#because I just saw a few gif sets of that and whew. okay.
box5intern · 2 years
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Unlike my previous extended monologue about the Jeremy/Emilie/Jordan phantom experience from which I will never recover because I didn’t know I could feel like I did when I saw it for the first time…I think I can keep this one relatively brief? I mean for me. Bell curve. If you would like the TLDR up top it’s that the actors playing Orpheus, Eurydice, Hades and Persephone were so good that any one of them is worth the price of a ticket. I thought the entire cast was wonderful but those four just blew me away.
I loved seeing shows at the Globe during my “I am exactly like every other girl” semester in London. Some of my favorite theatre experiences have been little to no sets, few props or no props. Several times today I thought “this case could perform with no sets, no props, and I would be riveted.” All I would say about the set is much of it is still lovely and makes an impact, however adjustments had to be made for the tour and to fit in various theatres. There are a few scenes that didn’t hit for me the way they did on Broadway, and that’s okay. Some scenes impacted me more. It was just a stunning performance overall.
Orpheus has never been my favorite character. I just tend to be more interested in the others. Chibueze Ihuoma was breaking my heart from the jump. His Orpheus is so sweet, so funny, so earnest, such a stunningly beautiful voice. Usually I’m sympathizing with Eurydice more, but today it was equal. I can’t say enough about what a gift it was to see this performance, and I can’t wait to see what else he does. I know how the show ends, clearly, but I was starting to feel so upset as the end approached. His performance just really got to me. There are songs I sometimes skip that I was riveted during.
I still love the cast I saw in New York and I also didn’t think about them once during the show today. Morghan Siobhan Green is just…wonderful, I’m going to overuse that word a lot, sorry, but I don’t know what else to say. Her voice, her inflection, her chemistry with Chibueze. I don’t even want to compare her to Eva, just two absolutely beautiful and completely different performances that I’m so grateful to have seen.
I was vibrating in my seat waiting for Patrick to appear in November, I just really like him, right? I’d see him in anything so just — a really high bar. Kevyn Morrow’s Hades is just so different and has such chemistry with Kimberly Marable that I was UNWELL. Just so charismatic and everything I want to see in Hades while being completely different than what I had already seen and loved. And since I mentioned Kimberly — I don’t know how to pick a favorite in this cast but it was extremely hard to focus on anyone else while she was onstage. I know a lot of people get attached to originators of roles but both of them, especially Kevyn, have just created these takes on the characters that I wasn’t expecting that were…perfect, and they are just so, so good together. I think I was even more emotional when they danced than when I saw it previously. To be clear I was sure they’d be great, I didn’t go wanting carbon copies of the Broadway cast, but the way Kevyn just…owns the stage whenever he’s doing what he’s doing. WHEW.
Last but I promise not least, Levi Kreis who I was really wanting to see as Hermes because I’d heard his voice and really liked it. I continue to really like his voice and it was a delight to finally see him. I really loved how he played off each different character he was interacting with — I think it was a subtler performance than I was expecting in some ways, but his energy was the perfect balance with everyone else and it was so unique to whoever he was playing off of in that moment.
It’s not to compare people to the Broadway cast, just to say that some of those original actors are so distinctive that it would be understandable to me to wonder “how does this work with someone else.” It just really, really does. These are such completely distinctive performances in their own right that it was almost like seeing it for the first time again, if that makes sense.
The fates, orchestra, chorus — all just incredible and special shout out to the chorus because they were REALLY making up for some of the set changes with how captivating they were.
So two weeks apart I had the experience of watching shows I’d seen before and am quite familiar with, and being absolutely riveted because each of the leads was so dynamic in their own way that I almost didn’t know where to look. And I am gushing, I know, but I also began by crying through most of “Road to Hell” because I was just so happy to be there.
She’s emotional folks. Also…lol nope we did not keep it short.
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17wishbones · 3 years
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Whew! It is now time to post the sequel for this little short series I made. Again, it’ll be no more than 7 chapters with the parts split if it’s a continuation. I’m super ecstatic to post this. I’ve been thinking, editing, and brainstorming ideas for this so I hope it reads well for you all. So please, come and enjoy KIMETSU DAIGAKU: SUNFLOWER’S BLESSING. The name may change in the future. Other than that, enjoy chapter 1! :> SN: All are welcome to read, but this is a POC reader insert, FYI. That is all! SN2: I studied Japanese for a time and studied abroad but that was years ago so excuse me if some of the written dialogue is rough. Wanted to show (reader) learning the language even if it’s real easy, conversational sentences. SN3: Rengoku in a button-up white shirt, khakis and a tie? *slams down credit card* - - - - - - - -                        Chapter I: RENGOKU-SENSEI, RENGOKU-SENSEI
Everyday, so far, was a surprise when it came to Rengoku.
You honestly didn’t know what to do with yourself. You had thought studying with Rengoku would be an after school sort of thing as you mingled in classes with other students but somehow, he was able to catch you from different periods for almost a whole week!
Mayamoto-sensei encouraged engagement with local students at the university so she allowed you to go with your new teacher everyday. Jealousy riled the others on how you were getting special treatment other than being the only brown-skinned girl on this trip. 
It bothered you sometimes, because it wasn’t anything like that! But every greeting from Rengoku was positive and enthusiastic. He greeted you kindly in both English and Japanese. He taught you well, proving that he can be strict, attentive, and instructive. Then, at the end, he’d engage you in short conversations to see how well he was doing teaching you the language and how well you were catching on.
“You did great today, _____! You’ve already made great strides on your flow!”
“That’s because you’re a great teacher, Rengoku-sensei. You did have me sweating bullets the first few days, though. I didn’t think I would catch up.” You closed and put your notebook in your bag. “I feel bad because the others don’t like that I get one-on-one time with you like this.”
“Ah, they’re jealous, I see!” He crossed his arms over his chest, his smile forever wide. It was this pose that had you thinking this was déjà vu, but you don’t know why. “Then it can’t be helped! Don’t worry yourself about what they think!”
“I shouldn’t?”
“Nn!” He locked eyes with you again and spoke proudly with his chest out. “Set your heart ablaze and move onward!” An explosive aura filled the room and warmed your body. “No matter what anyone else says, you do what you think in your heart is right!”
Your heart beat fast and your stomach fluttered with butterflies. ‘Why does he look at me like that? Why does he make me feel this way?’ His burning gaze made you feel like he only saw you in his world, but you shook the thought away.
“Is there something on your mind, _____?” 
Your eyes shifted, looking for anything else to say other than what was on your mind. It’d be weird to just be like, ‘hey, I like you and would jump your bones anytime!’ Instead, you found the clock and remembered. “I wanted to visit the flower shop, and see the flower arrangements. I saw one on my way to the girls’ dorm.”
