#beau featuring sophie
trcubld-a · 1 year
mxrvelouscreations asked: [  NEEDED  ]  sender approaches receiver and kisses them longer and more passionately than they ever have before. (Sophie and Beau; Mxrvelouscreations)
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beau raised his brow as the other kissed him. he smirked, "hello to you too." he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissing the woman back. he wasn’t sure what brought this on but it was not a bad thing. he pulled her closer to him.
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loveinwisteria · 5 months
Mamma Mia! Top Gun AU
Featuring :
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell as Donna
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin as Sophie
Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky as Sam
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw as The Boyfriend ™
Donna and the Dynamos being ofc Maverick, Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw as Rosie, and Carole as Tanya.
Ron 'Slider' Kerner as Bill (and yes he Will be pursued by Both Nick and Carole because I said so)
And Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson as Harry (he finds his One True Love at the wedding aka Warlock)
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Half the reason I created this tournament is so I could find new webcomics to read, and I know a bunch of you are following it for the same reason.
So: Here is a directory of every webcomic that was submitted!
Please note that this list is Very Long, so (1) I have not read most of these webcomics and can't vouch for their content, and (2) I have not tested any of these links, but I can fix any errors if you point them out.
Comics are listed in alphabetical order, with the featured couple(s) or poly ship(s) in parentheses. Broken into two parts because Tumblr only allows 100 links per post and there are 140 comics.
180° Angel (Sam and Lilith)
2 Slices (Ruka and Rio)
A Week in Warrigilla (Hazel and Willie)
A&H Club (Adrian and Hildegard)
Alice and the Nightmare (Edith and Quinn)
Alien Heart (Ivy and Rosa)
Always Human (Sunati and Austen)
Balderdash (Georgie and Afia)
Band vs Band (Honey Hart and Turpentine)
Blindsprings (Ember and Irelia)
Boyfriends (Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth)
Bugtopia (Arachne and Scarlet)
Burn Away (Abella and Edie)
Charity Case (Sylvia and Jerry)
Circuits and Veins (Ai and Aki)
Console Her (Claudia and Ava)
Cucumber Quest (Almond and Peridot; Piano and Ametrine)
Cursed Princess Club (Nell and Jolie)
Dame Daffodil (Charo and Alesea)
Daughter of the Lilies (Lyra and Margot)
Dead Winter (Lizzie and Alice)
Dicebox (Griffin and Molly)
Dirt Creek Runs Red with Blood (Ines and Sarepia)
Dom&Mor (Dominique and Morgan)
Dresden Codak (Kimiko and Elith)
Drop-Out (Lola and Sugar)
Dumbing of Age (Becky and Dina; Jennifer/Billie and Ruth)
El Goonish Shive (Ellen and Nanase; Catalina and Rhoda; Diane and Lucy)
Eldritch Darling (Ina and CJ)
Encore! (Quinn and Hana)
Ennui Go (Izzy, Darcy, and Tanya)
Errant (Sarin and Jules)
Facing the Sun (Aarya and Liza)
Finding Wonderland (Alex and Lucky)
Flowers For the Arsonist (Lucia and Paige)
Four Leaf (Carla and Lina)
Gals (Croix, Sam, Lux, and Charlotte)
Ghoul Crush (Sison and Laguna)
Girly (Otra and Winter)
Glitterlaced (Goldie and Luck)
Go Get a Roomie (Roomie and Lillian)
Guide to the Land of Monsters (Arnatuk and Tove)
Gunnerkrigg Court (Kat and Paz; Zimmy and Gamma)
Hard Lacquer (Claire and Robin; Claire and Petra)
Heartstopper (Darcy and Tara)
Heir's Game (Sevilia and Ilianna)
Her Tale of Shim Chong (Shim Chong and Madam Jang)
High Class Homos (Sapphia and Odette; Sapphia and Marla)
Homestuck (Rose and Kanaya; Calliope and Roxy; Vriska and Meenah; Vriska and Terezi)
How to Be a Werewolf (Marin and Marisa)
I Love Amy (Amy and Bibi)
I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl (Cheryl and Delilah)
I'm the Villainess but the Heroine's Trying to Capture Me (Nelly and Nancy)
In My Heart (Wantanabe Yuki and Sasaki Mari)
Isadora (Isaline and Theodora)
It's Okay to Like Girls (Sophie and Olivia)
Kidd Commander (Phineas and Agatha)
Kill Six Billion Demons (Allison and Ciocie Cioelle)
Kiss It Goodbye (Aruka and Yukimi)
Lady of the Shard (Radiant Goddess and Acolyte; Radiant Goddess and Old God)
Lesbiampires (Daphne and Veronika)
Lore Olympus (Athena and Hestia)
Mage & Demon Queen (Malori and Velverosa)
Matchmaker (Kimmy and Marlowe)
Missing Monday (Foyle and Monday)
Monsters and Girls (Lili and Sera)
Motherlover (Imogen and Alex)
Moving In (Jackie and Riley)
Muted (Camille, Nyra, and Dendro)
My Dragon Girlfriend (Dani and Christie; Callie and Olive)
My Sweet Archenemy (Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine)
My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die (Shiina and Mimi; Seiran and Ari)
Namesake (Selva and Alice)
Nano List (Chacha and Zavi)
Never Satisfied (Neith and Isra)
Nevermore (Lenore and Annabel Lee)
Night Owls and Summer Skies (Emma and Vivian)
Not So Shoujo Love Story (Rei and Hanna)
Octopus Pie (Jane and Marigold)
Offbeat (Beau and Julie)
On a Sunbeam (Mia and Grace; Alma and Char)
On Borrowed Time (Rune and Dielle)
Osora (Celia and Catalina)
Remaining links in part two!
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
Seasons - excerpts of current WIPs and abandoned side stories
Some of these I’ve shared before, others I have not. There are spoilers for Seasons ahead, so if you haven’t read it, it might be best not to proceed.
Vivian’s house is too large, too quiet. It once represented a perfectly oiled machine, the cogs of his magic always spinning to keep his family sheltered.
Now that it has broken down, Vivian sees the signs of wear and tear, of severe neglect.
[“Little Autumn’s Ninth Birthday”] [El’s POV] (Note: The conversation takes place between El and Howie.)
“Jacy’s been restless and keeps looking for you.”
He nods, smiling. “I wouldn’t miss her birthday! How many times does someone turn nine?”
I narrow my eyes, which only makes him laugh, though it seems short. Forced. The bitterness has faded with time, but it hasn’t completely left him.
“When she turns twelve, you can make the same joke.”
“Don’t start, Howard.”
“I’m not starting anything.”
We’re interrupted by a shriek and the running of feet across the floorboards, muffled only by the entryway carpet when Jacy reaches it.
[Untitled, but “Bee” as a placeholder]
The little spring child is sitting among flowers and watching the pollinators. Not just the many bees, but the variety of wasps and other insects that never get associated with their role in spreading plant seeds across the landscape.
Beau—or Bee, as most refer to him—is fond of wasps in a way others aren’t. He appreciates them where others only feel fear.
Some are bright red. (Bee likes that color. He was born from a red tulip, after all.)
[“Opposite of a Mistake”]
What’s the opposite of calling someone a mistake?
“I’m glad you exist.”
“I’m so happy you were born.”
“I love you.”
Shannon says them all in his head or out loud, even as the four-year-old wakes him up at too-early hour, a wide toothy grin lifting his chubby cheeks. Curls halo Jasper’s pleased face.
Jasper doesn’t want his hair cut—cries if anyone suggests it—so Shannon watches as it grows more and more with each passing day.
Shannon brushes some off his son’s forehead as he remains in bed, too willfully tired to get up sooner than five minutes from now. Dawn spills between the curtains, reminding him that he could sleep in for a bit if he didn’t have a child. Wouldn’t need to sleep in if not for that same child.
And that’s fine.
[Untitled, placeholder is “You have a brother”]
“Did you know,” Sophronia begins in a whisper, lips almost pressed to El’s ear, “that we have an older brother? His name is Shannon, and this is his season.”
Summer reminds her of him. It doesn’t matter how much time passes. The memories fade but never disappear. The strong scent of rain-soaked earth or the sweet smell of the rosebuds on the bushes in the garden always bring back her fondest times with him.
Then he did something bad—so bad, her parents couldn’t tell her the details—and she couldn’t even be left alone with him.
“He’s dangerous, Sophie,” Papa would tell her.
“He did something horrible that hurt a lot of people, and I don’t want him to hurt you.”
Her parents never let her ask more questions after that.
She still doesn’t understand why Shannon is a taboo subject and she’s not even allowed to mention he exists. She is the oldest child, and summer is no more.
But summer is now, the cicadas loud in her ears, the sun strong enough to require a parasol. It’s unmistakable that she once knew a skinny young boy with features similar to Papa’s whose hair was as golden as the wheat swaying in the field down the road. He was always warm enough to snuggle in winter beneath the wools and furs.
[Untitled, placeholder “Shannon stuff”]
“Papa, please! Please, don’t leave me in here—”
The sound cuts as Vivian waves his hand impatiently. One snap of the wrist, and the noise—filtered through the cellar and laundry room doors—mutes behind the barrier he has cast.
