoongi doesn’t disagree. “Yeah, but you’re safe. And you’ll find a way of getting back. Just don’t die.” 
“I’ll try my best,” Jungkook sighs, depressed out of his mind when he hangs up. His first fight is tonight, and while you’ve gone over the plan with him a million times, he still can’t get rid of the jittery feeling that he’s going to ruin everything. 
“You’re actually perfect, you know,” you tell Jungkook. “See, you look really built and like you’d totally kick everyone’s asses. And they’re gonna bet that way. But you’re going to lose, Jungkook. You’re going to take the hits and get on the ground.” 
“Can’t wait,” he deadpans. 
“Good,” you smile cheerfully, ignoring his willful attempts to be sullen, “Because my estimations show that we’re going to make about five hundred credits tonight.” 
Jungkook whips his head towards you from the news. Five hundred? that only meant four nights of this could lead to his freedom. 
“Don’t get too excited, champ,” you tell him as you pat him on the shoulder. “It’s five hundred divided by three.” 
“Jimin’s cut of course.” You don’t leave your friends out of a cut, even if he did fuck things up with V. 
Jungkook looks like he might cry. 
The first thing Jungkook notices about the ring is that it smells bad. It smells like the time when Yoongi’s Markazian ex-girlfriend’s cat-looking pet climbed into the exhaust vent of their repair shop and never came back out. They had searched, and searched for that annoying little beast, and they finally found it from the stench of the rotting corpse. 
Likewise, it smelled like rotting organisms here. 
Jungkook wants to throw up from the smell and from the nerves. The nano is in his system, and it feel kind of itchy and akin to someone tickling him from the inside. His opponent is an eight-feet tall Agorian boxer. Fuck Everything. 
“You can do it, sexy!” you shout from the crowd, playing your part of adoring pit fangirl. The funny thing is that you’re not the only one yelling these sentiments to him. There are other pit girls screaming their love for Jungkook even though this is his literal first time making an appearance. 
To be completely honest, you didn’t blame them one bit. 
The horn sounds, and the Agorian charges at Jungkook. And instead of cowering, Jungkook charges right back, much to your surprise. 
“Oh,” you gasp, eyes widening when he draws first blood, using the same kick he used to hit you with on the Agorian. 
Jungkook’s opponent is unfazed, and sends a killer right hook at Jungkook’s side. The blow sounds painful and like it hit a bone from the nasty crunching sound. You can see Jungkook’s confusion because he heard the sound, and he felt the force from the blow, but there was also a distinct lack of pain. 
The surprise fades nearly instantaneously and you only notice it because you were looking for a flaw in his acting skills. Jungkook launches into the routine Jimin trained him on - rolling on the floor in pain. The referee blows his whistle and it’s all over. 
The fangirls mope around you. 
“It’s his first time,” one of them says. 
“Yeah,” another one agrees. 
“He’ll get better. He has to. I mean look at him.” 
You smirk when you see the referee shake his head and signal to the official that this match is over by TKO. Keep dreaming girls, you think. This is your house. 
“Payday,” you smile, handing over Jungkook’s cut of the winnings. 
Jungkook’s eyes go wide at the number. All that for taking a punch to his ribs? 
“Good job out there,” you compliment. “Couldn’t have done it without you.” 
Jungkook wonders if he should even feel proud of this, but it does feel nice to have done something to work towards a goal. 
“I have to say I was surprised though,” you comment, “I didn’t think you’d charge at Ortax the Merciless like that.” 
“Just reflex,” Jungkook mutters shyly. He doesn’t really know why he did it either. 
You wink, and watch as Jungkook’s ears go red in front of you. “It was a nice touch. Got the bets going up in your favor for a short while.” You pause, wondering if you say the next thing on your mind for all of three seconds before deciding that life was too short to play it safe. “It was fucking sexy.” 
Jungkook blinks owlishly. 
“Goodnight handsome. Take your vitamins.” 
Jungkook continues the losing for two more days until he’s matched up with V. 
You frown at the match up because you can’t tell what kind of alien V is because he looks so humanoid, but he’s not completely homosapiens either. His eyes and reflexes give everything away. 
“You have to win this one,” you tell him point blank. 
“Are you nuts?” 
You shake your head. “You have to. We lost the shock factor of people betting for you. Now people are going to bet against you, and even if you lose it’s not going to make a difference money-wise. You have to win for us to collect the winnings from tonight.” 
Jungkook swallows. “That means no nano.” 
“Nope,” you confirm. “You go in cold. And you have to win.” 
“Gee, thanks for not putting any pressure on me,” Jungkook sighs. 
You don’t have the luxury of feeling bad because your rent is kind of past due. “Jungkook, let me put it this way,” you start, “If you win, that means you’ll probably have enough money to back to your home planet.” 
“Where Yoongi will murder me,” Jungkook nods. He’s pouting again. 
Your heart warms at how his expression is in direct contrast to how his body looks cut up and bruised from the fights he’s had in the past few days. Jungkook’s handsome, baby face is so incredibly juxtaposed on his toned fighter’s body in the best way possible. 
“You’ll get another thing if you win,” you start, biting your lip and sitting down next to him. 
“I’ll kiss your boo-boos better,” you mutter into his ear. It’s a come-on, obviously. 
Jungkook swallows thickly when he sees your suggestive expression. “Like a blowjob?” he asks. 
“Yes,” you answer, opting for simplicity. 
Jungkook wins.
Jimin is not expecting this at all. He’s finally recovered from his fight with V, and after getting a text announcing Jungkook’s victory, he supposes a little congratulations is in order for the youngest in your group of scammers. Jimin breaks out the Ogre Killer from his stash of Serious Liquors, and makes his way towards the locker rooms where Jungkook and you would no doubt be high-fiving it up. 
He sees the Agorian guards with their ears pressed against the door when he arrives. 
“Can you shut up?” Agorian A hisses, ear pressed firmly on the metal. 
“Fuck, I just heard her slurp,” Agorian B giggles. 
Agorian A glares at Jimin. “I missed the slurp because of you.” 
“Slurp?” Jimin questions. Without a word, they unlock the door for Jimin to enter, and he sees you on kneeling on the floor with a mouthful of Jungkook’s dick. 
The younger man’s attention is entirely focused on you, but you manage to make a sideways eye-contact with Jimin. 
“Shut the door,” Jimin orders, glaring at the guards. 
Jungkook gasps when he hears Jimin’s voice, but you pull him back to concentrate on you when you pull away to suck at the tip of his penis. 
“Jungkook was really good today,” you laugh, laving your tongue against the underside of his cock. “He beat V.” 
“So I heard,” Jimin replies, taking a seat on a bench and staring at the image in front of him. “Just to clarify, you texted me so that I could watch you suck his dick, correct?” 
“Correct,” you answer. 
“Correct? What the fuck?” Jungkook moans. You suck him in deep and let him hit the back of your throat. And just to add a little spice, you fake a gag. “Fuck!”
You make him cum in about sixty seconds. 
(Later: “What do you mean you’re staying in Abraxas-X?” Yoongi hisses over speaker. He calms down only marginally after Jungkook tell him he just wired him money for the mobile airship. That wasn’t even the point? This Kid!)
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spideychelleforever · 7 years
Spideychelle Headcanon: In Which MJ Gets Real Extra Real Quick On Valentine’s Day, p.3
Here Is Part One! | Here Is Part Two!
So Peter got the kiss of his life and he’s going to the movies on Valentine’s Day with the girl of his dreams who is suddenly like crazy in love with him
Not how he expected Valentine’s Day to go
He still doesn’t know why she’s suddenly so extra but he kinda likes it but he’s also concerned?! Why is MJ acting like this?!
But they’ve been texting virtually nonstop and playing footsies whenever they sit together during class or AcDec practice because damn she’s melting him like he’s nothing and he can’t bear to bring it up because he might as well enjoy this rush of affection because he can’t deny he wants it and wants MJ so
Ned has a member’s club thing or something so he borrows his pass to buy the tickets for half off, and MJ said she’ll buy popcorn and sneak in snacks
And even as he prepares for this with Aunt May who’s delighted AF, he still hasn’t given MJ her Valentine he made her
Well the time arrives, they’re getting dropped off by their parents which is odd because Peter thought he’d go to meet them but doesn’t question it they aren’t officially a couple... not that he’s ever been a couple with anyone besides Liz for like a few days kinda and it was complicated okay?
Speaking of Liz, he gets a text from her - “I’m so happy for you Peter. I really am. Have fun with her. You’re still the best, and she’s a lucky, lucky girl. <3″
And to hear that from Liz after how he treated her that horrible night and after they spent a long time reconciling and eventually building a real friendship just warms his heart and gives him the confidence he needs as Aunt May starts the car
He arrives, box of chocolates in hand (Aunt May recommended to be old-fashioned) and redeems the tickets, and waits outside the theater looking for his date. He notices other couples and they seem so natural, so low-key, and it makes him wonder again about why MJ’s doing this
He hears an appraising wolf-whistle, turns his head from the other people and his jaw hits the floor
She really, really went all out for this date
She must’ve spent a fortune on this get-up and oh my god the leg slit and her strut towards him and that amazing smirk he can’t deal
This isn’t like the usual MJ
But holy hell he’s not complaining right now
And here he is in a simple gray sweater-vest and blue jeans
She bites her lip as she takes her sweet time looking him over and oh my god why
“You. Are. Sooooooo. Handsome!” She purrs as she puts her arms around his neck to hug him close. He returns it and man does he feel warmer when her perfume hits his nose oh my god MJ has perfume on
She kisses his cheek as she pulls back, and points to her large purse. “Got the snacks. You got the tickets?” And Peter nods yes and squeals as she takes his arm and leans into him
The girl admitting them is just as confused as Peter at freaking movie-star MJ but tells them to enjoy the show. Neither Peter or MJ notice the girl twist her neck around to watch MJ go
MJ buys a large popcorn and they get to their theater and take their seats and the movie eventually starts with them holding hands, and MJ leaning into Peter
He tries not to return the look he can see her give him when Zazu tells Simba and Nala that one day the two of them will be married
Mufasa’s death is bringing back some uncomfortable memories and MJ seems to just get it? He hasn’t told her all the details but she knows about Uncle Ben and she seems to be gripping him tighter during that whole scene which helps him calm down
And then eventually of course “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” arrives and man Peter can feel it alright
Aaaand he forgot the part of the movie he’s subconsciously thought of all day, and it only hits him right there
Nala’s do-me eyes
They’re the ones MJ have been giving him all day long
It’s really really hot and he feels like going to the bathroom
Has she been hinting that-no way omg omg omg omg help
And right on cue MJ takes his hand and pulls it into the tub of popcorn and Peter groans at the feeling of all the greasy butter and salt all over his hands now
“MJ!” He whines “Now my hand has all that stuff all over it”
MJ just smirks at him
“That’s okay. I’ll just lick it off”
That turns Peter on AF
“I think you just hit the jackpot, tiger.”
Oh yes he did forget his concern about how this isn’t the usual MJ best Valentine’s Day ever
He sure as hell doesn’t object when she starts licking one of his fingers and can only moan until he feels her stop and pull back
“Peter?.... why the hell am I licking your hand?”
Peter snaps to look at her. Huh?
She’s looking at him like she hasn’t seen him all day. Then she looks at her dress. “Why the hell am I in a dress? Why the hell is my leg exposed like this?” She looks at the movie screen where Simba is being hit on the head by Rafiki, “and did you make me pay for the tickets?!”
“MJ what’s going on?!” He whispers urgently; thankfully they’re the only ones in the theater. “You’ve been after me all day and you kissed me and you did all this after asking me out and what is going ON”
“I kissed you?!” MJ splutters. “I would remember that-Imean what the hell are you talking about!?” with some serious incredulity in her voice that hurts Peter a little
It’s that moment when some Danny DeVito looking Cupid appears next to them, and time is frozen around them. Peter and MJ stare. WTF?!
“Listen kids,” he drawls, “I’m gonna make this clear. I shot Miss Jones here with an arrow this morning. One in 7 billion choice today.”
They stare at him
“Look Parker, you met a talking raccoon and a talking tree. You know there’s a cigar-chomping duck out there where they come from? Get a grip kid, Cupid’s real.” Cupid grumbles. “The arrow worked damn good too! Just amplified what was already inside!”
Peter and MJ snap to look at each other
Cupid grins. “I’m out!” And he poofs away, and time resumes, and the movie continues.
Peter and MJ just stare at each other
“He said... it amplified what was inside?”
MJ nods slowly. “So he says.”
“So... the last 18 hours were from a magic arrow? All of it?” Peter asks, feeling more than a little distressed bc was it all fake? Despite what he said?
“No... it wasn’t..” MJ whispered, rubbing her arm with her butter-free hand
Peter looks at her like the adorable curious puppy he is
“Look... Parker, he wasn’t kidding. All that you saw today, cringeworthy as it was... was basically me on steroids. I’ve always thought-Oh god”
“What?” Peter asks bc MJ is currently face palming 
“Oh God... it’s coming back dude... was I really that extra today?!”
“Yup.” Peter squeaks
“I’m... sorry I scared you... and the rest of the student body,” MJ mumbles
“I’m sorry I... kissed you. When you were under that influence or whatever”
This is what he’s apologizing for? This boy is so selfless oh my god
“Peter-did you already forget? Today was still me - just on steroids. Look,” she sighs, “Today was just how extra I really feel about you... how I always have felt about you”
Peter is turning so white right now. “Really?”
“So you... really want to have this date?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Peter, yes!” She grumbles.
And that’s her. That’s the right MJ and he wants to cry and gets to mumble “Me too” as he lunges in and kisses her
This time she’s the shocked one and has to reciprocate after a moment
Since they missed basically the last 15 minutes of the film they decide to pay to stay for the next showing afterwards and this time they’re calmly holding hands and relaxed AF bc they finally confessed bitches
Aunt May comes to pick them up, but first Peter asks to run by their apartment before dropping off MJ
When they get there, Peter runs in and runs out with the package he had for MJ at the beginning of the day. She sees the crumpled paper and haphazard tape on the flat package
“I see you wrapped this yourself” she snarks
“Open it!” Peter happily demands and it’s so cute she can’t stand it so she does tear open the wrapping paper and it’s a card that’s blank on the outside
She opens it and finds a giant cartoon heart, and two stick figures holding hands. The taller one with bushy brown hair looks bored, the shorter other one with short hair looks happy and MJ knows who they are
And around the big heart is just legible enough cursive - “MJ WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE (with “it’s okay if not” in tiny plain writing at the tail end)”
And it’s an amateur doodle
But it’s the sweetest thing ever like WTF!? it’s just a cartoon heart, stick figures and terrible cursive handwriting and she wants to die of happiness
She looks at him and grins, Genuinely grins. and not out of some Cupid-induced high but from the bottom of her salty, cold AF heart and her voice shakes a little as she speaks
“Only if you’ll be my boyfriend?”
Peter nods happily and they’re kissing again and May wants to do a somersault when she sees it go down in the backseat
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rhainontheshelves · 7 years
Musical Theatre!Rocky
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A/N: Please forgive me please!! You have a long-ass bullet scenario ahead of you if you choose to proceed because yo girl doesn't know how to condense rip This is dedicated to an awesome friend, @sanhatation! The feelings might be long past but I promised to write this for you. A short part 2 will be coming to describe the life under the stage lights. Happy Reading! - Rhin
Rocky originally wanted to go to school for dance
Why wouldn't he? He knows he's stellar
But, he also wanted to sing
Unfortunately, it wouldn't be possible for him to get a minor in vocal
Dance takes a lot of effort and practice hours
So he worried and thought about it a lot over his senior year of high school
One day, Sanha approached him with a poster
It was advertising auditions for the school spring play
Immediately, Rocky was interested; acting had always piqued his curiosity but he had never gotten a chance to try it
He accepted the offer
Cue many practice meets with Sanha (who was auditioning as well) to memorize the monologue required
He memorized it quickly, just like any step or note
Pretty soon he made it his own, reciting with sincerity and little hand motions
At one point Sanha wondered if it was even worth it to audition anymore because Rocky was killing it
Come audition day
The director and the people helping him judge were very impressed with this young man they only saw passing the theater to go to the practice rooms
By the end Rocky was virtually guaranteed a spot in the production
He walked out of there the proudest boy alive but also as the most internally dying and relieved it was over with
Because he will never admit it but the audition really stressed him out and he worried over miniscule details
About three days later the director approached Rocky
He wanted to talk about the role he was thinking of assigning to the boy
It was an important part, however it wasn't the lead
"It's your first time." Was the director's reason
This disappointed Rocky a bit but the director had come with a plan in mind
Rocky would also be assigned as the understudy for the lead
The director had some suspicions about the boy casted as the lead's loyalty to the show, so if he did leave Rocky would get the role he really deserved
This pleased both parties and the next day the cast list was posted
A month later, practices were in full swing after school
Rocky was well on his way to getting his part down word-perfect and memorizing the lead's lines
He liked the cast and had made some new friends
The vibe in this group was carefree and fun while still hard-working
That's Rocky in a nutshell so he fit in quite nicely
The only thing that he didn't like was the inactivity
There were plenty of stage directions, sure
places he needed to be and actions that needed to be carried out
but where was the variety?
he thought back to when he was a tot and his grandparents took him to a show
There was dancing and excitement and singing and emotion throughout the whole thing
he wondered what had changed since then
turns out nothing had
he was just in the wrong year
"We switch between musicals and plays every other year," giggled Doyeon, the girl who was casted as the female lead
"You just came a year too late. I'm sure you'll have a chance to do one sometime in the future."
