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Dear Mutuals,
This gif set is for you.
I haven’t been online since Friday 23rd, which is quite poopy of me, since I haven’t answered your kind messages and reblogged your posts, which I really enjoy doing. I’ve had a self-induced SKAM hiatus. I feel really happy when I see a fellow mutual post a gif set, text post or a piece of art they’ve created for this wonderful SKAMily. I’ve just been in my emo state and closed myself off from tumblr and the world of SKAM (which you can see from my unupdated blog). I didn’t know how the reaction of it all ending would be here on tumblr, and since my cat has started to refuse being a cuddly ball of fluff in which I bury all my tears in, I didn’t have anyone to be around with physically (except for my cat and horse, but they don’t really understand when I go all emo on them) to help solve my many personal emotions that were raised with the last clip and all of the seasons of SKAM. But I’ve revived myself, and can see myself staying here on tumblr until the foreseeable future. I’ve made too many friends to just shut myself from tumblr for much longer, and I’d really like to continue being in touch with you all.
This gif set is each clip that Evak kissed<3 Sorry for not being online, sorry sorry sorry.
@br1skeby Faen Johanne, min Guru. I hope you know what you mean to me, so I’ll spare you a huuuugee multi-chapter piece of writing to show that (unless if you need a sudden boost of happiness, then dm me and I’ll be on it like a car bonnet)<3 Your writing metaphorically kills me each time you drop a new bomb ass chapter. I’m really happy I’m able to fangirl with you, be it over Evak, Yousana or Levi ;)
@beanievaltersen Hehe :3 As long as you’re happy with your new mattress, Evak and I am happy too :D  You must know what you mean to me too, but we need to revive our crazy theories about what all the Skam Squads are up to! Also, it’s an absolute honour to beta-read your artistry works!! kdjfakd I have no chill about how much I love it!!!
@du-er-ikkealene Elise, you will forever be my soup-bro :D (I really hope you remember why I’mma call you that, if not, I’ll remind you!) Taakk tak tak tak for introducing me to Kensington! They, and you, have inspired me to make cool gif sets of their beautiful, meaningful lyrics, and you will also forever continue to put me in awe of all the various, creative names you make up for Noorhelm :P  (Plus, ily)
@isakschili I’m now listening to Kent on a daily basis, thanks to you, crazy Swedish music-loving girl :*  And you neeeeeed to drop the second chapter of your fic ASAP!! You can’t just leave me hanging on an ending like that-- you’ll end up making me even more mad for your fic than I already am ;)  And, in my lil head, you’re my musician buddy! Once a musician buddy, always a musician buddy.
@julieseven Daaayyyyyaamnnnnnn Sue. You must also already know what you mean to me. But seriously tho... If you don’t, then open whatsapp later tonight, and you’ll find out fo sure then.
@levok I’m on the countdown for roasting the new US Skam with you! That’s the only reason as to why I’m probably going to watch it!! And you have contributed to me writing better Danish and thinking outside the box in regards to theories and all, which is really ace! Tak, tak tak tak!! And you’re a bloody wonderful person to talk to! You never fail to make me snort air out of my nose, which basically counts as a laugh.
@prinsenimittliv Tenna I promise I’m going to write that headcanon for you! I feel really bad that I’ve left it so long, but it’s given me more time to think about different angles I can take it from<3 For every beautiful piece of art you create, I will in return write you especially a headcanon! Alt for dig, girl! Plus, dayyYYYAAAmmmMMMMmmmmm your haircut looks hella fine! :*
@chillerhjemmeisak I keep on saying it, and I’ll say it again: GOOD LUCK ON YOUR A-LEVELS!!!! :D  I promise you that with the power of The Biology Buddies, you will ace them! And that’s a promise! In an AU, we’re running around London in crazy Chris-inspired outfits.
@loooreleii Heyyy youu<3 I also hope you know how kind and sweet and funny and just all the lovely adjectives you are. Your artwork kills me (metaphorically) everytime! I’m so grateful that you share it with us<3  I really would like to keep in touch with you, also so that I can update you with how my new life in Germany will be (Update: I’VE FOUND A FAMILY TO LIVE WITH!!! IN STUTTGART, well not in Stuttgart, in a little town outside of it, but still!) Ich liebe dich<3  Plus, I’m buzzing with all sorts of ideas for the 5 different kisses drabble idea you gave me! Can’t wait to write it for you!