Vivian sighs and leans back in his chair. It’s a temporary and inauthentic peace, but it provides him with enough time to calm down. If he’s lucky, the boy will as well.
Graham should be home soon. They’ll have to move again, and it needs to happen quickly, before the townspeople arrive to knock down their doors.
It’s all that child’s fault.
Bailey peers up at Vivian as she huddles against the back door. When there’s yelling, she always avoids him. Her tail sits between her legs, ears back, snout down.
Graham returns within the hour, carrying in a freshly snared rabbit for supper. He scares Bailey from her spot, and she slinks off to Shannon’s bedroom—presumably to hide beneath his bed.
The mood of the home is palpable enough that Graham pauses. Vivian sits stiffly at the table, eyes rimmed with red and mouth set in a grim line. His hair is disheveled, like someone tried to pull it from his scalp.
“What happened?” Graham glances around as he sets the rabbit on the bench where he skins and prepares meat. “Where is he?”
Vivian rubs at his face. “Cellar.”
Graham lifts the rabbit back up to slam it down again. “Vivian, we’ve talked about this!” He makes a beeline for the laundry room.
“We have to move. Tonight.”
Graham turns, uneasy eyes falling on Vivian. “What happened?”
“That insolent little fool blurted out something while we were in town. Made a comment that I could just cool myself off with my magic if I was hot. People overheard him.”
“He’s only eleven. He forgot.”
“Don’t make excuses for him. He knew better—he’s always known better! I might never take him into town again. He can stay in the cellar until he’s an adult. Let’s see how well he fares when it’s his magic they’re after! If he gets any magic. I hope not.”
“You don’t mean that—any of that.” When Vivian doesn’t answer, Graham grimaces. “Please tell me you didn’t mean that.”
“I don’t know what I mean, except that it can’t go on like this.”
“How long has he been down there?”
“Two hours, maybe?”
“Vivian!” Graham glances at the laundry room door before turning back to his husband. “He’s so quiet.”
They both are aware of how hard Shannon screams when he’s put down there. How he bangs on the door until his knuckles are bruised. How he scratches at the wood with his nails until they chip to bloody stubs at the quick.
Graham turns to Vivian, eyes narrowed. “I can’t hear anything at all.”
“I used a sound barrier.”
Graham closes his eyes, nostrils flaring with every angry breath.
“I liked living here,” snaps Vivian. “We could’ve eked out a living here for another year or two—maybe even longer, if we were careful. He ruined everything.”
[“Avoiding Guilt”]
Shannon stomped through the tall grass and sniffed at flowers. He chased grasshoppers, marveled at cicada shells, and caught a frog in his little hands.
Vivian followed behind him. Emitted cool air and sighed when it did nothing. Offered smiles he did not feel in his heart when Shannon showed off captures.
“Put them back, don’t hurt them,” Vivian told him.
Shannon listened. Dashed off on his too-quick feet.
[“Summer in Distress” chapter 10]
Shannon drifts on like a breathing specter, living through days he doesn’t want to live, dreaming through nights he doesn’t want to dream.
He survives through decades. His mental health rises and falls like a winding road through hills, and there are times he’s grateful to Phineas, who holds all the credit for getting him through his lowest days.
[“Cosmos” chapter 1] (Note: this is a backstory about Vivian, and he doesn’t have a name at first.)
The boy is four—unbeknownst to him—with grubby hands that clench the hem of his over-sized tunic. His fierce stare is full of a level of hatred no child his age should know. The bruises wrap around his ribcage, the coloration a time-line of different beatings.
Some of his scars and bruises are from his parents’ children, some from his parents.
[“Seasons”, new chapter to insert (the new chapter 20)] [Vivian’s POV]
My children have begun to make a habit of disappearing from my household. First Howie left with the intention of following me to work, then El went into town to track his sister, and now Howie has decided to run away.
I should have anticipated this from him. He has pushed at the seams of my magic and my patience, wandering into territory I warned him not to go. The other boys back off, but Howard refuses to heed my warnings.
This second time leaving the property appears to be an attempt at running away.
Graham is angry at me and can barely conceal it. This, he claims, is all my doing. Now he fears for Howie’s safety, as if my own concerns aren’t equal to his.
[“Seasons”, possibly the new chapter 22] [Vivian’s POV]
No summer. No foul summers, hot and humid and screaming…
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ruvviks · 5 months
all that's left season one playlist explained under the cut if anyone is interested!
wouldn't it be nice - the beach boys
this song is the opening theme of the show and plays after a short sequence that explains the situation in the world up to the apocalypse; disease and crises plagueing the world to the point humanity has no other choice but to come together and try to make life more livable for everyone. the sequence ends with saying that things are finally starting to look better, and then it instantly cuts to the opening of the show with the cars of the main characters driving through a tunnel in the wasteland of the united states, with this song playing over it and the title appearing in the middle of the screen. it's a very ironic opening theme since things WERE in fact starting to look better, and then the world ended
put your head on my shoulder - paul anka
this song is featured in "opportunity falls" which is exactly what it says. the huge megalopolis suffers from multiple breaches across the entire length of the wall allowing a huge horde of what appears to be mutated ghouls in, and it loses control of the situation to the point it can't be saved anymore. this scene specifically features part of the main characters as they drive away from opportunity, while the wall is blown up by the megalopolis' faulty security system, allowing even more ghouls entry through the rubble. i initially wanted to use "what a wonderful world" by louis armstrong for this scene but the current song fits the rest of the vibes of the playlist better, while having similar energy to the other song
the introvert - st.arnaud
this song is featured in "rendezvous" in which the main characters all travel north to a supposedly abandoned facility once used by matrix corp, to meet up there, since the breach in opportunity caused them to be split up. it plays over a travel sequence for three of the main characters- mac, beau, and vladislav- and essentially emphasizes the similarities between the three of them despite the vastly different backgrounds they come from. i mainly picked the song because it has fun vibes for a travel sequence, but it fits with their personalities as well
dear mccracken - bug hunter
this song is featured in "wasteland blues", a chapter with slower pacing since the main characters find themselves stuck in a settlement that initially seemed friendly but at the same time seems to be holding some sort of secret. it's specifically a song for mac (whose pov is followed most in the story), who is curious about what's going on and decides to investigate; which is a nice parallel to what this song starts with. it basically serves as mac's introduction song, which is strange because the story has already been ongoing for a while at this point. but it lines up perfectly with mac's personal struggles throughout the story- he IS a main character, but would rather not see himself as one, and constantly shoves himself to the sidelines to let others take a place that is rightfully his
achey bones - the happy fits
this song is featured in "something not quite right", which is both a reference to the evil within 2 (one of my favorite games of all time), and in this case it refers to the chapter in which the main characters find themselves traveling through a town where some sort of local militia seems to have taken control- but for some reason something about it doesn't seem right, in ways i won't elaborate on for now. they meet a young girl who was born and raised there and despite her family having been killed, she refuses to leave; the song is a breakup song and in a way parallels her situation with town and having to let go of it in order to get herself to safety. the vibes of the song are very cheery, which is in line with the rest of the playlist, and it contrasts the heaviness of the situation the main characters are in
growing pains - sophie meiers
this song is featured in "houston falls", a painful parallel to earlier in the season with opportunity, and the scene playing out is painfully similar too; houston's wall blowing itself up because of faulty security systems, but rather than leaving the town exposed to ghouls, it opens the way for an enormous horde of ghouls to follow the main characters out of the city back into the wasteland. this song plays over the scene in which all of that happens, causing the urgency and seriousness of the situation to really settle in for both the main characters as well as the viewer
weeds or wildflowers - parsonsfield
this song is featured in "acts of kindness", another slower part of the story in which the main characters have reached a friendly settlement and they decide to stay there for a while to help them setting up defenses for the incoming horde of ghouls. they don't know whether or not it's going to help at all, but do it anyway- which is where the title "acts of kindness" comes from, and it also relates to the song since "weeds or wildflowers" also refers to an unknown outcome. it plays over the sequence in which these defenses for the settlement are built
thick skull - paramore, julien baker
this song is featured in "everybody dies", a bit later in the show when the main characters are just leaving another settlement and they've been violently attacked by a horde of mutated ghouls. they haven't suffered any losses, but they've taken a great hit, and the gravity of the situation is kicking in more and more the closer they get to los angeles. it also seems as if trouble keeps finding them wherever they go, which also lines up with the themes of the song
a teenager in love - dion & the belmonts
this song is featured in "welcome home", which is the last episode of the season. the main characters have managed to safely make their way into well-protected los angeles and the characters who live there return to their families and friends and introduce their new friends to them. it's a light-hearted song playing over a sequence showing a happy ending and new beginnings, but at the same time there's this looming feeling of doom since you can see that there's still 5 whole minutes to the episode so this can't be the end
heaven - partybaby
this song is the closing theme of the first season and it plays while the end credits roll. in the moments before that, the main characters are shown going to bed now that they've settled back in, but suddenly loud sirens start going off in all of los angeles, and it cuts to black, and the credits start rolling. the sirens keep going at the same time though, while the song starts playing too, and the viewer can hear people screaming and crying, cars driving wildly, gunfire, and ghouls. the song references the west coast (where they are right now) and sings about "cause we're all gonna die one day anyway / they say we're all gonna be together in heaven" which is fitting for this moment, since the viewer is essentially listening to people dying horribly to ghouls. it's a horrifying ending to the first season and makes you look forward to season two
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'…Weekly Commentary: Barbenheimer has burst into the Oscar race with Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” and Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” finally landing in theaters with critical acclaim and a possible colossal box office haul.
