#beanie stickman
roseytvii · 10 months
decided to draw some other Stickmen from The Box
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smallkittilicious · 1 month
Gildedguy Agere/Petre Moodboard
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Made an agere/petre moodboard of gildedguy hehe! Feel free to use!
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marblesphere · 2 years
Merry Christmas! 2022 Gojo Satoru x Reader
Merry early Christmas!!!! I am back!!!!! Together with Christmas fic!!!! A fluffy fic of course!!! The next chapter is on-going in my folder! No worries, I will finish that...hopefully before this year ends. My laptop's screen is acting up. it's shaking like crazy. I post this now because today's shaking is less crazy. Need to get this thing fixed soon.
Anyway, Happy reading! Enjoy!
“Let’s make one! Christmas party!!!!” Yoru exclaimed as she has her pointer finger up.
“Yoru, too loud.” Tori reprimanded.
“Let’s make one, Christmas party.” Yoru repeated.
“We heard you the first time.” Tori sighed. “Why so suddenly?”
“It’s not sudden.” Yoru puffed her cheeks. “I have been wanting to make one.”
“Christmas party…” I mumbled.
“Christmas party! Christmas cake! Christmas gift!!! Jou-chan, I want to participate too! Let’s make one.” Michizane made his sparkling eyes.
“Christmas…party…? What was that?” Tanuki-san titled his head.
“Huhuhu… Of course a Tanuki like you won’t know anything about Christmas party.” Michizane cackled.
“What was that, Fox face?”
“Let me tell you as your senpai. You see Christmas party is…”Michizane preached to him what Christmas party is about… and five minutes later…
“Ojou-chan, let’s do a Christmas party!!!” Another pair of sparkling eyes looked at me.
“[Name], you don’t want to? Or you have a painful memory of Christmas?” Yoru asked worriedly.
“I don’t think I have any. The usual Christmas is celebrating with Yae.” I answered.
“Where are your parents?”
“They work overseas all year long. I haven’t seen them since the start of my high school years. I do get presents though.”
“Let’s do it! Christmas party!” Reluctant Tori quickly declared.
“Weren’t you hesitating just now?” I sweatdropped.
“It’s fine! Let’s do it!!” Tori said.
“Ohhh!!!” Yoru pumped her fist up. Thus, those two went gung ho on planning this Christmas party.
So, here I am buying gifts for the upcoming Christmas party. The budget is 2000 yen. We are going to do the traditional gift exchange. The guests are obviously Fushiguro siblings and the people I know in jujutsu circle, including Mei-san and Utahime. Utahime-san obviously rejected because Satoru will be there. But Mei-san will come as long as her and her brother expenses are covered.
“This one is nice.” I murmured as I looked at the ash grey knitted muffler. This can be used by everyone. I quickly decide this will be my present for our gift exchange event. And then, I also bought small trinkets as my personal presents to them. For my girlfriends, I am buying a strap with their favorite charms and some make-up with the brand I use. For Mei-san, I think it’s better for some items that can be exchanged to cash, or maybe I should just give her cash, but it defeats the purpose of a gift, maybe a coupon or something. In the end I bought some spa supplies for her, Shoko and Utahime which I will ship to her later. I am not sure about Ui-Ui, so beanie and mittens. For Yaga-sensei, it’s even easier, knitting supplies.
For Tsumiki and Megumi, I bought them a new bag and stationeries plus some new clothes and coat. Their old coats are becoming thinner, I think this is a perfect time to change. If I just bought them, they will refuse. But since these are Christmas presents, they can’t refuse. Perfect.
For Nanamin… I think Nanamin really needs a day off, but I can’t give him that, maybe I should anonymously threaten his boss? But Nanamin will be targeted for sure, so that’s a no. So, coffee maker it is then. For some auxiliary managers that I knew, I bought them Christmas mugs. Now, as for the last boss…. Let’s just forget about him.
‘[Name]~~~~, you meanie! Where is my gift?’ A chibi him appeared in my head while whining. “Haaa…” I exhaled a small sigh. ‘What can I buy for someone who has everything that can be bought?’ My feet stopped in front of cookbooks aisle and I know what to get for that annoying stickman. It’s ticket to sweets buffet. Yep, with this all of the gifts are done. I just need to wrap them. I bought some gift papers and tape and off I go back to my apartment.
“Jou-chan, I want a gift too. It’s not fair that all of them got a gift, but I, your great grandpa didn’t get anything.” Michizane complained.
“Even I did get you something, it’s not like you can use it anyway.” I rolled my eyes.
