#be warned im back on my bs with him and MAYBE moon knight
theduckboy · 1 year
hi happy pride 🏳️‍🌈 (dc fan pride month starts a day early because we are cool 👍). i look away for like a month and the miguel o'hara spider-man tag turns into 90% reader fanfiction posts. What is happening dude
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the-settingsun · 5 years
Batman x reader
Hey! It's me starter fanfic writer...yay. I just want to say if you find any mistakes inform me please!. Feedback is welcome, but so are requests!
Oneshot: Bruce Wayne×fem!reader. Soulmates AU, where soulmate can feel your pain.
Warnings: none (As far as I am concerned)
Today felt slow and pointless for you. You knew that tomorrow and the day after and another day after and so and so will be the same. Slow and pointless was your movement, slow and pointless were your thoughts and your emotions. Everynight you would try to fall asleep, just to wake up. At first it was small things like pain in knucles of hit in the shoulder. But after first month of that it became worse. You would feel awful pain stinging you all across your body, all night every night.
As child you thought you would bs extra careful to not hurt yourself, only because your soulmate would feel the same pain. So everytime you fell or burned youself on the stove you would quietly say sorry. Unfortunately the habit stayed with you and you still feel sorry for every bit of pain he or she must be going through because of you. Ofcourse you also had little accidents like dropping something on you foot. But what happened to him was questionable, it was like every other calm and quiet night you were actually getting sleep you would usually recieve a sharo pain on cheek. Wich led you to believe that your soulmate was good with women, I mean what else then a slap could that be?
Everyday, thats how many times you found yourself wondering about who is your soulmate. At first it could be anyone, but when you add information you gained, your soulmate was either really shady person or living at opposite side of world. Having in mind that pain would mostly strike at night.
Since you knew Gotham wasn't the safest place for woman to be walking alone, you would take subway or bus but that wasn't an option since the roads and metro were under construction. So you had to walk, it wasnt pleasant having to change route because of every smoker or couple of men. But ou managed to get to your block. After a few minutes of standing under the last headlamp in the area you decided to get it over with. It was dark, and the last alley you had to cross was even darker since the moon wasnt shinig there due to tall buildings. You looked back, relieved there was nobody there, looked back once more, and once more when all of a suddent a bright light hit you, headlights of a car. You stumbled back pushing youself against a wall out of shock. Falling into some cardboard boxes.
The boxes provided a good hiding spot, but curiousity got into you and you moved one box and letting you see a man in purple suit got in the car, the Joker. You've never met him before and knew what was this man, scratch that this monstsr capable of. He could easily kill you, smile and not remember you next day. Stunned, you watched as the car moved forwards. It was all black, by this point you knew what car it was...rather who's car it was. It was batmobile, the batmobile. And if the batmobile was here, then batman must be nearby. And if batman was nearby, and also Joker was nearby, that means fight. Big fight. And fight equals trouble. Trouble near you.
Still, you watched as Joker turned around the corner. He turned off the engine, there was silence. Either batman was waiting for him or he has seen you. But you werent going to find out.
With one quick push you forced all boxed away, in swift movement you stood up and ran for you life. You were getting paranoid, he was following you, he was going to get to you. You quickly glanced back. Oh how you wish you didnt, he was there. The dark became light, and you were infront of your apartment building. Your first instinct was to just run straight inside. But is that really what you want? Joker knowing where you live? After he chased you? No! So you just keot running, your legs felt heavy, the known pain in the chest was slowing you down and you breath wont last much longer. You turned around, and before you saw anything. You felt your body hit something.
He got you, your body is going to be found next mornig and with no one to identify you you'll be just another paperwork for police officer. Or so you thought, until the figure you were hoping for revealed himself. The one and only dark knight.
It was all happening too fast too slow at the same time. One second you were falling, next thing you know you are standing watching Joker and Batman fight. It was furly mesmerizing and terrifing at the same time. You just stood there dumbfounded. You watched as Joker took some hits. But that was unimportant. Everytime batman got hit you felt it too. Whoever batman was, your soulmate just saved your life, he is saving lives everyday. Now it all made sense, thats why you felt enermous pain at night. He was beating bad guys. It was amazing feeling, meeting your soulmate. Everything was perfect for 3 whol seconds- until you felt someone grab you from behind. You screamed, it was natural reaction and you couldnt helo but scream more. Until a hand was put over your mouth.
You were being dragged away, with our brain shocked and scared you couldnt think of anything but that one of Joker's goongs is dragging you away. So you just watched how did your surroundings move. You saw how the two fightting men were becoming smaller and smaller as you unwillingly went further and further away. All hope was lost, you knew superheroes couldnt always save everyone. And this was batman's chance to catch his arch-enemy. You eyes widened, this gave you hope and maybe even more streght. What you ask? Joker was left behind by batman, who was running towards you.
He immiediately took down Joker's goon, with jut couple of hits. He pulled out his grapple gun and aimed it up at the sky. It seemed like he was going to leave you lying on the floor. But what type of hero would that be? He leaned down and grabbed my arm. This was it, all the pain will be gone. I touched my soulmate for the first time. Now I will no longer feel his pain, and so he'll not be able to feel mine. Our eyes locked, but before I could say anything he put his arm around my waist and we got out of there.
It was refreshing feeling, almost flying through Gotham. The wind was playing with your hair and you could see Gotham how no one else could. It wasnt long after you took off that you landed, rather crashed. You both landed on lower balcony of the Wayne tower... It was beautifull but you fell on some stairs, bruning pain echoed throught your body. But you kept quiet, shock kept you quiet. There was some ringing in our ears, but a loud thud could be heard close to you. With your right hand ou lifted yourself yourself up and saw that your soulmate was lying on the floor. As fast as you could you got up and went over to check his pulse. He was alive. But passed out. You started panicking, you knew that soulmates dont have to last long. One moment you could kiss for the first time and 5 minutes later you would be alone.
The lights, someone turned on the lights. You ran over to the glass door and started banging as yelling. You knew they heard you, becauss there was a man running towards you. He opened the door and looked what happened. He was older, tall and had suit. Lucius Fox, his nametag stated.
,,What happened madam?" Lucius started asking questions and you just made yourslef answer ,, Joker, he saved me and then" while you talked Lucius came closer to Batman and kneeled down ,,he bought us here." Tears started forming in your eyes, you just lost your soulmate. You turned around and wiped your tears with your dirty sleeve. It was freezing and tears were cooling down your gace even more. ,,May I ask you, why are ou crying. Uhmm?" You wiped your tears away again and looked into distance ,,(Y/N), my name is (Y/N) and I think that-" 
,, I am her soulmate." It was voice you recognized, batman. In one swift motion you turned around. And saw batman, holding his head and Lucius helping him get up.  Your eyes met and you smiled at eachother. It was the most amazing moment. But something was missing. Batman leaned against railing. Lucius ran inside, going to get some help. You came closer to him. Never breaking eye contact.
,,Im sorry" he said. You wanted to be angry. You wanted to be mad. But you couldn't, he felt as much pain as you did. But every bit of pain you two went throught saved one life. ,,I feel like something is missing" you said and kissed him. It was amazing, kissing your soulmate. You never had kissed anyone before, it was like youexpected. Only about million times better. You pulled away, he had smirk on his face, your face turned red. Then he answered question eveone asked.
Who is batman? Answer? Bruce Wayne, the playboy, bussinessman, millionaire and most importantly...
Your soulmate.
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