#beautiful russian metro
dezertvideogames · 6 months
The Subnautica of other fears
Subnautica is a game infamous for it's almost all ocean planet, underwater worldbuilding, and deep sea gameplay. It's also the bane of all thalassaphobia peeps.
So here's the subnautica of other phobias
Claustrophobia Fear of Tight/Cramped Spaces - The Forest Series : After a plane crash leaves you stranded in a strange forests, something increasingly becomes... wrong. The caves around don't help.
Scopophobia Fear of being watched or the center of attention - Brighter Day : A weirdcore horror game where something is definitely watching you and definitely following you.
Entomophobia/Arachnophobia - Grounded : You play a group of kids who are stuck in a "honey I shrunk the kids" incident. They are forced to venture across their yard, and survive the various common insects around.
Megalophobia Fear of very very very big things - The Utility Room : An experience. More of an experience then a game and fever dreamish, worth it, and mysterious all the way. It's almost as if the universe accidentally left one strange dev room behind.
Nyctophobia Fear of darkness - Amnesia: The Bunker (from the Amnesia series) : It's a first-person survival horror. You play a French man trapped in a bunker during WW1, while being hunted by something inside its darkness.
Autophobia Fear of being/feeling alone - Firewatch : You work in a national park in order to watch out for fires. Traveling across the Wyoming wilderness takes a complicated turn.
Hemophobia Fear of blood or bleeding - Iron Lung : What awaits you in the deep of a strange moon. Trapped in a submarine you have no choice but to find out.
Amaxophobia Fear of car accidents or being run over - Decimate Drive : After freeing yourself from a kidnapping, the world you wake up to is full of hostile cars.
Final Boss Games:
Lethal Company
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Fun with friends :D
Genre: Indie Comedy Horror
Takes place on alien planets in outerspace
It's multiplayer, and very fun, but as soon as it hits the fan the sound design works hard to immerse you in the sudden loneliness. The games sound design is one the major players of Lethal Company's fear. As soon as a friend walks away the proximity chat teaches you just how separated you now are.
Before you know it you have had something unfriendly following behind you, and finally finding the silhouette of a friend in the dark you are betrayed by the creatures of the Lethal Company universe.
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Loneliness
Fear of Being Watched
Fear of Outerspace
The Metro Series
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Genre: Survival Horror Shooter
You play the beautiful and amazing Artyom Chynornyj in the post-apocalyptic world of Metro. Developed by Ukrainians and based off the Russian book series + Polish fanon writing community.
The world of Metro is unfair and unforgiving, full of mutated creatures, and the leftover souls that the destruction of humanity left in it's wake. Crawl across the underground of Russian cities, or panic across the even more dangerous world of the destroyed above.
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Wild Animals
Fear of Deep Water
Fear of Ghost/The Supernatural
Fear of Insects/Spider
Fear of Heights
Fear of Dead Bodies
Fear of the Cold
No Man's Sky
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The scariest game I've ever played. I don't know why, but this game freaks me out. I know the picture I chose was harmless, but I did that on purpose.
This game is beautiful, but don't let that fool ya. This world will leave you no hesitation lost in the unpredictable randomly generated horrors of space. From planet that are all water, to colossus creatures you see for only a split second, to the infinite colorless expanse of space.
Megalphobes and astrophobes, this is your subnautica
Fear of Outerspace
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Cramped Spaces
Fear of the Unknown
Fear of Very Very Very Big Things
Fear of Deep Water
Fear of Loneliness
Fear of Caves
Fear of the Supernatural
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sintowinemily · 2 years
17 Minutes - Spencer Reid
pairing: Spencer Reid x unnamed female!oc (can be reader if you so wish)
summary: Every Monday morning, Spencer is exactly seventeen minutes late to work. The team have no idea what is holding up the young genius.
warnings: third person, pining, one-sided pining, unknowing party, obsessive Spencer, (kind of) stalking (??), unhappy ending.
word count: 1145
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Spencer Reid is late to work every Monday, and has been for months. If he wasn’t so integral to the team, SSA Aaron Hotchner would have him disciplined by now, but knowing what he knows at twenty-four, there is no way Hotch would risk him being on disciplinary leave. 
Hotch doesn’t know why Spencer is late on the same day every week, neither does Derek or Elle, not even Jason Gideon knows why Spencer fumbles his way into the round-table room 17 minutes late every Monday clutching at a take-away cup of coffee, red in the face and satchel hanging around his elbow. Spencer would never tell them what could be so important. Gideon worries it’s his mother, Derek teases him that some girl is keeping him up late on a Sunday night – so unprofessional. 
What they don’t know is that it is a girl. But she isn’t keeping him up late on a Sunday night, she isn’t begging him not to leave their bed on a Monday morning. Although Spencer wishes, so desperately, more than anything that she did. 
Every Monday, on his way to the Metro stop, Spencer stops at his favourite coffee shop. It’s a quaint independent little place, with long leather couches and oak bookshelves mounted on the walls. It’s dark and the walls are painted olive green, it has old espresso machines that whine loudly and exposed lightbulbs hanging low from the ceiling. Spencer goes in every morning and orders a flat white and empties half of their glass sugar dispenser into it. But every Monday, he orders a large latte and takes a seat on one of the large couches, and watches. All he does is watch.
She has long dark hair, which falls down her lower back. Spencer observes that she has to pull it to the side to stop her from sitting on it. Her short nose, which curves up at the end scrunches whenever she turns a page of her book. She’s there every Monday, and every week she has a new book perched on her right knee, which is crossed over her left one. Every week she is wearing some variation of the same outfit, a long skirt and a knitted jumper which is too long in the sleeves. Her hair is occasionally tied back in a black ribbon, but Spencer prefers it when she lets it hang loose, free. 
The first week she approached the old 1970s vintage jukebox, which looks like it is an original but is loaded up with modern records as well. She chose Bella Donna by Stevie Nicks. This is what sparked Spencer’s interest, he would have expected someone of her [their] age to have chosen something more modern but as he watched her go to sit down and properly observed her floor-length dress (which surely had to be altered as she didn’t look over five foot four inches), he realised she was different. He continued watching as he stood at the counter and waited for his coffee, to-go. What he observed next made his heart skip a beat.
She pulled out a battered copy of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
Instead of leaving with his take-away cup, he sat at the couch on the opposite side of the room and watched her. He was 17 minutes late to work.
And so began the unprofessional habit he entered into, every Monday he was 17 minutes late to work because he was watching the beautiful girl read some piece of classical literature. Sometimes English, sometimes American, sometimes Russian, sometimes German. One week it was All Quiet on the Western Front. Another week it was Philip Roth’s alternative history. The next it was Kafka’s The Trial. Then for three consecutive weeks after that it was a different Ray Bradbury book every Monday. And so on, and so forth. (Of course, Spencer had already read all of these.)
