#bearded henry supremacy
biggsodorcitystories · 7 months
Very Belated 3/3
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So, I finally got off my self-pity train long enough to draw my 3/3 picture.
Zak, having learned about Henry's disastrous first marriage (and passion for gardening) from Edward and Zebedee, has decided to offer some assistance to help him get permanent revenge on Gordon and James. This could just be his twisted, post-brain damage humor or course, which might explain Henry's calm reaction to it.
OJ and Sir Handel are taking advantage of being able to speak Welsh (Sir Handel having been taught by Peter Sam) to have a much more wholesome and less ambiguous chat.
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james-vi-stan-blog · 10 months
Wishes for Mary & George
poop jokes
Spanish Adventure is shown in full ridiculousness with the worst fake beards EVER
1623(? I think) carriage incident
Reasonable hopes:
Going deep on the extremely weird adoptive brother/stepfather relationship of George and Charles
Francis Bacon is there and gay (I thought this was a long shot but I see FRANCIS BACON IS CAST!)
George horrifies the French court by putting his feet up on a chair
James is depicted as motivated not by sex as much as by love, and it's by understanding this that George achieves supremacy
James repeatedly falls off his horse
Henry Frederick
Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke
William Monson and/or Arthur Brett
Ludovic Stewart
Desperate pipe dream:
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b0bbynash · 2 years
I'm back with more thoughts on 'beloved', because I really cannot get over how much I love this fic. And I absolutely LOVED how long this newest chapter was!! I made notes whilst reading😅
• So Rebecca joining Ted and Henry on their calls is adorable! And Henry wanting to spend more time with Rebecca on the calls *chefs kiss*
• Pregnancy foreshadowing - TEDBECCA BABY PLEASE AND THANK YOU
• I know there's more Ted and Rebecca, but I love the snippets into Roy and Keeley's relationship!
• The way they're cuddling up on the step outside, and the way you describe their relationship and the way they just know one another😭
• Ew Nate🖕
• Rebecca standing up for her man, yes please
• Rebecca booking them a fancy holiday, is very Rebecca😂
• Ted using dickhead and knobhead is my new favourite thing😭
• Rebecca thinking she's 'too much' and Ted reassuring her like the loyal love sick puppy he is😭
• 'Ted Lasso, my boyfriend' has me SCREAMING
• Ted wanting to do cliche tourist-y things is so on point - and he definitely gets Henry to do this stuff when they go away😭
• But it's also so on point for Ted to love watching other people taking pleasure from art work😭
• Rebecca laughing and Ted just being like 'I love this woman so much I need to take a picture', boy is whipped🥰
• Just this whole sexy times is perfect - AND MORE TED CALLING REBECCA 'BABY'🎉🎉🎉
• Ted wanting to ask Rebecca to move in but being too scared, like boy THIS WOMAN IS EQUALLY AS OBSESSED WITH YOU!!
• 'I love you, Beard' MY HEART😭
• 'Hi, love' and 'Hi, baby', I literally love that their most used pet names are the ones they let slip mid panic attack to comfort the other😭
• I love anytime Ted is called 'Theodore' 🥰
• Henry just wanting to sit with Rebecca😭
• And Rebecca getting to see baby!Ted pictures😭
• Rebecca getting all emotional cause SHE'S PREGNANT
• Ted is just so protective of her, and she's so protective of him - my idiots in love😭
This may be my favourite chapter so far (and not just cause my girl Donnatella was back and better than ever). Fuck, you're so talented I actually can't get over it😭 It is a privilege to get to read your work, and I'm so happy you share your writing with the world, you were truly an asset to the fandom! 💜
omg anon i love that you made notes while reading because i do the same thing when i read fics 🫶🏽
DT is the real mvp it’s true!!! I thought it would be so funny to have her just standing in the doorway before keeley walked into the room because it’s just a funny mental image to me. i love that damn dog.
