#because i'm obsessed with dogs and turtles
misshowdoyoudo Β· 9 months
This came to me in a dream. TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja . . . Terriers
Lmao let's go
The oldest, biggest brother. He's an Airedale Terrier, with strong arms and legs built to protect his family. He's bold, stubborn, and determined to do the right thing. He's loyal and loveable, but he doesn't like to admit it. He's got grace, but he uses his strength over his smarts or looks. He's an act first, ask questions after kind of guy.
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Next Up
The middle child, along with Donatello, this good boy is an American Staffordshire Terrier. He's loyal, friendly, and trustworthy to the end. His movements are agile and graceful, with a springy gait that aids to his confidence. He likes mental and physical challenges, anything to stimulate his active mind. Regarded as a handsome breed, he takes his good looks as the most positive about him and uses it to his advantage. He's game for anything, and especially down for a sparring match in the grass.
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Now, before you get mad at me, I think this one really fits, but is also the most HILARIOUS
The "egghead" middle child, Donnie is a Bull Terrier. He's witty, he likes his alone time, and he's literally got an egghead. An endearing guy, once you get to know him, and sometimes incredibly stubborn. He's got excellent balance, both physically and mentally. He likes his quality time, whether that's with his family or alone in a lab. He may have a hard time expressing himself, but he's totally devoted to his loved ones. He constantly needs something to occupy his mind and hands, whether that's a project or a fight. He could be better with change, but he's no spring flower. He's the first one to warn of danger, and will tell it loudly, most likely in the form of blaring alarms (that he designed, of course).
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And last but CERTAINLY not least
He's the spunky, curious, and creative youngest! He's an American Hairless Terrier. Loyal and fun, he's the most outgoing of the bunch and will make friends the easiest. He may be small, but he's got enough courage to be bigger than anything! He's got a jaunty pep in his step and a trust level through the roof. He sees the good in everyone, but if you betray that trust prepare to be annihilated because he ain't holding back. He's got a good middle ground of the need to relax and the need to play, and he's willing to let the others know when it's time to take a break. He's ready for any situation, adapting to change like water through a sieve. He's the most affectionate of the family, and he's the one to initiate dog piles!
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kaaaaaaarf Β· 6 months
Hey you, I'm here for Wolfstar raising harry recommendations πŸ€—
Hello!! I'm also going to tag @imsiriuslyreading because I know Lana was also looking for some recs!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, but these are some of my very favs:
Wolfstar Raising Harry
Ten Reasons (To Go To Michigan) by @greyeyedmonster-18 (I also love these two unrelated wolfstar raising harry microfics by the same author) β€” This is a Sirius raising Harry and meeting recently divorced Remus (who happens to be a writer) on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A must read! that's the art of getting by by sarewolf β€” Remus becomes Harry's guardian and they move to a muggle village in the middle of nowhere. Eventually, Sirius is freed and comes to stay with them, but can they get back what they once had? Honestly, majorly obsessed with this one, but watch out for the angst! Stealing Harry by copperbadge β€” In an alternate universe where Sirius Black never went to Azkaban, Harry divides his life between the Dursleys' house and Mr. Black's bookshop -- until Sirius realises what the Dursleys are doing to him, and takes him away from their care. This series is fucking amazing and actually spans several of the books!! Mr Mouse by TracingPatterns (which continues in their wolfstar raising harry series) β€” A lovely little piece in which a young Harry learns about grief.
Like Real People Do by third_crow (part of the coffee shop au series) β€” Sirius raising Harry, when he starts falling for local barista Remus Lupin. This is also a beautiful story about what it's like to live with epilepsy and I am extremely obsessed with this series. The Things I Did by Lolo_row β€” canon compliant, Remus gets custody of Harry and works to get Sirius out of Azkaban. A bit of angst, but tasty! the dogfather au by hollimichele β€” Harry was raised by his adoptive muggle family, when one day a big black dog shows up. His parents just thinks he's a stray, and Padfoot becomes the family pet (to keep an eye on Harry, and protect him from Voldemort). Eventually this morphs into Remus also coming into the picture.
Wolfstar Raising Teddy
the mayors of simpleton by @fruityindividual β€” Divorced wolfstar are co-parenting a very mischievious Teddy who is not about to let his dads stay divorced!! Honestly this fic is so funny, so heartfelt, so fucking lovely. It also features the most beautiful portrayal of a blind character that I ever seen. A must read! Of Memories and Milk Thievery by @mayescapade β€” Divorced wolfstar raising Teddy again! Wolfstar have been co-parents for years and they wont stop terrorizing/pranking one another. An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account β€” Single dad Remus. Remus Lupin knows two things--working and caring for his son, Teddy. When his babysitter sets up crowdfunding so Teddy can go swim with the sea turtles at the local animal rescue, Remus doesn't realise how completely their life is going to change. Especially when he meets Sirius Black, the weekend merman in the aquatic show, and someone who might convince him of love at first sight. Honestly a lovely piece, and it also features the Potter clan.
Other (raising both teddy and harry, wolfstar girldads)
Let's Play Pretend by MsAlexWP β€” My current obsession!! I can't tell you how many times I've read this. Single parent Remus and single parent Sirius meet at a play date and end up pretend dating so that the old women in Sirius' building (who basically stalk him) will stop trying to set him up. Neither of them can date at the moment, so what could possibly go wrong?? Ultimate comfort fic. Of Quiet Hearts And Thundering Dreams by TracingPatterns β€” This is single parent Sirius and single parent Remus, both having moved to a small village and meeting at Harry & Teddy's school. A Cup of Sugar by MsAlexWP β€” Again, they are both single parents. Harry Potter is recovering from surgery and facing the worst summer ever until a guy with the same crutches as Harry moves in across the street with his son. So lovely!! Hide-and-Seek by onehundredflamingos β€” Wolfstar girldads raising their adoptive daughter Cassie, who is also a werewolf. This is the story of her first transformation. It's soooo sweet! @industrations has done a bunch of wolfstar and Cassie art, which you should absolutely go and cry over!
For supplementary material, feel free to check out my Wolfstar Raising Harry, Wolfstar Raising Teddy and Wolfstar Girldads tags!
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pianocat939 Β· 1 year
May I request 2012 tmnt reacting to you rejecting them or them finding out you already have a crush on someone that isn’t any of the turtles?
Ah yes my first full request with 2012 turtaleles-
Tw: Kidnapping + restraints, stalking, guilt-tripping, Raph kinda gets sad,
Leo at first will try to conceal it and just try to move on, saying how acceptance is the path to becoming a great ninja and shit- But slowly over time, he can't seem to hold in his obsession and grows more restless the longer he's denied of your affections/seeing you gush over someone else. And in the end, he'll either kidnap you or kill the person you're gushing over depending on if you reject him or have a crush.
You wake up on a pillow, tied up with some chains...and someone staring right back at you.
"Oh you're awake!" It's Leo, with a manical look on his face. He his hand grips one of the ends of the chains, his hand reaching over to adjust the blanket over you. "Did you sleep well?"
You don't answer his question, terror and confusion gripping your heart. "Leo, why am I chained up? I should be in my house right now..."
"Because..." his tone suddenly becomes ice cold, "I need you to see my potential as a boyfriend that you're clearly blind to."
