punpunsutatta · 2 years
Bad Buddy One Year Anniversary Rewatch
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There’s only one month left until Bad Buddy’s first anniversary on Oct. 29th, which means we're all due for a rewatch soon! I talked Nuria @mrdumpling into doing this event with me, we haven't done this kinda thing before & we've been so excited about this (minus the part where GMMTV announced theirs first🙄 lol). We hope you guys will join us!
This event is from Oct 29th - Nov 16th. I wanted this to be fun for everyone, so the pace is a little slow— the schedule below gives us one day in-between episodes, minus weekends & the finale, so hopefully there's less stress over falling behind/finding time to watch.
Reblogging your favorite BB content
Liveblogging your rewatch/watch
Creating your own BB content→ anything! All gifs, edits, textposts, video edits, fanfic, fanart, memes, artwork, etc. for the episodes are welcome.
Please use the #BadBuddyRewatch tag in each of your posts so everyone can find and reblog them! They will be reblogged to a separate blog @badbuddyrewatch during the event.
Episode 1: October 29th
Episode 2: October 30th
Episode 3: Nov 1st
Episode 4: Nov 3rd
Episode 5: Nov 5th
Episode 6: Nov 6th
Episode 7: Nov 8th
Episode 8: Nov 10th
Episode 9: Nov 12th
Episode 10: Nov 13th
Episode 11: Nov 15th
Episode 12: Nov 16th
If you have any questions feel free to message me @patspran or nuria @mrdumpling
Please reblog to spread the word! Tagging people who may be interested below, the other half will be tagged in a reblog🤍
@abashed-the-devil-stood @ablazenqueen @actually-yikes @akksgaypanic @angelbesideme @architectxengineer @ardentlytess @athousandbyeol @baijingting @bearinglight @bevioletskies @billlkin @biwichapas @casualavocados @combeferret @cubedmango @deshimango @danyokz @dimpledpran @dimplespran @dragonsareawesome123 @dramaism @dribs-and-drabbles @earthfluuke @elnotwoods @epiphanjins @frostluvrs @ghostmagnetporsche @ghostpran @gilly-bean @hereforlou @inkpaa @ipromisedthesunset @isvisomewhere @jaehwany @jemmo @kaonoppakao @kinnkittisawasd @kookjis @kornin @laowen @liyazaki @loooreleii @loveisactivated @lovelyghostv
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dimplesandfierceeyes · 5 months
Nine people you'd like to get to know better
3 ships: At the moment, PatPran, CrowleyAziraphale, OngsaSun (it was hard picking one from 23.5 but these two just snagged it) 
First ship: Hmmmm… probably RonHermione, that I remember 
Last song: a girl like me by flowerovlove
Currently reading: technically I'm in the middle of “Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life” by Anna Funder but I haven't picked it up in months. I'm also reading Gumpa's Coffee Workshop by the amazing @loooreleii
Last movie: Mythica - high fantasy crowd-funded project that was… not the best haha
Currently Craving: Sleep 
Thanks for the tag, @airenyah and @23point5degree!
Tagging in return: @kalmeria, @formayhem, @itsladymay30 @sharingfandoms, @hereforlou, @faillen , @grapejuicegay , @greenteadumplings , @incandescentflower
Sorry if you've already done this and I'm just tagging you again!
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loooreleii · 2 years
"To Khatha, time means nothing. It doesn't matter when you have endless amounts of it, when it stretches out in front of you, vast and excessive, when its passing is irrelevant because you will get a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, and if that doesn't work, you simply start all over again.
The truth is, immortality is terribly, painfully boring."
- A KhathaDome magical flower shop AU
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bucktommmy · 1 year
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was tagged by @deshimango and @ahxu-laowen to do this picrew and it’s so cute, thank you for tagging me lovelies 💗
tagging some mutuals as well ✨ @nonkul @jiustian @loooreleii @oswlld @casualavocados @milkpansa @pranink @pranspat @kinnsporsche (only if y’all want 💗)
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chiakery · 1 year
Soo... @blorbologist decided it's a good idea to include me in a tag game... Here we go, folks.
rules: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs!