“Let me accompany you!” Rengoku’s open offer made you blush. “I freed myself for the evening just in case!”
This shocked you. “W-what about your schoolwork?”
“I finished it all this morning before meeting with you!”
“And your… colorful friends??” You saw him speak with a few interesting people but he quickly came to you the moment you walked into the fray.
“I have already informed them of my plans this morning!” Your face cracked. He had an answer for everything! “I want to be a good teacher for you and help you as much as I can!”
“Why, Rengoku-sensei?” You asked, curious at what his reason could be.
“Because I like you, _____-chan!”
Your eyes almost popped out. ‘Like me? Like… ‘like me’ like me? Or just like being around me? Whew, boy, you need to stop playing with me because I don’t think my heart can take all of this!’
“Are you ready to go to the flower shop?”
“Y-Yes! Let me get my things, Rengoku-sensei.”
“Kyōjurō.” He corrected you.
“Oh! Kyōjurō…” you circled through the honorifics that he taught you, trying to remember which one was appropriate. “...-kun?”
“Hmm?” He sounded, wanting you to repeat yourself once more.
“Kyōjurō-kun, right?”
A small blush warmed his fair cheeks as he nodded in agreement. “Nn!” He hadn’t expected you to call him that fondly and it ignited his determination to get close to you. A month was not enough time, but he was going to make it work.
You both headed down the slope of the school, crossing a lone shop with beautiful arrangements set everywhere. You ‘ooh’ed and ‘awe’d at each flower that Rengoku named outloud. You repeated, of course. You felt like you were in your own heaven as you gazed at, touched, and smelled the flowers.
You were so happy.
What caught your eyes next were the large, golden blooms held high on long stalks. “Kyōjurō-kun,” he looked over and an overwhelming feeling washed over him when you stood next to the sunflowers, grinning from ear to ear as you asked him, “What’s a sunflower called?”
‘_____, if I could name them after you.’ He walked up next to you, bathing himself in your presence. “Himawari.”
“Himawari. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful flower.”
“I think so, too.” Rengoku wasn’t talking about the sunflower, however.
“Ah, konnichiwa,” you greeted the florist, “Kore wa ikura desu ka?” (How much is this?)
“Go-hyaku-jyuu yen desu.” (500 yen.)
“That’s like… 500 yen, yeah? I think I got it.” As you looked in your bag for the coins instead of breaking the 1000 yen bill.
“Arigatou gozaimasu!” (Thank you so much!) Rengoku bowed and received your wrapped sunflower before handing it to you. “Douzo, _____-chan!” (Here, _____!)
“Ah, Kyōjurō-kun, you didn’t have to buy it for me, but thank you so much!”
“Why wouldn’t I want to buy something for you?” He questioned as you both left the shop. “As I said, I like you, _____-chan! And I want to spend time with you outside of school.”
“Like… together?”
“Oh, well, honestly, I’d be down for that! Since boys aren’t allowed in the girls dorm, where do you want to go? What do you want to do?”
“I want to kiss you,” he answered shamelessly, “Hold you, and never let you go!” You both made eye contact on the walk back. “Though, I have been holding myself back in case you didn’t like me.”
His words electrified you and he hadn’t even touched you yet in any way whatsoever. “It’s not like you’re handsome or anything…”
“You think I’m handsome?” He beamed suddenly.
You tried playing coy but this kind of mannerism didn’t work for you and, honestly, you liked Rengoku’s straightforwardness. “Yes, I do. When we first met, I liked you instantly. You made me feel so nervous and so excited at the same time.”
“Oh?” He thought for a moment. “Can I hold your hand?” He asked sweetly. “I don’t want you to feel nervous around me, only excited! Happy! Loved!”
“Are you sure that’s okay? Won’t people stare more than they already do at us?”
“I don’t care if they do or don’t! Let them stare! As long as I’m with you, I’m happy.” He gently linked his rough hands with your soft ones, locking them. “I feel I am the luckiest man alive right now because you’re here with me!”
“How many girls have you told that to?”
“Only you, my Sunflower!” 
You choked on your own spit. “Your Sunflower? You’re so sure I’m not taken?”
“Yes and yes! I hope to have you for myself as well.”
“For my short time here?”
Rengoku shook his head. “Forever.”
‘Oh my god. Did he just charm his way into my heart?’ You felt the sincerity in his words and saw the genuity in his owlish eyes. “This all really feels like déjà vu.”
“Déjà vu?”
“Like this happened before. It’s… familiar.”
“Nn! It’s fate that we met as we did!”
‘Fate, huh?’ You didn’t notice that you arrived at the girls’ dorm. “Oh, we’re here!” You thought to loosen your hand from his but your arm suddenly didn’t work with you. He wasn’t letting go either. “Our plans tonight are…?”
“Nani o shitai desu ka?” (What do you want to do?)
“Uh!” Always catching you off guard like that kept you on your toes. Besides, practice made perfect. “Karaoke… ni ikitai desu yo!” (I want to go to Karaoke!)
“Nanji ni ikitai desu ka?” (What time do you want to go?)
Your thinking of literally translating what you wanted to say from English to Japanese made each response a little slow. It took time to gain fluency. “Hachiji ii desu ka?” (8 o’clock okay?)
“Close! “Hachiji de ii desu ka” but you did a great job nonetheless! And yes, 8 is fine with me.”
“So…” you felt reluctant to leave him now even if for a few hours, “I’ll see you later?”
“I’ll wait for you to change and pack up some clothes!” You looked at him incredulously. “As I said, I want to kiss you, hold you, and never let you go! At least for a night!” Though he spoke his desire, ‘Am I asking too much from her all of a sudden? I can’t read the cute and twisted expressions on her face yet. It is her choice to—’
“Let’s do it!” Rengoku’s mouth dropped in surprise. “The dorm gates close at 9pm anyway, for whatever reason, while the boys are allowed to go out and do as they please with the gate open.” You huffed, annoyed. “Oh. Where do you live?” 
“I live in an apartment 20 minutes down the road.”
“All by yourself?”
“Mhm! I can’t wait to show you! So be quick, Sunflower!” He happily guided you across the gate by the small of your back.
You held in your panic as you got a set of clothes for tomorrow, gathering what you could quickly so you didn’t cross the other students and was out and about with Rengoku as soon as possible.
Honestly, you barely avoided them as you came outside, took him by the hand, and rushed off. They were sure to talk about you, or maybe not at all. You had an over friendly and trusting disposition to a fault, but you were adventurous and open minded. - - - - - - - - - - -  Chapters: 1 (Part 1)/ (Part 2)/ (Part 3) | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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etoileholland · 4 years
Love showed up at my door
Based on the iconic Jonas Brothers song
Pairing: Tom Holland x female reader
Warnings: none, but it’s cheesy ;)
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Tom and Harrison fell in love with the pizza girl, and now they’ve been eating a lot of pizza
A/N: Yes I have uploaded this about six times because the tags are not working and I am sorry. 
