#because Jin pretty much did the worst thing he could have possibly done in reaction to this
velvetshirtnumber3 · 4 months
Trigger warning: statutory rape, grooming
I haven't yet look at the reactions to the most recent episode on Tumblr, but I feel a little concerned about how there were comments in other places that just didn't acknowledge the fact that Non was taken advantage of by his teacher.
Like, this kid is so alone. He doesn't seem to fully be able to talk to his family, he has a group of kids who continually bully him and want to hurt him and he has no way to really get away from them. The only people he seems to be able to talk to are Phee, who goes to a different school and doesn't necessary see him on a daily basis, and (maybe) Jin, who is friends with the kids who bully him (this is obviously before Jin filmed him). He is in desperate need of money and doesn't know how to get it, he's scared and stressed out AND
a friendly face in the form of his teacher turns up. Someone who is offering kindness to this kid who is in desperate need of some. And then the teacher presents a solution to Non's money problem, saving him. But right after this offer, the teacher initiates a kiss. This is his TEACHER, who is a grown man, while Non is still a teenager. This is his TEACHER, who saw a vulnerable kid and decided to use that to get Non to seek comfort in him, to put Non in a position where he (Mr. Keng) has power over him and uses that to groom him.
It truly upsets me so much for me to see some people call Non a cheater and a terrible person for this when Non is a victim of someone who he should have been protected by.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Delight in Misery (ao3) - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
- Chapter 7 -
“Why are you covered in feathers?” Jiang Cheng asked, and then immediately afterward added, “On second thought, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.”
Lan Wangji checked himself over and brushed off the few feathers that had ended up on his shoulder. “Are there any others?” he asked solemnly. “They might be evidence.”
Jiang Cheng’s eye twitched, as Lan Wangji had intended. “I don’t want to know,” he repeated, and Lan Wangji believed it about as much as he’d believed it the first time Jiang Cheng said it – which was to say, not at all. “I don’t want to…okay, fine, tell me.”
“You don’t want to know,” Lan Wangji informed him, and Jiang Cheng looked as though he was considering strangling him. “I will explain later. For the moment, it is best to pretend as if you know nothing.”
“I really don’t know anything,” Jiang Cheng said.
“That will make pretending easier.”
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes at him, but stopped arguing, and Lan Wangji felt warmth in his belly at the instant capitulation. All of his life experiences had conspired to make Jiang Cheng an untrusting person, suspicious almost to the point of paranoia and constantly afraid of losing everything to the unknown, and yet he chose to trust Lan Wangji without question.
“Is there anything else I should know?” Jiang Cheng asked with one of his friendlier scowls, crossing his arms over his chest. “Or not know, as the case may be?”
Lan Wangji considered for a moment. “Don’t count the number of Jiang sect disciples leaving with you,” he suggested, and Jiang Cheng’s eyebrows shot up. “Consider storming out in a fury the next time someone insults you.”
“You were right,” Jiang Cheng said. “I didn’t want to know.”
Lan Wangji heard footsteps and put his hands behind his back. “Naturally, Sect Leader Jiang is entitled to change his mind. I understand it happens often.”
Jiang Cheng’s eyes narrowed. “You must be struggling with coming out of seclusion, Hanguang-jun,” he remarked. “To come mucking around with the rest of us after spending so long on - avoiding worldly matters, let’s say.”
The sect leaders passing by sped up with expressions suggesting that they were dreadfully curious but did not want to get involved in a repeat of the fight that was rather infamously had throughout the Lotus Pier, with all of the attendant property damage (that they’d paid for later, but still).
Once they’d passed, Lan Wangji gave Jiang Cheng a look that suggested he did not appreciate the joke. Jiang Cheng appeared undeterred.
He also appeared, on closer examination, somewhat tired.
Lan Wangji frowned and stepped closer, lowering his voice. “You have not slept.”
“I’m fine,” Jiang Cheng said, and realized his mistake at once – such excess vehemence meant that he was lying, and badly, too. “It’s your fault, anyway.”
“My fault?”
“Entirely your fault. I can’t eat my lunch without wondering why you’re not plucking away on your guqin the way you normally do at that hour, I can’t finish my paperwork without trying to find you to ask for your views, I can’t sleep without hearing you making noise next door…who made you fit yourself in so well at the Lotus Pier?”
“You,” Lan Wangji said dryly, ignoring the warmth he felt. Surely it was wrong to feel touched when someone’s unhealthy co-dependence with you was mentioned. “When you kidnapped me.”
“It was only technically kidnapping,” Jiang Cheng grumbled. “And only at first, anyway…really, it’s no big deal. Just had a few bad nights.”
Jiang Cheng’s nights fell on a scale between decent, mediocre, bad, and genuinely horrific, and he generally only conceded that something was ‘bad’ when it fell toward the lower end of the scale – when his thoughts kept scattering like a flock of bird being chased off their perch, returning to circle around sore subjects and drill worries into his skull, when there would be blood and bile and panic and his mind would linger on anxieties he had long ago put aside in the light of day.
He hadn’t had one of those in months – and now he had had a few?
“Because I…?”
Jiang Cheng shook his head. “A-Ling had a temper tantrum last week,” he explained, voice low and more than a little helpless. “I think he misses you and A-Yuan, and he’s at the age for pushing his boundaries, too…he told me that his Wei-jiujiu wouldn’t have made him eat his vegetables.”
He would have, of course, Lan Wangji reflected. He remembered how Wei Wuxian had been with A-Yuan, always mercilessly teasing him. Wei Wuxian had a spine when it came to children, one that wouldn’t crack into a thousand pieces at the first sob – that was Jiang Cheng, who was all bluster and bark without the slightest bit of bite.
But that wasn’t the issue, not when Jiang Cheng’s soul was a patchwork of ragged wounds and insecurity, a lifetime of being second-best and second-loved, and on his worst days he would voice doubts that he’d even been esteemed as much as that.
By his father, by his mother, by his sister, by Wei Wuxian himself –  
“Maybe he would’ve done better,” Jiang Cheng murmured, his eyes already blank with self-hatred – no doubt this was what had kept him up on those bad nights, the angry whispers of a too-fragile mind that said why did he leave me, why wasn’t I good enough, he said he’d stay by my side and then took the first chance he could to leave me behind, that said it couldn’t have been him that did all those things and betrayed me like that, no, he must have died earlier on and it was my fault for not noticing, that said if it’s all my fault then it all makes sense, it’s always because of me, no one ever stays with me.
That said if it’s my fault then it’ll happen again.
Lan Wangji did not like those nights.
“Mm,” he said mildly. “And then A-Ling would also know how to hide dirty pictures in awkward places.”
Lan Wangji had never been good at comforting people, having always been the one being comforted, and his failure to convey his feelings to Wei Wuxian during his life spoke volumes regarding his ability to communicate – but he knew Jiang Cheng.
After so long living together, he knew him.
(Jiang Cheng wasn’t the only one who had difficulty sleeping without those familiar sounds next door.)
Sure enough, Jiang Cheng choked, his eyes clearing up, and he spent the next few breaths struggling not to burst out laughing. “We’re supposed to be arguing,” he hissed at Lan Wangji, who smirked – from a distance it would certainly look as though they were arguing, Jiang Cheng’s cheeks all red and his shoulders shaking in what a stranger might mistake for rage. “You stone-faced bastard, that’s not funny.”
Lan Wangji disagreed. Jiang Cheng’s reaction was, in fact, extremely funny.
“We will need to diversify our collection of such things,” Lan Wangji said thoughtfully. “Given the inclinations of our future house guest…”
“I am not buying Mo Xuanyu pictures of – ! He can buy it himself if he wants…wait, you’re really planning to have him come with us?”
“He will die if he remains,” Lan Wangji said simply, because it was that simple. Their conversation, however brief, had been extremely informative. “And so he must not remain. We have concocted a plan.”
“We? I wasn’t involved in this.”
“Myself, and Nie Huaisang.”
Lan Wangji was expecting some sort of reaction to that – what, he wasn’t sure, possibly disbelief or ridicule or even panic that they were entrusting themselves to the most useless fop to grace the current generation of cultivators – but instead Jiang Cheng relaxed, looking pleased. “Oh, well, Nie Huaisang,” he said, as if that explained anything at all.
“You trust him?”
Jiang Cheng shrugged. “I don’t not trust him?” he hazarded, and seemed rather helplessly puzzled by his own ease with the situation. “He’s terrible at anything a sect heir ought to be good at, but he’ll come up with the wildest sort of things if it’s nonsense he’s after, and he usually gets his way in the end. He’s a pretty good judge as to how likely his chances at success are, too.”
“He’s smarter than he looks,” Lan Wangji agreed, his voice neutral.
“Don’t tell me you fell for his ‘who, me, a person capable of doing anything, surely not’ act,” Jiang Cheng said, looking vastly amused. Lan Wangji might normally object to such teasing, but if it got Jiang Cheng away from his dangerous self-hatred, he’d take it – even if the idea that Jiang Cheng, master of obliviousness, had correctly judged a person that he himself had misjudged seemed just plain wrong. “He just does that to anyone he thinks might squeal on him to his brother.”
Lan Wangji probably would have, too. Still, he felt that Jiang Cheng should have warned him better.
He glared.
“Second Young Master Lan has no grounds for complaining at his own lack of perception,” Jiang Cheng said, and Lan Wangji noted again the presence of people in their vicinity. “It’s all that navel-gazing you do in the Cloud Recesses, no doubt – should I start to worry about A-Yuan?”
“Lan Yuan,” Lan Wangji said snippily, then added, “Lan Sizhui.”
Jin Rulan, Jiang Cheng mouthed at him, and both of them were forced to briefly avert their faces in sheer amusement. Poor Jin Ling – no one would ever call him by his courtesy name, not if even his two guardians weren’t able to keep a straight face.
(Well, comparatively speaking. Lan Wangji was well aware that his own expression of deep amusement looked, to the uninitiated, exactly like his neutral expression but for a very slight narrowing of the eyes.)
The footsteps passed, and Jiang Cheng relaxed once more. Lan Wangji was pleased to see it, but acknowledged that if they were to keep up the pretense of disliking each other, deplorable political necessity that it was, they would need to do better in the future.
“Today will be a disaster,” Lan Wangji murmured, a warning. “But beneficial in the long run. Do not take what they say to heart.”
He would not have said it if Jiang Cheng was not more fragile than usual. Normally, Jiang Cheng could, after years of practice, let insults flow off his back like water from a duck, unmoving and uncaring – he was a flawed man in many ways, Lan Wangji acknowledged, but he generally only had to make a mistake once to learn from it.
For instance, he would never again allow the poisoned words of others to interfere with those he loved.
Not when he still tormented himself for not having done more for Wei Wuxian, as if there had been more Jiang Cheng could have done without losing everything else he held dear – not even Lan Wangji, who was helplessly and hopelessly in love with Wei Wuxian and couldn’t keep himself from sometimes playing Inquiry in search of him, summoned his ghost into their lives so often as Jiang Cheng did.
“Sometimes I wonder what goes through your head,” Jiang Cheng remarked, glaring at the perceived commentary about his lack of emotional resiliency no matter how accurate. “And then I realize I don’t want to know.”
“Lying is forbidden.”
“I am not a Lan. And, yes, fine, it’s a lie. If I could crack you open and crawl into your head, I probably would, but that doesn’t make you special or anything. I’d do that to most people.”
Lan Wangji believed it – Jiang Cheng was just that insecure.
He didn’t let Jiang Cheng change the subject, though, continuing to stare at him until Jiang Cheng shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll prepare for a calamity and storm out as quickly as possible. What are they possibly going to say about me now?”
They said he was like his father.
It was usually meant as a compliment, but not always. In this case, it was the latter: the implication that Jiang Cheng would, like his father, eventually forget to care for the child he already had when another, better one came along put an especially ugly expression on his face.
As Nie Huaisang had gleefully predicted, Jin Guangshan was enraged to the point of maddening by the prank they had pulled and framed Mo Xuanyu for. Nor could he be blamed, the prank was positive infantile, and highlighted Mo Xuanyu’s relative youth and immaturity, losing his father and sect face in the process. Everyone had wanted to talk about that, about how extremely obvious it was that Mo Xuanyu’s only use was to humiliate the already legitimized Jin Guangyao, but in deference to their host they turned their conversation onto past examples like Jiang Fengmian – and, of course, the more recent example of the ongoing fight between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji over Lan Sizhui.
Jiang Cheng had had no choice but to ignore it, no matter how his face purpled in rage at the suggestion that he might neglect either Lan Sizhui or Jin Ling in favor of the other.  Still, no one had really questioned it when he left in a huff not long after in response to an extremely unfortunate comment by the ever-feckless Nie Huaisang (of course: Lan Wangji shouldn’t have doubted him) about the ability of young men to handle child-rearing, returning to the Lotus Pier in a fury with a parting shot about how the Lotus Pier, at least, did not follow the Wen sect in encouraging the indoctrination of children – a vicious and unwarrented smear regarding the Lan sect’s lectures that made Lan Qiren almost visibly see red and Lan Xichen frown but which Lan Wangji thought was rather useful to their ultimate goal.
When later it was discovered that Mo Xuanyu had apparently run away – and based on the clues that had been left behind, that he must have pulled off his escape by disguising himself as part of Jiang Cheng’s retinue – Jin Guangshan was so angry that smoke nearly poured out of his ears, to the point that Jin Guangyao hastily came up with some excuse to briefly remove him from the scene.
Nie Huaisang winked at Lan Wangji from behind his fan, looking pleased with himself, and he looked so ridiculous that Lan Wangji had to forcefully remind himself once again of his personal revelation that the second young master of Qinghe Nie was far away from being the useless waste that he presented himself as.
Far more effective a reminder, though, was Jin Guangshan’s announcement later that day that he would indulge Mo Xuanyu’s desire for a little bit of freedom – natural in a boy of that age, he’d chuckled, playing the indulgent father – by requesting that Jiang Cheng keep him for some time at the Lotus Pier to tutor his young cousin Jin Ling in the ways of Lanling Jin.
Just as Nie Huaisang had so enthusiastically and confidently said he would.
“And with Hanguang-jun there to supervise, there will be no question of misconduct,” Chifeng-zun said, nodding in approval at the proposal. “Your son and grandson will benefit twice over! I think our younger generation is stronger for having all gathered together in one place, whether learning at the Cloud Recesses or resisting the oppression of the Wen sect…”
“That requires there to be a younger generation,” someone in the crowd interjected, as they almost always did when someone of their present generation mentioned the next. “Sect Leader Nie, don’t you think it’s time you settled down?”
“Why are you looking to me?” he demanded, looking annoyed. “Zewu-jun is equally unattached, and he ranks first on the list of women’s hearts, doesn’t he?”
“On the list of young masters, of which I no longer count,” Lan Xichen stressed hastily, holding up his hands in a vain attempt to ward off the discussion topic. “At any rate, I’m far too busy to be interested in courting at the moment – anyway, wasn’t Sandu Shengshou trying to set up a match some time back?”
“Didn’t he get blackballed?” Sect Leader Qin, ever Jin Guangshan’s faithful dog, interjected, always on the look-out for a way to denigrate the other Great Sects. “I didn’t even know that was possible –”
“At least he’s demonstrated the ability to care for a child –”
Lan Wangji decided that that was an excellent time to make his escape. This was one situation in which he especially did not want to get held up as a positive comparison.
His uncle went with him.
