#bear filter 🐻
subpixie420 Β· 8 months
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Just a pink bear in a pink bear filter enjoying some trees🐻🩷🌲
🐻my links🐻 (OF on spooky sale!)
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botanicalsword Β· 1 year
Earth β€’ Fire Ascendant / Rising Sign observations
Ascendant / Rising sign is the lens through which we tend to present ourselves to the world. It is the mask or persona that we wear when interacting with others and can be seen as a sort of filter that shapes how we are perceived by others.
Photo credit @le.sinex
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β₯ Earth Ascendant / Rising sign (Taurus / Virgo / Capricorn)
They aim to appear competent and reliable, usually through maintaining a professional demeanor.
People may struggle to ask for help due to fear of vulnerability, rejection, or feeling like a burden. This may cause them to try to solve problems on their own even when seeking help would be more efficient or effective.
When facing a problem, they try to solve it logically on their own but still hope for others to notice their need for help. This may come from various reasons, like a need for confirmation or fear of failure. They may hesitate to ask for help directly and wait for someone to offer assistance instead. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
They may try to look for different relationship. But when they come across someone they are interested in, but choose not to express their feelings because they have faith in destiny and believe that their romantic life is predetermined. They believe that if they are destined to be with their partner, fate will bring them together without any additional action on their part.β€οΈβ€πŸ©ΉπŸ¦‹
They prefer to present themselves as strong and resilient, hiding any signs of vulnerability. They make an effort to conceal their delicate side and appear as though they have everything under control, even if it's not the case.
They act humble not because they are shy, because they recognize that they may need to work harder than others to achieve their goals and that they are not invincible to mistakes. Therefore, they aim to work harder and prevent revealing their weaknesses.
Fire Ascendant / Rising sign (Aries / Leo / Sagittarius)
They may have some vulnerabilities, but they tend to display a more egocentric side in their professional endeavors.
They are highly invested in their work and take pride in their accomplishments, which can sometimes make them appear self-centered or focused solely on their own success. This is often because they are deeply committed to achieving their goals and want to ensure that their efforts are recognized and rewarded. πŸ†
They are generally able to take a joke, but becomes defensive when it comes to their friends or romantic partner. They are a kind and caring who can be relied upon to provide emotional support.
They are like a comforting teddy bear, always willing to listen and offer their perspective, and will support you regardless of the circumstances. You can trust them with your deepest secrets and they will keep your confidence while offering a sympathetic ear. 🐻 πŸ’• - they will take your side no matter how.
If they know that your partner is mistreating you, they may struggle to be in the same space as them. They cannot bear being around someone who is causing harm or distress to someone they care about.
They have a strong sense of empathy and are greatly affected by the emotions and experiences of those around them. They may feel uncomfortable or even angry when they witness someone they care about being mistreated.
They will also care for your family. This is because they understand that your family is an important part of your life and that your relationships with them are significant to you. They may also recognize the positive impact that your family has had on your life and appreciate the role they play in shaping who you are as a person. They will likely make an effort to get to know your family and build a positive relationship with them as well.
They are easily irritated because they are those who feel deeply. Their feelings come from a place of vulnerability or hurt caused by stuff that might seem small to others. Their emotions are not just surface-level anger - they're feeling pretty hurt or let down.
It is the observation based on my experiences - If you have different opinions, please share them with me. I would love to hear them. β™‘
There will be a Part 2 coming. 🀍
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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fo-bloodyrose Β· 7 months
F/O List
Last updated: 03.05.2024.
Proshippers, anti self shippers, etc. DNI
Here's a list of my f/o's, or at least the f/o's i'm comfortable revealing with. Keep in mind that i'll filter out their names and sources so that i don't attract fandoms, but if you also have some of them as your f/o's, feel free to let me know so we can share as long as i'm comfortable with it.
Primary romantic f/o's
B.ianka A.taegina (H.I 3rd)
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I can't express how much i love this woman. (Mini TW for mental health) I remember when she showed up when i was extremely depreseed to the point i couldn't feel any emotions, and she straight up stole my heart with no effort. Ever since then, i only loved her even more to the point where i even want to call her my wife, especially since she still has a special place in my heart
Emoji and tag: πŸ₯ my beloved
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H0nok@ (D0a 5/6)
As a fighting game enjoyer, i expected i'd end up loving her, since she is the type of f/o's who i started loving at the right time. She was very good at slowly melting her way into my heart, because i went from being somewhat interested in her to straight up loving her a lot. And when i say that i love her a lot, i mean that she made me fall even further than usual in just 2 weeks, and she's very good at keeping me with herself.