“Ojou-chan, you have to do this gender equality.” Tanuki-san added, apparently, he is also a willing participant.
“This has nothing to do with gender equality. The problem is you are already dead. Besides, you didn’t even know what is Christmas 3 hours ago.”
“3 hours ago was 3 hours ago, right now is right now.” Tanuki-san pouted.
“Even if you pout, you still looks like tanuki, not cute or handsome at all.” I pointed out.
“Ojou-chan!” His jaw dropped, while Michizane is laughing and rolling on the air. “Shut up, Fox face! I doubt you can do it better.” He snarled at his forever rival.
“Of course I can do it better. Don’t forget I am the most handsome man back then.” Michizane gloated. “Jou-chan, I want a Christmas present too.” He made a pouty face and batted his eyelashes for a great measure.
“…” I shot him a blank deadpanned look with dead fish eye.
“Hahahaha!” This time it’s Tanuki-san’s turn to roll around while laughing.
“How can it be!” Michizane’s eyes blew wide in disbelief. I ignore them for the rest of my walk home. ~”~
 “Sorry, [Name]!” Tori and Yoru clapped their hands as they apologized to me in unison.
“Ah? What’s wrong?” I blinked.
“About today’s party. I think it’s going to be cancelled. The café we booked made a mistake. Apparently, someone else has booked the room before us. We don’t have any more time to book and decorate another one. And Tori and I have some emergencies to attend today. Sorry!” Yoru explained.
“Is that so? That’s too bad. But, there’s no need to worry about this.” I smiled.
“We are really really sorry!” They apologized again.
“Don’t worry. It’s not like we can’t do it for another time. But, what about other guests?”
“About that. We have taken care of it. everyone has been notified, so they won’t come.” Tori smiled sheepishly.
“Okay, I understand.” I nodded.
“I am not angry.” I smiled. “There’s no need to worry.” I assured them. Since we cancel the Christmas party, I bought a small cake to celebrate it myself after school. “Ah, I forgot giving them their gifts.” I blinked. ‘I must have been more distraught than I thought.’ I exhaled a soft sigh that become a white puff of air. ‘I guess I do feel a little disappointed…. No no no. They have an emergency. It’s not like they intentionally cancel it anyway.’
I look at the gifts in the big paper bag that I have brought with me and then to my watch. It’s just a little past five. “Yosh!” I decided to give them their gifts today. So, I made a detour to their house one by one to give their gifts. I was greeted by their parents so I ask them to pass along the gifts to them. Then, I go to the hospital where Shoko worked. But apparently she took a day off today for personal reason. In the end, the only gifts I haven’t given are for the working adults. ‘Maybe I should go to jujutsu high now. I still can make it, and then…’
“Don’t worry, Jou-chan, the three of us are going to have best Christmas ever.” Michizane suddenly popped out to my face.
“Th-that’s right. We can make a Christmas party just by ourselves.” Tanuki-san added. The two of them are talking about how they are going to plan the Christmas party.
“Thank you.” I giggled. I know they are trying to cheer me up. It’s a little sad walking alone in the midst of happy people and atmosphere. ‘I wonder if in the future, I too…’ My mind suddenly conjuring a nice scenario where I am happily smiling while walking hand in hand with someone all by itself.
‘No can do, I can’t show a sad face in this kind of joyful occasion.’ I slapped my cheeks.
“No. Nothing. I will be fine.” I shook my head and smiled. ‘That was just a fantasy. A fantasy and dream that will be forever just a delusion.’
“Let’s go. Let’s drop this to Jujutsu High and off we go to home.” I said.
“You are going to Jujutsu High? What a coincidence, so do I.” A familiar voice chipped in suddenly. I froze at the familiar voice.
“Satoru?” I blinked.
“Yep. The one and only Gojo Satoru.” He grinned. “So, you are going to Jujutsu High?”
“Ah? Ah! Yes, that’s right. I have some gifts to be delivered there. Ah, since you are here. Here.” I handed out his gift right there.
“For me?” He tilted his head as he opened his palm so I could drop his gift there.
“That’s right. Merry Christmas, Satoru.”
“...Then, I will have to gift you something back.” He beamed.
“There’s no need. I didn’t gift it so I can get some gift back.” I shook my head.
“No can do. It’s a Christmas, of course I am going to give my favorite human a gift. I have prepared it.” He laughed as his palm made itself comfortable on my head. “Let’s go to Jujutsu High.” ~”~
 A moment later, we arrived at Jujutsu High. Satoru leads me to one of the classrooms. “Incoming!” He yelled loudly as if he was telling the people inside.
