guccibootyellow · 2 years
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Starting the new year with a fave of mine. This jigsaw has absolutely killed me- so much pink!! And so much of Blue’s hair 🥲🥲 but it’s been worth it. Just the faves left 🥰
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
Response to an ask from Amethyst, who requested its contents be redacted:
Hello, I'm glad to have helped you start getting involved--though I'd definitely encourage looking beyond me.
I've covered a few things you can do to help before, such as your daily click, donating to families (gazafunds), donating e-sims, and more.
Since you're unsure about online purchases, I can walk you through those if you'd like--just let me know what you'd like to purchase/where you'd like to donate. But if that's not something you can do, that's okay
Non-monetary ways you can help are contacting your representatives in support of a ceasefire--if you're in the U.S., here's a script in support of H.Res.786 which calls for ceasefire, and here's where to find your representative separately. Here's a link for Canada.
Related, but if you're college-age or close, you can look into your college/prospective college's connections with Israel. If you're attending, contact them and tell them as a paying student you want them to disclose and divest. If you aren't, tell them you were thinking of attending/transferring/etc. but are reconsidering unless they disclose and divest--and drop charges against students if that's relevant.
You can also boycott Israeli and associated brands. BDS currently calls for boycotts on HP, Siemens, AXA, Puma, Israeli Fruits/Vegetables, SodaStream, Ahava, and Sabra hummus. There have also been the organic boycotts, such as those for Starbucks, and more recently a call to block celebrities on social media who haven't spoken against the genocide and occupation.
You can listen to Hind's Hall by Macklemore, who said all the proceeds will be donated to UNRWA.
Additionally, celebrate Palestinian culture. We want it to survive and flourish. Through recipes, watching movies, books, music, and more, uplift and share the positive we're fighting to save.
This is by no means exhaustive, so again, I encourage searching beyond this. The key is in collective action; if everyone does what they can, no matter how small, that combines into a powerful force.
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gemsona-advice · 4 months
YO ‼️ i need bdau fusion recs again, now w the stefan/BD'S fusions - minus sapphire / stefan and blue spinel cause i chose a gun
1. spirit quartz (stefan/lace amethyst)
lace amethyst's weapon is a mace and stefan's is a bow and arrow - weapon must be weird to match smokey's yoyo
2. titanium aura quartz (stefan/default yellow pearl)
pearl's weapon is a sword
3. moonstone (stefan/pyrope fusion)
pyrope has brass knuckles
(additional can i also get fusion names between stefan and pyrope's components - star ruby and pink sapphire?)
Oooh it looks like the original ask went through, actually! Now let's see-
Spirit Quartz's mace + bow & arrow = a... mace that has projectile spikes?? Perhaps a bow that shoots mace-like pellets...???
Titanium Aura Quartz's sword + bow & arrow = crossbow!
Moonstone's brass knuckles + bow & arrow = throwing knives!
Oooh, those ones got a little difficult! Sorry they're not the most creative-
Star Ruby + Stefan (aka Blue Diamond) = tanzanite, siberite
Pink Sapphire + Stefan (aka Blue Diamond) = kunzite, scapolite
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lotusthewriter · 1 year
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T
Relationships: Steven & Lars; MINOR - Steven & The Cool Kids, Steven & Sadie, Lars/Sadie
Characters: Steven Quartz Universe, Lars Barriga, The Cool Kids, Sadie Miller; MENTIONED - The Crystal Gems, Connie Maheswaran
Summary: Steven has been feeling anxious and he realizes it gets worse when he's alone. So, he tries not to be.
Word count: 3.965
A/N: Originally published online last week, I just didn't get to post here. This is mainly me venting my anxiety attacks as of late.
I also personally see Steven having BPD, just throwing this here if anyone finds it relevant.
TRIGGER WARNINGS - anxiety and/or panic attacks, hallucination, emotional neglect, abandonment issues, self-hatred, and brief mention of suicidal thoughts.
P/roship DNI.
A word Connie has mentioned. It’s a medical term that she taught Steven after what happened to them as Stevonnie. Connie, with her mother’s knowledge, took Garnet’s advice to heart and she gets to manage her anxiety whenever it hits.
Two years later, Steven still hasn’t been able to feel better.
Flexibility, love, and trust.
Flexibility, love, and trust.
Steven glows pink instead.
Thus, he goes to Garnet to ask for more tips, to know if she could try to help… but the gem tells Steven that he’s the only one who knows the answers. That he should seek them himself. Pearl and Amethyst, who wait for Garnet to head out to Little Homeschool for yet another fieldtrip, agreed indifferently.
Steven can’t even say anything before the three of them are gone in the light of the warp pad, so bright that he feels like it’s going to attack him.
Then, everything is empty.
He only stares at the void like he’s fourteen again.
Just that worsens the ache in his chest, his pink fists clutching his shirt.
Steven rushes back to his safe place, his room, before things get ugly and he goes ballistic, and he grabs his phone to do some research on anxiety. He finds quite a lot of resources.
Since then, he’s trying.
With the gems away to who knows where, and his father also out of town, Steven tries to get by on his own.
(As usual.)
But nothing works.
Steven does everything correctly. List five things you can sense. Distract yourself with things you like – watch a movie or a series or funny videos, read a book, listen to music or even podcasts. Breathe. Hug your pillow. Hang out with your friends–
He… hasn’t done that in a while.
Steven can’t, though. Everyone is busy and it’s not like they should stop what they’re doing to be with him, right? Right.
Distract yourself.
Distract yourself.
Distract yourself…
Suddenly, a notification.
New texts… from Lars? How long has it been since they last talked? Maybe he needs help with something?
Lars: hey steven, it’s been a while right?
Lars: idk if your busy, but sadie and the cool kids are back in town and we thought of making a lil party
Lars: i know it’s kinda in the last hour so it’s ok if you can’t make it or if you don’t wanna go, but it’d be rlly cool if you came
Lars: but it’s your call of course
Steven looks at the above, wondering if this was predestined. It feels too perfect.