@asflowerpot1 You were the first person I spoke to on this crazy site! If you hadn’t reached out to me so that we could fangirl together, I probably would’ve stayed alone and quite in my own lil fangirl bubble :)  I love how we can literally feel each other’s emotions through the use of caps lock and I just really connect with you! I look forward to continuing our crazy long messages and emo feels together!<3
@eivseank Diana, promise that you’ll remember this: Du. Er. Ikke. Alene. I will be there for you to share our happiness between us, and our sad times. Because that’s what friends do. Please, please remember that<3  I love our long messages about travelling the world and eating 100% cocoa chocolate! :P  Make sure to sleep really well this summer, and to eat loads of ice-cream!!
@isaksredscarf Gael, you da BOMB!.com  Thank you again, endlessly for bringing me into the skamfwn- it’s really boosted my confidence in writing, and everytime I published some little drabble, I always knew I could count on you to tell me how it was!<3 I’ve got an AO3 now, where I’m called tacha_bacha because I thought ‘mannentilminkardemomme’ would be quite long :P  so, yay! This past week I’ve been slowly easing my way back into the wonderful, glorious SKAM world by reading and writing fic, which has definitely lifted my m00d by 110%, no doubt about it. Say ‘hi’ to your fuffy, adorable cat!
@sweetevak Ayo Emotional Overload, let’s keep sending dank memes of Honk vs. Cat in sunglasses :D  Also, I’ll literally never let you forget that you were the one to get me into writing!! You’re a godess! (At least, you’re my writing godess). I miss when you’d send seriously cute lil headcanons of Evak- they were pure and sweet, and just what every single hc in this crazy world should be made of<3
I’m going on holiday to The Motherland (aka. Denmark) this Tuesday for 11 days with my friend who has never been, and I’m not bringing my laptop, so writing any drabble will be harder on my phone, but I will do it for you all!! Because I love writing for you and seeing your sweet reactions in the tags and comments. I’m also bringing a notepad along, so there will definitely be a lot of inspiration coming to me! I’ve already started thinking about writing an AU -whaaaaaaattt???? This is new territory for me, but I’m so excited to be doing it with all of you, both my beautiful mutuals and followers (AND BEAUTIFUL ANON, IF YOU’RE READING THIS THEN REMEMBER THAT YOU PHYSICALLY AND LITERALLY MAKE ME SMILE!!!!! WHICH IS ONE OF THE BEST EFFECTS ONE CAN HAVE ON A PERSON!)
Jeg elsker dere alle! Have a wonderful summer. I really look forward to reblogging EVERYTHING I see! *sends an infinite amount of kisses*
Love from,
Natacha :o)
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holduwheremyheartis · 7 years
92 truths tag
rules: say 92 truths about yourself and when you’re done tag 25 people.
tagged by @aaronabrams and @twinksinlove !! thank you ♥♥
i’m tagging: @twoshipstiedup @whasting @seplei @urfookinjob @jchnmulaney @beanievaltersen :)) 
Drink: water
Phone call: my sister
Text message: my friend 
Song you listened to: song for isabelle by pierce the veil
Time you cried: lmao yesterday
Dated someone twice: nope
Been cheated on: idk kinda??
Kissed someone and regretted it: no
Lost someone special: yeah
Been depressed: not sure lmao
Been drunk and thrown up: been drunk yes, thrown up never
Made a new friend: yeah
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: yeah lmao
Met someone who changed you: kinda
Found out who your true friends are: not really
Found out someone was talking about you: nope
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?:  0 lmao
Do you have any pets?: a rat ♥ 
Do you want to change your name?: nope
What time did you wake up this morning: 5 ugh
What were you doing last night: watching rip vine compilations
Name something you cannot wait for: ummm idk
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: not that i can remember
What’s getting on your nerves right now: not finding a job
Blood type: O negative i think
Relationship status: idek lmao
Zodiac sign: aries
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite show: skam
College: dropped out last year, thinking about what i want to do lmao
Hair color: brown
Do you have a crush on someone: yes
What do you like about yourself: my hair, my eyes idk
First surgery: -
First piercing: 2016
First sport you joined: idk
First vacation: can’t remember?? 
