#because of the last chapter now I will see Kaiser everywhere
chodzacaparodia · 5 months
I just wanna thank you I just wanna thank you
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For beating me down, for messing me up
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For making me feel I'm not enough
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For running your mouth, for showing no love
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For setting me off like a loaded gun
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Thank you for making me
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Stronger than I thought I could ever be
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Thank you for hating me
Citizen Soldier - "Thank You for Hating Me"
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover ch361
Even though the victory is very short lived, it’s at least a little bit comforting to know Lucius can be damaged in such a way? like he’s not totally indestructible, ya know? Still though, can’t celebrate so soon.
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A perfect example of “bitch, you thought.”
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Here we finally learn that he successfully fused the dark triad’s magic with his own and that is such a huge problem on top of the several clones of him now floating everywhere in the sky as the kingdom continues to fall apart.
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I wouldn’t doubt the possibility that perhaps Yuno has been fighting a clone this entire time. Lucius look far too chill and wherever he is certainly doesn’t look anything like where Yuno is.. unless he’s just on that floating colosseum, or whatever it is, up above the crumbling kingdom.
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Now, for a brief moment I was kinda excited to see that Kaiser was around, only because I originally forgot he was shown back in ch354, but nope, he’s been here the entire time. He just didn’t have a big moment as of yet, hence why I sorta forgot about him, but his reappearance did remind me of another captain who we have been missing out on however and the realization of it all is so perfect in my mind.
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First things first, I am SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY to see our beloved Black Bulls again! And more importantly, they are in the exact place I was hoping they would go with my girl Vanessa taking charge. Take all my hell yeahs!!
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Back during ch354 I wrote how it was such a long-shot hope for me to see the Witch Queen return and provide some backup upon Vanessa’s request, but lo and behold, the lady is here! Of course I originally thought she could’ve helped rescue the mages under Lucius’ control with her blood magic, but having her assist with getting Asta back is fine too! Better even, probably!
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This chapter is truly answering a bunch of random questions I had during ch354 because now we finally know why Dorothy wasn’t seen at the kingdom as well. I feel kinda stupid for not even thinking about all our favorite witches gathering back at the forest.. that should’ve been so obvious but I’m still real happy about the surprise!
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I really do wanna learn more of Dorothy’s backstory and her experience in the forest. Naturally I still got a bunch of dislike towards the Witch Queen for how she treated Vanessa, but if she can actually help get Asta back to Clover and perhaps even join the fight at the capital, I could very well start to like the Queen a bit more. If only a little bit.
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To have these powerful witches combine their magic alongside Finral’s is nothing short of amazing. I’m so proud to see two of my favorites play such a vital role in bringing our boy back home.
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I’m excited to see how this spell works. Will it be perfect or will everyone be drained of mana once Asta returns as a result? And will it be only him coming through the door or would the Ryuzen Seven join him? I won’t hope on that last part too much, since this spell relies partly on Dorothy’s magic and its limitation is her own imagination. But if they’re just creating a really convenient spacial portal that reaches a place Finral’s never marked, then maybe they could step through it too after Asta does? I dunno. Many things to think about, but for now I have just as many excited feelings in my heart.
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Silva's Revenant
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Chapter 1
It’s been 5 years since you saw your homeland. After years of exploring, discovering and living to other kingdoms and even beyond the 4 kingdoms, you are finally back.
You’re wearing a cloak over your head as you walk to the royal capital with your eyes hidden. The kingdom did not change, it’s prosperous and full of life. It made you relieved, since you saw what the other kingdoms and far places looked like. Clover Kingdom is still the best to be home with, the freedom is unmatchable.
“Oh, you’re back.”
You kneeled before the 28th Magic Emperor, Julius Novachrono, which by the way looked way much younger than the last time you saw him. You raised your head as you kneel with a keen look on your face, trying to figure out if he is really the Magic Emperor. Although Marx did show you the way to the Magic Emperor and he led you here.
“You must be confused, well I will be too if you suddenly looked 13!”
This Ki… This is still the Ki of what he knows as the Magic Emperor’s. The voice is his too, but how the hell this happened?
“Magic Emperor, I apologized for my rudeness. I must not doubt or question you, but what happened to you? Is this your Time Magic?” You bravely asked, the thinking is nerve wracking your brain.
He laughed, “Yes and no. Y/N, so much has happened in the Kingdom. I trust Marx will fill you in later.”
“Arigatou, Magic Emperor.” You said in gratitude, and stood up.
“How’s your exploration, Y/N? Have any new magic discoveries?” The excitement of the Magic Emperor is quite evident in his voice and eyes. You nearly grinned. This is really the Magic Emperor.
“Yes. I have already written it all in the report. I don’t trust my storytelling capabilities. I apologized. I supposed I could trust Marx to fill you in too later.”
The Magic Emperor loudly laughed, “Of course. You must be tired from your 5 year long journey, Y/N. Take a rest and I will let you decide which squad you would want to be in.”
“Squad? Why do I-“
“You’re gone for 5 years, Y/N. You were abolished from any squads during the first 3 years and we have no idea of your return.” The Magic Emperor explained seriously.
You nodded understanding the situation, but isn’t it obvious that she would want to be on her old squad?
“I’m giving you the liberty to choose, but like in the exam you’ll need to do something to make the captains want you. Though I doubt they wouldn’t want you in their squad but just for formality, okay?”
You saluted with your index, ring and thumb finger folded on your chest, “I understand, Magic Emperor.”
“Very well, in the meantime you could rest in the guestroom prepared for you. See you later, Y/N.”
Truthfully, you are escorted by one of the guards to the room. The travel finally took a toll on you with a sight of the soft mattress, you laid down to rest unbeknownst to you the commotion of the Magic Knights for your return.
Green Mantis’ Headquarters
“Captain, the Magic Emperor sent a message. A certain Y/N has returned and he is requesting the presence of the Captains later evening.” Sekke informs Jack the Ripper, Captain of the Green Mantis squad, “I don’t know who she is but she seems important, all the senior magic knights are buzzing in excitement, Ha Ha!”
The slicer grinned, “Of course, she is. I’m going to see how it will all go down.”
Azure Deer’s Headquarters
The captain of Azure Deer formerly known as Grey Deer, Rill Boismortier, has a wide genuine smile on his face upon hearing the news. The said woman is someone he became acquainted with before she left the kingdom to explore new things.
Purple Orca’s Headquarters
Kaiser Granvorka, captain of the Purple Orca, is chilling on the headquarters. Adrian is one of the members of his squad and began reading the letter the Magic Emperor has sent him. The captain plastered a small smile which is rare, and began to say his goodbyes before heading to the Magic Emperor’s headquarters.
Golden Dawn’s Headquarters
“Very well,” William Vengeance solemnly answered, “I will not miss seeing her return. I’m going to be there.”
“Who is this person exactly?” Yuno, the vice-captain of the Golden Dawn, asked. He is also curious about the identity since everyone is making a fuss about your comeback.
William smiled at him, “She is a very strong competitor on becoming the Magic Emperor. Y/N might not be a captain but she is surely on the level. Her journey went for 5 years, with no letters or assurance of her return and just vanished from the Kingdom. Now she is back, which means every Magic Knight Squad will fight to get her to theirs.”
“Well, doesn’t she have one before she left?”
“She had,” The captain grinned, “It is abolished since her return is uncertain. Now, according to the rules she needs to take the exam like you did except she will just show her magic then the captains will decide if they want her… which is obvious. Then, she will choose among who wants her.”
Yuno became determined to meet “The Revenant”, that’s what everyone calls you, just with the thought that she is a magic knight captain level and a rival on becoming the Magic Emperor. He surely wants to meet Y/N.
“I’ll take you with me and introduce you to her,” William saw his expression and he knew what he wanted, “You can take Mimosa Vermillion too. She knows her.”
Crimson Lion’s Headquarters
Fuegoleon Vermillion, captain of the Crimson Lion, is on his desk reading paperworks with his sister in front of him. Mereoleona Vermillion is the first one to look at the busted door as their youngest brother stormed inside the office.
“Leopold, that is quite rude! When will you-“ Mereoleona was interrupted when Leopold came rushing with a letter in hand. The stamp didn’t go unnoticed by the two older siblings.
“From the Magic Emperor?” Fuegoleon asked.
“You don’t need to open it because I know what the news is!” Leopold is definitely oddly happy today.
“What is it?” Mereoleona asked, eagerly.
“Y/N has returned and all the captains are being summoned!” Leopold announced happily.
First, Fuegoleon is surprised then his thoughts went to a certain person.
“How did you even know?” The oldest asked the question again.
“The news is everywhere!”
Oh damn…
Blue Rose’s Squad
“Charlotte-nii sama!” Sol jumped in delight as soon as she told their captain of the Blue Rose squad, Charlotte Roselei, the message of the Magic Emperor.
The captain smiled, “I know, Sol.”
Sol knew that Charlotte was delighted as she didn’t correct her again with what she called their captain just now.
Coral Peacock’s Headquarters
“Our supposed Vice captain is back!” A member of the Coral Peacock squad yelled in the headquarters.
Kirsch Vermillion, vice-captain, threw a glare at the shameless member but it quickly diminished, “The beautiful Y/N has returned, the only person allowed rivaling my beauty.”
On the other hand, Dorothy Unsworth opened her eyelids for the first time in a while. An evil smile began to appear as she remembers to see the look on the face of a certain person. This will be fun…
Black Bull’s Headquarters
“Ha! It seems like we can watch something exciting today!” Yami Sukehiro, captain of the Black Bull, said with a grin. A letter latched into his hand.
“Captain, what’s up?” Magna asked.
Yami laughed, “A certain revenant is back, and she is finding a squad so I am going to snatch her!”
The rest of the squad just looked amused on the excitement their captain shows, which only appears rarely than it looks like.
“Captain Yami, the exam is not up this week!” Asta corrected.
Yami ignored him and shifted his eyes to Noelle Silva, who looked flabbergasted when her captain looked at her with amusement.
“Noelle, you’ll go with me. You need to see everything unfolds.” Yami laughed yet again on his antics.
“I’ll go too, Captain Yami!” Asta volunteered, making Noelle blushed.
“Yes, you come too! Finral, transport us immediately.” Yami said with a smile.
Silver Eagle’s Headquarters
A knock on Nozel Silva’s office made him stop with his paperworks. It’s his sister, Nebra Silva, coming in with an envelope with it seems from the Magic Emperor.
“Leave the letter there, Nebra.” Nozel Silva, captain of the Silver Eagle, told her.
Nozel could’ve brushed her off and ignored her until she left but the look on her face made him curioused.
“I think I have an idea what the letter is about.” Nebra starts.
Nozel’s eyebrow raised, “You do?”
“There are a lot of words going around the Royal Capital. The Magic Knights are also talking about it.”
“Say your point, I am busy.” Nozel’s patience is running thin with how slow his sister is going at it.
“Y/N apparently has returned. She was spotted going to the Magic Emperor this afternoon, and words are captains have been summoned to partake in getting her into a squad.”
The first sentence is all it takes for him to be clouded in his own thoughts; Nebra’s next words didn’t register to him. Just the information that you came back is enough to let his mind wander. The last time he saw you was 5 years ago, you left with him watching your back exit the Royal Capital.
“Nozzle-nii-sama.” Nebra called to get Nozel’s attention.
Nozel was pulled back to reality, “I understand. You can go, Nebra.”
Nebra’s lips turn grime. Normally, you couldn’t see the effect of her news on Nozel Silva but Nebra knew her brother so well. The change in his grimed lips to gloomy, his eyebrows knitting, the tension on his shoulders and the melancholy gaze in his eyes. She could see it all unfolds before her.
“W-Will you come?” She asked, nervously.
“I should. I am a captain of the Magic Emperor’s magic knight squad, his words are mine to follow.” Nozel answered, coldly.
I should… It’s not even his will, but it is a must to him. Even though he doesn’t want to go.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Daisuke’s characterization in V-Tamer is actually out of character
This is a post rather different from the usual content I do for this blog, and to be honest, I’m a bit hesitant about it, since it’s hard not to make it sound like some kind of scathingly critical negativity about the relevant chapter. It’s not intended that way -- V-Tamer’s crossover chapter with 02 lies firmly in “Bandai-commissioned spinoff” territory with what was most likely very little input from the anime staff, and with these kinds of things, right hand very rarely talks to left hand, and you see it in things like Tag Tamers having major contradictions with the anime despite how ostensibly important it is to 02′s story. Izawa and Yabuno were busy with V-Tamer production, and it’s very likely Toei and Bandai only provided them with very scant details of 02′s base premise (especially since the chapter itself doesn’t refer to any major 02 plot details besides XV-mon’s and Magnamon’s existence). I really do not blame them for not necessarily having thorough awareness of Daisuke and his character arc (especially since he himself is a rather deceptive character), and having to make a lot of assumptions while writing.
In the end, I decided to write this due to personal request from an acquaintance, who pointed out that there are a lot of people out there who like to claim things like "Daisuke got more character development in this single chapter than he did in 02 itself” (which is another manifestation of the constantly repeated fanbase mantra that Daisuke was lacking in that department when he really wasn’t). The thing is, this chapter’s interpretation of Daisuke is so far removed from the character he was even at the start of 02 that this “development” only works by artificially engineering a conflict that shouldn’t have even happened with Daisuke in the first place.
Again: This is not something meant to criticize this chapter as something bad (personally, I do think it’s rather entertaining in its own way) as much as, simply, out of character is still out of character, and I'm mainly just writing this in the hopes of making a case that this version of Daisuke should not be reflected back on the original series.
(Screenshots below are from the DH translation of V-Tamer, and PositronCannon’s 02 subs.)
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The issue here is that the whole plot of the chapter itself is based on the idea that Daisuke is the kind of person who likes fighting for the sake of fighting, and has an impulsive urge to charge in aggressively to the point of even looking down on his friends for denying him. Certainly, on the surface, it does seem to match up with Daisuke still having difficulties adjusting to these new kids being his friends at the beginning of the series, and generally having an abrasive, rough-around-the-edges personality, but...
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The above screenshots are from 02 episode 7, which is a very early episode -- one that clearly takes place before Magnamon’s appearances in Hurricane Touchdown and 02 episode 20-21, and XV-mon’s appearance in 02 episode 22 -- and one that’s still part of Daisuke’s early bout of “shallow” episodes, in which he’s still instinctively lashing out at Takeru due to his perception of having something going on with Hikari. And while he does initially lash out at them for wanting to turn back, the moment everyone else makes a good case for them turning back (especially when their own Digimon run out of energy), he -- rather easily -- grits his teeth and actually calls the retreat himself.
On top of the fact that Daisuke is very capable of pulling back when he practically understands it’s necessary (even if he hates it), some important points need to be made about his behavior here: Daisuke does not push forward on fighting because he likes fighting and attacking things, but because he practically wants to see the Dark Tower destroyed (and the Dark Tower is causing problems for everyone everywhere right now). He hates the Kaiser, and wants to fight everyone under him, because he’s hurting others. Only one episode later, Daisuke vocalizes that he’s even okay with losing a soccer game as long as he gets to play someone who’s inspired kids all over the country and enjoy the match.
The other problem is that it actually implies that Daisuke would be able to do anything without his friends’ approval. Despite Daisuke’s ostensibly rough surface demeanor, he gets strung along easily. It is absurdly easy to shut him down or override his opinions just by being assertive enough. There’s a very good reason why he’s been described as “prevented from doing much in the first half”. Daisuke spends the first half of the series largely unable to make his own decisions because his friends keep making them for him, and part of his character development involves him becoming able to actually put his foot down and do what he wants when it’s something he cares about, which is something that very much does not set in until the second half.
