#fluffy gojo satoru
marblesphere · 2 years
Omegaverse! Alpha! Gojo Satoru x Alpha! OC/Reader
Okay, first thing first. !!Warning!! This is an Omegaverse fic, but this DOES NOT contain SMUT at all. It's a perfectly SFW, BUT I still would like MINORS DO NOT interact, because this fic still contain Omegaverse element. I do explain a little about the heat cycle. I prefer to think this is in gray zone because the genre itself. And there’s some namecalling too (bitch)To be honest, the fic could even be written without any omegaverse element actually. I put some omegaverse element just for fun. I have never wrote one and want to try it. So, with the warning out of the way, please enjoy this super long one shot.
Oh, the name is changeable by the way. And we have a SIMP Satoru here. So, I apologize if you are looking for headbutting enemy to lovers trope. I... don’t think my skill is that good to write that.  🥲
Happy Reading!!! Enjoy!!!!
It's raining…
The sound of pitter pattering rain finally registered in my ears.
I don't know how long it has been raining or how long I have stood here. But I do know that my school uniform is soaked thoroughly. The only saving grace is the color of the uniform is not white.
I exhale a small sigh, a white puff formed out from it. This shows how cold the weather is. My mind reels back to the event that happened not long ago.
"Hisaki-chan, let's break up.
"Eh?" I was taken aback by his statement. "What's this? A new type of prank?" I felt a bad feeling when they showed up together.
"Sorry, Raika-chan. I know this is wrong. But… But I can't lie to my heart. I like Hibiki-kun." My best friend, no should be soon to be ex best friend apologized as she cried.
"It's all my fault, Hisaki-chan. I… I am the bad one. Don't blame Himeka. I am your boyfriend yet… her smell…Himeka-chan’s smell is really pleasing. I think she is my partner…No, I am sure about it."
Realization finally dawned into me. Their secondary genders have manifested. Hibiki is an alpha and Himeka is an omega. It’s not like I am upset they find each other smell pleasing, but… "I see...How long…how long you two have been going out behind my back." I clenched my fist.
"Sorry, Raika-chan… I know I am wrong. I am sorry." She cried.
"Please answer me." My voice came out steadier than I would have thought.
"2 months." My soon to be ex, no it should be now ex-boyfriend answered.
"2 months… I see… 2 months…. So, why you wait until now?" I frowned.
"Hisaki-chan, don't blame her. You can blame me all you want. But please don't blame her. Aren't you two best friends?"
"Were is the correct word." I tilted my head. "You have a lot of time to tell me before you make this kind of decision. Yet, you didn't? Why? You thought of me as a spare in case something went wrong? You were waiting for my secondary gender to manifest so you will know which smell is more pleasing?! Disgusting!"
"I am not thinking like that." He shook his head.
"Whatever. I don't care and do not want to care. You could just tell me the truth and I will understand. Yet, you choose this kind of method. If you two have finished revealing your disgusting affair to me then you two can go now." I shrugged, gestured the exit to them. 'I can't cry yet…'
"Hisaki-chan!!" He frowned.
"Please don't act like you didn't do anything wrong. Don’t use secondary gender as an excuse. Cheating is still cheating. You have no right to justify it, It's disgusting. If you don't want to go, I will go." I slung my bag. "Oh, and you can consider this over, the friendship and the relationship." I slammed the door, not caring whether they answered or not.
That's the end of the flash back. "I thought… we will be those rare couple that will stay together even after our secondary genders manifest. Seems like the dream ends now.” I smiled mockingly. I…picked up some sign early, the way they looked at each other, the way they spoke to each other. I… want to believe that was not true. Because I tried, I tried hard to become his ideal.
People might have told me it's fine to be just yourself. Better search for another one if he can't accept the way we are. I understand but, even so, I want to make an effort. Loving someone is about compromising after all. In the end, it was no use. And… somewhere deep inside my heart… I feel a little relieved. I… don't need to keep up or make a wasted and unappreciated effort. I might not love him as much as I thought.
Middle school, second year, second semester is the last time I spent my time in my old middle school. Due to my father's job, we moved to Tokyo. I was put in a prestigious school, Rubrum Academy. Where I start over with my new circle of friends and a new love. ~”~
 Woman and man, the genders that exist on earth. But research shows that aside from being woman and man, there is a secondary gender. The invention of second gender shed some light to some mysterious cases of human bodily function and personalities. For example, the sudden surge of libido in a certain time and will last for a period of time. Sometimes, it’s so severe that they will attack a random passerby. Or some people getting attacked by not intentionally bumping into their partner. It’s not just simple assault, the victim suffered severe injury. Or sudden strong various smell that made people feel lightheaded. So, researchers start to do intensive research, of course with the consent of people. Fortunately, the calmed down attackers are all cooperative. They described their feelings to the scientists.
Scientists also make research by interviewing some long-lasting married couple and some quickly divorced couple. Long-lasing healthy couple usually have two patterns, either one of the partners comply with their partner’s need or they switch depend on the mood. The quickly divorced couple usually because they refused to compromise with each other, leading to a frequent fight and then divorce. Thus, they finally confirmed the existence of secondary gender.
Those secondary genders are categorized into 3. Alpha, just like the name has suggested, it’s the leader of the pack. People with this trait is usually charismatic and dominating sometimes to the point of arrogant. They have a high leadership skill, easily making other people submit to him, either with charisma or intimidation.
Beta, if the alpha is the leader, then beta is sort of like vice-leader. They have sufficient charisma and leadership skill, but fell a little short compared to an Alpha. Usually, they are in the middle zone of Alpha and Omega, the normal one. They are not dominant or submissive. Or they can be depending on their needs. And Beta is the most common secondary gender in the world.
Lastly, Omega, is described as people who aroused a protective instinct of alpha and beta. They are generally viewed as more submissive, only to their partner. They don’t like conflict, and always try to be a peacemaker.
And lastly, those are only general views of secondary genders, not all omega is submissive. Not all alpha is charismatic and not all beta is normal. Whether the secondary gender is, in the end, human compatibility still depends on their personalities, interaction and compromise.
Though existence of secondary genders is confirmed, it’s not like it affected much of people’s daily life. There are some changes, but not drastic. Secondary genders are developed in their teens, around 14-17. When they fully developed it, a new organ is also developed, a scent gland. And heightened sense of smell. And the cycle of heat. Whether you are alpha, beta, omega or gamma. Well, whatever your main gender or secondary gender are, you will have a heat cycle. It’s usually fully manifest when you are 20. There are some cases that it manifests earlier than usual, but it’s always after the secondary gender is fully developed.
Heightened sense of smell is not an ability that can track people. It's more like people can smell their body pheromone when they are in close proximity, the maximum radius is only 2 m, just to that extent.
Heat cycle is very consistent, it's once a month. The period of heat cycle is usually 3 days. There won’t be any affect in your daily life. There’s already a law that allow 3 days off when your heat cycle hits. The changes that were mentioned above include this. After the heat cycle is fully manifested, you usually need a partner… well, if you judge you don’t need one is okay too.
So, for the partner thingy. Most people after manifest their secondary gender will submit their id card to a matchmaking consultation. There, they will have an expert to find them a partner, usually a month or two months before their birthday, just like blind dates. Because the heat cycle will manifest 1 to 3 days after their 20th birthday. If their partner matches with each other, they will most likely get married at a later time. Most married couples will say their partner has a very pleasing smell, this is very subjective. I am certain no one will say their own partner smells bad after all.
Though this can be used as a reference. Scientists have made some research according to this theory. They first have a few couples smell a belonging to one that is not their partner. The result 65% said those belongings smell bad, 35% said they didn’t smell good or smell bad. And then they did another test, having single group of people divided to male and female and have they smell their counterpart belongings. The result 65% didn’t have the same opinion, while the male A might say female A smell good, female A might not say the male A smell good. 20% with the same bad opinion and 15% with the same good opinion.
Again, they put male and female with the same good opinion of their smell in a blind date. Some couples with the same bad opinion. And lastly, some couples with the same bad opinion. The result, 25% with different opinion get along very well, some even become a couple at the end of bind date. 5% with the same bad opinion managed to last until the end of blind date, but didn’t have any interaction. And 8% with the same good opinion become couples at the end.
In conclusion, having smelling good smell coming from other people doesn’t mean they are automatically your destined partner.
And this doesn’t matter if they homo or hetero, the existence of secondary genders actually make society is more open to same sex couple. So, many businesses like this are booming like there’s no tomorrow. They boasted a 100% rate in finding your future partner.
And the last change is a mating mark. Like the name suggests, a mark that is proof they are mates. It's not required to have a mating mark, but most people do to show their loyalty to each other. Mating mark can be given after your secondary gender has developed and determined. This is no small matter, because the mating mark is very restrictive. Any person who has received mating mark will become more territorial of their partner. Some even find it repulsive to have another people approaching them. And when your hit cycle hits, you can only have your partner with your mating mark, if you already have one to claim you. Or else, nothing will work, not even suppressant pill.
Fortunately, we are already at the age where secondary genders have already integrated nicely as part of daily life. Unlike the times when the existence was discovered. It can be said, chaos ensued. A nation almost collapsed due to many misunderstandings of secondary genders. ~”~
 "Do you reaaaaallllyyyyy have to go back to your hometown?" A pouty white head whined as he rocked the chair back and forth.
"It can be helped, Satoru. It's a job." I smiled.
"We can just leave it to another team. Why does it have to be you?" The chair stopped with a thump and he towered over me.
"Because it's my hometown? I knew the city better than the other team?" I blinked, amused at his antics.
"Technology has advanced so much. We could just use a map." He snorted.
"Are you worried?"
"Worried? Why would I?" He turned his head away, obviously averting his eyes.
"Thank you, Satoru." I smiled lightly. "Look at me please."
Satoru very slowly and reluctantly turns to me. I wrap my hands around his head and pull his forehead to mine. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me. And I will never choose him over you. Rest assured." I closed my eyes as I spoke.
"I am not worried about you choosing him over me. I am obviously way better than him. Why would you choose him over me? If you are, then your head has some problem." He pulled me closer as he wrapped his long limbs around my waist.
"It's not like I will stay there forever. Just for a few months in the name of exchange study program." I smiled. "I am just sent to scout."
"But still."
"Satoru." I pressed my lips onto his soft one. "I will call you."
"Video call."
"Every night for 3 hours."
"Then, I will give you permission to leave my side for a few months." He pouted like a small child.
"Thank you, Satoru." ~"~
 When I moved to my new school. I made a new circle of friends. Most of them have manifested their secondary genders but they don’t change their dynamics that much. It’s just their personalities. And to my surprise, my secondary gender is Alpha. I always thought I will be a Beta actually… not that it matters much. Besides, according to my friends’ opinion, I do act like an Alpha, a quiet alpha temperament.
So an alpha like me getting together with the most alpha-ish alpha like Satoru is a very very rare case. Because Satoru is a very perfect example of a template alpha… to be honest, whether he is alpha, beta or gamma actually no one is as annoying as he is. We started as friends. I know him through my new classmates who became fast friends, Shoko.
We hang out, play, getting roped into his shenanigans and then…one way or another we just end up together. And it was no surprise to the other, they have long predicted this. They even bet how long it will take to get us together. Even after I was revealed as an Alpha, they all have the same reaction. Satoru is a simp for me. He might be template alpha to the others, but in front of me, he is just an omega begging to be spoiled by their partner.
I almost sputtered my drink when I heard this. I… didn’t realize this at all. I might… have spoiled him more… because he always has this cute begging face when he did. And then Satoru said it doesn’t matter whether he is alpha or omega or beta or gamma. He only wants me… even way before my secondary gender manifests. At first, he tried to flaunt his alpha-ish traits, being reliable, charismatic or something along that line and then when it was revealed I was an Alpha, he changed his tactics, to let me spoil him. and, I think I took the bait.
Of course, it was only the start. He did all sort of things behind the scenes and well… I fell in love with him.
And another thing that I found out after I was transferred here is Rubrum Academy is the headquarters of a government organization that combat extraterrestrial lifeforms which we gave the name witch and familiars.
They are called witches due to their likeliness to human women. They have intelligence and can communicate with each other using their own language, which we call a song. Because it really looks like they were singing. And familiars because they are beast-like lifeforms with very low intelligence.
These extraterrestrial lifeforms have abducted people from earth to their plane. Scientists said they were abducting humans to seek their life force. To awaken their one and only Queen. To be honest, there are still a lot of questions about them. For example, why do they need to abduct humans? How they managed to tear a space open. Tearing a space requires astronomical energy. But they can do it with ease. Especially witches. And what is their purpose after they awakened their Queen? World domination? This is the most plausible conclusion we draw. And not to mention, during the last biggest raid in Rubrum Academy, when we were in our third year of middle school. We managed to wound the almost awakened Queen, only the hand and boy it was a gigantic hand and put her to sleep again.
My father is one of the scientists that worked in government. And I also exhibit some potential in being a hunter, a name we gave to the combatant. Thus the transfer. Anyway, whether it’s my daily life or love life. I am very fulfilled. As for our conversation just now is because a new command I have received. The spirited away rate in my old hometown is abnormal. Thus, I was briefed to scout and report any clue regarding to this. Given I used to live here, I might be the best choice. ~”~
 “I am Hisaki Raika, nice to meet you.” I smiled as I introduced myself.
"Hisaki-san is a Rubrum Academy student exchange from a study exchange program. She will stay here for a few months. Please welcome her." The teacher said. "Any question?"
The students start being noisy, Rubrum Academy is just as popular as the rumor said. "I have question." One student raised her hand.
"Okay, Yanagawa-san."
"What is your secondary gender?"
"It's alpha." I answered and here it comes, gasps of surprise. Female alpha is not that rare, but still uncommon. Because most females are either 20% omega, 70% beta and 10% alpha. While males are 30% alpha, 65% beta and 5% omega.
"Do you already have a partner?"
"...Can I keep that as a secret? I don't really like to talk about my private life." I smiled politely.
"Sorry for prying." She apologized.
"No problem."
"Are there any more questions?"
"Hisaki-san… are you by chance the Hisaki-san that lived here until middle school?" Another boy asked.
"Yes. I moved to Tokyo in my second year of middle school. Until then, I did indeed stay here." I answered.
"As I thought. Hisaki-san, I was your schoolmate. Kitamura from 2-B." He grinned.
"Kitamura…-san… Ah, Kitamura Yuhei-san. It has been a long time."
"Hehehe. I am happy that you still remember." He grinned.
"Okay, Hisaki-san will sit over there. And Kitamura-kun, you will be Hisaki-san's guide for the rest of her stay." Sensei instructed.
"Yes." ~"~
 Class 2-C, the class I transferred into. And now it's lunch time. As a transfer student with a different uniform, I stick out like a sore thumb. I almost fail to have my lunch of not for Kitamura-san's nice save.
"I am glad I can have my lunch before it ends." I laughed.
"Hahaha. Hisaki-san sure is popular. Well, we are really excited that someone from Rubrum Academy came here. Who would've thought it's Hisaki-san. You did disappear suddenly that time…Ah, sorry!!" He apologized.
"There's nothing to apologize for. I was hesitant to transfer or not, that's why I didn't say anything. Then, a lot happened, so I decided to transfer at the last minute." I said.
"...Is it because of the break up…?"
"Hm?" I tilted my head.
"Ah, no. You see, after you moved away, there was a rumor about your break up with Yanagizawa. The rumor said you can't accept the fact that Yanagizawa and Takemura-san are partner and you raised a hell of storm…" He trailed off.
"Is that so?" I blinked.
"Is that really true?" He asked.
"What do you think?" I asked back.
"Well… I don't think Hisaki-san is the type to do that. I might not know you very well. At the very least, from what I have seen, I think like that." He spoke.
"Did they say anything?"
"You mean Yanagizawa and Takemura-san. Not really, all they say was it's their fault and not to blame you." He answered.
Amused expressions etched to my face. They truly didn't say anything except misleading everyone. "Yanagizawa-san cheated on me."
"They said they are partners, but he should break up with me first before getting together with each other. Instead, they went out behind my back while Yanagizawa-san was still in a relationship with me. If that's not cheating, I don't know what is."
"What?! He did?!!!! What a scum!!!" He scolded. "No wonder you moved out just like that. If I were you, I would have done the same. And gave him a few punches before that."
"You believe me?" I blinked.
"It's a lie?!"
"It's not." I shook my head.
"Then I believe in you." He nodded. "Let's have them clear up the misunderstanding. Yanagizawa and Takemura-san are also enrolled here."
"There's no need. It's already in the past. Even you said it now, no one will believe it."
"But, it's not fair that you got wronged."
"Thank you. But it's fine. Let them think whatever they want. I do not care. Thanks to them, I met wonderful people in my new school. When you fully trust someone, you will either get people for life or lessons for life. I have experienced them all." I smiled.
"What's wrong?" I titled my head at his dazed expression.
"Ah! No! It's nothing! I think I know why you are alpha." He quickly covered his face with his hands.
"I see?" I blinked. ~"~
 Few days later news of my return spread amongst old classmates. Most of them have visited me at lunch time to catch up a little. Though there are still some that asked about a certain rumor. Apparently, Kitamura-san somehow blabbed about the truth to them, so they come to verify. I just answer truthfully to them.
Now after a week. The main hero, heroine and their entourage finally make their appearances. "Raika-chan." The now older Takemura-san, Yanagizawa-san and my group of friends back in the middle school are already waiting for me in the school gate.
"Long time no see, Takemura-san." I nodded politely.
"Aw, don't be like that, Raika-chan. We are best friends." She pouted.
"Were." I corrected. "We ceased to be best friends or whatever relationship we had 3 years ago. We are not that close. Please refer me to my last name." I said.
Her smile falters a little. "Then is Hisaki-chan okay?"
"I prefer you use another honorifics, but it's okay, I guess." I shrugged. "So, is there something I can help you with, Takemura-san?"
"Hisaki-chan, it's our fault. You don't need to hold a grudge anymore. You can even hit me if it makes you satisfied." Yanagizawa frowned as if saying I was being unreasonable.
"You seem to be mistaking something, Yanagizawa-san." I looked at him. "Do I look angry? I don't hold any grudge on either of you. I will accept your apology now, but that doesn't mean I will become your friend again. If you don't have anything to say, I will take my leave. And please use another honorifics." I walked pass them.
"Wa-wait, Hisaki-chan."
"We are going to karaoke together. Do you want to go? We can also catch up a lot. I heard you are attending Rubrum Academy. Amazing! I want to listen a lot about that." She smiled.
"Sorry, I already have an appointment. But my after-school time is already reserved."
"Then, I will come to get you tomorrow." She smiled. ~"~
 Coming back right to my temporary abode, I reorganized some facts that I managed to get this week. There is an urban legend. If you go to a certain place at a certain time on a certain day, you will be spirited away. The most legit lead I have. I will have to scout tonight. But right now, I put on a video call with Satoru.
"Rai-chan~~~~~" His whiny voice came out as soon as we were connected.
"Good evening, Satoru." I smiled.
"I am so lonely."
"Be patient."
"I can't." He sobbed.
"Don't be so needy." I rolled my eyes.
