#because I'm making him my dancer and I figured having the dancer be able to get wherever they want would be really useful
angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Ballet dancer reader x khonshu who tries to be his mysterious scary self and the reader just WHIPS her leg up to uppercut his head and crack his skull. Khonshu grabs her leg at the last second and he’s VERY surprised as she looks him DEAD in the eye, “I will FUCK you up. My ballet teacher has been a Russian matriarch since I was 5. You can’t scare me, bitch”. And khonshu’s just “Well mark me down as nervous AND horny!!”
I fucking cackled at this it's so fucking gorgeous
I changed it up a bit for comedic effect but asfghhkkll
Old Birds and New Tricks
Khonshu x Fem!Dancer!Reader
TW/CW: Attempted mugging, reader is a badass, Khonshu pops a boner for the first time in like ever, but nothing explicit happens :)
A/N: I figured you'd get a kick outta this one @drinkingwithkhonshu @juneknight because I'm on the floor with it lmao
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You were walking home after a long practice session, your toes and legs ached from straining to stay on your tippy toes for so long, your arms cried for relief from the strain of holding the bar, performing so many sweeps and graceful flares alongside your troupe and mentor.
Your mentor, Katja Ivanov was a good teacher and a harsh mentor. She was a hulk of a woman, roped with muscles built over her long period of performing dance (you yourself thought she must have been in prison at some point, too but when you shot the question as a joke she merely laughed; but didn't deny it).
Katja was a woman who took no shit from rude people, and she instilled that in all of you, her dancers, her "baby birds" she called you. She made sure that all of you knew that just because you were dancers, people couldn't take you for granted.
So, after "official" dance practice had ended... Katja taught all of you how to use your strength and flexibility to defend yourselves as well as perform graceful maneuvers.
And it came in handy. Really, really handy.
London was dangerous after dark, the empty streets crawling with bad things in the shadows, like an infection beneath the skin.
That was how you found yourself in an alley, a large drunk man between you and freedom.
You were no quitter, no coward, and instantly, like a computer scanning a file, your brain recollected each one of Katja's lessons and put them into action.
Your body flushed with fresh adrenaline, your heart hammering within the confines of your chest as you whipped around on one foot, your other flying out to kick your assailant in his gut, knocking him back and making him dry heave with the strain.
"I told you, asshole." You hissed, bringing your fists up to guard your face.
"All I got in my bag is my gear. Now piss off before I break your jaw."
"Fuckin'... bitch." The man wheezed as he stumbled out of the alleyway, leaving you behind and feeling the high of victory.
You pick up your bag where you dropped it and slipped the strap back over your chest, the band squishing a bit between your breasts as you tightened it.
"Amusing." A deep, raspy voice mused.
You whipped around, trying in vain to locate the source of the voice. It came from nowhere, but at the same time... it came from everywhere.
"I was merely passing through when I thought to aid you, human." It spoke again, your very bones trembling as the voice bored into your very brain.
"But you seem to have been able to handle that threat on your own."
You pressed your ears hard beneath your hands, gritting your teeth at the invasive feeling the voice left as it crawled in and out of you.
"God! Just--get out of my head!" You say through your gnashed teeth.
You hear an exasperated sigh, and you feel the air shift around you as you lift your gaze, your eyes trailing the body of someone who just appeared in front of you.
He looked like a cliché monster from one of The Mummy movies, draped in linen and flowy robes and everything. The freakin' bird skull completed the freaky visage.
"The hell--" You sputter, dropping your hands from around your ears, taking a step back from the... the thing in front of you.
"Seeing you handle an opponent so large was amusing." He--and you were most certain that he was a he--chuckled grimly. "A tiny little waif like you."
Okay, you didn't care how big and imposing this otherworldly bastard was, the fact he was jabbing at your stature and visual "weaknesses" irked you. You could swear you heard Katja's voice from over your shoulder.
"Kick his ass, да, маленький?" She would jeer.
"You... think I'm... small?" You say slowly, your eyes narrowing to a dangerous glint as he leans in, the smell of the spices clinging to his body wafting into your nose, heat radiating from his lithe body as he bent to your level.
You were giving him a chance to walk it back, maybe apologize for being a judgmental prick, so you wouldn't have to prove once again that you were just the opposite.
He did not.
"You are not as weak as you appear... Little one." He huffed, his head moving in a slight jerking motion, indicating his amusement.
Yeah, no. You had enough of big assholes thinking you were easy pickin's tonight.
You smiled sweetly up at him, your expression completely devoid of any innocence behind the mask of charm. You could see his shoulders drop and head tilt in confusion, but he was given not another moment longer to ponder why you would be smiling.
He expected you to retort, to snap, to--his thoughts were immediately cut off, as you moved in a blur.
Because you effortlessly raised your leg with lightning speed brought on by years of practice, and curled your foot in the classic ballerina's stance and kicked him in his stupid ass beak.
When your shoe made contact, you swore you heard the dry bones crunch as he stumbled back, almost falling flat on his ass before he caught himself with his staff, a grunt coming away from him.
Your hands gripped your bag strap as you looked down at him indignantly, a sense of smug superiority washing over you.
"Not as weak as you thought, now, huh?" You huffed victoriously, before turning on your heels and storming out of the alley.
Khonshu, the god of the Moon, dispenser of Justice and protector of those in the night...
...was just kicked in the face by a tiny woman.
And she actually did manage to crack his bones. They healed almost instantly, of course, thanks to his divinity.
But what didn't heal was his pride as he kneeled in the dirty alley, leaning on his staff for support as he watched you leave.
The look in your eyes, the power behind your legs... It was like the sun came up early and rose with your kick, to wash out the cool light of his moon with the harsh burning rays of daylight.
And it left him stunned. Stunned in a way no mortal has ever been able to.
And, frankly, he found his body responding in... other ways, too. Ways he hadn't indulged in what felt like... eons.
He was a god, yes, but divinity doesn't automatically grant piousness; and he found himself imagining you using your legs in a different way.
Had Khonshu a human mouth, he would be smiling.
He needed to see you again.
да (pronounced da) = Yes
маленький (pronounced malen'kiy) = Little One
(Forgive me if it's butchered, I used Google translate for it asdfghjkl)
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doodle-pops · 1 month
House of Feanor With A Figure Skater Reader
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Request: I'm soooo excited that requests are open, they are always a little sliver of joy I can always revisit and smile at! Now if I may... how do you think the House of Feänor would react to the reader being a Figure Skater?? The way they glide across the ice in sparkling outfits and the way they spin and jump at dangerous and gravity defying heights and speeds with their partners is beautiful. – Anon
A/N: I tried my best to not sound repetitive because I felt like I was writing the reaction over and over again. Hope that wasn’t the case. Enjoy!
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Feanor
First of all, he’s making your skates once he learns that you’re a figure skater. Due to this, he would find the time to venture down to the frozen lakes during winter to watch you test them out.
This also means that he’s also observing all your routines wanting to ensure that your skates are up to standards to match the speed and all the jumps you tend to make. This does not prevent him from telling you to be careful every five seconds.
He would hate to learn that one of the skates he made for you wasn’t able to hold out during a routine and you injured yourself. On the plus side, you have a supporter who prefers to silently observe your flightless performance.
You make winters something he looks forward to because he gets to see you dance on the glittering frozen lake like some magical being.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Maedhros
Another silent observer who sits on the snow banks and watches as you jump and spin effortlessly across the ice. Maedhros believes that you’re some fairy dancing across the ice.
He’s subconsciously wearing a smile when he sees how happy you are in your natural element, looking majestic and doing your thing on the ice. You’re figure skating is the one thing that makes the harsh winters bearable.
Seeing you glide across the ice without looking back and trusting your instinct, or how you leap into the air performing all your turns, you steal the air from his lungs. You once asked him to join and never before have you ever seen him reject an offer.
Knowing how much you enjoy skating during winter, he would meet with his blacksmith and have them fashion more ice skates in different colours should you ever need more.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Maglor
Now this is a perfect combination of a dancer and a musician. With Maglor’s presence, no more creating or imagining music in your head. Simply request that he brings his harp or flute along, and you’ve got yourself a proper routine.
Maglor is more than pleased to add to your performance apart from observing since he doesn’t know anything about figure skating. He considers his musical contribution and act that brings you two closer.
You’ve once asked him to join you on the ice and immediately refused, believing that he could nowhere as near be graceful as you. As much as he wouldn’t mind being on the ice to pick up when you slipped, he knew more injures would be causes if he joined you.
He is content with playing his instruments and singing as you dance, or rather, glide effortlessly to the melody across the ice. Watching you perform brings lots of peace to his hectic life.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Celegorm
Look, this can go two ways; your way which is the peaceful and easy way, or the Celegorm way. That means interrupting your skating to show off his skills before crashing into a pile of snow.
Tyelko wants to be as graceful as you on the ice while causing you to crash when he decides to grab you for support first.
Whatever it is you’re doing, he’s attempting it, even if it results in broken bones. There is nothing that can stop him from participating; he wants to be involved like his life depended on it.
At least you have a great company and lots of humour. You’re basically teaching Tyelko how to ice skate for the first time, but he wants to forego all the basics and perform all your jumps and turns.
Huan normally has to stand on the sidelines in case he needs to pull Tyelko out of the snow or laugh at him because he’s nowhere as amazing as you. Huan makes it clear through his cheering as he barks loudly at your routine.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Caranthir
He’s designing your wear as your skate so you can appear even more glamorous under the peaking sun as the ice glitters behind your feet, adding to the air of magnificence and majesty around you.
I’m serious. He’s down for tagging along while knitting or crocheting a new piece for you to wear while observing you glide across the ice. You’d probably have to drag him onto the ice because he’s more focused on making clothes.
At least you get him to cling to you even though he’s grumbling and holding back on cursing you out because his clothes would become wet from the number of times he’s already slipped.
Caranthir does become spellbound when you’re gauging to make a giant leap or your twirls, it’s one other time you can perfectly capture his attention away from designing your newest outfit.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Curufin
Like father like son, but it’s more science than anything else. Yes, he is observing your graceful patterns and movements, marvelling at the speeds you travel across the ice at without anything pulling you along.
When in truth, his brain is calculating every possible outcome of how you can glide so effortlessly without losing your balance. Teach him your sorcery. Jk, jk, but seriously, teach him how you don’t lose your balance on ice.
This way, you have managed to successfully drag Curufin onto the ice and teach him how to twirl and skate. Hopefully, once he gets the basics down and obtains his balance, you will have a partner who can hold you for simpler stunts.
While he isn’t going to attempt the more challenging routines like his daring older brother, he would nod his head along and inform you that you’re doing great even though he probably doesn’t know if it’s the right position or stance. He’s just happy to be included as you do your thing.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Amrod and Amras
Mischievous little minxes who would accompany you on the ice and skate across as effortlessly as you. They might even surprise you with a made-up routine on the spot, including you into the mix so they can toss you about.
I’m sure you all have matching outfits before the year is over, so every time winter comes, you three can put on a performance to show off for the family. The twins would also be the ones to turn your figure skating into a noteworthy performance that people can come view during winter.
Cue you all practicing in the house at 2am, spinning on flour and powder or tossing each other in the air outside. The high speeds and height you take off at don’t scare them because they’re encouraging you to go faster and make more turns.
Trust me, they become your coach, criticizing your positions and routine as if they’re masters in your field. Keep Huan around to have them in check so you can peacefully glide across the ice for fun.
At the same time, they are also your cheerleaders. The loudest in the area, whistling and clapping like seals as they show support for your latest routine or the same one you repeat every year.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Celebrimbor
Like his father and grandfather, Tyelpë is no different in wanting to engage with you because SCIENCE is important. Like seriously, how are you able to balance so well on ice without falling on your ass. You appear as though you are flying!
While he isn’t interested in being taught a lesson on the ice, he wants to sit and spend the entire day observing how gracefully to fly across the lake, wind in your hair and smile on your face as you twirl and spin. His heart does race when you leap.
You scared him many times during your first performance when you leapt into the air and landed successfully. You never heard your name yelled so many times in one go.
He’s proud of you as well and it shows in his words and the number of ice skates you received. Part of him wants to show you off to others, but at the same time, he wants to keep your talent hidden so he alone can enjoy it.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @ladyenchanted @stormchaser819 @mcwentfandomtraveling @addaigio @hermaeuswhora @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life
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green-alm0nd · 3 months
Can I request a Hunter or Anakin (you can choose) fic, where they walk in on the reader practicing a dance?