Ropes of Mouse Fur:
He acts like he's fine with it when you initially reject him but when he's alone he's actually really fucking sad. Like everybody notices his mood is dampened so much that his anger issues become worse. He's less likely willing to talk and shuts himself in his room. He's still nice to you, but at times his tone sounds a bit bitter. He won't hesitate to kill your crush, but if you just rejected him he lives with it. But that doesn't mean he won't try to make himself look good to see if you're even the slightest bit willing.
"Ugh, dudes his anger has gotten so much worse!" Mikey whines, running up to shake Leo by his shoulders. "I'm literally going to become a ping pong ball!"
"Now, now, surely it's just a dip in his mood. He'll be back when he's ready." He pats Mikey's back in a motherly fashion, trying to put on a comforting smile for the youngest. He briefly glances over at Donnie who enters the room.
"I don't know about that Leo, he seems to not be getting out of it anytime soon..." He comments with an unamused tone, his eye for a split second looking over at you before returning back to Leo and Mikey.
"He's probably a little sad because I rejected him..."
Daring Weiner Dog:
This is kinda almost, almost canon to be honest. He'll go into a delusional state and think you do like him back, you're just not willing to admit it to him. He'll literally try to do everything to get you to admit "your feelings" to him. Honestly, I would just say the things he did in the show were just more extreme. For example, stalking all of your devices and watching you sleep at night. I'm bold enough to say that it's almost impossible for him to break out of his delusion without something literally traumatizing him-
"Ah...Just how much longer until you finally admit your love for me, my sweet chinchilla." He sighs in a dreamy state, staring at the laptop before him that shows the screen of the camera in your room. (Yes he CANONICALLY says my sweet chinchilla)
His eyes intensely soak in details of your sleeping body with a grin, perhaps even a creepy one. His fingers tap along the keyboard, humming to himself quietly. "Just wait, once you realize your affection for me...You'll be the happiest you've ever been."
Unbest known to him, you're awake, just with your eyes shut. You know he's watching you; you know he's stalking you in your sleep. So to properly confront him, you have a camera recording him watching you right in his lab.
He needs to be humbled.
He'll first act really dramatically about the initial rejection, asking questions on why you don't like him back and things similar to that. From there, he'll try to guilt-trip you purposefully in hopes that maybe you'll accept his feelings out of guilt. And he'll be super clingy even if you reject him like he doesn't care. If he wants love, he's getting it one way or another. He's basically a manipulative, clingy little fucker. (Note that this is from him just being greedy about wanting everything he wants)
"Why won't you love me?!" Mikey cries out, faking tears with ease to put up his pitiful act. He knows everybody is weak to him being all sad and weak. He's mastered the art of acting so well, he's basically the all-powerful. "Is it because I'm an ugly turtle?! Is it because I'm too childish?! Tell me, so I can try to get better!"
When he notices your guilty expression, he internally smirks smugly. Look at you, already falling for his tactics so easily.
"No...I just..." He almost slips up and giggles when your voice fades away from uncertainty. Usually he doesn't feel like this, but when it comes to achieving your love, he just can't help but get a little- evil with his intentions.
"Please! Just tell me what I need to do to get you to love me!"
I think I'm getting a little better at writing for 2012- ngl I must have gone a bit crazy with Mikey's part but it's fine
- Celina
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fungalittleweirdo Β· 2 months
ROTTMNT 60s AU !!!
please this man has SOUL
he sings in clubs in new york, he has a record coming out in '67 with his band Raphael and The Digg
his brothers didn't feel like joining the band, so it's up to some talented musician girls he met without a trained main vocalist (digg, with prairie dog, honey badger, and groundhog)
they're super popular in harlem and they make it to charts
raph meets other motown records signees and they always find he's the gentlest of giants
he and his band DESERVES a grammy
he's a surfer !!!
he loves competing in surfing tournaments in long island
the boy's a legend, other surfers think he's a fish at first
if he didn't have separation anxiety for his brothers (a post-kraang headcanon) he would have gone to the west coast where the real competitions are (they never feel like leaving new york for very long)
for now he's happy surfing the coast of long island
he loves when todd surfs with him, his favourite part is the lemonade he gets afterwards
donatello is OBSESSED with the space race
he managed to hack nasa for rocket blueprints
he got caught and they asked him if he was a communist but there was no found evidence that proved he was so he was let go and his name was cleared
he managed to improve the blueprints he got his hands on and built more efficient rockets, then he used computing tech to make his very own battleshell
he has a super-powered telescope he nicknamed shelldon
donnie predicted the states would win the space race in 1965 because it had something to do with the war, i myself don't know how he used that data point to draw a conclusion
mikey is such a hippie he has mugshots of his charming smiling face framed to prove it
very anti-war, very pro-civil rights movement, pro-dope and lowkey anti-united states government
he was at the stonewall riots !!!!!
he not only fought for human civil rights, but for mutants too, so that he and his brothers could be acknowledged as citizens
humans turned into mutants are already citizens, but the mistreatment they get is unfair and mikey chose to be a leading pioneer for mutant rights
leo (hesitantly) opened portals for mikey in the south so that he could stand with people of colour in their trying times
misc notes !!
lou jitsu was popular in golden age hollywood, he won many accolades for his films until big mama made it look like he was signed to stay in the battle nexus
jupiter jim films are actually westerns, his name is junebug jim instead
big mama is a big mafia boss woman regardless of the era she's in, though her battle nexus is televised for all ages
instead of becoming criminals, mutants follow mikey's lead protesting for mutant/yokai rights and new york is the first city to acknowledge it
the turtles' beach parties are insane, there's always some people other than the siblings lingering around at midnight
april is the best reporter out there, she reports on the turtles' exploits all the time and she makes mad BANK over it (successful 60s black woman slay)
the foot clan is a cult a lot like the manson family, the turtles hate their guts
baron draxum does the same thing he always did, brood in his lab trying to destroy the humans (that is until mikey gets through to him)
sr. hueso's run of the mill pizza is still the turtles' favourite pizza spot, though the establishment is beachside because he's on good terms with his brother, who mainly does imports
casey jr. is a star hockey player, he also avoids the draft because he's from the future, so the government doesn't have his records
but cass protests against the war with mikey whenever she can, she's also anti-war
donnie also managed to be the first mutant on the moon by his own means, it's been a childhood dream since he saw laika's launch in sputnik 2
aight that's all i have for now, i hope you enjoyed !!
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mcofthemansion Β· 6 months
Hihi! Hugs! Currently a little bit obsessed with pokemon since the dlc for indigo disk comes out soon (4 days as of now when I'm posting this) so apologies if I'm not posting some pretty lovely otome guy/girl stuff for a little while...I just can't help but live and breathe pokemon until I have terapagos securely in my party! Little baby turtle must cuddle forever and ever!
So for now, I offer you random pokemon teams that remind me of my/your men for no particular reason : (Ikevamp) -> (Tears of Themis)
Arthur (Ikevamp) :
β€’ Popplio -> Primarina line (Because Vic! Ok? I think I'm referring to one of my first posts)
β€’ Applin -> Flapple (Because of that thing when you give someone an Applin you confess your feelings and ensure a happy future together, reminds me of the red ribbon thing ok!!! ><)
β€’ Lillipup -> Stoutland (Remember in Alola how it helped you find stuff like a dowsing machine would in previous gens? It can be a detective-y pokemon! Yay! Also again...dog...Vic...yeah...still this one represents his detective skills)
β€’ Happiny -> Blissey (Arthur's doctor skills and how much he cares! I can see him having a Blissey!)