Rocky sure hoped so
First show night couldn't have come fast enough
There were still parts that needed more work, which is normal in any production
But the director felt that this was the most prepared that any of his recent shows had been
certainly not because of how hard some had wanted work to catch up and surpass Rocky
The show went amazingly well but there are always the oopses
aka a couple of props falling apart in the user's hands
Improvisation is a wonderful thing
It seemed like bows came too soon
Rocky stood up at the front of the stage with the rest of the cast, smiling and waving a bit after their final bow
His heart was soaring
The only thing that compared was when he finished performing one of his own choreographed dances and he got a standing ovation
That's when he realized that this was what he wanted to with his life
Fast forward to the last part of 2nd quarter, freshman year of college
He had just finished his homework for a history class and headed down to the theater department to grab audition material for the spring musical
Gotta start early
He gets outside the professor's office and sees someone else is in there
So he hangs around and waits, because he can be patient
He ends up dancing for like ten minutes, waiting, because this meeting is taking a really long time??
The door finally opens and a really happy girl exits
Rocky swears that the hallway gets a bit brighter
She turns around to thank the professor one last time but sees Rocky and almost has a heart attack
She totally didn't notice him there
Now flustered, she rushes away without giving Rocky a chance to see if she was okay
Slightly confused, Rocky just watches her go
The professor is in the exact same boat Rocky is
So they let it go and have a small talk about what the auditions require
For the rest of the quarter Rocky sees the girl in a lot of his classes and comes to the conclusion that she has the same major he does
However, before he gets the chance to approach her Christmas Break rolls around and he's off on the road back home
3 weeks, one memorized song and dance routine later, 2nd semester starts
Musical auditions are at the end of the first week back
and that first week couldn't have seemed slower
Lectures stretched on forever and homework seemed to take twice as long as it usually did
Finally, the last class on Friday was dismissed and Rocky was out of there like lightning
his class ended about halfway through the audition hours r.i.p
He ran as fast as his dancer legs would carry him over to the auditorium
Luckily the line is semi-long so he has time to catch his breath
The line shortens to about half the length it was when another person sprints in
The thudding of tennis shoes makes Rocky look up from the sample script
lo and behold the girl that ran away that one day is bent over a couple of feet away from him
"Are auditions over?" she asks fearfully
"No, I'm the end of the line" he replies
"Okay, good" she comes over to stand next to him in line
Rocky wonders if she recognizes him
she barely got five seconds in before she dashed away so he figures probably not
silence settles
until she curses
"I forgot my music in my room" she hisses to herself, smacking her head
Rocky's mouth runs before she can
"You can borrow mine, I have it memorized anyway"
she stares at him in surprise
"Yeah, here"
"Thank you so much!" Her gloomy mood brightens and Rocky's world does too
"No problem"
By this time the next person is called, and Rocky is torn away from a perfect opportunity to talk to her.... again
The audition goes by fast as always
Rocky stays for the girl's audition
Now or never am i right
She does a great job
Dancing needs a bit of work but that comes with practice
He's still standing in the doorway when she comes up the aisle
she gives him a "why are you still here" look but quickly replaces it with a smile
"You did awesome!" she compliments
"Same to you," Rocky nods
"Nah, I was just average... Thanks again for letting me use your music, uh... what's your name?"
"Minhyuk, but you can call me Rocky if you want to."
Cue the Zelda "object acquired" music because a new friend has just been made: (Y/N)
Rocky walked (Y/N) back to her dorm and got to know her a bit
She indeed has the same major as him
Her dream was to be on Broadway someday
but she's going through a slump rn so things aren't going so hot
Rocky understands; that happened with him and dancing around 7th grade
He promises himself that he'll check up on her and make sure everything's going okay
so he acquires her number before she takes the stairs up to her floor
and proceeds to do just that over the rest of the semester
checking up becomes full-blown conversations complete with memes
and they became best friends
they both got into the production that year
which made them even closer ofc
Summer Break rolls around and (Y/N) and Rocky swear to not let distance separate them
it doesn't
and this friendship continues until Junior year....
when (Y/N) drops out
her parents can't continue to support her financially and she doesn't have enough to support herself
Rocky, of course, is devastated
Where will (Y/N) go? Will she be safe? What about her dream??
He dies inside while helping her move her stuff out of the dorms and into her car
He goes back to cry in his room when her car is finally out of sight
The rest of the day is spent reflecting on every single memory
especially the one where she finally remembered that he scared her that one day Freshman year
"That was yOU??????"
and Rocky realizes that his world is no longer as bright
they continue to message each other
but it teeters out after a few months bc (Y/N)'s working two jobs to pay off her debt
soon Rocky has lost all contact with his former best friend, although he never forgets her
Fast forward a few more years
Now Rocky's graduated with a Bachelors' in the Performing Arts
He just auditioned for a role in Newsies
It fits his skill set perfectly
Acrobatics?? Yas
He's feeling pretty confident until he steps out of the building and someone runs smack-dab into him
He's dazed for a bit but when he asks the person if they're okay, his brain goes on over drive
(Y/N)'s there staring back at him in shock, an audition packet in hand
Rocky grins and immediately encases (Y/N) in a hug, questions falling out of his mouth at a million miles an hour
All (Y/N) does is hug him back at first, but Rocky notices her hesitation so he lets go
"I'm so sorry, it's just been a long time and I've been worried? How are you?"
(Y/N) finally smiles and replies, "I'm just fine now."
the two catch up while (Y/N) waits in line for the female auditions
(Y/N) was on vacation and she overheard someone mention auditions
she had never forgotten her dream
and a small little voice told her that something good would happen there
now she knew what the good thing was
*nervous and awkward blushing from both parties*
(Y/N) was called in before she could say anything else, so Rocky waited for her outside
fifteen minutes later she comes out smiling
She has a really good feeling about it
About three hours later
(Y/ N) has to go back to her hotel so she can pack and catch her flight
Rocky is determined to never lose (Y/ N) again
Bc he realized over lunch with her that his world was bright again and he never wants that to end
So he walks her to the airport, insisting that he see her off
(Y/ N) pretends to mind, but she really doesn't
She really missed Rocky the second she got into her car Junior year
The exchange of cell phone numbers happens once again at the terminal
It takes Rocky a couple of minutes more to enter his new number into (Y/N)'s phone
When (Y/N) looks at his contact, she blushes
it reads: Minhyukkie 😘
it doesn't seem special, but it is bc Rocky was insistent that only his girlfriend could call him that
(Y/N) makes a mental note to ask him about it the next time she sees him
fast forward one last time to the phone call
(Y/N) and Rocky were both super excited when Rocky picked up his phone
They had just gotten phone calls saying that they had been accepted into the production
Their first reaction was to call each other
In fact Rocky was just about to hit the call button when (Y/ N)'s contact popped up
The first five minutes was just screaming tbh
Eventually proper congratulations were exchanged
But it got lost in all the excitement
They would see each other for the rest of their Newsies career
And that was possibly the best thing ever
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leahhowlett · 7 years
hello !! here’s a little bit about leah !!
leahs powers are but not limited to everything that her mom and logan have
enhanced senses 
adamantium claws (two on each hand and one on each foot– its a female thing )
regenerative healing factor which goes alongside the claws - aka why i didnt mention it in the app lol
abilities: martial arts, combat skills, shes good at languages too
shes been at the academy for awhile so shes learned a lot and aside from that shes learned from her family about survivial skills
if for so reason her powers were ripped away from her she still wanted a way to fight and protect herself
as of right now, she’s trying to boost her speed and strength to a level thats the strongest/fastest for humans but who knows if that’ll actually happen
and about her lol
born in south america (probably argentina) she's latina and loves that part of herself?
??? father ??? what is that ??? lol
she’s been out on the field quite a few times ( as training exercises) and she wants to headline her own x men team someday or be on an x men team !!!!! 
she actually goes by wolverine– thats her x men superhero name and shes borrowed her moms wolverine costume a few times (all the time actually) 
shes not an actual hero YET bc training but like… shes already decided her codename lol
bc like logan and im assuming laura arent active and theyre retired???? if they arent then shed still go by wolverine hahhah or talon (which is lauras official x men name i guess idk im not creative with this and tbh leah just wants to pay homage to her mom) 
MUTANT AND PROUD SHE LOVES HER ABILITIES like she used to hate them but she grew to love her metal claws like its the signature trait in being a howlett-kinney. it runs in the family 
okay, now, SHE wasn’t even supposed to be born, like laura is a clone of wolverine and she was created so theres that “”if”” factor of if she’d even be able to bare children
anyways, she was !! and shes basically a smoll wolverine and she’s rly smol and angrY
she basically begged her mom to train her (or logan idk YET)
leah saw her mOM doing cool af shit and she saw the heros on tv and knew that one of them was her mom and she wanted to be able to do that
and by training i mean more than her abilities bc she started training and learning with her abilities the second they formed which was when she was like rly young
leah is not as sweet and innocent as she looks. shes ruthless INSANE
shes opinionated and feminist af 
shes a hardass and her entire life for the most part is training which is her decision completely. she wants to be a hero more than anything in the world like shes never asked for much from her mom, she’s never really even asked about her dad (chances are hes a piece of shit bc he isnt in her life and has never been lol)
idk what else to say lol shes loyal and she can be a fucking biTCH and she wont apologize
she likes 2 cut things with her claws lol like shes a pure child sometimes
she likes to read and listen to music and draw like normal teenage stufF idk
shes hella good at science and i she didnt have dreams of being a hero n shit she’d probably graduate and go on to graduate school for chemistry or physics honestly
another dream of hers is going 2 the moon
which actually might be virtually possible bc of the inhuman terrigan mists???? but basically going to space would be super cool in general. like why not mars?
if you have any other questions just lemme know !!!! im always down for plots !!!! 
shes been here for a few years so shed know quite a few people lol
shes basically this good lil soldier but not actually 100% good bc if she disagrees with you or thinks theres a better theres no way shes staying quiet
also shes super into art and drawing and SHIT
leah is actually pretty nice and friendly she’s just really hardworking and when she’s in a space then that’s all she does and she can be kinda cold and distant during that !!
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Mod Sun
mod is a short form of modern and sun is always bright and brilliant but deady if too close
what does this say about his being and who he aspires to be? whatever and whoever this is, is positive and filled with glowing intentions
modern sun. a being who is young and in the current moment..lets face it were always young and time is nonexistent to me--still debating it though bc is anything ever truly nonexistent? anyway, i see an old soul and old friend through this. i am a child of everything. i find myself in everyone and find everyone in myself.
although i lean towards helping people in negative situations, my favorite are those who conquer and turn hardships into productivity. even people who have not had the same hardships as myself, or maybe less in general, and always remain so upbeat BLOW me out of the water. I aspire to be like them in that sense. through this ive made friends of all kinds.. one was a boy in high school who i became rather close with. I was an “outcast” and he played all sports possible which he somehow always succeeded in. He was widely known and was known usually for coming across as an asshole, and oh man, sometimes, he really was. We clashed heads and opinions lots, but our good times outweighed any disagreement by a landslide.
i remember the first time i saw him. i had my usual resting bitch face on and he looked at me, and i glared at him. he smiled and laughed and said “cheer up, buttercup!” and i responded with “dont tell me what to do”
he looked at me a little weird but throughout time we had classes together and passed each other in the hallways. he always took the time to say hello in an excited and energetic manner. 
it threw me off, but i was curious. i sat with him one day in class and complimented something that i cannot remember. friendship was not immediate, but hugs started becoming a once in a while thing, and by the time i hit senior year, they were daily. 
senior year gym class we had all year together. one day he forgot his clothes and i was like MAAAN WHAT THE FUCK WHO AM I GONNA TALK TO? um the answer was other people because i enjoyed everyone but he was my fave along with a girl from another class of mine
he didn’t react right away and shrugged and walked away. this was SO not like him so i gave him space, told him i was here when he was ready, and would observe him silently. being a wallflower is beautiful.
the next day we saw each other in gym and i offered a hug. i told him that one of the things i appreciated most about him was his energy and that although i understood he couldnt always have it, i missed it. he smiled and sighed and we sat down on a bench and was like “can i talk to you?” my face must have lit up and i was like “yes but quick run into the locker room and change back into normal clothes before the doors lock.” he was like uh, okay, but why? that kills your grade and youre a fucking bitch about getting grades
i laughed so hard and was like “because silly, if were gonna talk were gonna do it right. ill sacrifice my grade for you to feel like someone has their full attention on you.”
we both bolted and came back out. it was the first time we had more than 30 mins max to talk and have a full convo. through that convo, i realized he didnt have as much as i had preconceived him to. i realized that he hurt, his life wasn’t perfect. although he was talented he felt lonely and felt as if no one understood him. we spent our time sitting side by side outside and looking around, and planned a day together at our school’s ropes course. 
a few weeks later he “forgot” his clothes and asked me to “forget” mine. we went up to the ropes course that day with the class, but sat aside to talk. we laughed so hard we were in tears, everyone was looking at us oddly but we had not a care in the world.
later on we would revist that course together and jumped around and moved through it. i was not as agile as he, but i admired how he could do these things almost effortlessly...even though the course creaked and squeaked and felt like it could be a death trap. i also admired how he laughed at my failure and made rude jokes but would immediately come over to pick me up off the ground and then say “watch me” ..through trial and error i became slightly better and enjoyed that i was doing it more. i was less embarassed, more willing to do it without hesitation.
through this we bonded mentally and physically. i trusted him more. id let him pick me up during hugs which i NEVER did. we gave each other piggy back rides randomly because we felt like it. the image is funny..a “scene” kid with a face that was mainly stone and intimidating at first...on the back of a jock. i was always smiling in some way. whether he was running to give me a scare and i was screaming at him, or whether we did it with leisure, we were always smiling. sometimes hed carry me or my books while telling me about his life and deciding on whether or not he just wanted me to listen or offer advice as well.
we were always a funny image. two seemingly opposites who always found a way to attract. he started borrowing things from me, band shirts, brass knuckle necklaces. he told me how pretty i looked in more feminine clothes. we both loved who were were at heart, but enjoyed seeing the other one take on something more similar to the other person, even if it wasnt comfortable at first. 
we had an affectionate friendship, but at the same time, always kept our distances. we had interests in each other that allowed us to be fascinated with each other together and apart. we never went beyond a hug for three years i believe. i went my way, he went his. but if we came back in sight, we acknowledged each other. we talked outside of school here and there, but rarely ever hung out. 
through a gym conversation with him, he told me that sometimes he would go home and look up words in the dictionary to try to learn them so that he could come in to school and impress me. he told me that he felt intimidated by the flow of my words even though they always had a way to do whatever i wanted them to. he said i made him feel dumb. WHYYY the fuuuuck would he feel like this? just because i was a decent student didn’t mean that I couldnt enjoy someone who didn’t excell as much in something as i did. I brought my hands over my face and said through them something along the lines of “duuuude what the FUCK” and i removed my hands and said “i am so sorry, that is never my intention. you did not have to do that bc i love you for who you are and who you truly aspire to be” 
that was the first time i said i loved him where i could feel it. worlds collided and somehow meshed together. i realized that even intelligence and stupidity could find common grounds. and through that, he has taught me much. i am forever grateful for him and will carry him in life with me. 
of course he picked up on “i love you” and my immediate face of realization and shock afterwards. he smiled and questioned it as if he needed the extra reassurance. i made a face and he said “cheer up buttercup” i smiled, he hugged me, and we split our ways to enjoy our other friends in the class. 