In addition, the implication that Daisuke would be actively belligerent to the point of having the priority of “destroying enemies” instead of “helping others” is very contrary to the whole point of his character arc:
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In 02 episode 20, the first time Daisuke does truly put his foot down against the wishes of the others in the group, it’s because seeing Chimeramon destroy so many things hurt him that badly that he hates sitting around and doing nothing. Again: Daisuke is a person who does things because he cares about and wants to protect others, not because he necessarily likes fighting. It’s also important that he makes this statement that he’ll go in “even alone” -- he does not look down on the others or show distaste for them for choosing to recuse, because they’re understandably exhausted, but simply says that he’s frustrated at the idea of giving up this one chance, and doesn’t want to squander it. (It’s also consistent with the way he treats the mortified Ken in 02 episode 48 -- he reminds him that Jogress won’t work if Ken’s not feeling up to it, and says that he’ll do it alone if he has to because something has to be done.)
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And speaking of Ken, this trait of Daisuke’s is why that whole character arc of him reaching out to Ken works in the first place! Because, again, Daisuke hated the Kaiser because he was doing horrible things. The moment the Kaiser stopped doing horrible things, Daisuke didn’t feel up to kicking him while he was down, actually urged him to do the first thing he could do to make amends -- “go home” -- and ultimately chose to reach out to him because he thinks in terms of moving on and creating positive things, not for destruction for the sake of destruction. Because Ken seemed to not be hurting anyone anymore, and he’s actually doing something to help, so why not believe in him and let him help?
Again: with the exception of episode 48 (which is just reinforcing something from before), all of these episodes are before XV-mon’s first appearance in 02 episode 22. Daisuke had always been this kind of positive and supportive person from day one; those traits had just not been very easily visible because he was still trying to deal with his initial awkwardness and being rather rough around the edges, but they’re still traits he’d always fundamentally had.
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The chapter continues with Daisuke actually looking down on his other friends and protesting angrily against them trying to pull him back. Beyond the fact that (as stated above) the anime’s portrayal of Daisuke would make him very unwilling to fight back against opposition at this point of the series, the idea he’d actually be condescending about his friends is a little...hmm. Because, again, in 02 episode 7:
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Daisuke does momentarily lash out at Iori and Takeru in a moment of emotional compromise when he’s stressed over Hikari getting trapped in the Digital World, but he actually takes it back. Incredibly quickly. He apologizes to Iori, and decides to not let Takeru put the blame on himself, even though his emotionally-compromised moment had initially gotten him to instinctively try to pin it on him. (Which is important because, yes, even when Daisuke’s inclined to lash out at Takeru for his perceived existing relationship with Hikari and be jealous of him, he still cares about Takeru himself to the point he doesn’t want him to load himself with the guilt.)
Daisuke’s brashness is portrayed during this early part of 02 as him very, very badly needing validation. This means that going out of his way to push aside the people he calls friends would be the last thing he wants to do, because he actually wants their approval, and for them to like him, and therefore he’s willing to apologize quickly and try to make amends because he plays badly with actual confrontation.
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While this line isn’t quite off, it does rather clash with the way Daisuke actually portrays himself, which is that he doesn’t really have this much of an ego. The literal translation of this line is that he calls himself “your cute little junior”, but even the more liberal translation used here doesn’t quite work with Daisuke’s character, since it’s not implied at any point that Daisuke thinks Taichi actually cares about him back the way he adores Taichi.
Again, Daisuke is an extremely deferential person who craves validation, and this is especially in the case of Taichi, who arguably is the one who creates the easiest mood shift in Daisuke for the early parts of the series. Whenever Taichi is nearby, Daisuke immediately becomes deferential and respects literally everything he does.
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Observe Daisuke’s very resigned and very deferential facial expressions and attitude in 02 episodes 8 and 10, whenever it comes to Taichi (and note that the third screenshot here also comes from a situation where Daisuke wanted to advocate for pushing forward instead of retreating; it was that easy for Taichi to shut him down). For all it’s worth, Daisuke’s never really shown to have a lot of pride in himself (beyond the occasional joke), and it’s heavily implied that he sees Taichi as so amazing that he’s not even remotely in his league. That’s why it’s such a big deal that Daisuke puts his foot down and protests against what Taichi wants them to do in 02 episode 39, and it’s not even rudely or aggressively (he still uses polite Japanese!) as much as just firmly “I have a friend and I need to help him, I’m sorry.”
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During the chapter, Daisuke claims that he doesn’t want to go back and meet his friends, because he doesn’t think they care about him, but, well, again: Daisuke is someone who craves approval. It’s somewhat understandable that he’d maybe have some degree of insecurity that they don’t like him as much as he wants them to, but the series by this point (remember, we’re talking episode 22, given XV-mon’s appearance) makes it very clear that Daisuke is well aware that his friends like him this much, and he has no real grudges against them.
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This is one of the reasons it’s so important that 02 had so many scenes of the kids just...bantering in the computer room, or having tons of “free time off hours” that had nothing to do with Digimon fights, because although Daisuke is brash and rough around the edges, otherwise, the group of friends here get along perfectly fine. Once the stress of fighting is removed, these kids are part of each others’ social circle and love hanging out for the sake of hanging out, and even someone as dense as Daisuke should know very well that they do at least like him this much.
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And, more importantly, whatever Daisuke might think about what his friends think of him, he himself likes them a lot. He cares about them a lot. Even all the way back in 02 episode 10 and 11, with Miyako and Takeru (whom he ostensibly banters and gets touchy with a lot), he still makes it clear he likes what Miyako’s doing and wants to check on her (without prompting), and later, when he gets in a fight with Takeru, he blames himself for not understanding Takeru’s feelings instead of feeling inclined to blame it on him. (In fact, this so-called hostility with Takeru is really overblown here, because there’s no reason Daisuke should think everyone takes Takeru’s side; when they did get in a fight in 02 episode 11, everyone was more concerned about getting them to calm down than they were about taking sides, because both of them did have a very reasonable position.)
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And while Daisuke getting set off by the Takeru and Hikari issue might have been in-character at one point, it’s not for him at this point in the series, because 02 episode 22, the very episode that introduces XV-mon, has him take a completely different view of the situation:
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Daisuke had already gotten over a lot of it by this point. The last time he shows any indication of Takeru and Hikari having ~something going on~ to the point he suspects Takeru of being an obstacle is all the way back in episode 17, which oh-so-coincidentally happens to be the same episode where he later learns about the truth of his seniors’ great adventure in 1999, and therefore receives the full context of why Takeru and Hikari knew each other beforehand (which they had been absolutely terrible at elucidating for 17 episodes). By the time we get to this epsode, Daisuke does not hold anything against Takeru himself, and he doesn’t even accuse them of having a thing, just moping that they “get along so well”. He’s not angry about it, he’s sad about it, and it’s heavily implied that he’s really just sad about being third-wheeled more than anything.
It’s also important to realize that this is long past the point where Daisuke would have shown any outright hostility towards Takeru at all. At worst, he maybe scoffs “do whatever you want!”, or ends up a little sad that they’re leaving him out, but he ends up putting this on himself more than he ever lashes out at others about it anymore. The grudge against Takeru had already gone long under the bridge, by this point Takeru is just a friend that he likes reasonably well and is sad to be third wheeled by, and it’s only 13 more episodes before he’ll stop bringing his crush on Hikari into the issue for the rest of the series.
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And, remember, Daisuke has always been someone who does things “because other people are being hurt”. He’s not actually that selfish! Whenever people are really in trouble, he goes in to help them -- remember, back in 02 episode 8, he was crushed because Ken turned out to be the Kaiser, and someone indirectly trampling on the dreams of all the soccer-playing kids in the country. Had this been Daisuke from the anime, he probably would have immediately wanted to go back the moment he realized there are people in need and hurt left behind, regardless of his own feelings on his relationship with his friends.
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The rest of the chapter is fairly on-the-nose, with Daisuke managing to create a “miracle” through the power of his feelings by remembering what it meant for Taichi to give him his goggles, and for managing to connect to his friends despite them being trapped, with Daisuke and Taichi eventually parting on good terms and Daisuke even getting the honor of doing the victory dance with him. This is why I want to emphasize (I’ll say this in bold) that I do not think this is a “bad” chapter just because it’s not compliant with Daisuke’s anime characterization. Given what the chapter sets out to accomplish, setting up a story of someone who feels neglected by his friends and eventually decides to reach out to them with his own feelings, it’s thematically solid and well-plotted out as a story, and the crossover and thought experiment of how Daisuke would react to an alternate version of Taichi is very entertaining. Plus, Izawa’s writing and Yabuno’s art is charming, and it’s lovely to see the 02 kids in this style.
It’s just, well, the entire premise of this chapter relies on a conflict generated by Daisuke being a character he is very much not. And, again, it’s not something that I can really criticize Izawa and Yabuno for; Daisuke’s quite the deceptive character, and it really doesn’t seem like Toei and Bandai gave them a lot to work with, especially since this chapter only works within a very narrow range of 02′s timeline, between 02 episodes 22 and 25, when V-mon can evolve to Adult but Ken hasn’t formally joined the team yet. (And in fact, I’d generally apply this sort of caveat to things relevant to Daisuke that come from the Bandai side instead of Toei side; too many things out there seem to only really be working with the base details of “Taichi’s junior who has a crush on Hikari” with no regard to the actual nuances of his character.) Personally, it seems that Izawa and Yabuno did their best with what they had to work with, and they even made it a fun chapter while they were at it! -- so I would simply say that it’s probably best to enjoy this chapter without thinking about the lack of canon compliance too hard, but also not to judge the actual anime version of Daisuke too much by this portrayal.
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Rebirth of Kaiser:  chapter 21
Yuusuke settled down at the table the dark general provided and unpacked his tools. Scrying wasn’t one of his greatest strengths by any means, but right now, he was willing to try anything in order to find Ryou.
Juudai says darkness is everywhere. So let’s find out.
He knew that on some level, the statement remained absolutely true. Darkness was everywhere. Now he had to use it.
A black bowl that he’d carved himself – it wasn’t necessary in these days for a magician’s tools to be all self-made, but Yuusuke liked doing it himself. He wanted to be certain that it was done correctly.
He filled it with clear water before taking a small foldable lantern out of his bag and lighting it. He didn’t really need it to see: he needed the flickering shadows it would cast.
One last item: Ryou’s bag. Yuusuke’s fingers trembled at the feel of it. It wasn’t one he was used to seeing, but this was his key towards finding Ryou in the first place. He breathed in and out, bringing himself to absolute calm, before he focused his attention on the shadows stretching out over the water.
Ryou. Where are you?
This wouldn’t be even close to the easiest thing he’d ever done. The spell itself wasn’t hard at all. But finding Ryou, that was going to be a little more difficult.
He needed to focus on Ryou as he was now. Not Ryou the adult who’d slipped away or Ryou the teenager that he’d gone to school with.
But Ryou, the duel spirit of unknown name, of very limited known effects, of great strength.
He gazed at the shadows and water, putting his mind at ease, or doing his best to do so. It wasn’t that easy to be at ease when tiny thoughts flickered back into his awareness at a moment’s notice.
Can I do this? I’ve never tried to find a Duel Spirit before.
Is he all right? What if something happened to him?
Why did Cyber Harpie take him in the first place?
He strained to get his thoughts calm over and over, breathing a little harder each time, staring into the water as the light and shadows danced together. Images flickered across it, nothing very clear, but the shapes of people moving around. Not just people, either. He couldn’t be sure of what those were, but they existed in the water and shadows all the same.
The more he tried the harder it was to focus. He settled himself down yet again and breathed, trying not to ripple the water. That might not break the spell, but Yuusuke didn’t want to take the chance.
He wasn’t at all sure of how much time this took. Under normal circumstances, scrying could take hours. It might already have. He wasn’t going to stare at a clock, not now.
So he stared. So he searched. So he looked for anything that would link him to Ryou.
Yuusuke blinked at the soft voice echoing through his mind. With how deep he’d been in the search for Ryou, it took a few moments for him to recognize it.
I heard you in the shadows. What’s wrong?
Yuusuke breathed for a few seconds, trying to wrap his head around this. He knew Juudai could sense when he used his shadow magic, but he’d never spoken to him like this before.
Ryou’s gone. Missing. He let the images flicker through his mind, the way that Cyber Harpie dropped down from above, the sleeping spell, and what little he’d learned after that.
Still haven’t found him? Juudai could frown with his words. Yuusuke tilted his head a bit; he’d been so focused on finding Ryou that he’d forgotten what the Dark General told him, about the message via Hane Kuriboh and that Juudai intended to be there in a few days.
No. I’ve just started looking, really. Yuusuke tried to turn his attention back to the search but it wasn’t going as well as he would have wanted.
Huh. I didn’t think it would be this difficult. Yuusuke could feel Juudai thinking. He wasn’t sure of what Juudai thought about, but the awareness of his thinking pervaded the shadows.
Then there was another presence right behind Juudai’s awareness. Yuusuke couldn’t tell what it was, only that it was there and that Juudai’s attention turned toward it for a few seconds.
Hold on. This won’t take long.
Yuusuke tried to focus on the scrying, trusting to Juudai to know what he was doing. It seemed to him that there were faint images of Ryou, but nowhere nearly clear enough for him to pin down where he was.
It was almost as if Ryou wasn’t quite who he thought he was anymore. As if he didn’t know who he was looking for.
Then a hand touched on the back of his and he looked to find himself staring into a pair of glimmering golden eyes.
“Let’s do this together,” the Herald of the Gentle Darkness said. Any words Yuusuke might’ve had choked in his throat and he nodded quickly.
Together they stared at the shimmering light on the water, shadows dancing this way and that. Since he was fifteen and first started learning what he could about the magic of darkness and shadows, Yuusuke found himself linked to the shadows at all times. But now the shadows were so much more, wrapped around him, holding him close and warm.
“Of course you feel it. Because of me.” The Herald chuckled at that. This didn’t quite feel like Juudai, Yuusuke realized, but he didn’t need Juudai. He needed darkness incarnate. “Come on. We’re looking for Ryou, remember.”
Yuusuke focused back, recalling that thought he’d had before. “Is it possible that he’s changed somehow? Or that he’s still asleep? Would that interfere?”
“Sleeping, probably not. The spell looks for what someone is, not what they’re doing.” The Herald considered, eyes glimmering in the darkness. “But changed, that’s not impossible. It would help if your image of who he is and his image of who he is are the same thing.”
That got a stirring of something. Yuusuke wasn’t sure of what it was, but the words tugged at him, leading down a path of thought that he slowly tried to speak.
“He’s a spirit. We don’t know his name or most of his effects. But if whoever has him figured it out and told him… would that change him enough so that I can’t find him?”
The Herald said nothing, but his gaze shifted over to one side. Yuusuke glanced in that direction and wasn’t surprised to see Yubel standing there. Their head tilted to one side in thought for a few moments before nodding slowly.
“Knowing one’s true name and abilities is very central to a spirit’s existence. It could take time to accept them but once they’re known they become a part of us.”
The Herald tapped a finger in thought. “So what we need to do is find him and we can’t do that because he’s somehow figured out his new real name and his effects, or at least enough of them so he’s changed enough so the spell as we can do it won’t affect him.”
Yuusuke’s fingers tightened into fists. “Then what do we do?” He wasn’t going to just sit around and do nothing while Ryou was off somewhere. He’d come here to find his friend again and under no circumstances would he change that.
