#you can kind of tell why i dont deviate that much
dragonroilz · 7 months
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Only two arms, two legs - but with 22 unblinking, crimson eyes.
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actualbird · 11 months
What are your headcanons with Raven other than his behavior from other asks :0. for me I think he loses that "Luke" spark/light in his eyes like whenever he goes into work mode like Childe loses his in the abyss.
OHHH what a lovely ask!! thinking abt my hcs for this was rlly fun, so thank you for sending this in, i adore thinking abt raven!luke MWEHEHEHEHE
so here are my General HCs on Raven!Luke (which i realize only after writing everything center a bit on his outwards expression/presentation and aura)
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and just to add onto it, this is probably what people around luke also notice first and notice most when he gets like this. after all, luke's demeanor when hes Not in raven mode is just always full of so much energy and vibrance, whether hes exhibiting positive emotions (his happiness is like a sunrise!) or negative ones (his anger is like FIRE FIRE FIRE U CAN SEE IT BURNING IN HIS GAZE) but raven....the light is Gone. people around him know suddenly and horribly—with a mounting sense of dread dripping into their mind like a leaky faucet—that theyre dealing with Something Different
2 ) i think his voice goes cold, deep, and chillingly calm—and stays that way, no matter what
this is where i start to deviate from canon a tad.
i play alternating between both s-cn and jp dub, and between those two i ADORE how the VAs make their voice Different when they make the shift from luke to Raven. jp dub tends to take the deep voice route, while s-cn goes for that coldness that always delights me to hear. i love that, i love being able to hear the shift. though where i deviate from the canon voice acting is that there are moments where Raven gets aggressive or is aiming to intimidate, and that aggression/dominant posturing shows in the voice acting (usually either in a growl kinda element to the voice or in raising one's voice) and....i dont want that to happen as much in my ideal raven hcs jHVHFKJSD.
dont get me wrong i think it is so juicy when it does happen, but the raven i envision stays calm, almost aloof and uncaring, no matter what. you will not be able to get a rise from this guy and you will be able to Hear It. raven's voice stays cold and that temperature, so to speak, doesnt rise
(and i'll explain why in my 5th point, bear with me ok HAHA)
3 ) his movements/actions take on an eerie kind of perfection and confidence
where regular luke brings an endearing personality in everything he does, raven!luke brings a kind of flawlessness that you'd expect not from a person but from a well fashioned weapon.
i feel like the best way to explain this is through comparison so......
luke pearce would take apart a gadget in unrestrained glee. if there was someone to talk to, he'd babble to them about what he finds interesting about the gadget, a few unscrewed screws would roll off his desk and he wouldnt notice for a bit in his sheer focus on the gadget itself, he'd grab a notepad to messily scrawl notes and tuck the pencil behind his ear and then later forget where he put that pencil. luke pearce taking something apart is a scene of enthused discovery.
raven would take apart a gadget with smooth, fluid, silent movements. there is no delight in his gaze, no surmiseable reaction from his expression. you wouldnt be able to tell what hes thinking at all as he goes through the motions, and his motions are clinically perfect. it doesnt feel right to watch a human being and see nothing betrayed in their actions. before you know it, raven's broken the entire device into its key components and taking whatever it is he needed from it. raven taking something apart is a scene of dissection and singleminded purpose.
does that make sense? like, discovery vs dissection, enthusiasm vs disinterest, enjoyment vs utility, and above all—human imperfection vs unnerving perfection.
luke is delightfully messy and bounding with personality in how he moves and acts, you can tell what he likes and enjoys and values in simply how he holds himself. in everything luke does or interacts with, he leaves a part of himself there on it, as he was affected by it and affected it in return. it's like leaving fingerprints of personality on everything he comes across.
raven is the opposite. hes not leaving fingerprints. because thats evidence to implicate and he wouldnt be caught dead making a rookie mistake like that.
4 ) luke is a battering ram but raven is a shadow looming over your shoulder
one of my favorite canon scenes of raven is actually the very first time we see him: in luke's route of Mysteries of the Lost Gold
im talking about the scene where luke first makes contact with joshua ott. so many fun raven things in that scene, but what i wanna highlight was how luke in raven mode intimidated him. first by calmly calmly dislocating one of joshua's fingers, and THEN!! MY FAVORITE FAVORITE BIT!!!!!: by threatening to paralyze him and leave him for someone who will surely kill him
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(god thank u to the people over at tot wiki for transcribing this scene here)
this bit, to me, is Peak Raven
he couldve started beating joshua up, we knew by this point already that luke is a combat powerhouse and incredibly strong and was well within his capabilities to be administering much more pain. but he didnt. that, to me, is more the Luke way of going about things.
and thus to me, raven is all about evoking dread and horror in a calm and assured manner.
like, we didnt even know if luke was telling the truth about that syringe containing a muscle relaxant. he Could have been telling the truth, he already did have tranquilizers, but we didnt know. most of the intimidation came from the mere threat alone. something about raven makes you believe that he Will make your nightmares come true, even if he hasnt made them come true yet.
5 ) in general...the Raven in my mind strikes fear into people because people intuitively know theyre dealing with something thats got its heart shut down for a bit
i read an anecdote somewhere i cant remember, but it basically went along the lines of: when youre in the wilderness, if the environment's natural noise—crickets, bugs, distant sounds of mammals scurrying about, birds chirping—if all of that suddenly goes quiet; you are in danger. because it means a predator is nearby.
thats what i imagine Raven's entire aura and manner of presenting to be like
there is no obvious aggression, no anger, no heartbeats raised no adrenaline. these things, to me at least, are more markers of luke than of raven, and every time these things show in raven, thats actually raven breaking character and showing the luke under the cold mask. because luke is human and flawed, there are things that set him off into rage, things that trigger the fear in his heart into fight or flight, things he'll go down kicking and screaming trying to protect in utter desperation. these are emotive qualities, and no matter how volatile emotions can get, theyre also avenues for connection, communication, empathy, etc etc.
the Raven in my mind is devoid of that. and thats exactly what sets people off.
raven doesnt need aggression or excessive force, hes completely confident in his abilities and that the other person will fold. if they dont, he'll make them. he doesnt need anger because he has nothing to be angry about, nothing he values more than getting the job done and thus seemingly nothing to leverage against him. raven doesnt need adrenaline. he wont even have to run. the moment youve seen him—or rather, the moment he sees you—the world suddenly goes quiet in the worst way; you are in danger. a predator is here.
and he already knows hes got you.
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hellofeternity · 10 months
ORV transcends language | how ORV is kind to readers (1.1k words)
the difficulties in analyzing text are already numerous without a language barrier, the way one word can mean 5 things and when you put it in a sentence suddenly it can mean 50 things and put that sentence in a paragraph? go further and put that paragraph in a page? construct a whole world around it, weave it into the fabric, and suddenly you are painting with words.
ORV is a daunting text, it calls and references so many mythos world wide, greek, roman, indian, chinese, japanese, it plays with meaning and intent and uses gaps in our knowledge like weapons, making us extrapolate our own meaning between the sentences, it is a tome of knowledge when it comes to histories and philosophies it feels at times like I will never understand all these things inside it.
One of the difficulties of reading a translated text is that when we analyze a text the authorial intent weighs very heavily in our minds, sure we can immerse ourselves in the world but once we start picking apart at the threads we hit a wall pretty soon when we start asking ourselves "what did the author mean by this?" however in a translated text there is an obvious gap, a game of telephone, did the translator actually capture the authors intent? or are we just reading the translators perception? sadly I don't know korean, and I cant say I have the drive to learn it, as such I know there will forever be a side of ORV that I will never be privy to - however I am bilingual and had the pleasure of reading two translated versions of ORV, an English translation and an Arabic translation, I didn't finish reading the said Arabic translation but a couple things stood out to me when I briefly did ORV is very kind to readers, following along in other stories can seem confusing at times, the pacing might be too fast and you might miss some details in a characters actions, the wording might be too vague and ah damn 20 pages later you realize you don't actually know why the characters are doing what they are doing. A big writing adage that you will see a lot is "show dont tell" and it holds merit, but ORV doesn't subscribe to it, because ORV shows AND tells. ORV built a world around readers and reading, and it makes sure that there is clarity every step of the way on what is happening, first by starting out as a homage to the isekai genre, and not deviating too much at the start, making the readers feel at home in a worldview they are familiar with, systems, leveling, videos games etc, and when it starts deviating it explains things with clarity that no matter how bad the translation is you understand the general intent, and secondly by being VERY blatant about the names of things and having a built in "story" system that is built on common story tropes and names the themes for you! take for example "unbroken faith" and "Blade of faith" both of these are two translated versions of dokja's sword. I will never know which one is closer to the original authorial intent, but I can tell you something, dokja's sword is symbolism to the faith he is wielding. (CH386 vague spoilers) or the entirety of "the great war of saints and demons" being about the concept of good and evil fighting and how kimcom aren't just above being good and evil, they are both. By using story tropes that we are familiar with to explain the complexity of situations in a simple forms you no longer have to worry about losing you readers understandings through language barriers. Every story in the world in every language knows what good vs evil is, every language has the words to explain them. and therein lies the beauty of ORV. But of course this isn't to say translations don't matter, it does speak to the strength of an original texts clarity when it accounts for the big things by making them simplified, but when we get down to the nitty gritty it starts to lose form take for example
"Tell me, you fool. If I continue to regress, will I ever get to meet you again?"
this person here has a great write up explaining the translators thoughts behind this specific line
but it has spawned a lot of debate in the English speaking fandom, as to the strength of its translation, I remember when I first saw someone claiming that its a mistranslation and "you fool" isn't part of the original, my first thought was "and so?" I do not mean to be dismissive to the original text, but I do not exist in a space where I can appreciate it in the original korean, I do not exist in a worldview where I can understand the historical implications of a lot of the characters, and even when I try to research it in English sadly the resources do not exist yet and its even more laughable to think of finding these things in Arabic. (Goryeos first sword doesn't have an English wikipedia page as a clear example) a lot of people have issues with the most popular English fantranslation of ORV - and I can understand why, being bilingual I have a lot of opinions on how a lot of things SHOULD be translated most of the time, and have done my own translation work but as I sit and think about this popular translation I cant help but just feel love for it, it might be lacking to some, it might be inaccurate at times to others, but its just enough for me to paint the gaps in the text with my perceptions, the words used are tied to my affections the Arabic translation of ORV is clunky, it is messy, it doesn't have as much grace as the English translation of ORV does, the words barely string together cohesively, but it has enough clarity, enough intent, and enough love for its readers, to catch their hearts, their attention and their energy
and so I want this to be the first post on this blog because, the author is dead here, not because I buried them, but because the tower of babel fell down a long time ago, and all we have is rubble and each other. a lot of the analysis on this blog will try to be respectful to the korean original wherever it can, however my words will be coming from an anglosphere perspective, and build on other English reader's perceptions of a text translation that a decent amount of people don't think is adequate, but just like ORV is kind to us, we can be kind back, I will quote the most popular version because its what connects us together, and while the authors intent might be lost, we can share our own meanings with each other, and build our own intent from the rubble.