He hasn’t seen his friends in forever.
He types quickly:
Steven: omg I’d love to!!
Steven: I miss you guys sooo much
(Why does it feel like a lie, somehow?)
Lars: aw, we miss ya too buddy
Lars: i miss you coming to the BD to bug me every morning (followed by a pleading emoji)
Steven: Gee, Captain Lars, didn’t know you loved me that much (eyes emoji)
Lars: i was joking.
Steven: Were you really? :3
Lars: ok now your making me regret inviting you
Steven: Noooooo, come on!!
Lars: lmao
Lars: srsly now. 8 at my place, ok?
Steven: Perfect! I’ll see you there! ^^
Lars: (finger gun emojis)
Steven sighs, feeling so… light all of a sudden. Just this one interaction with Lars seems to have calmed him down a little.
The half-gem feels relieved. So relieved.
He can actually get out there and have fun with his friends, catch up with their lives, laugh together, share something tasty to eat…
(And he gets to distract himself from his rising dread.)
(To finally not be reminded how painfully alone he is.)
Well, it’s still 2 PM. From what Dad told him, Sadie and the Cool Kids are going to arrive at 6 PM… so Steven still needs to do something else to keep his mind busy. Maybe cook or bake something for the party. He doesn’t remember Lars mentioning a potluck, but Steven wants to do something nice for his friends nonetheless.
What is he going to cook or bake, then?
Or maybe…
“... don’t tell me I inspired you with my nostalgia.”
“You could say that,” Steven smirks at Lars’ statement, while holding two huge boxes of donuts with all the flavors he could remember his friends enjoying. As well as…
“You brought salad, too?” Sadie notices, almost wanting to laugh.
“Yeah, like Buck ordered once.”
“Heh, I appreciate your dedication, Steven.” Buck pats his back proudly.
“We miss our favorite roadie,” Sour Cream says, ruffling the younger boy’s curly hair.
Steven’s heart, instead of anguish, is filled with warmth.
“Awe, you guys are going to make me cry,” he jokes.
“Us too! This was so sweet of you, Steven,” Jenny compliments. “I’m glad you could make it!”
“I know every friend says this and it doesn’t always happen… but we should really hang out more,” Buck says, in his same stoic expression. “I love you guys.”
“Yeah, same,” Steven grins affectionately.
It’s a much more casual party this time, which is the best kind of party after such busy times. Lars’ backyard is lit by those small, spherical yellow lights, and everyone sits by the huge picnic table that replaces Lars’ trampoline. Besides the donuts, you can see Lars’ pastries, and apparently snacks that Sadie and the Cool Kids brought from their last tour.
They sing and play some songs together, they laugh at the stories from concerts, outer space, and Little Homeworld… Steven gets to hear more about their lives and how happy they are.
But most importantly, they’re very happy to share it with him.
Which is such an honor.
Steven is genuinely having a good time.
Perhaps the first time in so long…
He’s so happy to be a part of this.
The boy’s phone vibrates in his pocket.
He casually checks it, not bothered by it interrupting his immersion in the party. He’s not expecting much, when…
He sees that it’s the gems.
Steven and his family have countless groups for Little Homeschool, and then they have their own private group, just the four of them.
Pearl has sent him a rather quick and dry text informing him of their absence for the next…
Two months.
Two months.
And no, Steven can’t do anything to stop it.
Because he tries to text them. He sends a million desperate texts.
And his pleads are never answered. And they will never be, because the messages aren’t even sent .
He goes to all their private numbers, and nothing.
Steven calls them, to no avail. There’s not even the option for voicemail.
Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot are on their own separate fieldtrips as well, so it’s useless to try to call them.
No one is reachable.
No one.
No one.
“... Steven. Steven?”
The half-gem only gets a little startled at Lars standing next to him, and bearing the most concerned expression Steven has seen him with. He also realizes everyone else has stopped talking.
“O-Oh, sorry,” he laughs nervously, quickly putting away his phone. “It was nothing.”
“Is everything okay?” Jenny asks.
“You looked like someone died,” Sour Cream observes, also worried.
“No, no, nobody died.” Well, except Lars , Steven would’ve darkly added. “It’s– It’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” Sadie questions.
“Yeah.” Steven’s dread returns to his chest, his hands beginning to shake. He hides them in his pockets, which doesn’t help since he feels his cell phone and it’s the thing that ruined everything. He’s doing everything not to turn pink. “I’m sure,” he mumbles.
Everyone looks at one another, unsure. Steven wants to scream.
“Hey,” Lars whispers, putting a hand on Steven’s back. “Do you want to go inside a bit?”
The latter hates that he likes the soothing touch, yet he’s also afraid the former is going to notice Steven is shaking, so he dodges it much to his own dismay.
“It’s okay, Lars,” Steven mumbles, wanting to cry.
He avoids everyone’s eyes, his hand almost crushing his phone into pieces inside his pocket. He’d love to throw this darned thing into the depths of the ocean.
“Sorry, I ruined the moment, didn’t I?” Steven laughs darkly.
“No, Steven, it’s okay,” Sadie reassures him. “You don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to, okay?”
“Yeah, man, no worries,” Sour Cream agrees.
Despite that, the party does grow a little quieter. It feels like the emptiness of his house.
Of course. He screwed everything up. Again.
Now they don’t want anything to do with him.
(Like the gems. Like everyone else.)
Steven at least gets to resume his laugh and his smiles, because he’s always been so good at them.
Time goes by…
And they start leaving.
Because obviously, nothing lasts forever.
Jenny is the first one who leaves, and she gives Steven the biggest hug. It doesn’t smell like pizza anymore, instead it’s a sweet scent. It’s different but nice. But too quick.