the whole trip was so fun to write because i wanted them to get time away from everyone else where it’s just THEM being together and not having to worry about anything 🥹 and yes the sex 🤭 perhaps i planned that entire trip for them around that scene 🤭
i really love to incorporate a scene in all of my fics where it shows how connected beard and ted are without having to directly have to say “hey this is bothering me, can you talk me through it?” the show has made it so beautifully clear that beard and ted understand one another on a molecular level and i love getting to show that when ted is overthinking something, beard can immediately clock it and ask him what the deal is 🥹
and yeah “hi love/hi baby” clearly my favorite pet names for them fnsjdjsjsjs
It’s super important to me that Ted’s family meets Rebecca and is welcoming of her because they can see how much she loves him and how much he loves her and i absolutely love writing Ted’s mom which is why i use the same character in all of my fics LMAO judy lasso supremacy! 🫡
I’m also actually really happy that the reveal had been so well received in the comments this chapter has gotten because i know a lot of people don’t like baby fics but it was always clear from the beginning of this story that it was going to happen once they got together dnskdksksks i kept dropping hints everywhere
thank you for sending me this message!!! i really do appreciate when people take the time to message me about my fics 🥹🫶🏽
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
HAIRY SAL SUPREMACY!!! i refuse to believe hes hairless!!!!! -daisy
[referring to this WIP]
>fuck yes I keep wanting to motorboat his fuzz dude u///u
>judging by how thick Henrys beard is, I think it's a safe bet that Sally probably isn't naturally as smooth as he's often depicted lol I like him either way tbh, but I do always appreciate when artists give him some body hair (especially if they're drawing him in his late 20s vs his early 20s)! I'm just trying to do my part and contribute~ UwU
>There have been a few instances of people leaving not-so-nice comments on my stuff bc they didn't like that I drew him with leg and armpit hair, and it is partially thanks to them that I'm starting to draw him with chest and belly hair now, too 😎👍
>I've also just gained a sudden new appreciation for prison!Sals muscle chub thing he's got going on(???) and the approach of valentines day has got me on the med-hard yan vibes, so I thought I'd just combine all of the above into one big self-indulgent picrew-like piece (im planning on giving him a change of outfits, restraints, expressions, and you can take his mask on and off too~ :3)
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On this day, 6th of July in 1535 Thomas More was executed.
On 13 April 1534, More was asked to appear before a commission and swear his allegiance to the parliamentary Act of Succession. More accepted Parliament's right to declare Anne Boleyn the legitimate Queen of England, though he refused "the spiritual validity of the king's second marriage", and, holding fast to the teaching of papal supremacy, he steadfastly refused to take the oath of supremacy of the Crown in the relationship between the kingdom and the church in England. More furthermore publicly refused to uphold Henry's annulment from Catherine.
In addition to refusing to support the King's annulment or supremacy, More refused to sign the 1534 Oath of Succession confirming Anne's role as queen and the rights of their children to succession. More's fate was sealed.While he had no argument with the basic concept of succession as stated in the Act, the preamble of the Oath repudiated the authority of the Pope.
Four days later, Henry VIII had More imprisoned in the Tower of London.
While More was imprisoned in the Tower, Thomas Cromwell made several visits, urging More to take the oath, which he continued to refuse.
The trial was held on 1 July 1535, before a panel of judges. More was offered the chance of the king's "gracious pardon" should he "reform his […] obstinate opinion". More responded that, although he had not taken the oath, he had never spoken out against it either and that his silence could be accepted as his "ratification and confirmation" of the new statutes.
Thomas Cromwell brought forth Solicitor General Richard Rich to testify that More had, in his presence, denied that the King was the legitimate head of the Church.
The jury took only fifteen minutes, however, to find More guilty.
The execution took place at Tower Hill. On the scaffold More declared "that he died the king's good servant, and and God's first.
Another comment he is believed to have made to the executioner is that his beard was completely innocent of any crime, and did not deserve the axe; he then positioned his beard so that it would not be harmed.
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On this day in history, 6th July 1535, Henry VIII’s former friend and Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More, was beheaded on Tower Hill as a traitor. He had been found guilty of high treason under the Treason Act of 1534 for denying the King’s supremacy and refusing to take the Oath of Succession.
Chronicler Charles Wriothesley recorded his death as follows:
“This yeare allso, the first day of Julie, beinge Thursdaye, Sir Thomas More, knight, sometyme Chauncellor of England, was arreigned at Westminster for highe treason and there condemned, and the Tuesday after, beinge the 6th of Julie, he was beheaded at the Tower Hill, and his bodie was buried within the chappell in the Tower of London, and his head was sett on London Bridge. The effect of his death was for the same causse that the Bishopp of Rochester died for.”
Chronicler Edward Hall wrote:
“Also the vi. day of Julye was sir Thomas More beheaded for the like treason before rehersed, which as you haue heard was for the deniyng of the kynges Maiesties supremitie. This manne was also coumpted learned, & as you haue heard before he was lorde Chauncelor of England, and in that tyme a great persecutor of suche as detested the supremacy of the bishop of Rome, whiche he himselfe so highly fauored that he stoode to it till he was brought to the Skaffolde on the Tower hill where on a blocke his head was striken from his shoulders and had no more harme.