“Very cleverly done,” Lan Qiren remarked as they strolled into one of the many gardens that peppered Lanling City and Jinlin Tower in particular, and Lan Wangji looked at him sidelong. “Matchmaking and children are the favorite subjects of old men; by the time the noise dies down, Sect Leader Jin’s decision as to his newest son will be considered as settled and unquestionable. It was good of your brother – and Chifeng-zun, of course – to throw themselves on their swords for you.”
Lan Wangji put his hands behind his back, uncomfortable. “I did not ask them to act.”
His uncle said nothing. He didn’t need to – if perhaps Chifeng-zun was somewhat opaque to them both, his sheer straightforwardness ironically enough serving to conceal any subtle thoughts he might have, Lan Xichen was as clear as a calm lake. He had jumped into the conversation at just the right moment, saying words that would only inflame the situation rather than calm it, displaying just enough dismay to be humorous without actually appearing, to those that knew him well, to be surprised at all.
“It was Nie Huaisang’s idea,” Lan Wangji added, and that did get Lan Qiren’s eyebrows to rise up in surprise. Probably wondering, just as Lan Wangji was, when exactly Nie Huaisang had had the opportunity to rope the Venerated Triad into his scheme – as far as Lan Wangji could tell, he hadn’t had any opportunity to speak to them.
Still, however intriguing the speculation was, it wasn’t enough to dissuade his uncle from his target.  
“The motivation was yours,” he said, the question implicit.
“Mo Xuanyu requested Jiang Cheng’s assistance,” Lan Wangji explained. “He is – unhappy, in Lanling, and ill-suited to it. Jiang Cheng feared that he might one day bring harm upon himself if he remained.”
His uncle nodded slowly, looking thoughtful. “Having him at the Lotus Pier to teach Jin Ling the ways of Lanling Jin also means that there is no urgent need for Jin Ling to return to Lanling himself. He can remain with Sect Leader Jiang.”
His uncle huffed out a breath and leaned down to smell one of the flowers. “I will give you some books before you return to the Lotus Pier,” he said. “Mo Xuanyu is already past thirteen; it is not at all the same as dealing with small children. You will need to be prepared.”
Lan Wangji looked at his uncle, a little surprised. He had expected more resistance to this scheming plot, which was not at all in line with Lan sect principles.
“Mo Xuanyu is old enough to make his own decisions,” his uncle said, his eyes still fixed on the flower. “If he cannot happy here, he should go to where he can be.”
Lan Wangji’s heart trembled within his chest. He’d thought – his uncle, who had led the charge at the Burial Mounds, who had been the most disappointed at all of his choices–
“I am sorry that we did not suit you, Wangji.”
Lan Wangji exhaled, hard, feeling a stinging feeling in his eyes and nose.
He had not expected an apology.
It didn’t change everything all at once, of course. He was still angry, still spiteful, still furious, fill of bile and bone-deep rage at how his own family had so thoroughly failed to trust in him that they would take away even his right to choose. His belly was heavy with his resentment at how they disapproved of him, how they were ashamed of him, and it would take more than mere words to liberate him from it.
But still, he had to admit – there was something more complicated about it now.
It had been easier, he thought, to be merely angry.
“It was not you,” he said, a small concession. “If the circumstances were different, I could have lived my whole life at the Cloud Recesses with no dissatisfaction.”
“But they aren’t,” his uncle said, bowing his head in understanding. “And you can’t. I – do not understand, and I do not like it, but that is not necessary. It is still my dearest wish for you to be happy and safe.”
Lan Wangji wasn’t sure that being truly happy was possible in a world that lacked Wei Wuxian – a world his uncle had helped bring about with his own two hands – but he knew that the life he had built with Jiang Cheng in the Lotus Pier, warm and tightly packed and full of worries as it was, was as close as he would come, and a life of solitude and distance and tranquility at the Cloud Recesses would only be worse.
“I have another month left before I return,” he pointed out, seeking to change the subject.
“Not after that conversation,” Lan Qiren said, looking reluctantly amused. “You will be sent to the Lotus Pier as soon as can be managed to make sure that everyone is being properly supervised.”
“Jiang Cheng can supervise.”
“Jiang Wanyin won’t.”
Lan Wangji bowed his head to hide a smile. His uncle wasn’t wrong.
And he had to admit - he wouldn’t miss Jiang Cheng dealing with a teenager for the world.
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minjoonalist · 4 years
Buzzkill | Ksj. 18+
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Pairing: Boss!Seokjin x Driver!Reader
Rating: Mature
Genre: Request, PWP
Word: 6k
Discription: In which your boss has a consistent streak of being the biggest wet blanket.
Warnings: soft dom!Jin, sub!reader, penetration, fingering, unprotected sex they have sex on a stolen car, cursing, explicit wording, slight degradation, Quickie 
A/N: so this is request I received and decided to turn it into a mini fic for a cute little bean, I’m sorry took a second but I do hope you enjoy it sweetie! ����
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There was nothing more thrilling than the violent purr of the engine surrounding your senses, the harsh wind whipping through your hair, the exhilarating sound of power that brought you and your crew mates through the dark silent streets of an unknown neighborhood and especially the pride that came with knowing everyone would end up praising you for your extraordinary skills as a getaway driver. You’d only known them for about three weeks, but that was plenty of enough time to showcase your abilities and impress them. They would compliment you, lifting your ego for the complicated turns and cheering you on for the risky maneuvers that allowed all of you to get off scot free with more than five hundred thousand dollars...you loved it, every single part of it.
It was moments like this where Jimin snaps his hands to applaud your fearless energy, Hoseok, the personified can of sunshine boosts you for whipping the fast car in front of a massive truck as a means to shake the three police cars chasing you down the highway. The kid, known as Jungkook- widening his eyes in amazement and slight fear once that same truck misses all of you by a hair as you exited fast lane.
It was a thrill and one you found yourself living off of recently.
The adrenaline and rush of everything you had done, bringing life to the boring, mundane one you’d use to live before. How you were just some pretty accountant by day, kissing the asses of rich old men with too much privilege on their hands- but only to turn around and take care of it for them by night time...in other words you were robbing them blind and just the thought alone always had you grinning ear to ear, even while you turned the unharmed vehicle into the hidden garage that your crew mates owned. It was fun, yet rewarding every time and nothing anyone did could ever ruin that-
“That was dumb.”
“Excuse me?”You balk.
All too quickly, the rush of your misdeed had drained away from your body and suddenly the air had gone incredibly still. The three men currently residing in the back of the car, pauses just as perplexed as you were in the driver’s seat- your eyes glued to the platinum blonde male staring you down in the passenger.
Arms crossed, his pearly teeth nibbling on a silver lip ring- Jin, otherwise known as Kim Seokjin and your boss, meets you with an unimpressed gaze “You heard what I said, that was stupid and reckless.�� He continues, voice devoid of any kindness as well as having irritation enter those black irises.
You shake your head, blinking a couple of times just to make sure you’re understanding him and maybe you weren’t in some dream. “I’m confused...what are you talking about?” your voice lifts slightly with outrage while you turned the key in the ignition to shut the car off.
Jin’s face only hardens “Don’t make me repeat myself, that bull crap stunt you pulled back there could’ve nearly killed us. We were lucky that truck driver only hesitated from hearing the police sirens just before that exit...like I said, dumb.” The tense outburst between all of you, was enough to throw the entire atmosphere and stun you all into silence.
Well all except Hoseok, as the optimistic member, he suddenly reaches forward to pat Jin on the shoulder from the back “Hey man, She was great back there- Lighten up.”
“Yeah Hyung, the important thing is that we’re all alive and we each have a hundred thousand dollars in our pockets without anyone catching on.” Jungkook decides to chime in as well, peering around for confirmation- which he does receive. “There's no telling what could have happened if she didn’t.”
You on the other hand didn’t reply to the hurtful insult of the soured male beside you and neither did Jimin, Too busy trying to cope with the foreign reaction of your driving skills and that you were being scolded for actually doing your Job. As you sat there listening to the both of them defend your honor, you’d hoped some of it might have gotten to the quiet grouch raining in on your thrill, but instead it only increased his anger. Which only caused Seokjin to turn his attention to the three men in the back.
He sends an expectant look to Hoseok “I’m sorry...do you and Jimin not have money in the back of this car to go count?” He presses harshly “Instead of worrying about the brat, I suggest you tend to your duties.” Seokjin snaps his fingers, causing the dark haired male to flinch and send you all a beaten look before backing down. Within the next few seconds Hoseok opens his back seat door, getting out grumpily and causing a chain for Jimin to follow him. They both walk around to the back of the car, both of them coming into your vision on the rearview mirror. You catch sight of Jimin, a short wink coming from him with two hits to the closed trunk signaling you to pop it open.
Immediately, you oblige.
Meanwhile Jin turns around to Jungkook, the poor kid’s Adam Apple bobbing up and down as your boss looks at him sternly. “Well?”
“Um, I-I should probably help them?” He says a bit unsure, his pitiful posture within the middle seat, making your soft spot for him ache.
His knees knocked together, rough hands rubbing nervously across his muscular thighs- which makes you wonder how he could possibly be so wrecked from one man and yet keep a calm composure when facing the lethal obstacles of obtaining glorious amounts of money. Nonetheless, you don't have much time to process before the kid is scurrying out of his seat, doing the same as his friends and opening the back seat’s door to let himself out-leaving the both of you inside with silence.
“...Well that was uncalled for.” You finally mumble after a few seconds go by.
From beside you, Seokjin Sighs tiredly- almost ruefully before completely ignoring you. The skip in your heart beat from the situation only serves to remind you of how much adrenaline you still had running through your system.
Just like that, Seokjin had immediately ruined the mood like always and if that weren't enough to have you fuming from the buzzkill, then what he said next did him no Justice. “Aw the brat can’t handle criticism all of a sudden?”
Your face turns sour “I can when that person isn’t being a dick.”
“It's never stopped you before.”He scoffs “ Pointing out a selfish move like that doesn’t make me the bad guy Kiddo, unfortunately for you, you have a hard time seeing that fault.”
Your anger spikes, watching as he rests his head back. Even more now that the adrenaline in you had become noticeable and part of you wondered if he was riling you up on purpose.
It wouldn't be the first time…Seokjin had pissed you off plenty of times before in-fact the man had been giving you a hard time since the first day you began. You couldn’t recall a single memory where you and your boss had a pleasant conversation with each other, not when you brought him the damaged and stolen vehicle of your ex to his garage and especially not when you had to explain the wreckage it’d received after you crashed it in an impromptu street race after your break up.
Now that you were thinking about it, you remembered how you even managed to land the job in the first place…Right, because maybe it didn’t help that your ex happened to be very good customer of the garage owner and that if it weren’t for him- you’d be facing a few years behind bars at the moment. Agreeing to never tell the poor soul the whereabouts of his precious child unless you agreed to work a few jobs for him.
Before then, he’d already been aware of your talent, hearing about it constantly from his babbling friend and always dreading the long convos of another man bragging about his girlfriend, who ‘knows how to drive a stick shift in more ways than one’. You grimaced from the crude comment when Jin had mentioned it to you and it’d been a pleasure knowing he wouldn't be able to say it anymore, Although the man himself had no problem bringing it up just to toy with you on the matter.
So yeah you kind of owed it to him, especially when he’d taken the liberty to fix the car up for you...but still...It doesn’t mean he gets to be an ass right now.
“You’re right Jin, It's not like I'm risking my life too,” The man rolls his eyes as soon as you speak “-Or that I managed to lose three police cars and a helicopter that nearly caught us from a misdirection you gave prior.” You huff out from your nose, your face turning so red Seokjin could've sworn he’d seen steam coming from your ears.
He then hears it before he sees it, the sound of an opening car door and shuffling coming from his side, only to see you clamber out of your seat angrily and turn his way. “You know what, forget it, we got the money... If you think what I did was selfish, fine, but I’m done, I did what you asked and I got us the hell out of there. So do us all a favor and take that damn stick out of your ass for once.” You snap at the older man, not giving him a chance to reply before slamming the car door in his face and also not noticing the way he shamelessly eyes you from his seat.
From behind the car, all three men freeze from your sudden outburst- their shocked expressions morphing while seeing someone so calm suddenly go-off on the most intimidating person here. You clear your throat from the awkward air surrounding you…maybe now would be a good time to leave. You think to yourself, your feeting shifting to turn away until one final sound of a slammed car door stops you as well.
Seokjin steps out, his own aura turning for the worst, but he doesn't plan to take it out on the others. No in-fact even as the three quickly move into action from seeing him appear as well, he doesn’t spare them glance when his eyes ignite on fire from your words. Seokjin’s nostrils flare, inked arms flexing at his sides under a light pink button down and the back of his neck gone completely red, bringing the tiniest bit of fear in you, that you’d gone too far.
Oh and you did.
“Jungkook.” The air practically vibrates with the bass of Seokjin’s voice. The younger stops in between Hoseok and Jimin, eyes widened with curiosity of hearing his name.
“Y-Yes?” he answers quickly.
Seokjin glances at him, an honest emotion written on his face- giving you whiplash from the sudden change of character. “Go home. It's late and the last thing I need is for your older brother to jump down my throat about where you’ve been. Tell Namjoon I’ll be making your drop Tomorrow morning.” He says with finalty. Namjoon...That name itself was enough to punch you in the gut and had it not been for the crippling rush plaguing your body- you’d be feeling quite nauseous at the mention of your ex-boyfriend.
At first Jungkook makes no effort to move completely bewildered by the sudden order “I...but-”
Jimin gives him a light shove to break his trance. “Go, before you piss him off even more -we got it from here.” he whispers but not low enough that you couldn’t catch it from your side of the car.
Jungkook, looks around to all of you for the last time tonight, muttering a silent confirmation before slowly backing off and heading in the opposite direction. No doubt heading out to his own car. After that is done Seokjin barks the simple orders to the two others “Count and leave.” Insisting how late it is for them as well and if he saw them again tonight- they’ll have more to worry about than whether or not they make it home.
Unlike Jungkook, the both of them agree with no hesitation, grabbing what was left in the trunk and heading off somewhere deeper into the garage without so much as glancing your way or saying goodnight. A strange way to act, considering they were always the first ones to do so and with that- you couldn’t stop the sinking foreboding in the pit of your stomach.
Finally Seokjin comes back to you, expression blank and yet you could still feel the cold chill draping down your spine from the look- A strange mix of adrenaline with the beginnings of a newfound lust rising in your abdomen from the wolfish gaze he sends your way. Across from his side of the car, He snaps his fingers once again and points to you. “Come here.” He doesn’t question and neither do you, your body on autopilot as your slow footsteps reaches his ears. Each step felt non-existent as if you were walking into a trap and it was too late to turn back. You swallow, frowning up at the tense man staring at you while you walk around the car. Once close enough, you stop a few feet away from him, the butterflies in your stomach sending alarms to your head that you had found yourself in this situation with Seokjin.
Strange how it quickly turned to excitement.
He gives you a once over, narrowed eyes zoning in specifically on how far you’d allowed yourself space. He suddenly meets your eyes “Do you like pissing me off?” The male could only ask, crossing his arms together- your own eyes flickering to the tattooed biceps bulging out from the action.
You swallow in your very dry throat. “I could ask you the same thing, you’ve grown quite the record.”
He arches a brow, face hardening from the reply and he suddenly takes a step forward, beginning to circle opposite of the car and towards you. “ I’m not trying to be an ass, y/n.” He starts cautiously.
