A Guide to Treats
A treat is a work composed for the Black Emporium Collection outside of your assignment. A treat is extra, i.e. you are free but not obligated to create it on top of your assignment. This is possible in the following ways:
A fanwork for an un-requested pairing on the nominations list. Is there a pairing on there you just absolutely want to write something for and no one requested it? You can post it to the collection as a treat!
A fanwork that fills a request of one of the participants you weren’t assigned to. Maybe one of the requests on this list just grabs you and you can’t help yourself. We feel you. We really do.
If you create a fanwork for a participant of the Exchange, you are obligated to follow that person’s squicks/triggers and pairings. If your treat doesn’t have a particular recipient, it must still be tagged appropriately (i.e. warn for potentially triggering content, rating). A treat does not have a minimum word count requirement; it doesn’t need to have over a 1000 words like your assignment fic does. A treat may also be a manip on its own, unlike an assignment artwork. You do not have to be signed up to post a fanwork to the collection! All you need is an AO3 account; if you don’t have one, you may message the mods and we will get you an invitation. The collection is open to treats from now up to September 30th. It will be inaccessible to anyone but the creator and the mods until that time. How to post your treat:
1) Log into AO3 and go to the exchange profile.
2) Select "Post to Collection"
3) Under Gift this work, type in your recipient’s name. If it’s a treat, type in the person whose prompt you used for your fanwork if you used one; otherwise, you can leave this form blank to just make a general gift to the community.
4) Scroll to the bottom, post your fanwork! Voila, you are done!
After that, the mods will take a look at your fanwork; if we have any follow up questions, we’ll email you at the address listed on your Ao3 account.
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acequeenking · 7 years
Trophy Time!
Alright, folks! Things are well and truly moving here at the Black Emporium.
As a reminder, treats can be uploaded at any time, can be made for anyone, and can be of any length, type, etc.  Icon set? Yup. Fanart sketch? Heck yes! Drabble? You know it. Fanvid? DO IT. Wallpaper? ALWAYS. If it can be uploaded to Ao3, it can count.
We're debuting a new system to encourage treats this year. Much like the Dragon Age games have trophies or achievements you can unlock for doing different things in-game, so too does this exchange have our own trophies!
These are awards that are unlocked by the entire community rather than on an individual level. Every time a new work is added to the archive, we will update the spreadsheet. Author/Artists names will not be listed until the trophy is unlocked, but progress will be updated in order to provide inspiration. 
At the end of the exchange when all authors/artists are revealed, we'll post banners made by Mod A or a volunteer and give credit to the member(s) of our community who unlocked it! Your Ao3 username will also live on in the Achieved By: Column of our spreadsheet until Spec Recs 2018, unless you would prefer to be known as something else (in which case let us know). Anyone who prefers to be anonymous will get put on the list as "Anonymous [Animal]" in the spirit of Google Spreadsheet's favorite way of listing anons looking at it. We are seeking volunteers willing to commit to making trophies! These do not need to be done until a trophy is unlocked, and  can be either original art, manips, or just screenshots with some writing on them. Please send us a message on Tumblr or comment on Dreamwidth if you're interested in making art with us.
Around three weeks before the archive goes live, we'll add a another sheet to this spreadsheet with the usernames and requests of those who do not yet have any treats for easy inspiration. We’ll let you all know when that happens. Happy rare pairing, everyone!   Please note: if you do not want to see any further information on trophies, please blacklist betrophies.
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vanibear · 3 years
Nobody cares that i like kingdom hearts...........
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sneakygreenbean · 3 years
i am back from my not-vacation where i did work but just not at home.
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mehedyhasanfan-blog · 6 years
The year  2019 is upon us,which means its time to look ahead and see what we have in store for Windows 10. We know Microsoft has planned two new feature updates for Windows 10 this year,but there are rumos of an entirely new version of Windows lite,"alightweight virsion of Windows for light computing devices,could beannounced this year too. This is everything you need to know about Windows updates in 2019. you can larne more clicj here
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Signups are now closed!