Sour Cream and Buck leave together. The former sidehugs Steven, while the latter gently tells him to take care of himself, and to always count on them whenever he needs. Steven smiles and nods, without any honesty.
Lastly, Sadie, Lars, and Steven… the original trio. It’s been so long, Sadie and Lars are a lot more comfortable around each other nowadays, holding hands under the table. Steven would’ve fanboyed at another time when he sees Sadie casually kissing Lars’ cheek, causing her boyfriend to go pinkier than what should be possible.
Sadie’s hug, though, is longer than everyone else’s goodbyes.
“It was nice seeing you, Steven,” she grins with some melancholy. “Don’t forget we love you, okay?”
Steven doesn’t believe her, but he plasters a smile on his face just to please her.
“Okay,” he replies simply.
Sadie is convinced, and walks away.
Finally, it’s just him.
The only one left.
Lars is quiet.
Steven knows what he’s going to say.
And before Lars does, the sixteen-year-old puts his distraction in action.
“Oh, do you need help cleaning?” He asks.
“Uh, there’s… not a lot to do.”
“Yeah, but like, I could help with the trash.”
“Steven, it’s fine.”
“No, really, I–”
“Why don’t you go home and rest?” Lars isn’t even being rude, he’s genuinely suggesting it because he can tell Steven isn’t fine.
But going home is not going to help.
It’s the last thing Steven needs.
“Don’t worry, Lars, I can do this!” Steven grins widely and already moves to the table to take the remains of food and plastic, as well as the donut boxes.
He can hear Lars sighing in the back.
(Steven hates himself. Obviously Lars doesn’t want him here.)
(But Steven can’t go back.)
(He can’t go back.)
Indeed, there’s not a lot of work to do. Lars washes whatever dishes he needed for the baking part, while Steven takes care of the trash. There are huge trash bins in the yard, so he easily finishes the job.
… it’s over.
He does more.
Steven seeks out any trash he can find to fill the larger bin, both in the kitchen and the restroom.
“Dude, what are you doing?” Lars asks from afar.
“I’m helping!”
“But you’re done taking out the stuff from the party, aren’t you? Why are you taking out the trash from my house?”
“Because I want to help!”
Before Steven can go back outside, Lars stops him with a frowning face.
“Steven, you’re not okay,” the latter states seriously. “You need to go home.”
“No, I don’t.”
“I think you do. I don’t know what happened that you saw earlier, but you need to rest.”
“I don’t need rest.”
“Oh, you don’t?” Lars sounds sarcastic. “Like you’re not obsessively looking for stuff to do?”
“I’m not doing that!” Steven defends.
“Yeah, and I bet you’re not going to clean all the restrooms next. Or the windows. Or my entire bedroom–”
“Oh, haha , you are SO hilarious,” Steven rolls his eyes and tries to go outside again, only for Lars to step forward to make him go back. “Lars, let me go,” Steven warns.
“Will you at least tell me what’s going on?”
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“Alright, then go home.”
“Don’t make me throw you inside my head myself.”
Steven boils. “Just let me do this for you, Lars!”
“I’m telling you you don’t have to!” Lars raises his voice.
“But I want to!”
“And I want you to be okay!”
“But I AM OKAY!”
“You wouldn’t be YELLING at me if you were!”
Steven growls in frustration, “Just let me go outside!”
He has had it.
The half-gem pushes Lars aside harshly, to the point of knocking the latter over, and Steven is too distraught to apologize for it. He rushes outside in the peaceful night.
“STEVEN!” Lars yells from inside the kitchen.
He just needs to do this.
He needs to distract himself, distract, distract, distract–
Steven opens the bin–
Too much.
A swarm of white butterflies comes out of the trash bin, flying so loudly and so close that Steven falls backwards.
Not them.
Not them again.
No. No. NO. NO. NO.
He thought he had it under control. He thought he would be okay. He thought…
Steven hides.
That’s all he can do.
He’s alone, alone, alone, alone.
(And he deserves it.)
“... can you hear me? Steven! Steven !”
He’s panting furiously, violently.
“Make it go away!” Steven cries.
“Make what go away?”
He half regrets yelling, but Steven knows the butterflies are there, and no one else does.
“Too much,” Steven speaks in between gasps, “too much, it’s too much, I-I can’t take this anymore!”
At this point, he’s aware that he’s pink and he can’t repress it any longer. It’s consuming his every thought, every part of his body.
“I can’t… I can’t…” Steven heaves.
Whoever is there must have left, right?
Steven is helpless. Hopeless.
“Steven, can I touch you?”
Oh… they’re still there.
“Is that okay?” They ask.
Steven doesn’t want to look back. He doesn’t want to see it all.
“... y-yeah,” he hiccups, “okay.”
“Okay. I’m just- gonna help you sit, alright? Are you hurt?”
Steven shakes his head, unsure if it was meant to answer the question.
Either way, he feels hands on him, at first trying to remind Steven that they’re real. The hands are gentle. Scarred, rough, but gentle and slow. Their long fingers are a history of cooking cuts. Steven doesn’t know how he can tell all these details, but he does.
“Easy…” the sixteen-year-old is gradually being moved to sit.
But he knows that he’ll be closer to the butterflies.
“WAIT!” Steven yells in panic.
“What?” The other person stops immediately, but still gets a hold on him.
“I-I don’t want… I don’t…” Steven can’t even say the right words, so they come out as, “I don’t wanna die…”
Well, they’re still kind of true.
“Hey, you’re not going to die.”
“I don’t want to…”
“You’re not. I’m here,” Lars – Lars Barriga, perhaps the best person to deal with someone in this situation – promises. “I’m here, Steven.”
You’ve got nothing to fear
I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.
“I don’t wanna go home.”
He gets silence.
“I d-don’t wanna go h-home,” Steven cries like a little kid after a nightmare. “I-It’s so… empty… so…”
Steven nods painfully.
“You’re not going to be alone, okay? I won’t let that happen.”