“You’ve been an ass since the first day we met,” You sputter in disbelief watching him take another slow step. “admit it you don’t like me because you think I broke your friend’s heart. Good news, it's the other way around.” You point out wearily, subconsciously taking a step back of your own towards the hood of the car.
It was no secret how bad of a break up you and your ex had and if anyone knew, it was definitely Jungkook. The constant bickering and fighting between you and his older brother, the poor thing had to have heard every horrible word you both spat at each other within their home and there was no surprise that even he wanted you to end it. Truth be told, you both were wrong, a bad match to put it lightly and the biggest problem seemed to be how easy it was for Namjoon to wear his heart on his sleeve. He was too jealous, too demanding, too sensitive and It's probably why anyone would think you were the one who hurt him, that definitely wasn’t the case.
Seokjin’s Features turn down in confusion, before a sly grin breaks across his face, a reaction you weren't expecting and his brows furrowing in as if the words you were speaking are absolute gibberish. “Is that what you think? That's... Interesting.” he ponders out loud, amusement clear as ever in his voice. “I mean you’re wrong, but you’re right I don’t like you.”
Your face goes flat, from where you stand Seokjin has gotten significantly closer- your entire body on high alert as your boss begins to tower over you. He tilts his head, your instincts screaming at you to run away and yet you don’t move a single inch- your heart pounding in your chest. “Your mouth and narcissistic tendencies piss me off to no end, but you can drive so Namjoon was right about that and If I actually gave a shit about your past relationship- I wouldn’t constantly find myself wanting to fuck a brat against his car at this moment.” He shrugs while bringing himself even closer, those sinful eyes swirling with a much darker intention.
“I-I what?”
Your entire nervous system jolts from the confession, the electrifying mixture of arousal strumming through you more than ever as the visual had gone to your head. It’s not like you’ve never thought of it before, After all you’d be lying to say you weren’t attracted to him- he was insanely gorgeous. However the problem came whenever Seokjin would go out of his way to comment negatively to you or for instance dismiss your every attempt whenever you tried to have a decent conversation with him.
But now that was different, So much that part of you couldn’t comprehend the sudden force of his lips crashing down on yours. A surprised yelp leaving your body from the soft plush fiercely molding against your mouth, accompanied with the searing cold of his silver lip ring. The kiss is completely unexpected and yet for some reason hot licks of arousal pool around within your stomach easily. You breathe deeply into him, two long arms coming to wrap tightly within the curve of your waist and Seokjin’s hand snakes slightly under the warmth of your shirt, resting at the small of your back.
All over, the butterflies you were feeling had gone completely haywire, your body being pressed firmly into his hard chest and on instinct your own hands had braced themselves onto his broad shoulders.
He groans, a startling vibration that has you rubbing your thighs together, managing to catch his attention in the process and Seokjin can’t help but to run his tongue across the bottom seam of your lips. It feels as if your body had naturally melted into him, the dominance in his kiss leaving you breathless and your head had begun to spin as he moves to suck on your bottom lip- wanting entry so bad he had even sank his teeth to elicit a moan from your end.
“Damn I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” His husky chuckle has you keening into him, the hands on your back roaming up further, when he lifts you more into him. By now Seokjin had managed to slip in completely, the wet muscle maneuvering in every way it pleased, taking over completely and tasting you to the fullest.
At some point you’d managed to get completely lost in Seokjin, all your previous thoughts vanishing within his embrace and slowly you could feel your panties dampening from his touch- a violent shiver racking down your spine once his cold fingertips grazes all the way up on your heating skin. Your back arches, the thick bulge of his erection digging into your abdomen and you nearly grow goosebumps everywhere. Without noticing, your boss had managed to back you up against the car, a muscular thigh parting itself between your legs and rutting up into you, causing you to shiver pleasurably into his hold.
With his lips continuing their attack on yours, you’re still reminded of the silver ring digging into you, your own impulse to latch onto it, teeth tugging slightly to push a faint gasp from him. He feels an immediate twitch in his pants, his own arousal getting to his head and He suddenly parts- “Fuck okay.” You hear him breath, panting as the air finally makes its way back into your lungs and it doesn’t dawn on you what exactly just happened. Perhaps it could have been from the adrenaline running through your system or maybe that it’s been a while since you’ve been with anyone except Namjoon- but slowly you felt yourself slipping away, your fucked out gaze meeting Seokjin’s feral one and you held no ounce of regret.
“Lets try not tugging on that.” He suddenly gives a dry laugh, but there's no denying the deep lust residing in it.
“S-Sorry, we probably should have stopped sooner.” he hears you breathe in response, your eyes clouded with a long gone emotion and there was nothing more he wanted than to bend you over and fuck you mercilessly.
He’s wanted that for a while now, often finding himself wondering what it would be like to have the prideful little vixen rendered helpless under his touch. He wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t like you, but damn if you didn’t turn the man on beyond what would even make sense. To him, you were infuriating and at the same time a forbidden fruit to be eaten. How you’d come to the conclusion he disliked you because of Namjoon he wouldn’t understand, but what he does know is that you were a wild card and one his friend thought could be tamed. He was wrong, and Seokjin could tell the second you brought in the poor scrapped vehicle without an ounce of guilt.
“You’re not sorry.” he whispers lower than ever, catching you by surprise. “If anything you’re the opposite...you’re practically grinding yourself on me.”
Your hands dig nervously into the cloth of his shirt, an untamable throbbing striking you between your thighs proving the truth behind his statement. As if completely drawn to him, all you do was wish his lips were back on yours- your eyes switching repeatedly to stare up at him and that's when you feel it, a movement so slow and torturous it nearly had your knees buckling.
Somehow without being noticed, His hand had begun to move from behind your back, coming around between the both of you and landing at the front of your jeans. He suddenly pops the button open, your zipper being tugged down afterwards and Seokjin watches you cautiously as he slips his hand in and over your clothed heat. His lips part at the feel, your slick wetness drenching the frail material on his hand. “And quite frankly, you’re a terrible liar...aren’t you kiddo?”
You whimper pitifully rutting yourself down onto his hand, enjoying the pressure of his fingers gliding over your slit and rubbing teasing circles around your clit.
“...please.” you find yourself saying to him, your hands clutching him tighter.
“Please? That's new, but I don’t know what you’re asking for.” He frowns, applying more pressure between your folds and then switching to pull your underwear aside. You gasp at the new pleasure, your pussy becoming more and more sensitive to his touch and it was foreign to suddenly feel this way for him, at this point you didn’t care.
“Jin just fuck me already.” You groan, two of his fingers sliding downwards and deeper into your folds, stopping right at your entrance before one sinks in and then the other. Your body tenses, pressing yourself closer to him and he smirks wickedly-wanting to hear exactly those words coming from your mouth.
Seokjin suddenly leans down, bringing his lips close against your ear “That's no way to speak to your boss- If you really want my cock, you’re gonna have to be nicer about it...So let's try again hm?” You gasp, feeling the slow thrusts of his slender digits before he curls them inside. He hums slowly, soft lips caressing over your earlobe and trailing down more to place a soft kiss on your neck. “What are you asking for y/n?” Seokjin tries once more, licking and nibbling on the soft flesh while fucking his fingers a little harder into you.
This time your knees really do buckle, a soft mewl coming deep from within your chest and you don’t hesitate to breathe out what you wanted. “Jin please I need you to fuck me.”
He hums out again, this time as if to think more on the decision...as if he was actually going to change his mind. “Now?”
“ Y-Yes.” He hears your reply, so soft and desperate almost able to rub off on him in the process.
“Right here?” By now you could hear the smile on his lips, which was strange since you’d actually never seen one on him. The idea makes you roll your eyes while muttering another yes, but you bite your lip immediately afterwards- your stomach swirling with warmth from the new action.
It doesn’t last long however, in the next second Seokjin was slipping his hand away from you, placing one last kiss at the bottom of your neck before pulling back with hunger swirling fierce in his eyes. “You know, you sound a lot hotter when you beg.” He teases watching your face screw up into one of your famous glares.
“Fuck o-” You’re being moved before you could finish. He grabs your waist, twisting it with enough force to have you turning away from him and presses your front towards the car.
“Bend.” He grunts when you take too long to catch on.
You yelp in again in surprise, a huge palm pushing towards the middle of your back and suddenly you’re doing just as he says- bending forward over the warm hood of the car. Your ass pushed back towards his front and unable to see anything he was doing. Your body trembles from the new position, feeling Seokjin’s hands run soothingly down your sides towards the back of your ass- giving it a harsh squeeze. “Good little brat.”
Bent away from him, you silently await the moment his fingers would then latch onto the band of your pants and undies. You bite your lip, the cold air rushing around the heated flesh of your ass, his knuckles grazing your hips as he tugs them down to the middle of your thighs. Your pussy clenches to the praise he gives you, wetness seeping out and down your exposed core while also making Seokjin groan out from the sight. He takes in another breath- mouth watering to your drenched core and wanting so badly to taste you in the moment, but there just wasn’t enough time.
“Jin hurry.” you whimper, feeling a single finger glide up your slit once again- taking the opportunity to sway your ass in front him, inviting him.
“Fuck, ” He swallows, his own hands flying for his zipper and you can hear as he undoes himself behind you.
Part of you wondered just for a second if he’d happened to have any protection on him- realizing how you both were out in the open and-“O-Oh.” You suddenly hiss into the silent air.
Seokjin, grips himself at the base of his dick and presses into one side of your cheek to spread you out for him. Thank god he’d prepped you before, your heart racing in your chest as the warm mushroom tip presses into you, gliding up and down your bare core. Eventually when it’s coated enough he stops just outside your entrance, pressing himself in and begins to sink himself slowly into your tight walls.
Hissing again, you gasp at the unbelievable stretch of his girth, your pussy slowly taking him in and molding around him almost to a point where it was slightly uncomfortable- however despite his nature, Seokjin is gentle about it. He rocks himself in, giving you time to adjust to the size of him and there was no denying the gradually growing pleasure that was beginning to take over your body.
“Yes…” you gasp out breathlessly, hands bracing under your body once you feel him reach deep inside you, able to touch the special area of nerves that made up your g-spot...you start to become restless.
“Fuck you’re so tight, I need to move.” His voice comes out strained, grip on your hips tightening a bit more, you simply whimper in return while pushing yourself back onto him fully. In unison, the both of you groan out in pleasure, his slow rocking stuttering from the action.
Seokjin, Takes in a breath- pulling himself slowly out of your heat and snaps his hips back into you. He does this again, pulling back and thrusting into you a bit harder before setting a comfortable pace. With another cry coming from you, it almost takes everything in him not to lose control, his slower thrusts giving you enough to get off and still you need more.
Oh yeah it's definitely the adrenaline.
You whimper, voice cracking as his length hits your g-spot over again. “More...p-please” you try biting your lip.
Seokjin hears you, the untamable emotion riding in his chest fluttering from the request. His hand leaves your hip to bury itself in the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair to pull you up to him. You cry out, his grip twisting in your hair to turn your face towards him. When you do, your breathing stops, dark eyes lit with so passion in them you nearly melt right there.
“Do you want me to fuck you harder brat? Is that what you’re asking?” His deep and breathless voice vibrates on your back. Without thinking you’re nodding your head frantically, a desperate need is filling your eyes that has Seokjin’s will to hold back snapping in half.
Immediately he slams his lips back onto yours, the grip in your hair becoming painful as he pulls out to ram himself back into you. Your hands reach back, managing to latch onto his thighs and you can't help loud cries you set free into his kiss. Seokjin moans too, loving the feel of your body shaking under him and he slowly feels his own resolve. He suddenly breaks the kiss, knowing he wouldn’t be able to last much longer and Seokjin lets you fall forward again, suddenly taking a rougher turn to make you reach your release.
With a deeper snap of his hips, the delicious stretch of his cock begins to turn your legs to jelly, a louder moan falling past your lips and into the night air as another one of his powerful thrusts jerks your body forward. Your torso falls even more, the warmth from the hood caressing your chest and easily you were met with your fucked out reflection. Teary eyes, wild hair and a sweaty face twisted into ecstasy- you shut your eyes before the predicament could truly set in.
How the hell did you get here? Letting Seokjin fuck your brains out in such an open space and loving the thrill of it. His fingers deep within your hair, pulling and tugging you back towards him as he drills himself in and out of you repeatedly, bringing your awaiting orgasm closer and faster than ever, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Such a good little slut, Who would've thought you’d be so whipped for my dick.” You hear him growl from behind you, a large hand connecting harshly with the soft skin of your ass. A tiny shriek is ripped from your throat and you then let out a tiny sob as your walls quivered around him from the action. He chuckles darkly, gripping harder onto your hips as he picks up the pace and begins to pound harder into you- loving every sexy ass moan that leaves your mouth every time he thrusts into you. “Oh the brat likes that? Do you like when I talk to you like a cock loving slut? You don’t want me to call you princess or baby girl?”
Your mouth parts in protest “I-...f-fuck Seokjin shut u-up, yes!” You cry out, As your nerves begin to prickle with the beginnings of your release- your sweaty hands squeaking up against the hood as they try to grab anything to anchor you down and before you know it- he's pressing down harder into your back, his other hand leaving your hair to come and rub frenzied circles around your clit.
“Oh shit, fuck you just gushed around me. I bet you’re going cum.” He pants, thrusts becoming relentless and overwhelming. “ Fuck, fuck yes- keep taking me just like that...wanna cum in this tight little pussy. Do you want to cum on my dick? W-wanna be a good little slut and let me cum in whats mine?”
“Yes J-Jin, Fuck yes!” By now you felt as if your body was going limp, your loud cries turning into drawled out moans and it could be accompanied by his grunts of pleasure as well as the connecting of his hips to your sore ass.
He swallows a fevered moan of his own “Then cum, show me who this pussy belongs to.”
You grow more butterflies in your stomach, hearing him call you his so suddenly when the guy had barely acknowledged you before. It was confusing to say the least, but all the while so fucking hot and you didn’t have the time to truly comprehend it- instead you allowed the pleasure to consume you. The strong feeling of intense warmth abruptly overtaking your body, your toes curling inside your shoes, a sharp squeak escaping your lips and Seokjin could feel your body stiffen under him as your legs shook sporadically from your powerful orgasm.
Seokjin growls out a guttural moan, His sloppy thrusts tipping him over once he feels your walls clenched tightly around him- bringing his orgasm on so suddenly, the next thing he knew, Seokjin was suddenly collapsing heavily over your back with a curse. “Shit!”
You pant trying to ride out your high, hips continuing to rock against him even as his cock swells in you. Sudden spurts of hot cum drench your walls and manages to trigger the aftershocks of your own release.
“Um wow.” You breath out, after staying in your position for a few minutes, both of you trying to catch your breath. Seokjin’s chest could be felt rising and falling heavily onto your back, his length softening within you and it was then then that you finally heard him speak.
“He was right.” Jin mumbles out into the now silent garage, making you frown in confusion.
“Who was?”
Seokjin presses his forehead into your back, his mouth twitching to hide a smile even though you couldn’t see him and his silence probably should have been a red flag for you, however you don’t press any further. Its until the small vibrations of his chuckles and the feel of his chest shaking behind you has you curious as why the man would say such a random statement after sex.