Spencer wasn’t sure if she read one a week, or one a day. But he became as obsessed with finding out what the stranger was reading as to what she was wearing, or whether she had ordered an americano or an oolong tea. He would watch as she held the book in her right hand, her left hand balled into a fist, nestled into her hair, which she rested her head on as she read. She licked her lips every four minutes and twenty-seven seconds; she would crane her neck from side to side every six minutes and twelve seconds. Spencer had become so enamoured with this girl, this girl who was devouring all his favourite novels. He knew on the seventh week of watching her that he might well be in love with her, despite not even knowing her name. 
If Spencer was a different man, he would have approached her, he would have asked her thoughts on the tension between Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, he would have asked her if she had read any of his favourite obscure Russian novels. But he wasn’t that man, he was too reserved, too nervous.
On the eleventh week Spencer walked into the coffee shop with his head held high. This would be the day he would be the man he wanted to be. He would at least introduce himself to her. 
It was a shock to him when she wasn’t sat at her usual spot, but instead was the only person in the queue in front of him, waiting to be served. (She ordered an oolong tea.) She stood to the side and gave him a small, nervous smile as he made his way to the counter to place his own order. He was too in his own head to even return the smile. He ordered his latte and stood behind her again to wait for his order. She was staring into space in front of them, tapping her foot on the ground. A to-go cup was placed on the counter to collect, and she stepped forward to collect it, Spencer is watching her in a fashion which he knows is creepy but as she is facing away from him, he knows she won’t notice. 
But as you can imagine, to Spencer’s surprise she spins around quickly and looks direct at him.
‘Sorry, I think this is yours.’ She says, the to-go cup in her outstretched hand, her left hand.
That’s when Spencer realises, he had never studied her left hand before. If he had he would have noticed the ring. The large diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. He gives her his thanks and hurries out of the coffee shop and makes his way straight to the metro stop. He should have known that the girl destined to be his soulmate, destined to be the love of his life, would already be taken. 
And, Spencer Reid was never late to work again. 
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imfeelingbad · 6 months
(As a ukrainian) I lost all hope in humanity forever ago and I'm pretty sure I won't change someone's opinion, but I just want to tell the truth that i cry about every time.
I didn't see my home for 2 years. When I was there all I heard was explosions, bombs and warplanes. I saw ruined houses. I saw my half-destroyed school near which a projectile fell. I saw fire, smoke, a lot of it. I was in there. I heard all this. I heard. I saw. with my own eyes and ears. And what did you see and heard in the west, saying "This is all just Ukrainian propaganda"?
I was in the metro and saw hundreds of my fellow citizens, that a few months ago were casually going in this metro to their jobs, schools, universities etc. Some were sitting on the floor, some on old crusty carpets, with no fresh air, no normal ability just to go pee, not even talking about washing. But they were there just to be safe. Just to not die. They didn't care about hygiene, warm food and bath, delicious drink in their favorite café, all they did care about was just surviving.
Then I heard about Bucha massacre (read about this, if you think "russian soldiers are just poor people who don't want war and against Putin!!"). I heard hundreds women, children, men being raped, killed, tortured and firstly I was shocked. Then I heard about Irpin, Mariupol', Izium, Bahmut, now Avdiivka and many other ukrainian cities, that were completely destroyed by russians. But the difference is now I'm not shocked or surprised. Because now I understand this is Russian world, Russian culture, whole Russia in general.
But no one cares. No one cares about genocide, if the victim is big country in the center of Europe (even though every country has many people of color, and the biggest country in the world terrorizes it).
I saw a girl in the tiktok that was telling about the film "20 days in Mariupol". I looked in the comments and started crying. Why am I, my family, my friends, all ukrainians supposed to suffer while some westerns and russians are just laughing and saying "slava russia"?
Many people were talking about Gaza and I agree, there is total hell in Gaza and I feel very sorry for Palestinian people. I know how it is. But what gives YOU, a person that is sitting in the safe place with all basical human needs and think a war is just some trend, the right to compare the DEATHS of people that DIED from GENOCIDE and say that one GENOCIDE is less bad than another.
I'm not saying that we are suffering more than Palestinians, I'm saying that it's just so cruel to normalize deaths of people.. any people. That DON'T HURT anybody. That just want to live in a free country.
If I say, boycott Israel, all people from Israel are terrorists, people will agree with me. But when I say Russia is the terrorist, people will say "No, you're just xenophobic!"... And the genocide of my people is NOT xenophobic?? And the hundreds of years of destruction of Ukrainian culture is not xenophobic??
"What about Gaza?"
Gaza needs help. Ukraine needs help. Congo needs help. Syria needs help. No one should suffer. THAT'S my point.
Did you hear something about Holodomor in Ukraine? About MILLIONS of Ukrainians that died because soviet government were taking LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING BREAD CRUMB?? around 3.9 million ukrainians died. And this is only according to official data. These are only people whose identities have been established. It does not take into account people who were missing, or who were just horribly maimed.
If you still think I'm an ukrainian propagandist and not some fucking random teen like you who's just sharing my thoughts, read about Holodomor in Kazakhstan, first Russian-Chechen war, SECOND Russian-Chechen war, Russian-Georgian war, Russia’s invasion of Syria, Illegal occupation of Crimea and Donbas or just anything that involves Russia and war crimes.
If you're still saying this is all propaganda, Photoshop, I'm not surprised. Of course, everything around is propaganda. But not your beautiful truthful swamp.
Sometimes I just wish I was in yours shoes. Not caring about anything.
I don't care what russia supporting bots will say, I don't care people will not believe me, I just want to feel alive again.
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fanartka · 6 months
It seems that you are holding on, that all the pain that surrounds you is permeating you, under control. And then you see the pain of a person from your country, but from another city, and it is felt as personal, as general, it is too much and it becomes impossible to contain it.
Here I usually don’t publish anything from my life, from the horror in which we live. Here for me is a place where I can get distracted, live a normal, ordinary life, discuss what I like, share what I want to share. It's so easy to be a little happy here. Warm, friendly place. It’s a pity, I haven’t had much strength to draw lately, I feel exhausted.
We are almost used to it, it has become such a part of life, a routine. As it seems. But someone experiences grief and you realize how many wounds there are in your soul, because they all start to bleed.
I live in Odesa, Ukraine. It's a beautiful coastal city and I'm not leaving no matter what. This is my home. And it is being shelled very heavily because we have a port through which huge reserves of Ukrainian grain sailed to all countries of the world. And to this day our grain, which farmers grow under fire, die while collecting it, feeds a huge number of people. Who knows, maybe the bread on your table has traveled this path.
russian occupiers fired at granaries, at our residential buildings, at civilian facilities, at power plants. They deliberately terrorize civilians to force them to surrender or leave.
A few weeks ago, a shell hit a residential building. The entire part of a residential building from the ninth floor to the first ceased to exist.