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idealspawn · 1 year
i got the highest grade possible for one of my philosophical essays but i dont even care. my professor told me in the feedback that my writing style is too complex, again. im so tired of it. i felt like i already intentionally made this essay extremely simple in wording but apparently i didnt. if i made it even simpler the idea simply wouldnt be able to translate. i literally had a huge paragraph talking abt why schools shouldnt strictly push analytic philosophy onto everyone over continental philosophy. the sentences are complex for a purpose. the point of philosophy isnt only writing fucking dry concepts but the emotional poetic nature that comes alongside it which simply isnt achievable when following the idea that the shorter the words and the lesser the amount of words used gets the point across supposedly more authentically. long complex words are necessary for rhythm, for emphasis, for accuracy. using multiple adjectives is important to getting the point across same to everyone with all the correct etymological connotations exactly in the way the author intended it. every connotation isnt always implicit for the reader even if it is for the author. the point of complex writing is to take the reader by the hand and on an emotional journey through metaphysical rooms in the mind. the point is the process itself not the overly simplified outcome. the feeling is an integral and irreplaceable part to philosophy. you cant grasp complex ideas fully without using fucking complicated language. analytic philosophy claims to be more concrete but logic and structure alone without experiencing the emotions cant possibly be concrete. philosophy needs the poetic part too, desperately, for accuracy. im tired. i came to uni so i wouldnt have to baby everyone through my ideas because the audience i am writing to are LITERAL SPECIALISTS in the field. i am aware that SOMETIMES i can go too far with the complex sentence structures and its fair but a lot of the times its literally necessary. the professors or peers never even fucking tell me what exactly should be different or how i could change it. how am i supposed to work on it if idk what to work on. if i knew or agreed that my writing is clumsy and complex i wouldnt fucking write like this. it feels literally so bizarre, as if i am living a diff reality to others. how is it fucking possible that i SIMPLY cant see what everyone else around me sees in my writing. their generally suggested style of writing is what i usually perceive as clumsy not mine. i dont get it. i dont want my writing to be stripped of any fucking personality just to please people who fucking cant grasp complex ideas. im sorry i know i should write for the reader but i cant fucking change my expression that much either. i tried SO HARD to change it in this essay but apparently its still too complicated. if i went any further it wouldnt simply be my writing anymore bc its so deviated from my original style and ideas. the complicated structures also give access to the complicated ideas. fuck idk. im sorry i know its not that bad and im overreacting but this kind of feedback is driving me insane. i keep getting it and i try to change but i just cant. my f brain just works differently idk. i feel helpless.
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maiverie · 2 years
yk i just wanna share,,, I've been wanting to be a good writer just like you 😯 and any other authors there but like my head can't just form ideas the only ideas it's forming is the idea to sleep IT'S SO ?!*@?@ LIKE i wanna ask / im curious how writers like you think of prompts, the storyline and all and write it nicely ??? 😭 so yea i admire you !!!
:(( anon wth this is so sweet thank u so much :( u admire me?? bye i'm so flattered you even think of me like that 😭 it's an honour to receive this kind of ask so thank u sm for sending this through ☹️🫶 you're not alone,,, writing is hard and coming up w storylines can honestly be so ass 😭 i honestly dont really know if i'm all that qualified to give advice, but here are my thoughts!! :>>
in my experience, the best way to come up with a story idea is by literally just choosing one thing that you really want to write. it can literally be anything — maybe you really want to write a particular trope (enemies to lovers), a time period (something based on the 80s), a season (winter or summer), a workplace (the office), a character with a particular career (a magazine editor), or something really mf random (a character that goes shopping for christmas). just choose something to start with and flesh it out from there! most of the time, i choose my "one thing" by getting inspired by tv shows / movies / songs / other fanfics. for example, i might be watching a medical drama and think "damn i rlly wanna write a hospital au or nurse au or medical student au".
i think it becomes less overwhelming when you choose just one thing you want to do, because you can let your idea sprout from there. even if your final idea deviates far from your starting point, it's a lot less daunting starting from one idea than sitting there tapping your fingers while waiting for a story plot to randomly come up.
after you choose your one thing, maybe add in more details. if you've chosen a particular trope like enemies to lovers, think about why they're enemies and then go from there. was it a misunderstanding? where is the story set? how old are they? how do they fall in love? stuff like that! honestly sometimes i just put on main character music and visualise scenes that come to mind 😭
sometimes, your "one thing" can literally just be a dialogue line. is there one line you really want to include in your story? maybe it's a nickname or a particular scene or ending or something like that. for example, your one thing might be that you don't want your characters to end up together, so you can backtrack the series of events that unfold to make that happen.
as for writing tips, oh god if i included everything then this post would literally be way too long :< my best tip for writing is to honestly focus on your characters. start small and choose two/three main characters and focus on them. don't worry about coming up with a unique plot or something full of twists or whatever else. my favourite stories in the world were written by authors who made me genuinely love their characters because they felt real. sure, a whacky plot might hook a reader in, but likeable characters that are worth rooting for are what going to make your readers stay.
ways to make your readers want to root for your characters is by giving your characters motivations and fears and all the other stuff that real humans have. for example, i'm not going to give a shit about story about a snail that roams the earth. but if you tell me that that snail is the only one left of its species and its one true goal in life is to find another snail to marry, i'm probably going to care a lot more about the story bc now i rlly wanna know if the snail gets what it wants :<
LMAO maybe that made no actual sense but my point is mostly to just flesh out your characters and give them feelings and emotions and show that in your writing. with the enemies to lovers example, i really love the e2l stories that genuinely make me feel like the two characters are better when they're together because they bring out the best in each other. maybe i'm rooting for them because one of them has a history of self-sabotage and i really want to see them be happy for once. stuff like that, yk?
sorry if this was quite tangential and the advice is a little vague. you can always ask clarifying questions!
here are some resources that might help!
job ideas
dialogue prompts: one, two, three, four (search "dialogue prompts" on tumblr)
more prompts!
also bff don't be too hard on yourself. writing is so subjective — people you think are good writers might be considered bad by someone else. just write about stories you like, whether it's a cute romcom plot or a horror fic or an angsty story about fucking snails, because that's all that really matters. have fun okie? :>>
lots of luv <333
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arillusionist · 8 months
shadow and bone ep5 reaction its been 3 whole days since i watched this show 🤯🤯 also i started reading the s&b book!! its pretty good but obviously like the show its v predictable and definitely not on the level of the soc books
we starting off with the crows?? im being blessed omg 🥹🥹
ketterdam mention (me when im insane)
also genya and alina have chemistry I CAN SEE IT theyre actually pretty cute
help not me saying this right before genyas crush comes in 💀💀 (well hes her crush in the books idk if they changed it)
oh my god alina looks so cool using her powers 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
ok yeah he definitely is her crush also not alina just rejecting the glove like that?? damn 😭
i cant take kaz seriously he looks so. stupid
honestly i kinda forgot the crows are literally trying to capture alina help
theyre giving jesper a temporary 2 second love interest because wylan isnt here
i feel so bad for inej why are they always doubting her 💔💔
i NEED some conflict in alina's plot like girl why are you always happy!!! wheres the angst!!!! 😐
he just wants him and inej to be together
everytime alina and the darkling are in the same room i feel so. ugh like GET AWAY FROM HERRR
STOP NO DONT KISS HIM 😭😭 they better reveal him as a villain fast because i cannot handle a love triangle
jesper is way out of that stable boy's league i mean cmon but his flirting is so funny
"shes suli" TELL THEM!!!!! 🔥🔥also finally zoyas here i missed her
"is it my size?" "you have to ask" STOP THEYRE LITERALLY MARRIED 😭😭 i love their banter sm im glad its not all angst
the way inej just walked away 💀💀 girl is not in the mood to listen to his blabbering
inej is so ready to prove kaz wrong
awwhjffjkg the look on inej's face 🥹🥹 i love her sm also she should punch kaz
...how long was jesper fucking that stable boy
need this old man to shut up
ughhh here comes the classic banter between the two love interests PLEASE REVEAL THE DARKLING IS A VILLAIN ALREADY 🙏🙏
yes yes i can feel the real plot finally coming
i keep forgetting how fucking smart kaz is!! of course he would know there was a double
ok yes thank god he was planning to ditch that "new guy" he was annoying i didnt want him
not the darkling ruined the crows plan so he can make out with alina 💀💀
oh my god how long is the kiss scene
ok YES this is the reveal scene i have been!! waiting!! for this!!
YESSSSS 🔥 thank god i dont have to see anymore darklina makeout scenes
ok but if baghra is the darklings mother why does he keep her around?? wouldnt he know she can go around telling people his true intentions??
or maybe he doesnt know she knows his true intentions
idk tho he seems like the kind of person who would
lets be honest kaz looks so good when hes murdering people
i love them so much oh my god
"you saved my life" HHDHHFGHKGHj
soo im assuming this is where it deviates from the books!! i better have time to watch the next episode tmrw
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
SVSSS AU Idea: The System’s hand of fate.
so, when a mysterious figure rocks up to you as you lay dying and offers you an alternative? you take it, not totally convinced they are even real. if you are one shen yuan, this will prove to be the worse choice you have ever made in your short life.
shen yuan dies aged 21 of a sudden onset aortic disection due to pre-existing EDS. he codes blue suddenly durring his hospital stay and they never get him back. he leaves behind his family, fellow students, and a small subsection of the internet that is much quieter now he's gone
his role is deciptively simple: hes a hand of the system - a hand of fate. if the plot diviates, hes sent in to the world to patch it up. sadly, worlds tend to deviate towards happiness, or at least contentment. a world of consant suffering goes against the trends of the universe. so shen yuan is sent in again and again to direct the plots back towards disaster
why? why doesn't he just give up?
the system is holding his whole world hostage
every mistake, someone from his home world simply stops existing, wiped from all records and history, picked randomly from his social circle.  the only people he's ever lost, he keeps close to his chest. 2 people he only knew by username. one barrista who knew his order at his favourite cafe.
his little sister.
when their hand of fate stops caring, burns out of their empathy and stop caring about the threat, the system gets a new worker and starts again. thats why shen yuan is so effective, he can't stop caring on pain of death. so they can just keep using him
our plot twist is that the system isnt actually killing anyone. they lie, they dont actually have that sort of power. If they did they wouldnt need to send someone in to fix plot diversions.
yeah its designed by someone who just enjoys seeing people suffer. also people are a lot better at fixing plot lines than AI because they have a better understanding of human emotion and the nuances of story telling
anyway, for our poor mans happy ending - he gets sent to PIDW
the plot had deviated badly - the main villain for the first act is dead, and shen yuan had such a perfect record they just cast him into the role
because the system isn't human, it never noticed that shen yuan's only failures were due to his kindness, and that throwing him into the role of a scum villain for his favourite character was literally never going to work. Hes tried to fight against the system before, but its only ever gotten his little sister ‘killed’, so he didnt try twice.
introducing: a boy in a book written so predictably his plot armour and protaganist halo are literally blinding: LUO BINGHE
baby works out his new shizun is a whole ass new person quickly, because not only is shizun now kind but pretending to be stern, hes also just. worn down. in a way thats difficult to explain.
like hes seen 1000 lifetimes and been happy in none of them
then the dream demon shows up and is like "ok kid i know you love ur master and thats fair enough but like. there is an extra-dimentional parasite attached to his soul"
and binghe is like I FUCKING KNEW IT so he trains very hard! so he can become strong enough to kick its ass!
and then his shizun pushes him into the abyss
and hes heart broken, not because he was pushed, but because his shizun tried so hard not to. his shizun tried to take a lethal blow, tried not do go along with the plot. but then something forced his hand and sent binghe tumbling. even though the system wasn't observing this world, they threw in an override if the plot deviation threaterned to go above 70% - an AI following the plot takes over and corrects the mistake
and when xin mo shows up hes like "oh. i can finally die - i hope it makes binghe happy"
and then he wakes up 5 years later and SQH is like "Oh hey i planted you a body incase binghe tried to kill you bc were transmigrator bros" and he just has a whole ass break down
he thought he was free!!!
and he cant even be that mad at SQH, the man was trying to save his life
anyway SQH is like 
"so! binghe has been like. obsessed with ur body. and its behind some really weird arrays"
"what sort of arrays?"