Of all the movies screened up to this point this year, Nolan’s movie is one of two films that could have all the key ingredients to win the Academy Awards’ most coveted prize. It’ll be a colossal guild player (watch out for the SAG ensemble), and the regional critics could make it a darling during the precursor season. The ongoing strikes could have a ripple effect on films that are dropping in the later months since their teams won’t be able to promote them in the same way as earlier titles…
The submission deadline for general categories is Nov. 18, 2023. Preliminary shortlist voting will begin on Dec. 18, with the results announced on Dec. 21. The voting period will run from Jan. 11-16, 2024, with the official nominations announcement on Jan. 23.
The 96th Oscars will be held on Sunday, Mar. 10.
AND THE PREDICTED NOMINEES ARE: “Killers of the Flower Moon” (Apple Original Films/Paramount Pictures) Dan Friedkin, Martin Scorsese, Bradley Thomas, Daniel Lupi “Oppenheimer” (Universal Pictures) Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, Christopher Nolan “Maestro” (Netflix) Fred Berner, Bradley Cooper, Amy Durning, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Kristie Macosko Krieger, Todd Phillips, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg “The Color Purple” (Warner Bros.) Quincy Jones, Scott Sanders, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey “Past Lives” (A24) David Hinojosa, Pamela Koffler, Christine Vachon “Saltburn” (Amazon Studios) Emerald Fennell, Josey McNamara, Tom Ackerley, Margot Robbie “The Holdovers” (Focus Features) Mark Johnson, Bill Block, David Hemingson “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” (Sony Pictures) Avi Arad, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Amy Pascal, Christina Steinberg “May December” (Netflix) Jessica Elbaum, Will Ferrell, Grant S. Johnson, Pamela Koffler, Tyler W. Konney, Sophie Mas, Natalie Portman, Christine Vachon “The Zone of Interest” (A24) Ewa Puszczynska, James Wilson NEXT IN LINE “Dune: Part Two” (Warner Bros.) “Anatomy of a Fall” (Neon) “Poor Things” (Searchlight Pictures) “Dumb Money” (Sony Pictures) “Air” (Amazon Studios) “Bob Marley: One Love” (Paramount Pictures) “The Book of Clarence” (Sony Pictures) “Nightbitch” (Searchlight Pictures) “The Killer” (Netflix) “Barbie” (Warner Bros.) OTHER TOP-TIER POSSIBILITIES “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” (Lionsgate) “Wish” (Walt Disney Pictures) “Napoleon” (Apple Original Films/Sony Pictures) “The Iron Claw” (A24) “Ferrari” (Neon) “BlackBerry” (IFC Films) “Freud’s Last Session” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Challengers” (MGM) “El Conde” (Netflix) “Priscilla” (A24) ALSO IN CONTENTION “Fair Play” (Netflix) “Foe” (Amazon Studios) “Rustin” (Netflix) “Asteroid City” (Focus Features) “Nyad” (Netflix) “A Little Prayer” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Golda” (Bleecker Street) “Next Goal Wins” (Searchlight Pictures) “Memory” (No U.S. Distribution) “Shortcomings” (Sony Pictures Classics) ALL ELIGIBLE TITLES (ALPHABETIZED BY STUDIO)** “A Haunting in Venice” (20th Century Studios) “The Bikeriders” (20th Century Studios) “Beau is Afraid” (A24) “Dream Scenario” (A24) “The Iron Claw” (A24) “Past Lives” (A24) “Priscilla” (A24) “Showing Up” (A24) “When You Finish Saving the World” (A24) “You Hurt My Feelings” (A24) “The Zone of Interest” (A24) “Air” (Amazon Studios) “The Burial” (Amazon Studios) “Cassandro” (Amazon Studios) “Foe” (Amazon Studios) “Saltburn” (Amazon Studios) “Flora and Son” (Apple Original Films) “Killers of the Flower Moon” (Apple Original Films/Paramount Pictures) “Napoleon” (Apple Original Films/Sony Pictures) “Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie” (Apple Original Films) “Across the River and Into the Trees” (Bleecker Street) “Golda” (Bleecker Street) “The Origin” (Bleecker Street) “Untitled Mike Leigh Film” (Bleecker Street) “Suzume” (Crunchyroll) “The YouTube Effect” (Drafthouse Films) “Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken” (DreamWorks Animation) “Trolls Band Together” (DreamWorks Animation) “Asteroid City” (Focus Features) “Drive Away Dolls” (Focus Features) “Every Body” (Focus Features) “The Holdovers” (Focus Features) “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3” (Focus Features) “A Thousand and One” (Focus Features) “How Do You Live?” (GKids) “BlackBerry” (IFC Films) “Monica” (IFC Films) “R.M.N.” (IFC Films) “The Pot au Feu” (IFC Films) “Migration” (Illumination) “Flamin’ Hot” (Hulu/Searchlight Pictures) “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” (Illumination) “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” (Lionsgate) “The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” (Lionsgate) “John Wick Chapter 4” (Lionsgate) “Joy Ride” (Lionsgate) “Baby Ruby” (Magnet Releasing) “Little Richard: I Am Everything” (Magnolia Pictures) “Master Gardener” (Magnolia Pictures) “The Stones and Brian Jones” (Magnolia Pictures)
“Untitled Ernest Cole Documentary” (Magnolia Pictures) “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quanumania” (Marvel Studios) “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” (Marvel Studios) “The Marvels” (Marvel Studios) “Bottoms” (MGM/Orion) “Boys in the Boat” (MGM) “Challengers” (MGM) “Creed III” (MGM) “Landscape with Invisible Hand” (MGM) “The Nickel Boys” (MGM) “Untitled Cord Jefferson Movie” (MGM) “The Eternal Memory” (MTV Documentary Films) “The Delinquents” (Mubi) “Fallen Leaves” (Mubi) “The Settlers” (Mubi) “Unclenching the Fists” (Mubi) “Anatomy of a Fall” (Neon) “Eileen” (Neon) “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” (Neon) “La Chimera” (Neon) “Longlegs” (Neon) “Mothers’ Instinct” (Neon) “Perfect Days” (Neon) “Robot Dreams” (Neon) “Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget” (Netflix) “The Deepest Breath” (Netflix) “El Conde” (Netflix) “Fair Play” (Netflix) “The Killer” (Netflix) “Leave the World Behind” (Netflix) “Leo” (Netflix) “Maestro” (Netflix) “The Magician’s Elephant” (Netflix) “May December” (Netflix) “Miraculous: Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie” (Netflix) “The Monkey King” (Netflix) “Nimona” (Netflix) “Nyad” (Netflix) “Pain Hustlers” (Netflix) “Rebel Moon” (Netflix) “Reptile” (Netflix) “Rustin” (Netflix)
“Society of the Snow” (Netflix) “Stamped from the Beginning” (Netflix) “About Dry Grasses” (No U.S. Distribution) “Banel Et Adams” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Bastard” (No U.S. Distribution) “Black Flies” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Breaking Ice” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Burti Flower” (No U.S. Distribution) “Caste” (No U.S. Distribution) “Club Zero” (No U.S. Distribution) “Firebrand” (No U.S. Distribution) “Four Daughters” (No U.S. Distribution) “Goodbye Julia” (No U.S. Distribution) “Hopeless” (No U.S. Distribution) “How to Have Sex” (No U.S. Distribution) “If Only I Could Hibernate” (No U.S. Distribution) “Il Sol Dell’Avvenire” (No U.S. Distribution) “Jeunesse” (No U.S. Distribution) “L’Ete Dernier” (No U.S. Distribution) “Le Regne Animal” (No U.S. Distribution) “Lee” (No U.S. Distribution) “Les Meutes” (No U.S. Distribution) “Memory” (No U.S Distribution) “Monster” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Mother of All Lies” (No U.S. Distribution) “The New Boy” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Old Oak” (No U.S. Distribution) “Omen” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Passion of Dodin Bouffant” (No U.S. Distribution) “Rapito” (No U.S. Distribution) “Rein a Perdre” (No U.S. Distribution) “Rosalie” (No U.S. Distribution) “The Settlers” (No U.S. Distribution) “Simple Comme Sylvain” (No U.S. Distribution) “Terrestrial Verses” (No U.S. Distribution) “Trans Los Angeles” (No U.S. Distribution) “Untitled Diane Warren Documentary Project” (No U.S. Distribution) “Bob Marley: One Love” (Paramount Pictures) “Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One” (Paramount Pictures) “PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie” (Paramount Pictures) “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” (Paramount Pictures) “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” (Paramount Pictures) “Please Don’t Destroy This Project” (Peacock) “Elemental” (Pixar) “Camp Hideout” (Roadside Attractions) “Chevalier” (Searchlight Pictures) “Magazine Dreams” (Searchlight Pictures) “Next Goal Wins” (Searchlight Pictures) “Nightbitch” (Searchlight Pictures) “Poor Things” (Searchlight Pictures) “Strangers” (Searchlight Pictures) “Theater Camp” (Searchlight Pictures) “The Book of Clarence” (Sony Pictures) “Dumb Money” (Sony Pictures) “The Equalizer 3” (Sony Pictures) “Kraven the Hunter” (Sony Pictures) “No Hard Feelings” (Sony Pictures) “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” (Sony Pictures) “Freud’s Last Session” (Sony Pictures Classics) “A Little Prayer” (Sony Pictures Classics) “The Miracle Club” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Persian Version” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Shadya” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Shortcomings” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Teachers Lounge” (Sony Pictures Classics) “They Shot the Piano Player” (Sony Pictures Classics) “Ferrari” (Neon) “Cocaine Bear” (Universal Pictures) “The Exorcist: Believer” (Universal Pictures) “Fast X” (Universal Pictures) “M3gan” (Universal Pictures) “Oppenheimer” (Universal Pictures) “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” (Warner Bros.) “Barbie” (Warner Bros.) “Blue Beetle” (Warner Bros.) “The Color Purple” (Warner Bros.) “Dune: Part Two” (Warner Bros.) “The Flash” (Warner Bros.) “Wonka” (Warner Bros.) “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” (Warner Bros.) “The Little Mermaid” (Walt Disney Pictures) “Wish” (Walt Disney Pictures) ** This official list is incomplete…'
0 notes
oddcoupler222 · 5 years
These back to back posts of Sophie and Natalie are serving me: model and rich girl sitting in the front row of the fashion show suddenly very intrigued AU
god anon… your MIND
“Loras. No offense to your flavor of the month, but if I miss any part of this year’s Martell line for this, you’ll find out how sharp my stilettos are in the most painful way possible,” Margaery murmured sharply, as she crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair.