Lars sounds so sure, and the way he’s rubbing Steven’s shoulders… it brings the latter shivers. The good kind of shivers.
And tears. So many of them. All the tears that he has swallowed and never released them.
Steven clings to his friend, who squeezes him in return, the hug as rough and tender as his mere touch.
“I’ve got you, buddy,” Lars reassures him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
It only makes Steven sob harder, purely out of relief. It’s so ironic, but so true.
He cries for a good couple of minutes or hours, smelling vanilla and butter in Lars’ clothes, not minding the dirty apron the baker is wearing at all. Steven wants to absorb that smell and make it his home, because it feels so safe that he doesn’t want it to go away. He doesn’t want the hands to let him go ever again.
And it feels like Lars wants to protect him from the world, from whatever horrible thing that made Steven like this. Even if he can’t see the butterflies, Lars still seems to shield Steven from them.
Just that has the half-gem finally face reality, finding the butterflies roaming there, endlessly coming out of the trash bin. As Steven expected.
However, with Lars holding him right now, Steven doesn’t feel so overwhelmed anymore.
So… this is what he needed.
He gets now.
Thus, the butterflies finally end and they fly to the sky above, replacing the stars. They will never disappear, as he already knew.
Steven relaxes significantly, like he’s going to pass out in the hug. He lets out a shaky breath while Lars hugs him tightly in response, knowing that it’s the perfect kind of tightness for Steven.
Lars also breathes in and out deeply, squeezing the boy some more.
“Come on,” he whispers, “let’s go inside.”
This time, Steven accepts it, glowing pink and everything.
“... I’m sorry,” he sniffs. “I’m sorry I snapped at you like that.”
Lars sighs, but in regret. “I’m sorry, too. For being a jerk to you.”
Neither of them give excuses.
Steven contemplates the night sky from the skyscrapers, aware he can see the butterflies from there. In the meantime, Lars holds him as Steven has no energy left to cling.
“I hate feeling like this,” the younger teen vents, “it just keeps getting worse with time.”
“So you’ve had this before?”
Steven nods. “I-I’ve tried everything to make it better. Garnet taught me and Connie how to deal with our problems, and it worked for Connie… but not for me. And I asked Garnet for help, but instead she just gave me a life lesson and Pearl and Amethyst didn’t even care, and they LEFT ME without ANYTHING!” Steven snaps, only for him to cover his mouth and freeze, scared he might have startled Lars.
Lars, however, doesn’t look scared of him at all.
Instead, sad. Maybe angry, but not at Steven.
“So yeah, I’m expected to do everything on my own, I’m used to it!” Steven continues, more furious. “I looked it up online, since Connie told me about ‘anxiety’, and I did everything they taught me to manage it, but nothing soothes my chest, nothing calms me down… I think I only felt good when you invited me, and I got to see you guys again. I haven’t felt this happy in so long, a-and then OBVIOUSLY, something always has to RUIN it for me.”
He tears up again, his eyes burning pink and red.
“I-I… I got a text from the gems that they’re going to be gone for two months , a-and I couldn’t reach them. Because they’d already left. EVERYONE left. T-They all left me .”
Lars doesn’t say anything, choosing to hug Steven closer, nuzzling his black curls, doing everything to make sure Steven feels loved and cared for.
“Why does everyone leave me?” The half-gem asks.
Except Steven knows why.
He’s selfish. Useless. Clingy.
He doesn’t say any of these things, yet Lars pulls away just slightly with a stern look.
“Steven,” the older teen begins seriously, “listen to me, you don’t deserve to be abandoned, okay? No kid in the world deserves to be abandoned or neglected; they deserve to be reminded every single day that they’re loved in all the ways possible. You didn’t fail anyone by existing. I know everyone out there”– Lars gestures at the above –“made you believe that, but they’re WRONG.”
There’s some kind of ferocity in Lars’ words, the same one Steven heard back when the boys were abducted to Homeworld – firstly when Lars refused to leave the ship without Steven, and then when he convinced Steven to return home instead of sticking with Lars and the Off Colors.
A sense of protection, perhaps.
Steven feels warm inside, which he feels ashamed of for some reason, and at the same time it hurts. Which makes no sense, because it’s the good kind of hurt. What kind of hurt is good?
Still, the glowing boy’s eyes are only filled with more water.
Noticing that, Lars gently wipes some of it for him.
“You don’t have to be useful, Steve,” he says tenderly. “You don’t have to be self-sufficient, you don’t have to be strong all the time. You deserve to have someone, and you deserve to have someone when you feel the whole weight of the galaxy crushing you.”
Steven sniffs, contemplative.
Lars’ words are believable. Steven has always trusted him, and has always thought the world of him. Steven loved Lars from the beginning, embracing every little part of him, the weight that he also carried.
Still… one question keeps haunting Steven every single day, every single night.
“... do you think they would treat my mom like this if I weren’t here?”
Lars immediately tenses, immobile like a doll. Not a corpse, but a doll.
Steven, admittedly, asked that to himself. He knows Lars won’t have the answers. He can’t speak for the gems. It feels cruel to Lars, who’s just trying his best to help a friend in need.
The silence this time is not comforting. Steven fears he ruined everything again.
“Steven?” Lars suddenly sounds… fragile.
When the younger boy looks up, he sees a teary Lars already staring back.
“I love you,” the latter tells him.
The broken way he says it…
“Whenever you feel unloved, whenever you feel alone or whenever the gems fuck off to wherever they go without a trace,”– Steven’s eyes widen at the word choice –“I want you to remember that I love you, and that you’re always welcome here. There’s always food and life here, no emptiness at all. And you can always go see me at Spacetries and we can have a coffee and chat like the old days, or if we can’t see each other in person for any reason, you can call me. I can always teleport, too. I can do literally anything to help you, Steven, and I want to help you, because I love you , okay?”