I cannot tell whether I should call him a foolishe wyseman, or a wysefoolishman, for vndoubtedly he beside his learnyng, had a great witte, but it was so mingled with tauntyng and mockyng, that it semed to them that best knew him, that he thought nothing to be wel spoken except he had ministered some mocke in the communcacion insomuche as at is commyng to the Tower, one of the officers demanded his vpper garment for his fee, meanyng his goune, and he answered, he should haue it, and tooke him his cappe, saiyng ii was the vppermoste garment that he had. Lyke-wise, euen goyng to his death at the Tower gate, a poore woman called vnto him and besought him to declare that he had certain euidences of hers in the tyme that he was in office (which after he was appreheded she could not come by) and that he would intreate she might haue themagayn, or els she was vndone. He answered, good woman haue pacience a litle while, for the kyng is so good vnto me that euen within this halfe houre he will discharge me of all busynesses, and helpe thee himselfe. Also when he went vp the stayer on the Skaffolde, he desired one of the Shiriffes officers to geue him his hand to helpe him vp, and sayd, when I come doune againe, let me shift for my selfe aswell as I can. Also the bagman kneled doune to him askyng him forgiuenes of his death (as the maner is) to whom he sayd I forgeue thee, but I promise thee that thou shalt neuer haue honestie of the strykyng of my head, my necke is so short. Also euen when he shuld lay doune his head on the blocke, he hauyng a great gray beard, striked out his beard and sayd to the hangman, I pray you let me lay my beard ouer the blocke least ye should cut it, thus with a mocke he ended his life.”
A document in Letters and Papers gives the following information about More after his trial and about his execution:
“On his way to the Tower one of his daughters, named Margaret, pushed through the archers and guards, and held him in her embrace some time without being able to speak. Afterwards More, asking leave of the archers, bade her have patience, for it was God’s will, and she had long known the secret of his heart. After going 10 or 12 steps she returned and embraced him again, to which he said nothing, except to bid her pray to God for his soul; and this without tears or change of colour. On the Tuesday following he was beheaded in the open space in front of the Tower. A little before his death he asked those present to pray to God for him and he would do the same for them [in the other world.] He then besought them earnestly to pray to God to give the King good counsel, protesting that he died his faithful servant, but God’s first.
Such was the miserable end of More, who was formerly in great reputation, and much loved by the King, his master, and regarded by all as a good man, even to his death.”
Memorial plaque on Tower Hill
As Wriothesley says, his body was buried at the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, at the Tower of London, and his head put on a spike on London Bridge. Heads would eventually be thrown into the River Thames but More’s wasn’t. E E Reynolds, in the book Margaret Roper: Eldest Daughter of St Thomas More, quotes Thomas Stapleton, an early biographer of Thomas More:
“[The head] by order of the king, was placed upon a stake on London Bridge, where it remained for nearly a month, until it had to be taken down to make room for other heads … The head would have been thrown into the river had not Margaret Roper, who had been watching carefully and waiting for the opportunity, bribed the executioner, whose office it was to remove the heads, and obtained possession of the sacred relic. There was no possibility of mistake, for she, with the help of others, had kept careful watch, and, moreover, there were signs so certain that anyone who had known him in life would have been able now to identify the head.”
Reynolds then explains:
“After the death of Margaret Roper, the head was in the keeping of her eldest daughter, Elizabeth, Lady Bray, and it was probably at her death in 1558 that it was placed in the Roper vault under the Chapel of St. Nicholas in St. Dunstan’s, Canterbury.
It was seen there in 1835 when, by accident, the roof of the vault was broken; the head was enclosed in a leaden case with one side open; this stood in a niche protected by an iron grille. The vault was later sealed, but a tablet in the floor above bears the inscription:
Beneath this floor is the vault of the Roper family in which is interred the head of Sir Thomas More of illustrious memory, sometime Lord Chancellor of England, beheaded on Tower hill 6th July 1535. Ecclesia Anglicana libera sit.”
In an article “The scull [sic] of Sir Thomas More”, in The Gentleman’s Magazine of May 1837, there is the following quote about More’s head being seen in the vault in the 18th century, along with the drawing of the skull which you see at the top of this article: “Dr. [then Mr.] Rawlinson informed Hearne, that when the vault was opened in 1715, to enter into one of the Roper’s family, the box was seen enclosed in an iron grate.”
It must still be there.
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Got the urge to draw these three in their iconic triumvirate today!
Sod the Steam Team, and Hail the Big Engine Supremacy! Through time, marriage, kids, and one messy divorce, these three will always find a way to close ranks when someone done them dirty!
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Here's my contribution to Henry's Day celebrations: a simple portrait of Sodor's most famous nature lover, with some flowers he grew himself!
Beardy Henry is here to stay!
3rd March is also my wedding anniversary, and I have a day off work to celebrate!
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