There's not many things I'm working on at the same time - I try to keep the number of my WIPs as low as possible in hope that it'll make it easier to finish them all... That worked well for me, as you can probably guess.
My current WIPs:
Cat burglars will rob you blind (vol. 11)
Acofaf strikes again
Within flowers (beauyasha)
Our children will feast on our flesh
Bookclub is just a cover story (WORK ON THIS ONE ALRDY GDDMT)
I can talk about these a lot, it scratches the itch to think about them without needing to actually write lol So if you want to know more, just tap that fancy button and ask me a question.
I don't really follow that many writers here and it's hard sometimes to track someone's Tumblr from their Ao3... Still, would love to know what's cooking in the heads of @katia-dreamer @loooreleii and @jinxcrafter !! (Feel free to ignore this, sorry for bothering you!)
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tinnchan · 2 years
you’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. who/what is it?
Thanks for the tag @smittenskitten ❤️
Co- star:
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Tagging: @loooreleii @nickysescapism @morathicain @nonkul @pranpats
You dont have to do this!
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jimmysea · 3 years
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Laura my beloved!!!! 💖💖💖 thank you sm for taking the time to send me this!! 🥺 Also I was too shy to send you a message, but I just wanted to let you know that I am in love with your writing!!! Like the talent jumped out!!! I hope you’ll keep gracing me and all the fandom with your amazing writing, can’t wait for another update of yours!!! 🥺✊🏻 take care baby and have a nice day/night! Thank you again 💖💖💖💖
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liyazaki · 3 years
Happy Birthday Mor! Hope you're having a great day 💛🎂
thank you so much, Laura! I’m spending the day at the spa then seeing Spider-Man in a dine-in theater later with my bestie, so I really can’t complain 😍💖
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Dear Mutuals,
This gif set is for you.
I haven’t been online since Friday 23rd, which is quite poopy of me, since I haven’t answered your kind messages and reblogged your posts, which I really enjoy doing. I’ve had a self-induced SKAM hiatus. I feel really happy when I see a fellow mutual post a gif set, text post or a piece of art they’ve created for this wonderful SKAMily. I’ve just been in my emo state and closed myself off from tumblr and the world of SKAM (which you can see from my unupdated blog). I didn’t know how the reaction of it all ending would be here on tumblr, and since my cat has started to refuse being a cuddly ball of fluff in which I bury all my tears in, I didn’t have anyone to be around with physically (except for my cat and horse, but they don’t really understand when I go all emo on them) to help solve my many personal emotions that were raised with the last clip and all of the seasons of SKAM. But I’ve revived myself, and can see myself staying here on tumblr until the foreseeable future. I’ve made too many friends to just shut myself from tumblr for much longer, and I’d really like to continue being in touch with you all.
This gif set is each clip that Evak kissed<3 Sorry for not being online, sorry sorry sorry.
@br1skeby Faen Johanne, min Guru. I hope you know what you mean to me, so I’ll spare you a huuuugee multi-chapter piece of writing to show that (unless if you need a sudden boost of happiness, then dm me and I’ll be on it like a car bonnet)<3 Your writing metaphorically kills me each time you drop a new bomb ass chapter. I’m really happy I’m able to fangirl with you, be it over Evak, Yousana or Levi ;)
@beanievaltersen Hehe :3 As long as you’re happy with your new mattress, Evak and I am happy too :D  You must know what you mean to me too, but we need to revive our crazy theories about what all the Skam Squads are up to! Also, it’s an absolute honour to beta-read your artistry works!! kdjfakd I have no chill about how much I love it!!!
@du-er-ikkealene Elise, you will forever be my soup-bro :D (I really hope you remember why I’mma call you that, if not, I’ll remind you!) Taakk tak tak tak for introducing me to Kensington! They, and you, have inspired me to make cool gif sets of their beautiful, meaningful lyrics, and you will also forever continue to put me in awe of all the various, creative names you make up for Noorhelm :P  (Plus, ily)
@isakschili I’m now listening to Kent on a daily basis, thanks to you, crazy Swedish music-loving girl :*  And you neeeeeed to drop the second chapter of your fic ASAP!! You can’t just leave me hanging on an ending like that-- you’ll end up making me even more mad for your fic than I already am ;)  And, in my lil head, you’re my musician buddy! Once a musician buddy, always a musician buddy.