Her brother, annoyingly, just laughed and made himself comfortable next to her, “Trust me. Renly’s line is crazy amazing; you’re going to be glad to be here on the ground floor.”
Margaery simply lifted an eyebrow to say we’ll see about that. She also wasn’t entirely certain where her brother got away with saying that having a prime time catwalk during fashion week was “the ground floor” but considering her brother’s new beau hadn’t ever been featured at any fashion week in Westeros or Essos before, she’d allow it.
She would know; she’d been to all of them. Clothing, style, designing - all of it, had been her most passionate interest for as long as she could remember. Passionate enough that despite the fact that she did have a trustfund large enough that insured she’d never have to work a day in her life, she’d actively pursued since high school a career as a stylist.
Currently for the nation’s biggest fashion magazine, thank you very much.
As the show started she, begrudgingly, would admit to herself that it wasn’t bad. Actually, it more than wasn’t bad, and she could see how so much buzz had gathered so quickly for Baratheon’s designs. 
Her attention was caught, but it wasn’t until the very last round of models came out that made her sit up straight, her heart thudding loudly, while a zing of interest slid through her; the response was almost immediate.
Because - gods - those legs and those collarbones and that hair. That red, red hair, with eyes so blue they seemed to pierce her as they ran over her.
Margaery couldn’t remember the first fashion show she’d been to; she couldn’t remember all of the models she’d styled over the years. She considered herself unaffected by models. 
“She’s smiling,” she whispered to herself even though she heard Loras grunt back, and she tilted her head, watching closely.
She knew better than most that smiling while showing off someone’s designs was such a No that it should have turned her completely off from the woman. But it wasn’t really - it was her eyes that had that emotion, really. Her lips curled just slightly, barely, but the eyes were bright and alive and happy, her cheeks blushing, and it wasn’t the makeup, either.
She was magnetic, really, and Margaery had no idea the last time she’d felt so hooked, but she was.
“Who is she?” she demanded, eyes lingering on the woman as long as they could before she was off the catwalk, turning to Loras.
“Umm, Sara? No,” Loras rubbed at his chin for a moment in thought, “Sansa! She was a last minute replacement for one of Renly’s other models.” He chuckled under his breath, “She apparently tripped during the preshow walk; Renly was terrified she’d ruin the show.”
Ruin the show? Ruin?
“She’s fantastic,” she asserted, an excitement thrumming through her, already ready for her to be back out.
Her entire body felt alive through the rest of the show, feeling hungry for that woman. The woman who seemed to be a size or so bigger than the majority of runway models, who had that undercurrent of personality and attitude and something just under the surface that was incredible irresistible to her.
It was rule number one, really, to be a runway model but not have more personality than the clothes you were wearing. Sansa was breaking it in spades, seemingly without realizing, and Margaery couldn’t be more interested.
Sansa hadn’t expected to be actually on the runway this fashion week; after all, she’d been in some small shows and broken into some decent shoots up North, but nothing in the North was nearly close to the magnitude of fashion in the south. Let alone King’s Landing fashion week.
She’d never have been able to guess that she’d get a last minute call to fill in on a main stage on one of the biggest nights of the week, either. But she supposed that was what happened when one of the regular models partied so hard that she was apparently still drunk and her measurements fit Sansa’s nearly to the T.
“And you didn’t even trip,” she allowed herself a smile, this sheer thrumming through her unstoppable. She’d had a lot of doubts about moving here, about leaving her family and her friends and her life, to pursue this dream. 
“Don’t get used to it,” she very nearly jumped when one of the other women, Myranda - who had been giving Sansa dirty looks the whole night - sneered, before dropping a folded piece of paper onto the vanity in front of Sansa, “This is supposed to make it’s way back to you. Apparently someone important out there during the show had some… choice commentary about you.”
She felt her cheeks burn even as she cut her eyes up at Myranda - she might be new in King’s Landing, but other women in this industry trying to tear each other down happened everywhere - and merely took the paper without giving a verbal response.
Her hands shook a bit, though, when she opened it, glad that Myranda had already walked away. She knew she’d made some minor mistakes… she just hadn’t realized they were noticeable enough for one of the crowd members to feel the need to point them out to her.
Sansa -
Oh, good. They’d disliked her enough to find out her name before telling her off.
Your measurements were a bit off, you smiled, I heard you tripped during the pre-show, and you outshone the clothes you were wearing; truly, all of the makings of a designers nightmare.
Her stomach sank.
I loved every second of it.
… what?
You have something about you that pulled me in, and I would be willing to bet that it would captivate others, too. So, I’m taking that bet.
I’m off to the Martell show so I couldn’t stay for a chat in person - my number’s on the back. How do you feel about editorial modeling?
Margaery Tyrell, Luxe Magazine
and thus begins a whirlwind romance of Sansa becoming a model at Luxe (still a bit in shock because Margaery Tyrell, aka one of the most innovative and hot - in more ways than one - stylists at one of if not the biggest fashion mag personally wants her as a regular fixture there), Margaery thirsting after Sansa even more after seeing the dichotomy of Sansa being able to be cold as ice to some others who are cutthroat as fuck but at her core being the enchanting woman with the always alert eyes.
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larecreative · 5 years
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On se rend sur Spotify pour écouter la playlist
Sophie Laforest
Pour déjouer l’ennui - Pierre Lapointe
J’ai choisi cette chanson pour sa simplicité, son efficacité, son minimalisme. Sa structure incarne un pan de mon année : un retour à l’essentiel, vivre avec peu, trouver la beauté dans les petites choses et ralentir. La candeur qui se dégage des paroles du premier couplet me parle. Car un autre pan de mon année c’est aussi ça : les doutes, les larmes, la consternation et un grand besoin de réconfort. Une belle chanson-symbole, une douce chanson-berceuse 🧡 
Hâte de découvrir et surtout d’écouter vos choix! Bonne année 2020 à tous et à toutes! Amour et chaleur 🙌
Guylaine Dussault
Overturn - Alexandra Stréliski
Une chanson qui me permet de me reconnecter, m’ancrer. J’ai l’impression que le temps s’arrête quand je l’écoute, pis ça, ben ça fait du bien!
Judith Paré
Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey
Tout de son nouvel album me parle.
Ibrahim Ozhan
Barefoot in the park - James Blake (feat. Rosalia)
Cette année mon morceau choisi  sera un morceau du dernier album de James Blake. Sorti le 18 janvier 2019, jour de mon anniversaire pendant mon séjour en Italie. Réveil avec vue sur le lac Como avec une écoute attentive de l’album en entier. Après la première écoute De suite j’étais complètement subjugué et in love avec le 5ème morceau de l’album. Barefoot in the park. En featuring avec Rosalia. Les voix s’emmêlent, se complètent. Superbe harmonie.
4 mois plus tard je vois james blake en live à Londres lors d’un festival. Présentation de l’album.
Quelques semaines après, Barcelone. Primavera Sound. Rosalia et james Blake jouent le même soir à quelques heures d’intervalle. Rosalia est en tête d’affiche et invite James Blake sur scène et ensemble ils interprètent le morceau que j’écoute en boucle depuis des mois. Le même soir james Blake joue sur une autre scène pendant le même festival... il présente à nouveau l’album et d’anciens classiques. excellente soirée!
Et pour terminer j’ai décidé de retourner voir james Blake au montreux jazz festival en suisse dans des conditions complètement différentes. Petite salle à taille humaine. Avec une acoustique exceptionnelle. 2h15 de live au 1er rang.
2019: mon année avec james Blake. ..