"protection against spirits from other dimensions? it was weird and it looked custom made"
to wrap it up: shen yuan wants to get his body back so he can rip it into little pieces so nothing can revive him and then die, lbh lets SY 'trick him' into thinking hes a rouge cultivator trying to pay his respects even though hes like "ITS SHIZUN HES BACK" and then the mausoleum rips his soul away and hes like "please just let me DIE" and TLJ is like "Oh hey! someone wrote -" "god please can you kill me and shatter my soul i cant do this any more" "... would you like to have a chat. talk your emotions out. my nephew can make snacks."
TLJ is like "damn that's rough I'm literally half a body rn but I think while I'm literally that way you're spiritually that way"
SY: I'm supposed to be dismembered if you could start on that that'd be great
TLJ: I don't have hands
plot gets resolved by SY telling TLJ that the system was controlling the plot of the whole world, driving it towards problems for the 'sake of the story', expecting to be killed but wanting someone to know whats been going on other than him
TLJ is like ",,, huh. someone. decided it all should go like this." "yeah your wife died saving her child and trying to reach you to warn you of the ambush" "So. Someone. Decided. It. Should. Be. This. Way."
 and then TLJ crushes the whole concept of a system with xin mo
and LBH is like " look i kinda hate that you were originally going to murder my (future husband) shizun, but you murdered the thing he was both most afraid of and most angry at, so i guess i can call you my dad. maybe. on a good day."
TLJ is like "SON : D"
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
request: dom!ateez react to being overstimulated 😙 thanks
Hongjoong: he vibes with it. Like yes. In fact he might order you to keep jerking him off even after he cums because he likes the feeling so much. He takes it like he is just sort of using you to get off so he doesn't even view it as losing his dominant position. Is just petting you head like "yes baby, keep going" through a groan. Do well and he might return the favor.
Seonghwa: let's say you keep sucking him off even after he cums. He's like "I hope you know what your doing sweatpea." He would let you do it for that night. He's all about delayed punishments. So while you think you got away Scott free, after a few days where he hasn't even touched you ur like "i wanna cum" and he just straight up ignores you. This is your cue to beg. "Remember sweetpea, you already gave me my fill for the week. I told you there would be consequences, and you didn't listen. I have has enough for a while and now you have to wait."
Yunho: jerking around like crazy. I mean yes, could he theoractally pull you off him quite easily? Yeah. But he loves how eagar you are to please him. Even if it's hurting a little, the pain is nothing compared to the pleasure and every timey ou look up at him with those big happy eyes, loving how good your making him feel, he can't even bring himself to be mad at you.
Yeosang: doesn't even let it come to that. Pulls your hand away the second he realizes that you don't plan on stopping. Grips your wrist so hard you wince. "Did i tell you to do that?" "No.." you mumble. "Then why did you" he glares. "I dont knooow," you whisper. Pulls you over his knee. Spanks you till your ass turns red and expects you to thank him after.
San: growles. Is kinda curious to see what your plan is but doesn't let it get very far. he takes control of the situation, instead of letting you have your fun, he pushing you head down onto him so quickly you gag. "I thought this is what you wanted baby" intense face fucking fueled by his desire to punish you, the painful pleasure and a deep desire to cum again.
Mingi: this is hard lol. I am allowed to say I don't know? I feel like if he were to dom it would be less about his actions and more about his attitude. So for that reason ima go kinda like Hongjoong where he let's it happen. He just fully reclines into his chair and puts his hand behind his head. Turns you disobedience into a positive for him. May perhaps give you a hard time about it but I dont think he would take any real action.
Wooyoung: kinda dumb of you to try this tbh. Pulls you off him but the roots of your hair. Slinging degrading stuff at you. Calling you a slut. Might spit on you idk. Just fully activates his sadistic dom energy. "Getting kind of bold for a whore" take the literally most degrading punishment you can think of and just multiply it by like 7 and that's what your in for.
Jongho: let's you do it them punishes you after. Hes not actually mad about it, but he doesn't like that you disobeyed him and doesn't want it to become a habit. He's all about repetition training so for the next while you will be exclusively sucking him off under his careful instruction. If you deviate even the slightest bit from his words its another round of punishment.
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noctumbra · 2 years
I don't know how to start this message in general... but here goes.
My life is a living hell. It's just something that no matter how much I try to make better, it doesn't seem to go away. And let me say that it has made me into a very bitter and very angry person who just doesn't... care about anything or anyone anymore. I don't care if I hurt other people when I lash out (when i've taken on more than I can chew) I just want to make them feel as miserable as I am. And no amount of me time is ever enough for me anymore. At least that's what I thought until I found your blog.
James Bucky Barnes is my comfort character because I can relate to so much with him. Not the experiences he's been through, but the pain, stress and self doubt he has. Of not knowing what freedom is like and living with regret. Don't get me wrong, Sebastian Stan is attractive but they're totally different people... it's not the same.
And when I came across your blog, I found myself reading EVERY SINGLE ONE of your fanfics and coming back to check on your Bucky TAGLIST every other day. The way you write and express yourself in your stories is just so captivating that it never fails to make me forget about everything going on in my life, even for just that brief moment. And I always end up thinking that no matter what the story was about, it was totally worth the wait!! I am so enraptured and invested in what you write that it just, it became my form escapism. It went on for months of me just reading and reading until one day they just stopped appearing... I got kind of curious but didn't think much of it, thought it was nothing. But then it became longer and longer (in my perspective at least) and I got curious and decided to take a peek at your main page.
After everything going on in my life, I thought I couldn't be bothered to care about what happened to other people as long as it didn't affect me, but reading your posts about anon comments just made me so LIVID! I just...!! UGH...
Im sorry, I dont know what to say to make it better...
I just want you to know that despite all this darkness, you were my Bucky, my light. (That sounds so f***ing cringe and I don't mean that in a creepy or pervy or any negative kind of way people can twist that sentence into). And the only reason I say "were" is because even though I visit every other day, if this is something that is causing you more bad than good, more stress than happy, then... think about what would make you happy. I know you're studying but try and treat yourself to something, take a break, watch a movie, play a game. Please, just taking some time off for yourself and de-stress, it'll make a HUGE difference in the long run. Trust me!!
And if you choose to stop writing then don't let your mind give you any "What if..?" Don't let it wander into the dark corners of your mind and do not let anyone or anything deviate you from your personal health, care and happiness.
It is not worth it!
I've been thinking of PMing you for a while but I just felt like it wasn't the right time.
Until today...
I don't know why, I just felt like you needed to hear this.
Im not that much older than you, it says in your tumblr you're 23, so I guess im just two years older than you (25) and I just didn't want you to end up like me. And no, this message was NOT intended to make you feel like my life rests entirely on you or anything at all. Do NOT interpret this like some form of pressure to keep writing! Please. I just wanted to thank you and tell you that even though there are times it seems like what you do doesn't matter or it won't make a difference or any negative thing your mind decides to tell you, there is someone right here that you have saved and that someone will continue to support you (from the shadows). You matter, you are important, and you will definitely pass your exams! I know it probably sounds half baked coming from a stranger but I mean it...
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you beautiful person, you made me cry with this very sweet ask 😭 my face was literally this 🥺 emoji as i read your ask and holy shit!!
i didn't know i saved (!!!) someone with my writing?? i had people telling me that my writing is great and all, but never have i ever had someone who told me that i saved them just by writing about the character i love the most 🥺
if my writing was able to make you feel that way, then my life and purpose of living are complete. that's all i wanted and wished for. i... god, i'm just sobbing here. thank you freaking much 🥺🥺🥺
i'm so so happy that i made you feel this way. it makes me want to scream and jump up and down on my bed with giddiness 🥺💗
thank you so much for this ask. it made my entire day and, hell, year!! if i'll be sticking around and continue writing, it will be because of this sweet ask and because of you beautiful person. please take care of yourself the way you told me that i should. you're as important as you claimed i am. i'm nothing without you (and other's) support and love! thank you again. love you!!! 💗💗💗
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imaginedhaven · 4 years
Reluctantly Rooming: Part Three
Link to Masterpost
This has been so much fun, and it’s just going to keep going! As always, I am accepting prompts for this in my ask box.
This addition to the series uses two prompts:
“The salad here is really good.” / “Do I look like a fucking rabbit?” 
“Why’d you hug him? You love him?”
Aelin grinned and sauntered over to her newest customer a few minutes into her shift. “Good evening,” she purred. “What brings you in tonight?”
Green eyes met hers, completely unamused at her antics. “Considering that you insisted I come in, I think you know very well why I’m here,” Rowan replied.
It was completely true, of course. The previous Sunday, Rowan had kept to his word and helped Aelin get her flat tire fixed. He had also immediately taken her to the nearest grocery store and carefully watched her select fruits and vegetables like a hawk eyeing its prey. Once they had gotten home he had immediately flown into a flurry of meal preparation, and soon Aelin’s entire half of the fridge was full of little glass containers of portioned snacks and meals while Aelin’s roommate was glaring from the counter.
She had mocked him for it endlessly, of course, but truth be told she was immensely grateful. And so she had insisted that he pick a night to come out to the bar, so she could get him a free meal and a drink in thanks. He had picked Friday, and now he was here in the place she spent so much of her week. When they had first started rooming together, and even just two weeks ago, it would’ve been strange and she probably would’ve swapped halves of the bar with Lysandra just to avoid him. Now, though, she felt a strange warmth at seeing him so clearly out of his depth for her sake.
“I’m kind of hoping you’ll trust me on the drink, but is there something in particular you want to eat?” she asked.
“You’re the one who works here,” he retorted. “Surely you have a recommendation, seeing how you chose to eat here most nights rather than just admit you can’t cook to save your own life.”
Where that jab would’ve started a real fight just a few weeks ago, now Aelin just gave him her sweetest smile. “The salad here is really good.”
Rowan lifted a single eyebrow. “Do I look like a rabbit to you?”