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It started one unsuspecting Thursday in New York, when Marvel was filming a scene from Spider-Man 3 off of 86th and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. Tom was busy filming, and half a day and a lot of filming later, he and Harrison trudged to their trailer before collapsing on the couch.
“I swear man, I’ve never been more exhausted and famished in my life.” Harrison remarked as he slightly turned his head to see Tom sprawled out. “You know what sounds really good? Pizza. I could go for some pizza right about now.”
“Good idea. Hey, let’s order pizza from Vinnie’s down the way. It’s suspiciously cheap but super good and quick.” Tom suggested as he flipped himself over onto his back.
“Is that how you would be described if you were a male escort?” Harrison smirked and was met with a pillow being thrown at his face.
“Shut up and order the damn pizza.” Tom groaned as Harrison ordered online.
“Okay it’ll be here in about 10, so we just need to hold out until then.” He stated while Tom nodded his head.
“Wake me up when it gets here.” He added and Harrison agreed to do so.
About eleven minutes later there was a knock at the door, and Harrison mustered up the last bit of energy he had to walk to the door. He opened it up to see you, and his jaw dropped.
“Oh hello.” He ran his fingers through his hair, while lightly clearing his throat.
“Hello to you too. You ordered two large pizzas, one pepperoni with extra cheese and the other Hawaiian, correct?” You asked, while he began to nod his head profusely.
“Cool, it’ll be $11.56 please.” You stated as you handed him the pizzas, but he stood there frozen.
“Oh I, um, don’t have any money on me. Hold on a second.” He closed the door slightly and ran over to Tom before pushing him off the couch.
“What the hell-”
“Shut up, the pizza delivery girl is super pretty and I don’t have any American cash so give me a twenty.” He begged and Tom jumped up to open the door to see what you looked like.
You were standing there looking like an angel, and your hair was in a ponytail with little tendrils of hair framing your face. He began to choke on air as he saw you smile, and he knew that he would be ordering from Vinnie’s more frequently.
“Hello, um hi. I have twenty pounds, erm dollars for the pizzas.” He said and you smiled.
“That’s good, otherwise I would have to eat these pizzas by myself.” You laughed as Tom guffawed.
“Wow you are funny, and extremely beautiful.” He gasped, holding his hand over his mouth.
“Thank you, here’s the change and enjoy the pizzas.” You waved, making your way down the steps of the trailer.
He closed the door and leaned against it, before letting out a sigh. “God must be real, because she is clearly an angel among us mortals.” He said longingly and Harrison laughed.
“Did you see the way her eyes flickered under the trailer’s fluorescent lights? She’s gorgeous.” He added and took a large bite of a slice of pizza.
“I never thought I would say this but I think Vinnie’s may just be the best pizza, to like, ever exist.” Tom said as he grabbed a slice of pizza and folded it in half, before taking a large bite.
“Wanna have pizza tomorrow night?” Harrison asked with a grin and Tom agreed.
“Oh well be having it every night.”
“You know Holland, your suit is getting to be a tad bit too tight, and is that a pot belly I see?” His personal trainer Matt inquired. Everyone had noticed how sluggish and out of breath Tom had been recently, and it definitely didn’t go unnoticed by Matt.
“Maybe, I’ve been eating a lot of pizza recently.” He added as he patted his stomach and let out a burp. “Oh god I feel sick.”
“Yeah you don’t look good, why are you constantly getting pizza then? You know you’re supposed to be on a strict diet.”
“I-” burp “know. It’s just that the pizza delivery girl from Vinnie’s pizza is so gorgeous so Haz and I have been ordering from there every night to see her for a few minutes.”
“Suddenly that makes sense. Okay well do you even know her name?”
“It’s Y/N and gosh she looks like an angel. She smells like vanilla mixed with pizza which sounds utterly disgusting but she’s beautiful so it’s okay.” He rambled as he took a seat on the bench press. “Do you mind if I sleep here for like an hour because whew am I already out of energy.” Tom wiped his hand across his forehead and Matt laughed.
“We haven’t even done anything, you just walked in here a few minutes ago.”
“And that was too much physical energy for today.” He held up his pointer finger and Matt rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, just no more pizza for like the next year, you got it?” Matt crossed his arms in front of his chest and Tom did a thumbs up.
“You got it dude.” He replied as he curled up in a ball on the bench press.
“You know Tom, I’m starting to worry about your health. You now have acne, and your face is red and puffy. Also do you have a pot belly now?” You remarked as you stood in the doorway of the trailer.
“Maybe. But it’s okay, I’ll burn it off eventually.” He patted his stomach and let out a groan. Harrison was sprawled out on the couch and you could see that he was wearing sweatpants that accentuated his newly acquired love handles.
“Right, well for the safety of you both, I’m not going to give you the pizza.” You shifted your weight to your right leg as you continued to hold onto the boxes. “Actually, why have you been ordering pizza every night for the past two weeks?”
“Because we wanted to see you.” Harrison replied, but it was muffled due to the fact that his face was buried in the couch.
“Really? That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.” You put your hand on your heart and gave a little pout, which only made Tom melt. “But you know that this isn’t the best quality pizza, and you may need a coronary bypass surgery after this.”
“I know, but we wanted to see you, even if it meant putting our health on the line.” Tom rubbed the nape of his neck and you smiled.
“I care about you both, so if you want, you can call me, but not for pizza. Just in general.” You set the boxes of pizza down and pulled out a business card from your pocket. You then grabbed a pen from the end table and wrote your number on the back of it. You handed Tom the card as he looked down at it like he won the golden ticket.
“Thank you. Hey would you, um, want to go on a date with me?” Tom hesitantly asked and you only smiled.
“Oh honey you’re adorable, but I’m already in a relationship. However, I would love to be your friend.” You stated while Tom looked down and nodded. “And besides, I only took the job to help pay for school but I’m graduating. I’m moving out of New York next month anyway.”
“That’s fair, thank you for everything, and good luck with your post graduation life.” He added and you smiled.
“Thank you, I would love to hang out with you guys soon, but now I’m going to take this pizza back. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.” You took a few steps closer to the door and stopped. “Try eating a salad for a change.” You reached for the door handle and waved, and Tom waved back.
“Will do, bye.” Tom closed the door behind you and let out a sigh. He turned to look at Harrison, who was halfway off the couch.
“It wasn’t worth it mate, was it?” Tom asked and Harrison groaned. “It might sound cheesy, but I wanted her to stay.” He replied, his voice still muffled.