β€’ Mimikyu (His interest in the occult and its cute)
β€’ Shiny Milcery -> shiny Alcremie (Reminds me of his love of fudge! It just does! Not much of an explanation but yeah, also the blue decorations!)
Isaac (Ikevamp) :
β€’ Porygon-[2-Z] (It's a super math-y pokemon ok! Well at least the most math-y in my opinion, plus it levitates which I think Newt would find cool)
β€’ Magnemite -> Magnezone (Idk it's a pokemon for really smart people and it's a super science-y and professor-y pokemon...so yeah...don't expect me to try and give a physics answer, my brain is fried)
β€’ Applin -> Appletun (Enough said, just has to happen, it's a big cuddly sweet apple pie, Newt...apples...yeah...this one is sweet ok, also the romantic thing about Applin)
β€’ Sandshrew -> Sandslash (Kanto to be exact! Because Harry, need I say more?)
β€’ Hatenna -> Hatterene (Newt is super calm...so I can see a Hatenna sticking around him! It might cutely fall asleep at his desk with him)
β€’ Togepi -> Togekiss (Newt had a thing with Theology, don't quiz me I'm tired, anyways in Sheild the dex entry is "Known as a bringer of blessings, it's been depicted on good-luck charms since ancient times" and I was like...awww Newt might like that...kind of a sweet angelic pokemon)
Napoleon (Ikevamp) :
β€’ Rufflet -> Hisuian Braviary (Jupiter! Because, because, because)
β€’ Honedge -> Aegislash (Have you seen his rapier? Enough said, the man can fight)
β€’ Sewaddle -> Leavanny (Idk this always feels like a nurturing pokemon that I could see in a school as an assistant or smth so it would help out at L'Γ‰cole de Napoleon or smth like that)
β€’ Riolu -> Lucario (It's a smart and just fighter, it fits! Plus it doubles Leon's coolness factor XD)
β€’ Bagon -> Salamence (Bagon wanted a change so bad it happened! The whole flying thing...Leon gets it! He wanted to bring about some change pretty badly so they just kinda connect...plus it's a cool dragon!)
β€’ Komala (Cute napping Koala to cuddle with...need I say more? Even more of a reason to sleep in)
Faust (Ikevamp) :
β€’ Shroodle -> Grafaiai (Mephie! It's a poison type! Yay experiments!)
β€’ Beldum -> Metagross (It's a smart person science-y pokemon that floats!)
β€’ Elgyem -> Beheeyem (It loves experimenting with humans and thier memory so Faust would probably get a kick out of it!)
β€’ Zorua -> Zoroark (He would be fascinated by the shape-shifting and it brings the coolness factor, sorta somewhat matches his vibes)
β€’ Nacli -> Garganacl (It can hurt and heal with its salt powers which might get rather useful for Faust)
β€’ Spiritomb (guy works as a priest...I'm assuming he's had experiences with funerals and stuff and I can see this as his ghost type pokemon)
That's about all for ikevamp for now!
Vyn (ToT)
β€’ Deerling -> Winter Sawsbuck (Svart's animal is a deer...and Vyn's hair is white ok!)
β€’ Petilil -> Liligant (His love of gardening and elegant things...it just kinda works)
β€’ Ralts -> Gardevoir (seems like a pretty good psych nurse pokemon to help him out with the feelings stuff and all)
β€’Rowlet -> Decidueye (His love of Archery)
β€’ Fidough -> Dachsbun (His love of sweet things! And pastries)
β€’ Sinistea -> Polteagiest (Authentic! Just because that's the Vyn-est thing he could get in pokemon!)
Marius (ToT)
β€’ Gimmighoul -> Gholdengo (He's a rich fun loving CEO...explain to me why excitable money made surfing ghost isn't up his alley!)
β€’ Smeargle (Artist...yeah...enough said)
β€’ Ekans -> Arbok (His symbol is a purple snake...I couldn't not do this!)
β€’ Luvdisc (Our Marius is sort of a flirt!)
β€’ Pikachu (It's fluffy and as in the public eye as he is...probably felt a lot in common)
β€’ Rotom (I associate Pax with tech so...yeah...idk...it just fits in my mind)
Anyways! Thanks for letting me ramble! Should I do this with other guys?
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rainbowcarousels Β· 2 months
11 - SephGen for the ship asks πŸ₯ΉπŸ–€
What their first impression was of each other?
You know, it's funny, I've definitely done first impressions from Angeal and Genesis's perspective but I'm not sure I ever have when it comes to Sephiroth.
I think Genesis's is multilayered because I think the very first time he heard Sephiroth - and I do think he heard him speak before he ever saw him, just a few words that were likely stumbled off script that he probably assumed was designed to be awkwardly charming until he realised Sephiroth is just the epitome of an awkward turtle - that he was in disbelief. It was a challenge to his own mind, like no way, this one person cannot be doing what they say, so when he finally got a chance to see news footage (I like to think it was on one of these old sets so colour distorted and grainy), obsession set in. Because his skill is undeniable. It's captivating to watch.
Then we run into the very real issue that Sephiroth is not what it says on the tin if you get up close. This is a post-First Soldier Sephiroth that has likely learned what can happen if you get attached to the people you work with: they die or they disappear, and the man is a poster child for abandonment issues. I think he's trying to keep his distance at that point and Genesis is perceptive, I think he can pick up on some of that and the mix of the two....well.
If we go by my personal canon for these two? Genesis got floored by his enhancements way more than Angeal did (there's something up with Genesis's DNA that isn't in the others so I think it stands to reason) so Angeal had already met Sephiroth by the time Genesis did. As such, I think he was already on the defensive, picked up on Sephiroth's vibe of trying to keep everything at an arms length and together with Sephiroth's awkward way of treating SOLDIERs in training at that point more like dogs or weapons (GEE I WONDER WHERE HE PICKED THAT UP), they did not mesh well.
As such, I think Genesis got upset - this wasn't the Sephiroth he built up in his head, this was someone detached, withdrawn, someone who did not recognise and foster such talent as he knew he had but rather just corrected it without a social word at all.
The kicker is I think Sephiroth actually did notice he was different - how many baby Third's come in with that kind of magical skill? How many SOLDIERs in general at that point have a specialty with magic? It's used in a utilitarian way and Genesis doesn't function that way at all and I think Sephiroth just doesn't - understand it? I think he's curious about it but he doesn't really know what to do about it. Has no idea Genesis is operating under the idea they're now mortal enemies fallen from the grace of potential friendship. Honestly, he's really only processing every other sentence - he doesn't know that he's ever known anyone who talks that much.
I think it's only on the third meeting, the ones where they're seeing each other on their first missions together, that they come to an understanding of each other. Genesis starts to process who Sephiroth actually is as opposed to who he thought he was, sorting him into categories of what is propaganda and what is actually him peeking through the presses clutches, and there are a couple of moments that I think highlight it for him that actually, this is the real him and he's actually far more interested in this version than any theatrics. If there's to be theatrics in a relationship, it's coming from him ta very much.
From Sephiroth's perspective, Genesis just makes absolutely no sense - he should not be that chatty, that much of a show off, that headstrong and independent and still be effective as a SOLDIER. He brings this effusive fancy to everything he does and it should be a hindrance but somehow, it's not. There is so much beneath the surface that Sephiroth has no real grasp of - he can't grasp his own nuances, let alone anyone elses - but he's curious, then fascinated. He's inefficient, but he's fast and distracting.
