#Dragon Age Rare Pair Exchange
Yes sweet nuglets, it’s that time of year again: Time to sign up for Black Emporium!
↳ Helpful Links:
Rules & Assignment Requirements - Updated for 2023! || Participation Walkthrough Guide || FAQ || Requests on Ao3 || Tagset || Nominations Spreadsheet || Request Database || Parent Collection (All Past Years) Signups end: July 16 July 15, 2023 @ 9 AM US Pacific / 12 PM US Eastern / 4 PM UTC+0 || Countdown
↳ Changes This Year
RULES & ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS: Please take the time to re-read our Rules and the requirements for assignments before signing up. RATINGS: If you are interested in receiving or creating Mature/Explicit level works (see Ao3 rating(s)), you must "opt in" by checking the "E" box for both offers and requests. Please note you must be 18+ to offer/request/create Mature or Explicit level gifts. For a more detailed explanation, click here. TREATS: If you are open to receiving treats, or a specific type of treat (single-recipient, multi-recipient, fanart, fanfic), you must "opt in" by saying so in the sign up description box. This field does not apply to your offers. For a more detailed explanation, click here.
For a how-to-guide of the whole exchange that includes all of the information in this post, please take a look at our Participation Walkthrough Guide and FAQ.
If you don’t have an Ao3 account, contact the mods for help!
Once nominations are finished, you'll be able to sign up. In your sign-up, you'll specify the works you'd like to receive and the works you're willing to create. (They do not necessarily have to be the same!)
You must fill out at least three requests and three offers. You may only select each pairing once, but may give multiple ideas per pairing in your prompt.
If you are interested in receiving Mature- or Explicit-rated works, you must be at least 18 years old and opt-in by checking the appropriate box ("E"); this is not a guarantee you will receive a higher level.
You will have to fill out several fields on the sign-up form:
↳ Relationships
Here you can write in the relationships that you wish to request. As long as it is part of the tag set/eligible nominated pairings, it should be able to be selected here.
If your chosen relationship is in the tag-set but isn't auto-completing, this is unfortunately a bug on AO3's end that we cannot fix -- but if you copy and paste your relationship from the tag-set into this field, you should be able to submit. (Please contact moderators via email at [email protected] if you get an error and let us know what the error was.)
You may list between 1-3 pairings in the same Request field. That does not (necessarily) mean you want all three ships in the same fanwork. We allow multiple pairings in the same Request Field because it allows participants to request up to 30 unique pairings, rather than just 10. Some people group thematically, or by character.
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Example of someone requesting three, non-connected pairings. The participant here loosely grouped their "platonic" ships together into one Request Field.
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Example of someone requesting a pairing.
↳ Additional Tags
This field is to mark if you're open to receiving fanfiction, fanart, or both (check both boxes), for this request.
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Example of someone requesting ONLY fanart for any pairings listed in this Request field.
↳ Ratings (Requests)
If you are open to receiving Mature- or Explicit-rated works, please check the box to indicate your interest. We use the AO3 ratings guide as far as judging what each rating entails.
Any participant under 18 should NOT indicate interest in M or E works, as those are intended for 18+ audiences only.
Please choose your ratings carefully! Indicating interest in receiving higher rating works does not mean you are guaranteed to receive them, just that other people will be allowed to gift them to you in this exchange. If you're not comfortable with that possibility, do not check this box.
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This recipient did not check the "Explicit" box; they will not receive any Mature or Explicit level works.
↳ Letter
This is a place to put a link to a letter, if you have one. A letter generally is a completely optional, longer version of the description field, and might include more details you'd like your creator to know, or things like pictures that are hard to paste into the description box.
Letters are commonly hosted on Dreamwidth, Tumblr, Google docs, or other such freely accessible websites.
Please note that the moderators cannot enforce any DNWs you put only in your letter.
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Completely optional field. Leave blank if you don't have a letter.
↳ Description
Please feel free to use this field to go into some detail about what you would like; this helps give the creator of your work some different ideas about what they could make for you.
If you are open to treats, please indicate interest. See "Treats" for more.
Examples of prompts or helpful information you could share with your recipient (reminder, your creator is not required to follow your prompts/likes):
General trope likes, e.g., Fluff, First Kiss, Dwarven lore, There Was Only One Bed, Enemies to Lovers, etc.
Stylistic likes, e.g., 2nd person writing, Tarot Card art, chat-fic, etc.
World state options you favor that are relevant to your prompt, e.g., Anora is Queen/Alistair is King, Canon Divergent - Multiple Wardens, Modern AUs, etc.
A sentence or two about why you like the pairing, e.g., "I love Cassandra being flustered around people she likes!"
"What If?" prompts, especially open ended ones, e.g., "What if Blackwall did the Joining ceremony with the Hero of Ferelden in DAO? Or met HoF in the Deep Roads during the Jaws of Hakkon DLC in DAI? Would they have similar perspectives, or different?"
Rating restriction clarifications, e.g., interested in E rated smut, but not E rated violence
Be sure to list your Do Not Wants (DNWs) -- if they're not listed in the Description box of your sign up, then the mods cannot enforce your DNWs. If your DNWs are poorly worded or go against exchange rules, they will also be considered unenforceable.
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Example Description. This person has NOT opt into treats and cannot receive any. Please see here for more help formulating your DNWs.
The process to Offers is similar to Requests when it comes to pairings and denoting interest in creating fanart and/or fanfic. However, there are a couple differences one should make note of:
↳ Ratings (Offers)
If you are interested in creating Mature- or Explicit-rated works, please check the box to indicate your interest. We use the AO3 ratings guide as far as judging what each rating entails.
Any participant under 18 should NOT indicate in creating M or E works, as those are intended for 18+ audiences only.
Please choose your ratings carefully! You will be matched on this field; if you're not comfortable with receiving prompts that may include NSFW or "E" elements, do not check this box.
↳ "Notes to mods" Field
If you want, you can write notes to the mods, but this isn't required. Some things you might want to include:
If you are under 18 or do not want to receive any "E" requests/prompts from your recipient, please put a simple "No 'E' requests" or in your sign up. This will not disclose your age as we have adult participants who have asked this of mods over the years.
The AO3 username of any individual(s) you don't want to be matched with. You don't have to provide a reason as to why you don't want to be matched with someone, but we will rely entirely on the name(s) you enter; if you ask not to be matched with FanficWriter69 but you meant FanficWriter96, we can't guarantee you won't get matched. For the sake of everyone's stress level, triple check any names and make sure you're giving us their AO3 username.
Please do not use this field to ask to be matched with a specific person.
↳ "Any Relationship" Box
If you would like, you can offer to create a work for "Any Relationship."
The only qualifications you can make are the category of pairings (i.e. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other, Gen, or Multi) or by DA game (i.e. DAO, DA2, DAI). You cannot differentiate by any other qualification or request.
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An example of someone offering to draw fanart for any F/F pairing.
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An example of someone offering to create fanart and/or fanfiction for the pairing "Fenris & Donnic Hendyr," but requesting not to be matched with a specific user.
After sign-ups are completed, creators and recipients are matched based on their sign-ups. Matches are one-way; that is, while it is possible A may write for B and B may write for A, you are more likely to have A writing for B, and B writing for C, and C writing for A.
You will be assigned to someone who has at least one request that matches at least one of your offers for the below two fields: relationship pairing and type of fanwork.
You will be matched with someone who requested:
at least one of the pairings for which you offered to write or draw ("Relationship" field), and
at least one type of fanwork you offered ("Additional Tags" field aka fanfic, fanart, or both — if both, you can create an assignment in either format; you are not obligated to create two assignments), and
whether or not you've both indicated interest in Mature- or Explicit-rated content ("E" checkbox)
You are guaranteed to have a match by the end of the date listed under "Assignments" in the schedule. If you do not have a match by then, please contact the mods via email at [email protected].
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uchidachi · 16 days
I wrote FIVE fics for the @black-emporium-exchange this year!
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Magelight - Nathaniel Howe/Velanna, M, 2k: Velanna comes to Nathaniel’s room in the keep to agree to start a relationship with him. At three AM.
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A Voice on the Line - Fenris/Dorian Pavus, T, 2.6k: The sending crystal that Dorian gave the Inquisitor is stolen by Venatori, and then a deep and mysterious voice comes on the line. Dorian has to keep him talking, or his life may be in danger.