"Because Rai-chan didn't give me my daily hug. I can't even smell your scent in my body anymore." He pouted.
"I gave you my blanket."
"It's not strong enough."
"I did imprint my scent on you."
"It's starting to fade."
"...But you said you gave me permission."
"...I don't know it's this unbearable. If I have known, I won't let you go."
No, this had nothing to do with secondary gender. It's just Satoru being needy and whiny and clingy.
"Be good, Satoru. When I come back, I will let you cuddle me all day."
"Really." I nodded.
"...okay…" He nodded.
"I will tell the dorm leader to have you sleep in my room."
"You will?" His eyes lit up.
"I am going to pack now."
"Oh, should I hang up?" I teased.
"No!!! I still want to talk." Came the reply. "Do you know…" So we continued chatting while he packed his things. Most of the chat just him complaining how lonely he is, how dreadful Suguru and Nanamin are. Maki, Nobara, Shoko and Tsumiki keep showing off their partner to him. Yuuji didn't get his jokes, while Megumi just straight up ignored him.
…Now that they have pointed it out. He does seem like an omega is to their partner. Maybe it's because he is Satoru?
"Rai-chan, you can't think of another man while I am with you. I will be so jealous that I might have just locked you up and kill whoever inside your mind now."
"But I am thinking about you." I answered honestly.
"Oh…" A pinkish tint appeared on his cheeks. He was so caught off guard that he didn't make a comeback as usual. "What a coincidence, I am also thinking about you too. I always think about you." He grinned as he stroke the tribal tattoo like mark on his right side of neck. The same mark is also on my left neck which I covered up with make up in school, to avoid troublesome questions.
"Have you finished packing?"
"Then I will call the dorm leader. I will call again after you settle down in my room."
"Okay." He nodded quickly.
Dorm leader agreed as long as he didn't set foot in another place that is not my room or cafeteria. It didn't take long to convince her since alpha Satoru becomes omega Satoru to his alpha Raika is pretty much an open secret to everyone in Rubrum Academy.
Another call from Satoru is here again. "Rai-chan."
"Have you settled down?"
"I have. Smells like you. Want to stay here forever." He took a deep breath to take in my scent.
"The bed is too small to accommodate two people."
"Let's change to a bigger bed."
"Let's not do that. The school will scold us." I sweatdropped.
"When we get into college, let’s have a bigger room for the two of us and of course a bigger bed." He pouted. "And then we can lay there all day cuddling."
“But I haven’t agreed to anything yet.” I smiled. “I don’t even know that if we are going into the same college and it’s still 2 more years?” I giggled. Then I see his jaw is hanging down as he gapes. "Satoru?"
"Noooo!!! Rai-chan, move in with me! We will go to the same college too!” He cried out.
“Eeehh? I wonder about that?” I knitted my brows in fake thinking pose. “What should I do?”
"Why don't you beg?" I smiled with a commanding tone.
His breath hitches at my tone. "Ra…Rai-chan… want… want to stay with you, please… need you…" His eyes watered as he spoke with a desperate tone. "...please…"
"Good boy. I will ask permission from my father later."
“Yep, really.” I nodded
"Th…thank you…" His pretty smile bloomed. ~"~
 When the clock strikes 11 at night, I donned up my gear. Just the black version of our school uniform but without school emblem. Instead, there’s a button indicating we are student of Rubrum Academy and a function to camouflage my scent. I grab my chosen weapon, an ootachi. The height of it is even taller than me, but I still can swing it like there’s no tomorrow. So, it’s not a problem at all. now, off I go.
The place that the urban legend said is a park near the center of the town. A certain day and a certain time, they have to be Wednesday and midnight. And today is Thursday, but I don’t think what day matter at all. They are witches and familiars we are talking about. I put on a goggle vision that will allow me to see whether there’s disturbance in the space and if there’s witch or familiar nearby.
“…I am just trying to do my mission, but I met annoyance instead.” I sighed, pitying my luck. But my goggle gives me a reaction. “A familiar.” I who have been standing on a lamp post quickly jump to another one until I arrived at the crime scene. I see 2 familiars are chasing 2 people. “Ha…” I exhaled. Half having the mid of leaving these two being abducted, but then against it. So, even if it’s annoying, I still save them….half-heartedly.
“Wh-who are you… wh-what’s that thing? Wh-what are you going to do with u-us…” He stuttered, standing in front of Takemura-san who is peeking behind him, clutching his uniform sleeves and is forever having her watery eyes. I roll my eyes at them and then jump back to the lamp post and go back to my abode. I don’t think they will leave there anytime soon. So, it’s a waste of a time waiting for them to disappear. ~”~
 Next day, I go to school like usual. “Good morning, Hisaki-san.”
“Good morning, Kitamura-san.” I greeted.
“Have you heard the latest gossip?”
“Gossip? What kind?”
“Apparently yesterday Takemura-san and Yanagizawa-kun were attacked by some sort of monsters. Those two were trying to investigate that famous spirited away urban legend.” He whispered.
“Attacked? Monsters?”
“Right. I am sure they are just saying that for attention.” He snorted. “There’s no way that monsters exist. Tsk tsk tsk. They become more and more despicable. I wonder why those two still stuck with them.” He clicked his tongue.
“You mean Kurokawa-san and Kunnugi-san? Well, because they are best friends?” I blinked. “They are betas, right? Takemura-san is a template omega, you know. One look at her will arouse any protective instinct of normal human being.” I blinked.
“…Will you?”
“Do I look like someone who has any protective instinct to her?” I raised my brows, amused.
“I guess not.” He laughed.
“How about you, Kitamura-san?”
“Hmm… I don’t. I don’t dislike her nor like her. Moreover, after listening how they treat you made my impression of her turned worse.” He said.
Our class is also buzzing with this new gossip. “That’s just a load of bull.” Kitamura-san rolled his eyes. “If they were truly attacked, they should have just reported to the police. Why bother saying it now? And you think they can escape without any injury if they were attacked?”
Kitamura-san’s reasoning seems to make sense for them. And they also begin to lean more into Kitamura-san. “Think carefully, why a couple go to a park at dead of night. If not doing something that should not be seen.”
“…Why are you so against them anyway? Did Takemura reject you or what?” One of the students asked suddenly.
“That…” Kitamura-san looked at me. I just smile and nod my head.
“Why are you looking at Hisaki-san?”
“Don’t tell me this involved Hisaki-san?” Female student A gasped and the whole class got rowdy.
“A rectangle love?”
“Is this related why you suddenly moved back then?” Female students B looked at me.
“A little.” I smiled.
“What? What? What? We are curious! Can you tell us?”
“I don’t really mind. It’s all in the past anyway.” I answered. “Then, Kitamura-san, please go ahead.”
“Hehehe. Now, let me tell you this story.” He grinned as he narrated the story of my first love.
By the end of the story, they are all ahh'ed and ooh'ed and finally understand why I take such a stance against them. Suddenly, I am the baby of the class. I mean sure, I am a little bit shorter. Everyone suddenly crowds around me, some are patting my head, some are speaking some encouragement words, some even said they will chase her away the next time she comes here.
“Let’s not go that far, okay? There’s no need for you all to trouble yourselves like that. But I appreciate your thought.” I laughed lightly.
“…” They suddenly in a daze.
“What’s wrong?” I blinked.
“No, we just finally realized why you are an alpha.” They said in unison. By lunch time, everyone already knows about my past involvement with them. The power of technology and internet are so scary. And now, two angry beta females are glaring at me.
“Why are you spreading false rumor?” Kunnugi-san growled.
“False rumor? I did nothing of such.” I blinked.
“Don’t play dumb! You told people that Himeka stole your boyfriend! Who do you think you are! Just because you are jealous of Himeka, you did that despicable thing!” Kurokawa-san slammed my desk.
“You got it wrong.” I sighed. “I have never once said Takemura-san stole my former boyfriend. What I said was only the truth, it’s Yanagizawa-san cheated on me with my best friend. I never once said it’s Takemura-san that started the whole thing? Or did she?” My voice lowered.
“Of course she didn’t!” Kunnugi-san retorted.
“Then, it’s no problem. All of the students here also heard it’s Yanagizawa that cheated, not Takemura-san stole. Was that right, everyone?”
“Yes. That’s true. We all heard that it’s Yanagizawa-kun got together with Takemura-san behind Hisaki-san’s back. No one said it’s Takemura-san stole her boyfriend.” All of my classmates nodded, agreeing with me.
“I do not know who started twisted the truth. If you want to search the culprit, it’s best to trace the rumor. Not come to me.” I yawned.
“Even so!” Kunnugi-san yelled. “Even if Yanagizawa-kun got together behind your back, what right do you have?! They are partner, of course it’s natural they got together! If you want to blame, blame yourself for not being his partner! You don’t need to slander them!”
“Oh? Well… Yanagizawa-san did say they were sure they were partner by smell alone. Yes, if they are partners. It’s natural that they got together. I just didn’t understand why he chose that kind of method to break up, rather than make a clean break with me. If you were on my place. What would you think? Having your then best friend and then boyfriend dated behind your back, while you two were having a relationship? Don’t use secondary gender as an excuse. Human is high intelligence animal. They should be able to think the consequence of their own action. Human relationship is not based on how good they smell. It’s interaction and compromise.” I sighed. “If it’s only based on how good they smell. Then half of the male students back in our middle school is Takemura-san’s partner then. They all said she smells good.”
Kitamura-san bursts out in laughter at that. “Indeed. That will be the very case. Don’t justify cheating by using secondary gender as excuse. If they were so-called destined partner, why didn’t Yanagizawa like Takemura from the start. I heard you all meet him few days right after Hisaki-san got together with him. At that time, he didn’t have any reaction. Rather, he is very devoted to Hisaki-san. He started acting weird after they got their secondary genders.” He snickered nastily.
“Uwaa… the worst. So he judge people based on their scent? So creepy. Besides, scent is very subjective thing. If you don’t like someone, of course you find their scent repulsing.” Female Student D shuddered.
“Then, does that mean he was waiting for Hisaki-san’s secondary gender manifested and judge who smells better?” Female Student F questioned.
“I heard Hisaki-san is a late bloomer. Her secondary gender manifested at 15, almost 16. Maybe he didn’t have the patience anymore?” Male student A added.
“Scary… what a scum…” They murmured.
“You all!”
“Hisaki-chan!” Our classroom door slid open for the second time. A watery expression Takemura-san walked to my table. “Hisaki-chan, I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t like Hibiki-kun. You can hate me all you want. But please don’t slander Hibiki-kun.” She sobbed.
“I didn’t slander him. I only said the truth. He was cheating on me. No matter what the reason. If you still feel he is not cheating. Why don’t we ask all other people in the internet anonymously. Let them judge whether he was cheating or not.” I smiled maliciously.
“No… Please don’t.” She shook her head pitifully. “Hibiki-kun was just didn’t know to bring it up without hurting you.”
“Oh? You sure about that? All I saw was how happy he looked like while spending time with you right after he told me he was busy.” I smirked wider.
“That’s…” Her eyes widened.
“Did you know? I knew you two were having an affair even before you two told me. Some of nice classmates told me. But I wanted to believe in you two. I keep praying you two would bring it up yourself and cleared your names. But you didn’t. instead, the time he got busier increase. Even though he doesn’t have club practice. How weird.” I giggled. “I was in denial. Until you two snapped me back to reality by justifying cheating saying you two were partner, soulmates or whatever.”
“I…” Her tears drop like crystals.
“But I am very much thankful to the two of you. No, to all of you.” I looked at them. “Thanks to you, I learned a lesson for life.” I smiled.
“Hi…saki…-chan…” She hiccupped.
“Himeka!!!” It’s the third time for today, I pray the door won’t be broken. His eyes widens at the sight of his crying girlfriend. “You…” He stomped to me. “What did you do to her?!” He roared.
“Oi, Yanagizawa. Don’t go too far!” Kitamura-san got up from his desk.
“Shut up!” He bellowed. “This has nothing to do with you!” He then turns to me again. “What did you do to Himeka?” He growled. “You better speak or…”
“Or what?” I taunted. “What are you going to do?” I rested my chin on the back of my propped up hands, eyes narrowing slightly.
“I will do this.” He gritted his teeth and grabbed my collar pulling me out of my desk. “Speak!” He glared.
“Oi! Yanagizawa!” Kitamura-san walked to us.
“Don’t worry, Kitamura-san. Don’t come any closer or you will get caught in this.” I said, eyes shining brighter than usual. I grab his hand and twist it away like it’s nothing. “Don’t touch me. You are filthy.”
“You!” He lunged to me.
“You better stop it if you want to stay forever cool in your beloved eyes.” I rolled my eyes and dodge the very easy attack and swiped his feet, making him tumble down magnificently.
“What’s happening?!” Sensei roared. Someone apparently reported our fight. And now we are in principal office. I narrated the story but their version includes how I make Takemura-san cried and how I spread nasty rumor about them, and how Yanagizawa-san stepped in to defend his girlfriend’s innocence.
“I see. I understood the problem. But Yanagizawa-kun, you raised your hand first. No matter what’s the reason, violence is not allowed. You will be punished, suspended for 4 days. Is that clear?”
“Yes…” Yanagizawa hung his head.
“Sorry, Hibiki-kun… because of me…”
“It’s fine.” He assured her.
“And, Hisaki-kun.” He turned to me.
“Just because you are a exchange student from prestigious school, that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want. Slandering people is not a good conduct. I believe it’s just a misunderstanding.” He sighed.
“With all due respect sir. I did tell an old story of mine to my classmate, but I didn’t twist the truth. I do not know who changes the content and uses that to slander Takemura-san. And frankly, I do not care. It was all in the past. It has nothing to do with me.” I shrugged.
“…Then, you shouldn’t tell that story of yours.”
“My classmates asked me, I figured it was just an old story anyway and won’t do any harm. It’s just a story about me being heartbroken by Yanagizawa-san. That’s all. And I want to get along with everyone since we have a sharing story session.” I replied.
“Fine. Hisaki-kun, I know it’s a self defense, but you also provoked Yanagizawa-kun. You will be suspended for 2 days and I will have to tell your school about this.”
“Now go back to the class.” He sighed, rubbing his temple. ~”~
 “Are you okay, Hisaki-san?” Kitamura-san asked worriedly. He has been waiting outside the office.
“Yes. I will be okay. I just got suspended by 2 days and they will report this to my school.” I nodded.
“You are not okay at all.” He cried.
“No problem. I am glad you didn’t meddle or you will get punishment too.” I laughed.
“But it’s not fair. You were only doing self-defense.” He grumbled. “And, your uniform…” He sighed, referring to my in not so good state uniform. The collar has been pulled forcefully that it become a little loose. The buttons are also popped out broken, only the first two, so it didn’t show much, but my collarbone. “Here.” He offered me his blazer.
“No, someone will be fussy if I have other people’s scent. Don’t worry, I still have my track suit. I will change to that.” I declined his offer.
“You…have a partner?”
“Yes. But keep this a secret for now.” I grinned.
“Roger.” He laughed. He has a feeling he will have a good laugh later. Then, I change into track suit and continue my lesson. ~”~
 “Rai-chan~~~~” This is what happened every time after the video call connected. Satoru is wrapping himself with my blanket and hug my pillow.
“You fit in nicely, Satoru.” I giggled. “You are not in my room, how rare.” I commented.
“We are here too, Rai-chan.” I heard Shoko’s voice and the angle changed showing all of my friends and kouhais together.
“Everyone, long time no see. It’s only 2 weeks though.” I waved to them.
“I heard you requested new uniform? What happened?” Suguru asked.
“The news spread fast. I just barely finished the call about that.” I sweatdropped.
“I was there at that time. Did you meet horde of familiars or witches?” Megumi inquired.
“Really? Are you okay, Rai-chan?” Tsumiki quickly quipped in.
“Don’t worry. There was horde of low class familiars. They weren’t enough to tear my uniform, this is because…” I told them about the accident and how I got suspended. Right after I finished, Satoru stood up and then there’s chaos.
“Wait, Satoru!”
“You are seriously going there? Right now?”
“There are no more train.”
“I don’t care!” He practically roared. “How dare he, how dare he!”
“Satoru.” I called. “Sit.”
“Rai-chan…” He gave me a kiity eyes. I can see the ears flattened and tail tucked in between his legs.
“Don’t be hasty. Sit down first.” I said again.
“…yes…” He sat back down and curled himself with my blanket and pillow again.
“Amazing as always.” Yuuji blinked.
“Bizarre as always you mean.” Megumi sighed.
“I have reported my findings to principal. Indeed, the number of the familiars are abnormally large. They might have sent you guys soon. So wait until then, okay Satoru?”
“Okay, I hope the quicker the better. Need to scent Rai-chan soon. He mumbled. We then chat about anything, the usual mundane thing and I continue my work at night, exterminating familiars. Until now, there is still no witch spotted. But I have a feeling one will pop out soon. ~”~
 Since I have been suspended for 2 days, I didn't do anything except enjoy my free time. Principal Yaga has called me to assure me, there will be no problem at all and to just enjoy my free time or collect more information on familiars.
This is what I will do. Going out to town to take a walk, while keeping my ears open on new urban legends. Or anything that might be related. So far, the most famous one is still in that central park. What a coincidence tomorrow is Wednesday. Let's try it out.
I spend the whole day dilly-dallying until the school is over and back to the house, video calling Satoru.
The next night, again donning the black uniform and vision goggles, I checked out the central park.
The park is more eerie than usual. There's no sign of life, not even a small animal. My goggle hasn't picked up anything yet, but my feeling told me something is here.
A faint song entered my ears. "Bingo." I grinned as I sped through the park, avoiding anything that can produce a sound. I stopped short and hid myself behind a tree when I finally found them. A horde of familiars and a witch. The witch is communicating with those low intelligence beasts and then produces a barrier.
'Uh oh.' A warning bell rang inside my head. If I am trapped in a barrier, I will be instantly found out. The caster can sense everything that is inside the barrier. I make a mad dash to the outside, hopefully out of her range. I panted roughly as I just barely got out of it.
"Need to report this quickly." I murmured and pulled out my phone. My team will come here as first part of reinforcement. Which means, Satoru is coming. ~"~
 Satoru has been hugging me ever since he arrived and refusing to let go. The first thing he did right after meeting me was scenting me. He will whine if I pull away so I let him be for now. "How do you feel having a bear crushing you?" Shoko snickered.
"Very heavy." I answered dryly.
"I am not a bear."
"You are a teddy bear."
"Okay, I am a teddy bear."
“…” Shoko and Suguru looked at how quick he changed his stance.
"So we are going to check later?" Suguru asked.
"Not today, let's do it tomorrow. You guys have just travelled here. Rest up, we will do it tomorrow. We most likely have to fight hordes of familiars. Right now, I only spotted one witch. I am not sure if there are more hiding away.
"Okay, I will have my shikigamis to collect more information." Suguru nodded and pulled out human-shaped papers. "Go and become my eyes and ears." He commanded. Those papers then flew outside of the apartment.
"Where will you guys stay?"
"Next you." Shoko grinned.
"I will stay here." Satoru tightened his hold.