I HC that in fact he did manage to distract him long enough to result Genesis himself giving him a good yank out of the way in a fight because he just is trying to put it all together in his mind and he doesn't know how. How can someone be so wild yet so precise? So fast yet saunter about? So emotional and it not a crippling vulnability but somehow, a strength? WHAT IS THIS CREATURE.
It feels a little funny to me that what Genesis is eventually truly fascinated by is Sephiroth being more awkward teenager trying to figure out how to person - in other words, more mortal and human than he appears - while Sephiroth is trying to figure out how some teenager from a little southern village where they make apple juice is somehow fire and chaos incarnate and why he likes that so much.
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faetaiity Β· 2 years
Tbh, I noticed the hint that she was murdered in the fic, but I was kinda leaning on the theory that the turtles themselves killed her while I was thinking about my theory
But I just wanted to share my theory w u despite knowing that
And holy fuck I forgot about mayhem. Are they going to be walking into the pic soon? I'm excited that's for sure
I love your au btw <33 it's just Amazing
HOWLING PISSING CRYING TYSM??? Made the reader human for this one, also this kind of has Yandere themes?? Not sure how to put it, besties. sobbing /hj ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mayhem didn't escape with the ooze vial successfully (obviously)
Mayhem DOES get injured after getting captured by those weird fucks with the dogs + the turtles
If the reader finds them similar to how April found him in the show, They/He might find the turtles too, the weirdos with the dogs took the vial and the turtles were supposed to 'dispose' of Mayhem
Of course, Mayhem bolts and ends up finding you
Since the turtles find you with Mayhem, they try to attack you, Only for Mayhem to teleport y'all to the opposite side of the city for safety
You adopt Mayhem as your little Dog-thingy, they love being around you and get skittish if they detect Yokai or Mutants around you
They do love being around you because they're ALWAYS near you so you can be safely teleported away in case the turtles find you again
They've already seen you, it's dangerous for you to be alone without an escape plan!
Mayhem ends up leading you to the Mutants that are more Friendly, like Repo
Since Mayhem has been in your life, you've been happier, you've found friends who genuinely enjoy your presence (The friendly Mutants)
However, all good things come to an end
The Turtles find you.
They've been stalking you whenever they can
Oddly enough they're smitten, however, they still need to get that mutt of an animal
but they're starting to lose interest in that
If you're under The Friendly Mutants protection, Mayhem might be more relaxed with being around you, the Turtles use this to their advantage and attempt to kidnap you
Depending on who's around you, It could be successful or a bust
Meat Sweats or Repo and His cat around you? Absolute bust
Warren or Repo WITHOUT his cat, you're now surprise adopted.
Mayhem freaks the fuck out the minute they find out you're with the Turtles and Instantly teleports to you after tracking your general area through scent
Mayhem does end up freeing you, but at a cost, The turtles severely wound them and Mayhem has to teleport multiple times away from them due to Leo's Sword.
Since Mayhem is a Yokai, you can't bring them to a normal Vet, so the only way for them to get safely cared for is you going back into the maw of death
The turtles make a trade with you, They have since gave fuck-all about Mayhem and are more interested in YOU
So, You surrender, as long as they help Mayhem get care in the Hidden city
As much as I can slander the Dark! AU turtles, They do keep their word.
Donnie puts a tracker in you so that now, If you decide to back out when Mayhem feels better, he can find you
The Dark! AU turtles are direct, possessive and Obsessive, getting their attention is hard, but DAMN is it harder to make them no longer pay attention to you
They churr as Leo takes Mayhem to an Animal Yokai Vet(?)
After that you're kinda forced into a cuddle pile with them, there isn't much escape after that, you dug and nailed your own coffin
But for Mayhem, It's worth it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can y'all tell how much I fuckingn lov e mayhem
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hotcat37 Β· 10 months
JO PokΓ©mon teams
Thank u @chezgender for giving me the idea to make teams for Joker Out as well!! <3
Bojan: Togetic (it's a PokΓ©mon that only the pure of heart can own and I'm 100% sure Bojan would be cocky about having one lmao) Dachsbun (it's based on a Daschund dog which Bojan has irl πŸ’–πŸ’–) Roserade (I was gonna put Boltund here for the dogboy status Bojan has but a Roserade fits him sooo well and B is already associated with roses anyways) Altaria (Jigglypuff could work too since I went with a PokΓ©mon known for its melodic voice but aesthetically Altaria fits better I think) Sylveon (an elegant cute looking PokΓ©mon that is actually very powerful, the theme of Bojan's team is looking deceptive and to contradict Jere's more rough looking team) Quaxly (a PokΓ©mon that puts a lot of effort into its appearance, specifically its hair haha)
Nace: Ursaluna (Nace is a teddy bear so he needs a bear PokΓ©mon and aesthetic wise I think Ursaluna works the best for him) Forretress (it's a lame reason but this PokΓ©mon on his team is supposed to represent how Nace eventually breaks out of his shell and becomes more confident within the band haha) Sentret (a PokΓ©mon that's always looking out for danger, which Nace does by being attentive to his bandmates and their mental health) Cutiefly (a lill bug PokΓ©mon that hovers around him at all times, he thinks it's cute so he caught it :3) Dondozo (a very large powerful PokΓ©mon but who is mostly useful when paired with TatsugiriπŸ‘€) Turtwig (turtle PokΓ©mon for Nace <3)
Jan: Metagross (crazy intelligent Pokémon, it's funny to imagine Jan with an absolute tank of a beast and being casual about it lol) Tatsugiri (another intelligent Pokémon that especially thrives when paired with Dondozo, Jance matching Pokémon moment teehee) Glimmora (why is this beeven sparklative??) Thievul (mischievous fox Mon, Jan vibes all over) Dhelmise (I think he'd be sooo fascinated with weird ghost type Pokémon, he needs one on his team) Omanyte (Jan somehow managed to revive a fossil Pokémon...Jan=BOG ☠)
Kris: Cinccino (a tidy Mon that likes things to be clean and in order :3) Mudsbray (absolute tank and hard working horse PokΓ©mon) Espeon (an Eeveelution to match Bojan's, I think aesthetically Espeon is the best for Kris) Gallade (an elegant PokΓ©mon to match an elegant man πŸ”₯) Bunneary (Bojan gave it to him out of spite because this Mon is extremely hard to evolve, you need to have a very high friendship level with it. Kris is insistent on raising it) Feebas (for a while he was obsessed with evolving it into a Milotic but he's grown to appreciate it for what it is)
Jure: Sunflora (it looks like him) Rillaboom (drummer Mon!!) Skitty (obligatory cat PokΓ©mon on the team) Littleo (baby lion Mon that I think fits his personality :3) Snorlax (evolution friendship, PokΓ©mon that loves to eat and Jure loves to cook so the evolution went very fast) Stunfisk (I just knowww Jure loves pathetic little PokΓ©mon that serve no purpose to his team whatsoever, he's their biggest fan lmao)
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abovetherainandroses Β· 3 months
nine people you’d like to know better tag
thanks for tagging us @buildarocketboys ! storm 🌩️ and sprout 🌱 hereβ€”we thought it'd be fun if we both answered!