First pair of sneakers: idk lmao
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
I’m about to: queue this post + some other posts and go to bed
Listening to: besitos - pierce the veil
Want kids: nope
Get married: maybe
Career: -
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: both?? or maybe hugs
Shorter or taller: taller
Older or younger: older
Romantic or spontaneous: both
Sensitive or loud: idk
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: a mixture of both
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank hard liquor: nope
Lost contacts/glasses: nope
Sex on first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: probably??
Been arrested: nope
Turned someone down: yeah lmao
Fallen for a friend: yeah ,,
In yourself: not really
Miracles: idk
Love at first sight: yeah
Heaven: not sure
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evakfanficsrecs · 7 years
Hey sweeties! Do you know fics in which Even hates Isak or Isak hates Even and they slowly fall in love with each other?
Hello, love!
Listen, I was about to link you to our Hate to Love!au tag, but then I realized that we haven’t actually done a proper rec list of those for months??? So saddle up, lovely, because this has been a long overdue and it’s bound to get pretty long! ;)
thought i had you in the palm of my hand that night by hippopotamusSummary: They’re roommates, and they don’t get on at all. Until they do, at which point Even decides to develop a useless crush. 
I call'em as I see'em…But Sometimes I Don’t See So Well by HazyCosmicJiveSummary: Isak just wants to study, he doesn’t want a new roommate who walks around naked all the time and constantly tests his patience. 
just a silly phase by thekardemommeSummary: Isak and Even don’t like each other. (Also: Isak and Even play 7 Minutes in Heaven.) Time heals all wounds.
You Don’t Even Know Me! by cuteandtwisted Summary: “Let’s keep our daddy issues out of work,“ said Even. “Excuse me?!” Or: The one in which Isak and Even are interns who start on the wrong foot and don’t like each other at all (except that they do). 
take me to the stars by iriswestsSummary: Isak thinks Even is pretentious and impractical. Even thinks Isak is arrogant and uptight. They’re not each other’s biggest fans, even if they do happen to have spectacular sex on a very, very drunken night. And Isak doesn’t mean to do it again, but he does, anyway, so now they’re establishing ground rules and deciding that maybe they can keep doing this, no strings attached, no commitments, no feelings, and, most importantly, no need to stop disliking each other.And then it’s not quite that simple anymore. 
The Notion of Falling by smokeshop Summary: Isak hates Even and Even hates Isak and Sana is the only one who knows why.
Come On, Set the Tone by boxesofflowers & EeyoreneedsahugSummary: Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music and has the skills to make his own way in the musical world (just like his newly found idol, Even Bech Naesheim). Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody - anyone in his cult following will tell you (including a certain popstar). Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 9 weeks, 50 shows, and countless hours (together) on the tour bus leave Even writing cryptic love songs and Isak wondering if he should leave everything he knows behind. Ft. BL!SS, Balloon Squad, Wireless Problems, Jonas, and the Wobbles
Not in the stars to hold our destiny by Stria (Asia117)Summary: “What the fuck,” Even murmurs, and Isak almost wants to mock him, but he refrains. He’s not 16 anymore. “Everything okay, Isak?” “Peachy.” Isak doesn’t look at him. “Go find someone else to talk to.” Miss him with that shit. “Wow, what the fuck. Get off your high horse.” Even sounds irritated, too. Good. Isak just snorts. “When you’ll take off that stick from your ass,” he hisses, and then goes up to Mikha. He doesn’t need to make a scene in front of everyone. (Or, the one in which Even and Isak can’t stand each other, but they still end up together eventually.)
in the morning you’ll dance with all the headache by bluesterekSummary: “Why do you hate me? Is it still about that kiss in first grade?” “You kissed my crush in front of me, Even.” “Yeah well, sorry about that, but that was like a century ago. Besides, you don’t even like girls.” “Excuse me, what?”. Or, Isak hates Even. Even hates Isak. But fortunately, Sana is going to make everything work.
Not Everything Is About You by HazyCosmicJiveSummary: Isak hates his neighbor. He’s loud, he’s inconsiderate, and he’s loud. When he finally gets a well deserved break from his obnoxious neighbor, somehow the asshole ends up flooding his entire apartment. He doesn’t want to do it, but with nowhere else to go he ends up taking the guy’s offer up and staying with him until his apartment is useable again.