“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!” The loud sound of party poppers echoed as glittering rainbow colored confetti rained down.
“Merry Christmas, [Name]!!! Sorry we have to lie to you a little bit.” Yoru, Tori and Yae grinned, proud of their achievement.
“The emergency was a lie?”
“Yep. We just want to make a surprise party for you. We didn’t get to celebrate your birthday, so why not?” Tori giggled.
“Are you surprised?” Yoru exclaimed escitedly.
“I am just glad you didn’t have any bad emergency.” I sighed in relief.
“Hehehe, it’s Gojo-san’s idea.” Yae smirked.
“This is the gift?” I looked at him.
“Part of it? Do you like it?”
“Yes! Thank you very much!” I beamed.
“Oooohhhh!!!” (The rest of them are having a pleasantly surprised expression when their senior/co-worker are actually blushing a little which was not seen by [Name]. And they regret they didn’t get it on their phone.)
The Christmas party is on. We exchanged our gifts, giving my personal gifts to them and just eating and chatting away like this. ~”~
 “So cold.” I stepped outside for a little fresh air. But splendidly forgot my muffler.
“Ojou-chan, how can you forget your muffler? You will catch a cold.” Michizane frowned. I left Tanuki-san inside the classroom as he wanted to savor the Christmas atmosphere.
“Sorry, it slipped out from my mind.”
“Let’s get your muffler first.”
“Why are you stepping outside without your muffler? You will catch a cold.” Someone sighed as they also stepped outside.
“Your muffler.” He frowned. With a few strides, (curse his long legs) Satoru stopped in front of me and wrapped my muffler around my neck.
“It’s done.” He smirked proudly at his handiwork. And I just realized, he got my muffler gift. Somehow, when he is wearing it, it’s a little too perfect.
‘Tsk, how envious.’
“I got your gift.” His lips curved into another annoying smirk.
“I bet you use six eyes to see the residue of cursed energy.” I rolled my eyes.
“How could it be! This is just purely coincidence!” He gasped in an overdramatic tone. (He actually secretly aiming for her gift, and yes, he used six eyes. If he didn’t use it then, when he should be using them?)
“Whatever!” I rolled my eyes, not believing his claim. But secretly feel elated. After all, he is…
“I still have another gift for you.” He quipped, snapping me back to reality.
“Another gift?”
“Yep.” He nodded. “Here.” He dropped something to my hand.
“Omamori?” I blinked at the blue omamori on my palm.
“It’s Gojo Satoru’s special one and only omamori.” He giggled as he launched into a rant how he made it. “By the way, you are absolutely forbidden to peek the charm inside.”
“It will lose its protection.”
“Eh? What a useless omamori.”
“That’s why you can’t peek inside.”
“But I want to know.” I tried to feel the charm inside. It’s hard, maybe a little round?
“You will know it in due time. But right now, you are forbidden to see what’s inside.”
“Fine fine.” I gave up. It’s must be real since he is so serious and persistent like this.
“Let’s go back. Or Nanamin will eat all the cakes.”
“Nanamin is not you.” I rolled my eyes playfully, but can’t hold the giddy smile that was hanging on my lips. “Satoru.”
“Hm?” Satoru turned to me.
“Thank you for your Christmas present. I will treasure it.” I showed him the omamori he gave me moments ago.
Satoru gives me a soft smile (and affectionate stare), “Let’s go inside. It’s freezing here.”
“Okay!” I grinned before I got another idea. I quickly round up a snowball and throw it to his back, and it wonderfully hits his back.
Satoru turns to me with wide eyes and then quickly turned into the usual mischievous glint. “Now, you have done it.” He also rounded some snowballs and threw it to me. I shriek as I escape from his assault, rounding my own ammos to fight him. ~”~
 “How long they are going to play this flirting stage?” Shoko propped her cheek on her hand as they looked two kids playing snowball fight.
“As long as Gojo-san didn’t get me involved in his weird conference.” Nanamin pushed up his sunglasses.
“That’s the fun part.” Shoko smiled. “it’s nice to see him acting like his age, emotionally.”
“Fufufu, it was an easy cash too. I will have to join his conference every time.”
“As expected from Nee-sama.”
“Huhuhu, we have our own bet to see how long they will realize their own feelings.” Yoru laughed.
“I bet [Name]-san will realize it first, but went into a denial stage after the denial stage she will accept it and then hide it from that trashy adult.” Megumi said it all with a deadpan voice.