We hope to have assignments out by mid-afternoon tomorrow at the latest :)
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Treatless Pledge Drive
Twas the morning before archive opening, when all around the collection Many were stirring, their fingers tapping with affection To work on treats for the treatless with satisfaction Their works were posted in the archive with care In hopes that by morning treats would be there! Well folks it is time for our Treatless pledge drive. We don't want your money, oh no, we want your time. You see, at this moment we are sitting pretty with half the collection having at least one treat and one assignment in, but our other half only has one work in the archive for them. In hopes of making Rare Pair Christmas even better and more special, we'd like to ask if you could spare time to write up treats for the remaining treatless on our spreadsheet. Every drabble, sketch, moodboard, and other fandom lovelies count for treats! Don't know how to post a treat? Check here. Otherwise, you can look at the treatless spreadsheet or look below to see who still needs a nice rare pair fic or art in their stocking: EDIT: WOAH! THOSE ARE SOME BIG STOCKINGS! NICE JOB! KEEP GOING!
DragonRider1 dreamkist friendlywitch hobbitdragon JustJasper kmfillz lady_libertine LadyNorbert Luffymarra riverbanks Starla-Nell sunspot Tafka tanwenmc thegreatandpowerfultoaster ValkyrieNeedsFood xoxo666
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Good day, sweet nuglets! As the winter gets a crisp bite to the air and the temperatures drop, we rare pair lovers keep warm, inspired by the passion of our favorite pairs - and all the yummy fic and art that's soon to unlock! As a reminder, there are EIGHT days left to write your fic or draw your art. It is due on November 13th; you must submit a fic or art piece to our Ao3 collection at that date. You all have been busy, busy bees (Sera would be proud); we are currently sitting on 35 submissions in our collection! That's a lot of treats already sitting, waiting to be devoured! Our trophies have been updated as of Saturday thanks to ever so lovely Mod K, with several now unlocked! Cassandra is the first character to get to 5 submissions total, while all m/m, f/f, and het trophies were hit in Inquisition. For the lovely people in our group - as in Thedas - love is love. :D We're very close on unlocking several more, so check the spreadsheet and see if you can give it a go! We are also in the midst of updating the treatless list. Starting tomorrow, I will post the needy list on the tumblr and dreamwidth sites under the tag betreatless. We were able to get everyone at least one treat for spec recs, so we are hoping we can do the same in BE as well! :D As a reminder, if you would like a beta to look at your art or fic, you can do so either through our Google group here, or the Discord chat here. Please include a few basic facts for your beta when you advertise: what the couple is and/or what the game is, content warnings for anything that might upset a beta, and what type of services you'd like to receive.
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So You Got Your Assignment, What Now?
It’s an exciting time! You’ve received the email telling you that you’re assigned to create a fanwork for somebody.
But wait -- there’s a lot there! There’s pairings that you didn’t offer! There’s details about plots and ideas that aren’t what you usually work with! What are you going to do?
First, remember the first page of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Don’t Panic. Your recipient has different tastes and preferences from you, and that’s to be expected. You are not obligated to incorporate everything your recipient asked for -- in fact, given the length of many letters out there, it would be impossible to do everything.
Second, remember that you were matched to this person. That means there was at least one pairing they wanted to see that you put in your offers. Maybe it’s not your OTP. Maybe it’s something you’ve never done before. The mods don’t know any of that. The mods were just trying to give everyone a good match.
The pairing is the ninth or tenth instead of the first? Don’t read anything into that. It’s a pairing that they took the time to confirm they wanted to see brought to life. Let’s shorten that: it’s a pairing they wanted.
Third, remember that you are only obligated to respect their DNWs. This is the only thing that the mods will enforce when reviewing assignments. Likes, preferences, story ideas? Well, they’re really more of … guidelines. You are, of course, encouraged to give them consideration, but in the end, this is your story.
You might be thinking -- wait, isn’t it the other way around? Isn’t it supposed to be theirs? The answer is no. If they create it, it’s theirs. You are creating it, therefore it is yours. Everyone who signed up for this exchange knew they were going to be getting something different from what they would create themselves. Maybe it’s in style. Maybe it’s in focus, or details, or any number of things. That’s the point of a fanwork exchange.