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Crowning Glory - Josephine Montilyet/Cassandra Pentaghast, G, 2.5k: Cassandra remembers when she was little, and her mother would brush her hair…
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A Good Judge of Character - Gen, G, 1.8k: Davrin and Assan encounter Grey Warden Carver unexpectedly while on a mission in the Emerald Graves.
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The Alamarri Falcon - Lucanis Dellamorte/Neve Gallus, T, 2k: Of all the offices in all the cities in all of Thedas, he had to walk into Neve’s
(Also, you should go visit the entire collection, this was such a good year for rare pairs!!)
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sourfacedlemon · 2 months
"sweetened by the thorn" 🔒
Written for MeganMoonlight ( @meganmoonlight ) for the Rare Pair Exchange 2024!
"Mountains. Cold. Let's bring Dorian."
Rating: Explicit
Category: M/M
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Relationship: Blackwall/Dorian Pavus
Additional Tags: Post-Dragon Age: Inquisition Quest - Revelations, Developing Relationship, Complicated Relationships, Sharing a Bed, Huddling For Warmth, Inappropriate Erections, Bickering, Affectionate Insults, First Kiss, First Time, Hand Jobs, is it erectile dysfunction if he's literally just an older dude who's tired?
Words: 2,771
Collections: Rare Pair Exchange 2024
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sidhelives · 2 years
Fic Exchange Reveal!
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I have been meaning to make this master post for almost a month y'all. Things have been crazy.
This year I participated in the @black-emporium-exchange which was a fuckin blast. I ended up writing thirteen fics including two pinch hits! I did not @ my giftees (because I don't know everyone's tags 😅) but if you would like to be tagged, please let me know!
Let's do a run down!
[Run down after a break due to excessive length]
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts
For sunspot (unavoidedcrisis)
Pairing: Lace Harding/The Iron Bull/Male Adaar
Rating: G
Words: 2304
The turbulent weather of Emprise du Lion puts a damper on Lace, Kaaras, and Bull's scouting mission. Luckily they have each other.
Flowers for the Ambassador
For Sumi
Pairing: The Iron Bull/Josephine Montilyet
Rating: G
Words: 2682
Josephine has been receiving beautiful and unique flowers, but has no indication of who exactly is delivering them. Leliana is at a loss, but she thinks she knows who might be able to help.
For sweettasteofbitter
Pairing: The Iron Bull/Josephine Montilyet
Rating: T
Words: 2655
Josephine has a contract on her head from the House of Repose and she forgot to post a very important letter. A quick trip to her office in the middle of the night will resolve the issue. What could possibly go wrong?
Scout's Honor
For sunspot (unavoidedcrisis)
Pairing: Lace Harding/Varric Tethras
Rating: E
Words: 3595
It may have been a coincidence that Lace and Varric ended up assigned to the same tent in the Arbor Wilds camp.
But it seems unlikely.
In Bloom
For Tafka
Pairing: Fenris/Bethany Hawke
Rating: G
Words: 1237
When Anders smuggled Bethany out of Gamlen's house just ahead of a Templar raid, she had her doubts about staying in Fenris' manor. Several months on, she can't deny that he's been nothing but kind to her, if a little standoffish.
It must just be because she's a mage. It's not as if he'd have any other reason to shy away from her.
The More The Merrier
For Estelle
Pairing: Anders/Jowan/Male Surana
Rating: M
Words: 2553
Anders and Jowan and Alim are inseparable, connected at the hip some would say, but Alim and Anders share something more physical that Jowan does not.
Not for lack of interest however.
Bureaucratic Misteps
For inquisitor_tohru
Pairing: Bran Cavin/Female Hawke
Rating: E
Words: 4976
Marian Hawke loves a good evening at the Blooming Rose, and if there's a secretive private party in the back, it's her duty to crash it. Although it's a wonder who would have left her off their guest list to begin with.
Probably just an unfortunate oversight. One which she's eager to correct.
Waiting For The Spark
For TheLittlePhoenix
Pairing: Alistair/Female Hawke
Rating: E
Words: 3005
Hawke and Alistair are stuck in a dingy cave, in a rainstorm, waiting for an Inquisitor who definitely isn't showing up to night.
What's a pair of attractive, single folks to do to pass the time?
What Harding Left Behind
For cartographicalspine
Pairing: Lace Harding/Bram Kenric
Rating: G
Words: 1388
Skyhold is a convenient stop on Bram Kenric's trip back to the University of Orlais after finishing up his work in the Frostback Basin and, doubly convenient, it gives him an opportunity to drop off something Scout Harding forgot.
Pen Pals
For dabs_into_oblivion
Pairing: Zevran Arainai/Josephine Montilyet
Rating: T
Words: 1492
Josephine has a surprise visitor waiting in her office.
Someone Leliana knows, but chose not to identify.
Someone Josephine has gotten to know, but never thought she'd meet in person.
Someone much more attractive than she had anticipated.
After Therinfal
For ByTalosThisCanBeHappening [@moxxihodunk]
Pairing: Male Lavellan/Solas
Rating: G
Words: 1120
The Herald has had a rough time lately, what with an envy demon trying to steal his life, but he doesn't really want to talk about it.
Solas is hoping that he's willing to listen.
Worth Trying
For ghostbunny
Pairing: Jowan/Male Surana
Rating: T
Words: 4644
It's been over a year since Warden Surana sent Jowan away from Redcliff, telling him that he never wanted to see him again.
He's Warden-Commander Surana now, and when a familiar face shows up at the gates, he has to admit that it may have been a lie.
Time After Time
For Luffymarra
Pairing: Anders/Male Surana
Rating: E
Words: 1894
Anders never thought he'd see Alim Surana again after he left the tower with the Grey Warden, Duncan.
Boy, was he surprised when his old, intimate friend, showed up and conscripted him out from under the Templar's noses.
Seems a little catching up is in order.
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vhagarys · 21 days
The Conquerer
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brother!aegon x reader, sister!helaena x reader
summary: aegon decreed he’d take both his sisters for wives. luckily, you and helaena were already quite taken with each other.
warnings: smut, canon-typical incest, oral, breeding kink, oral fixation, voyeurism, licking?, reader LOVES her brother and sister <3
Following in Aegon the Conqueror’s footsteps, your older brother Aegon decreed he would take both his sisters to be his wives.
This decision was not met joyfully by his mother nor the hand. However, his position warranted no argument and soon he exchanged vows and blood in the tradition of your house.
Luckily for him, you and Helaena had taken a fondness to each other from a young age. Practically tied at the hip, you two were rarely found without the other at their side.
As the years went by, that fondness began to morph into something deeper. A twisted desire for one another that never seemed to wither.
Behind closed doors you and your sister ravaged each other like men starved. Devouring each other body and soul, with an almost endearing desperation to please one another.
The two Targaryen girls each harbored the blood of dragons and fire, showing itself in their unwavering passions for one another.
This arrangement soon became common knowledge to the other members of your family. Your brothers Aemond and Aegon never batted an eye. Such incestuous endeavors had remained common practice in your house for generations.
Aegon knew any attempt to separate the pair of you would prove futile, thus wedding you both seemed a kindness on his part.
After a night of drink, feast, and revelry, the bedding ceremony was soon announced. With a faint blush to your cheeks, you and Helaena were both escorted to your shared chambers to prepare yourselves for your lord husband.
“You lucky bastard,” Ser Criston Cole slurred as he sat down next to the king.
Aegon smirked and lifted his goblet, “Given the title of king must come with some benefit, should it not?” he took a large swig of his wine.
“Who am I to marry now that you’ve stolen both of our sisters away,” his brother Aemond scowled at him, jealously etched all over his features.
“Perhaps a new tradition is in order, hm? I shall not only marry to my sisters, but i shall take my brother as a husband,” wine escaped through ser criston’s nostrils as he howled in laughter.
With a disdainful scoff, Aemond promptly stormed out of the room.
“I must take my leave to bed my two beautiful, blushing brides,” Aegon loudly announced before his made his way out of the room and towards his chambers.
As if the prospect of bedding you both did not excite him already, upon peeking through the doors he almost released in his trousers untouched.
You were completely bare, you lower body hanging off of the bed as your older sister held your hips with her mouth attached to your cunt.
You whimpered and wreathed beneath Helaena who aggressively licked and slurped at you like a man deprived of water for days.
A sheen of sweat appeared on your hairline as you held tightly onto your sisters silver tresses.
She reached up to pinch and pull at your nipples and your moans grew louder, whinier.
Seven hells, he gaped to himself.