If you need a song for the dance, I got you:
Of course I can! I hope you like it! <3
[Hunter x gn!reader]: I had no idea you could dance
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After a long mission, the Bad Batch go back to Pabu to rest. Hunter can't wait to see you again, but he was surprised when he walked in on you dancing to a song.
WARNINGS: None, really. Fluff, established relationship, soft and flustered Hunter. A bit short but I hope you like it!
Requested by: @kombatkid
"We're finally back!" Wrecked excitedly said.
Tech pushed his goggles.
"We know, it was unnecessary of you to tell us because we are also going back to Pabu." Tech implied, rolling his eyes.
"Hey! Party crusher!" Wrecker complained.
"I am simply stating a fact." Tech responded.
Hunter sighed.
"Will you two stop it?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. The only thing the clone wanted was to arrive at Pabu, hug you, and spend some nice quality time with you.
It was the only thing he wished for in that moment.
Upon arriving, Hunter suspected you'd be waiting for him at your shared apartment in the upper part of the island. He breathed in the smell of the salty water that surrounded the isle. It usually gave him sensory overload, especially when it stormed. But seeing as it was a sunny and radiant day, it wouldn't really affect him much.
After Shep welcomed them again, Tech and Phee decided to leave the latest treasure caught in the Archium, while Omega and Wrecker headed down for a race. 'The one who loses has to swim in Pabu water at night!' Omega had yelled, before Wrecker and her starting heading to the shop that sold the closest thing to Mantell mix.
Meanwhile, Hunter walked towards your apartment. He heard a very small amount on music coming from the small cottage, but he figured it could be because you were cleaning, or singing it, or just listening to it.
Upon entering the apartment, his hearing perked up at the significantly loud sound of a hip-hop tune.
He left his stuff at the counter on the kitchen, and walked towards your shared room.
"Cyar'ika?" He asked.
He figured the music was too loud for you to hear him, so he decided to knock on the door.
However, it was open, and Hunter's jaw dropped at the sight. He stared at you through a small gap between the wall and the door.
You, dancing. And not just dancing, but giving everything you had into the song.
He stared at you, gulping loudly as your body; your soul, moved the way the song wanted to.
Your legs were doing an amazing job at keeping up with the music, almost always leaving the ground to jump or slide.
So were your arms, that swayed alongside the beat. And so was your torso, connecting both legs and arms. Your body itself was responsive to the music, and it looked almost natural.
Since when we're you able to dance like that?
Hunter stared, his face turning a shade of pink at the sight. You had been together for around 4 months, and yet he had never seen you dancing. He was so surprised, his arms dangled as if he was hypnotized.
He accidentally opened the door, and mentally slapped himself for doing so. Great: now he would be seen as a stalker if you found out about him staring at you while you danced.
You suddenly stopped, eyes widened. You turned off the music. "Uh...hi." You whispered.
Hunter took a deep breath, trying to make his heartbeat stop beating so fast.
"Hey." He said, with a flustered smile.
"How long have you been here?" You asked, your cheeks red.
"Enough time to realise that you're an awesome dancer." He responded, scratching the back of his neck.
"I thought you would be back later today. You're early." You responded, changing the subject, your face still red.
Hunter let out a playful huff.
"Don't ignore my compliment." He replied, walking to your room, wrapping his arms around you as he smirked.
"I'm not an awesome dancer. I'm just a good one." You shrugged off.
"Liar. But I'll take it." Hunter replied. "But really, you never told me you could dance. I didn't think you even liked it." He said.
"Its just a hobby. But now that you've interrupted me, I won't practice for like a whole year." You replied.
Hunter smiled.
"Pretty please?"
He chuckled softly.
"Well, one year will have to do then." He said, shaking his head.
You smiled back, the heat dying down.
"Oh, shut it, you."
I hope you like it since it's my first request and I don't know how it went ;-;
Reblogs, shares and comments are highly appreciated <3
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caitlynnrosespn · 8 months
Ok ok hi everyone betcha your bottom dollar it's ✨️THEORY TIIIIMMEE✨️
This theory comes from me @apexious @anja-the-sane-sibling @ceciliacloudss
So we were discussing Treasure, and Apex mentioned how it seemed like the story of Narcisses, who was tricked into watching his reflection forever. I've definitely seen lots of people saying he might be evil or Treasure is feeding into his ego, BUT. I'm gonna shock everyone and say it's not.
I mentioned how Jack seemed to be imprisoned, and Cecilia pointed out Treasure...
LOOKS LIKE ITS HAPPENING IN A BIRD CAGE. Do you notice the pillars curving around him??
Looks like a gold version of...
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This. Ana mentioned how he was like a songbird locked in a cage, which lead Cecilia to figure out this is the antithesis to Locked Out Of Heaven, since the bg is Heaven like, so this time he's Locked In Heaven.
This whole time Jack has been distanced from the other dancers. The selfie, him smiling still in the trailer, his Twitter post, the list goes on and on. So I think Nightswan is gonna isolate Jack. AND THE WAY SHE DOES THATTT AAAAAA
So we see Jack look into his reflection, and supposedly see his mirrored form- color pallet similar to Nightswan, everything switching sides, and most notably his theater makeup missing (what do we know about Nightswans feelings of his performing??) But we see this more "Jack Swan" Jack perform to himself in a gilded cage. SO. I think Treasure is showing how Nightswan wants to isolate and imprison Jack in this gilded cage where he's happy and the only thing he doesn't have is his freedom- which is why this Jack is so happy. This Jack doesn't have what saved him last time- his friends. He's performing to himself because that's the only person he'll have in this reality. Another thing- the emoji the JD team picked a trophy to symbolize this map. Trophies belong on a shelf- nit meant to be touched, taken down, or messed with.
His theater makeup missing is actually so important because Nightswan both literally and figuratively took away his ability to be perceived by others. Litteraly, the audience wouldn't be able to see his face. Figuratively, no one can see what's really going on with Jack since he's isolated and no one can save him this time.
Treasure isn't about Jack's ego or hin turning evil- its about Nightswan making the perfect son who can't leave this time... one she can treasure forever.
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harus-simp · 1 year
When you have a stan account dedicated to them
Jiwoong, Keita,Jongwoo,Taerae, Wumuti
Genre: fluff, but a little bit sad on some parts :((
Requested: How about Jongwoo, Jiwoong, Taerae, Keita (and anyone you want to add) reacting to you having a stan twitter account dedicated to them lol? (Anonymous)
Author's note: I think I didn't specify it as a twitter account in some of them,so I hope you're fine with it anon. I added Wumuti because I'm this close to create an account for him I'm not even joking, although it is a little bit sad so beware of it. Hope you like it :)) (Might be a little bit long haha I got carried away 😛)
The boys know that you've been supporting them for sure watching boys planet and that you've been rooting for them however, they didn't expect you to take your supporting that far.
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After days and hours of practice and hard work Jiwoong was able to take a breath as the dual position battle had finished. He felt so proud of being able to go to Mcountdown with his team at last,his efforts paying off.
He called you immediately excited to let you know about his week. You picked up really confused to his sudden call, but smiling about his happiness.
You asked him if you could spend a little time with him and go celebrate it to a nearby restaurant, you offering to treat him to which he accepted with a smile on his face, making him look like an idiot talking to his phone.
While waiting for you to arrive he decided to search his name on Twitter to see all the support he had been receiving from his fans. He looked at each one of the posts with such detail and care, as he though of how everyone had dedicated him time, so he opted for doing exactly the same.
While looking carefully at all the letters, messages and pictures, one particular post stood out to him, it was a picture with a short but sweet message attached to it:
-Not only my boy is an awesome actor but he's a really talented rapper, singer and dancer so please vote for him. Jiwoong hwaiting!!!
He found it so endearing and flattering how he was surrounded by amazing people who were willing to make him debut, however what caught his attention was the photo that followed the message.
He found it oddly familiar for some reason but couldn't figure out why, until he finally remembered, that was a photo he hadn't published in his social media, that was indeed a photo he had only sent to you to cheer you up on your exams.
His thoughts were interrupted by you calling his name from afar.
"Jiwoong"you called waving your hand at him.
He smiled fondly and reunited with you to go eat together, interlacing your hands in the process.
"How you doing, baby?"he asked you
"I should be asking you that you winner!"you responded giggling and expecting him to answer.
"Well, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions"
"Oh, I could definitely tell"
You guys continued with your conversation as you were eating,and when you were asking for dessert he confronted you about the post he found suspiciously similar to all you were telling him throughout the lunch, throwing him lots of compliments and sweet words.
Does the account Jiwoong's number one supporter sounds familiar to you?"he asked naturally.
You were taken aback for a moment right there, until you laughed awkwardly saying: "ha.ha.ha no, I don't know what that is"
"Well, that's funny cause I've only sent this photo to you" he said laughing it off and smiling cutely.
*Oh, I forgot about that*you thought to yourself.
He watched as the smiled was washed off from your face, realisation hitting you like a truck.
He awaited for a response as you finally buried your face in your hands, accepting defeat.
"So it really was you" he smiled dedicating you a look were he expressed all his admiration for you while taking your hands in his. "No need to be embarrassed about it love, I find it really cute"
You looked back at him and laughed softly at his antics: "Well it's not like I've told any lies there" you responded.
This only made Jiwoong want to pamper you with kisses till he was satisfied, but instead he sat at your side and hugged you tightly, as the later option was best for you to not be redder than you were, besides you were still in public.
"I'm so thankful y/nnie"he broke the hug and pecked you quickly on your forehead just before the desserts arrived.
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Being Keita is not an easy job, being that talented is difficult. How can someone be so good at everything? He's good at singing, dancing, rapping, producing his own songs. Lirerally perfection.
You as his girlfriend had always wandered how he could be such a perfect all rounder, but most importantly you always kept thinking how he could be yours.
However, as good as he was (like he excels at everything) he was also human, he struggled, he had his own worries and preoccupations. So when you caught him one day a little lower than usual you decided to listen to him and he decided to open up to you sincerely.
He talked about how Ciipher needed more support and that they weren't going through their best moments, although he sweetened it with other words, saying he wanted another challenge so he decided to audition to boys planet in search of an opportunity to debut.
And of course you supported him, how could you not? He deserved the entire world in your eyes and even more than that.
A few days after passing the auditions for the programme, he was preparing his song with the other japanese trainees "Zero for Conduct" and helping them as well with their korean.
When the practice ended he decided to visit you and rest for a while before going back to the doorms, where he was working with his team mates.
When he got to your house the first thing he did was look for you on the sofa, where he knew you were gonna be for sure watching a movie, a series or just scrolling through your phone, turns out the last option was the correct one.
You were so immersed on whatever you were doing you didn't even felt his presence behind you, making it a perfect opportunity for him to surprise you. He got close from behind with the intention of scaring you, however when he saw you were writing from an account by the name of keita's-simp he couldn't help but forget his plan and say out loud : "What are you doing right there?".
You jumped a little bit and looked back at him hiding your phone under a pillow.
"God damn Keita, don't scare me like that!"you told him back.
"No but seriously, what were you doing?"
"Oh, nothing important really, just watching videos honestly"
"So you are hiding your phone due to...?"he looked at you oddly.
"Due to you scaring the shit out of me?"you answered with an obvious expression.
He shrugged it off and accepted your response, although not very convinced of it.
After spending some time together just talking casually, you excused yourself for a moment to go the restroom. He wanted to take a look at whatever you were doing before, which he considered quite suspicious imo, but he wanted to respect your privacy. However, when he was about to continue with his activities your phone received a notification from that Twitter account,which he had seen previously. His curiosity gaining the best of him made him check out that little message, leading him to an account dedicated completely to him. He began scrolling through the posts revealing all kinds of sweet and short supporting messages.
He smiled revealing his cute little teeth and thinking of thousands of ways to tease his bae, until seeing that some of the posts dated from 2018 approximately. He was still a trainee back there so, he was confused, like really confused.
"Alright I'm ba-"you were saying when you saw him scrolling through your phone on your account.
"Are you looking through my things without my permission Mr Terazono?"you asked furrowing your eyebrows.
"Are you using an account named keita's-simp?"he asked you ironically and with a smug grin.
"Ye-, yes I am"you answered shyly.
"Then why are some posts so old?"
You sighed, knowing you couldn't escape the situation at all : "Well that' because YG TREASURE BOX started by that date".
He couldn't help but smile thinking of all the time you had been rooting for him : "Oh, really?"he raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner.
He got closer to you causing you to back off and fall to the sofa, as he then hugged you like a koala being on top of you.