“Namjoon…” Seokjin is full on laughing and before you know it, he's lifting off of you and sliding himself out while making you hiss. Once the joke registers, you find yourself rolling your eyes and you're lifting yourself up as well, wincing from the stickiness between your thighs and that you would need to hurry home fast so you could clean up.
Watching him put himself together, you start to do the same- reaching for your pants to pull them up and you’re sending him a disgusted look while fastening your button “Don't Seokjin, please don’t say it.” You say as you then run your hand up to fix your hair.
Already done, he steps closer to you - sending you a devilish grin that you’d never seen before, the look shocking you in the process and you don’t understand why you were still feeling the strange flutter in your stomach, your adrenaline long gone. Suddenly he pulls you closer, a hand tipping under your chin to have you look up at him and then...
“you really do know how to drive a stick shift in more ways than one.” He whispers dreamily before cackling in an unattractive manner and you don’t think you’ve ever wanted to punch someone more.
“I regret having sex with you.”
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chemicalpink · 3 years
Hi! Hope you're good. I really like the way you write. Seeing that July 12th is heterochromia iridium day, is it possible to get a BTS reaction about meeting an heterochromatic army at a fan sign or them having an heterochromatic s/o? It's okay if it's too weird as a request! Tysm anyway!! ♥
I sure can! I was so scared the day was done but it's still July 12th here so... I kinda took the creative liberty of mixing tarot and fanfiction, you know, the way one does.
Disclaimer: this is a work of fanfiction derived from a one-card pull on OT7. You know how it goes. Entertainment purposes only.
Page of cups.- "Oh my god can I look closer?" Jin says excitedly for what seems the umpteenth time, truth be told, he hadn't really noticed the way that your eyes clashed two different colours in one, contrary to most first dates you had ever had where that was what everyone started gushing over, you could see the way that his eyes sparkled like a curious child so you relented and leaned closer to him "That's so cool! Really matches your unique personality too!" To say the least, even if he did his best to not have you notice his fascination, you could catch him one too many times smiling at you.
5 of cups.- Yoongi was never really bothered by the way that your eyes always seemed to get all the attention in a room, he really basked in the warmth of his partner getting all the attention that they deserved, although at times, when days weren't as bright and insecurities liked to take the worst in him, he felt the need to just have you wrapped like a burrito all to himself, like how he not so carefully wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you away from curious eyes "This is gonna sound so weird but I really wished that those eyes were only mine to look at" he whispers against your lips, making you stifle a giggle.
page of swords.- Even though you and Hobi had been dating for quite some time now, the pure admiration and curiosity over your heterochromia never seemed to fade away, which was endearing, to say the least, it was a very much Hoseok way to show just how much he cared about you and everything that makes you, you. "But wait- so you weren't born with it?" "No Hobi, I hurt my eye sometimes when I was little and all that was left was this," you say pointing to your left eye, coloured in two different tones "But then- then when we have kids, won't they be prone to have it?" "When we have kids?"
7 of cups.- Namjoon is a man of knowledge, and reason, and apparently- a lot of research. Although you both had in mind a romantic relationship, you had both decided to take things slow, which mainly resulted in Namjoon going on a research rampage out of sheer affection for you. It was hard not to notice the different colours in your eyes, and he wanted to make sure to understand all of it to a tee. "You know, you are part of less than the 1% of the population with that condition, Y/N that's so cool!" You can't help but giggle at his antiques "Yeah, I know Joonie" "Okay but did you know, that although there's not much research about it, it is considered to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.?" You look at him puzzled "I have all the resources to back me up"
10 of cups.- Although everyone else seemed to always gush over your eyes, there were some days where you wished you weren't born with the condition, a condition that had made you feel from time to time like there wasn't much else to you as a person than what made you different, stand out from the rest, and Jimin knew that damn well. "I know I can't really understand it Y/N, but please know that the fascination we all feel around you is because of who you are, not so much as to how you look baby" you sniffled while cuddling him "I try to keep it in mind Jimin" "And I'll be there for the times that you can't"
5 of cups.- Taehyung was a possessive man in the cutest way possible, there was no denying that, although as time went by and your relationship got more serious, you got to meet some of his out circle of friends, whom to say the least felt absolutely captivated by the colours on your eyes, which you were fine with, having grown accustomed to it and knowing that they weren't ill-meaning with their questions, although not the same could be said about Tae. "Aish, move along would you?" his tone was teasing yet everyone knew better than to keep pushing his buttons "It's fine Tae, they're just curious" to which he poutily responded "Then they can google all about it"
5 of pentacles.- "It's fine Kookie, you don't have to hold back your compliments on my eyes" Jungkook and you had been dating for some weeks now, the man still shy around you when it came to deeper meaning stuff like your heterochromia "I just- you've told me it happened because of an illness and I really feel like I would be saying I'm glad you're sick" you can't help but hold him closer to you, wondering how you got such a considerate man for yourself "But the illness is controlled Jungkook, and these eyes are just the reminder that I'm very much well and alive now" he looks at you with big eyes, taking a moment to consider your words before he snuggles against you even closer, voice barely audible "I think your eyes are really pretty Y/N"
Deck used: The Prisma Visions Tarot
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ibijau · 4 years
Worst engagement AU // on AO3
Parts of this had been posted before, but it has now been updated to better fit with the rest of the timeline
After another weekly discussion with Lan Xichen, Nie Huaisang figures out a way to get back at his fiancé.
It goes the same as always. Lan Xichen serves insipid tea for both of them, and offers some of those bland biscuits he seems to adore, as if it’s a great honour he’s doing to Nie Huaisang to give him anything to snack on.
Nie Huaisang who just wants this stupid meeting to be over already so he can go have some fun. Wei Wuxian said he’d sneak out to get them something to drink, and Nie Huaisang still has a stash of snacks from his last expedition out of the Cloud Recesses. They’ve decided to have a little party tonight, to celebrate the end of Wei Wuxian’s punishment. It will start as soon as Nie Huaisang is freed from this boring tea party.
First though, Nie Huaisang half expects to be scolded for what happened at the river yesterday. He was too annoyed by having their fun interrupted, but Jiang Cheng swears that Lan Xichen seemed very upset by his state of undress. Not without reason, since it goes against the rules of stupid Gusu Lan to be immodest and indecent. And sure, it’s all Wei Wuxian’s fault, but that’s not really going to help his case.
But the scolding never comes. Lan Xichen chooses to be annoyingly dignified instead, as if it’d be beneath him to even mention that incident. Nie Huaisang would have preferred anger. He would have preferred any emotion at all, instead of that blank politeness.
"Shall we play Go again?" Lan Xichen asks as he hands him his cup of tea. 
He sounds hopeful, eager even, and last week he looked like he was really having fun as they played. So did Nie Huaisang. He's still new to the game, but he finds that he loves it and it was thrilling to win against someone as skilled as Lan Xichen. 
"I'm not in the mood to play," Nie Huaisang announces.
Lan Xichen's smile falls, letting show real disappointment. Good. Nie Huaisang likes Go, but he refuses to let his fiancé get any enjoyment out of their weekly talks. Last time was an accident that he won't repeat. 
"I'll be more careful about the time that passes," Lan Xichen offers. He's not wrong that it was part of the problem, but seeing him insist like this just makes Nie Huaisang promise himself to never play together again, since Lan Xichen wants it so much.
"I'm just too tired," he mumbles, just a touch whiny. "Lan gongzi, I'd do so badly and then you'd be cross at me for not doing well enough."
Without surprise, Lan Xichen pinches his lips and glares at him, but it would be rude to push more so he gives up. It's rather obvious that he was planning on playing for the entire time they have to be together, and that he didn't prepare anything else to pass the time. Meanwhile Nie Huaisang has decided he wants to try his hand at poetry, so sitting in silence for a while doesn't bother him in the least. 
For now, he's looking for something to rhyme with nightingale, which is harder than expected. But aside from his beloved birds, Nie Huaisang can't think of anything worth writing about. Love is a lie for common people, and he's more interested in painting nature than writing about it. 
"I don't think I had the chance to say, but thank you for preventing that fight the other day," Lan Xichen says, apparently abhorring silence.
Nie Huaisang shoots him a puzzled look. It takes him a moment to find what that's about, but there can be only one incident his fiancé his referring to. Three days ago, Lan Xichen had to supervise the guest disciples because Lan Qiren was called away for a bit, and of course that gave some people a chance to start causing problems. 
Well, some people. Jin Zixuan. 
He's a weird kid, that Jin Zixuan, Nie Huaisang has decided. For someone from such a great sect, who is this pretty and good at cultivation, and in spite of being there with a number of relatives, it's odd that he's not particularly popular. Of course, that might be because he can't say two words without insulting someone. 
A bit like Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, but at least they always have each other to step up if they cross a line. On the other hand nobody dares tell Jin Zixuan when he's a little shit, so he comes off as mean rather than funny like the Jiang boys. 
In truth, Nie Huaisang is starting to suspect Jin Zixuan is just painfully awkward and bad with people, and of course he too knows about being awkward. He wouldn’t tell anyone, least of all Jin Zixuan himself, but he pities him a little.
"It really was nothing," Nie Huaisang says with a dismissive handwave. "There wasn't going to be any real trouble. Wei-xiong knows better than to start a fight with his shijie's fiancé." 
Lan Xichen cannot contain a slight grimace, unconvinced. In truth, Nie Huaisang isn't so sure either, but he's not about to snitch on his friend. 
“It was still good of you to intervene,” Lan Xichen insists, smiling blankly.
Nie Huaisang rolls his eyes. If he had known it would please Lan Xichen so much, he’d have let Wei Wuxian punch Jin Zixuan in the face. Maybe he will next time.
“Lan gongzi is too kind. Really, I just wanted to tease Wei-xiong, it’s just an accident if that prevented anything. Lan gongzi knows I’m not bright enough to do anything good, ever.”
“That’s not true,” Lan Xichen protests, startling Nie Huaisang with how earnest he sounds all of a sudden. “Certainly you are not much of a scholar, but you have other talents. Although, even for this you have improved, haven’t you? I’m told you have done better than last year with the class on talismans.”
“Wei-xiong helped me,” Nie Huaisang announces, proud of himself for the fact that it’s not quite a lie. Wei Wuxian did help, by giving him all the answers in exchange for permanent ownership of a certain artful print from Nie Huaisang’s collection. And this time, they’ve been smart enough to not get caught. They're getting good at cheating, Nie Huaisang thinks.
Lan Xichen appears to consider that explanation for a moment as he sips some of his tea, looking as if he actually enjoys the stuff when it tastes like nothing but diluted washing water.
“You really spend a lot of time with Wei gongzi and Jiang gongzi, don’t you?” Lan Xichen remarks at last.
“I like them a lot. And I remember you encouraging me to do it. After all, a sect leader’s husband must have good relations with other sect leaders as well, right?”
A frown appears on Lan Xichen’s too perfect face, as always when Nie Huaisang says something to remind him of what awaits them in a few years. More surprisingly, there’s also the faintest trace of a blush on his cheeks. It’s not a bad look on him. It makes him seem more human. Not that Nie Huaisang cares, of course.
“You are right. Still, I would advise you not to take too much after Wei gongzi,” Lan Xichen says in a voice as dispassionate as ever. “He is not unkind, but very wild. A sect leader’s husband should respect the rules, and I fear Wei gongzi...”
“Are you gossiping, Lan gongzi?” Nie Huaisang interrupts with a smirk.
The other boy’s frown deepens, as does his blush. Lan Xichen hates being caught at fault, and Nie Huaisang is starting to figure out how to push him to it. It’s thrilling to see how imperfect his jade fiancé is after all. If he weren’t worried about Nie Mingjue’s reaction, Nie Huaisang would push even harder, just to see if it’s possible for Lan Xichen to actually get angry. His face his always so smooth and perfect, but he must look ugly when he's properly furious, that'd be fun.
Actually, since Nie Mingjue’s always grumpy about something, Nie Huaisang might try anyway. He wants Lan Xichen to be angry, just as Nie Huaisang himself still is when he allows his thoughts to linger on their situation.
He wants Lan Xichen to hurt, just as he’s ached all those years during which he tried so hard to be good enough, always in vain.
He’ll make him pay.
“If you knew for sure that Wei Ying and I were doing anything wrong, you’d have had us punished already,” Nie Huaisang claims, enjoying the ways Lan Xichen’s eyes narrow when he uses the other boy’s personal name. “Besides, I’m sure Jiang Cheng would not let us do anything that might tarnish his sect’s reputation either. He is very aware of these things.”
“I was not aware you were so close to Jiang gongzi,” Lan Xichen remarks coldly.
They both know that Nie Huaisang has never even called Lan Xichen by his courtesy name, let alone his personal name. He never will, not if he can help it. They might have to marry, but nobody can force Nie Huaisang to pretend he cares, not anymore. Lan Xichen is Lan gongzi, and someday he’ll be sect leader Lan, and that’s it. If absolutely forced, Nie Huaisang will perhaps deign call him husband, but only as a last resort, if they have to show unity in front of enemies. He'll never be Lan Xichen, and even less Lan Huan.
“Jiang Cheng is a lot of fun, in his own manner,” Nie Huaisang chirps. “It was his idea to go to the river yesterday, you know? He doesn’t look it, but he is really fun. And it’s nice that you always know where you stand with him… I just like people who are honest about what they think and how they feel. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are great friends to have for that, even if it can get them in trouble at times.”
Lan Xichen pinches his lips, and his fingers tighten around his cooling cup of tea, his cheeks flushed red in what might very well be actual anger. It’s not as good as if it were pain, but Nie Huaisang still delights in any reaction he can get. He’s convinced now that he could push harder quite easily, but…
But the incense is already finished burning, and Nie Huaisang is free.
He jumps to his feet, and bows to Lan Xichen, already thinking of nothing but the little party that awaits him.
“Well, I’ll see you next week, Lan gongzi,” he says, not even trying to hide his joy at being done with this. He didn’t even have to drink that disgusting tea this time, which counts as another little victory.
Without waiting for an answer, Nie Huaisang turns toward the door, thinking of Emperor’s Smile, peanuts, and real, sugary biscuits. It will be wonderful, and they will have fun, perhaps check some of the books in his private collection if they get drunk enough, and…
“Nie Huaisang.”
He stops on his tracks and glances behind in shock. 
Just like him, Lan Xichen had never called him by anything but his title before.
“Lan gongzi?”
There’s an unusual intensity to Lan Xichen’s expression, his face so red it looks to be burning. It’s not quite anger alone anymore, but it’s… something else, something Nie Huaisang can't quite name. It nearly makes him shiver to have those dark, golden eyes on him like this. It almost feels as if, for the very first time in their years of acquaintance, Lan Xichen is truly looking at him.
“I am glad if you make friends, Nie Huaisang, especially close ones. But you would do well to remember that you are engaged, and that your friendships should not be taken too far.”
Nie Huaisang laughs, too surprised to think of any other way to react. 
He laughs, and laughs, and leaves without gratifying Lan Xichen with an answer. He’s still laughing when he joins Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, although after some hesitation he decides not to share with them the cause of his hilarity. Wei Wuxian would laugh along without doubt, but Jiang Cheng is too aware of politics to find it funny. He would demand that Nie Huaisang return to see Lan Xichen and make it clear there’s nothing improper between them, which sounds boring.
If this is the way he can shatter Lan Xichen’s pride, Nie Huaisang has half a mind to get a lot more flirty in the future.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 12 - watching notes
It's 1 o'clock and the clocks are being set forward tonight, so I'll have one less hour of sleep but fork it, sleep is for the weak. let's go!