“We find him so we can find him.” The Herald grinned in a way so very similar to Juudai before turning toward Yubel. “Since we brought him back as a spirit, isn’t there a connection of same kind?”
“Yes. It’s very slender, much like a thread, and I would not try to track it – under normal circumstances. It could affect him.” Yubel’s eyes warmed a touch, one hand resting on the Herald’s shoulder.
“It’s happened before,” he murmured, raising his hand to brush against Yubel’s.
Yuusuke wasn’t at all certain of what they meant, but now wasn’t the time to ask, either. They could work this out later.
“It won’t be enough to find where he is. But I think we can at least find out his name and possibly his effects.” Yubel added. Yuusuke nodded before he turned more towards them, shoulders high and tight with tension.
“Whatever you’re doing, then if at all possible, I want to help. Ryou’s my friend.” And he’d hoped once they could have been more than friends, but that hadn’t panned out.
Dying did tend to affect one’s romantic prospects, after all.
The Herald and Yubel exchanged the quickest of glances; so quick that Yuusuke might not have even seen it if he hadn’t been looking. Then they both nodded and held their hands out toward him. He took them, one hand with faint dragon scales and the other hardened from a life of wandering. He tightened his grip just as the darkness engulfed all three of them.
The moment that it did, Yuusuke couldn’t feel their hands. He knew they were there; he hadn’t moved and they hadn’t moved, and the awareness of their presence remained the whole time. So did the darkness, thick and enfolding and comforting, a presence as alive as could be. Warm and supporting, it sank into every bit of him.
I think we should tell you. Doing this could affect you. And your magic.
It will? Yuusuke didn’t think that he spoke. The Herald’s words whispered into his mind, as close as his breath.
Don’t know for sure. We’ve never done this before. But it could happen. You’ll have to see once we’re done.
Yuusuke wondered what the effect would be, if one occurred at all. Now wasn’t the time to discuss so much. Now was the time to find Ryou.
Right. Find yourself, first of all. Know who you are and what you are, and what you could be.
Yuusuke wasn’t certain of what was meant by that, but he tried anyway. He was Fujiwara Yuusuke, formerly of Obelisk Blue. He was Honest’s partner – Honest who stood outside the door and waited for him so patiently. He’d once been the pawn of Darkness, but now he stood by the side of the Herald of Darkness, striving to redress all the wrongs he’d done once upon a time.
He worked for Industrial Illusions. His task was to create cards for those spirits who didn’t have them and who wanted them: like Ryou. Ryou, who’d been his friend for years, who wanted his memories back and the truth of who he’d been and who he was and who he might be.
And who might he be? He hadn’t missed what the Herald insinuated: the change could make him other than human. He could become a spirit as well. And if he were, what kind? A spellcaster? A demon? An angel?
Too many options for him to guess, but he knew the answer at the bottom regardless. It was the same for Ryou: that underneath it all, he was and would always be himself.
Ryou would forever be Hell Kaiser, a duelist of raw power and strength, who respected those who earned his respect, and who had learned the hard way that he should never underestimate anyone, regardless of events. No matter his name or what he could do, that was what Ryou was, and anything else would be little more than window dressing.
The window dressing is important, though. It’s what sets one window apart from another. So what does he look like now?
The image rose in his mind without a bit of effort. Tall, with blue hair and tinged skin, pointed ears, wrapped in black leather from head to foot. Ryou’s essence all but shimmered in Yuusuke’s mind. Wrapped around him in that image there glowed a thread, slender and dark, that emerged from his heart.
That’s it. That’s the bond that was created when he became a spirit. Follow it.
Yuusuke didn’t know how he moved but he did regardless. Ryou was out there somewhere, and he wasn’t going to give up finding him.
To Be Continued
Notes: Time to lead to the first story’s wrap-up!
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Worm Liveblog #22
UPDATE 22: Oni Lee is So Strong
Last time everyone was about to perform an attack on the ABB. Teams were formed, Taylor and Rachel were assigned to the same team. It could be a chance for them to work together, see how that goes, but I’m not holding any high hopes for any breakthroughs in their strained relationship. So let’s continue.
What, you mean spraying everyone with dog blood didn’t help to calm everyone down? Say it ain’t so! Not that Heckpuppy cares, does she? Besides there are more important things to worry about right now beyond that unsanitary action. Skitter wants to smooth over what happened, so she’s willing to give it a try, asking the people from the Travelers for things like their codenames. Be casual, in other words.
Sundancer. Nice! Sundancer seems friendly enough, just a bit curt. She has her enough problems; she doesn’t need all these guys to add to them. How’s life with the Travelers? “Intense. Violent.  Lonely.” ...huh. Violent and intense are no surprise, but I didn’t think life with a team would be lonely. I suppose it depends on how much they spend traveling, it’s not like they can be surrounded by people all the time. The same handful of people all the time...I guess I can see how it can get lonely. Not that there’ll be an explanation, Sundancer doesn’t want to explain. I wasn’t too wrong, it really has to do with them moving so often.
Bam, suddenly Skitter is slammed to a side. Newter didn’t turn against her all of a sudden, it’s that there’s danger outside. A patrol. They already got to the ABB’s building, and there are two minutes to plan what each person’s going to do.
Kaiser and his Valkyries aren’t team players, hah. They just go all ‘We’ll circle around, you all from another direction” and refuse to talk any longer. There’s no time for arguing, so the rest start the strategic meeting. “Skitter, Bitch, you two have the most experience dealing with these guys, so start us off.” More like this relies on Skitter. There are all types of bombs Bakuda could use, I remember several possibilities. It’s hard to know which ones could be set around here. Maybe paying attention to the routes and paths the ABB take around here is a good idea, a way to know where it’s unlikely there are bombs. Bakuda’s not someone who cares about the lives of the gang, but it’d be inconvenient if gang members die.
“I can get the lay of the land, and the bugs will also confuse and distract anyone inside, which should make things easier on you guys.” The good thing about the fact Skitter controls bugs is that it’s unlikely someone will know she’s spying through them. If they got paranoid over every single bug in the vicinity they’d be stressed all the time. If only Skitter could listen through them, like it happened with the moth a few chapters ago...
Newter is the defacto leader right now since Kaiser decided to take a stroll, and he does know what he’s doing! Directing everyone around with no problem. Coil’s soldiers will provide cover from a distance, Sundancer and Labyrinth are going to be backup because their powers are a bit troublesome...this is a good team! I don’t see any big problems. This should go well until the end of the chapter or so.
The swarm is already sweeping through, investigating. There’s a lot of half-naked people inside – therefore they’re defenseless. Better be careful not to harm them. Other than that, some parts of the walls have suspicious spots.
I took a page out of Grue’s playbook and gathered a group of bugs together into a densely packed, vaguely humanoid shape.  I moved that collection of bugs through the doors and to the place where the little domes sat. The explosion blew a fair sized chunk out of the exterior wall of the building closest to us.  The people inside, already nervous at the influx of bugs, started scattering, screaming, running for the exits.
Okay, everyone knows someone’s here. No way everybody won’t get their guard up now. Skitter doesn’t waste time, she finds other traps and sets them off, allowing Heckpuppy and Newter to enter. Newter is knocking out everyone without harming them, so I guess they’ll be okay.
What I did know was that his bodily fluids were potent hallucinogens.  Even the sweat that accumulated on his skin was apparently enough to send someone off to la-la land, taking only a few seconds for it to be absorbed through the skin.
Well that’s gross. Like a tree frog from the jungle, no wonder his colors were so bright. While Skitter stops anyone who might shoot him – through the true and tried method of shoving bugs everywhere on their faces, that still gives me goosebumps – he keeps going. Kaiser and the Valkyries are attacking from the opposite side and blocking paths with blades, it’s inconvenient for Heckpuppy. That meant Kaiser would be the one who had blocked her.  Was it intentional, or had he been cutting off the ABB’s escape routes? It definitely was intentional. I think Kaiser had both of those things in mind when he placed that blade blockage.
Newter keeps knocking out people left and right until he faces someone the last person around. Suddenly, a second person appears behind Newter, and Newter falls. Oh well. Things were nice while they lasted. Better warn Heckpuppy about the recent developments. “Bitch!  Second floor, Newter’s wounded, Oni Lee is in the building.” There was a long pause before she replied, “Lung’s here too.” Hohoh, they totally did. Of all places, both Lung and his lieutenant had to be here. Well, of course they’d be here, this is where Skitter is, and where the protagonist is at, the action will be at. Basic fiction rule, it never fails.
As expected things got tough right at the end of the chapter. No way I’m stopping here right now. It was a rather short chapter, though, I expected something longer. Next chapter, immediately.
Lung’s fighting Kaiser. Going straight for the big guy, eh, Kaiser? It’s fitting, he wants to get rid of the ABB, of course he’d go for the leader. Skitter couldn’t care less about Lung right now, Newter is injured and Oni Lee is there. After sending Heckpuppy to that place, Skitter draws out her baton and knife, and decides to enter. It doesn’t take long for them all to surround Oni Lee, but there’s no way that’ll be enough to trap him. Teleportation and duplication is an useful combination.
I followed his line of sight, and saw he had already appeared just behind Bitch, half-crouching on Brutus’ back, one hand on a hook of bone to help him balance. There was a flash of steel in his other hand as he reached around her throat with a blade.
See? Extremely dangerous, that’s no up to debate. Thankfully for me as a reader, I’m pleased that an interesting character such as Heckpuppy didn’t get killed five arcs into the serial story, Coil’s soldiers are giving good back-up, they’re snipers. Oni Lee is teleporting all over the place, looking for spots to attack, leaving copies there...I’m pretty sure there’s now an Oni Lee copy going towards those soldiers right now. Oh well, they’ll be fine. Coil wouldn’t employ them if they didn’t have a good enough hand-to-hand combat skill, I bet. Where the sniper team had been, there were four figures now.  I saw the rifle fall from the edge of the roof as the two soldiers struggled with a pair of Oni Lees. Two copies? Wow, I should have guessed. Two snipers, two copies, of course.
While Skitter watches around, another copy manages to harm one of Heckpuppy’s dogs. Hah, now she’s going to be pissed. Good thing once the power boost she gives them is gone, injuries and the such are gone too...I think. I hope. Another two attack Skitter, holding her and ready to shiv her. As an attempt to have early alert of where Oni Lee’s going to appear, Skitter spreads bugs around, just in time to be alerted of one appearing not too far from here. He whipped his arm in my direction, and I didn’t have any time to do much more than turn in his direction before something collided with my head.  I stumbled and fell over backwards. Welp. You tried, Skitter, you tried. As I lay there, trying to parse what had just happened, I realized that a small knife was embedded in the armored section of my mask, cracking the lens.  A throwing knife? I’m so glad Skitter took her time with her costume, making sure it wouldn’t be some flimsy amateur thing.
Heckpuppy is injured, a stab in the arm. Not too much of a problem, I’d say, it could be much worse. Everyone else is having a lot more trouble. One of Coil’s men was tackled off the roof, Sundancer is crumpled over – really. I’m not impressed – and as said before, Newter’s injured and most likely knocked out. That leaves Skitter and Heckpuppy against him, since maybe Labyrinth is going to make sure Sundancer will be okay, and the other sniper guy can’t do a thing from the distance without his rifle.
The bug alert system is finally working, Oni Lee is being stung and bitten, and...huh, okay! Look at this: Then I noticed something weird.  More bugs popped into existence in the midst of the cloud, near Sundancer and Labyrinth.  I felt the original bugs perish as they exploded into ash. Fantastic, she’s going to be able to follow Oni Lee no matter what! And what’s more, that’s the real, original Oni Lee, that has to be advantageous too. This could be the chance to turn this all around! Heckpuppy is recalled, and the two of them decide to return where Sundancer and Labyrinth were waiting. Bitch offered me a hand. I gratefully took it, letting her help me up onto Brutus’ back. And the ice is breaking here, all in all, everything’s starting to look up.
They don’t even get too close to Sundancer and Labyrinth when things start looking like McEscher decided to join the fight. It’s you, Labyrinth, isn’t it? Space and buildings are being warped, this is a pretty cool power, I like it. Disruptive, that’s for sure, no wonder Labyrinth stayed back.
As soon as she can, Labyrinth touches Skitter and Heckpuppy, making them be able to see everything as normal. This isn’t the time for an interview about the details of her power, Skitter, forget about that for now. What’s for sure is that there’s some sort of tangible anomaly going on here, even if it’s possible for Labyrinth and others to not see it. It’s delaying Oni Lee, so it’s all working. Can’t complain.
Skitter’s indications are enough for Coil’s sniper to aim and actually hit him, injuring the real one. Nice! And that’s something that doesn’t go away through teleportation, no matter what he does, he’s still injured. Skitter even manages to indicate where he’s appearing, the sniper hitting him a few more times before Oni Lee calls quits and goes away. Wow, this went well enough! Sure, some people got injured, but nobody’s gravely injured, not even the guy who fell from the roof. They’re not doing too badly! “Labyrinth, watch him.  Make sure he keeps breathing and that his buddy knows where he is,” I said, “Sundancer, Bitch, we’ve gotta go help Newter.” Right, Newter hasn’t phased out of existence or something. I had forgotten about him for a moment, but he’s still inside, isn’t he? Presumably unconscious. Better check on him, see if he needs help. How’s Kaiser doing with Lung? Is he okay?
That’s for next chapter. I’m going to check, because this is too good to stop right now.
Oh, surprise, Heckpuppy doesn’t want to go help Newter because it’s his fault he got hurt. Okay, no, that’s no surprise. Heckpuppy isn’t the most empathic person on the face of Earth. Skitter’s having none of that, though. “We let him die, you think Faultline’s going to let it slide?  She might hurt or kill Tattletale or Regent in retaliation.” Skitter has a point there, I doubt Faultline would take that well. Thankfully that’s enough to convince Heckpuppy to help Newter, because despite everything, she’d fond of being part of the Undersiders...and dare I add, of the Undersiders themselves. I’m sure she likes them, at the very least.
Turns out the ABB is also into the drug business, and that’s what most of the civilians here were doing, making drugs. Fairly ironic that this is the place where the guy whose main skill is having hallucinogenic fluids got injured here. While I ponder if I used the word ‘ironic’ correctly, Skitter assesses the situation, deciding that touching Newter was too risky. There had to be gloves or tools somewhere that could be used to move him.
Sundancer will stay with Newter and pretty much make sure he’ll be okay while Skitter searches around for stuff to use on him. Turns out drugs is something Skitter is very wary off, based on an experience when she was young – seeing a methhead doing a ruckus in a bus. I must say, she’s taking everything quite well despite the fear she has! She’s being cautious and doesn’t let her, hm...let’s say ‘distaste’ – even if it’s a major understatement – overcome her. Maybe this same distaste is what leads Skitter to start rounding up the money that’s surely profits from selling drugs. Hah! I don’t think you’re going to have time to take the money with you once this is done, Skitter. It’d be nice, but I think you won’t have the time for that.
They do actually manage to find gloves and a way to maybe carry Newter, nice. It’s good when everyone’s cooperative – even if Heckpuppy is being very reluctant about it. The process of covering Newter’s wounds is not easy, mostly because there are no bandages so they instead have to use sanitary pads. Creative! And if his teammates give him a hard time, I think he’d be pissed at you for sticking sanitary pads on him, not at them, hah. I doubt he’d let something as minor and petty as this get to him, though.
