#because like. hold on stick with me. he's danzo.
i go back and forth on rin's elemental nature. i really think fire suits her for thematic parallels to sasuke reasons and also i just think fire is cool and suits her whole. perception of her self and being weird about purpose deal. but water is also cool because i think rin deserves to bloodbend. elaine kind of beat symbolism where she controls other people to try and come to terms with how she can't control herself. the way to resolve this is to take the path of "nature can warp under stress or whatever" and let rin's og nature be fire, so she has that in the entire og timeline and also the team 7 sensei au (good because those are the ones where the sasuke parallels are the Strongest) and then in the akatsuki!rin au the whole almost dying thing somehow leads to her nature changing to water. which works well because that's the au where she is the weirdest about control and also masks. 👍
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sueske · 1 year
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Thank you, hope you are doing well too!
firstly to clear the air about boruto - the only reason boruto exists is because it's a cash-grab sequel, it doesn't run much deeper than that. it's in no way the natural resolution to the problems of their world and the co-operation which sns agreed upon, it literally exists to ride on the success of its predecessor.
So with that out of the way. I think there is some valid criticism to be had about naruto, but I don't think he's an irreparable bootlicker like many anti naruto/pro sasuke stans claim.
naruto doesn't see konoha through rose-tinted glasses, from a child he was literally abused by the villagers, he doesn't think konoha is this magical place. His first mission has him declaring that he'd find his own ninja way as opposed to being a ninja who is used as a tool, because he didn't like that at all. while Naruto wanted to become hokage at the start because he wanted acknowledgement, that changed throughout the course of the story. He saw what happened with haku (which led him to develop his own ninja way, as in, he will never go back on his word, that's his ninja way, even when other people tell him to do things otherwise he will stick to what he believes in and what he says he will do, not a 'tool'), gaara and other jinchuuriki, nagato, sasuke, obito, madara, and how they were shaped by the times that they lived in. naruto literally empathised with sasuke and said that naruto could be in his shoes, because he recognises that sasuke is a victim. being hokage for naruto stopped with wanting to get acknowledgement, he already got that, instead he wanted to help exert change in the world (even though he doesn't have exact answers on how to do that) and to get all shinobi to co-operate together so the circumstances that led the previous events to happen don't happen again. however, whereas sasuke wanted to kill his humanity in order to become his version of hokage, naruto proposed a different path, of all shinobi co-operating with each other instead. naruto never disagreed with sasuke about needing change. naruto validated sasuke's feelings.
Naruto didn't care when sasuke killed danzo. If kumo killed sasuke, naruto would get revenge and thus konoha would be endangered. let me reiterate: if kumo killed sasuke, naruto would retaliate knowing that this would then trigger a bigger cascade and konoha would go to war. this is the exact opposite of protecting Konoha's interest. Konoha's interest would be killing sasuke to avoid that scenario like all the other characters chose to do, but that's something only naruto refused to do. These are not bootlicker actions lol it's the exact opposite - boot spitter? - it's everyone else who were portrayed as bootlickers, naruto was the only one who would ignore 'commands' for sasuke. That was literally the entire kage summit arc, where multiple characters voiced aloud 'you're not planning to go after sasuke' while even characters like sakura and kakashi thought sasuke was too far gone and naruto just left them all behind and we got to see how Naruto places sasuke above the village. the whole arc was literally done to juxtapose naruto's actions towards sasuke with everyone else's. where naruto placed sasuke above his dream of becoming hokage much like sasuke did for him back in the LoW.
now, all that being said, I will say some anti naruto criticism has validity. it IS true that naruto doesn't really hold konoha accountable. In the waterfall of truth scene instead of holding konoha accountable for their hypocrisy and treatment of him he just represses it. But given that he thinks he should endure, well.... naruto is a Repressed character. As for sasuke, even if naruto didn't believe tobito about the truth about itachi, naruto was going to tell everyone anyways, he didn't have any problem with the truth getting out. He was then stopped by kakashi, but afterwards naruto never vocalised saying it aloud again, despite the emphasis he also put on learning from the past and thus not erasing/forgetting about it. but it was just dropped and never re-visited. by sasuke too. now, this is messy because this is one of those things that I think was never re-visited because of the need for boruto due to reasons mentioned above. I had a discussion about this with someone in more depth so I'll just link it here if you're interested.
then there was the infamous edo-tensei itachi encounter which was pretty bad tbh, I understand why kishimoto didn't make naruto call itachi out (because of the whole itachi was a tragic hero narrative so he can't make the mc call him out) but it just made naruto look ooc considering how enraged he got when others tried to manipulate sasuke before and how much disdain he expressed with madara's IT plan (the genjutsu that would force people to live a lie ie what the KA would force sasuke to do). naruto antis who are 100% sure that naruto would've wanted to use shisui's KA on sasuke because naruto just asked itachi why he destroyed the bird are just like??? there's just no way naruto would do that.
I would also say that naruto is naive at times, I think he got called naive a few times by other characters as well, like sasuke and nagato. I do remember an interview where kishimoto also said naruto was naive but that because it's shonen these values need to be pushed, however, naruto did express anger and frustration at him being the one tasked to find an 'answer', when minato and jiraiya for example couldn't, 'why are you lumping this on me.' since naruto is just a 17 year old boy that people view as a 'hero', who a lot of people rely on and who impose their dreams onto him, and naruto bears the responsibility of it. but naruto's more idealistic approaches also become a foundation where two opposing forces could come in to work together - sasuke and naruto balancing each other out. working together, exerting the change they want to see in the world, having faith, even if it won't be easy they have faith to work together to a better future. and cut scene naruto ended at 699 and boruto never happened the end.
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fangxin-guoshi · 1 year
The Uchiha actually didn't hold very much power within the village during fugaku's leadership
I've seen some arguments talking Abt how the Uchiha weren't actually oppressed because their clan exclusively ran the police force. While they were in a position of supposed authority, they didn't actually hold very much power within the village.
There's a scene (in Itachi's past arc, somewhere around ep 453-455?? Idk) where the clan heads are in a meeting with the elders concerning the aftermath of the nine tails attack. When danzo proposes the Uchiha to be moved on the outskirts of the village, fugaku says the Uchiha won't be able to effectively act in an emergency. Danzo basically says "that's what the anbu is for blah blah".
Ok. So what's the purpose of the police force if the anbu are the ones who will respond in emergencies? Also, add on the fact that the anbu are ranked higher than the police force, so they can't even arrest an anbu without a warrant. Btw I know the anbu are essentially the cia (as in they handle international conflicts rather than domestic ones within the village), but they still partake in handling emergencies within it as well, so their duties overlap a little with the police force.
The apparent purpose of the police force is to resolve domestic and minor incidents in the village, which I would argue is a waste of their power (considering they're one of the most powerful clans in the village). However, the actual purpose was to ostracize the Uchiha. Why else would the police force be exclusive to only the Uchiha? I'll give tobs the benefit of the doubt and say he really did have good intentions with creating the police force (even tho it's canon tobirama is prejudiced toward the Uchiha but oh well), but that doesn't change the result of the uchiha being ostracized. Ik he had no way of predicting the circumstances so don't come at me tobirama simps (jk you guys are great)
It's heavily implied that the village doesn't trust the Uchiha in serious cases (nine tails attack), so they stick them with simple tasks and monitor them on cameras (bc thats how you show a clan you trust them ig...). While launching a plan to overthrow the government is probably not the best way to deal with your grievances over the position your clan is in, that doesn't make the Uchiha entirely wrong for it (tho that's up for your personal interpretation). I personally think that it makes sense and they're justified in their way of thinking. They're Shinobi, it's not like every problem can be solved diplomatically.
Kinda got sidetracked but basically I'm saying the Uchiha didn't hold as much power as anti Uchiha lads think they did. Honestly this post was just based on a different post I saw that talked Abt how the Uchiha had a monopoly on village authority and I disagreed so I wrote an essay lol.
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(continuation) I like that in Kakashi character flaw you said "blind loyalty" instead of "blind obedience" because those are truly different things and people who called Kakashi bootlicker often assume the latter. Kakashi definitely has soldier patriotism toward Konoha but he's not always obedient toward Konoha higher ups
Absolutly Agreed.
Kakashi is loyal to Konoha to a fault, but he is not obedient to a fault. His first lesson and the most important one to his students are "your teammates are more important than orders and missions."
His first action as a character is disobedience. He's telling his students, yes listen to me but if what i say puts your teammates in danger or affects your teamwork negatively, ignore me.
Kakashi does this again multiple times, but i think the clearest one is when he takes Naruto out of the village during the five kage summit. A time where he is directly going against orders and protocol, because no shinobi is supposed to leave the village at these times unless they are accompanying the Hokage. Kakashi decides then and there that Naruto's plea for Sasuke is more important than listening to the villages protocol (and it's a huge indicator of how important Sasuke still is to Kakashi, but fandom's not ready to talk about that)
Another one that really sticks out to me is when Kakashi goes against Hiruzen's orders as a teenager to save Tenzo from Danzo. he is directly disobaying orders from the Hokage, the highest ranking officer in the village, to save his friends.
Kakashi is loyal. He will die for his village without question
but he is not blindly obedient. Kakashi knows what's wrong with the system. He has seen the horrible acts and injustices committed by those who hold power in the system first hand, and he has seen how they affect others.
he hates that. He goes against all of that, because blindly following the rules is exactly what cost him his friends and he won't have that happen to him or anyone else again
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
Why do you like Kakasasu?
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I waited to reply to this because I wanted to be sure it wasn’t a troll and it wasn’t a drama starting attempt (like this or this, gems found in the sasuke/KS tag) since it’s a subject I am very interested in.
I replied to Kakashi/Sasuke related asks, shippy or not shippy, here, here and here. More about them here, here and here. Put yourself comfortable cause this is gonna be long. Not putting it under a readmore cause I remember ppl complaining they coulnd’t open it on mobile phones (?). Also, moralists who are lurking: don’t interact, get out of my blog. Youll be blocked on sight.
When I started reading N*ruto I was into Bleach a lot, and the fact that the characters were a little older and looked older made me not get into Nar that much at first, because they looked like kiddies lol. I didn’t care about Nar as a character and his initial rivalry with Sas was cute but not enough to get me interested. Only when Kakashi got closer to Sasuke I started being veery interested in the story and in the characters. What I found intriguing was that Kakashi was older and an authority figure, but also someone to look up and who helped his students, BUT at the same time he wasn’t exactly a father-like figure or a big brother-like figure, because he had his dark side, that back then wasn’t well flashed out but that nevertheless showed a closed-off person who kept everything inside, not letting others get too close to him.
(then I started liking N*rusasu mostly because there were so many cool doujinshi especially Emi10/Rankai and Engawaken, while KS doujinshi were so meh, kinda in old yaoi style like Loveless, with tiny Sas who looked even younger hahaha, not my thing)
As those who know my blog and/or my writing know already, I am not interested in healthy, cute, positive dynamics in fiction. I might enjoy them, I might be happy when there are such moments, but I can’t like a whole relationship/dynamic/story only like this because I like to explore complicated ones in fiction.Because fiction is very useful for this, it makes you explore dark, taboo things, without affecting reality (no matter what idiots say), it’s cathartic, it’s a way to do, see, experience things without doing anything.
Back to topic tho, I found their initial dynamic very intriguing. A broken, traumatized yet extremely driven Sasuke, acting as confident and strong as he can, but showing his trauma in various occasions, otherwise being mostly aloof, lost in his own thoughts, and a differently broken Kakashi, acting chill but at the same time always ready to act when needed, yet always kinda distracted, aloof, lost in his owh thoughts (and later we’ll know he took Obito’s mannerisms because he was a stickler to rules). The way Kakashi takes a special interest for Sasuke, clearly the most driven, the best of the team, with whom he holds back much less (when he trains them, like when in the beginning, during the bell test, he fights with Sas and seeing that he almost took it, he overpowers him) while he is different with the others (Nar will have Jiraiya later). The way he protects Sasuke during the chuunin exams, while he’s in the hospital and Kabuto is trying to kill him.
Mostly, the controversial moments...like I said I live for these kind of things. where he both protects and threatens him...like when he does that seal to Sasuke, for his curse mark, and he tells him that if that curse mark takes over he’ll kill him. Or when he ties Sasuke up so he won’t join Orochimaru.
Before someone says bs like *you’re not Sas fan if you like that scene* (I know there are many like this and I want all of them out of my blog btw) uh, it’s not how it works guys. You can support a character and still be intrigued by scenes where said character is tied up/in a forcibly submitted position and so on. Guess what, some of those scenes are made for fanservice even (and Sas has many of these, so if you don’t see the appeal/refuse to admit that there is appeal, it’s you who have a problem). So even tho I disagree with Kakashi not wanting to listen to Sasuke’s reasons for revenge (and later supporting SHikamaru’s, I replied to this in one of the asks I linked) I do find that scene interesting...I mean Sasuke tied up in a very suggestive way and yet defying him and threatening to kill his loved ones and Kakashi opening up in a very weird way vaguely replying that he lost those ppl already? It shows a lot about them, their personalities, everything.