It’s good that yesterday I had almost no electricity, no Internet, and no water either due to the fact that the russians again shelled the city power plant, depriving the residents of my city of normal life for some time, because massive shelling of Zaporozhye and other the cities of my country have stirred up too much grief in me and what I could have published yesterday, I’d rather keep to myself. Too much pain and anger.
I will only say that over the past few weeks in my dear Odesa there have been several tragic events that are painfully felt.
In early March, a shell hit a residential building with sleeping people. It seems that this was one of the Iranian "Shaheds" that iran so generously sells to russia. The entire part of house from floor 9 to floor 1 was crushed, many people, many children died. A wife and newborn baby were killed by the ceiling, while her husband and eldest daughter slept in another room and escaped. In this photo, this poor man still hopes that he is still a husband and not a widower, and that he is the father of two children, not one. Do you know what the occupiers do in the comments with such news? They laugh and mock.
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A whole family - husband and wife and three children died there. Only the eldest boy, who was visiting his grandmother, survived, and I don’t want to imagine what it’s like to lose two parents and all brothers and sisters.
This house is of a standard construction, there are dozens of them in the city, and at first I thought it was my mother’s house.
I knew about the dead children and it was painful, but yesterday I saw a photo of one of the children killed by the russians and that was the last straw that simply tore me apart. I saw the photo without blur, but if anyone is interested, here is the blurred photo.
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My little son sleeps the same way sometimes, curled up. And many kids around the world have such pajamas with Batman. And all mothers try to do everything to protect their children. But I won’t be able to protect my child from an iranian piece of iron launched by russian monsters that can destroy 9 floors. There is no metro in my city, and it is impossible to dig such deep and fortified shelters in a built-up city. All we can do is hide in the corridor so that we are not cut down by glass fragments or shrapnel shells, as happened on March 15th, when these orcs first hit one house, waited for rescuers and emergency services to arrive and then hit him. Terrorists.
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I want to say thank you to everyone who supports us, because without your help, they would have destroyed all our cities, as they have already destroyed many on the border with them, along with their inhabitants. I want to say that the UN is the most useless organization in the world, but ordinary people from all countries have shown us what compassion and support is, thank you. And I know several residents of the russian federation who are very pure in soul and are themselves horrified by what is happening, but why the majority of russians so happily supported the war and the next genocide that they are again committing here is a mystery to me. And I’m not interested in solving it, just as it wouldn’t be interesting to sort out the psychological problems of orcs. They do not spare their inhabitants, and destroy their neighbors with pleasure.
I didn’t want to spoil this weekend for you with my grief, my plans were to show some sketches, discuss ideas stored up during the week, show some great screenshots and very beautiful or funny AI generations. But I just can't do it yet. Because sometimes you feel as if most of the time you continue to try to enjoy life, despite everything that happens, as if you are splashing on the very surface of the ocean in warm water under the sun in a cheerful company, and you can temporarily forget about the dark waters in the depths and all the monsters below until they grab you and drag you down.
Our vanished cities
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So I think I need to catch my breath a little. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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thelittleliars · 1 year
P.S. I Want You | Chapter 1
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of being sober (alcohol), fluff?
Words: 2.8K
AN: I updated the schedule for this series in the Masterlist post so check it out if you want to know when to expect something! P.S. I Want You Masterlist
You don't easily sweat but today was just so hot that it was almost impossible not to sweat under these weather conditions. It didn't help that you were on the road with your bicycle. You easily could have walked the distance from your apartment to the great market hall or taken the metro but somehow your bike seemed to be the best option that morning. You arrived with hot flesh, sweaty armpits and being out of breath at the gate to your apartment. The heat got to your brain fast, it messed with your brain so much that you almost forgot the code to open the gate door. After messily punching in the code you lifted up your bike and walked the one step up and through the door. It was a struggle to get inside with your bike being heavy and the open bag hanging on your wrist. You sighed in relief, finally back home after a long day in this hell of a heat. 
The day got longer though as soon when a person bumped into you, making you loose your balance and letting your bag fall to the ground. Your fruits and the postcards you bought for your family were now all scattered onto the floor. 
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." The woman who bumped into you apologized. She immediately kneeled down and helped you pick your up your stuff. "It's alright. The weather is making us all a bit-" You stopped talking the second you looked at the woman in front of you. Even though she looked very stressed and in a hurry, her beauty was something else and it just took your breath away. The red hair was nothing you had ever seen before, the same with those stunning green eyes of hers. Words didn't seem like words anymore. All you did was staring at her with a blush arising on your face when you saw her stare at you too. "Hurry up, sestra!" Both of you turned your heads towards the direction the voice came from. There stood a shortish girl with blonde hair. She wore grayish-black pants, a white tank top and a grey suit jacket on top. A one strap backpack was hanging from her shoulders. You turned your attention back to putting the rest of your stuff back in your bag and then standing up. The redhead also stood up, still having some of your postcards in her hand when she looked back into your eyes. "This might not be my best idea to ask but is there a chance you could hide us in your apartment for a bit?" You wanted to say no since your parents always taught you stranger danger but the desperation you saw in her eyes made you give in.
"Get on that elevator to the first floor and wait for me there. I gotta lock up my bike first." They both walked towards the elevator, arguing in what seemed russian to you while you went further in the building and locked your bike up. When you arrived on the first floor the two women stood there in silence. As you walked towards your apartment door you swore you could feel eyes on, you hated that feeling so much, it made you extremely nervous. Once inside the apartment, the redhead handed you the postcards with a small smile on her lips. "Thank you." You nodded. "I'm Natasha and this is Yelena." Natasha didn't know why but she had the need to tell you her real name and not just a made up name. Telling you the truth was important to her. "I'm Y/N. Welcome to my humble home. Do you want anything? Water, coffee, tea..?"
After Yelena took a stroll through your apartment she asked if you had anything alcoholic in the house. "No sorry. I only just got sober so I don't have anything anymore." She then settled on a glass of water which you happily gave her. You turned to Natasha who just shrugged off her black leather jacket, asking her too if she wanted anything. "A coffee would be nice." You took on last look at her form, gulping at the sight of her boobs that were now visible thanks to the black t-shirt she wore underneath that jacket, then went into your tiny kitchen to make her coffee. Breathe, you have to breathe. She'll be gone soon so don't get anything in your head. 
You took her coffee in one hand and a bunch of paper with a pen in your other hand. While the two women were sitting on your sofa, you made yourself comfortable, sitting cross legged on the chair at the table that you put in your living room. It was basically your kitchen table just in a different room. They were once again talking in a language you didn't know but you also didn't mind. Instead you took the paper and started writing a letter for your best friend. Non of your family and old friends lived here in Budapest with you. It was such a mess back home that one day you decided to move away. A move to a different state wouldn't have made any differences, you needed to move to another country for the abuse from your family to finally stop. You were just finished with the letter when the voice of Natasha's rang out to you. "I noticed you bought a lot of postcards earlier and now I saw them on a wall in your other room. Do you like to collect them?"