"Yeah. We didn't count you when we rented the rooms." Shoko said, rolling her eyes.
"Is that so? Then, let's eat outside. I found this cozy new cafe. It matches our taste. We can have private rooms too. Lest you know his alpha pheromone attracts annoying bees."
"No, I think his omega-ish attitude makes him even more confusing and more annoying bees are coming for him. So yes, we would like a private room."
"I am not annoying."
"Yes you are." Shoko and Suguru deadpanned.
"Rai-chan~" He looked at me.
"Satoru is cute." I smiled. His smile also blossomed. "But I don't like it if you attract annoying bees."
"I won't. I promise, I won't. I don't even want other people approaching me. They are going to make your scent go away. I don't like it." He shook his head vehemently.
"Then you better stick to me all the time."
"Of course. Nothing is better than that."
"...Don't forget we are here too." Suguru sighed.
The four of us then have a nice meal in a private room. And yes, we do get weird looks. It's like they were trying to determine whether Satoru is an alpha or omega. His scent is clearly an alpha, but he acts like an omega. Though it's said that not all alpha is dominant. Most of the alphas they have met are like that. They must also have realized that I am also an alpha. Alpha couple is the rarest couple. Because they usually clash with each other. But then again, people's relationships are not completely determined by their secondary genders, so they didn't let their stares linger too long.
"Actually, I think most people in Tokyo have somehow got used to how Satoru is like this, so when we get the weird stares it kind of feels refreshing…?" Shoko started to question her sanity now.
"I know right. Even I feel it is a little refreshing." Suguru agreed.
"Satoru, order."
"Yes." Satoru quickly pushed a bell implanted on the table to call for a waiter and then proceeded to list every menu that fits my taste.
"If other alphas see him like that, they will mock him as pathetic." Suguru laughed.
"And then got demolished by said pathetic alpha." ~”~
 “Here are your orders.” The waiter is back with our orders.
“Thank you.” I smiled politely.
“Please do enjoy.” He then left the room.
“Satoru, feed me.” Overjoyous Satoru quickly picked some dishes and put them on a plate then slowly fed them to me.
“This alpha power couple really doesn't shy away from PDA.” Shoko sweatdropped.
“Acting shy will only encourage some idiotic people to push their already pathetic luck.” I answered as I munched my food.
“And you were surprised when you came out as an alpha.” Suguru sweatdropped. They then told me any interesting news from school no, they were complaining how annoying Satoru was. He was annoying even before meeting me, getting a little more annoying after meeting me and becoming much more annoying when I am not at his side.
As for the source of their problem is floating in cloud nine being fed by me. In short, he didn’t hear anything they said. Or he most likely filtered out anything they said. After a meal, we decided to walk around in the garden not far from here to help us digest food. ~"~
 The next day, I am back at school. While Satoru and the others already got permission to leave for a week. Until we complete our mission here.
So here I am, surrounded by my classmates again. After the whole ordeal, my classmates are all completely on my side. Takemura-san and Yanagizawa-san's reputation took a hit. Though no one say it out loud, sometimes they whisper to each other when she is there. Actually, I am in the same situation. There are some believe I am still madly in love with Yanagizawa-san and are doing everything in my power to break them up.
"...Their nose must be clogged." My classmates shook their heads.
"Yeah… They didn't know there's already another smell on Hisaki-san. A scent of dangerous alpha at that." Another lamented.
"No wonder Hisaki-san is thankful for them. She already has another partner. And a strong one at that." Another added.
"We will definitely have a good laugh at them later. I can feel it." They broke into laughter.
"When that time comes, we better get our video camera ready."
"Don't worry. My old man is a pro. I will ask him to lend me one."
"Huehuehue." They cackled evilly.
It's decided that we will have a celebration for me after school. They even have booked the cafe we are going to. Only I didn't know anything. But I do appreciate their effort so I went along with them.
We talked, nah they gossiped how does my partner a.k.a Satoru looks like. All I give them is the hint of him wearing round sunglasses. We only booked part of the cafe. So regular guests are still here. And we take care not to be too loud.
Apparently there's another group that booked the cafe too. Their table will be beside us. "Welcome."
"We came here for the reservation we made. On Gojo's name." A very familiar voice said. I look at the entrance and see Shoko smiles while pointing to Satoru secretly. Satoru looks absolutely disinterested and left all the talking to Suguru… until he spots me. His eyes lit up like Christmas tree, but was elbowed by Nobara. Satoru might not notice it, but when he looks so disinterested, that is when he looks the most handsome, according to strangers. Though, I like all of Satoru. I mean rather than handsome, I will say Satoru is on the cute side.
"Ah, it's R-" Megumi quickly clamped Yuuji’s mouth shut. While Nanamin is looking like he wants to just leave the whole group and go home.
"Wow, they are so good looking, I wonder which one is alpha?" My classmates whispered.
"I feel like all of them look like alpha."
"Why can't we smell their scent?"
"They must be taking a medicine to suppress it. But my guess the tallest one is alpha. He is exuding the whole demeanor of a template alpha."
"I think so too. If they are all alpha, it's a wonder why they didn't get into a fight."
"Well, their personalities match? I mean just because they are alphas, doesn't mean they will literally start fight when they meet with another alpha."
"While it is true most alphas are all prefer to be alone, or having a group to lead. Not all of them are like that. If all of them are alpha, then they must be in the odd side of alpha."
"Nah, I doubt it. I bet the tallest guy is the alpha, the rest is beta. Template alpha is very hot-headed. They want to be number one."
I can't deny that. It's true that we are all oddities. They took the tables beside us. They are eye catching, because they are a group of alphas and all bishounen and bishoujo. Our group are entranced by them. Can't be helped, they are just that good-looking. Satoru even positioned himself so he sits in the most outer part, the closest one to me. See, how cute he is when he is trying hard to get my attention.
"Are we going to stare them the whole day? I thought we are going to celebrate?" I teased.
"Eh? Ah…" They finally snapped back to reality and cleared their throats, shaking their head to clear the blush. They continue to gossip again about how they think Satoru looks like.
While the other table are silently watching what kind of random act that Satoru will do. Much to their surprise, Satoru did nothing more than stealthily linking his long pinky into mine, while pretending not to see but keep glancing at me secretly. The whole table snorts and boos him. The loudest one being Shoko and Suguru.
They also trying to hold their laughter when they heard my classmates description of Satoru. They even add little something or correct something amongst themselves.
I got a text from Shoko showing Satoru's mark is covered. 'What a naughty boy he is.' I raised my brow and continue reading it. Apparently, Satoru has this idea to seduce me once more. 'How cute. Let's see how much effort he put in then.'
"Hisaki-san, please give us another hint aside from sunglasses." They pouted.
"Okay." I withdrew my pinky and put my hand on the straw, drinking my beverage. Satoru looks like he wants to pout to me, but hesitated. He was at loss. "He has black hair." I started and the table beside me are trying their hardest to stop laughing. "His eyes so deep and dark like night veil." When I finished describing someone that is total opposite of Satoru in appearance only. My classmates are trying to piece them together.
Our neighbors are torn between to laugh or pity him. Satoru's expression is so cute. He looks like he is going to burst into tears. He looks at me, opening his mouth and then closing it again. Not sure what to say. I mouth a naughty boy to him and point to his neck, smirking. He looks like a deer caught in the headlight, his head hanging down pitifully. I text Shoko to tell Satoru that I am looking forward how he will seduce me away from my imaginary partner.
Shoko shows that to him and he quickly regains his confidence. He looks like a small kitty puffs his chest to look bigger. He then keeps staring at me, throwing winks and smirks, but I didn't heed it. I am just chatting away how wonderful my partner is. My classmates must have caught on that our neighbor alpha is trying to flirt with me.
They even whisper in my ear. But I told them not to care, because I already have a wonderful partner. By the time we have finished our celebration, Satoru didn't even manage to get a word out from my mouth. Even my classmates are starting to pity him and urge me to say something. Even a rejection is okay. But nope, I still didn't say anything. ~"~
 "Rai-chan~~~~" He hugged me tightly, refusing to let go.
"I want to sleep, Satoru."
"But you didn't talk to me today, let alone looking at me. I am so lonely."
"Oh? I thought you said you will never cover up your mark no matter what?" I smiled.
"That's… I just…want Rai-chan's attention." He mumbled, playing with my fingers.
"Do I not give you enough attention?" I pressed.
"I…I am jealous!" He suddenly admitted. "I know Rai-chan covered the mark to avoid unnecessary attention from your former friends. But…but… because of that some people still thinking they had a chance to take you away. I don't like that. That's why…"
"I thought you said you are going to seduce me on public again."
"There's that too…. But Rai-chan didn't even look at me, how can I start seducing you?" He pouted.
"You see, Satoru. That is what I will do to any other man that is not you."
"But you just did it to me."
"That's because you are being naughty. Covering your mark like that. Did you see how many people are looking at your way, wanting to devour you?" I hissed. I feel irritated every time I remember it. how dare they look at mine like that.
"...Sorry… Rai-chan… I didn't mean to make you angry. I am sorry. Please don't get mad."
"I am tired. I want to sleep." I slid down inside the cover.
"Rai-chan, I am sorry. Please forgive me. I won't ever cover my mark again. I promise." He knelt on the floor.
"Promise?" I scowled.
"Promise." He grinned happily. "I won't ever cover up my mark or else I will have to feel Rai-chan's wrath." He raised his hand and made an oath.
"Okay, then. Come here, I am cold."
"Right away." He dived into the cover, pulling me to his chest, humming a random tune. He then easily lulled me to sleep. ~"~
 "Are you guys in position?" My ear piece that served as communication device, called RAID transmitted Nanamin's voice.
"I am." I answered. Then chorus of okay and in position followed.
"Let's get this thing quickly so I can cuddle with Rai-chan."
"Don't speak unnecessary thing using RAID." I sighed.
"...okay…" I can already imagine his pouty face.
A faint song floats down to our ears. "She is coming. Get ready and….NOW!" We jumped out simultaneously to ambush the witch. We have been killing her familiars to reduce their numbers, but as expected she quickly summoned replacement for them.
"Just like we planned. Team A will deal with the witch, team B draw familiars’ attention." Suguru instructed.
"Roger!" ~”~
“This is the last.” Yuuji delivered a finishing blow to the last familiars.
“What a number, is there something so valuable in this town?” Nobara frowned.
“The witch was destroyed. I doubt they will amass this many again in a short time. But this matter is quite concerning. Why would they amass their force here?” Nanamin pushed up his glasses.
“In any case. We will need to report this.” Megumi said. After finishing our report to Yaga-sensei. Yaga-sense told us to come back, another group will be stationed there permanently. With this our mission is officially over. We will go back the day after tomorrow. Yaga-sensei will handle all transfer procedure tomorrow.
“Everyone is nice to me.” I smiled at the thought of my classmates.
“Rai-chan, I am here.” Satoru pouted.
“I am thankful for them for making this exchange more enjoyable. Don’t be so jealous.” I poked his cheek.
“Because Rai-chan can only think of me.” His finger brushed over the mark. Small electricity flows into my body every time he does that.  
“Don’t be so cheeky, Satoru.” I pouted, blushing a little.
“I am your cheeky.” He brushed my hair away and pressed a forehead kiss.
I roll my eyes at his soft subtle signal. “Kissing is like this.” I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Tongues battle for dominance which he lets me win and explore his cavern to my desire. “You better always kiss me like this.” I panted as I pulled back.
“Rai-chan, you are just too adorable.” He chuckled and leaned for another kiss again. ~”~
 “And so, Hisaki-san’s student exchange program has come to the end.” Sensei told them.
“Hai, please calm down.” Sensei sighed. “But I am happy that you have become friends in such short time.” Sensei smiled at the last part. “Sensei is also happy that Hisaki-san is very cooperative, even though you got suspended.”
“I am very sorry.” I apologized.
“So is that true that you were still madly in love with Yanagizawa-kun?” She whispered.
“Sensei, you think two people in love will have a fight like that?” I sweatdropped. “I do wonder what did I see on him anyway?”
“Sensei, you don’t know the inside story. It’s like this…” She then narrated the whole thing again. The old story from middle school.
“What?! Isn’t that cheating?! How could he do that?!” Even sensei came into the same conclusion. “Well, I do understand that he didn’t know how to bring it up. But he is also wrong for not telling you first. Because relationships doesn’t only involve one person.” Sensei huffed indignantly.
“But I was thankful to them. I am able to meet my current partner thanks to them.” I said.
“Ah, yeah… Hisaki-san.” Sensei called.
“Your current partner…is not some kind of delinquent, right? He smells dangerous.” Sensei spoke.
“No. He is not a delinquent. I can promise you that. He is a little annoying, troublesome, pretentious, eccentric. Not to mention a little narcissistic. But he is cute.” I smiled.
“…I become more worried after you describe him.” Sensei sweatdropped.
“At least his scent keeps some annoying people away.” My classmates giggled.
“We should celebrate today again.” Kitamura-san suggested.
“Ah, sorry today I have an appointment.” I apologized in advance.
“Hoho, are you meeting him?”
“Hohoho…should we…”
“You will meet him tomorrow.”
“Then we will refrain until tomorrow.” They sighed in defeat. “We will let you two lovebirds have your own time.”
“Hisaki-san, you might think sensei is meddlesome. But do not give your mating mark just yet. I know teenagers will always feel like he is the one, I want to give him everything. But I want you all to think about this long and hard. Mating mark is a no joke.” Sensei said seriously.
“I know, Sensei. Don’t worry.” I assured. ‘Sorry, sensei. My mating mark, I have had given to him long time ago. Just like how he has had given his to me.’
After school, we change into more comfortable and casual clothing and then go out. I am taking Satoru out on a date. I didn’t bother to cover my mark to deter some annoying pushy people. Hands intertwines with each other, I take him to shopping district. That district is crowded as always. There are a lot of food stalls too. We bought one and share it, so we can taste a lot more food.
We have our own little culinary tour. I didn’t know many stores owner still remember me and even give me some freebie because I got a nice boyfriend. Though, we are not complaining. We then finished our last meal in the park bench. “How was it?”
“Date with Rai-chan is always wonderful.”
“I mean the food.”
“It’s sweeter when Rai-chan is feeding me. I like it very much.” He smiled.
“I take that as delicious then.” I giggled.
“There’s more here.” He leaned in and licked something off from the corner of my lip. “The sweetest one.” Glacial blue eyes kept staring at me as he said so. I take that as an invitation to close my eyes and press my lips against his. Kissing with Satoru is of course won’t end with just lips touching. Because he has been trained we have established the fact that he always eager to literally devour my mouth. ~”~
 Today is the last day I am in my hometown. I am supposed to go back now, but my classmates want to see me for one last time and exchanging chat id, that’s why I go to school. Satoru and the others will pick me up after they finished packing. They said they will be picking me up on lunch time. Sensei also gave me permission to stay in the class until then.
"Hisaki-chan." Takemura-san called me with her soft voice. It’s the first time she comes alone, usually she will be stuck with Yanagizawa-san or two others.
“You are not welcome here, please go back.” My classmates scoffed at her pretentious attitude.
“I…I just want to ask Hisaki-chan something…Don’t be so mean to me…” Her eyes watered. Her eyes might be really made up from water after all. How can she just will her tears like that. What a frightening kid.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Takemura-san?" I asked.
“You see… yesterday… I saw you…”
“Oh, you saw me have a date with my partner?” I nodded in understanding, no wonder she is here. “So, is there any relation with you?”
“No…It’s just…I don’t know you have a partner…” She fidgeted, trying to act cute. So disgusting.
“Why would I tell you if I have a partner. You are not my friend or something.”
“I thought…we were best friends…” She sniffled.
“Whatever relationships we have had ended 3 years ago. I told you such. You were the only one thinking we were still friends….No, I am certain that you didn’t even think me once as a friends.” I rested my chin on my hand, smirking maliciously.
“I…really think of you as friends even now. That’s why I want to transfer to Rubrum Academy too. I want us to get along like before.”
“Then you can consider the dream is crushed. I don’t know how to get into Rubrum Academy. My father arranged all that to me.” I snorted. “Because I can bet my life, you want to go to Rubrum Academy not to get along with me. But to get along with my new friends and steal them away along with my current partner.” I giggled at her shocked expression. “You know, I keep thinking that you really like my things.”
"People are…not objects."
“But he is so happy being called my thing. What should I do?" I put on a troubled expression. “And when I said my things, I actually didn't refer to him or any of my friends. I refer to many things, literal objects that I gave to you back then because you always say how envious you are. And you won't stop saying it until I give them to you."
"I didn't…" She staggered back.
“Besides why are you here alone? Usually you will stick to Yanagizawa-san like he is your oxygen. What? You come here alone to ask me about how to get into Rubrum Academy right after meeting my partner yesterday. You do know people are not stupid, don't you?" I pressed. The paler she is the happier I am. "Your life-long partner will become so sad that you dump him for another taken man." I taunted.
"Himeka-chan!!" Our classroom's door slammed open. Yanagizawa-san stomps through to my table.
"Hi…Hibiki…" Crystal tear fall down, making her look more pitiful. Truly a perfect visual to invoke any normal humans' protective instinct.
“Your partner has come. Please take her away. We don’t want to repeat another violence. The only difference is this time, I will crush you.” I glared.
“What did you do to Himeka?!" He glared.
"I didn't even lift a finger. You can have the whole class as a witness." I shrugged, feigning ignorance.
"You!" His eyes swept through the classroom. All of the eyes are currently on us.
"Hisaki-san didn't do anything." Kitamura-san was the first one to open his mouth. "Are you okay in the head? Takemura-san was the one came to our classroom, not the other way around." He snorted.
"So, why did Himeka cry?" Yanagizawa barked back.
"How should we know? When Hisaki-san said she didn't know how to get into Rubrum Academy she started crying." Another girl rolled her eyes.
"Rubrum Academy?" He turned to his lover.
"...I just want to stay together with Hisaki-chan. If I made it over there, we might become friends again." She sobbed.
"If you believe her, then you must be a full blown idiot. I wonder what did I see in you? My eyes must be covered in shit." I pity myself in the past crying over an idiot.
"Himeka…Himeka is not like you. This part of you is what I don't like. Even before your secondary gender manifested you were always a control freak. Always planting yourself beside me, monitoring everything I said and do!" He screamed.
"I see." I sighed softly. "I guess it can be seen like that. In any case, it's already in the past after all. I do sincerely wish you two happiness forever. So you two can also sincerely wish me happiness with my current partner." I smiled.
"Let's go, Himeka-chan." Yanagizawa-san dragged the unwilling Takemura-san away.
"He seriously thought like that?" Kitamura-san blinked his eyes bewilderedly.
"He said like that." I smiled.
"Wow, he must be truly blind." Kitamura-san shook his head sighing. "All I see, no I think all people who saw you that time knew how much love you look at him with your eyes. In fact, there were some people even jealous of how he was so lucky getting someone to see him like you." He grinned.
"Thank you. But now, I am fine. I already have a partner. A wonderful partner that appreciates my effort." I thanked him. “It’s time for me to go back. If you come to Tokyo just give me a call. I will guide you to famous hotspots.”
“Will do. And you promised you will let us see your partner.”