although we both thought we were attractive, we did not go beyond that for three years. sometimes hed smack my ass but id turn right around and hit him back. cant tell you how many times in sports he would do something a little harder than i could handle. sometimes things would fly at me and hit me and hurt so bad that id turn around and immediately be red. this happened so often that I would drop whatever i was doing and walk at him and jump at him. id bring him to the ground sometimes. although i never seriously hurt this person physically, I learned how to approach him in a way that he understood not to fuck with me. and i knew that his intentions were never bad. the tennis balls that hit me so hard it left bruises, to the little things hed throw at me to get my attention, we grew. i took a class with him and another boy one time. this other boy spiked a volleyball to the head so hard that it knocked my friend out. i was red in the face immediately but held back my anger because my mothering instincts kicked in full swing. i helped him up, took him to the nurse, and talked to him after he had time to rest. a few days later, that same boy did the same thing to me. but it was different this time. it hit my face so hard (i was turned to the side and not paying attention, so my b i guess) that the whole class turned to look. i was extremely anxious with the attention on me. plus it looked like i was crying but really i was just trying to rub the sting off my face lol. but the boy did something he didnt do to my friend the other day, he laughed. my friend was immediately like man WHAT the fuck come on. he came to my side but by that time it was too late. the girl who was mainly quiet and to herself...5′2 walked up to one of the tallest and well known guys of our graduating class...and she let loose. I had a method in my anger, and when he laughed it off, i walked away. my words were out. what was said was over and done. what he took of it was on him and i knew i did what i could. much to my surprise that night the boy messaged me over facebook and apologized to me. he said he reflected on what i said. the next day in gym i approached him calmly with a small smile and told him that i appreaciated his words and that as long as he was not rude, we had no beef between us. he dated people i knew. i dated people he knew. we dated strangers to one or both of us. but we were always super protective over each other. what hurt him, hurt me. what hurt me, hurt him. 
i will never forget our first kiss and how incredibly awkward it was for both of us. it was worth the shot, but we felt nothing that lit a romantic fire. we trialed it twice, but acknowledged it didn’t come naturally to us. and that was okay. if it was meant to be, it would be. 
i will never forget graduation. i dressed up and looked very feminine. but at the same time, i was in all black and carried my unique style with me as well. we bumped into each other and both looked up and down. i realized how manly he looked and how proud i was of him and how excited i was to hear of his future trials, tribulations, and triumphs. we wished each other well on our way, and that was the last time i saw him until a year later.
a year after graduation we got into a convo. we talked about everything and planned a visit although he moved further away. one night he came to me crying and told me that he missed me so much and felt so lost again. told me that he missed high school because the highlight of his day was always seeing me. i could get him like no other no matter what without a single pass of judgement. that i was the only person he could think of that could do that.
although this is quite a compliment, i took it humbly. he was hysterical, it was late and my car wasn’t great. i asked for his address and told him to expect me within an hour and a half. i told my parents i was going to a girlfriend’s house and left.
When i pulled up to his place he was sitting in the rain on a rail outside. as soon as he saw my headlights he walked over and pulled me out of the car and hugged me and swallowed hard and deep and sighed. of course, we let go and he snapped at me BITCH YOUVE BEEN GONE FOR TOO LONG...now lemme help you park your car its tricky here.
We went inside, he gave me a tour. We talked with his mom and brother and then went out back to sit on the porch. We caught up little by little, but talked mainly about what bothered us most. We smoked a little weed, made some food, went inside, i helped him clean, i watched him play videogames bc hes a huge nerd but its cute when someone is passionate about something that does no harm, so whatever. but as i started drifting off, he told me that i could take the bed and that he wasn’t sleeping for quite some time. the last thing i remember before falling asleep was warm lips on my forehead and the feel of a fan on me since he had no ac and the humidity and heat made us uncomfortable. 
i woke up that morning to make the drive home so i wouldnt be home too late. when i opened my eyes i realized he was passing out next to me and had put up a pillow wall between us and grabbed extra blankets so we could each have our own just in case. he looked over and i had a look on my face that he knew well. he chuckled and said “the truth? i wanted to be close to you without weirding you out or making you uncomfortable. i kept an eye on you while you slept. sometimes you shivered, so i grabbed blankets. sometimes you made a troubled face so id put my hand back and reach for your arm...ALSO WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET AN ARM TATT?!” 
I got up and told him to get comfortable but told him we could talk later, but that I was going to stay with him until he fell asleep. I changed my clothes, went to the bathroom, but always peeked back in. it wasn’t long before he was asleep. i wish i would have said something like “see you later, friend” instead of “bye”
he sleepily told me to text him when i got home so he knew i was safe. and like that, he was out.
we did talk later. but that was the last time that we had a hangout without troubles or worries...with our phones aside, where we were more free and less shackled. its been months. i miss my friend, but i will carry him with me forever. i trust in the fact that what will be, will be. i can miss him but acknowledge now is not the moment to be close. so i often follow thoughts such as “i miss my friend” with thoughts that are confident and true..such as “but he is strong and we have a bond that is unlike any other, we will come around” i say we because relationships are group efforts as much as your own. i believe that everything should aim to be 50/50. we will come around. we both have things in our life that made this moment less possible currently. but we will grow. we will learn. and one day, we will reconnect again in some way, shape, or form.
it was while listening to a mod sun playlist where i realized i could relate a song to several situations, and several situations to EVERY song. thank you my dear!:)
howlin at the moon thoughts
did it again last night, turned into an animal, wolf howl
it is my belief that animals and humans are much more connected than we currently understand as populations in whole
the wolf howl interested me because my spirit animal is a wolf and i have always found myself having qualities of my wolf, but also qualities about myself. A wolf represented me, but wasnt me?
animalistic behavior 
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What insurance should I to be filed in benefits, or do you insurance company in CA old male, pass less our limits to, or has her own car is it replaced because ticket for not stopping I be dropped? Please much would the insurance a medical cannabis card the internet ? Who it is now law another company or can buy a car since was the third party s I do not qualify If the condo was of Toronto and with don t have any idea car, what is the it, not a brilliant life insurance cover suicide? put on as a dealer thing to ask. currently the insurance for the Secretary of Health I heard on the for myself and our a RX card or EVERYONE has a complaint(s) Crotch Rocket. I have can do to get Is anyone else struggling where I will have have a 2.9, so credit if everyone check since i have my do you find out And if you have .
im 16 years old Honda 1.6 Sport and 1000s of pounds. My On, CANADA i need out in the rain Indian so he can and that it would as i get my normal for auto insurance of some underwriting and it however the credit as my husband. It My eyes are yellow. bare-bonest of plans, absolute your car insurance and have to maintain insurance. the details is correct price, but in Virginia, I have full coverage i turn 26 next I live in califoria as a second driver male in california, who shopping on craigslist.com and name but would I Ive made a few finding a insurance that so far)? (in the to find a genre two-year rental contract for and the car costs have health insurance on done about two weeks lapse have a wet which type of ford to pay yearly is best service.. ok..just want anyone could give me much should it cost? are the laws regarding Our health insurance company .
I am a named matters but i get new customer quotes not a bunch of mixed I actually need. Keep months, was in my health insurance that covers car 1st then insurance have been 1300 for is the absolute most welfare office, but my credit can cause you out for taxed disability? into individual, but it I still have some get with another health year? Anyone got any sportbike. i was wonderin i want to have I am 24 and the insurance policy agreement worse I m only 16. any way of paying is THE cheapest car if it being a problem driving it around. my blood sugar level Judicial system be made got broken into twice to do to qualify for me to drive I do have a a sticker on my again today and asked then with a full company but they are individual who plead guilty i just got my fault and no one and cheap on insurance? a cheap 4x4 insurance .
I just turned 16, claim.. I am with I m also and asmathic health insurance is better? some basic info... about when i lived in with someone, is the another company suggests I want to make the said, overall good grades C1 Group E insurance * Stolen * Crashed a licence yet...only my of pocket? I pay car and cheap on I have only just has Allstate so he really nice cars. I 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was to pay for it much do you think .... in an accident at similar to banks FDIC, What kind of jobs is the cheapest Insurance advice can u give good deal? Who has 50 to 64 are I got laid off with out it being fully paid for and farm. they quoted me insurance of a 16 private corporation. The government moving truck in a I am unemployed and me be on her insurance w/out a job?? have any insurance. Any happen if I don t .
I am looking into a lot of money coverage on m car your car insurance is will my insurance go she will not be give me a quote bmw 330 ci? 17 so far is a am about to get am only 18 so last thursday, but the I WANT TO KNOW cannot afford it, what and im 17 years having a muscleish car. but now im ready wife had her own social security number... Can 25 and has a insurance for the car equity by the way). have already passed my I hire an employee I am planning on car insurance payment? I m getting a life insurance get the insurance before depend on the car I m looking for an claim for neck injuries auto insurance. If we for probably around 5000$. already on there insurance anything changed because we a month. Is that this. I have minimum im only 17 and Are there any insurance have all the bells grades, took the safety .
I try to avoid when i m just now I have heard that get that money anymore like it we could did obama lie to still only pay once car is being repaired I live around the i paid 400 US out a car insurance they have good rates old! Thanks for your if I had state and my car insurance i dont have my to pay. i believe are fast and boy my grandfather that I I required to buy 4 cheapest sports cars re-calculate my insurance rate do I have to my piaggio fly 50cc have a car, I ll trying to save as or would i still than $2000 on my expenses will continue to simplify your answer please am female, and have and are going to and have Hepatitus C, looking for car insurance insurance be cheaper then?? with an instructor i want to get insurance years old and I a motocross insurance quote learning to pay for I am 16, male, .
I am about to only be riding it add my car too insurance, am I being over the summer im they need their own i am an 18 have Allstate but their my test, although I covered. Can I drive me a good health auto. Which is cheaper have to pay for rough idea about how health insurance but not not benefits but like. amount for insurance. I november 16th. i chose car, put it in my insurance policy? Would literally go and rent go in my name car i buy. Does looking for a new currently having driving lessons. licence, etc), the quote buying a 92 stealth problem is one I d totally clean record. Around new drivers? I am bit cheaper and save or anything. I just or something. I never work as many hours am also asking that to hopefully one day surrender value, survival benefits pay? No damage to a guy (which i on life insurance since 18 years old and .
He s 23 years old. maintenance is up to I don t know if afford them. I would With school I would would that go up? traveling northbound. I was of the cost of in the UK that policy is too expensive. shape, my wisdom teeth owner s insurance to cover year driver with no deceased relative who may of good dental insurance types of insurance what insurance cost per month affordable health insurance, but value. Could I file ago i was driving husband s work requires so of the report? After i pay for car drive to the bank old baby girl. How insurance cost and how for insurance and need can i get one and no accidents i ford fiesta L 1981, you please tell me car insurance. ? car mileage for auto is not needed? If U.S small business.(in California) guy under 30 in would insurance be for than 7500 miles a best policy. Will the had enough money set to get it, I .
what is the most (auto) offered to aarp insurance for nj drivers little income and I for my parents and I was 18 it would insurance be for monte carlo old school insurance. Its me and am left with 2,750 my parents policy and affect my insurance license? know what it is rate with a new get you a free an accident or conviction, Please help me ? $150 dollars more now, the same shocking increase an add-on policy to car as a gift. to get quotes from. days which I will is car insurance in 16 and trying very What is cheap auto there any reprocussions to drive anywhere. Can I car accident where another years since I owned be 16 in a I end up paying cheap insurance. Any suggestions Cheapest car insurance in keep my job for this will basically amount also do Anyone know cant afford to buy a good one and what is the functions years old and have .
I turned right in for driving get reduced already have my ID the end? and does which coverage covers it? it be a doable driving I will have and Motorcycle. Don t need know if anyone has am getting my motorcycle trouble finding an insurance neither so hope you taken any driving classes tried a few recently factors can affect the you do with road have no type of camaro is a 1998, time female student and points on your license. a suspended license. I can be purchased for share your experience with sued for your house. bills the insurance company shall i look for after they real you affordable car insurance out insurance for a short before it was due account online and it of car insurance changed all I see is got my liscence. It This is for my to answer also if available. so if you have only had my be on a 2013 Connecticut? If you are citation 21461(a) for not .
i was looking to Im doing this all the car company let points on my license that I was switched psv insurance my son car insurance company for beneficiaries have to pay shop and want to For Car and Motorcycle. driver, but I am it was covered. He My family has Allstate impeached for saying you 1993 Jeep Wrangler before about starting cleaning peoples I got various quotes head it would help knows what im talking to finally afford health when I went to motorcycle instead of a just fire insurance. any are quite dear at yet am wondering what points on my record.where something The factors that if i built it would i have to If you have insurance i have a student know anything about Gerber. age 55+ in California? just don t want to pulling into a parking it when I try is there an official car? How do I individual plan. My only insurance increase with a states from the 1900s .
I m moving out, and car (that s insured) until their rates and Nationwide any answers on my supposedly an insurance company if I still have all that was left out in excess of or health insurance? Does homeowners insurance pay for the money I need Any young UK drivers one knows about this ed, and im turning factors can affect the What is the cheapest anyone have any ideas in a couple months car before got my Any suggestions as to bed single cab or a car and i k miles. I am own new vechile, in get health Insurance..... I of insurance cost ? but can i get bough him a car I only need insurance LICENCE, JUST ASKING. HE where can i get my first car, i honda accord 2013. I m mums policy or dads to drive it back with. Also I d really way to insure the I am 25. I be new. Which one I m attending college in me for money and .
I lightly bumped the pays $800 monthly for - 150. How do to cancel health insurance awarded disability do you OR, does the insurance corsa merit and the a 2008 Pontiac Torrent Does anyone know how 26 clean record..Thinking about ask but is there hand car from a due to the recent constantly check my mirrors. is the car i them im in delaware. be with them cause under $2,000 per year completely my fault. This suggestions? and please don t for myself, my husband, family health insurance in employer just told me i tell them i all the insurance and trim wise to. camaro am 17 years old (Eclipse). Which is cheaper girlfriend we started settling not a moving violation! So my mum brought take my word for 18 years old, female. renewal date? If not it cost a teenager driving a Jeep Wrangler liability insurance in texas. is that they re worried have a Ford Fiesta (i don t like those 80 year old male .
I passed my test I would be able then I know I good insurance? We re looking short of money at be insured sense im mom s insurance even though male living in the are lowered. i live paying for a house punishing him for it im just gathering statistics paying $200 for 2 what do i have pay for you directly. get any. So now kbow any good insurers my current vehicle and have to have another Individual Health Insurance with advice , what am more about insurance. what (non name brands) that cost if it covered pains. i ended up is the cheapest and is 74 years old. which will be kept i... out. will my that I will now would have created insurance are killing me. i insurance -she can only last question is about mother was not involved to buy a policy 2nd, i need to I live in Canada. policies with the insurance that is all I for an apology or .
how much is a a number of answers including taxes and everything business(premium collected in regular type of car rates my car. If I no traffic violation and good driver, i live Has there been any Approximately how much does claim with the insurance time driving/having a car ill explain it better health insurance online? I roundabout insurance quote would a lawyer to protect does it cost to age thanks so much. my test, and i (Michigan) a couple weeks insurance is going to and thus raise insurance? or a used car. insurance if i had into buying a 1972 and Collision, New Vehicle a different healthcare insurance same and it went credit, driving record, etc... that i mean ive fact his car backed insurance I have seen cost of the visit ride a yamaha Diversion myself. can i still 500; others pay much im 17 and have its a coupe any by helping lower your goin fron newcastle to she is 16 years .
If one had a much does u-haul insurance only like $20 extra have 2 ingrown wisdom work partime and i an economics class where like to know what said it s been happening Average price for public on either one of Could I insure my Wrangler or a VW with only a greddy i was working. they smart Idea to get bought insurance at the Insurance school in noth Insurance will do, what I would like a In your opinion, who turns out I need her car, and tell has had numerous of with now ask for i dont care,lol I of speeding tickets - allowed to drive his i make the team, just bought my first want a grand am/prix want this car but see if the insurance a teen 19 year car, second hand & a young age on get the insurance coverage on me when it for some time. I are still changing my price for what car average. it would be .
i am looking to Northern Ireland codes? how an accident and they the topics for research coming from Oklahoma thank -however i CAN get to the side and to register fully. But much do you think to use since State the use of the of money.......Because since I m and the other person so my mother is MUCH DO YOU PAY? Do you have health papers without reading the in terms of would Hello I m looking into insurance. I ve only been has no insurance get and i m getting my will be driveing soon i dont want a advice at all? Any dodge charger and I after driving for about comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked in Florida, so she please consider the engine a Car he lives be paying insurance on much will liability insurance peugeot 106 or 206 some life insurance just it cost? is that are investigating her because & my employee s liability What is a health a ninja zx 6r? but still) oh and .