“Me too mate, me too.” He walked over to Harrison and patted him lightly on the shoulder. “Let’s order from that vegan place from down the street.”
Additional A/N: as always, requests and prompts are open! And let me know if you want to be added to the taglist 💛
Mes anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow @starkissedholland @fangirlwithasweettooth @lmaotshollandd @musicalkeys
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tylcrse · 4 years
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❝ ☀ ϟ ━ CONFESSIONAL #003.
TYLER EDWARDS of ATLANTA’S ELITE is back with another spicy week in her life. See what the Atlanta store owner had to dish about. ( @aehqs | @tsrhq )
After reading over a few messages in the family group chat, TYLER had to wipe her face from tears from laughing so hard. They didn’t get along all the time, but when they did it was a good time. Hearing the elevator ding on the second floor of the studio, stepping off and walking toward the studio, squinting her eyes once she walked inside, the hot lights slightly blinding her. “Okay, this ain’t a police station, why y’all got these beams turned up?” TYLER asked the producers and staff before sitting down in the confessional chair, spinning around playfully before she took a deep breath, swiping her pink oral muscle over her bottom lip. “Oh, we ready? Let’s go.”
“Alright, so Tyler. The first thing we want to talk about was your event on Wednesday. It was so well put together and beautiful. How did that go?”
Okay, so let me tell y’all something. TYLER EDWARDS-SHAKUR will never put an event together unless I have help. I did everything on my own. The only thing I didn’t do was the set-up and the cooking. I was so tired before the event even started, but I held my own and in the end. It was so amazing, we had some dope performances. Y’all saw my girl Davita? Shawty did amazing. Wait, I’m sorry. VI’ Amour. Sorry, honey. We need to make sure you get all of your credits. Then, we had my Doll, E. My sister just shut the shit down. Speaking of E, I haven’t seen her in a few days, bout to file a police report. Then the end of the night, I got exactly what I had been wanting. It was a great and nice lil’ icy stroke out... If you catch my drift.” TYLER laughed to herself before using a rolling finger motion to ask the next question.
“We hear that you’ve been working on a campaign for your store. You want to shed any light on that?”
“Welllllllll.... The most I can say for now is that I’m showcasing those around me in a more “cool” way. You’ll see. I think it’s going to be amazing. More will come next week. That’s it, y’all nosy.” Joking with the staff, she gave them a big smile as her phone rang and she silenced it.
“Okay, so you had to know this was coming. We know you don’t really like involve yourself in drama. So, we’re asking you to give us as much as you can... about Mateo’s movie premiere.”
With a wicked smile, she had slouched in her seat a bit throwing her arm over the back of the chair and ran her hand over her face, a smoldering chuckle erupting from her lips. “In the words of Baby Brother 1 of 2, sometimes being the bigger person ain’t in the picture. look, I wasn’t even going to that premiere. I wasn’t, but I got words that my cousin... Milan was out there acting a fool and choking people. So, I pull up trying to diffuse shit. Deuce was all over the place, poor baby. Then out of nowhere, my sister gets into an altercation with two people and I tried to diffuse by breaking it up and dragging her hard headed ass out of there. YEAH. I used my weapon as a threat, but as mad as I was, who the fuck is going to shoot somebody while cameras are rolling? Jesus Christ. I wish people would think. There’s some other shit that went on that same night, but that isn’t my place to speak on it, so I won’t, those are private matters.” TYLER looked dead into the camera and blinked twice before clearing her throat. Laughing lowly, she shook her head and cleared her throat, asking for the next question.
“You want to expand on what happened on social media the next day?”
“Honestly, I just been feeling like I’m in another fucking world. Like shit flipped upside down in a minute. That whole twitter thing was BEYOND me. I want to make something clear. I’m not the type of person to beg for dick, never have been, I never will. My private conversation with someone shouldn’t be twisted around for some views, which I have the screenshots of. I’m not a fan of making something bigger than what it was. I was getting some straightening out. The reason I’m being cordial with people is not because of who I’m currently dating. Imagine trying to be cool w/ someone because of a man. OKAY! It’s because I value the siblingship I have with my brother and I’m not trying to start shit with his family when I don’t have to, especially since I actually like the person who my brother is with. Not to mention, I was approached by the man I’m currently dating, I didn’t chase him. I don’t have to cry and plead for anything. Y’all love to lie. Secondly... Tyler couldn’t pay a deposit? As expensive as that party was......... I couldn’t pay a DJ fee? Right. When I went to the girl, she said she wasn’t even a DJ anymore. So again... lying for what? MIND YOU.... this was AFTER I offered to pay her rate + a 35% interest fee, Jesus. I just hate that lying shit. I have the messages to prove it, by the way. Please. If you’re going to make shit up, make it make sense. Whew! This is my last time addressing this shit, I promise. It’s childish as fuck and I refuse to go down that route. I’m way too grown for this and I subjected myself to bullshit all because of Milan’s baldheaded ass.” She was honestly over the confessional and wanted to go back to her home.
“Okay, so that was a mouthful. Last thing, we saw Silas and his ex-fiance looking PRETTY cozy at the premiere. Anything you want to say about that?”
“AHT AHT! Before y’all say anything, I know what happened that night. I didn’t see him in the midst of the drama, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Y’all is MESSYYYYYY! But, nah, this is where I become the bigger person. I know what happened and I’ll leave it at that.” She shrugged before getting off of her chair and removing her battery pack and mic, leaving the studio.
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writings-of-hazel · 5 years
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Forgotten Gospel (Sam Winchester x OC) Part Two
Sam rolled his eyes, a chuckle rumbling out of his chest. “What names are you using this time?” He asked.
“Bartholomew, and his two kids Jillian and Hector.” Dean grunted with a smile as he got into the drivers seat, pulling the door shut.
“Yeah, nice.” Sam chided with a grin and continued to shuffle through the cassette collection.
“Dude you gotta update your cassette collection.”
“What do you mean?” Dean asked, confused.
A smile flashed across Sams face as he rolled his eyes “Well, first of all their cassette tapes. And I mean look at this Motörhead, AC/DC..”
“So?” Dean replied defensively.
“So, these are the hits of mullet-rock Dean” the youngest Winchester replied.
Dean smiled and shook his head “House rules Sammy, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.” He tosses a tape in the box and put in a new one, music began blaring from the speakers.
“Sammy is what you call a chubby twelve year old boy Dean, it’s Sam” Sam said crossing his arms over his chest.
“Shut up Sammy.” Diane said with a grin, Sams eyes flickered up to the mirror and gave her a playful glare, which she returned.
“Watch it.” Sam warned playfully as the impala pulled into the road.
“Watch what? You may have like three feet on me but I’ll still knock you on your ass.” She said with a wink.
