#bc ive been keeping it as faithful as possible to the originals
dragonroilz · 10 months
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Only two arms, two legs - but with 22 unblinking, crimson eyes.
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iamthat-iam · 1 year
hey Bry, i hope you’re doing good, i wanted to ask for help because im tired of this, like i dont know who else to ask ( 😔 ) could you please tell me what i'm doing wrong?  (long text ahead)
i’ve been into Non Dualism for a while, not that much tho, i was into the Law of Assumption community and i was having that point of view and the i discovered ND. I felt like i was being blessed because the main idea of Non Dualism is so freeing. I consumed all types of ND contents you can imagine, i was in every corney of the internet looking for info and different perspectives, and i was doing…. meh. I was learning but i had my up and downs but i was slowly “detaching from ego”. Then something happened i had a few problems with a class of mine and i felt like a fell from the progress that i had. I was trying to read more and more content to try to make me understand that “hey its ok”, ofc that never worked because my teacher accused me of plagiarism and the owrse part is that is true but is not bcs of bad reasons i just used AI  and wanted to make my assignments easier and my mental health was awful for me to complete them. Then i found out that my grades were low and i dont know if im going to fail, or repeat my semester, and the worse, i dont want mynparents to find out and pay for those classes. I feel awful because they’re really expensive and i just want to solve this. Believe me, im so tired of reading content and not knowing what to do. I’ve tried every “tecnique” to slowly detach from ego, but i just can’t stop thinking about these problems, they’re haunting me like crazy. I know this is just ego but, ive had so many anxiety attacks because of this like i don’t get it. I'm sorry if im sounding too demanding, im literally asking in the best way possible, what else could i do?
A lot of bloggers say “you don´t need to understand this, is your ego worrying” and others say “slowly question yourself what ego says or sees and go back to your origin” that gets me so confused and i'm exhausted. im so lost and i just want to delete everything and feel better. i know ND, is not about this, it shouldn’t make me feel like this, is just very simple. i just have too many problems like Bry i am really concerned, my mothers finances haven’t been the best and i don’t want her to pay a lor of money. I'm terrified to let go of this desire to change my grade circumstances, because I'm scared that if I do, nothing will change and everything around me will only worsen, and it feels like I've got such little time to change things. I know it might b the best to “let go” and do nothing but like, what if it stays the same. I dont even understand when people say “let it be” or i saw a girl saying “if you have a problem, dont do thing to it. ignore it and it will solve” like how??? i feel defeated and i just want to be free. im so scared to be in this position when the week ends, or by the month ends. im so lost. i feel like i only know this intellectual, but when the day passes and i say to myself “I AM” i just can’t feel it, i feel like a limited body. i give up on trying to achieve something,Ego seems so exhausting and scary and terrifying. i want to leave everything behind and be gentle with myself. what can i do? what should i do?
thank you bry if you read this fully, i really try to follow your blog and i like your kindness towards ppl. i hope u have a nice day
Im doing good ty for asking!
You have to take a leap of faith. I know it's scary to let go of control and trying to change things but if you don't, you will continue to feel like this and the problems will continue to exist. Trying to change a problem is you acknowledging that there's even a problem in the first place. Worrying about these problems are just keeping them there, because you keep acknowledging that they exist.
Your true self doesn't have problems! So when you know yourself as you really are, and are not identified with the person dealing with such and such issues, they have to go away. There's no possibility of things staying the same because everything appears and disappears based on what you are aware of.
Surrender. Just know that everything will work out in the end (because everything is already perfect).
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memecatwings · 4 years
ok i think this is the last thing im gonna say about this i might delete the original post so people stop circulating that version but ive reflected on it and reread the paragraph a few times and honestly i think i probably should have let that one simmer in the drafts for a bit bc i did not have a central point.