Emoji and tag: 🀫 secretive cuddly plushie
(The picture used is a reference picture)
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She's an OC i made back in late 2021 when i was haunted a lot by insecurities and pain from knowing my previous f/o's at the time had canon love interests (I prefer single f/o's because i easily get insecure about myself when a f/o has a canon love interest and it knows to hurt me), and she was really important to me. Even to this day, she has that something that makes her so lovable to me, so i just can't resist her! She always knows how to melt my heart, and i still can't stop loving her, because even if i take time with another f/o, she pulls my heart to herself like a magnet.
Emoji and tag: πŸ’› adorable sunshine
Backup romantic f/o
Mel (OC)
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An OC made by my bestest friend @00selfshipper and despite the fact that she's an OC, she's really special to me. She quickly got my attention, especially since she's unique when it comes to my type, and i just can't help but enjoy her flirtiness and affection. Plus, i feel like it could also get fun when she makes me explode a bit.
Emoji and tag: ☁️ pink sleep drug
F/o's who are between platonic and romantic
(Basically, i was supposed to originally have platonic comfort from them, but they somehow found a way to bring some romantic comfort)
Upper row: E.d3n (HI 3rd), Tu.es.day S.imm0ns
Lower row: Ky0ka (Sc@rl3t N3xus), A.yl.a (PGR)
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Not sure if i have a platonic crush or if i straight up love them, but they still mean to me, soooo.
Emojis and tags: 🍷 heavenly wine, 🎡 singing bb, πŸŒ‚ kyokyo, 🐻 giant teddy bear
NSFW friend-with-benefits f/o's
(For whenever i'm in the NSFW mood, and i mostly find them extremely hot. Note that i'll talk about them on NSFW sideblog.)
From left to right: R|ta R0ssw3isse (HI 3rd), Ri0 (Blu3 Arch1v3), Y3l@n (GI)
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At first, they would be a part of the type i would resist often (Oh boi, imagine the exploding posts i would post if i was still resisting), but ever since they started getting me in a NSFW mood, i ended up accepting them at least for the late night fun, if you know what i mean. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰
Emojis and tags: πŸ₯€ demon under my bed, πŸ–€ black hole, 🧊 hot ice
In conclusion... Apparently i have a type for mobile game f/o's even i don't play mobile games much πŸ˜…
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orgonevalley Β· 7 months
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These two cuties! 🧸🧸
Which would you choose?!
These are Orgone Energy Bears 🧸
What is Orgonite/Orgone Energy?
Orgone energy is similar to what the ancients have called prana, chi, or universal energy. Orgonite is created by layering organic and inorganic materials that are able to harness this vital life force energy and amplify it so you can actually feel a sensation with it. I like to add crystals with most of my creations. In doing so, the crystal matrix is locked in an amplified state of its own frequency. The encased metal filters the negative frequencies. This combination creates a high-frequency output and a negative-frequency filter all in one piece.
#orgonevalley #orgone #orgones #orgonenergy #orgonite #orgonites #orgonitepyramid #orgonitependant #etsy #etsystarseller #womanownedbusiness #teddybear #teddybears #gummybears #gummybear🐻 #gummylovers #gummybear #gummycandy #gummys #bear #cutebear #cutebears #cuteanimals #crystalhealing #crystallove #crystalmagic
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pzfr Β· 1 year
Send in a πŸ“± for a text conversation between our muses
Atieno [TXT] (4:02am): While I do maintain my preferred form across the locales I visit, I have noted that some people will occasionally notice a different detail.
Rex [TXT] (4:03am): oh oh, like because of how their sensory functions and mind try to process your presence
Atieno [TXT] (4:03am): Something like that
Atieno [TXT] (4:05am): It's usually small details. The way the air moves around me, a filter for how certain sounds go through. Nothing that really changes how I appear, but it influences how others feel. It is... interesting.
Rex [TXT] (4:30am): went back and thought about it. that in itself is almost like a physical equivalent to personally held opinion? I think? Rex [TXT] (4:30am): bear with me here Atieno [TXT] (4:32am): 🐻 Will do.