The sight of Natasha standing there with her arms leaning on one of your chairs was not something you were ready to see. It felt as if she had a spell on you. You were mesmerized by every single thing she did. You smiled sadly at the thought of why you even started your collection. "Yeah. It's just always a nice reminder of your stay in the city. One of my best friends collects magnets but it's not for me since they can easily break on your way home." The other woman nodded in agreement. "But I have to say that the magnets here are the most beautiful I've ever seen. Anyways.. do you guys need to stay the night here?" Yelena was already taking a nap on your sofa, you imagined that Natasha also must be exhausted. "If that's not too much trouble for you?" For a complete stranger she was being too nice and cute in your opinion. Sadly she was too good to be true. "Let me make the bed for you two. I'll take the sofa." Your grandpa was probably tossing and turning in his grave right now by your stupidity of letting these girls stay with you. They could be criminals for all you knew but one look at them and all your carefulness and awareness for danger flew right out of the window. 
After the bed was done being made by you, they thanked you both and went there to rest. You took a book from your bookshelf before retreating on the sofa to read for the rest of the evening and night. Later that night Natasha came out of the room looking incredible tired. "Ohh, you're still awake." She said with fake surprise that you didn't notice. She didn't want you to know that she still heard you turning the pages of your book. "It's a great book." Was all the information you gave her. She saw right through you thought, how could she not, she was a trained spy after all. "Can't sleep?" You sighed and let your guard down. "Bad case of insomnia. What about you?" Her eyebrows soften up. She knew how awful insomnia could get. "Nightmares." You drew in your feet to make space for her to sit. "I can't help but wonder if you're Hungarian or moved her for different reasons." You almost couldn't answer her after looking into her stunning eyes once again. This won't end well for you if you keep getting distracted by her. "I think my wall of postcards and my great range of only english books on my shelf gives away that I am in fact not Hungarian. You're also not from here nor are you completely english, so which nationality are you?" Natasha was split into two, one half of her wanted to be tell you as little as possible, the other half wanted to be open with you since she felt a strange connection with you. You saw the struggle on her face so you were about to change the topic when she answered the question. "I'm from Russia." As far as she knew. "I'm assuming your partner is from there too?" She was taken aback, she somehow interpreted you saying "your partner" in a romantic sense and not as a companion. "M-my partner? That's my sister. I haven't had the time for romance yet." You couldn't believe that a stunning women like her was still single even with the whole no time thing. "For me it was always that you'll find romance when you expect it at least. So maybe it'll be soon for you even if you don't have the time yet." 
"My job is standing in the way. The last girl I dated accused me of being married with my job more than taking time for her." You see a longing in her eyes. Longing for somebody to love, for somebody to be hers. You knew the feeling of longing for somebody too well. The emptiness in your chest never leaves you alone. "What is your job?" She whispered the word Agent, as if she's embarrassed about it. You didn't know that she only said the half truth. It was the truth that she once was an Agent but SHIELD fell two years ago, on top of that she just wasn't one anymore once she joined the avengers. "She should try dating a CEO, then she'd know what it means to be married to the job." You snorted. "That would be hard since there are not enough queer woman in a ceo position for her to date." You nodded in agreement. "There are not enough queer women in general for my taste." 
"So.. what's your taste in women? What is your type?" How badly you wanted to tell her that she was your type but you shook your head instead and told her you got no type. Your were awful at flirting so you don't even start with her. She of course picked up on the lack of your flirting, it was disappointing but she hoped it was only a bit oblivious for you.  "Listen, I honestly think that I don't have a type but I can be really picky at times. Maybe that's the main reason why I struggle to find love." To make the conversation a bit lighter again Natasha teased you with your own words. "Like you told me, love will come when you least expect it. Don't worry your pretty little mind about it." 
"Do you have a favorite color?" The other women was stunned, nobody ever dared to ask her such a simple question. Since she never had to answer the question, she genuinely had to think about it. "Though I like black and red I honestly think that my favorite color is green. What is yours?" Green. Like her beautiful green eyes. You wondered if that was a coincidence or not. "It changes between grey, purple and narancssárga." It took you a second to realize that you said the last color in hungarian. "Oh wait, what's it called in english? Uhh wait a second. I got it in-" Natasha smiled at your struggle to keep simple words in any language. "Could it be orange?" She asked you, thinking about how that word reminder her of the spanish translation. A smile made its way on your face. "Yes, thank you! I want to add that orange is kinda my favorite color recently." 
Natasha noticed that since she saw a couple of orange things laying around in your room."I saw an orange hoodie in your room. I have to say it seemed very comfy." Your eyes lit up at the mention of your absolutely favorite hoodie. "Ohh yes it is. I honestly can't wait for autumn to come. Hoodie season is one of my favorites." 
"Speaking of autumn, it's great for a Pumpkin Spice Latte, don't you think?" You shook your head. "Never tried it but still no thank you. I rather sit here with a normal coffee and a book than going to Starbucks for that seasonal drink. Starbucks is also fucking expensive!" The way she intently held her gaze on you made you a bit nervous. You weren't used to have attention on you like this and especially not from such an attractive women. The beat of your heart was beating faster with every second that went by where no words were said. The redhead bit her lip, your eyes were immediately staring at her action, the air got more tense when you looked back up into her eyes. But the moment was over the second you both heard Yelena's loud snores from your bedroom. Louder giggles broke out of you, soon followed by Natasha's soft giggles. After hearing her giggling something inside of you had the sudden urge to made her laugh. The sounds she made were just heaven to your  ears. 
You didn't know how to crack a joke around her so you just smiled at her. The silence between you two wasn't awkward but it still made you uncomfortable to a certain point. You searched in your mind for a good topic to talk about but nothing came up, you were frustrated with yourself so you looked away, your smile suddenly gone dry. Natasha didn't like one bit what just happened, she also did not know what the hell just happened. One second you were smiling at her and the next second you were like this small child hiding herself from the world. "What's your favorite animal?" She knew from previous conversations with the Avengers that talking about animal will always lift up anyone. "What?" You were so in your head that you got confused why she'd bring up animals out of nowhere before you realized that you two were asking questions not long ago. "Oh umm I think it's red pandas or red foxes." Her eyes were on you when you looked at her again. "So you have a thing with red beings huh? Does that mean I fall into that category too?" She teased you not expecting a retort back from you since you seemed so shy at her teasing. "A goddess like you is above them all." You were not sure where the confidence came from and you didn't think about it when you saw the face of women in front of you turned as red as her hair. For once Natasha was speechless and that happened rarely to her. 
"Anyways.. what is your favorite animal?" She was glad that you decided to speak up, she knew she didn't have it in her after being stunned by you like this. "I always wanted to have a black cat so I guess cats?" The conversation then turned into stuff about how you saw yourself in the future and which cities you guys wanted to still visit and other things that weren't deep talk. Around 3:30 am Natasha decided to go back to sleep, she also saw that you finally got a bit sleepy and left you to try falling asleep. It took you another hour to finally fall asleep. 
