#because everything about one of them is alsl about the other
weird-an · 5 months
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And he's supposed to be the "normal one"…
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
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So on Discord the pals and me do like The Power of the Dark Crystal but it has so many plotholes, copy pastes from the movie, retcons and wasted potential we just can't take it fully canon but semi canon, and we rewrote it collectively keeping what we thought made sense and changing or developping what we judged to be necessary (More details about the fanon rewriting : https://ben-the-hyena.tumblr.com/post/189964908852/so-i-do-like-the-power-of-the-dark-crystal-i)
One of the major things that changed under our minds was making the Commander (who was basically Javert to these teens Kensho and Thurma being ruthless, bigotted and violent while also being sincerely faithful to Jen and Kira and THAT WAS FUCKING WASTED BY HAVING HIM BE A RACIST NAMELESS BIDIMENSIONAL BULLY WITH NO BACKSTORY WHO JUST DIES ALONE LIKE A PIECE OF CRAP AND WHOM "WISE JEN" DOESN'T THINK ABOUT SAVING) named Jara and be Jen and Kira's son who grew paranoid after havint listened to stories of Darkening and Skeksis all his life and thus has preventive extremist ways in order to overprotect the Crystal and his parents, and the reason why they are so absent is not out of dreamfasting fests (THAT WAS SO OUT OF CHARACTER, THEY WERE SO CARELESS ABOUT THEIR KINGDOM BECAUSE IN LUUUUURVE) but because even though they do not approve with his harsh ways of acting they wish he should practice as a ruler and realize his ways are not the right one. He particularly hates Kensho and Thurma not only for the shard disaster but alsl because his Seladon is showing and despite how he spent his life being a protector to his parents and how they ruined everything, they still are tender with them. Unfair !!! He also doesn't die because Jen saves him and goes back to the castle with him, but he lost a leg and got into a deep depression for having failed as a protector. But his mother, Aughra's philosophy and the Mystic chants helped soothe him and soften him up and starting reconsidering his ways about ruling for the Crystal. In the end, Jen and Kira don't get young again nor leave Thra (BECAUSE THAT MAKES NO SENSE THRA IS THEIR HOME THEY PROTECTED IT AND THEY FELT SAFER FAR FROM THE URSKEKS-) but abdict and become hermits, and Jara and Kensho have to share the throne one for being their son and the other for being a new symbol of hope now he was resurrected like Kira had been. Jara would HATE the situation and not trust these meddling kids, and we planned for the rewriting of Beneath the Dark Crystal (I didn't read it yet) to have him be the secondary antagonist to them wanting to work alone and being sure they are as bad as the villain, but he would have an arc of him finally accepting them and making peace with them ; even liking them but shh. Don't tell anyone
He is tall like a Drenchen. Decided to give him Vapran hair and Grottan ears to enhance the heritage theories if they are true, and again I love the idea of Hup being Ydra's husband. He was a good grandpa ready to lend over his spoon but lil Jara only wanted a sword
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viridescent-lament · 4 years
someone paying an absurd amkunt of attention to my recent rbs may have noticed all the art i rbed is tagged with inspo and favorites. and that is because. i can look at so many things i love in all this art. and look at my art and realize i cant even begin to mimic that. i cant compare. 
im going to back up because theres a bit more i think. just a dump of things that have affected? my mood
a few days ago. i look at my face. i see bumps. i am very concerned (im supposed have a clear face because thats one of the few consistent compliments on my face thats the one measurable thing that i liked about it -)
i do a mask or two (a rare event, and a different maskni havent used before) it doesnt gok away. but while im looking. i realize i dont hate my face (at the time). i recognize several things that arent bad and some that are neutral. from this point on ive cokntinued to do an apricot scrub but those bumps remain (they were there befoe school but i suspect wearing a mask all day has worsened it.)
i work on an art piece for a few days. i am not happy wiuth it but it doesnt look bad.i post it before school.