last song: a little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me by fall out boy - 🌩️ // alpha dog by fall out boy - 🌱
fav colour: blue-grey - 🌩️ // green - 🌱 [gee, our internet handles sure make sense]
currently watching: game changer on dropout, dungeon meshi on netflix
sweet/savoury/spicy: not spicy, i am weak - 🌩️ // all of them!! - 🌱
relationship status: we are married <3
current obsession: i tripped and fell into mcr late december and i'm still there (made a new sideblog for it) 😭 i feel like i'm cheating on peterick lmao!!! - 🌩️ // peterick πŸ€ͺ like honestly. thats it. 2ourdust has dragged me back in by the balls - 🌱
last thing you googled: "teenage mutant hero turtles" because i was telling sprout about how they changed the name in the uk - 🌩️ // places to get dessert in ktown nyc lol - 🌱
tagging: coming up with enough people to tag is the hardest part but we did it lads. only if you want to ofc <3 @judasisgayriot @elliottwrites @averagehorror @moitmiller @faiasakura @eldritchw1tch @27-royal-teas @pyrchance @starrynyxa
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yanderes-galore Β· 2 years
can i request a yandere rottmnt donatello scenario?
Sure! Sorry for the long wait, as usual- Aged up like always!
Safety Gear
Yandere! ROTTMNT/2018! Donatello Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Shocking, Implied kidnapping, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Forced relationship.
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Donatello claimed his gadgets were for "your own safety". However that explanation felt like an excuse. His gadgets were just too odd.
Why would you need a collar around your neck for safety? Why was there such high security doors in the lair? Was any of it necessary?
"Isn't this neat!?" The purple soft shell turtle squeals. In front of you and him was a box. A shiny collar in a deep shade of your favorite color sat within it. It looked suspicious.
"What... is it, Donnie-" you ask, hesitancy heavy in your voice. The turtle looks to you with excitement before picking up the treasured item.
"This? I've been working on it for months to give you! It's meant to keep you safe! It... has a button on it that allows you to call us for help-"
You eye the collar suspiciously.
"That's it...?"
"Of course!"
"... You do know that collars are not my style, right?"
Donnie's face flushes slightly, looking at the collar in his grasp. He stammers in embarrassment for a moment before finding his words.
"Well, um... I understand that I- Look this was the only way I could get the tech in-"
"All just to give me a way to call for help?"
Donnie was trying to hide his blush when speaking with you, the collar firm in his hands. You sigh in exasperation. You weren't a dog.
"Donnie. I have a phone. You have my number." You breathe in deeply. "You text me ALL the TIME- Why would I need this!?"
You calm yourself when you see Donnie give you puppy eyes. He sniffs softly before cradling the device in his hands.
He was always so soft... his brothers always said so.
"I... I made it for you because I thought we got along well- You make me so nervous when you're not around here. What if someone steals or breaks your phone? How will you contact me then? Please... can you at least wear it for the day?"
Donnie's begging towards you, tears pricking his eyes. You hate seeing your friend so upset- He always had a way with tugging at your heartstrings.
"Donnie..." You start, the turtle staring at you with hope. "...Fine. Just for the day. I'm hiding it with my shirt, though."
"That's fine!" The turtle blurts, immediately happy again. "Let me help you put it on!"
You sigh and sit down, allowing the turtle to unclasp the collar before fastening it around your neck. You were surprised at how comfortable it was. It was such a nice shade, too.
You just wondered how he knew your measurements.
"You look so nice with it on...." Donnie muses softly, clicking a switch on the collar before backing away. He lingered for just a bit too long but he quickly gave you your space back.
"Thanks...." You murmur out of discomfort. You felt weird with it on. Why couldn't he have made a bracelet? This was degrading!
"You're welcome!" Donnie winks, walking over to a table to fidget with some other device. "You're good to go!"
You give your turtle friend a smile before standing yourself up, strolling through his little lab to leave for the day. However, before you exit those doors, you freeze.
It wasn't intentional. Your mind just couldn't process what was going on. Not when there was such a strong current of electricity surging through you like you've been tazed.
Without much of a word you collapse on the ground. Your body goes rigid before the current stops. Your mind feels fried, trying to process what you just did.
You willingly let Donnie put a shock collar on you. The turtle managed to sweet talk you into putting such a device on you, too. You couldn't believe it.
"Oh good, it works!" Donnie coos, making his way over to you. "I worked so hard to get it just right...."
You stare fearfully at the purple turtle you once called your friend. Now? Monster seemed to be the only title that fit.
"Donnie- what-"
"Shock collar, baby~ In your favorite color and everything! Isn't it pretty? I can make it go off whenever I wish or whenever you try to leave."
Donnie's grin is smug yet sadistic when he explains what's around your neck. You can't believe such a sweet turtle would do such a thing.... Especially one that was your friend.
"Why-?" You manage to croak out, Donnie cupping your face with his hands.
"Because..." The turtle grins, eyes holding a lovesick look in them.
"You can't get hurt if you can't leave me!"
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thearoaceshark Β· 10 months
My headcanons for Transfem Leo:
β€” When she started using eyeliner everyone thought that Karai had taught her, but she actually taught herself. She has an excellent pulse so the eyeliner always looks divine on her ✨️.
β€” April taught her to paint nails.
β€” She is curious about wearing a corset. If she could be human for a day she would try one on.
β€” She loves to wear sweaters and baggy clothes, it's the only human clothes that fit her, but she dreams of being able to wear tighter clothes.
β€” When she was a child she liked Lilo & Stitch a lot, her brothers also liked it but she more. She admired Nani very much.
β€” Her favorite Disney princess is Tiana.
β€” She was always interested in ballet, but she was afraid that her brothers would make fun of it, besides, sensei was already teaching them to be ninjas, she had no time for ballet (that and according to what she saw on TV, she couldn't wear those cute shoes because his feet were very big).
β€” She often wonders if she is really pretty. She knows that she could never fit the human standard of beauty, but she would like to look cute even for a turtle.
β€” When she was 7 years old she helped her father make yukatas for her and her brothers for their birthday. At the age of 20 she and her girlfriend made kimonos for their birthday, three montsuki (male kimonos) for her brothers and a Furi-sode (female kimono) for herself.
β€” She likes gossip and comic and dramatic telenovels.
β€” She continued to have tea parties with Chloe every Friday and Saturday, and the little girl was the first to find out that she was a trans girl. She went from Mr. Imaginary Turtle to Miss Turtle very quickly.
β€” One day, instead of having tea, Chloe made her play on the catwalk and named her Miss Universe, according to the blonde that was an official title, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was having a bad day so that cheered her up a lot.
β€” She and Karai made her brothers and April swear that they would never mention how they met, much less in front of Shinigami. Mikey accidentally told Shini, but she chose to ignore it, made a deal with Mikey and pretended that she still didn't know.
β€” She and Donnie cried when Inside Out was cancelled, they were super fans of the series. Then Donnie tried to hack Netflix and they had to stop him.
β€” Secretly watch kdramas with April.
β€” When they were children Mikey for some reason began to call her Sleeping Beauty, she secretly liked that nickname. Years later they remembered that and Mikey said that he started calling her that because she slept just like Aurora when she fell under the sleeping spell.
β€” She watches a lot of makeup tutorials even though she knows she's not going to use 80% of the products they show, she just likes them.