@julieseven Daaayyyyyaamnnnnnn Sue. You must also already know what you mean to me. But seriously tho... If you don’t, then open whatsapp later tonight, and you’ll find out fo sure then.
@levok I’m on the countdown for roasting the new US Skam with you! That’s the only reason as to why I’m probably going to watch it!! And you have contributed to me writing better Danish and thinking outside the box in regards to theories and all, which is really ace! Tak, tak tak tak!! And you’re a bloody wonderful person to talk to! You never fail to make me snort air out of my nose, which basically counts as a laugh.
@prinsenimittliv Tenna I promise I’m going to write that headcanon for you! I feel really bad that I’ve left it so long, but it’s given me more time to think about different angles I can take it from<3 For every beautiful piece of art you create, I will in return write you especially a headcanon! Alt for dig, girl! Plus, dayyYYYAAAmmmMMMMmmmmm your haircut looks hella fine! :*
@chillerhjemmeisak I keep on saying it, and I’ll say it again: GOOD LUCK ON YOUR A-LEVELS!!!! :D  I promise you that with the power of The Biology Buddies, you will ace them! And that’s a promise! In an AU, we’re running around London in crazy Chris-inspired outfits.
@loooreleii Heyyy youu<3 I also hope you know how kind and sweet and funny and just all the lovely adjectives you are. Your artwork kills me (metaphorically) everytime! I’m so grateful that you share it with us<3  I really would like to keep in touch with you, also so that I can update you with how my new life in Germany will be (Update: I’VE FOUND A FAMILY TO LIVE WITH!!! IN STUTTGART, well not in Stuttgart, in a little town outside of it, but still!) Ich liebe dich<3  Plus, I’m buzzing with all sorts of ideas for the 5 different kisses drabble idea you gave me! Can’t wait to write it for you!
@asflowerpot1 You were the first person I spoke to on this crazy site! If you hadn’t reached out to me so that we could fangirl together, I probably would’ve stayed alone and quite in my own lil fangirl bubble :)  I love how we can literally feel each other’s emotions through the use of caps lock and I just really connect with you! I look forward to continuing our crazy long messages and emo feels together!<3
@eivseank Diana, promise that you’ll remember this: Du. Er. Ikke. Alene. I will be there for you to share our happiness between us, and our sad times. Because that’s what friends do. Please, please remember that<3  I love our long messages about travelling the world and eating 100% cocoa chocolate! :P  Make sure to sleep really well this summer, and to eat loads of ice-cream!!
@isaksredscarf Gael, you da BOMB!.com  Thank you again, endlessly for bringing me into the skamfwn- it’s really boosted my confidence in writing, and everytime I published some little drabble, I always knew I could count on you to tell me how it was!<3 I’ve got an AO3 now, where I’m called tacha_bacha because I thought ‘mannentilminkardemomme’ would be quite long :P  so, yay! This past week I’ve been slowly easing my way back into the wonderful, glorious SKAM world by reading and writing fic, which has definitely lifted my m00d by 110%, no doubt about it. Say ‘hi’ to your fuffy, adorable cat!
@sweetevak Ayo Emotional Overload, let’s keep sending dank memes of Honk vs. Cat in sunglasses :D  Also, I’ll literally never let you forget that you were the one to get me into writing!! You’re a godess! (At least, you’re my writing godess). I miss when you’d send seriously cute lil headcanons of Evak- they were pure and sweet, and just what every single hc in this crazy world should be made of<3
I’m going on holiday to The Motherland (aka. Denmark) this Tuesday for 11 days with my friend who has never been, and I’m not bringing my laptop, so writing any drabble will be harder on my phone, but I will do it for you all!! Because I love writing for you and seeing your sweet reactions in the tags and comments. I’m also bringing a notepad along, so there will definitely be a lot of inspiration coming to me! I’ve already started thinking about writing an AU -whaaaaaaattt???? This is new territory for me, but I’m so excited to be doing it with all of you, both my beautiful mutuals and followers (AND BEAUTIFUL ANON, IF YOU’RE READING THIS THEN REMEMBER THAT YOU PHYSICALLY AND LITERALLY MAKE ME SMILE!!!!! WHICH IS ONE OF THE BEST EFFECTS ONE CAN HAVE ON A PERSON!)