Getting him on the dog was barely done when there’s a crash nearby. Oh dear, the respite was nice while it lasted. A gauntleted hand as wide across as my armspan had crashed through the wall. Hah! For a moment I thought it was a gauntleted hand as if someone ripped the hand off the arm and threw it through the wall. I bet a cape somewhere in the world can detach their body parts like that. Heckpuppy is sent away and instructed to seek help, so that means Skitter and Sundancer are left here, aren’t they? And Sundancer is injured, not too badly, but she’s injured nonetheless.
Six ABB members retreated through the hole, taking cover from...the giantesses. Hm. Unless I missed something big, I suppose those are Kaiser’s valkyries, aren’t they? Because I don’t think anyone else would have this power, everybody else is well-accounted in terms of powers – unless Coil’s men had a spontaneous sex change and didn’t reveal they could turn so big.  
The big man is here! Hello, Lung, what’s up? He’s not looking very good; his powers have given him so many transformations he’s almost unidentifiable. Kaiser is also here and he’s not worried at all, just waltzing in and attempting to impale Lung. I guess he has been having an okay time so far, no injuries. Fenja and Menja are seemingly uninjured too. All in all, Lung is against them, Skitter, and two of Heckpuppy’s dogs, now that she left. Not too bad of a team to fight Lung, although as demonstrated before...Kaiser’s not a team player. At most he’ll cooperate with his own E88 members, but with Skitter? I don’t think so. Oh, true, there’s also six ABB members here, but compared to Lung and Kaiser and the rest, they’re small fries, I’d say.
Lung turned to survey the room.  His men were arranged in a loose circle around him, facing us.  His eyes settled on me. “Ooo,” he rumbled, his words were distorted by the shape of his altered mouth, but it was easy enough to guess what he’d just said.  You.
And this time I don’t think biting and stinging Lung will be of any use. This is a good time to test how creative she is with them, now that she can’t use the same actions than last time – not that it’d have been a good decision, anyways.
Although I want to continue, I’ll have to stop for now. But man this is a fun arc, things are heated up! Mr. Wildbow is pretty good with action scenes, I like it.
Next update: in two updates
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Eerie Emptiness Of ERs Worries Doctors As Heart Attack And Stroke Patients Delay Care
The patient described it as the worst headache of her life. She didn’t go to the hospital, though. Instead, the Washington state resident waited almost a week.
When Dr. Abhineet Chowdhary finally saw her, he discovered she had a brain bleed that had gone untreated.
The neurosurgeon did his best, but it was too late.
“As a result, she had multiple other strokes and ended up passing away,” said Chowdhary, director of the Overlake Neuroscience Institute in Bellevue, Washington. “This is something that most of the time we’re able to prevent.”
Chowdhary said the patient, a stroke survivor in her mid-50s, had told him she was frightened of the hospital.
She was afraid of the coronavirus.
The fallout from such fear has concerned U.S. doctors for weeks while they have tracked a worrying trend: As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the number of patients showing up at hospitals with serious cardiovascular emergencies such as strokes and heart attacks shrank dramatically.
Across the U.S., doctors call the drop-off staggering, unlike anything they’ve seen. And they worry a new wave of patients is headed their way — people who have delayed care and will be sicker and whose injuries will be exacerbated by the time they finally arrive in emergency rooms.
It has alarmed certain medical groups, such as the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. The latter is running ads to urge people to call 911 when they’re having symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.
‘Where Are All These Patients?’
Across the country, ER volumes are down about 40% to 50%, said Dr. William Jaquis, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
“I haven’t seen anything like it, ever,” he said. “We anticipated, actually, higher volumes.”
But doctors say once-busy emergency rooms have slowed to an eerie calm.
“It was very scary because it was so quiet,” Dr. David Tashman, medical director of the ER at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital in Glendale, California, said about the early days of the outbreak.
“We normally see 100 patients a day, and then, you know, overnight, we were down to 30 or 40.”
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Some of that decrease in normal patient volume was deliberate.
As hospitals prepared for a surge of COVID patients, officials advised people to avoid emergency rooms if at all possible. Tashman said he wasn’t surprised to see fewer trauma patients, because the roads were emptier. But soon he and other ER physicians noticed that even truly urgent cases were not coming in.
“We know the number of heart attacks isn’t going to go down in a pandemic. It really shouldn’t,” Tashman said.
Dr. Larry Stock, an ER doctor at Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster, California, thought the same thing.
“I mean, we’ve all been scratching our heads — where are all these patients?” Stock said. “They’re at home, and we’re starting to get … the tip of the iceberg of this phenomenon.”
One study collected data from nine hospitals across the country, focusing on a crucial procedure used to reopen a blocked cardiac artery after a heart attack. The hospitals performed 38% fewer of those procedures in March than in previous months.
At Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Dr. Malveeka Sharma has tracked a 60% decline in stroke admissions in the first half of April compared with the previous year.
Nationally, 911 call volumes for strokes and heart attacks declined in March through early April, according to data collected by ESO, a software company used by emergency medical service agencies.
In Connecticut, Dr. Kevin Sheth noticed a similar trend at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Sheth started calling other stroke doctors, trying to understand what was happening.
“The numbers had dramatically plummeted almost everywhere,” said Sheth, chief of the division of neurocritical care and emergency neurology at Yale School of Medicine. “This is a big deal from a public health perspective.”
Sheth said clinical stroke centers have seen an “unprecedented” drop in stroke patients being treated, with decreases from 50% to 70%.
In April, the American Heart and American Stroke associations put out emergency guidance to ensure health care providers keep stroke teams active and ready to treat patients during the pandemic.
Sheth said he worries it could be challenging to care for all the patients who eventually show up at hospitals in even worse shape after delaying care.
“When those stroke numbers come back, we could have serious capacity issues,” he said. “We were already bursting at the seams.”
“People are in this fear mode,” said Dr. John Harold, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and board president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Heart Association.
Harold said the full public health consequences of people avoiding the hospital aren’t yet clear.
“The big question is, are these people dying at home?” he asked.
Patients Fear The Hospital
Patients who are already at higher risk of experiencing medical emergencies describe a mix of fear and confusion about how to get safe and adequate care.
In March, Dustin Domzalski ran out of his epilepsy medication.
The 35-year-old from Bellingham, Washington, had trouble reaching his doctor, whom he would normally see in person, to get a refill.
Within a few days of not taking the medication, he had a major seizure while in the shower. His caregiver called an ambulance, which took him to the ER.
“I woke up and asked where I was and what happened,” Domzalski said. “The guy in the next room to me was coughing and doing all kinds of stuff.”
The experience was so unnerving that Domzalski now plans to avoid the hospital if at all possible.
“I am not going to the hospital unless I have a seizure and injure myself,” he said. “I’d rather stay here than potentially have problems from the virus.”
Miami resident Stayc Simpson recalled a frightening ordeal when she went to the ER in mid-March.
Simpson, a cancer survivor with heart failure, woke up with a pounding heart rate that she worried could signal a heart attack.
At the hospital, she was screened for COVID-19 and was soon moved to a unit for suspected cases because she had a cough, even though that is also a symptom of heart failure.
“When the reality hit that I was in the COVID unit, I thought, ‘If I didn’t have it before, then I probably will now,'” Simpson said.
She spent a day there, wracked with anxiety. Six days later, back at home, she learned she had tested negative for the virus.
Simpson knows the hospitals have made many changes since the early days of the pandemic, but the thought of calling 911 still scares her.
“I have seen news reports that tell me it’s safer now. … I don’t know if I have full confidence in that right now,” she said. “The risk of COVID is terrifying.”
Dangerous Risks Of Postponing Care
Some physicians are already glimpsing the consequences of patients putting off care.
“I’ve never seen the number of delays that I have in the last month or so,” said Dr. Andrea Austin, an ER physician in downtown Los Angeles.
She’s treating more serious cases because patients are waiting. “That’s really one of the tragedies of COVID-19,” Austin said. “They’re staying at home and trying to diagnose themselves or really playing down their symptoms.”
Chowdhary, the neurosurgeon from Bellevue, Washington, said some of his stroke patients have already seen life-altering consequences.
One older man noticed weakness on the left side of his body but avoided the hospital for four days.
“Now, at that point, we couldn’t do anything to reverse the stroke,” Chowdhary said. “That weakness is permanent.”
Because of the stroke damage, the patient could no longer take care of his wife, who has cognitive issues. Eventually, the couple had to leave their home and move into a nursing home.
Jennifer Kurtz, stroke program coordinator at Overlake in Bellevue, said some patients who delayed care are now grappling with the physical and emotional toll.
“They feel so much guilt and regret that they didn’t come to the hospital earlier,” she said.
A caregiver confessed to Kurtz that she didn’t bring her husband to the hospital when she first noticed symptoms of a stroke.
“She can’t even tell her daughter [that] … because she is so ashamed,” Kurtz said.
Doctors Plead: ‘Don’t Delay’
Patients must navigate the sometimes conflicting messages from public officials as well as disruptions to their routine medical care.
The surge of COVID-19 patients in hot spots such as New York City and New Orleans led to “the sense of an overstretched health care system without capacity,” said Dr. Biykem Bozkurt, president of the Heart Failure Society of America and a cardiologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
“This may have created a false sentiment that routine care is to be deferred or that there is no capacity for non-COVID patients — this is not the case,” Bozkurt said. “We would like our patients to seek care, not wait.”
Hospitals are also trying to reassure patients they are taking precautions to keep them safe. Many have set up protocols for admitting suspected COVID-19 patients, such as separate screening areas inside the ER and dedicated areas of the hospital for coronavirus inpatients.
Tashman, the emergency physician at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, is pleading with patients to come in for help immediately for heart attack and stroke symptoms: “Don’t delay. You’re not bothering us. You’re not imposing on us.”
This story is part of a partnership that includes KPCC, NPR and Kaiser Health News.
Eerie Emptiness Of ERs Worries Doctors As Heart Attack And Stroke Patients Delay Care published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Eerie Emptiness Of ERs Worries Doctors As Heart Attack And Stroke Patients Delay Care
The patient described it as the worst headache of her life. She didn’t go to the hospital, though. Instead, the Washington state resident waited almost a week.
When Dr. Abhineet Chowdhary finally saw her, he discovered she had a brain bleed that had gone untreated.
The neurosurgeon did his best, but it was too late.
“As a result, she had multiple other strokes and ended up passing away,” said Chowdhary, director of the Overlake Neuroscience Institute in Bellevue, Washington. “This is something that most of the time we’re able to prevent.”
Chowdhary said the patient, a stroke survivor in her mid-50s, had told him she was frightened of the hospital.
She was afraid of the coronavirus.
The fallout from such fear has concerned U.S. doctors for weeks while they have tracked a worrying trend: As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the number of patients showing up at hospitals with serious cardiovascular emergencies such as strokes and heart attacks shrank dramatically.
Across the U.S., doctors call the drop-off staggering, unlike anything they’ve seen. And they worry a new wave of patients is headed their way — people who have delayed care and will be sicker and whose injuries will be exacerbated by the time they finally arrive in emergency rooms.
It has alarmed certain medical groups, such as the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. The latter is running ads to urge people to call 911 when they’re having symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.
‘Where Are All These Patients?’
Across the country, ER volumes are down about 40% to 50%, said Dr. William Jaquis, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
“I haven’t seen anything like it, ever,” he said. “We anticipated, actually, higher volumes.”
But doctors say once-busy emergency rooms have slowed to an eerie calm.
“It was very scary because it was so quiet,” Dr. David Tashman, medical director of the ER at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital in Glendale, California, said about the early days of the outbreak.
“We normally see 100 patients a day, and then, you know, overnight, we were down to 30 or 40.”
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Some of that decrease in normal patient volume was deliberate.
As hospitals prepared for a surge of COVID patients, officials advised people to avoid emergency rooms if at all possible. Tashman said he wasn’t surprised to see fewer trauma patients, because the roads were emptier. But soon he and other ER physicians noticed that even truly urgent cases were not coming in.
“We know the number of heart attacks isn’t going to go down in a pandemic. It really shouldn’t,” Tashman said.
Dr. Larry Stock, an ER doctor at Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster, California, thought the same thing.
“I mean, we’ve all been scratching our heads — where are all these patients?” Stock said. “They’re at home, and we’re starting to get … the tip of the iceberg of this phenomenon.”
One study collected data from nine hospitals across the country, focusing on a crucial procedure used to reopen a blocked cardiac artery after a heart attack. The hospitals performed 38% fewer of those procedures in March than in previous months.
At Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Dr. Malveeka Sharma has tracked a 60% decline in stroke admissions in the first half of April compared with the previous year.
Nationally, 911 call volumes for strokes and heart attacks declined in March through early April, according to data collected by ESO, a software company used by emergency medical service agencies.
In Connecticut, Dr. Kevin Sheth noticed a similar trend at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Sheth started calling other stroke doctors, trying to understand what was happening.
“The numbers had dramatically plummeted almost everywhere,” said Sheth, chief of the division of neurocritical care and emergency neurology at Yale School of Medicine. “This is a big deal from a public health perspective.”
Sheth said clinical stroke centers have seen an “unprecedented” drop in stroke patients being treated, with decreases from 50% to 70%.
In April, the American Heart and American Stroke associations put out emergency guidance to ensure health care providers keep stroke teams active and ready to treat patients during the pandemic.
Sheth said he worries it could be challenging to care for all the patients who eventually show up at hospitals in even worse shape after delaying care.
“When those stroke numbers come back, we could have serious capacity issues,” he said. “We were already bursting at the seams.”
“People are in this fear mode,” said Dr. John Harold, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and board president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Heart Association.
Harold said the full public health consequences of people avoiding the hospital aren’t yet clear.
“The big question is, are these people dying at home?” he asked.
Patients Fear The Hospital
Patients who are already at higher risk of experiencing medical emergencies describe a mix of fear and confusion about how to get safe and adequate care.
In March, Dustin Domzalski ran out of his epilepsy medication.
The 35-year-old from Bellingham, Washington, had trouble reaching his doctor, whom he would normally see in person, to get a refill.
Within a few days of not taking the medication, he had a major seizure while in the shower. His caregiver called an ambulance, which took him to the ER.
“I woke up and asked where I was and what happened,” Domzalski said. “The guy in the next room to me was coughing and doing all kinds of stuff.”
The experience was so unnerving that Domzalski now plans to avoid the hospital if at all possible.
“I am not going to the hospital unless I have a seizure and injure myself,” he said. “I’d rather stay here than potentially have problems from the virus.”
Miami resident Stayc Simpson recalled a frightening ordeal when she went to the ER in mid-March.
Simpson, a cancer survivor with heart failure, woke up with a pounding heart rate that she worried could signal a heart attack.
At the hospital, she was screened for COVID-19 and was soon moved to a unit for suspected cases because she had a cough, even though that is also a symptom of heart failure.
“When the reality hit that I was in the COVID unit, I thought, ‘If I didn’t have it before, then I probably will now,'” Simpson said.
She spent a day there, wracked with anxiety. Six days later, back at home, she learned she had tested negative for the virus.
Simpson knows the hospitals have made many changes since the early days of the pandemic, but the thought of calling 911 still scares her.
“I have seen news reports that tell me it’s safer now. … I don’t know if I have full confidence in that right now,” she said. “The risk of COVID is terrifying.”
Dangerous Risks Of Postponing Care
Some physicians are already glimpsing the consequences of patients putting off care.
“I’ve never seen the number of delays that I have in the last month or so,” said Dr. Andrea Austin, an ER physician in downtown Los Angeles.
She’s treating more serious cases because patients are waiting. “That’s really one of the tragedies of COVID-19,” Austin said. “They’re staying at home and trying to diagnose themselves or really playing down their symptoms.”
Chowdhary, the neurosurgeon from Bellevue, Washington, said some of his stroke patients have already seen life-altering consequences.