β€” When the Barbie movie came out, she wanted to wear each and every one of the clothes changes that Margot Robbie had. This was her favorite:
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β€” After defeating the Shredder, she and Raph improved their relationship, they started talking and they didn't argue so much anymore. Obviously they kept fighting, siblings do that, but at least it wasn't as serious as before. Now she and Raph confided in each other, Raph was the second after Chleo to find out that she was trans, and Leo was the first to find out that he and Mona were going to have babies.
β€” She and her girlfriend often question whether they should adopt a child, but the conversation always ends with them not being ready. One day they found a stray dog ​​and they adopted it, it was not what they had in mind but they are happy.
β€”Taylor Swift fan.
β€” "Not because I like Monster High does it mean that I'm lesbian... Yes, I'm lesbian, but not because I like Monster High."
β€” "My favorite MH is Abby–"
"That's such a fucking basic bitch answer"
"Oh! Do you want an original answer?!!"
"Marisol Coxi, Abby's cousin who was featured in the 'Monster Exchange' line! THAT'S MY FAVORITE!!"
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β€” Gwen and Pavitr are her favorite characters from Spiderverse.
β€” Had a time when she was obsessed with wigs, and she managed to have many of them, nowadays she still keeps them but only uses them occasionally.
β€” She dressed up as Elizabeth Liones for Halloween.
β€” Once in a while combs Chloe's hair.
β€” She is ashamed of her emo phase, especially now that she is a diva.
β€” When she came out of the closet and she said that she would change her name Mikey bombarded her with thousands of options, some names were good, others not so much. She ended up keeping one, but Mikey was disappointed, telling her that he hoped she would choose Artemis.
β€” The list of names in question is:
Skull Crusher
Killer Beauty
Kunoichi Blue
Tired Mother of 6
Dinosaur Tamer
Stunningly Beautiful Miss Universe
Black Widow
Selena Gomez
Elsa from Frozen
Blue Princess
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sabrondabrainrot Β· 6 months
Merry Christmas and TMNT Update!
Merry Christmas everyone! Just some updates but I've been hard in the TMNT brainrot. So first of all I just binged through the first 3 seasons of TMNT 87 AAGH SO GOOD it's so cute I love the boys so much! I finished 12 and WOW what a rush! Leo is the type of brother who would just carve his entire heart out for his family (and he basically does.) Raph is like the best brother, he grows SO much and cares SO much. Donnie is so adorable too, I'm glad he grew out of being a simp. He's a really sweet brother when he's not being like a stalker. Mikey literally saved them so many time just wow, what a lad. I love the dynamics of 12 so much. it's written like a tele-novella soap opera, but I say that only with love.
I'm on season 3 ep 7 of tmnt 03 and I saw Raph meeting a blind old lady who owns a cat and my heart melts, planning to actually rewatch that ep just cause my dogs interrupted the entire episode.
I also got my friend to sit with me and watch the 2007 tmnt movie and the Rise tmnt movies recently and they are literally amazing movies. I really hope Rise wins it's nomination.
I've been taking an obsessive amount of screenshots of tmnt 87 and sending live dms to a friend on discord, and I just wanna share some of my fav screenshots.
I wanted to take screenshots of 03 and 12 and Rise while watching them but the streaming platforms prevent me from taking screenshots.
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This was such a cute episode, Michelangelo was so sad to not have money for a boogey board and Raphael towel whipped him and Leonardo in the back trying not to laugh out loud was so funny.
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This ep was also great because it just ends with Splinter being stuck in this other dimension and the turtles are like "how do we save him!" and hitch a ride on an alien ship and just follow along and April is like "you can't leave me!" and next thing you know Splinter is shimmying his way to freedom and lands on them.
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I don't remember this ep title, but I just think the goobers looking all sad is so cute and funny.
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Leonardo was being devious
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I took this screenshot too cause they just look so cute and small XD
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I love how short and small they are, I just want to squeeze them.
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This is the episode that introduced 87 Leatherhead and they went back to Florida, I just think them looking sad while sinking was so funny looking.
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I took a million screenshots on birthday boy mikey episode. He's so adorable and sweet. He got sad and ran away from home and was hooked up like this flushomatic torture device and idk it was so silly and so many cute expressions were in this ep.
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Just a bunch more super cute moments. Like no one said how they acted when they got sick and I was not ready for them to be begging April and Splinter for attention and baby talking for more care. It was so cute and sweet. I also screenshotted Donnie falling cause his face cracks me up. I still can't get over how they're literally just little babies and April is totally their mom. (she reads them bedtime stories, it's canon)
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He was so excited to film a turtle work out video.
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This is one of the last frames of the season 3 finale and I think it's so funny they got rid of the Technodrome once and for all by sending them back to dimension X and they don't even look that happy. They're literally being celebrated and look so bummed out about it
BTW I have paramount but they don't have past season 2 available right now so I started watching it on internet archive, it's all there for free if you ever want to get your Cowabunga fix. (it's also why I could even take so many screenshots)
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yellowhollyhock Β· 6 hours
For any (or all that you know? πŸ‘€) version of Michelangelo:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
ah yayayay!!
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Put him in MLP:FIM, he can have a video games cutie mark. I see him being a pegasus. He can have use his nun chucks to redirect tornados. Plus, super speed. And plus plus, baking! Lots of ways for him to have lots of fun in a world like that.
7 something fandom does that I like
It is simply delightful to read about Mikey being an absolute menace. Maybe especially because when I'm writing him I have a hard time coming yo with ideas for what to make him do. It's so fun to see people's creativity! I also love when his sweetheart shows through, he really feels deep and cares lots. And if the same story shows his sweetheart side and makes him create situations I couldn't dream up if I was paid? excellent
12 headcanon
I am not original for this but, genderfluid Mikey!!
21 favorite thing to do when writing, something I don't like
My favorite thing about writing him is how much he's watching and noticing everyone else's emotions. This is such a younger sibling thing. It's different from Leo or Raph worrying about others' feelings; it's like he's watching tv. Not that he's not worried but like. It's like he's the omniscient narrator. I mean he might be wrong sometimes but he's always watching and speculating.
Something I dislike? His brain moves so fast. I have a very Donatello-style choose one thing to focus on and that's my personality now brain, so it's always challenging to write for someone like Mikey who notices so many little things and connects so many different thoughts. Which in the end I guess I also enjoy in that it's very satisfying when I'm done, but the process is difficult
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oooh I kinda want to see him in like. A Louis L'amour book. Just hanging out being nice to everybody. All the characters comment on his accent. By the end of it they're all talking like him. He can use his grappling hook to confiscate guns and talk to the horses and cattle and dogs and make everyone pizza 😌
7 fandom thing I like
I like in crossovers how everyone always loves him. This is such a true thing. Canon crossovers are wrong there's not a turtle ever to turtle who wouldn't get along with Michelangelo.
12 headcanon
hmm... actually I don't know if I have any. I can see him sometimes being the oldest. I do mean sometimes though,, there are some turtles that have an Age Order and some who are Quadruplets and say what's convenient. But 1987 Michelangelo is the only Mikey I'd see ever being the oldest
21 fave and least fave about writing character
His dialogue is mondo fun to write! Like, majorly good time dude.
as for something I don't like--his dialogue is totally challenging at times amigo!
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I mean 2012 already put him in so many genres canonically akdjdhaj.