"I'm not gonna bring trouble to our family this time" let's see how long it lasts.
Wwx is so concerned for lwj
"You do look pretty" yeah, fork you and back off
Random thought that has jughjng directly to do with the episode but came about because we have all these clan members lwj ed up so neatly here: I understand that the different clans have a proclivity for certain colours. But wwx, though he was raised by the Jiang clan, clearly doesn't adhere to theirs. So my question: why does he wear black and ret all the time? I did read up on chinese colour symbolism,but it didn't really tell me anything with regard to his character. (Then again, maybe it's just so him and lwj looknextra awesome together, with their opposing colour schemes)
Wen Qing is such an interesting character! Her conflicting motives make her straight up unpredictable
Wwx just spending 90% of his one brain cell on worrying about lwj :D
Lwj and that jin guy: *rebellion through silent non-compliance*; Wwx: "let me show you amateurs how it's done" 😎
And I feel like he specifically recited the lan principles as a tribute
This is a way funnier punishment than I was expecting
Except for Lan Zhan because HIS FORKING LEG IS STILL BROKEN!!!
The real magic on the show is that they keep those white robes clean btw
Lan Zhan's expression is killing me right now
Also, he hasn't said a single word yet for the whole episode. While he is always silent and uses as few words as possible, I feel like one could roughly estimate his emotional state by how silent he gets. (Naybe aside from important conversations where his input is actually required because he has crucial information)
judging by that, he's devastated right now and whi could blame him :'(
I feel like wwx is severely underestimating the situation
Or he is just that reckless
Or both. Probably both.
Holy shit, even injured, lwj steps in front of a whip to protect wwx
I just ... I get so emotional over lan wanji's silent protectiveness?!? He literally hasn't said a single word yet, but he stands in front of wwx to protect him like as unyieldingly as a mountain
Holy... shit. This is the only time I can remember wwx being honest to God terrified? I think? I can't remember any other time.
Shiiit what's in there? 🥺
He looks so vulnerable 😥
And ... It's ... the worst prop I've ever seen
Sorry, before I get to the character stuff ... WTF??? anything would have been better then that animatronic D-grade horror movie monster. Seriously! Get a really huge dog and give him a scary make over! Try (probably mediocre) CGI! Literally ANYTHING but this thing
Wwx's actor truly does his best, but this thing is just a huge distraction from the seriousness of the scene. ANYWAY, moving on ...
Wwx's reaction is definitely abover what one would expect. Quite frankly, it shocked me. The sight of the halloween decoration dog turned him from the cocky, confident wwx we all know into a frightened child within less than a second 😥
I'm sorry, I said I'd move on but, the second scene with the $1 haunted house attractiondog isn't any better 🤦‍♀️ they didn't even TRY to make it not look like a doll
Wen Ning! 🥺🥺🥺
He's just so genuinely good!
This is both painful and really satisfying to the side of me that adores hurt comfort fics. Can lwj please come and rescue him? :D (probably not gonna happen with everything he's got on his plate)
And wwx is as devastated as I felt that cloud recess was attacked :,(
(The clock just sprang from 1 to 3 am, btw. Ugh, I hate daylight-saving-time)
Wwx just realised the extent of lwj's injuries and suffering and I had completely forgotten that he just didn't know before!!
He is saving the medicin for Lan Zhan 😭
There he is, our old witty wwx :') (though I have a feeling by now that his attitude is as much a coping mechanism as anything else)
The episode is almost over and lan Zhan has still not said a word, he just looks close to tears the entire time :'(
Why do the clans let this happen? What authority does the Wen clan have???
Lan Zhsn refuses to read the Wen principles out loud. Again, not a single word from him. He just stands there, closed scroll in hand. My heart cannot take this 😥😥😥
So now they're off as canonfotter
Kan Zhan is killing me this episode!! He's limping (for the first time!!!) And he's still just stoically moving on. Someone hug him please! 😫 (or not high him. Somehow I feel he wouldn't appreciate it)
Minute 41 of the ep, Lzn Zhan just uttered his first word
"Let me carry you." 🥺🥺🥺
Please let the next episode start with an "alright" from lwj Please let the next episode start with an "alright" from lwj Please let the next episode start with an "alright" from lwj
Who am I kidding. It probably won't
@sweetlittlevampire ​ @fandom-glazed ​ @allhailthedramallama ​ @luckymoony ​ @elenirlachlagos (thank you guys for all the replies!!)
22 notes · View notes
emilyplaysotome · 7 years
Part 33 - Second Chances
Down the Voltage Rabbit Hole is an ongoing story about our MC, who could easily be anyone in voltage fandom. She woke up in hospital bed only to discover that she’d somehow been transported Voltage universe.
This story is ongoing, so if you missed a part, or are new to the story, please use the link to the masterpost below to catch yourself up:
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Part 33 - Second Chances
I didn’t get much sleep and when Jin’s alarm went off at 5:30 AM I felt like I wanted to die. 
He’d given me fair warning the night before that he was an early riser, and knowing he liked to get a workout in before heading to the academy I should have realized exactly how early “early” had meant.
Still in bed, he reached out and gently mussed my hair in order to wake me. 
His touch forced my eyes to open a slit, and it was fair to say that I liked what I saw. Namba slept naked from the waist up, and seeing his impressive physique first thing was definitely a nice way to greet the day.
Upon seeing my eyes crack open, he smiled at my obvious discomfort before getting himself out of bed and going over to his bedroom window. He was wearing only his boxers, and I couldn’t help but watch his broad, muscular back as he opened the curtains, revealing that the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. 
From there, he cracked the window an inch or two, and crisp morning air rushed into the stuffy bedroom. With a bit of a stretch I heard him inhale loudly before running his fingers through his full head of hair which currently fell into his face, void of the product which kept it out of his eyes.
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“Up and at ‘em Little Bird.”
As terrible as I felt, both deprived of sleep and in need of a heat pad for my cramps, I was happy that my presence hadn’t seemed to disturb Namba in the slightest. He’d snored most of the night, and based on how chipper he currently was, it was clear that he had gotten a solid night’s sleep.
He grabbed a package of cigarettes from his nightstand and walked back to the window before lighting up. 
The smoke from his morning cigarette danced around him, made more visible as a result of the cold morning air. He took a puff, and then cooly breathed the smoke out the cracked window which was considerate of him seeing as how he’d picked up on the fact that I was not a smoker.
In general (and not just because I have asthma) I have always found smoking to be a bit of a turn-off, but even I couldn’t deny that there was something incredibly sexy about the way Jin Namba looked, despite the fact that he was exposing himself to a myriad of toxins. 
I could tell he felt my eyes on him and he glanced back at me, muttering, “Yeah, yeah, I know. I know. It’s bad - I should really quit.”
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I tried to speak but my voice didn’t seem to want to cooperate with me this early, and I let out an unattractive squawk, followed by a groan as I sat up. Upon hearing me do so, Jin looked over his shoulder at me and chuckled.
“Not a morning person?”
I cleared my throat as quietly as I could before attempting to use my voice.
“Not really…”
“You’re still pretty cute in the morning, so I guess I won’t hold it against you.”
Even though I knew my heart still (mostly) belonged to Zyglavis, I found myself mesmerized by Jin.
Beyond being incredibly alluring physically, he was kind and mature with just the right amount of edge to him. I liked how he managed to both tease and compliment me, and despite the fact that I knew my hair was sticking up in an unflattering fashion, I didn’t feel self conscious in the slightest.
However, as good as it all was, if I was going to do this the right way I needed to get over Zyglavis before I could even give whatever it was that I felt with Jin a proper chance. 
I had to do things the right way this time, and not wanting to break the promise I’d made to myself of being the good person I knew I could be, I got myself out of bed and walked over to Jin where I found myself hugging him from behind.
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“I really like you, you know?”
“That makes me happy Little Bird.”
I couldn’t see his face, but I could hear in his voice that he was smiling.
“That’s why I need to be honest with you. I’m in a weird place,” I said, not wanting to see his reactions until I’d said my peace. “I’m not really settled here, and my head’s in a million different places at once. I’m home sick, and trying to figure out if I’m going to stay or go, and I want to...I have to figure some stuff out before I see you again.”
I saw the muscles in his arm twitch slightly as he snuffed out his cigarette and then turned to face me, all the while keeping himself encircled in my arms the entire time.
“And how long do you think that’ll be?”
“I don’t know,” I said honestly, “but I don’t expect you to wait.”
He gently stroked my cheek with his hand and leaned in to kiss me. I let him, even though in the back of my mind I worried about my own morning breath seeing as how his had been extinguished by the first puff of his cigarette.
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“I get it, you’re worried I’ll shake your resolve.”
He shot me a knowing wink before he moved away to his dresser and pulled out an undershirt, followed by his usual uniform of a collared shirt and jacket. 
Even though his back was towards me, I could see his expression reflected in the mirror which hung on the wall behind his dresser. He had a sarcastic grin on his face, and I could tell he’d said it half-serious, half-joking.
“You’re right,” I answered honestly.
“Promise me something?”
“That depends…”
“If you do decide to leave Toyko, you’ll at least let me take you out on one last date.”
It was impossible not to smile at that, but much to his surprise and despite my happy face I had to shake my head, no.
“If I do decide to leave I think that would be the one thing that might stop me from doing so.”
He came closer, now fully dressed in his usual attire, and hugged me close. With one arm wrapped around my waist, he used his other to gently stroke my hair and we stood close, soaking each other in for what we both understood might be the last time. 
He gave my temple a quick kiss before letting me go and with a wry smile simply said, “Well, can’t say I didn’t try.”
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He didn’t make me breakfast, and not wanting to interrupt his routine more than I already had, I got ready as quickly as I could. 
We left his condo around 6 in the morning to discover that we were headed in opposite directions. The fact that he didn’t prolong the goodbye, nor was he overly sentimental about the situation made me like him even more. 
He made it easy to part ways and I felt in my gut that if this was something that was meant to be, it would happen naturally. This time things wouldn’t go the way they had with Hiroshi and I left feeling void of any guilt over how the situation had played out.
Before leaving he did kiss me once more, unconcerned with the fact that we were in public and said with a smirk, “I was right about one thing Little Bird, you really are a heartbreaker alright...but I won’t hold it against you.”
He nodded, tousling my hair a bit and added, “Lemme know if you decide to stay ok? I really would like to take you out again. I’ll even go so far as to find some nice clothes to wear on our date.”
“Me too.”
With that he turned away from me, gym bag slung over his shoulder and started walking away. I watched him go, wondering if he’d look back and when he didn’t, I knew it was time to stop procrastinating and get myself back to the mansion.
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Before I’d gotten a few hours of sleep, I’d rehearsed in my head what I was going to say to Zyglavis when I saw him. 
I had no idea if he’d cared that I’d ran or away, or if he’d made an attempt at some point to find me, but either way I suspected he was going to be angry. I knew how severe he could be when reprimanding the Gods on his team but I worried about what he was going to say to the impertinent Goldfish who kept causing him trouble.
It crossed my mind that maybe he hadn’t bothered looking for me at all, and instead had used the time away from me to be with his true love, the MC whose stars he found oh-so-beautiful. 
I laughed bitterly as a sick, jealous feeling inside of me bubbled up and I pictured them walking together hand in hand back to his room where they’d spent a night as sweet as the one I’d spent with Namba. My mind fed me darker and darker thoughts, and my imagination tortured me as I pictured them together in the bed I had left empty for the night. 
I heard him whisper in her ear that he was thankful to be free of the Goldfish who caused nothing but trouble and lacked the grace and beauty of an ex-Goddess. I watched her beguile him with her beauty, and I pictured him giving over to his lust, free from the chains of logic which normally kept him grounded.
As my mind continued to play tricks on me I found myself feeling nothing but resentment and hatred towards her which I knew was not a good look. I tried my best to reel in these unpleasant feelings, but as hard as I tried I couldn’t help but come back to the one question that currently plagued me.
Of all the MCs in this world, why did she have to exist?
Even though I felt green with envy, I was still angry at him for having led me on the way he had. 
If they were in fact together, I would no longer abide by his request to “behave” in this world. I would retaliate in the worst way possible, apologizing to Hiroshi, reaching back out to the guys at Larme, writing Doctor Irie, and engaging anyone else who might innocently wish to Leon on my behalf. While I wouldn’t purposely lead anyone on, I could innocently flirt and make my presence known in this world. 
I’d learned that in itself had been enough in the past to get into Leon’s head.
This plan struck me as the perfect revenge as I knew that above everything Zyglavis valued his reputation as a strict, competent God who could be relied on when a situation got out of hand. If he’d done what I suspected, I planned on ruining that reputation...at least with a Lion who had the power to make his life as miserable as Zyglavis had made mine. 
After all, he was a God of Punishments, and having toyed with a woman’s emotions I felt it only fair that he suffer a punishment of his own.
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I held my breath as I reached out to open the mansion’s front door. 
It announced my arrival with a loud creak, and I slowly tiptoed my way into the ostentatious foyer. I turned to close the door behind me and it was then that someone grabbed me.
I heard a snap, and before I could really process what had happened I looked up to discover that I was firmly in Zyglavis’ arms. He had transported us to the privacy of his bedroom, and was hugging me tightly. Too surprised to speak I yielded to his embrace, gently wrapping my arms around him in return.
“You idiot,” he whispered in my ear, “do you have any idea how worried I was?”
Truthfully it was the one scenario for which I hadn’t prepared. 
I’d expected to be chastised like the black sheep of the family, or a rebel teenager who’d broken her curfew, but instead found myself experiencing something straight out of a romance novel. I could feel how worried he’d been in his embrace, as he pressed my body against his, his hands roaming across my back as if he were trying to confirm through touch that I was in fact real.
Feeling his touch once more made me question his emotions towards me and I found that all of the anger I felt (the desire to punish him for leading me on, the jealousy towards his MC) started to melt away as I stood there in his arms. 
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“You were...worried?” I finally asked.
Zyglavis pushed me away, still holding me by my shoulders and with a stern look scolded me.
“Of course I was! Why did you just run away? How did you conceal yourself from me? I...”
He held me again and I found myself smiling, which I obscured from him as I buried my face in his chest.
“...when I can’t find a human it usually means that they’re...”
He trailed off, unable to say it, and I realized that I’d accidentally caused him a good deal of suffering. 
It was clear that my short absence paired with his inability to locate me had caused him much duress, and I selfishly hoped that this had opened his eyes to the fact that I was, at the very least, more important to him than just any other Goldfish.
“Yes, I was very worried,” he finally said in a quiet voice, still stroking my hair.
He was less frantic with his touch, and even though I was pressed up against him he wasn’t squeezing me as hard as he had moments earlier. 
We stood there for a bit in silence, and I felt Zyglavis’ body begin to relax as obvious relief washed over him. For me, I was just thankful to be in the arms of the man I (dare I say) loved, considering my mind had convinced me that we would never share a moment like the one we were currently wrapped up in.
I’ll admit that as we stood there, I found myself feeling slightly guilty that I’d stood similarly with another man only an hour before. Whereas Namba had smelled like tobacco mixed with detergent and whose strong arms had made me feel at home, Zyglavis smelled faintly of lavender and made my heart race with his touch. 
I closed my eyes, giving in to another overly emotional state of sorts, unsure if it was the result of my hormones or lack of sleep, all the while making a silent wish to the God of Punishments in front of me that I might be allowed to stay by his side.
