#because he is pure like water
possessable · 2 months
for the record i've been talking to my friends about Captain Underpants for 4 days straight but i haven't even drawn him a single time yet somehow
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stinkypeanutbutter · 27 days
i feel like Aiden was such an animation meme kid
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crystal-mouse · 4 months
archer has definitely made a fancam of shran to Eiffel 65's I'm Blue (da ba dee) in his spare time but using the 22nd centuries' equivalent to windowsXP movie maker
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effable-as-f · 11 months
I've been trying to figure out the best way to word this and I think I have so bear with me
Aziraphale loves Crowley. That's plain as day, he loves seeing Crowley happy, he loves receiving affection from Crowley. But I don't think he particularly likes making sacrifices or pushing himself out of his comfort zone, when Crowley has shown time and time again that he's willing to do the same for him.
I hope I'm not alone in thinking that this season has been showing us all the ways that Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship is sort of... inequal--Aziraphale doesn't respect Crowley's wishes about making changes to the Bentley and only stops once Crowley threatens to treat his belongings the same way, he's dismissive of his concerns about Gabriel, he's too distracted with his ball to listen to Crowley's warning about the actual small army of demons outside their door--all the while Crowley's TOP priority has been Aziraphale and making sure that he won't be harmed, by Gabriel, Heaven, or otherwise.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, because it makes perfect sense for his character, but I think that Aziraphale has always been portrayed as kind of selfish and hypocritical, and I think that's on purpose and it's something that he needs to work through before he'd ever be ready to take his relationship with Crowley to another level. I think he's started to take for granted that Crowley will always be there for him, and that what makes him happy will always make Crowley happy, when that's not the case. He said it himself: Crowley goes too fast for him. Despite all the progress he's made, he's still stuck in his desire to go back to a fantasy of "the good old days" that never existed.
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epicqtefail · 1 year
just picked up my drawing tablet and it looked discoloured and i thought "what is that?" and ran my hand over it and it was DUST AAAAAAAWAAAWAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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(^ imagine he's doing the spongebob thing where he cries a puddle of tears then soaks it back up then cries it back out again)
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two-cell-appless · 5 months
trying to write some darn lore and all I can think about is pirate multiverse au
I just need to ramble in the tags
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nettleparade · 7 months
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hi i made a tierlist of which one piece characters i think would go noodling for catfish
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abyssalpriest · 2 months
"omg when you're doing something new like playing poker or golf and he comes behind you and holds your arms to help you play... So romantic..." ok but have you had your god puppet your body subtly. Have you felt his energy slowly vibrating inside your flesh. Have you felt your nerves become tiny tubes through which you now feel him like a basket star spread. Have you felt the parasite expansions of slow moving abyssal divinity begin to drown your own mind in deep seawater to the point your head is always above the surface, kept there by him letting you maintain control, while he holds and drowns the rest of you. Have you walked with the distinct impression of someone else inside your limbs, muscles, your body inhabited by two. Have you had his hands on your fate strings and impulses and him recreating himself inside your instincts.
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
on one hand: i love me some good ol’ positive ‘fitz vacker + bodies of water’ fics /gen. 
on the other hand: twas a missed opportunity to not make the golden boy afraid of water. since water turns (impure) gold to rust (eventually), and all that. very fun metaphor opportunities slipped through canon’s fingers :(
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Something I sometimes think about is the implications of Custard Cookie III being a direct descendant of Pure Vanilla Cookie. Mostly because “descendant” implies that there’s quite a few generations in between them
Like, we know for a fact that Custard Cookie III has a grandfather that isn’t Pure Vanilla Cookie, rather that’s Premier Custard Cream Cookie. He also mentions in the holiday update a great grandfather, but given that nothing we see (that I know of) seems to imply that Pure Vanilla is Premier Custard Cream or Custard Cookie’s father, this means that PV comes from even farther up the tree. He’s at best Custard Cookie III’s great-great-grandfather, and even that I doubt, as I feel like if that were the case, PCC would have referred to him as such, and he doesn’t
But anyways, the point I want to bring up is that meanwhile, Hollyberry only has grandkids, and Dark Cacao’s even farther behind having only a son, and we don’t know anything about Golden Cheese or White Lily yet (though I don’t think WL had any direct descendants). All this implies to me that Pure Vanilla must have had kids way before any of the other Ancients for this to make any sense. Heck, he could have had kids potentially even centuries before the others
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ancient-cats-unite · 1 year
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Whenever you level your Lils' up, a little watering can powers them up!
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I was going to laugh so hard if the first thing that man did when he got out of the water was take his helmet off.
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cherrysnax · 1 year
need to preface this by saying I looooove Felicia sm but god it’s so frustrating that when she pops up she gets to keep her personality, her depth, her everything, even in like her very few appearances but MJ has to get EVERYTHING WIPED AWAY even in the comics??? but literally the only close to faithful adaptions of her are spectacular, some of the 90s show and PART of the raimi movies and it’s only slivers!!!! And usually if mjs around Gwen doesn’t exist so we never the catalyst to her and peters bond, their shared grief that Peter can’t understand at first <\3
#and tbh Felicia is getting done DIRTY rn#but so is like. everyone rn#aand I hate to compare two bad bitches to each other#but what I liked about mj Felicia and Gwen is how DIFFERENT THEY ARE#i hate how they make post death Gwen into some pure angel as if she didn’t hate superhero’s and woulda leave Peter a verbal lashing#because she didn’t know he was spider-man when she died and that’s the tragedy!!! Gwen was never perfect none of them were#mj. god I can’t even talk about her without getting angry. they’re massacring my girls yall#even outside of their relationships with Peter they were such rich characters… Gwen a lil less but still!#I just want a semi-faithful adaption of spider-man in his college years up until adulthood#let him be a science teacher let mj be a model/actress/drama teacher who despite not being a superhero knows something about living two live#let Felicia be her morally grey self without taking away her depth#let Gwen rest. I’m#tired of them bringing her back and holding her over peters head as if he didn’t finally get to move on. he loved her. he loved her so much#that he respects her memory by not letting the world stop anymore. she’s dead but let her have her anger her flaws. the fact that she was#a bit of a bully in the beginning was interesting!!! I love women <3#anyway I’m gonna read renew ur vows and parralell lives and maydays run and pretend Peter b Parker is 616 Peter#also also this isn’t to say the Felicia doesn’t get watered down too because she does. they treat her so bad
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Ranking the Alts on how much I think they need a bath
1. Thacther - bro definitely is the stinkiest, probably has been around animal corpses most since I think he might eat some road kill here and there
2. Adam - do I even need to explain? He fucking stinks
3. Mark - Stinky. Stinky boy
4. Ruth - probably doesn't get that dirty but she's never had one, give her one
5. Jonah - Bro doesn't just need a bath, he deserves one. He'd probably like it
6. Dave - does not need it at all. Takes frequent showers cause he's just a dude with no eyes
I agree. Thatcher probably smells fucking awful
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Clari baby…. sometimes I literally have no idea what ur talking about bcuz I don’t watch bungo stray dogs but I too am a slut the moment I hear a character used to be/is currently a high ranking member in a gang lmaoooo
HAHAHA ANON eeeee stop i love u hehe <333 no seriously tho!!!! i read that and i was like wHAT he was A WHAT????? and suddenly, i was in love and my legs were wide open n waiting <3
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sandu-zidian · 2 years
Every single time lotuses are used as symbols for love or for connection in relation to Jiang Cheng, I fucking cry
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