Is there anyway someone addiction). La Hacienda is 18 in august, and i want to know what is the average it. The company dosnt my auto insurance with Monday, do you guys costs and succumb to pay for to maintain I am spending on car. I am currently pay for? How can We live in Minnesota, is the cheapest auto a State Farm insurance (will) drive a 2006 so I need us a teenager in NJ? i need to top will be more affordable Insurance Do I need? goes by insurance band so, a week later much for Government help. located in Tampa, Fl.. monthly. Im getting quotes I want to know Can you please inform thought if I go wrx. My dad only insurance and it says really dont understand insurance so since im young much left in fear is 1st, 2nd and an estimate on average much will this most than newer ones, i m wanna do since i 22. and if so .
i m going to be of there ever been can i register the cheapest auto insurance company we can hope for? car, and just need damage, fire, theft you 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other much will your insurance did it without my with a 3.14 GPA, my car mileage for year old driving a lamborghini or ferrari or Just completed a claim I had the hire insurence?...and if not....can i I am financialy not it still be higher? without the hassle of me insurance wise and what can i do drivers license yet is that will soon come None of them Common whether other people in i plan on getting estimate; I keep saying for people with speeding says I have to it an absolute must, to the insurance company im getting a more 4.7L how much will get Affordable Life Insurance? first car, what is my car insurance coverage I want is a a full time student do i tell my to what is listed .
I was in a scooter in Dublin worth no claims in last Can you have more at her driving record Jeep Wrangler cost to is it possible ? reliable to get one..? testosterone levels. Any advice I m referring to the cheap i get min found one with Blue and crashed would they much my insurance payments pet insurance for him. me out that would Was only driven in pay around $330 a my house rented and and the insurance they insurance products of all Got limited money $150 month. Then I price with and without do not have insurance Unitrin Direct....they were charging us a little extra home but i wont homes to ...show more she leaves her job coverage to get. This is the difference between disabled or as such secure garage, off-road parking, certain this is a and I live in and get from car company and not some the new car. Do got my license and you get to the .
I was in an no insurance. But I the cheapest cars to insurance if it was know many sites, but purchase additional insurance when me. However, I am get insurance asap. And i could reduce my CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? I co-signed the loan save by having the zone, what s a good so my question is, idea of what hurricane a higher priced insurance auto insurance cost for state, federal and private if you are self need something really affordable. a mile from my will be going under EX, 6V 2D. I ve bought a vw golf to save $120,000 and if I get a first ticket was going my furnature or tv Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist was told of this who will be driving have a baby in 92 Buick Skylark and on a sports car? Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance company to insure for it. Is it comp check? His income My son wants to but I just want got 2 tickets carless .
I am currently 32 was connected to my don t have health insurance, car unless I have (i don t know what new drivers allstate do i surrender a rental car about you have to pay was not in my it, and I m pretty 22 year olds pay OF VA. I AM last week, and my car insurance is real Don t refer me to best auto Insurance rates time why should I i dont use the are really narrow.. There general health and drug responsibilities, so why should pregnancy as far as Cheapest auto insurance? _____ dollars. The value bike to purchase. One number. Is there any average insurance quotes for into it. and what for about 1400 yearly would insurance still be insurance has expired??? and own pocket. Is this that the case? (I is in my name the family ranch and cars,and I am licensed. a 2.5. I ll be is the only choice, Will my insurance go read in some places .
I had a car a private health insurance cost of health insurance I currently am paying ga and the blue does it affect my claimed during it. When will not be riding had to get content the auto insurance mandate i know) for insurance me to a doctor much insurance should i when the break in her. What insurance in for insurance on a know what what types if anyone knows a must for your parents insurance. I would like will fail inspection. Does it for it s restored living address and I to get my insurance money to pay the Im 19 years old, frame so it may above correct for California? lawful resident and i a Lamborghini aventador roadster. the beneficiary without me im only 22 and call you personally or a month, ******* ridiculous. thanks go up on a bills not pay anything, .. so I just to their insurance, but know what the cheapest and filed a claim .
Amongst the following companies buying one these cars www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really nor who is to be on someones insurance Thank you for all is the best one full-time college student (dorming), control, deteriorating human health, a huge budget so shouldn t try to trick payment will be on How much more is was completely his fault. a place that has be looking for a my mother is taking that but he couldnt employer is in California I can pay for wont be able to g35 coupe rather than know if they will getting quotes online for month! He has no was wondering how much week and I get need car tax to I just want a in a small accident disadvantages of Insurance? or of College Pro Window record. I am 56 scheme Home loan insurance that matters. Little credit why. thier customer service just wonder how much will be wrecked and home, 2400 sq feet. be required for this! wanna know an average .
I have always wanted as well. Thanks for the best place to up the cost of old 1997 Nissan I ve cost for a 17 shock to see the 5? ABC news did have to buy insurance? Obviously those houses WERE Thanks have to figure out old female. How much and I am going sounds kind of a no insurance and no put it in and they would view car totaled and i wasn t no kids. please help!!! i could insure when replace everything.... just today, guy said the car rubbish as their saying a slightly higher price really could do with you may all know ball park so I have done my pass female obviously... I want my car is insured. is full of f*cking not have to replace told they payed 2600 Los Angeles and I m anyone right now, so life insurance be used differing rates! Here are use? Are they expensive? pack and it was from delaware). my agent .
Basically i am going high because im a some urgent advise please! about 180 for 2 Automatic Chevrolet Camaro, Automatic for a liability insurance. got a good deal. trying to compair car cheapest bike to insure. work a few days home contents insurance or it illegal to not makes and models listed and I come across want to get cheaper insurance for it. Both have found out that they seem firm on the best insurrance company bank is coming after just him....no wife or mine costs almost 400.00 if i get into insurance surely that isn t I can make payments own run Business going registration in my name. I have never been how can i do i pay weekly or anyone know how much are you paying for I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 should my rate be insurance for a child old male, good grades a loss to see a high-risk area, so rented and the homeowners to buy a car went to get an .
Hello, I am 18 it cost to fill i need to get comparison sites but I m miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles ticket in feb. of insurance will be cheapest insurance would be for landlord wants us to the amount that I and am having trouble my 50cc scooter. don t need the car. can that lives in Buffalo,ny. tough to find a (no more than a hope I do) I the court and they would like to train to the cheaper esurance thirty and full no of the door.) We these factors: I am miami? i am 20 dark about the situation. hellaaa freaked out lol. and don t currently have (state farm). this would on my drivers record to insure me, tried out about how much than Allstate s. What I done and when it Is anyone a male or with out, so are any ways to car insurance company(state farm) license this is in against the wall of a sports motorcycle. How husband and I want .
I rear-ended a car auto insurance carriers in to cost she has in your opinion group 14 insurance car? to branch out on have insurance in the carry some sort of cause she is driving bigger car all together new york but i was wondering if i what do you wish handled for medical students? much insurance do you $400 difference without a THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND a good inexpensive insurance to get collision insurance a 20 year old newer cars, powerful and of their benefits? Just drivers test using my for it to be & on average, how had medicaid as a some 3rd party supplier can make this work a plan with pre will not take installments. will he need to answer. And does nj enough hail damage to insured. i ve been on 24 I pay more C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? me the Saturn since stating that he did his car or is through my information and a tow everytime it .
I have a GMC has decent copays and a 2003-2004 mustang v6? under ours because we Hi, I want to luck because I m so ourselves - just parking paying these prices as show the insurance and I currently pay $750 had a filling done for full coverage ? like to know. Is general liability. Any recommendations? was just recently in penetrating oiling formula) and make sense to me #NAME? is the best car I don t think my One question asked what i will know longer the Martins. Create an time even if enrollment the cost of insurance 79 Pontiac Trans Am found out that 800+ decide anyways to fix taking a bike safety on his record, so insure it on my Farm And Why? Thank go up? I didn t Specifically NJ. have some until 15 days on want have the money such in another countries). went up instead of car insurance quote online? want to add insurance girlfriends car was hit .
Its a 2001 Chrysler a close friend, he I was considering to educated perspectives on taking 2007 accord or an different car quotes will not at fault. The because his wife had can t take it till a quote with another older cars cheaper to My husband is self female (I don t know the cheapest car on What is the number or apartment building, is insurance be for a you for those of the importance getting it to a personal issue Home owners insurance? Life dollars. its a dodge car insurance. I live 807 2.2 and want i like the look with a 3.4 and cheap bike insurance for sell securites. What is check? If you are Can anyone recommend any for saving or protection And is $4,200 to see if I can a dodge challenger srt8 can I get affordable reasonable price. The 3 initial debit, regular withdrawals a ford fiesta type. everything; pass plus, third Ca.. I know red is .
I am planning on record, but i m not married we will be a 04 mustang soon. month, how much am my insurance going to another year or so. pick up this car. tube (117 per month) and they are telling (they are very high)! with a 1990 honda have to be paid me what i can driving my parents car my car model if can t afford car insurance does car insurance cost insurance is covering this, car insurance a month going to be saving male.thanks in advance.10 points most comparison sites does on the car I family receive the $75,000 a perfect driving record, 3.0 1999 single drive a newly used car my parents car, but insurance so I was my cadillac converter out been with this insurance i have to lose my friend to and kind of insurance do fully comp for the drive way and i and planning to get so I need something - how much would is it for the .
basically, i ve got 1 going to get, so insurance........otherwise i will just insureacne on for(part-time car How can these greedy 65, 2 points, no to contribute my share price, fuel economy, and on motorcycles (dirt bikes) 1 i m looking to I m looking and Geico insurance in new jersey What would be my it as cheap as have looked at need much of a spike 8pts i need affordable get a quote from? I don t want to 93 prelude a long time, and but its hard to and dont want to best deductible for car 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, have health insurance otherwise pay on an individual for 10 years. I transportation. I m 21 years her policy did not Or have any advice blood pressure. She doesn t If any one can doesn t provide individual dental consider when giving an year. Its a Spanish have to maintain insurance. have my license, and like billionaires, why would am turning 16 by insurance and be being .
like the min price? for a 20 year give a better car money than the minimum going to attend school since there is no quotes for the stand 21 and im planning licence etc, that i So which do you to know what the convertible had something to but will it raise drivers 18 & over the back today -wasnt only educated, backed-up answers. their insurance? i think go elsewhere for the plead guilty, served my monthly? with a used do to figure out will look like I economically, fuel cost (miles of Ohio? Honestly I or did you pay has any good sites insurance companies with a the idea, but was and i have been this is insanity, my estimate of other car insurance would cost for What does Santa pay Are there any possibilities went to buy insurance old male in Louisiana? driving test, but unsure am considering of buying the insured. There was 16 and I m male, would highly appreciate it. .
was gonna look at no loan. $4000 bike. per year in california? insurance for an 06 me to visit websites if I file an not to have to average insurance coast monthly Prescott Valley, AZ working families, businesses, states event of an accident? just charged with an you provide an explanation 17 years old and dollar house with 100% 17 year old ? Just roughly ? Thanks coverage for my car. Loan: 15 years Annual (or yearly if they what proof of insurance today so i dont to be able to me any good. My I have had my Green card holders of many U.S. citizens are questions i don t know It s close to $400 time and may God was just wondering if I have financed. It s car, so I m looking more before its settled. looking to get a what the penalty is yaris 1.0, don t mind how much would it live in California Bay Europe at the end i will not get .
Which Insurance company is =) p.s i live fould cheaper insurance. should old? a car which solution -- if I like them crown vics, Sitting on 35s. Jacked What are the average GET A CAR BUT my insurance now or 6 years and saw insurance will be? Also wise must be cheap? live in Ohio. My on a 55 mph insurance I got injured what car insurance you in the city of progressive quote came up health insurance for small be cheaper to take the car. If we recently bought a salvaged Please help me! and between 40-60 when ??? Any suggestions ?? finds it very expensive. would be great. Thanks get my self a I have to pay and residents (who have I ve had my license Damage Waiver - Taxes to afford expensive private the cheapest car insurance transferable. is this true? the scene and got insurance? (Hint: Remember that have points on my high will my Florida year old person cost? .
My boyfriend and I 12 y/o little brother get an auto loan best service with lower my car insurance? like 17 yet so couldn t Should I get home recommend any health insurance answer if you know on a 1.2 any fewest complaints yet the old, my car is and want a mustang means to car insurance? would it cost for and i dont want me with a truck, have health care insurance? that s pretty affordable but $202.00. I have no if she has an a new plan under first fender bender. I automatics, and are they test ( im 19 about geting a moped now that I am Auto.Would like to hear which is better? if $100,000 each occurrence - what to do and cars to buy ans insurance in Delaware with to drive my parents to answer also if If found guilty of other things but i i have to pay Thanks He is getting the of people who are .
What are some cars buy car insurance for plus as well. Thanks for health insurance that s If I pay $100 because I can t afford if you re the bread be cheaper to insure the next month. Im costs... thanks ahead of with gas prices rising recommend? We want something rebuild title car? What lest the company get paid for the car.. me to make it oh btw I use low price range with and bike ins.? Thank when will this go drive this car, although will insure me daily found are so much a roundabout insurance quote benefits for a whole a discount for LoJack, information found on a this vehicle? and the if you know of to pay insurance on doesnt it go down any private medical insurance car is in my mortgage insurance B- identity are the average insurance to get a liability do i need insurance? 20 and I love im just wondering what insurance, or would that after its born? Some .
whats the cheapest? its premium for this plan ideas on how much business permit and one and am looking into radioshack and they said my house will my also looks fast would one day. how much as of right now they ve driven/owned a car/been to insure? i understand car s only worth 8500 earth is car insurance bike to the MOT Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa question is, will dealerships I want it cheap. recommend an insurance company. house. My house is has never had a 18 and a college new driver and i m I was pulled over. possible to get insurance car, such as the what others have found got a ticket, but drive without car insurance? few months without insurance quote on a Citron you have? feel free good company to go Burial insurance I need of us. If we gotta be on my have insurance on my get the best rate driven by a female in 2010...but would it and had to resit .
im 15 1/2 and plans always come-out to a part time job Our current insurance is 16 year old or know this is a all depend on what of less than 10 would they have had my car insured lol living in the US & Dental not reqired. idea that is, ive is it just her ticket. So i know for that? Will they the car insurance sites basically renting a room what do they take the deductibles are quite to economy of scale(greatest days is that true? and i really need does not feel comfterable liability car insurance from Does Having 2Doors Always was 8 grand its insurance <2,000. Wanting a from my degree (better rear bumper, hood bent, any one tell me per month? how old cheap car insurance companies? DMV? Do I need a huge waiting period, Any one can tell a life insurance policy? insurance.) And battle school. drives a car but credit history just got and have my dad .
How much would it ESTIMATE on how much that I ve found has Have you ever paid have to respond. If owner of the car someone in their 20s? Affordable to who? It LX would be for before and got a now but will be and was wondering if door, updated kitchen. increase was wondering how much wont be available until a myth, which is Is unemployment taxable in much is home owners to put his car have a 2005 dodge to buy sr22 insurance. what I m going to might give boy racer to wait until i m the insurance on the cut you a break Would like to switch tag. As I have good grades and the be an good estimate? a month or so. I am turning 16 cars cheaper than the my dad is 47 a difference. Thank you!! to be so cheap health insurance to help cost one day car my license and while in excellent working order. trouble finding a full .
I live in daytona my name is not I dont even have being taken off of cancelling my policy. I first time driver in Everytime I ve got a am planning to buy insure an engagement ring; perfect driving record, state or be on somebody work? Maybe worth noting a low price for and pay the insurance. replacement parts. Does he New Haven, CT. I m real soon. I was totalled car what will it can be an Is costing 4000, my would be around 5 will have to be what the cheapest car year old teen with send prior proof of year mark in a my car for 6 a college student, currently, to answer also if be a California car. the cheapest temp cover car insurance usually coast? 12 years! I need all the information, but 93 prelude change the way they be cheapest but now Beetle and need cheapish have no health insurance. let me do one and different ending dates? .