The alarm clock on your phone woke you up at exactly 7am. As you walked from your living room through your bedroom to the bathroom you noticed that the two women were already gone. Sadness settled inside you like a brick, you were hoping to see Natasha one last time before you yourself had to go to work. After a shower, brushing your teeth and got dressed for work you walked into the kitchen and made yourself coffee. You were sipping the hot liquid as you walked around to gather your wallet, a bottle of water and some lunch you made the day before. It all went into your bag before grabbing your keys. But right there you noticed a postcard, one you bought only yesterday. You picked it up and turned it around. It looked like someone has written on it in a hurry. It made you smile nonetheless.
Dear Y/N, We had to leave early and in a hurry. I was hoping to say goodbye in person. Thank you for last night, I will cherish that memory forever. Also thank you for taking us in and hiding us without asking any questions. 
May we meet again. 
~ Natasha R.
Taglist: @dcrogoy , @arcturusseer , @comet-forgot-you , @arualdcg , @kksalexa , @imnatobsessed , @presser24 , @00alycia , @wannabe-fic-reader , @lonewalker17
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thebrikbox · 6 months
The Great Greta Garbo
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Glamorous, compelling, and ever so famous was the iconic movie star, Greta Garbo. She graced Hollywood in the 1920s and 1930s with films like “Wild Orchids” and “The Kiss.” Altogether, she starred in thirty-three films and captivated men and women alike.
Greta was born Greta Lovisa Gustafsson on September 18, 1905 in Stockholm, Sweden and died April 15, 1990 in New York City at the age of 84 to pneumonia. Her childhood was that of poverty where her family lived in the slums. Her father was an itinerant laborer and didn’t earn much money to give his family the life he wanted for them to have. When Greta was old enough to work, she took various positions to help ease the strain of supporting the family.
One fateful day, film director Erik Petschler saw Greta and was mesmerized with her beauty after seeing her in a commercial advertising women’s clothing and he offered her a small role in his 1922 film “Peter the Tramp.” She was bitten by the acting bug and she started school at the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm. She landed a major role in a 1925 Swedish movie “Gösta Berlings Saga” (The Saga of Gösta Berling). The director, Mauritz Stiller changed her birth name to Garbo as he felt it was fitting and becoming for her unique beauty. Seeing her potential, he negotiated with MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) Studios in Hollywood and secured her a contract. Louis B. Mayer had doubts about Greta’s screen performance until the release of her first American 1926 film “The Torrent.” Her lustrous glow and the fluidity of how she moved impressed Mayer so much so that he gave her an exclusive contract.
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1930’s “Anna Christie” was Greta’s first sound film. The movie was marketed with “Garbo talks!” She would earn three Oscar nominations for best actress for her performances in “Anna Christie,” “Camille,” and for “Ninotchka.” She never did win, but she did receive an Honorary Academy Award in 1955. She won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for best actress for her performance in 1935’s Anna Karenina. Her last film was “Two-Faced Woman” in 1941 and it received bad reviews that greatly humiliated her. Her acting life halted despite offers for other films after the movie flop.
Greta never married nor did she have children. Her first romance was with her often co-Star John Gilbert. In her latter years, she had a relationship with Leopold Stokowski, conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra. It’s rumored that she had an affair with Russian-born millionaire George Schlee, stealing him from his wife. It’s specualted that Greta was bisexual, some would claim she was predominantly lesbian, but no one could confirm that. Though she appeared in events, she disliked the feeling uncomfortable acting like a socialite because it wasn’t who she was.
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Greta would live the remainder of her life in a New York City apartment. She was an honored guest in the White House and She received treatment for breast cancer and would have dialysis treatment at a local hospital where she would later die from pneumonia. She will always be regarded as one of the most beautiful and graceful women that gifted us with her talent.
Until next time, Aloha oe.
Photos: *Getty Images, Posterlounge
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loiladadiani · 1 year
Irina Alexandrovna Romanova (1895 -1970)
When Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich married Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna (sister of the then Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich), he was marrying one of the best matches in Europe: Xenia was the daughter of the Tzar Alexander III and the sister of the future Tzar Nicholas II. She had been in love with "Sandro," her second cousin, since childhood (and he saw no reason to discourage her affections, of course)
Sandro and Xenia had seven children. Irina was their first child and only daughter. This beautiful, quiet, delicate child was the first grandchild of Alexander III (who died the year before she was born) and would be the only biological niece of Tzar Nicholas II.
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During the first few years of their respective marriages, the Tzar and Empress Alexandra and Grand Duke Alexander and Grand Duchess Xenia spent a lot of time together, and their daughters Olga and Tatiana, and Irina being very close in age, spent a lot of time together and developed a relationship. Distance would later grow between the couples and the children.
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By the time Xenia was pregnant with her seventh child, her marriage to Sandro had gone sour. Sandro had fallen in love with a French/Spanish woman and was having an affair with her. Subsequently, Xenia started an affair of her own. Some sources say that they managed to keep their marital problems from their children; others that their quarrels might have had something to do with Irina's decision to marry Prince Felix Yusupov when he asked.
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Felix was handsome, extremely smart, and one of the richest men in Russia, but he had a reputation. Irina accepted him as a bridegroom regardless of her parents' misgivings. Felix had a wild youth which seemed to include affairs with men and women. He enjoyed dressing as a woman and wearing his mother's jewels; apparently, he even caught Edward VII's eye at some point. When the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna talked with him about this behavior before his marriage to Irina, he did not deny it. Still, he said that his wild days were over, and he was very much in love with Irina.
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Irina had no qualms about signing away succession rights for their future progeny when she married Felix, who was not royal (their marriage was morganatic.) She married him wearing a veil that had belonged to Marie Antoinette. Both looked beautiful. Their wedding was the last grand happening (1000 guests) before the Great War.
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Felix and Irina were out of Russia when WWI started and had difficulty passing through Germany to return to Russia.
The Yusupovs settled in a section of Felix's parents' Moika Palace. Felix and Irina had one daughter (whom they named Irina but called "Bebe") and helped the war effort in Russia by opening two hospitals and a sanatorium in their Crimean state of Koreiz.
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Felix would go on to kill Rasputin (he was banished to Koreiz by the Tzar) in a misguided effort to help the dynasty survive. As things in Russia became worse. A group of members of the Imperial Family, including the Dowager Empress, Irina's parents and brothers, and several Grand Dukes and their families, avoided being imprisoned and murdered by seeking shelter in Crimea. The Russians held them, prisoner until the Treaty of Brest-Livtosk was signed. Interestingly enough, the Germans liberated them. They left Russia in a warship sent by England to rescue the Dowager Empress.
They lived in an apartment Felix had in London; they had also smuggled out paintings and jewelry. There was a car they had not used in years waiting in a garage in Paris. The couple was extremely generous to the Russian Community and gave a lot to the exiles in need. They eventually bought a mansion in Paris and opened a couture house in Paris, which was very successful for a few years.