Rex [TXT] (4:33am): πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ Rex [TXT] (4:33am): as I was sayin. This personalized phenomena is uniquely tailored to each being or group of beings you encounter, if I'm understanding correctly Rex [TXT] (4:36am): I compared it to developing an opinion, but it's more of an... advanced surface level observation? Let's call it that ffor now, working theory Rex [TXT] (4:36am): It's not precisely the same as determining one's thoughts at length, but there's something about how we look, touch, breathe around other people that also sticks to our memories and whatnot. And naturally, when people are around a cosmic entity like you, they'll notice that the gravity is different, particles travel on alternate routes, light reflects and sound reverbs in odd or even unprecedented ways (affectionate) Rex [TXT] (4:38am): It's almost like. A scaled up version of what happens when other people interact in the average sense. In your case it's so potent it can't help but manifest in the world around you in some quantifiable manner.
Rex [TXT] (4:40am): Like. It's poetry in motion, isn't it? The things that are happening concretely for you, it's achieved by ordinary folks through their poetry. The imagination makes entire worlds of the mundane. You carry a living wonder about yourself, as all people do.
Rex [TXT] (4:41am): now did that make any sense or Atieno [TXT] (4:48am): I mean it's much to think about. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
Rex [TXT] (4:48am): ofc
Rex [TXT] (4:55am): oh #$%^ the sun is coming up I'd better hit the hay. gnight ati
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mtnkat3 Β· 1 year
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8.46am. Good morning my loves..... my precious handsome sexy hunky yummy trees Mavericks beasts ..... Bears ..... Angels .....
I hope & pray you.....each piece of you..... slept well & the day is beginning well.....
I didn't have a lot of sleep, ~<5hrs. But did have an interesting ahem..wake up before waking up in pain at 5am. Blushing shyly grin. Aaaaalllll Yours my loves..... insatiable love.
I keep hearing several songs..
Kiss me goodnight [Thompson Square]?
Your still the one, the woman in me, don't be stupid, Shania Twain.
I think there were more too but sigh.
Then there's trying to find "couples kiss" gif, preferably first kiss. Just ugh. [I need a m/f filter]πŸ™„πŸ€¨πŸ€πŸ™ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Oh what a morning! πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
Feeding renal cat food, trying to hide it to transition & keep from losing expensive$ food. Ugh. [& yeah, trying to basically find a low phosphorus (.3-.6%) which is lower protein isn't easy. Too much crap food out there. I'd never feed a dog old roy. I only feed outdoor cats friskes because they're excellent hunters! I'm not looking forward to what chewy is gonna cost me but blue buffalo it is. Maybe I can find one of the people food for animals, like smalls, that'll work. Sigh. Old, finicky cats. Ugh.
Just. Some beach!
Now. Back to the regularly scheduled lovin...
Giggling hysterically!
I have ached for you.....each piece of you.....since the moment we met.
Yep. That long my loves.....
Sometimes I wonder if forever.
But I will wait for you.....
& I'll never stop until I am in your arms.....
& making sure that I show you.....
& you feel my love & my soul's longing ache for you thru our souls connecting.....
I'll never take you.....for granted.
You.....are the most priceless treasured Gifts I could ever have been given to love.
I am, have always been, will always be...
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. πŸŒΊβœοΈβ˜Έβš“β›“πŸ”—πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ‘£πŸΎπŸ―πŸ¦‰πŸ’πŸ›πŸπŸŒ±πŸ—πŸ”±βšœπŸ’πŸ»πŸ¦ŒπŸΊπŸ§©β™ οΈβ™ΎπŸ§­πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ•―πŸ₯°πŸ’“πŸ˜ŒπŸ’‹
W.4.12.2023 9.43am.est. .. ugh.πŸ™„πŸ™ˆ
PS- thyroid ultrasound-11.15a.
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aliciainbagland Β· 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PACK OF 3 (THREE) BACK TO SCHOOL Kids Face Masks.
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taytayize123 Β· 2 years
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I tell, when the lies are changing
You're spreading it all too thin
She give me those eyes when her man's in plain sight
Or am I just mistaken?