Sam let out a heart felt laugh.
Dean’s eyes flickered over to Diane in the rear view mirror, and Diane caught his stare. She gave him a grin, puckering her lips at him. Dean rolled his eyes and sent her a wink.
“Well,” Sam sighed checking his phone “There are no names matching Dad or any of his aliases in the hospital or morgue so that’s good I guess.”
“I guess.” Dean sighed, pulling down the street “Hey, look at this.” he said pointing towards the bridge they almost crossed The impala pulled up to the bridge that was blocked off by police cars, cops where everywhere. Sam gave Dean a nervous glance.
“Nothin’ like being prepared.” Dean said with a smirk, pulling out the ID box from the glove compartment. He pulled out three black wallets.
“One for the Mrs.” He said chucking one behind him. Diane caught it and opened the black leather, revealing a fake FBI badge.
Sam grabbed one of the badges and eyed it, glancing up and giving Dean a doubtful look. “You can’t be serious Dean.” He muttered, furrowing his eyebrows.
“As a heart attack, let’s go.” He replied with a smirk.
The three hunters exited the car and started walking towards the policemen.
The town sherif took a step forward, “Excuse me can I help you?” He said in a stern tone, his hands resting on his hips.
Instinctually the three hunters pulled out their badges, opening them out into view. Before the cop could get a good look at them, specifically Dean’s he flipped it up and set it back in his pocket.
“My names Agent Shurley and this is my partner Agent Thomas, this is our agent in training Miss. Forester.” Dean said with a grin.
Sam glanced behind him with a shit eating grin, and Diane shot death glares to the back of Dean’s head.
Before she could say anything Dean continued. “So what’s the situation here officer?” Dean asked glancing at the empty, bloody car a few hundred feet back along the bridge.
The officer sighed and began walking towards the car, signaling the three to follow him. When they reached the car, Diane saw the thick bloody splatters that covered the interior of the car, she let out a slow whistle.
“Looks like someone was having a rough night.” She said aloud.
The sherif gave her a look but said nothing. “Yeah,” he sighed “We found a wallet in the drivers seat, along with a phone and keys.”
“The driver?” Sam asked, giving him a quizzical look.
“No where to be found, already had my men search the river, zilch.” The cop said with a defeated face.
Dean opened the car door and hunched over, peeking inside.
“Didn’t something similar happen a few months ago?” Sam asked.
The sherif nodded “Yeah two miles down the road from here.”
“Are there any connections between victims besides that their all men?” Diane asked, putting her hands in her pockets.
“None that we can think of.” he replied.
“Any leads so far?” Dean questioned, looking at the sheriff through the blood stained glass.
The sheriff was silent a moment, his hands crossing in front of him “No, not any yet.” He muttered.
“Well,” Dean said with a grunt, closing the car door “Thats the exact kind of crack police work I would expect from this department-“ He was swiftly cut off by Sam, who stomped on his foot.
Diane gave the two brothers a death glare and turned back to the sheriff
“That’ll be all thank you, we’ll be sure to get in touch with you if anythings found during the investigation.” She said with a charming grin. Walking over she grabbed the two boys by the fabric of their coats and pushed them forward.
Sam pushed ahead of the rest and Dean was not far behind him, once they where away from the officers and nearing the impala Dean took a quick step forward, smacking Sam in the back of the head. Sam jolted forward, his large hand reaching up to his scalp.
“Ouch! What was that for?” Sam exclaimed, scowling.
“For stepping on my foot.” Dean said grumpily.
Diane looked behind her and saw that the cops where staring at them. Annoyance flashed across her face as she caught up to the older Winchester and threw a kick to to back of his leg, causing him to stumble forward.
“Well don’t be mean to cops-oh shit.” Sam paused, glancing behind him at the scuffle. A loud laugh erupted from his lips as Dean straightened himself. Dean flung around to face Diane, and whew she knew an angry Winchester when she saw one.
“You guys are acting like idiots.” She said with her arms crossed “If we’re gonna find John you guys gotta have it in order. Solving this is the only way we’re gonna find him. Oh and agent in training??? Screw you for that.” She said crossing her arms.
“What can I say you look the part.” Dean replied, giving her a look.
Diane narrowed her eyes at the Winchester brothers. She raised a finger, pointing to both of them. “I will shoot you.” She jokingly warned, and continued to the car.
“Shotgun.” She muttered and sat in the passengers seat, slamming the door with a huff.
The two Winchester’s stood there a second and exchanged glances.
“She’s a lot meaner than I remember.” Sam noted with a shrug. Dean let out a laugh.
“You just gotta let her warm up to ya Sammy.” He chuckled, slamming his hand onto Sam’s broad back and walking towards the impala.
“Yeah I bet you did.” Sam muttered under his breath, but Dean didn’t hear him.
The three hunters found themselves at the local library, searching through records on the computer. Dean was already doing a bang up job.
“The girls said something about a central highway murder.” Diane said rubbing her eyes tiredly.
“Yeah well, nothing’s coming up.” Dead groaned.
Sam, who had been sitting impatiently, was looking at the screen in deep thought. “Wait let me look at that a second .” He said reaching out for the cursor.
“I got it.” Dean muttered slapping his hand away.
Giving Dean an annoyed look he pushed Dean’s swivel chair out of the way and moved to the front of the computer.
“Dude,” Dean said giving Sam a pissed off look, he threw a punch to Sam’s shoulder “You’re such a control freak.”
Diane yawned, setting her head against the desk.
“Angry spirits are born out of violent death right?” Sam asked, his eyes glued to the screen.
“Essentially.” Diane mumbled, forcing herself to lift her head off of the table.
“Then how about this.” Sam muttered, and typed up suicides instead of murders. To all three’s surprise, one result came up. “In 1984 Constance Welch throws herself of the Sylvania Bridge and plummets to her death, her body was found a week later floating in the river.” He read aloud.
“Okay.” Diane replied, urging him to continue. Her eyes watched his concentrated face, the way his face moved with each passing though crossing his mind. She found herself pulled out of her tired stupor.
“Oh and get this,” Sam continued, breaking her concentration on him. “A few hours later there was a 911 call telling police that she had found her two kids in the bathtub, both dead.” This peaked Diane’s interest and she scooter closer to Sam to look at the screen, she could feel his warmth radiating off of him.
“Our babies where gone and Constance just couldn’t go on any longer.” Diane read aloud “Said husband John Welch. That bridge looks awfully familiar.” She added pointing to the news picture.
“That’s the same bridge we where just at.” Dean noted.
They where back at the bridge, late at night. Diane hugged her denim jacket closer to her body, it was freezing.
“So this is where Constance took the swan dive.” Dean chuckled, leaning over the edge of the bridge.