“He should be waiting in front gate.”
“What?! Let’s see.” They crowded the windows to take a glimpse on him, while I just walk down to the school gate.
As expected, Satoru came to pick me up. He has been waiting with everyone in the school gate and I think I heard my classmates screamed that he is that alpha from café.
"Rai-chan!" He flew to my side, smothered me into his hug. Gone was his cool appearance. "I am so lonely, Rai-chan. Why didn't you take me to school?" He cried.
'Is that really an alpha? How come he is different from what we saw back then.' Is what my classmates thought.
"Here, good boy." I patted his head. He smiles blissfully while having his head rested on my shoulder and let out small purr.
"It's good?"
"So good." He nosed my neck.
"Ah…Hisaki-chan, it's not nice calling people as 'thing.' A disgusting smell approached us.
"So what?"
"You called your partner a 'thing.' That's very rude." Takemura-san stood there with her cheeks painted red, watery eyes. Her soft doe eyes are looking at my omega-ish alpha.
"I am your thing?" Satoru pulled back and looked at me. Takemura-san looked so happy when Satoru asked me that.
"Yep. You are my thing." I nodded.
"How rude. No one wants to be your partner if you don't treat them right." She huffed.
"Rai-chan." Satoru fidgeted as he played with my fingers. "Can…can you say it again?" He practically has heart eyes.
"You are my thing, understood?" I repeated it again.
"Yes…" His breath hitches. "I am your thing. I am Rai-chan's thing. So happy…I am Rai-chan's thing." He babbled with pink blush dusting his cheeks.
"Wh-what?" Takemura is flabbergasted by the unexpected turn of events.
"See what I told you? He likes it when I say he is my thing." I sneered.
'Is that really an alpha? Did the result come out wrong?' Again, the whole students think the same thing.
“Is she the boyfriend stealer?” Nobara pointed at her.
“Is she seriously aiming for Gojo-senpai? Did she hit her head?” Megumi knitted his forehead.
“Gojo-senpai is Raika-senpai’s boyfriend. He is a taken man. I thought she already has a partner. Raika-senpai’s former partner. Why is she aiming for Gojo-senpai?” Yuuji tilted his head, not really understanding.
“Itadori-kun. There are a lot of people that never satisfied with what they have. Your neighbor’s grass is greener than yours. It means, other people’s thing looks more desirable than their own.” Nanamin pushed up his glasses as he explained to him right there.
“That means she is a bitch who likes to steal people’s thing.” Nobara simplified it for him. “You don’t need to be so pretentious. Your act is not fooling anyone. Well, if it does, then sucks to be them too. They are far more idiotic than Yuuji then.”
“I think she is more better to be called garbage collector.” Suguru added brutally, he has no tender heart for fairer gender at all. “She likes to take people things after they are being used after all.”
“Ah, it can be seen that way too.” Shoko ahh’ed.
“I am not idiot.” Yuuji complained. “Nobara, your English test is lower than me.”
“Shut up, idiot.” Nobara smacked his head upside down.
"Himeka!" Again, another repulsive smell approached.
"Haaa… one after another… They bothered at lunch time, now they bother me again." I sighed.
Satoru notices my mood's change again. "Rai-chan." Satoru pulled me back into a back hug. "Let me handle this." He patted my head and then his hand slid down to cover my eyes. I pout and pull his hand down a little to take a peek.
"Did you not understand what human language is?" He growled at them. "Rai-chan said she doesn't want anything to do with you yet you two are just like pests, buzzing around her. Don’t ever bother her again.” He hissed. “The only reason I haven’t ended your whole existence is because thanks to you, I got to meet Rai-chan. I am quite thankful for you especially.” He leered at Yanagizawa-san. “Your mistake is the best thing that ever happened to me. You can rest assured, unlike you, I won’t ever let Rai-chan go. Now that you have served your purpose, please disappear completely from her sight.” Eyes glaring with such ferocity and hatred, yet to me it's beautiful.
"Satoru." Satoru looked down at me when I called. His eyes softened considerably, smiling softly while looking at me. I can see how his eyes are cooing how precious I am to him. "You are pretty."
"Mmn. I am your pretty. Let's get you home, yeah?" He whispered.
“Okay. I want to meet everyone soon.” I nodded. ~”~
 We finally go back to our school. And Satoru is regretfully moving back to his dorm. But not before imprinting his scent to every object in my room. Even left some of his shirts to me, fortunately he gave me back my blanket or I will freeze to death at night. On the bright side, he is happy that he won’t have to spend his time alone in school.
Yaga-sensei also situated another group to my hometown. He apologized for making me go through something like that. Of course it’s no problem at all. They are annoying, but do not count as a trouble. And the case is closed, or so I thought.
It has been few months after my mission in my hometown. Another case happened over there. The team that was situated over there are all annihilated and abducted. The last communication they gave us is 2 people are seen to command witches.
“They are not abducted?” Suguru frowned.
“No. it’s said that the witches willingly protect them.” Yaga-sensei shook his head.
“Did they see how they look like?” Shoko inquired.
“That’s…” ~”~
 "So they look like boyfriend stealer and her lover? Unbelievable." Nobara made a face.
"Don't tell me, she is jealous of Raika-san so much that she is willing to make a deal with alien? Really unbelievable." Panda added.
"She might actually do that. I won't put her past that. I wonder why she is so fixated with my things anyway?" I sighed.
"...Maybe she has no reason at all…?" Toge murmured.
"That kind of person is the absolute scum." Maki replied.
"So, what if we met her on our mission? Fire on spot?" Yuuji asked.
"Capture her if possible. But that is a low priority. Our highest priority is to eliminate the threat. That includes the other one." ~"~
 "Why?!! Why is it always you?! Be it Yanagizawa or him! Why is it they always want you?! Why not me?!"
"I don't know about Yanagizawa-san, since he has chosen you in the end. Frankly, I don't want to know too. I don't want to divide my attention from Satoru." I rolled my eyes at the former human which named Takemura Himeka.
I am not sure what happened to her since she has changed physically to something that we can call a monster. Tall and unbelievably long limbs that are now shaped like spider feet. Not that this matter much to me.
"But I don't like how you covet my things." My eyes shone, glaring at her. "He is mine. Satoru is mine. And don't you ever have this foolish idea to take him away."
"I will… I want… all of yours… not fair… I am cuter… why I can't have him?"
"If people got the thing they want just because they look cute. Then human will face extinction then. Because cute is subjective. To him, I am the cutest, the most precious treasure. And look at you, objectively you don't even look human anymore. And going by your standard I will say you look like monster." I mocked. "And you see this mark. He gave it to me. I also gave mine to him already. So give it up." My voice is an octave lower.
"Lie…lie…lie…lie…LIE!!!! I WILL TAKE HIM AWAY FROM YOU!!!"
"Then you will have to die. Everyone that looks at him with greedy eyes will have to be gouge out." I swung my blades. I hear slicing sounds and then the abomination is sliced cleanly into parts.
"Shut up, don't even think about him." I stabbed the head on the brain, effectively silencing her forever. "Disgusting bitch. Satoru is forever mine. I won’t let you take him away, let alone look at him. Know your place." ~"~
"Wow, you can't even comprehend human language now. Or are you learning a new language?" Gojo mocked the boy in front of him. The boy is none other than brainwashed Yanagizawa. He still retains his human body. But the shape of his body is sticking in weird places.
"Guess you can still show some hostility to me?" He snorted. "Let me tell you one thing. I know you have been trying to reach out for Rai-chan after you two saw us in the park. You think you are being so subtle, huh? Coming all the way to Tokyo to secretly meet Rai-chan. Don't get ahead of yourself." He glared.
"Didn't I tell you do not ever show yourself to Rai-chan anymore. Because I will end you instantly." His deep ocean blue eyes shone. "I tell you, Rai-chan is mine. She has given me her mark." He proudly showed him where the mark is, earning another incorrigible word from the former human.
"You can just stay with your new lover. I won't have you see Rai-chan again. I loathe you from the first meeting. You stole Rai-chan's firsts. You breathed in the same space as Rai-chan. Because of you, I can't be her number one in everything. I can't forgive you." He growled. "Even though there are still a lot of Rai-chan's firsts I will have later, that is why you need to disappear. Dead people won't talk. You won't be able to tell people that you are her first boyfriend." He giggled.
"Arrgughh!!!!" He lunged.
"Die. Don't even leave your ash." Gojo snapped his fingers as hollow purple annihilated everything on its path, including the brainwashed Yanagizawa. ~"~
 "It's a shame that we won't be able getting a complete sample. But still thank you for at least getting the corpse. This might aid us in our new discovery." The head of R&D department lamented.
"I don't think I have enough time to subdue it without killing it before it calls new familiars. Sorry."
"Well, it was quite a hassle with only one team. So I understand. Even if it's only a corpse. This is the first case of human allying with witches. We might find something out of this. Thank you."
"It was no problem." Then I was dismissed to have my own rest. Coming back to my room, Satoru somehow has been waiting me. “You sneaked in again?” I blinked at the intruder.
“Rai-chan. Here.” He patted his lap as he has comfortably settled down on my bed.
“Let me change to my pajama first.” I turn to the bathroom and changed out of uniform. I come out wearing the shirt he left last time. I have decided it become my most favorite pajama and crawled to the bed.
“Rai-chan is wearing my shirt.” He sniffed. “Smells good. I will change it to other shirts tomorrow. I want to smell like Rai-chan.” He nudged his head onto my shoulder, hands on my hip, tracing patterns.
“We need to wait until we are 20, Satoru.” I hummed as I buried my hands into his soft tresses.
“I know. Just want to hold you.” He sighed blissfully. We just spend our time like this, basking in each other presence.
“Satoru…” My eyes started dropping as I listened to his heartbeats.
“You are not allowed to leave me…” I mumbled, already half asleep.
“Never dream to.” I heard his airy chortle, but I am already gone too far in sleep. “Sleep well, my precious. You are my one and only, just I am to you.” ~”~
 A very long omake
"I am Hisaki Raika, nice to meet you." This is my first day on coming to my new school. Not sure if it's because they are students of prestigious school or something. They just look really calm.
"...Where is Gojo?"
"Sensei, Satoru is late. He was gaming until late night." A girl raised her hand while talking it nonchalantly.
"Gojo Satoru…" I saw how sensei grinded her teeth and crumpled the paper on her hand.
I take that back. Wherever it is, students never change. "Haaa…." Sensei exhaled and recomposed herself. "Is there anything you want to ask to our new student?"
"Yes yes. Here here." Another one raised her hand.
"Yes, Takamichi-san, go ahead."
"Have you got your secondary gender?"
"I am sorry. But I haven't got it yet." I answered.
"Oh… Please don't be sorry. I am Takamichi Sora, my secondary gender is beta. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." I smiled politely. To be honest, after what happened I don't think I will be making new friends soon. At least until I can sort out my own feelings first.
The questions and answers session is filled with usual questions, what do I like? My hobby? Favorite food or drink? Pet? Or something like that. After 10 minutes or so, Sensei ended it and have me sat on my would be seat, in front of this still not anywhere to be seen Gojo Satoru.
"Pleased to be your acquaintance." I smiled politely to my desk mate. The girl that tattled to sensei why this Gojo student is late.
"Ieiri Shoko, nice to meet you. The student behind you is the Dumber of the duo dumb and dumber." She casually introduced and mocked the still elusive student.
"Ah… Dumber? Then there's the Dumb?" I blinked.
"That one with bun head and strange bang. Just call him bang guy."
"I see."
"Shoko. It's not nice to introduce people like that. And my bang is not strange." The said bang guy chimed in into conversation. "I am Geto Suguru. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you." I nodded.
"You don't deny that you are the Dumb then." Ieiri-san giggled.
"I am also not dumb. Only Satoru is dumb." He protested.
"Hai, calm down. I am happy that you are getting along, but now focus on the lesson first." Sensei clapped her hands.
"Sorry, sensei." I apologized.
"It's okay. I will have you share with Ieiri first."
"Yes." Ieiri-san motioned to move my desk over, so I did. Ieiri-san became sort of my study buddy. She also guides me around the school.
"So where is Satoru?" Ieiri-san looked at the bang guy who tagged along in our little excursion.
"He was punished for writing a report because of yesterday. But he spend his time gaming. And the rest is history." Geto-san snickered.
"Does that mean you did too?"
"I have completed mine." He shrugged.
"This Dumb and Dumber duo. Sooner or later Yaga-sensei will kick you two out of school." Ieiri-san rolled her eyes.
"Not happening." Geto-san countered confidently.
"Like he can kick us out. Not when we are the strongest." Another voice suddenly joined in. A white haired boy with very very pretty pair of glacial blue eyes, wearing small round sunglasses which fortunately didn't completely hide his eyes snorted.
"Yo, Satoru, you finished your report?" Geto-san waved to him. He must be the Gojo Satoru that Sensei talked about.
"Suguru. Why did you run off on your own?" Gojo-san scowled.
"I didn't run off. I finished my report."
"You still ditch me to my own, nonetheless." He scoffed.
"Let's just ignore this Dumb and Dumber or else we will be also dragged into their stupid argument."
"..." Gojo-san looked at me strangely intensely.
"...Did I make you uncomfortable?" I blinked at his obvious stare. "Sorry, I will get going now." I knew I had intruded into their circle and quickly made myself scarce.
Unbeknown to me, even after I walked away, Gojo's stare didn't leave me at all. "Why are you staring at her like that? She hasn't done anything to you? Not even fawning." Shoko grumbled as she hit him.
"That one. I want that one. I want my mating mark on her. I want her."
"...Did writing the report mess up your brain?" Geto raised his brow, amused.
"No. I just want her. I can feel it, she is the one." He shook his head.
"Yeah right…" His teammates and best friends thought he was in that phase. The usual teenager's phase.
So my first day passed without a hitch. As per rule, I should be in the school dorm. But my room is still being prepared so to speak. For now, I am just going to commute from home to school. ~"~
 It's been a week since I transferred to a new school and everything is going smoothly. Now that I am here, Rubrum Academy is just like any other school. Maybe their curriculum is more advanced, not to mention their uniform design is cute. But it's not that different from other schools.
Today too, just like any other day, I walked home alone. Gojo-san was…very kind to offer to walk me home on my first day. But I declined. I almost feel bad when he looks like an abandoned puppy. Later I found out from Shoko that he is very (in)famous. Because of his looks, he has a lot of fans outside school, not to mention he is exuding alpha pheromone everywhere he goes.
I…don't want to get caught in another troublesome situation after what happened in my old school. I just… don't have the energy to care or deal with whatever trouble will come if people saw him walking me home, that's why I declined.
"...weird…" I mumbled as I halted my footsteps. Too quiet. I didn't see anyone on my way home. It's like everyone just vanished or maybe I was the one who vanished? Then I remembered that Shoko did tell me about an urban legend. About how people suddenly spirited away in the crowd or in any other places.
Sense of unease resurfacing in my mind. I clutch my bag tighter, hand inside it, feeling a cold temperature of an object to calm my mind. My father gave me a gun as a form of protection. Well, it's a very real-like model gun with rubber bullets. Enough to scare some shady people.
I gulp and start walking again, while darting my eyes left and right, praying that nothing will happen. But yes, the universe always answers differently from your wish. The wall of the house on my right suddenly exploded and broke. I let out a scream due to shock, covering my head and closing my eyes.
"Grrooaoarrr!!!!" A loud roar echoed.
"Wh…what's this?" I looked at it, eyes wide in shock and fear. The monster looks at me and let out a low growl, preparing to pounce on me.
'Run!' My mind screamed. I desperately lifted my legs that were like lead, rooting firmly on the ground. I turned back and ran, but my feet stumbled on the rubbles, making me tumble down on the ground. My bag and the content inside sprawled out near me.
The monster stomps leisurely as if savoring my fear. I scramble to take the gun and fire it. Fairly certain that it won't work but desperately hope it to buy me some time. Though I don't even know what should I do next.
To my surprise, the bullet works. This is not a rubber bullet at all. I was so stunned. I am sure that I see father put rubber bullets inside. But…how come this come out like real bullets?
The monster groaned in pain and became angrier. Scared, I keep firing the guns, not stopping even after all the bullets are gone and the monsters stopped moving a few feets from me. The gun clatters down while I try to steady my breathing and trembling body. A lot of questions are running through my head. But I do know I need to get away from here first.
Shakily, I lift myself out. Not even bothering to pick up my bags anymore. Just as I take a step another one falls down from the sky, the gust knocks me down onto the asphalt again. I look at it and just close my eyes, waiting for my imminent death.
I hear a loud roar and then nothing. I take a peek and see the monster is laying on the ground, unmoving. In front of me is a giant human shaped paper? Literally a paper shaped like a human. It's moving around.
"Hisaki-san." I saw Geto-san standing behind me, smiling.
"Rai-chan." Shoko peeked out from his back. "Are you okay?"
"...I…am not sure…?" I answered. I was so shocked that my brain stopped processing the whole thing.
"Can you stand?" Geto-san offered his hand to me.
"Thank you." I let him pull me up.
"I am glad we are on time." Shoko heaved in relief. "I don't want to know what happened if we were not."
"...What's that…?"
"We will explain to you later. But first let's get you back to school." Geto-san said kindly.
"Does the school know this too?" I blinked.
"More or less."
"Oi, Suguru did you find… " He stopped short when he saw me?
"Oi, Satoru. Your hunch is right. We are glad that we find her." Geto-san waved to his friend.
*Slap* Gojo-san slaps Geto-san’s hand away. The hand that still holding into me. ‘Ah, he must be the type that doesn’t like when his friends being touched by another stranger.’ It’s territorial thing.
“Sorry… I will get going to school on my own.” I frowned when my voice came out shakier than I would have like.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did they scare you?” Gojo-san scanned me from head to toe.
“I…think…I am…”
“You are hurt.” He frowned as he spotted my left ankle. I follow his line sight and see indeed that my left sock has some blood on it.
“I didn’t feel-“ I let out a gasp as I suddenly being lifted bridal style. “G-Gojo-san?”
“It’s Satoru.”
“Uh….” I looked for the other two for help.
“Satoru feels formalities should just go to hell by its own.” Shoko shrugged.
“That’s why he is always being scolded for being disrespectful.” Geto-san nodded.
“…Gojo-san…” I called softly, but he gave no response. “Gojo-san?” I called louder but still no response. “Gojo-kun.” He just walked without any care. “Sa-Satoru!” I yelled and he stopped.
“Are you feeling uncomfortable?” He finally looked at me.
“Uh…” I tried to formulate my words. ‘It’s not uncomfortable per se…’ “I can walk on my own. Please let me down.” I spoke softly. ‘Being carried like this is a bit embarrassing.’
“Oh…” Suddenly I feel like I just scolded a kitten for being naughty. “But you are hurt.” He…pouted?
“It’s not that bad. I feel a little embarrassed being hold like this.” I finally blurted it out.
“I see.” He slowly, very slowly and gently put me back down. Only after he is sure that I won’t suddenly fall down, he releases his hold. Only for him to squat down with his back to me.
“If you are embarrassed being hold like that, then piggy back won’t be a problem, right?”