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Felix and Irina lead an expensive lifestyle, and their couture business went bankrupt (after significant success.) By 1934, as luck would have it, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer released a film named "Rasputin and the Empress." Felix sued the company for slandering Irina and won the lawsuit. He also released two books which did very well.
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After this, the coupled lived a quiet life (for them), supporting young artists and attending various functions of the Russian emigre community.
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Irina remained close to all her relatives and helped them whenever she could. Her father, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, died in her arms.
Felix's and Irina's marriage turned out to be a great success. They were married and lived together, supporting and caring for each other for over fifty years. When Felix died in 1967, Irina was grief-stricken. She died three years later.
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cosmere-cat · 1 year
Russian rock music! My favorite songs
I'm including a couple songs from a few artists I like (spotify links), with a bit of an explanation of what each song is about.
This is a long post so the rest is below the cut if you're interested :)
Going by band/artist!
Секрет (Sekret) - rock and roll, beatles-ish, mostly upbeat but they do have some range. Lots of song that are just fun to sing along to :)
One of my favorite songs from them that is fairly representative of their general sound:
Привет (Privet - meaning: Hello)
This song is about a chance meeting with an old friend on the subway. So catchy! So fun to sing along to! A little bittersweet :)
Here's a song of theirs that has a bit of different sound:
Ночь (Noch - meaning: Night)
This is just a beautiful poem about city nighttime and its many aspects, personified. Very evocative.
Кино (Kino) - more punk/post punk. Mostly sad/melancholic songs with emphasis on lyrics, but the beats are top notch.
Note: I really love this band so I really recommend checking out more of their songs if you like these, they made such good music.
Звезда по имени Солнце (Zbezda pa imeni Solntza - meaning: A Star named the Sun)
The song talks about the way 2000 years pass for a city, with conflict and wars going and returning through the cyclical passage of time.
Лето (Leto - meaning: Summer)
This song sort of talks about everyday life, but mostly negative aspects - bad weather, a long-closed down restaurant, a broken record player - while evoking a melancholic apathy. Depression but with a killer beat.
Земфира (Zemfira) - very punk rock singer. Her vibe is kinda like P!nk maybe? Amazing vocals, pretty modern lyrics (tbf she's started her career in 1998...)
Хочешь? (Khochesh? - meaning: Do you want?)
Song expressing love/adoration - basically "I would do the craziest things for the smallest improvements in your life". Example: do you want me to blow up the stars so they don't bother your sleep? It's a super fun song :)
спид (spid - meaning: AIDS)
In this song the narrator's partner has just found out they have aids. She's thinking about what little future is left for them. It's a pretty hopeless song but it's also kick ass
Машина Времени (Mashina Vremeni)
Звезды Не Ездят в Метро (Zvezdy ne Yezdyat V Metro - meaning: Starts don't take the subway)
Unrequited love or perhaps a chance meeting that never will be. A dichotomy between the hopeful fan on the subway and the discontent music star in his apartment.
Крематорий (Krematorij)
Родео и Джульетта (Romeo and Juliet)
This song is about a dysfunctional relationship. If we ignore all the bad stuff - we were just like Romeo and Juliet! There's an undercurrent of a tragic "it was doomed to fail".
Мусорный ветер (Musornyj veter - meaning: Wind of garbage/Garbage wind)
This song is about pollution :)
Bonus: not really rock but this song just makes me so emotional and is part of the inspiration for this post
25 к 10 (25 to 10)
This one is kind of a ballad (i think? not very good with music genres). It's about accepting your life and not regretting it. Being unapologetically yourself. Honestly makes me emotional evry tim
And.. I've hit audio limit for this post. I didn't even know that was a thing. Anyway I hope anyone seeing this post enjoys some of these songs and maybe check out other songs by these artists if you like them :)
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tsoi45 · 2 years
Группа крови (Blood Type) - Кино (1985)
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It's unbelievably hard for me to express my love and passion for things like cinema, music or literature. If I like an album to the point of feeling the need to tell someone about it, then that is exactly the type of thing that leaves me speechless. This record is just that.
Кино (Kino - 'Cinema' in Russian) are quintessential Russian music gods. These guys, led by the legendary Viktor Tsoi (1962-1990), came at a time of profound change for the Soviet Union - the era of Gorbachev, of Glasnost, Perestroika, of unfolding empires and disillusioned dreams. Much like other bands who revolutionised their country's music scene, and especially due to them being at the right place at the right time, their music came to define a Soviet youth of uncertainty, whose world was broadening immensely just as it crumbled around itself. The things they had known and taken for granted all their lives were now being questioned, their nation barrelling toward doom. No other band, from where I stand, captures the complexity of changing times quite like Kino.
Bombastic, joyful, insecure, melancholic, exhausted and hopeful. These emotions coexist not only in Tsoi's vocals and lyrics about the frustration, routine and quiet rebellion of life in the USSR but are the summation of the crossroads of history that him and millions of young Soviet people found themselves in in 1988. To this day they are widely beloved, and it is beautiful to think that lyrics and melodies written in a setting so different from ours today still soothe those who seek peace and solace in Tsoi's music.
Nearly all, if not all the tracks in this record were massive hits at the time of its release. The title track, first on the album, is still frequently named one of the greatest tracks in Russian music across several lists. When Metallica came to Russia in 2019, they played Группа крови in honor of Tsoi, whose death in a car crash had happened almost twenty-nine years to the day of their concert - and it was the most applauded song of the entire set that night.
My favourite track, though, is Бошетунмай - an unexpectedly reggae song whose title either means nothing or was just never explained by Tsoi. It resembles nothing else in their discography, a track where monotone vocals and reflective lyrics collide against the aggressively upbeat attitude of the instrumental. The lyrics, like much of the band's discography, don't openly refer to specifics about Soviet life while very much hinting at the state of affairs of the era. All of these things form something almost surreal, a manifestation of the times that is as beautiful as it is moving.
He who left his home at fifteen Will hardly understand a private high school student He who’s got a good schedule for his life Will hardly be thinking about anything else
We drink our tea in old apartments We wait for the summer in old apartments, In old apartments where there is electricity, Gas, telephone, hot water, radio, parquet, Bathroom, a brick building, One family, two families, three families, (No ground or top floor proposals!) Close to the metro, center. Everybody says we’re together Everybody says but very few know where we have to gather And an unusual smoke creeps out of our chimneys Halt! Danger! Brainwork! Mmm, Boshetunmai! (Translation: @queensboro)
I've said this before but it is worth mentioning again - Группа Крови is one of those records that comes once in a lifetime. It grabbed the zeitgeist of its time and froze it forever, opening the window to a youth that screamed then and still screams to this day: "Цой жив!"