“Well, since you seem intent on turning me into a rabbit I thought I would offer,” she said, finally bursting into laughter.
Before Rowan could say anything else, a lilting high tenor sounded behind her. “Is there a problem here, Laena?”
Aelin only laughed harder, nearly doubling over as Rowan’s eyes widened. “Oh, don’t be an ass, you know everything’s fine,” she wheezed.
Beside her, a man with dark curls offered a hand to Rowan, who warily shook it. “I’m Sam,” he explained, “bar manager and old college friend.”
Rowan nodded, gaze flicking back over to Aelin. Laena? he mouthed.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “The nickname is short for Celaena. It was the name on my fake license when we met, and he’s never let me forget it. It helps here, sometimes, if someone’s being a little too pushy. Whoever it is walks out of here without my real name, so I let him get away with it.”
Sam chuckled. “I do what I can. But I’ve embarrassed you enough for now, I think.” And without another word he faded into the bustle of the room, where she knew he would be carefully overseeing the crowd.
“Sorry about that,” Aelin said to Rowan. “If I knew he was going to come over and be an ass, I’d have warned you.”
Rowan shook his head, but she could see the faint glimmer of a smile. “It’s good that you have someone looking out for you at work,” he replied.
She smiled back and got to work. Together, they decided on a burger she’d had before for his meal. “Do you trust me?” Aelin asked.
“As much as I feel like I’m going to regret this, go ahead,” he sighed.
Aelin grinned and gathered her ingredients, dropping a single cube of sugar into a glass and soaking it with a mix of bitters. “I’ve been thinking about what I’d serve you for a week,” she began. “I won’t lie, it was tempting to serve you straight amaro and nothing else just to watch your face. But all jokes about bitterness aside, I wasn’t going to actually be that mean.”
“I’m eternally grateful,” Rowan deadpanned.
“You should be,” she laughed, reaching for a muddler and crushing the cube down. “But none of the sweeter drinks seemed like you, either. If I had to guess, in your personal life you don’t mix drinks at all, you just drink your spirits straight.”
The guess earned her a nod. “Even that isn’t often, but when I do, you’re right.”
Aelin nodded as well, dropping a sphere of ice into the glass as well and then reaching for the bottle of rye she’d selected. “So I didn’t want to deviate too much from that and give you a glass that was basically full of sugar, but I wanted to take you just a little outside your comfort zone.” Deftly she added the alcohol to the glass and then began to stir. “That left me with a much shorter list. Spirit forward. Classic pairings. Something even a joyless buzzard like you can appreciate.”
The name had started as an insult, Aelin mused as she reached for an orange and deftly carved a strip of its peel away from the fruit. Now, though, it was… almost an endearment. If friends traded endearments, that was.
Rowan’s eyes widened as she reached for a match, expression turning wary. “What exactly are you doing?” he asked.
Aelin grinned. “Helping you live a little,” she said as she struck the match and held the peel to the flame.
The smell of caramelization and warm orange oil reached her nose soon enough, and she blew out the match and set it aside before gently twisting the peel over the top of the now-completed drink and rested it on the rim of the glass. With a smirk, she slid the glass across the bar and watched as her roommate looked it over. “What is this?”
“If I told you, you’d think I was making fun of you,” she laughed. “So we’ll call it a ‘Trust Me, Rowan’ instead.”
The remark earned her another roll of those pine-green eyes, but he obediently lifted the glass, swirling its contents gently and inhaling delicately. “I wouldn’t have thought scorching the orange peel would change its scent so much,” he remarked.
Aelin grinned. “And that’s why I’m behind the bar and you’re in front of it. Go on, try it.”
As she watched, he carefully lifted the glass to his lips and took a small sip. She bit her lip, doing her best to wait out his reaction as his eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Finally he let out a pleased hum, and she could no longer contain her smile. “All right,” he said. “If I admit that I like this, will you tell me what it’s called? Or did you just make it up?”
Aelin tugged on a stray strand of hair as she bit back a laugh. “I didn’t invent this, no,” she said. “It’s been around for a while.”
She glanced at him again and finally lost the battle with her mirth, leaning heavily on the bar as she broke into a fit of giggles. “It’s called an old fashioned,” she wheezed as Rowan rolled his eyes and grumbled into his drink.
Rowan left about an hour after that, but Aelin was still laughing about it with Lysandra as they worked to wipe the bar clean after closing. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, and she laughed and turned, tossing her rag into Sam’s face. “Haven’t you caused enough trouble today?” she teased.
“Not quite enough yet,” he grinned. “So why’d you hug him? You love him or something?”
Aelin laughed as she remembered back to Rowan leaving the bar. He’d obviously intended to slip away without calling attention to his departure, but she had noticed him and chased him down to give him a giant hug and a smacking kiss on his cheek. He had growled and immediately gone to wipe his face off, tossing her a glare that once would’ve left her shaking in her boots. Now, though, she had simply laughed and told him it was revenge for him trying to sneak away. “No,” she finally said as she turned her attention back to Sam. “No, that’s my roommate. We’re trying out this new thing where we actually get along.”
“Oh, so this is the roommate from hell we’ve been hearing so much about,” Lysandra chimed in. “You didn’t say he was hot.”
“I feel like that wasn’t relevant to what I was telling you,” Aelin pointed out. “Hot people can be jerks just as much as the rest of us.”
“She says as though the three of us aren’t hot,” Sam laughed.
“He’s got a point,” Lysandra agreed, green eyes bright with mirth as well. “But anyway, we’ve got a mess to clean up here. We can sort out Aelin’s future domestic bliss later.”
Aelin scowled as her two friends laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far,” she cautioned them.
“Ah, but if we don’t, who will?” asked Sam.
“You’re assholes and I hate you both,” Aelin said with no heat in her voice.
“Oh, come on, you love us,” Lysandra grinned. “Sam, what can you do about all three of us having the same day off sometime soon?”
“You know I don’t control the schedule,” he sighed, but his brown eyes were glimmering with amusement. “That said, we all have this coming Sunday off. Why, do you have a plan?”
“I’ve always got a plan,” she replied. “But in this case, I suppose I can extend my plans to include the two of you.”
“This is all well and good,” Aelin drawled, “but at least one of us would like to sleep at some point tonight.”
“You just want to get home to that roommate of yours,” Lysandra retorted.
“Oh, would you—”
Aelin’s words cut off with a yelp. She had been turning to face Lysandra, but suddenly her ankle buckled and she hit the floor with a cry and the sound of something cracking.
If anyone has questions about any of the mixology involved in this, I am of course happy to answer to the best of my ability! I don’t do it professionally, but in this quarantine it has become an... extensive and somewhat expensive hobby. Yikes. Lol.
@ireallyshouldsleeprn @queen-of-glass @fangirlprincess09 @sassys-world @morganofthewildfire @superspiritfestival @perseusannabeth @sis-it-dont-add-up @jlinez @julemmaes @emilyoftheshadows
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ketchup-monthly · 3 years
Sanders Sides D&D 2
Ooh fresh take: Jan is virge’s patron and that’s why there’s beef
Also: Jan is some sort of fae related being
Jan: i need you to do something for me Virgil: no Janus: that's not how this works!! Virgil: watch me :P
Okay so I was thinking of Patton as a cleric cuz ooh healer however, Patton as a Druid makes me so happy
I want logan to have Rage
(Also that could tie nicely in an arc about Logan learning to accept feelings)
but barbarian logan is going to be a scholar again and is gonna be smort
bc hes logan. he cant be not smart
Oh I figured he’d be the bbeg that eventually joins the party (hurt/comfort baybee!)(Remus)
he was the bbeg but then joined the party as a bardbarian or just a bard
plus, actual bard who accidentally casts vicious mockery instead of bardic inspiration
Side note: please include a scene where Remus attempts to seduce the dragon
also with this second au, i can start them at like level 5 so people can multiclass
Pat as cleric/druid
gasp logan as artificer/barbarian
janus sorcerer/rogue
because basically everything but alchemist would work well with barbarian, but alchemist feels very Logan
bc mad scientist being actually mad
alchemist logan making an experimental potion and going "here im not sure what this does but im sure its fine! someone drink it"
Remus does it voluntarily, but Logan usually tries to get Roman to drink it
Virgil will occasionally drink it when he's on his last legs and is just like.....100% done with the party
remus as a wild magic path barbarian and just fucking teleporting or doing something equally ridiculous whenever he rages
Oh my god Remus with rage would be a force to be reckoned with
You gotta describe the first time he goes into a rage really dramatically
obviously virgil is trying to "escape" his patron, Janus (really just do whatever he says to not do out of spite)
Eldritch knight roman
Feywild warlock virgil
hey so in the second d&d au, should roman and remus be actual full siblings but like remus went darkside and like romans just trying to get back at him for putting a dark stain on the family name
hey hey hey what about warforged Logan? (essentially a robot)(so like "i dont feel anything" becoming real)
okay hear me out. elf roman and elf base simic hybrid remus. so like maybe the reason remus went darkside was experimentation? so like. hes elf but special
virgil just transforming in the middle of a combat scenario and like his eyes turn into black pits and flightless skeletal wings appear on his back and like everyone near him has to make a charisma check and like he deals extra necrotic damage
Pat is the one human stuck in a band of misfits
so with it, roman would be a full elf, and remus would be an elf that has tentacles bc octopus
So robot logan
i meant literally he doesnt feel anything
like he has all the emotions, but he doesnt physically feel the need to like eat or sleep or stuff like that
he just.....he pretend he don't have the feelings.....but he do.....he feel so much and he hides it all in his littol mechanical heart <3
plus......if he warforged, then like.....AC huge
he stands in front of friends.....he protecc...."no, i don't have feelings, i am physically incapable of affection" but he do!! he do! he take hits for them because he do!! he care so much
Bro he spouts all this and then he uses a reaction to dive in front of someone and everyone’s just like oh
hey hey everyone needs to grow
and logan standing up for himself and other people stepping in and saying no stop thats not right
plus if canon wont give me roman facing the consequences of his actions towards Logan......
but also Roman learning how to properly handle his own emotions and how he interacts with others
logan who doesn't view himself as anything more than a machine to be useful to others
the party giving logan love and affection until he slowly learns his own worth as a person
Roman and Logan not getting along (maybe Roman has a Lore reason to distrust Warforged, maybe not) and slowly learning to trust each other
when Logan is feeling real down or having some issue, Roman actually comes through to help him, showing how far both characters have come
Okay yes but also can we please give Roman more confidence than canon? Like I’m sooooo sick of low self esteem being played for laughs or just being really really sad
this boy is going on a mission and will slap his brother upside the head and tell him to shut tf up remus youre not a monster just come back home and he will do it alone if need be
im unsure as to how, but it happened when he was an older teen/young adult. a simic scientist either picked him (read: kidnapped), or remus volunteered (potentially to escape court life, unaware what exactly the experiment was going to do to him physically
bc also, remus and roman are royalty
so like. how best to get at the nobes/royalty/rich famous people than by turning their kid into a monster
wait, wait, wait, because i'm lowkey a sucker for this trope, but i'm not sure if it fits Remus: the experiments left him with some fairly significant physical pain/uncontrolled magical reactions. through some combo of trying to deal with that and trying find a cure for his pain, he keeps like....absolutely wrecking random towns on accident but also deliberately wrecking certain places looking for either a) vengeance on the guy(s) responsible or b) someone who can make the pain stop
Yknow, for simplification purposes, we could say the True Bbeg just gave Remus lycanthropy and Remus hasn’t managed to control it yet
lycanthropy but simic shit?