I am sticking to part 1 because there are more meaningful interactions between them, I wished there were more in part 2 but kishi shifted Kakashi’s ‘interest’ to Nar, making him one of Nar’s followers...even so, the intractions they had were very interesting. Their fight after Sasuke fights Danzo is one of my fave moments in the whole story tbh, much more than the later confrontation with Nar. Kakashi for the first time has an inner only, yet strong, emotional reaction, having to fight and supposedly kill his former student who became a rogue with a death sentence on his head...he realizes this is how Hiruzen felt against Orochimaru. It’s a strong realization from someone like him who was always so closed off and aloof that he totally lacked empathy.
On the other hand Sasuke is in a different mindset. He’s sort of high for having succeeded in eliminating the one who made Itachi suffer so much, he’s thinking about killing the elders and destroy the village, so he’s basically lost in the recent past of Danzo’s death and in the future plans he’s making, he’s not in the present moment almost...but he has to fight anyway, and it’s a cool fight, also because he’s weakened already and Kakashi is strong...and then he gets blind, totally, and it’s an amazingly intriguing moment, the kind of controversial stuff I’m interested in, because that’s when he could be totally overpowered by Kakashi, if the story didn’t have other priorities (putting Nar in the center of attention with their confrontation).
Their later moments, like during the war, are meh cause the interest shifted already completely, but their moments in jail (anime only ofc) and their Shinden interactions (only through messages) are interesting to me. Very much so, because they show power dynamics very well, with Kakashi as THE authority and Sasuke as the one submitted. In jail it’s even more evident with him looking down at the younger tied up and blindfolded...like, wow. It’s like fanfiction material (in fact I wrote one (ff.net/a03) and there was the coolest fanart inspired by it! here..there were more but this came on my dash today so).
You mentioned power dynamics...their dynamics are all power dynamics because Kakashi was never at Sasuke’s same level and he never acted like he was, and when Sasuke was stronger, during the war, they basically didn’t interact, and when the war was over and Sasuke was brainwashed and tamed into submission the power dynamic remained the same.
The difference imo between them and other power dynamics based pairings is that they are closer than what could be defined rare pairings such as Obito (they had a very interesting one tho, if only it was developed), Madara (the story was already developed in a pro Konoha-anti Uchiha way but it would have been so cool to have the 2 Uchiha interact more), or other older and stronger characters, so the dynamic could be written in a cool way in a fanfiction but in canon Kakashi created it already. So, while I can imagine something like Shisui/Sasuke, Obisasu or more, in my head, and I can come up with some AU or canon divergent/canon behind the screen (like when Sas stayed with Obito after the transplant), Kakashi and Sasuke had canon interactions that showed power dynamics already.
(Then there is Itasasu, which is a huge power dynamic based relationship, that also had amazingly strong feelings though, and those who know me know that for me Itachi will always be Sasuke’s most loved person, and that he was the same for Itachi. So ofc imo IS is a much stronger bond compared to KS but still. Also I remember in the beginning how many fics I read where Itachi was abusive to Sas and Kakashi stepped in lol. And it’s not a mystery that even though I think the IS bond is the strongest I find other pairings and character dynamics very interesting, so much that I like to explore them even more than IS, which, imo, is almost a given fact so I don’t always feel the need to explore it)
Another thing I find intriguing is that Kakashi always saw Sas at his ‘worst’...in Konoha’s terms I mean. When he wanted revenge in pt 1, after he killed Danzo and he was weak and so desperate and hysterical that they thought he got crazy, when he was jailed. It’s a big power he has, to be able to see someone like this.
Tbh it’s a pity that there were no post war moments (B*ruto shit doesn’t count) where they interact ‘normally’ cause I would have liked to see them, both as normal interactions where they get closer again, now that Sas is older, where they train and they get physical (and Kakashi has a lot of repressed anger, jealousy and possessiveness to let out on the one who betrayed his sensei and went to another...not my opinion but it could be Kakashi’s pov) because I think power dynamic would come up a lot, even from apparently cute moments.
I’ll end this super long essay hoping that you didn’t fall asleep lol, and adding that Kakasasu was the first Nar pairing I shipped, which it speaks a lot about why I get so irritated when someone mentions it negatively.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Sasuke/Karin, 48+100
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
48. Fake Dating 100. Accidentally Saving the Day
Okay so I have been struggling with this one because it just feels really mean to Karin but I finally have an idea.
Takes place after Sasuke kills Itachi, but before he goes after Killer Bee.
Also available on AO3
“I’ll stay with Sasuke-kun!”
Karin latches on to Sasuke’s arm and presses her cheek to his shoulder. Sasuke doesn’t want anything as little as he wants human contact right now, but there’s a pitch in Karin’s voice that isn’t usually there, and her nails are digging in to Sasuke’s arm. It’s enough that he doesn’t immediately shake her off, trying to figure out what she’s getting at.
“Oh,” the man who claims to be Madara says, voice low and rough. “I wasn’t aware you two were so… close.”
Sasuke isn’t close with anyone. Not Taka, not Naruto, not Sakura, not Ita–
“Hn,” Sasuke says, looking away. Karin giggles in a way that sounds like someone else, someone that doesn’t have scalpels in her soul, and rubs her cheek against his arm. She nuzzles, like a cat.
“Aren’t you a little young to be sharing a bed?” Madara asks, tilting his head.
“Aren’t we a little young to be international criminals?” Karin challenges back.
Madara scoffs. “Teenagers.”
He disappears in a whirl, right into his eye, and Sasuke moves away from–
Her lips press to his ear, and she whispers, “he’s still watching us.”
She pulls back, and when he meets her eyes, there squeezed half-shut, looking at him over her glasses. There’s a blush in her cheeks, an embarrassed smile on her face, and she tucks her hair behind her ear nervously. “I mean, um, if you want to, Sasuke-kun.”
Sasuke doesn’t remember how to smile. He doesn’t remember what it is to act like he enjoys somebody’s presence. His soul feels like it’s scrubbed raw, clawed open, scooped out and filled back in with pitch and tar.
He inclines his head, and says, “I’m… not in the mood.”
He just killed his brother, and Karin is implying that she suggested something like out of those dirty magazines Naruto used to look at for ideas on that stupid pervy jutsu of his.
“Of course,” Karin says, with a soft smile that does not belong on her face. She’s acting like–like Sakura. Sasuke doesn’t want soft and sweet around him. Soft and sweet get ripped up and spit out by the world. He picked Taka for a lot of reasons, but they’re all Oto brats. They’re all assholes, even Juugo sometimes. “I’ll stick to my side tonight, okay?”
There is no ‘her side.’ They’ve never shared a bed before, except that one time all four of them had been on a single mattress, and that was only because the bed had been big enough for six. For some reason. It was cheap, he hadn’t questioned it.
“Thank you,” Sasuke says instead. He meets Suigetsu’s eyes and narrows his eyes just a tad. He almost casts a genjutsu to share information, except if Madara is still watching them somehow–and Sasuke trusts Karin, if she says he is–then there’s no way to do it either handsigns or Sharingan, both of which Madara would notice. Sasuke isn’t that good yet. Very few people are.
“Let’s lie down,” Karin suggests, a hand on his upper back propelling him towards the bed in this room. Sasuke doesn’t want to leave Juugo with just Suigetsu, but whatever’s going on must be important. It has to be.
Karin wouldn’t be pulling this shit if it wasn’t.
She changes a few feet away from him, as if it’s normal for him to see her half-naked, which it isn’t, even if she’s seen him nearly naked for battle reasons, medical reasons, onsen reasons and…
Well, Karin doesn’t strip as often as Sasuke does. Most people don’t, but Karin is even more concerned about keeping her body covered than, like, that one Hyuuga in his Academy class. Karin’s got her scars, and that’s more than reason enough.
Sasuke wonders if Itachi had scars. If he’d--
A hand lands on his shoulder and squeezes. He doesn’t shake it off, much as he wants to. “What.”
“You’re spiraling,” she says, like they’re actually together, and not just... whatever this is. “Come back to me.”
Is this what couples are like? He’s not sure he likes it. Sasuke’s not sure he likes anything right now.
“Come to bed,” she coaxes, like they’ve done this a million times. “You’ll feel better with some sleep.”
“I’ve been asleep for days.”
“No, you’ve been unconscious for days, it’s different,” she insists. “Listen to the medic.”
Karin isn’t, technically speaking, a medic. She’s a biological researching with a working understanding of the human body. She’s the closest he has, though. She’s probably right about this.
“Hn,” he says, but slips into bed anyway. She follows, and pulls at him when he tries to curl with his back to her.
“Sasuke,” she says, a request and a reprimand all in one. “Let me see your eyes.”
He stiffens, and her hand presses lightly to his shoulder.
“Please?” she asks, and the faintest pulse of chakra on his lightning-charred pathways taps out ge-n-ju-tsu. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
He rolls over and lets his eyes come to life, meeting hers and trapping them both in... it’s not Mangekyo, not yet, he doesn’t want to bleed for this, to bleed away Itachi’s gift on a farce of subterfuge, but there’s a bit of time-compression anyway. He knows how to do that much.
“Oh thank fuck,” Karin swears. “Thank you for playing along, Sasuke, you have no idea wh--”
“Talk,” Sasuke says.
She blinks, and pouts, and huffs, and adjusts her glasses. “That man is mad as a hatter and I don’t know exactly what his intentions are, but they’re not anything good.”
Sasuke crosses his arms and waits.
“He’s lying about being Madara, obviously,” Karin says. “And he’s... I don’t know, he’s got some technique that lets him be here-but-not, probably a variation on that teleport he showed off. I think he’s spying on us after he leaves, so I needed an excuse to just... yeah.”
“Okay,” Sasuke says. “What else?”
“Whatever he said about Itachi and the village... he’s holding back the whole truth,” Karin says. “He told some of the truth, and obviously I can’t tell exactly what he’s hiding, but there was... I dunno, satisfaction? Vindictiveness? He was, like, proud. Of Itachi getting pushed into killing the clan. I don’t know if he was involved in it or not, but my money’s on this fake Madara manipulating the clan, Itachi, the Hokage, or... I don’t know. All three? Anyone else that was involved? I don’t have enough background information to know for sure.”
Sasuke’s mental representation of himself squeezes his fingers into his biceps. He can’t keep this genjutsu up much longer without it getting suspicious. “Is he still watching us?”
Fuck. “I still need to kill--”
“Sasuke, no,” she says, coming closer. “Please, just... just hold off on the revenge until we know more about what’s going on.”
“But Itachi--”
“Sasuke, please,” Karin says. “You killed Itachi. You did that, because you didn’t have all the information, and you were being manipulated and lied to by people older than you. What did I just say was happening?”
“You said he told the truth,” Sasuke says. “That Konoha--”
“FUCK Konoha,” Karin says. “Who do you trust more, me or the guy that wears a full face mask and lies about being a hundred-year-old relative?”
“Who do you trust?” Karin demands. “Me or him?”
Sasuke doesn’t trust anyone.
“He is telling you what you want to hear,” Karin says, teeth grit. “But you met him a few hours ago, and he’s clearly incredibly suspicious. Please listen to me when I tell you that it makes more sense to collect information first. Hell, we can break into Konoha’s archives if you want. We can, I dunno, find your old team captain and tell him what fake Madara told us, and get him to break into archives for us. But, Sasuke, please remember that you picked us. You picked this team, and part of the reason you picked me is because I am the best goddamn sensor on the continent, and I know when people lie.”
She’s not wrong.
But... Itachi.
“We’ll talk again in the morning,” Sasuke decides, and breaks the genjutsu.
Karin pouts at him for a moment, and then wipes the look away and smiles at him, kind and pitying. “It gets better,” she says. “Eventually. Usually. Um, I mean, we’ve all lost a lot, but Juugo killed his parents by accident when he was four, ya know? He probably has all that ‘similar life experience’ stuff going on.”
“Can we not talk about this?” Sasuke asks, trying to talk like a... he doesn’t know. Like an upset boyfriend, maybe. “Just... I need to sleep.”
“Okay,” Karin says, and tries to take one of his hands. He pulls it away before she can touch it, and she freezes, then pulls her hand back to her own chest. “Good night, Sasuke.”
“Good night.” He sounds stilted even to his own ears. Hopefully, fake-Madara will attribute that to the trauma and grief instead of the awkwardness of not actually being in a relationship with Karin.
From there on, things drift sideways into Sasuke making slightly better decision on account of not trusting Obito as much, and trusting Karin to tell him when something’s a bad idea. He still makes bad decisions, because that’s just who Sasuke is as a person, but those decisions tend to skip over things like “attempts to kidnap Killer Bee” and just goes straight for Danzo. Obito is tired of his shit, but so is Kakashi, so Obito lets it slide. Sure, he’d rather have the Hachibi in the statue, but Sasuke’s causing grey hairs in a man that Obito half-hates and half-is-in-love-with, so it’s not all bad.
Zetsu does not agree, but Zetsu’s opinion is trash so we don’t care.