He stood right at the doorway, though he knew neither of you had an inkling of his presence.
His mind blanked save for the scene before him. he stood frozen in place, immediately reaching to release his cock from its confines and began to stroke himself.
“Kostilus ivestragī issa māzigon jorrāelagon mandia,” you cried out. Your body beginning to spasm and chasing after your incoming peak. (please let me cum sister)
Offering no more than a hum, Helaena tightened her grip on your hips and pushed her face deeper between lips. Her harsh sucking on your clit sent you barreling into climax.
Aegon fared no better. He was hypnotized by the erotic scene, his wives caught in the throes of pleasure.
After a moment, your breathing began to steady and you sat up. A gasp escaped you as you registered your brother pleasuring himself, eyes feasting on the pair of you.
A low growl left him as he tugged at his dripping cock. You briefly met each others gaze and just as quickly you and your sister climbed from the bed and stalked over to him.
A cruel smirk graced your lips as you stood behind him and lightly pressed your nose to the sensitive spot of his neck.
“It seems our husband is quite the pervert, mandia. He’s been watching us,” your hand delicately pushed a lock of his hair behind his reddening ears. (sister)
Aegon couldn’t bring himself to stop. He stroked himself faster, aroused at the proximity of the two of you.
“I’d say he’s enjoying himself. Tell me, did you like watching me devour our little sister, lekia,” Helaena muttered in his ear as her nails scraped down his chest. (Brother)
“Gods,” Aegon practically whined as he felt both of your hands roaming over his body.
“Relieve yourself, husband. Let me see you make a mess of yourself,” you whispered with a hint of cruel delight in your tone.
With a final grunt, he spilled his spend all over his hand and trousers, knees on the verge of collapse after experiencing such a strong release.
Helaena grabbed his hand and led him to sit on the bed. With no more than a quick exchange in glance, the two of you kneeled between his parted legs, admiring his soaked clothes.
Your mouth began to water at the sight of your brothers spent cock. Helaena could see the hunger cloud your eyes and a wicked idea soon made its way out of her mouth.
“As his wife, it is your duty to clean your husband, sweet sister. You don’t wish for him to be uncomfortable, hm?” Helaena mused, a devilish grin consuming her features.
Already feeling a pool of arousal in your small clothes, you met Aegon’s exhausted yet wide eyed gaze.
“Of course, my king. I live to serve you,” and you leaned forward and began to hungrily lick his seed that began to stain through his trousers.
Never breaking eye contact, you moaned at the addictive taste of him. You could feel your slick began to seep through your small clothes and onto the floor.
You didn’t care, you were consumed with the need to please your brother and sister.
After you deemed his clothes cleaned, you immediately moved to his shaft, lapping up each drop like a kitten.
Aegon could feel himself hardening once more. He watched in sick delight at his baby sister, lost in the taste of him.
If only I knew what a slut for cock you were sooner, he thought.
Your sister couldn’t help but grow aroused at the depravity before her.
Grabbing you by the nape of your neck, she turned your head to face her.
“Show me,” helaena commanded. Ever the obedient sister, you stuck out your tongue and presented the sticky, white substance that coated your tongue.
Beyond impatient to taste, she surged forward and met your lips in a filthy swap of tongues. You groaned as you felt her wet muscle lap up the remaining seed in your mouth.
You both gripped onto each other for dear life, lost in the lustful moment.
Consumed with the need to claim both of his wives, Aegon pulled you away from one another.
“Desperate little things, aren’t you,” he cooed.
Both of you gazed up at him with ferocity. he almost came once again at the sight.
He watched a line of drool slip from your lips and promptly scooped it up with his thumb. without being told, you obediently opened your mouth and allowed Aegon to push his digit inside.
Eyes glossy, you suckled at his finger until clean and swallowed. Aegon couldn’t hide his fondness for your easy submission, knowing you’ll take whatever he gives you.
“This marriage must be consummated, and I must fulfill my duty as your husband and pump my seed into your little cunts until you swell with my heirs, hm?”
You both whined at the dirty words.
Extending his hand, he roughly pulled you both on the bed and began to tear through the layers of your sister’s gown. Exchanging in a ferocious kiss, you watched the two dragons battle for dominance.
Your brother reached down to rub his fingers through her wetness and soon your sister was reduced a whining mess beneath him.
You watched them consume each other, and when both pairs of eyes landed upon you, your cunt throbbed at the prospect of what was to come.
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authors note: i need more helaena content !!!!! also, enjoy!
- alice +++
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dewdropdinosaur · 11 days
Carry You Home
Lucifer x (GN) Reader Summary: Lucifer and Y/N are the proud co-parents of the one and only Charlie Moringstar, which means that on the weekends, mischef is managed. Warnings: NONE! Tooth-rotting fluff. For the lovely @pixie-skull
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Amidst the tumultuous chaos of the firey realm of Hell, there existed a sanctuary where warmth and love blossomed against all odds. It was within this paradoxical haven that displayed a tenderness that contridicted Hell’s fearsome reputation. So contricting was this santucary of love, that it had even blessed the home of Lucifer, prince of darkness, himself. He was a doting father to his young daughter, Charlie, and a dedicated partner to Y/N, his equally remarkable spouse.
Charlie, at the age of five, was a radiant light in the dark, her laughter a melody that soothed even the most dark corners of Hell. Her straight volumous hair, the color of molten gold, bounced with every step she took. Her innocent eyes sparkled like stars, a stark contrast to the abyss surrounding them. It was in these small moments that the true nature of Lucifer’s heart was revealed.
One sunny afternoon, which was rare in the infernal realms but always managed to be a vibrant shade of scarlet, Lucifer and Y/N were in the middle of their cherished family weekend routine. No meetings, no deals, no work; just family. Charlie was in the living room, sprawled on a large cushion as she colored in her coloring book. The room, though adorned with otherworldly relics, had a cozy, almost homely aura. It was a place where warmth was as tangible as the fire that licked at the edges of Hell.
Lucifer, as always dressed in his elegant attire that seemed to conflict with the homey aura, was busy in the kitchen. His usual regal air was softened by the apron he wore, which was emblazoned with cheerful cartoons that Charlie had drawn on the fabric. He hummed a gentle tune as he whisked a bowl of pancake batter, the aroma filling the space with an inviting sweetness.
Y/N, with their usual grace and effortless charm, was setting the table. Their presence was like a calming breeze in the tumultuous landscape of Hell, their laughter a soothing balm to the fiery realm. They moved with an easy confidence, exchanging glances with Lucifer that spoke volumes of their deep connection and mutual respect.
“Hey, sweetie,” Lucifer called out, his voice a soft rumble, “do you think you’d like blueberries or chocolate chips in your pancakes today?”
Charlie looked up from her artwork, her face lighting up with a bright smile. “Blueberries, Daddy! And can I have extra syrup too?”
Lucifer’s eyes softened, and he carefully set the batter aside to fetch a bowl of plump, juicy blueberries. “Anything for my little princess,” he said, his tone imbued with affection.
As Lucifer busied himself with the pancakes, Y/N joined Charlie on the floor, helping her with her drawing. The pair was immersed in a sea of crayons and sketches, Y/N gently guiding Charlie’s hand while also listening to her excited chatter about her latest artistic creation.
“Look! I drew a big castle with lots of dragons and a magical forest,” Charlie said, her eyes wide with pride.
Y/N smiled, their gaze warm and encouraging. “It’s wonderful, Charlie. You’ve got such a fantastic imagination. What’s the castle for?”
“It’s for the heroes who come to visit!” Charlie replied eagerly. “They need a place to stay after they’ve had an adventure.”
“Well, what kind of adventures do you want to have ducky?” Lucifer poking his head in, admiring the conversation. 
“I wanna fly Daddy! Just like you!” 
Smiling mischeviously, Lucifer rushed and picked up his daughter with a suprising strength for his stature. “Well, I have just the thing for you then!’ 
“Lucifer, no. She is too young—“
Popping out his wings, Lucifer ignored the pleas of his spouse and took off out the room and off the baloncy, Charlie giggling with glee the whole way. Rushing after them, Y/N’s eyes filled with worry were sated as soon as they saw Lucifer and Charlie doing loops gracefully in the air and the squeals of the little girls joy filled the Hellish sky. 