“I also think [Name]-san will realize it first. Though, I am not sure about the detail.” Tsumiki sweatdropped at her younger brother prediction.
“It’s possible.” Yae nodded. “I mean, this is [Name] we are talking about. Anything is possible.”
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” Yaga sighed as he looked at his former student and his former student’s sort of student.
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persona3-moonlitblade · 4 months
so we got chidori and Jin on the save list who else?
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"Aragaki-senpai, obviously."
*Minato nodded, drawing a stickman with a beanie.*
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idkwhyimadethislol1 · 8 months
Oh, welcome to my blog !
Just call me Random if you want, I don’t mind but if your interested in asking me somethings I may respond. I might post some stuff as well.. but.. when I have motivation.
FANDOMS CURRENTLY: PHIGHTING!, Animation vs Animator/Minecraft, Henry stickman, Object shows.
My OCs If you want to know.
Stickman: Aero, Aster, Beanie, Glitch, Lotus, Lunsol, Matcha, Vortex.
PHIGHTING!: Stickynote
You can ask them if you want, I don’t mind. Anyways.. have a good day/night.
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Stickman Learning Colors Baby Beanie... www.stickmanlearningcolors.com
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filfclothing · 2 years
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Filf beanies and organic stickman t shirts on our online shop www.filf.shop #filf #filfclothing #rideitwearitliveit (at Brighton and Hove) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVcrZAIm8e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alemonyoyo · 3 years
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How the South Park characters would draw themselves but this time it is the main 4 + butters.
Lemme explain.
Stan: Stan doesn’t fuck around, a simple stickman with signature beanie so you can identify him. He never draws himself with a smile.
Kyle: Kyle doesn’t draw himself and has a simple doll like artstyle because he doesn’t draw too often, but wants to separate himself from a classic stick man or circle with eyes. He tries his best with shading because he saw something like that on youtube.
Cartman: Half shitpost and half genuine. He uses crayola neon twistables to colour and has terrible colour theory. I do hc though that if he sits down alone, he can make something decent.
Kenny: Kenny is on DeviantArt and he has seen some shit. He shades with black because “shadows are black” and doesn’t make his necks long enough /s. He thinks he draws himself beautiflly and likes the use the most saturated colours because it “looks cool.”
Butters: I just have a feeling that butters draws the like “line hands” where every finger is just a line. He draws his body shape like a bell and someone told him that it looked like a dress and he just didn’t care, he liked it more! He also always gives himself little blushes on his cheeks because he saw Kyle doing it.
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years
Nick Close had never been a very fantastic child. That much was very obvious. Granted, most of the dumb and illegal shit they did was for their fathers attention (however rarely that option actually worked), but it was still dumb and illegal shit.
Tonight was not one of those dumb and illegal nights, however; tonight was still a night Glenn Close could never find out about. Nick prayed he'd never find out about.
Nick had always been closed off from their father. How couldn't they be? When they were little, it was always Nick and Momma at home, while Daddy was on tour or doing shows. Glenn only started being home once in awhile when Mom died. And yes, Nick calls him Glenn. Glenn was never... He was never 'Dad.'
And this, this was certainly one of the things Nick kept tightly closed off from their father. That thing being one of the biggest secrets Nick may ever keep; their gender.
Nick didn't *mind* to be a 'he,' don't get them wrong. Some days, they really enjoyed being a 'he.' But today? Today... Nick was a she. And she couldn't deny that. Some days she felt so fucking confident in her body, like she could throw on a baggy t-shirt and slightly too-big pants with a beanie and fight god. Others, her body felt like someone else's and she wanted to rip her skin off and start over. Dress like those beautiful alternative women she saw on TikTok. With the demonias, fishnets, skirts, ripped up shirts, messy hair. God, some days she didn't know if she wanted to be them, or be with them.
Tonight, she definitely wanted to be them.
She had done up her makeup in the most extravagant way she knew how, eyeliner to the gods. Fishnets under a faux-leather, checkered print pencil skirt she found thrifting with Grant a few days ago. She had one a torn up old t-shirt she'd cut into a croptop and not to mention her Docs. She felt like she could fight god with her chain belts and dramatic jewelry.
Nick knows Glenn would never care if he knew his 'son' sometimes felt more like his daughter, but she wasn't ready to give him that kind of trust. Grant? Grant got that kind of trust. Henry got that kind of trust. The twins got that kind of trust. But not Glenn. Glenn hasn't proved he'd deserved that yet.
And maybe Nick didn't want to take the time to explain why Grant sometimes called her Nickie beyond "Its just a nickname, Glenn."