Technically Karin’s choice to fake date Sasuke in order to get him information does save the day, if only in the sense that the world is slightly less-fucked-over by the end of the fourth war, because Sasuke was faster about getting his head out of his ass.
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mrs-hatake · 4 years
i guess i’m just a playdate to you
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Pairing: Kakashi x Reader
Genre: angst
Warning: mentions of character deaths, open and ambiguous ending.
Word Count: 2825
A/N: aaaanndd i’m back with more angst! this is inspired by a kakashi edit on tiktok by alyez_ and i LEGIT got all teary eyed after watching so i just HAD to make you guys sad as well lmao.
p.s: Y/E/C = Your/Eye/Color
p.s.s: not proof read
They say that time heals scars but the person who came up with that obviously never lost the person he loved and cherished the most for if they had, then they wouldn’t have said such a careless thing. 
You were strongly reminded by that quote as you stood amongst hundreds of Konoha villagers in anticipation for Kakashi’s coronation as Konohakagure’s sixth Hokage. 
Everyone had been surprised by the news but they were happy to have such a strong and responsible man as a leader, to no longer feel weak and unprotected but safe and even feared by other villages. Everyone was excited for this day.
But not you.
You were saddened by this.
Suddenly, those around you cheered and applauded as loudly as they can as Tsunade, the former Hokage, stepped onto the podium to address the villagers with a formal goodbye.
Your heart squeezed tightly once your eyes spotted Kakashi standing in the distance, face hidden behind his mask but his eye held no emotion in them. 
There was a lump in your throat and you tried to swallow it away but your throat was as dry as sand paper, making it painful for you to swallow. 
Tsunade’s words fell on deaf ears as tears filled the corner of your eyes and, without even knowing it, you were pushing yourself out of the crowed and somewhere far away from the coronation. The last thing you heard was the crowed screaming and cheering as Kakashi stepped onto the podium next to Tsunade.
You’ve been walking for hours. How much exactly, you weren’t sure. All that you knew was that your feet were moving for a very long time and soon you found yourself along the outskirts of the Naka River and the sun setting into the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant shades of red and oranges, reminding you of that special day you don’t think you’d ever forget. 
It was the day of Rin’s funeral and everyone had gathered to bid the young Kunoichi goodbye.
Although you were a regular civilain and didn’t understand the severity of the loss or the sacrifice she had made, you understood the tragedy the village was facing, especially your childhood neighbor Hatake Kakashi.  
Kakashi had wandered off towards the end of the funeral and didn’t bother to stick around for the aftermath of the event. 
Knowing how much Kakashi had suffered and the people he had lost in his younger days, you bit your lip in worry as you set off to find him.
Eventually, you found him sitting on a cliff overlooking Konoha, the sun was setting in the distance and it cast the village in an orange hue. 
The young boy had his knees pulled up and pressed to his chest while his chin rested on his arms atop of them. 
You were positive that there were no words that would comfort the boy so you did the next best thing, you sat next to him with your arm around him and listened to Kakashi as he silently cried.
A tear escaped and rolled down your cheek at the memory but you quickly wiped it away and continued in your aimless walk.
There were rustling sounds coming from one of the bushes in the distance that made you stop in your tracks, your heart beating loudly in your ears in anticipation. Holding your breath, you slowly inched forward and was startled when a small white rabbit jumped from within the bushes.
Your shoulders sagged and a shaky exhale escaped your lips. The small white rabbit stared at you in curiosity, it’s small red eyes blinking up at you.
You offered the harmless creature a small smile but it jumped off deeper into the forest. You watched after it and remembered an early morning similar to this encounter.
When Minato and Kushina died, the entirety of Konoha were in mourn. But no one experienced such a great loss like Kakashi. Right when things were finally starting to get normal and Kakashi had the opportunity to experience what having a loving family was like, his parental figures die, one in battle while the other after giving birth. 
Your eyes never wandered off of Kakashi as you followed him through the woods. You knew that Kakashi would run off faster than the speed of light if he wanted to but you were glad that he was allowing you to be close to him. Though, that didn’t mean you didn’t worry over the boy. 
He had just returned from evacuating the villagers into safety after the sudden attack of the Kyuubi when the former Hokage had informed Kakashi of Minato and Kushina’s deaths.
Kakashi had no reaction. His eyes didn’t well up with tears, he didn’t let out a cry of anguish, not even questioning the Hokage. He just accepted their deaths and walked out of the office.
You had run into him as you were helping your father clean up your mini market when the silver haired teenager walked by. Your eyes lit up and you were about to greet him with a bright smile but when you noticed his hunched form and his hands buried deep into his pockets, you knew there was something wrong.
You quickly ran off to catch up with Kakashi and when you were within reach, you griped his shoulder and turned him around to face you. The sight that greeted you shook you to your core. His eyes were filled to the brim with tears and his cheeks flushed a deep red color. His mask was soaking wet at the never ending tears cascading down his cheeks.
“They’re gone.”
Harshly, you rubbed your eyes to will the memory away.
You’ve known Kakashi since you were a little girl and for as long as you’ve known the silver haired man, he had always been stalked by tragedy. Wherever he went, whomever he had cherished and valued, tragedy would clutch its greedy fingers on them and snatch them away from Kakashi. It happened with his biological parents, his best friends and then with his parental figures.
It was too much for the teenager and it made perfect sense why he ended up joining ANBU. 
“You can’t be serious.”
It had been two weeks since Minato and Kushina’s deaths. The village of Konoha continued on with their lives while the third Hokage returned to his rule.
It was early morning and you were manning the cashier at your father’s mini market. It was a slow and boring day with nothing to entertain you other than a trashy Shinobi magazine with a ‘Top 10 list of the Hottest Shinobi in Konoha.” clutched between your fingers.
It was so quiet that you were about to fall asleep when the door opened and the bells signaled the arrival of a new costumer. Your sleepy expression turned into one of joy as Kakashi walked in and stopped in front of you.
“Kakashi!” Your lips turned upwards into a bright smile, “What can I do for you?”
The teenager said nothing, his hands deep in his pockets, as his eyes scanned the shelves of chewing gum and cigarettes behind you.
“I’m joining ANBU.” He said simply. His voice so quiet that you were certain you misheard him.
You were a civilian and you didn’t know much about the Shinobi world but everyone knew of ANBU. Knew the excruciating and intense training Shinobi went through in order to be masterful and be higher in ranks.
Your smile faltered, “I’m sorry?”
Kakashi’s visible brown eye met yours, “Danzo recruited me to join ANBU.”
Before you could say anything else, Kakashi had turned around and exited the market, leaving you in a stunned daze.
Quickly, you snapped out it and followed after Kakashi.
“Oi, Kakashi! Wait!”
But the boy continued on walking.
Angered, you ran up to him and took hold of his shoulder and forced him around to face you, “What are you doing?”
Kakashi avoided eye contact and said nothing. Your angry aura and the hurt in your eyes ineffective to him.
“Are you seriously joining ANBU or are you playing some mean joke because it isn’t funny.”
“I’m serious.” His eye met yours and you were surprised by the harshness in it. Never in your life had Kakashi looked at you that way. It was so sudden and unfamiliar that you dropped your hand from his shoulder and took a step back.
“It’s dangerous.” You whispered and all that Kakashi could do was shrug his shoulders at you.
“I can handle it.” He said in his quiet, monotone voice.
“You could die!” Your voice grew louder, as if it could somehow explain to Kakashi how stupid joining ANBU was.
He said nothing though and slowly blinked at you. 
When you had nothing else to say, Kakashi turned around and walked away.
Tears rapidly filled your eyes before they rolled down your cheeks as you watched Kakashi walk away from you and, possibly, never coming back.
You hadn’t seen nor spoken to Kakashi for the next twelve years after that day. Your entire routine was thrown out of loop as you lost sleep worrying over Kakashi and fearing for his life. You became so depressed that you couldn’t continue working in your father’s mini market and almost dropped out of school had it not been for Gai who visited you one night to inform you about Kakashi’s well-being. You remember breaking down in his arms, relief suffocating you at knowing that Kakashi was alive and well. 
You didn’t get to see Kakashi until your second year as an elementary school teacher for the civilian children of Konoha. It happened by accident really. You were tidying up the class and preparing for the day’s lesson plan when you had spotted the taller and stronger looking man through the window.
His face was still hidden behind his mask and his right eye was still hidden from sight. He was followed by three children who all had different hair colors; one girl had long pink hair while the two other boys had blonde and black hairs respectively.
His appearance stunned you into silence and you would’ve left the classroom to follow after the man had it not been for your students walking in and announcing their presence.
The second time you saw Kakashi was another coincidence. School had been let out early and you didn’t feel like going home just eat. Instead, you went to Ichiraku’s Ramen shop for lunch.
“I’ll be sure to drop by again!” You called over your shoulders, a melodic chuckle escaping your lips, when you suddenly bumped into someone.
Large hands strongly gripped onto your shoulders to balance your footing and to prevent you from falling, “I’m sorry! I should’ve wa-”
Brown eye met Y/E/C in a startled yet dumfounded expression.
“-tch where I’m going.” You trailed off.
Seeing Kakashi up close was messing up with your head and your heart was beating so loud you feared that it would stop. 
“It’s fine.” His voice was deeper but it still had the quietness in it. Vaguely, you remembered Kakashi’s father having a similar tone of voice.
“Hurry up, Kakashi! You’re paying!” The shouts of a blonde boy sitting on the barstool interrupted your thoughts and the two of you jumped back.
“I should go.” Kakashi stated and rubbed the back his neck.
All you could do was nod your head and watch him walk into the ramen shop. Something deep inside of you told you that won’t be the last time you’d run into the most powerful Shinobi and you could feel a small smile crawl its way across your lips in anticipation.
Things between you and Kakashi were great. Your friendship rekindled and your bond grew stronger than ever. However, Kakashi still kept his distance. And, as an adult and having heard of the risks of the Shinobi lifestyle, you understood and accepted Kakashi’s cautions, especially knowing what kind of childhood he suffered.
And when tragedy struck again with one of his students (you eventually learn as Sasuke) took off with a dangerous rouge Shinobi, you were there for Kakashi.
You were even there when Naruto left Konoha to train with his mentor and Sakura interning for Tsunade, and comforted Kakashi during his loneliness.
And right before the beginning of the Fourth Great War where Kakashi had snuck into your apartment and begged for you to stay safe and wait for him, his brown eye wet with unshed tears, you did as your told and sealed the promise with a kiss to the cheek.
So it made no sense for Kakashi to return to apartment one day after the Great War with his expression resembling the very same one when he had told you he was joining ANBU.
You already knew Kakashi was going to say something you weren’t going to like by that expression alone and you were already shaking your head ‘no’ before he could even say anything else.
“Y/N, listen to me-”
“No!” You shut your eyes tight, not wanting for whatever it was Kakashi was going to say to come true. 
You heard him deeply sigh through his nose and soon felt his strong arms wrap around you, “I’m sorry.” He whispered softly into your ears, in hopes to calm you down, “But I’ve been chosen and they need m-”
But you didn’t want to hear what Kakashi was saying so you walked away from his embrace, “I need you!” You spat harshly, tear streaks on your cheeks.
“I was there for you. During everything, not out of obligation but out of love and you left me to join ANBU. That broke my heart, Kakashi, did you know that?”
The silver haired man didn’t. He said nothing as he watched you run your hand through your locks of hair, making it appear messier than its usual kept style.
“I was alone and depressed. I was scared that i would never see you again.” Teary Y/E/C met his briefly before looking away, “And when I finally moved on and things became normal, you’re back in my life as if nothing happened.” You chuckled humorously.
“And I was there for you when your kids left, I was there for you when literally died, even if only for a couple of minutes, and I waited for you during the war. And when it was finally over, when I thought that we’d finally live our lives like everyone else and finally be together, you want to throw all of that to be a Hokage!”
You were panting and your eyebrows furrowed in sorrow. The tears stopped falling but your cheeks were still wet. “I would be fine if you said you’re going to be Hokage and I could be there for you a-as a friend - maybe something even more if you’ve ever felt that way towards me - but you tell me that you can no longer see me.”
It wasn’t meant as a question, though Kakashi answered nonetheless, “To keep you saf-”
“I don’t give a shit!”
Silence met your ears and once you were able to calm down, You had asked Kakashi to leave.
That was a week ago and you haven’t seen Kakashi until earlier today. 
When your feet halted their movements, blood staining the soles of your feet and your toes in pain, you finally stopped walking at the end of Naka river. 
The sun had completely set and the forest was eerily quiet. You weren’t sure how far away from home you were though, you didn’t care. You just wanted to be as far away from the ceremony as possible.
Sitting down on the grass, you wondered how differently your life could’ve been if you had run into Kakashi outside of the ramen shop. Would you have fallen in love with a civilian that you’d eventually marry? You’d probably have at least two of his kids by now running around your tiny little home. Would you have let them join the Academy if they had asked you to? Probably not.