If You Don’t Love Me, Don’t Tell Me by quickwitlipsSummary: Even’s two sided personality is what drives Isak’s hatred towards him. An asshole frat boy at night while he parties, then a top student by day who charms everyone with his bright smile. Except, Isak doesn’t believe that Even has any good intentions.
Not A Chance by bashfulisakSummary: Isak and Even don’t know much about each other - but while in the cafeteria, they can’t keep their eyes off each other and eventually they can’t keep their hands off, either.
helium hearts (we’re on fire) by itjustkindahappenedSummary: 10 Things I Hate About You!AU. Eva enrolls at Hartvig Nissens VGS in Oslo and falls headfirst for the popular and pretty Vilde Lien. Vilde, however, is not allowed to date until Isak—her sarcastic, misantropic introvert of a step brother—does. Together with her new group of friends, Eva comes up with a plan to set Isak up with the school’s rumor-ridden bad boy Even Bech Næsheim so she can take her crush out. Featuring stargazing, parties, and endless pining.
Crystal Dust by LiolnySummary: “Right. Some advice for the future -” His eyes were glinting with something that could almost be described as playfulness but nonetheless screamed mystery. “Since I’m assuming you’re not some kind of MARVEL character” he paused “- looking through my head to see that clock,” he continued, pointing a thump over his shoulder, “is probably not gonna happen. I’m also sure your MacBook is more than capable of informing you about the time.” Isak was startled to say the least. He also just so happened to be the last person to be mocked by anybody, no less some arrogant prick, who thought he could just be smug in Isak’s face without consequences. Or: Even Bech Næsheim is a mystery and apparently there is no way in hell that he could be Isak’s soulmate.
Caught in the Crossfire by CrochetingWordsSummary: AU where Isak and Sana are police officers and partners working for the Oslo police department. Even used to work for the Oslo police department and is now Oslo’s most well known private detective who assists the department in cases while documenting them on his blog. Isak is not impressed with the famous good looking detective is already at the crime scene he was called out to…
blue and green wrapped in gold by beanievaltersenSummary: “You know, that blush really suits you"Isak choked on air, ducking his head down a little, his entire face feeling like it was on fire.“Shut up!” Isak said, daring to sneak a glance back up at Even.He was grinning. Of course he was. Fuck you. Or, a hate to love uni!AU with 19 year old Isak and 21 year old Even.
Breathe Me Gently by i_once_wrote_a_dreamSummary: Isak Valtersen. He doesn’t like him. He just doesn’t. The kid has everything too easy. Good grades. Good friends. Probably has parents that love him. Even fucking hates him. Alternatively, a Being 17 au.
If You Don’t Love Me, Don’t Tell Me by quickwitlipsSummary: Even’s two sided personality is what drives Isak’s hatred towards him. An asshole frat boy at night while he parties, then a top student by day who charms everyone with his bright smile. Except, Isak doesn’t believe that Even has any good intentions.
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skamficwriters · 7 years
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It’s happening!!  The second intake is here!!  I’m chuffed to introduce the following peeps to this net:
@evennaeshiem / @evamoans / @-lostinthemaze- / @brionbroadway / @skamfairy / @nooradeservedbetter / @theskamgirlsdeservebetter / @lesbian-noora / @nooralikesgirls / @tiptopevak / @evenogisakk / @sapphdust / @gayvildelien / @mannentilminkardemomme / @finnivkodair / @milominderbindered / @isakschili / @julieseven / @beanievaltersen / @askybison /
What do yo u need to do now?
be excited!!!!!
submit to me the description you want put on the network page along with an icon (bearing in mind it will adjust itself to be 90x90)
please include in your description:
your name (or whatever alias you use on tumblr)
the username of the blog you write from (in case anyone wants to send you a prompt!)
a rough idea of the ships (platonic or otherwise!) you write for
track the network tag! #SkamFWN
feel free to post things you write in this tag, that way we can all see your wonderful creations and share them! (it’s also so much easier than tagging a dozen people or refreshing your favourite writer’s blog haha)
if you’re a selfie kinda person totally share your selfies in this tag so we can see the faces behind the works we love so much!
do you create other things too? are you the creator of amazing gifs or mind blowing edits or the ever favourite crack posts? totally chill if you want to post those to the tag too
Once you’ve submitted your description and icon to me I’ll add you to the network page on this blog and make you a member of the private chat blog so we can get to know each other!
Congrats again guys!