And she was okay with that. She knew that she wasn't ready. Maybe she'd never be 'ready,' and Glenn wasnt in her life enough for it to matter.
Why'd the front door just open? Why is Nick hearing a car lock? Why is the front door opening? Glenn's not supposed to be home from tour until tomorrow. And here Nick is, in the living room. Looking like a pretty well passing woman. She had learned plenty of tricks over her last two years of presenting feminine some days. The lanky, stickman build the had was the one thing Glenn had given to her that she was thankful for.
But the genetics of Glenn Close that were gifted to his child were not the problem at hand. The problem at hand is that *Glenn's home.*
Glenn's home. Glenn's home, and Nick is not in her Glenn Mode. She's vulnerable. Vulnerable to a lot of questions she doesn't want to answer tonight. Doesn't want to have to explain where all this women's clothing came from, nor why she's dressed as one. It can't pass as drag, but she's obviously not in drag makeup. Fuck. Fuck it all. Fuck her life and her shitty decision making skills. Fuck Glenn for never communicating his plans. And fuck the stunned way he's staring at her now.
The awkwardness of the room was palpable at this point. Nick felt like a deer in headlights. Nick felt like melting into the floor and disappearing from the world. Nick felt like her whole world was about to collapse in on itself. What if Glenn hated her, what if he didn't want her to act like this or be this person, what if-
"Well, don't you look nice. Got a date or something, kid?"
Thats... That's not what Glenn was supposed to say. That's not what he's supposed to say! He's supposed to be upset or revolted or-
"I- I uh..." No. No don't cry. Fuck. Why are you crying, Nicholas? Nicole? Fuck what even if your name right now?
Glenn's here. It should be Nicholas. That's your name when you're a boy. But its a girl day. You want to be Nicole today. Glenn is here, and you're Nicole right now. And Glenn is here. And you're Nicole. And Glenn-
She heard a bag drop on the ground and footsteps come toward her. She stepped back and tried hide behind her arms. No words. She can't speak.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.
She remembers the time she went to school in feminine clothes and a couple of guys almost jumped her, before Lark pulled a knife on them and got them both suspended.
Hands grab onto her shoulders, a gentle hold. She can feel the calluses on Glenn's fingers from his guitar. When was the last time he held her?
Her knees feel like jello. She remembers when she started posting on her second TikTok, open about her gender and pronouns because she didn't have to keep up a cisgender face when her dad didn't have the account. And how transphobes sent her deaththreats until she blocked all those words from her comments and the DMs got disabled.
She's a few inches taller than Glenn in her platform Docs. Which she realizes when he pulls her into a gentle hug. She feels makeup running on her face. And she's crying. Why is she crying?
She remembers being ten years old standing at moms grave, standing next to Glenn. Just after the burial. It was the first time she'd seen him cry.
Her chin's on his shoulder now, his arms around her upper torso and holding her against him. She realizes she's shaking. That he's just holding her. He's holding her. Daddy's home.. He's giving her a hug...
She remembers the last time Glenn had hugged her. At Mom's funeral. She was sobbing at her grave, and so was Dad. He pulled her into him and held her so tight. So tight she thought he'd crush her. But he just held, like she was the entire world. Like if he let go he'd loose her to. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hid her face in the mix of long hair and his suit jacket. He felt like her whole world in that moment, too.
Nickie brings herself back to what's happening. Glenn's holding her, her arms are awkward resting on his back, He's clutching her by the shoulders. She remembers these hugs. The hugs that he used to give her every time he left and came home. The ones he gives where every second of it is embued with love. It felt like that now.
She could tell he loved her. But those words felt like lies in her head.
Lies. Lies. Lies. So many lies. So so many lies.
"I'll be home by nine, Nick." It was a lie, Glenn didn't come home for three more days. "I promise I'll be home on your birthday." He wasn't. "I'll be there." He wasn't. "I'll make it, promise." He didn't. Everytime. Everytime, where Glenn shouldve been, it was Mom. And when Mom died, it was Henry. Or Ron. Or Darryl.
But he's here. Right now. And he's holding her. It doesn't make it okay, it doesn't excuse it. But he's holding her. Her knees go weak, and she crumbles. He crumbles with her.
She sobs, he doesn't force her to say anything. She doesn't return his hug, he doesn't expect her to.
"You're supposed to be mad." Nick mumbled after she doesnt remember how long. Glenn gives a light chuckle and adjusts his grip on her.
"And why would I be?" He asked, not protesting as Nick shoved him off and shuffled back a few inches. It felt weird to be so close to him after sixteens years of so much distance.