Maybe you and Kakashi were never meant to be. Your love from your childhood well into your adulthood could’ve been one sided after all. Though, there were moments where you believed Kakashi loved you as much as you did. Maybe not during his childhood but you’ve seen it in his adulthood. The way  he’d look at you when you thought you weren’t looking, those brief touches and him always visiting you after returning from a dangerous mission. You were positive that he loved you when Kakashi had been to your apartment and told you to stay safe before the Great War all those months ago.
Exhaustion settled into you and your eyes soon grew droopy. Resting against a tree, you entertained your mind of thoughts of Kakashi retiring from the Shinobi life and spending the rest of his days with you as you welcomed the cold embrace of sleep.
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vinodiriso · 4 years
Do Yoshino and/or Shikaku have any particular opinions on the big clans in Konoha? (Feel free to answer with whomever you want since there are a lot!)
Anonymous || impromptu asks I cherish immensely.
Well, about Yoshino and Shikaku, I’d say they do have their opinions, they are opinionated people and they are hardly the type of person that just hangs around and do as told.
Face front, let me stay that both Shikaku and Yoshino believe in the clan system as integrated to the non-clan population. There is no better blood, just different customs that deserve to be protected and preserved (some of them, at the very least). Blind hate both towards the clan caste and the civilian class will get them to snap: Shikaku will always remind people that two of the greatest shinobi he has known (Jiraiya and Minato) came from non-clan backgrounds.
Now -- if you were curious about their opinions on specific clans, I unfortunately did never think of it before now, so I don’t know how articulated these thoughts are gonna be, nevertheless I will try my best!
Akimichi & Yamanaka: let’s start with the easy ones first. I headcanon the relationships between Nara and these two to be knitted extra-tight, so, of course, both Shikaku and Yoshino are very proud of Akimichi and Yamanaka. Not much else to say, besides: they stan.
Aburame: actually, I DID ramble about Nara/Aburame relationships in this post (reminder that this headcanon is shared with Quincy over at @natsukusaka). I like to think of Shikaku having something of a petty, non-detrimental rivalry with Shibi when they were younger, before putting it aside to stick it up to Danzo and everyone on the Konoha elder council.
Inuzuka: I mean, with Yoshino being Tsume’s sister-from-another-mister, do you wonder what her and Shikaku’s opinion on them is? She loves them and she thinks they are rad as fuck.
Hyuuga: well, ouch. Yoshino is quite passionate about the matter, having lost a friend (Haru, her ex-teammate) because of their clan policy, and Shikaku isn’t super hot on their laws either, having watched Hizashi coveting revenge and harbouring resentment for what accounts to be most of his life. Still, Shikaku can take on a cynical vision and understand why the seal is necessary, being the Byakuugan a powerful weapon at Konoha’s service; still, it doesn’t see the Cursed Mark as the only solution to the arms race.
Also, going through my headcanons to hunt the Aburame/Nara post I was reminded that Hiashi opposed Yoshino’s appointment as a clan head because she was not born a Nara, so I suppose post-Shippuden Shishi does hold a grudge against him.
Uchiha: Yoshino knew Mikoto, since Hana and Itachi are the same age, she would ask Miki to babysit Hana when Shishi was filled with work. I think Shikaku and Shishi are pretty ‘Uchiha-neutral’ when it comes to it, of course Shikaku didn’t think it right to exclude them from political matters just because of an ancient feud, but his feelings would have been much different if he knew anything about the planned coup d'état.
Senju: I mean, I don’t see them having any sort of opinion on the Senju besides “yeah, they are pretty cool, they founded the village with the Uchiha, that’s great”.
Sarutobi: same thing, but about Hiruzen being Hokage.
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Chapter 5: Orange Roses 
Welcome back, my beautiful readers!  We're sprinting towards the finish line.   There's a scene that gets a little spicy in the middle but nothing explicit...yet!  Hope you enjoy it! 
Summary: He would always have her first kiss. 
Orange Roses: Orange roses evoke energy, and can indicate enthusiasm, desire and excitement. Giving orange roses can symbolize your passionate romance and share your excitement of the relationship with your loved one.
“Stupid Forehead!”  Sai looked up from his painting watching as Ino paced back and forth in his room. Danzo had been working him like a dog for some art gallery. He missed his girl and was thankful that he wouldn’t be home till tomorrow. 
“No, she’s Forehead right now.” 
He didn’t quite get their relationship. He knew that at the core they were friends but times like this made it seem like they were enemies more than anything else. 
“Okay, what did Forehead do?” He asked after she placed her head in his lap. 
“She kept going on about her first kiss with Sasuke. Blech. Then she started saying that no one will ever want to kiss me.”  He nodded sympathetically his fingers threading through her hair. They were way too competitive.
Surprising him she sat up on her knees sending him a look he knew all too well.  She wanted something and damn if he didn’t already know that he’d do whatever she wanted. 
“I’m going to ask you something and I want you to keep an open mind.”
“Kiss me.”
“What?  If this is just to compete with Sakura that’s a pretty stupid reason.”  Did she realize what she was asking him to do? 
She looked away shaking her shoulders. “No, I just, well I want to know what it’s like ya know.  You’re my best friend and I trust you. Who else could I ask? It’s just a kiss.”
He had to.  He knew it wasn’t the best idea but he hated the idea that someone else would have her first kiss. “Fine.” Her eyes fell closed and he took a deep breath before softly placing his lips on hers. It was far too sweet and innocent, a product of youth and lack of experience. Yet Sai didn’t know if he’d ever been happier. He was kissing Ino.  It was a dream of his that he always kept closely guarded. 
They separated and her cheeks were flushed a beautiful pink while they smiled at one another. 
“Sai...I’ve been wanting to tell you something.”
He was surprised, she usually told him everything. “What is it?”
“I uhm well I’ve felt this for a while. I-“ A piercing ring shattered the moment bringing them back to Earth. 
“Damn it, it’s my dad. I was supposed to go straight home.”
Sai nodded in understanding but disappointed that she didn’t finish what she was going to tell him. 
“Thanks, Sai, you’re the best. I love you.” She grinned at his blush waiting for his response. Ever since they were little she’d taken it upon herself to remind him that he was loved and never let him get away with not saying it in return. 
“Love you too Ino.” 
Ino walked out of there with a smile still on her face. Take that Sakura! Her kiss with Sai was more than she could have hoped for and gave her the push she needed. She was ready to tell him how she felt. Tomorrow would be the day. 
Little did they both know that she’d have to wait years to get that chance. 
End Flashback
Sai rushed to class annoyed and upset.  He had meetings all morning regarding the last minute details for the gallery opening.  This was his first show not under the watchful eye of Danzo and it was more work than he anticipated.  He hated the business side of the art world.  All he wanted to do was create but this was a necessary evil to keep his name relevant. 
Thankfully he made it with just enough minutes to load his presentation.  He looked over towards his class.  Ino was in her usual spot towards the back of the room but this time her space was being invaded by one of her male classmates.  Sai felt himself digging his fingernails into his palm especially as he heard her laugh.  He knew that it was wrong to be annoyed. It was good that she was getting to know her classmates and yet the irrational side of him was winning.  While they continued to talk after dinner at the Yamanaka home neither was ready to discuss what their kiss at the doorway meant.  
“Let’s begin please.”  Fortunately, it worked well enough that he cut their conversation short.  
“Please look at the painting projected on the board.  It was discussed in last week’s readings.  Respond to the question below and turn it in.  You have 20 minutes.”  He knew that he was taking his poor attitude out on his class but he was far too annoyed by a million different things to care.  Perhaps if he knew where they stood, that she wanted to be with him just as much, maybe then he wouldn’t be so prone to jealousy. 
Once everyone turned in their quick write he launched into the content.  It was more dry and boring but right now he needed that kind of material.  For today he just needed to get through the class.
“Why were you being such a jerk during class?”  Sai looked up seeing Ino storm into his office. 
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”  He replied returning his eyes to the form he was reading over.  He wished that she had skipped office hours today.  He wasn’t quite ready to stop being upset. 
She moved so that she was directly in front of him.  “Stop pretending like I don’t know you.  What’s wrong?”  It felt like they had taken such a huge leap forward and now he was pulling away from her again.   
His mix of emotions came roaring back.  “Can you really not see how this is your fault? 
“How is this my fault?”
“Why would you wait so long to take a freshman art class?”  Jealousy and uncertainty was fueling him.   Even as he was saying it he knew how ridiculous it sounded.  If she had taken the class sooner they wouldn’t be in this situation. At least that’s what he’d been trying to convince himself of. 
She stood there stunned by the accusation. Fine, if this is how he wanted it to go down. “Because art took you away from me!  I did everything I could to avoid it as ridiculous as that might sound!” Sai stood there shell shocked as she broke into tears. 
“Do you know how hard that was? Everyone was so proud of you and impressed by your accomplishments but I had to stand there and pretend that I wasn’t devastated.  Chouji and Shikamaru had to stop me from burning all your drawings. I know that you had to go and you didn’t have a choice.  You had to follow your dreams but why couldn’t I have been a part of it?” She sobbed each teardrop creating cracks in his heart. He placed her face between his hands capturing her tears as they fell. 
“No Ino, you’re my dream. You always have been. If I knew then what I know now, how much it hurt you I would have never left. I would have stayed here with you and we could have been so happy.  I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.”  He whispered regrets into her hair. 
“No, I don’t want an apology.  You didn’t do anything wrong. I just...Fuck. I just want my Sai back, I want my best friend, not the famous artist or my professor. I want the person that held me during a thunderstorm, hid drawings in my notebooks and gave me my first kiss.  It’s you, it always has been.”  With no more of an invitation, he had her pinned against the wall his lips hot and heavy against hers as she pushed his blazer from his shoulders. 
“Do you know how many times I wanted to fucking pin you against this wall?” He breathed as she continued to run her hands under his shirt.
She grinned her blue eyes beaming. “I’m here now. What are you going to do about it?” 
His lips devoured hers hungrily using the weight of his body to keep her up while his hands explored, touched and caressed her skin. Ino arched into him wanting to feel him against her.  Her legs tightened around him trying to bring him closer. 
His lips shifted to her neck kissing patterns all over her. The possessive side of him not caring if he left a mark. The smell of roses radiated from her skin. 
“Sai…” He shuddered hearing his name on her petal-soft lips. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He breathed his lips tracing the crown of her head. She drew his mouth back to hers wanting to cement this moment into her memory. Her fingers tried to make quick work of his shirt before he stopped them. 
He took a deep breath before placing her down safely “We can’t do this here.” 
She pouted looking up at him her arms wrapped around his waist. “Sai...don’t you want me?”  
She used that look on him a million times but this time he kissed it away. “Fuck, of course, I do beautiful girl.”  His hands went to tangle themselves in her hair bringing her forehead against his. “I’ve dreamt about this a million times, but you deserve better. This weekend let’s go away together.” 
She nodded in understanding.  Despite her disappointment, she was happy to know that he’d been dreaming about this moment just as much as she had been. She also wanted to take her time to absorb the moment without fear of someone walking in. 
“Okay.  Did you get through my journal?”
“Most of it.”  
“Before Saturday can you read my last entry. It’s what I wrote before this semester started.” 
“I will.” 
She kissed him softly her lips wanting to imprint themselves against his “Sai if I haven’t made this clear I want this. I have for a long time. I just want to finally be with you.” He pulled her into his arms holding her tightly against his chest.
“Me too Ino. Your heart is all I’ve ever wanted.”
She clutched to him and it was finally starting to settle in that this was real. They had both been pining after the other for years and now they finally had a chance to make it work. 
Chapter 1: Roses
Chapter 2: Yellow Roses
Chapter 3: Purple Roses
Chapter 4: Pink Roses
Chapter 5: Orange Roses 
Thank you again for sticking with me!  The next chapter will get smutty. I won’t be able to post the entire chapter here because I don’t want to get flagged so I will just post a link for it. Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive. I truly love and appreciate you all!
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thatsneakymedic · 4 years
31 Days of Horror Day 13 End
“W-WAIT! MOTHER STOP! IT’S-!” *SLASH!*  The white haired teen pleaded until the older woman overpowering him swiftly chakra scalpels his torso repeatedly, stabbing and slashing at him instantly in the heart and lungs, completely destroying them. Blood spurts from his mouth like a popped water balloon as he reaches upwards to try to reach for her, only for her to get off of him, away from his reach. The intense pain in his chest makes his attempt to talk turn into weak wheezes as he violently coughs out more blood out and his arm lowers down onto the pebbles. Tears slide down from his face as despite his blurred vision, he was able to see Nono’s emotionless expression. 
“W-why... didn’t she...” 
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With one final wet gasp for air, the boy’s body stills after minutes of flinching.  More blood seeps out from his chest and onto the rocks below him, his dark lifeless eyes still staring sadly at her as Nono stands up properly, panting as she wiped the blood off of her hands. She didn’t want to kill him because he was so young, but she had to. She needed to. It was finally over. “Mission accomplished. Now Kabuto-kun can finally be returned home...” 
