#because rose gen 4 is nsb gen 2
grimm-haven · 1 year
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Generation 1. Mint
Minthe has always had a mischievous streak which was undeterred by her age. She makes serums she would test on other people and continues to terrorize others with her SimRay for the hell of it. But that's how the public perceives her. With her family, she's loving and caring. Her pranks are more playful than mean, and she's fiercely protective, especially to her grandchild. She has had a long run, and now, it's time to officially end her story.
Beginning of Rose Gen // Previous // Next
Completed Goals of Mint Gen:
☑ Master the scientist career ☑ Complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration ☑ Master the mischief skill ☑ Master the logic skill ☑ Complete elements collection ☑ Complete The Curator aspiration ☑ Master the gardening skill ☑ Assign a voodoo doll to at least 1 sim ☒ Have only 1 child with spouse and 1 alien child (if possible) ☑ Create all serums and test each on at least one sim ☑ Complete crystals collection ☑ Complete metals collection ☑ Complete MySims trophies collection ☑ Complete microscope prints collection
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ratbubos · 1 year
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🌹Crashing at Romeo’s
Lucie: I met a guy tonight :} Romeo: Yeah? Lucie: You might actually know of him, but I dunno how involved you are with politics. Have you heard of Ben Campbell? Romeo: Wait.. seriously? Lucie: What? :/ Romeo: He’s my fucking neighbor. He lives across the hall from me. Lucie: What!? :O Romeo: Yeah, I’ve talked to the guy a few times. Lucie: Oh this is weird... but why does he live here? Romeo: I don’t know, I didn’t interrogate him when he moved in. Lucie: ... Lucie: Mh! But whatever about him being your neighbor, he was definitely flirting with me. Romeo: Makes sense. Lucie: You need to show more enthusiasm for me :|
First screenshot included just so I can inform you Romeo greets Lucie by kissing her on the cheek not in a romantic way, but a... not romantic way. (guys Idk words, it’s late)
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100babywarehouse · 1 month
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(Transcript at the bottom, under cut.)
What is 100 Baby Warehouse?
It is exactly what it sounds like - it's a collection of sims that were the results of 100 baby challenges. In other words, this is a warehouse of sorts, and the only thing stocked here are sims. If you are looking for a spouse for your legacy, and you know exactly the kind of sims your heir likes, you may be able to find exactly what you're looking for here - if you're looking for a family-motivated male young adult, browse our selection to see if there's someone who fits your parameters. If your NSB rose gen needs some cute sims to woo, you can find those here!
Are there only "The Sims 4" sims here?
Absolutely not! You can play a 100 baby challenge in almost every sims game - I'm not sure about The Sims 1, but I know for a fact you can in 2 and 3. So, in our navigation page there will also be sections for sims strictly in TS2 and TS3.
I'm playing a 100 Baby Challenge right now. Can I submit a sim?
Yes!! Please! This blog will be EMPTY if no one submits sims, because I simply cannot play that many 100 baby challenges at once. I'm playing 2 right now, and that's hard enough.
Will you have sims for download if no one submits any?
Well, yes. But not very many, and not a good variety. There will be no TS3 or TS2 sims if no one submits any, because I don't currently have either installed. So please, if you have sims you want to share, please do!
Can I just make a post and tag you so you can reblog it, instead of submitting my sims?
That's perfectly fine too! I just have the submission page to make things easier on everyone, but if you want to make the post yourself and tag me, that works just as well. Just add @100babywarehouse anywhere on your post, and I'll see it and add it to the sim collection.
I don't play 100 baby challenge, but I want to submit a legacy spare. Is that okay?
While this is called 100 Baby Warehouse, this is also fine. I will have a specific category for legacy spares on the navigation pages, because I know that most people play legacies more than 100 baby challenges (including myself). Otherwise, this blog might be rather empty, and I don't want that! Either way, as long as the sim would normally be kicked out of the main house and forgotten, left to the whims of story progression, the sim is welcome in this collection.
