#because max has literally a whole ass race just for him😭
fcb-mv33 · 1 year
max haters are literally so obsessed with him, it’s embarrassing
No like it is so funny to me to see some of these accounts spend more time hating on Max than posting their own driver😭😭😭like look I’m convinced most of them are secret Max fans at this point
They say they hate him but they go and get evidence of his Instagram following, post it with a explanation of how this proves Max is the most unpopular driver when he has 6 grandstands and a whole ass race just for him😭😭😭
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theemporium · 7 months
Wait would Christian or GP take care of/protect/stand up for both her brother and her if Max is working? 🥺 do they know each other that well/which would?
the idea the whole red bull team become so protective as well just makes me😭😭😭like max being in a meeting or in the car and something happening?
christian definitely steps in to put people in their place. he’s getting people kicked out and banned from the paddock. he literally views max like a son, so you bet your ass he’s gonna defend his son’s family🥲
and gp???? this man is making jokes about staying on the team long enough to see the little brother take max’s seat so he can be his race engineer. he has the little brother on his lap during practise sessions and qualifying, and he’s so patient in explaining everything and giving him wee headphones so he can listen in. and gp definitely lets him take over the radio after max has won a race so he can congratulate max🥹
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blorbocedes · 2 years
If winning the WCC is a team effort, does that mean if redbull chose Mercedes at the end of the year, the whole team has to offer service? Do all redbull employees get to have fun with Merc employees or just the team principal? I don't know but the thought of grandpa Newey and one eye blind grandpa Marko double teaming Toto makes me crackle.
Are drivers included in the package? I mean drivers are a very big part of the constructers afterall. Does the winning tp get to have fun with anyone from the chosen team or does everyone from the winning team get to have fun with anyone from the chosen team?
If the drivers are included, I can already imagine Lance crying while throwing his hands up like a spoiled brat to Lawrence because he knows he ain't getting picked by his once man again. That cat with two women meme, Lance being the woman throwing tantrums for a race win or constructors win because Checo isn't going to pick his annoying his ass any time soon. While Lawrence is the cat thinking— what the fuxk is this bitch saying, is it too late to abort a 23 year old.
My personal headcanon for the winners room universe is that— George has never got picked by anyone, not even Valtteri because he knows choosing him would give the tory satisfaction. I'd like to think after his dnf in Sakhir 2020, he was literally begging to the racing gods for an Alex win because that is the only person who could theoretically pick him. Every time Maggie Thatcher' illegalized legal grandson ruins someone’s race, thinking if they win they'd pick him to defuse their rage, he's only hurting his chances because no one (expect maybe Alex) won't pick his annoying ass jus hear God save the queen/king all the time.
Another headcanon of mine is that— just like how Seb went to AM because it's like a bootleg version of his ex-wife (redbull), Lawrence employed him because he thought getting another older man would get his son to stop crying. But neither Seb or Lance got the satisfaction and now both of them are wailing at Lawrence's ears (one more directly into his ears than the other) and now he wants yeet himself through the window anytime he sees his drivers walking towards him.
at first I was like oh it's just toto, but then like . one 60 year old dude for ALL of redbull??? isn't that great a reward, so I'm revising it to merc staff -- specifically the ones toto told to have a picture of their enemy (redbull) taped to their wall for #motivation (so weird that's a real thing 😭 his lockscreen is Christian Horner isn't it), so merc employees EXCEPT drivers are fair game (cause drivers get to be picked for wcc winner's room so they can't be double booked)
but for redbull constructors, yes the rb drivers get to join in they brought in all the points!!!
vahdjns not Lawrence thinking it's too late to abort a 23 year old 😭😭😭
I LOVE George never getting picked for the winner's room 😭😭 just puffing his chest out and watching all his peers get picked (max with all his spare wins gets alex, charles wins, carlos picks landito) and he's just waiting . Waiting for that Lewis first win maybe... maybe then???
gahsjdjd lance wanting an older teammate to top him but seb is a bottom so no one's getting what they want and Lawrence has a HEADACHE 😭 so he signs the dilfest dilf on the paddock nando to throw at lance if he shuts up
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