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aimysseele · 1 year
hi I'm aimy, 16, infp and I'm new to tumblr ^-^
i speak english, russian, german and just a lil bit of french :P
i have an ukulele in my room which i don't play ever, and I graduated art school this year 🥳
i obsess over something for days and months and then simply forget abt it like it never existed
my favs in music: the 1975, metro boomin, taylor swift, joji, clairo, the neighbourhood, lorde, phoebe bridgers, tv girl, yeat, chase atlantic
fav shows/films: skam norway, society, young royals, the perks of being a wallflower, beautiful boy, cmbyn, little women, wayne, spider man: into the spider-verse and across the spider-verse
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marklakshmanan · 7 months
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Scotts Thoughts
February 22, 2024
I spend almost no time watching, or getting worked up about, Tucker Carlson. The former Fox News personality has drawn criticism for his recent interview with Vladimir Putin, which took place just days before opposition leader Alexei Navalny was found dead in a Russian penal colony.
Of course western journalists should try to interview Vladimir Putin. Or for that matter, Nicolas Maduro, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un.
But over two hours, Tucker Carlson did not ask Putin about how so many of his opponents wind up imprisoned and murdered, or the warrant the International Criminal Court has out for his arrest for war crimes in Ukraine.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin gives an interview to Tucker Carlson at the Kremlin in Moscow.
(Photo by GAVRIIL GRIGOROV/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Yet I did see the three-minute celebration Tucker Carlson posted of the Kiyevskaya metro station in Moscow.
"One of the ways you understand a place is through its infrastructure," he declared. "What we found shocked us…No graffiti, there’s no filth, there are no foul smells…or people waiting to push you on the train tracks and kill you….How do you explain that?"
"How does Russia," Carlson goes on, "have a subway station…that’s nicer than anything in our country?"
Carlson is careful to say the video is not an endorsement of Putin, or Josef Stalin, whose government built the station. But the clear implication of the video, scored with dreamy music and swelling strings, is that even though Vladimir Putin’s regime imprisons and kills political opponents, and invades neighboring countries without provocation, it’s all worthwhile because Moscow has an immaculate metro station. No grime! No graffiti!
And the Kiyevskaya station does appear handsome, with gold-trimmed marble pylons, and large mosaics that herald Russian-Ukrainian unity in the old Soviet Union. A portrait of Vladimir Lenin presides over the platform.
Many commentators compared Tucker Carlson’s enthusiasm for Moscow’s metro to the boast of Italians fascists of the 1930’s that Benito Mussolini "made the trains run on time" (a claim historians dispute).
But that homage to the Moscow metro reminded me of another legend from Russian history. Field Marshall Grigory Potemkin was said to have built facades of phony, idyllic-looking villages along the route that Empress Catherine II took to Crimea in 1787, to improve her view. The term "Potemkin village" now describes constructions that obscure reality.
Subway stops have been a favored place of mine to find people to interview in a great city — Chicago, New York, Paris — because you encounter people in transit from a cross-section of neighborhoods. Many are in a hurry, and shake you off. But many make time to share sharp opinions about the mayor, the president, and life in general.
I notice Tucker Carlson did not interview anyone in the Moscow metro station. They were in town to interview Vladimir Putin, but he didn’t ask any Muscovites to say what they thought of their president, or the elections in March, the invasion of Ukraine, Alexei Navalny, or other imprisoned dissidents. They didn’t ask anyone, "What would you like to ask President Putin?"
Even Tucker Carlson must know that asking Russians their opinions might be dangerous. Do you think there might be no graffiti in a Moscow metro station because anyone who considers spray-painting a slogan knows they could wind up in a gulag? Is the immaculate beauty of that metro station a Potemkin village glossing over the fear with which many Russians live?
Charles Maynes, NPR’s Moscow correspondent, confirms, "The metro is a jewel." But he also told us that he interviews people on the street only without using their last names, for their safety. And — "if you don’t talk about the war."
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glimpseofadaydream · 7 months
Good morning folks
So Tucker Carlson asked a question and even though I'm not in charge, I will answer it: the Moscow Metro (just as the St Petersburg Metro) are not just considered metro stations, they are also considered cultural heritage and therefore treated like "sights" or museums.
They have stunning art and architecture from the Soviet era (and even before that, with art going back for centuries) and Russians take somewhat of pride in that.
Putin is known for being a big fan of the Soviet era and so it is presumable, that his administration takes great care of it. Generally, since it has very stunning art and architecture in it, littering or graffiti is really looked down upon.
Anyone, who travels to Russia, will come across that information sooner or later and there are even tourist guides, who give plans on which metro stations are the most beautiful and worth looking at (there are over 200 of them and some of them are really worth looking at but no tourist has the nerve to metro-crawl from metro station to metro station). The fact, that Carlson doesn't mention that, makes him look Incredibly uninformed and dumb, because it's reeeeeeaally hard to miss when you travel to Moscow or St Petersburg.
With that being said,
Have a nice week everyone ♥️
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Honestly I'm not wowed by the Russian metro, maybe because I've watched the Hunger Games movies so much. Between the tacky gold painted foliage and the chandeliers and the propaganda mosaics it's giving Capitol vibes.
Russia does have some beautiful architecture but this ain't it, chief.