If this is the 100 baby warehouse, does that mean there are only babies/infants, toddlers, and children here?
No! Definitely not! Sims of any age can be added to our "inventory." Even adults and elders. So if you want several teens for the teen angst story you are wanting to write, have a look around our teen category.
Can I download Aeli?
Not right now, sorry. Maybe later.
If you have a question you want me to answer, please feel free to send it to me! And if you're shy, feel free to ask it on anon. Just know that if too many people are nasty, anonymous asks will be disabled.
Transcript for picture:
"Hello there!
My name is Aeli, and I am the matron of this place. "What is this place?" You may ask. That's why I'm here - to guide you.
This is officially a "warehouse," as some may call it, but I think of it as an adoption center of sorts.
Here, you will find sims that have been forgotten, or abandoned, and left to the whims of fate (or story progression). Specifically, these sims were used strictly as stepping stones in a 100 Baby Challenge - in this challenge, the children are simply a means to an end, unless their challenge is done using the multiple matriarch rules, in which case the only child that matters is the final daughter of each matriarch.
And that's just unbearably sad to me.
All of these wonderful sims have such potential, they could have whole futures ahead of them, but they are denied that simply because that's how the challenge works. They are kicked out the instant they are no longer teenagers.
So here, we have a collection of many of these wonderful sims that Watchers in need may take in and care for, themselves. These sims can have any life they may dream of - or, well... have nightmares about.
Whatever life they end up with is up to you, the Watcher."
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myheartsstories · 4 years
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Roselyn had a bit of a party...
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purpleleopard96 · 4 years
List 5 facts about your most favorite Sim of yours and send this to 10 Simblrs whose Sims you adore. ❤❤❤
Finally gonna do this!
I chose Rose Rozen, my gen 2 nsb heir because I love her so very much.
1. Rose is pansexual and demisexual
2. Her arc is going to have a lot of drama and story waaaay more than her mom's arc which was pretty much no story lol
3. She won't choose Lily entially even though you all know they end game.
4. Her whole name is Rose Emilia Rozen
5. Rose truly only trusts one person and that's Lily. She trusts her mom to some extent but it's nothing like her and Lily.
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minticream · 7 years
I can’t find the all of photos from my current NSB, so I thought that I would just tell you guys (and girls) what has happened. 
Generation  1 (Mint) : Minti Cream (Dead)
My founder was Minti Cream who mastered her career, got married to Corden Bleu and did everything for her gen. She had four kids with him named Cesar, Rosalie, Zara, and Raz Berry. 
Generation 2 (Rose) : Zara Berry (Dead)
Zara Berry was my heir for gen 2. She was a Politician who mastered her Career as an elder. She had a baby with Carter Wells, named Honey Bee as a young adult. She almost married Carter Wells, but she stood him up at the alter! Later she met Caleb Valtore and he turned her into a vampire for a while. At a point she hated being a vampire so he make a potion to turn her back to a human, later turned himself also human! As an elder she married him.
Generation 3 (Yellow) : Honey Bee (Working Progress)
Honey Bee is an ambitious, loner, and clumsy. She is level 4 of the astronaut career. Btw Cesar is married to my gen 3′s mother but that happened after my gen 3 sim started dating her daughter Marie.  Honey started dating Marie as a teen and they have lived together since being teens because Marie’s mother kicked her out for dating Honey!
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nikatyler · 5 years
Hi :) Do you have any tips for telling a story through your gameplays? Or even starting a legacy challenge?
When I was in the middle of writing this, I realized it’s all over the place and not everything probably answers your question, but they’re all things I’ve learned in my three years of being a simblr and trying to tell stories through this game. I hope at least some of it will be useful 😊 There are currently 2 different ways I approach storytelling. My Rose Legacy is mainly planned in advance with breaks for regular gameplay (but I focus on the story, therefore less completely random stuff happens). Golden Days, aka the gen 4 story I keep talking about but haven’t shown much of, is planned in advance completely (I write it first, then I go in the game to take pictures) and has no true gameplay parts. And then there are NSB and BPR, which are mainly about me having fun with the game. A lot of random stuff may and will occur. I do some planning too, but nothing too heavy usually.