One older man noticed weakness on the left side of his body but avoided the hospital for four days.
“Now, at that point, we couldn’t do anything to reverse the stroke,” Chowdhary said. “That weakness is permanent.”
Because of the stroke damage, the patient could no longer take care of his wife, who has cognitive issues. Eventually, the couple had to leave their home and move into a nursing home.
Jennifer Kurtz, stroke program coordinator at Overlake in Bellevue, said some patients who delayed care are now grappling with the physical and emotional toll.
“They feel so much guilt and regret that they didn’t come to the hospital earlier,” she said.
A caregiver confessed to Kurtz that she didn’t bring her husband to the hospital when she first noticed symptoms of a stroke.
“She can’t even tell her daughter [that] … because she is so ashamed,” Kurtz said.
Doctors Plead: ‘Don’t Delay’
Patients must navigate the sometimes conflicting messages from public officials as well as disruptions to their routine medical care.
The surge of COVID-19 patients in hot spots such as New York City and New Orleans led to “the sense of an overstretched health care system without capacity,” said Dr. Biykem Bozkurt, president of the Heart Failure Society of America and a cardiologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
“This may have created a false sentiment that routine care is to be deferred or that there is no capacity for non-COVID patients — this is not the case,” Bozkurt said. “We would like our patients to seek care, not wait.”
Hospitals are also trying to reassure patients they are taking precautions to keep them safe. Many have set up protocols for admitting suspected COVID-19 patients, such as separate screening areas inside the ER and dedicated areas of the hospital for coronavirus inpatients.
Tashman, the emergency physician at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, is pleading with patients to come in for help immediately for heart attack and stroke symptoms: “Don’t delay. You’re not bothering us. You’re not imposing on us.”
This story is part of a partnership that includes KPCC, NPR and Kaiser Health News.
Eerie Emptiness Of ERs Worries Doctors As Heart Attack And Stroke Patients Delay Care published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Eerie Emptiness Of ERs Worries Doctors As Heart Attack And Stroke Patients Delay Care
The patient described it as the worst headache of her life. She didn’t go to the hospital, though. Instead, the Washington state resident waited almost a week.
When Dr. Abhineet Chowdhary finally saw her, he discovered she had a brain bleed that had gone untreated.
The neurosurgeon did his best, but it was too late.
“As a result, she had multiple other strokes and ended up passing away,” said Chowdhary, director of the Overlake Neuroscience Institute in Bellevue, Washington. “This is something that most of the time we’re able to prevent.”
Chowdhary said the patient, a stroke survivor in her mid-50s, had told him she was frightened of the hospital.
She was afraid of the coronavirus.
The fallout from such fear has concerned U.S. doctors for weeks while they have tracked a worrying trend: As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the number of patients showing up at hospitals with serious cardiovascular emergencies such as strokes and heart attacks shrank dramatically.
Across the U.S., doctors call the drop-off staggering, unlike anything they’ve seen. And they worry a new wave of patients is headed their way — people who have delayed care and will be sicker and whose injuries will be exacerbated by the time they finally arrive in emergency rooms.
It has alarmed certain medical groups, such as the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. The latter is running ads to urge people to call 911 when they’re having symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.
‘Where Are All These Patients?’
Across the country, ER volumes are down about 40% to 50%, said Dr. William Jaquis, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
“I haven’t seen anything like it, ever,” he said. “We anticipated, actually, higher volumes.”
But doctors say once-busy emergency rooms have slowed to an eerie calm.
“It was very scary because it was so quiet,” Dr. David Tashman, medical director of the ER at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital in Glendale, California, said about the early days of the outbreak.
“We normally see 100 patients a day, and then, you know, overnight, we were down to 30 or 40.”
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Some of that decrease in normal patient volume was deliberate.
As hospitals prepared for a surge of COVID patients, officials advised people to avoid emergency rooms if at all possible. Tashman said he wasn’t surprised to see fewer trauma patients, because the roads were emptier. But soon he and other ER physicians noticed that even truly urgent cases were not coming in.
“We know the number of heart attacks isn’t going to go down in a pandemic. It really shouldn’t,” Tashman said.
Dr. Larry Stock, an ER doctor at Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster, California, thought the same thing.
“I mean, we’ve all been scratching our heads — where are all these patients?” Stock said. “They’re at home, and we’re starting to get … the tip of the iceberg of this phenomenon.”
One study collected data from nine hospitals across the country, focusing on a crucial procedure used to reopen a blocked cardiac artery after a heart attack. The hospitals performed 38% fewer of those procedures in March than in previous months.
At Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Dr. Malveeka Sharma has tracked a 60% decline in stroke admissions in the first half of April compared with the previous year.
Nationally, 911 call volumes for strokes and heart attacks declined in March through early April, according to data collected by ESO, a software company used by emergency medical service agencies.
In Connecticut, Dr. Kevin Sheth noticed a similar trend at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Sheth started calling other stroke doctors, trying to understand what was happening.
“The numbers had dramatically plummeted almost everywhere,” said Sheth, chief of the division of neurocritical care and emergency neurology at Yale School of Medicine. “This is a big deal from a public health perspective.”
Sheth said clinical stroke centers have seen an “unprecedented” drop in stroke patients being treated, with decreases from 50% to 70%.
In April, the American Heart and American Stroke associations put out emergency guidance to ensure health care providers keep stroke teams active and ready to treat patients during the pandemic.
Sheth said he worries it could be challenging to care for all the patients who eventually show up at hospitals in even worse shape after delaying care.
“When those stroke numbers come back, we could have serious capacity issues,” he said. “We were already bursting at the seams.”
“People are in this fear mode,” said Dr. John Harold, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and board president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Heart Association.
Harold said the full public health consequences of people avoiding the hospital aren’t yet clear.
“The big question is, are these people dying at home?” he asked.
Patients Fear The Hospital
Patients who are already at higher risk of experiencing medical emergencies describe a mix of fear and confusion about how to get safe and adequate care.
In March, Dustin Domzalski ran out of his epilepsy medication.
The 35-year-old from Bellingham, Washington, had trouble reaching his doctor, whom he would normally see in person, to get a refill.
Within a few days of not taking the medication, he had a major seizure while in the shower. His caregiver called an ambulance, which took him to the ER.
“I woke up and asked where I was and what happened,” Domzalski said. “The guy in the next room to me was coughing and doing all kinds of stuff.”
The experience was so unnerving that Domzalski now plans to avoid the hospital if at all possible.
“I am not going to the hospital unless I have a seizure and injure myself,” he said. “I’d rather stay here than potentially have problems from the virus.”
Miami resident Stayc Simpson recalled a frightening ordeal when she went to the ER in mid-March.
Simpson, a cancer survivor with heart failure, woke up with a pounding heart rate that she worried could signal a heart attack.
At the hospital, she was screened for COVID-19 and was soon moved to a unit for suspected cases because she had a cough, even though that is also a symptom of heart failure.
“When the reality hit that I was in the COVID unit, I thought, ‘If I didn’t have it before, then I probably will now,'” Simpson said.
She spent a day there, wracked with anxiety. Six days later, back at home, she learned she had tested negative for the virus.
Simpson knows the hospitals have made many changes since the early days of the pandemic, but the thought of calling 911 still scares her.
“I have seen news reports that tell me it’s safer now. … I don’t know if I have full confidence in that right now,” she said. “The risk of COVID is terrifying.”
Dangerous Risks Of Postponing Care
Some physicians are already glimpsing the consequences of patients putting off care.
“I’ve never seen the number of delays that I have in the last month or so,” said Dr. Andrea Austin, an ER physician in downtown Los Angeles.
She’s treating more serious cases because patients are waiting. “That’s really one of the tragedies of COVID-19,” Austin said. “They’re staying at home and trying to diagnose themselves or really playing down their symptoms.”
Chowdhary, the neurosurgeon from Bellevue, Washington, said some of his stroke patients have already seen life-altering consequences.
One older man noticed weakness on the left side of his body but avoided the hospital for four days.
“Now, at that point, we couldn’t do anything to reverse the stroke,” Chowdhary said. “That weakness is permanent.”
Because of the stroke damage, the patient could no longer take care of his wife, who has cognitive issues. Eventually, the couple had to leave their home and move into a nursing home.
Jennifer Kurtz, stroke program coordinator at Overlake in Bellevue, said some patients who delayed care are now grappling with the physical and emotional toll.
“They feel so much guilt and regret that they didn’t come to the hospital earlier,” she said.
A caregiver confessed to Kurtz that she didn’t bring her husband to the hospital when she first noticed symptoms of a stroke.
“She can’t even tell her daughter [that] … because she is so ashamed,” Kurtz said.
Doctors Plead: ‘Don’t Delay’
Patients must navigate the sometimes conflicting messages from public officials as well as disruptions to their routine medical care.
The surge of COVID-19 patients in hot spots such as New York City and New Orleans led to “the sense of an overstretched health care system without capacity,” said Dr. Biykem Bozkurt, president of the Heart Failure Society of America and a cardiologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
“This may have created a false sentiment that routine care is to be deferred or that there is no capacity for non-COVID patients — this is not the case,” Bozkurt said. “We would like our patients to seek care, not wait.”
Hospitals are also trying to reassure patients they are taking precautions to keep them safe. Many have set up protocols for admitting suspected COVID-19 patients, such as separate screening areas inside the ER and dedicated areas of the hospital for coronavirus inpatients.
Tashman, the emergency physician at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, is pleading with patients to come in for help immediately for heart attack and stroke symptoms: “Don’t delay. You’re not bothering us. You’re not imposing on us.”
This story is part of a partnership that includes KPCC, NPR and Kaiser Health News.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/eerie-emptiness-of-er-worries-doctors-as-heart-attack-and-stroke-patients-delay-care/
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Fire and Water:  Chapter 4 [end]
“It’s them! It’s them!” Cries of rejoicing rose up from the guards outside the village. The priestess moved towards the nearest place she could see, wondering just what caused their joy. She hadn’t felt anything like that in the last handful of days, not since her mark blurred and darkened.
But when she saw who approached, a tiny flare of something very like hope stirred in her heart. She didn’t know the approaching people very well, but she knew that O’Brien did. Or had. They’d gone with him to Haou’s castle.
Perhaps they could at least tell her what happened. If he’d fallen in honorable battle or anything else. Had he truly faced Haou or had one of those servants of his struck him down?
“Let them in,” she called down, and the sentries obeyed. Another order had food and drink brought; all of them looked like they could use it. Especially the one that she didn’t recognize, the boy in red.
She joined them in the small house set aside for them. Just from looking she presumed they wouldn’t stay long. Whatever they searched for, it wouldn’t be found here. But she would give what help that she could.
“None of us saw the whole duel,” Hell Kaiser admitted. His own breathing seemed to be a trifle rough, but he waved off all offers of assistance. “He did defeat Haou, though.”
The boy in red said nothing, but his fingers tightened and he turned away, his voice harsh as he tried to speak, though no actual words formed and he stopped after a few moments.
“Could I ask what happened to your other companion?” She wondered. The one who’d worn white, to contrast Hell Kaiser’s black.
Hell Kaiser rested his fingers against his wrist for a few moments, a pain that she knew all too well in his eyes. “We were attacked before we came here. Someone searching for too much power. Edo attempted to stop him, but lost.”
She murmured words in an attempt to soothe. Hell Kaiser only shook his his head.
“We can only stay overnight. But if you have something that can deal with a fever, we would appreciate it.” Hell Kaiser nodded toward the one in red. “He’s still not well.”
The priestess could see that; not only was his voice pained and weary, there were fever marks on his face, and he looked as if he hadn’t eaten in far too long. Even now he only nibbled at the food before him and he never seemed to want to meet anyone’s eyes.
I wonder if Haou held him prisoner. Haou hadn’t done that to anyone; his methods were kill or enslave only so far as she’d ever heard. But she hardly had full access to all that went on inside that terrifying place.
Her fairy companions went to find one of the local healers, while she struggled to bring up the words she needed to ask about O’Brien.
“Is there anything else that you can tell me about what happened?” She wanted to ask even more, but she wished too much she could learn what she wanted to know from him and not from strangers.
Surprisingly, it was the one in red who answered. “He was right. He was braver than anyone else. He did what was right, even when it cost him his life.” He leaned forward, coughing for a few moments, while Hell Kaiser and the other boy – the one who had given her O’Brien’s duel disk – watched cautiously. “I… I should have listened to him. To him and Jim...” His voice faltered and he curled up around himself, shivering.
He... What he said teased at her, but she couldn’t let herself think of it. This was a time of mourning, not anything that resembled vengeance.
And even if the thought that whispered was true, he wasn’t there to hurt them. He was too sick to hurt anyone at the moment. He seemed almost too sick to stand up on his own feet, for that matter.
But she still raised her head and looked towards Hell Kaiser, a wealth of questions in her eyes. His gaze flickered back to the boy, but he said nothing else.
He didn’t really need to.
They left the next morning, in the coolest part of the day. Her explorers told of a door in a desert one reached via two days of travel. The pathway hadn’t been explored very well, but she made certain they had food and water packed for them. She’d spoken nothing of her concerns, but the boy in red – Juudai – found time to tell her things about O’Brien – how in the world they came from, the two of them dueled once, and he’d always had a feeling that O’Brien could have defeated him then, and of how he’d been helpful and useful when they’d been in many dangerous situations.
“He was a good friend,” Juudai said, “and this – this is all my fault. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
The priestess wanted so much to find something soothing that she could say to him, but whenever she tried, the words choked in her throat. She confined herself to bidding them farewell and wishing them the best on their travels, to hope that they found their way to their home.
It took years before she found out what happened to them after that. The one who told her wasn’t someone that she’d ever imagined hearing from again after she bid them farewell.
Because the one who told her what happened to them, and how true her suspicions about Juudai were, was O’Brien himself.
He approached the village – now more of a small town – one spring morning, almost five years after she’d last seen him. She hadn’t given her mark a moment’s thought in well over two years, and tended to wear something so she didn’t see it. She’d tried very hard to ignore the occasional flickers of warmth that rose up from it as well. If he’d been reborn somehow, then she wanted nothing to do with a baby.
But here he stood, almost as she remembered him, and without thinking about it, she pulled up the sleeve on her arm. There glowed her numbers, bright green as before, and she started to reach for him, so close, so very close.
Then she pulled her hand back, throat closing in fear, and stared harder at him. There were spirits that could take the form of others, alive or dead, and she would not be deceived.
Yet her mark would know the difference. A soulmate mark, even one that wasn’t fully realized, always reacted only to the true soulmate.
His lips twitched. “It’s me,” he said, voice quiet. He raised one hand to his shoulders and there she could see the scars from the first battle she’d seen him fight all those years before.
“How?” She gripped her trident, knuckles going white with the strength of it. “How could you die and be here? And I know you died!” No one else had ever returned from death, not and look so much like him. If anyone else returned, they were vampires or zombies or ghosts, not solid flesh and bone!
The smallest of smiles, that still held ghosts of pain, moved across his lips. “It wasn’t my idea. Though I can’t say that I’m ungrateful for it.”
“Then what was it?” She didn’t shout, though it was only by the thinnest of margins. “What happened?”
He settled himself on a rocky outcropping before he looked back at her. “I died. I fought Haou and I died. But there was someone else involved, a spirit named Yubel, who saved everyone that Juudai cared about.”
Her eyes narrowed, recollections of her concerns returning. “Then that boy I met – Juudai – was Haou.” Oh, she wanted to know how that came about!