Fourth, remember that you only have to create one fic of 1000 words or one complete piece of fanart, featuring one of the pairings requested by your recipient. You have until November 13th to do this. That’s six weeks (42 days) from today, October 3, 2017. That’s it. Anything more that is a bonus, not a requirement.
Take a deep breath. And another. You’ll be fine. You’ve got this. We’re here for you. The mods, and the community as a whole. We’re excited to see what you come up with. We know it will be great. Because you’re great.
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Sign-Ups Open in Just a Few Hours
Nugs, Nuglets, and Nuggles,  Our nominations are winding down and your mods have spent the night getting fancy spreadsheets ready, polishing the tagset, writing up hwo to sign up, and working on testing the sign-up form to make sure things run as smoothly as possible. Tomorrow once Mod K and I bough get off work, we’ll be opening up sign ups. However, we have made a count down to sign-ups opening here.  Since the time we both get off varies a bit each day due to work and travel, the exact sign up moment could vary, but we should be opening a little bit early or on time with this count down.  We’re so excited to see what you all will do tomorrow. <3 
If you have any last nominations to get in, do it now, and as a reminder, if you nominated some pairings for the last court, please get in touch with the mods so we can make sure you get your pairings set the way you like them!
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Assignments are Out!
All assignments have been sent from Ao3. If you have any questions, please PM the mod account or Mod A or Mod K. 
As of now there are no pinch hits, and everyone was able to be matched. We will let you know if this changes. 
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Signups closed!
Sign ups for BE 2019 are now closed!
Your mods are now running matching; we had one person who was unmatchable. Email has been sent to this person so please check your Ao3 email. We will start assignments as soon as we've heard back.
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Countdown to close of signups
Can be found here! Keep those creative juices coming :)
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CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL REQUESTS TO THIS POINT! The document may change as people come/go before sign ups close tonight. Signs up close at 11:59PM EDT. A countdown clock will be posted when your friendly neighborhood mod has a chance to get to an actual computer.   Thanks to Zoetrope on the discord for doing the hard work of compiling this; she is truly the internet MVP, more precious than cat videos and fanart of your OTP combined.
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sneakygreenbean · 3 years
LETS GOOO the fineliner pens came. finishing that one Almalexia WIP as we speak.
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Now that nominations are over, it’s time to SIGN UP for Black Emporium 2017! 
The mods are providing a guide to this process under the cut in hopes that it will make the process smoother for everyone :)
1. Sign in to Ao3
If you don’t have an Ao3 account, contact the mods for help!
2. Go to the Black Emporium signup form
3. Scroll to the “Requests” field
There are several different components of this field:
Fandom: The specific Dragon Age title that your requested characters are from. You may select as many as apply.
Relationship: Enter one or two approved relationships that you would like to see in a fanwork created for you. This field will autosuggest approved pairings, so if it’s not there, it hasn’t been approved.
You also have the option to select any relationship. This means that you are willing to receive fanwork for, literally, any of the approved pairings. You may not use this option to say, for example, “Any Alistair pairing”. This option is for any and all of the approved pairings. Do not use this option unless you are sure that any is what you want.
Additional Tags: You can request fanfic, fanart, or both.
Letter: If you have written a letter on an external website (such as Tumblr/Wordpress/Dreamwidth/Google Docs), you may link it here.
Description: Here is where you can provide additional detail about what you would like to see in a fanwork, both in general and for specific pairings. 
If you do not enter anything into this box, and you do not have a link to a letter, we will assume that means you are okay with anything for the specified pairing(s). If you have any preferences or triggers, we would encourage you to add them. It makes the process smoother for all involved.
Here are some things commonly put in the description box:
Likes and Dislikes - Frequently it can be considered helpful to your author or artist if they have some idea of what you like to see, and what you don't. For example: I love F!Adaar/Sera because I think the idea of them merrily pranking they way around Skyhold is so much fun. Please don't write me something sad about them.