i had a bunch of vague statements and topics connected together by string and i personally could feel how they were connected it made sense when i wrote it at the time but after coming back to it it really did not make sense. it's extremely vague and leaves a lot up to interpretation which is generally how my first drafts go but it did accidentally open the door to a lot of discussion which i thought was neat there are a lot of different ways people interpreted that post different people picked out different ideas i had presented as the main idea of the post when really i had just been playing darts blindfolded and there was no main idea. it was interesting to have someone mad at me for telling people to do their own research and demand i source my post though because looking back at it like,, what would there be to source? i was under the impression that it was common knowledge that hollywood films are screened by the military and that the mcu has a contract with them, was that necessary to source? how would i have sourced that the main villain in the falcon and winter soldier show uses a red handprint as a symbol just like,, look at a picture maybe? those were really the only statements i made i implied that there may be a connection between the decision to give the flag-smashers a red handprint and mmiwg but you cant source speculation and implications the source is my brain i wasnt making statements that needed to be backed up i stated what i believed to be known facts and everyone else filled in the blanks. that post was a general reminder to keep certain things about the mcu in mind as they watched the new show because it freaked me out that people weren't discussing the blatant propaganda in it. some people caught on to where my train of thought was going and corrected me on misinformation which im thankful for and some people assumed i was tin-hating and called me crazy which is fair ig but i so badly want to study the people who interpreted it as me saying that the us government told disney specifically to create a villain for their comic book tv show that would discredit a specific Indigenous social justice movement like howd your mind go that way?? i make outlandish mental connections because of my unmedicated adhd whats going on with you?????? im obsessed with those people who took my vague statements and crafted them into a conspiracy theory like there's some possibility in there hollywood has done it before but thats no where in the realm of what the original post was about even as vague as it was i was vaguely gesturing in the direction of appropriation not government plots. im worried that i may have drawn the wrong kind of attention to mmiw and if so im deeply sorry for that it was wrong for me to speak on them in that context and if i offended any Indigenous people by doing so i apologize i always try my best to avoid being That White Person but sometimes you impulsively post things without thinking and i meant no disrespect and i apologize if ive spoken over anyone in some way. im not offended by nor am i defensive over getting called out on my bullshit but bad faith anons make it really hard to convey sincerity they turn everything you say back around at you and demand you beg for forgiveness just for existing and if i had been a dumb teenager this would have been a good chance for an alt-right group to swoop in to try to convert me so that whole "just admit you dont care and stop being performative" shit really made me angry more than anything else guilt-tripping isnt a good look :// but i guess overall this was a good learning experience and i'll avoid mistakes like this in the future
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didanawisgi · 4 years
The Question Of Psalm 104
Written by Alden Bacuzmo
“This story begins in ancient Egypt with Amenhotep IV. (l350-1334 BC). He has been identified as uniquely the first "monotheist" worshipping his single god "Aten", the Sun. Aten, similar to the ancient Egyptian god "Ra", was represented by the sun-disk, was the creator of all life, and was a god of goodness and divine benevolence. Amenhotep was so sincere that he changed his name to Akenaten [also spelled Iknaten].
In each of the three divisions of the Egyptian empire Egypt, Kush, and Syria, he built a temple consecrated to Aten. He took up residence in a city he had built called Akhetaten, known today as the Tell el-Armarna in the southeastern part of Egypt. Aten represented a universal power that paralleled the Pharaoh's growing power over the known world. Akenaten actually paid individuals to proselytize his cult of Aten. However, the faith never became popular.
During Akenaten's reign, Egypt's power significantly declined. When Akenaten died, his temples were destroyed. Among the few remains of his cult were hymns found written in the tombs of the proselytes at Amarna. The longest of these hymns to Aten is noted to be similar to the Psalm 104, written for the Bible hundreds of years later. There are a few possibilities for how this might have come about. It is fairly certain that, even previous to the time of Moses, fleeing slaves in groups of various sizes, had wondered into the Sinai Peninsula. As the emigrants walked, they sang to keep up their spirits. One of the songs they sang may have been Akenaten's hymn to the Sun. Oral tradition could have perpetuated the elements of his hymn for 600 years. For those who are unconvinced about the similarity of these two documents, Jacob's descent into Egypt, described in the Bible, recalls the Hyksos dynasties, where the Iron age Canaanites conquered Egypt and ruled for several generations as Pharaohs. When the descendants of the original rulers regrouped and repelled the Hyksos, both the conquerors and the large Semitic population that had entered as migrant workers before and during the foreign dynasty were either driven out or placed in bondage. This was the beginning of the 400 years of slavery. Through those who were driven out, Hymns to the Sun were introduced into Canaan. Probably due to this, worship of the Sun is forbidden in the Bible.