"Why wouldn't you be?" She spat, crossing her arms and staring at the ground. "Nick's fucked up again. That's my whole brand! Being a total and absolute fuck up! The disappointment! The druggy, the- the... The mistake." She felt more hot tears behind her eyes. She could feel Glenn staring at her in concern.
"Nick, you are not a fuck up. Or a mistake. Or whatever else. Nick, you're my baby, and I-"
"Then why did you leave? If you're gonna pull that bullshit, and say you love me no matter what, and that I'm your little girl, and that- that you wanted me from the very beginning and wouldn't give me up, why did you leave? Why dont you care now? When you come home, and woopsie! Your son's dressed up like some goth chicken. Why are you acting like everythings fine!? Everything is NOT fine, Glenn!" She hit the floor with her hands and growled in frustration. It wasn't fine.
Glenn stared down and took a deep breath. Then he sighed. "Yeah, I can't blame you on that one, kiddo. Alright, full disclosure, Nick. I already- I knew. I knew about the pronouns, and the name. I knew. Henry told me."
"H- Henry... Did what?"
"He told me. Soon as you told him. He called me that night, let me know what you had said. We have a rule in our group, we've had the rules since Grant came out. If one of the kids comes out as anything, you tell the other dads. Especially if its a name and pronouns thing. Cause, we agreed that since well, we were all kind of one bug cluster fuck of parents to each others kids, it was better if everyone knew who was what. So we didn't fuck it up."
"So you have a rule to out kids to their parents? That's-"
"No! Not any kids. Its just you, Terry, Grant, and the twins. Just you five. Because, here's the thing, Nick- Nickie? Whatever. Us dads? We arent- we're new to the whole queer scene. Its not as normal for us to just fliparoo what pronouns and names we call people as it is for you guys. So, we would practice to each other. When you told Henry you liked being called Nickie, he came to us and essentially said, 'I'm gonna say Nickie to you guys as often as i fucking can do I don't end up deadnaming.' "
Glenn took Nick's hand into his and held it tight. Nick still felt like punching Henry in the fucking face for outting her to Glenn.
"You know that I love you, Nick." Her body went rigid at that. And she looked uo at him, glaring as hard as should mister with how fucking teary eyed she was.
"Do I? Do I know that you love me, Glenn?" And his face fell. It was like she just sucked his soul out of him. Good. That should be one hell of a wake up call.
"Nick, of course I love you. What would ever make you think I didn't love you?" Nick but her lip, thinking over her words before she said them. She thought on a lot of things.
"You left. My mom died, and you left. My *mother* was dead and you went back to touring in a matter of weeks. My mother was dead, and I was ten years old. And I was home, by myself, for weeks. Glenn, I was alone for months. Sure, there the nanny. But that wasn't Mom or Dad. I needed my parents. I needed my dad. I needed my dad to give me a hug, promise me it'd be okay. That we were okay. And he fucking left. He walked out that door, didn't come back for months, only called every three weeks. Missed birthdays, holidays, soccer games, and whatever the fuck else. Why on gods green earth would I think that you loved me when you fucking abandoned me, Glenn? Why? Would you think I loved you if I fucked off to god knows where after being home for just a couple days? Huh? If when I found out you'd been up in drug city with your mates and getting caught by cops doing a bunch of stupid shit, all you got was a slap on the wrist and a phonecall that last three minutes?"
Glenn stared at the ground for a long time. He didn't speak. And he pulled her back into a hug, practically dragged her across that distance to hold her again. Hold her like the whole world depended on Glenn never letting go again. Like if he let go everything would come crashing down, like Nick was the entire fucking world and he just wanted to protect her. He held her like he had when Mom died.
"God, Morgan... He's just like you." He mumbled, clutching Nick so tight she couldn't breath. She didn't care he used the wrong pronouns, she didn't care he'd barely even addressed the elephant in the room, she didn't care her heel was digging painfully into the back of her other leg. Her dad was here. He was holding her. He was making sure she knew he loved her. Dad finally came home.
Glenn let out a painful sob into Nick's shoulder, he said something. Nick thinks it was an apology, but between the sniffles and the hiccups and layers of clothing, its impossible to tell. Glenn pulled her up into his lap, held her like he would when she was five or six. Her head on his shoulder, his arms around her middle as he sat horizontal across his lap. Her legs were too long to curl up like they used to, so they sat awkwardly half-stretched across the floor. It was nostalgic in a way. It felt Glenn was just realizing how many years he'd wasted. How much time with his child he had lost.