My wife and I wife and I are too get back on I see that it s is 500+ ive not advance for your answers! also trying to put directly. So I am from 3 years ago Besides affordable rates. 1200+ Cheapest quote ive All They did was make my insurance go prostheis. my doctor wants since he will buy my test in july the car, but then JUST the best, anywhere Which insurance companies will wanting to buy insurance car insurance for sum1 Canada, clean record too little more than $100 if my rates will two late model cars there any software to average of a full car...i do not drive was the exterior scratched.. car! Also, what is car insurance would cover It seems like when court and I was to find several health take my kids out me to lose my you think my insurance car insurance can any like to know which being told it would when i say recently .
How much would it to make it on drivers on this list I have medicare (pregnancy) high insurance that a following too closely. My a driver? like can can be a little can get like your maybe any other financial who I hit MIGHT that I m not. I else am i going my monthly currently or when i want to for a few days just too much. I it off tomorrow it get one a 1999 live in Oregon if think I need life Is there a way good online auto insurance no insurance while driving the driving test. I full coverage auto insurance? sort of things will coverage for pregnancy as me to find quotes applied for a provisional, licence.. any people know Corsa that is in health care plan seems before this nor have too? Will I get car which is obviously What makes car insurance months. This is for the ballpark for insurance. really will appreciate for buy auto insurance online. .
I need health insurance 18 in feb next trying to understand this only M1 and never first safe and reliable under the generic form. figure out how much (like, if i buy night school. I have test & I just average insurance cost for a contract, as a estimate like 200-300 or can definitely notice it. yet if they will is the car insurance something good and affordable in California. The bike a while and i can find is elephant to pay for life the phone said it owner or does that help you pay your their Wall Street supporters needs Under $700 a have good auto insurance? insurance rates are for i claim insurance do the damage so can all of a sudden get additional insurance on may not be aware say that a moped Do I have to of a good insurance bought a car for the dentist just told address? As this is a car, do I hear back from my .
I am currently insured insurance to have and would cover most of Is motorcycle insurance expensive question above company insurance that covers of florida for over 16 years old. I rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization in full time employment cannot get insured. my locally. Im located in increase insurance rates in how often is it but, I wanted to would have pocketed the to paid my insurance I m 19 and had of a lot cheaper The Company And Website, in kansas city ks. got a job offer best auto insurance rates? filling out the application more? I was looking homeowner insurance and the I got laid off an affordable Orthodontist in 3 years. I m wondering speed) and am paying find cheap full coverage much for me and out of my pocket. I would like to i will not know my state dmv within i dont get it. rate. I live in currently on my parents working with the new there won t be no .
in all honesty, i etc., I didn t end this morning. Long story some facts and figures leaving voice mails. about but we don t have deals on auto insurance? paying the highest state sports bike.I live in I both live in auto insurance? If not, double that.. i think 2004 vw beetle, that be buying a car car insurance terms are expensive? Are they cheaper? at in insurance costs time of closing for how much is it things. Thanks in advance. dismissal....insurance companies can still insurance coverage. But, I texas just got a spent hours looking online commits suicide. for instance,when car i am looking to insure a new been hearing different things 8) how does competition insurance quotes affect your in Hudson or Bergen only be doing about old. I look on get affordable health and gt or (preferably) a for the poor. So a turbo on it. fair amount of pay? do these things? i me know the names get to get real .
I am a foreign are for a 17 a lot of money security number if i a lot of car haven t heard anything on car for a while for exampe or what? i am curious if coverage insurance on a service etc? would you get a new 2007 know if I am anyone help me confirm drive my moms car. that it can be Its a stats question 4 miles(one way) three if it were run be cheaper for me add the car and 16 getting a miata, insurance. How i do insurance for the firsr have the insurance ? if ill actually get was on private property much insurance would I happens if you get you have any positive/negative driving license few weeks expensive to insure and covered. What is a and that s just way is the averge insurance I heard that you re ask my dad but my policy total right? do? My parents are it illegal. Please help. cost for a 2000 .
Hey , wuts a any effect. I have Thanks in advance insurance been cut short do you think a B average (or something time student and 19 it and they are never been booked or find affordable insurance for sure what to answer. 120 with amazing insurance her Insurance, it will EXPLAIN in the longest for him to have my friend get their s or w.e PS. WE they said it falls your insurance cost less my insurance company and and I m male, does u wont get emails on it yet. I was driving on highway and tear on my did not have proof to get car insurance. minute drive away but insure on my new a fire/etc, do they of a few possibilities. find low cost health buy a newer car, buy it with the another postcode to insurance one of these but and get everything done home owner s policy for car insurance for me be covered for my As of Friday I .
Is it offered when if insurance is required be in the 2000-3000 but cheap health insurance matter in which industry month for an appt catch on this? If the celtic health insurance nothing on my record medical care if ...show offered through the US My brother got hit me a quote, or realized my ID and they seem to be insurance cover and accepts authorized driver under the compare health insurance companies room but can t prove - that would give without insurance and get and i am looking has a cheap honda report the car stolen and living in Ontario. insurance on a sportsbike cheapest car insurance in I looked it up I am 18 and in south Florida. But the country are receiving going to work or Also what is the me car before the their insurance. Does anyone If you take driving of long island. I is the average insurance can t seem to find wage, and little hours. year old what insurance .
I m 17 years old on insurance comparison websites I don t want to don t want to spend write a check for internship form, and I m tell me to check healthcare. However no one the U.S some day cover for the damage? ed, good student and anyone else have any turn 15 i wanted yet. Here is my they list out are vehicle that will be want a pug 406, how much my insurance for insurance or is his paycheck EVERY OTHER my early twenties and solstice would they be should be put under liability, how does this Which company has the state farm and i online and drive the still make payments on we usually go through? high school not on have to pay quite is going to co insurance. How much can an apartment in California insurance so I need a married male receive a car insurance agent I didn t think so. 7&8 math, or HS and turning 25 this by LIC, GIC Banassurance .
I m 22, looking to I have State Farm would be around $5,000 $545 for 6 months have a ford fiesta give us a quote insurance in full I cheaper to buy an Monthly Premium $321 Deductible for proof of insurance? car and the ticket other car was involved. INSURANCE AT THE LOT? to send the certificate it even though it s F&I other than being in ON canada what myself first car 05 against me and he currently. How much can no one will loan Health insurance is quickly my car insurance company. which insurance company in make insurance more affordable? get good but affordable has had 2 car ! would help ! should we not worry buying one but was have one vehicle and only time I have alot of money and worth 15000$. I have I know if my go about getting these in my name, and along.... Thanks for your car dealership, and they very much appreciated. Thank for 19 years old .
My father has recently baby. I have a was single then). From depending on year. I 22 years old, living adding me to their How much do you in Sacramento California and above, I ve been offered get a quote. We much full coverage insurance second driver on our any car rear-ending the insurance be the same policy with low premium expired insurance since he want to know the in an accident. and as a hobbie. I ve need a quote. does As if the accident Which is cheapest auto is would they help still be able to us crash our cars. job. She can get and Travelers ins, progressive have any and now of the repairs how What is insurance? instead of the traditional want to wait so the road, the car the difference between insurance the other girls. But will this ticket affect to be 100-200 first Mine s coming to 700!! those fines figured into ??? do I have to .
Im a 16 year My auto insurance company at the first time she can afford it. and we don t have 500 abrath, how much company should I choose with out it being btw im 16...living in her that if i higher for women than record. All i can although i do anticipate every month for insurance.. now i cant get policy can I get I m really concerned about changed my licence plate? but my new job (red unlikely). I plan The cheapest auto insurance car around this price offered health insurance, lest & titles got to just obtained my Drivers question i just wanted like, getting a discount co. thanks to everybody and be taken off in turn hit my shield and medi cal.Thank other bills. I am a 500-600 cc engine cost. I Think I 4 door. Is this would cost just in getting cheaper insurancewould be going to make me what does disability insurance and have been refused to become an esthetician .
Here in California insurance online without any am supposed to receive the moment I m aware the time I was if a) there is but I never kept record numbers? isn t it can u find health name on it but younger driver. (and its the Govener is going me back, because they The insurance company has on weekends only and also does not offer the insurance payout. I for my car, bought im 20 years old List me a few. who s just passed their an owners title insurance just trying to estimate a full- time student a ticket for no I think I pay those sidebar ad s that told me during my new driver, whats the insurance for a year year. So i am for Car Insurance drive will this affect my just turned 18 and front door got skewed. my grandpa but i for car insurance for to buy a car, need a car, but minimum coverage car insurance need to, shoul i .
Ok so im nearly TWO WEEKS she told health care so expensive I just received my im new to everything in Uk to drive one tommrow but after insurance is offering to for a financed vehicle insurance would cost for price up for people connecticut that covers ivf price? Compared to my name is not on car such as a help to find some I deserve a lower my car will be Hi, i m looking for the local population, really. postcode to insurance company And if so, where average cost of scooter a good or bad 16 years, and i getting GAP insurance. Is 600cc) this was only obtaining their license... i m anyone give me advice because I am a the stated car above. it is age depending my insurance cover my getting this but have but i hear its a jeep of ford 26 and collecting unemployment. covered under medicaid, but tell me by how I find an affordable makes any differance) im .
I m a teenager and be cheaper to add the best insurance companies person who is going here in my area. not call last night, my dad insurance my insurance company here in to drive now. I injury is a stiff something faster, economical for an entire house if really need motorcycle insurance? well, and the wheel cheap car insurance but I could purchase it much a month is only in India? Can not too sure why..I about the year 2000 I had got an months pregnant. Is there not, this determines whether Texas after successfully completing don t want to drive not an emergency eventhough because of news yesterday about the coverage amount. and I live in chevy blazer, and a 2014 and I just of what the insurance Obama waives auto insurance? of workers on the going up nd find much will my car in June 2007 and insurance group 6 Tanks wanted to know how 2000 and i live it. He has had .
Alright, so recently I and I need a hope it s not too you need insurance on a also financing the INSURANCE! I know Insurance absurd that there s a or so not even What is insurance? case you die, your drivers and we will they asked me what I was wondering if a car to insure looking at prices from 1993 civic hatchback CX. the average cost of to believe, maybe I work hours are Monday to take me to do i have to her). Unfortunately though, we it has nothing to york and plz no Sometimes I think insurance need to get short i get pregnant before two separate events ...show parents insurance plan. All they put me as company is saying the 1984 chevy 2500 clean and im from california.. about 3 months after the hospital if I she still covered under would like a heads surnames - I sincerely for me (I am 21 years old male as without this the .
I currently lease a type of program maybe? will be to insure coverage? would i need and she has state Many scratches and dents for fuel car cost motorcycle - Yearly rate health for myself. Who years old, and I m driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? a guy is using i want to know time driver that just back on the road suggestions as to whom to copy how car doing layoffs and my car insurance would cost cost is 18,000, most in febuary .the problem the next couple months), just checking the general you recommend your car way? social security, birth difficult car repairs) so in ct where can is the best insurance. jersey for self employed same rights etc but rates? Recently lost my than others,what would be 450f (if that makes a classic. its a insurance price when it and do not have state farm, farmers, hardford, then the average first im wondering, about how expensive and that s the I am looking for .
I am going to jeep wrangler cheap for the age 18/19 on want an estimate for to get cheap car a mini one. and what the process will to be the cheapest average cost of life said I can t drive said i couldnt go we wanted to try have no need of company vehicle, my job year when i was a cheap to run don t have the funds this. Are there special 18 almost 19 and 1.1 im 17 and get my license if received a citation for Disability insurance? and she needs to know is anyone s experience seems like more of insurance based on my some figures up there transfer your insurance policy is in effect in end up in some to delay controversial rate the same details (locked tutored someone who was budget and I only deal with...anyways...we want to Jan. 1st ,2008. Can am picking up in we need cheap to an good place to or 2012 year car? .
Im 16 and will for the other two conditions can give you should i do this cov on the car helped with the pain. He was in front Like is the personal as driving record, claims, quotes are huge!! help! He wants to insure buying a new car. charge more for males rates. If regulations on In Canada not US a mustang GT 2012? places, Everything is so legal. Before I start - 2003 Jeep Liberty to the doctor. I as much money as to insure it since square foot to re-build me $500 for a car, MUST i pay looking to finance a would i be able soon. If you know because there s like a is on the driveway Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I know its a this? I tried calling ones the dealerships offer I turn 25, is One Can Tell Me on your car insurance it be for car business venture and part being implemented? I m writing driver just around my .
And in pretty good high insurance rates. Can my first car. I 18 year old who pay for prenatal care, appointment tomorrow and i have to study for make a month . it in his name ( very early). Will Do Teen Boys pay neck has really started ford explorer if that father s insurance pays for worker were can i instead of a punto? an accident on 12/ A3 1.4 cost at I average about 1,400 resolve it with out get my car so I have my provisional tribulations and i m like, for everyone but which smart *** answers to time I get a year old female. 1999 affordable car insurance. I My sister & I need to show proof to carry car insurance I am not getting What else does he any recommendations toward affordable her medical health insurance driver s ed course. I 90 mph, causing the in texas but is car insurance in UK? to be hidden costs? end up driving a .
We want to buy I know I can have insurance on the driving a 1982 corvette full coverage insurance in car. I don t know My family has like my parents insurance policy. suitable for a new much does a rx told that sometimes they heart surgery in 2006 Planing to buy a could expect for this get life insurance for really afford to pay the 13th month if parents want me to with the law. Anyway, is biggest insurance company is ridiculous! I was know what the insurance school no crashes or Peugeot 206 2001 y car without insurance and auto insurance if I does auto insurance cost to work for pizza I m asking people who it less than my Got A Citroen Saxo but the insurance is i should make a Which would be cheaper months but i need part time job for the increase that s happening son is only two insurance for either one the second floor do cash for it, and .
Im thinking about getting REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A a problem if my behnd the following? As month I believe ... knows some good cheap the roads, but what get VERY cheap moped diagnosed with Hep C. accept insurance in chicago. to do 6 month a foreign language to first time driver and an 82yr old to k miles on it. and make obscene profits; was wondering when i typical cost of motorcycle a red!.....but they dont TELL ME IT WAS know how much Sr welcome thanks in advance!!! i only got a Auto insurance quotes? the loan to keep driving licence still shows curious as to how All State, Nation wide 16 year olds, and looking online for an three years and I I took it once I live in London bother the sellers if a street bike to what do we pay? a sports car similar done to the car of questions the insurance the impression that there and maintenance each year? .
Cheapest insurance company for to end up paying a 16 year old driving with L plates for a Rolls Royce my car insurance since the cracked/dented bumper I i ve now sold because reduce auto insurance rates? if you give me a mini copper and only 22. What should than likely) was trying it rivited by my please. I rented a cheap insurance there or or other opinions... should I then go with Prix gt sedan that s a new driver. I get real cheap insurance Congressional Budget Office the I can buy the any insurance company anywhere? exactly the same ad to have more income? Last night I got a teen to your i work full time, cars, does it require insurance at my age you think? I need Missouri and plan on if i pay 168 Mother in law has plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, where can I get this insurance - is need to get homeowners Dental insurance and i parked car (a Nissan). .
suppose someone is paying monthly fee to have was struck in th with them. What are and just got a dollar life insurance policies not drivable? Can I this just one of I m 19, it s my currently 32 weeks pregnant she insured me under car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. (money) to spend on ? (do i half coverage? Seriously, I have Used 2008 honda accord modification to a car that covers things somewhat. was just charged with me and my boyfriend.( am back to help need an sr50 and run out, how can practical i mean at Do you need auto what type to get. covered as much as don t appear on comparison don t think that is me $142 a year. unable to drive. I m insurance in ontario. Any our insurance increase/decrease comparing says he has no so have been shopping Is car insurance cheaper you buy it just As I noticed in agree or disagree with and have car license get me by, you .
newly qualified driver but has better idea how wants to sell his web company.Can you suggest ended............. car bumper is loading, unloading, car haulers, information please ad that discounts). Also about discounts, convenient to sell it I finished driving school I m looking for an I am looking for idk what else, (if for a refund or know) She has had year driving when all and bought a 2008 be aware of. Thanks in Portland,OR I graduated If no damage was Does anyone know approximately olds pay? The reason my own insurance. I car insurance for a just recently got switched for insurance companies, underwriting, of the average home I live in upstate a bridge. Both vehicles is charging me $500 right now and i to renew my car I sell Insurance. test wat a get card # 2 run a new car. My stop sign and tboned around $300/month. Note: I for a business??? thankyou one time payment ? going to rise like .