But onto those legacy tips now. Some apply more to Roses, some to my other two legacies. Just get inspired by what you think could work for you!
It’s under the cut!
1. Come in with no big expectations
This might be just a coincidence, but it’s something I’ve noticed happened with all my big legacies. The only intention I had when I started them was to have a good time playing the game that I love. Don’t immediately think “I’m going to make the best founder ever” or “this is it, I’ll never create a better legacy”. Don’t stress yourself too much about it, just have fun. Don’t force yourself to be head over heels about your founder from the beginning, you will form a natural “bond” with them and their family as you play and get to know them better. They don’t have to be the best sim in the legacy, you might like their children more. It happened in all my legacies: I like Ezra more than Amelia, Isaac more than Elizabeth, Roxanne more than Gwyneth and (even though it wasn’t like that from the beginning) Ross more than December.
2. Have a basic idea of what you want to do
I found that I like setting requirements for myself because if I don’t do that, I’ll do what I’m always doing in the game, and well, then it all gets boring so quickly. When you’re playing a challenge-based legacy, you already have these requirements you have to complete somehow. If it seems too easy, just add your own! I’ll be doing that in my grey generation because I’ve already finished a lot of the requirements during the yellow generation, and this one would be too short and easy.
3. Try things you’ve never done before
Step out of your comfort zone! Think about what you’ve never done or explored in the game before: complete some aspirations, master some skills, have a certain number of relationships your heir will have to have in their life, make a rule about how many children your sim will have…have these basic guidelines, but don’t forget to give yourself some freedom too. Which brings me to the next point.
4. Whatever comes your way, roll with it
This is something I’ve been doing a lot in my NSB and it’s so much fun. Your house is on fire? It sucks, but don’t quit. This sim keeps showing up and wants to talk to your sim? Maybe they could be friends…or maybe enemies. Or maybe enemies to lovers! Was your spellcaster cursed? Nice, don’t you dare to exit without saving, challenge yourself and break the curse. Do you get an impulsive need to abduct your sim? Turn them into a vampire? GO FOR IT! Go crazy. Do bizarre things. Act on a whim. Let your sims suffer from time to time. Get inspired by the awful things the game throws at you. You could also make a list of things to do in the game, assign them numbers and then use google to roll the dice. Actually, I think I’ve seen someone make something like this already, but I might be making that up right now.
Basically: have goals, but leave some free space for unexpected twists. It’s like life, isn’t it? You focus on something, but sometimes, you can’t get straight to it. Obstacles happen.
5. And what about story-heavy parts?
If you want to add a part of a story that is less about gameplay, go for it! It can be refreshing. I always plan these parts in advance. Also, if I’m in the middle of a storyline, I usually break the previous rule, meaning that yes, I pretend some things didn’t happen, and yes, I quit without saving when something doesn’t go right. 
A perfect example is when Miracle burned to death while I was setting up another scene. If it happened in a gameplay, I’d be heartbroken, but I’d keep it (and maybe I would get a new, different storyline out of it). But in this case, I was in the middle of the story and I couldn’t just let her die, it would affect everything and I wasn’t in the mood for that monstrous rewriting. (it was in the middle of quads’ storylines and really, I don’t think they’d be in the mood for going on dates right after their mother died, but that’s off topic)
6. If you need to, take a break
This sounds simple, but I’m always surprised how often people force themselves to open their saves just to crank out content for their simblr. Why? You’ll just end up being bored and bitter and very often, you can tell when someone isn’t having fun with their game (or simblr in general). It took me four months to feel like opening the Rose save again. It would be pointless to make myself load it up when I actually don’t want to play it. Remember what I said in that first point: you want to have a good time. If you’re not having it, just leave. Take that break. You don’t owe anything to anyone, and if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, well…they’re the asshole here, not you. You can get burned out or uninspired from time to time, it happens, it’s natural, don’t feel bad about it. Get some rest and then come back - next week or next month, doesn’t matter.