The three Iwagakure shinobi accompanying the pursuit land behind her, “Nanigashi! Are you alright?” The woman nods as she turns to the team.  “I’m fine, I found him but unfortunately I couldn’t bring him back alive. He resisted and tried to kill me.”  The older man gives her a reassuring pat on her shoulder, “Look, I know how you feel about killing kids, but it had to be done. We’ll have to have his body examined immediately so that we can know who he is and where he come-” 
*SPLAT!*  A blade emerges from his mouth abruptly and it sticks out in front of his face, almost piercing Nono’s face as well. The katana was thrown from the hills and it pierces the back of the man’s head and it emerges from his own mouth, spraying his blood at Nono’s direction. The man looked shocked himself as his eyes roll back as he drops dead into the ground. She gasps as she leaps backwards, now close to the corpse behind her. The men raise their swords and they quickly spread out to find the attacker, “ANOTHER ASSASSIN! BE CARE- AAAHHH!”  The Iwa nin shouting was suddenly set upon by dozens of snakes that whirled and overcame him like piranhas at a meal.  “I’M COMING!!!!” The other man tries to attempt to save his comrade by slashing at the snake’s bodies, but then a flurry of kunai flying from the dark shadows of the rocks impale the man’s torso and face. Immediately killing him when the shurikens hits his throat and jugular. 
Nono stands on her guard as she scans around the area, “Who are you?! Show yourself!”   A hand reaches out from the ground and grips the rocks tightly, it climbs out and black hair emerges as another arm emerges until the rest of their body comes out from the ground.  The powerful chakra energy sends a cold chill in the back of Nono’s neck, she knows exactly who they are. 
“Orochimaru. But why is he...?” 
She firmly stands her ground at him despite her uneasiness, “Orochimaru, I’ve done my mission. I’m done with Root. Now what does Danzo want from me this time?!” She keeps a strong grip at her kunai as the other steps towards her. Swallowing her spit nervously as her skin is soaked in sweat. 
Olive-colored slit eyes glower at her direction and he turns to the boy’s corpse with a disappointed sigh, “It seem that the worthless one survived. What a pity. I had such high expectations of him.” His pale hands casually grip the hilt of his sword and he pulls the sword from the head of the man in a sickening splat. “All that is left is to get rid of you. There’s no need to keep you alive any longer.”  She lightly gasps as she takes another step back, this wasn’t part of the deal. Unless... “No... you bastards. What did you do? Where is Kabuto?!”   
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He gives an unimpressed stare at her despite holding the katana in hand, seeing this assassination as casual as a janitor cleaning up a mess someone made. He opens his palm as he gestures at Kabuto, “That boy behind you is Kabuto or was him before you mercilessly killed him. Can you not see it?”  Nono raises her kunai at his direction, “You’re lying! That’s not Kabuto! I saw the pictures they were sending me! He looks nothing like him!”  She takes another step back, her only chance to get out of this alive is to try to run away from him. She has to live... she has to find Kabuto! 
A pause before he pulls down his left eyelid and his pupil constricts, a force of dread overcomes Nono as she falls victim to his evil intent and she freezes in her tracks. Her flight or fight senses disabled completely and she struggles to move, her heart rate increasing by the second. He trends towards her as he reaches into his pockets and he takes out a series of photos and he hold them up in front of her face, she shudders at the sudden unexpected action, “You mean these photos? They’re all false. You of all people should know about Root’s favorite tactic, long and slow brainwashing.” 
Her lips quiver as she stares at the photos in his hands, she tries to find the will to move but she still felt paralyzed in fear, “The pictures and the memories of the boy you know and loved was replaced by another. Altered to the point of unrecognition. You out to be ashamed of yourself for falling for such an easy trick.” 
Analyzing her expression as she slowly comes to terms of this shocking revelation. She closes her eyes and quietly sobs as she falls down to her knees, her mind keeps denying the truth. But as she turns to stare at the body more, she notices a tiny detail that would prove that Orochimaru was telling the truth. The clear hidden scar near the top of Kabuto’s head and next to his right temple, there was no mistaking it anymore. This boy was Kabuto. She had killed her own child... no. She was tricked into killing him. She contemplates on the cruelty of Root as more tears slide down her face. Orochimaru bends down to take the kunai from her hand and they grab her by the top of her hair to lift her head up to expose her neck and he rests the kunai’s sharp edge against the soft muscle.  “Wait... please don’t. The children...”  She begs with pleading tearful verdant eyes as she starts to tremble at the unavoidable outcome.  
He isn’t moved or show any sign of hesitation on his part as he easily pushes the blade in, making her gasp and he slowly slits it across her tender neck, slicing both jugulars in one slow sweep. Her blood spurts out and coats his pale hand like a crimson glove. She grips her throat in a poor attempt to stop the bleeding as she tries to crawl away from Orochimaru and towards Kabuto. “You couldn’t even recognize your own child or have seen the signs that you were being deceived, how could the children at the orphanage be safe with someone as ignorant as you?” He replied coldly. 
A loud sloppy gag as she collapses on the ground next to the white haired corpse who seems like it was staring at her tragically as if it witnessing her dying moments, gasping and choking on her own blood as she tries to reach for him. She pitifully clings onto her slashed throat to stop the bleeding but she was spilling so much blood that she was already fading.  
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Her blood soaked hand reaches over to Kabuto, reaching for him until she couldn’t move anymore. Her vision blurs and she coughs her last breath. 
“Kabuto... forgive me...” 
Orochimaru stands solemnly between the two corpses, casually dropping the blood soaked kunai near her head. Two lives torn apart tragically all in the name of love. He stares down at the broken glasses of Kabuto’s as he puts away Kusanagi and he turns to leave. 
What a shame. 
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domesticsns · 5 years
I'm so curious about what happened at the restaurant between Sasuke and his father.
aAh, yeah that happened after Naori was missing and after Naruto and Sasuke had a very big fight about Fugaku revealing the one who blew the whistle on the military boarding school ran by Danzo was Sasuke and he didn’t know this. 
So Fugaku wanted to patch things up and apologize for the night and he contacted Naruto because he could not get in touch with Sasuke. Naruto talked to Sasuke and convinced him to go. Of course, Naruto is this guy who gives out chances like cheap candy. But he convinced Sasuke and said Fugaku was trying to chance and wasn’t this some sort of improvement that he reached out now than never. 
Sasuke giving it the benefit of the doubt. Decided to tag along and when they reached the restaurant that was actually pretty nice place and not some warn out bar as he had expected his father to choose. This was odd to Sasuke, but his questions were quickly answered when he saw a young women, not older than forty years old next to his father. She had this blond long curly hair and brown eyes and quite big bosoms.They headed to their table and Naruto eagerly introduced himself. He, as Naruto is. Gave Fugaku a hug and the women was like  “Oh I am a hugger too!” and proceeded to hug Naruto and she introduced herself. When she headed to Sasuke. Sasuke couldn’t get away from her faster. It was only that Naruto was standing behind him that he was forced to be a recipient of a hug he never wanted to be in anyway. He didn’t give his father a hand, he just give him an acknowledgement of a nod before they sat down. 
The women started talking. She said how Fugaku, her boyfriend, had told her all about them. Sasuke looks over at his father and then back at the women and interrupts her talking by asking her how old she is  and she chuckles and says a lady never reveals her age. Naruto laughed but Sasuke stared at her intensified. 
She then coughed and said she was 39 and Sasuke looks back at his father and says, “She is as old as your child.” 
“Come on Sasuke...They’re adults, stop.” Naruto said, putting his hand over Sasuke’s and squeezing it which might appear supportive from the outside, but this was Naruto’s  “YOU’RE BEING RUDE, BASTARD!” Squeeze. 
“Right...Sorry.” Sasuke threw back his glass of wine before grabbing a waiter and says: “I need something stronger...Bring me scotch and whenever see my glass empty you fill. Okay?” He grabs a fifty note and puts it in the waiter’s pocket.
So Naruto is talking to Fugaku’s girlfriend. Naruto talks about his job with children and she talks about her job as a hairdresser and Fugaku chipped in he conversation a little and Sasuke wasn’t talking...Didn’t want to talk either. But the woman was kindly trying to talk to Sasuke too. She starts talking about his job but Sasuke was being very short with her. Then she tried to compliment him by telling him he was very good looking. 
“Thank you. I take after my mother who shot through the head because she was struggling with mental illness and my father dismissed it as her being an attention seeking whore.” He looked at his father who snapped he had never spoken so ill of his late wife.  Sasuke said he might as well have because she was dead either way. 
“I am sure things were...Different back then,” the women said and she wrapped her arms around Fugaku’s and said, “he has been nothing but supportive with my son. He was going such a rough path with his biological father. I thought he would be broken forever, but then Fugaku came in our lives and we couldn’t be happier.” 
“Oh you have son....” Sasuke looked at his dad. 
“Tell us more about him,” Naruto tired to stir the conversation a little to something more positive. 
“Well he is 13 and not even that long ago he was a she.” She said proudly. “When he came out to us about how he felt. I knew he was always my son and supported him. But my former husband did not and we got in a lot of arguments and we seperated. This had very emotional toll on Oliver. He blamed himself. He was really depressed, but with a lot of love and support from Fugaku and me and therapy he is doing a lot better. I am so proud of my little boy. He really looks up to Fugaku now, he wants to join the police force and follow in his footsteps. Fugaku is teaching him all these manly things.” She laughed at her own words and when she turned to look at Sasuke he could see such hatred in his eyes it was almost scary. 
“Oliver is trans...” Sasuke said, “You are fine with this, but when you figured out I was in love with Naruto. You packed my bags and send me away!” Sasuke raised his voice. 
“Sasuke no-” Naruto tried to calm him down, but even he knew by Sasuke’s look hew as too far gone. 
“No, you shut up!” Sasuke shouted. 
“You send me away! You abandoned me! My mother shot herself through the head you wouldn’t look me in the eye. When I was unable to talk for three years you locked me in a closet and forced me to piss myself in order to get me to talk while every specialist told you it was mental. And when I found shred of happiness in my live in the form of this dumbass!” He pointed at Naruto, “You send me to an all boys military boarding school in otogakure ran by a guy you barely knew and just left me at his mercy and didn’t even try to find out what was happening behind those locked doors! You cut me off without a second thought and put me through hell where I had to do unthinkable shit to survive!” 
“I was a different person back then,” Fugaku said, “I didn’t know better-” 
“And now you’re suddenly a saint!?” Sasuke shouted. Everybody in the restaurant was staring. “People don’t fucking change!” Sasuke stood up. “I thought when you reached out to me. I was sceptical and I was right to be sceptical! You’re the biggest asshole in this fucking world!” 
“Sasuke if this is about Danzo. I thought it was just a strict school I had no idea what was really going on behind those gates until they were exposed-” 
Sasuke broke the fucking table with one kick screaming. 
“Sasuke!” Naruto shouted his husband’s name, this probably prevented him from not twisting Fugaku’s neck on the spot. 
“I could kill you in a heartbeat,” Sasuke grabbed Fugaku by his collar,  “-but the only reason you’re breathing right now is because I love that little gay shit-” he pointed at Naruto, “And he opposed to murder.” He pushed Fugaku away from him before leaving. 
“I am so sorry....” Naruto said getting up looking awkwardly around him seeing all the people looking at him and they looked scared. Some people grabbed their phones and were filming the whole thing. 
“Uhm...” He grabbed his credit card and handed it to the waiter, “Just charge everything on here...I’ll come back for it. Sorry again...Don’t file charges...”  He said as he jogged out of the restaurant and into the rain. Trying to find his husband outside. He finally caught up to Sasuke and had to jog to keep up with him storming rage pace.
“You want to tell me what that is about!? Sasuke! Sasuke, talk to me! You can’t ignore me!” Naruto said, walking behind Sasuke. His husband wasn’t responding. 
“I know what he did to you was wrong, but the whole reconnecting to him was to give him a second chance. He obviously is a changed men he is treating  this woman so kindly and is accepting of her son. When we first met him he didn’t even know there were more two genders and now he is supporting a trans kid because he educated himself on the matter. He is trying, he has regrets. I don’t understand what more you want from him?!” 
“I don’t care what the fuck he does with that kid or that woman. I want nothing to do with him.” 
“Sasuke, you were open about giving him a chance. Why is this not a positive thing to you. Is this not the solid proof that he changed and is more open minded. Why are you angry?” 
“BECAUSE IF HE WAS GOING TO BE THIS CHANGED MAN, WHY COULDN’T HE BE LIKE THAT WHEN I WAS GROWING UP!” Sasuke shouted, turning around. Naruto saw big tears rolling over his cheeks and his heart stopped beating for a second. He had to look twice, so he wasn’t deceived if it wasn’t just the rain rolling off his cheeks. 
“You don’t understand I am his son and he just left me...He broke me...” Sasuke whispered, his voice cracking as he spoke. 
Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke and hugged him tightly, placing a kiss on his hair as he could hear his husband sobbing. 
“It is not fair what happened to you, Sasuke. I’m sorry. I should not have pushed you into giving your father a second chance.” 
‘Yeah...” He heard Sasuke mutter as he had his face buried in Naruto’s neck. His grip around his husband tightening. They were pretty soaked in the rain as they stood there for a while till Sasuke calmed down and pulled away, rubbing his eyes. Naruto gave him a soft kiss on his lips. 