Mr. I-Don't-Have-Feelings sees the poor dude in pain and also Roman in emotional pain from seeing his brother in pain and is absolutely like "i must resolve this like right now, immediately" because he definitely doesn't hate seeing his friend suffering, or his friend's brother whom he's just met
he definitely doesn't relate at all to the idea of someone else shaping your body and absolutely does not sympathize with Remus's plight
i was thinking the grappling thing and either manta glide or the ability to breathe underwater for the simic stuff, but like he doesnt have control over the tentacles yet?
Manta glide seems like we could have fun battle scenes
he just jumps off a cliff to avoid mushy talk/dealing with his actions/roman
Roman: Remus just because you're a monster and though i wish i was an only child-- Remus, jumping off a cliff: byyeeeeee Patton: Roman, look what you did! Virgil: dammit jan what did you do? Janus: why do you think i had anything to do with that? im a fae, not a genie Logan, thinking: what an asshole. i wish i could do that
oh my god Logan always being tired mentally bc he cant sleep
Oh my gosh I love that. So Remus got kidnapped super young, (from royal family) they never found him, as a result Roman had to grow up super fast (side effect: lowkey inconsiderate and forgets to ask for others input). Meanwhile, Remus was experimented on by True Bbeg and came out with some trauma and super cool additives
yep! chronic pain and ptsd and all sorts of other shit!
so like, simic hybrids are usually created when they're adults. but what if the true bbeg decided to go younger to see what would happen, and thats why remus has chronic pain and stuff
he was still growing when his genes were spliced, so hes dealing with growth plates shifting and his body maturing and puberty and body changes and stuff
Pat is going to have a lighthearted story. Im saying that now. Hes the one without all the baggage
Sure, but his parents have to lowkey be the really kind people who are surprisingly always down for violence
everyone: multiple crises Pat: y'all need help Pat: love and affection in spades for his little band of misfits
Patton (which I think would be pretty simple, honestly he might just see danger and jump in and suddenly everyone in the party has Feelings)
Mhm. So how did he grow up? Was he just poof created? Wait
What if he was created by the king?
To make up for remuss disappearance
wait, wait....angst......he was created to fight (hence the barbarian stuff) but alchemy is his real passion
wait so like. a second son???
hes there to replace remus?
Yea! (But like in a sympathetic grief way) But that causes a bit of a complex in Roman and ergo Roman and Logan have a bit of a beef
okay so like. hes there to be a companion for roman, and like take remus' place, even though hes not actually in line for the throne?
and just......the conflict of being created for a specific purpose (plus being, you know, robot and technically incapable of deviated from said purpose) vs the fact that he actually does have independent consciousness and like....wants to live life for himself
the parents made Logan a barbarian in hopes that him and Roman would be safe
okay. so logan was created by the king with the sole purpose to take remus' place as romans brother/companion, and to be his like guard? protector? and fight, but logan wants to be an alchemist and study shit
wait, wait, wait.....thinks about Asimov's Laws
he.....his first operative is protect (specifically protect Roman)
oh man. so hes literally just a shield
his second level operative is just like.....care for Roman's emotional well-being, but he doesn't really know emotions because he was kinda just spawned and nobody told him how
and he just....kind of....lets Roman treat him like garbage and take all his grief out on him because he's staunchly in denial of both having feelings or knowing how they work
Anyway Yea so Logan created by royal family in place of Remus which created angst between the two “brothers” and identity issues in Logan. Their arcs are learning how to healthily process emotions plus Roman apology and Logan commits to alchemy
So big question: why did virge make a deal?
he gave janus his name
and instead of janus like killing him or whatever the fae do to people who break the rules of dealing with the fae, jan was like. hey. i'll give you magic, but do what i say
Janus is lawful neutral, but leans towards being selfish
hes self serving, but he has a strong set of morals and rules he follows
Tho I want to Virgil to also not be pushover so let’s say loophole happened and Jan has to stay with virge (hence why Jan is a part of the party)
okay so a couple of the rules are dont give a fae your true name and don't try to figure out their true name
what if virgil accidentally gave up part of his true name, and got stuck in the deal, but then figured out janus' true name
so in the same vein that janus had control over virgil, virgil now has more control over janus
he still gets his magic from janus, so he cant break free completely, but virgil has more freedom and can occasionally tell janus what to do or when to shove it
there should a running gag where virge can explain how he learned Jan’s true name but Jan can make something loudly censor him every time
(he learned his name bc once he heard janus practicing his evil genius voice and talking to himself in the mirror and janus said his true name)
so maybe janus sent virgil on the quest to protect a town or stop something related to remus, but virgil dragged him along
he might just be trying to protect a town thats close to a ley line, or something fae-related, and they just happen upon the whole thing
janus is selfish. but lawful vs chaotic is where he comes through, in morals vs doing whatever. janus has a strong set of loyalties to the fae, and to himself
so like....Remus is just too close to Jan's stuff and he wants to take him down
Virgil is just like....exhausted and said "fine, but if i gotta do this, you're coming, too"
or at least figure out a way to protect his place, even if it doesnt mean fully taking out remus. just moving him would work for jan
Janus: virgilllllllllll hes going to mess up my magic storage locker Virgil: Jan, its empty Janus: but its mine
Yea. Remus attacks a city away from the fae: Jan: Yknow I’m gonna sit this one out Virge: oh no you don’t, get up
Janus vs Janice
so his real name is Janus, but Virgil calls him Janice
Virgil: This is Janice Janice: with a “U-S” Virgil: mhm, sure Jan
I'm a big fan of just like any of the old theory name being various aliases for Jan
Damien, Dante, Ethan, Declan, etc, etc
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elvencantation · 3 years
yin yang master liveblog
feat. @thursdayplaid​
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omg the magic is so pretty
also why is it always Chinese dramas will have someone, if they need blood, bite their finger?
also the gold spirit is very cute i like
i love a young countenance but an older soul
i also want them to take off their hats 😂
wait he ain’t dead he’s just sitting there?
or he’s dying i guess
This movie is pretty throughout, aesthetic on point 
Sharp teeth?
We simp gold spirit
Too true, amazing combo XD 
He's dying
Please don't let me disturb your liveblogging. It brings be much joy
oh hot demon boy!
love that he’s fighting with a fan
Who will win? Uptight fighting bro vs gentle fan uncle
gentle fan uncle is an amazing title
i love how he’s just like ‘bet u wouldnt stab a precious instrument’
XD I love how playful he is during the whole fight too
it’s adorable
dude rly loves his transportation talismans
He does. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I guess. And it's a good way to redirect violence without doing harm
Demon boy has had a Rough Time
i wanna give him a hug
i don’t think he’d appreciate that but still 😂
He's just sad and misses his girl friend
why his reincarnated shufu look evil tho
Who can say~~~
I love how Boya was just repeatedly defeated by Qingming and is like: you won't fight me because you're scared.
what’s a himbo but not nice 😂
hey! they put my boys hat on crooked. rude.
Give that boy a straight hat.
He's just such an Angy Boy
he rly is 😂
ah i love the lady master she’s so pretty
She's amazing and I love her.
awww boya defended him
He's so angry, but this fan man flirts with him
ofc they all spying on each other 😂
Saved by your opponent's gay discovery
omg yes
Spying required
aw he looks nice with his hair down!
drink tea with him angy boy!
He just wants you to chill out before you deviate. Sit and look at his amazing long hair. It'll be good for you
honey bug!!!! i love her!!!!!!!
Also the ability for the fan man's actor to go from calm to worried to angry to calm again
Honey bug is good and important and I love her
thank u for the recommendation yes
i love them
The intrinsic eroticism of a man who's having his racist beliefs totally shaken by a hot guy who's hotter and smarter than him while holding a sword to his throat and looking like he wants to cry while saying cool lines.
They are such a great pair
angy boy is angy like how dare fan man make him have feelings
How very dare he make a good point about morals and ethics!
Also with that hair drinking tea in the morning
Angy boy with clenched teeth: I'm Not Yearning. I'm Just Like This When I See A Fan.
Angy boy with clenched fists: Complex Feelings? Disgusting.
Clenched fist intensifies
maybe he just wants to hang out with cute people
i get that
He's just a friendly guy
if i could summon pretty spirit friends to hang with me i so would
ok so maybe he’s not evil. but i’m still suspicious
I do get the vibe off him he's not the sort of guy who would put his spirit friends in sexual situations. But also I get the vibe he's a very lonely guy at his core and he enjoys the feeling of physical and emotional closeness.
mood ™
Let's be honest, the hat is a bit cute, but that hair though. Respect for the makeup department
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Angy boy, you're just walking to being teased now. At this point its a hand written invitation with gold leaf.
oh i love this moment with the water
it’s so intense
“you’re too obedient” 😂
The priest is in the range of gentle or teasing and hovers there. Seeing an actual intense situation is great
ah that is exactly what i love
that situation
Me too! It's great when characters hover in a range and then swing over sharply
I really makes both extremes more dynamic
Go For It Angy Boy! He'll be gentle!
XD I mean he will continue to ruffle his feathers, but for fun, not for mean
Also, I really love the depiction of a fox demon that isn't sexed up.
Qingming is a trickster, a tease, a bit of a flirt, and enjoys the pleasures of life, but he isn't the stereotypical half naked sexpot fox demon that seem to pop up everywhere
The only person he had in the world but he didn't want him to suffer and be corrupted
also I hate that my two associations with someone being turned into ash is firstly the avengers and secondly that stupid fucking scene in the last harry potter movie
god this movie is so beautiful and lovely
That set is outstandingly gorgeous
Everything is so beautiful. I want to live in this world!
Sometimes I just see a kind and lonely character trying to live their best life and just vibe with them. Also the wigs on this movie 😭 So beautiful!
Run girl! Move!
She's so smart and brave!
oh the DRAMA
The Drama is right, I love this movie!
omg the drama of his hand slackening
That slackening hand though...
why it didn’t work until then tho???
For the drama mostly XD
is she giving birth to the serpent? 🤢
She is giving birth to the serpent
hey it’s better to be possessed by the literal incarnation of evil in snake form than be dead am I right?
I mean is we're making a choice...
It is ~spirit time~!
He is back and he is Fancy!
They're looking good they're doing poses
omg the painters face painting is so pretty
I love the painter ;-; so noble
the music when he summons spirits just makes me think of like pro wrestling intro music for some reason 😂
And now from the WWE, some hot chinese spirits
oh no ice boy!
Poor ice boy, he's just getting beat up
don’t u dare touch my other demon boy
He just signed up for this adventure and now a snake is beating him up
He Do!
Boya is just having a rough time right now, he's a good good boy
and now the painter???