In this sanctuary of love and care, the boundaries of their world seemed to shrink, and for a brief, precious time, the fires of Hell were dimmed by the light of their unity. Lucifer and Y/N’s devotion to each other and their daughter created a haven where love reigned supreme, proving that even in the darkest of places, the purest light could shine through. In the abyss of Hell, amidst its eternal night, the warmth of their family provided a beacon of hope and light. And for Lucifer, Y/N, and Charlie, this was their paradise—a haven built on love, laughter, and the tender embrace of a family that would always stand together, no matter what.
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idkyetxoxo · 5 days
Tyland Lannister - A Chance Encounter
Summary - Rebelling against her mother's matchmaking by crawling under banquet tables to escape might be a step too far. Yet, her actions lead to an unexpected suitor who follows her, offering a chance at true connection and challenging the constraints of her predetermined fate.
Pairing - Tyland Lannister x reader
Warnings - None
Word count - 2046
Masterlist for Tyland • House of the Dragon General Masterlist
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"That hurts," I mumbled as my mother, with a determined look, moved the handmaiden aside and tightened my corset with a force that left me struggling for breath.
"I can't breathe," I gasped, my hand reaching up instinctively to push her away but she only grunted and continued to pull the laces tighter, securing the corset with a final, unforgiving knot.
She spun me around briskly, smoothing down the front of my dress with meticulous care, adjusting every detail until I was presented as the epitome of perfection in her eyes.
"Be polite, stand straight, do not drink too much, and for the Seven's sake, do not run off again," she instructed firmly, her tone unwavering. These were the same warnings she had drilled into me at the last three banquets.
"I didn't run off," I protested, a hint of frustration seeping into my voice. Her eyes flashed with a mix of irritation and determination, and she silenced me with a stern look.
"Do not test me," she said, exhaling sharply. "I need you to take this seriously."
"Forgive me for not wanting to be treated like cattle for sale," I mumbled under my breath. Her grip tightened on my arm, and she shook me slightly, her face inches from mine.
"You are of age to be wedded. You cannot run aloof forever; we have to find you a good match," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation.
"You do not look for a 'good' match, you look for a match that will gain you political advantage," I retorted, my eyes blazing with defiance as I pulled my arm free from her grasp. 
"Do not disrespect me," she snapped, her teeth clenched. "You are lucky we have given you this much grace. Many would envy your position."
"It is not grace if I am constantly belittled," I argued, my voice steady but filled with emotion. 
"I will hear no more," she finally mumbled, her voice low and final. She took my hand in hers, her grip firm and unyielding, and began to drag me out of my chambers. 
We walked through the corridors of our estate, descending the grand staircase, my mother's grip on my hand never loosening, her pace brisk and determined. 
When we reached the grand hall, the noise of the banquet greeted us, laughter, clinking glasses, and the soft strains of a string quartet playing in the corner. The room was filled with elegantly dressed guests, their conversations a murmur of politeness and intrigue.
My mother led me through the throng of guests, I followed in her wake, my heart pounding in my chest, the corset making each breath a struggle. 
She introduced me to a series of distinguished guests, lords, ladies, and potential suitors each exchange a blur of formalities and practised smiles.
"This is my daughter," she would say, and I would curtsy, offering a polite greeting while feeling the weight of their scrutiny.
I could feel eyes on me constantly, assessing, judging, and evaluating my worth. I forced myself to stand tall, to appear the dutiful daughter they expected, even as my thoughts raced with a mix of rebellion and resignation.
As the evening wore on, my mother's grip on my arm relaxed slightly, but her watchful gaze never left me. 
I managed to steal a few sips of water, careful to avoid the wine that flowed so freely. Conversations swirled around me, a cacophony of gossip and alliances being forged and broken.
In a rare moment of solitude, I found myself standing near a window, the cool night air a welcome relief against my flushed skin. I gazed out at the moonlit gardens, longing for the freedom they represented.
I glanced at my mother from across the room, her eyes scanning the crowd, searching for me. Beside her stood a young lord, eagerly awaiting the moment she would introduce us. Just before her gaze landed on me, I ducked, dropping to the ground on all fours.
For a brief second, I hesitated, then made my decision. I crawled under a nearby table, the long tablecloth shielding me from her view. I moved carefully, navigating the maze of legs and avoiding the occasional foot that swung in my path.
"Ow," I murmured as someone accidentally kicked upwards, hitting my side. I clapped a hand over my mouth, holding my breath and praying I hadn't been discovered.
Unfortunately, the tablecloth lifted, and a curious face peeked down at me. His eyes widened in surprise, and I could see the question forming on his lips. I quickly put a finger to my lips, pleading for silence. Just then, I heard the familiar voices of my mother and father approaching.
"My lady, what could you possibly be doing?" he whispered his tone a mix of curiosity and amusement. I groaned inwardly, realizing I had no choice. 
Without thinking, I grabbed his arm and tugged him down to the floor with me until we were both under the table.
He opened his mouth to speak, but I spotted the familiar hem of my mother's gown right next to us. I silenced him with my hand over his mouth, our bodies pressed close in the confined space. I could feel his rapid breathing against my hand, and I didn't dare move until I was certain my parents had moved on.
"Follow me," I whispered once I was sure the coast was clear. 
I began crawling again, my hands and knees brushing against the cold floor. To my surprise, he followed without hesitation, his movements as quiet as mine. 
The absurdity of our situation struck me, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. I could hear him struggling to suppress his own amusement, but a firm look over my shoulder quickly silenced him.
We continued our covert journey under the table, finally emerging at the far end of the banquet hall. I peeked out cautiously before slipping out from under the tablecloth, dusting off my dress as I stood up. He followed suit, grinning mischievously as he straightened his attire.
Without a word, I grabbed his hand and led him towards the nearest exit. We moved quickly but quietly, navigating through the maze of corridors that led away from the bustling banquet hall.  Each hurried turn a step further from the world I was trying to escape.
The further we went, the quieter it became, until the only sounds were our soft footsteps and the distant hum of the festivities. 
We finally reached a secluded corridor, far removed from the prying eyes and ears of the banquet. I released his hand and leaned against the wall, taking a moment to catch my breath.
He stood opposite me, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Well, that was certainly an adventure," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.
"I couldn't stand another tedious introduction," I admitted, my voice still hushed. "Thank you for not giving me up."
"It was my pleasure," he replied with a charming smile. "Tyland Lannister," he continued, introducing himself with a gallant bow before placing a kiss on my hand.
I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I introduced myself in turn, offering a slight curtsy.
"So," Tyland began, his tone light and playful, "what prompted your daring escape?"
I sighed, feeling the weight of the evening's pressures lift slightly. "My mother is determined to find me a suitable match, but her definition of 'suitable' is rather...interesting."
He nodded, understanding evident in his eyes. "I understand all too well," he said.
"What led you to follow me without any explanation?" I asked, a small smirk playing on my lips as I teased him.
He laughed softly, the sound low and warm, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. "When a beautiful lady tells you to follow her, you follow," he said simply, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 
The words caused a deeper blush to tint my cheeks, and I glanced away briefly to hide my reaction.
I chuckled, shaking my head. "You're quite the charmer, Lord Tyland."
"It's a skill one must develop in my position," he replied, his tone half-joking, half-serious.
A sudden burst of laughter erupted from the banquet hall, shattering the fragile bubble of intimacy that had enveloped us. I glanced toward the source of the noise, then back at Tyland, a sense of urgency seizing me. 
The evening had been a whirlwind of emotions, and I found myself craving something genuine, something that would make me feel alive in the midst of all the pretence.
"What would you do if I kissed you right now?" I asked abruptly, my voice a mix of challenge and vulnerability. The question seemed to stun him, his eyes widening as though I had just struck him.
"I beg your pardon?" he stammered, clearly taken aback by my unexpected query.
"Yes or no?" I pressed, a touch of impatience creeping into my tone. 
The frustration of the evening and the sting of my mother's relentless pursuit of a 'suitable' match still lingered, fueling my desire for a daring, rebellious act.
Tyland's gaze flicked nervously across my face as if searching for some indication of my true intentions. "Yes," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Without waiting for any further hesitation, I closed the distance between us. My heart raced as I tilted my head slightly, capturing his lips with mine in a kiss that was both impulsive and defiant. 
The contact was electric, charged with the raw emotion and rebellious spirit that had driven me to this moment.
Tyland responded immediately, his hands finding their way to my waist, pulling me closer.
When we finally pulled apart, both of us breathless, Tyland's expression was a mixture of surprise and admiration. "I didn't expect that," he murmured, his eyes still locked onto mine.