“Yes. He might come through here one day. He’s spent the last few years traveling everywhere helping people.” O’Brien smiled a small smile. “He won’t hurt anyone. He’s much different now.”
“If you trust him, then I’ll trust you,” she promised. She would like to meet him again and see what she could learn from him. It seemed there was a great deal more going on than she’d ever thought of before.
O’Brien nodded, glancing up to meet her eyes. “With the help of my friends I was able to come back here.” He touched his mark on his arm. “I think – now that the war’s over – we … I hoped...” His smile faltered, but she thought it was due more to not knowing what to say than anything else.
“Would you like to know my name?” The priestess murmured. “You do remember what I told you, don’t you?”
His smile strengthened ever so lightly. “I remember everything that you told me. I would like to know your name, if you would tell it to me.”
She raised her hand, then set it back down. “I think we should get to know each other better first,” she offered. “We haven’t spent enough time to truly make this decision.”
For only when they were bonded could she reveal her name. Doing otherwise went against everything she’d grown up believing and though it had been years since she’d seen the oceans of her home, she saw no reason to change that now.
He nodded. “Of course.”
She gestured to the wider town. “We’ve improved since you were last here. Ever since the war ended, we’ve had time to locate resources and build more. Would you like me to show you around?”
“I would be honored.” O’Brien rose, bending his head in a way to show deep respect. Her heart beat a bit faster at that, and at the thought of having more time to spend with him.
There were some who could move on after the loss of a romantic soulmate. Amazoness Holy Fighter now enjoyed a deep relationship with Heather, the Holy Elf who tended to their needs, satisfied that her soulmate would want her to be happy even without her.
But the priestess had never been able to do that. Part of it had been that she’d never found anyone who intrigued her like O’Brien did. Another part – one that she was convinced held far more weight – was that they’d never had the chance to explore what could have been between them. With such a question hanging over her heart, she couldn’t bring herself to move on and find someone else.
And now here he was, wiser and older, stronger and more sure of himself, and as wanting to find out what they could have together as she did.
“It turned out the mountains have several resources in them,” she said, gesturing that way. “Precious gems are very useful, not just for trade but for use in magic. And there are many caves where we can find the ingredients for certain potions and tinctures as well. Our healers have some of the finest tools around because of that.”
O’Brien nodded, giving the mountains an appraising look before she started to guide him elsewhere. She wasn’t the only person who wanted to talk to him, of course. There were still plenty here who knew him from those brief times before the fall of Haou, and all of them wanted to at least greet him. O’Brien returned the greetings, giving only brief explanations on his survival.
“We’ve heard a lot of rumors about what happened,” she said as they moved along. “There are people who claim that it was Hell Kaiser who defeated Haou.”
That got a quirk of his lips. “I wouldn’t be surprised. If I hadn’t managed what I did, I would have asked him to take it up where I left off. I think he could have.”
From what little she’d seen of him, Hell Kaiser would have done it very well, too. Yet for all of that, she remained just as proud that O’Brien brought that war to an end. He deserved every bit of self-respect that he’d gained from it, and more.
With each passing day, they spent what time they could together. The priestess observed the planting of the crops, while O’Brien drilled some of the sentries and the duelists. They explored what areas hadn’t been fully mapped out and found a few places no one had given much thought to yet. He took up residence a few doors down from her home.
“I have things I have to do back home eventually,” he told her, “but I’ll stay here as long as I can.”
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”
That got a nod, then a curious look from him. “I would like it if you came back with me. I’d like you to meet my friends – and my parents.”
A faint tinge of red crept up her cheeks at that. “I would like that.” Perhaps they could also find a way to her own world and he could meet her parents.
“So would I.” He glanced at her again and she gazed back at him. By now he’d been here nearly six weeks and she looked forward every day to seeing him. The idea of returning to his world, with so many strange people and creatures and machines and places she’d never seen, thrilled through her.
He hesitated for a few seconds, before he held his hand out to her. He’d never done that in all of this time and she knew what he meant. She swallowed for a few heartbeats before she reached out to take his hand in her own.
Bare skin touched bare skin for the first time. Her breath caught in her throat as the green numbers on their arms faded away, replaced a rich blue swirl of steam surrounded by a circle of golden links. She touched it with the tip of her finger. Their marks. Their soulmate marks that would last forever, and some said into other lives.
She looked up at him, a lump in her throat, still not all the way believing that this happened in the first place. They’d bonded, accepted the bond, and that meant there was something that she could do now. She’d really wanted to do it since realizing he was her soulmate.
“Arethusa,” she murmured. “My name is Arethusa.”
O’Brien smiled at that. A gentle expression, one she didn’t see very often on his face, but it warmed her heart when she did. “That’s a beautiful name, Arethusa.”
“Family history says an ancestor of ours carried it first, and she was one of the first priestesses to our god.” She remembered her parents telling her the tale many times during her childhood. “There’s a painting of her at home. I don’t look anything like her.”
O’Brien’s fingers tightened on her own. “I’m just as glad that you’re you.”
The End
Notes: And they begin their lives together. I always thought it was rather sad that they didn’t inform Sea God’s Priestess about what happened with O’Brien (soulmates or otherwise) so it’s my headcanon that after the mess with Amon, then Shou, Juudai, Ryou, and Ojama Yellow stop back by to let her know.
One more down, twenty-five to go! Keep an eye on my profile for my progress if you’re interested.
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Worm Liveblog #20
UPDATE 20: Rachel and Emma ‘Get Rekt’
I’m never going to type that ever again.
Last time the villains of this city gathered in a nondescript pub to discuss what to do about the ABB. The ABB have gotten too big for their britches, so they need to be knocked down a bit. How to do that? By making a truce between everyone and cease most criminal activity. Let’s continue the meeting.
Since everyone’s gathered here may as well continue talking, eh? Any complaints or offers or other stuff to say right here in public, in front of everyone? I’m not sure they should be doing this, sounds to me like an easy way to dissolve truces, or at the very least to pile grudges and plan retribution for after the ABB has been dealt with. Sure, let’s risk pissing off each other right now, what could go wrong?
And indeed, there’s a complaint. OH boy, let’s get the public shaming underway! One of Kaiser’s companions, a shirtless man known as Hookwolf, has a complaint against Heckpuppy, pointing straight at her and announcing she had attacked his customers. Really, is that so? So you’re the one who owns the dogfighting ring? I doubt she cares who it belongs to.
“That’s the kind of risk you run, doing business in Brockton Bay.  Capes can and will get in your way, hero or villain.” Grue’s not wrong, it’s a risk. You put your legal or criminal business here in Brockton Bay and you’re at risk of, you know, being attacked by anyone. I suppose it’s the same everywhere else in the world. Too bad for you that you chose dogfighting as a criminal activity, because Rachel isn’t going to stand aside and let that happen. Kaiser spoke, “Is that a declaration of war, Undersiders?  We just agreed to a truce, if you recall.”  He was utterly calm, a stark contrast to Hookwolf. Yup, I knew this’d happen.
Grue does say that she’s at liberty of dealing with certain matters that bother her, but I admit I’m a tad concerned about the far-reaching consequences of this. Kaiser seems to be taking this as a matter of pride for his subordinates, so he demands blood or money. Hah! Yeah...you won’t be getting that. I really doubt you will. It seems to me the plot of a future arc is being set already! The E88 isn’t going to forget this, no matter how long the truce takes. As soon as this is over, things are going to get ugly. I for one can’t imagine Heckpuppy accepting to yield to their demands in any way, and I’m sure she’ll protest if anyone plans to accept their demands. This is bound to be tough.
Thankfully for everyone involved, nobody else here gives complaints or negotiations, so the meeting is adjourned. Coil goes to most likely hire Faultline, and everybody leaves. Nobody in the Undersiders is in good mood – and for good reason, they’re all now in trouble with E88. That’s enough to make anyone morose. Heckpuppy doesn’t believe for a moment what she did was wrong, and I kinda agree, but at the same time I sympathize with the rest of the Undersiders because now there’s this big and intimidating problem to deal with. I’m torn, who should I support here...
We walked in grim silence past three different stores before he lashed out.  He grabbed Bitch by the shoulder, then pulled her backward to break her stride and put her off balance enough that she stumbled. Before she could regain her footing, he forced her bodily into the recessed area at the front of an old bookstore and shoved her against the door, his hand gripping her throat.
Oh god, Grue wasn’t kidding when he said he was pissed! Then again, it isn’t like talking with patience would have led anywhere. I doubt anyone reading Worm would think for a moment that Rachel is the kind of person to be swayed by civil conversations. Heckpuppy tries to fight back, escape from Grue’s grasp, but she can’t do that. She nodded sullenly, eyes darting in every direction but directly at him. That kind of reminds me of a dog. Direct eye contact is a dominant and aggressive thing to do, and Heckpuppy is in no position to do that. Not that Grue cares, he wants to make sure she understands he’s serious about what he’s saying.
Grue went on, “You know what you did wrong?  You didn’t fucking tell us.  You let me fucking go in there and talk to those guys and get caught with my pants down. I had to fucking defend the actions of my team without knowing what the fuck people were talking about.  It made me look weak.  It made all of us look weak.”
...huh, I hadn’t considered that. Grue isn’t wrong, she should have told them. I mean, I don’t know if Grue would have stopped her if he had known what she was going to do, but I also doubt he’d have scolded her if she had told him after the deed was done. At least this’d have given him time to think of something. Good thing there’s a truce, he has time to think of a way to solve this whole mess.
Right before Grue can threaten about getting her replaced – or maybe not, it’s not clear if that was his intention – Tattetale intervenes. Say, can anyone really be replaced so easily? Like it or not, Heckpuppy is a big part of the physical strength the Undersiders have. Without her, they’d be at disadvantage, and in times like these they can’t afford to be weak. It’s not like there’s a bunch of capes waiting to join the Undersiders, you can’t just kick anyone out of the team like that...I think.
Start communicating, that’s the solution to Heckpuppy’s problems right now. Oh boy. It’s not going to be that simple! Trust me, I know that myself.
Haha, I think it’s kinda late to watch out about someone listening to what you all said. I mean, these are capes in the vicinity. You know what the chances are that one or more of them have heightened hearing or something? High chances, I’d say! Then again, slamming Rachel around the wall while she’s at the hideout, near her dogs...that wouldn’t have been a much better decision.
Nobody’s a happy camper today.
I knew it would be hard to turn on them, to pull off that grand betrayal and turn their information over to the Protectorate, once I had the information I needed… but when I thought on it, I knew I could bite the bullet and do it. I would have less regrets in the long run.  I could even be proud of it, in the grand scheme of things, maybe.
Hahahaha, as if! Mr. Wildbow, the more you mention this the less likely I think it is that it’ll happen. It’s impossible to believe Skitter will turn on them when she keeps saying she likes them! And as a reader, it’s even less believable for me when I can clearly see Taylor is enjoying their company. Besides, with the fame she’s already getting in the city and among the capes, flipping sides is going to be almost impossible, won’t it? And finally...Skitter really doesn’t seem to me the type that’d betray her friends. Nope, in my mind she’s one more of the team now! Go in the long way, Skitter!  It’s for the best! But, strange as it sounded, I would feel worse about handing their information to the Protectorate if this sort of negativity was what I was leaving behind when I did it. See? Skitter can’t even bring herself to see the group being at odds with each other like this. Betraying them is not an option right now.
Then again...I suppose...it’s not impossible for Skitter to do it. If it happens I really hope Mr. Wildbow does it convincing and interesting, because at this point I believe he’d need a lot of skill to pull it off successfully.
Skitter really wants to give Heckpuppy some support, but she’s also afraid of showing support. Hmm...well...there’s not really harm in having an opinion. Go ahead, say it.
“You stopped them?”
She turned her head my way, met my eyes.  “Made them bleed.”
I felt goosebumps prickle the back of my neck and my arms.  I wasn’t sure if I would feel better or worse if she decided to elaborate.
“Good,” I replied.
Good enough, A+ for effort, B for execution. Not the most graceful supportive statement, but good enough. Anything that didn’t lead to a fight is good enough for me! And with that show of support, the chapter ends. Hive 5.3, here I go.
“Attention shoppers.  Please be informed that stores will be closing at five-thirty this evening, in cooperation with the city-wide curfew.  Make sure to cooperate with authorities at the entrances and exits of the Weymouth shopping center, and return to your homes by six o’clock.  Thank you.”
Okay, things are getting heated up in Brockton Bay. The thought of a 6:00 PM curfew is unthinkable for me, and everybody must be terrified to obey such curfew without any protests. I know that in my city, if such curfew at such early hour was proposed, there’d be public indignation no matter what!
Taylor is spending some quality time with Dad Hebert, just buying stuff she needs and wants. It’s something she doesn’t do often with Dad Hebert, but he, kind parent he is, wanted Taylor to relax and cheer up. Someone keep this guy safe from everything in this story, please. There are soldiers in the mall, keeping an eye on everything that was going on. Battery – I think that’s a cape I haven’t heard before – and Shadow Stalker were nearby too. After all, Bakuda’s threats were not empty threats. Bombs have been exploding every day, and all the forces of order are trying to corner the ABB. How goes the saying about cornered animals go, again?
It had been only Manpower from New Wave standing watch when we arrived, and there hadn’t been much of a crowd. Manpower...New Wave...none of those two things sound familiar. If by now I can know what New Wave is, then please tell me, because I think I’m missing something here. I’m guessing it’s a cape group, but better make sure by asking all of you! Taylor continues watching the capes and providing exposition on them. I can’t believe the cape named Battery has a teammate named Assault. I’ll have to bow down to you for that one, Mr. Wildbow.
Shadow Stalker nodded and then turned to walk through the glass door to say something to the soldiers stationed outside.  Literally through the door.  As she did it she turned a little smoky, like she was made of sand and not anything solid.
In my opinion you’re lucky you didn’t have to deal with her during the bank robbery. I think she’d have gone straight to fighting Grue, but it sounds to me like Taylor’s bugs would have been useless against her. How can a bug be threatening if Shadow Stalker can turn wispy like this? Then again, I’m not the most creative person when it’s about powers, so Mr. Wildbow may think of a way. Given the fact it has been said many times there’s a rivalry between Shadow Stalker and Grue, there’s no chance they won’t fight in this story! Bring it on!
Taylor remarks that in person the capes look pretty normal, but that’s only because she’s a cape herself so she knows that under the armors and costumes there’s a person. This one here, Shadow Stalker, is just a teenage girl. I wonder what kind of person she is...I mean, she doesn’t have a good reputation, what with being a vigilante and almost killing some people she has pursued. Taylor has no exposition to give about her. The one time I wonder this kind of stuff is the one time you can’t answer? Welp.
Unfortunately for everyone except Dad Hebert, a man comes: Emma’s dad. And where Emma’s dad is, Emma has to be nearby, I guess. Yep, here she comes. This day is officially ruined. Seems to me neither parent is aware of the situation between their daughters, well, beyond superficial details, I’d say. Let’s hope there won’t be much incident since the fathers are here.
Nope, stuff happens. Emma smirks in that way she smirks when she’s planning something bad. Figures. My hand was stinging.  Outstretched in front of me, like I was reaching out to shake someone’s hand.  It took me a seconds to connect the dots. I’d hit her? ...well! I just raised my eyebrows real high. You hit her, Taylor? Wow, Taylor hit her! She—she finally hit her! I don’t know if I should be glad she finally gave Emma a slap, or nervous that Taylor’s self-control didn’t stop her from hitting Emma. Meh, for now I’ll just revel in the fact she hit her. There’s going to be trouble, but right now I just feel satisfaction for this. Taylor is satisfied too, and she wants to laugh, laugh as the evil consumes her! Okay, not really, but she’s enjoying that Emma was caught off-guard.