“I should go back...I broke a table, I need to pay for that.”
“Yeah I gave the waiter my credit card. I can pick it up tomorrow.” Naruto let his hand go through Sasuke’s hair, pushing his bangs back and holding his face in his hand giving him another kiss on his lips. They went to Naruto’s favourite ramen shop and they were soaked as they entered and sat down on the bar stools. Naruto gave Sasuke his jacket because he was wearing a white shirt and leave much for the imagination. Naruto was sticking up the chopstick in his mouth making it look like a walrus teeth and Sasuke chuckled before they ate a hot bowl of ramen as Naruto told Sasuke a funny story that happened at school, making him laugh. 
They ended up going home, throwing their clothes in the hamper before taking a warm bath together. 
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sannas-art · 4 years
I have no life so I made a Kakashi version of All You Wanna Do after listening to it like 5 times
Rin Nohara - Catherine of Aragon
Anko Mitarashi - Anne Boleyn
Musical Anon/Shio Suzuki - Jane Seymour
Maito Gai - Anna of Cleves
Kakashi Hatake - Katherine Howard
Team Choza Anon/Aki - Catherine Parr
The only reason the two anons are in there is because I can't think of any other canon characters who fit the roles
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
I think we can all agree I'm the ten amongst these threes
[behind him his friends sigh exasperatedly. typical kakashi]
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
And ever since I was a child I'd make the boys go wild
[gai furrows his brows, confusion and realization mounting. rin holds him back from jumping up]
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Take one of the school instructors, Iwana Akame
I was young, it's true, but even then I knew
The only thing you wanna do is...
Broad, dark, cryptic Akame
Helped me with kenjutsu throughout the days
He was twenty, you see
And I was thirteen going on thirty
[now everybody else has to hold rin and gai back from murdering an asshole. they are strugling]
We'd spend hours with the weaponry loot
Striking the marks and learning to shoot
His encouragement filled me up with glee
Praise from teacher to student, that's all I could see
Tell me what you need
What you want, you don't need to plead
'Cause I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me
And maybe this is it
He just cares so much, it feels legit
We have a connection
I think this guy is different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is touch me, love me, can't get enough, see
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby'
Is please me, squeeze me
Birds and the bees me
[stage crew has to help cast members keep rin and gai in place now]
Run your fingers through my hair
Tell me, I'm the fairest of the fair
Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...
But then there was another guy
[there is a large cracking sound heard somehwere in the audience. if one looks closely they can see a new tree branch sticking out from the ceiling and poison ivy creeping up the walls. iruka and tenzo’s seats are empty.]
Serious, stern, and slow
Get's what he wants and he won't take no
[somewhere in the audience, tsunade’s eyes narrow with warning]
Passionate with a thrill for justice
The sexy secretary that was deep in ROOT's clutches
[sai smiles tightly. his hand is a blur and something inky rushes out fo hte room. in the distance you can hear danzo and orochimaru screaming]
Helped him in his office, had a duty to fulfil
He even let me use his favourite quill
Spilled ink all over the parchment—my wrist was so tired
Still I came back the next day as he required
[tsunade gnashes her teeth together]
You say, I'm all you need
All you want you don't need to plead
'Cause I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me
And I know this is it
He just cares so much this one's legit
[several shinobi in the audience are shaking their heads in horror]
We have a real connection
I'm sure this time is different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is touch me, love me, can't get enough see
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is please me, squeeze me
Birds and the bees me
You can't wait a second more
To get
My armor on the floor
[somewhere in the ninja afterlife minato and kushina are preparing to gut someone. sakumo and dai have their weapons strapped on them with ominous glares]
Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...
Yeah that didn't work out
So I decided to have a break from boys
[everybody heaves a collective sigh—]
And you'll never guess who I met!
Tall, large, Jiraiya the Sage
A member of the three great Sannin
[—and freezes in horror as kakashi’s words register]
Globally revered
Although you wouldn't know it from the look of that beard
Made me his partner in his intel work
Hurled me and my prominence up in the world
Gave me missions on field and he swears it's true
That without me he doesn't know what he'd do
You say I'm all you need
All you want, we both agree
This is the place for me
I'm finally where I'm meant to be
Then he starts saying all this stuff
He cares so much he calls me love
[tsunade twitches and stands up and storms out of the building. if one listens carefully they can hear the sound of buildings being demolished and jiraiya screaming]
He says we have this connection
I guess it's not so different
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is touch me, love me, can't get enough see
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is seize me, squeeze me
Birds and the bees me
There's no time for when or how, 'cause you
Just gotta have me now
[a decent number of seats are empty, the shinobi previously occupying them assisting tsunade in dealing w jiraiya]
Playtime's over
The only thing you wanna do is...
So we became partners
With Jiraiya it isn't easy
His creeping's weird and his spies are sleazy
Except for this certain aide
[everybody listens with horrifed anticipation]
He's great at his job and passed as a staid
The spying life isn't what I planned
But Kaito is there to lend a helping hand
[they hang back. this guy can’t be all that bad right?]
So sweet, makes sure that I'm okay
And we hang out loads when Jiraiya's away
This guy, finally
Is what I want, the friend I need
Just friends, no chemistry
I get him and he gets me
[everybody smiles. kakashi deifinetly needs more friends to watch out for him]
And there's nothing more to it
He just cares so much, he's devoted
He says we have a connection…
[a genjutsu is shown on kakashi. hands outlines are covering his body, one is clutching at his sharingan eye. he is crying. everybody watches in mute horror as the hands start grasping at him]
I thought this time was different
Why did I think he'd be different?
But it's never, ever different
[Kakashi attekpts to to pull the hands off. they won't budge.]
'Cause all you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is touch me, when will enough be enough, see?
All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Is squeeze me, don't care if you don't please me
[gai has opened 7 gates, anko latching onto his arms is the only thing keeping him from opening the eight one]
Bite my lip and pull my hair
As you tell me I'm the fairest of the fair
Playtime's over
Playtime's over
Playtime's over
The only thing
The only thing
The only thing you wanna do is...
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raendown · 6 years
Based on that last ask, just think of Tobirama testing a new jutsu that would allow him a glimpse into the future. He doesn't have control over it and its affects are not what he was expecting. He thought it would just show him the events like a movie, not make him a phantom. Unable to touch objects nor can anyone hear him. He has no idea where he was sent but seeing his students on a mission together could be entertaining at best and insightful on subjects he should teach them at worst. 1/6
So everything seems to be going normal. They are doing a stealth mission in enemy territory so they aren't saying anything. Any thoughts he might have been having about their techniques leaves him when Danzo hits Kagami in the back of the head with the butt of a kunai. Kagami falls to his knees, while Danzo is swift to tackle him to pin him down. "Danzo what are-" Kagami is cut off when Danzo wraps his hands around his throat. He grasp Danzo's wrist to try and stop him - 2/6
but Danzo starts speaking "You have failed sensei. You have given into the Uchiha curse. Sensei would not have wanted one of his own students to become something so vile. By doing so you have betrayed everything that he taught us. This is what he would have wanted. The curse cannot spread and claim more victims. He would not want you to be allowed to do such." Kagami's face pales with each word and while tears start to fall. He lets go of Danzo's wrist because he knows that is is right. 3/6
All the while, Tobirama watches on in horror. Not just at Danzo, but at Kagami as well. The hold Danzo has is simple, Kagami can break - he knows he can, he taught him how - the weight of what this means does not slip past Tobirama. He watches Kagami give up. He watches as he falls unconscious and Danzo letting go when his breathing is slow. He watches as Danzo pulls out a storage scroll filled with medical equipment. He watched as Danzo takes Kagami's eyes before 4/6
sticking a kunai in Kagami's chest. He knows what just happened. He was the one who taught Danzo that. It was easier to take a bloodline jutsu if the person was still alive. It lost some potently after death. The emotional side of Tobirama's brain has cut out. All that is left is the clinical part. He wants to do something. To scream at Kagami and demand he fight, to stop Danzo from using half truths from his teachings to justify his actions. He want to yell that Danzo stop treating Kagami's 5/6
body like a prop. Staging it to give credibility to the lie he will no doubt tell when he returns to Konoha. There are far to many things he wants to do in this moment, but the jutsu fades and he is back in his lab. Now that he is safe in the confines of his workshop everything really hits him. He cries for all he has witnessed. However, now that he is back there is much he needs to change. But the first thing that he must do in knock a few of Danzo's teeth out. 6/6
Yo I didn’t do anything to you, why you comin’ in here and hurtin’ me like this??
I definitely think Tobirama’s first reaction would be ‘must kick Danzo’s ASS’ but he’s a logical guy, he knows that none of this has come to pass yet, Danzo won’t have any clue about a crime he hasn’t committed. 
So what’s a man to do but to spend more time with one young man and make sure he knows what he means to certain people and put a little more effort in to turning another young man from travelling down a path he was never meant to follow. We all know Tobirama had a bit of a blind spot to his students’ faults. Personally I think he would still try to ‘save’ Danzo. 
Although I myself wouldn’t bother. -.- Throw the bitch in a snake pit and dance to his screams. 
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What songs do you associate with your muse?
Tagging: @super-kame-love @amethystamazon @fire-hearted-father @shadows-of-shimura @clankilling @porcelainheretic @thenagaraja @thatsneakymedic @the-excisionist @setsukix @hana-tsukioka @ofink @theunfeelingartist @floravain @haku-in-pink @seijunin @snagglefangswordsman @berserkcd @kijinosairai @kaless39 @snakesage @crybabyanbu @lionxdog @leafmedic @uminosclassroom @bakisensei @introverses @taintedartist @blood-haired-god @mizubound @crimsonflute @only1one1me @noblegentlemangai @uchihacollector @logvrsn1 @sasukeuchiha-eternalmangekyou @hcshigaki @sagekisame @dangoattack @sushinoshisui  @masshirohebi  @wrathbinded @frogprinceus 
and anyone I forgot or who wants to do it!
When I listen to my car radio, certain songs always remind me of certain characters. They’re not always characters I roleplay, but I’d better stick to the ones I have blogs for here. I’m going to combine all my characters in one post so you don’t have to hunt through all my blogs.
Kimimaro: @kimimarothechosenvessel
Boats and Birds
I first heard this song online rather than on the radio, but from the first listen it has always embodied Kimimaro for me. The vocals remind me of the childlike innocence that made it so easy for Orochimaru to manipulate him. The swaying accompaniment is gentle, yet it carries a foreboding undertone–this submissive soul will pour himself out until it leads to his doom.
“If you’ll be my star I’ll be your sky You can hide underneath me and come out at night When I turn jet black And you show off your light I live to let you shine I live to let you shine But you can skyrocket away from me And never come back if you find another galaxy Far from here with more room to fly Just leave me your stardust to remember you by.”
Unfortunately for Kimimaro, Orochimaru did “find another galaxy:” Sasuke. But Kimimaro was still content as long as he could still find a way to be of use, because then his existence would have purpose again.
Hayate: @selenophilephile
Hayate is my most well-adjusted character, at least while he’s alive. Around four years younger than his classmates and battling a chronic illness, he still managed to become a tokubetsu jounin (swordsmanship specialist) and spy with his transparency jutsu. Unfortunately, he is most remembered for dying at Baki’s hand while on the way to warn the Hokage about the impending Konoha Crush. 
In a beautiful and heartbreaking filler episode, Kabuto revives Hayate with Edo Tensei and forces him to fight his former allies. Hayate eventually encounters his lover, Yugao, and begs her to stop him by killing him again. With great difficulty, she does it, but not before he reassures her that the vows they made to each other weren’t a mistake, even if it ended up this way. (If you haven’t seen this scene, you’re really missing out.)
“Photograph” reminds me of Hayate because Yugao is shown looking at an old picture of them together, and because the music reflects his gentle, steady nature. The refrain even sounds like something Edo Hayate would have told Yugao if he’d had more time:
“You can fit me Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen Next to your heartbeat where I should be Keep it deep within your soul
And if you hurt me Well, that’s okay baby, only words bleed Inside these pages, you just hold me And I won’t ever let you go .”
Tomomi: @mama-gekkou
So Brave
Tomomi is my only original character on Tumblr. I’ve hardly done anything with her, mostly because her headspace is so dark. She’s a civilian who grew up completely unaffiliated with shinobi culture. Then she fell in love with a shinobi and moved to Konoha when she married him. They had a son: Hayate. You can see where this is going.
Hayate was sick his whole life, and Tomomi did not want him to be a shinobi. Even if he could manage it, she hated seeing him suffer, and she hated that he was in danger so often. But Hayate idolized his shinobi father and became determined to follow in his footsteps. When her son was killed, Tomomi couldn’t help seething with resentment towards her village and her husband. In the world she came from, little boys weren’t encouraged to risk their lives in battle. If Konoha hadn’t made that look so attractive, and if his father hadn’t encouraged Hayate’s ambitions so much, he would still be alive.