"Honestly, neither did I," I admitted, taking a step back to put some distance between us. The reality of my situation began to creep back in, and I knew I had to return to the banquet. 
"But I regret to say I must head back. My mother will not be pleased," I continued, already dreading the reprimand that awaited me.
A flicker of sadness crossed his face as he nodded, but then a thought seemed to spark in his eyes. "Perhaps I could see you again?" he suggested a hopeful note in his voice.
I shook my head, a rueful smile playing on my lips. "That would be improper,"
"Not if I am a potential suitor," he countered, his desperation and determination evident.
I stopped in my tracks, turning to face him fully. "You wish to marry me?" I asked, incredulous. The notion seemed absurd, and yet there was a sincerity in his eyes that gave me pause.
He gave a self-deprecating chuckle. "What other lady would have me crawl across a banquet floor?" he said, his eyes twinkling with humour and honesty.
The audacity of his proposal caught me off guard, and for a moment, I was at a loss for words. Here was a man who, in a matter of moments, had seen past the façade that society demanded I wear and was willing to join me in defiance of those very norms. 
It was both flattering and bewildering.
"You do not know me," I said finally, my voice softer, more contemplative.
"And yet, I feel I've seen more of your true self tonight than I have of anyone else in a lifetime of formal introductions and polite conversations," Tyland replied earnestly. "You're spirited and bold. Those are qualities I admire deeply."
I studied him, searching for any sign of insincerity, but found none. Instead, I saw a man who was genuinely captivated, not by the social advantages our union might bring, but by the person I had revealed myself to be in our brief, rebellious encounter.
"Your offer is... unexpected," I said, my mind racing. "But I must return now, or risk further scandal."
"Of course," he agreed, stepping aside to allow me passage. "But consider my words. I'm serious about my intentions."
I nodded, feeling a strange mix of relief and excitement. As I made my way back to the banquet, my mind buzzed with the possibilities that Tyland's proposition had opened up. 
For the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope that there could be a future where I wasn't simply a doll for my mother but a participant in my own destiny.
A/n - This was kinda fun to write iwl
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dragonagefanevents · 4 months
Dragon Age Fan Event Listings
The beauty of fan events is that they are run by fans.
Including you.
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▸What are the types of fan events? - #education
▸Start a new event! - #how tos (coming soon)
▸Ask Box - send us advice, or ask for it!
▸Blog Tag List
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Below is a list of all Dragon Age fan-run events we can find. The links should bring you to the most recent iteration of the event. Where possible, the time period the event covers is listed next to the event.
Want to get an event listed? Check out the link and submit. Look here for multi-fandom events, or more events in general.
Event Masterlist - #compendium
25k Big Bang (July - November)
10k Big Bang (March - April)
Dragon Age Reverse Bang
Arlathan Exchange (April - June)
DA Polyshipping (August - November)
Handers Exchange (March - May)
Templartations Exchange (March - May)
Black Emporium Rare Pair Exchange (June - September)
Platonic Ideal Gen Fic Exchange (December - February)
Smutquisition (January - March)
Theme Weeks/Months
Krem Week 2024 (July 22 - 28)
City Elf Week (August 5 - August 11)
Zevwarden Week (2024 dates TBD)
Tranquil Week (August 25 - 31)
Sera Appreciation Week (Oct 13 - 19)
Kink Memes
Dragon Age Kink Meme (Dreamwidth) | DAO | DA2 | DAI
Dragon Age Flower Zine (Creation Period)
Wanderers Zine (Creation Period)
Dragon Age OC Zine (Mod Apps Open)
Alistair Zine (Creation Period)
Special Events
Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle
Dragon Age Annual (2025 Production Period)
Dragon Age Create-A-Thon (Begins Sept 15 2024)
Reddit Weekly Dragon Age Writing Prompts
Unofficial Dragon Age Day (Dec 4)
Solavellan Day (April 11)
Past Events
Retired Bangs
DragonAgeBB (last: 2015; formerly on LJ and elsewhere)
Retired Exchanges
Demands of the Qun (Qunari)
A Paragon of Their Kind (DA Dwarves)
Solas Lovers
Hightown Funk (Varric/Hawke)
Retired Theme Weeks/Months
Autumn of Anders (Anders Appreciation Event)
Dalish Week
30 Days of Dorian (Dorian Appreciation Event)
Dragon Age Fan Week (2013)
Cullen Appreciation Week (2019)
Cullen Week (2021)
14 Days of DA Lovers
Fenris Appreciation Month (2017)
Rylen Appreciation Week (2018)
Sera Appreciation Week (2019)
Sub!Solas Week (2016)
Past Zines
Adoribull Fairytales
Age of Romance Zine (Incomplete)
ApprovesGreatly (Incomplete)
Andoralis Zine
Arcana: A Dragon Age Zine
Arlathvhen Zine (Incomplete)
Beyond the Veil Zine (Zine)
Bring Down the Sky Bioware Fanzine
Dragon Age 2 10th Anniversary Zine (Zine)
Dragon Age Codex Zine & Myths and Legends Zine
Fortitudo Dorian Artbook
Good for Each Other (Adoribull Zine)
In Peace, Vigilance Zine
Insufficient Skill Fanzine
Legend Mark Zine
Lotus and Root OC Zine
Love Across Thedas Zine (Zine)
Na Via Lerno Victoria (Fenris Zine)
Patron of the Arts Zine
Rebel Hearts Handers Zine (Zine)
Road to the Imperium Zine
Solasmancy Zine
Sunlight (Anders Zine)
The Coming Storm Zine (Ukrainian Zine)
The Dragon Age Zine (Russian Zine)
The Keeper's Codex Fairy Tale Zine
The Unsung Dragon Age Zine
The Zevran Zine (incomplete)
Thedosian Archives (incomplete)
to be happy (FenHawke Zine)
Wicked Eyes: A Dragon Age Finery Zine
Year of the Mabari (Incomplete)
Other Past Events
Dragon Age Calendar 2018
Dragon Age Calendar 2021
For Fans by Fans - Fan Forge
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arlathanxchange · 7 months
✨Meet the Mods ✨
Introducing another familiar face on our mod team!
☆ Mod Intro
▸ Name: Fox ▸ Pronouns: she/her
I have loved Dragon Age since Origins was released, but it wasn't until 2019 - after replaying Inquisition - that I was lured to take my first steps into the fandom. From that point on, Dragon Age has been my one true inspiration and obsession.
What first drew me into the fandom was the heartbreaking romance of Solas and Lavellan. I became enthralled with finding more stories and fanworks about them, but have since slid into rare pair hell and has taken it upon myself to create more content for it.
I'm primarily an artist, who also dabbles a bit with writing on the side. I love to explore and talk about the lore and characters of Dragon Age. I also love to participate and organize various exchanges and events in the fandom, among them this one.
As always, I am excited to run the Arlathan eXchange, and I am also happy to welcome our new mods to the team, who will undoubtedly help us make this event even better!
You can find or follow me on:
tumblr (@thefoxinboots)
rules & info | faq | mod team & philosophy
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paperanddice · 10 months
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Chernomoi are another of the backer created monsters for the Tome of Beasts. Tiny fey tenders to dragon lairs, they are also known as lair sprites. Many dragons will have one or more chernomoi tidying and helping protect their lair, in exchange for taking the occasional copper coin or piece of quartz from the horde. Dragons who tolerate this occasional price can count on having an exceptionally loyal follower who will watch for intruders and raise an alarm upon spotting it, but an overly greedy chernomoi or too many will push their host dragon to retaliation. Looking like tiny, winged dragonkin, chernomoi armor themselves in small coats made from the coin and gems they take, which may be useful against rats and similarly small foes but poses no impediment to strikes from larger foes.
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The children of the briar are fey plant creatures that grow in deep briar patches, usually when the briars draw blood from a sorcerer or other magical creature. More rarely druids may attempt to summon up children through obscure rituals, but this is a frowned upon practice (to put it mildly), as the children are quite destructive. They attempt to gather in large numbers and vex both humanoids and fey alike, pulling pranks that can quickly turn dangerous. The least of their tricks is a pair of them teaming up to trap travellers in a patch of entangling plants, but this is often followed up by attempted murder. They may be dissuaded by interesting news and gossip, the more cruel or spiteful the better.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Chernomoi Creature 1 Uncommon Tiny Fey Perception +5; darkvision Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan Skills Acrobatics +7, Intimidation +6, Stealth +7, Thievery +7 Str -1, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +3 Items scimitar AC 15; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5 HP 26; Weaknesses cold iron 2 Speed 20 feet, fly 20 feet Melee scimitar +7 (finesse, forceful, sweep), Damage 1d6+1 slashing Innate Primal Spells DC 14 ; 2nd invisibility (at will); 1st detect poison, mending (at will); cantrips (1st) detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation Shriek [two actions] (primal) The chernomoi emits a loud shriek that deals 2d6 sonic damage to any creature in a 60-foot emanation (DC 15 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails this save is also deafened for one minute. The chernomoi can't use Shriek again for 1d4 rounds.