‘A fair point. But still…’ “I can walk slowly on my own.” I answered.
“Hop on, Rai-chan. We just got the report that the witch is disposed. The barrier will dissolve soon. And we then will have to deal with people’s stares.” Shoko nudged her elbow to me.
“Witch? Barrier?” I tilted my head.
“It’s better if we explain to you after you got treatment. Can’t leave your leg like that too long.” Geto-san added.
“…okay… but promise me you will tell me everything.”
“Of course. No worries.” Shoko grinned as she packed up all my things. I then wrap my hands around Gojo-san’s neck and he in turns secures my legs with his hands. Faint smell of wisteria flower wafts to my nose.
‘Weird. I haven’t developed my secondary gender, yet…’ The smell is really calming and I feel my eyelids drop. The adrenaline must have worn out. “Smell nice…” I fall asleep like that.
Gojo stopped on his track right after being told smell nice by his crush, ears turn red because her steady breathing. And by God, she hasn’t even developed her scent gland yet but, he swore she smells very heavenly, her smell mixes well with his own. It’s like their smells are supposed to be one but split into 2 instead.
“Wow, never thought I will live the day to see Gojo Satoru blushed.” Shoko snickered.
“Let’s snap some pic.” Geto pulled out his phone and snapped some. The flashes are hurting Gojo’s eyes
“Shut up. She is sleeping.” He growled.
“Yeah yeah, you better thanks us for helping you just now. There is no witch in this area. The barrier is made by Suguru’s shikigami.” Shoko commented. When they are going inside to a barrier, Geto uses his shikigami to make another one outside the already existed barrier. So, they are trapped inside double barrier. That’s why when the final familiar is dead the barrier hasn’t dissolved. ~”~
 After I woke up in a room that would be my room in school dorm. Father explains everything to me. From witches to familiars to why this school exists. The school itself is a secret organization, funded by government. All of the students here are either hunters or training to be staff in the said organization.
Father is also one of the scientists that studied the extraterrestrial life forms that we call witch and familiar. Hence, the always out of town business trips. Father said I have potential to be hunter, if not he also wants me to get involved in his research, since I will find out sooner or later. But he would have never thought that I will encounter familiars on my own. And is glad that I am safe and sound.
I told him about the gun and he answered that’s the proof that I can be a combatant. I subconsciously poured my energy inside the rubber bullet to change it into a bullet that is effective to kill familiars. And then I was put into Gojo-san’s team, because the team leader, Gojo-san said so. ~”~
 Gojo-san is…very strange and unique. Those are my assessments of him. I heard from Shoko that he is an alpha. A very template one. It's no wonder that he is like that. Though he is not as hot headed as template alpha usually would.
How do I describe him…. He is very unique… and strange…? He is… a very template alpha, very charismatic and likes to be the one who gives orders. But at the same time, he is very open to suggestions or ideas. Usually template alpha likes to go his way whether he is right or not and hates it when other people question his means…. That's how he is to another person. He will even happily put them in their place. But when I questioned him, somehow, he kept praising me? Even pondering about my suggestion? I mean, in the end his strategy is always the best though. But he took time to consider it.
And then all of them will have this…how do I put it? Very tired face. Though they said they are all very fine. Nothing is wrong. Maybe they were just being nice to me because I am the newest member of the team. I basically have zero experience in this alien hunting field. Gojo-san might be just trying to make me feel welcomed in their team. ~”~
An alpha. That is what my secondary gender is. I was really surprised. I thought I would be a beta. I don’t think I have an alpha quality. But my friends digress. They said I have the most alpha quality, that quality being can put the most annoying and template alpha in his place properly.
I have vaguely aware that most of my friends are alpha. I didn’t really ask about their secondary gender, but after I got mine. I realized all of them are alphas. We are alpha groups, which is very rare indeed. But that is just a small matter, we just clicked with each others. Even though we all have weird personalities, it’s like we complement each other. Though our alpha trait sometimes made us butt our head with each other.
Today I took a day off from school. The smells are so overwhelming that I feel a little nauseated. This is understandable, after living for 15 years without the ability of smelling body odors when you are not practically sniffing them yourselves. You are suddenly assaulted by many smells at once. Now, I am resting in my room and trying to get use to it by having some students and senseis or even some staffs to check on me.
Gojo-san made a point to visit me everyday and I was thankful for it. His smell is helping me calm down, but I do feel bad having taken his time away. “Gojo-san… I am very thankful that you visited me everyday, but I do think you should also spend some times for yourself. You don’t need to come just because you are my team leader.” I smiled.
“…Does this mean I am not welcome?” Here it is, that look again. The look of abandoned kitty in the rain. Does he realize that he looks cute when he does that. That makes me want to tease him more.
“You are very welcome.” I answered quickly, before I blurt something that will make him cry. Even though I kind of want to see that.
“Then, can I stay here?”
“I don’t mind… But I think you will get bored without having anything to do.” I said.
“I won’t be bored. Never.” He grinned. “…Do you realize how heavenly you smell at all? I can just stay here to integrate your smell into mine forever.”
“Hm? What were you saying, Gojo-san? I didn’t catch it.”
“I said, how long are you going to use Gojo-san on me? I thought we have long past that.” He pouted. This time he pouted.
“But you are my team leader and you are older than me. Even if we are in the same grade.” I blinked.
“Then as your team leader, I will order you that you have to call me by my first name.” He declared.
“Eh?” His jaw slacked, his sunglasses skewed a little. “Rai-chan~~~~!!” He cried.
“Sorry. When you said it like that. I suddenly have the urge to make you cry.” I scratched my cheek, admitted it’s a little shameless.
“…So, if I cry and beg, will you do it?” He asked me very seriously.
“Okay.” I agreed without much thinking. I mean, there’s no way he’s gonna beg and cry. Gojo-san is a proud alpha, you know.
“Rai-chan…can you…can you please call me Satoru?” He shyly grabbed my hand and played with it, while asking me with watery eyes, batting his eyelashes. “I…want you to call me, Satoru. Please please please. I will be such a good boy.” He sobbed.
I feel something inside me snapped and my hand reached out to his head. “Okay, Satoru. Since you cried prettily for me.” The joyous look he had in his face will be forever engraved in my memory. I can’t help but coo how cute he is looking right now. And I hope he will only show this side of him to me. ~”~
 To finally celebrate of me coming out from my room after getting used to it. We are going to a beach this weekend. The girls took me to a swimsuit shopping trip. In the end I choose a bandeau two pieces bikini in icy blue color.
And the day finally arrived, 2 hours of bus from school. A beach. Boys and girls quickly went to respective toilet to change into swimsuit. When I finished changing into mine, everyone is already playing. I am the last to be out, but Satoru apparently is waiting for me. He is wearing a high wide collar zipped jumper and navy blue swimming trunks.
“Satoru, are you okay?” I waved my hands in front of him when I saw him not responding to my call.
“Yes?” I blinked when he suddenly unzipped his jacket and zipped it on me while mumbling something incoherent. “Satoru?”
“Rai-chan, you are not allowed to take off the jumper because you will get sunburn.”
“But I applied sunblock.” I tilted my head.
“Still no.” He huffed. Satoru is acting weird again… There’s time when he suddenly becomes this stubborn, refusing to heed anything. Somehow, he looks cuter? It’s like a kitten you are petting suddenly went into sulking mode because not enough attention. It’s almost like that. Of course I am not going to say it out loud. It’s quite disrespectful… but… I do want to see his reaction.
“…” I looked at him looking away like that, while some passerby are giggling at him. Somehow, they make me feel irritated. “Then, Satoru do you have another jumper?”
“I do.” He nodded slowly, not understanding my intention.
“Okay, I will wear this on one condition. Satoru, you have to wear a jumper too and can’t take off without my permission. If you do, I will call you Gojo-san forever.”
“Okay.” He nodded his head frantically. “I promise I won’t take it off, so you can’t call me by my last name.” He whined.
“If you don’t take it off, nothing will change. Can I trust you on that?”
“Of course.”
So I spend the rest of my day swimming with the jumper on. Though I sometimes tease him by unzipping the jumper and pretend to take it off. Every time I did that, he looks at me wide eyed, mouth quivering while stopping everything he is doing and stomps to me, zipping it up all the way again. I feel like I can get addicted at his reaction.
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ansjsla · 8 months
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Happy Lunar New Year~!!
Satosugu putting mascara on Sugugu’s rainbow dragon (it was Satoru’s idea) 🥺
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nanaslutt · 11 months
Gojo cumming in his pants thats it thank u for listening
listening so hard rn, i probably think abt this exact scenario 50 times a day
thank yew so much for the ask ml<3
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀: fem reader, established relationship, dry humping, clit rubbing (through clothes), dirty talk, corruption kink, fluff, crack, size kink if you squint, praise at the end from gojo, gojo is head over heals for reader, gojo cums in his pants<3
waking up from your deep, much needed night of sleep you couldn’t help but notice you felt about 180 pounds heavier than you remember feeling when you fell asleep last night, also feeling much hotter than you recall
you had your softly snoring mountain of a boyfriend to thank for that, resting his heavy head on your chest, arms wrapped snug around your barely clothed figure
you must have accidentally fallen asleep waiting for him to come home last night
you were planning to surprise him with the new set you got the other day, hes been so stressed out with work lately and you just wanted to do something nice for your boy, luckily you passing out prematurely hadn’t ruined your plans as you had slipped one of his big tshirts over yourself to conceal your present to him
“satoru,” you groaned wiggling underneath him, trying to get his heater of a body off of you
“mmmmmm..” he let out a long groan, shifting a bit, making you think he was going to move before he collapsed back into you
“toruuuu uppp, im gonna overheat and die because of you,” you shake his shoulders to fully wake him up
“yer ‘s mean ‘t me,” he mumbles, squeezing his arms around you impossibly tight making you let out a groan before he rolls you over like a boa constrictor, you positions now switched, legs straddled around his slutty little waist
you push your hands on his chest, sitting back on his pelvis and brushing the hair out of his face, “dramatic oaf,” you smile watching him nuzzle your hand like a cat,
“fell asleep without me last night,” he says quietly, closing his eyes and humming in appreciation as you rubbed your thumb against his cheek
“what time did you get home anyways?” you questioned, his warm hands settling on your upper thighs, rubbing the skin there
“mmm…mayb’ four…” he says slowly, sleep still laced in his voice, starting to mindlessly slide his hands up and down the sides of your body, eyes still shut,
“we’ll that’s why i fell asleep without you.” eyes still closed as he slipped his fingers under the fabric of your panties sitting on your hip,
starting to feel a warm sensation creep inside your body, different from the overwhelming physical heat his body provided
it’s only when you become aware of your own growing need that you feel his, very prominent problem underneath you,
“toru, ‘s so early, what are you this hard for?” you tease, moving your hand away from his face resulting in a whine as you rubbed your hands over his clothed pecs
“if i told you i had a naughty dream about you would you believe me?” he cracked his eyes open slightly, wiggling his eyesbrows
“you being a pervert even in your dreams?course i believe you.” you retorted,
he gasped, eyes opening a bit more, faux offense plastered on his face,
“hah! pervert? i’m nothing if not a gentleman thank you,” he rolled his eyes, “for your information, YOU came onto ME.” he huffed, failing to notice his own hands that have trailed over your (his) shirt and started groping your chest,
“you sound so convincing with your hands on my tits toru,” you deadpanned,
“they asked me to play with them.” he gave you a toothy grin, pinching over your shirt where he thought your nipples might be
“ah! toru,” you softly whimpered, “wan’ this perv to stop?” he asked, smile still plastered on his face as he stares at you intently,
“shut up,” you breathily moaned, letting your head roll back, running your hands down his hard abs, starting to roll your hips over his stiff clothed cock,
“‘m not the only one worked up this morning huh?” his breath hitches, feeling your pussy slide over the tip of his dick just right, even through both of your clothes,
“if you- haaah, didn’t come home so late last night, we would’nt have this p-problem,” you stuttered out, putting more pressure on his abs with your palms as you humped back and forth over the large bulge in his sweats
his hands leaving your chest, one coming down to dig his fingers into the fat of your ass, helping you rock yourself on his cock, the other splaying itself out on your tummy, thumb coming down to rub your clit through your panties,
“yeah? wanted to fuck me last night baby?” he questioned, biting his lip, feeling dizzy from the lack of sleep combined with the perfect pressure and friction you were creating on his dick, leaking pre all over the inside of his boxers,
“t-take off my shirt toru,” you said grinding yourself faster on him, pussy leaking through your panties, leaving a dark patch on the crotch of his sweats
it’s only been a couple minutes and he was feeling drunk, gasping and groaning watching his pretty girlfriend wearing 𝒉𝒊𝒔 shirt and rub her hands all over his body while she uses him to get off, it was almost too much, and now the angel on top of him just asked him to take off her clothes?
he wastes no time, hands abandoning their respective positions on your body, grabbing the shirt from the sides of your figure, caressing your skin as he pulls the fabric up, up, up,
his jaw drops and his eyes go wide when he sees what you were hiding from him, your tits were cradled in a light blue fabric, the same colour as his crystalline eyes, the border of the blue panties decorated with pretty white lace, a small rose on the front formed into a heart,
the next sounds that came out of his mouth you have never heard him make before, hands shooting to your waist and gripping you bruisingly, jolting forward, abs clenching under your fingers as his hips buck up into you,
high pitched whimpers leaving his mouth one after another while he completely paints the inside of his boxers white, rope after rope of his thick cum spurting out of his needy cock and sticking to himself
“haaaaaaah, fuuuck,” he vocalizes, relaxing into the bed, aftershocks of his orgasm leaving him twitching, the back of his arm coming to cover his eyes as he heaves, other hand massaging your hip, his chest rapidly moving up and down,
“toru did you just-“ stilling your movements you looked down, sliding back slightly and seeing the previous wet patch you left on him grow steadily, definitely not from your doing this time
“sorry, haaa- didnt- ngh- didn’t think you were gonna look that beautiful,” his arm slides off his face and there’s a dopey grin adorning his features
his face is completely red and he looks like he just got the soul sucked out of him,
“ah…cant beleive you just made me cum in my pants so fast like some teenager,” he laughs, making eye contact with you again, and his eyebrows shoot up at your current state,
your own jaw is dropped, breathing rapidly, you don’t think you’ve ever felt so aroused in your life, cunt fucking throbbing with need, hearts practically in your eyes, at the realization of what you just made him do,
you think you might’ve just discovered something about yourself….
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whoskimii · 2 months
ahh you know how gojo always looks out for others and has a confident facade pretty much always. imagine him breaking down after a long day and needing comfort (ToT)/~~~ only wanting to feel yn feeding him or touching his hair lol 🙈
it's so himmm :3
⋆౨ৎ˚ notes > satoru x you. he's a needy baby fr. he needs some comfort and you're more than willing to take care of him <3 tell me if i missed anything!! ^^ ౨ৎ warning : you may have butterflies in your belly while reading this!! 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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satoru has always been a confident man. like, really confident. as he grew up, he was always told how cute he was and how he'd eventually grow into a handsome man. and he didn't miss his chance.
of course he was supposed to be confident. it was in his genes and it ran in his veins. he was born to be sure of himself, of his strength, of his influence, even of his looks.
but when you spawned into his life, satoru felt like he was reborn. he didn't have to be confident anymore. at least, not around you. he didn't need to put on a fake facade. around you, he was just satoru.
not gojo, not gojo satoru, just satoru.
when he came back home from a tough, exhausting mission, the only thing he wanted was you. the only thing he needed was you.
sure, it was late and you were probably sleeping but he didn't care. he just wanted you to hold him. poor baby didn't even take care of himself :( he was so busy that he forgot to. he didn't even eat.
as he pushed open the door of your shared bedroom, he was instantly surrounded by your comforting scent. his shoulders slumped.
his pretty eyes searched for your sleeping form and he finally found you. his eyes traced your unconscious form, your soft curves, the same ones he cherished dearly. your chest was heaving up and down slowly as you remained fast asleep.
he left his blindfold on the nightstand and changed into something comfortable right before sliding under the covers. he placed his forehead on the back of your shoulder and sighed. "baby...?" he muttered tiredly. at the sound of his voice, you instantly stirred awake.
you could recognize your boyfriend's voice miles away. "'toru...?" you mumbled and he hummed. "s'me..." you could sense that something was wrong. usually, he would kiss you or wrap his arms around you. but right now, he was weirdly still. quiet.
"somethin' wrong...?" you turned around and your manicured hands found his white strands. you knew that something was definitely wrong by the way he just buried his face in your neck silently. "aw..." you sighed softly. you caressed his hair gently, almost like a mother would tend to her child. "m'here... m'right here, love..." you whispered.
he placed his head on your chest and listened to your heartbeat. he needed to know that you were indeed there, safe and sound. that you were real. he needed to cling onto something that would reassure him.
"just..." he didn't finish his sentence. you suddenly felt something wet sliding down your neck. was that tears ? your hypothesis was confirmed as soon as his shoulders began shaking with the force of his silent sobs. "aw, baby... s'fine, let it all out..." you whispered. you just let him cry. you were so good to him. your reassurance made him weep harder.
he didn't feel an ounce of shame about crying around you. he knew you wouldn't judge him. "it's... i just had a rough day, m'sorry... i need you..." you hummed. "don't apologize, it's all fine... you're okay... you're safe, 'toru..." he planted a gentle kiss to your shoulder and finally lifted his head.
his pretty white eyelashes were wet from crying. "i... i'm hungry..." your eyebrows shot up. "you haven't eaten ?" he shook his head. "aw... c'mon." you grabbed his hand and you both left the bedroom. were you going to cook for him ? at nearly four in the morning ?
your boyfriend had to blink a few times to convince himself he wasn't dreaming. he watched you turn on the hot plates as you busied yourself with preparing something for him. his arms sneaked around your waist as he placed his chin on your shoulder and watched your pretty hands work. "thank you... i really needed it..." you both giggled as his empty stomach suddenly made itself known. "yeah, i can tell."
once the food was ready, you began feeding him. he opened his mouth and waited before you finally gave him his first bite. his eyes almost rolled back at the delicious taste. "damn, it's really good... thank you, angel." you smiled. "want more ?" he grinned lazily.
you already knew the answer.
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that's actually so cute :( thanks for the req nonnie <3
⋆˚࿔ kimi 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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satorusluver · 11 months
Gojo x short!reader headcanons
Word count: 1,180 ish
Warnings: smut (minors DNI), SIZE KINK, slight praise kink, creampie, oral (f receiving), fluff, afab reader, she/her pronouns. Also the reader is described as curvy like one time.
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-Gojo Satoru doesn't actually see you in a romantic or sexual way at first. Not that he finds you unattractive, he's just never dated anyone that much shorter than him before or really even thought about it. He's never really considered himself someone who's into big size differences (which is kind of ironic because he's so much bigger than almost everyone lol). He thinks you're cute though. He also definitely likes the way you literally look up to him. Itty bitty thing, you don't even come up to his shoulder.