I had to look for a song for Tomomi, but I ended up finding a little-known ballad an American woman wrote about her son, who unexpectedly decided to join the Army.
“I remember when you learned to walk, I remember when you learned to talk, But I can’t remember when You learned to be so brave.”
Shin: @saisbrothershin
Shin is the boy who was raised in ROOT with Sai as brothers. Sai didn’t even have a name yet–he only received “Sai” for his mission with Team 7–but Shin held onto the name from his former life. He even managed to hang onto his personality, despite Danzo’s brainwashing the ROOT operatives to have no names, feelings, or identities. But Shin cared more about his brother than about ROOT, and I think this song perfectly captures his optimism and detemination to find a better life for his brother and himself. Also, the blog title “Two Kids, You and Me” comes from this song.
“All hail the underdogs All hail the new kids All hail the outlaws Spielbergs and Kubricks It’s our time to make a move It’s our time to make amends It’s our time to break the rules Let’s begin
And I say hey, hey hey hey, Living like we’re renegades Hey hey hey, Hey hey hey, Living like we’re renegades Renegades, renegades”
This is the other song that always reminds me of Shin. Towards the end of his short life, his ebullient spirit was broken by ROOT’s brainwashing, the guilt of unethical secret missions, and a terminal illness. The only thing keeping him alive was the hope of losing to his brother in their forced battle to the death. When Sai remembers Shin’s death, we see someone bitter and despairing. “You must kill your emotions, or else duty will destroy you,” Shin tells Sai, as if speaking from experience. In my verse with @shadows-of-shimura , the last straw for Shin was severe physical abuse at Danzo’s hand for breaking a very minor ROOT regulation in order to save his brother’s life. This whole song could be a look inside the desolate, isolated world of ROOT:
“Welcome to the room of people Who have rooms of people that they loved one day Docked away Just because we check the guns at the door Doesn’t mean our brains will change from hand grenades 
[…] All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don’t make any sudden moves You don’t know the half of the abuse.”
Yukimaru: @yukimaruthecinnamonroll
Yukimaru, the sweet child who forgave his mother’s murderer and even let her adopt him, is so precocious that he has his own theme. That he played himself. On a leaf flute. Look at this kid. 
It’s called “Guren” after Yukimaru’s repentant adoptive mother, but it’s Yukimaru who plays this music during the story. His dead mother taught it to him, and it expresses the bereft child’s longing for a home and a family, or even just “someone to think about me.” Even though Yukimaru and Guren were filler characters, their theme became a mainstay of the Naruto OST.
Lullaby for a Stormy Night
Yukimaru is a little boy who saw his mother and his whole village killed, was captured and experimented on by Orochimaru and Kabuto, was forced to control the Three-Tails despite it nearly killing him, and then learned that his newfound protector was the one who murdered his mother and everyone he loved–and he still retains the joy and innocence of childhood. If any character deserves a happy ending, it’s Yukimaru. Thank goodness he got one. This utterly nostalgic song perfectly portrays the bond between Guren and Yukimaru. It evokes childhood so much that I ugly cried when @amethystamazon sent it to me. Best of all, the scared child sings with the mother at the end:
“And I hope that you’ll know That nature is so The same rain that draws you near me Falls on rivers and land On forests and sand Makes the beautiful world that you’ll see In the morning
Everything’s fine in the morning The rain’ll be gone in the morning But you’ll still be here in the morning.”
Bonus: Apologies to Guren, Yukimaru, and Gozu, but this song also reminds me of them. (Of course that’s Gozu on the guy’s part.)
Gozu: @standbyyourwoman
This is the only song where the video is as important to the character as the music. The video shows two muscular boxers fighting. One is young and eager, while the other is grizzled and resigned.  Gozu may be closer in age to the young one, but his character is much closer to the older one, who reluctantly destroys his opponent’s optimism and naivete because they have to continue their battle, no matter what. There is a particularly relevant part at the 2:50 mark that you won’t hear on the radio, where the music stops and the two men have an exchange that sums up Gozu’s character in one heartbreaking gesture and two words.
I’ve already written about why Gozu is amazing: he has a heart of gold despite both his appearance and his background suggesting anything but. His pointy teeth suggest that he’s from Kirigakure, where he would have had to fight his classmates to the death just to graduate from the Academy as a child. Then he was captured by Orochimaru and experimented on so cruelly that it drove him temporarily insane. Then he was left to rot in one of Orochimaru’s prisons until Guren showed up and made all the prisoners fight to the death (again) so the survivors could help on her mission to have Yukimaru control the Three-Tails.
But Gozu doesn’t see any of these things as the defining event of his life. What was the defining event? After going berserk from the experiments, Gozu was left in solitary confinement without food or water. When he was dying of thirst, Guren happened to pass by, and she brought him a drink. It saved his life. Gozu fell in love with Guren then and decided to dedicate his life to her service.
 “You made me a, you made me a believer, believer Pain! You break me down and build me up, believer, believer Pain! Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain My life, my love, my drive, it came from… Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer.”
Bonus: the fourth verse mentions, 
“Last things last By the grace of the fire and the flame You’re the face of the future, the blood in my veins.”
Who’s the “face of the future” and might as well be “the blood in my veins” after Gozu and Guren leave at the end of their arc to start their new life? That’s right, Yukimaru, their adoptive son. I’m gonna cry again.
In Case You Didn’t Know
Speaking of that new life, it brings its own challenges for Gozu as we’ve been roleplaying it. He used to be Guren’s subordinate. Is he still, or is he something more? How does she feel about him now that they’ve lived together with Yukimaru for a while? Gozu is afraid to ask, but I’m not sure how long he can hide the way he feels about her, especially since he’s already given his life for her at least once. They’re parents with a child, but what are they to each other? For Gozu, Guren is the same to him as always.
“In case you didn’t know Baby I’m crazy ‘bout you And I would be lying if I said That I could live this life without you Even though I don’t tell you all the time You had my heart a long, long time ago, In case you didn’t know.”  
Oh, yeah…
A random crow: @randomcrowsummon
It’s one of Itachi’s crows. It doesn’t get a theme song because it’s a flipping crow. If you’re an Itachi, Shisui, Sasuke, or Kisame, or you just want to interact with a crow that may or may not be a genjutsu, have at it.
Hope you enjoyed and that some of you do this, too!
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Remember When
AU: None/Cannon
Words: 1329
Rating: General
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Tenzo|Yamato and Maito Gai
Warnings: None
Summary: In the middle of recovering from the Kazekage Rescue mission, Kakashi finds himself being visited by his two best friends, and reliving some memories that he’d much rather forget.
Chakra exhaustion was never a fun thing to deal with. The constant desire to just pass out in his spot, the struggle to do some of the simplest tasks because his body refused to cooperate with him.
If he could go the rest of his life without having to deal with Chakra exhaustion ever again, he’d be a happy man. Thankfully, he was never left alone to suffer at times like this.
“Neji and Lee dispatched the enemies with ease,” Gai proclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air as he spoke. “And when it seemed like they were going to be struck by an enemy in hiding, Tenten swooped in and used their body as a pin cushion for her weapons.”
Gruesome, but effective.
“It sounds to me like your team wasn’t slowed down at all by the Kazekage rescue mission,” he wished the same could be said for Team Kakashi, but he wasn’t leading them at the moment and he hadn’t even met the new addition to their team, Sai. “You sure you shouldn’t take a break?”
“Not all of us are in need of recovery, Rival,” he was trying to be nice, and here Gai was throwing insults back at him. Some days he wondered why he was friends with this man at all. “Though I have no doubt that you’ll be back on missions with your own team soon enough.”
“Well, let’s hope we get a little time to rest as a team-first,” there were still so many things he had to teach Sakura and Naruto, and there was no doubt in his mind that there would need to be a few more lessons on teamwork with the new member. He just hoped in his absence that Tenzo was doing alright. Naruto and Sakura could be quite the handful at times. “I was hoping to see if there were any areas we could still improve on. It has been a while since I taught them, and we didn’t get much time together to train before that mission.”
Perhaps he could finally start teaching Sakura about tactical planning, and if he had enough time before they got their next mission he could teach Naruto how to actually listen to a plan and follow through with it.
Though he didn’t hold out much hope for that second one.
“Anyways, They’re in good hands right now. Tenzo will-”
The door to his room slammed open suddenly, the look of an angry, stressed, completely done Jonin Captain greeting him. Eyes staring directly into his soul as the man stomped towards him looking like he was about to explode.
Somehow, he was not surprised.
Closing his eyes, he gave Tenzo his best smile and tried not to laugh at the whole situation.
“I take it the mission took an unexpected turn?” He’d have to read the mission report later if Tsunade-Sama allowed. “Did you get any good information?”
“Information?” Tenzo’s voice was strained when he spoke. Never a good sign, in Kakashi’s experience. “What information was I supposed to get while Naruto was busy turning into the four tails!? Or Sakura was rushing head first into a suicide attempt!? Or Sai was busy betraying the team for Danzo!?”
That was...a lot to unpack.
More than usual, somehow.
Raising his hands up in a calming gesture, he chuckled weakly. “Now, to be fair. Whatever Sai did is not my fault. I haven’t even met him yet. Not to mention the fact that I just got Naruto and Sakura back on my time. Who knows what Jiraiya-Sama and Tsunade-sama have been teaching them.”
Judging by the way Tenzo’s shoulders squared up, and the way his eyes narrowed in on Kakashi, he wasn’t about to let him off of the hook easily.
“They’re still your problem, Senpai!” He cringed at the use of the honorary. Not that he wasn’t used to it, but he still didn’t really like hearing it. Especially when Tenzo was mad at him. “If you hadn’t gone and exhausted your chakra on the last mission-“
“Oh, sorry,” rolling his eyes, he turned his attention over to Gai. “You hear this? I’m not supposed to fight the enemy now.”
“Well,” Gai reached up to rub the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with Kakashi as he did so. “He’s not really wrong. You do have a bad habit of over-extending yourself.”
“What was that Mr. ‘I’m going to use the seventh gate to finish this fight quickly even though I only actually need the fifth to defeat this enemy?”
“Are you ever going to let me live that down?” placing his hands on his hips, Gai glared down at Kakashi. “It was one time! You have a whole list of missions that you went and overextended yourself on. Didn’t you even get chakra exhaustion during your first mission out of the village with team seven?”
Now that one was a low blow.
“It’s not like I was facing a bunch of chunin level shinobi. Those would have been easy to deal with,” crossing his arms over his chest he turned his eyes away from the other two and leaned back against the bed. “Beside's, it’s not as bad as the time that Tenzo-”
“Don’t you dare,” Tenzo cut him off, a look that screamed ‘murder’ on his face when Kakashi dared to look at him? “That was one mission, and I came back home fine.”
‘Fine’. Is that what people called it when they had to be dragged back home unconscious by their teammates with two broken bones, a concussion, and a sword-sized hole in their chest?
If he came back home from a mission looking the way Tenzo had that day, he would never hear the end of it, and he didn’t see why Tenzo would expect any different. Being a shinobi may come with a certain level of injury on missions, but that didn’t mean they didn’t have to live the rest of their lives being reminded of all the worst injuries they had received in battle.
It was like a game. Compare the dumb injuries.
Sure, Kakashi was losing. But at least he had a list of his own to use against the other two. Though, now that he thought of it, he couldn’t help but laugh looking at the two men in front of him.
His best friends.
The only two who had come to visit him while he was in the hospital, even after all these years and the many missions he had returned from with chakra exhaustion.
“What’s with that dorky smile all of a sudden, Senpai?”
“Oh, you know,” He smiled at the pair. “Just thinking about how lucky I am.”
Sure, he might end up in the hospital a lot, but at least he knew he’d never have to be alone during his recovery. At some point, Tenzo and Gai would show up to keep him company.
“Here,” picking up one of the many sticks of Dango that Gai had brought for him, Kakashi held it out towards Tenzo. “I don’t have any Ramen for you, but I can at least offer my favourite kitty cat some Dango.”
Tenzo’s eyes widened at the use of that old nickname. An impressive sight to see, considering they already took up half his face before.
“Rival, you never told me you had embarrassing nicknames for your other friends!” Gai jumped up from his spot, sending his now empty bowl crashing down onto the floor. “I’m not the only one!”
Seeing Tenzo being pulled into a crushing hug by Gai was worth everything he had dealt with up until this point. Naruto’s hard-headedness, almost getting attacked by an old woman, the whole fight against Deidara, and the chakra exhaustion.
He’d gladly go through it all over again, just for the chance to hear Yamato complain as he was picked up in those giant arms and crushed under the sheer power of Gai’s hug.