Child of the Briar Creature 1 Tiny Fey Plant Perception +5 Languages Aklo, Briarclick Skills Acrobatics +6, Survival +8 Str -2, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +2 AC 14; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3 HP 26; Weaknesses fire 3, cold iron 3 Speed 20 feet, climb 10 feet Melee claw +8 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d8 slashing Ranged spitdard tongue +8 (range increment 20 feet, reload 2), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Primal Innate Spells Spells DC 15 ; 2nd entangle; Constrict [one action] 1d8 piercing, DC 17 Entangle When the child of the briar casts entangle, the area is only a 10-foot radius, and the duration is only 1 round. All children of the briar are immune to the effects of this spell. Two children of the briar can combine their entangle. In this case, the child can delay the effect of the spell until another child within 10 feet completes its casting of the spell. When the combined spell activates, the radius and duration return to the normal amount, and the save DC increases by 2.
13th Age
Chernomoi  Weakling 2nd level troop [humanoid]  Initiative: +6 Scimitar Strike +6 vs. AC - 3 damage. C: Shriek +6 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies) - 2 thunder damage. Natural 16+: The target is also dazed (easy save ends, 6+). Limited Use: 1/battle. Dragon Follower: The chernomoi gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage against enemies that harmed a dragon since the chernomoi’s last turn. Flight. Invisibility: While not engaged, the chernomoi can turn invisible as a standard action. It becomes visible if it attacks. AC 18 PD 16 MD 12 HP 20
Child of the Briar  1st level blocker [plant]  Initiative: +5 Thorny Claw +6 vs. AC - 5 damage. Natural Even Hit: The child of the briar can also grab the target. A grabbed enemy takes 3 damage at the start of each of the child’s turns. R: Spitdart Tongue +6 vs. AC (one nearby enemy, or far away enemy at -2 atk) - 3 damage. C: Entangle +7 vs. PD (all engaged enemies plus 1d2 nearby enemies) - The target is hampered (save ends). Special: Two children of the briar must combine their standard actions to use this attack, otherwise it has no effect. AC 15 PD 14 MD 11 HP 36
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Woohoo, time for creating! If you signed up but haven't received an assignment via the email you use for AO3, please email the mods at [email protected].
↳ Helpful Links:
Rules & Assignment Requirements || Participation Walkthrough Guide || FAQ || Requests on Ao3 || Tagset || Nominations Spreadsheet || Request Database || Parent Collection (All Past Years) Assignments Due: August 27, 2023 @ 9 AM US Pacific / 12 PM US Eastern / 4 PM UTC+0 || Countdown
For a how-to-guide of the whole exchange that includes all of the information in this post, please take a look at our Participation Walkthrough Guide and FAQ.
After sign-ups are completed, creators and recipients are matched based on their sign-ups. Matches are one-way; that is, while it is possible A may write for B and B may write for A, you are more likely to have A writing for B, and B writing for C, and C writing for A.
You will be assigned to someone who has at least one request that matches at least one of your offers for the below two fields: relationship pairing and type of fanwork.
You will be matched with someone who requested:
at least one of the pairings for which you offered to write or draw ("Relationship" field), and
at least one type of fanwork you offered ("Additional Tags" field aka fanfic, fanart, or both -- if both, you can create an assignment in either format; you are not obligated to create two assignments), and
whether or not you've both indicated interest in Mature- or Explicit-rated content ("E" checkbox)
You are guaranteed to have a match by the end of the date listed under "Assignments" in the schedule. If you do not have a match by then, please contact the mods via email.
Once matching is done, you will receive an email with your assignment and it will also be listed under "My Assignments" on AO3. Since everyone must put in at least three requests, it is likely that your assignment will include pairings that you did not request along with at least one you did.
If you do not think you'll be able to create anything for your recipient, reach out to a mod ASAP for solutions.
After you receive your assignment, you should select a pairing in your assignment that interests you and start working on your fanwork. The pairing does not have to be the one you signed up with -- if there's something else that catches your eye, you're most welcome to run with it! You will have several weeks to complete your assignment.
If your recipient provided prompts or suggestions or OCs, we recommend trying to incorporate some of them (or the spirit of them), but it isn't required. Authors and artists will not be forced to create content they do not want to. The only thing artists and authors are required to do is to meet the criteria for a finished assignment (see "Assignment Requirements").
Writers are encouraged to make use of a beta reader or sensitivity reader. If you don't know where to find a beta, contact the mods or ask in the Discord.
↳ Assignment Requirements
For this exchange, a work must fit the below criteria to be considered "complete" and officially fulfill your assignment. It is the responsibility of all exchange participants to only submit works that meet these requirements, so please review them carefully.
Fic Assignments
Gifted solely to your assigned recipient;
Must be a minimum of 1,000 words;
The main pairing of the work must be one of the recipient's requested pairings;
Does not exceed the rating limit of the recipient;
Does NOT include any of your recipient's do-not-wants (DNWs)*;
The work must be original and can be enjoyed without any context other than the work itself;
Has a definite beginning, middle, and end; feels "complete" even if the ending may be open-ended;
Does NOT contain an excessive amount of spelling, punctuation, formatting, and/or grammar errors;
Appropriately tagged for rating and content, especially if it contains content that falls under AO3's Archive Warnings. Alternatively, you can utilize the "Choose Not to Warn" option;
Cannot consist of AI-based writing (i.e. running prompts through a chat bot).
Art Assignments
Gifted solely to your assigned recipient;
Must be, at minimum, clean lineart (hand-drawn or digital);
The main pairing of the work must be one of the recipient's requested pairings;
Does not exceed the rating limit of the recipient;
Does NOT include any of your recipient's do-not-wants (DNWs)*;
The work must be original and can be enjoyed without any context other than the work itself;
Appropriately tagged for rating and content, especially if it contains content that falls under AO3's Archive Warnings. Alternatively, you can utilize the "Choose Not to Warn" option;
Cannot consist of AI generated artwork (i.e. running prompts through an image creation bot).
*In some cases, listed DNWs may be seen as unenforceable by moderators. See "Do-Not-Wants (DNWs)" section for more.
If you sign up to participate, but realize you either need an extension (more time) or need to default (leave the exchange without completing your assignment), please contact a mod ASAP. There is no shame in defaulting and no reason has to be given. However, the earlier we know, the earlier we can plan for it and arrange for a pinch hitter if needed.
↳ Adhering to Rating Levels
If you are under 18 years old, do NOT create any work Mature- or Explicit-rated.
If you are at least 18 years old AND your recipient has indicated interest in receiving gifts that are Mature- or Explicit-rated, it is your choice which rating level to go with.
↳ "Mega-Pairing" Exceptions
Please note that we do review works with threesomes/moresomes or non-binary versions of mega-pairings to ensure that they embody the spirit of the exchange.
For example, if a work is turned in with a nonbinary character in a pairing, such as Nonbinary Lavellan/Solas, we would look at any work turned in to make sure that Lavellan is indeed nonbinary when paired with Solas and isn't referred to as "she" or "he" exclusively through the work.
Likewise, with a threesome that includes a larger pairing (such as "Female Lavellan/Solas/Vivienne"), we would like to make sure that all three characters have some representation within the work.
While not every partner needs to have equal participation, we expect any triad/moresome relationship to have some participation from all parties. Even in a V-triad, if character A is the shared point between A/B and A/C, we expect both A/B and A/C to be present in the work..
Simply put: if your mega-pair is the main component of your fic, and the third person is more of a third wheel than an active member, that goes against the spirit of the exchange.
All assignments must be complete and posted to the collection by the Assignments Due Date. Do not reveal your work on other platforms before the Creator Reveals date.
You may post a work to the collection at any time. If you post to the collection before Work Reveals, it will be hidden until then. You may continue to edit your fanwork until assignments are revealed.