Jeg elsker dere alle! Have a wonderful summer. I really look forward to reblogging EVERYTHING I see! *sends an infinite amount of kisses*
Love from,
Natacha :o)
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youdontloveme-yet · 3 years
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[.insp] by @loooreleii
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alexshenry · 2 years
15 & 22
Hi, anon!
15: Talk about some of your favourite creators: what do you love most about their different creations? Everyone I follow is seriously so wonderful and talented, and I'm so blessed my dash is always filled with so many beautiful creations & creators. I’m going to cheat here and tag my favourite gifmakers, fic writers, meme lords, meta geniuses, etc, because they all deserve to be showered with love ♥ 
@nanons ♥ @tehohaews ♥  @patspran ♥ @snimeat ♥ @hislaststar ♥ @milkpansa ♥ @billlkin ♥ @patprans ♥
(no particular order): @nattawins @wkxbaby @thelondonfolly @leeshinah @angelbesideme @pharawee @loveisactivated @mirroroferisedx @tehohaew @25shadesoffebruary @nellsdani @surii @patpran @dribs-and-drabbles @talistheintrovert @nongnao @isvisomewhere @prany @ohmnanonsource @j-miki @jaehwany @pawat @athousandbyeol @shortpplfedup @elnotwoods @patprans @aheartandashirt @actually-yikes @miscellar @seeking-moonscapes @ahxu-laowen @pranpatsocool @casualavocados  @jemmo @epiphanjins @ablazenqueen @hislaststar @lovepattranite @machikeita @icouldhyperfixatehim @badprophetvx @ohmybitna @dramaism @ahsung @ingukk @deokmis @kinnsporsche @smittenskitten @pranparakul  @liyazaki @thaitheseries @baek1nho @patshoney @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @thranduel @ipromisedthesunset @sexyglances @itoldsunset @richkidtay @yohankang @loooreleii @tipnaree @patandpran @rythyme @ahysopae @atotsphutian @mixmetawin @pranpats @taeminie @barncsbucky @itsforcebook  @mixxiw @zhaozi @premboun @starryy-sky @galaxyofdarkmatter @longinglook @opas-iamkajorn @stayandbefree @tawanv @pourquoiyyy @laowen @aquynh @nohshinwoos @3willbefree @sunsetandthemoon @lovelyghostv @pansy-mp3 @boun-prem @tontawantu @sarawatine @musicdramalove @tachineko @junghaesin @midnightsvoid @bbrightwins @kaonoppakao @nanonkorapat @dingyuxi @toptaps @kittychicha @kurusutakatsu @feycien @pranpat @winxteam @yourstype @firstsensibility @coldties @tutontawans  @yibo-wang 
i hope i didn’t forget anyone! i’m so sorry if i did, but just know I adore and appreciate you so, so much ♥
22:  A creation that was difficult to make (but worthwhile!) This bb set is the first thing that comes to mind. The forth gif took an embarassing amount of time to perfect, and I still wasn’t completely happy with the end result. I discovered the fade to black effect accidentally, and wanted to encorporate it in the set, but then I spent around 8 hours perfecting it, and making sure that the text and scenes aligned, and no matter what I did, I wasn’t completely satisfied with it. Even so, I’m so proud of it and I think it ties up the entire gifset so well ♥
 💫 creator ask game 💫
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disaster-j · 2 years
hi can you give offgun centric or thai blog recommendations? thank you ^^
There's soooo many great thai drama blogs lately and I don't know/remember all of them but here's some I can think of rn (most of them also post about offgun or their shows)-
@piningbisexuals @theoryofmylove @paalove @magicaldreamfox1 @patrooclus @laowen @demiromanticmickey @loooreleii @onstoryladders @musicdramalove @confusedismymiddlename @sllaw @tobeornottotc @daikunart @wadprem @ahysopae @xagan @ralbeleren @surajmukhis @liyazaki @sapphorarelyreads @jaehwany @ahxu-laowen @machikeita
And for updates on Off and Gun's projects and such you could also follow my side blog- @theory-of-khaithird
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loooreleii · 2 years
I wrote a little KhathaDome ficlet!