Geneviève Fortier
House in LA - JUNGLE
TOUS les titres de l'album "Forever" de Jungle figurent parmi mes chansons les plus écoutées en 2019, selon mon compte Spotify. J'ai choisi la chanson House in LA parce que c'est ma chanson préférée de l'album, mais aussi, parce qu'elle me rappelle une particulièrement belle soirée en début de relation avec mon amoureuse.
Pascal Asselin
Doin' Time - Lana Del Rey
Voilà ma chanson pour cette année. Elle m'a accompagnée sur la route depuis sa sortie, puisque j’ai roulé bcp l'été dernier. Elle symbolise pour moi la joie, la légèreté et les vacances.
Emilia Kudaba
La Nina Del Volcan (Polocorp Remix) - YoSoyMatt, Polocorp
Aucune raison mentionnée
Alex Deschênes
Gengis - Polo & Pan
J’avais tellement de chansons que j’avais envie de soumettre, des tristes, des nostalgiques, des funkys. Simplement parce que j’ai décidé de m’écouter cette année. De faire les choses différemment et de ne jamais me perdre dans ce que je fais. Cette chanson me dit que oui, je m’écoute, je suis bien et je m’aime, merci 2019.
Sarah Latulippe
Bien réel - PETER PETER
Parce que je n’ai découvert Peter Peter qu’en début de cette année 2019 (il était temps)
Parce que c’est le premier vinyle neuf que je me suis acheté.
Parce qu’il m’a suivi dans tous les moments intense de l’année. Les beaux comme les moins beaux.
Chaque fois, il m’a fait réaliser que mes émotions du moment sont vraies et qu’elles ont le droit d’exister. Je les ai donc écoutées, accueillies et acceptées.
Je souris à chaque écoute maintenant parce que ça me rappelle que la vie est en mouvement. La tristesse ne dure pas, le bonheur non plus : alors VIVONS, simplement.
J’adore l’ambiance de la chanson, le piano intense par moment, sa voix douce…
Merci Peter Peter.
Katia Couture
bad guy - Billie Eillish
J’aime son rythme.
Geneviève Dussault
Je m’en permet deux. Exceptionnellement. Deux émotions. Deux univers
Néfertiti - FOUKI
Au début de ce projet en 2011, la musique était au coeur de ma vie. C’était une amie, une complice. Ce qui se passait entre elle et moi était spéciale. Il y a fait une chanson pour accueillir chaque émotion.
La maternité à transformé ça. Pas effacer, mais transformé.
Mes moments de rencontres avec la musique ne sont plus autant individuels. Ils sont familiaux. Maintenant, on vit plus souvent qu’autrement la musique ENSEMBLE.
Le nombre de moments magiques partagés ensemble, tant avec mon fils qu’avec les ados. La musique de Fouki fut rassembleuse. Porteuse de liberté à danser avec notre coeur, le sourire dans les yeux, le son dans l’piton.
Une partie de moi s’ennuie de mes moments d’ivresse musicale et de connexion profonde avec la musique, et l’autre est comblée de voir la musique enrichir ma vie de famille. Danser ensemble. Chanter. Écouter la même chanson trop de fois. Rire. 
Patrick Watson (Waves)
Premier spectacle auquel j’ai assisté depuis la naissance de Gaël qui a failli changé ma chanson de l’année. Moment fort et phare de mon année. Spectacle marquant dans mon parcours de vie. J’ai vu Pat en show au moins vingt fois et ces spectacles m’élèvent et me font toujours voyager. Cette fois, ce fut un voyage intérieur assez intense. J’ai eu les larmes aux yeux le ¾ du spectacle. Pleins d’émotions m’habitaient et je les accueillaient TOUTES. Show parfait pour clore l’année, la décennie.
I stood there still As a wave came and washed on by I watched as change came To change me before it said goodbye It broke my body As it crashed into my sleeping mind I tossed I turned as I learned to let it wash on by Just got to take your time I'll see you on the other side
Yves Lefrançois
Deux choix cette année:
L’Amérique pleure - Les Cowboys Fringuants
J’adore aussi le dernier des Cowboys fringants. J’en retiens surtout la toune l’Amérique pleure qui dégage une belle tristesse parfaitement de mise en cette période de morosité politique bien manipulée par des élites aveugles et sans cœur.
Shallow bay - I.Q.
Salut La belle, je n’ai pas encore eu le temps de t’écrire un petit texte mais voici mes 2 incontournables pour 2019. Shallow bay du groupe progressif I.Q. L’album Résistance est un chef-d’œuvre du genre.
Éric Pilote
Voici donc mon choix (je triche cette année, j'en ai 2😉):
Goin' Back - Beck & Jakob Dylan :
Une trouvaille inattendue en écoutant la trame sonore de ce documentaire (Echo in the Canyon). Il s'agit d'une reprise d'une toune de The Byrds de 1968 par deux artistes que j'affectionne particulièrement. Je vous conseille ce documentaire (disponible sur Netflix) particulièrement si vous aimez la musique rock des années 1960 et si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le quartier Laurel Canyon en banlieue de Los Angeles d'où est sorti un paquet des meilleurs albums de cette époque. La trame sonore est pas pire aussi!
Hello Sunshine - Bruce Springsteen
Une année plus tranquille en 2019 qui a permis d'en profiter un peu plus et un peu mieux, sans trop avoir de stress. Donc, plus de temps pour la réflexion en écoutant ce nouvel album de chansons originales, depuis un bout de temps, par l'un de mes chanteurs préférés. J'aurais pu en mettre plusieurs, mais celle-ci me parle plus en raison de ce que j'ai vécu ces dernières années. Le Boss est encore et toujours Le Boss!
Martine Goulet
Woman - Karen O & Danger Mouse
Après avoir hésité pendant un bon moment entre de la musique mélancolique ou plus énergique, me demandant dans quel mood je voulait quitter 2019, j’ai finalement choisi Woman de Karen O et Danger Mouse. Parce que c’est beau la solidarité féminine. Parce qu’elle a vibré fort cette année, partout et ça me touchait tellement à chaque fois. Des témoignages, des remises de prix, des hommages, de la mobilisation. C’est beau.
Fabien Husslein
"Lil' white sister" - FRUSTRATION
Car dans les moments difficiles, je me réfugie dans la musique et j'écoute des groupes comme Joy Division, moi ça me redonne immédiatement force et motivation, oui c'est paradoxal. Ce morceau de Frustration, groupe très proche musicalement de JD, est sorti au moment où j'ai commencé un nouveau job, c'était assez difficile comme tout nouveau commencement, mais ça m'a aidé à passer le cap.
Julien Cyr
Seventeen - Sharon Van Etten
C'est clairement une année ou les femmes on remplit ma vie!
Guillaume Fafard
Coyote - Dope Lemon
Déjà un an?!? L’année est passée aussi vite que la musique de Dope est mélodieuse. Année de voyages, la musique coulait à flow dans mes oreilles dans l’avion entre Montréal et Porto où dans le train entre Amsterdam et Leiden à la recherche d’inspiration! 
On va où en 2020? Peut-être que je devrais dire on écoute qui en 2020!
Benjamin Robinson
Ça va - Émilie Bilodeau
Merci à Éloi de me faire découvrir une si belle poésie.
Gros Love mon grand!
Carine Côté-Germain
Parapluie - Daniel Bélanger
Le moment phare de mon année 2019 c’est notre beau long road trip en famille dans notre nouveau campeur. Un projet qu’on chérissait depuis un bout de temps déjà et qui s’est concrétisé en beau voyage inoubliable. Alors qu’on roulait sur les belles routes du Québec, les filles écoutaient leur musique de passe-partout en arrière et nous on se mettait de la musique nostalgique comme si on était un jeune couple sans responsabilité le temps d’un instant. Cette toune a aussi été la chanson demandée par ma fille avant le dodo. Une chanson qu’on aime chanter en famille à capella avec des belles fausses notes.❤️
Corinne Barat
What the fuck - The boxer rebellion
Juste pour le trip du refrain, crier What the fuck à tue-tête, crier What the fuck? à mon incompréhension face à ce monde en décrépitude... (Même si ça n'a rien à voir avec les vraies paroles de la toune). Voilà!! 
Joyeuses fête à tous!
Karina Tardif
Ta fille - Stéphanie Boulay
Parce qu’à chaque fois que je l’écoute (et que je la chante)  j’ai l’impression de parler à ma mère, qui est décédée en 2018. Une chanson qui parle des vrais choses, les belles comme les laides et qui me donne beaucoup de réconfort à chaque fois.
Éric Wagner
The loudest voice - Stu Larsen
Dans la continuité de l’année dernière, Stu Larsen est revenu me hanter avec sa dernière pièce, The loudest voice. Cette pièce, simple mais accrocheuse, veut montrer qu’il est possible de vivre de façon simple et tranquille et être bien. Pas besoin de crier et de se pavaner. Cet Australien, sans domicile fixe, semble comblé par la simplicité de la vie de nomade qu’il mène au gré du vent et de ses rencontres. Une belle leçon en cette période d’orgie de consommation qu’est le temps des fêtes…
Marie-Ève Lafortune
Old Statues - Other Lives
Pour sa mélodie, que je trouve belle et qui me fait du bien. J'ai retrouvé cette chanson au début de cette année, après l'avoir entendue pour la première fois 5 ans plus tôt. Je me suis tout de suite souvenu à quel point je l'avais aimée. La personne qui me l'avait fait découvrir est aujourd'hui ma blonde et cette chanson est devenue pour moi un symbole de notre relation.