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The moment didn’t last nearly as long as I would have liked, and once it appeared that all of Zyglavis’ fears about my safety had been put to bed, he led me to his and urged me to explain what had happened at the planetarium in addition to the time we’d spent apart. 
He did not raise his voice, nor did he address me coldly, and like he had yesterday (before I’d run off) he held my hand tightly in his.
It was embarrassing to admit that I’d been prompted to run away as a result of my own petty jealousy, seeing as how he’d made it clear on multiple occasions that he did not feel the same way that I did. 
I could feel my face burn as I admitted to the fact that seeing him with the MC (or “woman at the planetarium” as I called her) with such a loving expression on his face had caused me to react in a way I wasn’t particularly proud of, and wished he hadn’t seen.
He looked confused at first and finally asked, “What woman at the planetarium? Huedhaut’s goddess?”
“Huedhaut’s what?”
“The woman I was with before you ran off - she’s a fallen Goddess. A long time ago she lived in the heavens and was in love with Huedhaut. Unfortunately, she sacrificed herself in order to save the earth and was reborn a human in the process. Even though she’s a Goldfish now, she still has but a fraction of the stars in her eyes that she once did.”
“But I heard you. You told her they were beautiful!”
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Zyglavis looked irritated, clearly unsure as to what I was getting at.
“They are. If you could see them you’d understand, but you’re a human so you’d never be able to see them. I don’t understand why we’re talking about her Ami Mizuno.”
“Because...you love her, don’t you?”
I was so embarrassed that I’d asked in a voice so quiet I was worried I’d have to repeat myself. Unable to look at him, I had no idea what he was thinking until I heard him chuckle softly.
“She is Huedhaut’s one true love. He would sooner kill me before I could even consider her as a mate.”
My head shot up to look at him and it was clear that he found my jealousy amusing. I noticed he was holding back laughter as his shoulder shook, most likely thinking about how ridiculous the concept of dating Huedhaut’s girlfriend would be.
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“Shut up, shut up, shut up! You don’t have to laugh,” I exclaimed, mortified beyond belief, giving him a small shove before I buried my face in my hands.
“Sorry, I just can’t believe that’s why you were so upset. What an active imagination you have!”
I peered through my fingers as Zyglavis’ usually stoic demeanor fell by the wayside and the God literally fell over onto the bed in a fit of laughter. The more he laughed, the more I found myself laughing as I continued to poke him, urging him to stop mocking me.
“I...can not believe...that is why....you ran away...I was...so....worried...”
Zyglavis wheezed the words out, unable to finish his sentence but clearly relieved as his laughter gave way to a serene expression I’d never seen on him before.
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“Ami Mizuno,” he said still lying down, “Ami.”
I felt myself tense up, worried as to what he was about to say next. He reached up and looked at me tenderly, all the while gently stroking my hair.
“You make me uncertain as to how I feel when I’m around you. Frankly, it is quite confusing.”
I stayed perched next to him, frozen and too scared to move, hanging on his every word.
“You have no stars in your eyes. You are a human and I, am a God. To me, you are like a child in essence. Though you are a fully developed female, I have been alive for hundreds of years before you and will for live hundreds of years after you pass...”
He sighed, and retracted his hand, finally sitting up and moving next to me on the edge of the bed.
“Furthermore, our best case scenario is that you get home to your world, and that too means we do not have a chance of being together. It strikes me as foolish to explore something that clearly can only end in heartbreak.”
I hung my head, it was coming. 
I’d lost count of the amount of times this man had rejected me, and I braced myself as he was about to do it again.
“But...I feel something for you that’s more than friendship, however, less than love. It confuses me, and I apologize if I have confused you as well. Nonetheless, until we have an answer as far as your fate in this world, can you promise me to never do something so reckless again? I may be a God but you have...aged me with worry.”
Less than love, but more than friendship. It wasn’t what I wanted, but it still offered me hope.
Unable to control myself, I jumped into his arms and with a sigh, he allowed it begrudgingly. Suddenly, the idea of being stuck in this world for the rest of my life didn’t seem to be so bad. 
I would soon tell Zyglavis about Iori, but for now, I just wanted to stay in his arms with the hope that no matter what my future held, it would hopefully include him. After all, if he was the God I knew him to be in this world, perhaps there was hope of taking him back to mine.
He let me stay in his arms longer than I’d ever anticipated and when I tilted my head to look up at him with the hopes of understanding what was going through his head, I saw him look at me the way he had at the planetarium where I’d hoped he would lean in and kiss me. 
This time however, he didn’t turn his head away, and instead began to lean in, my heart pounding in my chest, as his lips came closer to mine.
To be continued…in Part 34!  http://emilyplaysotome.tumblr.com/post/160478782897/part-34-girl-interrupted
You guys cracked me up this week with your comments. I love them and it’s so fun to see what everyone reacts to! 
As always, I’m taking the weekend off and in true cliffhanger fashion am going to make you guys wait until Tuesday for the next part. I’m sure you’re eager to find out if they kiss or not, but I’ve got a friend in town and doubt I’ll have time to get it all ready in the way I want so stay tuned <3
If you couldn’t tell/didn’t already know, this story is winding down, so I sincerely hope you’ll catch up if you’re behind so you can experience the finale!
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee! My goal is to create an original web series so if you like my characters please consider donating something to help me get it made.
Thanks for reading :)
Sorry if I missed anyone and let me know if you want to be added/removed!
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k-pop-heart · 7 years
Strip club trouble!!
Reaction Request:  Hey~ can you do a bts reaction when they see their younger sister (about 16 or 17) in a striptease club? And can you please make it long? requested by lovely @giorgoba  
A/N: I’m so sorry that this is taking so long guys!! I am trying to really give a lot of detail that I can! I hope you don’t get too upset over it.
He would be appalled to see his little sister up there, he knew that she worked long hours but he never knew that this was what she was working. He had only come here with the boys and he was now wondering why he had. He would wait until she was done because he wouldn’t want her to get in trouble but he was fuming at how low she was becoming. He would find her after she got off the stage and take her outside to talk to her. 
“What do you think you are doing!?” He would yell at her before he left her explain.
She would get super upset that his first reaction wasn’t one of love, that his reaction was one of anger. “Mom needed help! You obviously aren’t home too often to notice!” She would raise her voice a little louder than his. 
“This is degrading! How would mom feel if she knew that you were having such and inappropriate job? Does she know?” He would asked scared of really knowing the truth.
“No stupid she doesn’t know what I do. All she knows is that I am able to help her with what she needs. Unlike you!” She yelled at him and walked away.
Jin was left standing there feeling like he let his family, he was always gone with the boys and he honestly thought he was doing what was best for his family but now all he could think about was if it was just his selfishness getting in the way. He felt like a shitty son and brother. He was supposed to take care of them and yet here his sister was trying to sell her body just so she could help her family. That was the moment he decided that what ever he would make would be sent home to them, not just the amount he was sending now. He knew that they needed more now and he wasn’t going to let his family down. 
Rap Monster:
The moment he would walk up to her, she was 17 yes but that meant nothing to him. She was still too young to start something like this, he would drag her to somewhere they could talk. He would be yelling at her like it was something so outrageous but she would just be standing there looking at him like he was stupid. 
“I want to do this.” She told him.
“What?!” He would yell at her. 
“Why not? I have a nice body and I really like the money I get from it. I literally already have enough to buy myself a car. I’m not doing it because I have it I just really like the money.” She shrugged. 
“You are 1, you shouldn’t even be thinking of getting a new car or any of that you should be at School trying to get to a Uni.” He said to her.
“Exactly! You know how much money I make? I could pay off Uni without even worrying about in what two year? I’m not a baby Joonie I know what I am doing.” She said.
He would just look at her with this dumbfounded face. She was a child, dancing and showing off her body like it was something that you just do for fun and he could convince her other wise. He was wonder what happened while he had been gone, he also wondered if his parents knew about it but he was pretty sure that would make her quit if they knew which sparked an idea in his head. He called his mom.
He wouldn’t even wait until she was done, he would shout her name right in front of the stage and she would immediately run off. Suga didn’t show too many emotions but when it came to his sister, no matter how old she was getting, he would never let any one hurt her. She would be in the back when he finally found her, she would at least be covered and yet that seemed inappropriate to him as well. He would start shouting at her to go home, that this wasn’t a place for her but that was when she turned it around on him.She would be telling him that if it’s not a place for her then it’s not a place for him. He would be more than irritated at her. 
“You have to go home now.” He told her. 
“No! Why are you babying me! I have a life you know!!” She would yell at him.
The fight got so loud that a security guard would have to have Suga escorted out of the building. She would think that it was over but he knew that he would stay here and wait for her even if that meant staying here all night. 
This normally happy go lucky boy would not be having it when he saw that his sister was giving a lap dance to a man that was obviously twice her age. He would pull her away from the old man, getting the others that were paying her quite upset but that honestly didn’t matter to him. All that mattered to him was finding out why she was there, he wouldn’t let her off the hook so easily. She would tell him that it was a decision that she made knowing all of the consequences that might come from it. She would logically tell him why she was doing this and she would tell him that there was nothing that he could do to change her mind that she was her own person and that she honestly wanted to do this. 
Did he agree with her no, there were many times during their argument that he would try to tell her that is was unladylike and that she shouldn’t be doing things like this if she wanted to be seen as a proper lady. She would tell him once again that this wasn’t even the worst thing she could possibly be doing, she told him that there were girls in her school that were shooting up heroin and taking all of these awful drug but she decided that she would do something productive and helpful. She would ensure him that she was not letting these men touch her in any inappropriate way. He would be sitting there while she walked away thinking about how just three years ago she wanted a pony for her birthday and how she cried when she couldn’t get one. He would never understand her decision but he guessed that if she wanted to she had her reasons thought out.
He wouldn’t understand and over react to the highest. He would be yelling at her, telling her that she was better than this. That was when she would look at him and ask why did he care. She would yell at him, telling him that he left her alone with people that didn’t care at all for her and yet here he was wanting to act like he hadn’t left. She would be so filled with rage that he would honestly feel so sad for her. But he would tell her that his was no way to go about things. That this was one of the worst things that she could do. She told him that it wasn’t, she would name several things that were worse than this and she would listen halfheartedly to him.
“You are better than this!” He would tell her.
“You don’t know me Taehyung! You don’t know what I am. I am who I am here. I am happy.” She yelled at him. 
“This is not who you were supposed to be.” He would shake his head. 
 She walked away from him going to the back where he couldn’t get too. He knew that she was upset at him but he never knew that she would be in a place like this. He decided that from now on he would always send money home to her, try to make more time for her because he honestly really did love her but he just had no time for anything.
He wouldn’t try to get angry at his sister he would try to see it from her point of view because it would be very importation for her to tell him that about that situation that she was facing. He would try to convince her just to go home and let him take care of the money situation but she wasn’t having any of that. She told him that she wasn’t doing this because of the money she wanted to get out of the house, she wanted to do something that was fun and exciting. He would tell her to try dancing or something else but she told him that she wasn’t like him, that she didn’t see this as a bad thing that she really liked it here. She told him that the owner treated her with respect, that he wouldn’t let anyone touch her. She told him that she was happy here even though it wasn’t one of the best spots to be. 
“I want you to be happy.” He would tell her.
“I know that and that is why I am still here. If I was unhappy I would have left a long time ago but honestly it is really something.” She smiled. 
She would go back to whatever it was that she was doing before he got there and the boy would make jokes about asking her for a lap dance or something that was highly inappropriate and he would give them a heavy death glare.
No, he would be livid like most brothers would be. He wouldn’t let her finish, he wouldn’t let her explain things. He would be so upset that he would take her home without a word of it to her. She would be yelling at him the moment they got home, he would take her out of hearing rage of their parents because this was something she had to tell them. He would just look at her while she was crying like this was the end of her life. 
“You are better than this.” Was all that he said to her. 
She would breakdown crying on his bed like her life was over. She would be yelling at him, throwing things but the moment she stopped was the moment they had a real conversation. She told him that there was not attention at home that the only place she felt like she was loved was on that stage and that he took that away from her. He would try to tell her that just because she didn’t feel like they loved her didn’t really mean that they didn’t. He wasn’t going to leave until he knew that she was fine and that she wasn’t going to be going back there. 
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2013 - Hyungdeuri
Author: impalafortrenchcoats
Summary: Who knew tampons were such dangerous business?
Ships: gen, could be taken for OT7, VMinKook if you squint
Word count: 1755
Can be found on Ao3 here - there is a more detailed note on future plans for this fic there.
Notes: First part in a series I’m working with superdeanlover. It’s an experimental side project, so be forewarned about timey-whimey chronology and gender-bending.
Link to Part 2
Jungkook huddled down in her oversized sweater as she made her way home. It was much too cold to be out this late, and the streets were unusually dark due to a downed powerline from yesterday's storm. The entire neighborhood had been dealing with the blackout since then, and taking into consideration the freezing temperature, it was forgivable to accept the general glumness that permeated the locals, Jungkook concluded.
There was nothing she would rather be doing than staying home with everyone. They dealt with the cold by piling into one room and aggressively cuddling. Or at least that was what Jungkook would call whatever Taehyung got up to.
And given the quality of modern amenities, mainly insulation, it wasn't all that bad. They've had worse.
So much worse.
Unfortunately for her, however, living with six boys meant that she alone was in need of certain feminine products, and while Seokjin was generally dependable with helping her restock, they were also in the midst of packing for their next move. It just slipped both their minds.
Which was why she was now half jogging in the cold and darkness, with her recently purchased box of tampons.
She glanced at her watch, 10:20 PM. Maybe Jimin will still be up for another Overwatch match if she hurries.
What happened next was a culmination of a variety of circumstances. Had she been less focused on getting home as fast as possible, she probably would have noticed that the car careening down the road was going just a little too fast and was not showing any signs of stopping at the pedestrian crossing. Had the power line not gone down, the driver probably would have been able to see the figure in the dark hoodie walking across the street.
And had the moral quality of the man behind the wheel been of a higher caliber, he probably would have done more than gotten back into the car and sped off into the night, after he had gotten out to examine the crumpled figure of the girl he had mowed down.
Fortunately for everyone involved, no one else had been willing to venture out that evening. And the road was empty for the remainder of the night.
The poor dead girl lay where she fell… until something strange happened.
As the hours crept by, the silence of the scene was broken by a loud broken gasp, and the crumpled figure sat up abruptly.
Jungkook panted and coughed roughly a few times before looking around and spitting out a vehement, “Fuck!”
Stumbling up, Jungkook stared at the still ticking watch and heaved a heavy sigh. It was 3 AM. Everyone must be so worried.
With a wry glance at the squashed box with its spewed innards scattered all over the road from when the driver careless drove over it.
Looking down at his new body, Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle a bit. At least he won't be needing that anymore.
He resumed his walk home, glad that he went out with the hooded sweater and sweatpants, which were both previously loose but now borderline uncomfortably tight. While he liked simple, he also liked to use the opportunity when female to glam and glitz to his heart’s content.
That would have made the walk home a tad more awkward if he had been dressed up a bit more.
As he made his way up to their shared apartment, he couldn't help but wince a little at the thought of the inevitable reaction from the boys.
He knocked on the door, his keys had flown out somewhere on the road and he was simply too tired to bother looking earlier.
Not much to his surprise, the door flung open, and Seokjin’s worried face came into view. Jungkook couldn't help but blush as he watched the worry give way to shocked horror.