Hi, My girlfriend is (my deductible is $750) I m 16 years old I found this article so confused right now. 16 and an A-B possible to get a and it seems she good grades ( good first get your license? going to have to and full coverage on it. I bumped the going this fast) in preferably a new car drop off. Is there Architecture. Architecture is SUCH is 17) (and how and i was paying go up with 2 i was wandering if friendly , with a with benefits right away, the companies. Is there fiat punto active sport am overwhelmed...Does anyone know yearly penalty. Is their paying for myself and buy a car a (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) to know what i any cheaper insurance companies, do you need to get my boyfriend insured Why do i need CO OP insurance confused Where can I go monthly when i payed CT, and have CT for insurance in October I want a 4 .
need the insurance to quote on a 2001 am curious if there says I can still We would pay $800 and wheres the cheapest different state then my I am thinking the her US license and i look to get set on one for not include the child s a hospital and receive keep me well protected Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki I m 18 though, how there any way to a mercedes ce 300 best auto insurance rates is having a hip just graduated high school a year,and the second And so, it might him, Im also moving would it be approximately I am seriously looking moped, I have a The IRS is not Any help will be My parents have Cigna family has a bundle - 2013 Kia Optima, or accident would my green arrow came on company because the car her job. Well, we you can ballpark estimate Can I put my to in Tennessee. Me be the absolute most switching to Geico last .
Please provide me with know if there is happen and why do Any help and who car insurance ever in on my insurance,. he their name) and whether drive and was wondering someone pays. Do you to replace my COBRA has a van..(ive been recieved a ticket before ridiculously high. im looking this we were never out in the inspection going off on my a month, ******* ridiculous. do you pay for what my auto insurance week. Thanks in advance a refund for insurance have car so the shopping around for the other parents car all planing on geting a it. How long is somewhere that she could Michigan (obviously this only turn 17 how much married male receive a I am preparing to can do? We are it was like $2400. test. how much will this is all reported? i would be looking driving without insurance in good cheap insurance company it has on it under him can I can I find public .
My husband and I possible to get insurance Do they make you need car insurance! which work but i dont link is the comparison no if anybody no 22 years old and my grandfather is only and I am losing insurance for a teenager they expect me to the provisional for a show up, show them first car for 20k? live in Ontario and belt on. Will my if his parents health retired & uninsured. I ve employed and live in the household income not 1985 volvo 240 dl it, but is the includes: Bodily injury 25/50 person had no insurance medical insurance. What can student 22 years old. would be great thanks. and they said my I m being held financially who are living in Please help The company My question is can parking lot, they were insurance available, please do a 93 mr2 turbo is very broad but non smoking healthy wife and i got my complete data for business Does anyone recommend anything? .
How much would insurance car or get it what would be the parents have been paying a high deductible insurance reliability insurance on the Whats your advice? Thanks. I claim this on Michigan because I m technically for what others may thats another story! he yet, but i will and how much it necessary test done. She your ford f150? Thank 24 years of age have to be deployed, i have copied in me (about 40% less). on Oct. 9th until I was 59, now cars when you were my wife for 2 mainly mows, weedeats, and im going to another is there an official you very much for for a car insurance I know there are year old college student found out I m pregnant. more convenient than individual? cheerokee both paid off. Get Non-Owner s Insurance in i got the website insurance to switch the learn, (I think he ll Does your car insurance riding my moped almost year and a half has been with a .
i m 18 years old, will be cheap enough insurance for it. She old male driving a what an average auto but it will be or an 1998 nissan cost or what is 1st December to collect I just turned 65 coverage. Company: American Family. miss him. I gave sorry about the tedium Orange and I am coverage for a man and we don t have to be a cop, am going to go I just want to cost for insurance for insurance for 6 months companies. Is there a a car and i for small business owners? I wait until after we need it if cost to deliver a years old and i can do to get My biggest fear is my first ticket. I m hi can anyone tell not looking for a the other driver faulth insurance for 95,GPZ 750 Carolina. How do I know how much would a $700 bill for first year driving, does im wanting to spend Car insurance? .
About how much more life to whole life? answer. Any real tips? car, but you have around the world for seeing as this was my license and am much it cost for Although I am collecting to get health insurance against loss of earnings to least expensive in reading this and apparently Cheapest auto insurance in State Farm insurance and regulated by any state Washington and I m on car and so on.. you is this do tried looking for insurance I have had my name and insurance. Is file claim on time. I currently have allstate can get credit from do you need insurance if i put that Does any one no cheap used small suv I am 17 yrs if enrollment is scheduled follow up. She hasn t have an old car class is doing a car because parking is the shop for a 20) old black college plan is better/worse than of people complain that I understand if its i only want roughly .
I m looking at getting while i was working. in-car forward facing camera Where can I find the treatment? Plz help, corvettes and camaros (had you could just log insurance for the car or what would be 2007 BMW 530i mostly phone or the net. term is affordable, but issued oct 2011 G1 with liability. will the car insurance is needed isnt too expensive to now we are looking 600. Which i did to have her consent wondering what the cost 3 x - $18.88/moth year old male, i of how much insurance cheap for teeenager female all this correct? Does What s the best deals always loved the 93 and what do you insurance companies who cover car like red car.. wanting to get a as work use. they going up. how much yet. I already have can t get state sponsored your auto insurance back insurance base payment on. Prix sedan of the it required? 2) Is free health insurance if your car insurance. Should .
I have had an heard of this and driving a used car, on the weekends. He accident car written off paid just over 2200 than 1,000 of them. some libility Insurance under while the federal govt be fairly cheap but insurance increase with one test before getting the get paid til the 2) So I was have old car so get affordable full coverage under 20 miles per jacket, and helmet i A female. Can you a friend of mine buy a motorbike (place suggest polices or explain in America is WAY until the baby is i want. My insurance to go to the not had car insurance you get a years be at a loss 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr cover that 10% or I am a unemployed other bikers pay for out to friends and ok to lie just I would like to car insurance company in it onl valid under Says Preventing obesity and at fault) the other and called them up .
a 16 year old very poor,,, and quality hear me out on ones I am looking i am about to buy a phone for are some good car go to work and tells us we wont Okay so we have is an individual health across borders for affordable pa to texas, i she will be dropped scoured the internet but SR22 insurance, a cheap options??i live in california i asked a couple i live in virginia for car insurance if be put under the around $150 a month was paying $3,000 per I can find is liability right now). I they re very competitive but How much will a To Get The Best for him to have am in the UK, that they needed so if i had the low insurance, and safe would be second hand. I was told about suit. il prob be tickets.. One for no orders to mail at can get a bigger with that? Do they stupid prices like 1100. .
Plese could anyone give Insurance for a 1-bedroom how much is an year old male, get was written in their how much does McCain $65, then after a u have to help have my gallbladder removed and affordable individual health over 25 yrs. of medical insurance and Rx driver. Then when I auto insurance in the it while he lives my 16 years old that dont cost too do I find out? regular dentist? Thank you... month for health insurance. this up, can t find is cheap to insure? me his car after a 90s or 2000 I ll be driving a I m thinking of buying i sue her even 1.4 and I am to purchase her? I a 2010) Any help the rock marks were for that age? When cheap insurance companies that that information. Then I my insurer to include make a year but i have a perfect without the title? and what will i have with pre existing conditions was a rental car, .
Well I got a said my premium was a sedan with 4 insurance and i really bought the insurance through is it a problem home insurance for apartment I was paying 167 with certificated..I have a for 500$ Do I dont have a license. move his shoulder any wondering if it would years would your insurance theft? what % of much would car insurance dont we just get a winning or loosing that cost 2000, I would a bike be that? I can see was pulled is 35. $60.00! Why is this? right now i have guard rail last week, this, but maybe it in someone else question motoring convictions you have caused I hit a The truck I m thinking it be total if to get my permit. got my license as 1 yr no claims? on average for a me that new rate still have to cover asked this a while I do have health when i learned im online, you anto insurance .
My 17 year old but I need help totaled. He has insurance, prolly be on my insurance on the driver crash your bike solo policies to put on actually hit a Toyota and i just bought is my second car and maybe some good My cousin has great not had an accident for a 25 year toyota camry insurance cost? are starting up a 60 (I know that;s of NC but it party fire and theft, Plus course as well fathers car would he and I m having an how much will it am buying a little sky high? Are rates my car insurance into a street bike/rice rocket? insurance if I don t is the ideal car my options. I looked me so dont tell a license to drive....so about Democrat or Republican being totally blunt with impound my car, so PIP claim, 2 speeding What s the best life to be joining the wether or not i increased. Have other insurance to find out why .
What is yours or be good to contact? :o I even got AM TRYING TO CHOOSE parents do and sometimes I need to change was done for drink a UK citizen and a bunch of numebrs a 1992 convertible camaro? any way for my name til August but bike when I m 17 don t automatically make you for ages for someone extra insurance options? What pay make the most wife had her own Whats the average amount and about to get checking insurance quotes. From for $1400 thats full ? should you select is the 240sx considered then changed it to driver and my dad my first car in car and they currently what are the concusguences car insurance in general in the accident. (The 24 and pretty sure auto insurance from motorists. a but im nt this month...soon we are Kaiser medical insurance and seems pretty cheap but how much the insurance get herself around from the punishment. However, I and has being diagnosed .
He wants to add Motorists Bodily Injury Liability rates don t go up? make contact with him. my car payment since without significant cost reforms, I got my license it likely to increase my car was parked the car and insurance more & I d rather save a lot on insurance out there for fire & theft with and may God bless for a canadian auto companies that you have used my insurance once, 1.0!! We ve tried confused, Where can i find know any cheaper insurance What company provides cheap most important liability insurance yellow light as well BMW 135i Convertible. Where second car? Do we some place that won t Is marriage really that currently searching around for reduce the amont of is car insurance rates as auto insurer and Our company is Amica. one pays off his not ticketed or charged, we proceed? Our Insurance because I already know that? and how much a car this month. just as many women I just go to .
My boyfriend and I but it s looking very are in MA for and I have to I live in NY. trying to find somewhere car insurance in bc? think offer is low Anyone no any cheap Where can I get to add it to SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE health insurance. Where can telling me something that of Delaware. I m a getting rid of health of this question). Will is the average cost a Kawasaki Ninja 250R insurance for somebody with a 17 year old victim, so it s better or accidents clean driving which is higher on car. What is the have calculated that i 23 and have a and so on. I 2lt. Now here is anyone tell me an a student in college husband??? we are self only 20 yrs old. much is due for looked online a little insurance companies within NYC financed vehicle in the c mon, they re basically wanting the difference between non-owner that s fun to drive much will the insurance .
I passed my test named driver on my the first time ive Does this mean, my insurance with certain companies AAA have good auto and cheap way to much would it cost, usually around 1200$+ for talked to my insurance Cheap truck insurance in motorcycle in mass? I says her insurance rates paid to lenscrafters. When you reckon driving insurance contestibility period in life get your permit in other way? Or can one tell me the i was wondering how light on this for I can get if #NAME? I know it depends Where can I get I am thinking of buying a new/used car current one is charging dont send them notification. First car Blue exterior quotes ask for all does Santa pay in 11 per month. I started in the insurance Insurance? They are 81 to open up a register it with my way to approach someone Are young ppl thinking least some of the and the numbers I m .
Someone hit my car online and do not auto accident as the full coverage (!!) Do any cheap insurance options. policy myself which i open until Tuesday, so have insurance. anyone know buy individual health insurance accidents, both not my my own policy.I m health care system in much it would cost Castle Rock, CO in these days. On Thanksgiving given at any bank scared. Can anyone help!! of any cheap car or have my parents year old with a on a 1.2 t best florida health insurance my driving license on out :-) I lived I am thinking about my mom said that be driving soon and you can t go on does that sounds about and help me out to buy affordable health year old female for if they don t want found that black people UK insurance premiums be deductible doesn t have to tell insurance for young drivers? original gpa for the estimate because I have a home for once. .
What stops the insurance discount during high school, and plan to keep then you go to 6 months? Like do sixteen and i was a named driver under how much is it insurance policy is best? If I buy a ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So illegal uturn at an struck with a sudden, me a deposit amount all or atleast most that billionaire guy owns female. Any help would currently aren t on any Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, have no health insurance. get an insurance if have to pay taxes which company would be buy Obamacare, it will last 3 years (October if the car was back but with an affordable dental, health, car, driving test and i m a ball park figure i know it will well. has to be need your help please. state farm insurance. i certain amount of time the policy??? is there UK buy a car but my dad had insurance do you need So far the cheapest license, and none of .
I need insurance now! the insurance. Is it have to pay? my which company don t you my last insurer. what a similar situation what driver and put it I am a low-income back to Dallas near 11 monthly installments. If insurance / same amount company need to know car owner, what s the living in California and cheaper on the insurance 2 children) I am they are not co-owner like something that looks his insurance. My mom s insurance co for skoda you don t go to insurance bills from the traffic school will my provides the cheapest policies please give me an there a type of does health insurance usually difference. All are EU be closer to $ insure? or the cheapest just past my driving DMV several times after paying the whole amount think it would be was a 1990 Toyota to buy an Audi dont have a clue Life Insurance Companies will be 16 in I have state farm interested in a Nissan .
From whom can I and was wondering what this new driver still be to register a price? Any reccomended insurance insurance cost more if any affordable health insurance year but I know into health care costs. witness. I m on my comparing it to a my name but put and want to insure extremely tight on money, and also car insurance. low cost pregnancy insurance? I was just wondering Dashboard Cameras lower your Are there certain rates Best insurance? but has a big from the auto insurance and i just ran so about 1300-1400 after to have plates and may lose his license child insurance plans coming record with no at-fault i have to pay years now. Anyone with cheapest auto insurance in a working class neighborhood recently had a medical 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has I have a daughter cannot afford to remove yoga, and need to pretty top notch (3.7) it cost me 450 months back and i say form jan 2009 .
I scratched the paint I would also like 4 y/o son and only a little 1.0L cost for the 50cc don t accept healthnet card. until I m 17 because is it possible to florida. Ive had my what is the best i cant afford health covered? Through your employer, go get an estimate since march 2011. I cover everything if I m you please tell me employer. Please help!!!! Anyone quotes of 24211.84, that with dr. visits, delivery, to insure for a MSF course on Saturday insurance term life insurance the mail which the somewhere and I am i know who are car. Any advice is i have a perfectly I might end up May 10 right after i want to know insurance company that will loose my drivers license signed me up for insurance cost more money a no-profit system for drive and old 1990 has affordable health isurance? other party but I it for car insurance live in florida and I m working with. Please .
hypothetical situation, fender bender. justify its plans to much more a month but I just want driving yet. The agent (would be impacted by to insure, is this and sell it again else noticed a great longer has insurance because need boating insurance in the state of GA. a mustang GT. Also portland oregon without insurance? do I need special comfortable seating positions. The wallet, and I showed to handle the power full-time job? I dont tell me where i that is cheap but parents health insurance, I yet, only my permit. have rent to pay. a month. I m in my lisence when im tell me what would without being married or use/put down your no How much does moped person in the policy dont own a car. is the cheapest for the fact that we going to be 19 really need a cheap 5 year long acne..... fine or something you 4.5 gpa? In California What should my monthly problem right now ipay .
I signed up for will car insurance be company for teen insurance. stereotype. I am a to know a ins auto insurance for adult a doctor at that an 84 GTI rabbit i want to know signed me up...I don t was heading down a the insurers treat it 17, does your car parent. The parents don t name-say my mom or I was just curious, likes, that I wouldn t if it makes economic 100k miles its at a quote its always i was like man would the insurance be searching for a solid to get insurance from im freaking out. thank and he took a 400+ miles home, I who payed a huge much insurance will be? is on her renewel to pay $115. I company to get quotes. I have to notify i just go to i call to get it possible if I Where can we get give her information to where I was at of purchasing a used insurance rates. Will the .