"You don't have any idea of how thankful and blessed I am to have you"he said hiding his face
You just smiled at him and caressed his hair softly, making him fall asleep and not go back to his doorms, and although he was scolded, he didn't regret it in any way.
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Jongwoo had been struggling on his path through Boys Planet, and although he was fighting for his dreams,he didn't find it as easy as he thought.
At first, he started smoothly with his group having good reviews and feedback from the star masters, which gave him some hope about his future. However, as the revaluation came and his stars dropped he lost some confidence and self-esteem.
Later, the K vs G group battle begun, where he was able to portray a better version of himself. He was even questioned why his star were so low when he had the talent and the ability to do more, that felt great to him, being praised for your hard work was amazing and it made him feel very proud. And it all payed off as his team won and he got the privilege to go to Mcountdown.
Then, the dual position battle arrived and he was pushed from the team he wanted,hurting his pride on the process.He wanted that team so bad and it just slipped through his fingers like it was nothing. Nevertheless, he slayed his performance anyways and could win individually. He felt relieved once again and really joyful. How could he not when his purpose of debuting started to make sense.
That leave us to his next mission, the Artist battle. He worked so hard for his song, Over Me. He suggested choreo, lyrics and lead his team perfectly. So being kicked out of it felt so wrong, it hurted so much, it made him think that he worked for nothing. He wasn't able to fight for what he wanted. When he got to the Switch team, he was really discouraged so he decided to not apply for the killing part.
Right now, he was preparing for a little event with star creators, which somehow gave him the strength to continue and give an amazing performance. However, when the curtain fell there were more than star creators, there were everyone's family and friends. Jongwoo could distinguish his friends from everyone else filling with giddiness and excitement. They were performing before people they cared about, and that was everything that mattered to him.
When he got time to talk to his friends he felt nothing but pure happiness.
"Jongwoo, you are doing great!"commented one of his friends.
"Thank you so much for coming guys, I appreciate it so much"
"Yeah, we've been watching all your performances and all twitter support you"someone said.
"You have lots of fans that support you!"
He was so happy to hear that, no one could imagine.
"Speaking of, there is this particular account that I see literally everywhere, they are really big fans. Look here it is"they said as they showed him.
He looked carefully and realised something, that way of writing was really familiar to him, way too familiar. And then something suddenly clicked, that was his girlfriend's way of speaking right there. How could he be so bland? All this time in the programme and he didn't thought of you once, how could he be so self absorbed?
After that day, in which they discovered it was a evaluation from their relatives and friends, he decided (although not adequate) to sneek from the planet camp and go to your apartment. He might regret it later, but at the moment you were the only thing on his mind.
When he got there, he unlocked the door and saw you preparing some food for you to eat, he felt so lucky to have you in his life. He hugged you from behind, hiding his face on the crook of your neck while you smiled knowing already who was the one that initiated that sign of affection.
"Hey baby, how's everything going on boys planet?"you asked him while still cooking peacefully.
"..."he didn't answered but started kissing your neck softly instead.
"Hehe that tickles"
You stopped smiling once you started to hear a silent whimpering sound.
"Hey Jongwoo, what's wrong?"you asked him as you stopped everything you were doing and turned around to see his face.
"Nothing, it's just-"
"Come on tell me" you encouraged him while whipping off his tears softly.
"It has been really hard, and I've just been so concentrated on winning that I forgot about my own girlfriend's existence, I've just missed you so much but couldn't think of it myself and-"
You silenced him by pressing a soft and sweet kiss on his lips, he corresponded eagerly and once you pulled apart you said to him: "Look, I'm not mad at that, I understand how hard it has been for you and all the hard work you've put in every single performance".
"Yes, but seeing your account has hitted my sensible spot"he said.
"Hahaha, you know I'll always be your number 1 fan. I'm so proud of you for raising so much on the rankings and having so much support from star creators".
"You are amazing, you know that? But jongwoo's-wifey, really?"he teased you.
You blushed at his remark.
"Well, I'm just being a fan, what do you expect?"
He giggled silently and got closer to your ear saying: "Well, if so you must call me your husbie"
You turned redder than a tomatoe if that was even possible, getting away from him and hitting his arm playfully.
Did he mean it? We'll never know 👀
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It had been a really tiring day for Taerae, practising por Switch was nothing but easy. It was complicated for him as his dancing didn't stood out as the best, but could you ever be mad at it? No, his singing made up for it tho (and the dance is really fast paced, so💀💀💀).
He practiced and practiced and practiced, and practiced once again lead by phanbin,a really detailed person and a perfectionist, but at least being as strict as he was with the dance moves was helping him improve in some way.
All the hours and effort he had put into the performance were starting to make everyone tired, so phanbin decided to let everyone go home and rest for the next day.
When Taerae finally got home, he couldn't help but wanting to take a shower and just sleep for 3 days straight. So that's exactly what he did. He took a cold shower as he had sweated so much and as he was changing to something comfortable you got home being greeted warmly by your boyfriend.
"Hey y/nnie, how was work?"he asked you
"Exhausting actually, how's your practice for the Artist battle going tae?
"I can't wait for you to see it" he smiled brightly at you.
After showering and changing clothes as well, you both decided to just go with a session of cuddles and a movie for you to rest from your respective work and to just enjoy your time with each other.
You put a silly rom com to lighten your moods and basically to have it as background noises as you knew perfectly you would just talk through it.
You were resting your head on taerae's chest as he had his arms wrapped around you securely and protectively, leaving you reassured of nothing bad happening to you.
Right after finishing the movie (it was really bad, like horribly made), you excused yourself to go to the kitchen for a snack, he decided to enter Twitter and see what all star creators were up to. He saw from letters to drawings to threads looking carefully at every post were he was being showered with love and affection from his fans. However, he saw an account that looked familiar,it was his more loyal fan account taerae's-dimples.
He laughed once again at the silly name the person had opted to name the account. However, there was something really heartfelt about the way that the posts were made.
Not only did they complimented his physique and his looks, but they also bragged about their vocals and the way he had improved his dancing, knowing himself he wasn't a perfect dancer he appreciated it a lot.
They talked about how he laughed when he was with Junhyeon, about his adorable and lovely smile, his cute dimples, his amazing personality,how he was loved by lots of star creators, and the list goes on.
He was grateful for all his fans, but something about that particular person, just made him really like them .
So was his admiration for them that he decided to thank them personally (well not like face to face) using wake one's account. He slid through their dm's writing a short but sentimental message to them that could express all his feelings towards them.
He then pressed the send button and smiled satisfied of his little act of service, when suddenly your phone rang with a notification. He actually didn't pay much attention to that til you came back with some pizza and pop corn for you to eat while watching another film you both had chosen.
While eating, you checked your phone and saw Taerae's message:
-Thank you so much dear fan, thank you for always being there for me and supporting me in every way you can. It means so much to me, I'll show you a better version of myself. Hwaiting!!
You chuckled and laughed internally at Taerae, he was so sweet with everyone it made you fell more for him. You turned around and said to him:
"You can't be cuter seriously"
"Your way of thanking your fans is adorable"
He looked at you confused as you showed him his message on your account.
He couldn't believe it, all this time and it was you.
"That was you?"
He started laughing uncontrollably and looked at you with his mouth opened.
"Really,why are you like this?"he asked sighing.
Now you were the confused one: "huh?"
"You were making me fall in love over again, I can't stand you" he said while bringing you to his arms, too embarrassed to let go.
You giggled softly and hugged him back : "I'm just simply too cute"
"You sure are darling"
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The 2nd elimination had finished in boys planet and it was a little bit disappointing for you, a loyal supporter of your boy Wumuti. Placing 34th felt so close yet so far, feeling sad about it and can't help but worring of his current state as well, if it was hard for you to watch you couldn't imagine how hard was for him to experience.
There were a mix of emotions on the pit of your stomach, sadness, anger,pity, empathy, to name but a few.
You knew he wanted this so bad and seeing all his efforts on the Switch team being gripped out of him felt so wrong. Hearing him say he couldn't see the performance if he wasn't there was tough as well and you felt so bad for him.
However, this was not the end, you knew it perfectly. Now he had lots of more fans who supported him making you feel like all your promoting didn't go to waste. Yes, you did have an account dedicated to him, how else would you help him be voted by star creators? Your main purpose was to help him raise in rankings, but the most important was to be there for him as his number 1 fan and help him be happy chasing after his dreams.
Right after this, you decided to not be discouraged and still ask people to support him everywhere he went and with everything he did.
You suddenly heard the bell ringing, making you leave your phone immediately and run to the door suspecting who was gonna be at your door. When you opened it your guesses were right, it was Wumuti himself waiting for you to let him inside. He was standing there with a serious expression that changed when you opened the door to the biggest grin you had ever seen in your entire life.
"Babyyyy, I've missed you so muchhhh"he said hugging you tightly, a hug that expressed perfectly all his emotions.
You hugged him with the same passion throwing yourself at him in order to not have any space left between both of you.
"I've missed you moreeee, let's go inside first"you insisted.
As you entered your apartment you gave him a sweet kiss which he gladly accepted smiling right into it.
"I can't believe they've eliminated you when I've been working my ass off to promote you, people are blind I swear to God!"you finally let out your irritated state.
"Promote me?"he asked, confusion being present in his features.
"Yes,I think I've never used Twitter so much in my entire life, I have probably used it more in 2 months than ever"you showed him your phone with your account.
"Wumuti-ti-ti's-girl? Do you have an account for me?"he asked shocked, he really wasn't expecting that.
"Of course, what did you expect from me?
In that moment he felt the luckiest person on earth, wondering how could he deserve you and all your love for him.
He felt so overwhelmed by it tears started to fall from his eyes, we don't know if they were from sadness from being eliminated or from happiness from having you on his side or from both of them.
When you saw him like that you absolutely panicked at first, but you snapped out of it and brought him to your arms carresing his hair softly.
"Shhh it's okay baby, just take your time"
Instead of hugging you back he just (gonna die) let you comfort him telling him sweet words filled with truth on them.
When he finally stopped crying he separated his face from your shoulder and made eye contact with you dedicating you a soft smile that melted you.
"You mean so much to me you don't have any idea, I don't know what I'd do without you"he said sincerely.
"Well, you probably wouldn't do much"you said teasing him.
"But, I love you like that"you told him kissing his cheek.
"I love you too"
"Now let's talk why certain people don't deserve to be there as much as you do"
"Babe, no-"
"No yes, I will fight Mnet and some star creators I swear it".
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hwabang · 10 months
in your “cake” scenario you said something about the other enha members also desiring idol!reader. can we have a scenario inspired by that? like jungwon finds out he’s not the the only one in his group who admires/has a crush on reader? and possibly has to make a move on you before the others do
Just Look At Me - Yang Jungwon
Genre: a smidgen of angst and light suggestiveness but mainly fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, idol!reader x idol!jungwon, '03 reader, friends to lovers, mentions of touching, praising, dom jungwon ig?, jungwon is flirtyyyy, jealous!jungwon, insecure!jungwon, avg height reader, self indulgent w my bias line, mention of a hand kink oop, enhypen talking ab reader being hot and kind of objectifying reader
Author’s Note: anon i love the way you think😉 guys i'm LOVING all the jungwon requests keep 'em coming! also i tried to write in a way that this can be read on it's own or as a continuation to 'Cake'. let me know what you think!
Author's Note: Sort of a continuation of 'Cake' although this can be read on its own too. And this is for those who want to watch KARD's 'Cake' Dance Practice.
(gif not mine!)
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Your cover of KARD's 'Cake' with Jungwon was coming out today and you couldn't be more nervous than you were right now.
You were a good singer but definitely felt pretty self-conscious covering 'Cake', as both Somin and Jiwoo's voices are so unique and you were scared you wouldn't be able to match their energy.
Probably the biggest thing you were scared of was the reaction of fans and netizens. You had hinted at your special video about two weeks ago; during a live a fan commented asking for all of your members to give a spoiler as to what they had planned for their 2nd anniversary gift to fans, and you mentioned doing a hot dance cover with a male idol. Everyone was going crazy trying to figure out who this male idol could be but nobody had any clue which made you more nervous. You were hoping you and Jungwon didn't receive too much backlash for this.
The only part of this whole collab with Jungwon you were confident about was the dance. You're the main dancer of your group and this style of choreography is what you're best at. But even though you were positive from the beginning that you'd kill the choreo, you were constantly getting flustered and it was all because of Jungwon.
Jungwon's only condition to helping you with this collab was that you'd go on a date with him and give him a chance. He'd been pinning after you for a while at that point, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try right?