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ryodan · 7 years
SasuNaru and the pinhole : part 3
If we do a time skip to after the akatsuki arc, Naruto comes to understand why someone wants revenge when their loved is killed and admits yeah he didn’t really get sasuke and this is where it gets :/ on Narutos behalf for me
In the land of iron sasuke is falling rapidly deeper into the curse of hatred because he is using mangekyo more and more, he is doing very unethical things like attacking the cloud and trying to live capture a man..he is a full blown S ranked criminal whos name alone was capable of triggering a war, no matter how I a sasuke fan can justify and explain his behavior people who don’t know about the COD can’t. Naruto himself was like?? Who are you dude. But obito shows up and he is told. Naruto is woke about the curse of hatred and he says ‘sasuke loved his clan a lot and that’s why he cant forgive.’ But at that time that was not the case. During his fight with danzo his mangekyo evolved the most to a point where afterwards he was losing vision, and his issue wasn’t just that he wants his clan back, his issue was was the massacre and the discrimination. Naruto was like near the point, but homeboy missed it. In fact, the one who actually point its out is Kakashi, but he says both Naruto and Sakura see it, meaning when they both saw sasukes way of talking about Konoha, they understood him better. I cut Naruto slack because he tried understanding sasuke constantly, no matter how much sasuke cut him off. But this shit does not get an easy pass, where he jumps in to clash with sasuke so they read each others thoughts,,its funny bc he says he gets it…then proceeds..not to get it
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Why is he talking about himself here? I respect that Naruto always tried his best to understand him
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but he knows about the fucking curse and he says one bad move and I would have been like you? Nah, sasukes fate was chosen the second he saw his parents corpses. Naruto hears him talk about the uchiha,,,,and says this. :// It’s insensitive to the fact that sasuke isn’t just a survivor of a tragedy, hes a survivor of a national genocide. But he literally doesn’t mention it.
Meaning they both know Indra and Ashuras charka are in them
Lol another misinterpreted scene is the ill shoulder all your hate scene, while im sure he did want to end sasukes miserable suffering, he was talking about protecting Konoha and ending the cycle of hatred.
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‘sasuke wants to kill naruto bc he knows his love will save him!111! No, it’s because the annoying orange stands in his way..also naruto still feels disrespected 
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And sasuke atm isn’t having that ‘ill stop you because you are my friend.’ Stuff, which is mistranslated as ‘I am your friend’ but this entire arc was naruto speaking in I terms. Im meh about it.
Oh lol and the bane of my existence..’sakura and kakashi are selfish and tried to give up on him..naruto wanted to save him!11!!’
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Lol to which sasukes response was ‘im itching to kill you kakashi’ so futile arguments remain futile
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It’s not Kakashis fault sasuke is a man who lent his hand to a terrorist organization, attacked a village, live captured an innocent man who is a jinchuriki meaning he was actively help start the war,  and as shikamaru said a war would have started out in his name and he even attacked an international peace meeting..his motives were not to change the system but pure revenge over Konoha who even though is problematic has innocent citizens in it. Itachi is a good guy for killing his loved ones to stop a war and protect his brother the second Kakashi and Sakura do it they are selfish and don’t understand him.  Kakashi acknowledged he adored him no matter how far he is fallen and that he doesn’t want to kill him but he must do whats necessary, sakura knew that the current sasuke isn’t a sasuke the real sasuke would condone and she did what kakashi tried to do with obito, aka end his misery, as well as keep naruto from the akatuski, prevent a war, keep konoha safe and shoulder kakashis burden.
In fact, they acknowledged his victim status, but still a war in his name is a war in his name
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‘sakura gave up on him!11!!’ she had a moment where she realized he would never do something like his own teammate and she noticed right away, no chakra sensing needed that he is definitely changed. She didn’t betray him when she didn’t even know any part of the truth, just like to innocent people in konoha like Kiba, he was the one doing the betrayal.
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 ‘he doesn’t care and wanted to kill her’ is also funny bc he trusted her for a moment but called bullshit very fast
His face is not exactly ‘im itching to kill you sakura’ when she is all like im here for u :) fuck konoha :)
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Sasuke chose not to frontally attack her. She is here to kill him and he knows it but deep down (like,,really deep down) this fuck still cares about team 7. This scene is fucked man, but it is not abusive in the context of the series at all.
Yeesh the second attack was sakura protecting kakashi, and self defense on sasukes part,,so no still not abusive..and if refutes the ‘she gave up on him’ argument because
The attack starts with her remembering all the shit he is causing right now,,he ain’t sasuke,,and poor kakashi is being burdened by this
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But the second she is about to? She remembers real sasuke and isn’t able to do it, meaning no she has some hope for him. When naruto gives his speech she has a moment of sad realization that she isn’t able to stop sasuke as naruto emphasized only he can, so she decided to trust them both..trust naruto that he can bring him back and trust that sasuke isn’t as far gone as he seems.
‘he tried to kill her because he hates her’ ‘he doesn’t care at all!11!!’ ‘he wants her dead!11!!’
Lol this isn’t the most murderous face hes done so far tbh
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Aint trying to say this scene is hallelujah but at least the context isn’t he wants to kill her and laughs about it in her face like he did to 3 people who really did not deserve that.
Misconceptions about the war : Sasuke only cares about naruto (seriously this trend needs to die) and he gives 0 shits about Kakashi and Sakura.  Ignoring the fact that when he first arrived she’s the one he acknowledged and answered to, the reason he had to keep saving Narutos ass is said multiple times by the s man himself..yin release and yang release
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 But no,,,he doesn’t care about sakura or kakashi
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‘whatever he would have let them fall in lava, even tho naruto said that isn’t true’
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‘whatever, he still called her useless’ No, he asked ‘if you heard whats going on outside, what would you do?’ then he shuts kakashi up and says he is in charge to which Naruto scolds him for not being a team player. Not for verbal abuse. ‘He said that bc he thinks shes weak.’ No he really didn’t.
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Clean PC : sasukekun on tumblr
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Sasuke goes on to talk about his revolution
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And Sakura confesses asking him not to go any further into hatred. It’s funny how people call her selfish for confessing or pretend that you’re annoying has negative connotations beyond volume 18,, when her literal confession states that she wants to do anything for him that she can and she hates that she isn’t able to talk to him about his issues, nor is she able to exchange blows with him. Its really?? That people call her selfish bc all she literally says I hate that I cant help you despite how much I love you but please don’t go further into hate, lets just stay united and get through it. The..exact..same..thing..naruto…was…communicating
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And it did make his resolve falter..it literally made him shake, people pretend he was happy to show her that genjutsu (to ensure she hated him) but,,,that is not the case he doesn’t look happy at all
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Oh and ofc the famous argument lmao
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‘He said he has no reason to love her..so he only married her for pity’ gross, sasuke is the biggest leo bitch there is, too much pride to stick his dick in something he doesn’t really want
‘are you suggesting I enjoy a little renai?’ (romantic love) ‘I have no reason to love her and she has no reason to love’ /= I hate her and I have no feelings for her considering this was his mental view of everything…Kakashi saying only hate needs a reason isn’t guilt tripping..bc that’s..what..naruto communicated to him
Again, sasukes jaded way of thinking is a theme, he does not believe in the unity of the shinobi alliance, he believes they got together for a common reason.
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‘she suffers from loving you’ ‘only hate needs a reason’ Sasuke immediately flashes to his own selfless love that never needed a reason, the love that made him suffer the most.
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but no he has no feelings left for her :/ lol
‘Sasuke wanted to kill naruto bc he is his light, and the only thing holding him back from total darkness’ except, no this is a shonen
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‘narutos bond can be romantic bc naruto said they aren’t indra and ashura…sasuke said one and only friend..they clearly have romantic feelings for each other’
Sage : my children will continue the cycle :/ this sucks
Naruto : no bc we aren’t indra and ashura
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Also Naruto :
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‘well sasuke called naruto still his closest friend and he knew no one else accepts him’
That was his mentality and it was wrong, just like when he was confused why Taka still looked for him after what he did. Naruto still remains sasukes best friend, that is true..but the one and only term sasuke uses is the exact same term Itachi used  yuuitsu to describe their relationship. So, no it’s not romantic, it is still brotherly.
 And the fight is the biggest proof of what ive been trying to say, they represent the naruto quite well . Naruto learned that power comes from unity and the sharing of pain, that the world isn’t perfect but we can endure  and change it little by little. Hagoromo confirms ss will happen lol
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Read those 3 pages carefully please, specially if you are pro revolution
Sasuke goes off to state what his experience made him learn and ofc misses the point
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And heres a page to focus on, if you really don’t believe this was a dictatorship
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1.    a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.
Autocrat, monocrat, absolute ruler
How a dictatorship works : Dictatorship is a form of government  where a country or a group of countries is ruled by one person or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure that the entity’s power remains strong
A dictatorship is a type of Authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior of citizens. Dictatorship and totalitarianism societies generally employ political propaganda to decrease the influence of proponents of alternative governing systems.
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Literally a dictatorship.
Naruto wants to teach him power and change come from love and comradeship, he doesn’t want his friend to do that to the world or himself, and since he is the only one who can save him, its pretty noble of him to try and understand sasuke and open him to interpreting the world differently instead of charging at him with hate, which given everything would be justified.
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This goes back to Gaaras speech
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When they wake up lol sasuke says the exact same thing Kakashi did except after the fight sasuke is free from the curse so he is able to think properly . this is the one aspect I really love about their relationship. Naruto knows loneliness so well, just like sasuke and he never gave up trying to teach him what he learned along the way. 2 boys, different experience, same feelings. The entire series on a small scale level. Thanks to Naruto persevering instead of hatin, sasuke found salvation. Why did Naruto persevere? Like Iruka said,, he just did. No reason needed.
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Theres no fucking reason for love and friendship, you just want to share peoples pain because they matter and that’s that. 
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The lesson that sasuke was taught was the message of the entire series, by the hero Ninja Jesus..thats why im not particularly anti ending in a political respect unless you count the uchiha massacre which btw you say its why youre anti ending but lol naruto agreed on this in volume 50 something…when  he met itachi under edo tensei, so its not an ending issue it’s a naruto issue…this series never addressed things as politics, it addressed them as conflicts due to hate and misunderstanding.. it’s a kids series after all. One piece takes political issues and gives them political relevance but naruto was never about that. Im anti Naruto uzumakis ending bc imo NH is crap, hinata is up there with Karin on most badly written characters and it makes no romantic sense..the guy in the hokage chair is not Naruto and I hate it. But in boruto when an issue arises, we see the 5 kages fight together..in the war (and tbh from the moment Hiashi prostrated to Neji) we see the hyuga issue is no longer a thing Kishimoto chose to be politically relevant he stuck to his comrade theme. So hating kishimoto for an ending when it’s a consistent message is useless..but in some aspects yeah ew
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‘sasuke felt pain when he saw naruto in pain bc hes special’ lol no. he was always watching Naruto desperately try to make bonds and it reminded him of his own lost bonds. He saw a kid, unlike him try his best to find people and although he saw him a brat first he later thought it over and saw that it made him relieved that theres somebody out there trying to make bonds..at the same time he saw it a weakness bc bonds mean attachment and not killing Itachi..the pain thing? Stop excluding team 7 like they don’t all matter to sasuke the same
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That’s why..no reading up or down..thats why
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Good for him, he got the message the entire shinobi alliance learned from Naruto..a little late but hes always been a special snow flake
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Lol he explained it better than I did almost. That’s it..he explained their entire relationship.
Sasukes ‘I lost’ came from the realization that Naruto got his power from his comrades, by feeling their pain and wanting to protect them and from shouldering their pain. Like I said, the whole point of the series echos in these 2s relationship. Countries used to be at war because they were no t allied bc they had no reason and war bred fear, fear bred hate and caused conflict and acts of injustice, along comes the child of prophecy changing the hearts of the people teaching them about unity and sharing burdens because of what he learned.-
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He apologizes to Sakura, which I don’t think hes apologizing only for what he did to her per se, as much as its like what he said ‘everything’ …trying to say he was never wrong is :/ trying to say she guilted him is :/ he himself apologized for the emotional pain she did not ask him too
He apologized to sakura bc he wanted to take back that bond..its funny how a lot of sns hate sakura when its sasuke who initiated the apology and made the ship canon its petty and has a blind double standard imo..you cant erase sakura, nor Kakashi..theyre all his bonds
Naruto doesn’t seem so depressed about them reuniting either, so where is the romantic context? 0. Null. Nada.
Or people who try to twist sasukes words here as ‘hes ignoring her’ when he literally stated himself she had 0 to do with his crimes and he needs to understand the world before jumping full turkey into a relationship when his entire life was viewed from a skewed perspective
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‘the forehead poke means distance and its negative’ mata condo da, next time maybe. Mata condo na, next time definitely. A promise for a better future after he is ready..he deserves some time after all he has been through, so? There we go.
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 The forehead poke had both a negative and a positive connotations, but it was still an act of affection from the person he loved the most and he does not look hateful doing that.look at that smile he is so cute
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Once again, the series goes full circle.
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The most important message of the series people miss
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I never said devaluate naruto and sasukes bond, I said realize sasuke is a character who bought the series together, who had many bonds of different kinds. If you look at the series with the point of perspective as a reader whos just reading instead of a fan of a particular aspect of it, you’ll see that despite it’s inconsistent parts sometimes, it’ll seem a whole lot more enjoyable.
Bye, this has been a PSA.
Oh and I think I saw on your blog you said sasukes arm isn’t cut in the flashback?
Theres literally a clear cut line of the cut
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