Someone get Tucker Carlson a boxset of the movies because this is literally "Hitler may be bad but the trains ran on time!" BS
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celibibratty · 9 months
Músicas de 2023
💗bratz - strong enough
💜nu pagadi - sweetest poison + instrumental version
💚mohombi - do me right
❣️tzusing - balkanize
🧡raVaughn brown - gladiator
🧡barbie - work it
💙ericdoa - broke my car radio(slowed + reverb)
💔hi-fi rush OST - test chamber
💛turtles - come on
❤️the cross - for you
🧡lexy feat psy - aesong
❣️prodby668 - prolly my spookiest beat(slowed + reverb)
🧡jang woo hyuk - sun that never sets
❣️tevvez - legend
❤️rooney - when did your heart go missing
💛asian monkeys - kiss me again(slowed)
💔nothing me - friendly fire
💙hugel feat amber van day - wtf
💗allstar weekend - a different side of me
🧡holly valance - kiss kiss
🧡boa - girls on top(korean + english + chinese version)(trust me i listen to all)
❣️offer nissim - alone
🧡ayesha erotica - hard(slowed)
💚ahzee - go gyal(out now)
🧡natalia kills - nothing last forever
❤️311 - amber
💚alexandra joner feat mohombi - bottoms up
💛smile dk - hummingbird
💗jordin sparks - s.o.s.(let the music play)
💔the joy formidable - whirring
🖤alex g - mary
💗school boy humor - camerashy
❤️cido dos teclados - arritmia
💗liz phair - why can't I
🧡sarah connor - from zero to hero(robots OST)
❤️little mix - mr.loverboy
💜sunna wehrmeijer - promise
🧡ayesha erotica - girl next door
💛cansis - kiss me
💛calvinlovemail.ver - kiss me
🧡kevin vasquez - only boy(in the world)
💔we came as romans - plagued(nightcore)
💔disturbed - stricken
🖤soan - les z'anges
❤️chris brown - under the influence(slowed)
❣️DJ nk3 - automotivo super mario world 2
💗high school musical 3 - the boys are back
🧡pink - you make me sick
💔dead fish - destruir tudo de novo
💙Metro boomin feat coi leray - self love
💙girl friend - tragic on the dancefloor
💗starset - telepathic
💗written by wolves - to tell you the truth
💗the veronicas - hook me up
💛toy-box - www.girl
💔point north - dark days(nightcore)
💔tetrarch - i'm not right(nightcore)
💔manafest - nemesis(nightcore)
💔bloc party - keep it rolling
🧡ayesha erotica - i'll do it
❤️tsukiko amano - kugutsu
💔helia - alejandro
💔tsukiko amano - black beauty
💔tsukiko amano - NOIZE(english ver)
❣️party addict x hotel room service
❣️kets4eki - party addict(slowed and sped up)
🧡Jiafei feat cupcakke - gimme more
💔bad religion - punk rock song
💙kali uchis - moonlight
💔garbage & screaming females - because the night
💔heavenly - p.u.n.k girl
❣️dion dugas - ifeelsick
💙bayanni - ta ta ta(sped up)
🧡Like that edit rock audio
🧡ayesha erotica - s&m
💗honey revenge - distracted
💜shiro sagisu - fate
💚INNA - more than friends
💛solveig - suddenly
💛charli XCX - speed drive
💔Kellin quinn - undefeatable(sonic frontiers OST)
💔La canción de alicia(lost media)
💔richardvox - under the stars(canción de alicia cover)
💔PAIN - shut your mouth( + russian version video by bluedion)
🧡Kumyoung - eat you up[originally perfomed by boa]
💙kewnit music - closer(dj version)douyin divine comedy
💙doja cat feat konshens - wine pon you
💔bad religion - you
❤️kagayaku sono hi - certain dragon
🧡cupcakke - cpr(slowed, reverb, Bass boosted)
💓dayeene - is this love?(compusex)
💓rapid design - falling in love with manequins
❣️Grimes - shinigami eyes(edit audio)
🧡Cupcakke remix feat jiafei & shenseea - swalla
💙odetani - look don't touch it(sped up)
💙akiaura - sleepwalker
💗vanessa cariton - sway
❤️lana del rey - say yes to heaven
🧡monster high - electric fashion
❤️miraculous o filme - você é ladybug
💙sonikku feat miss madeline - lipstick stain(slowed)
🧡Akon, hamsika iyer - chammak challo(film version)
❣️trxveler - treinamento de força
💓nanobii x axmo - euro fever(slowed)
💙loona - flip that
💙girlfriends mourning(feat bliss) - sheMonster
🧡James(urban) - work that body
🖤razorlight - golden touch
❤️silent hill - lisa theme(not tomorrow)
❤️silent hill 2 - wishful thinking
🧡ne-yo - because of you
💙arthur pirozhkov, klava koka - khochesh(slowed)
🖤the hoosiers - a sadness runs through him
💙sophie aboud - fuel the fire
💙sonikku - sweat(sophie remix)
🧡cassie - kiss me
💓SNAP! - rhythm is a dancer(slowed)
💔naete - la canción de alicia(under the stars)(cover)
💗paula toledo - how long
💓magic affair - omen 3
💓Culture beat - mr.vain
🧡4 minutes x get back(Mashup)
💔heidi - yutopia
💔heidi - suisou
💔heidi - narufue
❣️dj fku & enzyyphonk - demoníaco mano
💙poshlaya molli, eldzhey - Dom perin'on(satomic remix)
🧡sean paul feat keyshia cole - give up to me
🧡nick epic - Wonderland (natalia kills cover)
💔raimundos - mulher de fases
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lookbookfly21 · 1 year
Discover the Wonders of Russia: Unforgettable Tour Packages from India with Look Book Fly
Russia, the largest country in the world, is a land of rich history, captivating culture, and breathtaking landscapes. From the grandeur of Moscow's Red Square to the opulence of St. Petersburg's palaces, Russia offers a diverse range of experiences for travelers. If you're dreaming of exploring this fascinating destination, Look Book Fly is here to make your travel dreams come true. Our Russia tour packages from India are carefully curated to provide you with an unforgettable journey through this enchanting country.
 1.       Moscow: The Heart of Russia
Our Russia tour packages begin with the vibrant capital city of Moscow. Step into the iconic Red Square, surrounded by architectural wonders such as the Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral, and the State Historical Museum. Marvel at the stunning beauty of the Moscow Metro, known as an underground art gallery with its ornate stations. Explore the historic Arbat Street, filled with charming cafes, shops, and street performers. Moscow is a city that seamlessly blends its rich history with modernity, offering a captivating experience for every traveler.
 2.       St. Petersburg: The City of Tsars
Next on your journey is St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of the Hermitage Museum, one of the largest and most prestigious art museums in the world. Admire the intricate details of the Peterhof Palace and its stunning gardens. Take a leisurely boat ride along the city's picturesque canals, known as the "Venice of the North." St. Petersburg's architectural masterpieces, including the Winter Palace and the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, will leave you in awe of the city's beauty and history.
 3.       Trans-Siberian Railway: An Epic Adventure
No trip to Russia is complete without experiencing the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway. Embark on an epic journey as you traverse across the vast Siberian wilderness, witnessing ever-changing landscapes and immersing yourself in the local culture. Enjoy the comfort of the train's luxurious cabins and soak in the breathtaking views of mountains, forests, and lakes along the way. The Trans-Siberian Railway is not just a mode of transportation; it is an adventure that allows you to truly connect with the soul of Russia.
 4.       Cultural Delights and Local Experiences
Our Russia tour packages from India also include opportunities to explore the rich cultural heritage of the country. From witnessing traditional folk performances to visiting local markets and trying authentic Russian cuisine, you will have a chance to immerse yourself in the local way of life. Engage with friendly locals, learn about their customs and traditions, and create lasting memories through these unique cultural experiences.
 5.       Professional Guides and Hassle-Free Travel
At Look Book Fly, we understand the importance of a seamless travel experience. Our Russia tour packages from India include professional guides who are well-versed in the country's history, culture, and attractions. They will ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the places you visit and provide valuable insights throughout your journey. We take care of all the logistics, including accommodation, transportation, and sightseeing, so you can relax and enjoy every moment of your trip.
 In conclusion, Look Book Fly offers captivating Russia tour packages from India that allow you to explore the wonders of this incredible country. From the bustling streets of Moscow to the majestic palaces of St. Petersburg and the epic adventure of the Trans-Siberian Railway, our packages provide a well-rounded experience that combines history, culture, and natural beauty. Embark on a journey that will leave you with lifelong memories and a deep appreciation for the treasures of Russia. Book your Russia tour with Look Book Fly and let us take you on an unforgettable adventure.
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