And so you did. The day after that conversation took place Jungwon had planned a very romantic date with you. First he took you to this beautiful rooftop garden cafe in the heart of Gangnam. Then, staying on the nature theme, he took you to a rose garden nearby. You two walked around for a bit and talked, enjoying this one on one time with each other. After enjoying the garden and clicking a few pictures, you two made your way into Hongdae for the night as that night there was a cultural food festival happening with street food from all around the world. Jungwon knew how much you loved learning about different cultures, and you were both foodies, so it was the perfect end to a perfect date.
After that you two didn't talk about where you'd go from there anymore. You two had gotten quite busy with this collab, as you had less than a month to learn the song, record it, then learn the dance, record it.
But Jungwon didn't make it easy for you. Grabbing your waist and hips whenever he'd walk by you, pecking your lips while resting his hand on your ass after each run through of the song, hugging you from behind as you monitored the recordings, hugging you and hiding his face in your neck when he got turned on from dancing, grazing his hand against your chest, holding your hand whenever he got the chance, and leaving sweet kisses on your cheek to encourage you. And let's not forget the nicknames and the praises he'd give you after a successful practice. "You did a good job princess", "What do you think baby, we can go one more time right?", "Wow, you do that move really well my pretty girl", "Good girl, you did well".
It was pure torture for your heart and your hormones.
So yeah the video was coming out today and you were nervous. I guess you're expecting Jungwon to be nervous too right? I mean ENGENES might go insane seeing this and he might be scared of receiving a lot of backlash.
Since he woke up this motherfucker had the biggest shit eating grin on his face, prancing around his dorm just counting down the minutes before the video is released.
Finally it was time so all of ENHYPEN sat around the living room, pulling the video up on their TV.
"Alright~," Jake cheered. "I'm so excited, let's go." He pressed play and all the members focused on the video.
Everyone pretty much had the same reaction as the video went out. Most of the members were pretty quiet, jaws slack except for the occasional gasps and small commentary. Sunoo's hand was over his mouth and he was the one talking the most, things like "Jungwon-ah seriously?! Wah this is too much!" leaving his mouth. Niki just kept laughing while Jungwon sat there with the proudest smirk on his face.
After it ended he paused the video. "So, what did you all think of our collab?"
Jay just shook his head with a shocked expression on his face. "Man.. I don't know how you were able to keep your cool Won-ah."
Heeseung hummed, eyes still trained on the now black TV screen. "I don't know what I'd do if I was the one in your place.. I'd probably be too nervous to even go through with it."
Jungwon wasn't stupid and he wasn't blind either. You're beautiful, you're hot, you're desirable. He knew his members thought so as well but they had never expressed it that much until today.
Jake bit his lips and rolled his eyes, slouching on the couch and almost falling off of it as he groaned. "Don't put that image in my mind Hyung! God I wish she asked me instead of Jungwon. She's so hot I would feel so honored if she asked me to do this dance with her."
"You wouldn't know what to do with her," Sunghoon teased.
"And you would?" Heeseung scoffed. "If anything, it would be me or Jay if not Jungwon."
"What about me?" Niki suggested. "I'm the best dancer out of all of you."
Sunoo glared at him and hit his shoulder. "You're still a baby."
Niki shrugged. "Still know when to appreciate a pretty girl though."
Jungwon clenched his jaw, deciding if he should step in now and use his leader card or not. Technically you two weren't official yet so he couldn't even prevent his members from fanboying over you.
"Stop it guys," Jungwon lightly scolded. "We shouldn't talk about her in that way."
"Oh you don't get a say in this," Jay defended. "You got the luckiest out of all of us, let us fanboy in peace."
"Well hurry up," he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "She's coming over soon and I don't want her to hear you guys objectifying her."
Jake's eyes widened at his leader's words. "Eh?! Y/N is coming here?!"
Jungwon nodded. "Yeah, we're hanging out."
Jungwon wanted to tell them that this was technically a 2nd date, but he didn't know if you wanted anyone to know you two are seeing each other yet.
Jake screamed excitedly and started hitting Heeseung's shoulder. "Hyung! Hyung! Do you think I should ask her out?"
Jungwon's eyes widened. Jake liked you??
Heeseung had his arms crossed and he just laughed amusedly at Jake. "You really think you're her type? I'm her bias!
"Actually she biases me too," Jay corrected.
"Actually she biases all three of us.." Jungwon mumbled but no one heard him.
Jake nodded. "But she said in an interview that she finds Australian accents the hottest, specifically Brisbane accents. And where am I from? Brisbane Australia, that's right baby~."
"She also likes tall guys older than her," Heeseung said. "I'm the tallest and oldest here."
"We have more things in common and our values match the best," Jay argued.
Sunghoon just crossed his arms and laughed, shaking his head at the craziness ensuing. He eyed Jungwon who was sitting there with a pout on his face and laughed even more. "Imma stay out of this one, looks like she has enough suitors after her anyways."
Of course Sunghoon thought you were pretty and would have liked to get closer to you in a romantic setting, but under different circumstances. He was one of Jungwon's roommates, Sunghoon along with Niki and Sunoo knew well Jungwon had a huge crush on you.
The three eldest continued bickering as Jungwon just sat there listening to them, his mood having been completely shifted from earlier. This went on until the doorbell rang and everyone froze.
"Shit," Jake said. "That's her isn't it? Fuck do I look good?"
"Why would you need to look good when I'm the one she needs to focus on," Heeseung retorted as he opened his phone camera to fix his hair.
"Yah someone get the door don't make her wait!" Jay yelled.
Being closest to the door Niki got up to open it for you. "Hey Noona," he greeted.
"Hi Niki!" you chirped. You walked inside and took your shoes off, seeing all the guys sat there. "Ah, you're all here, hey!"
Everyone greeted you as you placed your bag down. You expected Jungwon to be more enthusiastic seeing you but all he did was mutter a 'hello'.
"Hey Y/N!" Jake greeted. "Come sit here."
You were gonna sit next to Jungwon, but seeing there's more space near Jake you went there instead.
Completely missing how Jungwon balled his fists up.
"So we just watched your collab with Jungwon," Jay started. "You both did really well! And you looked absolutely stunning by the way."
You blushed from the pair of 8 eyes on you. "Th-thank you Oppa.."
"Yah, are we making you blush?" Heeseung asked smirking.
"N-no!" you firmly denied but your sudden red cheeks gave it away. "It's just... hot."
"It's 'cuz I'm next to you huh," Jake teased making you giggle.
Jungwon rolled his eyes and stood up abruptly, making everyone look to him but his eyes were only on you. "I'll be in my room. Let me know when you wanna hang out with me."
Everyone stopped what they were doing, exchanging weird glances before they went back to some other topic of conversation. You couldn't focus so you also got up, excusing yourself as you made your way to Jungwon's room and knocked on the door.
"Come in."
You walked in and saw him laying down in his bed, scrolling through his phone. "Hey Won.."
He glanced at you then went back on his phone. "What's up?"
"You okay?" You didn't want to bother him incase he was mad at you so you opted to sit on the edge Sunghoon's bed. "You just kinda up and left.. barely acknowledged me too."
Jungwon spared you another glance before he sighed and sat up, swinging his legs over so he was also on the edge of his bed. "If you're gonna come and check on me, at least don't do it while sitting on another man's bed."
You immediately realized what was wrong, getting up and sitting right next to Jungwon. You boldly grabbed his hand and caressed it. "Jungwon-ah, what's going on? I feel like you don't wanna hang out anymore."
He let out another sigh as he gathered his feelings. "Sorry Y/N I.. I just got j-jealous.."
"Jealous? Of me sitting next to Jake? I wanted to come next to you but he offered and –"
"Not just that," he interrupted. "Before you came we were watching the 'Cake' dance cover, and my Hyungs seemed to have really taken a liking towards you."
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. "Is that so?"
He nodded as a pout started forming on his pink lips. "Then Jake Hyung said he wanted to ask you out."
"What?!" you said shocked. "Jake wants to ask me out??"
Jungwon glared at you. "Yah.. why do you seem so excited?"
You giggled at his reaction and shook your head. "Not excited, just surprised. I didn't think he had a thing for me."
"They all do!" he groaned as he ran his hand through his hair. "Heeseung Hyung, Jay Hyung, and Jake Hyung at least."
"So why didn't you tell them we were going on our 2nd date today?"
"I was gonna, it was on the tip of my tongue. But then I thought about you and how maybe you'd wanna keep it private so I said nothing. But then they kept talking and I realized.. maybe I'm not as good for you as I thought I was."
You tilted your head in confusion. "Jungwon what the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about your ideal type. You like taller and older guys; I'm barely taller than you and I'm younger than you. Heeseung Hyung is both of those. You find Australian accents very sexy; Jake Hyung has that and I can barely even speak English. Your values, your upbringings, your mentality is so mature; I think I'm mature but your maturity level matches Jay Hyung the most. You have a thing for hands.. and all three of them have such pretty hands even ENGENE go crazy over them... I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.."
You were shocked at Jungwon's outburst and decided to wrap his arm around your shoulder and wrap yours around his torso as you leaned into him. Jungwon gladly accept the side hug and you two stayed there a while basking in the silence. "Jungwon-ah," you called looking up at him. "An ideal type is honestly so unrealistic. I think it's nearly impossible to find one person that'll 100% match your ideal type. I mean just take mine as an example; you just named three different people in your group that have different qualities off my ideal type list. Not one member matches everything I want."
Jungwon shrugged. "Yeah you're right.. I think that made me feel better."
"Also, why are you putting yourself down like that? You're taller than me, you speak English very well! Who cares if you don't have an Australian accent? Your voice is hot on its own. And as far as your hands go.. well, I think you have very nice hands."
Jungwon raised an eyebrow as he smirked. "Oh yeah? Tell me more about that."
You hummed as you cuddle into Jungwon more. "I think I should wait on that till we have a bit more privacy. What I feel about your hands is not exactly.. rated PG."
Jungwon's smirk was wiped off his face and replaced with a cute dimple smile when you cupped his face in your hands.
"Jungwon-ah.. I want you. Not your members but you. Haven't I made that clear enough?"
He nodded. "You did baby, you did... I'm sorry I just let jealousy control my thoughts like that. When we decide to become official then I promise I'll work on it."
You frowned. "When? Are you really gonna let such a perfect moment like this go to waste?"
Jungwon's eyes widened. "Y-you mean if I ask you now you'll say yes?"
"Well you gotta try right?" you said playfully rolling your eyes.
Jungwon giggled and pecked your lips. "My sweet sweet baby, will you officially become my girlfriend?" Your response was a long kiss in return. Once you pulled away Jungwon kissed your cheek. "You ready to go on that date now my love?"
You nodded, standing up and pulling him with you. "Yup, let's go."
"Ah before that, we gotta stop in the living room so I can brag to my members about you being my girlfriend."
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maryellencarter · 3 days
Leia found a Youtube channel that has a lot of classic NHL games (filmed on potatoes of course as the NHL is wont to do) and now that I have glasses --
-- did I mention I had to get glasses to pass my vision test to get my ID? Anyway now that I have glasses it turns out I can usually read the jersey numbers so I don't have to rely on telling the players apart by their body language and playstyle.
So I've been watching Wayne Gretzky, who I swear had eyes on the end of his hockey stick to get some of the shot angles he got, moved like a roller skater, fell like a martial artist, let the puck chase him instead of the other way around...
We've been doing good work on our current X-wing story with comparing different pilots' flying styles to the playstyles of hockey greats, since I let Leia try to get me into the hockey a while back and it turned out I get very *specific* with my analyses of certain players (since I'm coming at it from a background of soccer, a little ballet and karate, and watching other people figure skate). "Wedge Antilles flies like Sidney Crosby skates" was not the take I expected to come up with but it honestly really helps?
Anyway I wanted to watch some Gretzky because, you know, he is the standard by which all other hockey players are measured, and I was hoping to maybe come up with some more insights about starfighter piloting, but the main thing I've got is that he was playing more *ice* hockey than anybody else. Definitely anybody else on the rink, possibly anybody else ever.
What do I mean by that? Well, of course, hockey skating is a balance of the goals of the other two kinds of ice skating. Figure skaters (and ice dancers, pairs skaters, that whole category) are about Must Be Graceful/Precise. Speed skaters are of course about Gotta Go Fast. Hockey is about *maneuverability* -- you're fast to catch the puck and make it go where the other team is not, but the most important thing is making the puck go to Destinations, and the second most important thing is keeping the other players from sending you to Destinations (such as the boards, the penalty box, or the hospital).