Shadow Stalker intervenes immediately, thankfully not through the use of lethal weapons on anybody, instead telling Dad Hebert to watch her kid and stop her from assaulting people. Hm. May I suggest to leave before things escalate any further? Nope, it does. Taylor tries to tell why she hit Emma – wow, really? You’d talk about this right now? – but Shadow Stalker doesn’t care, instead pretty much tying Taylor’s hands and pretty much telling them to go away because Taylor is dangerous. Hoh, a tad ironic, saying the supervillain is dangerous.
Using the concussion as excuse for what Taylor did, Dad Hebert and daughter walk away, trying to ignore Emma’s satisfied smile. Of course she’s satisfied. “I’m not mad,” he told me, quietly, after we’d settled in, as he started up the car and took us out of the parking garage. ...70% or so chance he is mad. It’s parent language. “It’s perfectly understandable. You’re emotionally sensitive, after getting knocked around by the explosion, and she reminds you of what’s going on at school.” That’s enough for Taylor to finally spit out that Emma and Emma’s friends are the ones bullying her. Good! Parent-daughter communication! It took much less than I thought it would, this is just Arc 5 of I-forgot-how-many-there-are! At this rate it’s not impossible Taylor tells Dad Hebert about her supervillain activities. Or...maybe not, because that’s a completely different thing.
He undid our seat belts and pulled me into a hug, my face against his shoulder.  My breath hitched with a sob.
“It’s fine,” he assured me.
“We’ve got time.  Take as long as you need.”
Man it’s so weird to see a parent who takes the time to do this kind of thing, in fiction, I mean. There are hundreds of thousands, millions of stories in the world, and in many of the ones I have read during my life parents don’t tend to get good portrayals at all. They either are dead, or they’re bad parents, or they’re simply not shown to do this kind of stuff. It’s kind of rare for me to see this kind of thing. I like it. This man is trying very hard to support his daughter. I really hope he’ll be okay – or at least that the maybe-unavoidable revelation of Taylor’s activities don’t break his heart too much.
That’s the end of the chapter. Should I suppose what comes next is Taylor telling everything that’s happening at school? That’d be improvement in daughter-father relationships! It’d be nice. But unfortunately I ran out of time, so I’ll have to continue in the next update. Thank you for reading!
Next update: next time
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Rebirth of Kaiser:  Chapter 22
Phantom Magician welcomed their partner into the building. Heavy warrior’s boots echoed faintly on the carpeted floor, grinding mud with every step. He cast his eyes everywhere as he marched through the silent corridors, disapproval in the tilt of his head and the intermittent low growls hidden behind his helmet.
“Where are they all?” With every movement he made, he exuded the fact that this place was his now. Phantom Magician thought that Queen Ruin might even be pleased enough to grant him ownership of the fortress, even. Presuming that she didn’t want it rendered down to dust. She’d been known to do such things.
“I put the rank and file down in the dungeons. They’ll be useful with the right spellcasting and retraining.” Phantom Magician saw no reason to get rid of perfectly useful people who just needed their morality rearranged and obedience diverted. “Tesni and their ‘Cyber Hell Paladin’, on the other hand...”
That got a slight tilt of the head towards them. If Phantom Magician hadn’t known that one couldn’t see his eyebrows behind his helmet, they would have presumed that said eyebrows tilted towards them.
“This way.” They guided their partner to the throne room. At least it would be a throne room now. Tesni hadn’t ever had much of a view towards the proper trappings of power. This was more of an audience chamber, a place everyone could gather to learn their battle plans.
Of course that hadn’t done them any good in the long run. Phantom Magician remained deeply thrilled about that. All of this was their idea; Queen Ruin knew only that they’d intended to spy on the enemy for a time. To be able to hand the entire army over in one fell swoop would be such a wonderful victory, certain to garner them a promotion and a vast reward. It wasn’t easy coming across such in the Knights when one wasn’t a warrior.
“What else can you tell me?” Ghost Knight asked, focus far more on the trip than on them. Phantom Magician laughed ever so softly.
“There’s little enough. Tesni believed every word I told her about just wanting to help. She was so desperate to end this war she didn’t even notice it already had.” Phantom Magician shrugged. “We may have to keep an eye out for a time, though. Tesni send Cyber Harpie back to Dervan to pick up the Paladin’s travel companion.”
Another inquisitive tilt of the head. Phantom Magician might not have understood the gesture if they hadn’t spent so very long with Ghost Knight.
“A shadow mage. Apparently Tesni thought he would be quite useful against the Knights.” Phantom Magician leaned their head back. “She’s not wrong. If he’s as good as she seemed to think, then he could be very useful to us as well. Did you want to wait until he’s here before we go back.”
Ghost Knight considered the question as they entered the new throne room. “Perhaps. I can think of uses that the Queen might have for a shadow mage.” A smile touched his voice. “Or that I might.”
Phantom Magician chuckled a bit. They hadn’t worked with Ghost Knight all this long to miss that. Ghost Knight always looked out for himself, first and foremost.
The throne room needed a proper throne and quite probably a few guards to set it off. Right now all it had was a battered table, once split down the middle and now held together with hammered nails and wire. Three chairs settled around it, a fourth tossed on one side, each of them as rickety as the table itself. Ghost Knight would have ignored the chairs, if they didn’t contain his focus of the moment.
Two people slumped in one each of the chairs, both of them bound by thick chains that not even the most powerful of spirits could have broken. Phantom Magician thought even the Herald of the Gentle Darkness himself couldn’t have broken them: Holy Chains.
I’d rather not attempt to find out. Phantom Magician would do almost anything to advance themselves, but the idea of facing the one who’d so nearly brought the entire world underneath his boot in the space of three months wasn’t one of them.
Ghost Knight gave little more than a passing glance to the young paladin, instead taking a stand in front of Hail Cyber Tesni. He slipped a long bladed knife from one of his sheaths and tilted her head up with the flat. Without his helmet, Phantom Magician suspected that a smile would have been visible. It wouldn’t have at all been a pretty smile, but a smile all the same.
“I know that you’re awake. Both of you.” Ghost Knight spoke, digging the point of the dagger into Tesni’s flesh. Her eyes opened, full of a rage so great it should have set fire to the shoddy tapestries on the wall.
“What do you want?” Tesni spat the words out. She gave no look at all to Phantom Magician or to Cyber Hell Paladin. All of her attention remained on Ghost Knight.
“I think that you know. This war ends today.” Ghost Knight traced the edge of the blade alongside of her chin. “Your Hail Cybers will once again fight beside our Queen’s Knights. Whether you will or not remains undetermined.”
Phantom Magician let out a brief laugh. “And that determination isn’t yours. Queen Ruin will decide for you.”
“Who is this Ruin?” That question came from Cyber Hell Paladin. Ghost Knight and Phantom Magician both turned towards him, neither entirely certain how to react to him. Phantom Magician long ago divined he would be important to the settlement of the war, but as matters stood now, they couldn’t quite figure out how.
He’s a captive now, nothing more. Yet my divinations are so seldom wrong. It happened on occasion, but so rarely that Phantom Magician did not consider it now. Perhaps now would be one of those times.
“Ruin, Queen of Oblivion.” Ghost Knight spoke at last, giving the paladin a very curious look before shifting his attention back to Tesni. “You’ve told him nothing, I see.”
“I told him what was important.” Tesni held her head up, nothing but prid and anger reflecting in her eyes. “Why should I speak of a jumped up fool who only seeks selfish revenge?”
Again Phantom Magician could feel the smile in the knight’s words. “Tell him now, then. Let him know who will order his death – or worse. There are those who know what’s worse than death and how to inflict it on others.”
“Yes, there are. But there are problems with fates worse than death, you see.” The voice came from behind and Phantom Magician and Ghost Knight both turned. Long shadows reached there, cast by the glimmering sphere of light hanging from the ceiling. Then from out of the shadows stepped two figures.
One was a trifle taller than the other, with seaweed green hair and eyes that seemed to want to be sleepy but right now glowed sharp with anger. Phantom Magician didn’t recognize the kind of clothes that he wore, but didn’t need to. This was the shadow mage. Even with the fury he evinced, they had no fear of him.
Fear unfolded at the sight of his companion. Then the thought reversed itself: the shadow mage was this man’s companion, not the other way around. He looked quite ordinary; perhaps a little over average height, with ordinary brown hair and very ordinary brown eyes.
They were very, very ordinary. Until one looked into their depths and saw the sparks of gold hidden, sparks that weren’t there for decoration. Roiling even deeper under them were flashes of green and orange. Only Phantom Magician’s mage sight could show those colors when this man didn’t want them seen.
Phantom Magician saw them now and at once began to reconsider every life choice that they’d ever made that led them to this place.
“Problems?” Ghost Knight asked, still holding his knife. There wasn’t even a hint of shaking in his grip. Phantom Magician wasn’t certain if he knew who this was, or if he would care if he did know. Ghost Knight wasn’t always the brightest. Courage beyond words, of course, but never the brightest.
The Herald smiled. It was a smile that very few ever saw and fewer still were those who’d ever lived to talk about it, especially those who stood against him. Green and orange flickered stronger in his eyes.
“Me. I will absolutely have a problem with you unless you back off from my friend. If you want to finish this war, you’ll finish it fairly.” The Herald moved closer, every step measured and dangerous. “Go back to your Knights.” He made a shooing motion with one hand. “And don’t try this kind of thing again. Either of you. Settle things with a duel or fighting or whatever you do. But don’t bring people into it without asking first and definitely don’t drug them.” His attention flickered to Tesni. “Or enspell them.”
Phantom Magician could not hold back the snort that came from that. She’d warned Tesni that sending Cyber Harpie wasn’t the best idea. Where was she, anyway? If the shadow mage was there, shouldn’t she be there?
Tesni’s cheeks tinged faintly. Chains rattled and Phantom Magician glanced in time to see a third figure behind Cyber Hell Paladin, who now stood up, freed of his bonds. This new figure had somewhat vaguely the same coloring, but in brighter shades of teal. He wasn’t someone that Phantom Magician had ever seen before and when they attempted to look at him with their magical sight, they winced away, covering their eyes with one hand.
It’s like looking into the sun! What is he!? Gazing at the Herald was far more comfortable, even with those terrifying eyes of his.
The shadow mage moved closer to Cyber Hell Paladin. “Are you all right?” Worry seethed between the two that didn’t ease off no matter how they stared at one another.
“I’m fine. Better than I would have expected.” Cyber Hell Paladin bared his teeth and Phantom Magician thought that was meant as a smile. They decided that they could have their reunion perfectly well without anyone else’s presence and would probably prefer it that way.
They were quite close to Ghost Knight, who’d barely moved since the Herald’s appearance, and rested a hand on his arm. This wasn’t at all how they’d planned for this to end up and it would make far more sense to get out of here and rendezvous with everyone else at the Knights’ stronghold.
A heartbeat later, they froze when the Herald’s gaze turned towards them. “Behave.” One single word and then darkness rolled itself over Phantom Magician. When the world cleared, they were somewhere else entirely: somewhere Phantom Magician didn’t recognize. Tall trees rose in every direction, shadows cast thick in every direction around them, and moss underneath their feet so thick and soft that it could be slept on.
Glancing to one side showed Ghost Knight, every bit as confused as Phantom Magician found themselves, if not even more so. Instead of the early winter nip to the air, this place held the warmth of summer. Phantom Magician pulled in a very unsteady breath.
“Where are we?” Ghost Knight demanded, fists clenching and unclenching. “Who was that? How did we get here?”
“My friend, we’ve just been in the presence of the Herald of the Gentle Darkness.” They looked around in search of a way to get to clearer ground. “And I think we are very lucky that he spared us.” They drew in yet another breath. “I think I’m retiring from the Knights.”
“Where did you send them?” Johan asked, leaving Ryou and Yuusuke to their reunion as he stepped over to Juudai. He’d also freed Tesni and she hurried out of the room to deal with her people. “I thought you were going to let them leave on their own.”
Juudai shrugged, a hint of anger still glittering. “I wanted to be sure they didn’t try anything else. And I’m pretty sure I sent them back to where those Knights of theirs are.”
“Are you sure?” Johan cocked an eyebrow in his general direction. He knew Juudai usually meant well but mistakes happened to everyone. Especially Juudai. “Because that didn’t feel like where they were.”
“He’s right.” Yubel agreed, appearing in between one breath and the next. They and Johan exchanged a quick, very amused look. No one understood Juudai better than the two of them. “You sent them south, Juudai. Very far south. The Knights’ stronghold is to the northwest.”
Juudai blinked a few times, a deep flush rolling up over his cheeks. “Oh. Oops?”
To Be Continued
Notes: I am very late with this and I am very sorry. In my defense, I got Kingdom Hearts 3 a few days ago. But here it is. Eight chapters to go! Are you looking forward to the resolution as much as I am?
Next chapter will explain a bit more about how Johan got there, though it shouldn’t be that difficult to guess. I haven’t forgotten that Chaos Hunter is with the Knights. This is just the start of a series and I’m planting seeds for the future.
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Rebirth of Kaiser:  Chapter 18
One of the Hail Cybers escorted Ryou to another chamber. This one definitely was a cut above where he’d woken up, especially in regards to the decorations. The bed there was just big enough for one person, a little softer than he would have expected, covered by a woven spread in reds and golds that displayed either a sunset or sunrise: it had been cleverly designed to be either one. A wardrobe stood in the corner beside the narrow window, crafted out of a fine wood that Ryou didn’t recognize, with multiple outfits folded inside of it. The clothes themselves looked somewhat similar, all in shades of blue, but with enough variance so that many outfits could be made. There were boots to go with the clothes as well, and a fine cloak edged in fur that he also didn’t recognize.
Spread on the floor was another work of art, this one used as a rug, displaying a deep rich blue sky with puffy clouds floating here and there. It matched a tapestry on the wall, and the weaving of bedspread, rug, and tapestry were so identical that Ryou guessed they'd all been made by the same person.
He almost expected to hear the door being locked behind himself. But a careful look at the door showed that it wasn’t locked at all. There was a guard outside, but when he peered out, she drew herself to attention.
“Is there anything that I can do for you, sir?”
Ryou shook his head. “No.” He didn’t offer an explanation on why he looked out, only closed the door and checked the room out again. A chair sat beside a table, the chair with a plush cushion on it, the table with a polished silver mirror hanging above it.
As size went, it wasn’t a large room, but it was comfortable and he didn’t feel as if this were a fancy dungeon. This was a guest room. This was his room.
Not that he’d be here all that long. He’d already made his mind up on that.
I’ll stay long enough to meet up with Yuusuke again and then we’ll get out of here. He wasn’t at all certain that he wanted anything to do with this war of the Hail Cybers and Knights. He hadn’t heard much more about it either.
A tap came on the door. Ryou found himself very tempted not to answer, but he knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Where else would he be except here? And perhaps whoever it was had some news about Yuusuke or when he would be there.
On the other side of the door stood Captain Tesni. She bent her head the moment the door opened.
“I suspect that you’d like more information about our war before it arrives on our doorstep?”
Ryou folded his arms over his chest. What he wanted was time to deal with those memories that he’d found stirring up and to see if he could bring back any more of them. But the look on Tesni’s face indicated that she wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“If I told you I had no intentions of helping you, would it make a difference?”
Tesni shook her head. “We’ve searched for you for a long time. I swear we didn’t mean it to be like this, but we do need your help.”