"I'm sorry, Nick. Im- I didn't realize. I'm so fucking sorry, Nick." He was still crying. Crying more than Nick had ever seen him cry. She could hear the self-hatred and the regret in his voice. She reached an arm around his neck and pulled him that much closer.
"Just don't leave again... Please, Dad." Nick doesn't remember that last time she had called him 'Dad.' But, it felt right in that moment. It hasn't felt right in a long long time.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 6 years
Excuse me! But where is my Sanders Sides Gamer AU???
Voices in my head: Gee Bunny, it seems you have no problem writing a lot of other fics and stuff yet you still haven’t even finished the next chapter of your Spiderverse fic???
Voices in my head:.....
Me: Yeah, that’s what I thought! Anyways, idk if I just missed a memo or something but I haven’t seen any Gamer AU of my boys and that is a crime in and of itself! Like, how dare! But fret not, I am here to provide content (Read: headcannons) that you did not ask for! Let us begin! Or should I say start!
(please note that I am not a gaming expert so feel free to add or correct stuff)
Roman Rosewood
Obviously loves RPGs! Anything with a good story line really! Or has medieval fantasy aesthetic!
Skyrim, Diablo, Undertale, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Fallout, Red Dead Redemption, Undertales, Dragon Age, God of War Dark Souls, Assassins Creed, Earthbound, etc.
Played West of Loathing just so he could rip on it but actually ended up loving it and spending way to many hours playing. Then he found out there was a game called Kingdom of Loathing by the same creators and went down that rabbit hole as well.
He was iffy about getting into JRPGs but then Virgil convinced him to play Persona 5 and he absolutely fell in love with the music!
All the music in his phone is either from musicals or Video games!
Also really likes choose your own adventure games like Detroit: Become Human, Life is Strange, and Telltale Games
So much video game merch! Usually figurines because he likes to make little shelves and display cases for them.
He also really likes multiplayer games because he’s a social butterfly and likes to play with his squad.
Sucks at first person shooter games but still willingly plays Fortnight or Call of Duty or Left for Dead with his friends because he doesn’t want to be a drag and complain. But also they sometimes die in game in the most hilarious ways and it just leaves everybody wheezing.
Virgil Dante
Horror games, obvs!
All about that dark aesthetic!
Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Fran Bow, Sally Face, Resident Evil, The Witch’s House, Amnesia, Little Nightmares, Bendy and The Ink Machine, Alice: Madness Returns, SCP-Containment, Pony Island, etc.
Yes, he’s played all the Five Nights At Freddy’s games. It’s a good series and it isn’t his fault the fandom is bat shit crazy and full of ten year olds! Fuck you Roman!
Every time the Walking Dead comes out he knows he’ll end up crying by the end of it. He and the squad make and event out of it.
Japanese horror games are usually his favorite because they deal more with the psychological aspects of horror instead of the jump scares
So, yes, he’s also a fan of Corps Party and Fatal Frame
Also really good at first person shooters because he has a really steady hand (you usually have to when playing horror games least you want to restart the level) and it pisses Roman off to no end every time Virgil randomly headshots him.
Usually likes to by merch in the form of posters, t-shirts, or beanies. He only buys figurines if it’s a game he really, really likes.
At first didn’t know why people kept bugging him to play Doki Doki Literature Club but then he finally caved and...oh...that’s why.
Logan Mill
My boy loves puzzle and strategy games yo!
Legend of Zelda, Portal, Tetris, Unravel, World of Goo, Inside, Limbo, Pokemon, Shadow of the Colossus, StarCraft, Command and Conquer, Age of Empire, Heart of Iron, World of Warcraft, etc.
He likes Overwatch but doesn’t like playing with people online so he usual solos or asks the others to play. But that too usually ends in chaos.
Hates rage games because he gets frustrated easily and has broken at least four keyboards and two controllers
He still plays them anyways because he can beat it damn it! Just give him a minute!
Enjoys the God of War series despite all the mythological inaccuracies
He plays a lot of Minecraft to relax or destress and has build beautiful works of architecture and sometimes entire cities.
He thought it was stupid and childish and was embarrassed about it for a long time until the squad came over to his house one day uninvited and caught him playing. He was getting ready for them to make fun of him but they instead gushed about how AMAZING everything looked and how TALENTED he was for building all himself.
Logan ends up showing them how to play afterwards and they work together to make weird sculptures and complex tunnels underground.
He likes practical merch like backpacks, coffee mugs, pencil holders, notebooks, ect. as well as a few t-shirts and novelty ties.