So anyway, a lot of hockey players, when they're trying to catch the puck, they're basically sprinting down the ice, pumping their elbows and usually flailing their stick to some extent. They're treating the ice like a floor that happens to be slippery, and their skate blades as how they compensate for the slippery. They'd do just as well or better playing field hockey.
Gretzky would have been, I think, absolutely terrible at field hockey. He did not run on the ice. He worked *with* it. He didn't go flailing after the puck -- he kept his center of gravity very controlled in general, his stops were very clean and he played almost crouched a lot of the time -- and while he was waiting for the puck to pop out of a scrum against the boards, he'd be gliding along doing those little wiggles a figure skater uses to build speed, or just moving forward like he was on wheels instead of blades. When he had the puck and was trying to hustle it down to the net, he'd do these smooth crossovers like a figure skater or a rollerblade dancer, keeping his momentum perfectly in line with his center of gravity, no wasted energy at all.
None of which is directly translatable to starfighter tactics, and yet I think it might be helping. It's really hard to articulate what makes Luke Skywalker a good pilot other than he has the Force plus Skywalker recklessness. But I think... I think it's not inaccurate to say that he's just working on a slightly different surface than everybody else?
Like. I don't know if that makes any sense. The other players were running on a floor that was fighting them. Gretzky was *skating*. Luke is flying through the same space as everyone around him, in one sense, but he's also interacting differently with that space -- the Force makes him more able to connect to what's around him and work with it instead of having to fight it.
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Hi! I was wondering if maybe you could make a masququerade themed story with possible smut. A Mammon x Fem reader
"Masquerade" Obey me! Mammon smut
☁ My tumblr broke for some reason so that's cool. Now I'm delayed on all of my requests... Anyways, thank you so much for this idea, it was a pleasure to write ^^
Mammon x fem!Reader (wears a dress)
tw: unprotected sex, quickie, exhibitionism, mentions of cum, dirty talk
+18, minors please don't interact with this post, thank you!
wc: 1450
You've found yourself a comfortable spot where you could observe the party from a safe distance and where demons were less likely to come up to you and disturb you. You were hunched up by a pillar with one hand caressing its cold surface and the other one holding gracefully an almost empty glass of red liquor.
Obviously, there is one demon who's able to hunt you down in any given place, no matter how much you would want to avoid his loud and obnoxious presence.
"Y/N! There you are!" Mammon chirps happily from behind you, which makes you jump in surprise, resulting in you almost spilling the leftover demonus all over yourself.
"Mammon, you scared me to death," you say after turning around to face him.
You are both wearing masks but you couldn't mistake him for another demon as his was covered in pure gold with crow feathers sticking from its top and a delicately placed gem above his nose. Can't forget the widely open button-up shirt, exposing his chest that at this point became a signature of his style. Only the Avatar of Greed could be this extra.
"Are ya hidin'? Were those lower-class demons pickin' on you? 'Cause if yes, they sure have the nerve to bother The Great Mammon's human!" he gives you the talk completely unasked, but you appreciate it nonetheless because that unrealized overprotectiveness of his is what makes you smile so widely as you do right now.
"I was just enjoying some high-quality demonus. And speaking of which, you look like you've had quite enough of that."
You take a glance at his figure; he's standing proudly but without that pillar there he could be having a harder time. He's leaning against it, ogling your elegant dress with a corset that hugs your ribcage tightly, pushing your breasts slightly up.
"I just had a sip." His answer has little to do with the reality as he clearly had more than that. However, Mammon was always the type of demon that could handle his liquor.
The ball hosted by The Demon Prince was of a formal nature and the music represented that with its calm and classical tunes but now an even slower song came on, encouraging the quests to combine in pairs and slow dance with their mysterious, masked partners.
You look over at Mammon without any reason behind it. His thoughts seem to be chaotic because he immediately blushes when his eyes meet yours.
"Why are ya lookin' at me like that? It's not like I wanted to ask ya to dance with me or somethin' but if you want it so bad then I guess I can do a little favor for ya," he says in a rush and grabs your wrist to drag you behind him to the dance floor. Not a single word has fallen from your lips and yet he managed to come up with a justification to ask you to dance.
When you find an adequate spot to blend in with the other pairs, Mammon grabs you by the waist, his touch makes your heart skip a beat, and with his other hand, he guides your arm into the right position, gently holding your smaller in comparison palm. You hesitantly place your other hand on his broad shoulder, which for some reason makes him lose his composure.
It takes you a moment to match the rhythm but slowly your heels blend in with the music thanks to the demon's perfect lead. You're certain he could make anyone a dancer.
In this very moment, he's mature and sweet, presented to you in a completely different light. Your sight stays glued to his face, lid with the warmth of the candles, dreamily analyzing every detail of it, while he's averting your eyes, doing everything in his power to not look at you as he might not be able to handle it.
But he can't avoid you forever. He so desperately wants to gaze upon your beauty so he caves in. Your eyes met once again this evening but this time an unfamiliar spark ignites within your chests.
You didn't realize before how far you've drifted away from your previous spot on the dancefloor. You've left everyone behind and Mammon takes this chance to interlock your fingers together and drag you down a hallway, far from the other guests' vision.
The moment you're alone, he grabs your face in both hands, closes his eyes shut, and places his lips on yours, hungrily demanding access to your mouth so he can brush your tongue against his, at which you moan in surprise.
With his every step forward, you take one back, until you meet a hard surface, which turns out the be a huge, glass window to the royal garden. You reach for the red, velvet curtain, thinking it might help you keep your balance but Mammon steals it from your hand and with a swift move closes it behind your connected bodies, just barely hiding your presence.
"Do ya have any idea how hot you're lookin' in that dress and a mask on?" he mumbles while taking a short break from kissing you to catch his escaping breath. "You don't know how much I want to tear it off and fuck ya senseless."
Your knees feel weak upon hearing these words fall from his lips. Truthfully, you had no idea what was running through his mind when your bodies were brushing against one another during that romantic dance a minute ago, but now you begin to think that you shared a similar idea.
While your hands massage Mammon's shoulders in a heated makeout session, his are wandering around the hem of your dress, nervously trying to lift it up in order to free your legs from the fabric that's blocking the access to your underwear, which he so desperately wants off of you.
His palm sneaks under your thigh and lifts your leg so that you can wrap it around his hips. He helps you with the other one as well and now you're held only by the strength of your legs and his grip on your ass.
He carefully pushes your panties aside as far as he can and aligns himself with your hole. You can't help but press your pussy against the smooth tip of his penis, driving yourself mad with how badly you want to feel it stretch your walls and brush against your g-spot.
The demon penetrates you slowly, taking his time with you, getting drunk on the feeling of your warmth around his length. It fits perfectly like it was made for you.
"Mammon, someone might spot us," you moan, digging your nails into his blazer and scrunching up the fabric.
"Shh," he hushes you in a soft tone. "Don't worry about it and focus on me."
The first thrust almost sends you over the edge. You gasp and hide your burning red face in the crook of his neck that you roughly nib at, while he pushes his cock in and out of you at a slow pace, but it doesn't take long to make him forget about being gentle.
His hips start moving faster and faster and so is his chest. He struggles to catch a solid breath, forgetting that the air is necessary when the only thing on his mind right now is how good you feel and how even better it would be when you finally cum on his cock.
"Atta girl, ride it."
And so you wiggle, doing everything in your power to lead to your orgasm, which isn't a hard task given how absolutely smitten you're by each other. You can feel it getting closer with every horizontal movement of your lower half and each brush against your velvety walls. Not to mention Mammon's sweet moans, which ring nicely in your ear.
His throaty groans mix with high-pitched whines and in a moment your insides are filled with his white, thick cum. The sensation caused by his semen shooting from his tip quickly drives you to your own orgasm, which you try to soften by gripping his white strands of hair and by tugging at his clothes.
"Oh my god, you're so fuckin' tight when you're comin', holy shit!" he gibbers, pointing out how your pussy spasms around his length until you calm down and finally set your trembling feet on the ground. "Was that good, Y/N? Are ya able to come back to the main event?"
"Definitely not. Not with your cum running down my thighs," you answer calmly with a hint of mockery, while still holding onto the demon's shoulders for support.
"Yeah, right. Let's get you to The House of Lamentation then."
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hyunjins-goddess · 11 months
"You Know I Can't Leave You Alone..."
A Hwang Hyunjin fanfic based on the song, Red Lights...🥀
(First ever Hyunjin fanfic, I'm shitting bricks lololol)
Is this a game you really want to play with me? You don't know who you're fucking with. You thought, eyes burning into his soul as your jaw clenched, heel tapping in time to the beat of the music.
It was like he was able to read your mind.
Due to the fact that one eyebrow was raised and a smug smirk played on his lips.
You were sat outside of the booth on a chair, leg crossed infront of the other.
He was leaning up against the bar.
Your body felt as if there was an itch you needed to scratch as you glared at each other.
Pulses were quickening, skin was perspiring, yet all you two were doing was staring each other down. Daring one another to make a fucking move.
This godforsaken man you were glowering at was Hwang Hyunjin. His name alone made your temper flare, pussy glisten. A man who must have been kissed by Aphrodite herself.
Inky dipped locks that sported a trendy half up half down hairstyle, strands of hair that cascaded down his prominent cheekbones and framed his sharp jawline. Feline shaped eyes with onyx irises, a beauty mark just below his left eye, it was like a stamp confirming his ethereal beauty. Sensual full lips that looked as if they had been tinted by a rose, texture of its petals.
Standing at 5'10, he was adorned in a satin white shirt that made his slightly tanned skin glow. The shirt really put emphasis on his broad shoulders, black dress pants alluding to his trim waist.
Anyone could tell he was a dancer.
His lean figure and walk made him look like a panther, his predatory gaze locked onto you confirming this.
Your glare never faltered even when a different man approached you, settling into your personal space to tell you how he thought you were absolutely gorgeous, the confession being spilled right into your ear as the music was just so loud that he had no choice but to be within your proximity for you to hear him.
Hyunjin visibly swallowed at this interaction.
Your eyes flashed as if to challenge him and you keened at how Hyunjin was reacting to you getting this attention. You smirked dangerously, continuing to allow the man to babble nonsense in your ear.
What are you gonna do about it pretty boy? You mouthed at Hyunjin in a taunting manner, body breaking out into goosebumps all over as you witnessed him striding over to you.
Your smirk never left as you thanked the other man, politely declining his offer of getting you a drink.
Time seems to fast forward as Hyunjin suddenly grips your arm and you find yourself being thrown up against a bathroom cubicle door, your back arches against it as he locks it.
"Care to tell me what the fuck you were playing at out there?" Hyunjin spat as he towered over you.
Your smirk widened. "He was just being nice. What's wrong with that?"
Oh that rattled him. "Oh yeah? Nice, huh? Were you gonna fuck him? Cause he was just so nice?"
Oof, the audacity.
"Oh PLEASE Hyunjin, cut the shit. You're acting as if I've haven't seen the way women throw themselves at you, you don't seem to mind that."
He smirked. "Oh? Jealous are we?"
You bristled. "No. Just calling you out on your own bullshit."
His face came closer to yours and your thighs clamped together as his breath mingled with yours. "Listen to me and listen to me very carefully." His lips were so close to yours, he could almost speak into your mouth. "You're mine. I can barely function properly, I feel like I'm out of control. I'm staying up all night because I can't get you out of my head. You own my sleepless night, you own my thoughts...You own me..."
Your breathing hitched as you were transfixed with the way his mouth was moving, the rasp in his voice putting you under his spell again.
"I feel like I'm going crazy over you and I know you feel the same, give in to me." Hyunjin almost whined and you were close to reciprocating it. "Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is you."
"I hate you..." You whined, hands bunching into his shirt, pulling his body closer to yours.
In seconds his lips were devouring yours, teeth clashing and biting, moans spilling out into each other's mouths as you ravaged each other. His hands gripped at your face as you pulled him even tighter to your body.
You let out a gasp as he kicked your feet to spread your legs wider, shoving his thigh up against your core. You whimpered unashamedly.
"Tell me again that you hate me baby." Hyunjin rasped against your neck as he kissed, bit and licked at the marks he was printing on you.
"I hate you Hyunjin..." You moaned out, rutting your hips at his thigh like an animal in heat, causing him to growl.