I almost cried about the painter and he was only there for like five minutes
Demon Boy goes yeet
oh my god the drama of the dripping blood i can’t
This movie has so much drama It did
not my demon boy 😭
wait shit spirit boya is super hot
the tattoos??? the hair?!?!!! the messy goth skirt??!
Spirit Boya is Choice, I'm looking respectfully 👀
Goth spirit aesthetic is on point
where the other guardians tho?
yes this is a very touching little last reunion but where my boya at
omg yes give him a glowing sword
the avenging angel look is 💯 on him
The sword on fire look is Really Working For Him
tell me boya’s spirit form has no influence on his actual body. no he said he trusted qingming to protect his body it’s ok
It's back and it's shiny!
ok but u still have a hole in ur torso my dude
oh ok apparently that’s not a thing anymore but i can’t be mad cause boya’s outfit 😍
I guess he used his cultivation or his demon powers or something IDK, It would have been nice to have two extra minutes of Boya being worried about him
Boya wears some excellent clothes
love a good romantic flute moment 😭🥰
I have to say Boya's like let me play you this song about promising to fall in love in the next life for fun and me time
omg i thought he was gonna kiss the arrow
I mean emotionally did he not kiss the arrow?
omg i cant
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I know right? How many censors did they have to pay off
I Chose To Believe She's fine and is now living happily on a farm or something
yeah i do love being worried for each other
but i guess they didnt have enouhg time and they already had that moment at the beginning of the movie 😂
Two people? Respecting, worrying, and caring about each other? 👍 There's never enough caring for each other!
Also, this is one of the best examples of be careful how you word your spells that I've ever seen.
The old master was like care and protect her forever and his spirit guardian was just like: 👍👌💯
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Crescent Chapter 3 Revision Notes
Revised Chapter 3 is out baby, view it on tumblr dont talk to me about the links not working on that post its broken for some reason or ao3! Since this chapter feels like the one most heavily updated, here’s some notes on what was reworked
Removed Roman’s pov from the very beginning and replaced it with Patton’s pov. I made this decision because it felt like it made for a stronger opening. Some of Roman’s beginning inner monologue in the original is reused at the end of the revised chapter
Patton tearing that mugger apart is now 40% more gruesome and descriptive. 
Patton’s character is now more rounded out and thoroughly explored imho
Roman, Patton and Logan are now 20% more werewolf in their behavior 
Instead of Logan conveniently arriving home for that Dramatic Entrance when Patton finishes telling Roman what’s up, he’s just there and ready to silently disapprove Patton’s choices in life
The Argument at the end between the three is a bit more expanded upon and Patton has a bit more agency in it. 
Original Word-Count was 2557, Updated Word-Count is 4574, little over 2k more than the original.
Included below is the original chapter 3 so you can see the differences if you’d like
To be fair, Roman wasn’t surprised when Patton came home a stray in tow. Patton had a heart of gold—there wasn’t a mean bone in his body. He cried easily. He cried when a girl and her dog got separated in a movie, and he cried again when the two were reunited. He couldn’t bear passing by a downed bird, injured and all alone. It was why they now had a flock of ravens that took shelter within the confines of their yard.
Roman knew it was always hard for Patton to let go of the strays after he nursed them back to health. He grew attached to their presences, loved them like they were his own children. But he also knew that they couldn’t really care for pets with their type of lifestyle beyond the wild animals like the ravens that just wouldn’t leave. However, that was alright. A flock of ravens were considered good luck among werewolves.
So the ravens stayed, whilst the others were sent away. Logan always did his best to help situate the animals into loving homes. It made Patton feel better knowing that they went to owners who’d care for them just as much as he did.
What he was surprised about was the…species of the stray Patton brought home.
He heard the door click open, as he worked on his canvas. He didn’t bother glancing up. He didn’t need to use his nose to know it was Patton entering their humble yet magnificent dwelling. It couldn’t be anyone else, but Patton as Logan didn’t get off work this early, and there wasn’t anyone else who had a key to the house.
“Hey, padre!” He greeted, frowning as he redrew the eyes of his sketch, “Did you complete your quest to obtain the chocolate chip cookies with the extra chocolateyness?”
“Oh my goodness,” Patton gasped, “I left the cookies back in the city!”
“What happened? Did you get sidetracked by a baby squirrel again?” Roman chuckled.
He expected Patton to launch into some excited ramble about the cute poor animal he came across, or perhaps amazing scent trail that derailed him from his errand. But instead Patton seemed hesitant to share information.
“Not…exactly.” Patton admitted.
“What do you mean?” Roman finally looked up.
Instead of the kitten or baby bird that Roman expected to find, there was a stranger in Patton’s arms. Small and thin and pale in baggy black clothing. His first thought that must be another werewolf—Patton wouldn’t dare bring a human here, would he? But Roman took one sniff and knew immediately.
There was no mistake about it; Patton had brought a human into the home.
“Patton why is he here?” Roman growled, “He’s a human!”
The older man pressed his lips together, walking past Roman to lay the human on the couch before facing him once more.
“He was in trouble, Roman! He—he was all alone and I couldn’t just leave him—” Patton drew a breath, “Please, let me explain.”
To be fair, Patton did not mean to go sniffing out for trouble. He only meant to go sniffing out for cookies after another botched attempt at creating them. As much as he loved making food in the kitchen, baking was not his strong suit. Logan said it was because he wasn’t exact with his measurements. Patton didn’t see how adding more sugar could ruin the recipe that much. He only wanted to make the cookies sweeter, and what’s sweeter than sugar itself?
It was alright though, because that just gave himself an excuse to visit Thomas. He let his nose take all the way downtown to the Piece of Cake bakery. The bell jangled as he bounced in, grinning around at the pastel interior of the bakery. He took a deep breath in, letting the sweet scents of the desserts invade his nose.
“Hi Patton! What’ll it be today?” Thomas asked, giving a friendly wave from his place at the counter.
“Thomas! It’s so good to see you!” Patton squealed, reaching over the counter to give the man a hug.
The man let out a surprised yelp, but eagerly returned the hug just the same. He learned by now that Patton often to forgot to ask before he invaded people’s personal spaces in his rush to lavish them with affection.
“Opps sorry,” Patton gave a bashful grin as he withdrew from the hug, “I was just excited to see you! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!”
“Patton, it’s only been like three days,” Thomas laughed.
“I know, but still.” Patton pouted.
The two made friendly conversation as Patton picked out his order. It wasn’t until another customer came into the bakery that the two exchanged their goodbyes, and Patton made his departure.
He hummed cheerfully, swinging the bag of cookies with each stride. Occasionally at intersections he took a moment to open the bag and smell the delicious sugary delights. Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodles, Sugar Cookies—the scents tickled his nose with glee.
Patton loved scents—they often told the truth more often than someone else’s words or his own eyes could. He was happy he could always trust his nose when his other senses failed him. He couldn’t imagine not being able to smell! He’d rather give up his sight or his hearing than not being able to smell the comforting presences of his packmates.
Once, Logan revealed to him that humans couldn’t smell as well as their kind. Patton cried for fifteen minutes straight after that.
“Why are you crying?” Logan asked, awkwardly patting Patton’s back, “Humans’ sense of smell may be feeble compared to ours, but they have been able to survive just fine with it the way that it is. Besides, it is not as if they know the difference.”
“Exactly!” Patton sobbed harder, “They’ll never know how—how wonderful smell is.”
Logan sighed.
“Would it help any to say as a former human, that I now know how wonderful a heightened sense of smell can be?”
“A little.” Patton sniffled.
The crosswalk switched from an angry red hand to the cute walking stick figure that signaled it was the pedestrians turn to walk. The crowd surged forward, a few people bumping into Patton’s shoulder as they passed by him.
“Oh!” He looked up from the bag, spying the crosswalk signal. He covered up the bag once more and hurried across the crosswalk.
It was a long walk to the outskirts of the city where Roman, Logan and Patton lived, but he much preferred it over taking the car. As much as he enjoyed driving, he didn’t enjoy that thick traffic that left him antsy in the seat knowing he could walk faster than how fast the car was crawling across the interstate. When there wasn’t traffic clogging the streets, the car whipped by faster than Patton’s liking.
He took the idiom “stop and smell the roses” literally. Patton enjoyed walking because of the journey. He loved hearing the chatter out of the bustling city, the wind rustling his hair, seeing the various sights that the city had to offer. Not to mention the smells. While some scents like gasoline could be nauseating to smell, there was scents like—pizza. Greasy breading baked with tomato sauce and cheese with a variety of toppings. His stomach grumbled in agreement.
As if in a trance, Patton’s feet led him in the direction of a nearby pizzeria. It wasn’t until he was a block away from the restaurant that he realized how far off he deviated from the walk home. He needed to walk north, not inwards towards the heart of the city. As much as his mouth watered for pizza, he already prepared a delicious meal at home. He would have to save pizza for another day. Perhaps he could even make homemade pizza! He hadn’t tried that doing that yet.
It was hard to suppress his urge to chase after every wonderful scent that infiltrated his nose, however. The closer he came towards home, the more overwhelming it became. When Patton had been younger, it was harder for him to ignore the urges to chase after the scents. Flowers, perfume, the smell of Asian food wafting in the air from a nearby restaurant—it enticed and overwhelmed him.
He chased the scents, curious to see where they led. Often, he found himself in trouble from sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. After spending his childhood largely isolated from the human world, he had been ignorant of appropriate manners among humans. For example, humans often took offense if you smelled them. Whereas werewolves had very little sense of personal space. Something that could be found inherent in Patton by how he heaped affection on people within five seconds of meeting them.
Patton knew better now. He recognized he couldn’t gleefully chase each scent without abandon. He had a responsibility to look after the needs of the others. If Patton didn’t remind the two workaholics when to eat, he wasn’t sure who else would.
Gotta focus, gotta focus, gotta focus. The mantra ran through his mind repeatedly. He opened the bag of cookies once more, taking a deep whiff to remind himself of his mission. The rich chocolate, cinnamon goodness and fear reminded him that he can’t wait to share them with the others—wait.
Patton paused in the middle of the sidewalk, causing the person behind him to grumble in frustration. Fear? That can’t be right. That scent doesn’t belong with a cookie but rather—a living being. He scanned the bustling crowd who traveled down the sidewalk as usual. The scent of increased perspiration clung to the air, how could the humans just ignore it? Could they not smell it?
He didn’t stay put to find out. There’s no question in his mind whether if he should not follow this scent. His heart pounded, as he dashed after the scent. He trusted his nose to lead him to the source.
“Opps, Excuse me! Sorry!” He called out, apologizing to disgruntled pedestrians as he tore through the foot traffic. His large, hulking figure was perfect at plowing through the crowd—no one wanted to get trampled by a 6’2 man.
He skidded around a corner, the scent leading him to the entrance of a winding, dark alleyway. There lay a sight that angered him. A large burly human held a gun against a smaller one, who shook badly from terror.
Patton let out a low growl, too upset to say anything intelligible. His claws came out as he launched himself at the mugger, tearing him away from the small human. A shot rang out from his gun, and Patton could only hope it didn’t hit the human on the ground. The mugger attempted pointing his gun towards Patton, but he ripped the weapon out of his hand and onto the ground.