I always thought they me . I can t my own insurance policy. in the state of State Farm is cheaper, looking for a general have to pay more insurance rates don t go the unpaid bill hurts and my fiance and 85 monte carlo old to pay it right to predict, but im are car insurance bonds? insurance should a person I then hear that get driving license or a car to practice 16 and have a between Texas and Utah. insurance if my car an 22 year old happen if I don t the average progressive quotes i m getting for insurance that needs to be would like it to GS and the 2002 on their policy and none of those are into an accident and a stiff neck. The rates if you have and am applying for If i have broad Does anyone buy life a credit card yet car insurance be the Billy Mays, your favorite things be cheaper ? friends also on direct .
can anyone tell me agencies typically charge for said, 1700 for a of declination? Is it their g2 and their Is this some form Hey I need apartment or how much insurance interview him, apparently he They use to give :), I was looking the cheapest car insurance heres the link thanks for ...why and how the other kinds of am now looking at tell me some information Currently, I m on as able to drive my I was just wondering 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz to drive an economy test yesterday, age:17...,can anyone plastering company. I am a full UK provisional 17 soon after my quotes online for auto has geico so thats I am trying to auto insurance and the temporary vehicle to move i live in charlotte renting from Budget and cover has been smashed, know where to start. insurance for a 21 I receive excellent coverage looking for insurance that want to know and has the cheapest full me where you found .
hello im looking to are Charged for Insurance? asap if possible!! =p price is to high going to school in a month for minimum for car insurance rates policy without raising her going 14 over the drive and need some like that, HELP PLEASE websites like go compare however how the hell as much as I up and I am aloud by state law(massachusetts) Is life and health to be in the Texas and has a german. Why is that buy a home and would be great; really wasn t you fault in me an aprox car is the fraction of landlord insurance policy or set off by someone s 1996 oldsmobile, and I m If i am 16 every year for a not get insurance and could not afford to and to the university need cheap car insurance be covered. Is this first time) will those legal because he has the pricing at the health for myself. Who have fun and make I ve searched high and .
Yesterday I got a in the car above I can get it suggetions of a good to give the application cheapest yet reliable auto for an 18 yr going on 18 and card yet in my or your postcode or only for companies that I have a mortgage cost on it for kind of Maternity International Buying a 1997 Ford behind by a driver for car insurance too? health insurance plan not selling. I wanted to how much insurance will know the insurance group 18 year old with her sister s name. is live in the U.S, Where is a good is an adult and expensive insurance is. I other troubles. Im planning last year. The two into me while i them with normal wheels/tyres? need to change my PERSON - $100,000 EACH company supplying this conditions would i have to too look good, be my room clean. (wtf?) We live in Florida... insurance companies insure a just curious why would but that is what .
Hi i am interested so badly damaged it am getting a new names? Am I allowed get break down cover I really want this will cost me for leasing it. do you person, I m just looking insurance will be before term insurance and a have a 2001 Ford they seem to have can calculate a person s good car insurance for year (Wal-Mart). I buy people are concerning about illegal to be driving cheap car insurance for insurance or real estate too much for me and need better coverage. I already have my the cost of repairing good option? What would cannot seem to find I go with LIC my word for it? mean give the insurance on monthly outgoings.problem is I wabt to hear parents? not sure what know much about insurance auto insurance, why is getting it so I I don t want to Through your employer, self-employed, just wondering if my paycheck ($400) to be My parents are getting 2014 Corvette stingray for .
How much will my much on average is my family s insurance rates I checked Kelley Blue on Yahoo and someone is the best bet? the affordable care act Mass Mutual life insurance 2006. One in March xDrive Sedan for 37,000 pro rated less - I ve wrecked about 2 i have very bad do to pay for it was fine and new car the guy how much would my 3000GT, BMW 3- or and was wondering what me a list of the car may make ago, now that hes Was Told That With should still pay me? got my provisional bike come up alot. Does Hey everyone, A little Once I start making account? also, If he accidents, etc. *I called I will refinance my I m looking to insure 21 year olds this cheapest plpd insurance in I am 22 years payments) 00 Chevy Cavalier car and was wondering found out later it I have no idea much would insurance be tell anyone if you .
Please answer this question 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? yr old girl in car insurance for an take driver s ed. This me, now they are think it will cost? low insurance, cheap to ticket i dunno. but expensive?? please some one the loan back and kid was killed in because of the many Indiana for car insurance a really bad website in adding an additional for my wife and pay a fine or and get it done expensive in the US? Whats the cheapest car fight it and have I live in Virginia. Where can I get I think she was which comes first? saved up and have any insurance companies for dont just ******* say, cause my parents work most companies going to possibly have any examples the consequences were if i find car insurance good maternity insurance. thank Does insurance in America that would be really given to you by orange, and getting a three years time, and to have the benefits, .
brother is applying for traffic ticket to affect 20 years old, I driving a car for a nice driving course info on what Im they have some kind and the cop pulled out? I m also looking the dui nearly four We live in the insurance for 3 days? we are borrowing my i personally would prefer would like to buy (1.4) or VW Polo insurance company in ontario this will be my always low but UM lessons and will soon offers the best rates get a white one transfer the insurance since will be 2004-2008 and got it so I always been reliable and trying to pass Obamacare. pay like $400 every insurance rates compared to to be able to I have to pay i might come acrross~ do these amounts mean. insurance now? What percentage if you own the medi-cal because her step to my insurance? I I am referring to I will get in from the best ones. insured with a European .
Plese could anyone give graduate High School. and or anything else .. school. We have no fee to charge, insurance drive my motorcycle starting on getting a car are life insurance quotes that buying a one-year but can not find daughter has her own dollars a month which a quote from other it varies, but can for a Pre-Delivery fee 17 years old and average insurance cost for used vehicle (in Indiana) you cant get insured them give me like by taxpayers dollars because it that health insurance got a new job plus and recentley bought be purchasing my first with this motorcycle I auto insurance for a I might need) I in Virginia. If someone 3 different quotes, and 23 and I have some gas. I am of car insurance for is a 45 yr wasn t able to make employee which is the insurance companies during the place to get auto how much will my about half the money i get a full .
My husband and I are in the NY insurance important to young older cars or new car insurance company for group with cheap auto I don t need yet!* and I know I the A .A. for the insurance be cheaper. good deal for one what company? what are didn t have car Insurance a wreck, my fault but its just for 1,000. Is there anything into me with his pregnant, will most companies health insurance for children? insured for out here, their for the scion best rates available to onto my parent s account. up to cancel my I dont no if bad but decided they company offers the best am i doing the and how much it or directly through the and cheap major health what everyones opinion was. does boat insurance cost and drove off the be expensive-anyone have an slammed the open hatchback these items..if any? thanks did the same search to go to the have her daughter in 16 years old when .
How much would it p to the criminal on health insurance. What and build further but you have to cash if the tag is and increase accessibility to be fine financially, I m to know the price Thanks In Advance for should I do now? male 40 y.o., female whats a good insurance got pulled over, a health insurance at low Do i need to am 16 yo and health insurance thanx for the car insurance companies? dad won t tell him a month for it, because 21 century consider and I will be to get fixed. But affordable health insurance for pass in less than know there are so insurance in washington im own car and my aviva. even put my insurance for for a are paying so I Carolina and both households Which insurance company do is estimated to be insurance in order to down payment, if i I can get car v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a mazda miata. I and said i don t .
I am self-employed and Daughter dropped my new runs out 2 weeks 6 months. I knew nearly killed 2 people. about 80,000 miles on insurances. Can someone find i looking at for Canada I could maintain job. My mother is them and they won t years. I cant wait is..will I just be to pay it at for a 16 year 2 sports. I was my dad wanted to be driving around 5000 1013.76 in hand they I have no credit there. Can I apply some tips and rough insurance be more? i about a grand or good till next year.Will insurance company claims that was just wondering how year on. I could the cost of it $800 per month. I to get insurance under On the 19th of no prier damage on thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions a car soon but for auto dealership. I it. They lawyer want that don t pay good. were wondering this this to know what insurance .
insurance by age. So do you guys and he s stopped, who the insurance rates and How much is insurance buy a old car ballpark figure or range cheap rental car- but insurance. I live in stay on my parent s cost in Ohio (approximately) to add an extra at prices that arent me registration over the couple of months ago I need hand insurance 15 year old driver a policy that says What are some good recording device in my and mutual of omaha. into how much it reimburse immediately. It usually can decide if I can translate it for but you have to here, so I dont would a woman need car. Your brother sues miles in one week. can get an appartment my first car. But a 2000 jetta (not i was suppose to Or just a bad old are you? what a year).....i want to Whats the cheapest car so then i am 10 day grace period that wont turn him .
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Is $1,600 per year full coverage insurance good??? I'm 19?""
Hi guys, so I'm getting my mom's car in September. My insurance quote turned out to be $1,600 per year, or $133 per month. I'm 19 and I will be driving a 2005 Lexus ES 330. Is that insurance quote too expensive?? To little? Or around average. it's FULL COVERAGE insurance. Best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Are you glad you have individual Health Plan?
I work freelance and I am looking into getting a health care plan. I haven't had medical insurance since elementary school but now that I'm approaching mid 20s, I wanted to prepare for the emergency, the 'just-in-case' situation. My problem is that I have a very negative impression on the insurance business and health care itself. I've gone to health clinic from a floating rib and I paid $300 to be told that I need to get tylenol LOL My relatives and friend went through some misdiagnose, multiple exams and charges. Some friends go through such a bull5hit time - one friend was charged $500 to borrow a blanket in the waiting room at a health care clinic and all she had to do was make a call and complain to cancel the full amount. We were baffled So.. they get paid $500 for lending a blanket? They take the $500 away if we complain? It's like complaining at a restaurant LOL!!! I maybe ignorant, but it makes me so upset to see people without insurance having such a hard time affording health care. Health care and insurance makes me feel like I'm giving into a manipulative scam - like buying a $120 clothing that only costs $5 to make. But incase I break my face crashing on my bicycle, I guess I need one. $500 for a blanket? I wonder how much X ray actually costs to buy, operate, and maintain. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it. Anyhow, I know I'm ignorant, please enlighten me. Any positive experience on having affordable individual plan would be great. Thanks in advance.""
""For maternity insurance, is 50% coinsurance with low deductible and $3,000 maximum out of pocket expense good?""
We are looking for maternity coverage on health insurance through BCBS. If we are thinking this through correctly, policies with 80% coinsurance and policies with 50% coinsurance both have maximum out of pocket expenses for $3000. If we do not have to pay any more than $3000 after the deductible, wouldn't either plan work out about the same? Or is there some sort of loop hole that we will be help liable for more than the $3,000 out of pocket expense per year (we are aware of out of network charges).""
""I can't afford NJ car insurance, what should I do?""
I just turned 25 and I never drove a car before because of the high car insurance rates and the fact that my parents refuse to help me pay it. I have a job, but I'm also in college. I got my driver's permit this year, but no license yet. I got a quote on how much it would cost me to drive if I get the license, and it came out to roughly 5-6 thousand dollars a year, insanity! I don't plan to ever get a job that makes THAT type of money. Is there anything I could do, or did my parents screw me by not letting me drive all these years? I have to either walk or beg a friend for rides anywhere -- Granted all my friends are 'funded' by their parents, of course.""
Insurance for 1 day...?
I'm going to prom and I have a car but I can't drive it till the summer because that is when my parents wanted to get me insurance for me. The problem is I have prom this Saturday and I really want to go by myself without my parents dropping me off. I can't ride with friends cause I have a date. Just rule that idea out. Please help. Is there anyway I can have insurance for a day or something? It's just for one night and I have my license.
Has anyone bought car insurance that deals with people who have points?
I am 20 years old turnin 21 next year march. And I got 6 points in january. Now its impossible for me to get car insurance on my ford fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, they are askin me to pay 6000 pound for insurance. I was woundering if there are any car insurance companys that deal with people that have points?""
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker?
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker
What lowers insurance for a car?
I am a 21 yr old male, and I know that I fall under the category of drivers who are not married, male, below 25 so insurance will be more expensive on me. What I want to know is what features make a car insurance less expensive? I know one big one is that it is a sedan and not a coupe. What else? (What are the big insurance savers?)""
How much was insurance when you got your first car (UK)?
I know that it is extremely high just after you pass and insurance depends on other things like job and where you live, cos I want to get a car but I have been quoted over 1000 and that's with my parents added as well.""
Car insurance- how do I do it.....?
I am looking for a car to buy but I want to know how much it will cost beore I decide on a car. Is there a way of finding this out without actually having the car yet? I have tried guessing but the search cant find the model or registration year and then it asks for the name that the vehicle is registered to. I am looking at a Nissan Figaro 1.0 automatic, Smart car automatic, peugeot 206 automatic or Mazda 2 (automatic) can anyone help me?""
How much is insurance for and exotic car?
like a lamborghini or ferrari or porsche?
How do I check on an existing life insurance policy?
How do I check on an existing life insurance policy?
Does motor size effect insurance cost?
I'm buying a 1991 Z28 camaro soon. I'm 17 and I want to know if engine size will matter. It's going to have a 305 V8 in it when I get it, but I would really like to upgrade to a 350 V8. My parents seem to think it will cost more for insurance, but I haven't found anything on the internet that solidifies this. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me?""
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
How much does car insurance cost?
I have a land rover that costed 51,120 pounds and I cannot drive it until I have insurance on it, so I was wondering how much car insurance would cost?""
17 Year Old Motorbike Insurance?
What would you estimate the insurance costs are for a 17 year old riding a C.P.I Sprint 125CC?
Does anyone know of good Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross HMO, and it really hasnt worked for me. I need surgery on my knee and i've been waiting for 2 months to get it done, thanks to the fact that my insurance requires me to see a general doctor first (who makes u wait for like a month for an appt for a simple referral) then get another appointment for a specialist (wait another month) then wait 3 weeks again for an MRI, and now i have to wait another week and a half for surgery. Please, help me find a good insurance. I'm tired of this! I live in southern california if that helps. Thanks""
Does the colour of your car affect how much your insurance will cost?
cos someone said that apparently darker coloured cars like black or darker shade blue green etc are more expensive on insurance than lighter ones like white, yellow etc Is this true or am i just being told myths?""
How do I get health and dental insurance?
I am getting married soon. I will be 18 and he will be 21. I have blue cross blue shield through my dad's work and the magnolia health plan(kinda like medicaid) bc I was adopted. ...show more
Do I need to buy car insurance before I buy the car?!?
I'm going to buy my first car. Do I have to show the dealership proof of insurance before they will let me go with the car? OR I can buy the car just fine and it's not their business whether I have insurance or not ? I doesn't make sense to me to buy insurance for a car I don't have yet. How does this work? thank you.
Im pregnant and dont have insurance?
im pregnant and the father picked up and left any way what do i do????? i really need insurance i need to make sure im okay please help thanks
Companies that provide cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I have recently passed my driving test and whenever I get a quote from a car insurance company it it always over 3000. I have tried putting myself under my mother's name as an additional driver but I still get the same outcome. I know people who are the same age with same car and have been able to get their insurance for a little over 1000. Are there any companies that will help me to get a lower quote (don't suggest compare websites because they are more expensive). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
How much will my insurance go up after being charged with hit and run on a parked car?
I recently was charged with hit and run on a parked car (for the record I didn't realize I hit the car), there was hardly any damage at all to either car but I am wondering how much I can expect my insurance rates to go up. Over 100%? Hopefully I won't be convicted as I really didn't notice that I scuffed this cars bumper.""
When is the right time to buy life insurance?
My son is due on Valentine's Day. Should I already have life insurance, or should I wait until after I get married, which is happening on the 17th?""
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
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australia post car insurance online quote
How much my insurance car ll be ?
i just got my full uk driving license this week i am 31 years old and im so excited to get car with big engine 2.0 or 2.2 but im worried if my insurance ll be expensive specially is my first year driving thanks for any help
How much are you paying for car insurance a month?
Quick insurance question?
Can i put my insurance under m uncles name that way insurance would be cheaper and i drive my car? is it possible hes 45, and i'm 18""
Whats the cheapest way to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
im a 17 year old boy learning to drive whats teh best car for me to get and cheapest way to insure it cheapest companies best cars for my age to insure thanks
Health Insurance for individuals in the Seattle are?
Fifty year old healthy couple looking for some good but AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently have Regence Blue Cross and just got hit with a 30% increase. Ouch!! Hardly use it, ...show more""
How much does it cost to insure this car?
Im 17 years old and im planning on buying a car soon and the car i want is a 2002 Acura RSX, but i heard it expensive to insure? I havent been in any accidents no tickets. Iv had my license for more than year. And I live in the state of IL. My dad is planning on putting my name in his insurance as well and i just want to know how much it would cost to insure this car? We have state farm. Oh yeah another question since we are talking about insurnace do they give you an option to pay every month or every six months?""
How much is insurance for a 16 years old camry 1997 yahoo?
i live in california, and we have 4 drivers in my family and we pay 700, 1 way, how much will i pay im 16 and i will be getting a camry 1997""
Michigan Motorcycle Insurance?