You could feel the hard print of his dick throbbing against you as he hiked up your dress, ripping at the fabric that barely concealed your core. His fingers slid into you easily due to your leaking arousal, you bit down onto his neck to muffle your moans as his fingers hooked into a come hither motion, pressing against that spot that had your eyes rolling back into your head. You could feel the growl build up in Hyunjin's chest and suddenly he was slipping down, keeping a firm grip on you.
You covered your mouth and almost screamed as those lips latched onto your clit, sucking it with gentle pressure to make your back arch.
He moaned against your pussy, causing vibrations as your hands scrambled into his hair, pulling at his scalp.
"Fuck Hyunjin, don't stop..." You pleaded with him as too soon you felt that familiar knot in your stomach, legs shaking as you ended up riding on his face.
His eyes never stopped looking at you, marvelling at the way you were pretty much thrashing against the cubicle door as you finally released into his mouth.
Hyunjin gently kissed your core to calm you down and ground you, he spoke against you.
"I'm yours, Y/N."
Thank you so so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed! Again this is my first Hyunjin fanfic, I'm thinking about writing for all of them, so please go easy on me okay? Lololol
May make a part 2 to this? Again thank you so much, I hope you are well and taking care of yourself 🩷
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justfangirlstuffs · 1 year
Hands Full
Parties and social events are the worst. You never know what to do with yourself. At least, not until you happen to catch the eye of a certain fellow agent.
You x Dawn
You leaned against the wall, fiddling with your wine glass, eyes scoping the party. You weren't a huge fan of these sorts of affairs. You were good when it came to sleuthing, schmoozing was another story entirely. Your social skills were awkward at best and disastrous at worst. You take a small sip of your wine, just for something to do. You sighed, wishing you had a watch to check, but that might make the hour crawl by even slower.
As you scanned the room, you caught sight of a prominent figure amongst the crowd. He was difficult to miss, due to his literal build. He was not only sunny in disposition, but in appearance as well, with a pleasant smile almost always plastered on. Agent Dawn, a natural schmoozer, was as likable as they came. So, it caught you off guard, when his gaze found yours, as though his agent senses had sensed your stare.
Quickly averting your gaze, you fixated on the wine glass in your hands, feeling the temperature of your face rising. You felt silly. You'd think being an agent would have helped you to get over your awkwardness but... nope. Apparently, that was a skill on its own when it came to you. Just focus on getting through the party. Focus on that.
You heard footsteps approach and a sun-shaped silhouette appeared on the surface of your wine. You froze as you heard the gentle, “Ahem,” a mimicry of clearing a throat that he didn't have.
Taking a deep breath, determined not to make a total and utter fool of yourself, you tilt your chin up to see Agent Dawn himself standing before you. No animatronic should be able to make a suit look that good.
“Why hello there,” he greeted amicably. It was a gentle enough greeting, and he was keeping an unobtrusive distance for the moment. “Enjoying the party?”
“It's fine,” you mumbled. You cleared your throat, repeating it a little louder.
“You look bored to tears over here,” he observed. His stance was relaxed, at ease, as though chatting with an old friend. It helped put you a little more at ease as well.
“This...” you gestured at the party. “Really isn't my scene. Not a whole lot to do.”
“There's plenty to do if you know what to look for,” Dawn replied. He made a very gentle wave toward the ballroom floor. “Dancing, for example. I've found that's a fun way to pass the time.”
“Ha, is that your way of asking me to dance?” You immediately regretted your words, face heating. What the heck had even possessed you to ask that? Hello, foot, meet mouth.
However, Dawn's smile merely lengthened. “Well, shucks, you found me out.”
You stared at him dumbly and quickly looked down at your wine glass. Your hands were nervously fiddling with it, as that was the only outlet you currently had for releasing all your nervous energy. “I'm not a good dancer,” you said hurriedly. “Besides... why me?” Surely, he could have his pick of the litter with his despicably easy charms.
“Well, I couldn't help but notice you staring.” His shoulders gave a smooth shrug, head canting to the side. His smile had turned just a touch playful. “I thought perhaps you saw something you liked.”
Ah, so he had noticed that. You wished invisibility was a thing because you were certain you were ready to disappear now. Okay, well, you'd already made a fool of yourself, apparently. What was the harm of going for broke? “Maybe I did,” you said with far more confidence than you carried. But that was part of the biz, fake it til you make it.
You were rewarded at least, your comment eliciting a bubble of laughter from Agent Dawn. It was bright and gentle, and it brought a smile to your face. “Well, it just so happens, I see something I like too. In fact,” he leaned forward, just a few inches. His voice lowered, as though sharing a precious secret. “I'd very much like to see more.”
It was like someone had turned a knob and cranked your internal body temperature all the way to eleven. You vaguely wondered if it was possible for a person to spontaneously self-combust.
Dawn extended a hand to you, his smile warm and inviting. “Dance with me?”
You gazed at his offered hand and you wanted to. Of course, you wanted to. However, the fear of embarrassing yourself caused your insides to seize up and sent your brain frantically searching for any excuse to avoid it. ��I mean, I would but… my drink.” You lifted it to show him your very obvious wine glass that you had, until this point, been holding in front of you like a shield. “My hands are full.”
Something happened in that moment. Your only warning was the crooked tilt of Dawn’s mouth before he fluidly stepped into your space. One hand slipped through your arm, and you were so distracted by the sudden proximity you almost missed his other hand very deftly slipping the wine glass from your hand.
“Well, look at that,” he said merrily and began guiding you towards the dance floor. “Problem solved.”
“W-wait, hold on a second,” you stuttered, still not fully mentally prepared.
“Mm, I would but…” He turned to face you, hand gently gripping your waist while still holding your drink in his other with incredible poise. “It looks like my hands are full.” A teasing throwback of your own words.
The next thing you knew, he was moving and instinctively your hands went to the needed positions to not fall flat on your face. One hand gripped his shoulder, the other holding the base of his hand that was still holding your drink. Somehow, he managed to not make it awkward, though now you were wishing to take the wine glass and smash it on the floor, if only so that his hand could be holding yours.
Okay, well, you were already here. May as well enjoy the ride. You did your best to follow his lead, but your steps were not nearly as confident as his. However, any time you had a misstep, his grip on you was sure and steady, keeping you from full-on stumbling.
“So, do you always steamroll people into dancing with you?” you remarked. “Or am I just a special exception?”
“I do tend to be a bit pushy when I want something. An old vice I’m afraid.” He flashed a sheepish look. “You just seemed to be having a dour night, and I wanted to brighten it a little with some fun. But if you’re uncomfortable, we can stop, and I’ll leave you be.”
It was hard to be irritated with him when he put it like that. He seemed sincere enough, and to his credit, it’s not like you had been outright rejecting his advances. 
“No, it’s fine,” you assured him with a smile. “I am having fun, actually.”
“That’s good.” Your stomach lurched as you had the brief sensation of falling, but no, it was just Dawn taking you down into a low dip. You floated inches above the floor, very aware of his hand on the small of your back and he grinned down at you. “So am I.”
Your heart gave a small jolt and he pulled you back up with zero effort, and he still hadn’t spilled a drop of your wine. All too soon, the song was over, and Sun led you off the dance floor. You felt a little breathless and dizzy, but also weirdly giddy. This was probably one of the most exciting nights you’ve had in a while.
“Thank you for humoring me with your delightful company,” Dawn said, pressing your wine glass into your hand. He took your other and brought it to his lips, giving it a chaste kiss. The contact was light and innocent, yet it gave birth to a million and one butterflies in your stomach. “Please let me know if you ever want to take another spin on the dance floor.”
There was a moment when your mind furiously wrestled with itself. You weren’t usually the overly daring type but screw it. As his hand was about to pull away, your hand grasped his fingers, keeping him there. You were maybe a little too smug about the flicker of surprise that passed over his eyes.
You took your wine glass and drained it in one swig before setting it down. “Let’s try that again without the glass, shall we?” you suggested. “If you don’t mind having your hands full again.”
Dawn smiled, pulling you towards him, and the feeling of his fingers interlocking with yours was pure magic. “Not at all. You’re the best kind of handful.”
(This is a drabble that was inspired by @lavenoon's Under Cover AU as well as this amazing art by @zelda7999.)
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sw33theartnick · 1 year
⊱ ────── {.⋅ idv bpd hcs ⋅.} ───── ⊰
hi i am tired as shit of my bpd (borderline personality disorder) and how it makes me feel so i'm projecting bpd onto idv characters that i think would have it. these are my hcs, if you don't agree, that's fine, just don't shit on them since they bring me comfort. also keep in mind this isn't how all people with bpd act. these are my experiences projected onto these characters!
𓊆survivors𓊇 luca balsa (prisoner): the reason i think luca would have bpd because he'd have experiences of feeling abandoned and betrayed. he felt abandoned and betrayed by his own father, and even by herman, and the only one he truly felt supported by was his mother, who died of anger after herman sold off her things after putting them in great debt. this would lead luca to being prone to fearing abandonment, but this would also cause severe trust issues as well as only seeing people in black and white. one second, alva was good, the other, luca was certain that man was up to no good. i also think luca's recklessness adds to my headcanon of him having bpd because he acted on the emotion he feels in the moment, leading him to hurt alva and the fire soon being caused. he seems confident and well-mannered, but on the inside, i believe he's severely anxious and worrying constantly about everything and everyone around him.
mike morton (acrobat): i believe mike would definitely have bpd. he lost majority of his family in the hullabaloo fire, which lead him desperate to make the culprit of the fire pay for what they'd done. i think this would impact him throughout his entire life (as expected), but i think this would cause mike to develop bpd. he'd be terrified of losing the people he loves, and would do anything to keep them safe. he'd act on impulse and act recklessly, and he'd probably end up upsetting the people around him, but they'd understand he has good intentions. mike's emotions would be incredibly strong and he'd get overwhelmed very easily by those emotions. i also think that he sees people in black and white, and he'd be prone to developing a favorite person - which to someone with bpd, that favorite person is like a lifeline.
chloe nair (perfumer): chloe is definitely one of the characters i believe is most likely to have bpd canon-wise. chloe saw her sister vera (the real vera), as a wonderful person until chloe began to grow jealous. she assumed that vera hated her and just pitied her, and chloe became desperate to be noticed and be cared for, to feel special to someone. she struggled to find her own sense of self, and struggled to figure out who she was. her jealousy and anger became so intense and reckless she'd actually gone and killed her sister, thinking that vera didn't care for her or love her anymore. that was until she found vera's journal, and realized she had only been seeing her sister in black and white. she had seen vera for so long as someone who hated her, but the moment she found out that was far from the case, chloe began to feel guilty and broken hearted. then, she took up her twin's identity, and eventually deluded herself into believing she actually WAS her twin sister. chloe had rapid changes in her sense of self, and her intense anger had caused her to do something she regretted, and she hurt the only person who loved and cared for her.
margaretha zelle (female dancer): margie is another character i think is very likely for bpd canon-wise. she's had two horrible relationships (idc what jokermarg fans say he canonly abused her and wears her abusive husband's face, as his own that's horrible). this would lead margaretha to feel distrust in people, and is afraid of getting attached to people. once she's attached to someone, though? she wouldn't be able to let them go. if they end up treating her right, they would quickly become her favorite person. she'd end up somewhat gatekeeping that person from others - not intentional, but she'd be terrified of abandonment and terrified of losing the one person who has been so good to her. she fears being separated from her favorite person, and gets jealous quite easily when her favorite person shares their attention with others. she's quick to self degrade, and blames herself for everything. the littlest things set her off and sometimes, she is quick to anger. she fears rejection and will often take her favorite person's actions as rejection.
norton campbell (prospector): i don't know how many people would think norton has bpd, but he's someone i think would have bpd (obviously, he's on this list lol). the fandom treats norton poorly by expressing that he's only greedy and only wants money - and while that is part of his lore, it isn't the entirety of his lore. in fact, norton is shown to feel rather guilty for blowing up the mine with the miners inside of it, and it seems to haunt him. his personality also seems to switch quite often, as though expressing he isn't sure of his sense of self. of course, that could also be norton being bipolar, but i also think that norton sees people in black and white. he'd probably fear abandonment and rejection, and yes, would probably believe money would solve all those problems, but he'd try to avoid attachment as much as possible. he's quick to anger and acts rather recklessly when he's angry. he'd deal with episodes that are just paranoia run that could last for days (he'd shun himself away from the world in his room).