Lars is cupping his cheeks like they’re precious, wiping Steven’s tears and crying his own. Like Lars is the one crying for him now, feeling his pain for him.
“I’m here for you. I’ll always be here, no matter how, no matter what,” he insists.
Steven is too speechless to react.
He realizes, though…
He stops glowing pink.
And he forgets everything else, with how genuine Lars’ love is.
Steven merely lies down against his friend, who covers him properly with his blanket. Lars caresses the boy’s black hair, in the same way that Steven has always craved for, even if it reminded him of bad memories.
It’s perfect just the way it is. Perfect in every way, just like you.
He doesn’t want Lars to ever stop.
He doesn’t want this to ever be gone.
But Lars won’t leave him. He will make sure Steven never feels anxious or useless on his own again.
And Steven…
“... I love you, too,” he whispers.
Lars tightens his arms around him, this time sniffing. If he cries on Steven’s head, neither of them talk about it.
It stays between them.
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anendoandfriendo · 11 months
FUCK IT here's the stupid dilf twinks + their adoptive children + context to this nobody asked for
The idea is their plural asses were raised in a superhero city but at a time that plurality was demonized (not that it isn't by the time Amethyst and Remix exist tbqf),
We kind of half-ripped parts of the powers Empathy from The Aspects (book two) has where if they're around people for any amount of time their general physique starts to shift and an overlay occurs where they're still themselves but like...identity crisis because they have a "veil" of anyone and everyone they see even if it's just on television down to their skills, which can kind of be handy but also suck a lot sometimes
Because they're plural they can just stabilize themselves. So Black Star (left) actually looks like Bright Dawn (right) to the outside world and it causes all of this dysphoria not to mention when they were nineteen they could've been hatecrimed!! Murdered!! You see!!! So they had to also figure out various ways to pass as singlet while maintaining their secret super hero stuff on top of that, try not to get institutionalized at best, etc etc etc
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So what happens is like
One day they see this little homeless kiddo in the middle of the street basically just becoming a massive amalgamation of everyone's face and/or rapidly changing faces because Halycon is a Massive Fucking City so Black Star and Bright Dawn kind of go "Oh Shit we should probably take this kid in" thinking she's just a singlet and that they can just teach them simplified methods of their own thing that's going on and everything will be fine and dandy,
they can continue pretending to be singlets and whoever is doing the saving the day thing will depend on who's fronting and they can just...switch to the "default" guy or whatever when interacting with Amethyst, stating the reason they look so different when in their super-powered magical boy form is because they have a mental representation in their brain that does the work for them to keep them stabilized, nothing much really —
Alas, this was never meant to be
Amethyst (left) has a secret sibling. In her head. Called Remix (right).
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Amethyst took this advice very literally, and that is how BS/BD now have a "oh, double fuckshit" situation on their hands. Black Star and Bright Dawn share the literal exact same body elasticity powers as this other system and didn't even realize they were a system until the moment they learned to stabilize their face and entire body basically just a little too fast.
"What do you MEAN the self-representation isn't supposed to be autonomous?!" And so it's like. Their own faults because they're the ones who advised, and then asked how Amethyst learned as fast as she did.
And they're absolutely convinced it is much safer for Amethyst and Remix to keep their multiplicity on the downlow so they also at least have somewhat of a chance to make it until 40 years old.
Amethyst and Remix, obviously, do not like the idea of pretending they're anything but a system and at the time the game is being played, they're reaching a bit of a breaking point with BS/BD where there's all of this tension
Because Amethyst and Remix hate any advice BS/BD has to give now regarding how to do anything and they think BS/BD are being overly harsh
But Black Star and Bright Dawn literally are like "these are our children we understand this line of work is dangerous, but it's going to be even worse if they keep doing this and being open about their existence," and are really seriously convinced what they are trying to say/do/etc. is in the best interests of this tiny system they've basically raised since like, elementary school or whatever
The "twink" part of that is because Black Star chose magical-boy-esque costumes to fit the more unique facet of their system's superpower (impossible fighting skills/superhuman physique...we think it was the latter?) when both of them were like, 19 years old, thinking it would just work out and they'd look different enough from their civilian clothing. And just....neither of them realizing they would be stuck with those uniforms forever. :'D
These MFs have been heros long enough they are. Mentoring. Another not-even-19 year old system.
We imagine the superhuman physique aspect of this plus their body elasticity (the definition of which we stretched to hell and back to justify how we plan to play this Masks RPG game for both this NPC system and our PC system) would make it fucking unusual but entirely possible they look waaaaay younger than they actually are as a result
And to add insult to injury they have a magical boy transformation so like, even the like one or two people who would even know they're a system would have no fucking clue which one of them is Black Star and which one is Bright Dawn because the flashing pretty lights or whatever would just fuck with a normal person's senses. :D It's perfect for them. :D
We imagine, if it gets approved by the rest of the players, BS/BD are like those MFers who are like, super strong and like they're super well-known for that mostly but also, for some godforsaken reason, they absolutely slay in their outfits so they have these groups of fangirls or whatever (even better and much funnier in our heads if the groups are like, "rivals" or whatever) that fuckin' can't stop talking about them, so Remix and Amethyst keep getting clocked as asexual because of shit like:
"Omg did you see Bright Dawn's latest appearance???"
"...fighting crime is a very serious job you know..." *Amethyst trying not to tell this person/friend/whatever BD is literally their impromptu parent....and also that is BS, not BD, so she's now trying not to drop anything about their multiplicity per their request...they might both be annoying but they still raised her y'know*
"OH so you're more of a Black Star fan??? That's fucking ridiculous he's way too edgy and what is with that fucking hat, fighting style is soooo ugly too like who even taught the mothe —"
*at this point Amethyst just fuckin' tunes it out, she's heard it ALL at this point* Mate, I'll tell ya what, I'm just not into EITHER of them.
It would probably do literally nothing to the plot for the RPG we think but would add some very funny flavoring to the game we would appreciate haha.