-He teases you relentlessly about your height, calls you shorty, shortstack, vertically challenged, you name it. He ruffles your hair and does that thing where he uses your head as an arm rest just to see the annoyed look on your face. The more he does stuff like this over time the more flirtatious it becomes even if that wasn't his original intention. Eventually it ends up being his way of blatantly trying to flirt with you although you might not realize this at first 'cause he just has a flirty personality in general.
-He thinks it must be annoying to be so short. How do you see over things?? (spoiler alert: you don't) How do you reach things??? Speaking of, he will purposefully move things out of your reach to watch you jump up to get them. He thinks it's hilarious (and also maybe he likes the way it makes your boobs bounce). After awhile he will offer to be your tall knight in shining armour and get it for you. But you always say no, you've been short your whole life and you can do it yourself.
-He appreciates that independent element of you, but at the same time, sometimes he gets annoyed when you break out the stepstool and actually do get it yourself so he will hide it from you just so you have to relent and accept his help. Petty? Yes. Effective? Also yes.
-He'll also sometimes refuse to bend down to let you kiss him just to see you do a cute lil jump to try to reach him. He never refuses for very long though because he just can't resist his cute lil girlfriend and her adorable pouty face. Then he bends down and squishes your cheeks until your lips pucker and tells you that you're too cute for your own good before finally giving you that kiss you wanted, and then a couple more to make up for him messing with you.
-He will offer to let you sit on his shoulders so you can see in crowds. No, you're not too heavy. He's the strongest, remember? No, this isn't about jujutsu, but the fact still stands. And it's definitely not an excuse to feel your thighs around his head, or anything like that...
But when you guys do get intimate, oh boy.
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-He never really thought about it before, but now he's kind of starting to like the way you guys are physically opposites - he's tall, lanky, and hard; you're short, curvy and soft. Even your hands, your legs, you're just so tiny compared to him and he doesn't know why that excites him so much now, but it does. He could really just pick you up and toss you onto the bed like a ragdoll. He won't though...unless you want him to?
Oh, you do want him to? Say no more, princess.
-In which case, he will toss you onto the bed and push those pretty thighs of yours apart so he can feel them around his head properly this time. And no, he won't stop eating you out until you beg him to, his tongue lapping hungrily at your clit and occasionally murmuring whatever thoughts fill his pussydrunk head about how good you taste and how much he wants you to cum on his tongue.
-He loves missionary but knows your head would literally be against his chest if he leaned over you too much during it so he usually sits up so he can get a good look at your face while he's pounding you. He loves loves loves holding your hand in his while he's doing it too, loves how his huge hand engulfs yours and how your tiny fingers grip his for dear life when he makes your eyes roll back in your head. He quickly becomes obsessed with how you look under him, your legs folded against your chest and your eyes glazed over with pleasure.
-He also loves to have you sit on his lap on a chair or couch, straddling him so he can run his hands along your waist as you slowly sink down onto his cock. He loves the way you curl up against him, your head resting against his shoulder. Your hand holds the back of his neck, your fingers gently combing through the short hair of his undercut as you whimper softly from the feeling of him stretching out your walls inch by inch. It's one of the few times he doesn't pound you, just wanting to take it slow and savor making love with you. So he wraps his arms around your middle and pulls you close, pressing your chest flush against his as he thrusts up into you gently but deeply, allowing you to feel every single inch of him slowly moving in and out of you.
-Other times he'll have you ride him like that, only to end up gripping the fat of your ass with those big hands of his to move your hips up and down on him, keeping you moving after your legs have already begun to give out. You can't bring yourself to complain even when you start to feel that burning in your thighs when his fat cock is hitting all of your sweet spots and you've lost count of how many times you've cum. And all the while he's moving you up and down, he'll whisper filthy things in your ear with that classic Satoru smirk tugging at his pretty pink lips from the sight of you so fucked out on his cock:
"Such a good little fuckdoll f'me. Gonna let me use this pretty body however I want, yeah? That's my baby, good fucking girl." ❤️
-Satoru says he was never into really short girls before you, but now the sight of you in his shirts and how they hang down to your plush thighs has his dick getting so hard so fast. Wear them without underwear and if he notices you will not be leaving the house that day (or be able to walk straight for days). He'll have you leave the shirt on while he's fucking you too, he'll just lift it up to get a look at the way your tits bounce when his hips snap against yours.
-He really does think you're the most beautiful woman in the world, and you're all Satoru's, and that thought alone has him painting your walls white and groaning a "love you s'much" against your lips as he fucks yet another load of thick cum into your already overfilled cunt.
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celestie0 · 5 months
childhood friends to lovers with gojo.
warnings/tags. fluff & angst, sad ending
you two were five when he kisses ur cheek on the playground underneath the slide n you both thought that counted as a first kiss. u two were attached by the hip all throughout elementary school, i mean srs, your parents would even have joint parent teacher conferences bc there was just nothing the two of you wouldn't do together.
and then middle school came around, you joined the marching band n he joined the football team. he starts acting different around you, and it hurts. bc you two were best friends. you were always supposed to be best friends. he starts hanging out w the popular kids, and you find yourself walking home alone. summer before high school, he wants to hang out again, but you tell him you deserve better than that. and you two drift apart.
it's hard starting high school without him, watching him from afar during lunch in the cafeteria. he's with his table of phonies, acting like someone he's not, and you know because you've always known him. better than anyone else. you really wanna join the cheer team, since you've done gymnastics for a long time, but you've always been too afraid to tryout for the team. this time, you do, and you get in. now all of a sudden he wants to talk to you again, now that you're popular in high school and have earned a place on the field during his games. fuck that, you say to him, you threw away what we had just because i wasn't good enough for you to have by your side. you start dating his teammate, you two are nominated for prom queen & king, and he has to watch as you kiss someone else on stage when you win. someone that should've been him. he starts dating the cheer captain, just to show it off when he comes running to her after a winning game, kissing her right in front of you but he's not looking at her, he's looking at you. to make sure you're watching. and you do the same thing to him. and the whole time you two are wondering what are we doing to one another?
summer after high school, he shows up to your doorstep one day on his skateboard. with a box full of all the letters you used to send him as a kid. you still have yours too, somewhere tucked underneath your bed. you spend the whole afternoon laughing with him as you read through them all, laying on the carpet of your living room, and you both feel like kids again. he hovers over you when he kisses you, but you're still mad at him, and to show him how mad you are, you kiss him back. it's no use, you two are going to different colleges, you'll hardly see him, but he swears he'll call. he swears he'll fly to see you. he swears he'll never makes the same mistakes again, because he wants you. and only you. you kiss his cheek, and say okay.
and he does. he does everything he promises you. but the distance is too hard, and he was a little too late. you break up with him over a twenty-one character text sent while you're drunk at a house party your second semester at university, and he just doesn't understand. he'll never understand. and he never sees you again.
until you're both thirty-two, standing in line at the grocery store. he taps your shoulder, you turn around, you wonder if it's a stranger who wants a favor, and you realize he's so much more than that. he's the little boy that kissed your cheek underneath the slide when you were five. your first kiss. except it wasn't, was it? his face is long, and his cheeks have lost plush, but he looks so handsome it makes your heart skip a beat. you two are pleasant, exchanging it's been so long! and you look great! but when his eyes catch the twinkle of the wedding ring on your finger, his smile drops ever so slightly, and when he scratches his cheek to hide the sadness, you notice a band on his finger too. and he pays for your groceries, just to be kind. and you thank him for it, just to be kind. and you go your separate ways, never to speak again. but there's a box that still sits somewhere in your closet. and a similar one still sits in his too.
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earth2rin · 6 months
thinking about…
satoru as a husband ᡣ𐭩
words: 1.3k
lazily, he slots himself on the couch, laying across the long piece of furniture, his feet dangling off the edge. he thought about how you would get upset that he dirtied the couch, but he would brush it off by telling you he’d buy you a whole new set.
just a minute.
he swore he closed his eyes for one second, only for 45 minutes to have passed by. when he had finally opened his eyes he remained on the couch, except you had weaseled your way to move his heavy head onto your lap, running your fingers through his snow-like hair.
“hi handsome” you smile down at him. he blinks and yawns. “i thought i heard the door open and when i finally came down to investigate here you are asleep” you giggle and slightly pinch his nose.
he crinkles it slightly and sends you a small smile. “ ‘m sorry baby, i could’ve sworn i closed my eyes for one second. but there’s nothing better than to wake up and see your pretty face” he reaches for the hand that's in his hair and lays gentle kisses from your wrist to your palm. internally you frowned, he looked exhausted and your heart ached a little when he winced from adjustung his head so he could look at you better. he worked so hard to provide, he worked so hard for you.
you smile brightly and place a kiss on his forehead, “you’re so sappy” and he chuckles, bringing your hand to cup his cheek.
“why don't we get you cleaned up, yeah?” he stares into your eyes, tender and warm but fatigue laced in his icy blue orbs, your gaze lingering on each other for just a second too long. he sighs and reluctantly gets up, leaving you and your warmth to make his way to the bathroom.
the tension in his muscles melts away when he feels the pelt of hot water grace his supple skin. he sighs, his head turned down with eyes close. he feels the ache in his body fade away until it resides as a slight ebb. it made him even more sleepy. after shampooing and lathering his body in soap, he turns the shower off, and steps in front of the steamy mirror.
he notices the growing dark under eye circles and slight stubble he's been neglecting recently. he notices the slight wrinkles that are growing prominent from the frequency of his frowning lately. he grimaces, turning around to flip off the light and closes the door.
his eyes are met with dim candle lights and incense burning, you're sitting prettily on your knees with a silky pink gown. “what's all this for pretty?” he feels his heart tightening, making his way towards you, his knees touching the edge of your bed.
“i wanted to do some skin care on you, you never take care of yourself toru” you look into his azure eyes as you pout.
how did he ever end up finding you.
he brings his hand to your face, gently thumbing your cheek, “i don’t focus on such frivolous things, i have to keep my girl safe and happy. you didn’t have to do all this for me baby.”
you stand up from the bed, grabbing both of satoru’s hands and speak to him, “i want to take care of you toru, you’re so good to me i need to return the gesture, it’s what my husband deserves.” he chuckles and brings his forehead to yours, “you don’t need to do anything for me. you don’t owe me anything either, everything i do for you is purely because i want to do it. all i do for you is the bare minimum, i should be doing more in fact!”
you pout again upset at how he discredits his actions. as if making you quit your job so you can stay at home stress free and spoiling you with love and thousand dollar shopping sprees is bare minimum. not to mention all the traveling you guys do when he spontaneously mentions that he’s taking you on vacation. “you do so much more than that and you know it. all i’m asking you for is to lay in bed and relax!” you shove his shoulder.
he finally flops on the bed with his hands behind his head, waiting for you to move. he wiggles his eyebrows at you which makes your eyes roll but makes you smile nonetheless.
“i like where this is going” he whistles at you as you straddle his lap, you lightly slap his arm. “get your mind out of the gutter. nothing is happening tonight just so we’re clear” he rolls his eyes and mumbles a ‘yeah yeah’.
you place a headband to hold his hair back and softly say, “okay close your eyes.” he complies, his white eyelashes fluttering shut. you carefully place 2 cool cucumbers on his eyes and he sighs. he feels like a puddle, your soft touch and home-like scent invading his senses sending him into a plane of euphoria. next you grab a clay mask and a brush, gently painting his face with the gray liquid.
“how’s it feel lovey?” he hums and sighs, leaning further into the fluffy feather filled pillows beneath his head. “feels wonderful baby” you giggle and continue putting on the mask. “okay toru, gonna leave that on for 15 minutes kay?” he nods but then his eyebrows furrow.
“what am i supposed to do?” he had never been able to take a moment and put everything on pause before, the thought of having to lay still and do nothing made him a bit antsy. after placing the container that held the liquid mask in, you turn to him, “just relax baby, would you like some water kind sir?” he hears the clink of glassware and the swish of water grow closer and he smiles.
gojo satoru had never ever been pampered. spoiled rotten maybe, but no one had ever taken care of him the way you are now. sure he was praised in the highest degree in the clan, and sure he was fawned over by a broad sea of girls, both young and old. but no one had ever cared about him so deeply that his well being was always a priority. he was amazed by the thought of you caring about him so much that you would go out of your way to take care of him in a way no one else had ever done. all he could think of at the moment was how incredibly kind your heart is and how he was so fortunate enough to have ever stumbled upon your life. he was so grateful that you let him into your life. he was so grateful for you.
“i would love some m’lady” you bring the straw to his puckered lips and he smiles.
after doing 2 face masks, eye patches, your own night time routine and plucking his eyebrows, satoru finally snuggled up to you, his face buried in your chest with his arms wrapped around your torso.
“thank you for taking care of me baby, you’re the best wife a man could have ever asked for” you giggle as he peppers kisses on your chest. “of course, i love loving you. it's so easy, like breathing.”
“i love being your husband. i love loving you.” you can hear the tiredness in his voice grow with each word he says. a couple seconds later his soft snores could be heard throughout the silence of your home.
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ninothebirb · 4 months
Sleeping HCs with JJK Characters!
Note: This is a mainly pre-Shibuya arc post where everything was happy go lucky and no-one died. There is one character in here which also has a post-Shibuya arc headcanon- so beware.
Warning!: Ultra super duper fluff, like a cloud- so fluffy you can't feel it!, Some angst, gender neutral reader, wonky writing
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Gojo Satoru:
He's the kind of guy who snores like it's the last thing he's gonna do in his life. As much as he absolutely adores cuddles and snuggling, his snoring is a bit of a problem since it's so loud. But don't you worry- because he bought some super expensive ear plugs just for you, so you can sleep in the same room together.
Getou Suguru:
You can't sleep with him cuz he's dead and possessed by a brain shaped maniac curse.
Itadori Yuji:
He's super sweet! He has the warmest comforter and always makes sure you sleep before he does, but there's a tiny problem. He kicks when he sleeps, so most mornings you find yourself on the floor. He often puts pillows between the two of you so you don't get hurt, but there are times when you take the initiative to just cuddle him and hold him close. It's a risk worth taking, really.
Post Shibuya Arc:
Yuji's nights are often sleepless at this point, he doesn't kick anymore, but that's been replaced by the nightmares he has. All he does is hold you tight and cry into your arms, because the only hope he has left is you, which he is deathly afraid of losing.
Megumi Fushiguro:
He's a bit shy at first, since he's quite new to lovey dovey stuff. But he's not completely against it, he just needs some time. The two of you gradually proceed, sleeping on the same bed, and then finally cuddling. He's a caring person and always keeps what he loves close to his heart, especially when he's sleeping and in a vulnerable state as such. Sometimes he needs space, but that's no biggie, because he'll always love you.
She's a tough nut to crack, you'll give her that. At first she told you she wants personal space and will sleep alone in her own dorm room, only to find her cuddling up against you on your bed. She isn't necessarily shy, she's just- a bit reserved and protective of herself. It took a while for her to admit she likes sleeping together, but it was obvious from day one. She's a sweet girl though, she makes sure to adjust her sleeping schedule to yours, even if she would prefer to stay awake till late night.
Nanami Kento:
Oh boy, he's always so stressed from work that the moment he returns he's on the bed before you even saw him enter your shared apartment. On non-working days, he always holds you tight when in bed, and many a times you'll find him stroking your hair to make sure you fall asleep. He needs to be completely certain that the two of you are safe before sleeping, so he locks all the doors and windows, closes the curtains and keeps the keys under his pillow.
Idk much about her, but she's a caring woman. She always looks after your sleeping schedule, but struggles with her own. Of course, every night she'll lay beside you, holding you tight and maybe sneaking a few pics for herself.
Maki Zenin:
Tsundere sleeping energy. She's very similar to Nobara's case, but she avoids cuddling or "childish playtime" as she calls it. You respect her preferences however, and she's also ready to sleep in the same bed. Just- no cuddles or snuggles.
Yuta Okkotsu:
He's extremely shy when it comes to sleeping together. After Gojo-Sensei recommended him some extreme adult dating advice, his mind was blown. First off, he learnt that sleeping together meant indulging in sexual intercourse- and he didn't wanna lose his virginity! Yet! That was until you explained that you just wanted to sleep in the same bed, and just because he trusts you so dearly, he agreed. He enjoys snuggles a bit too much, always glued to you like you're his lifeline.
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thebellearchives · 1 year
For your event, fluff prompt 13 for gojo satoru please 👉👈
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~ satoru gojo ; jujutsu kaisen
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : you’ve remained silent about your feelings for your long time friend Satoru for a while now, but when he’s the one being silent it’s suddenly not so normal
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, reader is also a teacher at jujutsu high
‧₊˚ a / n : hope you like this anon because absolutely love how it turned out! i think it’s one of my favourite shots i’ve written!
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The view from the classroom’s window wasn’t exactly breathtaking. Your eyes examined the training grounds below, covered by the night sky and the wind blowing through the tree branches. Insomnia had been your most trusted companion for a while, so even though you were tired from the workday for some reason your brain wouldn’t stop buzzing. The classroom’s door opened, a sigh escaped your lips knowing perfectly who had closed it back and walked up to you.
Satoru decided to stand next to you, resting his lower back against the desk just like you had been doing for the past thirty minutes or so. Both of you stared at the calm scenery in a comfortable silence, you wondered how much longer would it take him to start talking but as time passed he didn’t say a single word. Restless, your eyes furtively glanced at him, but he remained silent and holding that characteristic smile of his.
“Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” you chuckled, curiously searching for an answer in his hidden eyes.
“What? Can’t I enjoy a moment of tranquility with my dear friend?”
You tried not to show how sour his comment had tasted to you, holding your smile and shifting in your place.
“Yeah, friend” your eyes went back to the window and quickly followed the conversation somewhere else “this friend of mine isn’t usually so silent. In fact, I doubt he even knows what the words “shut up” mean.”
The sorcerer snickered, jumping up and sitting on top of the desk.
“Just say you miss my beautiful voice.”
“Oh Satoru, I’m so glad you’re here, I missed your voice so much” you sat on the desk too, close to him.
“My beautiful voice” your friend corrected.
“I missed your beautiful voice so much!”
“I know dear, that’s why I came looking for you. I have this special ability of knowing when your heart sings for me so I run to find you and bless you with my presence” he leaned back and clocked his head towards you, a cheeky grin on his lips.
“You’re so considerate” you laughed, leaned in closer to him and flicked his nose.
“Ouch!” whining, he rubbed his nose and pouted “I’m so nice to you and you hurt me like this”
“Aww, sorry baby, let me kiss away the pain, alright?” you rolled your eyes, having no intention on actually following through.
“Alright” he grinned again, taking the bandages off his face.
As soon as his white hair fell down on top of his forehead his long lashes flickered towards you, stunning sky blue irises making sure to stop your heart immediately. He rested his weight on his elbow, keeping his undivided attention fixed on you and yours on him. The man was gorgeous, he had always been. And yes, it was probably so cliche of you to fall in love with your long time friend Satoru Gojo, but when he looked at you like that with that playful smile of his and those beautiful eyes there was no stopping the butterflies that fluttered uncontrollably inside of you, that longing for his love that burned deep down in your heart.
“Well?” he rose his eyebrows “where’s my kiss?”
You laughed again, making him laugh along with you.
“What makes you think I’m gonna kiss you?”