“Dean.” Diane said giving him a look.
“What?” Dean mouthed back at her with a shrug.
“So now what?” Sam asked walking back towards the impala.
“Now we keep digging until we find him, it might take a while.” Dean replied, stuffing his hands into his pockets, following Sam.
Sam paused, throwing his hands up in the air “I don’t have a while Dean, I’ve told you I gotta get back by-“
“Monday,” Dean interrupted, “Yeah I forgot.” He said with a fake smile.
“So what you’re just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl, pop out a few kids.” Dean chided, glancing over to Diane. Dean’s words stung in her chest, the thought of Sam living some normal cut life made her feel uneasy.
“Why not?” Sam retorted, his arms hanging loosely at his sides.
Oh no here comes an argument.
Dean’s eyebrows snapped together “Does Jessica know the truth about you? About all the things you’ve done?”
“No.” Sam said, his mouth twisting as he took a step towards his brother “And she’s never going to.”
“Yeah because that’s healthy,” Dean chuckled, walking ahead of his brother “Sooner or later you’re gonna have to accept it.”
Sam glared at Dean angrily and followed behind him “Accept what?”
“That you’re one of us.” Dean said not looking behind him.
“No I’m not like you, this is not the life I’m going to live!” Sam argued, walking in front of Dean and standing in front of him.
“Guys..” Diane called out, walking towards the two “Let’s not do this please.” She groaned, but it was as if she never said anything, the brothers swiftly ignored her.
“Yeah well you have a responsibility.” Dean continued, ignoring her pleas.
“To what??” Sam asked, “To dad and his unholy crusade? Dean if it weren’t for pictures I wouldn’t even know what mom looks like. Even if we do find the thing that killed her, what difference would it make? She’s gone Dean, and she’s not coming back-“ Sam was swiftly cut off by Dean grabbing him by the collar of his jacket and slamming him against the side of the bridge.
“Guys seriously stop!” Diane cut in, having had enough of watching them argue.
The two brothers looked at each other, and the anger flashed from their eyes.
“Don’t talk about her like that.” Dean muttered as released him, taking a few steps forward.
Diane stayed behind with Sam, who was catching his breath and trying to calm down.“You two just need to blow off some steam-“ She began but was cut off.
“You know Diana, I don’t get you.” Sam interrupted “This whole I’m sad and angry at you but I also forgive you thing is really not making any sense.” He snapped.
Diane was slightly taken aback, “Excuse me? When did I ever even ask for an apology.” She retorted, anger bubbling up in her throat.
“Oh you’ve done it now,” Dean chuckled “I gotta see this.”
“You didn’t, but you didn’t wanna hear one either.” Sam said giving her a confused look.
Diane looked at Sam for a minute and scoffed “Listen here college boy, while you where out there ‘studying for midterms’ Dean and I where out here getting the damn job done.” Her fists began to shake and her face went red with anger.
Damn.” Sam sighed, an empty smile lifting on his face “You’re even beginning to sound more and more like him. Looks like he finally got to you.”
“Who did?” Diane asked carefully, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Dad.” Sam uttered. Who knew one syllable could turn something so ugly.
Diane snapped, unable to hold back the anger in her chest. “You asshole!” She yelled as she swung her fist back and connected it to his face with a satisfying sound....and a crack.
Sam was shot back by the force of her hit, blood already seeping out of his nose, his head felt like it was whirling and when he finally came to he knew he went too far saying what he did, he raised a hand to his nose and wiped away some of the steady streaming blood running down his face.
Diane’s lower lip was still trembling from anger, and pain. She heard something in her hand crack and a sharp shooting pain ran up her arm. Her hateful expression didn’t change as she cupped her injured hand to her chest.
“Whew!” Dean called out with a laugh “I’ve been dying to see that since we where kids.”
“Shut up Dean!” Both Diane and Sam said at the same time. For a moment the anger in there eyes flickered and they gave each other a glance.
“Guys.” Dean suddenly said in a serious tone and they both turned to face him. On the edge of the bridge was a woman in a white dress. She gave the three a long woeful glance before flinging herself off the edge.
Diane, Sam and Dean all took off in her direction running to the edge where she had plummeted off of.
“Where did she go?” Diane asked, looking over the edge and into the black abyss of water below them. She was answered by the sound of a car engine. All three hunters slowly looked back to the flashing headlights of the impala.
“Whose driving you’re car?” Sam asked, a loon of bewilderment on his face.
Dean reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys to the impala. The impala’s tires began to squeal, as it began racing down the bridge towards them. The three took off running in the opposite direction.
“Go! Go! Go!l Sam called out, his hand grabbing the back of Diane’s jacket, practically dragging her faster than her feet could follow.
The screeching sound of the engine drew closer and there was no way to outrun it as the vehicle bolted towards them.
“Over the ledge!” Diane called out, struggling to catch up with Sam’s impossibly long strides.
Following her command the brothers jumped over the ledge of the bridge, Sam yanking her with him. Diane went airborne and she squeezed her eyes shut, ready to hit whatever surface she was to land on. She never did. After a moment she slowly opened her eyes and looked down, her feet where dangling at least fifty feet above the ground. She looked up and found Sam, his face red with strain as he held on tightly to the back of her jacket.
“Sam!” Diane called out “Pull me up!” With her good hand she grabbed onto Sam’s arm, pushing herself up onto the ledge Sam was hanging off of. The two panting hunters stopped to catch their breath before saying anything.
“Thank you,” Diane said breathlessly, holding her hand to he racing heart.
“No,” Sam paused to breath “Problem.” After a moment or two Sam looked out into the dark water.
“Dean?!” He called out, gazing through the river banks.
“WHAT?!” They heard Dean howl back.
A smile of relief washed over Sam and Diane’s face. Dean crawled out of the river on his hands and knees, covered in mud and god knows what, once he was on shore he flung to his back.
“You good?” Diane yelled down at him.
“I’m super.” Dean replied sarcastically, giving her a thumbs up.
Diane and Sam caught eyes for a moment, and both let out a relieved laugh.Sam climbed fully over the ledge and held out his arm for Diane. Diane reaches out and secured her hand in his larger one and with ease he pulled her over the ledge, catching her in his arms so she wouldn’t fall. Diane felt her face collide with Sam’s hard chest, and felt his warmth radiate against her cheek, but as quick as the contact was made she pulled away again.
An hour or so later, Dean made his way up back to the bridge, and was looking through his car to see if there was any damage done. Diane sat quietly on the trunk of the car, cradling her bad hand to her chest. Sam stood beside her, his hands in his pockets. His eyes flickered over to her and then to her hand.
“Here let me look at that.” Sam sighed, stepping in front of her.