7. Small generations are the best
I learned this the hard way and yet I still find myself breaking this rule so often. Gen 5/6 of Rose Legacy were exhausting because there were just so many sims and so many stories I wanted to tell. I still ended up scrapping a lot of them and I’m not satisfied with it. My tip would be have less children per generation, but write down your story ideas and just use them in later generations. Be patient. In fact, as the time goes, you can develop these stories and get rid of the flaws, so in the end they’ll be better than if you have used them all in one generation!
8. Writing prompts, tags and ask games are amazing
If I develop a character more, I find it easier to get attached to them - and then I’m less likely to quit the save too. I’ve had many pretty sims, but I let them go in the end because they had no depth. You can always develop your sims on your own. No one is stopping you from sitting down and writing all the headcanons you have for them. 
However, what I find more fun are ask games with questions about your OC. Not only you’re challenged to think about something new (these questions can be about awfully specific things, I love when that happens), but you also learn which characters people are interested in or what they want to know about them, and then you can work with that too. However, don’t get discouraged if no one asks anything. It happens a lot and it’s hard to then not feel down, but you’re not the only one. It’s not even that big of a deal when you think about it! (I’m still learning this, by the way, I’m always discouraged when no one asks haha.) I’d suggest that you interact with others. One thing I always try to do is leaving an ask for the person I’m reblogging from - of course, sometimes I just can’t think of anything, but if it’s something as simple as dropping some question numbers, then why wouldn’t I leave them there and just pick a character I like?
9. Get inspired, but don’t become a copycat
This one…inspiration is great, but make sure you’re not taking it too far. I don’t want to draw a line where inspiration ends and imitation/copying begins, as I know that everyone sees it differently and what I’d consider copying someone else would still call inspiration, so basically, I’d just say follow your heart and be nice. Taking someone else’s storyline and just playing it step by step with your own characters is not okay. Also speaking of imitation - imitating a person’s writing style or sense of humor can sometimes be tricky. It comes natural to them, but you’re just trying to be like them and it might show and it won’t feel right. Allow outer sources to inspire you and shape you into a better writer, but stay yourself at all times and you’ll be just fine. 💕 
10. Play for yourself, not for other people
This probably should’ve been the first tip. Do the things you want to do, not the things that are currently trendy in the community. I mean, if you want to do the trendy thing, that’s fine! But if you’re only doing it because everyone else is doing it, well, you’re not going to enjoy it. Same with…let’s say you have a sim and she has to pick between two guys. A typical love triangle. You want her to end up with guy A, you have good reasons why you want her to end up with him, but your followers want her to end up with guy B. Maybe listen to their reasons and consider them, but in the end, you’re the one who’s making the decision. And if you still feel like she should end up with guy A, then just let her. Don’t completely give up everything to please your readers.
I can’t really think of anything anymore, but I think I’ve said enough. I hope it made sense. I wrote most of this on the train so yeah 😅 Also, sorry it took me so long.
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nikatyler · 5 years
4 and 13 :)
4. What’s so special about your founder that you wanted to start a legacy with them?
It’s easiest to answer this with my BPR, I started it only because I thought Gwyneth was super cute. Before that, I was never interested in BPR (starting one, to be exact, I follow/ed a few blogs who do/did BPRs)
With my Rose Legacy, which is the closest and dearest to my heart, I actually didn’t have many feelings for my founder Amelia at first. I had just reinstalled TS3 on my laptop and decided to create a random female young adult sim. I decided that I would try to keep playing with her family for many generations, simply because I wanted to. And look at me now, we’re stuck on gen 6, which is still the highest number of generations I’ve ever gotten to.