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bucktommmy · 2 years
you’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. who/what is it?
tagged by @moonlightchicken (thank u bb)
co-stars (i’m cheating and putting two because i want to and i love them both ok):
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tagging: @loooreleii @nonkul @casualavocados @hidden-joy
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dribs-and-drabbles · 3 years
Thoughts on the costuming of Bad Buddy (a thread*)
Episode 11:
After all the red in episode 10, I wondered if this episode might have a greater lean towards blue, mainly because of the reveal that the family conflict originated with Ming's actions, and I actually I think in the first half, blue does feature a lot. However, I think this is more because Pat and Pran are at the beach to indulge Pat's need to run away and forget their real lives for a while. Later red, brown, and green come in...before eventually returning to the blue.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I won't write much about the beginning and end outfits, since I already touched upon it here, but in summary they seem to represent the 'real world' versions of Pat and Pran - which they shed temporarily to live free from the adversity they face but then have to return to when they return to their families.
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I loved the below scene, the first meal with Tong, because it felt unequivocally Pat and Pran - first, they're wearing their colours (Pat's shirt has yellow too), Junior is also in blue, Tong has a red scarf with yellow stripes, and Tong's wearing mint green (which I maintain symbolises their union). Not only that, I LOVE the blue anchor above Pran's head and the red ends to the wind 'chime' in the foreground. I was going to try to write something about how Pat is Pran's anchor but I read a short fic by @loooreleii earlier which does it beautifully:
All his life, Pran felt like a little boat lost on the high seas, unequipped for its vastness, and too small to withstand the crashing waves and raging storms, the world seemingly too chaotic for his anxious mind. So he plans, sorts, and organizes; anything to combat the constant feeling of being pulled under by a force of nature far greater than himself. But Pat is his anchor, tethering him to the ground, breaking the waves for him, and keeping him afloat even in the worst of tempests. 👩🏽‍🍳💋
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Helping with the fishing and there's more blue. And a bit of mint green in the foreground... I've already written about the genius that is Pat's elephant shirt (he's doing all he can to forget their lives in Bangkok and to avoid talking about it) and a little about Junior's t-shirt - which links back to one of Pat's t-shirts in ep 10 - which has red and blue separated by yellow on the print. Pran's white t-shirt and pants could signify that he's also set aside his connection to anything to do with his 'real life', whilst the dark blue shows he's there for Pat, indulging in Pat's fantasy for a while.
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I'm not sure what to think about Junior's mum's colours - the black could be a nod to the fact that this conversation is being used to give Pran an alternative perspective to the situation with his mum (so opposite to his white) and the teal (which is usually used in a positive way) borders on the angsty green...maybe because she makes Pran think about his own mum and amplifies his longing to go back...which would cause a rift between him and Pat...?
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The next day we get the black and white again but this time on Pran, perhaps showing the oppositional pull he feels inside, with staying with Pat on one side and thinking of his mum on the other. Pat, on the other hand has very dark pants (possibly brown) and the first red top. @transpat wrote a great analysis of how Pat may have been feeling in this and the next scene -> it's a moment when Pat realises he's hurting Pran, the one he doesn't want to hurt, and he understands that Pran needs to go home, eventually sacrificing himself yet again for Pran. (Note also the mint green blanket underneath Pran on the chair.)
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I'm going to jump to Yod and Tong for a moment...and the combinations of red and blue on their shirts at the bar. The first time just red and blue but later when Pat and Pran have decided to go home and face the music, there are also shades of greens. In addition, with the musician in red, Pran's wistful gaze at him whilst he sings is not only because of Pran's desire to play/make music but also it suggests the longing Pran also feels for his mum/family.