The mugger made a frantic scramble after it, but Patton pinned him to the ground. He sunk his claws into the man, and only let go when the man went limp.
He breathed in deeply, forcing himself to relax. His instincts screamed at him to remain on guard. But the danger had passed, and he needed to make sure the small human was okay. He was ignorant of a lot of things about humans, but he did know they could be easily frightened by his more wolfish appearance. The last thing he wanted was to scare the poor guy even further. As soon as he morphed back into a humanoid appearance, his focus went immediately to the small human—his eyes widening in concern at their collapsed figure.
“Are you alright?!” He called out as he rushed to their side. Their head lolled backwards, signaling that they had gone unconscious.
A surge of protectiveness took over him as he immediately gathered the human in his embrace. He can’t help but marvel over how small and fragile the human looked! He must have been the runt in his litter. The human wore a raggedy black hoodie and ripped jeans with scuffed up converse. His face was too thin to be healthy, and those circles underneath his eyes! If the poor thing didn’t faint from fright, he certainly fainted from exhaustion.
He gasped upon seeing the bandages wrapped around the human’s hands. The skin underneath looked red and swollen, indicating it was a fresh wound. The human’s hair was glistened with sweat. Patton pressed a hand against his forehead and nearly flinched at how warm it felt. He shouldn’t feel this warm…humans shouldn’t feel this warm, right?
Patton snuck a glance towards the mugger, and immediately withheld the urge to vomit. The wounds looked deeper than Patton had initially thought and although the mugger was still breathing, it might not be for long. Patton was a lover not a fighter. The thought that he could be this man’s cause of death was haunting. But as he looked back down at the runt, he didn’t regret it. The mugger had threatened an innocent life, and Patton wasn’t going to stand there and watch it happen.
That was also the reason why he couldn’t just leave the human, alone and unconscious, in the alley alone with the bleeding-out stranger that tried to kill him. If someone came across him, he’d be an easy meal. He had to take the human somewhere safe. The only thing is, Patton had no way of knowing where he lived. He had no way of tracking down his home. It was nearly impossible to distinguish a scent from the hundreds of millions of aromas existing in the city air.
A scream interrupted his thoughts. Patton looked up to see a woman staring from the entrance of the alleyway, covering up her mouth in horror. Patton’s mind came to a screeching halt as his instincts screamed a singular command at him. Run.
This was not a time to attempt explaining the situation. His nerves were shot, and he was afraid of what was going to befall on the human. Would the other humans see how sick and small he was and attempted to finish what the mugger started? He couldn’t let this small human go through any more pain than he already had. Not now he was here. He scooped up the human in his arms, sprinting into through the sidewalks of the city.
He ran as fast as his feet would carry him, afraid that police sirens would be after him at any moment. Patton was fast, but not fast enough to outrun a car. Especially while carrying the human, despite how worryingly light he was.
Patton, being paranoid, took detours—attempting to throw off any would-be pursuers off his trail. When he finally reached the porch of the house, he almost collapsed from exhaustion. The human let out a cry in his sleep, and Patton stroked his hair.
“Shhh,” He said, “You’re safe now.”
The human unconsciously leaned into the touch, completely relaxing in Patton’s hold. The werewolf’s heart melted even further.  If Patton’s heart was a popsicle, it was now a puddle of sugary sweet liquid.
As he sat on the porch, the human lying draped across his lap, he started to realize that Logan and Roman probably wouldn’t be happy with this arrangement. But Patton wasn’t going to abandon him, even if he was a human!
Which was why, he was now pleading to let the human stay with them.
“Please Roman, he needs help, I couldn’t just leave him all like that!” Patton begged, “Please don’t tell Logan—not yet, at least.”
“Tell Logan, what?”
Logan stood in the door frame, arms crossed as he stared down at the unconscious form of the human on the couch. Patton gulped.
He did not look happy.
“Hi Logan,” Patton chuckled nervously.
“What is he doing here?” Logan gestured to the human, “He shouldn’t be here, Patton. Do you remember what happened last time we let a human in our house?”
“This—this is different,” Patton insisted, “He needs us!”
“He needs to go!” Roman burst, clenching his fists.
Logan turned to look at Patton.
“Explain.” He said, and Patton did.
He repeated the same story as he had with Roman, with a few occasional interruptions by Logan who reminded him to stick the facts and not stray off into tangents. Once he finished, Logan sighed and pinched his nose between his fingers.
“So, what I’m hearing is that you panicked and weren’t thinking straight.”
Roman snorted. “Patton doesn’t think straight—ever.”
“I couldn’t just leave him all alone like that! What if he got attacked again?” Patton huffed.
“You could’ve left him at a police station or taken him to the hospital if you were worried about his health.”
Now that he thought about it, those might’ve been better options. Logan had always been good at figuring out more rational solutions to problems than Patton. But it didn’t change the fact that the tiny human was here now and needed their help.
“He needs a pack, Logan. And I know you know how to care for sick humans!”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Patton, humans are social creatures, I’m sure he has packmates of his own who are concerned by his disappearance. There’s also no telling how he would react once discovering our true nature. We should take him to the hospital.”
Patton frowned. He hadn’t taken in consideration that the small human might already have packmates. If he did, Patton didn’t think they were good packmates based on the human’s malnourished appearance.
“We don’t have to tell him about the pack. But we can’t just leave him alone in the hands of strangers, Logan! We should care for him until we find out where his packmates are.”
Roman glanced between the two like a child observing an argument between their parents unfold in front of them.
Logan said nothing, reaching downwards to feel the human’s forehead.
“His temperature is unusually warm,” He noted, “We should take his jacket off—to help cool down his temperature.”
Patton’s eyes widened.
“Does that mean—”
“Yes, he can stay,” Logan said before clarifying, “only until he’s no longer ill.”
Roman’s eyes flashed angrily.
“Patton, can you go prepare the spare bedroom for the human?” Logan interrupted.
“Of course!” Patton beamed as he scurried out.
As soon as Patton left the room, Roman turned to face Logan.
“Do I have no say in this?” Roman spluttered indignantly, “Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? It’s a human, Logan. A. Human.”
“A human who is physically weaker, underfed and feverish compared to us. While it would be optimal to take him to a hospital, you and I both know about how attached Patton gets to…strays. I theorize he’s able to pack-bond more easily with other species than us.”
“Look, I don’t want to hurt Patton’s feelings as much you do, but we should put the safety of the pack first.”
“I did consider the safety of the pack in my decision making. This is a compromise—we’ll look after the human for long as he’s sick in exchange for Patton promising to return him to his friends and family,” Logan explained, “Who knows? The human might even want to leave early.”
He walked towards his study before turning to glance back at Roman.
“Make no mistake. I know how dangerous humans can be; I was once one myself, Roman, and I have no intentions of harboring the delusion of keeping one in our home any longer than necessary.”
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yo do tell us about harmonization. i never really cared for the concept tbh i think because i dont really read many fanfics with the sky users (oops) so it doesnt come up often but i am curious to your opinion
Hoo boy I have a lot of thoughts and I’m gonna put it in a read more. Not just for length, but because I do feel like this concept is deeply flawed and I have strong opinions on it
For people who don’t know, harmonization is a fanon interpretation of how the sky flame’s attribute of “harmony” interacts with the other flames. Other flames can “harmonize” with the sky and create a flame bond, to the point where they can all feel each other’s physical/emotional pain or even hear each other’s thoughts. It can vary from author to author but these are the main themes and it’s a surprisingly very widespread thing.
▲ My main issue with it is the extreme codependency that happens between the sky and other flames. It just seems manipulative that because of this bond, you can’t ever leave the sky user, or doing so puts you both in excruciating pain. Even if I think most of Tsuna’s friends are loyal as hell by their own will, people can change and leave you, that’s a part of life. Harmonization takes away that agency and automatically makes the dynamic really unhealthy.
▲ The above point is even worse when they physically can’t be away from each other. Some fics have it so Lambo can’t have other friends?? These characters are all kids and I think this would fuck them up pretty hard developmentally, not to mention a majority of the authors writing these are adults and the theme of possessiveness is so creepy. Like some characters will tell each other “you have to stay with us/me for your safety” and that’s just, not great?? 
▲ A huge part of KHR is showing how Tsuna develops positive relationships with the people around him, including anyone who isn’t a guardian. I think this concept really undermines his friendships outside of that circle (with Basil, Kyoko, Haru, Enma, etc). It’s like no matter how hard he tries to connect with other people outside of the fucking bond, it doesn’t count as a meaningful relationship.
▲ Another thing that rubs me the wrong way is that the guardians are drawn to Tsuna because of his powerful flames. Again, this also goes against the basis of KHR. Tsuna isn't some powerful badass that people are crawling over themselves to talk with. He's just an average kid who gets bullied. The reason all his guardians are so loyal to him is because he earned their trust by making real connections to them. They've gone through so much together that they're genuinely really close friends because of that, not because of some kind of supernatural property.
▲ I feel like there’s also a huge issue with consent where they can’t choose who they bond with. It’s a fated thing apparently. I’ve heard of a lot of abhorrent fics where Nana was forced to be with Iemitsu because of this and the content is pretty genuinely disgusting.
▲ It's not great how a lot of fics make it so the guardians are the only people that matter to one another. They don't have a life outside of Tsuna at all. At best it makes for bland characterization and at worst no one should rely on one person so heavily.
▲ This is a weaker point because we make fics to deviate from canon but I feel that it’s worth noting: it’s confirmed in canon that flames have no definite correlation to personality. If anything, it’s mainly their role in fights/a group. There are no set rules. It’s like zodiac signs, everyone has one and there are traits associated with them, but they don’t define your entire person. I get why people want to play with the correlation concept because flames are sick as hell but doing that by creating harmonization where it’s so absolutely ingrained in their existence is just... weird.
▲ Harmonization is usually paired with really weird flame lore. Like, they assign personality traits to the flames that are really extreme and just not how the character actually functions. One example is that cloud is supposedly very possessive and territorial, and they make Hibari act like a fucking animal and describe it as pack bond and that's weird as fuck. In the worse fics, it's really just an excuse to have ABO without making it an ABO fic. With minors. It’s so instinctual and animalistic??? 
▲ There's this whole thing about having one of each flame type to complete the set and feel whole I guess, which is already weird but also contradictory to canon. Tsuna has two mists and Xanxus doesn't have a cloud at all. Did Xanxus flame bond with the robot being powered by his adoptive father? What's going on there.
▲ There are cases where characters will use Rain flames to calm down a sad or angry person. In theory sounds fine, but usually in these fics the other person didn’t consent to it. It’s emotionally manipulative and you’re basically just sedating them. There is no communication going on and it’s treated like it’s a good thing and that the rain user is being helpful. In fact, there’s rarely any good communication in these fics at all. People just use their flames to do everything because they’re such a overwhelmingly big focus.
▲ Harmonization fics often seem like an excuse to put Tsuna in pain by losing everyone he cares about, and it ends up being more deeply uncomfortable than angsty or fun to read.