I love it when you call me, "Lover"
Ooh, lover 😘🍷πŸ”₯
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sachifukyo Β· 3 years
Stray Kids as random things that reminds me of them 🐻
(β™‘) . (Masterlist)
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>Cinema date
>The sound of rain
>The taste of pasta
>The smell of new jeans
>Hair getting dry after a shower
Lee Know:
>Funny instagram filters
>The sound of fire crackling
>The taste of ramen
>The smell of books
>Cat's pur
>The sound of wood chopping
>The taste of kiwi
>The smell of a leather jacket
>Winter cold breeze
>The squeak of shoes in a dance studio
>The smell of mint
>The taste of an Americano coffe
Han Jisung:
>The sound of electric guitar
>The smell of McDonald's
>The taste of cheesecake
>Soft blankets in the morning
Lee Felix:
>The sound of birds singing
>The smell of lavanda
>The taste of cookie dough
>The sky
>The sound of a bell
>The smell of cinnamon
>The taste of honey
>Comfty big sweater
>The sound of someone biting an apple
>The smell of men cologne
>The taste of gummy bears
>A closed eye smile
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egg-emperor Β· 3 years
I finally got around to color picking Eggman's palette to recreate the bear pride flag!
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+ this handsome man
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^ every color here has been entirely replaced and it just looks like I added a filter. he has every color necessary, making this the most perfect flag for him of all!
conclusion: bear Eggman REAL πŸ»πŸŒˆπŸ’œ
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fivegems Β· 4 years
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(200610)πŸ₯LYSN:Bubble - Taemin
TM: You waited, right? γ…œγ…œ TM: Pretending to read.. πŸ‘©β€πŸ« πŸ“– (sends selfie with specs filter) TM:..Why am I not sleeping yet. πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ₯± (sends bear filter selfie ) TM: 🐻🐻🐻 Hahaha TM:Don’t go to sleep too late and sleep early~ I’m going to bed~~ If you can’t sleep then wake me up πŸ’€πŸ’€ TM: 4400 πŸ’› (days of SHINee) TM: It’s raining a lot πŸŒ§β˜‚ TM: When it rains, it’s like a movie Haha! 🎬πŸŽ₯ TM: Mission Impossible!!
Please be mindful in reading, Translations may not be 100% accurate. Source and Translate by: shineelysn
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aamaziing Β· 2 years
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Eyeshadows: Teddy Bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy and Press Paws 🐻 Teddy Bare palette @toofaced Lips: Everything And More Lip Shine Lacquer πŸ’‹ @kyliecosmetics Glow: Peach Fizz πŸ‘ @anastasiabeverlyhills Blush: We’re Going Shopping πŸ› @kyliecosmetics Foundation: Shortbread Faux Filter Stick 🌟 @hudabeautyshop Mascara: Next Level πŸ–€ @caiacosmetics Brows: Bomb Brows πŸ’£ @hudabeauty #toofaced #teddybare #kyliejenner #kyliecosmetics #anastasiabeverlyhills #hudabeauty #caiacosmetics #nextlevel #bombbrows #hudabeautyfauxfilter #makeup #me #beauty (pΓ₯/i MΓΆlndal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcC_gAML6uY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orgonevalley Β· 10 months
Purple Orgone Gummy Bear πŸ’œ
These gummy bears are filled with Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Quartz, and all the metal and coils to make it a functioning orgone generator. They measure 2 inches tall and can stand on their own. ✨ Perfect to stand by your computer, phone, wifi router, or any place you want emf protection.
Black Tourmaline has strong energy and an ability to absorb negative energy without compromising its own energy. It is used for protection and is recommended for anyone working or living in uncomfortable and challenging places. This stone acts as an β€œetheric vacuum cleaner”, clearing all negativity and cleansing your auric field.
Orgone energy is similar to what the ancients have called prana, chi, or universal energy. Orgone is created by layering organic and inorganic materials that are able to harness this vital life force energy and amplify it so you can actually feel a sensation with it. I like to add crystals with most of my creations. In doing so, the crystal matrix is locked in an amplified state of its own frequency. The encased metal filters the negative frequencies. This combination creates a high-frequency output and a negative-frequency filter all in one piece.
#orgonevalley #orgone #orgonite #orgonitepyramid #orgonitependant #crystallove #crystalenergy #womanownedbusiness #shoplocal #emfprotection #handmade #handmadejewelry #hamdmadewithlove #handmadegifts #resinartist #witchart #witchesofinstagram #entrepreneurspirit #entrepreneurstyle #energyhealing #soulpreneur #spiritualwarrior #orgoneenergy #orgonegenerator #orgones #gummybears #gummylovers #gummybear #gummybear🐻 #gummy
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aliciainbagland Β· 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PACK OF 3 (THREE) BACK TO SCHOOL Kids Face Masks.
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aliciainbagland Β· 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PACK OF 3 (THREE) BACK TO SCHOOL Kids Face Masks.
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aliciainbagland Β· 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PACK OF 3 (THREE) BACK TO SCHOOL Kids Face Masks.
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