Squicks and Triggers - Stuff you absolutely do not want, stuff that makes you uncomfortable, or just plain stuff that is Not Your Thing. While the Black Emporium does not believe in kink shaming or otherwise insulting people for their own personal taste, we do want people to let their artists or authors know what their limits are. You don't have to give any reasons for this; no x/y/z gives your author plenty of ability to discern where your limits are.
Prompts: Prompts can be just about anything, but they're meant to be ideas that you'd like to see that can help give your artist or author something to work off of. Sometimes this can be a prompt or a question you'd like explored (for example: What if Solas found himself falling for M! Trevelyan? How would he feel about potentially falling for a human?) or an idea you'd love to see (Josie and M!Cadash snuggled up in front of a fire, please!) or just a few words of inspiration (Leliana/Josephine - secrets, lies, ravens).
Details about your character(s): It is fairly common for people to give basic descriptions of their characters, particularly if fanart is requested. These descriptions can be very basic indeed (Purple Hawke), or extremely detailed (This is Celeste Trevelyan, she loves her squad more than life itself, pink hair, dusky-rose skin, build like she could bench press you six ways from Sunday).
Examples of things you should not put in the description field:
“I would like anything but nasty [kink]. I think people write that are gross and nasty.” Please do not insult people who like something you dislike. It’s Not For You, and That’s Okay. “No [kink]” expresses this much better than a long explanation of why you don’t like [kink].
“I’m only choosing this to get to five nominations. Please don’t write/draw it.” While we know someone who signs up for a,b,x,y and z may want a,b, x and y more than z, please don’t scream to your author or artist that what you may well match on is something you don’t want as much as other pairings. Writing something like this also reduces your chance at treats as well.
“Even though I said I wanted M!Solavellan, I’m fine with F!Solavellan too if you like that better.” Please don’t tell people that you’d be alright with non-nominated pairings, as fics with non-nominated pairings cannot be added to the collection.
You are required to fill out a minimum of five requests (Required fields: Fandom, Relationship, Additional Tags; Optional: Letter, Description). Remember that you may put in one or two relationships per request field, so the maximum number of pairings that you can list in this manner is twenty.
You may also use the description field to note additional pairings that you would be willing to receive. You may find this option helpful if you are willing to consider different Warden or Inquisitor backgrounds for your specified pairing that have been nominated. You are limited to an additional ten pairings specified in this manner. Please fill out the form entirely before resulting as filling in pairings manually in description; those that you fill in in the relationship line will take priority.
4. Continue to the “Offers” field
There are several different components of this field:
Fandom: The specific Dragon Age title that your requested characters are from. You may select as many as apply.
Relationship: Enter one or two approved relationships that you would like to see in a fanwork that you create. This field will autosuggest approved pairings, so if it’s not there, it hasn’t been approved.
You also have the option to select any relationship. This means that you are willing to create fanwork for, literally, any of the approved pairings. You may not use this option to say, for example, “Any Alistair pairing”. This option is for any and all of the approved pairings. Do not use this option unless you are sure that any is what you want.
Additional Tags: You can offer to create fanfic, fanart, or both.
Comments to mods: Here is where you can provide additional detail about what you will and won’t create. As with your requests, you can provide general likes and dislikes as well as things that you absolutely will not do.
If you do not enter anything into this box, we will assume that means you are okay with anything for the specified pairing(s). If you have any preferences or triggers, we would encourage you to add them. It makes the process smoother for all involved.
You are required to fill out a minimum of three offers (Required fields: Fandom, Relationship, Additional Tags; Optional: Comments to mods). Remember that you may put in one or two relationships per request field, so the maximum number of pairings that you can list in this manner is twenty.
You may also use any description field to note additional pairings that you would be willing to receive. You may find this option helpful if you are willing to consider different Warden or Inquisitor backgrounds for your specified pairing. You are limited to an additional ten pairings specified in this manner. Once again, those filled in the actual relationship fields will take priority over those written in the comment box, so choose which pairing goes where carefully!
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