Another possibility stems from the evidence of Persian names in residence at Amarna. These were literate people who may have transcribed Akenaten's poems. This would have placed the essence of this poem in Babylon, a world center for literature, by 600BC when the Jews were in exile, and the early Hebrew bible was assembled. Dr. H. Brugsch collected quite a few epithets and quotes from Egyptian scripture around fifty years ago and published them in his work, 'Religion and Mythology'. Much of Psalm 104 is vaguely similar to Egyptian Hymns, such as the following hymn to Ra from the Papyrus of Hu-nefer:
O thou who art crowned king amongst the gods...
[Here is expressed the polytheistic point of view]
Thou art the lord of heaven, Thou art the lord of the earth; Thou art the creator of those who dwell in the heights, and Those who dwell in the depths. Thou art the One God who came into being at the beginning of time.
[monotheism was beginning throughout the world with the idea of the "God of Gods", and is consistent with the concept of G-d in the Pentateuch]
Thou didst create the earth, Thou dist fashion the man, Thou didst make the watery abyss of the sky... Thou dost travel across the sky with thy heart swelling in joy; The great deep of heaven is content thereat..."
"the watery abyss of the sky" is similar to the Sumerian creation story, of 1500 years previous, where gods parted the water to create the world with a third god [see History begins at Sumer, by Noah Kramer]. This idea is repeated in Genesis with the actions of one God. The idea of water being above and below solves the enigma of where rain comes from. The Veda, Hindu scripture, considered this Sumerian story but concluded: "who cares" and left the process of creation unanswered.
Attributing the Lord with the characteristics of the sun. The Psalm 104 starts out attributing the Lord with the characteristics of the Sun. This is found nowhere else in the Scriptures.
[2. Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment; Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain. 3. Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters. Who maketh the clouds his chariot; Who walketh on the wings of the wind; Who maketh winds his messengers; Flames of fire his ministers.]
A search for references in the Bible to the sun is within our grasp. You may skim over the following scripture of the types of references to the Sun:
* The sun as a symbol of permanency and endurance: Psalms 72:5 They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations. Psalms 72:17 His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and [men] shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. Psalms 89:36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.
* The Sun must not become an object of worship: Deuteronomy 4:19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to [even] all the host of heaven. Ezekiel 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, [were] about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. 8:17 Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen [this], O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here?
* The sun was darkened at the time of Jesus' crucifixion, and will be darkened again at the time of his return to judge the world: Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. Mark 13:24 (But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,) Mark 13:25 (And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.) Mark 13:26 (And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.) Mark 13:27 (And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.)
* Sunlight as splendor: "Then adorn yourself with majesty and splendor, And array yourself with glory and beauty." [Job 40:10] "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear." [Matthew 13:43]
* Speaking of Jesus when He was with Moses and Elijah in the mount with His disciples: "And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light." [Matthew 17:2]
* Paul in talking about what he saw on the road to Damascus, and learned that He was seeing Jesus at the right hand of the 'Majesty' of God: "...at midday, O king, along the road I saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining around me and those who journeyed with me." [Acts 26:13]
* In describing the One like the Son of Man, John in Revelation says this: "He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength." [this is similar to a typical Egyptian sun poem] [Revelation 1:16] "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." [Revelation 21:23] "And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God gives them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever." [Revelation 22:5]
Only in Psalm 104 could the chosen description of the Lord be construed as that of the sun..
The eight points of comparison: Psalm 104 and the Hymn to Aten The following text in [parenthesis] is from Psalm 104 while the remainder is quoted translation by J.H.Breasted, from Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. II, Chapters 5 & 6.. and "The Rock Tombs of Tell el Armarna", Archeological Survey, Egyptian Exploration Society (6vol, 1903) N. de G. Davis.
The tradition of Egyptian, Hindu, and Hebrew cultures starts the day at sunset. Today the day normally starts at sunrise.
Akenhaten's Hymn to the Sun When thou settest in the western horizon of the sky, [1st comparison, verse 20] The earth is in darkness like the dead. They sleep in their chambers Their heads are wrapped up. Their nostrils are stopped And none see the other. While all their things are stolen Which are under their heads And they know it not Every Lion cometh forth from his den [2nd comparison, verse 21] All Serpents they sting Darkness The world is in silence. He that made them resteth in his horizon.
[22. The Sun riseth, they get them away, and lay them down in their dens.] [23. Man goeth forth unto his work And to his labor until the evening.]