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And now jumping to the Morning After™...and there's more blue! Pat's pants, Junior's mum's top, and Junior's top. Incidentally, Junior also gets the red scarf from Tong - implying that those 'colours' belong together. However, Pran's pants are the dreaded angsty green - which perhaps foreshadows the coming break-up...? Returning to the Night Before™, Pat and Pran's white/light shirts for the kiss might be symbolising how they have put aside anything that connects them to their families or their life in Bangkok (hence no or very little colour...I mean, apart from the pants...but whatever). (And I already wrote about the bedsheets with the theory they used two sets...but having seen the bts photos, I think they are the same set but with different lighting...still cool though).
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You know, as heart-breaking as it is, I love that once Pat puts the red shirt on, he's wearing both of their colours as he finally faces reality and they break-up. He's showing that despite what they have to do, they're still absolutely united. I also think it's beautiful that Pran is in the white top during this, because he's still willing to keep up the pretence for Pat. There have been some wonderful analysis and thoughts about the red by @keelpay and in an anon ask to @ohmpatwat -> with the former suggesting that Pat and Pran wear matching shirts for the first time that episode to symbolise how they're finally on the same page about their situation...and the latter offering the theory that the red is adding to the marriage symbolism we've seen in the last few episodes. So many layers. 😍
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And finally, back to the end and the last bit of blue, saying goodbye to Tong. I see this as hopeful after the red (as well as with Tong's words). We/they've gone full circle - not only in coming back to their own clothes but in the blue of Tong's.
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And I can't finish before touching on the tiny snippets of the friends. I've already written about Ink and Pa (they're wearing their colours!) but it's interesting that Korn is in Wai's red - a bright, vibrant red, no less - and Wai is in front of Korn's blue - the rich blue lights behind...(and is that a minty green I spot in between them? 👀)
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[Ep 1] [Ep 2] [Ep 3] [Ep 4] [Ep 5] [Ep 6] [Ep 7] [Ep 8] [Ep 9] [Ep 10] [Ep 11] [Ep 12]
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tinnchan · 2 years
Tag Game: Reveal Your Blogging Style
Thank you @wanderlust-in-my-soul for the tag!! That was fun :)
different blogs for different interests OR all-in-one blog (I was supposed to have a football only blog once, I even had the perfectest url but i got lazy and now it's just my blog to check if the tags work on my post)
default theme OR custom theme (i just do minimal changes to the default themes I wish I had the patience to do more though)
one username till death OR change username according to mood/obsession (must change. right now i have the best url i could hope for but i can see myself returning to hislaststar after my moonlightchicken brainrot dies)
round avatar OR square avatar (squared!)
personal avatar OR fandom related avatar (every time i see a personal avatar on tumblr i go O: )
thematic consistency between header image and avatar OR who gives a fuck (who gives a fuck all the way. i need to display as much obsessions as possible at a time!)
reblog without tags OR reblog with tags (TAGS!!!! people please leave tags!)
category tags only OR personal commentary in tags (i ramble and overshare)
replies allowed on posts OR replies switched off (replies turned on but sure regretted it when i was making those pro amber heard text posts)
askbox open OR askbox closed (Same as above)
anons allowed OR anons blocked (anons always allowed! i miss my taylor swift x tms anon! baby please come back)
respond to every mention in replies OR be a hermit
a quiet observer and enjoyer OR initiate conversation with an unknown blogger (I am a dm slider. this is how i trapped kit in our friendship.)
send ask OR send message on chat OR converse with people in replies (if its more personal its dms but if its something related to what a mutual posted then can be an ask)
blog from computer/laptop OR blog from phone (pc baby)
personal posts OR fandom posts only (thank god you guys can all mute my personal posts tbh)
have a well organised filled queue OR post intermittently and make it everybody else's problem OR post daily like it's a 9 to 5 (especially since i finished law school and i am free for the next short while i am going to like...make up for it)
likes and following displayed on blog OR likes and following hidden (if i like something i will reblog it so its kinda redundant. the only time i like something i dont rb is when im specifically liking someone elses tags or a friends personal post and theres no need to display i feel)
@kermitthequeer @hemi-demi-semiquaver @pranpats @billlkin @loooreleii @morathicain @pi-erd and idk O:
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