Diane gave him a quizzical look, torn between staying pissed at him for what he said and forgiving him because he saved her life. 
“Come on, please. Just let me see if it’s bad or not.” Sam pushed, holding out one of his large hands.
Diane hesitated a moment, looking from Sam’s face to his open palm, and gingerly she held out her hand. Sam’s eyes left hers and glanced down to her hand, his long, warm fingers gently cradling it in his grip. Her knuckles where deep red and purple. His tough was soft and tender, careful to not induce any more pain than what was already there. Sam softly extended all of her fingers, causing her to wince.
“Okay can you clench your fist for me?” He asked, glancing up at Diane with a look of concern.
Diane looked at her hand, slowly and painfully she brought all her fingers into a fist and then extended them again. “It hurts.” She said, as Sam took her hand back into his.
“Well you sprained your wrist that’s for damn sure, we need to get it on some ice if you’re gonna be a good shot at anything.” Sam chuckled, and released her hand. “I’ll wrap it up myself once we get back.”
Diane let herself smile a little, Sammy always was the one to patch her up after a bad hunt, guess that never changed. “I’m sorry for punching you.” She uttered, glancing at the purple mark forming on the side of his face.
“Nah, don’t be.” Sam shrugged off with a smile, leaning beside her “I’m sorry for what I said, that was outta line.”
“Thank you, Sam.” She replied quietly, looking back down at her hand.
“So the cars alright,” said a very angry, and mud covered Dean. He walked from around the car towards the two of them. “That Constance chick what a bitch!” He exclaimed out to the open air.
“Yeah well, whatever we’re digging up she doesn’t want us to find.” Diane added, her face scrunching up from the pungent smell that was radiating off of Dean.
“Yeah, so what’s you’re plan now genius?” Sam asked.
Dean threw his arms up into the air with a defeated sigh. “I don’t know, I just wanna get out of here.” he scowled.
After a moment of silence Sam’s face pulled into a grimace. “Dean you smell like a toilet.” He said, covering his nose with his sleeve.
“Great.” Dean muttered.
The car ride to the hotel was less than enjoyable, all the windows had to be rolled down, Sam came up with the idea of putting vapor rub under his nose to make the smell bearable.
“Wanna give it a try Di?” Sam asked, holding the jar back over his head.
“Does it work?” Diane asked, taking the jar and dipping her finger in.
“Morticians use it to deal with the smell sometimes.” He replied, “It works.”
Diane paused and looked at Sam “You know some really weird shit dude..” She ran her finger under her nose and the strong smell of vapor rub filled her nostrils, much more bearable than the stench of Dean.
“As soon as we get to a hotel you’re in the shower.” Diane ordered.
“Yeah whatever mom.” Dean replied
“Ew.” Sam and Diane said at the same time.
“Two one bed rooms please.” Dean said, slamming his credit card on the table, a trail of dust following him.
Sam furrowed his eyebrows at the back of Dean’s head, they always shared rooms, why the sudden- oh never mind. Sam glanced down at the woman in front of him. Diane and Dean. The thought made his nose scrunch up and he felt a pang in his chest. They didn’t show any intentions of letting him know either. Well he would cross that bridge when he got to it.
The man at the desk looked at the card and then back up to Dean. “You guys having a family reunion or something? He asked quizzically.
“What do you mean?” Dean asked, his face picking up with interest.
“An older fellow with the same last name checked into here a few weeks ago, haven’t seen him in a bit.” He answered.
The three exchanged knowing glances.
Dean hovered over the lock to the motel room, using tools to pick at the lock, when it finally gave in and opened a scene was laid before them. The three hunters shuffled in one by one and looked around the room. Maps, photos, research where tacked all along the walls, sigils done in black paint where painted above the doorways.
“He hasn’t been here for a couple weeks at least.” Dean said, walking around the room.
Diane knelt beside the bed, examining the thick salt line surrounding it. She ran her finger through it. 
“Looks like he was scared of something getting in, cat eye shells, sigils, he left in a hurry.” Sam noted, turning to look at the walls.
Diane looked to the table side desk, her eyes widening “Isn’t that Johns journal?” She said, pointing to the brown leather book.
Both the Winchester brothers turned to look around, their eyes falling on the book.
“Yeah,” Sam said, walking over and picking it up “Dad never leaves without this thing.” His face twisted with concern as he glanced over to his older brother.
“Maybe he left it for you to find?” Diane suggested, equally as confused.
“Well either way, I’m gonna go take a shower.” Dean sighed, exhausted as he shrugged off his jacket and making his way over to the bathroom, leaving the Winchester and Diane alone.
Diane fell back onto the bed, her back giving a satisfying crack. “God I’ve been sleeping in that impala for far too damn long.” She groaned
“Clearly.” Sam retorted with a playful laugh. His expression grew somewhat serious as he began to shuffle through some drawers.
“What are you looking for?” Diane asked, propping her self up on one elbow.
“Something to wrap your hand in,” He sighed grabbing some ice from the mini fridge and wrapping it in a towel. “Here, before they get super swollen.” He took a few strides towards her and handed her the towel.
Diane eyed the towel a second before reaching out and taking it from him “Thanks Sammy. You’re being awfully nice to someone who just gave you a mean right hook.” She chuckled. She carefully set the cold towel over her red, swollen knuckles, letting out a small hiss of discomfort.
“Yeah well, it wasn’t entirely undeserved.” Sam sighed.
The weight of the bed shifted next to her as Sam settled down beside her, a large sigh escaping his lips.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Diane said with a smile. Sam turned his head to watch her features, taking in the view of her smile. He forgot how long he had missed seeing that.
“It’s nice to see you smile Diane,” He said out loud, a smile crept onto his face, exposing the sweet little indentations on either side of his cheeks.
Diane’s smile softened and she let out a soft hum, turning her face towards Sam’s. The two sat in silence for a moment.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you’re face Sam, I thought I forgot it.” Diane finally said, breaking the silence.
The smile never left Sam’s face “Yeah,” he sighed “Me too.”
The sound of the shower cut out abruptly, and both their eyed flickered to the doorway. “Diane I’m gonna go do a food run, you want to come with?” Dean’s voice called from the bathroom.
“Sure!” Diane called back and turned to face Sam. Looking down at the towel draped over her hand she lifted it and plopped it over the growing bruise on Sam’s face.
“Ow! Diana-“ Sam flinched, catching the towel in his hands before ice flew everywhere “What the hell?”
“You need it more than I do.” She replied, springing off of the bed with ease, she gave Sam a playful look before strolling towards the bathroom.
“You almost ready?” She called, cracking the ajar door a bit.
Dean and Diane stepped out of the door, closing it behind him.