naib subedar (mercenary): now, not all bpd is caused by trauma, but i do think naib's trauma would cause him to develop bpd. he'd find himself horrified upon losing people he cares about, which would lead to abandonment (especially watching his comrades die in his arms). he'd become extremely protective which would lead to somewhat extreme measures to keep his loved ones safe, but he always means well. he gets jealous easily but unlike others, he tries to keep it to himself and ends up bottling it up out of worry he'll just drive the person he loves most away. unlike most people on this list, i think naib would handle his bpd a little better than the others, but he'd still struggle with it. he's very understanding to others who have it, and tries to help them out with handling it, but he still struggles with it himself. if he bottles it up too much or if his favorite person isn't understanding, he'll end up lashing out angrily though other survivors i hc with bpd but don't have full reasons yet: freddy riley (lawyer), kevin alonso/ayuso (cowboy), and tracy reznik (mechanic), edgar valden, jose baden (first officer) and demi bourbon (barmaid)
joseph desaulniers (photographer): i think jojo is one of the more obvious bpd hcs. he lost his twin brother claude, who was clearly his favorite person, and that tore him apart. just canon alone, you can guess he'd have bpd. his fear of abandonment would be so strong that he'd act recklessly to ensure that he wouldn't be separated or abandoned by his favorite person, and would do anything to preserve their life and keep them safe. i also think his bpd and depression would lead to excessive drinking, and even if that would stop once he'd get a new favorite person, he'd end up drinking every time he fears they are going to abandon him or every time he becomes angry and jealous of the time they give with others. he has a hard time figuring out if someone is actually doing something wrong or if its just the way his brain is making him think.
michiko (geisha): unlike many others on this list, she handles her bpd very well, and instead of anger episodes when her bpd acts up, she has depressive episodes. she'll lock herself in her room for a long time, and will often cry and sob as a way to get out all her frustration and her feelings. she's one of the few on this list who i headcanon to be better at self reassurance than most. it doesn't always work, and she'll still need support from others around her, but she'll manage to self reassure herself quite often. michiko still fears abandonment though, and often has trouble understanding why people stay around her and stay close to her. she misses miles dearly, and miles is still her favorite person. she tries not to let the bpd get the best of her, and tries to stay strong, knowing miles loved her, flaws and all.
leo beck (hell ember): leo was betrayed by freddy and martha, and was left in severe debt and no way to properly provide for emma and take care of her. that alone is a recipe for disaster, and i think its likely leo would develop bpd (as well as trust issues). he'd have a hard time seeing himself as anything good, and would often struggle to figure out who he is. some little things would be he'd have a hard time telling if he genuinely likes things emma likes because he likes it too, or if he only enjoys it because she does. that being said, emma is leo's favorite person, but like michiko, leo handles his bpd very well. he knows emma loves him and knows that she'd never betray him and never hurt him. he trusts her, and reminds himself of that whenever his mind tries to tell him otherwise. he's very protective of emma, and the thought of being separated from her or losing her would send him into a pretty strong panic attack.
xie bi'an and fan wujiu (wu chang): i think both bi'an and wujiu have bpd, or are likely to have it. for awhile, the two had lost one another, and the other took his own life to join his companion in death. the two would deeply be afraid of separation and would deeply be afraid of losing the other one. such a fear would often consume them, but luckily, they have one another in the manor (shh i know canonly they can't both be present at the same time during matches but my manor hc allows them to be present together outside of matches). they're very sensitive to the other one getting hurt (god forbid you flare gun one of them in duos, the other will take his place and obliterate you). they're very protective of one another and will go to intense measures to protect each other.
other hunters i hc with bpd but don't have full reasons yet: robbie white (axe boy), ann (disciple), alva lorenz (hermit), and percy (undead)
--- wow a lot of survivors i hc with bpd help- these headcanons mean a lot to me. please let me know if you can relate to some of these! again, these are just from my personal experiences, thank you for reading ^^ also lmk if you have any bpd hcs of your own! i love hearing people's hcs <3
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devilfemdom · 2 years
Body type headcanons for every character
These are my headcanons based on canon and what would make the most sense, this disregards their sprites.
I'm not set on what I think of Lucifer. He is either thin or has a Dad bod. But I tend to thin, because he works through many nights and skips meals often. He mainly runs on coffee, that can't possibly build muscle. Also he doesn't care much about his appearance, as long as he looks proper and clean, so I don't think he cares enough to cram working out into his routine. He has a more build back because of his demon form. Four wings are heavy as fuck and flying takes effort. Which he needs to do often, thanks to Mammon and his shenaningans.
Mammon would probably be more fit. Canon depiction would make sense. He is always on his feet, because of ADHD, his scams or Lucifer chasing him. He'd probably have the most muscles on his legs and the back. He is the fastest demon, after all. I don't think he'd had a six-pack though. He always eats cup noodles and if he works out, he doesn't seem to do that regulary. He'd probably work out more when a modeling gig comes around.
Leviathan is chubby, you cannot change my mind. Yes he likes swimming, but he rarely ever gets the chance to. I only remember once it being mentioned; in the Summer Event 2021. But him pulling all nighters, binging anime while only surviving of his stored snacks is mentioned many times. Also it is often mentioned that he doesn't like overexerting himself. Luke told him to go to a doctor cause having that few muscle strenght is not normal. Common people, he barely ever leaves his room, this motherfucker is not toned, he is chubby, we all know it.
Satan looks like an average guy to me. He never works out and prefers lounging while reading. But he also doesn't overeat or eat unhealthy food for a long period exclusively.
Asmodeus is trying his damn hardest to maintain a thin figure, but he is a sweettooth. His weight fluctuates a lot. He breaks his diets often. He also doesn't work out because he doesn't want to have visible muscles. He goes from chubby to thin often. I'd say he leans a bit towards chubby most of the time.
Beelzebub is fucking jacked. He works out a lot and looks like a fucking bodybuilder. His eating habits are serving him for once, else these gains would be impossible.
This demon looks starved to death. Belphegor gives his food to Beelzebub often. And doesn't seem to like eating particulary, he'd rather see his twin happy while eating (Beel is probably worried for him and bring him smth to eat every once in a while). Belphegor doesn't work out or even move much either.
Diavolo. This is a tough one. He is always working, I doubt he uses his little free time to work out. Also he always has plenty of food, thanks to Barbatos' wonderful cooking. I'd say he has a Dad bod.
Barbatos looks like he is skinny but has a lot of mucle strength, like a ballet dancer. Incredible control over his body, but not visible to the eye. He barely sleeps, is always moving, thanks to his job and I've once seen a comic strip of him carrying a wasted Diavolo back to the castle, and I like this headcanon.
Luke, I'd say he is a bit chubby because of all the sweets he makes and tries to perfect. He'd have to taste-test quite a bit and he likes sweets too so he probably eats his creations often. The average sweets-liking kid.
Simeon could be a bit chubby, skinny, average or toned, he is in the middle of the scale, not particulary tipping to either side. I can't decide. Simeon's habit aren't often discussed. I think he has a lot of discipline towards food, so he could be toned. He is not the athletic type though. Him being able to fly is only once mentioned, in the Gemstone event of 2021. As for now I headcanon him to be average, cause he is not athletic but also not much of a foodie. He does cook and Luke offers him sweets all the time, but Simeon never eats not in moderation, as far as I've seen. He likes sharing his cooking rather than eat it all himself. But he is a bookworm, so it'd make sense.
Solomon is a skinny bitch. He pulls all nighters regulary and I headcanon that he pushes his limits all the time, forgetting he is a human and needs sleep. He'd rather work on his spells than sleep or eat. And the food he cooks doesn't look like it has any nutritional value. He looks like he lives off caffeine and sweets, that Luke brings him from time to time, because he is worried. (Him working on spells multiple days and nights, non stop, has been mentioned in a chat before, and Luke bringing him snacks bc of it. I think this happens regulary.) So skinny it is.
Raphael is a diligent angel and is rather strict with moderation stuff. He also seems to train a lot, so I think he is toned. Although he loves Solomon's food, it has no nutritional value.
Thirteen is lazy and only does something if she enjoys it, like building traps. So I think she is average, she has a bit chub though.
Mephistopheles is average but a bit chubby leaning. He is a rich kid so he eat healthy, (he doesn't even know what a burger is). But he is very dedicated to his newspaper club, so he stays often put and doesn't work out.
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
Fun game
It'd be funny if y'all tried to guess which character was which without having ever read about any of them
(None of these are in TCOT, All of these are unfinished WIPs, I am off Hiatus because I cannot figure out for the life of me how the FUCK self-publishing works. And I did my homework I'm not crying you're crying)
Characters: (You get Personal commentary on them by me, and then a quote from each)
Jakkon - The BITCH (Will bite you if you touch him, is a politician, the embodiment of character type #5, if you know you know) - "I couldn't care less about your problems so get this over with. I have work to do.”
Ian - The Father Figure (Will adopt you on a whim, is a poet) - "I found it in a dumpster, but that doesn't matter. Can we keep it? Please?"
Adonis - The Big Brother (Will make you coffee and insult you like a good friend, is a sweet baby) - "You're so mean! I look fantastic!"
Valentino/Valen - The Cannibal (Will kill you with semi remorse, is a very serious boy) - "If I hear my main rule has been disobeyed even once, hell is going to have a restaurant's worth of new residents."
Vix - The Dancer (Will steal everything you own, is also a thief) - "Even the Worst of Scum have to have some manners right Ace?"
Blue - The Sass Master (Will not admit he has a love interest, is very stressed 24/7) - "Shit, shit, shit, uh, we gotta go!"
Match The character with What they Do in their free time.
Drinks like it's the civil war and he's going to get his leg amputated.
Sews stuffed animals as gifts but never gives them because he's too nervous
Tries to Find a fucking job because he's an unemployed little shit
Crashes at his Girlfriend's house because he's literally homeless
Actually cooks the Best thing you have ever tasted despite not being able to taste shit
Practices his proposal to his GF as well as doing research on random ass topics
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burntheedges · 4 months
Hi Kate!
For this round of daily askgasms I’m asking the Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire! Imagine me doing my best James Lipton impression…
* What is your favorite word?
* What is your least favorite word?
* What turns you on?
* What turns you off?
* What is your favorite curse word?
* What sound or noise do you love?
* What sound or noise do you hate?
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
* What profession would you not like to do?
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
I’m excited to hear your answers!
Katie! This is such a good idea! This took me a minute and got kind of long lol here we go:
What is your favorite word? I'm picking a favorite in a few of the languages I know, you can't stop me.
indubitably - honestly before you asked I'm not sure I would have been able to answer, I like a lot of words, but then this word just came to me and I do love it. It's so fun to say and it feels nice. Indubitably.
необходимо (neobkhodimo) - this probably seems like a weird one if you speak Russian, but there's a story behind it. It means necessary or obligatory and it confused the crap out of me for a while when I was learning Russian because why would necessary or obligatory be a negated word?? (не- / ne- is a negative prefix) I kept trying to say обходимо (obkhodimo) instead, which makes no sense. And then one day it clicked in my head how the word breaks down:
не- / ne- = no/not/negated -об- / -ob- = around -ходи(мо)- / -khodi(mo)- = walk (verb stem) So it's literally you can't go around it. Boom! Makes perfect sense. It felt like I was actually speaking the language for the first time when I figured it out. Also a big fan of the word бегемот (begemot - hippo).
krtek - mole in Czech (like the animal). In many languages 'r' and 'l' can function like vowels as syllabic consonants (kr- is a syllable) but it's just very obvious in the spelling of Czech and I like it.
What is your least favorite word? Not a fan of:
Decimated - I'm not any kind of grammar dictator and as a linguist I'm firmly on team "words mean what we use them to mean" but for some reason my brain can't let go of the official meaning for this one instead of the common use. I'd just rather not see it. lol
Tři (three) - I can't do the Czech ř (rolled r + sh) sound to save my life (I can make each sound separately but not together)
What turns you on? Emotional and intellectual connection. I want to know someone and feel known. Pretty sure my husband would say acts of service (lol). Also hands and shoulders. And laughing/humor.
What turns you off? Feeling like the other person is impatient with me. Cruelty (casual or intentional) in worldview and treatment of others. Lack of emotional intelligence.
What is your favorite curse word? English: fuck (so useful! works in so many situations!) Russian: чёрт (chort, pleasing to say and in so many good idioms)
What sound or noise do you love? The brrrt sound my cat makes when you poke him (the cat activation noise). Also the ocean (waves).