Bright is the earth when thou riseth in the horizon. [3rd comparison, verse 22] When thou shinest as Aten by day Thou drivest away the darkness. When thou sendest forth thy rays The two lands (Egypt) are in daily festivity. Awake and standing upon their feet When thou has raised them up. Their limbs bathed they take their clothing Their arms uplifted in adoration to thy dawning Then in all the world they do their work.. [4th comparison, verse 23] All cattle rest upon their pasturage The trees and the plants flourish
[12. By them the birds of the heavens have their habitation. They sing among the branches.]
The birds flutter in their marshes, [5th comparison, verse 12] Their wings uplifted in adoration to thee. All sheep dance on their feet. All winged things fly, They live when thou hast shone upon them.
[25. Yonder is the sea great and wide. Wherein are things creeping innumerable. Both small and great beasts.] [26. There go the ships.]
The barges sail upstream and downstream alike. [6th comparison, verse 26] Every highway is open because thou dawnest. The fish in the river leap before thee. Thy rays are in the midst of the great green sea. Creator of the germ in woman Maker of the seed in man Giving life to the son in the body of his mother Soothing him that he may not weep. Nurse (even) in the womb.
[29. Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled. Thou takest away their breath and they die. And return to their dust.]
Giver of breath to animals, every one that he maketh When he cometh forth from the womb [7th comparison, verse 29] On the day of their birth Thou openest his mouth in speech
[27. These wait all for thee. That thou may give them food in due season.]
Thou suppliest his necessities. [8th comparison, verse 27] When the fledgling in the egg chirps in the shell Thou givest him breath there-in to preserve him alive. When thou hast brought him together to (the point of) bursting it in the egg To chirp with all his might, He goeth about on his two feet When he hath come forth therefrom.
How manifold are thy works, They are hidden from before (us) O Sole God, whose powers no other possesseth. Thou didst create the earth according to thy heart While thou wast alone Man, all cattle, large and small All that are upon the earth That go about on their feet (All) That are on high That fly with their wings The foreign countries, Syria and Kush, The land of Egypt Thou settest every man into his place Thou suppliest their necessities Everyone has his possessions And his days are reckoned The tongues are divers in speech Their forms likewise and their skins are distinguished (For) thou makest different the strangers.
There is no doubt that the evolution of ideas throughout the history of human endeavors is a combination of past knowledge and original thinking. However, as short as sixty years ago, there is little doubt that the archaeologists who discovered the similarities in ancient texts were astounded since they had been raised to believe in the Bible as the "only word of God". The importance that The Measure of Truth assigns to this study is not to denigrate any of these early beliefs, but to examine why the Biblical scripture has lasted to be arguably the most read and influential literature in the history of mankind.” - Alden Bacuzmo
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hottubunderson · 4 years
Get Yourself Amazed by Visiting Rome
Rome's Vatican City: Watch that the Holy View
Most are confounded from the sovereign standing of the Vatican; nonetheless, Vatican City is an enclave in Rome that serves individually within an ecclesiastic nation together with all the Pope as mind.
For extra details on global traveling and low cost airfare to Rome, see www.cfares.com.
In your Imperial Age into the renaissance-era
Even the"Eternal City," because Rome is suitably understood, stands repaired and ageless inside history ever-moving corridors. Historical Rome nevertheless stands pleased from the shape of this Coliseum, the best emblem of gladiator-like art and local community collecting. Even the Sistine Chapel, called after Pope Sixtus IV, talks of this educated Renaissance age having a famous ceiling on earth -- 1, 000 sq meters painted with Michelangelo by yourself. To get an extensive and exhaustive background of Rome, then make certain never to overlook out the Capitoline Museum along with also the Galleria Borghese, also a group started out from the Borghese living in 1600. To get a Search to authorities, Take a Look at the Palazzo Montecitorio. This grandiose palace assembled by Bernini approximately 1600 placed the courts Rome before 1870, as it turned into the Lower House of Parliament. Close by, the 15 th century Palazzo Madama was the influential De Medici household's house and also in 1871 became your house of this Italian Senate.
Rome isn't totally all architecture and monuments. The town is dotted with fabulous and fancy parks, villas and gardens which can be offered to people. The houses of several of Rome's famous households, for instance, monstrous Villa Borghese, are excellent leaks from Rome's - of - class amazing - marble environments. Go to Rome from the spring and fall months however be ready for your busloads of travelers, making it more desired to courageous the warmer however smoother weeks of their summer season. Centrally found to the peninsula, Rome is likewise an amazing jump point out learn more about the others with the convivial nation.