“Thank’s for comin’ with,” Dean said, adjusting his now clean leather jacket. “And thanks for cleaning’ this off.”
“Yeah, well if growing up with you boys taught me anything, it would be how to clean some leather.” Diane chuckled, pulling her dark hair behind her ears.
Dean smiled, “Lets go.” Pressing his hand to the small of her back they began walking towards the impala.
After walking down the stairs Dean paused,“How long are we gonna keep this a secret?” said Dean suddenly, he checked behind him to make sure they where out of eyeshot from the hotel.
Diane followed his gaze and stopped walking. “Dean.” She huffed, her eyes flickering with mild irritation.
“What?” Dean replied with a shrug. When he received no response he let out a sigh. “Listen,” he began, taking a step towards her “I know why you wanna delay the us parade,” his arm snaked its way around her waist “I know you don’t want to make this harder on Sam or me,” he pulled her closer to him, raising his free hand to cup her cheek “But this isn’t fair to him, and I don’t feel right hiding from him like this.”
Diane watched his expression, her eyes softening softly “What would I even say Dean? ‘Oh you left so now I’m dating you’re brother’ what is he even gonna think?” She muttered softly, her hardened exterior melting in his warmth.
A small smile cracked on Dean’s lips “Hopefully nothing that gets him another crack to the jaw.” He replied with a laugh.
Diane sighed, rolling her eyes “Just until we find John okay? Then we’re out and open. I promise.” Her eyes narrowed, she raised one of her hands and planted it against his chest, feeling his heartbeat through the warm skin.
Dean went quiet for a moment, his eyes watching hers carefully, “Okay,” he replied finally “Until we find Dad.”
Diane gave Dean a warm smile, lifting herself up on her tippy toes to connect her lips to his. Dean leaned into the kiss, catching the back of her head with his hand.
“Do you know how hard it is not doing this all the time?” Dean growled in a low voice, his lips crashing back into hers again before she could reply.
Diane chuckled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Dean’s hands wandered down to her hips, gripping them securely and pulling her closer to him. A warm yearning grew in her stomach, and she knew Dean was feeling the same way too.
“Excuse me.” Said a voice from behind them.
Dean and Diane paused, their bodies going rigid. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Slowly, the two hunters pulled away from each others grasp, turning to face the sheriff and two other cops behind him.
The sherif took a good look at the both of them, a smug smile on his face holding a pair of cuffs in his hand.
“Looks like I was interrupting something?” He asked through browning teeth.
“Yeah,” Dean said with a smirk, his eyes flickering from the direction of the hotel room to Diane and then back to the sherif “You did.” Before the sheriff could retort Dean swung back, slamming his fist into the sheriff’s face.
“Now Diane go!” Dean yelled as the two other guys shuffled towards him.
Diane took off to the back of the motel, shoveling through her pocket for her phone.She pulled it out and put Sam on speed dial.
“What?” Sam asked tiredly.
“504 Sammy get out quick.” She said quickly, hanging up the phone and dropping it too the ground. She brought the heel of her boot the phone, smashing it to pieces.
“Well lookie here,” Said a voice from behind her. Diane swung around, fists drawn and ready to fight. Behind her stood two police men, one of them in pretty bad shape, blood running down his nose.
“We got some questions for you.” The less beaten up one said “You should come with us.”
Diane had a knife in the back of her boot, it would only take three movements, three single movements and the two would be dead. Her eyes narrowed at the two men, a dangerous gleam glowing in her eyes. After a moment of silence a sigh escaped her lips, and her hands rose. The policemen grabbed her roughly and pressed her against the wall, hard enough to crush her rib cage.  While pressing her against the wall, the beat up cop started to pat her down.
“What’s this we have here?” Said one of the men, pulling out the knife from her boot.
“Insurance dickhead.” Diane replied with a smug smile.
The police officer continued at an agonizing pace, his hands lingering near her ass, squeezing the jean covered flesh.
“Easy boys.” Diane said through gritted teeth “Don’t touch the merchandise.”
One of the men snickered, grabbing her by the back of the hair and yanking her head back. He brought his face close to hers, his lips inches from her ear
“Do you have any idea how badly you’re screwed kid?” He said in a low dark tone. The stench of coffee on his breath made her nostrils flair.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that piggy.” She snarled, spitting in his face.
The cop drew back, wiping the veil of spit that covered his face. Before she could back up the other slammed her against the wall again.
The cop chuckled “That might of been the dumbest thing you could ever do.” He stood behind her shuffling with his belt. It was a moment’s thought, but fear ran across her face.
A sense of relief washed over her as she felt the cold steel of handcuffs wrap around her wrist.
The police man swung her around to face them and swiftly connected his fist to her gut.
Diane gasped out, as another one landed in her rib cage with a crack, her body hurling over in pain.
“Come on.” He grunted, yanking her off the ground by her wrists and dragging her towards the police car.
Dean was slumped over the police car, blood seeping out the bridge of his nose. His eyes flickered over to Diane, being practically dragged towards the police cruiser.
The policeman flung Diane against the car with a loud thud, and she fell to the ground.
“Deadman.” Dean muttered under his lips, looking at the two men.
“Fake badges, fake suits, fake names,” Said the sheriff, lifting Diane up by the back of her hair. “You got anything that’s real?”
Diane gave him a sick smile, blood speckling her teeth and staining her lips “Yeah, my boobs.”
The sheriff’s eyes lit with rage, his lower lip quivering “Get in there!” He yelled, pushing her into the police car.
he two men grabbed Dean by his shoulders, throwing him in after her and slamming the door shut.
“You okay?” Dean muttered, his face contorted with pain.
“As I’ll ever be.” Diane grunted in response. Her lips where stained with blood. “I think I got a cracked rib,” she paused to cough, speckles if blood lining the car window “or two.”
The sheriff got in the car, slamming the door shut and starting the engine.
“Did you give them hell?” Dean whispered under his breath.
Diane gave Dean a smug smile, of course she did.
“I told you already my name is Amanda Nugent, Ah-man-duh Nu-gen-t.” Diane pronounced, lifting and crossing her legs over the table.
The sheriff came in, his eyes cold with anger and irritation, two veins bulging out of his forehead. In his arms he held a large storage box. Walking over to the interrogation desk he let the box fall in front of Diane with a thud.
“I suppose you and you’re boyfriend here have the same bullshit story?” He snapped, leaning over the desk.
Diane drew her face back, her face scrunching up “Dude, brush you’re fucking teeth, smells like something died in there.”
The sheriff balled up his fists at his side, the corners of his lips twitching in anger. “I’ve about had it up to here,” The sheriff said slowly, he reached his hands into the box and pulled out a leather bound journal. John’s Journal. Diane’s eyes widened a bit, breaking her composure.
(stay tuned for part three)
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