If you post to the collection after Work Reveals, it may take a short amount of time for a moderator to approve it into the collection.
And if you post to the collection after Creator Reveals, just message a mod -- we're happy to approve it into the collection, but we cease monitoring the queue after Creator Reveals.
↳ Submitting a work with Multiple Recipients
When you create a new work on AO3, in the field to gift to an individual, you can add all the recipients you wish to gift to.
↳ Moderator Check-Ins
As this is a moderated exchange, after works are turned in, mods review submissions before approving them into the collection. It is the responsibility of all participants to only submit complete works.
If Assignment Requirements are NOT met, or if they require clarification, we may reach out to the creator.
We will NOT check to see if the creator included specific prompts, OCs, tropes, AUs, etc., that a recipient has requested. Those are optional details left up to the creator.
Situations where we might reach out include but are not limited to:
The work appears to be unfinished or has technical difficulties in display (no paragraph breaks, art that doesn't display, etc).
We noticed the work violates a recipient's DNW.
The work does not include any of the recipient's requested pairings or requested work format.
The work appears to be addressed to the wrong recipient.
Freeform tags are chosen that don't match the work.
An author's note is unacceptable in behavior due to being insulting, against AO3 ToS, etc.
A message from a moderator should not be taken as a rejection nor a negative response to your work.
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uchidachi · 3 months
Dragon Age Exchange Letter 2024
Hello Black Emporium Rare Pair Exchange Writer/Artist!
Thank you for making this gift for me! I know I will love whatever you come up with, but for those who like a little more guidance I have left many prompts in the signup and some general likes & dislikes here.
I'm open to treats of Fic and/or Art and multi-recip treats!
General Likes:  I really like UST and mutual pining, also the corny stuff like “fake married” or “bed sharing” or “arranged marriage” tropes. I LOVE Soulmate AUs more than anything else, I’m an absolute sucker for those. I also like the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope. I also really like cats, so if you give a character a cat, I will be happy
General dislikes: I love angst, but not really hurt/comfort. I love canon deviation and certain AUs, but I really don’t get into any AUs that change the setting for Dragon Age
DNW: any kind of abuse, bathroom kinks, bestiality, crossovers, humiliation, incest, modern AUs, mundane AUs, noncon/dubcon, omegaverse, pregnancy, PWP, second-person POV, underage, whump.
Specific Character/Pairing notes: I tag all my ships on this blog with “character a x character b” in alphabetical order, so if you want to look up what I’ve reblogged/posted on Krem/Harding for instance, look for the tag “harding x krem” and Adaar/Vivienne would be under both “inquisitor x vivienne” and “adaar x vivienne”. OT3s are under the tag “ot3″. A lot of the pairings this year are truly the rarest of rare, so for some of them I may not have any content yet!
For the many Vivienne ships I requested; I do headcanon her and Bastien having an open relationship when they are together, so feel free to use that headcanon if you want!
Now for the spoiler part of the letter. Please let this photo of my cat protect you if you wish to not read Veilguard prompts. Otherwise please scroll past the cat & click read more for more prompts.
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Male Adaar/Solas or Female Cadash/Solas - I put this under the spoiler group because I am in love with the idea that maybe Inquisitors who were shot down by Solas during Inquisition get a second chance at romance in Veilguard. Just imagine the possibilities…
Vivienne/Emmrich Volkarin - Well, she does canonically like silver foxes ;)
Davrin & Merrill (Dragon Age) - LET! MERRILL! PET! THE! BABY! GRIFFON! Ok apart from Assan, I really would love to see Merrill able to make friends with another Dalish elf, and as a Grey Warden Davrin is likely less anti-blood-magic than average. Or at least I’m going to headcanon that he is, until proven otherwise. 
Fenris/Neve Gallus - All the joy of pairing Fenris with a mage, with less drama because she’s 100% with him on hunting down maleficars & helping Tevinter slaves. Also I have one word for you: Casefic.
For general Veilguard stuff: I'm planning to play as a lady Rook that is a Dwarven rogue archer named Rhea. If there's a background for Rook that doesn't involve being part of the Carta I'll be over the moon. That's not at all required to include, but I thought I might as well include it
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WAIT I just got into this fandom and missed this year's event!! Do you know of any other DA fanwork events this year? Id really love to get involved in the community and meet other fans!!
Hello! First of all, everyone is invited to join our Templartations server at any time to meet and chat! Its also the best way to not miss our next exchange 😁 For other events that are happening now or soon you may check out: The 2024 Dragon Age Big Bang @thedragonagebigbang The Black Emporium - Dragon Age Rare Pair Exchange @black-emporium-exchange You may also look out for other events (like Arlathan Exchange @arlathanxchange, DA Poly Exchange @dapolyshipping, Handers Exchange @handers-time, and many more) taking place throughout the year!
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azems-familiar · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
i was tagged by @voidcat-senket thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
alright, this is excluding an approximately 470k-word series i orphaned years ago - 2,453,282
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it depends where the hyperfixation takes me, but it's usually going to be mostly star wars; era varies. right now, i'm actively posting for the Jedi: series games, but i also write for the kotor/swtor eras, and i did tcw fic back in the day. other fandoms i've written/posted for are doctor who, mdzs, and i poke at writing things for mass effect and dragon age from time to time, though i've never posted any of those. i've got a couple other fandoms i've dipped into for the purpose of fusions.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
oh boy. all of these are from like, 2019-2020 at LATEST, there's one on here that's from late 2017, but i wrote for a bigger fandom then and none of my good recent stuff will ever take over these spots because it's for smaller fandoms. alas. please do not take any of these as representative of my current fanon opinions XD
do you love me - this one is never leaving that spot. codywan arranged marriage fic from 2019 that is still very popular. i don't like a lot of the fanon tropes and things we used in that fic these days, but it's one of the longest finished fics i have and i can admit the plot was pretty well done. has 3394 kudos. (that's more than i remember.)
tell the world (i'm coming home) - the one where Vader defects during the events of Twilight of the Apprentice. mostly gen. has 2139 kudos
something inside this heart has died (you're in ruins) - codywan fic where Cody is in Kadavo. has the same issues as do you love me, but definitely has some of the best prose that i'd written at the time in it. has 1752 kudos
follow me (and i will bring you home) - i am not linking this one. a reylo fic i wrote back when tlj first dropped, very old and not among my better works whatsoever, but got popular at the time for being a big ship and posting shortly after a new movie. has 1497 kudos
i just wanna keep calling your name (until you come back home) - post-Order 66 codywan dreamsharing fic that i wrote for an exchange back in 2020. it has 1072 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to, and i try to get to them on my smaller fics/fandoms these days, but back when i was writing big tcw fics i got in the habit of not doing it because there were so many it was hard to keep up with, so it's a mixed bag of if i do or not these days. but i see all of them, and they all bring me joy. well, most of them. the ones that don't aren't worth mentioning
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
mmmmm that's a hard one. i tend to prefer angst with a happy ending, or at least a hopeful ending, but back in, idk, 2017? i wrote a rogue one fic based off the song whiskey lullaby that was.... pretty grim, lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lord i have no idea. probably the series i mentioned above that was orphaned? it had a sickeningly sweet ending involving a wedding and a kid for the main pairing, and happy endings for basically every other ship involved.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
sometimes. not often, thankfully, and usually not on AO3 itself, but back in my ffn days i got some, i've gotten a few assholes about stuff before also, and people will sometimes come at me here, but yknow, whatever. i'm used to it by now and i mostly just laugh it off and either ignore it or you get a snarky response
9. Do you write smut?
.....rarely? sometimes? i used to have a hard no policy on it, but i was also raised evangelical with a biiiig taboo on that kind of shit, so i've been slowly working through that and trying to get outside my comfort zone on it for years. i've written a couple smutty things that aren't on AO3, one that is, and i'll be involved in writing smut outtakes for one of my currently-posting series, but i don't tend to enjoy straight up pwp so it'll usually have a character reason for it, or plot. usually.