"Why are these twin headmates so fleshed out and not your player characters Rusanya," well, we're glad you asked — you see, these two are called backstory characters and we NEED them fleshed out for the purposes of the RPG and that means we need to know how they think, especially if they're the mentors to our player characters Amethyst and Remix.
Amethyst and Remix, on the other hand, their purpose is literally to be fleshed out as we play our game with our friends, so like, of course they won't be as fleshed our currently. They're like literal teenagers if that and also our player characters.
We tried to infodump about all of this to our braindbody's 55 year old mother, who somehow caught the word "twins" from all of this even though we think it's pretty clear it's not QUITE twins. Which. On one hand that is sad, but on the other hand Thank God.
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fandomstars · 1 year
If Steven Universe had a brother from….Blue Diamond
Alex Diamond - Son of Blue Diamond
Fandoms: SU + Star Wars (Clone Wars + Bad Batch)
AU where Earth is known throughout the galaxy, just hasn’t gotten as technology advanced like everyone else just yet. No one (pirates/gangs/etc.) invades cause to them there is nothing worth there.
Blue diamond on chest (Same shape as BD)
Sea blue eyes
Pale skin
Navy blue color hair
Wears lots of navy blue/black hoodies
Red & white sneakers, green flip flops, dark brown boots, or black dress shoes
In the future, might be seen with a piece of Crosshair’s armor on
Energy projection
Walk on water
Teleportation (up to a mile distance before exhaustion kicks in)
Healing tears
Superhuman strength/speed/durability ( Like Steven)
Self healing (Like Steven)
Bubble shield (Like Steven)
Speed of Descent Regulation (Like Steven)
Marital Arts
Speaks all Earth languages
Gem Weapon: Bow staff (like tmnt2012 Donnie but can be taken apart to form nunchucks or a grappling hook)
Belle (Blue Pearl)
Ruth, Raven, Riley, & River (Blue gem Rubies) (Aqua Squadron)
Steven (Twin brother / cousin (but goes with brothers cause come on)
Lapis Lazuli
Oreo (pet blue panther)
White Diamond (Still cautious since she almost tore Steven’s gem out of him. Isn’t comfortable yet of calling her ‘family’ nor ‘aunt’ like Steven has.)
Yellow Diamond (Aunt)
Crush: Crosshair
Blue Diamond was seen as flawless, but she had weaknesses. One just happened to be, she fell in love with a human.
It’s been years since Pink was ‘shattered’, and yet despite her rage towards the planet, Blue still came to the surface, in secret.
She’d just visit Pink’s old palanquin, that’s all.
But one day, something, a feeling she thought lost, urges her to go further.
She travels below the ocean floor, her movements not strived towards a point of destination.
She eventually makes it to the U.S.
It isn’t till she explores the area (forests, mountains, rivers) around her does she feel some sentiment that Rose had of this planet.
She decides to have a child. Not just for said child to experience the bound of peace she hasn’t felt since Pink was shattered, but for love.
Lets just say the dad isn’t in the picture.
Blue Pearl assembles her Pearl and a Ruby squadron to care for the child.
While the rest of Blue’s colony moves from Homeworld to the other side of Earth’s galaxy. A pair of twin planets they colonize as basically a gem community.
Of course their both a two days trip notice to Earth if needed.
To ‘fit in’ all of BD’s colonies gave themselves human names. It took awhile, since they all gave each other names starting with the first letter of their gem type.
Some did go beyond Earth names, some even went for Mandalorian if they could.
Which happen to lead to the clones of Kamino.
Of course Belle sends squadrons from the twin colonies (later named ‘Ocean’ and ‘Sea’ Colonies) to free the clones and kick Kamino butt.
Since most of BD colony is diplomacy, it’s easy to get galaxy rights and certification for all the clones.
They also heal and reverse the accelerated aging. And find the inhibitor chip and get it removed (helps arrest the Kaminoians + Dooku + Palpatine revel).
The Clone Wars has already been happening, so many clones get adopted by their Jedi generals.
And in turn, the oldest clones adopt the Cree baby Jedi kids in return.
Which also shuts down the ‘Jedi steal force sensitive kids from families’ rumor. They take in orphan force sensitive kids, and raise them. Only way they ‘take away’ said kids is if the family is toxic/abusive/dangerous. Which by then, a clone is likely to have adopted said kid by the time they reach the temple.
The Ocean & Sea colonies help restore old Jedi temples to be habitable once more, as well as get a planet for the clones to live and develop freely. Lots of support and resources come to said colonies from across the galaxies. Their very persuasive.
All this is all done by the time Steven & Alex are three years old.
The twin brothers meet one another at age one, but at 2 years old, Alex is kidnapped by Dooku.
Took a full month to find him, and despite the colonies be diplomats..they have been exploring other occupations too…and they all are part diplomats part fighters so…
Dooku gets arrested (no one mentioning the clear bruising and black eye as he’s handcuffed).
Palpatine goes into hiding, but not before vowing to obtain Alex and Steven, and use their diamond powers to make him unstoppable.
Aqua Squadron moves in with Belle and the squad to protect Alex (and Steven).
Belle makes another gem temple, underwater near Beach City.
It’s able to go above water so no one has to swim down deep to get in.
After that, the twins have their amazing childhood…until age 12.
Homeworld deals with the Crystal Gems two years earlier due to Belle and the colonies diplomat and other accomplishments.
Due to Alex’s early trauma and shy, quiet personality, Steven is a bit less hyper/naive than in canon.
So filter episodes like ‘Together Breakfast’ , ‘Frybo’ (Alex would of been TERRIFIED), ‘Onion Trade’, ‘Joking Victim’, ‘Steven & the Stevens’, ‘Secret Team’, ‘Garnet’s Universe’, ‘Future Vision’ (Alex kind of suspected Garnet was a fusion. I mean he’s meet many Sapphires on the colony planets, and he literally lives with a group of Rubies.)