Yes, he does collect Pokemon cards!
Patton Adley
Silly dating sims, farming games, and any cute game really! Plus a few side scroller games!
Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Slime Rancher, The Sims, Dream Daddy, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Monster Prom, Hatoful Boyfriend, Scribblenauts, Night In The Woods, Ni Nu Kuni, etc.
Big Nintendo fan!
He made the mistake of playing Doki Doki Literature Club without reading the warning tags and regrets it immensely...still a good game though.
He did the same thing with Huni Pop but that one made him laugh more then anything and he kind of got addicted to it. Then he found out there was a sequel called HuniCam so he went down that rabbit hole too.
He likes a lot of phone app games too like Cut the Rope, Neko Atsume, and Candy Crush.
Loves trashy dating app games, he thinks they’re so funny and cheesy
He was addicted to Mystic Messenger for a long while
Just because he has his preference doesn’t mean he won’t try other games too, Logan got him hooked on World of Warcraft (though really he did that to everyone), Virgil showed him Hollow Knight, and Roman suggested he play Undertales.
Prefers merch in the form of plushies and key chains!
He likes to bake and decorate cookies, cakes and pastries in the form of his favorite video game characters.
Duncan [Deceit] Adley (Patton’s twin)
A lot of first person shooter and combat games!
Doom Series, Super Smash Bros, Mortal Combat, Halo, Fortnight, Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Half-Life, Team Fortress, Destiny, Wolfenstein, Bio Shock, Splatoon, PUBg etc.
Patton was the one that introduced him to Splatoon and he won’t admit that it’s actually super fun.
Doesn’t mind story driven games and RPGs but he really just wants something he can zone out to and relax
He likes to troll people online, mainly assholes picking on little kids who just want to play.
He once teamed up with a group of kids on Call of Duty solely for the purpose of collectively kicking the asses of this groups of so called “real gamers” that were being jerks.
Has memorized all the combos! He doesn’t have time to sit and look up a cool finishing move, he needs it now!
Always mains the weakest/most useless character in fighting games and still manages to kick everyone’s ass.
Doesn’t have a preference in merch and usually grabs whatever he likes be it figurines, t-shirts, posters, plushies, or whatever, so long as he likes the game it comes from.
Has several tattoos from his favorite games
Emile Picani
Classic retro games, cartoonish games, and Nintendo are his jam broham!
Mario, Classic Sonic, Paper Boy, Transylvania, Spyro, Pac Man, All the Saga Disney games, Duck Hunt, Mario Kart, Galaga, Mega Man, Donkey Kong, Secret of Mana, Banjo-Kazooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, etc.
Absolutely fell in love with Shovel Knight when it came out!
Remy got him into all the indie pixel games: Towerfall, Terraria, Owlboy, Hotline Miami, Papers Please, Celeste, One Shot, etc.
Duncan was the one that introduced him to Cuphead and the usually play it together and see how far each of them can go without dying.
The game is difficult but the art is still so breathtaking!
Likes the occasional psychological thriller game
Bet Virgil showed him Alice: Madness Returns and Doki Doki Literature Club (after he’s played it of course)
Likes plushies and figurine merch with the occasional poster and coffee mug.
Likes to doodle a lot of his fav video game characters and cartoons and is actually really good at it. He helped design most of Duncan’s tattoos.
Remy Knightly
Likes a lot of indie games and old online flash games!
The Stanley Parables, Oxenfree, Inside, Firewatch, Super MeatBoy, The Binding of Issac, Donut County, Henry Stickman series, Impossible Quiz, Crush the Castle series, Hyper Light Drifter, etc.
He always gets everybody hooked on one game or another
He convinced everyone to play Undertales so for like a month they all went through a HUGE Undertales faze.
Was the actual, ACTUAL one that showed Duncan Cuphead because he knew the dork would be reminded of Emile because of the animation and would want to show it to him and play multiplayer (*cough* subtle matchmaker *cough*)
(Do not be fooled, he is a pinning boy himself)
Is up to date in all the gossip of the latest games and consuls, indie or mainstream! He’s in the know, know and if you need to know something chances are Remy probably knows it.
Weeds out through all the indie horror games for Virgil and recommends what he thinks are the best ones.
Same thing with Logan and his puzzle games, he’s usually is able to find very strange ones and Logan seems to likes those best.
Obviously has a lot of merch in coffee mug and thermal form as well as a few key chains.
Occasionally streams on Twitch with Duncan and Emile (sometimes inviting the main squad too), they’re commentary is usual hilarious.
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