What sound or noise do you hate? Chewing. I can't stand it and never have been able to. Sitting through extended family dinners as a child was absolute torture. It triggers overstimulation in me almost instantly and I usually have to leave the room. If I don't swipe fast enough on TikTok and someone is eating I have to like cool down and go do something else.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? If I'd been able to choose anything else it probably would have been professional dancer. I had the feet and the turnout but not the body type (even dancing 6 days/week as a teen in a company I was never skinny). In a perfect world that wouldn't matter, I guess. And it would pay well.
What profession would you not like to do? Lawyer. Absolutely no way. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? If heaven does exist I'd like to also discover that there's not actually a corresponding hell, and that instead the afterlife is something kinder. So maybe just something welcoming about that. Honestly I have no idea lol
These were fun!
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ae-neon · 8 months
Coltaine is my new Lorn. I desperately want him to live but I feel like he's gonna die and it's gonna make me very upset
Tumblr media
Also I have been pushing through at least a book a day and my emotions are fried. There's so much I want to talk about, but then something happens that changes everything, and then I wanna talk about that but then something even more insane happens
Light Spoilers ahead
I'm about 65% through / Just starting Book 4 : Deadhouse Gates / Chapter 15 and this book is literally a whirlwind ignore the pun
I saw many of the "big twists" coming. Like I sensed the truth about Tavore, I figured out the Kellanved and Dancer stuff in GotM and I knew it would be Felisin instead of Apsalar who emerged in the storm
But Kulp???? And Baudin???? Like hello?? Please bring them back, let's pretend they never crossed paths with that rat D'ivers bitch Gryllen, please.
And where are my boar worshipping Marines?? (Like Toc the Younger I expect to see them again, dammit)
The tortured boy coming back was delightful, rare Ammanas W.
Though, speaking of the Emperor, there's a line from GotM about "embracing children in Empire's dying light" which came to mind when he and Apt spoke about the refugee kids.
The quote, mind you, being cited as THE CALL TO SHADOW??? FROM FELISIN???? And I know it's her because the birth date matches her age so maybe Apsalar does become the new Sha'ik and Felisin becomes a priestess or maybe Felisin becomes the new Sha'ik and the name of the excerpt is more referencing the time and events surrounding Ammanas and Cotillion's path to vengeance
Also also, why does everyone hate Felisin - like putting aside how understandable her anger and attitude are - she's hilarious?? Like hater Felisin is definitely part of the comic relief of that part of the story up until she starts having revelations and faces the death of Kulp and Baudin, which is the point of no return I think though not the end of her transformation
Anyways, I don't think I'll be able to read anything that isn't Malazan and experience a true sense of fantasy or horror ever again. From the insanity of dead cities and headless sailors to the very real and grounded threat of civil unrest and dogs fighting over the corpses of children. All in one go.
I loved GotM for its sense of wonder but straight from the prologue, Deadhouse Gates has asserted itself as Something Else™
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ya-what--ya-erster · 2 months
heal me only to break me again
Ralbert, newsies
TW here for: death, suicide, albeism (breif), sexism (breif)
Also, note that ~~~ marks the beginning and end of me, an asexual who has never even kissed someone before, very briefly having my lovely boys make out so uh you can skip that if you want.
Race was a fast kid. Really fast. That's how, in second grade, he got his nickname. 
Jack Kelly walked up to his friend (and brother, eventually) and said 'You should be called Race, not Antonio."
That's how everyone knew him from that moment on. 
Race was also a dancer. A really, really good dancer. He was one with the movement and music. Anyone who had seen him dance could have told you how amazing he was. 
He had a cool best friend.
He had a cool mom who adopted him and Jack when he was sixteen years old. 
He did well in school.
He got into a good college. 
Nobody really understood why he jumped. 
All anyone knew was that he somehow survived, and all the things he was before were no more. 
Antonio was not fast. He couldn't figure out how to get going in a wheelchair. 
He insisted that nobody call him Race. Just Antonio. 
Everyone listened.
Antonio would never dance again, because he would never even stand again, and all that he had worked for was lost. The one thing he loved in life was gone forever.
His cool best friend was treating him like he was fragile. No best friend shenanigans ensued, ever. Just, "Tony, are you okay?" and "Tony, should I call someone?"
He would not answer Medda's calls, or Jack's, even when he knew he probably should. 
School didn't matter anymore.
He was going to major in dance. That wasn't happening anymore. 
Everyone understood why Antonio was distant. 
Albert DaSilva, Tony's best friend and roommate, he was the only one kept close. Even when everyone else was being pushed away. 
Slowly, Antonio became more himself, able to move around and able to go a day without crying (sometimes). He let Albert call him Race again. 
And then it happened. 
The day that shot him down and raised him up all at once. 
Albert entered the apartment to the sound of a nature documentary and crying. 
"Tony?" He called out. "You in here?"
He was met with a loud sob. 
He hurried to sit down next to Race, who was propped up by six throw pillows on the couch (a number that Albert found absurd and Antonio found secure and comforting). 
"What's going on?" Albert asked softly, putting an arm over Race's shoulder. 
"Nothin'." Race lied. 
Albert paused the documentary and asked again. 
"I miss being... not disabled. I just wanna be myself again."
"Did something happen? Did someone say something?"
"Yeah, uh. I just, uh. I went to get groceries cause I wanted to help out an' stuff, and I was confronted by three things I hate, which are ableism, sexism, and having to ask for help."
"Care to continue?"
"... sure. Uh. Your stupid man-period stuff was on a shelf I couldn't get to myself so I asked a guy passing by if he could help me and he asked what I needed pads for so I told him 'it's for my roommate.' And he's all, 'are you friends with your roommate?' and I said yes and he says, and I  quote, 'wow, I could never be friends with or date a disabled person' an' he pointed to my pride pin when he said that so I was all shocked and so I ask,  like, why, and he says 'it couldn't be a real relationship because it would be built on pity, and only one person could actually function.' So I pointed out that I'm the one doing the grocery shopping, and he told me it's pathetic that I would buy pads for my roommate because it's not manly enough and says, 'not that a kid in a wheelchair could even be considered a man anyways.' AND THEN he just WALKED AWAY without helping me so I had to sit there waiting for someone else to pass by."
Race took a long breath and choked out another sob. 
"Wow, that's awful. I'm sorry." Albert said, hugging Antonio. 
"And now, now I'm wondering if he's... Like, he might be right. What if nobody ever falls in love with me?"
"You'll find someone." 
That someone should be me, Albert thought. 
Race shifted to look Albert in the eyes. 
"What if I don't just want 'someone', Al?"
The look in Tony's eyes made Albert's heart ache. But it also sparked something within him. 
"What do you want, then?"
Antonio looked away, then back at Albert, wiping tears from his eyes. 
"You." He whispered.
Their separate worlds became one. 
~~~ Albert's lips were against Race's in a second. He needed Race. Race needed him. They needed each other the same way your average person needed air. 
Race wrapped his arms around Albert's neck and pulled himself closer to Albert, and Albert got the message. He pulled Race onto his lap, one leg on each side of him, crossed around his back. 
"This okay?" He mumbled.
"Please." Race replied, urgent.
Albert was in heaven, sitting there, kissing a trail from Antonio's ear down to his shirt's collar. When he got there, he returned to Race's lips, kissing him like his life depended on it. 
Maybe it did.
Maybe their lives depended on that moment, Albert kissing Race and Race kissing back while tugging gently on Albert's beautiful red hair. ~~~
All the two know is that when they're done, they're both grinning like Cheshire cats, happy. 
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you." Albert said, his voice airy and almost disbelieving. 
"Sixth grade." Race said. 
"I think I've liked you like that since sixth grade, that day... Mr. Denton told you you couldn't possibly be a boy because you didn't look like one, so you picked up those scissors and chopped your ponytail off and handed it to him. He deserved that."
Albert laughed lightly. 
"I got you beat though, cause I liked you before I cut my hair. It was still sixth grade though. At a dance recital when we got to dance together. You and your cute fluffy hair and how... perfect you were. I hate that we don't dance together anymore, since it's girls and boys in partnerships, you know."
"I wouldn't be able to dance with you either way." Tony's voice became cold, sad, distant. 
Albert felt bad instantly for bringing it up. Dancing. 
Something Race had held so close to his heart since he was little. The only thing he had, most of his life. All he had was the freedom that came with dancing and it was gone. 
Race couldn't stand it. 
"I just... even if I could only do it one more time. I didn't care, for a while. I was burnt out and done with everything and I was planning on saying goodbye to dancing anyways, but now. Now I'm alive and planning on living and I just want to fly again. I'm no one without that piece of me, Albie. I'll never be like that again, though, because I didn't do the job right."
"Don't... Don't say that. You're still you, the you that I care so deeply about, even if you can't dance. Even if the doctor's 'maybe one day' never comes. You're still my amazing best friend and some extra, no matter what."
"I know, Al. It just makes me want to puke when I think about the fact that I will never be a dancer again."
Albert stopped. He nodded. He knew how it would feel if he were never able to dance again. He would go crazy in his own head. 
"Hey, I have an idea." He said suddenly, jumping up off the couch. 
"What is it?" 
"Can I pick you up? Sort of?" 
"I mean, go for it." 
So Albert did. He pulled Race up, arms secure around his waist so he wouldn't fall, and lifted him on top of his feet. 
"Put your arms around my neck and hold on tight." He instructed. 
Race did as he was told, sort of scared for whatever Albert had in mind. 
Albert, with one hand, typed something in his phone, turned up the volume, and slid it into his back pocket. 
A familiar song ran through the speakers of Albert's phone as Albert wrapped his arms back around Antonio's waist and began to shuffle back and forth as carefully as possible. 
It does great favors to the situation that Race is pretty light. 
"I know it's not the same," Albert said, "but it's still one more dance."
The song came to an end and the two were re-seated on the couch, feeling something indescribable. Joy and sadness. Heartbreak and hope. All together in one small, half smile. 
"Thank you." Race said. He dared not make eye contact. He didn't want to cry anymore. 
He was happy, he was happy, he was happy. 
He wanted it to last as long as it could.
Two weeks, in other words.
Two weeks of being able to talk about all that was inside of him. Two weeks staying up until midnight cuddling with Albert and watching crappy movies. Two weeks of somewhat happiness swept Race off his feet and led him to the light at the end of the tunnel. 
Two whole glorious weeks before there was an avalanche, and the tunnel's exit was blocked. 
"Heya, Tony. How's it going?" 
Jack Kelly sat down in front of him. Brotherly meeting. Urgent. 
"I'm alright. And you?"
Jack looked down at the table. 
"Look, I don't want to be the one to tell ya this... But, I'm here 'cause you'se my brother and I wants ta be here for ya."
"Okay?" Dread pooled in the pit of Race's stomach. 
"Red's gone."
He heard wrong he heard wrong he heard wrong-
"They found 'im in an alleyway, beat bloody and long gone."
It's not true it's not true it's not true it's not true-
"Tony, you'se gotta stay with me, okay?" Jack was crying.
Someone killed Albert someone killed Albert someone-
"You're lying. He's fine." Race's voice shook as he spoke. 
"Turn on the news."
"He can't be gone."
"I know it hurts."
"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Race yelled. He didn't care that his neighbors could probably hear him, he didn't care that he would hurt Jack's feelings, he just didn't care about anything at all. "You, you don't even come close to understanding a thing! The only thing I had was him, and according to you he's not here anymore! You still have the boy you love so don't even think for a second that you know! You- I love him and I won't... won't ever..." 
Race couldn't go on. 
Race would never get to tell Albert that he loved him. 
Race was nothing. 
Race was not a dancer and he wasn't fast and he wasn't good in school and he hardly had family and he wasn't a boyfriend. 
And Albert who gave those things back to him...
Albert who held Race and danced with him when he was sad. 
Albert who occasionally offered to push Race's wheelchair down the empty sidewalk as fast as he possibly could just to get Race to smile.
Albert who offered to help Race find something else to do in school. 
Albert who encouraged Race to talk to Jack. 
Albert who held Race's hand and kissed his nose and did everything a person in love would do.
Albert who gave Race all the things he'd lost and then some, just to take it all back again. Never again would he have those things. 
He was going to follow and he was going to give himself all of the things that Albert took away from him by leaving him here.
He wasn't staying. 
"Jack, you've got to leave."
"I ain't leaving you here alone after what you did a few months ago."
"I'm not STUPID, okay? Leave me alone."
Jack looked hurt. But still, he nodded, said goodbye, and left. 
Common happening for the day, leaving Race alone. 
Race could end up alone when he finished the job. 
Or maybe he would find his way to all that he had lost before.
He wouldn't be able to let you know.
Healing, he decided, was not his thing. It was only a matter of time before things came full circle, and he broke again. 
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