now that im finihed with that piece i need something to do during school. i crochet. made a coaster in one bus ride to school, another between classwork, and most of one during a mostly free period, which was completed on the bus. (to be fair. its 5 rounds and described as quick to work up)
the first i give to my teacher before school. she is nice about it. notably, i offered it to a teacher i had last year first, who mentions she still has a doily i  gave to her last year, and she thinks of me when she sees it.
i gave the second to my art teacher. he is very nice about it, which is not unusual but always makes me :D
also during art. i work on a pinch pot and recieved positive feedback relating to it beijng a square and alsl me adding orbs to the corners. notably. i placed the pot on my friends desk and said something along the lines of 'i crave [feedback/attention]' (dont remember exact wording)
i try to finish the last coaster in last period to give to my teacher but fail. i do give it to my friend while we're in the bus and she has a very sweet reaction (involving gasping and compoiments and i noticed her staring at it for awhile after)
sometime after that on the bus ride i think about how nice positive feedback is and vaguely wish my friend from last year who always had an extreme good reaction to gifts and kind acts was still here.
the art has not had any feedback beyond the requester/my friend (who is the requester). thats not too bad but i dont rb it to main bcs i want to post the speedpaint first.
i start working on getting the speedpaint up. i need a song. i ask my sisters while we r outside about songs i can use. the twins are alsok planning 'celebration days' for mema. we end up singing and they stol and say my voice is good. a bit more singing and me being embarrassed and sinking to the floor with my hands covering my face at one point. i have been convinced to join them in singing a song for mema.
at this point i was excited. i am critical of my voice and have not sung much since third grade choir (i auditioned the next year but did not make it, which was discouraging for a small child).
next day. another apricot scrub to maybe get those bumps off. excited messing around with twins in morning. printing out pictures of myself at emmas request. and printing song lyrics. mema is mowing outside. i begin to practice. i doknt hate it. i stop and drink water. i try to memoripe lyrics, although i donot get ti the end. considering posting my singing on blog. twins go swimming. i take a small break. post speedpaint. 
twins come inside w kai. they are all in a bad mood. i try to start again, slightly nervous/embarrassed to sing in front of people. 'im a little pitchy' 'yeah you are' - kai. kais always like that but. emma also says its not good. notably emma is never like that. i dont really care cuz its obvious shes in a bad mood even without avas reassurance. 
ava convinces me tok play tea party. kai clinks spoon against ceramic cup and it hurts my ears. i tell her to stop and she does. kai tells me to go off my tablet. i cokntinue with the internal justification 'its overwhelming to focus on them only (not exact words)'. ear still hurts from cup clinking. small snarking between kai and i. twins and kais voice eventually becoming more and more irritating. i leave tea party.
later twins trying to get my attention and i answer aggressively and they say nevermind. internally i amthinkung that this isnt even overstimulation/bad noise (cant remember word for that) just me being annoyed at them for no reason. 
speedpaint has recieved no attention. i shoukdnt care but am slightly disappointed. i try going through open tabs to rrb things. all the art is amazing. i tag everything as inspo and favorites, because its all amazing. i keep noticing littke techniques that each piece does. two handle lineart color differnces better than i did on that request. one has a sketchiness to the lines that adds to it. one has beautiful flowers that i could never get. i think about improving. i dont know how. i cant figure out how to learn. and other self depreciation.
that self depreciation continues with my singing. i cant do it. im not good at singing. i cant memorize the words. etc. mema is out of the house and i try practicing again. i cant get myself to sing. i eventually tell twins i cant do it. 
throughout this. i try to listen to music. watch videos. something to blockbout the noise and get the right noise. nothing works. currently settled on a song that almost does it.
theres alot of internal emotion that i dont know how to describe. 
logically i know myart didnt get nktes bcs it was posted while my friends were offline. and art not getting notes is one thing thatas nkt even a major part of this. but.
i am disgusted by my face right now. i doknt know whats wrong with it. i dont know whats wrong with my body.
ive been thinking about cutting my hair. i like how it looks now. and have recieved a random compliment from somebody i dont know at school. who said i could really pull it off. but. i want to experiment. ill probably come back to this style. but i want to try some stuff.
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