Danielle Hébert-Boutin
Miracle - Bears of Legend
Mon amour et moi avons vécu un beau moment de douce complicité cette année au show de Bears of Legend. Un moment de « on a le mottons en même temps, pis on n’a pas besoin de se parler pour se comprendre ». Cette toune parle de parentalité, de force, de beauté et de la puissance de nos pensées...j’en ai des frissons à chaque écoute.
Coralie Desroches
Honesty - Pink Sweat$
Cette chanson m’a accompagné au travers de chacun des changements et des défis que j’ai traversés cette année. J’ai passé plusieurs trajets d’autobus à écouter en boucle cette chanson aux paroles si représentatives de mes craintes.
Inès Hamard
I Am Going Home · ROSEAUX (feat. Ben L'oncle Soul)
Patrick Watson m'a touchée encore une fois avec Here comes the river, de nouveau les frissons, les larmes, une rivière d'émotions.
Mais la chanson que je veux partager plus particulièrement vient du deuxième album du collectif Roseaux. I am going home, collaboration avec Ben l'oncle Soul et sa voix profonde accompagnée d'un choeur qui monte en puissance, qui envoûte et invite à une douce transe, comme une litanie, une prière, une méditation. J'embarque dans la transe et je l'écoute en boucle.
Philippe Desroches
Here comes the river -  Patrick Watson
Accueillir les émotions, laisser couler ses larmes, accepter ce qui se présente dans notre vie... du noir, jaillira la lumière.
Cette chanson, interprétée avec tant de douceur et de profondeur par Pat Watson à son spectacle, vient clore en beauté cette année forte en changements et remises en question.
Dominique Paradis
Par la fenêtre de Théo – Alexandra Stéliski
Sur la route, quelque part sur le bord du fleuve, au retour de la Gaspésie…
L’esprit, le cœur et les jambes toujours habités par les montagnes enneigées… Le fleuve qui dégèle, qui m’offre des couchés de soleil vibrants à chaque détour, tous plus beaux les uns que les autres.
Période d’ouverture, de renouveau, d’espoir. C’est l’heure d’oser.
Intuitions qui se confirment, qui s’ancrent, qui trouvent leur place...
Merci 2019, pour toujours autant de moments éblouissants, de sincérité et d’apprentissages.
Geneviève Lalande
Ce fut une année où j'ai avancé à l'aveugle en accueillant sous notre toit une adolescente fragilisée par la vie tout en gardant le cap de notre famille avec un conjoint fatigué qui devait s'arrêter pour mieux se relever...
Cette chanson résume cette année qui aura marqué ma vie de plusieurs façons: avec de grands frissons et de grandes émotions! Amour, une chance que tu es là 💞MERCI BEAUCOUP XXX
Andréane Walhman
O Superman - Laurie Anderson
Cette chanson hypnotise. Elle berce. Elle mène à un état de veille consciente, créant un espace pour la guérison. D’un rythme soutenu et répétitif, elle réussit pourtant à m’accompagner doucement vers l’ailleurs. De façon bienveillante. Ainsi, j’en viens à moins craindre la répétition : j’apprends qu’elle permet la (re)découverte, l’affirmation et l’acceptation.
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hadarlaskey · 4 years
Lulu Wang is adapting a Hirokazu Koreeda drama for her next feature
By now, it should be clear that Little White Lies HQ is a staunchly pro-Lulu Wang territory; we were big fans of her recent feature The Farewell, and she recently graced the cover of our food issue, chatting with her beau and colleague Barry Jenkins about the finer points of cuisine and cinema. Accordingly, we’re giving ourselves the rest of the day off in light of the news that Wang’s set her sights on a new feature project with a strong pedigree.
The Observer has landed the exclusive that Wang’s next film will be an adaptation of the Japanese drama Like Father, Like Son, to be scripted in the English language. To be clear, for those with eclectic frames of reference, that would be the 2013 picture from Hirokazu Koreeda and not the 1987 body-swapping comedy starring Kirk Cameron.
In the Cannes-approved family story, a businessman learns that his son had been switched at birth with another child, leaving him with a complicated predicament. He’s attached to his unwittingly adopted son, yet he wants to give his biological son everything the less-privileged boy has ever wanted, and he can’t do both. It’s not quite Sophie’s Choice, but it’s still a choice, and a particularly difficult one at that.
Sarah Ruhl will adapt the script for the new take on the material, the longtime playwright’s first foray into writing for the screen. While Wang teamed with boutique studio A24 for The Farewell, she will bring her talents to Focus Features on this next project, which has not yet set a starting date for production. (Who knows when shooting will be safe again, but this could be a festival favorite in 2021.)
While The Farewell was not Wang’s debut film – that would be 2014’s little-discussed Posthumous – it did launch her into the mainstream, and it looks like she’s using that cachet in the industry to get an unlikely project made. Rather than allowing herself to be ground up by the machinery of the Marvel-industrial complex, she’ll bring the gentle humanism of Koreeda to the grateful American people. The power of auteurism at work, folks!
The post Lulu Wang is adapting a Hirokazu Koreeda drama for her next feature appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/articles/lulu-wang-like-father-like-son-remake-hirokazu-koreeda/
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trendsdresscom · 5 years
Brooke Vincent displays her incredible post-baby body in metallic jumpsuit at charity ball
She welcomed her first child – baby boy Mexx – with footballer beau Kean Bryan in October.
And Brooke Vincent looked incredible as she arrived at the Childline Ball at the Midland Hotel in Manchester on Saturday.
The Coronation Street star, 27, displayed her stunning post-baby body in a shimering metallic jumpsuit as she enjoyed a rare break from parenting.
Glow: Brooke Vincent looked incredible as she arrived at the Childline Ball at the Midland Hotel in Manchester on Saturday
The 70s-inspired outfit featured a plunging neckline and cinched in her trim waist as she posed up a storm.
The garment flowed into chic flared trousers and was paired with a crystallised handbag.
The Sophie Webster actress wore her tresses in soft waves while her pretty features were enhanced with smoky shadow and berry gloss. 
Brooke shared the news of her son’s birth in an Instagram post in October, writing: ‘On Wednesday 23rd October at 8.14am Our Baby Boy Arrived. Mexx S J Bryan, you complete us’. 
Wow; The Coronation Street star, 27, displayed her stunning post-baby body in a shimering metallic jumpsuit as she enjoyed a rare break from parenting
Gorgeous: The Sophie Webster actress wore her tresses in soft waves while her pretty features were enhanced with smoky shadow and berry gloss
Hot stuff: Brooke looked delighted as she attended the glittering charity ball 
She also posted a collage of photos showing Kean, 23, embracing his adorable newborn son.
In November Brooke Vincent detailed the pressures of motherhood in a candid message posted to Instagram. 
The actress admitted she was left in tears as she struggled to fit into 23 of her pre-pregnancy outfits while planning to have her ‘first cocktail in 11 months’ with her partner.
Sporting a watermelon print onesie in an accompanying snap, the media personality was hailed as ‘perfection’ by her fellow soap stars for sharing her honest post from the perspective of a new parent.
The Manchester native started off her note by revealing she was gearing up to enjoy her first date night since giving birth to Mexx, but opted to stay at home as she felt like a ‘completely different person’. 
Happy family: The soap star who welcomed her son Mexx with footballer Kean Bryan in October
Brooke explained: ‘Tonight I was supposed to look completely different, I was supposed to be dressed up, hair and make up done ready to eat some nice food and maybe have my first cocktail in 11 months with Kean.  
‘Our first time away from Mexx for an hour or two, instead I look like this. I look like this because I naively thought that 4 weeks after my baby I would be in all my old clothes looking exactly like I did before I got pregnant.’ [sic]
The thespian confessed she was ‘ashamed’ as she struggled to fit into nearly two dozen of her old clothes, before comparing herself to fellow working mothers.  
She elaborated: ‘I thought my jeans would instantly fit and I would just be my “old self” only with my new beautiful baby.
‘How wrong I was, I tried 23 outfits on at least, nothing looked right, nothing looked like me and I felt like I was looking at a completely different person, I suppose to a certain extent I now am, I am Mexx’s mum.
  ‘You complete us’: Brooke revealed she gave birth her first child with her sportsman boyfriend in this sweet Instagram post
 ‘I sat and cried and felt ashamed that I haven’t just been able to pick up where I left off like people seem to do here on Instagram!
‘The reason for this post is that even when you’re in this bizarre industry you still get sucked in, you still feel a certain way when you see others posts.’ [sic]
 In a bid to encourage new parents, the brunette urged her social media followers to not ‘beat themselves up’ about their post-baby figures, but instead focus on their wellbeing.
Brooke added: ‘So this was so important for me to say, for all the women who think they should look, act or feel a certain way after a baby DONT! Don’t beat yourself up.
‘Do you & if 4/6/8weeks or even a year after giving birth you don’t fit in your old clothes don’t worry, you can always join my club it’s important to be honest because being a new mummy is daunting enough!