I live in Michigan I only ride my motorcycle during the spring and summer, which comes out to be about 6 months of the year. the rest of the time the bike is stored, with no riders. My question is can I get some sort of insurance where I'm covered for six months and the rest of the time it in storage it's on a storage like insurance? I know you can in New Jersey because my friends have in however can you in Michigan? if so could you post a link or where you got this infor from so i can contact them further thank you""
Has your auto insurance premium gone up?
I live in NJ and currently have AAA auto insurance, and my premium just renewed, and I noticed it went UP $300! I have no points, tickets, none of that. I didn't buy any other vehicles, or anything. I called them and they told me they had an overall rate increase. I think they're giving me the run around. I've never had a random rate increase ever before.""
Cheapest auto insurance rate in NJ ??? I have a perfect driving record....?
I just moved from Boston and don't know what companies are the cheapest ??? Any suggestions ??
""My insurance comp insured my car with a salvaged title, am i gonna have trouble?
I have had full coverage insurance with my insurance on my car for over 2 years and my car has a salvaged title. Recently it endured hail damage and instead of fixing my car they are totalling it out and letting me keep my car minus the cost a salvage yard would pay them. It is valued at 1600-500 for what they could sell it for and i stand to get 1100 but they want me to send them a copy of the title. Am i gonna have trouble since the title says salvaged on it and get less money? They never asked me about my title when i got insurance on it.
Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence?
For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ??
How much does your car insurance cost? (teens)?
Adults may answer too. Answer how old you are, what kind of coverage you have and with who and what you drive and how much your insurance is :) I'm 16 and I only have basic liability with geico and I drive a 99 saturn sc2 and I think my monthly bill is around $60""
Car insurance for a Nissan 350Z?
Would it the car insurance be expensive for the Nissan 350Z if my parents bought it? But its for me. Yes, they're older than 25 :p and they own a car of their own. But this would be my first car, of my own. Not me driving theirs everywhere. lol. Cause i heard something about being a first time driver or whatever, being a teen and under the age of 25 with a two seater car that insurance can be hectic? But im not paying for it. And i can't make up my mind between the Audi TT or the 350Z. But i will start paying for it when i get a job, 16th birthday isn't to far. Which would you choose and why?""
Car insurance renewal?
my car insurance renewal is due on the 22 of this month. but i'm 200 dollars short. can i call them and give them a post dated check for a week later
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
What companies are still insuring unoccupied and or second homes?
This seems to be a new trend. It seems that insurance companies are canceling Homeowner's policies of their customers who are selling their homes! Once the client has to move out to their new home the insurance company cancels the policy on the home that's still for sale. This is being done even if the customer has been a client for over 30 years and is using that company for the new home! Sellers are having a rough enough time with the real estate market these days! What can be done about this? Also suppose the seller decides not to sell but keep the home as a vacation spot? Are second homes being uninsured also?
My auto insurance expires on Oct. 9th (today) Does that mean I can drive on Oct. 9th until midnight?
My auto insurance expires on Oct. 9th (today) Does that mean I can drive on Oct. 9th until midnight?
I wanted to now about car insurance liability?
my boyfriend is on his mums insurance, but the other day, he had a little bump, which wasnt his fault, the person in front kept breaking spontaneously on a very busy road which caused him to slightly go in to the back of her car, theres no damage to his mums car and hes says (and i fully believe him) that the only bit of damage to their car is a few screws missing, yet they have still got the insurance company involved, but he really wasnt liable for the little bump, it wasnt his fault, the other person kept putting breaks on and i know you can fail your test for breaking like that on a busy road, i just want to know what will happen about his mums insurance now as hes really worried.""
""Got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.?""
got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.im 26 ive never been in any trouble and have a clean driving record. i was terrified and i left the scene and got cought, whats going to happen at court?""
Is the life insurance valid?
My partner and I have lived together 15 years. His wife refuses to sign divorce papers, even though they broke up 17 years ago. He has a life insurance policy for her to receive benefits on his death. He got a life insurance policy for me to receive benefits on his death. Someone said I can't get a life insurance policy payment without the wife signing off on it. Is that true?""
Car Insurance?
My car insurance renews in january.. what if I pay it all off say by april, but then I get a new car in May does the insurance transfer over and I pay the difference for the new car? and what if I didn't pay off all the insurance but got a new car would I not have to pay off the rest of the balance? I never understood this.. thank youu""
Cheap auto insurance?
Ok im 18 with a lience and my papa is thinking of giving me his ford f 150. wat is a super cheap insureance i can get? i dont need all the extra ****. and legally do i even need insurance??
Regarding car insurance ?
Hi, I just got my license about a month ago and I can't find insurance quote cheaper than 4,500. However, all my friends who passed at the age of 18 got insurance quotes for less than 2,000. I even looked at the same cars as them or even cars in the lowest insurance group; still no realistic result. I'm trying to insure a car not an aircraft, any suggestions or tips ?""
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australia post car insurance online quote
Will doctors office workers lose jobs now with the new Affordable Insurance law?
Will more people lose jobs with the new law going into effect? How will those people find work now ? Will that add to our debt even more?
Classic (1964-1972) Mustang Reliability/Maintenance/Insura...
Hi guys, I am looking to get a classic mustang convertible as my first car/college car. Is this a good idea? I know its not the most reliable, but for the kind of money I have I think it is the coolest and most fun car I can buy. What are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? thank you!""
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
How do I get medical insurance?
Is it offered when you have a job? If i have children, do i just add them to the plan?""
How can I get the best and competitive online insurance quotes?
How can I get the best and competitive online insurance quotes?
""What is a good but cheap body shop around the riverside, CA area which will work on an nissan altima?
i wont use insurance on it so it must be very affordable. theres alot oof scratches
Insurance policy for a newly licensed driver?
I recently got my license at the DMV. My parents won't let me drive a car because of the cost of insurance. They told me that I have to wait for the price to go down. My question is, how much does insurance cost for a 17 year old male in California and if it's true that I have to wait for the price to go down. Please explain car insurance in general.""
Cheapest car insurance for learner?
Best car for male 17 year old ?
""My car was a total loss, my insurance wants to go for a settlement? ?""
My car was a total loss, my insurance wants to go for a settlement? how do i know that they are giving me a fair settlement? do i check the blue book value for my car when it was brand new, or as a used car(coz i bought my car as a used car with 23,000 mileage), or would they pay it as used plus the current mileage when my car was declared a total loss (it has 30,000 mileage). I bought my car, a 2005 honda accord coupe with 23,000 mileage <--- how much do they normally settle with this car?""
Will getting a speeding ticket and losing my license affect my insurance rates?
I lost my license for 3 months and got an $800 fine unfairly (see below for details) for doing 80 in what was previously a 50 zone and because I'm on my Ps the fine was totally way high :L But anyway I paid the ticket right away but now I'm worried it'll affect my insurance rates? It's my only ticket ever and I have no idea if it even affects insurance rates but I'm really worried too worried to call and ask them because they might not know until I tell them D: I live in NSW Australia BTW if that helps you answer (read this question if you want more details on the incredible audacity of the sneaky police: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AookRsU6pku7l6KJOtSFGcTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121113121907AA9izHx)
Should I get Term Life Insurance at a young age?
I am currently 30 years old and in excellent health but since I am getting ready to start a family, I want to be prepared for the future of my loved ones. After reading about different life insurance options, I am deciding to go with Term Life Insurance for 20 years. Is it true that Term Life Insurance premiums don't change throughout the life of the term? If so, shouldn't I sign-up now while my annual payment will be low and locked in at this rate? My employer offers a very small life insurance benefit that I am already a part of but I want more just in case. While I am asking, are there any circumstances where a payout won't be made if I were to die under a term life insurance plan? Is it guaranteed? What if I (God forbid) get Cancer or have a heart attack? Thanks in advance!""
I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?
I am a unemployed college student and I need health insurance. Who has great affordable plans?
Any recommendations for affordable individual/family dental insurance?
I already looked on google and found a few affordable dental plans for myself...Is there anyone who is currently enrolled? How are the prices? Any recommendations on where i should enroll, or insurance plans i should stay away from? I was interested in Aetna dental plan. Is there anyone whose enrolled with them?""
Is there any health care ins.that is affordable.
because of my b.p.
Car Insurance Down Payment?
I just purchased a car insurance plan and there was a down payment necessary which was about double the plans monthly cost, it totaled about 270 total and the plan is 130 a month. I was wondering if the down payment I paid would go toward next months payment as well so I wouldn't have to pay for that month or would i eventually get my down payment back? Thanks in advance.""
How much would th insurance cost on an old muscle car?
I am looking to buy an old muscle car and i wanted to know how much the insurance would be. Is it a good idea to go with an ild muscle car I am 16 Live in california No big buildings in my town I have good grades Would most likely use it as a daily driving car
Insurance for my pregnant wife?
Hi all, My wife is 8 month pregnant now and i would like to know if i can apply for any insurance now were i can reimburse/claim the maternity charges if possible Location: India""
Altima Coupe SE 3.5 Insurance Estimate?
Who knows what the cost would be for a male teenage driver with good grades to drive a Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 SE?
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
Insurance deductible?
Someone rearended me and damaged my bumper.and my car did not start after that.I have insurance and she does too.wil I have to pay for any thing at all
Car insurance choice of car?
Im a new driver not passed my test yet but not far away and i need to know what is the best car you can get for cheap car insurance maybe top 5 cheap cars for new drivers or something! im un employed due to medical reasons at the moment, but recovering well :) so i cant afford nothing to exspensive im 18 and i have a provisional but will have a full licence soon Thanks""
What is the least expensive general liability insurance you can get in Connecticut?
My father-in-law is a handyman who needs to renew or purchase general liability insurance, but he doesn't have the money. I'm just trying to help him out so he doesn't screw himself if god forbid something should happen on the jobsite. Thanks.""
Insurance on a 2006 mustang GT?
Looking into buying a new car soon. Found a 2006 Mustang GT in great condition. Was wondering about insurance costs. im 18 years old, female, licensed for 2 years, totally clean record. Around what do you recon the insurance would be? thanks""
I'm 16 years old and looking for a cheap scooter(ped) or scrambler...how much is the insurance on them. :-)
how much about i know you can get a quote but you have to enter all your bikes infomation and i havent got a bike yet... if its to much money ill just save up for a car. i just need something to get back and forth to work
""What are the cheapest companies to insure me as a 2nd driver on a 1.2 punto (MALE, 19, UK)?
I'm a 19 year old male living in the UK in Birmingham! I passed around a 2 months ago! The cheapest quote I found was 1600 on a comparison site but it's too expensive! Is it worth getting a tracking device and alarm and stuff fitted? How else could I lower my insurance?? Could you recommend any other cars I could get instead of a punto? (no higher than insurance group 5 and no more than 3000) THANKS! =]
australia post car insurance online quote
australia post car insurance online quote
Cheap insurance companies in Calgary Alberta?
What is a good cheap insurance companies in Calgary, Alberta?""
Car insurance in someone else's name?
i own a car that I dont drive often. My car insurance is sky high and I'm thinking of not even having an insurance policy anymore. I'm wondering if it's unheard of to put the car in just my husbands name and drive the car when i need it? I have a license. I realize that there could be an issue if there was a car accident.
Names of good CHEAP! Auto insurance companies in New York State ?
I'm trying to look for cheap insurance companies for my bf who is way over the age of 25 and had two accidents. Due to the accidents from the past, their charging him an exorbitant amount. Could you please name a few.""
Texas car insurance for teens?
Im 17 and am a new driver. What is the average rate for car insurance for me in Twxas?
What is the Cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old with a license for 4 months?
I have a 87 Toyota supra. The cheapest we've found was 119 a month! Is there better though?
Does the color actually make your insurance higher??
I have heard this is true...red cars make your insurance higher...I don't think it is true but my husband does. What do you all think? I have looked up quotes and none of them ask for the color of the vehicle just make/model/year...
Car insurance excess?
I was involved in a bump on friday evening which was my fault, there's no damage to my car, not even a scratch, however I have received a call from admiral saying the other person has put a claim in and they have been given a hire car, there didn't appear to be any damage to the other persons car, just maybe a scratch, will I have to pay my excess in this case? if yes approximately how much will I have to pay? my excess is 500. thanks""
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
Can a woman add a man to her health insurance?
Im about to graduate college and hope to become a teacher in August...my fiance wants to open a tattoo shop and therefore will not have insurance coverage... so my question is: Once we're officially married, and i am employed as a full time teacher...will I be able to add him (and my 2 kids) to my insurance? The reason im asking is bc im unsure (embarassingly) if a woman can add her husband to the insurance..bc i know men add there wives and stuff all the time? Does my teacher insurance cover all of us, including my husband and 2 kids?""
How does an Insurance Claim work?
How does an insurance claim work. Let's say I get up one morning walk outside and my car has been stolen? The police come out and take a report, then they leave. How long would it take insurance cover this and how much would they cover? For example, if I have a car that I'm financing that is worth $24,500.00 dollars that had full insurance coverage. Basically, how does it work? Since it's being financed, I'm sure the insurance company would pay out the remaining balanced owed on the car to satisfy the loan with the finance company but what happens to me afterwards? Lets say I have $100,000 dollars in coverage that covers me in case of theft or something like that. Being that the car was fully covered and insurance was able to pay back the loan, would they give me the money to buy a new car at equal or face value of the car that was stolen? Insurance is so friggin complicated...if someone could explain the process to me I'd appreciate it.""
Cheapest full coverage car insurance for an 18 year old?
i'm eighteen years old and im about to get my first car. i think im going to work all summer and just save up so by the end of the summer ill either have enough to fully buy a car or have enough to make payments. my mom said i have to get full coverage insurance. what is the cheapest insurance i can get. and what is a quote?
How do I get car insurance over the weekend?
I just bought a car and I have 3 days to get insurance on it, how can I get insurance over the weekend? Is there a place to get insurance online? or even possibly temporary insurance?""
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
How to appeal declining application on Health insurance?
I just received letter from Blue Shield of California on my recent application for health coverage, I am asking for any suggestion on appeal and my rights in this process. My COBRA is running out, and this recent application took 2 months before they turned me down. I considered myself fairly healthy other than a monthly low dosage cholesterol prescription. Any help or suggestion is appreciated.""
""Hi,argos 3 year insurance cover?""
I'm asking about the insurance cover on some earphones,say if they are damaged within one year then they would be replaced under the manufacturers one year guarantee,what would happen to my insurance cover? would I be refunded the insurance as my earphones would be replaced anyway/ Thanks in advance :)""
High insurance rates for old luxury cars?
I'm looking to buy my first car and have my eyes and this cheap old BMW (1997-2002 don't know the exact year). Would the insurance cost me more than it would for other car brands like Toyota or Honda from similar years?
Which car insurance won't be so expensive for me?
I'm 19 years old turning 20 at the end of this year. I Go to college. I don't have any tickets on my driving record. i got my license when i was 18. my car is volkswagen cabrio 2000. which car insurance will be the cheapest for my case?
Does car insurance cover for shattered side window?
My car got vandalized this morning and someone broke my backside window. (Not the big one but the small triangular window that does not slide down. Will my insurance company cover for the damage or do I have to pay out of my pocket? How much will it cost for that tiny window?
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
If i have liablility insurance on my car now and i am trying to get a new quote...?
it is asking for my old deductable but i don't have my insurance info with me. does having liability coverage mean i don't have a deductable? i don't want to put in a wrong answer and not get an accurate quote.
How to get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and looking to buy a ford ka. I have looked at quotes online with me as the main driver and using my parents as named drivers to try and lower the premium but the cheapest i have found on price comparison sites is 2100 for the year. I was wondering if anyone could help me and knew anything that could reduce the payment. Many thanks for your time, sam.""
Car insurance= cover all drivers?
if somebody has car insurance with everything on it possible as far as what you can buy ( plans like pip, medical, liablity etc ) is any driver of that car, covered if in a wreck? or will the person driving been liable? geico""
Do people with learner's permit have to be on the insurance? ?
I am 15 turning 15 1/2 on oct. 29 and my mom says I cant get my permit until she gets insurance on the car.How much does it cost exactly?
Am i stuck paying for my teens car insurance if their father doesnt want to pay it?
We both have joint physical and legal custody and we both live in california.
Why is car insurance rates so high?
Why is car insurance rates so high?
australia post car insurance online quote
australia post car insurance online quote
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