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jiminsfringe · 7 years
Even still wasn’t answering any of Isak’s texts, and it hurt, a lot. Isak wasn’t sure what was going on, and as always his brain would never shut off and let him rest.
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luffysfakebeard · 7 years
I was tagged by @beanievaltersen way back on June 8th but panicked because I didn’t have ten songs I was really into so I kept putting it up
Rules: list 10 songs you’re currently vibing on and tag 10 people
1) Thunder by Imagine Dragons 2) Start Over by Imagine Dragons 3) Don’t Play by Halsey 4) Kingdom of Zod by Billy Talent 5) You Don’t Own Me by Grace ft G-Eazy 6) Still Breathing by Green Day 7) Agenda by Kate Nash 8) Cirque dans La Rue by Plain White T’s 9) Killer by Plain White T’s 10) Wolves by Rag’N’Bone Man ft Stig of the Dump
Imma tag @milominderbindered, @betchnaesheim, @evakkjaereste, @elibeer, @tequiladimples, @thekardemomme, @littlespooneven, @henriksimans, @tiptopevak, @mannentilminkardemomme
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softparrishs · 7 years
Thank you @godeven for tagging me! 💛
Rules: list 10 songs you’re currently vibing on and tag 10 people.
1. Feels Like We Only Go Backwards - Tame Impala 2. Easy - Son Lux 3. Closer (Presents Remix) - Kings of Leon 4. Apologize - Matilda 5. School Beauty Queen - Charlie Straight 6. Vampire Smile - Kyla La Grange 7. Kids - Mikky Ekko 8. Hoops - The Rubens 9. Sunset - The xx 10. Wings - Birdy
I tag: @henriktheholm, @sanathequeen, @alohomra, @lidiaquilar, @beanievaltersen, @john-shelbys, @transisak, @c-ardamom, @amysantigao, @e-naesheim and everyone who wants to do this. 💛
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I accidently said “no” to ‘do you like waffles’, I meant to say ‘no brainer’ but my mouth went quicker that my brain and that’s a perfect example of my social skills :’)
THANK YOU TO @julieseven for tagging me!! This was so fun to make and I looked forward to making it all day at school today :D Yaayyay this is why the SKAMily is so special and precious!! Elsker dere alle!
I would like to tag @sweetevak @beanievaltersen @levok @isakschili if you guys would like to partake! I’m really intrigued to hear your accents!
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folerdetdufoler · 7 years
i was tagged by bella, thanks so much ma chère! @beanievaltersen
Rules: list 10 songs you’re currently vibing on and tag 10 people.
i don’t listen to music casually so most of the songs i’m vibing on are what i pick up from other things (skamskamskam) or what everyone was listening to months ago, so y’all know all about these.
1. don’t worry - madcon 2. håper du har plass - cezinando 3. backbeat - dagny 4. don’t kill my vibe - sigrid 5. perfect - ed sheeran 6. slow hands - niall horan 7. call on me - starley (ryan riback remix) 8. sweet lovin’ - sigala 9. stay - zedd, alessia cara 10. thunder - imagine dragons
not going to tag anyone because i feel like i saw most of my dash tagged or doing this already. but holler if you wanna introduce us to some new music!
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holduwheremyheartis · 7 years
20 Questions
i was tagged by @backtohazza (thank u ♥)
Name: Camila
Nickname/s: Ca, Cam
Zodiac Sign: aries
Height: 163cm (5′4 i think)
Orientation: bi
Ethnicity: white
Favorite Fruit: pineapple 
Favorite Book Series: Harry Potter
Favorite Flower: uMMm i don’t have one lmao
Favorite Smell: cinnamon
Favorite Season/s: winter
Favorite Animal/s: dogs and rats
Favorite Color/s: pink and black
Coffee,Tea or Cocoa?: coffee 
Average Sleep Hours: around 6 maybe?? idk
Favorite Fictional Character/s: Draco Malfoy my son 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 1 or 2
Dream Trip: i’d love to travel around all of europe lmao,,, and los angeles too
Blog created: 2011 rip 
Number of followers: 5,579
i tag @twoshipstiedup @adoredlou @aaronabrams @beanievaltersen @parsleybabe @harrykindsoul @giggleslarrie @sugarlous and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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hexgirlpower · 8 years
get to know me
I was tagged by @beanievaltersen to do this!! thank you!!