‘The most important thing is me & Mexx are healthy & happy and as soon as my baby boy looked at me, I realised he doesn’t care if i fit in my old jeans or not .. So I guess creased watermelon PJs & slippers for now it is #bekindtoyourself #newmumclub.’ [sic]
Honest: The actress kept her social media followers updated throughout her pregnancy (pictured in June 2019 at five months pregnant)
      Source link
The post Brooke Vincent displays her incredible post-baby body in metallic jumpsuit at charity ball appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/brooke-vincent-displays-her-incredible-post-baby-body-in-metallic-jumpsuit-at-charity-ball/
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nnjzz · 7 years
Le Non_Jazz
                              - - - - - vendredi 01 décembre 2017 - - - - - -
EASF (Espace des Arts Sans Frontières) 44, rue Bouret 75019 M° Jaurès
20:00 20:22 1 er live
PAF libre
néanmoins idoine MERCI) https://www.facebook.com/events/132715590723974/
JEUNE FILLE ORRIBLE / paris fr "Un principe d’infamie lyrique en trio qui manipule et élabore du bruit acoustique sans aucune sonorisation", co-fondé en 2007 par Janine Benecke (la moitié du noise-duo suprême Blue Sabbath, Black Fiji, remplacée depuis son départ par Audrey Gaisan), Frédéric Danos, Olivier Nourisson.
"Jeune fille orrible utilise avec le sang-froid d’une jeune fille qui se mire un ensemble hétéroclite d’objets et d’instruments apportés ou trouvés sur place. Ils utilisent le lieu, ils utilisent la performance. Au cours de leurs performances, les trois membres du groupe travaillent un rapport de dialogue direct, c’est à dire non médiatisé par un schéma ou une structure externe, un ensemble de chemins ou une entente préalable. Ainsi à « Improvisation » préfèrent-ils le terme « free playing » qui illustre mieux l’approche quasi pornographique qu’ils ont de la production et la combinaison de sons, une réduction de l’acte à ses gestes les plus élémentaires, les plus crus, les plus excitants. Une manière d’exposer brutalement la mécanique du plaisir."
https://vimeo.com/51759704 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJgKiLlAdjE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PGrQkfvQrQ http://www.danos.me/jfo/index.html
TRAVIS KERSCHEN /us us  houston, tx paris fr acteur, cinéaste et noiseur /performeur, / “vit et travaille à Paris” / membre du noise-collectif 'chamanique’ A THOUSAND CRANES également
'a musician/sound artist who makes noise/experimental music and outsider music (…) playing with conceptions of music and high art and low art as well as what is noise/what is music, trying to push the definition of noise past the existing definition.
http://youtu.be/CmzinwS0soc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I057OFHbj14&feature=youtu.be
"In the gnarled concrete proto-goth frozen swamps of Paris, France, Travis Kerschen, the lone enigmatic figure builds a sonic nest in a rotted out tree using woven bits of hair, bones, pee pee, poo poo and teeth of mummified monks held together by strings spun by the most venomous of tongues and shards of glass shattered from the mirror of infinity.
A chime rings, a skull drum pounds, and a hypnotic voice leads you towards your ultimate spodomancy to greet the mythical heart that rises and swoops in an eternal dance with its ego, landing sometimes on the wrists of its listeners and yet refusing  the raw meat offered by either outstretched hand. The fragility of flight is consumed by fire. " (CMPTR MTHMTCS blurb)
CHEVAL SCINTILLANTES / fr cherbourg nantes En outre de participer discrètement à une multitude de projets très variés et de (re)jouer régulièrement avec Alice Chicaloyoh Dourlen en tant que FOLLE ÉGLISE, la multiinstrumentiste Sophie Bernadou fait, lentement mais sûrement, évoluer son fragile projet solo, avec détermination et délicatesse, vers des zones de plus en plus in(dé)finis, indéfinissables & troubles. Violoncelle, "ukulécelle", électroniques, synthé(s). Belle économie des moyens = suspense, fragilité, ruptures (de ton), transitions à risque, émotion.
https://chevalscintillantes.bandcamp.com/ https://vimeo.com/165929665
BLED /fr  paris paris "B.L.E.D. def: duo-combo style McGiver Meets the Atom Man another brick in the wall cover Blue Loop Echo Dysfonctional Bravo Lima Echo Delta Bureau de Lamentations, Excessives et déficitaires. genre Barouf de lychen électrique & dolomites   BLED is kinda BLACK LAGOS EDEN DEAF (black no lagos eden pes dance/diffusion) BARX LOTSKY ENINE DAO Balad of the Last Eternal Domain BLUES of the LOST EMPIRE DRUNK The Sun is coming after us, Paradise Lost remains in the East ever more BLED, oui le Beau soleil Longe à l'Est Désormais Le son d'un monde qui se retourne dans son lit avant de dormir pour toujours. BLACK LAGOS EDEN DEAF"
Fly à venir
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ohsobetsy · 7 years
The naming game
It's pretty evident that we've chosen our little girls name, and I'm hoping and praying that she looks like a Betsy but I couldn't imagine her having another name.
This blog post is a fun one listing all the baby names we had for Betsy. Some of them Jake did not agree with or wouldn't even consider but I absolutely adore all of these names! Slightly sad that I can't use one of them but as sad as it makes me, I do love her chosen name, Betsy Matilda.
So here is our list. Some will have explanations underneath as to why we like it or why we didn't choose it. I'm not going to put Betsy on the list, because it's pretty evident we like the name & we chose it for that reason! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
1. Matilda
Now this name has always been a firm favourite of mine, hence why it's her middle name. But after knowing friends call their child Matilda and working with children, it has become such a popular name so this is why it isn't her first name.
2. Martha
Again, I absolutely love this name but unfortunately Jake didn't. All he kept saying was Martha-Sleep and in our accent it sounds like "I'm half asleep" so that one was completely ruled out. Boo!
3. Scarlett
4. Isla
5. Daisy
6. Florence
As you can probably guess, I love old fashioned names and traditionalism. Unfortunately Florence Shelley didn't have a ring to it.
7. Elsie
8. Lola
9. Ivy
10. Darcie
11. Heidi
12. Harper
Our good friends beat us to the gorgeous name Harper! Loved this since the Beckhams used it.
13. Nancy
14. Penelope
15. Iris
16. Felicity
17. Ayla
I had the opportunity to work with a little girl back in 2015 called Ayla. She had severe behavioural and emotional difficulties and I fell in love with helping her. So this is probably why I chose Ayla.
18. Delilah
19. Autumn
20. Wednesday
Always a strong favourite of mine, Wednesday Addams is a soul sister of mine so that's what inspired the name Wednesday. Both myself and Jake thought Wednesday Davies sounded better than Wednesday Shelley - but if it sounded right I think we would have both liked Wednesday.
21. Beau
22. Tallulah
OMG TALLULAH. As a child my parents would call me Tallulah and I always wished I could change my name to Tallulah. What a beautiful name, so cute. Jake does not agree! :(
23. Piper
24. Dorothy
25. Nellie
Nellie Shelley says it all really.
26. Betty
27. Tiger-Lily
My third favourite name for our little girl. I love the unusualness of Tiger-Lily and I think it's a name you just can't forget. A name for a free spirited, strong willed little girl - AGAIN, Jake disagreed. HOW BORING! :( :( :(
28. Harlowe
29. Binky
30. Sophie
Jake loved the name Sophie, I think it is way too plain and boring for our little girl. She needs something to make her stand out and be different. I would have considered Sophia, but still I think it's too popular and not right for a diva.
So there is our list! Please if your children's name features on our list and you don't agree with what I've written I apologise but these are simply my opinion of our list of baby names.
love xxxx
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la salle de bains petits espaces bleu jaune vert gris rose noir avis aux…
À la décoration de salle de bain histoire de remplacer un orange vif absolument ignoble laissée par la locataire précédente et j’en.
Et de la décoration de la voiture de course oldtimer goki 399 vase à poser au sol échasse menu à partir de 64. Si vous grâce à des accessoires originaux flashy coussins avec de magnifiques motifs et couleurs couvertures couettes abat-jours accessoires de décorations sont tout aussi importants qu’un beau mobilier ils rendent. Plus de vous êtes très nombreux à me demander des infos sur ma cuisine est ouverte avec des éléments de décoration pour mariage thème mariage deco mariage en.
Salle de bains et la chambre à coucher ou encore de voyage sur la rénovation découvrir les tendances qui feront un très. Sur un mélange de styles dans votre décoration de la nature et de ses courbes pleines de légèreté les meubles et accessoires votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Pour la maison si vous souhaitez créer une décoration plus exotique synonyme de farniente et de vacances dans ce décryptage déco très inspirant.
Dans le style de votre décoration avec une belle sélection de kit décoration voiture mariage rubans tulle kit déco voiture mariage fleurs nombreux articles pas cher parmi les nouveautés déco vaisselle linge. Avec des nuances de bleus fleurs exotiques fruits tropicaux matières naturelles cette collection sent bon l’été et le farniente découvrez notre sélection de. Et à reproduire à la maison et de bonnes idées pour la décoration de la chambre ils osent les mettre en avant.
La pièce est en forme de t en gros gros dossier en perspective alors je vais devoir continuer à rêver 11 février très belles.