“I don’t know, maybe those deeply in love eyes you’re giving me”
Your face flushed immediately, you bit your lip for a second before giggling.
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
His smile never left his face, he just licked his lips as his pupils examined your face and rested on your smile.
"When you laugh like that, it’s just - you're so beautiful, you know that?"
You probably blinked a bit too much, your eyes opened wide. It was normal for Satoru to make frisky flirty comments like that towards you, enjoying all the reactions he could get from you. But this one… this one was different. His fingertips then traced your jawline, guiding you closer to him. And so you followed, as naturally as chasing river flow, heart beating loudly in your ears. He tilted his head slightly, and then he softly kissed you. Lips caressing yours in a loving motion, a bit insistent, just a little bit curious, licking your lips and taking advantage of the surprised gasp you let out to explore your mouth with his tongue for a while. Your hand shakily traveled up his chest and your fingers weakly grasped the fabric in between. The kiss stopped just as softly and delicately as it had started, both of you lingering on each others mouths.
“I knew it.”
“I always had a chance, didn’t I?” a sly smirk tugged from the corner of his lips, you frowned.
“I liked it better when you were silent” he giggled, but you smiled and kissed him again.
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zevrra · 1 day
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synopsis: just some random hc’s i have for the men of jjk!
tags: fluff only, the men of jjk, nanami kento, choso kamo, geto suguru, gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, hc’s, short & sweet
creator notes: will make a part 2 for this >:3
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nanami !!
— is totally that “i will take care of you in every aspect” guy but i secretly think he’s pretty possessive too
— doesn’t get jealous easily
— flip flops between being a total morning person (on his days off) but the days he has to “work” he’s the opposite
— love/hate relationship with coffee bc he def drinks 8 cups of it every morning and feels gross after he does it
— the epitome of cleanliness and perfect hygiene
— like 100% he uses top of the line shampoo and body washes and after shaves and cologne!!
— ALWAYS smells good and it’s a mix of amber, some kinda wood, and probably something soft like vanilla
— feel like he’s cheap when it comes to stuff for himself but anytime it involves you, he’s buying you the best of the best
— leaves you notes all over the place whether it’s on the fridge, next to your side of the bed, sending flowers to your work space with a note attached, all just to tell you how much he cares and loves you
— willingly works overtime for you :3
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choso !!
— sleeps until 4 pm every day
— a true night owl, mans HATES the sun
— feel like he’s super photogenic but hates taking photos unless you’re taking them
— would work any electronic like an elderly man
— “i can’t find the settings on this thing. where is it i’ve been looking for it for 15 minutes!” “it’s right here” “oh. how did you do that?”
— either has no scent at all or smells like iron/cinnamon/or straight up blood im so sorry skshskhkdhsk
— you both match everything from jewelry, especially rings, to outfits
— sleepy eye bags 24/7!!!
— takes a 5 minute shower but sits in the bathroom on his phone watching the loudest videos he can for 45 mins before he gets in
— loves spicy food!!
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geto !!
— leaves gifts in your rooms without a word
— is the type to “i saw it and it reminded me of you so i got it”
— loves wholeheartedly. full chest, heart, mind, body, and soul
— willingly hands you his hoodie after he’s done wearing it
— quality time & gift giving is his love language!!
— heavy on quality time, he wants to sit or stand beside you and just coexist 24/7
— matching tattoos and piercings
— scary guard dog bf!!!!
— actually doesn’t mean to be but he kind of loves it a lot when other guys run away from you(him)
— his pet names for you range from “babe” to “stinky” and everything in between
— probably smells like sage & citrus
— he takes the longesssst showers ever and always invites you to them
— let’s you braid his hair, falls asleep every time you do it
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gojo !!
— wants to touch you constantly!
— you’re either holding his hand or sitting in his lap anytime you two are together
— loves loves loves hugs
— gossip QUEEN! omg he’s so nosy
— “did you HEAR about this????” and it’s either the most basic information or straight up gossip gold
— always emphasizes the MY in his pet names for you
— “oh my love!” “my darling.” “hmm my princess?”
— a jealous, jealous man >:3
— loves to show you off until someone other than himself looks at you jshsjshk
— is the type of dude who acts all funny and tough in public but the second it’s just the two of you, at home, he wants to be babied and have his back scratched 24/7
— doesn’t tell you when it’s going to be chilly out so he gets to tease you as he hands you his warm jacket
— plans surprise dates all the time
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toji !!
— is never caught wearing anything other than sweat pants
— wore a suit once for your first date and then never put it back on
— his love language is probably a mix between physical touch and gift giving
— has a hand always placed on your thigh!!
— his favorite season is winter and when you ask him why he just says he likes the cold
— it probably also has to do with wanting to keep you warm too
— is the type to: “i hate wearing bracelets” “ok ill just take it back” “no fuck you i’m gonna wear it and never take it off”
— literally keeps everything you give him in a box so he doesn’t lose them
— uses 13 and 1 shampoo
— calls you his old lady(affectionate) unironically
— smells like cigarettes and cheap ass beer KSHSKHS
— when he’s actually clean and sober he probably smells more like heavy wood and fire/smoke
— is a massive HEATER when he sleeps and he always sleeps on his back
— sleeps in the nude
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cr3sswellsgf · 3 months
sweet nothing | s. gojo x reader
in which gojo satoru and the reader cuddle to sleep. they're so in love. was written as a fem reader but im pretty sure it could also be seen as gender neutral!
Lazy days — like today — were your favourite. Those mid-autumn days where the summer heat finally broke and made way for a chilly breeze, and the sky looked a cool white instead of bright blue. The quiet clicking sound of your typing floated through the air in your otherwise quiet room, and along with the faraway sound of the shower running, aided in the creation of a quaint atmosphere.
Time went by, and just as you were finishing up your work on your laptop, you heard the shower turn off, and the distinct creaking of the hinges on your shower cabin door. With an exhausted groan, you decided you'd worked enough for today, and you stood up from your chair, stretching your sore body. Your head pounded as you turned around and walked towards the king-size bed you shared with your boyfriend, and the moment you were close enough, you let your body fall into the bed.
The relief was so acute you couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped your lips, your whole body melting into the Purple mattress your boyfriend convinced you to buy earlier that year. Gosh, who knew your mattress quality would have that big of an effect on your quality of life? Well, Satoru clearly did.
“Hey.” The sound of his voice pulled you from your thoughts, and you tiredly turned your head to the other side to look at him. Satoru, dressed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips and a white towel on his shoulders, was shutting the bathroom door, steam escaping through the small crack. “You done?” he asked, lifting the towel around his neck to his hair and quite aggressively drying it.
You had half a mind to remind him how damaging towel fibers were for his hair, but, remembering the fact that his hair remained silky regardless of anything, you forewent the thought.
You didn't respond to his question immediately, your eyes idly roaming over his body from top to bottom. From the wet, white hair that was falling over those brilliant blue eyes of his, to the wide expanse of pale skin and taut muscles. “Hm?” he prompted, movements lithe as he walked to the vanity and uncapped his leave in conditioner — the only hair maintenance product you could convince him to use.
Your eyes automatically followed his movements, now meeting his in the mirror as you adjusted yourself and climbed into bed properly, albeit with no real intention of falling asleep. He seemed to have that effect on you. Like a sunflower turning towards its namesake, no matter where he went, you always gravitated towards him, both consciously and unconsciously.
“Yeah,” you responded eventually and grabbed the fantasy novel you were in the middle of, “there wasn't too much to do, anyway.”
He hummed in response, raking his product-coated hands into his hair before shaking it out. With effort, your eyes slid away from his and focused onto the open book in your lap, and you let yourself be taken away by the intricate world woven by the words of your favourite author.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
A few hours went by, and despite having ‘no real intention of falling asleep’, you fell asleep. Shocker.
It was now a little later in the day, the sun no longer cresting the sky, but rather melting into the horizon, the priorly pale gray sky turning varying shades of purple, pink and orange.
“Babe, do you think—” Satoru started, turning his gaze away from his phone, where he'd been checking his emails, to you, whom he was laying in bed next to, his (still shirtless) body angled towards yours. He had his phone in one hand, while the other was resting over your shoulder, idly playing with the ends of your hair. His question dissolved on his tongue at the sight of you asleep, eyes shut with your lashes fanning over your cheeks and lips ever so slightly parted, making way for soft breaths.
His own lips stretched into an amused grin, dimples etched into his cheeks. “I'm not gonna fall asleep, ’Toru,” he muttered, repeating your words from earlier. “I'm just gonna lay down!” He grabbed the book you had left open on your stomach and slipped the bookmark — that one the two of you had DIYed a few months ago (yes, he has a matching one) — back into it.
He turned the paperback over in his hand, long fingers splayed over the 500-page behemoth. It was by an author he'd seen you read numerous times, that one you had a whole shelf dedicated to. With a hum, he turned to place the book on his bedside table.
He twisted his torso away from you, that innate need for physical closeness to you keeping the rest of his body fixed in its spot. His defined obliques rippled with the motion, and he released a quiet noise from the back of his throat as he stretched to put the book down.
Straining to push it further with his fingers, as soon as Gojo was sure it was a safe distance away from the edge, he turned back to you, his arm snaking around your waist to pull you closer. Your arms, which were loosely folded in front of your chest, pressed against his hard chest when he pulled you into him, and you instinctively nuzzled closer, drawn by his body heat and the faint smell of his cologne.
He pushed his phone away before resting his hand on your upper back, his thumb rubbing unceasing circles between your shoulder blades, and he reached down to kiss the top of your head. Only lightly, though, he reminded himself, since he didn't want to wake you up.
One kiss turned into two, and he used his unoccupied hand to push away a strand of hair from your face to press his lips to your forehead, before the two kisses turned into three and the three into four.
He pressed another tender kiss to your temple, and you, despite his best efforts at remaining gentle, stirred in his arms, your eyes flitting back and forth underneath your eyelids. He cursed under his breath, mentally chiding himself before brushing a stray curl away from your face and whispering a soft, “Sorry, baby.”
You made a soft humming noise but, thankfully, didn't wake up, only rested your head against his arm. He let himself relax against you, content in watching you sleep while playing with your hair, and eventually, his eyes fell closed and he drifted off with the feeling of your soft, warm skin against his.
Man, lazy days were his favourite.
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marblesphere · 2 years
Merry Christmas! 2022 Gojo Satoru x Reader
Merry early Christmas!!!! I am back!!!!! Together with Christmas fic!!!! A fluffy fic of course!!! The next chapter is on-going in my folder! No worries, I will finish that...hopefully before this year ends. My laptop's screen is acting up. it's shaking like crazy. I post this now because today's shaking is less crazy. Need to get this thing fixed soon.
Anyway, Happy reading! Enjoy!
“Let’s make one! Christmas party!!!!” Yoru exclaimed as she has her pointer finger up.
“Yoru, too loud.” Tori reprimanded.
“Let’s make one, Christmas party.” Yoru repeated.
“We heard you the first time.” Tori sighed. “Why so suddenly?”
“It’s not sudden.” Yoru puffed her cheeks. “I have been wanting to make one.”
“Christmas party…” I mumbled.
“Christmas party! Christmas cake! Christmas gift!!! Jou-chan, I want to participate too! Let’s make one.” Michizane made his sparkling eyes.
“Christmas…party…? What was that?” Tanuki-san titled his head.
“Huhuhu… Of course a Tanuki like you won’t know anything about Christmas party.” Michizane cackled.
“What was that, Fox face?”
“Let me tell you as your senpai. You see Christmas party is…”Michizane preached to him what Christmas party is about… and five minutes later…
“Ojou-chan, let’s do a Christmas party!!!” Another pair of sparkling eyes looked at me.
“[Name], you don’t want to? Or you have a painful memory of Christmas?” Yoru asked worriedly.
“I don’t think I have any. The usual Christmas is celebrating with Yae.” I answered.
“Where are your parents?”
“They work overseas all year long. I haven’t seen them since the start of my high school years. I do get presents though.”
“Let’s do it! Christmas party!” Reluctant Tori quickly declared.
“Weren’t you hesitating just now?” I sweatdropped.
“It’s fine! Let’s do it!!” Tori said.
“Ohhh!!!” Yoru pumped her fist up. Thus, those two went gung ho on planning this Christmas party.
So, here I am buying gifts for the upcoming Christmas party. The budget is 2000 yen. We are going to do the traditional gift exchange. The guests are obviously Fushiguro siblings and the people I know in jujutsu circle, including Mei-san and Utahime. Utahime-san obviously rejected because Satoru will be there. But Mei-san will come as long as her and her brother expenses are covered.
“This one is nice.” I murmured as I looked at the ash grey knitted muffler. This can be used by everyone. I quickly decide this will be my present for our gift exchange event. And then, I also bought small trinkets as my personal presents to them. For my girlfriends, I am buying a strap with their favorite charms and some make-up with the brand I use. For Mei-san, I think it’s better for some items that can be exchanged to cash, or maybe I should just give her cash, but it defeats the purpose of a gift, maybe a coupon or something. In the end I bought some spa supplies for her, Shoko and Utahime which I will ship to her later. I am not sure about Ui-Ui, so beanie and mittens. For Yaga-sensei, it’s even easier, knitting supplies.
For Tsumiki and Megumi, I bought them a new bag and stationeries plus some new clothes and coat. Their old coats are becoming thinner, I think this is a perfect time to change. If I just bought them, they will refuse. But since these are Christmas presents, they can’t refuse. Perfect.
For Nanamin… I think Nanamin really needs a day off, but I can’t give him that, maybe I should anonymously threaten his boss? But Nanamin will be targeted for sure, so that’s a no. So, coffee maker it is then. For some auxiliary managers that I knew, I bought them Christmas mugs. Now, as for the last boss…. Let’s just forget about him.
‘[Name]~~~~, you meanie! Where is my gift?’ A chibi him appeared in my head while whining. “Haaa…” I exhaled a small sigh. ‘What can I buy for someone who has everything that can be bought?’ My feet stopped in front of cookbooks aisle and I know what to get for that annoying stickman. It’s ticket to sweets buffet. Yep, with this all of the gifts are done. I just need to wrap them. I bought some gift papers and tape and off I go back to my apartment.
“Jou-chan, I want a gift too. It’s not fair that all of them got a gift, but I, your great grandpa didn’t get anything.” Michizane complained.
“Even I did get you something, it’s not like you can use it anyway.” I rolled my eyes.
“Ojou-chan, you have to do this gender equality.” Tanuki-san added, apparently, he is also a willing participant.
“This has nothing to do with gender equality. The problem is you are already dead. Besides, you didn’t even know what is Christmas 3 hours ago.”
“3 hours ago was 3 hours ago, right now is right now.” Tanuki-san pouted.
“Even if you pout, you still looks like tanuki, not cute or handsome at all.” I pointed out.
“Ojou-chan!” His jaw dropped, while Michizane is laughing and rolling on the air. “Shut up, Fox face! I doubt you can do it better.” He snarled at his forever rival.
“Of course I can do it better. Don’t forget I am the most handsome man back then.” Michizane gloated. “Jou-chan, I want a Christmas present too.” He made a pouty face and batted his eyelashes for a great measure.
“…” I shot him a blank deadpanned look with dead fish eye.
“Hahahaha!” This time it’s Tanuki-san’s turn to roll around while laughing.
“How can it be!” Michizane’s eyes blew wide in disbelief. I ignore them for the rest of my walk home. ~”~
 “Sorry, [Name]!” Tori and Yoru clapped their hands as they apologized to me in unison.
“Ah? What’s wrong?” I blinked.
“About today’s party. I think it’s going to be cancelled. The café we booked made a mistake. Apparently, someone else has booked the room before us. We don’t have any more time to book and decorate another one. And Tori and I have some emergencies to attend today. Sorry!” Yoru explained.
“Is that so? That’s too bad. But, there’s no need to worry about this.” I smiled.
“We are really really sorry!” They apologized again.
“Don’t worry. It’s not like we can’t do it for another time. But, what about other guests?”
“About that. We have taken care of it. everyone has been notified, so they won’t come.” Tori smiled sheepishly.
“Okay, I understand.” I nodded.
“I am not angry.” I smiled. “There’s no need to worry.” I assured them. Since we cancel the Christmas party, I bought a small cake to celebrate it myself after school. “Ah, I forgot giving them their gifts.” I blinked. ‘I must have been more distraught than I thought.’ I exhaled a soft sigh that become a white puff of air. ‘I guess I do feel a little disappointed…. No no no. They have an emergency. It’s not like they intentionally cancel it anyway.’
I look at the gifts in the big paper bag that I have brought with me and then to my watch. It’s just a little past five. “Yosh!” I decided to give them their gifts today. So, I made a detour to their house one by one to give their gifts. I was greeted by their parents so I ask them to pass along the gifts to them. Then, I go to the hospital where Shoko worked. But apparently she took a day off today for personal reason. In the end, the only gifts I haven’t given are for the working adults. ‘Maybe I should go to jujutsu high now. I still can make it, and then…’
“Don’t worry, Jou-chan, the three of us are going to have best Christmas ever.” Michizane suddenly popped out to my face.
“Th-that’s right. We can make a Christmas party just by ourselves.” Tanuki-san added. The two of them are talking about how they are going to plan the Christmas party.
“Thank you.” I giggled. I know they are trying to cheer me up. It’s a little sad walking alone in the midst of happy people and atmosphere. ‘I wonder if in the future, I too…’ My mind suddenly conjuring a nice scenario where I am happily smiling while walking hand in hand with someone all by itself.
‘No can do, I can’t show a sad face in this kind of joyful occasion.’ I slapped my cheeks.
“No. Nothing. I will be fine.” I shook my head and smiled. ‘That was just a fantasy. A fantasy and dream that will be forever just a delusion.’
“Let’s go. Let’s drop this to Jujutsu High and off we go to home.” I said.
“You are going to Jujutsu High? What a coincidence, so do I.” A familiar voice chipped in suddenly. I froze at the familiar voice.
“Satoru?” I blinked.
“Yep. The one and only Gojo Satoru.” He grinned. “So, you are going to Jujutsu High?”
“Ah? Ah! Yes, that’s right. I have some gifts to be delivered there. Ah, since you are here. Here.” I handed out his gift right there.
“For me?” He tilted his head as he opened his palm so I could drop his gift there.
“That’s right. Merry Christmas, Satoru.”
“...Then, I will have to gift you something back.” He beamed.
“There’s no need. I didn’t gift it so I can get some gift back.” I shook my head.
“No can do. It’s a Christmas, of course I am going to give my favorite human a gift. I have prepared it.” He laughed as his palm made itself comfortable on my head. “Let’s go to Jujutsu High.” ~”~
 A moment later, we arrived at Jujutsu High. Satoru leads me to one of the classrooms. “Incoming!” He yelled loudly as if he was telling the people inside.
“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!” The loud sound of party poppers echoed as glittering rainbow colored confetti rained down.
“Merry Christmas, [Name]!!! Sorry we have to lie to you a little bit.” Yoru, Tori and Yae grinned, proud of their achievement.
“The emergency was a lie?”
“Yep. We just want to make a surprise party for you. We didn’t get to celebrate your birthday, so why not?” Tori giggled.