“I’m sure you do. That doesn’t mean you’re going to get it.” Ryou stepped away from the door and stared out the window. It wasn’t very big but it gave him a good view of what looked like a practice yard of some kind. More Hail Cybers roamed out there, some of them practicing archery, others drilling against each other. There were other warriors of various kinds, all with ‘Cyber’ in the name, sparring against one another.
He suspected that she wanted him to feel at home here. He was Cyber Hell Paladin. He knew that he should have felt at home with others of his own kind here. And yet he didn’t.
I’m not uncomfortable. But this isn’t where I belong. He couldn’t have said where he did belong. But this wasn’t it.
She moved over to stand beside him. “Several years ago the Knights and I were in an alliance together. We’d staked out a reasonable amount of territory and ruled it. Our kingdom grew and we were building a good life together. There was peace. Actual peace in this place.”
Ryou could understand how rare that was. Peace came rarely and seldom lasted, and when it did, someone tended to wreck it.
“Two years ago, the leader of the Knights fell in a raid by a group of evil magicians. We expected his successor to be reasonable. But he withdrew from the alliance and came to within a hair of poisoning me.” Tesni’s fingers clenched for a few seconds. “If I hadn’t had a healer on hand at the moment, I wouldn’t be standing here now. That same healer is who advised us to find a new warrior, one who could increase our power and protect us from whatever effects the Knights chose to use against us.”
She turned to face him. “That was when we started to look for you. The peace of the kingdom was shattered by the Knights and until they’re defeated, it can’t be restored.”
Ryou listened to all of it. He wasn’t all that happy to hear any of it. He wanted to find himself, not find a war. But at least now he could understand what was behind what had happened.
“All we need you to do is stay close enough for your effects to help us.” Tesni told him. “You don’t have to fight… though...” Her words limped to a halt and she looked away again.
Ryou’s lips thinned. “Though?” Whatever she had in mind, he was quite certain that he didn’t like it.
“Your companion: the shadow mage. He could be quite useful to us. But he won’t want to help us any more than you do, will he?” She sounded more than a little exasperated. Ryou wasn’t at all worried by this. She’d earned whatever he and Yuusuke chose to give her.
He shrugged. “I doubt it. Yuusuke isn’t one for war. When he arrives, we’ll be leaving.” He wasn’t going to hide that. They would have to settle this for themselves.
A tiny scrap of unease buried deep within himself flickered. Ryou tried hard to press down on it, to make it vanish, but it remained right where it was.
“You can find help somewhere else.”
Tesni laughed at that, a sound almost as bitter as sounds he’d made – or dreamed about making. “What makes you think that we haven’t tried? We’ve done our best to make alliances everywhere. Most of them refused to help or allied with the Knights, seeing them as stronger. Some of them did agree to help but they’re not strong enough themselves to do very much.”
She rested a hand on the edge of the window. “This battle – when it happens – will be the last one between us. We’re down to less than a third of what we were when the war began and they outnumber us by nearly twice this number. With your help we can win. They’ve brought allies of magic, fiends, and others. We have very little beyond what you’ve seen here.”
I don’t want to do this. Ryou told himself that over and over. He really didn’t.
Or if he were going to be flawlessly honest with himself, he didn’t want to want to help. But the more that he watched and the more that what Tesni said sank deeper into him, the more he began to wonder.
The people of this world deserve peace. At least most of them do. If there’s something that I can do about this, shouldn’t I?
He’d talked about something like that once or twice with Juudai. Responsibility, that was what it was. Juudai held a huge, almost unbelievably monstrous burden of responsibility, and he did his best to help everyone and anyone who needed it. Ryou hadn’t ever felt all that responsible for anyone else. The more the flickers of memory from his past revived themselves, the more he wondered if he’d always been like that.
If I was, was that the right way for me to be? That was an answer that he didn’t have.
“With luck, your companion should be here soon. I know what you’ve said about leaving. But tell him what I’ve told you and let him make up his own mind. That’s only fair, isn’t it?”
Ryou said nothing at all for several minutes. He turned over everything Tesni said, whether he liked it or not. The only answer that truly made him feel right was one that he didn’t fully trust, not with how he’d been brought into this situation.
“All right.”
Yuusuke should make up his own mind. Ryou suspected what the answer would be. He just wanted to hear it for himself.
Tesni said nothing else, though, at least not on the subject of what Yuusuke and his answer would be.
“If you’re hungry, then dinner will be served soon. You can come down to the dining hall or we can have a plate brought up here.”
Ryou considered that for a few moments. Faint flickers of memory moved, presenting him with the image of a beautiful room full of boys, all dressed in various garments with a preponderance of blue, seated at many different tables, with food being set before them. There he felt at peace. That was a place he belonged. He might not have at one point, but he had when he was there.
“I’ll go down there. Tell me when.” Ryou cast a glance across the room again. He wanted to be somewhere else. This just didn’t feel right, and it had nothing at all to do with the decorations or the space. He needed air.
“I’ll send someone.” Tesni nodded towards him before stepping out of the room and down the hallway. Ryou watched the door until he couldn’t hear her anymore, then turned his attention out the window again.
The training continued, though the various Hail Cybers switched places, those who had been using bows and arrows now having their swords out and sparring amongst each other, and those who’d sparred now working on their accuracy with bows. Ryou’s hand dropped down by his waist and another sensation, not quite like a memory but the feel of a memory that couldn’t be and wasn’t yet, brushed by him. He missed something. He needed something and it wasn’t there.
I’m Cyber Hell Paladin. The name glimmered fondly in the depths of his mind. Is this what I wear? Is this what I look like?
No. No, it wasn’t. He didn’t know what he should wear, but it wasn’t this at all. He would have to find it, sooner or later.
His gaze drifted from the window and when he looked back, he spied someone on the other side of the training field. He couldn’t get a good look at them; they were shrouded in a cloak, and at that distance even if they hadn’t been, he couldn’t have seen more than blurred features.
Who are you? This person stared directly at him, and Ryou suspected he saw a smile of some kind. He did, without a doubt, see the stranger raise one hand towards him, in a gesture that he suspected of being a greeting of some sort. He didn’t return it. He wanted to know who was there before he did that.
As if the other read his mind, they nodded for a second. Whatever else he expected, he didn’t think that seeing them vanish in between one breath and the next was it. If anyone else saw that, they didn’t react at all.
Moments later, a tap came at the door, followed by a voice. “Cyber Hell Paladin, sir, it’s time for dinner.”
To Be Continued
Notes: So now I have a war to wrap up and the situation with Chaos Hunter as well.
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Rebirth of Kaiser:  Chapter 14
Ryou and Yuusuke paused on the top of the hill just outside the market town. Yuusuke glanced around, cautious as he knew he should be. After that earlier encounter, he wanted to make certain that no one else interrupted them.
So far, so good. Whether the attack had been a simple attempted theft or hidden attempted murder, he wasn’t sure. At least no one seemed inclined to repeat it for now.
“Let’s go,” Ryou said, already heading down the hillside. “The sooner we get a place to stow our gear the better.”
Yuusuke saw no reason to argue that. His possessions weren’t all that heavy but after carrying them as long as he had, he could use somewhere to put them and sit down.
“It’s very busy,” he observed as they got closer. “What are the odds that there will be room for us?”
“Very good.” Ryou nodded towards one area of the town, mostly made up of permanent buildings as opposed to the tents and stalls that comprised the rest of it. “That’s where the inns are. They have different types for different visitors and I’ve never seen them entirely full.”
That did ease a bit of Yuusuke’s worries. Those had crept up on him little by little as they’d walked. Part of his mission here remain not just stirring up Ryou’s old memories, but to discover what he was made of now. He’d uncovered at least one effect, but there had to be more.
Ryou was Ryou, the Hell Kaiser. There wasn’t any way that he wasn’t high level and strong. All that remained would be finding out all the proper details and getting them to Pegasus so the card could be crafted.
This wouldn’t even be Yuusuke’s first time trying to uncover the secrets of a spirit. It was, of course, the first time that he’d done so when he knew the spirit personally and wasn’t yet ready to tell the spirit what he was there for in the first place.
I don’t think he’d mind. At least he hoped not. These were things Ryou would most likely want to know about himself as well. But Yuusuke thought it would be best if they learned it the long and slow way.
The closer that they got to the town, the more the noise of it he could hear. There were people everywhere, even if they weren’t humans, chatting at the top of their lungs, bargaining, calling and talking to one another. Music trilled up from all over, people singing and instruments as well. He recognized a lot of them from having studied dueling so much of his life, though this had to be the first time he’d seen many of them in the flesh.
“Do you know anyone here?” Yuusuke wondered. Ryou had said that he’d been there before.
“A few. Mostly the tea vendors. It’s what I come here for most often.” A thoughtful tone entered his voice. “I usually check out the cards as well.”
Yuusuke nodded. “Let’s do that too, then. Later.” First he wanted at least time enough to get his breath back. How did Ryou do this? He could remember a time when his friend hadn’t been able to walk for very long without needing a rest.
Death did work wonders, it seemed.
Ryou led the way through the crowded paths of the village, taking the quickest route that he could find. That didn’t always mean much; the market remained full of people regardless of the season and that made it difficult to get anywhere. But he did his best.
He didn’t always pick the same inn; while there were almost always rooms available, they weren’t always in the same place. But he did have favorites and the one that he favored the most loomed ahead of them.
“The top floor’s usually taken by those who can fly,” he told Yuusuke. “They don’t often bother though. There are other inns completely devoted to them.”
Ryou shifted his bag of possessions as he crossed into the inn. They still had most of the day to explore the market and the next as well. He didn’t want to stay very long once he’d made his purchases.
What they’d spoken of before, visiting the card dealers, kept murmuring in the back of his mind. He wanted to go there, to see what they had on sale, and he knew that didn’t happen often. The few times that it had, he’d seen nothing that truly called to him, the way he knew the deck that he would use would.
He had seen other cards, though, ones that he’d been quite tempted to acquire. He didn’t know why and he refused to get any cards that he wouldn’t play. Perhaps he would see if any of them were still there and if Yuusuke had any answers on that.
He knows me so well. There were brief moments where Yuusuke didn’t seem to know things, but not enough to bother him. The moments where Yuusuke did know him in ways that no one else did far outnumbered them.
Ryou pressed his lips together as he strode over to the innkeeper, putting aside all other thoughts. Noise came from the common room; it sounded like someone was in the middle of a bar brawl. He’d come across events like that before. It wasn’t the first time and he highly doubted it would be the last.
“Two to spend a few days here. At least two, possibly more,” he said. The innkeeper, whose attention had been mostly on the noise coming from the brawl, jerked his eyes over to him.
“Of course. I have just the thing.” The innkeeper fidgeted for a heartbeat at an especially loud sound from the room before he began to fumble with the keys to the rooms. “Is there anything else that I can do for you or your companion today?”
Ryou wasn’t quite sure if he liked the way the innkeeper said ‘companion’. Better not to cause more trouble, not without a greater cause than this.
“Are the teamakers in? And the cardsellers?” The cardsellers were a given. There always remained at least one in the market. What he hoped for was more than one, for more options.
“I believe some new teamakers have arrived,” the innkeeper said after a moment of thought. “Not so certain about the cardsellers, except the usual, of course. Haven’t been that way lately.”
Of course he wouldn’t have been. Ryou nodded as they exchanged items; a few coins and a small highly polished gem – Yuusuke’s contribution to their stay here – for the key to their room.
“Second floor, third on the left,” the innkeeper told him. He examined the gem carefully before adding. “You can have it for four nights. After that, we’ll need to negotiate further payment.”
Most of that had to be because of the gem. The coins would have paid for at least a night, maybe two if he were being generous. But Ryou saw no reason to argue over that and headed for the stairway up, Yuusuke on his heels.
The room was about what he expected: filled mostly by the bed, with a single table and chair near the window. He dropped his bag onto the table and settled into the chair, closing his eyes and drawing in breath after quiet breath. He could hear Yuusuke moving as well, a second bag on the table, and then the sound of someone sitting on the bed.
“It’s about lunchtime,” Yuusuke said after several long and quiet minutes which served for Ryou to get his breath fully under control. A tiny part of him murmured at all times that he needed to watch himself. He couldn’t push himself too hard. That was one of the reasons that he didn’t make this trip very often, and didn’t fully trust himself to make it alone.
He didn’t remember his previous life in much detail but he could remember moments when he couldn’t breath no matter how hard he tried, and when parts of him ached in ways that shook him to his core.
“I know. There are restaurants around. We can get something there.” He cracked one eye, a tiny hint of a smile flickering around his lips. “You heard the noise from down there.”
“Yes.” Yuusuke’s own lips twitched for an equally brief moment. “I don’t think I want to step in there.”
“I never have. It’s not always that noisy but it’s not what I prefer.” The innkeeper sold beer and ale here, and a few other odds and ends – Ryou heard rumors that some wines could be purchased as well, but he’d never tested them. He preferred tea above all else.
Yuusuke nodded before he turned toward the window. He said nothing for several moments before he looked back towards Ryou. “I think I know at least one effect that you have.”
Ryou sat up a little. This hadn’t been discussed before, but he knew that he had to have something. It thrummed all through him, the knowledge that he could do things.
“Just from watching what happened on the way, I would say that you can’t be targeted by destruction effects.” Yuusuke tapped a finger briefly. “Something that doesn’t target would still affect you, but other than that?”
Ryou nodded slowly. That felt right. There was still so much that he didn’t know about himself but regardless, that little piece fitted itself into his head and it felt right to do so.
This deserved a treat of some type. He rose up. “Let’s go eat.” He knew just the place that they could go. He waited only long enough for Yuusuke to stand up as well and headed out the door.
Part of him thrilled anew at the chance to show Yuusuke around a place that he knew and his friend didn’t. He wanted to see Yuusuke enjoy himself. He wanted them to enjoy themselves at the same things.
For a sudden brief moment, he could see a brilliant smile and a pair of highly amused brown eyes looking at him, and a voice as familiar as his own heartbeat whispered words he couldn’t remember.
Yuusuke’s hand on his arm steadied him. He blinked and his vision cleared, restored to the ordinary stone walls of the inn. He shook his head.
“I’m fine.” He decided he would ask Yuusuke about this later. He couldn’t recall the voice or what they said, but he knew those eyes and he wanted to know who they were. Bits and pieces of his memories scattered about, small shards that he could only pick up with great effort, and he couldn’t always put them together the way that he wanted to.
They headed down the stairs a bit faster than they’d come up them, passing out the entryway. Ryou saw an Amazon a short distance away, turned to one side, looking up. He glanced up for a moment as well, mildly curious, and saw a Cyber Harpie descending. Harpie and Amazon greeted one another before heading off in the opposite direction that he planned to take.
“Anyone you know?” Yuusuke asked, glancing after them. Ryou shook his head.
“I think I’ve seen Amazon Curse Master around here before, but I wouldn’t say that I know her.” It was the same feeling he had whenever he saw any Amazon: that he’d seen them before. It wasn’t strong enough to encourage him to ask, but he did wonder now and then if he’d met them in his other life.
I can’t have. Spirits don’t exist in that world. That was why he had to live here now. If he returned to that world, that dimension, then only those who could see spirits would be able to see him. And he can’t see them.
He wondered who ‘he’ was. Someone important to him, without a doubt. But not someone he could remember now.
That covers more people than I wish it did. Ryou frowned, then shook his head.
“This way.” He headed off through the thronged pathways. He wanted more than what he’d brought along with him for travel rations, and the Humming Bee would provide.
To Be Continued
Notes: I’m sure you can guess who is sparking at Ryou’s memories. There will be more. The more time he spends with Yuusuke, the more he’ll remember.
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