It was similar with NSB, I just installed Get To Work and realized I could play this challenge now, and so I created December...and then played with her for the whole day (seriously, I came home from work at like noon or something and stopped playing late at night :D)...and the rest is history!
Aaand it was similar with my discontinued Raven Legacy. I started this legacy with simblr in mind, I wanted to come here and post pictures. No feelings attached at first. Actually, no feelings attached...ever. Not really. Maybe parts of gen 2 and early gen 3, but other than that, I’ve honestly never enjoyed this save too much and kinda forced myself to play it. (Don’t do that, kids. Ever.)
13. Any funny moments?
There’s too many of them due to the nature of my gameplay haha, so I’ll just name a few that I can think of. I’ve always loved the moment when Bianca ruined Christmas back in 2016. I will never shut up about it. And of course, then there’s the number of (un)intentional alien abductions. Tyler and Caleb were a whole-ass mood in the early days of gen 5 (in the legacy, they peaked in their late 40s and nothing I do with them will ever top that). December freezing all vampires in sight was fun too. I also thought it was funny how anti-pet Ross was at first and then he totally fell in love with Rocket, that was awesome. I don’t know, you guys tell me what were your favourite funny moments!
Thanks for asking!
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Today has been frustrating. That’s all I’m going to say. Well, it started off nicely, I did something I was proud of. Then it went kinda downhill. I’m probably going to make it even worse as soon as I post this...there’s this thing I’ve been thinking about for the past few days. Considering I’m soooo good at communication and expressing my feelings, it’s going to end up great, you can bet.
Sarcasm aside, let’s talk about my legacies: 
I just queued the rest of part one of Gen 6! It’ll run for like 40 more days though.
After that, I’ll finally post the first generation of my BPR, almost a year after starting it. I know what you’re thinking, I’ve been posting TS3 for months, I should switch back to TS4 now, it would be fair, and yes, I thought about that too. But I kinda really want to get rid of the BPR. Gen 1 is finished and I don’t want to keep it to myself anymore.
As for gen 3 of NSB, I haven’t been playing it too much recently. I’ll play it a lot in June though, I hope. As soon as the exam chaos is over.
I’ve also made some decisions about Roses, but I’ll talk about these later. There’s still a high chance I’ll change my mind.
Besides, when do I not make decisions about Roses? They’re on my mind way too often. It can’t be healthy.
Update: I’m still not done with my replies but I just got a message from my teacher, saying that I did well on the English writing exam! I don’t know the exact grade but yay me. I mean, I knew I was going to do well on this one, but finally seeing I passed feels much nicer than “oh yeah, I’m confident about my English, there’s no way I can fail”. The way this exam system works...I was worried it wouldn’t scan properly or some crap. In the past, people had problems with that.
Update 2: Still writing the replies but I just found out that apparently I got 100% on the exam. Holyyyyy crap.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Courtney: I really married this idiot. I’m stuck with him forever. Oh...”
Don't worry it could be worse. It could be Ross for example (sorry, not sorry��)
Ooooooh. Yeah I mean, what Felix does is kinda natural, what Ross does (or used to do)...is just wrong.
sparkiemonkey replied to your photo “I have three weeks to learn everything for my last exams. Am I dying...”
Good luck with your exams. You can do it.
Thank youu! I hope so. I feel like I still remember nothing from the notes, but at the same time, when I read some of them, I’m like “duh, I’ve heard this a million times, of course I know what it is!”
desira-sims replied to your photo “I have three weeks to learn everything for my last exams. Am I dying...”
If it makes you feel better, I’m constantly rethinking how I should have posted my story too. I think it’s why I’m enjoying doing these mini photo shoots for Gen 2. It’s glimpses into their life that I didn’t fully express in my story.
I feel like everyone does this, they get great ideas when it’s too late to change it. Some people are just better at moving on, I guess. Not that I want to move on from gen 4, nope.