Get to know your followers and let them get to know you like the little SKAM-family we are! Answer the questions and then tag 5 people who you want to know more about! tag #Get to know me skam
by @linneaxskam
Name: kennedy
Country: usa
Date of birth: december 24th
Height: 5′8′’ (and a half)
Orientation: bisexual
Relationship status: single and lonely 
Occupation: high school student
Hobbies: drawing, painting, photography, watching skam, listening to music, exercising, making vegan food, feminism 
Favourite season (of the year not Skam I know what you were thinking): fall all the way
Favourite Book: le petit prince by  antoine de saint-exupéry
Last song you listened to: happy by marina and the diamonds
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: hot chocolate
How much do you use ketchup on a scale from 1-not at all, to 5-on all foods: probably a 1.5 i only eat it with fries
Average hours of sleep: between 4 and 10
Last thing you googled: branchiosaurus (i love dinosaurs)
Last message you sent someone: “super excited!!”
Who do you think will be S4 main?: even all the way
Favourite Skam character: isak. i love him so much
Biggest not canon ship: eva x noora. i’m a STRONG believer that s2 should’ve been about their relationship instead of noora x william because i throw up in my mouth everytime i see him
Best Skam quote: alt er love
How did you find out about Skam: a gifset man
Blog created: i’ve been on tumblr for years but i created this blog in november
Why did i choose my URL: that white sweater that isak wears in s1 and the o helga natt scene :’))
Number of followers atm: 719
i tag: @redskam @rosyevak @skevak @evvak @skamlust (sorry if you’ve already been tagged!! also, don’t feel like you have to do this lol)
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jiminsfringe · 7 years
Chapter 2 is up!🌟🌸☀️🌷✨
Chapter summary:
“I don’t even like winter that much. Or snow, for that matter” Isak said, looking around at the glistering world around them. ”I usually hang out inside this time of year.” Even smiled at him, his eyes sparkling with humour. ”Oooh, you must really like me then, being outside and all.” Isak could feel his cheeks heat up. ”I never said that.”
Even just looked at him, raising an eyebrow, a confident smile on his face “You didn’t have to. I can tell.”
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nohshinwoos · 8 years
Let’s Get Deep
I was tagged by the lovely @tessalabessa and @dreamlikeapsycho (thanks babes <3).  I’ve already taken the test once before, but of course I didn’t write down my percentage so I had to take it again :)
Rules: take the 16 personalities test and then reblog this and replace my answers with your own :)
Personality Type: INFP-T Name: “The Meditator” Percentages: 88% Introverted 72% Intuitive 63% Feeling 43% Judging 82% Turbulent
Tagging time! @tarjeiandhenrik, @isakiyakis, @koninginnen, @beanievaltersen, @tarjeisandvikmoe, @betchnaesheim ...and if you don’t want to do it, that’s fine :)
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honkhonkholm · 8 years
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I was tagged by @snugglyevak and @linneaxskam to post my phone background (Well i meet Henrik of course he is gonna be my background everywhere) I'm gonna tag @skam-addiction @alterskam @skam-everyday @cuddlyevak @beanievaltersen @evakvaltersen (sorry if you guys have already been tagged in something like this and you don't have to do it if you don't want to)
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bangzchan · 8 years
I want vilde as the protagonist of season 4 because she is funny and would do anything for her friends. You are very similar to her in my head. For this I like you a lot. Do you believe you are like her? Who of your skam friends would be in your girl squad if you were in skam? Sorry english is not my first language ^_^ I love your blog
awww omg im !!!! i love vilde and i do think im kinda like her?? both bc of doing anything for friends and also a bit her being naive haha wow and my squad would be @kardamomme @evenvalterson and @beanievaltersen i would die for them,,. and thank u!!
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To Tenna @prinsenimittliv
“i really want you to write a prompt with jealous even in s1, like what if they were together in s1 and those gifs are from evens pov, i mean, look at isak flirting like he doesn’t have a bf”
Fucking Julian Dahl.
Even never normally let the jealousy take charge of him and his mood, but this was the last straw. It had to be the last straw, since Isak was his. Not Julian’s. His.