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 4 years
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The Devil All the Time ( 2020 )
"There's a lot of no-good sons of bitches out there"
Okay alright first of all 
This is not your generic go-to netflix crime thriller if you are watching it with that intention everything is wrong with you 
This Film is dark , not just dark but dark as hell which is filled with gore elements which also includes a multi layered story telling and the film is filled with a group of astonishing cast members and every one of them has a potential to carry the whole film on their shoulders with no hard work but just with grace and ease so these reasons altogether might have over hyped few people's expectations and i think that is the main reason why i am seeing some mixed reviews here and there online or maybe just because you started watching this film with a very wrong intent or wrong mind set like i said before and i am stressing this so much because of in my opinion this film is just perfect maybe there are flaws obviously every film will have flaws but i just couldn't see them ? Maybe because i am a big fan of tom holland i might be little biased but to me this film is top notch and this is a perfect film film 
Now speaking about the cast & film overall 
This is a very slow paced slow burning piece of art 
It takes you to the places you can never think of mentally and it makes you feel completely lost in emotions by the end of the film making you numb 
Antonio Campos is a fucking genius i love his way of story telling 
He's honest , he knows what he is doing , he loves taking risks and he never fears when ever he goes out of the conventional film making style and i very much love how he connected every character in the film like i mean every character in the film is interconnected and if you remove any one character you will feel the void , disturbance and unbalance in the film. 
Film lovers might argue with me or hate me for saying this but i feel this film is so much better than christine 👀🤝🏻 atleast to me ? And this is coming from a person who also loved it a lot 
Now the cast 
I cant speak about everyone in the film because this has such a long list of talented actors 😭 who rocked in the film i am only going to speak abt some of my favourite performances as of now i promise to speak about every other cast member and their performance in the later days coz i am very sure this is a film i am going to talk a lot from now and this is also a film that i am going to watch and enjoy in the future days 
I have been seeing this dude's films even before the civil war where he played the spidey role and i always felt he was a very raw and potential actor since his childhood but after seeing him in civil war and spider man hoco its just impossible for me to not like him as an actor ? HE IS SO GOOD ON SCREEN and he makes you believe everything when ever he's on screen maybe its swinging from wall to wall or putting a donut or whatever into a guys mouth while kicking his ass and making it look bad ass af🔥 few might feel this are such a silly examples to say but to me this is about how tom brings a realistic approach to a scene and makes it good and i have always been a big fan of tom holland since spiderman hoco and this is nothing related to tdat but y'all might already know timothee was the second closest option of mcu to cast as spidey and tom grabbed that role ever since tom is just busy with mcu films and where as timothee had a incredible and unbelievable growth as an ACTOR for real to me that is stunning because he did it in such short of span and to me as fan of tom holland part of me was always loving him as spidey but a big heart of me felt a void and sad because tom is missing a lot of great opportunities which has a chance to showcase his real acting abilities which made me think what if timothee got the spidey role instead of tom? Maybe we would have seen a serious tom holland as an actor and this thought killed me everytime but everything happens for a reason and tom holland is undoubtedly the best spidey we have ever got and anyways when films like tdat happen many people realise and understand how great and how fucking incredible tom holland is as an actor and i love when everyone appreciate him for this !! It makes my heart very happy and this is the exact reason why this film is so personal and special to me 
Sorry for completely deviating from the film but this is tumblr and i am not a serious film critic lol so forgive me. 
And speaking about his performance in the film he is just surreal and outstanding . The character that he played is a very complicated one not many relate to that character but every one can understand his emotions, actions and intentions in the film and all the credit goes to tom for bringing a life to that character and playing it in such a beautiful way listen to me very carefully when i am saying this not many actors from this generation can bring bundle of emotions at the same time in a same scene but tom holland does that with such an ease and i stg i am not exaggerating if you watch the film you will know what i mean !! And i am very proud to say i am his big fan 
Now Robbert pattinson 
What the fuck should i talk about this asshole 😂🖕? 
My dude's been killing it since remember me and as an actor like i said in the Tenet Review he has matured a lot as an actor since good time and he played a very powerful and sick role in the film i am not gonna spoil it for others just go and watch the fucking film atleast for him he did a great job and i dont understand how the women and gays are dealing with him? Seriously even as a straight guy its hard for me to concentrate on the film or scenes where ever he's present because this asshole is so fucking hot and sexy 👉👈 The directors should either deglamorise him by making him fat or bald or just hide his face with prosthetic make up or sth just like how directors hide tom hardy's face in every film he's in 🙄. Now coming back to his performance its really hard to dominate him when ever he's on screen dude just want all the attention towards him , such a selfish actor huh 
Bill Skarsgard 
He played a very important and crucial role in the film he maynot have big screen time but we can totally feel his presence through out the film i think this one sentence explains how important his character is to the film and how well he potrayed the role and he's the only guy in the film who got an incredible character growth throughout his journey in the film
Harry Melling 
It would be very unfair if i dont speak about harry's performance in tdat 
DUDE KILLED IT . HE SCARED ME WITH HIS EMOTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS . He didn't even a play a negative role but he just added a lot of depth not only to his character but also the film with his intimidating portrayal 
Sebastian stan 
This is the most honest and a very raw performance from Sebastian stan so far ( i am saying this based on the films that i have seen of his ) i just wish he had more screen time thats the only thing that i didnt like in the film also there are so many blanks that needs to be filled about his character 
Eliza Scanlen
I dont remember her from any film or tv series that i have seen before but she's outstanding in the film , the character doesnt have much something new to offer so i can't speak a lot for her but as far as the character concerned she did her best and her performance is a impressive one and many people are gonna love her . 
Riley Keough 
Unlike the previous films & tv series she's been in 
This film gave her a very challenging role and she's the only women in the film who's been through ups and downs and has a very complicated but a impressive character growth with minimal limitations and dimensions 
She was fabulous and incredible . It just stuns me how the character has begin and how it ended at the end 
And special mention to jason clarke and the old couple who played grandparents ( kind of ) to Arvin Russel and lenora . Not all heroes wear the cape. 
Finally despite the mention of god several times in the film this is not really about god at all its about the DEVIL , The DEMON that carries and plays a very pivotal role in the film you cannot see it but you can sense it and feel it 
Its about the blind faith, its about the irreversible & inescapable fate . I really love how Antonio Campos has connected all the dots by the end of the film with a very impressive film making and with a steady gothic theme running till the end internally and i haven't completely finished the book ( The devil all the time ) but if anyone really wants to completely bring the book life they cannot do it in a single film it will take you atleast 4 or 5 tv series to do so but Antonio Campos did it with a single film and added a very deep meaning to the core of the film w/o deviating from the roots of the book & even touched the aspects like duality of a man and some of you grateful fucks are complaining about him 
OBVIOUSLY films ard subjective but you all need to be more open about this film 
In simple words please fucking watch this film guys 🤗❤ 
This one is not for everyone but everyone will have atleast a small aspect in the film that y'all are going to like / love / hate / discuss about. 
The devil all the time is violent , brutal , honest and perfect in every possible way atleast to me and i really want you all to watch it if you're into such type of stuff 
Remember No country for old men ? Now make it 10 times more violent but add some meaning to it with a realistic approach but more slow burning drama and a little bit of darkness ... now that is what The Devil all the time is .
Gif credits : Milesgmorales
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bellamyblake · 3 years
Maybe something is wrong with me personally but I feel like this fandom never wanted the characters like Clarke, Bellamy to progress to a better self, they just wanted them as they were in season 1 and that's it and from there on it's just whining about them changing.
hey! sorry for the late responce!
yes, i can see that. i do see it. i can’t say i blame people you know? i mean that is just what they want. i think sometimes a lot in fandom people complain about stuff and like how plot is written/what happens but eventually they just refuse to fall for anything other but
the SAME tropes, over and over and over again.
and i know why people like/love bellarke season 1 and i do love them too, but frankly i do love them more later on?
for me, after all i’ve seen so far from shows, that is just what it is-it is a beginning, you know? a bad boy with a good stubborn girl calling him on his bs-yes, great, i love it too but it happens in absolutely every show and while i do fall for it every time, i also want to see the change and the progress.
i do remember some folks were unhappy about them in season 2 already because they weren’t that exactly. because bellamy had switched from being the bad boy to the boy who cared about all kids and wanted to save them, be a hero and make up for his sins. they called him trying to be *too good of a guy* as if all he had to be was bad? 
and they absolutely disliked clarke. we’re talking not fandom here, we’re talking mainstream viewers aka people who just casually watch for the fun you know? but fandom too.
and i think that it proves over and over that THIS is what people want to fall for and keep falling for. what does netflix do now? a completely bs story can be turned into a success if you hire a hot 40 y/o white guy and a younger unknown girl and make a something of it right? (like w.itcher or s.ab) and that SELLS, it sells very well at that. mind you there are zero emotions anywhere in tact-as long as they throw a supposedly badass female (where you wonder if she really IS that badass) and a white hot dude who didnt drink water for weeks to get this body then it’s all good-the audience is there.
it kind of perverted with time.
but with bellarke i understand why people love their season 1 dynamic and i absolutely love it too, it’s also very easy for me to write, this particular canon and frankly i think it’s easy for writers anywhere be it on a network or fanfic to write this, it’s known, it’s banter, it’s tension but also something else underlying.
love at its early stages.
but i kind of love...who they become later.
and i will get hate but for me bellamy has always been more important than bellarke. i love bellarke dont get me wrong but bellamy always came first for me. i was and am still happy that bob didn’t want a romance early on, he was right on so so so many levels and i love how bellamy progresses. whilst season 2 is my favorite of his storylines, i also do like and understand season 3 and hurt with him and then go on the guilt journey that is season 4. 
i think that is it-to go on the journey with the character, to try and get him, truly get him as if he is your friend, your pal and listen to him when he speaks, when he goes through stuff.
a lot of talk has been done on OOC, on this being that, that being this. fandom builts its headcanons about characters.
i dont blame people, i do it too.i love writing headcanons.
but i prefer much more and for me as a person, is much more interesting to try and *get* them. not just banish it as ooc, but understand-why is this happening to him? yes, the writers may suck they’re deviating cause of the actor needing time, or they are fucking this up for a reason unbeknownst to me but from what i am given as little as there is (like season 3 sl, season 5 sl) i make sense of it in my head, try to get him. i dont like condoning things to OOC.
so yes, i do agree that people i feel sometimes didn’t want them to grow into other people, into...better selves? they didnt want bellamy to get rid of his rebel self and perhaps think better, step aside and take a moment before he acts. they didnt want clarke to be emotional, to love a child the way she loved madi.
again, i do agree with the notion-was it done well?
no. no it wasn’t always done well.
maybe it had a good intention? maybe it was just out of spite?
i dont know. i simply know i try to get them. as much as i can. but i do agree that fandom in general does not want to let them progress.
ask a person who’s watched this in one go and they’ll tell you they don’t find a grave difference between clarke in season 4 and clarke in season 5 except she now has a kid and she loves and puts them first. they wont go through that enormous change fandom did and they’d be the better judge than we are, for me for sure.
anyway! thank you for this! again sorry for the blabbing and late responce! 
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