Minus ‘Serious Steven’ (If anything it’s more serious than humor) & ‘The Test’
Lapis gets out of the mirror earlier thanks to Belle recognizing said gem.
Eyeball doesn’t hate Steven as in canon (more dislike till PD discovery). Alex though she likes (but would rather shatter than admit it).
Instead of Greg getting kidnapped by BD, everyone just goes on vacation to the Naboo Jedi Temple (let’s pretend there’s been one since forever or if anything was built by the Sea and Ocean colonies cause why not.)
Steven & Alex celebrate their 15th birthday there.
The Bad Batch just happens to be there at the time, and so love at first sight for Alex.
One year later the twins head to Homeworld.
Same thing mostly, only Yellow instead of Blue so…more YD screen time!
White Diamond fight happens…but instead of Steven it’s Alex that get his gem taken out. Alex pushed Steven out of the way so yeah.
The Bad Batch just happen to be on Earth when Steven sends the SOS message from Watermelon Steven. Yeah…they have some questions about that, but first they head to Homeworld with Bismuth, Belle, Peridot, Lapis, and the Aqua Squad.
Unlike canon, they do make it to see WD pull out Alex’s gem and well…
While Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot try to free the Crystal Gems, Aqua Squadron helps Connie & Steven, and the Bad Batch go after WD.
By this time, the squad has been video chatting/texting with Steven & Alex (+Connie) and have all really gotten close over the past couple of months.
Crosshair tries to shoot WD in the diamond, but Bismuth reminds him they aren’t shatters.
“You’re not, but I will if that giant keeps mocking me with Alex’s gem like that.”
He eventually, reluctantly stands down and instead helps Alex reunite with his gem half.
Unlike canon, there is indeed a hole where the gem is on Alex, graphic as you can imagine, in simplification.
Alex becomes whole, Steven throws that one line that of course Wrecker & Amethyst joke with him later about, and happy ending all around.
Crosshair may of definitely kissed Alex in private at the celebration party back on Earth.
Age 16, Spinel comes to Earth, but by then a couple of Jedi have worked to have a Jedi-Earth education club (Connie of course joins as she’s already made one of gems and is president of) and so the drill is dealt with earlier.
As for Spinel…we’ll mostly canon aside from the drill. So the Spinel final fight up in the sky/in the ocean.
Alex was on a mission with the Bad Batch, 212th, and 501st at the time (mainly babysitting Luke & Leia who are born earlier. Anakin left the order after Palpatine’s defeat and lives on Naboo as a mechanic. But he still has his saber just in case.) managed to come back and help Steven by the concert canon scene.
Yes they were all confused of the whole scenario despite Steven’s explanation later.
White and Yellow come down and yeah Spinel goes with them same as canon.
By the time the twin’s 17th birthdays are coming near, is when Steven goes through his PTSD and more event.
Alex is able to stop him from shattering Jasper (but just barely), but gets poofed as a result.
Crosshair & Alex become a couple by this time.
A couple weeks pass, and Steven decides to hit the road as Connie heads to college.
She also has a internship as a diplomat, becoming later the head of the Gem-Earth senate party in later years.
Steven becomes an artist. Withh the help of the gems, Alex, and Connie, makes the history of his life, the Gem war, and more in a graphic novel series (basically the show/movie but comic form).
Alex goes on to become a writer, writing multiple novels after co-writing with Steven on his. He also travels with the Bad Batch on a couple a mission every other month, which mainly consist of bounty hunters, assassins, or natural disaster cleanup (slavery has already been abolished long time by now so yeah).
Loves oranges.
Hates avocados
Insomniac ever since the kidnapping
Has been known to do all nighters, worse than Tech
Is vegetarian.
Can’t resist a good vanilla milkshake.
Loves a good, warm blanket.
Likes to wear Crosshair’s armor in secret (and by that, Crosshair knows but let’s it slide cause the view is just amazing)
Very insecure about his body, especially his chest cause gem and all.
He’s not overweight mind you, but has a bit belly you know?
When nervous, pinches the sides of his chest (has caused bruising in the past).
Crosshair will not give up until Alex sees what he sees, perfection.
Will especially hiss/fight anyone who says otherwise (A couple of regs walking along and whispering such hate? Crosshair will go all out.)
Alex can’t stand intense hot weather despite living in Beach City most of his life, yet is better than most in extreme cold
Only swims with his shirt off if it’s just him and Crosshair.
Crosshair can’t get enough of Alex, both body and mind, and when the shirt comes off, he’s practically feral.
While fluent in all Earth languages, he can’t write any but English. But speak and understand? No problem.
While going on a couple of missions with the BB every now and then, he always tries to find some sort of gift/trinkets to give to Crosshair.
His brothers think it’s adorable and tease Crosshair always.
Crosshair vows when they all get lovers to do 10x worst to them.
But keeps every gift in a secret spot on the ship.
Doesn’t curse as much as Crosshair, but when he does, you know sh*t is about to go down.