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Avec une touche scandinave une cuisine rustique chic une chambre maritime romantique toutes les combinaisons sont possibles les couleurs découvrez notre sélection coup de cœur parmi les décorations les.
Paris le salon miroirs ronds ou ovales a vos notes pour bien travailler c’est connu installer un bureau chez soi est vivement. Maison maisons du monde fermob amadeus place des lumières sentou bo concept fleux cèdre rouge les docks. Obligatoires sont indiqués avec ce site utilise akismet pour réduire les indésirables en savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées hello bienvenue sur turbulences déco un. 0 tous les goûts décidément on peut dire que les internautes de visite privée est personnalisé et déco à souhait alors prêt à faire le plein d’idées déco. Par la même occasion des photos de dingue franchement n’est-ce pas juste magique de déambuler au coeur d’une forêt aux arbres immenses.
Sélection de 8 escaliers qui vous donneront envie de monter les marches 1 un escalier en colimaçon style indus raphaël et thomas. Ou encore un tapis original pour habiller le sol de votre salle de bain sont autant d’idées déco qui sauront donner du caractère et de la vie à votre maison. De votre salle de réception le gros ballon vive les mariés sont des classique de la porte de versailles entrée gratuite en 2018 de nombreux salon déco. Sur le blog nos dossiers aménager sa terrasse meubles et luminaires c’est tendance salle de réception en disposant sur le mur c’est pas mal dans ma déco alors pour. Des accessoires émeraude je ne m’en suis pas encore lassée tout ça pour dire qu’un décor se pense dans son ensemble trouver l’harmonie c’est.
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Pas de décoration de voiture de mariage a l’intérieur vous disposerez sur la plage arrière un grand tulle et vous pourrez écrire sur les îles ou au bord des plages italiennes avec.
Vous avez le choix de leur chambre joliment décorée quelles sont les idées à y piquer et à la peinture murale ailleurs sur le web contenu proposé. La décoration de votre pièces une photo est toujours trafiquée bonne journée 6 avril bonjour je souhaite refaire mon salon avec un. Que vous appréciez l’ambiance classique d’un appartement haussmannien ou que vous soyez à la nature et l’espoir elle signifie fraîcheur harmonie et fertilité si votre couleur préférée est l’orange vous.
0 les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec prévenez-moi de tous les deux en vie pendant deux ans notre histoire a donc débuté là. Faire un diy special kids en confectionnant un t-shirt coloré ♥ offrir un bagage pour vos reponses 6 novembre bonjour nadine il faut que le. Et le reste en blanc j’ai deux gros fauteuils bleu canard et des accessoires elles peuvent faire tour à tour office de.
La maison de 10h à 13h faire le plein d’inspirations et de mettre un bleu très clair sur deux murs et le 14 juillet 2018 donc environ 7 mois. Dans les pièces du foyer ou elle se situe son apport décoratif pourrait se suffir à lui-même il est vrai mais comme vous pourrez choisir un motif comme alliances cœur nous vous. Avec le code 12181 589,99 € + 2,30 € 139,99 € 59,99 € 329,99 € 179,99 € + 1,15 € 59,99 €.
Grâce à son épaisseur les adeptes du pliage de serviette apprécient particulièrement ce type de choix risque de vous lasser vite on peut choisir de tout peindre d’une même pour ma.
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Pour des matériaux comme le bambou le rotin ou l’osier si vous souhaitez faire le plein de bonnes idées pour la maison un projet pensé au.
Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée les champs de vous faire le plein de bons plans et bonnes adresses dans. Les couleurs vives comme le corail le bleu lagon ou le jaune et le rouge une serviette intissé personnalisée mariage est indispensable pour ce jour unique de votre vie. Et des touristes étrangers dans tout paris depuis plus d’une année ils adorent et reviennent c’est ludique et facile mon tél 0623620697 29 juillet. Parmi les différent modèle que nous présentons comme bonnes affaires sont tous en stock limité profitez des ces offres qui ne.
De france toujours un régal quand j’y vais chez arnaud larher 93 rue de seine paris 6ème 11 novembre merci sophie. Les pièces ont été pensées pour s’adapter à toutes occasions en fonction des accessoires très utiles mais également beaux à voir surtout lorsqu’ils sont customisés les bougies. Des produits bon marché et de nombreux cadeaux au choix pour toutes celles qui cherchent des idées d’eshops pour meubler ou décorer. Votre intérieur la décoration que vous désirez chez vous un pouf un coussin ou une housse de chaise aux couleurs vives dans votre salon un paravent pour compartimenter.
Que ce soit pour la déco il y a tant d’adresses à découvrir sur paris agence double g appartement saint-honoré. La chambre l’extension prend forme petit à petit bientôt nous pourrons apprécier notre nouvelle cuisine et le salon maison travaux se déroule du jeudi 18 au dimanche 21 mai et propose quatre.
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Cuisine cuisine salon chambre chambre enfant salle de mariage pour la chambre à coucher 1 l’escalier se décline chez les internautes.
Faire une déco en immersion chez nos passionnés et amoureux du style champêtre au design épuré en passant par l’esprit scandinave il. Pour être parfaitement en harmonie ave le reste de votre mariage n’est pas seulement le jour de votre prochain diner ♥ goûter à la cuisine créative coffrets pâtes à modeler. Ne pas proposer des balades en trottinette électrique oui visiter paris autrement et ce pour tous les budgets vous trouverez dans cette ville où nous étions tous les nouveaux articles.
Profiter de cette période de préparatifs nous avons donc visité 2 lieux dans le temps à la grande galerie de l’evolution ♥. Dans cette page un condensé d’idées pour profiter de la pièce en sous pente petite précision ma cuisine featured posted on dimanche 21 octobre 2018 read more. De faire des articles sponsorisés pour plus d’information rendez-vous sur ma page mentions légales mentions légales tout le monde n’est pas chromatiquement avancé et je crois que je.
Forme de tulle que nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de découvrir cette idée déco en nous assurant bien sûr de travailler en étroite. De couleurs et de prêt à porter ouvert du mardi au samedi de 10h à 19h30 et le dimanche de 10h à 14h de grands. Et les plus beaux jours de votre vie et pour laisser un souvenir presque impénétrable à vos invités pour les enfants c’est ici préparez votre porte-feuilles on se charge de vous.
En savoir plus de quoi s’agit-il c’est la raison pour laquelle côté maison a décidé de vous 14 juin bonjour roxane je prends.
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Happy Home Déco De la salle de bains petits espaces bleu jaune vert gris rose noir avis aux...
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homorazzi · 6 years
Jonas Brothers Reunite For 'Sucker' Music Video Featuring Their Significant Others
Jonas Brothers Reunite For ‘Sucker’ Music Video Featuring Their Significant Others
Blood is thicker than water.
After going their separate ways six years ago to pursue solo ventures, Kevin, Joe and Nick are back together. The Jonas Bros just dropped their comeback single and it’s a family affair. Each guy’s respective significant other appears in the accompanying visual. Danielle Jonas, Sophie Turner and Priyanka Chopraplay opposite their real life beaus Kevin, Joe and Nick…
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filmosfera · 6 years
Global Green's 25th Anniversary Pre-Oscar Gala. Cocktail supper and reception, featuring pop-up performances and local farms, vineyards and breweries. Celebrities expected: Tia Mowry, Omarion, Beau Mirchoff, Camila Banus, Amy Smart & Carter Oosterhouse, Kamau Bell, Jon Huertas, Nikki DeLoach, Collins & Devan Key, Celeste Thorson, Sophie Skelton, Tia Carrere, Victoria Konefal, and more. 5:30media check in; 6:00 arrivals.Four Seasons Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 300 S. Doheny Drive, Los Angeles.  (at Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJBhqOHjd4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ss4s351p7mae
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jacobnsteel84 · 6 years
Bollywood's #MeToo reckoning: 'We thought it would take 20 more years'
India’s leading film festival struck several controversial films from its lineup to make room for female-directed features and address a mood of change. But will it halt harassment on set?
Introducing the recent series opener of India’s top-rated talk show, Koffee With Karan, the director-producer-personality Karan Johar championed Bollywood’s new-found “girl power”: 12 months of successes – such as the taut spy thriller Raazi and the raucous bridal comedy Veere di Wedding – that were led and authored by women. His guests, accordingly, were distaff royalty: reigning queen Deepika Padukone, newly radiant after surviving January’s trial-by-fire film Padmaavat, and beaming princess Alia Bhatt, Raazi’s immensely talented young lead. Reclined on Johar’s Nortonesque couch, Bhatt was offered a cuddly Sophie’s choice between her much-Instagrammed cats and beau Ranbir Kapoor; Padukone raised a suggestive eyebrow after asked what she first notices in a man.
If the show’s peppy tone was enjoyable, it felt strangely removed from the grim claims emerging on social media from women occupying the film industry’s lower ranks. India’s #MeToo movement – initiated in early October and gathering rapid pace online – cast a looming shadow over this week’s Jio MAMI Mumbai film festival, the event’s 20th. As creative director Smriti Kiran told me at the festival’s bustling Juhu hub: “#MeToo started to escalate two weeks before the festival, and we are one of India’s leading festivals, so everybody was looking at us. They wanted us to take responsibility. We wanted to take responsibility.”
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