10. Do you write crossovers?
i do not write crossovers. i do deeply enjoy writing fusions (taking the characters from one franchise and dumping them into the world/plot of the other, but they've always been there). i have a clone wars hunger games au that is still my little baby and a kotor/swtor hp au that is my OTHER baby because it has involved years of work to make the hp universe....functional and not shitty and whatnot.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, though i've seen a few fics that made me squint suspiciously at them. it's definitely possible that something's been put on wattpad or something without me being made aware, but i don't actively look.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! the very lovely @anayaghmeya has translated all of my mdzs fics into russian. none of my star wars fics have been, to my knowledge, but i do have an open permissions statement for that sort of thing, so one day it might happen
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
oh yeah, many times. my old tcw fics were cowritten with @thelavenderhimbo; i write a lot of tor era stuff with @ipreferfiction (hiiii beloved) and a little with @sith-shenanigans though none of those have been posted anywhere yet; i'm writing a spyscrapper fic with @dream-of-tanalorr right now, and senket and i are technically cowriting by virtue of posting an RP we're doing to AO3. i like cowriting; when the vibes are good, it works much better for me than doing stuff on my own. i've had it go very badly in the past, but for the most part it tends to work out well
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i absolutely will not pick one. that being said, the only reason i found my way to fandom at all is Doctor/Rose from Doctor Who, so i feel like i owe them a shout-out for this, lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
oh, man, so many things. i really want to eventually finish all my tor-era novelization projects, but realistically those are such huge projects that with the ~mental illness~ it's gonna take a long-ass time if i ever do
16. What are your writing strengths?
these two questions are SUPER hard for me to answer because i deeply struggle with being objective about my own writing. i enjoy writing politics and political intrigue; i'm not so sure if i'm good at it, but i like it. i've been yelled at and informed i need to put "worldbuilding" and "getting deeply into characters' heads" in here as well, so i'm adding it. i like dialogue as well, i find it easier to write than other things, so that's going in here too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Tumblr media
apparently. lol. ANYWAY i do tend to struggle with combat - sometimes i can really hit it well when it's a strong emotional beat, but writing action scenes that aren't really important for characterization is soooo hard for me i hate it. also, coming up with subplots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
it.... depends. i used to overuse it, now i rarely do; generally speaking, if it's another language entirely that the POV character understands i'll shift it to italics or some other way of conveying that, if it's one or two words scattered in the meaning should be understandable via context and i'll provide translations at the end. i only rarely use non-English words if the character can't understand what's being said.
19. First fandom that you wrote for?
the first fandom i posted fic for was Doctor Who. back when i was a kid and didn't know what fandom was or what fanfic was, i wrote a few paragraphs of a story set in the Eragon universe, lol
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i've got a couple i want to put shout outs to in here. war has let this age begin (it's where we've gone and where they've been) is my dramatization of my Revan's Mandalorian Wars and i'm still really proud of it after 2 years; it was the first solo-written longfic i'd finished in quite a while, and i'm very attached to my Revan and everything i did with it. i really like this mdzs fic, he said, son, can you play me a memory that i wrote last year. and of course in terms of recent stuff: i HAVE to mention do you taste my pain in this bloodstained place for the amount of worldbuilding and plotting davi and i have done on it - it's the spyscrapper Bad Ending villain pov fic that breaks off from canon partway through Jedi: Survivor.
tags: @thelavenderhimbo @ipreferfiction @dream-of-tanalorr @darthsassacre @prowlingthunder and anyone else who wants to do this, feel free to use this as a tag! (io, i tagged you above for things, if you want to do it you Can but i know you don't usually do tag games so i'm not tagging you down here)
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bywayofmemory · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @iamstartraveller776, thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 313. 113 of them are 3SF fics so they only sort of count? I haven't even posted 2024's batch yet.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 452,247
3. What fandoms do you write for? My fandoms list on AO3 is...long. Like 80+ fandoms long. This is once again due to 3SF; fandoms I am or have been actually active in are Firefly, Chronicles of Narnia, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Grisha Trilogy/Shadow and Bone, and Greek Mythology.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Drunk on the Dying Light [Grisha Trilogy, Darklina] A blood-soaked amplifier gives Alina the ability to control him, but the Darkling still haunts her; all the more so once she becomes his wife.
Maybe It Will All Come Back to Me [A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon/Arya] The wars are over, Daenerys is on the Iron Throne, and Arya finds Jon at last, though neither of them are who they were before.
Hold My Heart in Two [A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon/Arya/Sansa] The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives, in whatever form.
The World That's on the Other Side [Firefly, Mal/River] When River Tam is fourteen, she meets a man who tells her her future. She doesn't want it, but he's a different matter altogether.
The Ladies Love Wash, and Wash Loves the Ladies [Firefly, Wash & all the women of Firefly] Wash is popular with the womenfolk; it's just a fact of life.
5. Do you respond to comments? I always try to! Usually I am successful.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write unhappy endings too often, but two stand out - Always, we strive to get closer, one of my Narnia Fic Exchange fics from last year in which a post-canon Edmund battles through memories to find Susan, only to find she's not ready to give up living even for him, and A Rush of Blood Is Not Enough, a Folk of the Air sex-pollen fic where Jude unknowingly dubcons Cardan and he's very angry once it wears off.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of mine have happy or at least bittersweet endings, so this is hard - but it might well be The World That's on the Other Side, where Mal and River manage to fix everything bad that happened in canon before any of it technically happens at all.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Rarely, since I'm a NNF. I used to get a bit back in the day when I was actively writing Mal/River due to the age gap and mental stability issues inherent in that pairing, and now I get a comment or two on the Darklina fics from time to time. They just get deleted.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! I write pretty vanilla M/F and F/F smut; haven't gotten further than the mildest of kinks so far.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? All the time. The craziest are probably the Where's Waldo/LotR or Narnia/Sports Mascot RPF [sort of??? how do you even classify fic in which Gritty appears?], both from 3SF. For non 3SF, it's almost all Narnia/ASoIaF. Probably the most unusual of those is The Truth Without Lying, since that's partly a 1940/50s England AU of ASoIaF as well as a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but I don't look for it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yep. There's three of them on AO3, and I've been asked other times, though if those were done they didn't get linked back to my originals.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Only in 3SF, where you can 'cowrite' in terms of leaving a series of prompts or fills with a specific partner or two. That I do almost every year. In the traditional sense, no.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I don't really work in Firefly anymore for the obvious reasons (dead fandom, the Whedon of it all), but rereading any of my Mal/River work still feels like meeting up with old friends. I love them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I had a third and fourth part of my Mal/River series Love Keeps Her in the Air planned out, and a good 1/3 of part three written. It's literally the only unfinished fic I have. It never got finished because I moved across the country during the middle of it and my ambition never quite recovered.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and characterization. I'm very good at getting character voices down (and typically just avoid writing characters I can't get a handle on, honestly).
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Beginnings. The absolute worst. This is why I have no WIPs; if I manage to actually get something started, the hard part is out of the way for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I used to do this all the time in Firefly, using Mandarin phrases they'd used in the show. Everyone did at the time. Now I wouldn't; I'd go the "swore at length in Mandarin" route, or just use dialogue tags and description to indicate the characters are speaking another language, like I do with Valyrian in my HotD fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LotR, a very long time ago. Firefly is the first one I published anything for that's still on the internet.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I have so many favorites! I couldn't possibly choose one, except I could and it's The World That's on the Other Side. The ones written during ~the flow are always my faves, and that one stands out the most in that regard.
Tagging @thatgirlnevershutsup, @wingedflight, @siterlas, @starsuncounted and @oakashandwillow if you want!!
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lyntergalactic · 1 year
wip weekend
yoinking this from my old blog since i need some motivation to write
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) a bunch of filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Weekend Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
sw rare pair exchange fic (star wars)
oops rex and ahsoka time travel (sw: tcw)
accidental papa wolf?? (sw: repcomm)
kal doesn't get called (sw: repcomm)
untitled canderous/f!revan thing (sw: kotor)
hey countdown actually happened (dcu, pre-n52)
bad things happen bingo; "i'm taking you with me" (dragon age 2)
SNIPPET: (from accidental papa wolf??)
Crouched in the makeshift lean-to made by the collapsed timber of the house is a child. Sev can't see much of them. Just ragged clothes, a soot-stained face, and eyes that seem too big for their head. They stare at him, unblinking, unmoving. He can almost hear Scorch's voice in the back of his head commenting on how he'd think it's a little creepy. Sev doesn't. He knows this kind of stillness.
With a grunt, he lowers himself to sit on the ground, back against what he thinks might have once been a porch. His knee burns with the movement until he can pull his leg straight again. From within one of his pockets, he digs out a smashed ration bar. Carefully unwraps it and breaks it in half.
"You hungry, kid?" he asks.
A thin, bruised arm darts out from its shelter and grabs the ration as fast as it can.
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