Actually. 2012 Mikey in Snorks. Okay listen it's this cartoon from the 80s, they're undersea creatures the size of smurfs with little snorkels on their heads and flipper feet and they're multi-colored and other than that they're pretty much just humans. The main cast is a group of teenagers who go on various adventures often related to keeping the ocean clean, taking good care of wildlife, or being good citizens of their community, but also just a lot of high school drama and some really random stuff.
They're very silly and I feel like 2012 Mikey would vibe. The fun thing is they can (for some reason) breathe on land, so instead of moving Mikey to there just put the main cast in his room. Him and Tooter would bond instantly. I'm kind of obsessed with this idea now
7 fandom
I don't read a lot of 2012 fics, but pretty similar with 03, I enjoy reading about chaos.
I also love love love when 12 Mikey is shown being protective of his bros. idk if that counts as something 'fandom' does since it's canon, but I do so enjoy fics where that trait is shown.
12 headcanon
Asexual. Remember the ep where he was like 'well I'm never getting a crush it makes you guys act weird' and then fell head over heels for literally the next person he saw? To me (ace lesbian) that reads very much like picking someone to convince yourself you like that way so you don't feel left out. I see him as demiromantic asexual. Unlikely to even come up much in fics but there it is
21 writing
it is more rare for me to write 2012 but I do have some things in the works. I like writing Mikey with Raph. They have a very fun and sweet dynamic. for dislike.. hmm.. it is a challenge balancing his emotional intelligence with his goofy side, I'm not sure why more so with him than the other mikeys? I feel like I always lean too hard one way or the other with him specifically
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Easy: The Great British Baking Show.
7 fandom
when they give him hand tremors from making that portal in the movie. yessssss
12 headcanon
idk if this is really a headcanon, I feel like it's highly textually supported. But I like to think he really looks up to Leo and tries to act like him
21 writing
it's very fun to write hie explosive he can be! I probably overuse Dr Delicate Touch XD
what I dislike writing... hmm. It can be difficult to write how competitive he is. Very different from how my brain works so it can be hard to tap into
90s movies
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I think this Mikey should be in Friends. I haven't seen a lot of Friends but from what I have I feel like he'd be a fun personality to throw into the mix. Him and Phoebe both thin they're the sane one of the two of them
7 fandom
Love to see incorrect quotes. I haven't seen much of the 90s turtles generally in fandom, but when they make an appearance it's usually either an incorrect quote or a screenshot, both of which are excellent opportunities for Mikey to shine.
12 headcanon
He loves Dinsey princess movies. I mean loves. You can't tell me a guy who randomly starts singing and dancing that often doesn't have a closet full of Disney movies. Musicals as well but he also likes animation. Also Lady and the Tramp and Jungle Book are honorary Disney princess movies to him, in spite of April and his brothers' solid arguments against this. His favorite is Cinderella
21 writing like/dislike
he's kind of low-key for a Mikey, which is both fun and challenging as a writer.
Next Mutation
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Gummi Bears. They also live underground and try to stay secret. Grammi Gummi cooks really weird combos just like Mikey likes. He and Gusto Gummi would cause very chaos together. Plus there's so much magic elements, which Mikey would find cool because of Venus (and it would also make him extremely homesick). Plus it's a kids' show so they'll have episodes where they learn basic lessons like 'tell the truth' or 'apologize when you're wrong' and Mikey could state the moral on his radio show
7 fandom
allll of the Next Mutation stuff I've read has been you, train, and I gotta say I thoroughly enjoy him and Leo being dorks together 🧑🩡
12 headcanon
He doesn't call Venus 'mutatious babe.' In fact he doesn't call anyone babe
21 writing like/dislike
I haven't written him yet... but it's coming 😈
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I wanna put this Mikey somewhere nice. Oh I know! Danville, Phineas and Ferb's town. This would be a safe place for him to be out among humans if he wants. He could throw so many parties. And his family can live there too. April could be a den mother (is that what it's called) for Isabella's scout group. Phineas and Ferb and Donnie would borrow parts and blueprints from each other like other neighbors borrow eggs. Leo could shadow Perry! Raph could be a yourh mentor at Kandace's school! And Mikey could work at a pizza place and on the odd occasion when someone comes in like "but you're a turtle?" he'd be like "trust me bro, you're gonna see weirder things than me around here. Just look out the window in 5.. 4.. 3....." And Phineas and Ferb are riding by on hoverboards being chased by a bunch of monkeys.
guys guys guys
"Aren't you a little turtle to be making these pizzas?"
"Yes! Yes I am 😁"
Plus the turtles could also meet Milo Murphy at some point. Michelangelo would be such a good friend to Milo!
7 fandom
Making him and Donnie so close πŸ§‘πŸ’œ
12 headcanon
I feel like I bring this up all the time, but I'm gonna bring it up again: Mikey knew Raph was the Nightwatcher.
21 writing like/dislike
like: giving him justice. let him yell, let him cry, let him have so much ice cream and pick the movie and get so many hugs
dislike: it actually can be draining to write him because he has so much anger inside that he doesn't know where to put.
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hmm. again, I want a place where he can comfortably go out whenever he wants. What's a place with a lot of random creaturrrres...
Oh! Monsters Inc! And it could be after the movie so they're collecting laughs! That's his job! aww yis this is perfect
7 fandom
haven't checked out the bayverse fandom much. I like the idea of him and Raph being close, since Raph stood up for him in the second movie (never really got the impression Raph much wanted to be human for his own sake)
12 headcanon
audhd, and also besides self-diagnosing is largely the one to notice his bro's symptoms (Raph depression, Leo and Don both anxiety, idk what else). Even though he doesn't have the language for it, he understands a lot about his and their needs just from observation (it will help them all a lot once they start putting words to it and doing research tho)
21 writing like/dislike
like: he funny 🧑
dislike: sometimes he kinda crude :/
Batman vs tmnt
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All of it. Let him press. Every button. Every. Button.
hehe the Jetsons
7 fandom
I am getting more and more into Michelangelos where I haven't seen enough art or stories to notice patterns πŸ˜… Love people appreciating or elaborating on his friendship with Alfred
12 headcanon
this Mikey is very close with his Master Splinter 🧑β™₯️
21 writing
this Mikey is fun because I don't have to think up schemes, just make him touch everything. difficult because there's only one movie of characterization to draw from
okay I am not caught up on IDW by a long shot, and I can't answer most of the questions for him, but
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put him some place soft. Strawberry Shortcake.
same thing again, but I have one answer
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Highway to Heaven. Ex-cop goes on the road with a traveling angel. Michelangelo would be a good buffer at times and very funny picking on them both at other times.
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pianocat939 Β· 2 years
Hi I just wanted to say that I love your blog !! I especially love your rottmnt ones (I adore the Yandere HCs one , you did an amazing job on them ) πŸ’— I was wondering is it ok to request Yandere HCs for the turtle brothers (separate please ) falling for the reader who acts motherly to them (if that’s to many then I’m fine with Leo , since you mentioned that he wants the reader to rely on him ?) also hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of water ! πŸ’—πŸ€„οΈ
Thanks for enjoying my work~ Even if I'm sleep deprived half the time I'm writing.
I'm going to assume you're going by πŸ€„οΈ anon.