“Are you surprised?” Yoru exclaimed escitedly.
“I am just glad you didn’t have any bad emergency.” I sighed in relief.
“Hehehe, it’s Gojo-san’s idea.” Yae smirked.
“This is the gift?” I looked at him.
“Part of it? Do you like it?”
“Yes! Thank you very much!” I beamed.
“Oooohhhh!!!” (The rest of them are having a pleasantly surprised expression when their senior/co-worker are actually blushing a little which was not seen by [Name]. And they regret they didn’t get it on their phone.)
The Christmas party is on. We exchanged our gifts, giving my personal gifts to them and just eating and chatting away like this. ~”~
 “So cold.” I stepped outside for a little fresh air. But splendidly forgot my muffler.
“Ojou-chan, how can you forget your muffler? You will catch a cold.” Michizane frowned. I left Tanuki-san inside the classroom as he wanted to savor the Christmas atmosphere.
“Sorry, it slipped out from my mind.”
“Let’s get your muffler first.”
“Why are you stepping outside without your muffler? You will catch a cold.” Someone sighed as they also stepped outside.
“Your muffler.” He frowned. With a few strides, (curse his long legs) Satoru stopped in front of me and wrapped my muffler around my neck.
“It’s done.” He smirked proudly at his handiwork. And I just realized, he got my muffler gift. Somehow, when he is wearing it, it’s a little too perfect.
‘Tsk, how envious.’
“I got your gift.” His lips curved into another annoying smirk.
“I bet you use six eyes to see the residue of cursed energy.” I rolled my eyes.
“How could it be! This is just purely coincidence!” He gasped in an overdramatic tone. (He actually secretly aiming for her gift, and yes, he used six eyes. If he didn’t use it then, when he should be using them?)
“Whatever!” I rolled my eyes, not believing his claim. But secretly feel elated. After all, he is…
“I still have another gift for you.” He quipped, snapping me back to reality.
“Another gift?”
“Yep.” He nodded. “Here.” He dropped something to my hand.
“Omamori?” I blinked at the blue omamori on my palm.
“It’s Gojo Satoru’s special one and only omamori.” He giggled as he launched into a rant how he made it. “By the way, you are absolutely forbidden to peek the charm inside.”
“It will lose its protection.”
“Eh? What a useless omamori.”
“That’s why you can’t peek inside.”
“But I want to know.” I tried to feel the charm inside. It’s hard, maybe a little round?
“You will know it in due time. But right now, you are forbidden to see what’s inside.”
“Fine fine.” I gave up. It’s must be real since he is so serious and persistent like this.
“Let’s go back. Or Nanamin will eat all the cakes.”
“Nanamin is not you.” I rolled my eyes playfully, but can’t hold the giddy smile that was hanging on my lips. “Satoru.”
“Hm?” Satoru turned to me.
“Thank you for your Christmas present. I will treasure it.” I showed him the omamori he gave me moments ago.
Satoru gives me a soft smile (and affectionate stare), “Let’s go inside. It’s freezing here.”
“Okay!” I grinned before I got another idea. I quickly round up a snowball and throw it to his back, and it wonderfully hits his back.
Satoru turns to me with wide eyes and then quickly turned into the usual mischievous glint. “Now, you have done it.” He also rounded some snowballs and threw it to me. I shriek as I escape from his assault, rounding my own ammos to fight him. ~”~
 “How long they are going to play this flirting stage?” Shoko propped her cheek on her hand as they looked two kids playing snowball fight.
“As long as Gojo-san didn’t get me involved in his weird conference.” Nanamin pushed up his sunglasses.
“That’s the fun part.” Shoko smiled. “it’s nice to see him acting like his age, emotionally.”
“Fufufu, it was an easy cash too. I will have to join his conference every time.”
“As expected from Nee-sama.”
“Huhuhu, we have our own bet to see how long they will realize their own feelings.” Yoru laughed.
“I bet [Name]-san will realize it first, but went into a denial stage after the denial stage she will accept it and then hide it from that trashy adult.” Megumi said it all with a deadpan voice.
“I also think [Name]-san will realize it first. Though, I am not sure about the detail.” Tsumiki sweatdropped at her younger brother prediction.
“It’s possible.” Yae nodded. “I mean, this is [Name] we are talking about. Anything is possible.”
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” Yaga sighed as he looked at his former student and his former student’s sort of student.
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ansjsla · 9 months
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Satosugu with matching bear bear scarves 🥺
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bluebeesknees · 9 months
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a piece of him
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satorusugurugurl · 4 months
Aloe Vera
Summary: When on vacation with your boyfriend, things are great, the drinks, the sex, and the pool. What wasn't great, was the sunburn? But you're dating the strongest sorcerer of the modern age! He’ll take good care of you!
Characters: Gojo Satoru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 1,408
Warnings: language, sunburn (please wear sunscreen!) fluff~!
A/N: As someone who lives in the desert, this happens a lot. My S.O was sweet enough to rub aloe on me last week, thus my muse!
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“Oooh fuck me.” You whine, shuffling into the bathroom. “Fuuuuck me.”
Satoru is right behind you, towel wrapped around his neck, sunglasses pushing his bangs out of his face. “I told you to put on sunscreen! But nooo, somebody stayed by the pool because someone wanted to live, laugh, and work on her tan.”
Your boyfriend was right; you had said those exact words to him earlier that day. When he specifically tried to get you to put more sunscreen on. You had a shirt for him and that you were fine. The sunscreen you put on four hours prior was waterproof, as you floated in a donut.
But the sunscreen had to be reapplied every four hours. If you had taken the time to read the bottle, you think you would know. You really should have listened to your boyfriend. But you were so excited that summer was just around the corner; the only sound you wanted to listen to was the sound of margaritas being made and beach balls bouncing.
If your skin ever felt like skin again, you would listen to whatever the sunscreen bottle and your boyfriend told you to do.
Your skin was so burnt it wasn’t even funny. It was painful and hot; it hurt to move with every step you took towards the shower. Satoru winced, watching as you whimpered, stepping out of your swimsuit and turning the water to a lukewarm temperature.
You don’t even have a chance to step in as arms gently wrap around you. Satoru intended it to be a comforting gesture. Instead, it had you jolting in pain as the cloth of your boyfriend's jacket rubbed against your burnt, sensitive skin. Your yelp had him pulling back, arms held out in front of him.
“F-Fuck baby! I’m sorry!”
“N-no, it’s okay, it’s fine, I-I’m just going to sit here and suffer for all eternity.” Satoru doesn’t say anything as you step into the water. You try to hold back the cries of pain that threaten to pass through your lips, but Gojo can still hear them. The tiny, pained whines have him wincing along with you. He hated seeing you in pain and regretted not making you put on more sunscreen. If he had been more stern with you, then maybe he wouldn’t be in the position that you are right now. But it wasn’t like he could go back in time. You had neglected to put on more sunscreen, and he had failed to pin you down on the pool deck and rub it all over your stupidly cute face. He could not go back in time to change the outcome.
There was, however, one thing he could do.
“Hey, I’m going to step out for a little bit. I need to run to the store in the lobby and grab a couple of things. Are you going to be okay?”
A pained yes is all he hears before you slowly sink to the shower floor, allowing the cold water to run over your burnt skin. Gojo wastes no time; the second who knew you would be okay on your own for a bit, he was bolting out of your hotel room and running down to the hotel store.
You shower to your best abilities without being in excruciating pain. Skipping on the rag and the loofah, you gently wash your body with your hands, which still hurts. You made a vow to yourself with the showerhead that you would never forget to reapply your sunscreen again. Even if you were to fail, your boyfriend wouldn’t.
For the time being, the only thing you could do was try to relax, even though it felt like you wanted to peel your skin off of your body. After your shower, you shuffle back into the main room, collapsing onto the bed, bare butt naked, enjoying the cool crisp sheets underneath you. Between your still-wet skin and the air conditioning, You felt some form of comfort as the hotel room door opened.
At first, you jumped, searching for anything to cover your skin, but quickly, the door shut a second later, and you heard the wrinkling of a plastic bag heading further into the room. “Toru?” You call down gently, lifting your head to search for your boyfriend.
“It’s me; you weren’t doing anything naughty, were you?” he teases, even though he knew the only thing you could do was cry in pain from the sunburn that covered most of your body. Having sex like this was out of the question.
“If by naughty you mean laying my naked ass on our bed, then yes, I am being naughty.”
You can hear his running footsteps just before his shadow spreads on the bed before you. For a second, you think that he’s going to wolf whistle or fist pump or even make some crude comment about how sexy you look naked on his bed, and he didn’t even have to ask you to do anything. Instead of crude comments, the bed dips under his weight as he flops near you.
One second, you're lying there in silence, and the next second, a cold jelly-like substance is squeezed on your back. Said jelly instantly eases the burn on your back, making you moan softly as Satoru’s hands gently rub the cooling, earthy-smelling liquid over your irritated skin. The contrast of cool against your burning skin felt magical. The pain subsided from a persistent throbbing or a mild sting.
“Mmm, Toru, that feels good~” You smile happily, “Thank you, baby.”
“You're welcome, sweetheart. Just remember this moment when I'm lathering sunscreen on you from now on.”
You scoff as Satoru rolls you onto your back so he can rub aloe vera over the front of your body. “Oh please, you think I’m ever going to get this burnt again?”
“You won't once I lather you up in sunscreen.”
“I just wanted to get a little tanner to give off goddess vibes.”
“Babe, you already do that.” The way your eyes widen and glimmer at his words makes Satoru fight the urge to pat himself on the back. “My sunburnt goddess.” He admires the lighter skin tones from where your swimsuit was to the darker tones of your sunburn. God, your skin was so pretty, even when it was burnt.
“Oh, haha, asshole. Sunburnt Goddess, my ass.”
“It's true; allow me to lather you in aloe vera and fan you with a palm tree leaf.”
You rub your face against the sheets. “But of course, my devote ivory follower~”
“Heeey, why am I the ivory follower?”
“Have you seen your pasty ass?”
Your boyfriend's hands stop their treading as he sputters in shock. “Pasty ass?! Pasty!?” You laugh out loud, lifting your head to look up at him. “I do not have a pasty ass!”
“I'm sure the astronauts in the space station can see your pasty ass when you're naked,” Gojo grumbles, digging in the bag and opening something. “The aliens can see your glorious ass from galaxies away. The honored one's ass, the strongest ass of the modern age.” Gojo perks up with a smirk, nodding as he slaps a cool patch on your forehead.
“Keep going, sweetheart~ I'm almost there~.”
You don't get any further as Gojo grabs one of his oversized t-shirts and carefully slips it on you. “Thank you, Satoru, for taking such good care of me, Satoru.” Your boyfriend grins, eyes shutting as he lies down next to you, teaching into his bag, handing you a popsicle.
“You're welcome, sweetheart.”
You both lick at your popsicles in the cool air of the hotel room. When a single thought crosses your eyes, wander over your boyfriend's exquisite body. “Hey Toru?” the man is sucking down on his popsicle like he was giving it the gluck-gluck-five thousand.
“Can you get sunburned with infinity?”
“Huh,” he blinked slowly, “I mean, the special grade curse Jogo didn't burn me—so I'm assuming not. Just another benefit of being the honored one.”
“The honored one with a pasty ass.” A smirk pulls at the corner of your mouth as Satoru chokes on his sugary treat.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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siythn · 4 months
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I Forgot That You Existed (feat. Satoru Gojo) [Limited Edition CD]
GOJO X READER! You'd long forgotten your ex-boyfriend Satoru Gojo is what you'd like to tell yourself. No, you didn't miss him, not one bit. But, when running into him at a club, is that what you can keep telling yourself? Or was it just the shots and high emotions you keep endorsing in? ❝IT ISN'T LOVE, IT ISN'T HATE, IT'S JUST INDIFFERENCE❞ ᥫ᭡ LOVER; MASTERLIST
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The neon lights of the club pulsed in time with the heavy bass of the music, casting a colorful glow over the crowded dance floor.
You sipped your drink, trying to enjoy the party your friends had dragged you to. It was a welcome distraction from the routine of exorcising curses and the loneliness that had settled in your heart over the past year.
Going to grab a shot for your friend from the bar before suddenly freezing, feeling a familiar—powerful presence behind you. You turn around, now face to face with the one person you never expected to see here—Satoru Gojo. His striking white hair and signature sunglasses made him impossible to miss, even in the dim, flashing lights.
"Is that you?!" he shouted over the music, his voice a mix of surprise and excitement.
"Satoru?" you responded, your voice barely audible over the thumping beats. The crowd jostled you both, pushing you closer together.
"Long time no see!" he said, leaning in so you could hear him, grin lighting up his face. His breath brushed your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"Yeah," you replied, slipping a fallen strand of hair behind your ear; trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably. "What are you doing here?"
"Got dragged here by some friends," he shouted back, his lips getting dangerously close to your ear. "You?"
"Same," you said, feeling the tension build as the crowd pressed you closer. His proximity was intoxicating. You can’t help but reminisce on the memories where he had been this near; you’d been trying to bury for weeks.
The music changed to a slower, more sensual beat, and the crowd around you shifted, swaying to the rhythm. You and Gojo were pushed even closer together, your bodies almost touching.
"It's so crowded," you muttered, eyes slightly starting to glare at the people around you. You failed to pick up the tone of your voice, and how it tinged with frustration and something else—something you didn't want to admit.
"Yeah, it is," Gojo agreed, his eyes locking onto yours after taking a glance at the crowd. The playful smirk you remembered so well danced on his lips. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," you lied. The truth was, being this close to him was stirring up a whirlwind of emotions you thought you’d be done with a long time ago. It’s why you’re out here at a club, trying to get wasted, right?
The crowd surged again, causing Gojo to stumble slightly. He reached out to steady himself, his hand landing on your waist. The touch was electric—a faint shiver went up your spine from his cold hands. You could slowly feel your promises breaking.
Opening your mouth to respond, you get interrupted by your friend, who had lost track of you earlier, appearing out of nowhere from the back of you. Shouting over the music with two new drinks found in her hand.
"Hey! There you are!" she yelled, grabbing your arm. "Come on, you have to get on the dance floor! It's insane out there!"
You turned to her, trying to explain, but before you could get a word out, she noticed Gojo standing in front of you. Her eyes widened, and a sly grin spread across her face as she recognized him.
"Oh," she said, her voice taking on a teasing tone. "Never mind, enjoy yourself. Text me if you need me."
She gave you a wink and a knowing look before disappearing back into the throng of dancing bodies. You would murder her if you could. Not even the beaming lights could help your embarrassment. Slowly turn back to Gojo, who was watching the exchange with a bemused smile.
"Friends," he said, leaning in closer so you could hear him over the music. "They always know, don't they?"
"Yeah," you agreed, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "They always do."
He lets out a hum. "Look," he said, his voice softer now, almost lost in the noise around you. Almost like he was now embarrassed, but not enough to break eye contact. "I've missed you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. "Satoru, this isn't the time—"
"Maybe not," he interrupted, his grip on your waist tightening slightly as another wave of people pushed you together. "But I've been thinking about you a lot. About us."
You tried to pull away, but the crowd was relentless, and his touch was making it impossible to think clearly. "We ended things for a reason, Satoru."
"I know," he said, his voice full of regret. "But maybe we were wrong."
You looked up at him, searching his eyes for the sincerity you needed to hear. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying," he replied, leaning in closer, "that I don't want to forget you. That I want to try again."
Your heart pounded in your chest as his words sunk in. The music, the lights, the crowd—all of it faded into the background as you focused on him. It was too much, the drinks, the overwhelming about of people, him. "What if it doesn't work out?"
"Then at least we tried," he said, his voice full of conviction. "But I have a feeling it will. Because we belong together."
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, hear rushing up your neck. This is so stupid. So so stupid. "Satoru, I—"
Before you could finish, the crowd surged once more, pushing you into his arms. He held you tightly, his lips brushing against your ear. "Just think about it, okay?"
You nodded against his shoulder, unable to find the words. The music shifted again, and the crowd began to thin out as people moved to different parts of the club. Gojo loosened his grip but didn't let go entirely, moving back slightly to stare at your face.
"Let's get out of here," he suggested, his eyes never leaving yours. "Someplace quieter, where we can talk."
You took a deep breath, looked around as if to find an answer to your problems, feeling a mix of hope and fear. "Okay."
The bar was a welcome change from the chaotic club, with a more relaxed atmosphere and soft jazz playing in the background. You took a seat at the bar, and before you could say anything, Gojo waved the bartender over and ordered a drink.
"A classic margarita please," he said with a confident smile, as if he was bragging.
You raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You remembered."
"Of course I did," he replied, turning to you with a grin. "Some things are hard to forget."
The bartender quickly returned with your drink and a whiskey for Gojo. You took a sip, the familiar taste bringing a small smile to your lips. "Thanks you"
Gojo clinked his glass against yours. "To new beginnings?"
"Maybe," you said, dragging out the word with a hint of caution in your voice. "Or to understanding the past."
He nodded, taking a sip of his drink before setting it down, turning to face you. "Fair enough. So, how have you been, really?"
You sighed, staring off to the arrow of alcoholic bottles while swirling your drink in your hand. "It's been a tough year. A lot of work, just trying to keep busy."
"I know the feeling," he noted, arms crossing against his chest. "I've missed you, more than I realized."
You looked at him, seeing the genuine regret in his eyes. A part of you wants to take him up on his offer immediately, your past with him was unlike any other. It was intimate, it was love. "Why now, Satoru? Why reach out after all this time?"
A mix of a sigh and hum come out his throat as he runs a hand through his white hair. "Because I couldn't stop thinking about you. About us. There was just so much going on—and I realized that maybe we gave up too soon."
"It wasn't easy at all," you admitted, feeling a lump form in your throat as you slightly wince at the memories. "I had stuff going on—you did too. It just got to a point where none of us had time for each other. It wasn’t healthy, Satoru.
"True," he muttered while nodding. "But I've been thinking. . .that it wouldn’t hurt to try again. For us to try again.”
You looked down at your drink, the emotions swirling inside you as chaotic as the crowd you'd just left. "But, what if it just turns out like it did before?"
"We did something, we tried at the most,” with a soft tone, he reaching out to gently take your hand. "But I have a feeling it will. Because I still care about you. And I have a good feeling you still care too.”
You felt your practically melt at his words. You hate to admit, but the walls you had built around your feelings started to crumble. Starting to let him in once more. "I do care, Satoru. I mean, I never stopped."
"Then let's not waste any more time," he stated, a hopeful smile spreading across his face. "Let's go on a date. A proper one. And make up for lost time."
You took a deep breath. Being honest, you didn’t know how to feel. If truthfully nothing worked out to plan, how bad would it hit you? Would you be okay with that? But looking into Gojo's eyes, you saw the sincerity and the longing, and it made you believe that maybe, just maybe, this time things could be different.
"Okay," you squeeze his hand twice. "One more try."
Gojo's smile widened, and he raised his glass again. "To new beginnings."
Clinking your glass with his, you can’t help the massive smile that breaks out on your face. The redness on your cheeks doesn’t make it any better.
“To new beginnings."
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