“Jungkook-ah…” Seokjin half breathed, half whispered.
Before either could say anything, Seokjin was shoved out of view and Taehyung was in the doorway instead. He took one look at Jungkook and his mouth dropped open.
“Dude, Kookie, did you really die trying to buy some tampons?” He asked.
“What!” Jungkook heard both Jimin and Namjoon scream together.
As the footsteps thundered towards them, Jungkook was just thankful that Seokjin managed to wrangle Taehyung out of the doorway and usher Jungkook inside.
It was a slightly less pleasant welcome home than Jungkook wanted. When Jimin and Namjoon caught sight of him they both froze, then Jimin whirled back around and disappeared down the hall he came from.
Namjoon stared for a second before asking, “What happened?”
“Hit and run. Driver left by the time I woke up.” He answered while Seokjin all but shoved him into the couch before heading off into the kitchen. “It happened pretty quick.”
“On the side road. I was almost back when I got hit,” he mumbled. He was so going to get it from Seokjin.
“Jeon Jungkook!” Seokjin yelled as he reappeared, a steaming cup in hand. “I told you to stick to the main road! You know how dark it is with the blackout, and people always drive so recklessly there!”
Yup. He was not going to hear the end of this for a while.
He took the tea from Seokjin and settled into the couch to take the angry tirade like a man, which he now was.
Jungkook sent Taehyung a betrayed look as he watched the boy slowly ease out of the room when Seokjin started.
Jimin came back somewhere in the middle of Seokjin’s monologue about how no one ever listens to the one person with common sense, with him were Hoseok and Yoongi. Both of whom took one look at him and and one look at the still flailing Seokjin, and sent him a sympathetic glance.  
Well, Hoseok did. Yoongi just kind of smirked. The asshole.
Jungkook tried to glare at him, but was distracted by the stack of clothes Jimin had brought back with him. Oh, how he wanted to get out of these clothes.
Namjoon, meanwhile, was clearly waiting for an opportunity, and when Seokjin finally paused to take a breath, he jumped in, “Did you leave anything?”
“My keys fell somewhere, and I think my cellphone did too.” He paused, blushing again, “And the tampons.”
Yoongi snorted.
Jungkook glared.
‘There will be retribution, just you watch ,’ Jungkook tried to mentally send his threat at the smug ass.
“Alright, Hoseok and I will go grab everything and try to clean up the scene. You try to rest up. Actually, that goes for everyone. It's been a long night, tonight.”
With that, Namjoon and Hoseok left. Seokjin seemed to have lost his steam and was back in the kitchen to make some snacks. He always fell back on food when stressed.
Jimin and Yoongi made their way over and sat on either side of him.
A moment of silence passed before Jungkook heard a familiar giggle.
“You had me worried there. Man, you were so close.” Jimin managed to say once the giggling passed.
Jungkook just harrumphed.
“So when can I expect my money?” It was Yoongi this time.
“Are you two serious? I just died! Give me a break.”
Jimin shook his head, “A bet is a bet. You said you could beat Yoongi’s record, and you failed!”
The way Jimin dragged out that last word was just obscene.
“84 years, Kookie, 84 years.” Yoongi said proudly.
“You were a girl for how long? 67? 68?”
“It's 69, for your information!” Jungkook said while trying to ignore the two pests beside him.
“Right,” Jimin swung an arm around his shoulders and laughed as he ruffled his hair, “so Yoongi’s record remains intact! You gave it a good shot, though. How does being second best feel there?”
Jimin was lucky Jungkook liked him as much as he did, otherwise he would have been tossing the other boy across the room.
Seokjin chose that moment to return bearing a tray full of grilled cheese sandwiches of all things. The smell of the food summoned Taehyung apparently because he returned from whatever depths he disappeared off to earlier.
“You know how sad it is none of us managed to avoid dying past our 80s? Considering everything, you would think at least one of us could have hit our 90s by now.” Seokjin said around the sandwich he was chewing.
“Well, don't expect it this round,” Yoongi added.
Jimin and Jungkook gave him a questioning look.
“Why not?” they asked.
“We don't do well with longevity as guys, remember,” Taehyung answered for Yoongi, who was now focused on eating.
“Huh. I think you're right,” Jimin agreed after a moment's thought.
Jungkook clapped suddenly, making everyone jump, “Remember when Namjoon lasted, like, two weeks.”
Seokjin sighed, “That's why we don't let him into the kitchen unsupervised.”
Jimin and Jungkook both snickered at that.
“On the bright side, it’s been forever since we’re all guys at the same time!” Taehyung added brightly.
They all nodded and quietly ate their snacks, leaving some for the other two for when they got back.
When they finished, Seokjin ushered the younger boys out and strong-armed Yoongi into helping him clean up.
Jungkook quickly made off with the clothes Jimin brought, probably Namjoon’s now that he was looking at it, and happily got out of the now too small sweater and pants. He always envied Jimin and Yoongi for having much more similarities between their genders. On the other hand, Namjoon and Jin probably had it worst, so he couldn't complain.
As he settled into what was essentially a pillow fort in the room they were all sharing for warmth, he heard Jimin and Taehyung come in after him. They both sidled in beside him, and he found himself in the middle of two sets of arms.
“I'm glad you're okay,” Taehyung whispered.
Jimin silently nodded from his other side.
Jungkook whispered back, “But we’re always okay.”
“No one likes to see someone they love die,” Jimin argued.
“Even if we know they’ll come back,” Taehyung added.
Jungkook didn't answer again, and instead wriggled both his arms free and slipped them around the two, very glad that his larger male stature allowed him to pull them both in.
They stayed like that. And as the minutes slipped by and Jimin’s and Taehyung’s breaths evened out, Jungkook allowed himself a moment to be thankful for his small, strange family.
He closed his eyes and followed them into sleep.
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rofics · 7 years
Yoongi’s bad no good at all day
Fandom: Bts Pairing:  Yoongi x Hoseok Genre: Soft and sweet Au: University / hybrids Length: 3200 words
Yoongi just wanted to study! But no Taehyung's new not even bunny boyfriend yet seem to have decided to ruin Yoongi's day without even trying... Being Yoongi is hard luckily Yoongi has a Lynx waiting for him at home ready to take care of him.
Being a marine life hybrid came with a few perks, you had no tail that you could accidentally sit on, or get stuck in a door… Yes Namjoon had done that a few times much to Yoongi’s chagrin, you didn’t have long floppy ears that children liked to play with. Or no giant vampire teeth that couldn't speak through, because why the fuck does a deer have vampire teeth Taehyung?!
Overall… being a marine life hybrid was pretty good, at least Yoongi didn’t have giant fins. Which thinking about it wouldn’t even know what to do with, the only thing he had that showed he was a hybrid was a breathing hole.
Yes a breathing hole, located at the back of his neck it really wasn’t that weird, it was kinda like looking at a navel if anything the problem was that it was really really sensitive, and he was friends with Kim Taehyung.
The third time during the studying session that he felt a pinky sinking into the breathing hole he couldn’t keep it in. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU ARE THE FUCKING WORST!”
Problem was that it wasn’t Taehyung behind him but Taehyung’s new boyfriend Jungkook, who was already scared of Yoongi, who Taehyung had asked him to be nice to… Fan fuckting tastic.
Jungkook’s floppy bunny ears went to almost cover his face, as his eyes filled with tears, prolonged teeth biting into his lower lip as he tried to keep the tears from falling “I’m sorry!” and then ran away.
“Yoongi-hyung! He has never seen a marine hybrid before! He was just curious, why did you have to scare him like that!?” Taehyung actually looked offended and his voice was grating on Yoongi’s oncoming migraine.
“Just shut up Taehyung.” He mumbled as he massaged his temples trying to combat the migraine trying to take over his body.
Of course Taehyung didn’t shut up because god knows that Taehyung actually listened to Yoongi. “No what you did wasn’t okay! He was already scared of you! Couldn’t you have waited until at least the second time you met him to be an asshole! I know that it comes natural to you, but at least try!”
Yeah… Yeah Yoongi was done, he was done! He had been studying for 8 hours straight. Namjoon had spilled his coffee on his new white shirt earlier and burned his chest because he was so fucked and sore he couldn’t walk straight, he had failed his fucking math exam and everything was just stupid. “Fuck this shit, fuck you, and fucking everything else! I’m going home!”
And with that he left. Just because the world was against him that day he did manage not to walk into one glass door but two… It was that kind of day. When he finally managed to get home without actually getting ran over by a stupid car, even though it did try, he wanted to kill somebody.
“Babe? Are you okay? I thought you said you would be studying all night with Taehyung and the rest of the guys?” Hoseok asked his boyfriend as he was just relaxing on the couch, the lynx hybrid stretching like a lazy cat before he got up to help Yoongi out of his jacket. “What happened to your shirt?”
“Fuck Namjoon, Fuck Taehyung, Fuck his stupid fucking not even fucking bunny boyfriend yet, fuck math and migraines, fuck the world. I’m going to bed!” With that he threw the offensive jacket on the ground and stalked through the apartment aiming for the master bedroom throwing of cloths as he walked.
Hoseok looked after him with a raised eyebrow. Well that was unexpected, luckily through the 6 years they had been dating Hoseok had learned a few things about Yoongi. One of them was that never let him stir in his anger, it would just make it worse. So he followed after his tiny angry boyfriend picking up whatever clothes he had thrown on the ground in his tantrum… ‘Ah Yoongi, you never change do you?’ He thought to himself humming as he went along.
The bedroom was darkened when Hoseok got in there, and Yoongi had pulled the pullover all the way over his head as to block out the rest of the world. The lynx hybrid sighed and pulled his own clothes off and as gently as possible wormed his way into Yoongi’s burrito.
He spooned up behind the older hybrid, being careful of not touching his breathing hole. “You wanna talk about it babe?”
Yoongi just made a noncommittal sound, this whole day was just stupid and he didn’t know what to do about it, “Fuck today,” he mumbled, before turning in the tallers grasp to cuddle up close to him. “I yelled at the guy Tae is trying to fuck.”
“Date, he is trying to date Jungkook not fuck him.” Hoseok gently corrected him.
Yoongi scoffed as he wrapped his arms around Hoseok. “You have clearly not seen how he looks at the him then. He looked like a starved animal.”
Hoseok laughed lightly. “Well it’s little Tae’s first time having to go without sex for months since he was 16, it is hard for him.”
“I still don’t understand how he is a virgin, who is a virgin at 19?”
“A lot of people, you are just being a hoe. Actually all our friends are hoes… We are community of hoes” Hoseok was now lightly stroking Yoongi’s hair, it was the first time in a long time that the older had kept his hair at a normal color instead of the mint green he had been preferring the last 3 months.
“Are you calling me a slut?” There was no heat in Yoongi’s voice even if the words themselves could been seen as hostile.
Hoseok just hugged the shorter closer, smiling even if Yoongi couldn’t see it just happy that Yoongi seemed to be feeling a little. “Nah, I feel you aren’t in the mood to be turned on.”
“Shut up” Yoongi mumbled, heat now rising to his cheeks.
“Awww this is why Jin calls you a Tsundere.”
“Jin is stupid, that is not what tsundere means.” Spending this time just talking with Hoseok had calmed his anger towards the world a little and the migraine he thought was coming up seemed to have also backed down a little. “I’m sorry for yelling, I just… today was a bad day.”
“It’s okay, nobody expects you to be happy all the time, but do you wanna talk about what set all of this off.”
Yoongi sighed, looking back at it now he had overreacted. “Taehyung had been poking my breathing hole all day in class, and I finally got him to promise to stop it! And then we get to study session and I feel somebody poke it and I just lost it and started yelling. Turned out it wasn’t Tae, instead I had yelled the head off Jungkook and scared him enough that he ran away. Then Taehyung got mad at me, and I just couldn't take it anymore, so I just wanted to get home, and now I’m here.”
Hoseok actually felt sorry for his boyfriend, he knew how much Yoongi hated having the breathing hole touched unless it was Hoseok himself that touched it. It was highly sensitive and if it wasn’t done right it would hurt or annoy more than anything. “Aw were they too rough with your little hole.” The lynx teased as he lightly ran his finger around the breathing hole without touching it.
A shiver ran through the shorter males body. “Don’t say that!” He whined.
Hoseok was always a little shocked about how easy Yoongi could turn from being his normal grumpy self to a little whiny version of himself. “You like it, you can’t tell me you don’t… “ He slowly moved closer and closer to the breathing hole with his finger his movements gentle and calm.
“Goddamn it! Touch me or don’t! Make a choice!” Yoongi whined, but instead of having the normal strength of his voice it was low and soft.
The Lynx kissed him lightly. “I think we are going to take it at my pace, you have had a long day love relax and let me control what is going on, let me have the control. Can you do that?”
Yoongi just nodded and he let go of Hoseok’s arm, he could do that. He could let Hoseok control what was going on, actually letting Hoseok take away all his trouble seemed to be the best idea anybody had had all day. “Yes… please take it away.”
“Good boy.” Hoseok mumbled as he lightly nibbled at Yoongi’s lower lip while he started to circle the breathing hole. Yoongi tried to move closer to Hoseok’s lips to get a kiss but Hoseok just moved away. “Remember what I said, relax and give me the control. Trust that I know what is right for your body.” And then Yoongi did it, he relaxed his body fully to let Hoseok really control what was going on.
Hoseok smiled a little, while he loved every part of Yoongi this part, the one that needed him to take control away from him, the one that trusted that Hoseok knew what was best was one of his favorites. He rewarded Yoongi with a soft kiss, keeping all movements soft and teasing, he wanted to build the tension up slowly.
His finger hadn’t stopped circling the breathing hole at the back of Yoongi’s neck. Instead slowly moving it closer to the center as he licked Yoongi’s lips open parting them for his tongue to exploring the hot caverns he was already so familiar with.
The dark haired male let out a soft moan as their tongues swirled around each other softly. As Hoseok touched the edge of the hole with his finger, the reaction was instant as he felt Yoongi’s hips chase his for some kind of friction. He had stopped trying to control his body and just let it do what it needed.
Hoseok broke the kiss to instead lightly nip at the younger's neck. Yoongi seemed a little split wanting to be closer to both the mouth lightly marking his pale neck and the finger now stroking directly over his sensitive breathing hole. Hoseok could play his body like a well tuned instrument, and the younger was always a little impressed with how well he knew how to play Yoongi, he also knew that the older had soon reached the line for teasing.
“Raise your hips a little baby, I need to pull of your clothes.” Yoongi just let out a little whine, not seeming to approve of Hoseok’s hands off him, but he did as he was told lifting his hips to assist in both his jeans and underwear getting pulled of his thin legs. Getting Yoongi out of his shirt was surprisingly easy, and Hoseok was about to settle between his now spread legs until Yoongi was pulling at Hoseok’s shirt.
“Off.” He commanded in a low voice, a lot more shy than his normal commanding voice.
“Of course,” Hoseok quickly shed his own clothes, “you wanna get on your knees as well baby? Or do you prefer on your back?”
“Hands and knees… If that’s okay.” Hoseok knew why, Yoongi’s breathing hole was so sensitive that the pillow rubbing against it wouldn’t be super pleasureable, but sometimes when the mood they were running was more rough and hard he liked the light pain.
Hoseok gave Yoongi’s shoulder a light kiss. “Of course it’s okay baby, let me pick up the lube and then you move around.” Yoongi just nodded as Hoseok left him quickly to grab the lube, coming back to Yoongi with his small ass in the air and head down.