This is romantic btw
Yandere ROTTMNT Turtles with Motherly MC
Tw: SO MANY INSECURITIES, Mikey tries to start a cult, Implied violence, implied kidnapping, I think that’s it
(As someone who's an only child I don't exactly understand Raph's situation but I tried my best)
I think it would take him a bit of time to get adjusted to (because of how he's always been the responsible one), but in the end finding it comforting.
Since he's the eldest one, he's always had to do all the mature things for his brothers (Splinter was kinda there, but in some cases not).
So it feels foreign for him to rely on someone that wasn't himself.
But after he gets adjusted, he's obsessed.
It's such a warm feeling, something he missed out a lot. Feeling doted on and worried over, it's addicting.
He loves it so much that he clings onto it. Now if we are to refer back to this it would only make sense that he's dependent on it.
He's guilty, but at the same time he feels he deserves to be loved after dealing with the eldest child syndrome for so long.
He's basically glue at that point. Just following you around like a duckling.
"Can I have headpats? *proceeds to be big softie*"
He doesn't enjoy it when his brothers or someone else gets the same treatment too. Like sure you can be motherly towards others but he's the main point of your attention, right?
If it's an enemy or an unfamiliar person he'll go threaten them. Which eventually turns into a cold rage and he gives them a good beating or two (think of it the same way he acts when he feels he's all alone).
Overall wholesome big boy.
I feel like this man would go either two ways; either he internalizes the happiness and just acts all cocky, or he feels immature because of how he's treated.
If he interalizes the emotion and becomes egotistic snarky boy then I think he'll react to a smiliar way Raph does except less intense and more subtle about it.
He'll try to spend a lot more time with you, asking if you want to hang out more (he always picks more dangerous areas like the Hidden City for some reason).
So by the chance that he's injured (nothing major ofc) he'll go up to you with puppy dog eyes. Basically manipulating you to baby him.
On the other hand, and I feel like the more likely one, he'll feel even more useless. Like the fact you being motherly to him makes him feel more of a child who can't do anything.
What does he do? Why he pushes himself to prove that he should be the one relied on. Not the other way around.
He'll train his swordsmanship until he's forced by his family to rest, he'll take on villiains himself, and might even try to teleport enemies/unfriendly people of yours to another dimension (after he's done with them).
Praise him and rely on him for safety. That is probably the only way that'll calm down his antics.
If you don't, he'll manipulate you.
"Let me do this. Don't worry about me, I've trained my Kenjutsu for this." Kenjutsu = swordsmanship btw
(Now unlike Raph I understand Donatello to the max lmao)
You, my good friend, may be in trouble.
As canonically shown throught the ROTTMNT series he eats that praise up. So if you're a motherly type person you're fucking screwed.
He's obviously going to love it, since his father never quite showed such affection to him. My fellow Asian kids I'm looking at you.
He'll do anything for more praise, constructing advanced technology, showing his capabilities, all of it.
It's like he almost brags just to get that small ounce of love. Literally shoving his inventions into your face.
Sure he knows he's smart but to actually be told that he's smart? Confidence +100.
It's to the point he drags you into his lab and is like, "watch me do work :p". He hogs your attention and may be very offended if you try to interact with someone else.
If you push him far enough he'll kidnap you and force you to give him all your love.
He doesn't show it but he's extremely self-conscious about his intelligence and technology, kinda like how Leo is. So to be given the reassurance of love it feeds into his brain in a not so good way.
"Aren't I the most intelligent person ever? Look at my work, doesn't it make you proud?"
Ok again, referring to my general yandere Hcs that I did earlier, I think he would just become more cult-like.
His brain's is like "This person loves me, cares for me, makes sure I'm ok, they must be god." (If you get this reference I love you)
He solely believes that you must be the reincarnation of angels who came down to adore his tiny little self.
He starts writing little notes to himself about your antics and thinks it's the perfect example of an ideal human.
He pulls reverse card in a way; but still wanting to worship your kindness.
Which may end up him trying to pull people into his cult. He'll try to convince them that you're the epitome of adoration and love.
If they try to turn down his offer he gets pissed. Like really pissed.
He'll hunt them down, ties them to a chair, and forces them to watch a slideshow about you for hours straight (or until they've converted to the belief).
"I'm sorry, did you just say that you don't believe they're the most perfect deity to exist? Looks like Dr. Delicate Touch needs to give you a check-up!"
You guys remember in the library episode that one scene where he's like a king or something and says "New Toy"? It's basically that except you're the one on the chair and he's ordering people around lmao.
I feel like he's the most terrifying one out of the bunch.
I feel like compared to other Hcs writers I’m like some weird conspiracy theorist who makes a prediction and tries to prove it’s possible lmao.
Anyway hope you like it
- Celina
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jenny-from-the-bau Β· 17 days
for fun/soft/silly cm thoughts, i like to think about the bau with pets
emily has sergio obviously and she’s very much a cat person
i like to think penelope is one of those people who has guinea pigs and she has one of the most ridiculously swanky setups for them. she likes to knit/crochet little outfits for them and send them to the bau group chat. for halloween, she dressed her guinea pigs up in tiny suits so they could dress as hotch
hotch is the kind of guy who’s adamantly against getting a pet no matter how much jack begs for one. they get a dog after haley passes away though. he also has a pet rock named rocky with googly eyes that lives on his desk that garcia made for him
jj has a pet snake or turtle or some kind of reptile because the boys kept asking for a dog, and she refused to budge on that one. (she kept saying that they didn’t have time for a dog with her and will’s work schedules, but really she’s still uneasy around dogs after revelations). at first she was uneasy having a snake in the house, but henry and michael absolutely adore it and feeding the snake and watching it is now a family event
rossi is one of those reluctant cat dads who finds a stray kitten, takes it in, and falls madly in love with it. he claims he hates cats and the kitten is not his, but he absolutely pampers it and treats it like his baby
morgan gets a border collie when he leaves the bau. he and savannah and hank like to go for long walks with him and play with him in the park
these are so sweet and I love them and I'm obsessed
Emily with Sergio, absolutely
Penelope has a pet rat that she rescued from being eaten by JJ's snake, but it thinks it's a guinea pig bcs it lives in their huge ass amusement park of a cage.
I'm obviously JJ turtle supremacy. She has a little guy named Yurtle and he hangs out with her while she does work and when she's stressed, they sit on the kitchen floor and have treats (ice cream for JJ and tomatoes for Yurtle).
Spencer has fish and an axolotl
Rossi for sure just always has his kitten with him. Like in his shirt pocket or in a pouch or just in his office. It escapes a lot and ends up sleeping on the briefing room couch.
Derek for sure gets a big dog and they all love it so much.
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ellecdc Β· 20 days
🧺 favourite colour: I love light or baby pink! Also cream colors! Really any soft or pastel colors but pink is my FAVE
favourite pass time: reading and sleeping(I a sleepy girl)
shows and/or movies: I’m currently obsessed with modern family(I know I’m late to the game)
favourite animal: sea turtles!! And doggies
Thank you and seriously so well deserved 🩷🩷
gosh tbh this is so Remus coded I'm ngl.
So I'm going to say Remus, but also Sirius? because we all know he loves his Moony lol
I think Sirius would try to encourage you [and Remus] out of bed often [but is also happy to curl up as Padfoot at your feet lol]
I think Sirius would like Modern Family but be so confused watching a somewhat stable/loving family lol, and Remus would find the whole thing funny.
also, a dog person? say less lol [sea turtles are awesome though, great choice]
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