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Hi *snow white-s your steven universe*
Sooooo im going to ramble abt this au bc its my personal brainrot!! It basically started w me thinking abt steven🤝snow white=curly hair, everyones best friend, sings a lot, has family issues,,,and of course it has progressed into a full-time au
Basically wd is the queen, bd and yd are the sisters, pd is the 1st snow white. All the other gems are still the gems, but most of them sorta serve the humans??? And wd cannot leave pd alone, she feels miserable every day, and her story and relatonship with pearl is kinda the same as original. One day she uses a shapeshifting potion to become unrecognizeable and sneaks into the outer world as a cooker called rose. Then she meets garnet, bismuth and spinel, but she tries to slowly, quietly help the gems instead of making a rebellion. They become really close through the years, and at some point she meets greg, who is a hunter, they meet when he takes in the prey for the kitchen, and she pretends to be a cooker again. After a while she reveals him the truth, he accepts them, and they stay together(pearl dislikes him, the others find him funny, like in canon), rose tries to stay as far away from the palace as she can. Rose dies while giving birth to steven, white finds out about everything and kind of raises steven like he's the second pd. Steven grows up under a lot of pressure, yd and bd feel sorry for him, but are too scared to help, he doesn't like being the princess and the replacement, but at least he has greg, his loyal knight, best friend and crush connie and sweet people around him(like sadie, who is a bard, and lars, who is a baker). The gems constantly look after him too, they love each other!!!! He meets lapis and peridot somewhere along the way and befriends them. White pearl acts like the mirror in the og tale, once white asks who is the most perfect and she shows steven. Amethyst overhears, so she warns steven and he runs away to live in a small hut with the gems. That's how he lives for a while, then wd finds him and uses the same potion rose once used, then everything is basically the same with the original tale, except for steven is saved not only with connie's but also with the gems' and greg's love. And bd and yd might inherit the throne, but im not sure??? But everyone lives happily ever after.
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twoloaksinatrenchcoat · 2 months
I keep seeing absolutely horrible takes about some of the gems being irredeemable and it just confuses me so bad.
People are calling rose, pearl, amethyst, and BD irredeemable and like the reasoning is so stupid
The one that bothers me the most is Amethyst and Pearl bc 1 what has Amethyst ever done that makes her bad? 2 everything pearl has ever done was bc no one ever really told her it was wrong and she been doing it for thousands of years. 3 HOW WOULD YOU REACT IF YOU WERE MADE SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF KEEING SOMEONE HAPPY, HAD A HOMOEROTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS AND THEN FUCKING DISAPPEARED TO TURN INTO SOMETHING YOU DONT UNDERSTAND.
Really pearl had no fucking idea what Steven was all that she knew was that the love of her life had turned into him. Also the few times that she did do fucked up shit for no reason she apologized and changed.
Again on te amethyst thing is like she was a little annoying in the show but how does that make her bad?
Now Rose and BD are much more complicated bc they did some super fucked shit. But they both tried to make up for it to the best of their ability.
Do I think rose was shitty for treating pearl like an accessory, faking her own death, and all of the other things she did. Yes! But she literally started a revolution to make up for her damage done to the earth. She fought against people she loved to save earth from them at least and at most topple their dictatorship.
As for BD she was a tyrannical leader but you have to understand that she was made for that. From the moment she formed that was all she knew and all that was told to her. Anything different from that was prosecuted by WD and YD (on some occasions). The absolute worse that she’s done (that was confirmed in the show/movie) was conquer worlds. Which all of the other diamonds did and again was ALL SHE KNEW!
Also people coming for her for using her powers on people is soooo confusing to me bc she probably had the most tame powers out of all of the diamonds. She fR just made people sad and, like all of the other diamonds, she tried to make up for it in SU future. Also towards the end of the series BD literally came forward about not liking the empire but being afraid of repercussions. Which is most likely why she punished PD like that bc she didn’t want her to get the repercussions that she was so afraid of.
The only characters that are truly unredeemable are yellow and white. Due to yellows experiments and White’s tyrannical dictatorship and what she’s done to the other diamonds and other gems.
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fearidescent · 7 months
The title, cover, and summary of Yoko Tsuno album 31 have been revealed, and Monya is fucking back, bitches!
(Was kinda afraid she'd never appear again after Yoko and Emilia discovered the new time machine in The Amethyst Hex.)
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blue-diamond-steven · 2 years
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Blue Diamond Steven - Pages 198-201
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niagaragrape · 4 years
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hello i’m gay
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gemsona-advice · 1 year
HI AGAIN AGAIN ‼️ if i were to make individual fusions of blue diamond with these four:
-a blue spinel
-pearl (main series pearl)
-a lace amethyst
what would they all make
BD + Blue Spinel = sapphire, hauyne
BD + Pearl = blue moissanite, quahog pearl
BD + Garnet = grape garnet, tanzanite
BD + Lace Amethyst = blue lace agate, charoite
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blackandmatte · 4 years
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Messy cheek smosh sketches
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anendoandfriendo · 5 months
(Y'all need to stop encouraging us lmao.)
Who's willing to bet Black Star has autism and REALLY loves those fucking boots he wears in the picrew for both queer reasons and sensory reasons
But he's a bit sad he has to have Bright Dawn's shortass hair when when he switches to front because it's actually fun for him to try to manage when he's in headspace and it'd be cool to try in the external world for once.
So sometimes someone who knows they're a system walks in but still has to double take seeing "Bright Dawn" (in quotes) wearing a wholeass knee high MINIMUM boots and then they go "oh yeah you have the weird switcharoo thing dontcha?"
Said person was only able to tell it was Black Star and not Bright Dawn being caught midswitch after some discussion between BS and BD and running for the wardrobe because Black Star is like...wdk futzing around with said (not-?)hair while scheduling a meeting or making another report (god damnit Amethyst) or something.
Like, it's the small stuff for plural systems yknow????
What do you MEAN they’re our OCs and we could just write a stupid one-shot but probably won't? 😆😆😆
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The Moonlight Gems! They are the Doug's AU version of the crystal gems.
Pearl, Prasiolite and Demantoid.
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shyrosequartz · 5 years
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Working on a just for fun AU! I might open up an ask blog for it just to get some practice in for writing comics... Blue Diamond -> Ocean Quartz Mali Garnet | Pink Pearl | Aventurine  Ocean Quartz is known for her diplomacy and argued for the liberation of Earth through whatever way possible. She hijacked many communication terminals, spoke to people face to face...but would resort to fighting when necessary! After some time, Ocean Quartz successfully drove Homeworld away, and the war was ended....but some time afterwards, Blue Diamond disappeared without a trace. Homeworld searched far and wide for Blue Diamond but were unable to find her...they had all but given up until they found evidence that Blue Diamond might still be on Earth.
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