While yes, Yoongi was skinny and really didn’t have much of an ass it was perfect in Hoseok’s mind, there wasn’t a part of Yoongi that wasn’t perfect. “You sure you are up for this, you said you weren’t feeling amazing.”
Hoseok knew that it took them out of the mood, but he wanted no he needed to make sure that Yoongi was okay with this, that this was what he wanted. “Seokie please… This is what I want, you said you would take the control.”
The younger leaned down to give Yoongi a kiss on his tailbone. “Of course baby, but you know that consent is important.” Yoongi didn’t answer just nodded as Hoseok slowly started running his hands over his lower half, rubbing his thighs and showing hipbone, kissing up spine and giving the breathing hole a little lick, causing Yoongi’s entire body to give a shake as a Hoseok grinned. His boyfriend was so sensitive.
He ran his finger lightly between his cheeks running the pad of it over his rim, feeling it open slightly under his touch, not enough to take it without lube, but enough for Hoseok to know that Yoongi would still be slightly loose after they played around this morning.
He poured lube on three of his fingers, sliding one inside the older male in a soft movement while he kissed his back softly. “Relax, yeah just like that, you are so good baby.”
Yoongi moaned softly as he felt the first breach of the finger inside him. This was one of the reasons he loved Hoseok, the lynx was always so gentle with him, and he could feel the soft tail lightly caressing his thigh in soft strokes helping Yoongi stay centered. Yoongi was almost ready to complain about him being too slow when Hoseok finally slid in another finger slowly scissoring them while fucking them in and out of him softly. “You are so good baby, relaxing so well for me, and you look so good with your ass in the air for me. My beautiful Yoongi.”
Luckily Yoongi had his head buried in the pillow or else Hoseok would be able to see how much his soft words made the older blush and moan out loud. Just as he thought Hoseok was happy with just slowly bushing him closer to the edge with just the two fingers and soft compliments, the lynx let a third thick finger join the other two inside of Yoongi.
The stretch made Yoongi forget to relax for a second, no matter how much they did this he still hated to first stretch. “Relax.” That was all he needed and a little kiss to his shoulder for him to start relaxing again.
It took a few tries but Hoseok finally found his prostate rubbing against it softly, before going back to fucking the fingers softly ind out of him until he deemed Yoongi prepared enough. “Condom or not?”
“Seok please! I just wanna feel you already please stop stalling!” Yoongi whined lifting his head shortly from the pillow.
Hoseok just laughed soft. “Okay, you know that I have to ask, I want to make sure and would never assume anything.”
“You know me.” Yoongi just mumbled.
“Yeah, but I also respect you and want you to always be able to make the choices.”
“Stupid cat.”
“Yeah, I’m stupid for you.” Hoseok slicked himself up, “Last chance to back down baby.”
“Just put it in!” Yoongi whined loudly this time, why did Hoseok have to be so soft and careful, even if it was one of the reasons Yoongi loved him.
Hoseok just smiled, slowly doing as his bossy boyfriend wanted. “Whatever you want baby.” He slowly let himself sink into Yoongi in one fluid movement until he bottomed out. He had to rest his forehead against Yoongi’s shoulder to just breathe for a movement.
“Hoseok, move please?” Yoongi complained again being a true pillow queen.
The feline just laughed. “This break is for me not you baby, it’s not my fault that you are this tight and look so good under me. How can you expect me to not need a second when I have one of the most beautiful hybrids under me?”
Yoongi couldn’t answer he just blushed into the pillow, why did Hoseok have to be so… himself, it was so embarrassing! He got pulled out of his thought about how embarrassing his sweetheart boyfriend was when said boyfriend finally started moving his hips, in a slow but powerful thrust pulling almost completely out before bottoming out in strong movement.
The older simply couldn’t hold in the the moans even if the pillow did muffle them and the low whine of Hoseok’s name a little, it was still very clear for Hoseok what he was saying. “Listen to those pretty sounds you are making baby, you are so amazing Yoongi. Nobody sounds as good as you do.”
Yoongi desperately opened and closed his hand. He needed something to ground him and the sheets didn’t feel like enough, luckily Hoseok knew him and Yoongi found Hoseok’s pretty tail next to his hand. Yoongi quickly closed his hand around it to squish it softly helping him ground himself to what was happening around him as Hobi lightly bit where his neck and shoulder met forcing more sounds out of Yoongi with each strong thrust.
“Look at you, so pretty under me, holding onto my tail to keep closer to me. You are so beautiful and soft, and only I get to see this side of you. This part of you only belongs to me right?” Hoseok mumbled, his compliments were getting slightly breathy as he got closer as well.
Yoongi nodded moaning into the pillow unable to answer Hoseok, he was so fucking close he just needed Hoseok to touch him. Which Hoseok did. Wrapping his hand around Yoongi’s erection starting to jerk him off and then giving the edge of the breathing hole a very soft nip, which was enough to push Yoongi over the edge.
As he tightened up around Hoseok the younger couldn’t keep it in anymore and he keep with a soft moan of Yoongi’s name emptying himself inside the killer whale. Both were breathing heavily as the let themself fall onto their side as Hoseok pulled out of him.
They both just lay there for a second, Yoongi still holding onto the tail while Hoseok petted his side. “Seok? I’m dirty I need a shower.”
“Give me 10 minutes and I will carry you to the bathroom and draw a bath for both of us,”
“With bubbles?” Yoongi mumbled around his thumb as he looked at Hoseok with a soft look on his face.
“Whatever you want baby.” 
Authors note:
I have two more stories in this series planned, Jungkook and Taehyung’s story, and Seokjin and Ken’s story! 
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ibijau · 4 years
Oh, I love your Worst Engagement AU. I can't wait for Xichen saving Huaisang from water ghouls in Caiyi Town from the perspective of your AU! Hihihihihi~~~~
ok so, I have like half a second of hesitation because that amazing, beautiful, ultimate Xisang scene is only in the donghua, and I wanted to keep this in novel canon. But you know what? You know what? I love that scene and fuck canon.
ok, warning for... mild infidelity, on a technical sense? I mean, it’s not like they’re really emotionally together. Definitely as far as nhs is concerned. And warning for some quick discussion of the possiblity of underage characters having sex, I guess.
Caiyi town isn't exactly the most fun place in the world, but being anywhere outside of the Cloud Recesses feels like a blessing, so Nie Huaisang doesn't complain. It's a little bothersome being forced to carry his sabre around, but that too is a small price to pay for a reprieve from rules.
They are, technically, under Lan Xichen's supervision, and they are in Caiyi town to hunt down... monsters of some kind. Nie Huaisang honestly didn't pay much attention, and even if he had, he knows it wouldn't help him much. What he does know is that Lan Xichen has briefly abandoned them to go secure some boats for their Night Hunt, which means for at least the next half hour, Nie Huaisang is free.
Mostly, he's free to hang out with Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian and complain that there's not much to do, but it's still freedom. Besides, if his plan works well, he'll create his own entertainment later.
“Why did you even agree to come?” Jiang Cheng grumbles when he gets tired of Nie Huaisang whining about the lack of interesting shops.
Nie Huaisang shrugs, but his eyes go down the street, toward the Lans boys who came along and are trailing a little behind them. One in particular happens to be looking at him, although he turns away as soon as their eyes meet, his cheeks colouring.
“No particular reason,” Nie Huaisang says, as if he isn't determined that he'll have given away his first kiss by the time this stupid Night Hunt is over. “I just thought it'd be fun to see how it feels with nicer company.”
“Night Hunts are not a game,” Jiang Cheng points out.
“But they can be fun,” Wei Wuxian quickly adds, grinning. “Maybe you'll start liking them, and we can Night Hunt together again after we're done with classes here. Do you think your brother would let you come to Yunmeng sometimes?”
“Not unless I improve my cultivation a lot,” Nie Huaisang sighs, glancing behind again.
That same Lan boy meets his eyes with more intent this time, before saying something to his companions and drifting from their group. He goes into a small alley, and Nie Huaisang struggles not to grin. He wasn't sure the other one would actually dare to follow along his very shameless plan.
“You know, I've changed my mind about that candy shop we saw earlier,” Nie Huaisang suddenly announces. “I'll go grab some. If Lan gongzi is back before me, tell him I'll be right there, okay? I'll try not to take too long.”
“Oh, grab some for me too,” Wei Wuxian asks, throwing him some money. “We'll be around. Jiang Cheng, do you think we can fine a wine seller somewhere? We'll need something to celebrate our victory with!”
The two brothers start bickering about whether it is appropriate or not to already think of the aftermath of a Night Hunt when it could bring bad luck. Nie Huaisang quickly escapes, and makes his way to that alley.
He does buy some candies in the end, because it'd be odd if he didn't. They're far too sweet for his preferences, but it matters a little less when he gets to taste them on someone else's lips and tongue. 
Nie Huaisang, as it turns out, loves kissing. He suspected he would, or he wouldn't have bothered trying, but it really is a nice sensation, even with a clumsy boy whose name he still hasn't bothered to learn.
It's a shame that he won't get much of that once he's married, he thinks after that Lan boy has left the alley first so they won't be seen together. There's little chance that Lan Xichen would want to kiss him, so he'll have to get his fill before their marriage.
He might also try sex, he decides as he, too, finally leaves the alley. He doesn't think there's any real law against him tumbling into bed with someone else before he becomes tied for life to Lan Xichen, so it should be fine, if he can just convince someone to give him a chance. It can't be a girl, there's too much risk of a scandal. It can't be a Lan, that'd create too many problems down the line. Wei Wuxian could be a tolerable option perhaps, but he only looks at girls (and on occasions at Lan Wangji) so that's not going to work. Jiang Cheng is very attractive, but he's both too stuck up and too aware of inter-sect politics to touch the future husband of a future sect leader. Someone else then, someone pretty and self-important enough that he wouldn't care about upsetting Lan Xichen. Someone like...
Just as he is thinking about him, Nie Huaisang hears the voice of Jin Zixuan coming from the canal, followed by that of Wei Wuxian.
It is a gift, a talent that Wei Wuxian had, and it never ceases to amaze Nie Huaisang how his friend, somehow, always ends up bumping into the people who most dislike him. Lan Wangji, Jin Zixuan... Wei Wuxian seems to have a sixth sense to spot them, and for someone so smart, he's really stupid when it comes to realising he could just avoid them.
With a sigh, Nie Huaisang hurries in the direction of their voices. When he realises that these two are alone, without at least Jiang Cheng to keep them in check, he jumps on a small boat and hurries to take it between theirs. Someone has to avoid a diplomatic incident, and it's not going to be these two idiots and their overblown egos.
His peacekeeping efforts are mildly starting to work, or so Nie Huaisang tells himself. It soon stops to matter when a bunch of water bloated corpses spring from the canals and start attacking them.
It all goes very fast. One moment Nie Huaisang was trying to get Jin Zixuan to just calm down for five seconds, the next there's a huge, ugly, stinky creature trying to climb onto his boat. The weight of that thing is such that the other side of the boat starts rising from the water, forcing Nie Huaisang to cling to the sides so he doesn't fall into the monster's grasp.
“Help!” he cries out. “I'm going to fall, somebody help!”
But Wei Wuxian is off saving civilians, and Jin Zixuan is under attack by several water ghouls, so neither can intervene. Nie Huaisang closes his eyes and grasps the wood tighter, wondering if he might manage to unsheathe his sabre without falling, if he can let himself fall and try to strike at the ghoul on his way down. If he were any good as a cultivator, it'd be as easy as breathing, but he's never done anything like this, never had to hit anything scarier than a practice dummy, and that ghoul is big and...
While Nie Huaisang holds on to the boat and panics over what to do, someone joins him on the boat, so light on their feet that the movement barely registers, and with one smooth slash of their sword, they dispatch the ghoul. Immediately the boat falls back on the water with a splash, but Nie Huaisang doesn't even mind that he gets sprayed.
“Thank you!” he exclaims with a grateful smile that turns into a grimace when he wipes the water from his eyes and realises who saved him. “Lan gongzi?”
Of course it'd have to be him. Lan Xichen smiles down at him as if expecting to be praised for the rescue, not a single hair out of place, not a stain on his white robes. Nie Huaisang looks away, refusing to give him that pleasure. It doesn't matter in the end because Lan Xichen quickly leaves him alone to help the others deal with the rest of the creatures while Nie Huaisang sits on his boat, utterly useless.
When the fight is over, they all regroup on the bank of the canal to decide what to do. Nie Huaisang expects Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian to be excited that they got to fight and show off already, but instead he finds them oddly serious. They seem like entirely different people all of a sudden, like real cultivators instead of the two goofy kids he's grown used to play with. It's an unpleasant reminder that with them too, there's a divide he can't ever expect to cross. Nie Huaisang is surrounded by amazing people, while he struggles with flying on his sabre for even an incense's stick duration.
He tries to remind himself that he has qualities too, that he doesn't need to play by their rules, that his friends like him even without any cultivation capacity to speak of. It brings him little comfort, especially when he hears Lan Xichen starts to explain how they will proceed from then on, and he realises that he doesn't know how to do most of the things his fiancé is speaking about.
As if guessing his thoughts, Lan Xichen suddenly turns towards him with a look of doubtful appraisal on his face.
“Huaisang, since you're not up to fight after all, just wait for us here,” he advises.
A second ago, Nie Huaisang was ready to beg to be left behind. Now that Lan Xichen is the one demanding it, he feels for the first time in his life an intense desire to really take part in a Night Hunt.
“Lan-gege has so little trust in me,” he complains with a pout. “How am I ever going to improve if I never get to try? I want to try. I'm sure my brother also would want me to, Lan-gege,” he insists, putting as much emphasis as he dares on the nickname and... yes, just as he hoped, it appears to annoy Lan Xichen.
It annoys him so much that a touch of red appears on his cheeks. Just to have gotten a reaction out of his bothersome fiancé, Nie Huaisang is ready to put up with whatever it is people even do on Night Hunts. Between the kissing and making Lan Xichen flush in anger, this is quite possibly the best day of his life.
“This situation appears more serious than I realised when I invited you along,” Lan Xichen replies. “Of course I trust Nie gongzi to do better than what others might expect, but I do not think this is appropriate for a first Night Hunt.”
It's Nie Huaisang's turn to blush in embarrassment, and he glares at Lan Xichen for saying so casually, in front of so many others, that he's never been on a Night Hunt before. It's not exactly untrue, he's never done more than the sort of very easy stuff any child will do, and it all stopped around the time of the engagement because he was so bad and had become too much of an asset to be put at risk.
Just because it's true doesn't mean it needs to be shared.
“Then I will do as Lan-gege orders, of course,” Nie Huaisang says with a short bow. “Lan-gege always knows best, doesn't he?”
“Go wait for us at the inn,” Lan Xichen orders, apparently pleased with how easily his fiancé complies. “Hopefully we'll be back before sunset. Try to have fun if you can, but don't get in trouble.”
Nie Huaisang bites the inside of his cheeks and smiles as sweetly as he can, because there's people around and he knows better than to publicly humiliate his fiancé. But he'll get revenge for this someday, and for everything else as well.
And what better revenge can there be than to make that annoyingly pure and perfect Lan boy marry someone who has already tried dual cultivation?
Besides, it's not like Lan Xichen is ever going to touch him anyway, so he'll have to get his fun where he can get it, while he can get it.
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