He had been lenient with Julian ever since Isak introduced him to Even as a childhood friend a couple of weeks ago. Even couldn’t help but let the slight jealousy go a little at the time given how happy and relaxed Isak was around his old friends. Keeping Isak’s mood high and his mind off of what was currently happening at home with his parents was Even’s main priority, so seeing his little moody teenager being free and happy for a change, be it even with fucking Julian Dahl was more than enough. The two boys had started talking again when they found out that they shared a couple of classes with each other at Nissen, since their friendship was abruptly interrupted when the summer holiday started and everything went to shit at Isak’s home. Even was comfortable with all the small talk and the inside jokes between the two younger boys of course, but Isak was ever so slightly starting to share with Julian his special smile, his special laugh and everything that Even thought was only shown between him and Isak. Yes, Isak was only in his first year of Nissen. And yes, it was important that he had a stable friendship group.
But in the heat of the moment Even decided that this had gone too far.
The tall boy stood there on the opposite side of the school grounds circled by his classmates from the previous lesson, perfectly placed in relation to Isak so that he could tactically zone out of the immature mumblings from those around him and dream about his golden boy for twenty minutes like he usually did. But Even had lost control over his jealousy and decided that today it had gone too far.
He clenched his fists ever so slightly, staring at Isak so intensely that his eyes might as well have had been lasers and walked over in Isak’s direction with one thing on his mind: he’s mine.
As he neared his small smiling sunshine, he made sure to gently bump into Julian with enough force to make him realise that Even was now dominating this space. He came round to Isak’s side, perched on the bench with him, wrapped his arm around his waist and sneakily pulled him into his side.
“Hey, baby.” Even smiled to Isak, stealing his attention away from Julian.
“Hey! Even!” He smiled even wider back, “You remember Julian, my old friend from Grefsen-”
“Yes, you’ve mentioned him before.” Even nodded politely to Julian with a forced nice-guy smile on his lips, trying his best to make sure that Julian finally got the message to just back off already.
Julian quickly noticed the game that was being played here, “Hi, Even! So good to see you again. You know, Isak was just mentioning about how we should all go out one night and have pre-drinks together.” What the hell? That’s not for you to join in on. Get your own group of friends.
Even winced at the thought of being near Julian anywhere outside of school, and immediately knew what he was doing. He knew how he was taking a slight advantage of Isak’s fragile state. Sneaky little bugger.
“Oh my word, yes! That would be so great. Us three and the boys all together, like in the old days. Well, not exactly like that but, you know. Jonas would enjoy spending time time with you again, we all would.” Isak responded with a little too much excitement in his voice than Even could handle. Why am I letting Julian get to me like this.
“Oh cool. I heard that some first year girls were having a party with the ‘97 guys this Friday, so we could do it then.” Julian responded, a smug smile spreading over his lips accompanied by confidence in his voice. You’re not getting away from this easily, Julian.
“We can go to that one, can’t we, Even?” Isak nudged him slightly, suddenly turning Even’s attention back to his sunshine boy. Oh how wonderful and sweet he could be in innocent moments like these.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Great, so it’s a date.” Julian confidently told them before walking away with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. What’s that guy’s problem? Can’t he see that he doesn’t stand a chance here?
Even hadn’t dropped his dead-pan face of no remorse until Isak gently stroked away the frowns that were collecting on his forehead. “What’s on your mind?”
Fucking Julian Dahl.
“You, of course, like always.” Even still didn’t feel confident enough to expose Isak with a kiss in front of all his classmates at school, so he just lent down to his ear and whispered “I’ve just really fallen for you.”
He could feel Isak blush from under his hold around his waist, even just from those couple of words. So he tightened his grip a little more and pulled him in closer, “Fy faen, you look so good with your hair like that.”
Little did it take for Isak to melt from the inside in response to Even’s words, so he tried to hide his shy smile and red face from him by looking at the ground, his eyes looking for an object to focus on, but finding none.
“Look at me.” Even brought his hand to Isak’s chin and softly tilted it upwards so that they were now facing each other at a slight angle. “You, Isak Valtersen, are a beautiful boy. Don’t let anyone else other than me say so, okay?” His big blue eyes now catching Isak’s attention.
Even pressed their foreheads together and for a second, or two, it was just a beautiful boy and a caring boy that were uncomfortably perched on a bench in the middle of the day, in the middle of Oslo, and to them it felt like being in the centre of the universe.
Thanks to @beanievaltersen for beta'ing! You da bomb.com🌟
Find it on ao3 here!! :D
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