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Let’s see what we have down here…”
The lighting in this shot is gorgeous!
It is! Isla Paradiso underwater is amazing. I wish there were more diving spots though.
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “It’s getting dark so fast. This should be a quick dive, or else…well,...”
this is how midnight sun challenges start...
Imagine if I did that. I love this idea.
dreamsongsims replied to your photoset “Houston we have a problem I forgot Isla Paradiso is a glitchy mess”
Yes. Yes it is. All that work to get to a dive spot and BOOM! Right back to shore.
It’s frustrating that it’ll most likely never get fixed :/
astraeanevermore replied to your photo “10 Day Self Sim CAS Challenge: You At Another Age Kind of based on an...”
I also got an ugly haircut with ugly blonde streaks when I was 15 :’D guess that’s a 15 years old thing? XD Anyway, love the pic! *O*
It might be?? And it wasn’t even a good blonde. In many photos, it just looks yellow, sometimes even a little green. But hey, I learned from my mistakes, now I’m never going blonde :D
And thank youu! ♥
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “I love this…wait, it seriously take me a whole day to get here?!”...”
most adorable screenshots ever! her expression is so cute!
She makes the best faces, I love her ♥
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “I was going to make a comment about her work outfit, saying the...”
The alien powers from Miracle are resurfacing lol
I mean, DNA is weird, sooo... 👀
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Me during the first part of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 vs me...”
Haha a BIG mood
Biggest mood
I thought episode 4 fucked me up...but then episode 5 came and...let’s just say ep 4 was alright compared to this.
twistedsim replied to your post “Well that was an amazing surprise! ������”
Shit! I just now saw the score. XD Damn, you whooped Sweden's ass!
Usually it’s the other way around :D Yeah, it was great to watch. I was expecting to be disappointed but not surprised, but actually...if I’m not mistaken, that’s our best score with Sweden ever. And then with Norway, we did great too...too bad we lost with Russia today. There were so many chances and not a single goal...but oh well, it’s just one game. It doesn’t mean anything. I hope.
flowerhoneysims replied to your photoset “I was just kidding I don’t actually want her to die jkahdkfahdflg”
My diver died because of a shark ;-;
Oh nooo ;-;
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck was that a shark?? A SHARK??? I’m gonna die I’m...”
Ohhh :(
This was actually a funny moment. I thought “Awesome, her mother died in a fire, she’s going to be eaten by shark and who’s there to save their ass with a ‘quit without saving’ button? Me again! Maybe they’re telling me I should stop playing this legacy.”
But then she wasn’t actually killed by a shark. Phew.
desira-sims replied to your photo “10 Day Self Sim CAS Challenge: Date Night Bold of you to assume I’ve...”
I love this dress. ��
Me too! And I never use it for some reason. I wish I had something like this irl.
desira-sims replied to your post “So…I took a break from studying to watch the latest episode of Game of...”
I haven't watched this season yet. �� I keep saying I'm gonna sit down and binge it, but haven't done it. Maybe I'll do that Wednesday.
Oooh, I’m not sure if I would be able to binge watch it. Every episode left me feeling overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions, doesn’t matter if they were negative or positive. Actually, I don’t think this season is as bad as so many people online say...it’s not perfect but nothing is. 🤷‍♀️
Then again, speaking of binge watching, I was able to watch the previous seven seasons in less than a month last year, so maybe it is possible.
plumbobhart replied to your post “So…I took a break from studying to watch the latest episode of Game of...”
I hated it sooo... yay? D:
I’m not sure how I felt about it. Like I’ve said already in this post, today has been frustrating and this episode contributed to that. There were some things that bothered me, some decisions that bothered me, oh and there was a great example of character development going to hell (that really disappointed me tbh), but overall...idk, I guess I still kinda enjoyed it - I mean, as much as one can enjoy this tv show. It was brutal.
I’m not going to talk about it all in depth though, I could spend whole evening with that and I don’t want that haha :D
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