Rome is a town that needs no debut. The title invokes images of leaf-crowned emperors, legendary gods along with imperial structure. Traveling in Rome can be an enveloping task as Rome is arguably amongst the greatest and earliest towns in Western Europe, with each corner indicated within meticulous detail. Italy's capital town is chiefly a holiday extravaganza geared almost completely supporting town destination; hence, you can desire to go into the outskirts of the town to have a real existence and lodging (and more economical deals ).
Based on inscriptions upon the rocks, the grave was created within a span of 330 times also stands 118 ft (36 meters) tall. Accomplished in 1 2 BC, even although the grave may possibly possess the Egyptian touch, this disagrees in respect to its own finish. Even the Romans appreciated marble, also keeping in mind their tastes the feather was finished with marble bricks across the brick.
The memorial extends into excellent duration detailing appropriate cooking processes and also the thousand plus something versions around the subject which create the dish very adaptable.
The Romans - really Italians generally speaking - are all justifiably pleased with this culinary knowledge, helping the entire world by making use of their sweet recipes. Even the National Museum of Pasta essentially shows the roots of wheat in one's core of Italy, dating far back into the concept of this food-stuff some period from the 12th century.
Millions of words have exemplified that the Colosseum, also its particular daring gladiators; both the Pantheon and also its particular gateway into the godsend the Roman Forum, formerly core of this Roman Empire. However, what about those hidden attractions of both Rome and also the ones who receive much fewer column inches?
These monks fortunate adequate to maintain their bones skeletal shape are revved against the walls and also dressed up in hooded robes. Remember to exude your hosts because you savor the vibe that is creepy and research for misplaced spirits. This is really a sport that you can both adore or despise, although it truly is almost certainly unsuitable for small kiddies.
To get a flavor of this gruesome to decide to try the Capuchin Crypt, the initial haunted dwelling. Ghoulishly embellished with all the bones of long-deceased squirrels that the Crypt is certain to make a durable perception.
Learn you can cook an ideal pasta and also detect just how stringent chewing gum will certainly help your gastrointestinal tract.
Enclosed at a glass case to guard against contamination, and numerous handprints are thought to be people of dropped spirits anticipating their travel to paradise.
Egyptian effect is most obvious from the Pyramid of Caius Cestius. In early Rome most constructed their tombs in Egyptian vogue, however now, here could be the sole survivor. Made as a member of the wall protecting the town, it stays a persuasive monument to its Tribune of the Individuals for whom it had been initially intended.
The could of the Roman Empire attracted great riches and wealth into the town along with its own allies.
Two gigantic doorways, such as sentinels standing until the trail into the gods shield the entry to the temple. The doorways had been restored throughout the seventeenth century, also increasing doubts if or not they could be hailed as first.
Gladiators grew to become infamous immediately as struggles between man and monster captured the creativity of their Roman people.
In the Middle of the Forum is your Temple into Julius Caesar constructed by Augustus, his adopted son and original Roman Emperor. The brand new blossoms indicate the precise area in which Caesar was cremated.
Throughout the early portion of this 2nd century AD, Emperor Hadrian took it on himself to reconstruct the monument and supply his folks when again using a pathway into the gods. Hadrian has been a recreational architect and also completed with the temple at 125 advertisements.
The Pantheon was constructed like a temple for the gods. The very first was destroyed by fire in the very first century BC leading to dismay one of the communities.
The communities of this Empire maintained that the Roman gods at high admiration; faith played with a substantial role within the lifestyles of their Romans and also homage has been paid often to people in bigger regions.
In the crux of the mighty Empire, The Roman Forum has been the soul and heart of both the government. Initially a Peninsula, the Forum climbed with all the Empire and has been the most nucleus of daily activity.
As luck smiled down Rome, their wealth based communities experimented with cosmetic landmarks, most of that endure for a particular day.
Thousands and tens of thousands of people beasts had been slaughtered through the class of those Roman matches. Even the butchery lasted before those specific bloodstream sports activities had been outlawed in 523 advertisements.
Constructed by Jewish natives, the amphitheater was interchangeable with bloodstream sports.
When indoors, the abrupt scale of this inner is equally amazing. Granite panels grace the walls and walls; unexpectedly, 1 / 2 the walls panels come out of the initial build not exactly 2000 decades in the past.
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